vu. sun- 3 atories'i`n'lx_ei-;;'l1'f..`Iind istbed up with all modern - conveniences. Excellent. accommodation for the travelling public and boarders. Bar and Lardor Well sIsvn1_Ir1~_2`>.t1.t291L>1.1!98.=!; 21-1y IIE SIMCOE HOUSE, BARRIE. M. SIIANACY. 1':-oprletor. Havln re- nnntlv hum the above llouse on thoysi of '1-'11:`; D1J.u.uun xxuuuu, u..-...-.-... cently built the the si of the simcoe Hotel, and furnished it through-. nut. in first-class style. I am. prepareg to E1-l-5--QilE|(:'()E furnished it tln-ougn- out in first-class style I repared to give the public the best 0 accommo tion. Good stabling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms. for Commerci-2.! I`m.vellers. Stages leave the l{qtg:1duily_<>_1_1_:xrritfgl trains. . 2-ly .-_._ .. _ ....-.`- -r1'r\'I"Y`(`l1N I1 '|')r)1'1,1 LA.l{.l&UlV 11U`UD1`4, D;1Lu.u.u.- J OSIIUA CLARKSON, Proprieter. Corner of Mulooster and Dunlop Streets, and opposite the ADVANCE Olllco. l3nrrle.- This commodions establishment is well tted ulr, and will com are favourably with any house 0 the klnd. Nort of 'l`oronto. Good accommodation for Commercial travellers. The best of stohling attached. attend- ed to b obllglngnnd experienced hustlers. Stages leavetlls house daily on the arrival of the up trnima. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors Market-et.. on Dunlap-an. WELLINGTON HGTEL, (RE- .. -_..- BUILT.) Corner Dunlo and Bayeld > Qtrnntn Rm-rle. J. M. NESS. rqm-_i_e_to1;._ ljh_is leave Lms nt trains. Bar and cigars. SABIU I314 DEAL, U. 42., J. Luv 1 a Land Surveyor. Valuntor and Dmughtsman. Agent for the Bntish Mart ago Loan Company of Ontario. Farm. Town an V illage Prdpcrt _tor sale. Money to Land on easy terms. 7 0 c Ontario Block, Dunlop Street; BM-pie. 52-ly L1b`h`U1iU '1'.U.UD1DULV , U1. V 1.1.4 12;.`- GINEER. Provincial -Land Surveyor. Archi- tect. 8.20. over Cu.pon's store, opposite the Quoen`s_ Hotel. *-- - ..- . nnxr `DTT r1` hi?!) nnN|'_ on the shortest notice and. Satisfaction unrantced. near the Bu. e Foundry. _ `reams m.6o m Anv_AN_c. . -'l'K.;'X'_1'l`l I M AU 11 L, |J.'1;uu...u - and Atmrnc:.'a, Solicitors in C`na.n2( mrius l uhli,r:. ()on\'cy:mc.--rs.` llzlrrio. Co. . l)nL. Otllcc o\'crBu.nk of Toronto. 1. l\1A.Ul`J I, DU .l.1JU.L`A.LL, uu.u - TRACTOR. Plustercr, Ice. .All work done notice and most reasonable terms. Rntinfnntion tzuumntccd. Addrosa-.-Buytleld-st.. t91_1y. r'a.cwr_v. nu; uunu .....M. .. DARLING & `EDWARDS, ARCHI- TECTS. ' Toronto and Ba.r1`1e. 56 King-St. East. Old 1 . 0. Building: Fl'L.\NK DARLING. ROBERT EDWARDS. - LVUGHRD, \J111..l2J.L` \Jy.A.\- STABLE, County of Simcoc. O1ce-Police ' Court. Bum-ie. ~ v 0l11i11'U.L I1.l`4LV ntxnuxnuu, v yu- POSITOR of the Barrie Branch Bible Society, Dunlap Street. . 7, A;__ _ _. ._...-. JUj51 11 bvv AL1 , .|.h_:LL.lJl.J.' .1.` u_~;- ;u.... 5th Division Coin-t, County ,of Simcoe. 0.1icc at my Store, Craxghurst. ~16-ly ..____ .. ;\4-ru1I\ fII\'I'Y\T'I1`T R T. BANTING,CLE.R1, uuu N1` 1. - Simcoe. will be at his Office, at the Court I{ou3c_s, Barrie. every Saturday. Residence and I .O.'. Cookstown. , ` ' D BOILER WORK$..-H. `smwvmav, Manu- fucturer of every dcscn tion of Engmes._Boilers, Sa.wg1\Iil1. Grist Mil!,:S 'ngle,.Lu.t .nnd Wood- workimc Machinery. V V . UUJN iYJJ`4.l.J1JA..LVD 1., ILU u nu, _ Sigmund Ornamental Painter. Paper Hang- mg 850., done in the best style of the art and cheap. Perfect satisfaction tinranteed. Corner of John and Ross-sLs.. and 8. ittlo west of Barrie Fmlndrv. - 40-lg Saw gMill. Grist Mm working 7 ____ _..._.- - V!-1UliA.l`4h cl. JJU I lJl`4,'t1.l. J.\J|.|a.LV .u .1. '. l ut-l.:u\'. S0!ir-itor, /(,`on\'e)'u.ncer. &:c.. &c. Monoym l.on.n. (_)tlicc --Sh'.'1`i1!"s Block. Dunlop Slrcel. Barrie. 19-ly ISVV L]. V HIV 1 o.I.AD_uuo.-;.uu undersigned has opened u._ Livery Stable in he premises lately occupied by W. 1!. Crosby, Owen st... 0 posite the Post Office, Barne. wh_ere Horses an Vehicles. Double and Single Rxis. and all re uisites or ozrst-class Livery can e found. AL X. FRASER. u or J onn an 1:gunry. ' `I111: .I`JLVu J.1lG.l..|. 1J..'.LL`\.IVI...L|r` LOR, 0 posite the Barrie Hotel, and next door D. A. 1\ cDonn.ld's Hardware Store. Having secured the services of 9. rst-class `workman. none need go away without their work being done. ,-The greatest of cnretukcn and everything. as usual, perfectly clean. Razors concav d or ground to order. W. BLADEN. ~ 30-ly `I-r n'r1'1rrU`l)1V'lET.T. Q ' j ._... 7| i `S!-TIAVING, PARLORS. _ __,\_,\,\_,\.\/\/\/xjx/Va \/'\J\/'\_ \'/\o HE ENGLISH SHAVINGV PAR- : nn n-mmail-n Hin Rm-v-in `Hot:-.1. and i'1.i1si gnrlne &sumgw. vmouu ' s4._ _.... .I..JLJ\Iva.n. on-yaw.--. Q-o11_>os1TE QUEENS-'iI.'0TEL, nn\1 1 .nD 'llU`.W. I`. . lUu;l uuuy vu Illnnlan nu. u. ~}LARKsoN if ' BARBIE: mmnu m./un(SON. Pronrieter. vn;va;...... , DUNLOP STREET. ltuzox-'9 and Scissors Ground and Set on short notice. - - 40-ly J 5. JUILLVDULV, Daxuuuu, un- - PORTER of and dealer in Coals of all kinds. and Georgetown Grey, and Guelph White . Finishing Lime. Cements of all kinds, Fire Brlcka and Plasterers Hair. Oloe and Store- house at the Northern Railway Switeh.vfoot of John Street. near the de ot. fhe bond of this Lime is bette than that 0 any other kind. and l the nish superior. '0mce-Comer ot"J_ohn and Elizabeth-sts E`B9iE.LTEI AMUEL BRAY,` C. E., PROV.` '1 \ 1 .....a u............. vu1mnm- nnd Dmuszhtsman. Money In Loan. Street, 4 _.hM!SGEL'LANE49g.M ? fbsiii ixbdii, GHIEFWESIE. e'n.\nI.1<`. nnuntv of Simcoc. Omce-Police mm om) THOMSON, CIVIL EN- : nv\vI.`h`I) Du-nvinnin.lLn.ndSl1l`VOY0l'. A1-chi-1 BS PH SWAN, BAILIFF OF THE :41. Tviainn nm-t. Countv of I 3 CUDBFEIIDII UH uuuu. ALL Wan or cons In STEAM, I'_UUlIuI'II, uumnauuv . AND BI.AOKSM_ITH'8-USE. BAYFIELD sT.,_' . % BARRIE. 1H11IsT01>i{ER HARRISON, DE- I nnermnn no` mo Rn n-in llrnnch Bible Society. Iurnuug Auuunuuysa o :_:--:-j OHN MELLANBY, HOUSE, ah... nn n'wmmanm1P.-unter. Pnner Hann- ' AND SUIIROU No1NG~coU;wrnY. L The undersigned beg to call attention. to . the fact of their removal, nocagitatd by the _1:1ta re, `tghev premises,` 3 . - , Q-,_-__._ C)-_a`I4.' 1-4. - rp 0 T iftif Axum uru, u\._r any 3--...`........., Over" Bless:-n. `3ea'.I'Io_ Bl'o.,= 1 _ .0pp6sit a thq Bu-tie, H_Qt'el, l_)un_lop_ Street. They would #15:: state_thM: the_\"'hs_v'e etym- pleted arrangements for Sranm Won-K; `and are now pre nice! to execute o'rders'm DRESS A vrn II A `A ml 11* `IA AI?'l'\"fI AII |1n'I-I: ".nn'tIma. I UULVT A3 JAUULV l., .I)Ll|o.l\u|.|.JJ._1.A:.\au, J -A:torneys-n.t-Lmv. Solicitors in Chancery, scc. (,`.llcu -l)nnlop Sxrcvt. Barrio. spxccessors to the Into Ilrm of Muultrm. I.mmt,.l3oysa.`&. Stewart. W. Loum. Q.(!. U. W. Lount. ' pl'0 fired to execuw OTQETB Ill UIVEIGD AND MA TLE MAKING on aho'rt `notice, l `and at Modarhto Char es. They respoctflly ....I:..:b .. nnntieun-;nnn'n the liberal bstrbnuzel 11' um DIIKLAD 1: vunuu; ._._ __,_ {ARRIE PLANIN_G.-i\E1LL._GEo. 1).; n. r~.m-nnnt.m- .5: Builder. and Manufpc-; AARRIE FBUNDRY, ENGINE & WORKS..-H. `SEWREY, Manu- nf.I1rm` nt every description Engines.__ B_91Icr, |:AD.|ES or B_AVRR|LE `and Moderate Unn_r Iney reapeu,u:uu_y - solicit a continuance o the liberal jpstrbnuge _ho:et_ofo`re bestowed on them. ` ` Bar`:-i`e, Marh 5 1879. :-=?'?"t+*'?| JuIIu [EW LI VERY STABLES.-THE ....a..-.a:nnnz1 kn: Annnn n. TJVHPV Stable STEAM, I-'OUI;l`;I'lY, nomasrld AND BLAOKSMI"I'H'S.USE. uuwu. ~v... -...~u-- BANTING, CLERK, COUNTY , m.....,... mm hrs mm: Oman. at the Court V01. X (VIII. lllu bu Ul uun. _..-.. ..-. ..._ _ .OULVERWELL S ;_ARR1EC_O`AL OF.FI CE. `W. "P. JAYNES I1 nnnu nnnnfnntlv nn hand [1i`I{b`{xs"duily 6n arrival or me Bar supplied PILPS . "W639. LIME AND `com. vv\,./v_~.-vvxzw./~/v\.~,v ./\r\ P~as \/ 4vvv~vv s. JOHNSON, BARRIE, JM; vnnmmn M and dealer I -ynuns-u s-~_-....____ ,, '.I3o`vvn. Stairs; _, _A~.-.-- zx-rv-1nI1\Y!n 11'; ILULUI . MACEY, BUILDER, CON- ; A nmnn nn..qmr nr. ago. s1'u m o :-Op1)oslte the Queen's llotcl, Barrio. 1ms. ozmssv 7:. _mss;unmus.' : ' _ . . ~ .(La;e_.df Toibnto) ,3, 1879-. " ~ 11- -v.--._ . -. _._ -./\,~_/\/`~.r\_/\/\/\/\ l 1:. U. 11. '1;<)s.xN1<<), DENTIST Li-.1ui (Lu for l~1xt1-actixu: lfecth nlkvays on hand: it is both ])1('.:Ls1l.l|l uml'sn.fu. Uicc over I42dwu.rds' Book Store . liurric, Ont. . -. .--v 'EEN S HOTEL.--A. W. . Pro rietor.-Excellent accommo- tmvolin public. Bur and !-an-der. uifh um t. Good atablinz and -HAw 330 he--------ae 'o .fqJ1'.L.I.J-V.I.'J Keeps constantly on hand In 1 II n 1| h A .!'| 0RTRAIT EAINTERS. mdst reasonable terms. 53.1-me 40-ly -w 1 vi 3 - ---' SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP S'1`REET, Arid has now every facility for fullling his num-' erous and ever increasing engagements. Orders solicited for his improved STEAM, HOT AIR & HOT WATER L -unnlvnnnn nun mnnnu nn Imnmmm I It. .u.. u . .4 'l`IS'l`.- Ilau~i'i0. ( nllulphiu. ll:-nlul Cul at` l`)uuL:I.1S1u"_.:cun.~3. 5-; ----- -v-u ....-. -.,--__ Pumps and Iron PIpl_ng"of all sorts In Stock. CORNICE WORK, PLUMBING. GAS AND V STEAM FITTISG DONE. ' A SPLENDID STOCK OF nrsrovas AND 'rmwARr-:.m_ ' Jobbing done chehply undvqulckly. Don't forget the Place :-'l`he new Tin Store, ndJoinlm_zMcCart.hy`s Block. Dunlon St.. Barrio NEWSTVORE; nnwvuuu IV was I-\I7\V1` nu (VfIII)l.\II"I'\ lrI1_iz.?1K'c"1is_':I=.v' 'uI}%';7'r':,'2:'..\`. `Removed agin to MRS. ROSS` BLOCK. num- , bar 3._opposlte the vVe11ingt_on Hotel, Sandy. where did you get that neat. ttin harness? I got them at the establishment. o WARNEn.`s. What did you pay for them? 315. made to order: they are handsome and all the rage ;-he can't be beat for Style and lnxmbility. They are Cheamcertuinly. I must go and at 0. set.Sand`y. If ou wnntu. hzmdsomo TR N K. R A I\I\l.I. H "w, m.ANKI<:'l` or COLLAR you I 1}\fii {xx &'\4\.'4`_ ,v\A,v~.-,.--.,\.- ....,...vv..~ ELII! WELL! W O N WILL NEVER CEASE. They Cheap, cermnmy. 1 Iuuup gu uuu -m .. set. Sand . _ou SADDLE, WI 11 . BLANIHJT or can get one. When you go`to buy be sure you go in the right place, there is 51 large Saddle and Uollnr in front of the shop. . _--_-. ........- u|nl'\l'\ll'.\ nu:-n` A. RAYMER Has now a large supply of Trunks from 500, up to $25 ; Valiscs and Satchels at Bottom Prices. Also Single and Double I[m;)_ws.s~, Collars, Surl- dlcs, Curry Combs, I-`nu-Izcs,, H/'1: ips - ` ' and Lashes, At prices to suit everybody. Harness Oil and- . Varnish a.I\\'o.ys in stock. -..... . rv\I\Yr1 nII1\\l 1)'l"I \.' nn\`I` A L1 Varnish a.1\\'0.ys In SL061. Il`El AIRING P1}.0M1 TLY- DUNE. ALL _ \V0l1K WA1{RAN'.l`l-ll). ` `DUUUISDBUL uu uuu. uu_uu, Msncum mum 8:. cLoImza MAKES THE Nuulesl, Nobbiesl, and Best Im- ' ting Sun to be Inn! North at Toronto. ~ FRED,; LOVVER, `(Rm-.r-nmmr to Gen. Lane VAl.Tl<`.R J. KEATING, ATTOR _ \ .\'1)\ ~.\'l`-Iu\\V. Solicitor in Chance . and [.'\n\'n\':lll(3|!I`. BIOIIC) 1.0 Lend. 0l1lcc- Vatcr All th latest and nobbiest patterns ovi hand to chooscfrom and sntislnctxon given to every customer. - . .___ GIVE ME ./1 C..-iI.. ..- Sign of the =( Saddle, Baylicltl Street, Ba.rri`c. 10- . I PERFECT r1'r"oTUAnANT En] nnrnma unnwn ATE`. ORDIRTTR wnn,(`.1.n'l`I-I- K3818 SAUL J: 11. uunanunu a. any PRICES MODERATE. ORDERS FOR CLOTH- ING PROMPTLY FILLED. . m'Give him (I trial and get a. stylish, well-made Suit. - Fred. Iaovver. Barrie, Sept. 14. 1876. I ' 37-ly cl.` . F733 A[NO_B1:3Y _SUlT_ m thn latest. and most Fashionable Goo pump-st... I NEW sroox or size AND SUMMER TWEEDS TO cnoosm FROM. I n.1-ties `buying Cloth elsewhere can have it made up. . . Alex Manna. . Barrio. March 20th. 1878.` 35-1.! . P. MCCON Mctiill Uniw tiollegc of .\`v11';:cn nr l hyai<:inns mm In Rank of (`Sun L. aw: RN E R ' 0YAiiNstJRAN0E cow: OF LIFFLIVERPOOL ANDLON DON -FIRE AND LIABILITY or SHAH EHOI. m-:1e.s' LTAjI1fEli. -1. CAPITAL .. 0 .. . .. .. $10,000,000 FUNDs'INvEs'mD OVER .. - .. 16,000,000 ANNUAL Income Ovnm .. . . 5.000.000 masmwn FUND ` . ' 3,750,000 Dnposnsn wx'rn' THE Db'.\uxxo'~; _G0\ ERNMEN'l` .. 450.000 ' stoves AND 'I'INWARE.: Ar _ '0 1-1 N. PLAXTON, HAS REMOVED'T(, HIS `CAPITAL FUNDS'INVES'I`l1`.D`0VER .. .. wrm Domxxov GOVERNMENT THE FREEHOLD LOAN AND SAVINGS C0.. TORONTO. . _ Presuent, '- - - Hos. WM. 1\`[cMAs'rEn. 'Secmary.1'reas., - . - Cu.\m.1r.s Iomm'rsoN.. Inspector, - - -, Rouxcwr ARMSTRONG. Money advanced on`;s;* terms for long periods. ropuyable at borrower's option, 'sAnnu.:Rv AND HARNESS. JAMES _f:1_)"WA ans, CONVE MNCER, &r., V ' ISSUER or MARRIAGE ucausas. P.0ST` OFFICE BUILDING, BARRIE. Barrie,_Sgpt.l1. 1873. V V H. JAMES, 7 Manager. .,....,,,,- . ..r, , , l1ysi(:im1s:uulSl1r;.:cuns.0nt.. &'.c. ucsulencu ~lnlluukof(`!mnn1:rcu Buildings over Messrs. -Smulm-.~;` .lc\vc.ll'a-ry SL01-c, uud two doors Fest. of tho Hu.rric llolcl." Dunlap Sprcct. l!u.1_`x`i0. -_ , _ \t the 011109. Dunlop Street. East. Foot of Market Street, Barrie. It is theomciulpnperot the Countymndonioying as it does. the largest. circulation of all no_ws pars |H`vlished in ms section; is 11; most desimb e me- din n for mlvartisinrg. Its contents -odlt.o1-In local. news. and sel--.cted-will be found to be 0 mm kind which distinguish all tst.-class country MONEY TO LEND 6-1;-FARM AND 1".0\VN PROPERTY AT PER GEN T. ` H. James now holds the` Agen for three of the principal Loan Companies of annda. andjs therefore in a. position to place Loans on most favorable terms to borrowers. . ' PiJ3.E :11'SUnA.,Nc:s Etrectod` in ENGLISH STOCK COMPANIES M. . - moderate rams. ` ADVANCES MA_1m_`ow NOTES AND. MQRTG_AG_E_:_ 3oueH'r _ SEVERAL CLEARED Fahus and Town Pi'opeQiesfirSzA1A|e ; Atver'y_low1lm1_g-es, V - Pmaspmtt IEROPERTYL. T. Rents -and Acounts Collected. $}3Qo',oo_o EB .Lo A.N` 1 mm, LIFE, ACCIDENT 'A1Ib _*mq,Knr - AGENCY, DOMINION Tnnmnagn 1 sun Ex;mss%}V% L Of the latest and Fashionable Go.o_ds . finnl `It; Dani nlnn RA:-I-in Ont - O.F_lv'f'l,CI.AL* 4_A$_ ST|_G-NEE ILUUFJ [VD -- UULV V 1.3 .I. L.A.\' 0 ccr.(Ju!1\1ni:s3iox1u:` in Quccn`s Bench. Auc- tiom,-ur, .-\p.n'.List:1-, 11.1111 Commission Age 19. for the salt: of lluusus, L;\.ml:s. Fux-In SLock.l onsc- hold lv`urniun~c, Uoozls. \V-.u-cs, &:c. Also for the collection of ltun'.s..\'uLc-3 and Accounts. Olllce ~1 oliuc (Julu-L, U-uric. .1 III llvllv um Lnnu uuvy, ROSS Bl.()CIx', B.-IRRIE, v0N'['.l L`-ICRNESS .1:MI`o'RI_U_M. Ai{izIE LOAN, INSURANCE AND DISCOUNT OFFICE. FRESH AKEIVALS IN Ln; bu c:..uu..J:.l ['1' P_on0ioe. Barrie. I.- (Successor 1,0 Geo. Lime) nu-r sun can a. n1 1' ~ MISGELLAN EOUS. .v.,s~\.,..~...V Hforxnx; "WORDS ARE THINGS. 4 AF'or' i Oo uni;y.of ` '.`Sxrx}<.mo. I `71~ n ulnlnh [' TAILORING:-b \& JAMES EDWAI{DS, `BA RRIE, Com`pa.ny's Valuator. u sun. nu...` .. ..............,-.. ..-_ ._ :A PERFECT FIT, AND crimp, T A --G0, TO- ALEX. McBAE, % , MERCHANT TAILOR .0PPOS|TE BARBIE HOTEL- VJAv|VIE$' EDWARDS, ' Agent at Barrie. . AND A DROP or INK FAi.f;Ii[9'UPoN ._A TIIOUGIITJIAY pnonucn THAT wmcn MAKES THOUSANDS 'l`IIINK."--Bvaox. ABar1r'i,e..4 Ontarib, .'l.'h urTsday, July 3. l8':"9. iii Well, said mother. in the meekly re- signed tone \vl1ich-had come to her during the sixteen years reign of her youngest child and only son, .what are your and Walter going to do now?" \Vn worn in thn ham}: mu-lm-. mnth nr. nn (1 VV alter golng U) (10 IIUVVI \Ve were in the back parlor, mother, and Lillian and I-1nothcr s slender, wlute hamls busy ` with some dainty combination of`.orecl w,ools, L111 poun,tl1_ng away at dMcndelsso1m s Cg)ns(()ila.t1ox.1 1n aidxviay to rive its composer o. espau` cou 1e have llG:1I`(1_]1el', and I deeply engaged in the manufacture of a. now'_ca.rva.t for n_1y afore- said brotl1er,whoh:n.d _] hm appezn; o.nce,close1y followed by h1sd&1us Achzites --Walter Thorne, and ha. eposi_te an armful of heterogeneous _arti{:les cons1st1_n1g of various carpentermg .m1p ements, mt 1 twine, pieces of. tm, old clgar boxes. and the like, upon the oor of the vcr_a._nda. _ Vnl1 ll sznna lm mid. mvstenouslv. 1n r\r~/\/\/~../s- "6TIif"rLPH'6 NE, A N 0 H0 W IT SA VE QM E. me LIKO, upon tnu 11001` Ul. cue vurauluas. You'll see,-_ho said, mysteriously, in response to motl1cr s question. Wall and I have been putting our hoards together, and we --- but at that moment, Lill, nished her attempts at Consolation- with z). craslzing chord, which made nervous mother actually jump, wheeled around on the music stool and beheld him-and be- holding,pounced upon him both gurative- ly and literally, for her sunny hezul was out of the low window in an instz\nt,follow~ ed by her lithe, young body. _ V:\11 hnr-rill l\nv' nlm criml. (Clvd is 7 Tongua I1-!l('f.'l.rilud throwwlixmstcr I Right an left, for worulsvrun wild, Cutting deep," dividing fond harts, Turning parents from a child. V Pleading cmnnot stay th-.:ir iniacliief, Tears cannot assuage their wound ; Sorrow hovers o'er the places W here ungrateful tongues are fuuml. I have seen the laugh of childhood Checkedby some forbidding tono ; For harsh words of constant chiding . Wear like droppin on a stone. Fedby frowns, the c ild of nature Dons a moody sullen ; . Innocence gwe place to boldness, Joyfulness to grim despair. ed by her ume, young uou_y. You horrid boy! , she crxell, (Clyde is three good inches taller than herself, in spite of her fteen months advantage in point of age), -whn.tever' do you mean -by bringing all that rubbish up here? There isn't a. plaice in the house `or garden safe from your hammers, and nails, and things. If you went to turn carpenters, you two, you can have the` woozl-shed all to your- selves; but as for having our shavings and chips in my mignonette ' ed, as they were -when you set up your tedious telegraph that never amounted to :mything-Iwon t there!" ' * u`r :n:.....m ....:.1 ..Q..u.,\.. mmnu an n An, I have seen the` cheek of girlhood ; Blanch beneath a thoughtless word, While a. rush of bitteranguish All unsought the young heart stirred. ; Visions `of a faithless lover, ' rr.....+..1 uyhn +}m+.nm+. nrnvnd vam--. vmons or unnnness 10V6l', Trusted, while thatrust proved vai1_1---. `These cold words of faibhless meaning, Quickaroused to fresh deep pain. I have seen tho eye of old age Under tears grow dim and blurred-- Tears thatgathered fast by taunting, ' Or by some unfeeling word. Sad indeed to see the aged Hun-ied to their graves of woe !~ But they whisper, very often, . We are burdens , well we know. O [IN MACJLAY, C();\lMl5:`>LU N - ' ER, (.3oxwL'-.yn.ucc1'. Is.suc1- of Mm'1-Inge Li- (-vnscs under the .\'u\v. Act, ..\':3.. Urcclnorc, . '- 57. mere: . . Lillian! said mother, gently, as :1 de- cided stamp of that young lady's foot om- phasized her last rem2u`k, Lillian, my. lnnl ' PIIEIIBILU love! ' 1')..1. A hive agq '| Tm1a-r tent-in m-nwdim and 1 1_ovo1" _ A v > -. But Clyde interrupted her mlld rcproof with his good natlxrod laugh.` _ hnr mmn. mn', ht`. said. \\'0 mm ms goon namroa mugu. .Let her snap, rndthor, he said, we like it, don t we, Wall?` Say, Lill, pulling :1. stray lock of her long, fair [l1ait-gues what it s going to be. I'll eat every chxp that gets into your mignonette bed--s!1:w- ings, too, so don't worry-o'nly guess." ._ ` And than Till. hsmlzina nn m1-ninst lmn. Oh. how keen a. wedge is `driven In fond hearts by words that sting - Words that evcrataud out boldly, 'l`lunnnh vnnra nuns: Ant] `nhnnoen ring ! lugs, too, so (1011 1 . worry~omy guuss. . And then Lill, backing up against him, looked amicably down at the pile of rub- bish and mediated. u{xr:..- 1-..--- 1:..u.. L,.1| a....:.... '3 .1... mun, `VV 0l'(lS H135 6V0l."BB&lJ(l 01115 uoluny, ` Though years pass and `changes ring Unkind words were better bumshed From the lips of old and young '; Each should learn and heed the 1no't to : U 0.1- .. ...n.-.I Lain.-n vvrhvr fnnmln D1311, anu IHBUIEEBUQ. Wire,boxes,little bell, twine, she mur- ' muted, as thoucrh taking an inventory of 3 the articles, and then a sudden inspiration comes to her--0h, I know! she cried, with" a swift and sudden change `from severity to pleased excitement, you two delightful boys! you are going to set up a telephone! 0l1,te11 Inc all about it, and who toldyou how,and let me help you-and will it work do you suppose?--and. oh, mother, need I practice any more to-day? I'm dreadfully tired,- and the boys want me tohelp them; they can't get along with- ` out me, can you, Wall? artfully appealing to the one who . was not her brother, and who, not being such, was not privileged to answer ,her with perfect frankness and candour. ' ' ' * And this was the beginning of our tele- phone, but, alas! only the beginning, for from that moment peace ed from `our household. - - i A ll... J....-`l 1.....- ...!LL T111 - nn&Inu.:.\.l~3n IIUIIEUIIUUJ. The two` boys, with Lil1 s enthusiastic but nnakillfnl help, managed to turn every- yhing which they could possibly reach or muence,topsytnrvy in the three long days- dnring which nothing bnt experiment and failure was their lot. ' 13...... ......u:-_L.__'_..._ ._.:I.-n... da-...1....1 ...:a.i. JOHN IKOBLEY, AUUU U NIALV 1, \}r)11cc_tu1' u[ Items. Notes, Book Accounts, kc; Insurance and (:4.-nc1'u.l `Agent. Olce, Owen~ `ilrcct, mun:-in-.0111. 'l`mdcsl_ncn's Books Adjust- ed.` J4)uIor..-:1 Up, and .-\ccounLs Mudd Out. Docu- ments llxule and Uopicd, and other sixnilar work nxecutcu with due :u:cu1'a.c(i' and dosputch. N.B.-- (,`~.u_;lxlimx1dg:d over sauna any as collected if re- quire: . ' ?.:___.__:.._____.:___ A _.._ `Aux- -rrr ;C6iIiWTY` or SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISER; I-ul.1l1l.'U WISH D_l.I.U1K IUD. . Even mother became mildly affected with the telephone mania, and wrapped in a. Shetland shawl, and shaded _by 9. large pa'ra.sol,be_took herself to the garden, and watched their'ma.ny failures in the disheart- ening-task of ndingn. clear passage for the wire among the branches of the trees. and I,, also, Became very much interested in the underta.king,Aa.nd,a.,s a matter of course, bestowed volumes of . advice upon the two patient and long-suffering workmen, who naturally, knew a great deal more about their own business then I did. . I .- :3; TIII a-In-l uuuniu `:`VA in W:I`;n _`r,,1n'- B11811` OWTI DIISIIIGJS 1511311 0.10. ' 7 Asfoz` Lill, she was like a Will-0 -the4 Wis here, there, and everywhere-her brig is head appearing in the most unexpect- ' ed and impossible of places,her busy hands ' making mischief continually `in. her effort to _help, her busy tongue offering e'kasperat- ingly unavgiling suggestions _ a;-the most` inopportune times-beiugsco1ded,.hy Clyde, and st`urdily"champic_>ned lzy Wta!ll,i1_1Jwhose mopporuune umes-oe1ugsco1uuq. . up u1_yuu,- sturdily championed by Wall,1n whose yes she could be guilty of nothing'deserv- mg of .reproof,--such was Lill, from the mnmnnl-. that thn tnhmhnna. mbiect was V. V... Ilncw `nu.-w -iv ....-.J V .. _vv . . a ,"~"D moment that the telephone._sub) r-at In-mu-Jnn until` I:hA- irmlnrtnki Inulnenu mum Ina wxepnunupunqwu n first broached .until`_._the~ undertaking. w completed andnmoceaa. For itwgss, lint. ' The fa.ct was,that after Clyde and Walter l had passed through a season of much study- ing and worrying, and had ` been brought by their many failures to a. oondition of utter despair, a quiet word `from. mother awoke father to a realization of thefacta of the case, and at-about the same time Mal- colm Thoma-. .-Welterfsi eldest _brother--. ca,1ne'liome,_aud-',-well, the result was that V _t1\'oqe`- t_wo -boye;wera,;indnlged" in the costly 4 .upono.wlii61i`.`th`eX,h:d.setthair 1..; g.gnd~=that ` ._:9th. ' an V V - -l V Arm uncn snoum learn auu. lu_:cu. um: luum Set a. guard before your tongue." unmznnnzn ;-Ecuas. `S. Ul$\)U'Ll"1.l1a, \J\J.I.LlLJ.I.IkJA.\/v;4-y '5 in_I.]{.. Con\'cyu.ncc1', Licensed Auctioneer, kc. .-\gcnL for. the following Insurance Com- mmic9:-Uit izcn s [ns11mnce Company of Montreal \<`irc,-Lifc, .\ccit1cm:L|\d Gu:u'a.nLcc: Iicud Omce for Ontario. 'l`uronL0. -Victoria. Mutual. Head mm-r-., llmnilton. -G. P. f\f_Ii11s. I rcsit}_(`3_n_t.; I\`Vn1'* {any ti 5;t_ot:2. 3i.sperat- _~the Lhy ll,in ng'deserv- tbject aking. was `ali. Fat] belmvi urry he Wm door * denly ' back. ( GN` take t :1. nezit, little, brown box sat on a. stand be- tween the windows in'Tl1brne s back pm-lur, zm-l lta exact counterpart in an exactly similar place m our own room. nu ,,n1_.1- _____ :I_1:...1.L..1 ..lLL.u....l. auuuwn rm.-- -._ V..- . ._ . Of cours Cly(le was delighted, altliotlgh he made an awkward attempt at pretending to feel sorry that father should have spent so much money on a whim of his. (:1: 1 L...l..9A. n.-.....L4. ..... .,...'I.I m..l.-. :1- 3U Inuvu IIAULLVJ vu u nunun V. g..." If I ha.dn t thought we could make it ourselves, sir," he said, shamefacodly, I wouldn t have started the idea-_-but I say, with a sudden forgatfulness of his simug lated regret it was nq end jolly of you and Mulcom, and Wall and I are much obliged to you. 7 - `l;`.-LL an I..n1rnR nuns: 1.3:. -nn.unxnnn- I he UU Jun. vF.ather looked over ]1is`newpn.per,( he -had just got settled down in_ his easy chair after dinner when Clyde attacked him), with a queer,little twinkle in his gray eyes, and a. queer little txvltching at the corners of his mouth,:`).5 he looked at his lumdsome, overgrown, blushing boy. |(\7'.-.- ...... "nun un\lnr.w\.u nuv unu " 11:1 uvungnuvvu, u.-..:_....-.6 uyJ . You'are ver welcome In son he- I said, in his slow, grave way; and then turn- ing his paper, the twinkle and twitching growing more apparent as he did so -bnt. in lawful transactions, some consideration is always either `expressed or imdez-stood. I make you a present of this end of your telephone, on consideration tint no slung is ever conded to its care. Do you agree, sir? V ` A._.1 !'\L.1A .........Znn Qn n yvnnlirrinrr no-nun sm" And Clyde, coming `to a. realizing sense of the fact that he had appliegl tl_1o erpitl_1ct, no end of jolly, to his dignied sire, blushed still more, apologized, promisvcd, and was happy. Aml um-h nI \.l.'VY)i :1} t'.1:1.llti}l3 l)1': )\\' and nappy. . -_ And such xnessages anb;1:1.l71ltl;I::'b1'n\Vn lbox received anal tr.Lnv.n1tt;:_l dm-mg the next few weeks! V Q,.....-..`l.. .. ...: "L" A? Han Hana H11}. Hunqn I<'u`c. IJHU, .'\CUl|lUII\r a.` 'l`ur<)nLu Ulllcc, llu.milL0n. I). Hooker. Secret-u.ry p:u\yuul)' insures no dress. '1`hornt.ou P.0. gnuj next Iew weeks! Scarcely a. minute of the time tint thos boys were in their respective hmnes, was the little` bell beside it quiet, and long mid interesting were the- c.mversn.tiuz1s they liiul with its assistmice. Fertmmtely for poor 1_riother's peace of mind they were both pupils in the high school, and part of the day,at,co1npa.mtive quiet -reigned. Li" was: thn first tn become tired Of the,co1npa.mtivc qu1<.:t-rcxgncu. Lill was the first to bscomo (_)f the new toy, and on the third day after 1133 In-_` . stallation. she was nbtservcd, after a shnrt period of wonderment as to wlmt 03101` Mary Thnrnc intondoal lling in her afghftn with, to be slipping out of the door With her hat on. . T1115-.. 7 .....'| \\1n|"\nv` v\v".1r\I'n :|I':- Vin! her hat. 4 _ Lillian, said mother,".`\\"ne1`t going?" (war tri T\Tn.rv's. to n.~.xk 11-31' : Uuuwz u a _ Over to 1\[:\ry`s, to ask her a.fghn.n, answered L111. ' Gainer half nrmlud the snuzu a.tgl1a.n," answcrcu L111. _ Going half :u*ouud the S4'lll211'0jl1StVfOl` t11a.t, Ipnt in, when thex-c s th: tele- phone? C ., ` - ma, lmtlmr tln helnnham-3! :\:1m'erc.l phone!" Oh, botllor the tulophzmc! Lill, the rude.. .``I wzmt to talk toher; tisn't any fun to cut and dry things to send through that arramgement. Ixvzmt to talk nonsense, a.nd'intcrrupt, and all thn.t-in fact, I wa.n(: to gabble, and fancy gzxbbling into a.,w0oden b0.\:,:md c:11l'mg the attention of evcrypno within llearing, anti" sofshe whisked 011', and the telephone was _deso1-ted . = .u.-;.... .. 1:a.n.. ``I\.\ am L....v= nn+`.nm-nun aesowau. - After a little, too, the boys onthusiasln cooled down by degrees, and although they did not come out and. declare their_senti- mcnts as honest Lill had. done,` they gradually relapsed into their former almost Siamese twin-like state, and were generally both to be _found at the Same end of their mutual pescssion, f'ea` to transmit mes- sages for other people,but innitely prefer- ring to talk with each other face to face. And an. at last. the telenhone. like all ring to talk with each other race to nice. And so, at last, the telephone, earthly possessions, saw its tum glory ele- pnrt, and settled (low11frou1_t!xe position of `chief curiosity and plaything, into that of :1. mere occasional convenience, and no- thing more. Indeetl, worse than all, I fzmciegl that when vacation came, and Clyde and Walter were making their plans for a pedesti-inn trip to the interior, and `counting up their savings from their alloxvainces, Ivsnw more than one half regretfnl glance cast in its direction; but if they haclamy mercenary wishes in regard t 0 it, they kept. them bravely to` themselves, and went away, leaving the little -brown boxes as a. legacy to Lilland May until their return. Am] nn\v that T hm; rlisdmirsed to anili- _to 14111 and. may lulu]. `E11911 rcmru. _ And now that I have disdoursed smili- cient length concerning the esta.b1ishment of our-or,to speak more correctly, Clydc's telephone, it remains for me to tell how, after a period of neglect and almost forgot- fulness, it served me. 4 nun nurhf. nru-Iv in S-zntenxber. fatller nuuess, it served One night, early in September, father came home from his -oicc a little later than usual. In fact, we, had waited dinner for him some ten or fteen minutes when I heard the gate slam, and his quick foot-. Steps coming up the front garden walk; and when I ran out into the hall to admit him, I noticed that he looked a little annoyed; but being, as he often calletl me, my fat1ier s own daughter, I did not ask any questions or comment. . ` A1; the dinner-table, however, he ex- phined the cmso of his vexation. A weanhy and hypochondriacal old client of his, living a little way out of the city had sent him a telegram just as -he was leaving the oice, requesting his immediate pre- sence at his bed-side. . i , 4:11.. (`ant-ins: tlmi-.,hn'is nt(lentl1's' d0OI`."' J . '1. U . :`u'LU_Ui\ 11111 .I._--`J1: 1.` J.\Jl'J and ltmislcxzne on tho; \Vcst side, of John treat, innm~.uli:m-Ry 0pp Mr. Geo. Ball's lunin and Sash I:I.cto:*Y. . I11 MuC()Nl{EY,' GRADUATE OF ..,...=.. n..:........;w Mann-ml. Membex-.l{oyn.1' senco his bea-s1o.e. . He fancies tlmtehe is at death's door, said father, shaking the pepper-box inn. manner and with an expression of counte- nance which suggested he should very much like` to do likewise by the gentlemen in question. u_.nd wants that will of his changed. again. To my certain knowledge he has made and destroyed a. dozen wills during the last two years. Hoivever, I ought not to complain, nslongas he`em- loiis me to draw them up, though it is a. `ti; lands whenever he has an attack; of in- digestion or ill-temper. And, fortunately, too, it won t interfere with my office work, ~ since I shall go_ out on the eight o e1ock V traingand come in on the twelve-forty from Oaklands. e vexatious to be _called out to Oak? ...,: 1....1.:.m nit +.1m matter from this. Uaklanus. " And. looking at the matter froni this. point of view,father brightened up visibly, and nished his dinner in amuch better frame of mind than that in, which he began it; and then, rising `from the ta.ble,_ and looking at his watch, announced that he had just thirteen minutes in which; to change his boots, and et to the at 'on. . You go up-stairs an see him. off, aid mother to me,(Li1l was away on a few day s visit to a schoo1-friend), and I_ will see to the silver. He hurries mound so that he quite takes my breath away. ` And so father kissed her.(those'twoareV~ qxute takes my ureuuu uwuy. . v And so her,(those two are lovers yot,in spite of their grown children) and left her seated, in state, wiping the forks and` spoons, and laying them care: fully` away. in their pink cotton nests; __ Father, did _`?hu'rry"aronnd," but` such . 1....:.....:.... M. Ma nsu-I . AM not (infuse and Father, (no. ffnurry arounu, put auuu behavior on his part did not confuse and me as it did mother, and so at last, was ready `to depart; but after the hall was nearly shut behind him, he sud- 1-ocollecvted something. and came hunk. back. - _ ow I think of us, he said, I won t this with me, Let ," putting alittle _ . ackage . in my hand; _ met Ferguson as Ywas coming up to-night,.`and he paid me L- ._....a. ..c n...+, III!` :'Inhf.--two hundred and ackage In mum; ".1 men 1-erguauu as was up paid the rest of that old debt-two hundred and ft it ia--.and I am afraid I night lose it, Pu ' it in a s:;fe_ place, Letty, and good- night again. _A . _ . . Ami Inn was offthm tune. actually gone, Mother and 1 1'1;-e:l`;-1':cVz.\lm_:VcV>s}i evening alone togeshsr,(Qlyd had not yet returned from his ,trip,_ and .Lill,L as I ;sai_d Twefore, `:2.-.,:.:," - %.;?v 2:: ,".9,, . $- 1y.~wh.wnh_ns=to have night again." _ And he was oifthm tune, actually gone, with the door closed behind him. ` ' g. .u ,, _. n "n.__,.| - ......I `An... nnnn:nt`v gm :u'c yll ~ ab mt her nay! 11 so, on nu:u' the _ l4`oundx'y. I n In` l.n.- -Yours but seeing how pale and tired she looked, repented of my` so_lshness,r and bade her good-night cheerfully. V I wrm|dnn +. nit nn much later. if I were I gnuu-mgnl: cneermuy. ` I woulden t sit up much later, you, either, girlie," she said, touchin my hair in her caressing way as she passe me, unless, indeed,y0u ve made up your mind to sit yp for papa, in which case I have nothing to say. ` ' Ami an I ha?! mv mind made 11!) to dol noumng tosay." - And as I had my mind made up do that very'thing, she_ bade mo good-night again, and left me, with a. book and the cheerflll re in the gmte,(fnr nights wurc chilly already, and nmther has her {mes built according to,t`.1-3 xveatlmr. :m:1 not according to the alsn-mac, as sums people (10), for company. _ . Whntlmr +3-n hnnk wns csnec.allv dc?1-_!n- do), 191` Whether tl-e book was cspecfnlly dc3ign- ed as n remecl for insomnia. or whether Y the aoftly-c'nsl1i0necl. reclivlingr chair and the warm glow of the live influenced me I do not know-I only know that little by little I lost cogrnizmn.-e of all a.mnnl me, and went\fully, l1:\ppily, and soundly a.sleep,with my book baking ontYof its bind- mg inside the fender. _ `LI -.. 1-..... T ..'l,..-.L T .-mnnn`: Iv:-ll._if, n1lxrl1l*. inside the tender. How long I slept I cannot tc1l-it might have been moments, it nxight have been hours-but suddenly into the midst of my confused drezmls there came :1 vague con-_ sciousness of cramped discomf0rt,and opcn- ` ing my eyes slowly, I sa.w,seate:1 in father's I oppbsite me-:1 man! l `Mm mtm wasmbm`u1n.I`.a murdorcr.dou1t- great chznr opposlce Il'lG-3. mun: ' . This man wn.sab'arglar,a murdorcr,dou1t- less-a.nd I was alone, and completely in his power! ` ` Fm nnn In-inf minute 1; rleathlv f:\intncs:+ his power! For one brief minute deathly crept over me, and then it passed by ,.a.ncl I sat watching him, no longer drczuuily and stupidly, but with a terrible sense of my helplessness andperil which macle me, for the time being, \u1al_)le to think, or even pray. . _ Hrs. \V.-L5! n. sllllli. \vu'v~louku1r_t. middle- - He was a slight, \viry~louking, aged1nn.n, dressed in a rough, dark suit, with a. thin fa.ce,cIo3e1y-cropped, light hair, a.m1mtl1er small, but very piercing, gray eyes, which met mine with :1 f.unili:u7 wink when he smw that I`-was mvnlie. un ...... 1 .'l:.1n`3 .1a+m-Ix mm " ho said. when he tna.tA1'-wn.s mvu.-.;c. Hope I didn t disturb you, l1c's:ud, vchucklinrr rvrixnly. I di:In't exactly want GO. to `wake you up sndvlen, :1.-'1 3) I ve been wasting my vayble time sitting here and admiring of you. A regular .~s1L-oping beauty you were. allqexccpt tha.t`]1:mc1ker- chief, which I put on for fen.1' of accidents, being afraid you .~3mncthin:_;, before you rightly 11mle1-stoml how d:v.1ge1'- `(ms it Iuiglxt be. |....1 1:- ,'I\vlzv;1] n 1`.\'.'n`_\'.\1-, 11: nngnn Dc. . And he nstentationsly land :1. 1'c'm!vc1' upon the table neaxt, and diving into one of his pockets, px-oducell a. most wlcked mu`. mmxlormls-1m)king kmfe, whmh he slowly unslleatlled as he spoke. T".m'm.. an I--H>11n1~ n, cmnrl haul dawn-:zt:\.iI';'. LN UU Li I1ALV_uo .L'U1.-4 , investment on good freehold -n,-curity n.L8n.nd 9 per cent... dependant on the rurnnnt rcqnin-.(1. Nn principal money required nn.1il end of the term. S l`lL-\'1`lIY 3:. AULT, ::uln-itors, &'.e. Barrie. lbcm. sel--.cted-will be round to be or the kind which distinguish tst.-ciass gountry Weeklies. The Job Damn-tment is stocked with an _ex_yen-' unsneatneu as ue spI)iu:. _ `I"vefma:le rather a good haul down-st:u'rs, he went on, exhibiting in another pocket the handles of mother s cherished forks and spoons; they're solid-none . of the sham stufl'pcople are so uugenerous as to use-and I aiu t got time to take a look around up- stairs, for the old man'll be back `in an hour". and I ain't really dying-to meet him. I'm a-going to take that rag oil` your mouth now,for'I want you to answer me a question; but if you `yell , or even try to, say your prayers first, for I'll knife you as sure as I m a living man, Yea see, he continued, confidentially, as he, laying his weapon on my lap,procee(led with a touch as light and gentle as a woman s, to uutie tl1_el1amlker- chief which closed my lips-a knife -is more convenient for me," anl more -a'r1'ee- able to a lady's feelings generally than a pistol, though I carry both; ladies don't, like the noise of pistols-neither do I- aud as I can accomidate tl1exn,and suit my- se1f,at the same time,u'i_th this little joker, grinning down at me ' as though he hazl said the umst Inirtll-provoking thing inthe world; There, now, you're all right. I guess you aiu t one of the squalliug kind, nohow -you don't look like it. Now what I want to ,kuow- is-- where's tllll. money your pa brought home to-night? i V no Imrl sm:\_l.n;l himsall 3/!.I.l11. and was . your pa. D'.`0ugu(. llUlIl.`J nu-xuguw l He hzvl seatnzl Ininualf-ag.Li11. and was smiling at me in the mast coulidentiul and friendly nmnner, as he trilled with his glit- tering knife, I t disposed to worry you, I ain't one of the crowding kind ; I ll give you ve good minutes to find your tongue, and then, with a sudden excess of ferucity,`_`I'll nuke you nd it, or " `Rn! nl: +`l1qf.' mnmrmf. .'\. dnnr In\.s:i'.:1iv,-1 OI II.!I'UD1Dy,'_'1 1|. uruu: _yuu uuu Lb, uL'--- But at that moment a door up-stairs opened, and mother's voice called down to me over the bzmistcrs. , ` (n ..u-- -1... ....:.1 T ..u..- /lmm ...1...... me Dz111L`3w1's. Letty, she said, Letty, dear, when you (_:01'l1`.2 up, please bring up my 'wat:h. I left it on the mzmtcl, and see if I lnft H1-3 sidebozml key in the lock, will you?" You hzul batter answer. said nw com- 81(l\3D0:l.l`u Key ul um Luuix, w [11 yum You had better answer, my panion, "bending a._little nearer, and casting 9. complacent glance at thc,-\vntch,, which he took out of his pocket :19 he spoke, be- cause if she should come down, she might get a. shock, you sec.- ' Am} sin, fnr hm smke. I mused mvaclf. anuAa.x1s\vurcu. - Yes, mother, I St|.i(i--!!.il, could she know thzit I sat there, terrific} and help- less, facing!-and even then, in the midst of my um:-r terror and despair, I spoke for her sako,so ste.'uli1y and cheerful- ly that] surprised mvself, "`[ ll son to it. Go back to bed, clear, and don t worry." 'A1\r` Hum T `mm-J -hm` rm ban]: {in hnr ilt. *7`: : - -. . gen snoczc, you sue.- And so, for her sake, I roused myself, zmdanswercd. - uv-.. .......LI....." 1- .:..:.'l -.1. n:n1`.` In. U0 D:).cK 130 Iwu, u.u:u', uuu uun. I. w urry. "And thcnl .he:v.rd-her go back to he:-| room, and closg the door; and, as I heard that sound, I felt as though she had shut down the lid of my cain upon m2,a.mI left me forever . _ . - . 6\X7.-`TI nnqu urn.` rnsr nnvnnrn\u\n uyhnvl H13 IOTBV GI` Well, miss, said my companion, when silence had settled down upon us once more, I asked you a. question six minutes and a half ago, and now I think ,it s time you answered me. I m afraid you haven't been well brought up, in spite of your xutmy ad- va.nta.ges. Now I m going to ask you once more,and you're going` to,spoa,k out honest, like the pretty, little lady that you are; or else ---' and he tested the edge of the knife with a. `horribly suggestive look and manner. Where is the money that your father brought home to-night? I know all - about his getting it, and I know he didn't _ take it _a.wa.y with him, for I liegwd him say so himself; now where is it! Where does he keep his vallybles, eh? I t got any more time to fool around in this way, though, uuderother eircumstanccs, I should like nothing better than to pass an evening in your company, and he grinned in my face . in a way which was evidently intended to `> _be vastly `complimentary. Now answer > `ma ' I ` ' . 'l`.E.\'ANl)ER. SL`lSEN, UULV v n 1- / AN (1191:. lhmex-al .'\_L{OIl$. Insurances Effect- ud, ltcmszuulm-.l)Ls Collected. Oillce in Cramp- un'.~; new `Brick Block, ncm-ly opposite the Post.- |[l.V-. ]_m1j1_'ie. - 37-ly 1v:<\r A "1' But not one wordootild I say. VYou vo got grit, you have, he said, ' after 1; minute, iooking at me with a. kind of ferocious admiration, curse it, but I ll make youtell somehow, or-now I think` uofoit, there : the old lady. l ll shut up your mouth twain, ma go op and talk her over-3t1mt a 13:6" dodge. "`A...1 nma ha I-naafrnm his mat run though o'ver---that's me uoage." '. And then he rose from his seat as though to carry his threatvinto instant exccution,I foungl yoiceantl strength .to answer him, f9r_<`I knew tl: It if he were to do as he said, the shock and terror would kill her, my delicate, nervousmother; whom the sight of 1! mouse almost sent into hysberics : the vthmight of her,.confronted by this embodi- ,me_nt`o.f grime nind `cruelty, was enough to vnwakeni my be1i'umbed`brain' into life and activity, and no it did. U ` V ' V ' -nh wait!" I ensued. ` "111 do nnvthing acuvxty, and so 1; am. > + oh wait!" I asped. +-ru anything `if youbnly-won t distui-b her, only give me a._litt1ov'tin;e. u .n 1 9 <'| __.!___2.1.._ _:.L.._ LL-.. It 11105) vuuc. I `A-u-it-h! he paid, grinning wider than ever,anc1 drawing along breath, expressive "of satisfaction. I thought you`d come to_ `your and; lenstways, that you woul(_1n t be `so -pig-haadod_ and aggravating: forever. ~Now..-spankout and? yoqr_miq;1,. and ; 1'1nn:nn4z13n-.1131`: mmmnv .in:no-tima. un-` low spam: our: 1&1!`-`7 lnvv Jyw ,`_W-1 * on anti-lll_part com ny In-no tune. ...._." mmuivna and nnkinu afm wit`. II.-I10 H10, ll _at_ mgwxth : No 27 11:, uz: f `.2 ow _1!.'l--7L leer which made inc involuntarily shudder, you've taken a. fancy to me--I ain't called a. by nu ways haul-looking fuller, you know -a.nd \muld,likc tn clopo with me. I've V taken kind of it shine to you, `you 360- you ro so chnckfull of spunk and grit; and so soft-hearted tu\va{rds yqur nm.,t.0o. Well, now, dropping out of the sentilncxmml vein suddenly and becoming nlnrniingly business-like, ' ` where's the swag?" In that brief xnznncntl while he was speak- ing, I looking st'raight into his mexmcing eyes,hzu1 been pmying as I had never pray- ed before in all my life, praying for help sung`. nnnnun] nrnvinnr with mv whnln }l0.'I.1'L ed before in all life, praying mr nelp and counsel, praying with my whole heart. and soul-gur.l as I prayed suddenly .n my of light czune to me -one gleam` of hope. There, on the little table just behind me,` sat Clyde's telephone-tliere was one chance at least, if I could only reach it, if I could only escape from those glittering eyes for one l_)1~ief,_mon1ent. ' V Are you turning dumb a.-g.-till?" he said. savagely, as I hesitated. You'd better not, I warn you or it ll be the worse for you and the old one. I don t know but I'd better silence you both, zmyhow, and take myrislc of finding it; but I'll give you one more clumce--speak quick , now. And he thrust his knife towtml a thre:1tenin_g gesture. I tun (rninrr fin I :ul.'x\V|'-`.!`f`.iI_ Rl')`..l{lll'f me with LINE 1` Uluuu) . u ur l.o:u1s. -Your Hurnc. $70,000` M 8_n,n(} I tnreatenu1_g gesture. I am going to, I mlawered, speaking as boldly as though my.ho:1rt was not (lying within me, move my chair back a. little; the fire is burning my face. Would he do as I asked? On that hung all my hope of safety. Would he suspect `the, reason that I 113:1 hidden under that frivolous pretext! Hut. `rnv alnuhhz null fmlrs were over in 8. nau xor nope. V He was nlonugalowly tow:u'ds the back- pznrlor mm ; but, even as I drewnlong bfczxtlx of relief, he turned mud came back. Hlli.~.z`| . 5:23.] In: W van h..I1m- 1' shunt Ln' ox reuer, no turxleu mm. c:une Uzwn. Mind, shill he, if you holler,I`ll shoot you and go out of this be-fore:m yono can. get here; and if I find that yo11 vo lied, I'll cut your tli1'.)n.t,. mul. try my hand with the old womn.n. . And then he glared at me with :1 wollish look that seemed to pigrce me throuzgh and through, and which, hzul my hands been u11fetter'ed,' would have made me involun- tn.1'ily'cla.sp them over my bosom to conceal ' the little which lay there under my scarlet jacket, and which I felt that, - should he look at me one instant longer,ho would discover and tc:1r_ from me. rm_:.. .:.:..-,. `\.\ ....... ..m... ...nm.:m. "441. mu. \voul(1 cuscorer (mu. u::u'_ u'uxu mu . This time he was g0ne,crceping with Cait- like steps, the guilty instinct of slyness and cn_.u'sion being so strong within him, that even now,with no one ne.`v.1' him but a. help- less girl completely in his power, he could nut shake oil` the slirinking stcnlthincss of mtmner which had become liabitiml to him. I] .. ....-.- at 4-1:.` (J.-nan! /Inna-__fl\n unit} ` mtmner \\'Il1cu Jluu UUUIHHU uu.uu.uu.1 w uuu. He was at the closet d00r-the next moment he -\i'o.s iusidc;a.m1 then, and not till then, I dared to make the attempt, on the success of which now hung my life; for I 4-`(.15 mu-n +}m{- Inn wmfl rvnx-n7n11t'hn G success OI wulcu now mung my um; nu; I felt, sure that he would carry out his tlxreut as soon as lie discoverecl how I had deceived him. My hands were useless; for they were bound to an arm of my chair with knot; which nothing save :1 knife could sever. ' n...-1.1 T ..,.....i. .....l 4...... Hm Iluln nv-run`: comusever. Gould I reach and turn the little crank which would send the glarrn into the Thomas with my teeth? T kn! fnnl-_vnr.1 ant] farnnt] fn 'mv un- IHUTIIUS \Vl5H. lily l/UULll I bent forwzml and found, to my un- spcakzmblc mnguish, that it was impossible; the card which passed m'oun(1 my breast, held me back, and my feet, strugfgle as I .'..:..1.c ,.....1.1 n'n+ +mmh Hm nnnr mnivn held strugfgle 1 might, cmlhl lint touch the flour to give my chair the one littld push, for lack of. which I was in such utter 1' Ln.-.1 -Mm nnnn n J:-nu-nr sun] turn wmcn I was in 511011 lu.L'.:1` ut.-:sp;|.u'. I he:m1'him open n.d1'mvor, and turn the contents ever 1u1x*ried1y, then I heard him with .1 hearty curse, fitting a. key to :mother7 lock. I must reach it. -I knew that every disappointment would increase his ferocity, and I must not fail. T knnf. fnv-wrtrri :1-m.in_ stmining G\'01'V 1 .1. u-V, ... ]7i*_m'1'i?} AUL'l`, 'BAP.R[STER .....a `... nnnn .-= .k`.nli:-itnr Chancery. No- I113 Ic1'ouu.y, unu. 1 unuau uuu Lau- VI bent forward agaiil, straining every n'e'rve to the 11tmost-ouce, twice ! My head seemed bursting with the rush of blood which crowded into it; thrice my lips were on the cmnk-I seized it withmy teeth, and wrenched it tmvanls me. Thank God, I ha.d'wrung it! * Twice more I turned it\vou1d they hem` it? They were quiet. mothodicznl people who kept early hours, and, having clear consciences, slept soundly--Wou1d they, any of them, inthoir far off chambers, hear that be1l s faint tiukle, and listen to the message which my trembling lips were sending?` - r , ,,,,,, 1 I Y1 ,,,,,, ;L.;_ 11.... ...:._La. ..'....1 ovAAul.u;,x' _ prayed to Hvc-a.veu that they might, and then,` thankful that the rustling of the papers which he" was tossing over, lled my enemy's ears, I, longing to shriek, but during scsrcely to speak above a whisper, uttorecl my call for help. as 7 1 u1_..L _...... `I uvvvnvu u.-J you. -v- "v-1.- Don't ausTwe1-, T I said, bxgt con_ze. -I am alone wlgh 11 burgulnry wh? 1s gomg murder me. For Heaven s sn.. me. An,` Lknn T na\|I`t1 adv nn nun!-n fnr Mu: murder for neaven S snKe,s1wo me: And then I could say no more, for the rustling of the papers `ceased, and before I had more than time to fall back into my old position, the man turned, zmd looked out at me. u . 1. -r 1 -u 1-nu _ _E,_ 79 L- Ullb (Ill 1110- `I thought I heard :1. little noise, he said, grimly; you d best not try to undo "those strings,or it'll be the worse for you--- mind, now! I've got three .dra.wers to go through yet,antl I don t want to be bother- ed--so keep quiet-!" V T " 1...] 1... :...........I 1...], L4 1.}- m.-mi, lnn`:;nN U\ nuvy Iluua v . . And he tumedback to his work. looking at me, however, evorynow and then with keen, suspicious glances, which made me quiver in every limb. while I sat in an agony of doubt and terrontrying to believe but scarcely daring to hope, that my call hnclboen heard, and that help would come. I 1' __L Ll_____ __.'1`l_ It seemed hours that I sat there, with not 3 sound coming to my longing ears, save the heavy breathing of the hurrying man, and the faint noises made by the articles which his rapid ngers turned over. INT.-mid hnln nnvnr come? He had looked articles much ms rapna. nngers tumeu over. Would help never come ! He had looked in all the drawers but one, now, and I felt only too sure what I had to expect when his unavailing search was over. ` -- 8 I , ,I,_!_. _L.-..:.II.. ........L' I lay back in my chair, stupidly count-i ing the heavy, rapid heart-throbs which seome'l_ to shake my `whole body as they came,and wondering if it were so very pain- ful,--this having` one s throat cut. I re- member even now, that in the midst of ` Itth:-hht, in adwad wily, that it would ; J-A hum Hm n-mH:v.~ lane Bib whinli l$2-00 IF NOT I N ADVANCE. `L)Tf;\f'c" ']TdE'i* ,` i4,XiEERs, 1 .` Rnlicitors b-I-:1;c_>1v1'-l1,'i'x_1-9-.-(iz'a.'e(_lVVv:vV:1,` am it would bis 1:09 .to ;haye.th_e,ppett3' lace bib which . I_wg;-e,spo1lgd.9sit1;(oul1 ` V L `" V` wnoxe No." 1429 fxgifxfd aio life again-a unE, m0.Ve1 null! it be an `"` &'>'i&i? / $`.'.',., im tipnt of the delay, and come in um). of im? I turned mfmgg Andloohod in the direction" from W I07 Immd` 3.. and fancied that I saw the dim outlinooh human form. Another, MK! inothu-,-tho mu d..u1I Wu it` ` 1 ' nrent:o1I?mV bZd:?'y creznneil ngnmylixau-crueul::_nn_n3 V . 3' t e mans nrrytngvv nggn never paused. Another faint sound, ma this time, he heard it, , and turned upon me again. ' ' Quiuhat:'T he-said mug`: I'm be- ginning to believe yon ve` bo_ozled me, and that you3d_ better begin 13 your pm ore, and catechism, and in things. no me! but I'm too heart- ed for my profession,anyhow. I'd ughter umgn Ilnrf. wm-Ir Of V011. nd not mm seomea._mu-or Wu 1:. may I created by":'ny alf-crazed brain! ` And still H-m mun : hnn-vmn ed for profeas1on,anyn'ow. 1. u ougnwr made short work of you, and not fooled away my time. If the mon e J But at that moment'tho Kim gures in the hall came nearar, and grow more ruI*:nnf Ant` fhnn, hnfnrn I rnllld tne nnu came nearer, nu grew mum distinct. And then, before I realized that help had really come, there was 8 unit, silent rush-the room seemed fnllqf hurry- ing men,thcn there was the sudden,deafen- ing ring of a. pistol shot, the aolmd of u. erce, hard struggle, and muttered 'curIea a. heavy fn.ll--and then the smoke olearoci nulvnir n Hlfhs nY\t1 I atnsr `nun-up` .4! Iain.- it ll0l|.V_V 1:I.u--uuu. buun one IIIIOKB (neuron away :1 little, :m_d I saw, bound, md lyin propped up ngamst tho wall, surrounds by :1. group of excited men--my burglar. 'I`lmn 11 in n 'minntn. mv nnnr hand: EU. IS. .l3U1\JJ J.J1.\./.l.'J.LVDLJ.|J nug- )" vTIONEERfox-the county ofsimcoe. Orders left at the ADvA1~gcn: omcc. wnll pe promptly at- tended to. urge mformauon wxll be; furnished . :11-ties requirmg Mr. Ford's services. as though e had himselt been consulted. 7 85-ly . by ox excxwu men--my nurgur. Then, all in a `minute, my B001` hands were free, and I fall, faintin , ut, thank `Heaven, safe, into Malcom orne'u Irma. \Vlmn fnmr rahlnnml, nhnlf nn.hmn- LIUKXVUII, uzuu, HIDU ULELLUUIU 11101110 I IKILIB. When father returned, ahalf an-hour .la.tcr, he was not 1; little surprised to find sitting up for him, not only his daughter Letitia, but his wife, Malcom Thome, senior, Mulcom Thorno, junior, two police- men, and 2; pale, slender man, with a large bruise on_ his forehead, :1 pair of handcutfu on his wrists, and :1 quantity of rope dia- posed about his person, and fastened in a. variety of intricate and fanciful knots ; which last individual was immediately in- troduced as Slippery J im-9110 of the mostnntcd and desperate characters in the profession. I fnll mm \\'lm.t." smid this nolicemnn. prorcssmn. . I tell you what," said this policeman, confidentially, your danghtel never come nearer, death till she dies in earnest, than she's been to-night. He's thought to have settled more than one lfersonin his time, and that girl wouldn't it stood any chance with him after he'd found out she'd gummed him. _ T1: \v:u-1 nrunn minutes imfnrn father cnuld gumuleu. uuu. It was some minutes before father could be brought to realize the situation, so thoroughly astounded was he by the strange- ness and uncxpectedncss of it all;but when he did, he just put his arms airound me, and took me to his heart witha. Thank Heaven which made me feel for the rs! time that I had never quite appreciated or undorstood the depth of his love for me. 'I`l.m-.. in liHIn mnrn in fall. uvn mt Hm l1n(.l0I`sL00u me ucpul 01 ms iuvu wr me. There is little more to tell, save that the ' identical two hundred and lift dollars which I had saved at such 11 ris on that drc:_ul_ful night, formed one of the many wedding gifts winch I received a few weeks n.fter\\ :mls, (I believe I have neglected to mention that my engagement to Malcolm 'l`ho1'no had been formnll y announced some months previous to the occurrence of the events here narrated), and that mother, in spite_ of the fact tlmt Slippery Jim" had been, as the two policemen, who looked in on my wedding day, at father's express invitation, and drank my health embarras- singly as tho pluclxicst girl in town," phrased it, made 11. lifer of this time, in- sisted npon it that my solid" presents should be put into the bank with her rescued forks and spoons, nnd thatnothing but plated ware Vshonld be allowed to re: main 1n my new home-to which Malcolm _ and In-greed without a murmur, as we probably should if she had condemned us to the use of steel forks and pewter spoons for the remainder of our natural lives. And so ends the story of our telephone, and how it saved me. -----4-0- -o>----- Tm: right is the supronze nod and in- cludes all other good. In I00 ing and ad- lnering tp it we secure our true and only happiness. ' T... ao- S'l'0l'l I.\'G A N EWSPAPEIL.--All exchange 1 shes the following allegory, which we com- ` mend-to careful consideration. A certain man hit his toe against a. pebble, and fell. heacllowlg to the ground. He was vexe d and under the inuence of anger and self- sniciency he kicked mother earth quite sancily. With importnrablo gravity, he looked to see the earth dissolved and come to naught. But the earth remained, and only his p0_or foot Wm injured in the en- counter. This is the Way of man. An article inn newspaper touches him in 2 weak spot, and forthwith he _ sends to stop his paper; With great complacency he looks to see the cro.5h,when he nds he only hit his own too against (I world that does not perceptibly feel the shock, and injures nn nnn lint. lnimanlf," Fo1L'rU.\'1~: .~'. C11.maI-:3.-A poor vinedt-ca-. aer of~Bnrgnm1y drew from nlottery a. prize hf 92-10 mm) 'l`lmnL'fnl1v he gave 810.000 0[~LSlll`_L;l1lllly (l1'0\V' IFUIII u lottery u. prim: of,$!)0,UO0. 'l`hankfu1ly he gave $10,000 for the lmiluling of :1 church in his Imtivo .V'ill:tgc, zunl `..h~.n with his'fa.mily he went to 1 :u'i.~s, in one your he spent. the renmimlur of his money. He then return- ed to his viIl;x;,rc and became sexton of his ch1u'ch. L. of Scotland (tanmlinn Mortgngc_Uomp2\ny, limit:-.d). (Inpiml $2. |`3,333. Pcllatt St. Oslcr. Gcnc~ .-ml Mulxngcrs, 38 l{ing.:-st.. Toronto: \V. C. Orr, agent, Harrie. Om:-.e over House's -Boot 8:, Shoe Store. Dunlop-st. - 16-Gm _-{. Amuu. 'N.u'xuA`r1oN.-Prof. Samuel A King has for the last eight Weeks been busi- ly at work at Philaclelpliia making the bul- loons with which he is to ex eriment all the summer preparatory to ma ing the trip across the ocean by balloon in 1880. The ceutenninl of the Mongolcr re-balloon is yet four yoars in the fu'ture,ut long before that time the American Aeronautic Society, which is behind the Professor in the scheme, hopes to see the problem of tmmatlzmtic aerial na.vigntion_ thoroughly solved. not percupzluly luux bl no one but himself." . S00`1`~.\BLI-I you nut. 0AlLDK.\'.-Those who have soot, oithorof wood Or'bitluuin- ous coal, should carefull save it for use in the garden. It is vnluab e for the ammonia. it contains, and also for its power of rc~ absorbing amlnonia. It is simply charcoal (carbon) in an extremely divided state, but -run tho m-nnqntn it contains i3 uflll in tron: tne creosote it cunusum L: usuun... destroying insects, and is at the same time valuable as :1. fertilizer for all garden crops. It must not be mixed with lime else its ammonia will be dissipated, but if thesoil is dry and hungry a. little salt may be used with it; Soot steeped in water and allowed to stand and settle for a day or two is slso snost excellent fertilizer for house plants, possessing precisely the same qualities that tho pairings of horses` hoofs do. For owers out of doors it is especially valuable since it may be easily applied, and tends to in- crease the vividness of the bloom, and, mixed with salt,it is 9. most excellent fertil- izer for aspnragtxs, onions, cabbage, etc., in connection with compost, in a proportion of 1 quart of salt to 6 quarts of soot. For 2 bushels of compost this quantity makes a. heavy dressing for each square rod to be worked in next the surface of the soil. KEEP 11' IN nu: STABLE. -Reetive horses often injure themselves in their stalls, or, getting loose, injure another. All horse owners; cur eons, and cattle doctors admit that Arnice an Oil Liniment is the best external appli- cation for the wounds, swelling of the fetlocka etringhalt. and all contraotionn of . the liga- ments and tendons which cause lameness in a horse. A plied early to cases of Blood Spavin neverd reli the 10111-ztxiessfend swell- ,an if tong app oten rings lllfaut a positive cu:-e.ll rioe--25 And 50 Cents Per` Bottle. ` ' ` - ,_,_ q n__._;__... m...'.. 1:\.........- n..._ I `I7 JJU IIIIIVQ Trarru Is vswmxunn Tum: F1(moN.---But it is an established Tmth that Baxter : Man. drake Bitters nrethe beat pnrgntive and Liver Regulator ever placed before the 7 Canadian people. They are purely vegetable, contain no mineral nor mercury, but ire composed of Nature : purest nnd'beet_ remedies. Are you sntfering rom any dueue thnt follbwn a sorpid liver, such as J aundice, ~ `Billions Dineaees; Foul Stbmeglg, Ooehveneu, or, `Weakness? These Bittergwill 6e;`you good. '\ 7- .. 1 I'r1'<=;'2:s'0en#~ Hus A G:x:ruav Om-n-"-' `A Lxvn. impn ltihgedmguv gfnghfxdxd, offered to . ;_A , can hnIn,:oodtI1:nf!tnif 3:11. am! ::mm'.nn3: VIIEPIIDUO (X1138 NIB PIE DIAL VUHFQW, X10116 hasutoodthe satsbw ' -and co dad can`: an innmnlunini an Eh}: \ ,' W rm U11-.1 W Inch nlnge sale. as the E 5. BIL amid Elixnr. " Itjl now `over lyni-u since it Inc 3 I53 [0, f HI-IV :LVo~ Q. D31- " over 46:93:: 355 `H : `Fly! xnuin . ha! nla Ind IEKVCIAH. :1`. ill tliyuosucts N ONEY TO LOAN .---'1`HE NORTH _ . Mortgngq Company, |.mi1..-d I. (`mximl S524 |`3.333. Qs_1_cr.~G gnc~ hihnd I 1830 [In d1se:u~s of QLllnp;-0HOlh A ` ` T bu- TWBUDIEV XnFlT_Xl00ll, III I? III` HWBYI m..u1- Lrbon) 111 extremely awxuoa. amw, um 1111 the creosote it contains usofu} _L..,...:.... :........L.. van!` 3: 5|`. Hun namn tlnm I'()IIN ;\mcm_ L`l) l`nnv:\v.-In:-(\.` |||-'l'. Jnunnu. I JSEPL1 110GE1iLl CONVEYAN- ..-.. u.\......:.-.ann.-:-' in Queen's LaAL;"u:3-\}*nTIssMN1's `IOHAELJ. DOYLE, ATTORNEY-. c...m-itm- (5nn\`L-.\'.'J.nce!`. &c.. Kielilles. " = - `The Job Depm-tmentis with extaen-' awe asaortnxent of all requisites for prlntxln , ' affording facilities for turning on rst.-class wor . Largo type and u prom-late cuts or all styles of Posters and Han hills, and a stock atcholce fancy y aetc the flue class or printing. . slum: forms of every descript on in stock and up led at rensoxmble prices. ` ' '1` 4`H.MS :--1~`or Subsgx-lpt.lon--81 per annum. trictl in advance: lm not so paid. ` Fol ABVl<:R'l`ISI G--Eight cents per lino-for mm. iu..~m.mon. and two cents each gpbscquonj. ix}: HIHKOBLEY, ACCOUNTANT, nf In-ma Notes. I.; mo1c1'at.e i.n_Lc ..l<]N.\'0.`{. Solxcnmx-5, Bzxrnc Dominion Fire Capital, $1,000,000. `.4;-.:u....., , .._.,,, 'Northern',Assum.ncc Co. of London, England. Cznpiml. $25,000,000. ` North of Scotland Canatlian Mortgage Co_mpa.ny (limited). $3,000,000 funds to loan. H . .. ,v1,___- E0. R. TIONEI IAN . at the Al ` sr`vvvvv \/\/\/\.` A'l`SON C. ()1-11:, LOAN,LAND, AND INSURANCE AGENT, 'l)L`lIIPh`QY`\"I`Q t"-..:gRm;p.s; av! II` Sm, 0,: -""' 1 ` !Omc`c and Residence ._ . 1 COR. BAYFIELD .3` WELLING 'I'()N-'S_TS. , Vial.-E -2...: mm 6_ -\/g-\. OSEPH SWAN, AUCTIONEER C ' for the County of Simcop. Terms reason- ! e. Omce ntsmy St.ox'e.Umxghurst. 46-ly _ K r.Ex}{ {)111i `$`i`"1:Ei~i;[ (BGN vEY- 4 xuuur 1:.-n:-I-M .\r_vnnt. mlggurthcvn geavaun` IS ISSUED uu.-.. _._____?_. XS. SC`-ROGGIE; COMMISSIONE :.. .. 1) rn.wm~m{n.nx-. Auctioneer. 1` BILIT X .-" vtiin every advex . aimule means of don. Ensign E` V ISSUED&D av:-:av THURSDAY,` n.n_- u\_.._1.... at--- 13!-.. III... `III . `.l/`AlL'l'l1 Xi, 4uu1 .3 cc 1. 1:41 uuu, Barristers, .-\1 tornoys, Solicltors. &c.. Bru'rl_e. l)`;\ltr)n Mc(.!.LrLhy, Q.(!. \\"il1ia.m Boys, 1. l<`r_'.uxci.~z,_|-2. l .>l`_x-plzgr. .l~`rn.pcis Rye. - A -- . . .<\v.v..xr 11A DDTQ l'U!f. .u.I1.1ru'.uu ., . Bax-rio, Ivebfr. 3rd. 1379. - lomsy TO LEND ON - REAL ..~,....m nI'. mmlnmte interest. LENNOX 8: , MEDICAL AND 1 DENTAL ax / ~/ .v~\_r A. tun. L_-4 Luv, nay? If : .rL|us l*`oundx'1 'xes. will be ndmitwd for 25 cents eacn In- All m1\'erti.-mnlcms ordered by stran era or.Llm:~1c with whom the proprietors do not. on] mu-n, be paid for LN AI)VA. \'CE, u. rule which wili bu: adhered to. Notices of local births,_ :1-Lrrigngcs, and deaths inserted free Qt charge. \VESl.EY 8:. KING. Publishers and Proprietors . [f)i.i'i;d LOAN.---'1`HE -. u....u.....I l"nnn:'Hnn M nr-fcrmze Commny. - ~41`. GEORGES SOGIETY. ; VNo ll_anIu-rpm l.-<-nzks.` * `B. SIVIMONS. ON 1`) IJIIALV lJ U..LV .L\rJ'J1'l.l ICst:Ltex1 1.no1crate i_n_tcrc5t. :.\'()X.So11c1L0x-3, Barnc. ` . I 1 IU ST RECEIVED AT THE BAR- RIE .- =._%uAT'& run Ill. lnulgluuua GENTS, -READ` '1`EIIS-WE Wm air A Aaniutn 1:. Hilary o! .100 F8!` fxnontlgn 11] T .1. -VZ[..\IMER;\7I'AN, DEN- tum n-..;.:n nnnn-in (:1-m1'.1:Lto of the Phil- |.'1`l*.'li .) . AInA.LJ.u u, ;u.;u.u- .'1:\ mucr. Money IEZIIPFSEIIgllif]\(!l\C._ , X I) BAP.RISTER ,......... Qnlh-ifnr in {`.humnrv_ Convey- 'REAU1'l`I.lU-- W 134 V_V Luu piy Azehts a. BulMy.ot_ $100 per month and 1011383. onnllown large commIasion,to_ sag our ' :`*:_gg~drt,,., n1g=g,enn& L W` .* "'9 |.ru.:u us mu ......-- . - -- ., l1`Ol{ A9v1m'r(s~'G-Eigm uno-tor r.-xt insertion. subsequent in- ertion. Yearly cards not exceeding one inch pace. $2 per your. Special contracts for year dvcrusing entered. into at reduced rates. Wri on orders must be sent for the discontinuance of Imscriptinns and adverti'ain1.:. l`ra.nsient notices t Lost, \Vun_!e.'l. For Sula. &c.. 8_cc.. not exceed- naz 5 lines. 2;: cents each in- artion. m1y'erti.-usnxcnts . . , A_ ____` A- _ .1- ....n . ".E:oN'vEvANcING. ac. T N 00-.\IM1ssI0:~I- .. n6 . 'v\Tuv-rinvrn Li. lV`Tl['\ *<, >B (i_)1 El LER, .-mm-q A 2 mrnom. Brue. MONEAY7 TO LEND. rio, 'l`u1 nto. Mutual. Head Lunilton. '\`[ilIs. rcsident.; \Vm" I`. u.m1- 1`re:Lsurcr. This Com- " non-hu.zu.1'dous property. Ad- m-nmu P.O. '/4 1. .\1;\L r4 Li/J1 Au, u an - lau~i'i0. ()ntm'i0. G 1':u1'.1ato nlul (hnllegc, ulsn of the Royal College I';.:em1.~.x. Olllce A-()ppo:s1te1S1u'rie Hotel. .,.,... .. GI in-_u;x11i`i5iY;__451s*1v10E' . M. um` \Vnat saith`, ICU VV ILLV J. LVL\I' fan. call on \V. Cradtlock. Ross-st.. ,1ndx-y. and sawc expenses in getting; -Yours, W'.V[. (JRA1)1)0CK, ;;.g . 1. y 0'1}: OUR HANDS FOR .........o.-...,m+ hn rvnnd freehold Auc'r_|9\y\,`TEiiT.[_T N lxlux ,' UrLi.AUUn..L11. LIA.` ivemity, Montreal. Memltex-_ Royal` gcons, l*2nv,:l:1nd. Member College- .n(l Surgp-uns,.()xgt.. llcsidencu .mnm-.n:u lsuxldunzs Messrs; H] Out. Ll.,H FORD LICENSED AUC- mn J..- Hm (`nnnnr nf Rim!-rm. Orders INSURANCE. x/\/'\/\./\/\./\./\f\/\/~ REl`lUSF_l.\'T "DFYE>U WANT M ...n .. ur (`u-nrldnnk, Ross-` nu 1\.nQr_4n 1-3 and 1\[:u~in:~. Insumncc Co The Regular Meeting of the above Society will be held in tholGood Templars Hall, over 0. _ Harrison's St 0 r e , o n WEDNESDAY, July - 2nd 1879, at 8 p m. - :4. Va. HARRISON, Qnnrntarv. .l.L4:..a.-u -nu... - .__ . Of the Latest Styles, and Prices to suit the times. Comoand see ' We kefep none ` but the . > Bcs( & If`resIL.~st G ruds -._. "stuns, ; A Complete stdck of .'-.m ' HA TS dnjd CAPS A , _; L-u..I.... h|..H. l*'|".uxc1.~1 I-.. 1'. I \'|u::|. .1-.....\,. .. ENNOX & LENNUX-, HARRIS- ! tars, Attorneys-at-lmv, Solicitorsi n Chancery, (Io:1\'uy:Ln(:1-I`.-I, &u. (mlcc nhove Posbomce. Owen t r.aeL, lmrric. J. '1`. Lcnnox. l[(Illgl0nL_CX1l10X. A. J. Lloyd. \ r.~unr.1I\(V thnnzctjy. ,, Suncoe. mxuouu , Seoretarv. Dunlop I\`I.b - l\lnl! n HOTELS. - ' rv \r\'/\r\/\/\/`\a\/ \/-\/- Npo M M ER 0 I A L HOTEL V2{ 1*IwD_ I cu-;.|.... an ....a K'Jn1-vlcl Rt,|-ant. 'l`omnto.-- ILA.` AJ. ` `U J31 J11. IEJILU L A. u .l1\lLJ'Ju Stables. 51 and.56' Jarvis Street. 'l`oronto.- The best 81.00 per day House in the City. Only Two blocks North from Northern Depot. $1.) A. ' " ' Y MCRAE, Manager. _ Q __ Th? A EUROPEAN "HOTEL, (Late Joann.) H. G. BIGELOW. Proprietor. This House will be kept on the European principle. - Meals at all hours. 0 stars in every style. and everything usually kept n am-st-class house. I. BROWN. ProYrletor.-Excellent dation for the tmvo wollsupplled with the t. Good stabling attentive hostlers. Lu o_ of guests conveyed froetonnd from an t ns. Few doors westol Mm-ket-_et.V. Dunlap-at. lin undlaarder. r 1HE _ QUEEN S. dntion ling B_ar ;n_n_l; Lax-deg nu, \l.\IJ'J' WELLIN UIULV I1 U .L Dunk?) Streets. Barrie. roprietor. This old and popular hotel has been rebuilt of brick, stories in height. and with all modern nnnvrmicnces. Excellent ugcomrqgdatloy _tqI: E139 A. l_':\ IJIDLV 11 U LL01, 1)l\.LH.|.\aI.U.I.J'4J.v . Attorney. Solicitor in Chancery. Convey- mwur. &'.c. Ulllca ~-South of UK! Post Ulce, (Jwun.Slruct. Bawrio. , . V49-ly -