Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 20 Mar 1879, p. 4

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`awn! ULIJUIID LI.l7Dl,, ULUIJUL 110! V 9r.~;9v.rmHe `asserts thaw in bi .:n9.p.n9=n-,,n,.fsn97, mi he say! so after- " V-:1 panioiofiuy. tried =runha;;.;gg;1:s. Rcinoves Pimplca and Humors from the face. Cures; Constipation and 1-cguhztes the bwels Is a valuable rcmcy for Headache. ! VVi11cure Dyspepsia. I . Removcsrthe cgmse of Dizziness. Reefe. Faintxncss at {ixe Stomach. Effcctxxnlly cures Kidny Compiaint. g is effective in its cure of Female Weakness. I . OBI` II IWPIUTCJTTI Is the great -rmncdy for Geuem1Debility, , 11 run nrnt in 1'! Restores t_11ocn1lx-ev system io-a. healthy condi- ' tlon. T -VEG"m7-E1"-* Hay we at lemu lesson, wife, from prudent noinhbor J onu. l ' . Cures Pains in the Back. '-u--uauuql- Ia acknowledged by all classes of people to be the .best and mostmollnblc blood `puxucr in `tho ELEc'rmc'r.L\'! 'l`lI0)X.\S EXCELSIOR ELEC- Tiuc 011.! \VORTIl 'I'l-ZN Turns rrs Wnioiir IN GoL1).-Pain cannot stay where it is used! It is the cheapest medicine ever made. Ono doso cures common sore throat. One bottle cured bronchitis. Fifty cents',woi-lh has cured an old standing cough. lt positively cures catarrab. asthma and croup. Fift cents worth has cured crick in the back. and t e same quantity lame back of eight years` standing. It cures swelled neck. tumors. rheuinatism. neuralgia. contraction of the muscles, stithoints, spinal illlculties, and ain and. soreness in any part, no matter where t may be. orfrom what csiise it may arise. it al- ways does you good. [`went.$-tive cents` worth has cured bad cases of ohronic and bloody dy- sentery. 0ne_ teaspoonful cures colio in 15 minutes. It will ciire any case of piles that it. is possible to cure. Six or oivrlit applications is war- ranted to cure any case ofoxcoruzted nipples or inamed breast. .F0l`bl`1llBeS. ifa plied otten and boundu , there is never the slig test discolora- tion to t c skin. It stops tho pain of a burn as ' soon as applied. Cures frosted feet. boils. warts and coma. and wounds of every description on man or beast. ' . -- S. N. THOMAS. 1 JlELPS. N. Y. And NORTHROP 8; L\ .\[AN, Toronto, Ont. Sole Agents for the Dominion. N o'ri:.-E!`ecmc--'Selocted and Electrized . will fol '1m-: GREAT Sxrosiloxmss 1tu_M}:DY AND PILLS The success that theso.med1c1nes haye met with since their introduction to the public soxno years ago, pi-ovcs_p_lninly to the_ most skeptical` . that they are medicines that perform what the ' are advertised to. The virtues of _thesemcd1- ciueslmye been well testctl_, and have withstood their trial me most S8_.tlSl1`.0t0I')' manner. For disenses of the Blood, Liver. Lungs. &'.c., they are unsurpassed. \Vo have testinionxels ofm1rucul- ous curen _of these d1sea.ses,_n.n(l man others. If any one is atilicted, lethini try n. _ ottle of the Remedix and :2. box of Pills. No injurious effects w theiruso to the most deli_cu.te person. as they are purely vegetable ; their being no mineral matter in them. The cost 15 small. while the advantages derived from their use will doub- ly repey you for your expenses and trouble. The medicines are -widely known tliroughout the Dominion. and are for sale b th_e [)l`i!l(_:l})lll medi- cine dealers. Try them. on be convinced that thesernedieines are no h1_1mbug. .No one who has tried the Shoshonei_;s.P1lls hua ever pronounc- ed an unfavorable opinion of them_. no family where they have been used will be without them. Full information may be had on 9.11 pnrticnlax-3 touching the use. and the experience of those who have used them. by securing the Treatise ' or the Circular from any Drug` ist in the Domin- iou. Free. Price of the Rome 3* in pint bottles -81: Pills 25 cents a box. 533, Oxroicn SVTRB;l':-.(-)-2-i-I:(:N,- "`"a y 11:`!-$7.9! ' > b Tho I iL_1.3 Purify the Blood, correct all _dis- orders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidnefys and Bowela; and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. ' . The 0INT.\lF.N'1` is the only remedy for Bad Legs, Old \Voumls, Sores and Ulcers, of how- over long slzixnding. For Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. A ' - POWBT, In uenouncmg D1113 811311101111 .l!'l'Elll1., Each Pot and Box of the, Genuine Medi- cines, bears the British Government, Stamp, with the words Hom.own e PIIJ8 AND OINTMRNT, Loxnox, engraved thereon. On the label is the add:-es;, 533 Oxronn smnnrr, LONDON, where alone they are `Manufactured; `Holloway ; Pill: and Ointment bcmfing any other address are cauhlerfeits. _ , ` 9 rm... fl`.-...-1.. Mark: nf that-an Mndininpn are address are counlerreus. , The Trade Marks of these Medicine: are registered in Ottawa, Hence,any one through- out the British Poasesaiona, who may keep the American Counterfeit! for a_a.1e, will be nuuunonnlmr` . ne 11111611081 prosecuted. I A THE Gx:E.a'i'r2:si" " WZONIIEB or Mmaae mas His son: are I0 very` few, -he ploughs them very deep ; _ . ':T'fI his own hsnds that turn the aod_- tis lus own had! that reap ; ` It has I place for everything. and things are in thair nlnco : - I most respectfully take leave tb call the attention of the Public generally to the fact, that certain Houses in New York ardsending ;.. ......... ......;. ..c um ...1nk.. QPITRIOTTQ GUUUIIUIULI Ul. Huh I. I-IIIALU VIIVIIJAAJ luv vhnv curve to many parts of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATION S of my Pills and Ointtnent. These fra.ud`s bear on their labels someaddress in New York. 7 `I AA'-u~.4- nllnm any Nfmlininnn in 11:: cm}:-'I in m JVBW XOTK. I do'not allow m Medicines to be Sold in. any part of the nited States. I have no agents there. My Medicines are only made by me, at 533, Oxford Street, London. - In the booksvof directions` aixed to the Uley UTC Hi! CUIUMCTI l-`H8 may PTCZENU. I-') l1IUlHU.'l5- These counterfeits are purchased by un- princi led Vendors a.t_ one-half the. price of my I" ls and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines. . . .. Tmmlt Anrnantlv anneal to that sense of genume medicines. . Imost earnestlvvappoal to that sense justice," which I feel sure I may venturerupon. asking from all honorable persons, `to assist me, and the Public, as far as may lie in their in denouncing this shameful Fi'aud.. Each Pot and Box oy me, at ow, uxxora. mrces, uonuon. In books of directions` spurious make is a caution, warning the Pub- lic against being deceived by counterfeits. Do not be mislead by this audacious trick, as they are the counlerfcils they pretend ta denounce. 'l`hnm nnunterfeits am nnrchanerl Ev un- BEWARE or _ % AMERICAN COUNTERFAEITS. nI._n.'.s1mvm\js, Boston, Mass. Vezclinc is Sold by /111 Druggtsll. VEBETINE `DC I031)? wan W6 DEVGHVE g0U-BIVC vent to sigh: and none ? _ The rich .sln t slwayrhappy, nor free from ' 1i!o s alarms, I16 Huh no those who live content though mull may be their farms. vaasvms vaaarma vsaama VEMTINE Tlgllli "ifs%}Efr'i`'7 "':i}T1NE 3 _E9'='T!5.. in then place ; Tho sunshine smiles upon his elds, content- ment in his face. * vur|u ..`: 5"*=`*;'.`LEA% ...... _. VEVEGETIWHEZ *v7c1sins: V\?Eiiia'ii :7E'" ';`Ee%a1|u`E T igned Prepared by IF THOMAS HOLLOWAY 10-lm `I, W. I105 ICIYIII IKIWD, wue, ITULII PFUQUIIE neighbor J onu, fad not-for Whit we haven : got-give vent V n duh: and moans 9 0:340 ~L.E A RI N G "S A 1.433.420 SALN IJVEIZEIS BIB. o-I-a1a:E:B.5, Clea}-izag out FALL AND WINTER Stock in order to make room for From 25 to. 50 per cent- Saved bv_ Loafing your Order during the ` next Thirty Days- T . . `Squares from 150. up. Men : Overcnats from $4.00; Mc'n s Suits from `'~- " ~ It will bring. Note the following :-I.s.dics' Muntlea from .750. up ; Ladies Trimmed Hats from 50. up; Ladies Fur Setts from $1.50 up; Ladies Clouds from 10c. up; Ladies Wool $6.00; Hats for 50c.; _ uogg B0o_ts~, $l.5_0; goqt} T39 from `25u. ;-Good Currants from 8c. ; Best Golden Syrup at 60c.; nu 1.av_.__..1.. m.:..a:.-m and Dress Goods froiri Men`: Mc'n Sluts 11-om .o.uu; n nus nu uvu. , '26 Bars of Soup for $1.00; Blankets, Tw`ee1, Winceys, Flannels, Shir-ting an Boots, $1.50; Good Tea from 8c.; Uoldeg SI5;:1;>sa|atZ(;El-3; at half the usual prices. ALL KINDS Ob` FARM PRODUCE TAKEN, Cash D-id f0!` HIDES, SKINS AND \VO0LS.' Country Stores and Hotel-keepers supplied t 01'0110 \Vhn1m:A1n T !-innn V V . v __ DUNLOP STREET nluno, o1\1.\ .3 1 Wholesale Prices. cam mm ms, mm, swam on;-sun. !7S 2 %i1RPm31` :2 I-BILIU iaely. THE. EMPORIUM. - . JOHN WATSOI ONE DOOR WEST Of` THE BARRIE HOTEL, GENTS FURNEHINGS AND READY-MADE. BLOTHING COMPLETE IN TIIE NE\VES'1` LINES Ob` ,E.\ GLISII. SCOTCH AND CANADIAN T\VEEDS \VORS 1`El) COATINGS AND OVER-C0.\'I`[I\'(:S. VVHICI-I VVILL l'lE`MADE TO ORDER. FOR. S'I`YLE AND CIIEAPNESS SECOND T0 NONE IN TOVVN. -----20:----- CHEAP (305031 WOHEAP GOODSU IN E W D R S 0 up 5, BRUSSELS. I J'l`A.Pl1`.'l`SRY, K1DDERML1Ns'1`I:i2,, IJN WALL, PAPER? 2 wAI..LPAPEm I?GFWER? MM DEPDSITORY % TO NEW s1'one ' & _1\'rE::x-r DOOR. 'I'C)_B. HIN15s. u-.-T): .._..`__ ,},,, Ever brought into Barrie. '[`hovinaugura.tion of the . National Policy will cause a. duty of at least 25 per cent. to be placed upon all foreign papers, and being aiivo to this fact, ` and wishing to give my customers every advantage, I have secured my ' stock before the advance in they taril I can therefore Gum.--A good uid glue, ready at all times for use without any preliminary preparation, is one of that most useful articles of the household. Such a; pre- paration may be made by melting three` pounds of glue in 8. quart of water, and than dropping in gradually a small quan- tity of nitric acid. Glue thus prepared may be kept in an open b ittle for u long ` Mun V A FULL ASS3Jf{TMEN,T 03 Stationery, ehool Books, THE VERY FINEST V%A1iI_E~'Y`QE%1:ATTERNS%i Give the Publi :1 Wall Paper at the Oltl Figures, and in some. cases Below Last Season s Prices, ` . LARGEST& BEST IN` THE couwrnv REMEMBEFl`TfH E Wre~`3'I`=;HE BIG-BOOT WILL 7 ~ W % NO]'y_BE,UNDERsOLD. MYER_S. February 19, 1879. EMBRACING EVERY DESIRABLE E A. D. MACNAB d c An Increased Butv, `but e Increase in Price. __ 1-? `D j_._:: Maw KILOTHI./V/G HOUSE! III3 U -time. ANT INSPECTION OF SAMPLES INVITED. * ----:o: DRY GOODS, READY-MADE OL(O'l'HlNO* ODERIE8., SIC: Flannels and vvinceys, All at theiclosest Prices. :0: ----~----- 15. EMPORIUM. -% my JWATSON; SPRING- IMPORTATIONS I Give ARI-I SHO\V ING A LARGE AND ;\iA.GNIFICEXT STOCK OF| mmsuouse mamoven oua TAILORINE DEPARTMENT ----';u'.-- My Stock of WALL PAPER is now complete and embraces uuvl. Vlll "UNIQUE: "A uuavsanuvv u `zownpsobsmation in which a rheumatic n Sayers 'gu'erer, `nds'g1-eat re- ffam =~%ating' onion: freely,` hither ._;`I...I .... -- "A hnnnrfn +Jmt.iI: in bV`. Pumas mm VIIEFFY BOMPETITION. W PQRJUIVI! DUNL'OP sfaea r. BARRIE. NO. 1. ONTARIO BUILDINGS. OPPOSITE OLD STAND. DUNLOP-8'1.` ----:o:----- 1.13 a Ca11'a.nd be convinced `&'9v1` THE NEW ES':I`TrDESIGNS IN AND WILL BE OFFERED AT SUCH QMERCHANT TA'[LORS,-'- &c., Pu!` driving is an expensive luxury, and should not be indulged in by those who are hard up. We` believe horses frequently receive more injury in return- ing then taking the load to market. All extn_ exertion means more food or" a. rer horse. And not only the horse at the vehiclejsuA`ers, especially car- V riageeand buggies. WC V70`? j-VVVvVOI0 THI ' rongggn I=AnuI_. `_ .lhOlhkin'._we. -bneighbor Jones, the an inch thwart um- glo livagg peaceful. plenty on E forty-acre` W 11.1} B. Dpuzuuxu. ouuun un ()D S! . n,_uI 1:-.. ...... ......n+Ir. . nlan MAGNAB & SO1\TS, -.--I' I-1 IE3`--t V ..aL_a - v `,. " \Vhi=:h we intend to Sell at Costifor one ' balance of __ _ .-_.- --. on hand as usual, cheapest in town. m GREAT V`ARIE'I`Y. ' AT BOT'PO)I*PRiCES. NEW BRICK BLQQK THE STOCK on` 7-u Bxsoum-Into a quart. of sifted our pnt two` heaping teaspoonfula of baking powder and a pinch "of salt ; mix together vlxile dry; then rub into it a piece of lard 0. little larger than an egg ; mix with cold sweat. milk ; roll thin ; cut with 3. tin cutter; and bake a light. brown in 1 hot oven _; send to the table immed- !.. A.-I_ [Arr THE .__--_.u____,,' -gAI.so._ B SIIADE z\.\"D COLOUR. XVE ARE OFFERING AT `THE _) IS THE (- om; noon EAST 03- THE MARKET; T Vvnn a. Splendid Stock 01 4- u- ,- u.zu.u\.\. v. our smm: AT may P IB IE9. 1V.I`.arrin Une Doc TO OUR '0onN Bmun.- Two tableepocnfuls Inolauea, one teaspoonful aaleratus, one and a half teacupfuls buttfermilk, the whole to be thickened with ryo_ our till of the consistency of thick paste, and (Jun bake about half an hour. Of course ondm and eggs improve the mixture, if one : palate is educated for such delica- rrin 2 Co. Door Eant Market Square. ??.-.:..___.:.._._. UNIONS, A,scQTT. BARRIE. month ; also. 35-lv `Fins?-cuss 1 ROSEWOOD & VIALIIOT co:-I-Ina With Hearse furnished in . addition, SCALE or | `Reduced Prices. ` 338 P23 (33 j ; ` - EXTRA CHOICE YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWER, ' JAPAN, pumny mm ml harvest days. ------ vvvvyvvv-~_-vvvvvvvvvv-_-..-_.. _-__v'____ ;0|%mPP:1NG AXES. Hickory Axe Handles, Lance-Tooth Cross-Cut Saws Champion and Lightning-tooth? (1rnoa,nnl- Qn urn - t|.l\QIIllJ`\Ill IpQll\al AJISLIKIJLIIS V LUUILL Cross-cut Saws, Q 4 All the leading Styles of saws} % Jewitt s MiIl{SaW Files, X-GUT SAW$ %A. FULL smorozzi, ANDJAS UHEAP ms ANY PLACE IN TOWN! ` puavns BROS., S,aUSAGE MAC1lj.S&.-1+`ILLF1R,. BA 3 m E P A I NT siii I H.-XS REHOVED TO _ Canon`. an Pemcy s om stand, opposite the Clzirlnuix llonw. Where he is prepared to do promptly and `cheaply any work`. entrusted to him in the way He solicits a call froxnvparties requiring such work, and guarantees ` Moderate Charges. 5 Tlmu-in \l.....\I. 10 19-.-n ` I I PIBCC `OI CV01 in their place ; nnmahina nmilen n1 E Barrie, March 12, 1879. ..,.. HDU.3HDLD FURMITUR E, UNDERTAKINO 9\A 'VV2NIZ. Moonla. UNBERTAKER HOUS :s:G{N%s:- {:MiBiAGE PA3fHN`;I;%I`1\T;3. 1\~rwnar\'-an . n-v--~' th e Quaenand Royal Family, an-l_by specia_l appointments} to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales, I. R. M. the Emperor of Russxa, the Mzxhamjah of Burdwan and to several Ind an Princes. ETRIZE MEDALS- LONllN. DUBLIN AND PAB|S. Of every description, suitable for all climates, from 2 to 200 guincas. Chronogra he, Chrono- metcrs, Kevless Levers, Presentation, Re eaters, Railway Guards , Soldiers am Workmen's Watches of Extra strength. Clocks, for hurches, Turrets, or Public Buildings, Dining or Drawing Room, Library, Carriage, Church, Hall, or Shop. Perpetual Calendars, \\ ind Dials, 8:0. Artistic English Clocks, decorated with \Vedgwood and other wares, designed to suit any style of furniture; also as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson. From 5 5s., Gold Jewellery, of the richest and most exquisite designs, with Monograms, Crests, and Enamelledin Colours, after Designs by the most accomplished Artists in the Precious Metals; Brooches, Bracelets, N ccklaces, Lockets, Rings, and all kinds of bijoutorie as supplied to members of the Court, and other Distinguished Personages. `Merchants, Shinnera; and Whnlaimln Rnvnr: mm srnnninnv invited, before sending their orders elsewhere. .1`. vv. BENSON, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER `bond in, W` t-End I: ` mun as on: B dltreel, E u h- ,on_, V, Vela menu, I on A, en. uuuuppuuu. I60 members 01 me uourt, and. other ulsmnguisneu reraonagcs. luercnuuw, Shi pets, and Wholesale Buyers are specially invited, before sending their orders elsewhere, to o tain from the m-nufactory the Illustrated Catalogues of Watches, Clocks, Chains, Jewellery, Silver, and Eleotro-plate, `which are sent at free, as not only are the discounts liberal,` but` a selection can be made from the largest: kin the world. Order: should be sent direct to the Mennfactory, Lndgste Hill. Benson s Pamphlets on Turret Clocks, Watches,` Clocks, Plate and Jewellery lent Post Free. Watches sent safe by Post to all part: 01.3310 World. =.,l0BlIl" Pactoivy and City Show Rooms, Ludgnle um, 88 in 7v 2 ' n :: ` 2% .. glg Constantly on hand, Shrouds, Head Lin- ing, Gloves, and all Funeral Requisitee. - HEARSE FOR HIRE. Orders by Mail or Telegraph promplzlyhttended to, ITPLACE OF BUSINESS--John-St., One Door south of Bull : Planing Factory.-mg -u-_ u -4 ____, HOUSEHOLD HINTS. TEAS 'I'I-IA.'.E':0:l.A.ZEI.1.*:l TEAS. vmn . nrrnvnri 17n1T\'n rvxrnnxf T A n A \T DE! A nn TMEHAT CUTTERS. AND CHOPPERS. NEW FRUlTS JGT ARRIVED. GANDIED PEELSW AND ALMONDS. `W I L L 1- A SW1 11` U N T E R7 BENSON S `WATCHES GEORGE SMITH, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. DECORATING," PAPER HANGING, zxsguunes-Jcmxauusbruawaasa com 433.. HEALTH ll-IINT8. ---- :-3. er. 1\/IcoU'1=c:-3:EoN' LONDON, LAYER, VALENCIAS, SULTANA, CURRANTSJ CHOPPING AXES, `SKATES AND SLEIGH BELLS. Cashen s Block, Ba:/eld (Street, Bdrrie. Tliuvv AND"TsHELF7|-TIARDWVARE.30) ;\p\;\;.;\1\4\1\;\;\;\.-A...-AA,-\ AAAA. .4 anoi.n*|Es,"i=RUI"r, 31300119, ho. --unqylul nu-gnuiuuIuuuiulullnnriuInnuIuIUIJ'u'|nIlnvMIIuI0u'$9ulIAl'|..0Iu n5'I0'InOIO"'" --:--p ;u; ang purchased a. first-class Hearse ' . prepared to do Undertaking Cheaper ' than any other Dealer in this ` part oi the country. In . - - - w1LL15g::jf_TER. ____._ _..A UNDER'i'AK|NO J. HENBERSOWS. Undertakl n 5: g ` gm ALL ITS BRANCHES; HANDSOME HEARSE And all Funeral Requiaites Furnished. I):i.a:na.o:nc1, Lance, and _ Eclipse 2 Proved Coil Chain, ` Glass, Paints, Oils, &c., Nails, Locks, Hinges, ; Sleigh and (`utter StufT, i Waggon and Buggy Stu' _ &.c., &.c., &c. APAN PEACO. ` ' VERY FINE BLACK TEAS, ORANGE PEKOES FOR FLAVOURIXG COAL BOXES Dunlap-st., North'.S`ide, ` Opposite W. Hunter rms'r-cuss WROSEWOOD & VIAL I01 ycuut AND.VASES. SHEEP.- ` CCI'I'1Il'- With Hearse furnished in ` addition, SOALI OF Reduced Prices. `I5 ":-." 'u'3 Perfect Satisfaction and LISTER. 51-1) way of b, ac ./-y.-- n gm: M. A1-ago, the French stateemuir and nephew of the astronomer, is; in spite of ` his sixty-ve years, a. very handsome man. He has a large nose, of which he: is somewhat prcud. A short time ago he was travelling by ` train to Versail es, when 11 child, who was in the same: car: riage, and who had watched Arago for some time Wltll. -dilated eyes, began to cry. In vain did the child's mother, Arago and another Senator, endeavor to calm the perturbed juvenile. The poor mother was in despair, and, asithe shrieks grew more and more piercing. Arago felt bound to interfere and see what he could do. V- -i. .1 I-I1 .1_L.L .1]- ' hm; ; ' , WhIII"nibu'|re a11`|!'oun_d us, with hearts sud hind: It-hora. . Whfowntwo hand:-etd'ucre's, and still "re `muting more. Big is 0 pretty little In-m-a pretty little hnnuu " VVIIKL UUUH I15 LHUILKL I The mother then explained that she had, during the carnival, taken her child- ren to see a. number of persons in masks and with false noses, and he had got so excitecl that he could think of nothing else. By an unfortunate occurrence," she added, ` we got into the same car- riage as you, who, for no doubt some good reason, are prolonging the carnival. But you see what u deplm able result has followed. Let me then beg of you to have pity on 9. poo:-smother, and take off your nose." . But mud-am ? said Arago, 2 stupeficd. Alittle more and my child will have convulsions, shriekcd__ the mother. ' Take ell` your nose." H `Inf vY\nr'nIv\ 5 u-r] A rnrvn :9`: Ann. Coming down on a car the other morn- ing they got to talking about their coal s_to've and one man said : :1 I17, 1' ,1__,)L _____L A.` 1...... L..-L T `He said to the cllilld; "-vlvhat ails you my dea Are you `afraid of me? I dcn't Ionk xery naughty, do I? ' Thus addressed, the-child sobbed out, A Trike. o` vour nose. Arago "looked at the mother, who grew very confused and said, Ah, monsicur, excuse me, excuse my son. f` But, madam, said Ax-ago, what does he mean 1' In! .1 .1 ,___L,2_..J ;\.-L _.1.- ILJULIICI. .l.l\l\U UIL JUUI LIVE`:- But, madam. said Arago, in des- pair, that is impossible; this not a false nose, but my own. Impossible! impossible! cried the agonized lad) . U rnnn1\ if uni/I A1-nun `Plan inlix} IIIIPUUUIUIU; Uiluu UUU nsuulhcu lahl; I Touch it, said Arago. The lady gave a pull at the Senator's nose, but it did not come off in her hand , as she ex- pected. A thousand pardons, she said, but pray, O! pray, hide ' it with yqur hat. V Qn Av-nun nnnHnnA:1 his nnI~nnv un'f}\ JVUI. Huh. So Aragolcontiuued his journey with his nose in his hat, and the child s screams gradually `subsided. Arago himself tells the story with much glee. " ' DLUVU uuu- UUU UJIILI. nuuu Well, I don't Want to brag, but I think I've got the boss stove. So far this winter 1 haven't burnt but`three tons of coal, and theistovo has kept three rooms warm." 7 (IVY, ,, 1...__ - ..__._ ..L,...,. 72 __~ l.'UU1u:: wunu. . I 1 Y_ou must have a. poor stove, rc- markod the second. I haven't burnt twp tons of coal yet, and my stove heats par- lor, dining-room, two bedrooms and a. hall-." ` II 117 n 1 ,,..,_ ;; ..L--.-.. H 11311 . Well, when you come to stoves, quietly remarked the third, I claim to have the best coal stove in Detroit. I have bilrned. but a ton and ahalf of coal, so far, and we have to keep all the dam- pers shut and aback door open all the --Lord Chestereld was. dining at an inn where the plates and dishes were dirty. v Lord 0., complaining, was in-. formed by the waiter vtlmt every one must eat a peek of dirt before he dies, "1`hat may betrue, said Chesterfield, "` but no one is obligedvto eat it sill at pnenieal. - . , - noun; He has a lovingwife within, as quiet as a. Inlll ! lILLI.lUn , Some men looked out of the windows and some down at the straw, and no one seemed to doubt any of the assertions. At length a heavy sigh was heard from the rear end of the car, and a clerical looking man arose and said : rt rlnnllntnon +`n.-ma rrnm: n. re alarm. l0OKl!]g mun BIUBU m._1u. ucuu . Gentlemen, there goes :1 re alarm. It strikes the box in front of my house. I have no doubt that my residence is at this moment in ames, and the lives of my family in peril. It is allowing to my coal stove. Iset up the stove last November and put in one peek of coal. Every room has been so hot ever since that -the basebeai-d_s have warped off, and we nally had to move down into the basement. This morning the water in all the pipes in the house was boiling, the shingles on the roof hot, and I just hired four` men to form _a snow bank around the `stove. Too 1ate-alas 2` too late !' e That stove has accomplished its endish purpose, and I no longer have a home. `It may not, however, he too late to save the baby. Good-bye, gentle- men. - `tr, _.,___-.i .L- .1...\.. .....! mu MT Hm -The `farmer should sow his P s,' kaep his U's wiarm,_hive his B's, kill oil the J '3, remember what. he C's, take care of the V's, pay all he 0'9, teach ` his wife not to T8, and take his E's. ` i--Horne Tooke, on a certain occasion, challenged Wilkes, he being at the time She!-i' of London and Middle sex,"when the most audacious individual that ever lived" (of oourse we mean1'1`ooke), receiv- ed M from` Wilkes the following rather signicant reply : I do not think it my business to but the throat of every ldesperadohat may be tiredkof his life; A` but, ill! I am at present High Sheriff `of lithe` City-of Ibnclon; it: maf-hgifrpen that, `I shall` ehortlyhave an opportunityof attending yoqin my Ooial capacity, in ' -,whibhoase I "W:il.l'I!1!W1Bl.';'f0_!" ibthat-.gou ` .I:Q1I'LnL. nhvin-mtg)" On Acxnn "vvj{1wn'uuau J. `Wu! uuuwvs ya." Hf vuumyzrw shall have no t:9on_gplg.i11_.:of:my edegvon 69 mite -yblj-". L: <.__ we fun earner," s A WOMAN'S "NO." ' Oh," no," I could not wed 'you-no ! But hope you won't for at ` I love you use sister shou d-- . Oh, please, Will, don't go yet. Yes, love you as a sister should ; `But marry you `#011, no ! ~ I m grieved that you should think of it, - Come bs.ck--don t leave me so. - T ---A down east Yankee, seeing an ali- gator for the rsbtime on the Missis- sippi, with his mouth open, ,exc1a.imed': Well, he ain't what. you may call 11 Iianstim critter. But he's got a good deal of openness when he smiles. #4 - - I1` uv 1-V-`___A . --If u toer and a galln of whiskey were left together, which would be drunk first`? ` ---_Now,-there abideth these hings which every man can ddbetter than any one else : Poke a re, put on his own hat, edit a newspaper, tr.-ll a story after another-man has begun it, examine a railway time-table. T ' men." He opened the door and (got; off the car, and not a paxssexigar spoke zigain for four b]ocks.-Dct7ozt Free Press. Msmcnm, Erzcrs or Oxxcxs.-- Another writes to an English agricul- tural journal as follows: Twice a. 'week-and it was generally when we had told meat minced-I.ga.ve the children a V dinner which was hailed with delight. and looked forward to. This a dish of boiled `onions. The little things knew not that they were taking the best of niedieine for expelling what most child- ner from--wo1-ms; "Mine were _ kept free by this remedy alone. It was .3` medicine` man who taught me to eat boiled` onions as 9. specific for colds `in. =2` the chest.` He did not know at this` time,- " `till I told him, that they were good, for else."- .. The editor of the jonr-`T " Udds: "A' is now under our u . ,As,h :-'_.L:_L _- ..I_-.......A.:.. --A marvellous change `came over the feelings "of the sneak who quietly accept- ed ve quarters for" :1 dollar, and -when at a safe distance from 1110 store dis covered to his disgust that fhey were all twenty-cent pieces. ` There, now, sit down and talk to vno, Instead of frowning so ; One cannot love just when they would, I d1iko to have you know. I don't believe you lovqme much ~ I do not.. on my life ;. - But if I really thought you d.id-- ' VVeII---ves--I rI hn vnnr wife mo 11 J. raauy mlougnls end- Wel1--yes--I'd be your wife. THE sfonv or A Mass. His GOXL STOVE. 7 When the; comfottefia come-the Spint of truth - ht; shall testify of_ me." JOHN 15 : 26. ~ ' up ... .- . . -- - U - 15: vs Acavnanvnn -... -A1ways tea.ringT God we need never fear Madame Grundy. '___1,- 1...... ....'L. V`. b"" ""'f"` I 5." ' ' ' ` ' " " ' --When we record our angry fee1ings,-| let it be on snow, that the first beam of sunshine may obliterate them forever. -rnv I , 1._L A`-.. l`...1L... :....'l LI`, Id 1 IIIVIIHB "Dav Ivan-nuns, ju \'InQvu IIIU II - mouse; . His children E131 around the door-their `lather : out tochnrm, ' V Iaokin j1}st as next and tidy as the tidy lit- e arm. With love for all its kind, v Ami pitying weak humanity, To errors oft is blind ; . A hand that in the cause of light . Is lifted, not for em- _'1'hcse two, combincgrwith a clear hand, Make just the men we need. ' N --Years are carried. off `on the wings of moments. A heartthat everoveiflowa - ' i . ru 1 . vnuuv A110 uvvu. vAJuAbIV\vnn --Exercise in moral conxparison : Get on ; get honor; gee honest. V , ; , ,, 1 1171 ,.___ .__.....-- `....12.`.,...-. I uulnuunaav u..n~J v-In-u-1....--V -..._ - _ . _ _ .- -ThoseV who `look for -i:va11'1ts', Vvnd fu.u1ts,_ and become fault-nders by pro- fession; but those who look for truth and good, nd that. -0ft what seems a. trie, a. more nothing, by itself, in home nice situations turns the scale of fate and rules the most important actions. ' -- . ,. , . .. -.q .1 ;uu. .-4. . . w w . u V m . . . - -..J . --[Keep clear of a man `who does not value his own character. T - . A . V ' -Never- rtire atnight without being wiser than when you rose in the morn- . ing, `by having learned something useful during the day. ` ' 1'- u - -If misfortune comes into your house, be patient and smile pleasantly,` and it will stalk out again, for it can't bear cheerful company. - - . . . . I -Energy will do anything that can be done in the world ; and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities, . will make a man without it. --If thou'desi1'e=;b ease, in the first place take care of the ease of thy mind, forthat will make all other sufferings e9.sy,; but nothing can snjwport a man whose mind is wounded. ' T ` --A young clergyman seems to have compressed the whole body of his sermon on deceit in the following : , Oh, my brtl1ren,tl1e snowiest shirtfront may conceal an aching bosom, and the stiffsth of all-rounders encircle 9. throat that has many a bitter pill to swallow. Re weeds train the corn-eld, no thistlee in the onus, ` . The horses show good keeping bv their ne and glossy costs ; - The cows within the meadow resting neath the beaohen shade, ' Learn their gentle `manners from a gentle xmlking-maid. Within the eld, on" Saturday, he leaves no cradled grain. To Do gathered on the morrow for fear of com- ing rein ; V He keeps `the Sabbath hoIy-his children learn his ways, he plenty an. his hem and bin` me: the Imyvanh Ann. 1. av FIVE of the sweetest words in the Eng- `lish language begin with `H, which is A only 9. breath: VHeart,` Hope, Home, Happiness and Haven. . Heart ,is a home-plaee, and home is aheart-place - `and that man sadly mistalieth who wpulti .ox_ha.uge the 11$PPineu of homefor any- less than H__ewen_.j : -. --A man who can. give up dreauning "and go to his daily realities, who can smother down his heart, its love or woe, and take-to the -hard work of his band, who dees fate, and, if he must die, dies ghting to the 1ast'--that man is life's best hero. ` V -`_` VVork, work, work, all daylong and every day; There is no let up. Every- body puts their work on me. I get no thanks. All this I couldvbear, but not 1 9. day passes over my head without :1 tirade of fault-nding from some one who V is not doing the tenthpart of what I am i doing for the community and the church. VVhy don t you do this '2 W'hnt did you do that for '2 Don't you think that was a mistake`? arothe querulous` questions red at me day after day bv those who do not put even their little nger in hlood-enrncstto the burden! Such is the vcompluint one lienrs often. It is true in every syllable. - It comes ` from the lips of good men and women, who . have large and lovinghearts, who love to ' `work, and to whom idleness would be day may he of service to them. `We say then: There me those who find misery. Perhaps a word or two here` to- 6 fault and they m'e--we1l, never mind "what; but them are otherg who say nothing because they are satised and pleased. A good wife complnined- that her husband sometimes found fault with `his food but seldom praised. Tl-.o puz- zled liushand, who had intended no evil, after some cogit:1tior_s. assured his help- because he was gmtftiefl. So those who do not praise -you are satised with you. Besida, whether you know it or not. -other men know just what you are meet that when he said nothing it was i worth ; and whether you know it or not ` `the words of our Lord are fullled in 11 `TIL ....... nu 171:1` Isa l\lI:O" nvvunnn -Dying is more than goingshome to God. It is more than going home to friends and friendship. ` It is also going home to nd out what we ourselves are. It is going home to nd our soulself. It is going hometo our two nature. It is enfranchisement. ` B2: not-ashamed of the Cmcied, but be thyself hold to say, He bcarebh our sins, and carrieth our sorrows, and with his stripes "we are'healed."' N 1 . .,, ,1.,, 1. .,_ 7(}wc$iJ`lnowS what st;eep- places lie -be-- `fore us. _He has provided the _ shoes of iron and brass" for us to put on.` - They are truth; and honesty, and faith,`-a`nd_ courage, and prayer. '1 --~--- -- .___..A_..- .-:II `I-....;.- 4L- L.....1 vv,u.u-e. vvinvo r-~~J v.. , A QLEAR conscience will keep` the head cool. And up along the hard road there is 2. sign-board, on which iewrittien in large brighthlotters,` He that walketh uprighnly walketh surely. ~ A .1, U16 WOFUB U1 uur uulu a.l._U LLIILLIAVLI Lu. "you, 9` Whosoever will be chief `among you, let him be your servant. Only be cheerful hereafter, and if possible more. abundant in your service, imitatix_1g Him who come among men to minister: and not to be ministered "unto.--T0hn's!zan Intelligencer. LIVE every day as if it wer the last you had to live _;--lay hold of every sea- son to prqpare for heaven. , '- 'w He will guide yo into` all truth. J ans 5; 13. V .2... Sheep are as much a necessity to the rmer as the cow, the horse, the hog or" poultry. If one hundred or more`can- not be provided for, perhaps it is possi- lie to keep ten, and ten sheep will make their mark, if suitably managed. As distributors of first class fertilizing ma- Ierial, they are certainly unequalled. It is snorted by those who claim to know, `ihat a thousand sheep will make one acre enormously rich in a single night. One hundred sheep would, in the same fntio, require but ten days, for the pur- Pl. and ten sheep would enrich three and one-half acres in a year. We think ; some considerable reduction should be made from these gures. If the calcula- . tion is three hundred per cent. too large, *9! ||50rcl the most feasible and cconr 'm!31 means of enriching our lands,. whether in large or small quantities. T1167 pay expenses and considerable pro- t 90 the owner before hegets d0! "0 the fertilizer question-so their efforts in 3118 direction are purely gratuitoutt Good fat mutton is s. most healthy and nourishing food for all classes of people. fer surpassing the everlasting bacon which we grease ourselves with; 81`1.`/' to our injury. It is cheaper meat than pork, and this fact `should commend it to our rural population. A small area, properly fenced and supplied with shade, shelter and water, can be made an un- failing meat pasture if suiciently stock- ed with a good grade of sheep. 05 the wool-producing qualities of the sheep and the various ways of utilizing this goduot we shall not speak at this time. ool is a staple article, ranking with A cotton, sugar, tobacco, wheat, corn and rice. It is worth money anywhere and everywhere. It is ready for market in the middleef the summer, just when the farmer needs a few dollars till his heavy crops mature. Our earnest advice to every owner of ten or more acres of land is to provide these indispensable requis- ites to comfort and prosperity without unnecessary delay. _ Sheep husbandry should be considered an important diver- sity of farm products.` The obstacles to complete success are not numerous or diicult to overcome. uoxne no1y-apu'1I; now, Incline my heart aright, And to my mind do than V Impart the saving sight` Of Jesus as my S irit s my ; V * The life, thelig t, thdtruth, the way. 5 Come Holy - Spit now, Tn:-Jinn mv ham-f. nriohi Buunap ncgutugf AAA--- Come Holy Spirit show? ' The words of Christ to me, That I the truth may know, And by it be set free. . The guilt and power of sin remove, And ll my heart with peace and love. Come Holy Spirit near` And. guide me lest I stray, Help me, with heart sincere, To tread the narrow way. And be my apiria comforter, And of God s love the witnesaer. I , Come Holy Spirit still - Thine inuence impart, And keep me safe from ill, And purify my heart ; 0 make it thy abiding place, And ll it_with all truth and grace, Come, Holy Spirit come, In me thy work complete, Prepare me forthy home, That. I may Jesus meet, And in his presence ever be , From guilt and sin and sorrow free. . compuazsszuc wonmns. 7:7:-Iva com-`om-an. 4 a__L____.___. LIFE. THOUGHTS. Ho never Vhn 3 law suit to take him to the town. For the very simple reason there are no fences down : Says a. Boston hysician. has-no eQ\.1B1 8.3 3 blood purier. eating of its man Wonderful cures after all other remedies hadfai ed. I Vited the Laboratory. and convinced myself of its 8011- ulne merit.- It is re ax-orl from barks, roots and herb. each or whgh fa highly effective. and they are compounded in such 8. mmmer an to Pl`d astonishing results." - `PATENT Mamcluss. V'EGETINE, LIUFUI. 05011 UL \Vl.llCn E astonishing results." Is the great Blood Purier. \Vi1lc`ure ne ivorst case of Scrofuln. Is rooommianded by-physicians and apothecarlee. ` Cures the \s"orst cases of Canker. Meets witli wonderful success in Mercurial dis- ansnn, ' _ A win emdicatc Salt. Rheum mm thegystcm. HUT IOdVGl'yU1nIp1 TCHIOD Il8l'O RTE Ill) uauu: own - . The hr-roon; in the village does not have for him I charm; _ . alw ya nd my neighbor on his forty- Aan hrm.

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