_ ` y uraqn uavmg pus u3n_ 0tthe_ 8th off Fenelon s Wor ,_(edxt1ou of`l8l0)', nsshglninu grafnnuurun nu illrnILa- - . ..I.J~ ' - --. -V .-Ag ersqn hxwin pos `_ ion E.th` C V Fenelon s, Vorliog of neeI-mnu quarter. . 'f6r_e quarter . .. Turkeys ea.ch........ Fleeoe~washed Wool . 1'T.._u..I.mI `Wool I l.I'4%*\Vll|llUu VV ( Unwashed Wool. ` Fm What . Treadwoll.` . Spring. . Barley .. . 1'4 I cant ......--. Llgtton, by cnrcaae . Sheep Skins . . . . . . .. Dressed Hogs Hidbs ... -. ......... .. Beef-hind quarter. 'fdre annrtar . . .By.qco.. .-. Straw . . . . . . . Potatoes or bag.` Butter to . . . . . . ll __Ln`k have been relieved ot`1tur;UM.a'1'1:;m1, `HU- DOLOREUX. and vzmous other paxns in the ` KIDNEYS. BREAST or SIDE, end behave it is solely done by the electrical quuhties which the ,Porous Planters contain. and which is imparted . -to the system. thus restoring them to 9. healthtiy condition. They are very soft and pliable _ an 1 very adhesive: and a sure cure for VV'E BACKS PAINS IN THE SIDE AND BREA - and are invaluable to those who have a. COL lon ' standing, and often 1-event CONSUMI -V TI N. Some even tell as t ey believe they were entirely cured b the use of them of 1: Ion -seated Consumption. rpared b GEORGE . MIT CHELL. Lowell ass. So d by all Druggiats. " --mm Lard per lb Egan _._. . .-.-,-~o2-v-:--.-we-a-P-`_-9'9.-ves:.' .~ Wanted---Anvmcn Oice. .._"Bp;xter -I Mandrake Bitters, &c. , '~ Wa.nt ed---Mra. D'A1ton McCarthy, ~!I?en_ders for Steel Rails-F. Braun; Ellis isgan Age of Pr -John AbelL Ohanoe -_McCart y. Boys &Pepler. --.v 5.`. ` 1\IirciiuLx.s Ul l.\ii-i 1.\'ni.\ Runnsn Ponous Pi..is'rm.- 1`liere never has beena time when the healing of so man dili er- ent diseases has been caused by. outwar appli- cation us the present. It is an undisputed fact. that over half of the. entire population of the globe to the use of ordinary plasters. The prin- cipal ingredients used in mukiiig these Pliisters are Gum Olibanum-or better known as the Erankinccnse-lubb_er, and `Burgundy Pitch; which. when scientically co_inpoun_ded. is full of electricity, and when combined with the pure - medicinal gums,`is found to be one of the great- ` tirely putieiit will tee est healing mediiinis ever brought beforethe hu- mnnrace. Tliey are iicknowle ed by all who have used them to net qui teen any other Plasters they ever before tried, and tlint one of these Plnsters will do more real service than 9. hundred of the ordlmir kind. All other Plnsters are slow or action, an require _to be wo_rn con- tinually tooffect a. cure ; but with these it is en- iiferent' the instant one is applied the iits effect. They possess all the `soothin warmin . su porting and strengthen- ingqua `ties of a ct er Plusters. Many who have been relieved of` RHEUMATISM, TIC- l')T.0Rl`.UX_ and vm-mus nthnr nninn in thn xuru nu ma mls opportunlny pass. we, could not all'o1'(laudv would not give this _remedy away unless we know it would accomplish what-w_e claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cascshave already been completely cured by it. There is no medicine in the world that will cure one half the "cases that Dr.` King's New Discovery will cure. For sale by W.- T. Geo:-gen. Barrie ' . Dr. Kiug s New Discovery for Conmxnptioxf Coughs imd Colfls, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, ctc., is gxvcn mvay in trial bottles free of (mat to tho n.H*'nnfm`l, TF vhn h-um -. mmm-n ruvur, uuu., 1: gxvcn away 111_ nruu 001515105 mm of cost to tho atfeeted. If you have asevcrc cough, could, difficulty of breathing, hoarse- 'i1csa or any aifection of the throat or lungs by all mean`; give this wonderful remedy a trial. Asryou value your existence you can not af- ford to lot this opportunity pass. '0, could a'o1'da.udv would not nrivn this: rpmndu - N01` LIEDICISE Bur Foop;- l`he fall and early winter season is the harvest time of hack. ing coughs and debilitating forms of Cntarrlx, just as the later spring is the seed time of malarial fevers. To know a. certain cure of the one, and a preventive of the other, is to have within our reach the most inestimablc blessing of the period. We do know of them.` forthese really `marvelous properties are com- bined in Scott s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophosphites of Lime_zu.`d Soda.` KEEP IT IN Tm: S'r.u3L!-:. --Rc-stive horses ofteninjurc themselves in their stalls, or,- getting loose, injure another. All horse owners surgeons, andca.ttlc doctors admit that Arxxica and Oil Liniinent is the -best external n.pf)li- cation for the wounds, swelling of the fetlocks stringhalt, and all .contra.ctions of the ligu.- ments and tendons which cause lameness in z; horse. Applied early to cases of Blood Spavin if never fails to relive the soreness and swell- ing, and if throughly applied often brings about a positive cure. Price -25 and 5 Cents Per Bottle, ' ; This is to certify that my wifo,`11:wing' been troubled for a. length of time with asthma. and general nervous debility, `and having been treated by medicalmen nmlnsed many pro. parations, nally tried a bottle"oE Victoria H opllosphites, and` r"ea.1izcd the most im me iate and pemmncnt benet she ever got from any previous medicine. She felt like a. new person. ~ ' Acacia, Norfolk Co. Yours truly, P... G. Scidrnnrn, - A C.u:D.-To all who a errors and indiscrctions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c.. I will send a. receipt that will c1ucyou,FREE OF CHARGE. This grout remedy was dis`-V covered by a missionary in South America. Senda self-mhlressecl envelope to the REV. Josrzru '1`. Ix.\L\:~', Station D, New York _City. The Best Salve in the` world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tettcr, Chipped Hands, Clxilblainia; Corns, and all kinds of skin Eruptions. ThisVSn.1vc is guaran- teed. to give perfect satisfaction in every case _or money refunded. Price 25 Cents per Box. For Sale By W. T. Gcoxgen, Bzmrrio. 41-tf ALL (Inscriptions of iilanke, Deeds, Mort-` gages, Leases, and other Conveyancing Forms, &.c.; also Magistrates , Division nnl other Courts ; Commercial, Landlords . Constables , Coroners , &c., .S3c., kept in stock and sold at Toronto Prices. Orders by mail promptly at- tended to. Address AD\'A):'(`.E Oice, Barrie. --__? i%Met*~%L mse%! ,Therc is noform of physical waste and pros- tmted vitality, that a. `bountiful use of the Emulsion, will not cha._u`gc. to glowing health and full life and vigor, and then it is 110% a disagreeable medicine, but the most delight ul kind of food. ' ,V HORNSBY.-At Barrie, on Thursday, 12th June, 1879, J oxm Wrnnum Honnsnr, 1759,, Barrister-at-Law, of -Lincoln's Inn, third son of the late REV. Gnonen Honxsmr, Rector of Allworth and Turkdcan, Glou- eestershire, England, in the 55th year of _ his age, [The deceased gentleman `was a victim of pulmonnry_comp1ainn, and had.` been suffering for about three months before he died. He was a resident of Barrie ever 20 years, and was distinguished by many good qualities of head and heart. The remains were followed, 1:) the grave on Sunday by a large concourse of citizens. The members of the Masonic Lodge and the St. George's Society, of both of which deceased was a member, were among the mourners. The band headed the eortege, playing funeral - ' . . -......-..-V.---gr----.-`.--.--u--u--n-u--.--u-Iu-u-I-0-u-9..-..u..-an If you are suffering with a. cold, do not fail to try Bagyard's Pcctoml Balsam ; it is daily relieving its hundreds throughout. our Dom- inion. It is pleasant and palatable. For Sale by all Druggists in Barrie. v---~~,:'; - '* '*_': ""'-' Tm: DRUG Smut," _opposite the-Blarrie Hotel,~is tlgqbelt 913308 In town to purchase dmgglmedxcxnes, dye stuffs, perfumery, toilet articles, &c., &c_. Mr." Monkmnn keeps a good,st0c1_ and sells cheap. Prescriptions carefully d1_8pelI8_t3- ' Rsomvzn this vi_eek`at Tm; ADVALVCE oica new stock of mletl letter headings, assorted sizes and styles; Orders .for planting them lled pgomptlr, and at cheap rates. v\__, _j_..___?... .___.__._..._.?_......,.,___ BIRTH. ' SWAN.--At Craighuxst, on` the 29:1. uIt., th wife of MR. Josarn Swxs of 3 son. V MARRIED ' . BONNEY-McHARDY---On the 16th.inat., ` at,th Simcoe Hotel, Barrie, by the Rev. John Brown, of Neyvmnrket. Mn. JOHN IBONNEY, of the township of Vespra, to Mas.-M-my Mcardy, of the Town of Barrie. - ~o\Jv\\'v\`J\r~\ry-u/vs A.-.. s. . . - '.\`-`4V`V:-jfvv-.-5'/v_ ,R. C. H. BO `NKO, DENTIST. Liquid Gas _for tmctin _'l`eeth'a.1wi1ya %**%=L:?`*`%*.3.: .;'.:*'s1:.`, , B.:.:1:. 52:9 vmwovii Tffw .3WDtt7ie_mutnLts;. vs/xx.-v\\a\a~sr\.-urv\a~~r\: ~.~a~rv\/v\r\t\4v~ \\\-\`:m- .J\,. _ _ . HVIXLV.--AB urmguurstz, on the 29th ul Josnrx SWAN of a. son. 9 Grit standard bearer. Our Grit friends Irv 5:-no lf '3 Reformer never had a ghost of a chance in Cardwell it is not the fault of tho _Reform Government which gerry inundated the constituency with a view to rendering it a pocket borough. But Cardwoil for "tl:`o' Local House .aud Cardwell for the Dominion House are not the some constituencies.` The latter inciuden the solid Conservsitivo tourn- ahip of Mono which rolls up a big ma- jority in time of ncod. Mr. \Vhite has not th slightest cause to quake, even" iaupposing he \-ms- 11. man in the habit of _ quaking; Then, it must be remembered, the victory in Czmlwell is not quite assured. The courts will decide whether Dr. Robinson's manner of f`elcvating does not entitle him to the honor of be- coming on unseatcd and disqualied 1 had better forbear to wlfnallo till they get out of the woods. I BUGKl.lN S ARNICA SALVE. `(.10-K.W'A`N T 1)1v1) :,__ E L" 18 DDth plea !_B6ok' smog COMMERCIAL. BA 1mIE_1mKTs. r`5;`m in! Nut.1te<.%., FREE or cog? mm). aunt antrsafe. ; Barrie. om, ' I June 19th, 1879. Ann ; I\ ours uruxy, R.- G. Scxdmore. h . , Tom White quakes as he heats of the glog-i. om rotation in Cnrdwell, where a Reformer never before a. ghost of o chance,--Gn'l onan. ` . can 08 1113610 F0 I880 IIISF 0!` 310W 1n 3 11101116113. 1 am using it on my double engines, and where I always had to use two cups (one on each engine) the one does the same work and much better. I have it attached to my steam pip'e,where no other oiler that ever I saw would feed and by this means the tallow or eil in mixed with the steam before entering any of the valves or cylinders, so that every . "the `steam comes in contact with receives :xts s otthe tallow. It would riot bewith- `out the cup; an` vetimes the price of it if I '0'.I11d, not 3015' Mother, and I can; strongly re- ~oogn_m_end nt te`ev6i`Y (010 HBO`? runs '_l" steam .1: -4.-q.-guy.-, DEAR Sm,-I have now thoroughly tested your Tallow Cup which gives me entire satisfaction, and I find it does all you claim for it`; . It is a perfect and even feeder, and by raising or lowerin the Cup on the screw, can be made to feed. at or slow in A moment. ' Tim nnfnn {t An in: Annldn ann:nan and W .A.AJLAL.L1LIL lJ.l.I.I.J\..`.l..lu_LJ.\, LLLJILJJ Estate Agent. En3ton.- Talbot County. Maryland. has for sale Salt \Vnte}' and Inland Farms ofalldcscriptions, cheap; 1n one of the finest sections of the Union` from 5 acres up. and from $10 per acre up. Semi for catalogues ivin full descriptions of farms and country. L apso the County with cntnloglxos, tree. 23-ly A Kood Cabinet Organ, also a. Photograph- 1 cr s amem and Lens. Apply at this qtcc. n......:.. 1u-..'nu. Io-In . -`In 1 Splendid Lake Superior: Bark" Canoe for sale. Carpeted, varnished and cushioned. Will hold three people. 'Cosb`$25. Will sell ` cheap. To be seen at Car-ley s boat house. :1 n .mtrn'u'cnxY Bgxgie, April 23, 1_s79. 1). szmnowe, 1'\...'..D... `I`l I Icvnv vlovll, Anlunu un nu-ac. Terms and Conditions m:-.de kn-awix `at the time of sale. ' . ' ' |l\Q17`I'3I'I I)l \fT.`DC| premises suimmc xor me misunuss. 2nd--Village Lot number Four, North of Q,ueen_ Street, cm which is erected `suitable stables am_lontbui1ding's connected with the Hotel ; said Lots containing one quarter of an acre each, more or less. . 'l\....._.... -_.`l 11... 1215-"- .,,, I I ;;1 i I Barrie, J une 9th, 1879. aw Ill DHU V l1l`.'5 OI UO0KSb0V\_'ll BXUYCSIUII, VIZ. Z 1st-Village Lot No. Three, South Queen Street, on which is erected Q large Hotel and premises suitable "for the bttsinuss. Qnl]--.\7iHnnn Lnf. r'nnnhm- |1`:'mr Nari!` nf I ILLIAM -~II_ALSTE_AN, REAL Talbot Nlnrrlnnd hm: fnr nnln Ralf. \\.'nfn1- nn lnlnnrl Friday, t1{ 4m `153; of Ju1y,! At 1`, n n1nr-It nnnn n"-fhn nu!--uh: r:n`14', HHn_ " _---.-J, -..w --.. -.-J u. vIo. . I At 12 o clock noon, allthe estate, right,` title intercs :. and equity of redemption of the above .nzu_ned Insolvents, umlvof myself as 'Assign(c of their estate and effcts of, in and to the following Lands and Premises aforesaid, situ- hte in the Village of Cookstown nfofesninl, viz. 19+ 'V:ll...... I .-.o- \".. 'I`L..'.... Q....n. n........ ................................ ..:......,.................................. Votice is hereby given that under and by n tuc of the power v_cstcd in me as Assignee of the above named Iusolvcnts estate by the said Act and amending Acts, and in pursu- ance of the directions of the Creditors of the sn.ir1-estate, I will offer for` sale by PUBLIC AII(}'Pl()N at ` r - ;.~:z..-r.-.`w.r./xi./'.Ivvsr '!'I.`II UBSDAY,. JUNE 19, l8"Z$. Sillll-CSWLH3, 1 \V I AUCTION at Toront nine `9, 1879. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1875 A16") AMENDING ACTS. In the Matter of WILLIAM J. COLEMAN and RICHARD J. COLEMAN, of Cooks- `|:nwn_ II1snl\'(3:\f.q_ i 1 Slxahty Ray, J unc _)th,>l879. . \/ On Sa.turda.y morning last from Lot 4, 2nd Con., F103, 1; SPAN OF MARE COLTS, one Chestnut and the other Dark Bay. Seen in Ihrriqsnmc morning at 9 a..m. . Both haul white star on forehead, and no shoes on. Irv/ur A 111 1-.-\.. |8\9.9.r{!i:9A;]MLAI,Ewas Pen 2 Cents per lb.` l'lt9h, 32.50 per Bur. s I, 5?. CA SI1 PRICES. JAMES MANNII\`G. (En.-n.... I.`...m4- ....,1 I .\....,. ca. ' '.LL\JLU\J\J\Xl.L JJl.ll.`JlJ l)Ul.4LJ-- 'w1th Pedigrqc -- St.\n,'or: 1 IH.\'UE.` Bred by T. Mans. If vnnl rs ' AV.l&l!'l|.l McC.a_n`Tm', Bovs & I _1'LI:n, ' , - Pla_iutiIi"s Solicitors. =- The Credi s of Alexander McArthur, late of the Townsh of Notta\vasnga, who died in January, 1878, re notied under the decree herein to send h post, prepaid, on or before the 25'rn DAY OF AUGUST, 1879, to Messrs. Mc(/'arth , ioys & Pcpler, Barrie, the I Iaintilf s Soli tors,` their Christian and Surnames, address and descriptions, full particulars of their, laims, a statement of their accounts, and th nature_ of `the security held by them, or in do ult they will be per- emptorily excluded fro the benet of the said decree. Every C ditor holding any security is to produce the` nine before me at my Chambers, the Court ouse, Barrie, on THURSDAY, THE 4TH D Y OF SEPTEM- l 1879. at T<`.ln\'nn nf it n AIDA`? 3-. Un- .11 N ENGLISH OPEION. THURSDAY, OF sEP`fi:M7 BER, 1879, at Eleven of t 52 clock in `the forenonn, being the time xed for .'sdjudic:x- tion. V ' ! DU Barrie, June 16th, `la.nd,- until JULY 15 'i*EN ms and ed to` the Honorable the Minister of Railwa and Canals will In re?-' ceived at the C n Emigration Oice, 31 Queen Victorinbtree `E. C., London, En - , next, for Steel and Fastenings, . to delivered at MON- TREAL, as follows : 2AAAn4_-,- - -- - -.....-, -, vy- vpecications, Comlitio ' `I: Lay nuuvo der, and all other infonnaio will be furnished on application at this oice, r at the Cann- dinn Emigration Oice, 31 \_Queen Victoria street, E._ C.; London, England. , Forms of Ten-. V . . DC Department of Railways and Canals, g 0 I"l`AWA, 13th June, 1879. . _ \ Bynrrir.-, Juno 16, 1879.` .---- The Cox ty of .SimQoe Examinations of Candldates 1' 2nd and 3rd Class Certic-W5 will be held the `i1'on'|. s "Edi. HOUSE, nnnms, As follows 2- Second-Class, on TUES- DAY, J UL_Y Shh, at 2 o'clock p. m. For Third-Clas. on MONDAY, .nn.v 'A'_Cook wo- 'n_milk_;1d bak. Also: Housemaid. Ap "to 1 - ITDQ A `I "I'Vf\\Y- 11.11 A 'l'\rIIrI'1r- 11:: 1, .1 uL_x Stu, at 2 o'clock p.m. For Third-Clas on MON DAY, JULY 14th, at 2 o'clock p ' ((7 `I `l'Vl'\K'CV _o4 121) nfzijjf JEYMO UR'S IMPROVED OIL CUP. .. q 1 --uwwuw-u. nu--n--u--slit` Of ?hc_ Best Qualities and at L')\\'a-sat Rates ; [.'.Q1_1 SALE, CHEAP. J , . vuunvn an uuu adv:-Au Barrie, May[7th, 179:` _- _,_-_. ..- 'AnMsTnoNt':'s mm, csoxsmwn, Cofsimcoc, on V I-Inn nu.- 5,000 tons by (De `ober Int, 1879. 5.000 Ions by Jul 0, ht, 1880, 5,000 Ion: by 0c G......:c..-L.'-.__ n-_ ,1,-u , , F E I.v1\ uuu Luuunuu .1 town, Insolvents. [ 1(`)LT S .LOST; , . Apto,` Jun 10, 5379.: -VD;1tcv1tl1i`sllth day ofJ1'1n, 1379. , J, 1:. COTTER, %McCA}\l"lIY v. Mc;u:1fnm;. 1usnsim:swaui72AILs. TI QIIANQERY. __ ._...`_ __ __ __}_ `IIOROUGH BRED HEULL- 'mIfh pn1`:nn.1n' H 0n...\.. 1)..._.... TERA1=, ' L111}: L'i`0f~I`McGx\RTHY, `D-.._:.. --v-.- ,7`... __ _ _____ _$hafr.in`_ Notts,w.sag:, .1.""`!?".9.`.'.`:.'1._t `.`*.*`?".1`- 11.9` `AI3 L\]1lLVlV1L\\J'. Comer Front and Lomc Sts., V `Toronto. |_c_`9, ' 24-4t; ` By order, BAnt:I_!'., A;VuilA1st, 1379; -' ~ 81. '\V. CALD\VELL, f1'l......1..LL.. ..L `D ......, ....-. nu uuuuo uu. __M`I(!IIAEL MORAN, Apto 1 . O. :79; 2-1.4!: 41 osmrn ROGERS, Asxszirrnhn WM. BOYS, V Sec-y. B. of Examiners. -in . nr ru. \/-II ...J .. av..- ..v...... ` 0. _AP."1`II0MS01;I, V Opposite 1`. 0. I7. --...u u u 94:4, Charlotte-st., Barrie. man .in'd; `w`THAul9u a- @9919 might in} - WHK!N99Ns' in. < I _-. uv- ;.;;u, Mnstefnt Barrie. D. NOBLE, Ql.....l.. I F. BRAUN, C`-_..._L_ .1 aJ1a&l|J\_IJ.V, n s Block, Barrio. num..1u, _ Shanty Bay_ 24-`lb .'\.I\] l'Jl\ID, Assignc 0. ' 24-3t. n..- V .v , Secretary. l..\ `actually 25-3t Having embarked on the south side of the High Level Bridge, Hanlun as he came through nodded to his friends on his cut- ter, who shouted in response. Great cheer- ing rent the air as the mentook up their positions. Both took a few preliminary spurts and returned to their stations amid - agenewed cheering. The start was made by mutual consent. Elliott broke away twice but at the third attempt they otvi away on even terms, and cries of t e re_ off ! they're o` ! resonnded on sides.` The did not "pull together 'fora.n instant, for anhm broke into . a magnicent rate of banana mi. 42 in in'minu`4:n.' 3 `nnllnft his? . nnnvvl '19-4 25-V31: I-Barrie. `April and, 1879.; A Large, Rough-cas t DwelIi, on the east side` of John St., near H. 1 - . W. station, with quarter acre of `ground. A (!..H....- .`... n... .......L ..:.:.. .: nun cu_-,L ------- .5 , tiuullnal ~10 v15-Ljuuuu. ~ A La: e, Rough-cast Store, on the corner of Bgye d and Collier b'ts.; a suitable place for a Hotel. ` ' 1\vu-.-.. ... -.__. -vn an Anvvva Park Lois 13 an(1_ 14, on Lot 21, in the 4:1: Concession of Veapra, containing 5 acros ; each are under cnlttvation and well fenced. 1-1.5 :.. LL- PAL r1,,, 1-I A ...A vuvvnn uuv uuuvn uuuuvauvu auu IVULI LBLIUUU. Lot 8, in the 5th Con. Veaprn, 100 acres, upon which "is a quantity of timber and asplen- thd water privilege. The Lot is convenient to the North Simcoo Railway. 'I`1F'D`ll u 13-]: -3 LL, _, I "'1"R_l:lH.--Half of the ux-chase. money down, the balance sectireglr y Mortgage at 6 per cent.` intm-est._ `D.-.- :..-L...... _-_u_..1..,- .....L. L Ivhn `I run vs-vcnvi -...-awn For fut-ner, p:fticu1ars; apply to MRS. J. 0'NEIL, ox-to ' ' . V D. McD_0NALL, (Va- Tl-..l!..Ll -.._l l`1..II:.... Ola ` 4: Sch Saw-Log or Timber Trucks, in good repair Ill yoady for work; A ply to. 2. , BTTRTO &: BR`)- ' North and South the river were Newcastle-on-Tyne, June 16. -- From seven o clock this morning, the Central Railway station ' was crowded - by visitors arriving from the Counties of Durham and Northumberland. and north of the Tweed.. _ Special-trains were run from Sunderland, the Hartlepools, and all stations along the North Eastem_ railway, while steamers . brought up thousands of people from the the riverside towns lying between here and Shields. Throughout the coal mining districts there wasa gen- . oral cessation of labor, for the colliers troopcd into Newcastle to witness the per- , formance of their mate and general favor- ite, Elliott. . Towards noon the high banks of the Tyne were lined with sightseers, who occupied every` wharf and stage. The river was lined with boats, ranging from the unwieldy coal barge to the dainty steam yacht and tiny skiff. The public were out in" full force, the crowd being the largest ever assembled in this city at any previous race. Theweather was favorable, the sky being overcast , with a light wind sweeping over the river. The breeze was just suflicient to make a lively ripple on the water's surface, and at the same time not confer anygreat advantage on the con- testant who secured the inside position of the course. `;At noon, the hour xed for the start, twenty steamers crowded with spectators were moving too and fro among the river craft, while the bridges crossing crowded with excited throngs. When the men put of from the shore the interest became intense, rounds ' of cheers greeting the representatives `of the old and new countries. The toss was won by Elliott, contrary to Hanlan s gen- eral good'luck, and he chose. the north sido, but the surface of the bad tide was smooth. and the station conferred, little, if any, advantage _At_ten minutes past 12 theymenwere seen approaching their sta- tions. Elliott, as is usual withEn lish oarsmen, stripped to ,the skin, while _ - `Ian wore his customary dark blue sleeve- .1ess jersey, with the magenta band round his `head. .Both-lookedcheerful and con- dent and in thexvery `Ionian nu ' L}. `pact... `IJ':...I.. `I A..-` `I'D-bl.-an pink `of condition. s "Having on the the. ' _O1`mc1c. Iuovn-A `luau vun uvnv vs b-nvuuu. A Cottage On the west side of Peel Street, containing 5 rooms ; quarter acre of ground. A Tau-a'n T?nunL,n-mi: RI-nun An 6|... ...._...... (P_[]iv`e 0/"the Turf, Field and F:u'm, 37.Park' Row, New York. LA Vu.'rI.\1F.,' brown mare, fouled IS-12, bred by Capt. \V. J. Minor, died the property of John Coffee, Suifern, N .' Y. IMPORT]-ED Bnnmzz.-x--1st dam, imported, Brit- tauic by Muley, 2nd dam by Nancy, by Dick Andrews, produced 1870. B F. C.-u:=n:R', brown colt by Lightning, ran 26 races in one year, winning 13, best time 1.46, beating 7 others at Jerome yark. He `mu at Long Branch, in 1.4615, beating twoethers. $5 for season ; $10 for sure colt. ~ ~ M.\'l"l`lHi`.\\ RAMDRHN OFFICIAL Uxsslaxnn FOR SALE, CHEAP. 4: Quinn Q.-n T... 2... 'l`.-J`... '1` M.~. y 27, 1879. .l.. V --- Being composed of the East .'_, of Lot" 17, 8th Concession, Township of Essa, County of Sim- coc,-a portion of the estate of the late 'John \Villoughb_v.- The farm comprises 100 acres, all of which are cleared; except 10 acres which are timbered with good lmrdwood. The property is cunvcixicntly situated, being close to the H. & N_. W. railway and a good market, with village, `schools, post. olhces, churches and grist mill, all within a mile of it. This IS one of the best l'a.rms in the township I for rztising grain. 1 osse_ssion will be given in the fall. For terms, &c., apply to the under- signed. - ` JOHN Ll-.V'NO\ _ 1\ .\ M .\\\ \ W 8 K N lBUlLDlNG' l UIUISF WUUII Blly ll!-I BUIIH U I! nuuureu, in-ds.` Elliott discovering-L would-not oldithetnadinn `for pace, slowed down to.thir.l:q-,e' lab` Cln-.'onE " Amm. ._ .b..[V..b1:`;wV nIrl.'E"s, 51101` GUNS AMMUNITION, &-. I . r I FOR SALE 3 All persons having nlaims against the estate of Thonms- McCormick, of Angus, Insolvent,` are hereby requested to fylc same, properly attested, on or before Monday, 30th Instant, with J. R. Brown, of Angus, one of the True- tees of the estate. ' I .1. 1.. uuuwm. - 4 S. S. .\IE_RCER Angus, `lml J unc, IS79. V -f I f ' " ' Uounr !ond at 75/, h -yearly, nnprovcd farm. . , xv mu ` XYUIII L? I II A Vlfull Attendance ,, requested. By order of the Worshipful Master. ' I A `l`I)l'lA`D Barrie. March 11. 1879. Angus,`:m1Junr:, I M 23-31: T -:FA`-ORTY TIIOUSAEIS l)o]lars, private funds, to Iafroy, `June i2, 1879. l\ \\ 10].` .lI1!LIl1BI1 DIOKG I-HUD 3 CBU I836 of speed at 42 to the minute. ` He left his - man with the greatest ease, and in the first hundred yards} secured _ a full half length to the cod. Elliott `put on all the steam he coul ,' and worked up to" 40,, but- he could not hold the Canadian for an inn stant. The lish 'ehAnipio'n lseelned lit- erally paral atvthe `marvellous speed of his nntnmmint. Lnhlrina 1-nniu-I. +2.- 3 who --numb tons AVAIDVJLIIII O Mxssns. SowDox,- Fonsna & Co., Millbrook, have opened an agency for the sale of their manufactures in Barrie. `FARMERS _9_F SIMCOE. Agent, will,be on the market every `market day to show samples and take orders. vImplc- menta mav be seen on . % ()'1`[CE TO CREDITORS~ 09 T1108. MCCORMICK, INSOl.VE.\'T.. guy uu uuuw uampxes anu. Balm oruers. ~1mp1c- may on C0_llicr-st.`, adjoining Mr. P. Kean-n s Store. Barrie, April 30, 1879. 17-ly ,.,`_..... MONEY 1'5 LEND` Remember the St};-d, Moore's Bnclc Block, nearly opposite the Sum- mersett House . Au uvaculauuu `PAINE-i"u\`FI:""'i'"_`c_):E WEIGHT. `BARBIE. Farmilig Implemets ! Sownox. FoIzs'rx11 an Co.. Milllirnnlz, ?1IerE'1i31I}1' of;I5xI'e;?, s"urEZ1 with `all his we1l knovm'powet;~hu't kebt on with his vhbeauhful `s1:v1e.and drew FVIRS1` CLASS `B`Al{)I FOR SALE. was TIIOROUGII BM [0SEP.I['ii{0Gi1i$, L Largo and Conmiodlous Brick Dwouings . on the Comer of Bnyeld and \Vo1-sley Sta. "MR. ' `JOHN BURTON, .____L _:u L, [Von SALE, Xiibj T0 SITE IN us o-vI_\.rAI4Al-.01-I Cor. Ilaycld {and-Collier St9 'Le,_ Oct. 9th, 1878. 41-ti ,`RAN GE NOTICE. WIFE an [113 Wall KIIUWD PUWUI, III!` I1IllI`I1' kept his beautxful 'styIe.a.nd drew clear when they had `gone `'0 `ht hundred- If.I'(1l_' w'la|n`:f..-'(llI'IVAI9iiII1,- nnnnlnlenhli M. H. HARRISON. The celebfntcd manufacturers of --vv_5,-urwc-1-`Q-?*?-s Solcv Agent for the Celebrated q |-nu-I- -U-4\- n-1---4.. For the County of Simcoc, -urn - - iii-I: :3- Will bz-, during the season, at the Sximmersett `House, Barrie, on .S`:x_turdnys, and on Wednesdays at \\'cbb s Hotel, Stroud; ' V ..-. F} .ARVE.'? won SALE, I ___;L 1'\,_,,n at n uqrguin. . The property comprises 20 acres. more or less; and is one of the most favorably situutedlots in town, commanding us it does gthe ilnest and most delightfui [view of the surrounding country and the glorious Bay of Kompen- 5 feldt of uny propert 'in this sec- tion. As a site tort ie erection of a Summer Residence in u. roman- Lic and healthy locnlty. this pro- perty is unsurpassed. L`..- ...._4:....|...... ____v__ _. nu", ! , 'I`lm.t well known and eligible Building Site, situated on Kem- pcnfeldt. Hill. in the prosperous l'own of Barrie, 1.; olfercd for Sale at Bargain. nronerty comnrises QC) I... ., ..; u...uu,:uqo\.u. For particulars apply at Tm: A D\'.-\.\'CI~2 omce, Barrie, or to I V `In: I 1.`!VIl nnmnxv 1113 Il1IoIIg0_nl3V- V .IJO0KlIlg I'UullU.' `C0 '93` where he had his opponent, Elliott 3 A I wiH1'n 111': nm1I bnnwh-nnvnvzlulit nnlnui. R1 22-tf. v)lU I0!` BIITC 0015. M A'1`TlIE\\ SAMPSON, Proprietor. 22. w. THOMSON & 00., JOHN LENNOX, J AS. JOHNSON, Tfunnnl-nu-n n6` `kn R. \vADja. I I` T)I)l`1l`7 xx. H A1119 . ( J. R. BROWN. < I`r:L'.~m:.~:.<. R. S. \II-`.R(`!T`.r! --1: uu; J. LLLUU DAXLV 1) Dollars, ve.-u-Iv. m-!~`./ vnnv-In nn ...-.,..1 ...u... vuu.-., uunnno, un LU MRS. A. 1<`ULl..-\R I`OIV'. HA RRH-`., P1 10. u uuu nun, Executors of the Fstat - - 22-2m The District of Bai-rie Loyal Orange Lodge will hold ` its Semi-Annual ' meeting in the nu I A an III 'l'IlI'IB|l'l'l||I _.. 1._-._v _- _r-- _- r~-__ _..-- Below we give a_ brief account of his last victory. The race took place over the Tyne championship course, _on M on-, day, and was for the Championship of England, the Sportsman challenge cup and 200 a side. The course was 3 miles 760 yards, and [the time of the winner 21 min. 1 sec. 7fIIi"53"fnonu1ou |Satmda&.- June 28th. 1879 ._-.,..__L...'l ._ -._J_._ ,1 _--v--.-av.` to UV. Opposite Post Oice, Barrie POLICE Coum`. Barrie. ` ua, lunuw Iunus, I20 , or A yearly on good, FISHING TACKLE, PULLAN'.SI H. PULLAN. [`.ED A. EDGAiI, 5 Secretary. . ` 01 Ohm The Canada Boy has beaten Elliott, the Champion of England,'coming in an easy winner, as he has come in at all former contests. It is not_too much to my of Hanlan that the sculler who can overmatch him to day does not live. At no contest, apparently, have his wonder-' ful "skill and staying power been put to the full test ; so that it is reasonable to assume, inview of the oarsmen he has already competed with, that the world has no wielder of the spruces who_can make him, with his steam fully up, take second place in an `aquatic race. T1,`,-_, ___ _.____ _ L_,E_D .__. , A ,0` ' IJIII-IBIISUIC EKIUUUHIL ' Our independent contemporary. the Telegram, puts the mn.t.ter very forcibly - when_`i_t remarks that there is as miich reason in the `Globe saying that bec'a1isfe the `Province has gone Reform on a pn-. litical inue, it has "changed its commer-._ l. cisl principles, as there would_ be in say-` ` inlgthhta. farmer who decides onculti-' voting his -ground in a di'erent way ""Ivhen-he holds certain views about the ' disposition of the furniture in his parlor, must declare that. he abandons his new ihsbont cultivation "because after a. `-his goo_d.lady.he decides, that all right. According to __" `;h"ou"ght to have given up the ` Vhtiotzideas. I r (:0 TO .1;W1 11-ly 533 L11 ,[Oxro1u>' Brnnn Iozmox, UJIIA9 I1` -1 The PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all dis- orders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Oxxmnxr is the only remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria,Cou hs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin iseases it has no equal. ` prosecuted. address are caumnrcm. - The Trade Marks of these Medicinu no registered in Ottawa. l1ence,any one thrcngh. out the British Poteesaiona, who my [gap the American Counhrfeim for lab, will up mod L ` um a1u:A'n:s'i~ woman or MODERN nuns ....--..-unv.;.u vvv-Io-lain 111.1 U! I most respectfully take leive to call the attention of the Public enerally to the fact, that certain Houses in ew York are tending to mnnv mu-tn nf Hm nlnlm Rnnlnnnu ~ Ill LVBWH I0l'Ka I do not allow m Medicines to be sold in any part of the nited States. I have no agenttrthere. My Medicine : are only made by me, at 533, Oxford Sti-eat, Loridon. In th banks: of 5n!,nf.innn nmratl In flan JIUGI I Som_e alliance "or arrangement, they go on to say, had to be made to rescue the H.- & N. W. Railway from its nancial diiculties, and under the circumstances they think that` no arrangement` more favorable to the intcrestspof Hamilton could have been effected. In view of it possible alliance between the Great \Vestern and Grand Trunk Railways, an" arrangement with the latter road might have resulted in making the H. & N; VV. a mere adjunct of the Great VVestern, and all the efforts made to secure a "com- peting line would then have been ren- dered fruitless. They think in conclusi- on that the city, as well as the promoters of the H. & N. \V. Company, are to be congratulated on the effecting of so favourable an agreement with the North ern Railway Company at a time when the financial prospects of- the former Company gave so much uneasiness to those who desired to use the North- Western; Road successfully maintained... genuxne Llllllclllcn `I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice, which I feel sure I mavventure upon making from all honorable persons, to mist me, and the Public, as far as may lie in their power, in denouncing this shameful Fraud. Each PM: nnd Box of the Genuine Medi- POWGT, ll! (16ll0IlI1Clllg lil BIIIIUIOXIU I` llllle Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medi- cines, beara the British Government Stamp, `with the words Hou.owAv's Pans AND 01N'm:N'r, Lom>ox," engraved thereon. On the label is the add:-en_ 533 Oxrono Swan 1-, Loxnon, where alone they are Manufacture d. Holloway : Pills and Ointment beating any ollur address counlnfdla. . 'IVIua "`nu:`n Nfnu-In: nf {jean Ilnlnninon e '1 HE Gm-:A'r :-Jiiosiiiixizes 1ti:.\i_i:u\' AND I'll.l.`I 'l`lie succcas_tli_a.t these _iiiedieines have int-I with since their intro(_iuction to the public some years ago. pI`0\'CS_])_li1lni) to the most skeptical that they are medicines that perform what thef are advertised to. The virtues of these ined - cines have been well tested. and have withetoeil their trial in a most satisfactory inanner. For diseases of the Blood. Liver. Lungs, size. they are unsurpassed. \\ e have testimonials of miracul- ous cures of these diseases, and man others. ii any one is aillietcd, let him try a ottle of the Remed . and a._ box of Pills. No injurious etrects will (01 ow their use to the most delicate person, as they are purely vegetable; their being no mineral matterin them. 'ihecost is small. while the advantages derived from their use will doub- ly rent}? You for your CXRQIISOS and trouble. Thi- medicines are widely nown throughout the D_oininion. and are for sale b the principal inedi- cine dealers. Try them, an be convinced that these inedicines are no humhug. No one who has tried the Shoshonegs Pills has ever pronounc- ed an unfavorable "opinion of them. no family where they liave been used will be without them. Fuilinformation may be had on all particnlare touching the use. and the experience of those who hB\_ 0 used them. by seciiring the Treatise or the Circular from any Dru ist in the Domin- ion. Free. Price of the Reine y in pint bottles 81: Pills 25 cents a box. New Yo;k uendin to many parts of the lobe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of . my Pi] s and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address in N ow-.York. TA.` Inn` .11.... n... `ll'...1:_:___ L- L, , It - uy me, at no.1, uxxoru street, London. In the books of directions mixed to the spurious make is I caution, warning the Pub- Iio against bein deceived by connterfeits. Do not be mislem by this andgcious trick, as they are llu counter /`til: they pretend I) denounce. ` These connterfeits are purchased by a princi led. Vendors at one-half the price` my P` and Ointment, and are sold to you an mv manning Medininmu. J 3 EW A R E or MIERICAN 9.9'iW1'.3FE!T.$* lily runs and UIHFIIIUDIF, HIM an my genuine Medicines. `I most mu-nrsstlv annaal of the muscles. stilfjoints, apinul dmlculties, und pain and soreuossin any part. no matter where 1t may be. or from what cause it may urise, it al. ways does you good.. Twents-tlvc cents` worth -has cured. bad cases of chronic and bloody dy- sentery. Ono teuspoonful cures colio in 1:3 minutes. It will core any ca.sono1'_pilea that it is possible_to cure. _ Sn: or eight applications is war- ranted to euro any`cnse_ o_t exconated nipples or inamed breast. _borbru1aes, if}: plwd often and bound u . thore 18 never the slug nest discolora- tion tot 1es_k1n. ltstops tho min on: burn as soonns apphed. Cures frosted feet, bong warn, and come. and wounds of every description on man or beast. S. N. 'l`H0.\fAS.1'mcmvs. N. Y. And NORTIIROP 8: LYMAN. Toronto, Ont. Solo Agents for the Dominion. Ex.mc1'mc'rLY.' 'I`uoMA.~s' Exoamsum ,Eu-:c- TRIO 0n.!_ Wonwu TEN nuns [T8 \Vl xx GoI.D.~-Pmn canno_t. stay where It is used I It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat, One bottle cured bronchitis. Fxfty cents \_vprth has cured un 01:! standing cough. It posmvcly cures cuusrruh, asthma and croup. Fxft cents` worth has cured crickin t._hc back. and L 0 same quantity lanu-. back of exght years` stqndlng. It cures swelled neck. tumors. rhepmatlsm, nquralin. contraction of the muscles. sulfjoints, mlculties. pain part. when-_ And NUI<,'1'IIlUL' 5: LYMAN. Toronto, Agents ` N0'I`E.~E!ccmt--Selected and Elccu-Izcd I1 .4 NLAN, ENGLAND S CH'.4MPI()N. PATENT" MEDIOINE8. TV E GETI N E," I win. 'l`ltY-;'_l-IGI-:'l`l.\l'.'. HE DID .`.'\T1_) \VAH CURED. Lllil Mn. 1!. R. S'rn:vn:.~'n, nun Rt. ,_1 ...x.3. 5.. `doctor, b nut. 11. 15. a'i`EVlNS, ' Dear Sir.-1 wish to lve you this testimony. that you may know on let others know, what Vegetine has done for me. About two ears ago asmsll sore came on my ie ; it soon come a large Ulcer. so troublesome t at I consulted the at 1 ct no relief. wing worse from day to sufferer` tcrrib y: I could not rest day or nig t; I wasso reduced my friends thought. Iwould never recover. I consulted 3 doctor at Columbus. 1 followed his advice: it did no good. Icon tru any I was discouraged. At this time I was loo ng over my newspaper: I saw your advertisement of Vegetine the "Great Blood flat" for cleansing the blood from all impuri- ties. curin Humors. Ulcers. &c. Isaid to my family. I ll t some at the Vegetino. Before I had used the rst bottle` I be n to feel better. I made ui) my mind shad got e right medicine at last. now coul sleep well nights. I con- tinued taking the Vegetine. I took thirteen bot- tles. l\_Iy health is good. The Ulcer is none. and nnuu.vuur..\unu ux all. lI.~`. _lI. R. Sn:v1-:.\'s :- Dmr Sir_.- l_hm'c sold Vcgellne fo_r n. lung time. and nd 1: gxves most excellent sausfactlon. A I) I'I'L` l.`lL`C'lI II I\ tlnued taking the took tles. Mr . Ulcer gone. and I am ab 0 to atwn to business. I paid about four hundred dollars for medlclno and doctors before I bought the Vegetine. I have recom- mended Vegetlne to others with good success. I always keep a. bottle of it in tholuouse now. It in a. most excellent mcdlclng. Very resncctfullv vmm: .. _- - - --- - --nu an my I 4:14-.u1\,11v 1'. . lhzxm-znsox, Kn. l)cc., 1877. I have used II. It. Stgvc-us Vcgetine, nnd hi..- it better than any medicine I have used for puri tying the blood. One bottle or Vegetinc acvomr lishcd more Sod than all other xncdic,-ineu I ave taken. TIIOS. l.\'\'l~1. Henderson, Ky. VE()E'l`l.\'l-2 is romposcxl of Roots, Barks and }[erbs.- his very pleasant to take: cw,-ry cmm likes it. , 1-. An'1`uUNl_ Mr. Anthoni is one of thdpionoers of Delaware. 0. He settled here in 1831. He is a wealthy ielintlcman, of the firm of F. Amhonl 8: Sons. M r. thonl is extensively known. csp:c_cig.1l1y t_3moI_Ig thn Gm-vnnm: 11.. a. mu I.......... ielntlcman. of the especially amon the Germans. He is well known in Cincinnnl . He is respected by all. Iuvumc BLooD,--In morbid conditions or the blood are many diseases: such an salt-rheum. ring-worm boils,~ca._rbuncles sores. ulcers and `rlimples. in this condition of the blood I. the egetine, and cure these affections. As 3 lood pnnflcrit has no equal. Its effects are wonderful. V iii I IIW1 CURED HER. Doncm-:s'rxm, M.\ss.. June ll. `Du. STEVENS :- Dcar S-'r.--I feel it my dut to say one word in regard to the great benet have received from the use_ot one of the greatest wonders of the world : :1: is your Vcgetme. I have been one of the greatest su crers for the last eight years that ever oouldbo vlng, I- do sincere! thank my Godand your Yegettne for the relie I have got. The Rheumnttsm - has pained me to such an extent, that my feet broke out in sores. For the last three years I have not been able to walk; nowlcon walk and sleep, and do my work us well as ever I t_1id. and I must say I owe it all to your blood purter, Vegetine. 1\rIAl{UlvZR\' \vm.v.u yuur muou purmer, \ egcunc. MARUERY \\'El.I.S. Vmmrlxx-:.~The great success of the Ve etim: as n. cleanser and purier of the blood is s mwu beyond a. doubt. by the great numbers who have taken it.a.nd received immediate relief. with su.-I. l\.IU VUU IJU `V ll\7l\4I II IIIIK7 VII - V p . , TM solicitors point out. a. fact that may not be generally understood, viz., that the H. d: N. W. Company does not altogether give up_ its independence, for in has an equal voice with the Northern Company in the 'numegement of `both roads, each Company having four Direct- ors on the Executive Committee, and the Chairman having no vote. In case of a difference of opinion the decision of the Referee might injfact place the man- agement of the Northern Road in [the hands of the North-VVestern Directors, instead ' of giving the control of the North-Western Road to the Norther Board. T V - C1_.._- -l1!_._,-'__. _.._,;_____.,___.L AL--- _.. neyonu tI.(l0l1Dt. by Lhc_ _numbers unmednule relief, with Such remarkable aux-cs. ' - Prepared by II. R. STEVENI. Boston, Mass. _Ve`2`eIiue is Sold by ll Druggzsls. 23-! In ' IS BETTER TH./7N ./INY1|1EDiCINl:'. I I u_~\- r.l. ----- .- VEGB ilmz I{l'.'COMMl'Z`.\'DED BY'M. DIS. 21u.*vI. - _ v__:Iu vEGE1*INE -nrwn mu ,. VEG_E`T|N-E (ID D I \ I I Y 1 II \-.J-s-.. 1}m.Aw..\m-:. 0., Feb. 16, I877. urn n{rcdiclng. "I1" 01'] P081900 )'0ll|' - 1.3: ANT}! ..__-;.u,-_o --- an ` , ` monuxs HOLLOWA,Y In-n Tnuimv V .i;m..nh it tonlbitylaohcx` Miessrs.. T `T 3 J lldiiclielcan, the agreement between the Northern nndthel H, & N. W. !`9.llW'a_.y, are that the arrangements thereby e'ected_ will rnaterially benefit the City's mercantile, manufacturing, and forwarding interests, ; and `will alsogive some value to -the stock held by it `in the H; 85 N W. Company. They areialso oftthe opinion that the proviso contained in the 20th clause of the agreement, that the Execu- tive Gonnnittee shall so- adjust the charges for tmtc that the same rates and tells shall he charged to and from all points common to and now '-actiially occupied by the lines of both` companies, and the cities of Hamilton and Toronto shall be the same without` prejudice or preference to either city, and shall also be the same to all points to be reachcd by water carriage beyond Collingwood, will practically placeVHamilton as near . as Toronto to the important points for the Northern trade, while the equal di vision between the two companies of all ` the net earnings beyond 100,000. will probably yield a. small dividend upon . the stock, and give some value to the ` $100,000 now held by the city. 'I`|m.1:n:I-m-a nninf All.` I: Cant `1\n`- van, U.\\4CllOll I. auumuuuull. A. B. DE FIEST. M. 1)., lluzleton, Ind. 1'3 T X Ti1oNx_ _-n ` up, >u.IwuuLug u puuuunm. w J` . .. , , `ta . b . 7 - 4` ...`. .."i`;`.4~ ..~.. ;.``i:;.`?*.';`:a'.i?% Tonomo T elegr am (Inilependent) : The Provincial `elections show that,.On- tariois still Reformgas Ontario always- has been, except when a Reform Govern-V ment delared that it was a mere y on the wheel and slammed the door in the face of its besttriends when. they went , to reason and recommend. Wedo not ' look `upon the result of the Provincial elections as a oondenination e of the `Na- tional Policy by'any fo'r_`:theiPro~ 4 vincial elections were. "by local issues. and by the Pemnl V9Eh*i`Yl-ifi`i1l?`did33Yr ,_a'nthar,_ :independen_t oi politicsaitiall, if -~the`re*'v`;-ie`lre9l!y_Aa$3y politid iv5i>1v d.'.- : ing thB n*onn'nr_m &I&"_ "" ? `""*" definsg spegli1d;n.comufn'?.?"e an 0t or `.11. s 'fL.W" . - end; :1: is beliaved`.ha]n -'.r notreplno'e'ihefbuxldIn`gs..;v `ah-A `t.'i1s'n~,ha` nainrh` ' Iain n`9P.13`. `n89- ~'.l'h ~ ' `abwnt,-hut_$};e_n` _ '9` ` :b N: _ v The Mail gives an illustration to show the absurdity of the claim -which some Grit organs have been making as to the National Policy being condemned at the V late Provincial elections. If-says our contemporary--IIunlan had scruples A about rowing Elliott` for the English -championship, but was willing to row him for a stake, what would be thought of the Canadian sculler were he, coming o` a victor, to claim the championship, in the face of his refusal to rowfor it at all? The Grit organs _before the elec- tions were altogether unwilling to make the National Policy an issue. The ' speeches of the Premier" go to prove that he was averse to having it so. Now that the elections are over, however, the * organs are ready to, and do claim it as a victory over the N. P. ' Au an Lava` knfinrn unit` H141 Pu-nvinnln .l.1:.l `owner mfefnoon 8. are atartegl at Mr. :`:;:z'* ..`*,t`:.r*:a~..`.2E,:~.':.:** nlnariilm It `nheedv " - -.1;-_`_._._ . nvnll The party who wrote this parqgraph has of course more to answer for than the one who reproduced it,- for the form? er is a wicked, unveracious, `designing wretch, whilethe latter is only. E poor, guileless, unsuspecting, , thoughtless E0088. ` ' ' A SPECIMEN of the sort of 'nevs items that innocent Canadian editors copy from the Yankee press is the following which "we `nd_in a` County exch2[n'1ge:-'-' 1-: mL...... ..-___.1 __-.. LL- 1-,: : nu .. "`.Ther'o passed over the. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern last month -an em ty freight train a little more than ten xmles long. " NIL- _._,.,,.I . .\c --- IT now tranpireshthat the crazy doi- gar which was issued from the brick block office, was sent through the post ofco under the newspaper rate of post- age. instead of ouch copy having 9. one cent stamp` on it `Mr. Phelps emis- series `were not so much `absorbed in csimpaigti Ways __ _hab are dark sis to not have an eye to".1'e expenses` of the con- test. Economyof courseis well enough in its way ; butiwh`e'n`it takeathe shape of defrauding the revenue, its practice cannot be altogether approved of There ought to be an oicial enquiry into this matter. ' A Well, look at ,'the"other side. Mr. `Blake spoke in London, and the result was that Mr. Meredith polled twice as big a majority `as he expected.` Mr. Fraser expostulated in Stratford, and the Conservatives` polled a larger ma- jority there than before. The thing hils. all around. .. - nut. muuARTu\' vnuuea uruua 1n -nenuu 01 Mr. Steele, and Mr. Cook's majority was in- creased from 4 in September'to_3l in June.- Cook organ. ' ` . 113,11 1 1 . ... ... .. V 1.- \ . ?;` ".;mo.'2.````..;.?,,'i,,c"',_*`,,,=r*?i`."`'1<=?'s-*v i` t np to .- the fo_ot,ot Grindstphe:(jnly.g" ' Hanlan kept a,ge.odstraig_ t_eourse,,but he. then to . nll t'o"o,'stron`ly`witlihii right. his hegaoon -remedie'5,.'and American champion held` his two lengths lead thrc. h Rodheugh' e. Time to the half mi e 2 mins. 35, secs. 'ott work- ed up to the very highest afterlleaving this" int, ` but as -he, uickened,.sovalso`did - anlan, `and at oope lengths separatedthem. Elliott cnt `round the bend here very nely,but although the Canadian made a wide sweep, his superior pace enabled him to hold his lead of three lengths into the next racing stretch. Han- lan then dropped down even more than he had ever done,but although he had to look round him to see that the course was clear, he still held three lengths advantage atthe end of the rst mile, which he reached in 6 min. 11} see. The shouts irom the shore at this time encouraging the Englishman . to greater exertions were deafening. Elliott put on all the strength he could muster, while Hanlan also quickening a little in spite of his opponent's exertions increased his lead to four lengths. With this ad- vantage he appeared to be contented, and he did notforge any further ahead as" they passed the foot of the Meadows, the time `occupied then being 6 min. 32 sec.,and the distance covered `a mile and a half. Elliott - came with a tremendous effort for the next half mile, compelling Hanlan towork up to racing s eed,but at Armstrong s platform the Cana ian still led by. three or four lengths. The time forthe two miles was twelve minutes eight seconds. Hanlan here reduced his stoker considerahly,not rowing `more than thirty-two, but in grand form. Elliott new began to show some distress, , but the Canadian kept on the even tenor - of his way. Gradually be widened the gap between him and his plucky opponent in the rear until at the head of the Meadows ' he had increased his advantage to ,fully ve lengths. Elliott s steering was now very much astray, and his rowing unsteady. He 1 had evidently shot his bolt and was a used- up man. The race admits of no further description, having become a mere proces- sion of two. Silence prevailed on the banks when the spectators perceived the state of things. Off Benwell boat-house, a little beyond Paradise quay, Hanlan stopped rowing and coollylooked around to see how. much further he had to go. Smiling plea- santly at the -bewildered. multitudes on shore, who, recovering themselves, broke 1 out into a somewhat feeble eheer,he can ht up his ears again and went at it wit a , will, to make up for lost time. Increasing his lead at every stroke, Hanlan amid the greatest enthusiasm, dashed under Scots- wood Bridge, having bea England and as some thin , the best man she has ever known,by a full eleven lengths," in 21 min. 1 sec., the fastest championship time on record, and a minute better than- the Elliott-Higgins race. It. was a sad, disappointment,but the crowds forget their disappointment in ringing cheers - which arose from thousands of threats as the triumphant holder of three championships gently paddled to his boat house. eeen..-use ` .-.1 f r's. stairs three ` the hope of 1 _'1`1u: absurd notion` thht Mr. Long's election meansh. new County Town -- is the way the Collingwood Grit organ puts it. ,' ' Tm-1 Enterprise claims Mr. Macdbnell as Algoma's legal representatiive, ' not- withstanding that the returns give the seat to Mr.` Lyon. It"e stimntes that some 300 votes polled for the Reform candidate were bogus. VIIJIAJLJ UVI71. D110 1.`; L- As we have before said the Province of ` Ontario is Reform ; the issue was principally a party issue ; and the result in a party victory. The National Policy had nothing to do with it, for the" reason that those Reformers who voted for it in September were unable to see that . voting for Mr. Mownt in J une `would endanger its success. ` ni` - :nnnnnn:` an} nnn I>nn\nnvu' I01? ]1A IT was in accorooce with the eternal tness of things that the recent trium- phal procession of Orillial Grits, with Cook at its head, should wend its way along Peter Street, But its'presence on the Goldwater Road was 2} sort of mock- ery, now, `was it not Timesy ? . ' ` Tm`. btisiness of the Caada Life As- sarnnce 00., for the` past your up to the 30th April, was 1867 policies for $3,-' 169,214, as against 1768 policies for $3,- 093,338 for 1877-8. The Canada Life year,after year becomes more of A9. favor-. 'ite with the public. ' Tnhjtier afiiet-noon `a. at Mr, IIAOI Q 'II:`n 1-..; MR.` McCAn'rm' visited oriina in `behalf of Wr Qnnln our` `fun r`.nnL n vv\n;nw:`n *1:-an :n Non-:s AND GOIVIAMENTS- mm or spouago 1,ma"wh1cn left a s11ent,set- tled gloom on ollingwood Tories the night of the Election. The editor of the Bulletin is no doubt a very learned man. ` But the - stnrdy yeomen who 1_-eads_?ab<`_>i1t these spoiia V opzma will be wondering, perhaps, why he does not write English. - Tns Stayner paper learns from gentle; man who has been travelling through the township ofgrtemesia, Co. of Grey, that as am. Boyd was ploug _' pn his farm inthe, above township p ough turned pp 3 piece of coal,` about nfoot long and six _ mchsswide. i'ts"statethattliesam le isai-fair one, and .`B;` intendsto ` e `a search, inorder tooome upon 'a vein if such exists. a _ Cook : voice was thou ' ""f'St,oelo for ever! - And of` " dent o ethe_}6rgan~e'nqiiires;p is ,.w-. 1:356 .o;-'gag?reports that at the late political meeting in` Orillia, `a stentorian - ,e1a:;,;;* B`:g,;" "7: 1 f6%1?.9'!!1i*9!`t7Pi*'*in .1y '1 _._-._.._- -7- .---us-v-nu "gnu. w III-aavunoairvu Tm: Bulletin speaks of the eeting aha-I (low of apoliajo ima"which left '3 silent,set- ed aloom an .n'IHnnurnnJ maa: Ehniniaht v--V vlav-wunvll (ID ll-M15 ll IIU LIUII V UIIIUIIDIJ UH ll- Tmc merchants of Bradford have decid- ed to pay one cent per. lb. more gr butter packed in tinnets, covered pails or tubs than in rol1__a,' or in any manner that re- quires repacking. In order to encourage this .(a .nd sell the vessels) they will keep in stock nails and tllhs nllitnhln Fhr nnnlzinnin _, _-_-_ `_._.-____, __ Acconniim to the Cook organ Mr.Miller forgets more about Canadian politics every night he goes to-efbed than Mr. Boys ever knew in his life." Supposing,for fun, that_`this were so, the question arises; In what condition does Mr. Miller go to bed every night?_ This is giving away the member for_ Muskoka. with a vengeance. ll|__ 'n..n,.-,. u n .u pin - 1 equivocnll); condernncd. Our '-brick block contem : As this journal persist: ently insisted, the Ontario Assembly had` nothing w'lmt;eve1{ to do with the 3` Canadian Cabinet or politics, and that the Local Premier and his supporters would have to be judged solely by their `! own legislation. Here we have the one organ declaring that _the National Policy returned Mr. Mowat, while the other ,organ- atly "contradicts it, and` saysthe people judged the Government` eolely by" its legislation. -1 11 THE Cook whe_tted-his knife of succqss on the Steele. in East Simce1reAm:u'ks a. Grit contemporary. When the first _pa.rox- ysms over the excruciatirig joke, were past. 'the_ thought struck us that -the Cook having thus got his work in may perhags `keep up. thdoperation as long as he convomcntlycau. 'l`:iu man}-Imnh .'..:"lJ.....!:.5...1 1....-.-... :|,..;:,3 uuu! utuu. ueu we vessels) may wm Keep m stock pails and _tubs suitable for packing in. A COLLINGWOOD firm aria inzmxlfacturing :1 new dey ice forextracting honey from the comb. Right! The o1d.`sby'lo of knocking each bee on the lmad. with a. club, and then` going through the hiv before they recover their senses,ought cexjtainly to be improved on. .We wish the enterprising 1n:n_mf.'tc- turers u1_l success. T ' ' `- _,_.___ --. ,-. -- -.. .... W`. 7 .MR. VIcK s Dick, died very! quick, last week from a kick, which made him quite sick and sent him off slick,where he l1never feel a stick. This may look liken. queer way nof recording i_t-,but the Orillin. Packet should not have commenced the paragraph as it did. V ' .. nvuu u Annnnanvsvllllvo VBEARD, the Medonte rough, nrrbsted by Constable Mo'a.tt for being` drunk and disorderly, `was taken before an Orillia magistrate and ned $2 and costs for that offence and also $20 and costs for carrying uploaded revolver-in a11$31. `IA - `lT-....9.. 1'\2 _L ,1 - _ -.-... .........-..-.... n V, w 1|uulUIJL' UL -muugs . THE other day thqbam and outbuildings together with 11. reaping machine and other implements belonging to Mr. Colwell Gra- ha.m,reeve of Mu1m'ur,were totally destroy- ed by re which started in an adjoining bush. We" are sorry-to hear" of our genial friend's misfortu'ne._ 1-`- , .1 -up u . - -~----~ ~~---~-~ -- ----. ONE local in an` Orillia. :1. er r '. Moore's gallery for the best I;>l1I:>tos."m(.1: little way down the colunm we are told: The..only place in town for really first- class photographs, `is Whitten s Gallery. This illustrates--well, :1 number of -things. Tn): n'f.hm- dsw tlm `mm um`: .~...u...:1.1:.._- ._ I1: took ten lines to chrmicle a. recent Orillia. marriage. Brovity may be the soul of wit,but when a marriage announcement is in the question We lling . up the paper that you want to have in view. m........'._ .....__.L- L. I -...... J... _...._.v -.v .u-nu nu vavuo Tamuiis going to be a bazaar inrdonnec. t_io){ with a Collingwoor] `Church. We hope, .for the peace of mind of the Bulletin man, that . no lottery will be engaged in. "The truly good editor should not have his nere feelings tried with. ' is the announcement of a Collingwood merchant. This ought to bring pound cake within the reach of all in the town-tho localzeditors included. ` Four! pounds of _currn.nts for .1. dollar,- Behold how. th-e:-organs agree witl} one another :-- Mr. Cook's organ : The 17th of September has "been nobly V avenged by the 5th of June. Ontario , was the first to speak, and l1er s (l) is_ the honour of taking the lead in "re- buking the arch deceivers of nine months ago. ' .* The National. Policy was dragged into the contest 6 ' ' '; it has been most un- Inoxsmns, of Toronto, has challenged and been accepted by Kerr,of.Crccmorc, to compete in throwing the 56 lb. weight, 24 lb. shot, and the 14 lb. shot, and the 16 and 12_lb. hammers. ` ` -. "' SmYNm~.[Grits, imable to congratulate Dr. Robinson personally, contented them- selves with visiting his brother in Sunni- dal and seronading him. 0 'I'|.'......I . . . _ .._L l`l-1I:__' .,,,_ 1 in _-.v nu -Iv-Ian-vuvuqlne` 4-nun ON Tuesday next Collirigwood Free Masons will enjoy an excursion from Col- lingwood to Pcnclmnguishenc and the Re- formntory, on the str. Northern Queen. {`|.\..-u.-.......... :_,1.-__:-__. _ -.1 .1` ~ -..--...-...,-J, v.. ....v -.w.- gun. vuvnu. \uuvu. CoLLINowooD is lmving xx row with the Northern over apiece/of the Company s track which is laid along one of the streets, and which the town wants to have takgn up. -nrvnnn . - . .A Mn. F. S.` Spence; teacher in one of the Toronto schools-and who is known in this c0unty-hu.s been'ned:$3 and costs for hav- inglunduly whipped `a pupil. He will ap- pear. . - -n__ ,_,'_L:'__ 9,, n, '1 9.1 q. .. .. ,-_" Bysn notice in the cblmnns of the Bullet} we we observe that the truly good man -is not only n.B. A., but has also become :1 Pa. gow, what has he got to say about the . P.? ' ' ` .... unuu DJ: on rsuvv vn. Iulnsuvn, Ivulvu. Lvu UH. lb. Mn. BUNN is n. Muskokn councilman. There is a. perfect mine of puns in this,` but we are too well bread to bring them to the surface. wvo .-. vnu IvJ\aI|v ASTAYNER ratepayers; wili vote on a $3000 by law to buya re engine and furnish a. supply [of water. 13--.-.. 3- _ , ,_,1 1-,` n 1-. .-.. ....`.l..., `I. vvwvvvhc FI._EAsE is a. word whichthe editor `of the Orillia Ti-mes uses.. Lend us your didt.,o1d chap; ours" has not got it. 'l`.-inn... .....L..L..... ......... ..:..'I.._ n__,_ 1: . vacant! uunu nun: nnvv sun Lu. THREE watches were stolen . fromMat- chet s hotel Creemore, the other morning. The thieves made. good their escape. `Var f1nII........- QL..-..'. .._ ...'l.1._ _ __: ,1 ,- ' The London Razlway `News 0 sees in the agreement for joint working between the"Northern ._audithe II. & N. j W. railways,n sensible agreement which 0 [might protably be studied and copied by morelpowerful neighboring companies. The agreement, V it observes, provides for the operation of the lines during a term of twenty-one years, under the direction of a Joint Executive Committee ; all rolling stock, equipment and stores are to be used by both Companies under the usual restrictions as to repairs, &c.; the net earnings in each yoareare to be di- vided as follo\vs:-up to the sum. of 80,000 in each year the Northern of `Canada Company is to receive 06} per cent., and the North\Vestern Company - 33% per cent. 5 the next 10,000 of re- ceipts is to belong to the Northern Com- pany, and the following sum of 10,000 1 to be "paid 70 per cent. to the Northern -. Company and 30 per cent. `to the North- '.Western, while any excess of earnings over 10,000 is to be appropriated ` equally to the two companies; it is pro- vided that a joint "committee is to `be established in London, and in case of any - disputes Mr. C. J . Brydgcs is appointed referee. Of the advantages of the ar- rangement 1 above indicated it thinks -there can be no doubt.` Considerable saving will be effected in the mainten- ; ance of the separate organizations, for which a normal sum_ is to be set apart each year. Duplicate train services will be abolished, and 1H'3!`0 effective" work ` secured from the equipment`employed. ' 3 -v --v -I-DIV I VII llD|I\AIl.6\I\IIA UIIVAL BQVLUHUI ' WM. Galloway, Staynor, while assisting at a. barn raising near Avemng, ha'd.l1is leg broken by a. piece of timber,which fell on it. M. `Dunn :. .. 1u'....1.,.v-.. --.___:1,,, , ,...........[. A . Musxoxx-ward the. march of civilization takes its way. The lawn mower has reach- ed Port Sydney. Q....-...... .._1_..-__-___ _:n _._L, _,, , dhnnnn ..-vvo of Oolliugwood and Toronto, have sus- pended. - `I.fn-...nu.' ........:I 4.1.... ........-L -1: _:_.:1:_,;:-,, S. C. Kanudy & C'0;. lumber merchants ' ..-....... .- av`.-u Bananas-IV: u.yuL 1;. A noor-nucx and at orange nferchant are startling the natives of Bracbridge. VIN..- .._L-I_- -11.--__ ,.,n ,- u . .1 n . ,, _ ,__ -___. ?_- .-.._- . v-4 V. ---I.-\o\r-tnntnbi-'0 .;l;HE unholy alliance is whit the Col- lingwood Enterprise calls thevnew railway D001. A - ` ` V` --_.. ..---- .......-. ulvunnaro WILD strawberes promie tobo b abun- dant in Muskpka._this'year. A .~...;-- _,I_L___;!,,, p 'r\ `- -' ` _.._.__--- ---~ 4-...- AGRA`.`D ceiabiation of Dominidn Day is talked of in Bracebridge. ` `D.".---...`_..-- `l')--_L 2, 1 , , n , , ,1.- .. ._._..v..u-u nu,u.vuuv\.unu PLUILLUI THE Enterprise thinkSCo1lingwood would make a. good smuggler`: port. A`_..____._-_ 7 1 -I ' ' ml`: :c;;;-"(}o1plZi.ngw< >od $33.75 t6 test the cracked bell. . - .. ..nu.-... nivann OnILLiA' yoixng, folks have beexi lentihg on Chief Island. ' ' THE N. P.7AND T11}; PROVINCIAL ELECTLQNS. vu vuun J.ElLlIIl\A o Cmmcurm, L_. O L`. oxcursh in Conchi- ching on Saturday. _ ` - nnnhnn A--- .. ..:...-.:..... ,.....__._:n l-...'..:........ v...6 uu no-uu;ua_y. Coorzn does a atnvin at Bracebpidge. 1'__ 11 In 1 .1 g. sawmill bn'sin_ess 7. V_._.-_ V- __ ---.n.~---.5u. Bunmnarox Beach is to be fhe scene of n. C_`ookstown,Methodist picnic. 'l`:n:- 1i?..4.......:.... JLl..l..'. l'1..1I._..._.___.`l __.-._1.1 Gnnxxxda non Couzmr Excnnons AND moms non connns'9oum'.:rrs- _Woods with Mrs.A Stump. . ------T--D-. WI; Bradford hey hav assessed Mr." < 117--.. _L_.___L_.,__!_, . 1 1 .,_ ' temiof news iultnhle for this coluinnnro so todtromour readers throughout the county.) Oooksrowx will ha}ve`n6 lat.-Iuly` dem; onatration; ' - ` uv vnsannsvl-It . Cnnauonnhzis n_ `ghost. O1iILntA'boasts two new busss. ' V Suvxnn pines for njsiring band. - _ _ Bsnrox cricket club-haul. new outt. LAvnNm:1?.`ta.lks of a Isl: July w:L1k_ing match. - ' -' Connmawbon `Collegian? Institute is "(ad be enlm-mid . . - C(iUNTY NOTES. - A I ` .. . `I - ....~.. . -... . .. I-_... ...J-'\ ..< .`. ., _.,.._ _;l5'4p:8alb4=J64neaaAns19r.sons.- , " -~. WogL% :: si .*.~;t;