UIUIUB VI I\'\l\L UL VVIIJVI-I Wc never tire from early childhood to` 91;- ` ' - ttemo old age. A pound of ne or qr " gmenl oontainst three times as j _ -meat as one pound of butcher; - "` " and if the whole product of . ' ,=?bi-ui and all, were made into _,,.;, fteen per cent more of nutri- '.....-nnnb` ' 7 Q ..uu\nhI..Ln QJHAJ nenfnrffntb VHIOPO Tpltlly In Luum uuuu usu JJIJDI-I` munimi1;`Moslemiam, or Romanism in *5 A '19ifo1rm.incre~.. eq.`.*i' sunning mating.`- ';.;.; '..`.;;;;;;;;.*;.' GOLDEN ' GLEAMSV: ' IMMORTALITY. PATIENCE. hullill 9 `i.j!'*`1.'?'4 f!"-A'rEN1'_ ME_DllNE8. V6-6 VEGETINE," .1 win} 'r.nY71=.'G|;1'|sI:. - " HE DID V AKDAWAS CURED ._ _# l\ .1. up Inn-v MR. H. R. Sruvmvs, . . Dear .Sir,-I wish to ve you` this testimony that you may know an let others know. what Vcgetine has done for me. About two cars ago ennull sore came on my lc :it soon came a. large Ulcer. so troublesome t at I consulted the doctor, but- I ot no relief. wing worse from day to sufferer` terrib y: I could not rest day or ms t; I was so reduced my friends thought `I would never recover. I consulted a doctor at Columbus. I followed his advice: itdld 11 good. I can trulgnslay I was discouraged. Atth s time I was loo gover my newspaper: I saw our advertisement of Vegetine the `e`G1-eat B ood Purier '_ for cleansing the blood from all puri- ties. curing Humors. Ulcers. &e. 'Isaid ormy family. I 11 t some of the Vegetine. fore I had used the rst bottle` I began to feel better. I made u my mind had got the ti ht medicine at last. now ooul -sleep well n his. I con- tinued taklng the Vegetine. I took hlrteen bot- tles. My health is good. The Ulcer is gone._snd Uulllulo - T During thirteen years of H. protective tari`, from 1862 to 1874, both inclusive, therfewere exported from this country 359,849,413 bushls of wheat, of the total value of -$-$94,556,441, being near- ly 8! 37% perbushel. - nm-hm nnsm vmr-R of 11 nrotective thirteen bot- Mr ood. gone. and I am ab e V four hundred. dollars for medicine and doctors before I bought the Vegetine. I have recom- mended Vegetine to others with good success. I always keep a. bottle of it in the house now. It is a most excellent modicing. - to atten to business. I paid.a.bout - keep bottle of it [n1 . ~ - - Very resn J.` o 4.34.` .LAA\:gvo. Anlhonl is one of the pioneers of Delaware, 0. He settled -here in 1834. He is a wealthy gentleman, of the mm of F. Anthoni 8; Sons. Mr. Anthoni is extensively known. espccially umon the Germans. He is well known in Cincinnat He is respected by all. Immmm BLOOD,-In morbid conditions of the blood are many diseases: such an salt-rheum ring-worm boils. cerbuncles. sores. ulcers and gimples. fnt egetine. and cure these affections. As a lood his condition of the blood tr tho imples. In this condition of the blood tr the e etlne. A 5 pur x-it has no equal. Its eects are-wonderful. uu. D1113! am :3, ;-- Dear sir,-I feel it my _dut to eay one wrord in regard bothe greet benet hove received. from the use of one or the eotest wonders of the world : it is your Veget no.` I have been one of the greatest euerers for the last. eight years that ever could be ving, I do sincere] thank my God and your Vegetme for the relie I have got. The Rheumatism " has pained me to such an extent, that my feet broke out in sores. For the last three years I have not been able to walk; now I can walk and sleep, and do my work as well as ever I did, and I must say I owe it all to your blood purier. Vegetine. ' V \ MARGERY WELLS. 17 ...... -.. cm... .........a nvinnnan A! OI-In Vnndnnn DR, S1*ia:s~1.:.\'s_:- nu... lo ,_'I Fnnl JVLJ14l\\lI`Al.\p L V7 IHLLIJD. VEGETIPVIE.-T110 great success of the _Ve etinc as u cleanser and purier of the blood. 13 s own hevond a doubt by the szroat numbers who have and purier or the blood. is snown beyond 0. by the_ great pumbers whp taken it.and received umnedxatc relief, wnh such rmnnrknble sures. V ` - taken it..anu rece1v( remarltable sures. 10 111254425: 4.Aaua- u.-J- 4-4.-4. -v.--g4. . HENDERSON. Kin, Dec., 1877. I have used 11. R. Stevens Vegetino and like it better than any medicine I have usoa for puri- fving the blood. One bottleof Vegetlne accom- 'lished more good-tlm.n all other medieines I Raw. taken. . - I 0% mg per`-uuxsuun. During those years of a protective turif the farmers exported 271,219,633 bushels of wheat more than during the rovgnue tari'yc{u's, andreccived $378,- 813;544 more for tlnisbne product. The avgrago per bushel during the latter union wan nnvan cents nor bush more have taken. THOS. LYNE Iienderso, Ky. . VEGETINE is composed of Roots; Burke and Herbs. It is very pleasant to take: over) child `likes it. ' ' Vk_1crbs_. 1 hkes 1t. 4 ` `VEGETINET RECOMMENDED BY M. D.'S. _II. 1LS'rEvm(s:- . _ V - Dmr sir,-I have sold Vc etine for u. long time. and nd it givcsmost exec lent satisfaction. A. 13. DE FIEST. `M. D.. Hazlcton, Ind. -:-. ELECTRICTLY! 'l`uo.'\ms`- .E}{GE!.Sl0R ELEC- ' rmc OIL! WORTH TEN TIMES 1'1-s W1~:1(m'r IN GOLD.-Pu.in canno_t stay where it is used! It is the cheapest medlclne ever made. Ono dose cures common sore throat, One bottle cured bronchitis Fifty cents` Worth has cured. an old standing cough. It positively cures catarrah. ` asthma amlcroup. Fxft cents` worth has cured crick in t_he back. and t e same quantity lame back of exgnt years standing. It euros swelled neck, tumors. rheumatism. neural `a. contraction of the muscles. sti1'1".] omts, smnal iculties, and ainund soreness m any part._no matter where I: may be. `or from \vhat . cause 1t`may arise, it al- ways does you good. I`.wcnt.-hve cents worth has cured had cases of chrome and bloody dy- sentery. '0ne. teaspoonful cures _col1c in `I5 minutes. It wzll cure any case of pxles that it is * One. teuspoontul _c0lic 1;: '15 migmtes. core any of_pxles thz_1t 11: possible to cure. SIX or ex ht applzcatiops 13 war- ranted to cure any case Q exqonatqd mpples or innmed breast. _,Forbru1scs. .1f_a phed oten and boundu . thqro xs nevcxythe shg_Lcst dlSC0l0l.'Dr tion to t e a_km. It stops the mm of a.burn as soon n.a.o.pphed. Cures frosted feet. boxls. warts and coma. and wounds of every description on man or beast. - - V S. N. THOMAS. PHELPS. N. Y. 'l1IE GIu':.\'r Suosuoxsss ltE}\I_lDY xn PILLS The success .th_ut these `medxcmcs ve met with since thexr mtrodu cuon to the public some years ago, proves_p}ain1y to the most skeptical that they a_re medxcmes thu_t. perform what: thgiy are a.dvert.1sed to. The vxrtues of these mc - cines_ha_ve been well testgd. and have withstood their trml in 0. most ss_.t1sfa.oLory.munner. For dxseases of the Blood. Lxver. Lungs, &c.. they are unsurpassed. \Ve have tesumomnls of miracul- ous cures of these diseases, and man others. It ny one is nlictcd. leg him try_ Q ottlc of the omedy. and a box of Pulls. No xmurious effects ns is anucteq. let mm try_ bottle or the omedly. nunrxous will to o\v then` use to the most dehcnte erson, , as they'a.re purely vegetable; their be mg no mineral matter in them. The cost is small. while the advantages derxved from then` use w1l1 doub- ly re guy you for your ex enses and trouble. The mod _c1nes are wulcly nown throug_hout the Dommxon, and are for sole b3 the pringxpal medi- cine dealers. Try them. an be convmccd that these medicines are no humbug. No one who` has tried the Shosh0ne_ss_l llls has ever pronounc- ed an unfavorable opxmon of them_, no family where they hove been used will be wxthout them. Full lntormutxon may be had on all partxenlars touchmg. the use. and the experience of those who have used them. by securm the Treatise or the Circular from any rug ist. n the Domin. iou, Free. Price of the cum y m pmt bottles $1; Pills 25 cents a box. . V And NU1<.'1`nuu.t' an h_X M.Al\|. '.l.`01`0nL0, Sole Agents for the Dommion. . NOTE.--EIecmc-S0lected and Elcctrized II. R. STEVENI. ostoln, Muss`. Vegctinc is Sold by All D:-`uggzsls. ' '23-1m The PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all dis- orders of the Liver, Stomsdh, Kidneys and Bowels, andare invaluable in all complaints incidental to` Eemales. The OlNTMEN'r_is the only remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria, Coughs, Colds, Gout,_Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no eaual. W iselieve insmall farms and thorougl cultivation. - > - l'l|l.~-L 1.1.- _-:I 1-..... L- .-..`.o on ml! uc: ` '_'nn~: GREATEST wounanorgqonanaa miles -15 BE TTI2-R-T;1'.d7V 3257'}; 1715191 CINE. 'tr..-.nnm-uv 11. . n..- In-.--1 wlishecl more Lave LLIIIJJIIAVLLLI vvvhu ---w- .-- - ~. I most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the Public enemlly to the `fact, that certain Houses in _ew York are sending to many parts of the lobe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of. my Pil and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address ' in New York. _ ` , T in van`: 1|:-\u7 mu \'nr`;n:nna "1'! `In HA1!` `II - _ BEWARE or . - AMERICAN..9.9`?1?FEE1TS- nnmew xorx. I do not allow my Medicines to be sold in any part of the Unibed Satea. I have `no agents-there. My Modioines are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London. , In the books of directions atxedutothe mm THOMAS. Y. And NORTIIROP 8: LYMAN. Toronto. Ont. inle AL-`ants _ X1 `U19 DOOKS OI GIXGOUODS amxeu WU ELM: spurious make is a caution, warning the Pub- lic against being deceived `by connterfeits. Do not be mislea by this audacious trick, `as they are the counterfeit: they pretend ta denounce; These counterfeit: are purchased by un-' . princi led_Vendors at one-half the price of my P and Ointment, and are sold ~ to you . v . in my. genuine Medicines. . T'mnnt'ea.rnn3t1V anneal to that raenseiofu as xnygenume metucxnes. . V ` .. I most earnestly appeal sense of justice, which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pu 11(_:,`asf\r as may lie in their power, `in denonncmg thxs shameful Eraud. .Ench Pot and Box of the Genuine Medi: In uenonncmg nun: nuuuxuuu urauu. Each Pot of Genuine Medi-` cines, bears the British Government Stampi, - with the words Hou.owu s Pans AND eomnuurr, Loxnox," e ved thereon.'- On . F0? as-19.:.will4h the label is the address,` 33 Oxronn drnnm, Loxno1j,_where alone they are Manufactured; `Holloway : Pill: aml-.Ointmnl bearing any other addrm are counterfcilt. - , The Trade Make of these Medicines are re ' edin Ottsvin. H_ence,;gnyone'th;ongh. on .the`Bri_tish] P_osdeu1onI. who: may tee`: cluuvuuun. { That the soil loves to cut as well as the owner, and. ought, therefore, to be well nmnured ; . T.` manna 1rl\:t\l| lnnun lawn` hnttnr Hmn by 83 533, UXI0111 street, .Lo0l1(10l|. In the directions run:-:1-\tIn vnolrn u A nnnnn unnwnn Han pnh. My Dl?UCl_i 01 H Auu 1. 11 .|u.Lw A THE VERY FINEST VA1{"i1+3TY 013` PATTERNS Ever brought into Barrie. The inauguration of the National Policy will cause a. duty of at least 25 per cent. to be placed ixpon all foreign papers, and being alive to this fact, ....,1 mm.;...-. en nivn-mv nnstnmers cverv advantage, I have secured my -uu1........ .- Ho LLOWAY S` I vE_t:E_;1'_Iu%E vEGT-:fINE- `~ VEG_E_TlNE 'nvvnmn vrnn ' CURED HER. - Donxrssmn, MASS., June 11. .`-.a \.a`y..y-.2. _ DnLAw.\R:, 0., Feb. 16. 1877. um... edicinK- V I'M resv`%I {gm V Prepared_ by wen xnunumu ; In crops which leave land better than ' they found it, making both the farm and farmer rich at once ; . That every farm should own a. goo farmer; ' ` That the best fertilizer of any soil is a spirit of industry, enterprise and in- telligence--`without these lime, gypsum `and guano will be of little use. In anml fnnnpn, (mnd fnrmhnhsns. good I f5.1'siioNI_ .-s 1,, lcotnin ; v I _ ....:__._. ;u;-__._.. V Our Stock is now complete in every line, suited to the present season. We call attention- to New and Attractive Lots of _Goods in the various Departments. __ _ _ 1\`I'C,>'I.`E--FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT! ~ V Superior Stock of Hosiery from Lowest Goods to Finest Fashioned German Goods, New Frillings, Ruchings,;Lue Collars, &c., Cheap Linen and Striped Cambrie Suits, New Skirts, Mnutles and Ulsteia, Scarfs, Ties, -Ribbons, &c., &c.` - ' - sTA_PLE DEPARTMENT I . V T , ix cw Dress Linens and Lznvns, New Prints, Cnmbrics, and French Pei-cnles, New Cottons o.4- A11` v...:...... Dress ] at 01:} prices. nirxou will SAVE '1`1M1s and MULVJSI Dy ca.u1_1 Assorted in the trade, and at BOTTOM PRICES.` SANDERS BROTHIERS, Clervring out.;FALL AND WINTER Stock (rriler to make room for ` From 2.5 to 50 per cent Saved bv Leaving your Order `during the` -next Thirty Days. _ . | DUNLOP STREET `:1 : W LINE PHI VUHU mugv Ul.VL|lLW'l' ' ' `I u ~...m1ae added. vnroreuweay 52:; 'A-- K gas ,- fnver, plaza ye: honor. I - . . te littl-fellow of four, `son- of a v 57``"""P"i" ` "'hih any, what has she got 2" Chillaand ';. .n.......+.. formei.nu1:or_.of. a aouxashiixg church.` 1 AT Lnss muons 'rI1;&.\' OLD BANKRUPT S'I`QCK \\'ideEn;_;lisl1 Prints, fast col )rs, 7c; wide Grey Cot- " tons, 5c; wide White Cottons, 6c; vsplcndid Slxirtings, :_ 100; Brown Ilollzmd, 10c; Roll Towling, 5c; good _ _A _, Towels, 5; Ladies Kid Gloves, all colors, 50c worth $1; - all \Voo1Twced only 50c; Suits of Clothes, $5 worth $20; Felt Hats, 25c, worth $1; Ladies High Cut Prunclla Boots. 500, worth 81 ; Ladies Congress Prunclla Boots, 50c, worth $1 ; another 50 box lot of that 25c Tea worth 50c ; 20 ' lbs. Dried Apples S1 ; best Golden Symp, 6='.`c.- ' \VA..'l`El)--100 (:00 Dozen Eggs tor Shipment, also any Quantity 01 First-Class Butter. A HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR \VOOL HIDES A-ND SKINS. CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND ALL KINDS OFF IELD AND GARDEN SEEDS. . P. 3/Iarrin. ch Co. ~ Two Doors East Market Square. cum mtrms, MATS, Fuiil on.-cLonI. .. .-_ __a_.4.1_- t\l'I.a-sa_-at-_\a=r' `n1`I`It`I" THE EMPORIUM, - JOHN WATSON- UNE DOOR OF THE BARRIEVHOTEL. ,CARPETS!ARPETSM WALL PAPER E_;_W%Al.L PAPm BRUSSELS, .'I`A.P % 1*(1Dm.:RwuNs'rI<;R, .L.1|_.l.'J V.Ld.JU.L .A..A..LI.:4rv.n. v.s......u............ ._ Ever 4 this and wishing tosgive my customers every advantage, I ` stock before the advance in the tariff. - I can therefore 4, . __ ZUZ A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Stationery, School I &c., &c.,, on hand as usual,` cheapest in town. .G*i've .Vt/zeTPAubl_z'c W all Paper dt vzhe Old. Figures, and in some T cases Below Last Seaso~n sV Prices. 7 A.-..__.. -~-.-.11.:-3-.` um guano Wlu uu U1 uuuu um-. In good fences, good farmhouses, good orchards, and children enough to gathgr th fruit; Tn n nhmn bmhnn n nnnf. wifn in Z. "THE. 1: _ _... L... n-I-11-11` -nr rhrrra 1Tff\`l)`l I'\ III I! _. ---I,-Iv_v- -{-->_-_--_--k--.. ._.__.._`-,. ,. __ K THE MOST PERFECT IVIAOHINE IN USE.` No Vvaste. ' G-rain Saver, Rapid Ewhreshins, 'I'1:nn.o Saver, V Perfect Cleaner`, . -naioney Saver. - Light Ibrauahty A'ZI'.'h.e. Sandarcl Jldachine A :o:-- - ' Viiraig ONLY GOLD on] 11_.vER- _ MEDAL THBESHER AT PIIILADELPHIA. ._... ;o;..'_.- , V IN all'tholut6otlm rovemantsmnd havexthe` nst mm PAIB!IfPA!!.iiWI.T!!!3!*!,_M`W L _,, 'vv'ooI >B1=t.;::DG1:: :Ac:mc'uL'ruRAL MACHINE worms. February 19, 1879. -___.._;o;---.. .- V An Incre_ase:1DutY,%-but Nolncrease in Price. ,,, , nnv GOODS, READY-MADE c|.dn-Ime, anocemss,` - - k " ` N!cw- (71. 0 'l`HlJ\/ I: H0 I/'8` re 1 I700 .IJDIr\I Jzvvvv AN |NSP ECT|Ol; or SAM'|'L'E'S` mvrr:-:0. ` :o:---- - ' --_--.: E3 I%Pf B,U%M 3 DKIU STU! -. In a clean kitchen, 9. neat wife in it, '8 cleancupboard, a clean dairy, and a clean conscience ; '"LnL Ln nub n I-|\t|I\,a nzluhun :5 unit ulnnn. A11 a.'&:.1:;l:)j.ze' c-1os'est P1'1ces; THE ONLY SIX-RAKE REAPER IN THE woma). VERY COMPLETE "AND EASILY HANDLED. \ . THORQUGHLY TESTED IN ALL KINDS AND comamoxs op GRAIN. PATEN'l`ED AUGUST, 1377; SEPTEMBER, 1377.1 ' QWEIGET, 700 _I>oUNDs.~ - - z~PRO].\*0UNCED_A_ PERFECT suconss AND STANDS UNEQUALBED. ` ' ' ~ ' :0: A - V \I\IV7 MID-SUMMEI3 TRADE SPRING IMPORTATIONSI My Stbck of WA v-1 r\'E' `I-11"?` DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. ; r`=%AMPHLI=.1'T FREE` avPosT. -----u-- :():--c---- _ --MERCIVIANT TAILORS,- ' UIKII UUIJDVIUIIVU , That to ask a man's advice is not stoop- ing, but may be of much benet ; 'I`lml-, I): boon 11 nlcmn nn nvnrvling in THE[N.E.\VES';IJ i)Es_1S IN I I` Iiu-an "T-E`.'T`cS`Ii67MPToN &co. M urst-ri-*I',t1\'r .---....--;0; .__. VALL PAPER is now cmnplem and embraces . . ....-....--. Aww 'I\ I LAT THE-`- &c., &c., ` &:<: | wmx an the lawn Imp mschpye. _i_n t.he_ na_:-1;: _.._-n-......_. AT _THE_ 50 msssgaw saws 2 Ills, uuo _l.lllI] DU U1 uzucu ucucuu , That to keep a place and everything in its pltce saves many a. step, and is pretty lure to lead to good tools and to keep them in order. ~ `" - card oh which weie ~ the_ words, Pray $5 f`I.gueI:1L-7 r . --A %'[`4A.PE'l`SRY, --JUST TO HAND- |.rri:I:I.. (B CO. Square. %BEAVERJ :1. -I0`!-IAN ,ABEI. - ~ ' 4. `.5: .`+;WovQ1rid_ao,.0 It 1_- Inqportors. Lmut nman. r[I_ _-RUBI- :.~1iVov_rv_1briQ:_:o.~0nt..~'cnnada, ' Tm: N. P.-Thefo can be but little doubt, notwithstanding what is said to ` the contrary, the N. P. neither affected the contest nor was affected by it.-- Farmcn Monthly. 7 . Books, `UN ms, ..A,. SCOTT. QKJH __B_;4\RRlE. J '-L` '.I.' . 35-ly rmsf-cLAss i nosewoon an WALNUT COFFILTS ` With Hem-so furnished _In addition, SCALE OF Reduced Prices. sgg :95: 338 [;ANTON T STORE. 0BC.H>ARD.`--Cultivate your orchards, and do ihwell. You don t expect corn to grow without work, and you must not expect trees to bear fine. fruit without thorough cultivation. Orchards will . grow` in grass, if manure -is given_ in aqicient quantities each year; but we know of but few farmers who have the minute to spare, therefore give the trees what you can-a thoroughly mellowed Sigma or the Cross-Cut Savv. Dunlap St7`_c3t,?o1)_posz'le f`Quccn s Hotel. STOCK OF Iron, Sttsel, Shel`f :1'nd Heavy llardwm-0, PAINTS, on.s A_ND.\_/A_RN|SHES, IS C0.\Il.`LETI'] AT THE HAY&{HAEVES17 `POOLS. II.-\S REMOVED TO Capon as I'.c3rcy s Old stand, opposite the Clnrluun Home. `Where he is prepared to do promptly and cheaply any work entrusted to him in the way of "so u '33 ""`%**" E8 .. Constantly on ham _ ing, Gloves, and: [HEARSE FOR HIRE. On1ersj_by_ '0: KJTPLAGE OF-JIUSINESS-Jolm-St. , ( VBARRAIE PAINTSHDP! HOUSE, SIGN &cABmM+E PAIN'I`IN{+. Barrie, March 12, 1879. 7 He solicits 21 call from parties requiring such work, and gxlarantcs Perfect Satisfaction and E Moderate (`nlmrg -`:3. Iv` - `g I .,. .,...n . ' ' _,, GRAHAM BREAD.-.-TWO pounds of gra- ham our, allow a. pint of milk, a pint of water, a wine glassful of molasses, a tea- spoonful of salt, -hal a teaspoonful of soda, and two tablespoonfuls of strong yeast-. Beat the yeast, molasses, soda and-salt in luke-warm milk and water. `Stir in the out until too still to use a spoon. Knead and bake as usual. To the Qucexfand Royal Family, dun} by apcial agpointnxenta to H. R. H. the Prince of Whles, [L 1'. M. the Emperor of Russ1a, th'._3.\Iahara)nh' of l5urdwan,j and to Bovorgl Ind an Prinnnn, . W men, 51 Pnnces. Of every description, suitable for all climates, from 2 to 200 guineas. Chronogrn hs, Chrono- meters, Keyless Levers, Presentation, Repeaters, Railway Guards , Soldiers \Vorkmen's Watches `E Extra strength. Clocks, for Churches, Turrets, or Public Buildings, Dining or Drawing m, J;.ibrary,_ Carriage, Church, Hall, or Shop. Perpetual Calendars, Wind Dials, &c. Artistic ED311811 Clocks, decorated with Wedgwood and other wares, designed to suit any style of furniture ; also as novelties for presents. Made solely b Benson. From 5 5s. Gold Jewellery, of the richest and most exquisite designs, with B onogrzuns, Crests, and Devices, Enanielled in Colours, after Designs by the most accomplished Artists in the Precious Metals; Brooches, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings, and all kinds of b~_iou erir assuppliedto meqibers of the Court, and other Distinguished Personnges. Merchants, Shijipers, and Wholesale Buyers are specially invited, before sending their orders elsewhere, too tam from the msnufactory the Illustrated Catalogues of Wstchel. C1k9 ,Gh`"v Jewellery, Silver, and Electra-plate, which are sent post free, as not only are the discounst -liberakbut a selection can be inade from the largest stock in the world. Orders . should be the Msnufaetoi-y,. Ludgate Hill. Benson's Pamphlets on Turret Clocks, ; L, , _`'Plste.audJewellery' sent l"'re;lI,.YV&tol:soIolI(`.5z.`!.`5`3,,`8u:"':' ` " I ' .Y- .0 T, 0, Q ' `1I'at$n(~it.%!.hhmen:', as one: ss.wm- nu ;-. 1:}; _il'. vv. 2BE:]Sl'S"C5]Nr,. iWAT;3I-1 & CLOCK MA_I{ER _3F;N$__9"! ..'$, WAT? H 53' A. & W. JGE=NSTON S Vitrnuza MEALS-LONDDN. nuaun AND ~ PAIS.*Tm DECORATING, 1`AIV ER-HANGING, 633:9 ' ' Pun; PLUM I _Unnmo.--One cup chopped raisins," one -cup curreints, two- thirds cup chopped suet, one-half cup molasses, one-half cup sugar, three scant cups our, one cup milk, one teaspoon- ful salt. Grease the tin well, and set in qkettle of boiling water andlet boil 3 hours. ' ' Lawn MAowers.and Seals . 3 Sc `thes S11:1iIl1s,'R:1l;oS and H009.` 3 9 q . Hay Forks and Barley Forks. Grain Cr:1'dI<.-. and Bindinrr Gl0v(`:s,, {'3 Paris Green and London Purple, HOUSEHOLD '- - $. . J". 1V.lCC>C3'!'.T`I'(D`IIEC)1N' Cas/zen : Bl0ck,Ba7/fie,ldStrelet, Barrie. GROGERIES, I-'R'Lii`I',"' slscus, ac. Inn-.1-n-tut n.,-u--nuu--.-uu;.-nu..-I..-u.n..-..u.n.n..--.;-..u --.--..-..n..-. I u *1 .5 ' Constantly hand, `Shrouds, Hca_d.L1n- 3 mg, and al-1]`u ml Requmtes. J , HIRE. Ordersby,Mai1 Telegraph prornptlylntteudctl to. 3INESS-John-Sh, Ono, Do'or south of B:LIl s Planing Fa.ctory.*2'm - :0: Having purchased a. first-class Hearse i: . prepared to do Undertaking Cheaper ` than any other" Dealer in this j ' part oi the country. ' A ' - A A - _.-nn?i_. " _.-x .%, FURITURE, U NDEBTAKiN G I.`_naZC>()B.E.'-.. 1'7". fut PROSPEROUS FARMERS `onazo. 'r:r1naerta1;1 n g IN ALL rrs BRANCHES VHANDSOME Hnansz And all Funeral Requisias Furnished. AT J. H EN DERSON S. is` FIRST-C LA88 ' inosawoon as vunuun CQFFIKE With Hem-so furnluhqd In Q . addition, `? _ son`: or Roduced Prices- ` 8:2 F'O__R I I I2 I0 8 `Sauce for the above, one gill wine, one- half gill rose-water, one-half pound sugar, butterthe size of "an egg, one-half nut- meg; set in the top of the tea-kettle after beating all well together, and stir fteen minutes. V _ 8, kc 1",'_1Y ' .7! BARLEY SoU1'.-Fivc or six pounds beef from the shin, one onion, two stalks ;F'aleIV'y, one-half can tomatoes, two tur- fnipsinegnjly one cup pearl barley, one angling AC umlnrn - nnnnnr and an: nu} ` M .' 1; up Buma.-Ha11 in his? ~ -pf`-Health gives `the following ,. :`_l;'it' ou _wiadom: . Bread and butter are: " ~tIi."3au uulr~ n.1I:in1ei:' of food of which .wa U!` lwH.1'JJl'o JILUUU 5l:VUD_ DUO IUIIUWII-I5 daily proportions of food as requisite to ` `tinlife healthily and soundly :- : - I-L filo -a Lpnmnnu hf mntlarnfn lnnnllfl-n `IuF _uUl`L] UUU yuy yvtun uauu;-7, uuu `ggllon of water; pepper and salt. Cut up the meat cracking the "bones and put with the vegetables; also cut `up into the" gallon of cold water and boil slowly three hours ; strain and season. Let it tboilxup pnce, and skim; then add the barley, to ther with the ` little water in which it s ould have previously been cooked about fteen minutes. Simmer half an hour and serve. T .Il|$l.I|_u|I: ucuuuuy uuu auuu\.u_y A` IlH31aVss.~--Persons of moderate.l;alth and littl exercise, 12 to 18 oz. of food, cq ' 'to 10. oz.- of nutritious matter. . nd 0luss.-Persons of good health cud \ r labour (mechanics. etc.,) 18 to `Z402. or food, equal to 16 oz. of nu,tri- ...ment. . V , _ f',:3rd Class.-Persons of sound health, hird hbour,a'nd consequent vxolent ex- QKOA 20 4.9 n? Fnn nnnhl in 0.9. Tm: Nzcsssuir D1.u.v vPao1>on'rmN or Foot.--Dr. Mott gives, the following .I-:`uu nnnvu-\uO:nnu A` on rnnn;a:O-n fn `Join in V - "unah z; gait: sh: $$',$?'wua: avevaeet ; tihicloudn g1ve_ rain Ind dew ; Gigs` amtbplordohu gxven you. ,`_Givo ioth.rich, skid give to the pool`. - :Wlndel"ing alone from door to door; " ` Givcmtha bond. and tzive to the free; Qli 01 Wlluuluz uruau uuu uuuwr uns- article of food of which -we _.mm- Layne (noun any-`Ir AL":-"an:-\rI in` nlsn Honk frbmwdoor don}; Q-jme bond, and give to free; " , the Ijoni has given thee. bonq, and give to me tree; JII , H love and happiness; 5 G V6.._|!t(1_ , y,.Itore_ will still increase; . va n.th`v.fAith And knowledge, free; HOUSEHOLD Hm'rs.' "16 "'-_d. uuuu l.I1.l.l.UVv UA guns, uuv ouu VI :7. _o.f. b9ny,a1imen_e, former pastor or_ ourishing church, -bran gin` who attends the mfant class in Sunday. a HEALTH HINTS. VIII ` RH D\JlJDUL1\lVII|l VLUIWIJV DA` II\I`I 500 30 oz. of food, equal to 722 l 9. "rnIi|_.v...~ ore Will 3311! increase; ll}!!! knuwjedge, Itgiven `thee. iir; EEBENEE. awe. _]'l`o be cuf out and sung at the close of the yseasom] ` _ - _ " . Tis the last y of aummr ` Left buzzing alone ; All her tickling cammnions Concerning _fu_t~ui'e' rewards and punish- m_ents- Colorado furnishes ` the following illustration, w'.hich'occun'ed recently in :1 court in La. Veta. where the testimony of u. Chinese ` was objected to on the ground that he did not understand or re~ gzird the obligation of an oath. To test him he was intenogatcd thns.:- _ u 1.1.. an ...... lrnnur nnvthinn nhnnt Iuu: JIU vv nu: auv\...u...... ,. John, do you know anything about God 7' No 3 me no holly well acquaint with Him." T . . Have you no Joss in China `F ` Oh yes, Lzottee heapcc Josa. _ ' Where do you `go when you die `2" Me go to San Flancisco." No, you don t`undeAmtaud mo. \Vhen Cliinaman` quit washce all time, and no live any more, where does he go T 6: nl. `run run unlm nnw Tf hp} henv live where does he '4" A Oh yes, me sabe now. If he belly goodee man, he "go uppee sky. If he belly badee man, he go luppee down hellee, allee samec Mel1c(mman. _ "l"l..-. m-`nut nmn .nnH::f-`nod XVHJI this dr- neuee, auee swmeu l.u.cuc_uu noun. The court was `satised with this or- thodox statement; ahd admitted his testi- mony. The peril of employing highly edu- cated young men as clerks was again illustrated yesterday. A woman stopped at a green grocer =3 on W'oodw:u'd avenue and asked: Is them lettuce fresh I .- " You mean that lettuce, suggested "the clerk, and it is fresh." Then you'd better eat it 1' she'anap- ped as she walked on. _ rm... nvnr-or u-mxlmd nut. and nslmxl the -_DIUl'U WUIV Uxpurwu IIULLI uuu_ Uluvcu Stat_es.88,929,780 bushels of wheat, of ,th_a aggregate value of $115,742,897, -being an average of about $1} 30:1; per hnunnl V . . Peu E3 BLIU Wiunuu Uun The grocer rushed out and asked the clerk what; on earth had happened" to anger Her, and, the young man re- plied: - uunm nn+.hinn_ nnlv I `cm-rected her pueu : _ ,Wl1_v, nothing, only I corrected hep grammar. A . . T Vnvu Havn hvrnml mivnv one Oi DIV gruuuuur. You have turned away one of my best customers! Only yesterday she came in and asked me how I sold those white sugar, and I got an order fora whole barrel. Hana you, air! but if them customers. want gmmmnr they don't expect to nd her in a grocery! No, sir, and if you see she again you want to apologize in the humblerest manner '1". -- " THE |.As1' FL; '61; 's*uMM:n.V -.--- It. was on a summer evening, old 1{e.e- per s,work was done, and he before his oottagedoor was .amoking his pipe and ghting tnosquitoes,while by him sported on the grass his little grandchild Wilhel- mine. The little girl saw her brother Peterkin roll something smooth and round, which he had found by the creek, ' and she exclaimed : . u f\ ..........Inn Inrdrnn xnlwol-, pnfd'u nnf. l anu sne excluuucu . 0 grandpa, lookee what Pete's got ! Make him give it to me. What is it? What's it for? Is_it poison ?_ Is it good to eat .7 Did it grow on a tree, or -was it always that way '1 A nu vnunnr I-nnlz it from Hm hnv, who -was 10 anvaya Luau way Old Kasper tho}: it r<;m the boy, who first made his grandfather promise that -he wouldn't give it to Wilhelmine, and said, with a sigh: v u nnw mu unmn nnm- fnm-`A rno.n:1nnl*. emu, wuu u. man ' Dot was some poor foller s cocoanub who was killed in dot great victory.- I find already two, dree, several of dam in do garden Vere I `vas been plowing mit der spade, for many dousand people vas killed in dob great victory vhat I told you aboudt. ` _ - , ` "Nu. mu-{nnitv nf the children was at .y0u KUUULID. The curiosity of the children at. _ [once aroused, and they plied the old gentleman `with questions enough to drive anybody but a grandfather crazy. They wanted to know whut _the battle. was about, who fought, howe many fought, how "much they got for it, who told them to ght, who licked, etc. _ u nu ._ ,. 1.....JIn I nv:nr` nu-onrlrullunr 3010 men) 50 uguu, wup uunuu, Uuvo, Sthop a 1eed1e_! cried grandfather, und I told you po_oty' kwick all I knowed about dot. It was dem Eng- lish fellors who tackled dot Frenchmen` and made it most almighty warm for em ; but for vhat dey killed each other_ for, by goodness, I never could found oud. But everybody said, quoth he, it was a famous vvictory." 1: A._.`.l ...L-L nan.` nnnnn Ac H` of `clef. T More wheat is exported [and better [Slices obtained` during the years of a ptol;o9tive'tari' "than under a. merely marine tari`. 'l\.u..:.'.... LL.6..-..' .....Q.... .0 .. cnnuvnnun AN OTITHODOX OI-IINAMAN. lb was alamous 'V1uu)r_y. ~ And what good came of it at last T quoth little Peterkin. . . - V17 (Inf. T nn.n t told vou." said the quom lune rewrnuu. - Vy, dot I can't told you," old man, as he wiped away a. tear, but it was a famous victory ; `und you took dot skull and vash it out nice and clean, und I take it to town in der morning und got '75 cents for it. ' v --A young lady being asked whether she would wear a. wig when her hair was grey, replied with great earnestnees, Oh, no, I'll dye ret," ' _V ' .1 ` _ \Vhen do you intend to go `back, Mike T asked one exile of anoglxer. "`If I `live till I doye, and God knows` whethervle will or- not, I intend to `visit. ould Ireland once more before I lave this country." V -A bright 1itt_.ie miss, noted for her quaint sayings, said to her mother the other day, " Matnma, when you went to heaven to get me did you pick out the prettiest baby on God s oor?" Of course mamma said" yes. -'-An Irishman remarked to his com.- Tpanion,.on observing a lady pass : Pot-, did you ever see` so thin a woman as that ibefore? . Thin !" rep1ied-tho other; botherashe_n! 1 I have seenjh woman ' asthin as two of her put together,` so I have. --A woman appeared in the court of Louisville, recently, to be appointed guardian for her child, whenthe follow: ing colloquy ensued :-Whet estate has 'your child? _Plae your` honor, [I don't understand you." Judge.-"I has `P Chillennd favor 'nInvA VA? honor) .-` " ' THE BATTLE .'(.)Fm_B7LENHElM new uuzzmg mung: ; All her tickling companions Are frozen and gone. No y of her kindred, N o blue-bottle is near To pla " hob ? with my butter Or rop into my beer. average per Duane: uunug uuu um. yeinl was seven cents per thnnduring the former. ,The thought- _ful,.;intelligent farmer will therefore see, from these well autlxenticated facts, that ujudicious tariff system not only insures, for` him .9. larger market, but ,bet_.ter prices.-+C'hwago Drovers` Jourmzl. l ll,not leave thee, thou lone onc_, Disconaolatc on the pane, Since the lonely are sleeping - Thou shalt not buzz again ; Thus kindly `I'll atten 'l'hy with my pen. There ll be a. stain on the window ,, And nothing else left then. '1'ny new ngnu away 1 _ How bloat would be the clrcles '!`l.m. hm-n an -nnnh all (I.-nv ~ 0 that nllborcs would mliow ` Thy lead right away ! Haw hlent would be the circle HOW bloat woma De cue circles They bore so much all day. If dune of all colors ' All trades wouljgo too How lovely the world would be ! How very much less blue. mu Erftdijtiiev. .-___-__--___-_..AAAn TOO MUCH GRAM MAR Softinuthe evenmgu ' stilless trhou Sun, [ While thy xjed embers tinge the-glowing welt ;- : Rest in the clolid-la4nd, for thy Qdrk is done _ Till sunrise--thou hast earned` iI:-sink an rest. ` Rest, glorious orb, tat ontho3e cut` elds . Hut shed a gracious lustre full and kind ; ,God s gqoglnesa crowns the land with all `she \I1B R, ' 01', is it fancy, tell me now, y wise- I 13 it all fanc , that I Iain would see _With`hn mb]e ove and God-re gmling eyes,- . A lesson in this gleaned km for me. Does it not speak a warning word to those Whose harvest. elds are glenning, or are gIeaned-- ` Speak of a time accepted,` doomed to close-- - A harvest past iinql we iron, sin unweaned 2 When the true heart so well had made her peace ? ' ' A time of darkness, clouding oartlfa full rays, f To grant the soul from earthly thoughts re- I i. l A time of brightness, summer, harvest-days, , le_a.3e`.' BINEFITID av AFRO- _ 'r:o1'Iv: TARIFF; "A time of gleaming f'orvth c fmnant hours; Of life xnisspent, up-gathered, and received ? A _time redeemed, brought back, late gzithexfed owers, Which God accepts and man mark; down- Repricvcd? ' There lot thorn lie as stubble for the ame Whilu the pure grain is borne from oil` the - ground. ' - ' . Who knows them, what they are, or whence they came ? ' ` Leave them; the lost are loat-the found are found. `. A A fime before that txmo of timc ahgll come \Vhen with the crush of worlds the Book shall close ; \Vhcn gleaning slmll not rescue. from one (`loom ' A Let them alone. On (lrear autumnal plains, In oddying circles watch the scre leaves waved, , ' _ No more to `sun them invha1f'-shadowed lanes, A Emblemxilbf souls past hurvesttand not save ." The heart that `is sdonest awake to the. owers is always first to be touched by the thorns. ~ It is best not be `angry ; and best-, in the next place, to be quickly reconciled. . To be utterly ignolimt of vice is al- most as dangerous as to be vicious. .. - . 1a..` 1 o ` `_______`A H uavuv nu \.uaubv..,.. ...... .. _. . ,, , Just one little drink" has mdc all ` tho` `druukarda in the world. ' He is no tru-e frin'd who _has_ nothing but compliment `zmd praise for you. ..- .. .. .. . 1- ,:,1:-._ .........:..`t.. v`.` -1---1 ` - L - .-"V'T-V IVVVVV U Half of the pleasure of riches consists `in seeing ot-hers suffer "the pangs of poverty. - I- 1 I, L- ..LL....... ...'ul l..,_.\..._,, . A 7 To be unkind or rude to others, and yet expect to be treated hy them` with courtesy and affection, is as selsh as it is absurd. ' A Ulllvlo During thirteen` years of a revenue Iarif, from 1849 to 1861, both inclusive, ' Ann wanna nwnnufnai `.-I\IV\ `kn I have fo1u:d'fuur reasons for being an abstainer 2 my head is clea1'3r,.1'ny'1iea1t1l is better, my heart is lighter, and my purse is heavier. ' . - A ' . ~. 1- 1 ,,, ._-_..l.-L:...... A3` runny .. ..v........ A man's wedding day resolutions of reform are never trustworthy, because `for a timethe wings of his greatjhahppi-V ness carry him high above all vicious 1n- uences. The hour of trial comes later. Of all `the beautiful cl1a_1':1cte1'is`.ics which adorn human nature in its best estate, there is not one more beautiful than that of patience. Nor is there one which amid the ups and downs of life is more often tested or of `greater service to a. man or his Iriends. In the household it is indispensable; in the social world it is more than an ornament; while in relation to personal success and failure it is more than A :1 single virtue--it-is a philosophy. Half the possible bravery in the bravest life is seen in endurance.` And while endurance miglit not be called the soul `of, patience, it might be called the body of it-e body, too, that is stout, compact, and sinewed. ' Patience has its .variedexpressions, -as do all the great virtues. They. are like individuals, and they have varied moods, `and at dif- ferent times they are revealed in 9. dif- ferento fashion. There are times in life when the road which leads to success i "must be paved with waiting ; and this waiting tries the very bre of courage ;. but they who knew how to wait, know how to win. And if it were not for deuth,*gra.nted the other necessary con- ditions, it might be that waiting would bring us all we desire ;.and, as death intarrups us but little, and it may be in nothing that is essential to us, it may be, perhaps, that they who wait even. unto . death nd on the other side of the gloomy hills e`erna.l sunrise. IULI 3 KOUUIIUHH UTUVVIIH Isl: uuxu. Vbuau nu `DIIK yields, . And God's su_n ripen: all that he cab nd. vncn gleaulug uuzpu LI_\ll ncauuy. nu... ...... doom ' V > -A The grain that no God-reaping angel knows`! It cannot be that earth is nm.n s only abiding place. It cannot be that our life is a. bubble, cast up by the ocean of eternity to iloat a moment upon its waves and sink into nothinguess. Else- why is it, that the high and glorious as- pirations which leap likeangels from the temple of our," hearts are forever `wan dering about unsatised. Why is it that the rainbow and the cloud come over. us with abeauty that is not of earth and then pass off and leave us to "muse upon their faded loveliness ! Why is`it thatithe stars, which hold their `fes- , tival around, the midnight throne, are set above the grasp `of. our limited faculties, l forever mocking us with their unap- ~ preachable glory? And nal1v,_why is A it that bright forms of human. beauty` are presented to our view, and . then taken from us, leavingjthe thousand streams of our affections to flow back in s an Alpine torrent upon our hearts? We are born for is higher destiny than ,' J.`L..L Al` nnu`1\ Thoma in `o nan`-In uihnbi-A VYUDIU Uulu .I.Ul. _uv LHEIJVL uvoqusl uuuu that of earth. There is ia realm .w ere the rainbow never fades, where the stars spread out" before` 113,- like islands that slumber onvthe ocean, and `where the beautiful beings whieh here pass before us like shadows,.wil1'stay i__n our presence forever. V ' V I `--Mr. Thompsoh, of the" Lbndon Mia; sionary Society, is reported dead at: Ejiji, of sunstrok_e.* ' ` - . 1` 0 0 I . I :1 [III I\Al\ -_'-1 roba.bly not. less ' than 60,000 `idolaters injsouthern (India. away `their idols and embraced Christianity in theyear 1878. ' ` . .. T -1}. Calcutta. there `are 199 Hinfloo ~ temples, 117 Mohammedan mosques, 31 Christian churches, and two]Jewish, synsgoguea j _ . . J b h-Protesl=ant chriagianity hi.s,spre_t}d_, more rapidlyaiir` India . 2-:M'n.1aini ms7`:'~". -meta: Inna, IIUHI 1010 UU LUUL, UUUU LUUIUBLVC, '- there were exported from the United ` lming RH Q00 7R0 hnnhnln nf ivhpnt. Of