xmpdrof the County. andenjbyjng It 5 tbootveizxlj M It doas the large . ` '_:tmu. is 3 most dcsirqb a me- at circulation of all /news ape}-3. ggxhlish_e 1:: th -1 ac __ ...lwnv-H-A137. Its cont_cnts_-c_dit`o.1-151`. well supplied. _U-oou Susuuug uuu .,......... _ _ _- . UNLON HOTEL, co`oKsroWN._'| JAMES TUCK. Proprietor; having been leased by Mr. Tuck has been thoroughly renovated and furnished in first-class style, and nlfords the best. 8co0u11uod.m.1on for '1`ruvc-llers. Table and Bar supplied with the bestarticles. Good Commercial Rooms. Stage to (luiliurd Lwloc dam`. Amazon and Itosginlon - 5' 01100. This house e T"Tn?FEf.s.' ./-_,\ \,~_./~,,_,-.,-`,\,_ (`IOMMERCIAL HOTEL I u...m.,. 5: M1656 Jarvis Street, T01 A AvLu1Iu.u~u..n ~.._ _......__ \ __ _ __ VVELLINGTON HOTEL, (RE- . BUILT.) Cox-nor Dunlo and Bayeld _:n-nnmllnrrle. J. M . NESS, 1'p`p5iIt1t<:x;.k'ljh`i s TERMS VIII-O0 IN ADVANOE.l vuvvn -' ` """""-`-' ' " '1 \ VFIIE S1. MODE 7 HOUSE, BARRI E. u e:uN_\(.Y_"Pronr1etor. I_{n.'.*ln_g re; 11111`. :>|..n.uuu - ..v.,..._, M. S1{ANACY."Pro{pr1etor. -Ii;'.:ln1 cently built the abova 1 ousc on the al` the Slmcoe Hotel. and furnished. it._th:< ' enabling and attentive hostlers. Sample R for Commercial ffuvellors. Stages leuvt Hotel daily on u.rnya,l or txgiixs. __--;-.1-.11 11-nn';:T HARRY _ HU U D114, D.:11\.Lu.u.-- JOSHUA CLARKSON. Proprietor. Corner of Mulcaster and Dunlop Streets. and opposite the ADVANCE Olco. Barrie. This commodlous establishment is well tted ui), and yvill com are favourably with any houseo the klnd Nort of 'I`o1-onto. Goad accmhmodatlon for Commercial travellers. The best of stablmg a.ttached,`nY.tcnd- ed to bi; obllging and experienced hpstlers. Stages leavet is house daily on the armval of the up trains. Bar well supplied wlth the boss`. of liquors and cigars. HKAI, U. .13., Lnwvv. Land Surveyor. Valimtor and Dmughtsmsm. Agent for the British Mensa en Loan Company of Ontario. I<`arm. 'l`own.a.n illa-go Propcrt for Sale. Money to Lend on `easy terms. 0 cc- Oumrio Block, Dunlop Street, arrie. 52-ly '.l`u.UL`13U;V , UL Y Lu JJLV`! Over Ca.po`n's store, oppoaxte the Queen's Hotel. _ ' -- ~..`,u-'rr\1- A Dt`1L]'T"l`I4`,(.'I` G?EER, Provincial Land Surveyor; Archi- tect, c ' U AND BULUI to Rent tmdvfor : Street. Bun-in. -- _-./-qr -v1)`A1t0n- Mccarmy, wu. "mm... ..-,-, Ll-`.8. __l*`funr;i:3__l:Z;_I:.__I Vep[ Frzmcis R_yg._'___' I ENNOX J: LENNOX, BAR'RIS- I M... Annrnnv-n.t-l8.W. So1iclors1}3_(_{11p.gcery. \....u. E DUI. .UU1.LJ1JD1.\, uu.:.w TRACTOR. Plaetorer, kc: All work done on the" shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Satisfaction , amnteed. Addrea5`-Bu.ye1d_-st.. rtgur the Bar e Foundry. . -~ -.- . -v1--rm-4- 1.-r1'TT [`I,1,]`{] ALLLMLLJ :. .z..u._.._-. --, B.*\.LL, Carpenter & B turer of Doors, Sashes. B1 Planing of all kinds done pl rnrilv. 1`a.ctory,Bnyo1g_E t1L\.lJI.u\.n w 4 TECTS. Toronto 56_ King-St. East. F':;{~.:~:K 1 Uhrn .l\UU'1'JLuJ, \./AL STABLE. County of Simcoe. Court. Barrie. ' V ]Ub'l`Jl. I'l. D W .11.`, u:x;uL;.~ .. 2 5th Division Coprt. County _ 0.hco utmy Store, Crmghmtst. -.. ,......n1-`r , H RISVIUIJHFJ Kc K111 L\..[\a LDULV, .u ;4~ POS [TOR oft.h<>_Bu1'rio Brunch Bible Society, Dunlop Street. A __--n .-\r\r~r\Y'Y1`.1 Bzkli Lilli r U U H un 1 , up um. 1'4 uu BOILER \V 0RKS.-H. SEWREY. Manu- fncvturcr of every deecri Lion of Engines, Boilers, sxmv Mill. Grist Mill. 5'5 ingle, Lat , &ndV_Wood- Saw ,Mill. Gria_t Mm \-(rot.-lgiutz Machmery. .-q- UUN LV.l.I!a.lJ|J.J.V.I) ,1, u.u u nu, Sign. and Ornamental Painter`. Paper Hang- ing Scc.. done in the best. stylov of the art and chezm. Perfect satisfaction uaranteed. Corner of John n.nd'Ross-sts., and :1. M10 west. of Barrie Foundry. 40-ly _.,_,,__.__ ._,_i_._. -R T. l5.`.Xl'.V'.l`1l.V\J", \}.lJI`J1\/.13.`, UUU J.` .1. .L - Simcoe. will be at his Olcc. atlhe Court - House. Barrio. every Saturday . Residence and 1f._O. _C_ , JJ BOILER. \\ Ulilt5.-n. an H n.uu.. uuu_.u- ,Mill, 55 wnrkimz MACMDBTY. of John an F_oundry_._ ' EVV LIV EH1 DJ.1.l)1J.l`4K).--.I.1J.A.'4 undersigned has opened 3. Livery Stable in he premises lately occupied by VV. H. Crosby, ' Owen st., opgtyasite the Post Oice. Barrie. where Horses and ohiclcs, Double and Single Rings, and all re uisites of arsbclasa Livery can c found. AL X. FRASER. `lihi JSANULLOIL Dun. v xuu ; nu- LOR, O posltejhe Barrio Hotel, and next door D. A`. 1\ cDona.ld's Ilardwnre Store. Having" secured`tho services of a.` rst-class workman, none need :20 away without t.helr_work]._)e_ing lluunvy ~..-...,_. TEITPH SWAN, BAILIFF OF TH of Simcoo. n,i;:-nn,t.lnV store. Crmghlxnst. 46-1y fi`HE ENGLISH SHAVIN G "]E\ AR-` sHAviNa_ PARLORS. 1`/~. -'\ .r\.\. . r nu nnnulfn Hm mm-la Hotel. rst-class workman, none go without their work being done. The greatest ofcnretaken and everything, as usua.1._perfect.ly clean. Razors rconcaved or around to order. W.,BLADEN; _r _0-1y nsuua1.,pe?tectly Razor ground W., BLADEN; _ -r r11T'r1`r1`.!1)TlT`DT_ .lJu:vv.a..a -._......__ ._, I u@'-ovPos1T1: QUEEN'S HOTEL, DUNLOP STREET.` Razors and Scidsor Ground and Set. on ;3}iort V notice. . ubscriptlons Buu mu .. ......._. f Lost. Wanted, For Sade. &c.. &c.. not cxcee dfor 25 cents each i my 5 lines, will be a_dmmo _.4.x..-' All advemsements o.rd_ercd_`by stmn e ' " `* A9 A14 lotcl daily 0X1iLl`x`1vu517:.:5_;:.u.-.9. _ `ILARKSON HOUSE, BARRIE.- 1 rna1IITA GLARKSON. Propriobcxg. Coybgg iiiua gagrrlxe &_SllAVlG Pamoun an`- ..... _ __ ..___._..._.________..... .____%._.- ARCHITECTS &..B ,-. ,~. ,. A-/\r\ /\/\ A`-AIUELT BRAY, C. E.,' PROV. ` \ v -...1 cm-mmnr, Vn1uatoru.n(1Drn.ug'htsm:m._ J -JU11i.VDUJ.V, nmcuun, un- PORTER. of and dealer in Goals of all kinds, and Georgetown Grey, and Guelph White Finishing Lime. Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks a.nd'Plastere'rs' Hair. Office and Store- house at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John Street, near the de ot. I`he bond of this Lime is bettc than that 0 any other kind, and the nish superior. Oice--Corner of John and Elizabeth-eta I . an In ......._, , .., _ WLI F FORD THOMSON, CIVIL EN- : .~,nn.~.wn P2-nvinciulLa.n(l Surveyor,~_Arc_}_1i~ Keeps constantly on nunu IALLVKIND or coALs FOR noon 3 nuuu. 71317)." H. BROWN, ARCHITECT, I" AND BUILDING SURVEYOR. Houses Sale. R2ss1n1::vcE-~McDona.ld ......o nan-in . '_-" 4" \ MISCELLANEOUS. `-,\__..,..,~.\._-._\ i {5`S`FQi5%fiiO\(}ERS, CHIEF CON-_ am A m.w. nnnutv 01co-1`o1icc STEAM, FOUNDRY, DOMESTIU AND BLAOKSM|TH'8 USE. BAYFIELD ST., - ` B_ARRTE.1 2'11) . 1: u.uu.u ,y , um, ...\.... _._ - , ,, ARLING 6.: _EDWARD .'!`h`('Y`-3 I; kc. L. .c:- Lhe late mm W. L~.uuz_ Q OUNT .k Luum A.torn(: 4-at-Luw, L`, Solicitors in )unlop Street, Barrio. S of Boulmn. Loum, Bpya (3. `U. \V.1'.r)un?.. J.)L1.1u.\.; >.J.LJ.;;u>.a, Chanmry, `ucceasors to &: Stewart. r{IsT0PER H1-i{I0N: I nnu vmnn mi ohn Rm-ria 31 IUl'Kluu .uu.uLuuv..x . |O_HAN MELLANBY, l-IOUSE, .... nn Ornamental Paper }AR'1iTE F0UNDRY, ENGINE & nnn WI ) xvnnlt ._I-I. SEVVREY. ll` L118 Durnu r uuu-..., . ._________.____._______._____ {ARRIE PLANING MILL.-GEO. 1) 1 .1. l.nrnm'h'.eI` 8: Builder. and )In.nuf_ac- V03. Txzvlxx. )u.uur,v . ' IEW LIVERY STABLES.-'THE ....,:......:.....,..1 1....: nnnnn n. Liv.-erv nun. IIIIIII was v---_.. FOR DOME8TlO Ann nLAnKsMI1'H'8 USE. ~_ To THE BARBIE `GLOVE - FACTORY! For Fall and \VaAnte`r Gloves and Mittens or all kinds. 1 TM. Ladies` and Gentlemen : Driving Gloves bl specialty. Also Ladies and Children's Straw - and Felt Hat; regno`_ie1led_-i1_1rt];e.1;utest and _ mogthppgovqa sbylegg j3'l!hot;qughl3uaxper_ienc- . ed hands onlyare elnploiexf. " -' Li. IX. 0 . u;-u..uu-...----. , 'l`IS'|`, Barrie, Ontario. Graduate of the Phil- adelphia. 1).-uLu.1 Colic In, also of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ()1 {co--OpposiLe Barrie Hotel. ' " v.7 :\I".1L`l'f1IT v---=-~-.- __ . "1'. BANTING, CLERK, COUNTY . e:...,..m u.-illhn nthis Olcc. Court Reosembr the F 1;: Uofner of Elizae bath and Toronto S;ne_zs,- f_,. H . A 9.PPIitI l0`33|l`H5t1o Blftrio so-sm.-. 7;. 41s:tq9_>.` 3 u - qt`-.: ;ARRAIEO0AL OFFICE. W. P. JAYNES D nnnn nnnaf.-I.nI*1v nn hand luu. LU uruur. vv ., uuuu CUVL_VERWEE--I'_;L _S iyyqpp. LIME AND `com. ,- ~-.-\ \r\/\' .A.~.A-/\,,v- ,v.\,vvv\,. _ S. JOHNSON, BARBIE, IM- nnnmwn nf nn dealer in Goals E`i3I'zFs{,'":1t3'eEs,"nunds. Mouldings, axe. g promptly and sat1stv.c- Fa.ctory, l3a3'21g}i._:_x'_9_et. Barrie. -- - -ix:-11': nncc A1){`1TJT_ xlcalgfaIi':`E;:.1`i(xi~a3.Ecouimoda.tlon for the public and boarders. Bar and Larder _hed. _G-ood stabng and sheds. 21-15 ,4 -- -....u- nnnrr q'I1nTXTNf _ -\JlllAl\a yo.---.-.__,.. ,, Eovvnl Stdirs, , .__..,..-..-.n nvvnmxfln `rr, `um 14-... 1 1).m1.1.\:G.__n_0BERT EDVVALDS. . _ HT10. _______________________ M ACEY, BUILDER, CON- . . rvnn m...-mu-m-, Inc: - f\/ ..r . TVIIEIJHI4-n- r.._._ DR. C. 11. 13"<)L%i.-x.1\`I16,J ["i3 EN'r1fs5J3f Olcc over Edwards 8:. Luinfs Book Store. `Barrie. Unt. -- ~ '-'-~ -v\l1\1' [NG'1'U.N 1'1. U .1 1.`; 11 , `Ll: 12" [L'l`,) rrle. M. NESS. ' roprietor. his mm: hotel bps been rebuilt. of brick. height. and xstted up with all modern :es. Excellent accommodation for the mmln and Ba._r a_nd Laggigr s1-u mo :-0pposlt}e thoquc-.cn's' ` ..1Iot1.Ba.rrio. MUUL uuuon, u.1..u.._.. LANACY. Pro rletor. Having rc- site of it_ through- unnlnnn ntvle. X um p1-e_pm-cg t9 E PLAN Lmu LV111J14.--uuu. \, Carpcxitelfsc Builder Manufac- ors, Bhnds. Mouldings, 85. 11 kinds: dnne nromntly 12SoR"raAI'r EAINTERS. '. .fq'U1`1.I.'.V.l..`J Keeps constantly on hand In A al ll P f` ,f| -HAW B o ha----------as Y1-{Vb`est. Good stnbling and '. Lug ge of guests conveyed .11 traa. Few doom west of` I` an-t. LVD LLvLuu.-4.;. u. ) r!etor.-Excc1lent accommo- e ling public. Bar and Lax-der the best. am} I. and ' Barrio. Old 1 . 0. Building. Uollcguof Surgcona, lingluud. Mcmucr \,mu;.,., of I hysic'1a_us and Surguuns, ()m.., &.r-. lteuidcnce ~In Bank of (}o:mm-.rcc Buildings over I\Ic:-33.22 ). Sanders` Jeweller Store, and two doors \Vc:-st 01' mo . Bu-tie How ," Dunlop Street, Barrie. ;y1e. reputed to it of nccoxxuno anion. Good 5 Rooms vcllors. leave the nf trains. . 2-ly tic. and Lander` '. and of guests conveyed ]..l`JL` \J\JL\_ 0IIlc0~l_o1icc z;.hROHI- aw i',`1)F-: a Slnnietv. simcoo. ed _ lanln QR. ..\.[cCON KEY, Mcill l.'ni\'cr~.)ity. 1 Bank_ (}_o:nuu-. and 531.31) 1` u.cLun v . Montreal. -w j V: 3: SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET. And has now every facility for fullling his num- erous and ever increusixgg engagements. NEwsToRE. ._n"..u- nvvxvn 1\rv\Y`l n nrrnmtrm 5 I I-.Am, i FU_ll;\1&UES_'1_`\f\:_!}i`fI`I'l`}!,"\`!'ll'EI1'S.' ['(JIInunvuu - 'v --...-... . _, , Pumps and Iron Piping of _all aorta in Stogk. cotmlcm worm, PLUMBTNGL (ms .\ D _ _ STEAM FITTING norm. A SPLENDID STOCK OF :2-rsfrovas AN D _TINWARE.`m ` J obblng done cheaply and quickly. Don't forget the P1ace:-The new Tin Stoi-ts, at1io'1nlngl\1cCarthy`a Block. Dunlon St.. Barrie. Ofdex:s solicited for I-xi .-5 improved STEAM, HOT AIR & HOT VVATER I_ ..nnu.nnn nun mnniu An ummmm Iv/.rlvv-' . .A....-\...z.vv.V a-*._ ELL'1W\"'7`.1'i.'L': W 0 j`:'Ai;-is`:`RSl "V WILL NEVER CEASE. l uex'noved"aga1n zo 3ms.`noss' BLOCK, mun- 'hm- R nnnnqitn the Slzmdy. where did you get. that n-rat ttijig hm-no 31 I ot them at the. esmhlishxnent of \V.m. Ian's. Vhat did you pay for thorn? 815. made to order gthey are handsome and all the. rage :' he can : 0 beat. for Style and Dm-=ibilit.y. They are Cheap. certainly, I must go and get 1:. set, Sandy.` If vou want a handsome 'l`I{UNK. SADDLE, VVIIIP. BL.-\.\'l{ET or COLLAR you can get one. When you go to buy ..he1 sure you 0 in the right place, there is as large Saddle and `ollar in front of the shop. ....-..-- .....'...n ,..,-n IEO`?! UUEVV E-IIIII Unyv u---u `Wellington Block, Opposite Simcoe' Hotel. Bay- oigl-St'.. Bvzn-1-ie. vfgm night l :a}(:u_l_0 buy Saddles. V_A.. nAYn.z:n n....x.;..;n I-Um-nnsu, 'I`runks_.Vulises. and ever)`- `"`*`ui:6m1:*a;n:: `o7; as=zIi" - /1, __.A.. EBAY .L\'.i...ni.bn Dealer in I-Ixrnes3..'I`runks,Nulises. every- thing connocyed wxth the trade. All work war- ranted. especlally Collars. Trotting Boots made to order. Re axring promptly executed. Al1ro- pnirs left. on t e D_l.`0InlSOS longer than six months will be sold by pnvale sale or otherwise for costs of repairs- umnxr 017' THE GOLDEN SADDLE." As via; UU_vv- an..- _ _ _ I , aamcms I toPgotomoo._ am-Io. ofrcpaix-s.. `-SIGN OF THE GOLDEN Bayeld St.reet,l door north of the Wellin ton Hote1;Bs_3.rrie. 0- . g%Agsaas uvm:...-+.m mm-1- nnngitn Simcoe Hotel. Bar- DIICCUSSUI Lu ucv. uuyc I I V V MERCHANT TAILOR 51. 8L[lTHEi V MAKES THE Noutesl; Nobhiest, and Bu:-E. 19:1- tlng Sun coho had Nurtu :21` i V . T 'l`orono. - . - I All the latest and nobbiest patterns on hand to choose from and sa.t.isfa.ction given. to every customer. v E 98 I PERFECT rIT3`UARAN'r.-.39 nrirnma xmmm ATE`. nnmrnsx wnn m.n'rH. run: RAUL I-`LI. UUIJLILLAI A. '~.A.lil PRICES MODERATE.` ORDERS FOR CLOTH- ING PROMPTLY FILLED. 1taTGive hinrn trial and get ts sfylish, well-x_na.de Suit.` - Fred. Iaovver. Barrio, Sept. 14. 1876. f 37-ly L; R. WERNER l)l..I.L.(}. `. .- and 1{csidcx:r:e (in the W . . " tract, lxnxumlintely opposite .\1r. ' B11113 a.ndSu.s'n1_~`ucLorv.` _ ~ - - - ---rv an A 1\YTAFD QR] tilt. doas me 1_:u,,-,u=.f .,T._,, szxhlisheci in s_c'_:t1n _ IS desirable lnn for mlvcrtt.-nag. lts_ contents-Editorial --wlll be found to` ha of 1 local. news, and s.el"ctel! . the kind which dxsungznslx all ts:-class cquntry weoklles. . The Job Depmrtmentlsatoclged with an exten- sive assortment of all reqmsitea for rintin , mlngout. l`StrC wor .. uffording facilities for tn large type and a proprmte cuts for all style; of Posters and Han bills, and 9. stock or choloe tsncy pnntln . ~ y t, th (in class of . ~ 56 C 0 0 ydescriptxgnn In stock and ` trictly in lam: forms 0! ever _ unplied at reasonable pr1_oes. . _ T JRMS :-For Subscrxption-31 per annum. advance: 2it n9_t sopald. FOR ADVERT lSl.'G-laxght cents per line for .- rsnsertion. and two cents each sgxbsoquentin. ertion. Yearly cards not oxoeedmg om : inch` pace. :5 per year. _S'pecml contracts for yearly dvertislng entered mto at reduced rates. \V1-lt,- en orders mus: he sent, for-_ the dlgcontlnuunce of nbscrlptlons and ndvertlsmg. Transient notices exceed- Wan_Led, _._ : linna wxll admitted f9r_25 cgnts gach in. --~ vv :1 v-anon:-Q ...__.-- DUNLOP-ST.) 0?_POSITE~ BARRIE HGTEI.-I 'OHN PLAX'I`ON,' HAS REM07\/E1) '1`( ms xrL\v STOCK 012- SE- ;{?I:IG AND SUMMER TWEED_S TO CHOOSE mom. Parties buying Cloth elsewhere can -have it lands up. A `I4:-Ir - 1\Il'-.'E,n.e.. I CAPITAL ..'-V .. Fuxns Imuzsmv Ovnrc .. .. ANNUAL INCOME OVER .. .Iu:.-snnvn FUND .. DEPOSITED WITH THE D(').M |.\'IO GOVEKVMENT . . . . ROYAL INSURANCE CO Y OF LIFELIVERPOOL AND LON D0;\"-FIIlE AND L1.4};'iL1n"o1-* smnsaoz. n Em; LI.'I1ITEl). .4... .-. ..,.,-...._ 'VV'e11ii1gto:n. Iiotel, SA_DDLERY AND Hlumass. A .-. .. < . ./.-vv.-*.r4\~w- .~ `.s.T.._,.`!.E..3.....A.h.'.';L,\T'N`VAB.E! . _ . STOLVES OF ..\I 6!.` \'..cu I).xnv-nu VJAMES '113'T3-wA.R1.>s, . CON VE RANGE R, -r,, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES`. 4.-nu.-u nu unnu- POST OFFICE ISUILDING, BARBIE. Ban-ie.set.11._1a7s. ' X'IJ_l'Js)..lL\;;--.v V I AN U1-2H., lhsncm`. . ed, Rents and l)<-bL~5 Co] on'u new Brick Block, IH - Barrio. mans up. Alex; 1\dZoE.a.e. 35-tt Barrie, March 20th. 1878. H; J A1!IF5S,:- Manager; I MONEY T0 LEND BIVTFARM AND TOWNT . PROPERTY Afr s PERCENT. 1I.J hldsth 1` ages" t the nrfx$f33(Y>an%3ompt:nig:tn` 5a,,6'qd the prlnci Loan Companies of da,,and is therefore` aposltlon to-place Loans en` gno,s_t 11. James now holds the Agen tor nu-ee In mvomble terms to borrowers. ` the:- etore1n a.pos1tlon.to'pl.nce Loans on` mqau - fgvomble borrowers. ` ' ` ` : FIRE I1\1's'UBANcE:s.. Eocted In ENGLISH STOCK COMPANIE3&G~ - ngodgrate rat.e_s'. .----n VADWIKNOEIS. VMLSDE o rdrn . AND! _ _ -_......_.o #011 A NOBBY SUI-T- Of thclntest and most. Fnshiqnablcapods - nrnnnnuun -iv nun nlll-lli `Mom-eA=G_T_ BOUGHT. `-.. "-__ T I : ,PjE`Rso;mL PROPERTY. {_ Renys a}n".1- _ A-cE;u}zis Cllectgd. .snirm11A.'I 7.(`>"L14c.L;2innVV. - _ ? Fa"?i!!1`1T371`*W*3`*`'3. ,_-;.~_ -__-"n~.u.`.. ` UHNA 1V1.1un;x L. 7 UV. HR, Conveynncer, Issuer 1 oenses under the .\'c\v .r\-ct, &:u., 1 . *RED. LOWER, zrosmm wrm Goxfanxmnxr .1-zoss BLOCK, BARRIE, OAV T.V ;ARRIE LOAN, `INSURANCE AND DISCOUNT OFFICE. ` _ FRESH AE_1\?ALs 1)? _.._._ n-unn---:1 (Sdccessor to Geo. Lane) nu-r -I-nu nn a. ns 1" "woxms' "Am: TmNas.nyxb. A 13309 or.mx'1r'.u.Lma upon motfam M.'r..1>nonx3c1a; mu wmcu 2 - J.._._ MISCELLANEOUS. nu LU .1111). Lsuwu u bc_r 3. opposite the AJLAMES EDWARDS, B uum:, l Compnnfs Va.lua.tor..-` 0n'u new n1.`u.-n l)Au\.,n, ........, .,_,_, , , _ Barrio. V37~ly 7' ()s EPf{i `TJG1:"'{.~;':66N VEYAN-' 0 ' er in Qnecn Bench, Auc- nd (jrmnuissiun Agent, for car. :'):):nn;issiun uoneer. Ap )X`:Ll:a'L'l`, :1. mo sale uf lulu`-`:i._ I hold Furniture, 3m).l-1, \Vu.rc3. xc. .\1::o1'or the ml):-c_tion_of 1--n:s.4\'n:.`s.>u1vlAccounts. Oillun - -l ol1c(; Court. Burma, Vo1VIN "1mnLx~;Y, \CCOUVN'I`AN_,'f-, 0 x.'_o11uctn:~ of In-ms, \'olea, Book Accounts. -~ N .1 A unnf Omnc. O`VCD l .u.mls. '1~`urm- Stock. lIou:sc- . `av uuu ahauuv - .......v-.....-... .....-_ A mrm FIT, AND cHAI5, " -GO 'ro-. T % ALEX. Menu, V.MERCHAN%T TAILOR uh: - -_-.`.-.~ 1 _m1_;`ei-y low9n_gnig'. JAMES . EowAR`bs,: Agent at Ban-lo. oxirxpn AT ma: ' \J .7 \J J. D all the New Patterns m great variety. `I' U ;1 u-J.. 1;. . < Largesg assortment gver shown 1n Barrie. I'LL` H .:`L.l.\v.l'J, HARD\VAI{E. and SEVVING MACI{'[`I\' ES. at _ _ J.P LI.AN' ` Opposite rcem_:;m's _ ur II-P, LLAN' Opposite rceman's mturc Store. Barrie. T IN WARE, gwxvtvn. at A num r-`S, 'menLa 1\1m1mLmL L liUI5L4l'Jl, ."x\4Lz_Uuu ;.;;u_..., xfolluctnr | &'.c. Inuurmwe and Gcnaml Agent. Omcc riln--JL. Hxuric-.. Out. 'I`m Books .-&dju3- ed, rjnu-.r-: l7p,:1.m1 .\<`v,uums .\i3.dc Out. Docu- 'npix~a1,'u.m1other similar workj nxecuwd wit h luv z`.(`,ulH`iLC\' and duslmlch. N.B.-- Ca.4_ah I`mnd.cd over same day as cullcclcd if,rc- _ U N S-T.H .E _:. r~ri%e.!'0ntar_io, ThnrAsda.y,. 1 :'Ia`rch `.`.0,_ 5.000.000 3.750.000 _ 150.000 A few short years-and then What changes Time hath uranglxt ! So strange they seem, we ssarcq can deem The world, our life, ourselrez are aug'xt But one long tful dremr. _ The clouds that y ' ' ` Across the sky, ` % ! I I e! Waves tossed. upon the sea, Shadows that pass _ ` Before a glass, - V Our tting emblems be. A few short yeal-s-a`ncl then - \Vhere are the hopes thst shuns When youth with owers enwrenthed the in-mu-a - A few short years- -and then - - \Vhereia the &d mant chain ' - That passion wrought, and madly th08ht Nor time nor change could ever strain Till life s last strife was fought ` ' A rope of sand A goas mer band; The lmy threads at e n. The qpider weaves .' Amongst the leaves \ A rmer band had been. A few short ycars-aud then _ ~ \Vhere is Ambitioifs pile, ` Phat rose so high against the sky, O er9hadowing all around the while, With its proud boast might vie`! ' A shadow s shade, ` `A card-housemade .By children for their play : . The air-blown bells That folly swells May vaunt 0. surer-stay, A few short ye:u'a--and then Where is the mighty grief . That wrung the he_art with torture : art, And made it feel that its relief , ' Time : hand could ne er impart ? A storm thatfu burst, And done its worst; - n Then `left the heaven more clear; _ A night-mare dread, \Vith morning ed, These sorrows now appear. A few short years-und then , What of our life remains, 1 : The smiles and tears of other years, Of assion s ioys and son0w s pains, z mbit,ion s hopes and fears? A faded dream To`-day they seem, . Which memory source can trace-~ But eals they've set Shall Time not yet Eternity e'ace'! ' A mm-.r-5:1 hp, mm .\L'(;u\ L,`-'vpim'l.'u. 'axe_cuLcd ii! mzcurzxc Cash hundcd c 1`.-IissArthusa Peppnrd was out of temper.- She said she wa.s`m.}( . But it must have been 3, mild kind of mzidness, `for her nlenszint voice had only a dash.of sharpness and no re ashed from her soft brown eyes. But;she was out of temper ; no doubt about that, and no wonder. She had left her mite of a cottage early that April morning and gone over to New York to shop, and in the first store she entered-rL store crowded with. people buying seeds and bulbs and pl;mts-l1er pocket"-book, con- tnining hex`. half-monthly allowance, lmd been stolen nnd she had been obliged to re- turn to Summertown xvitliout the young lettuces and cabbages and oriionsets and parsley and radish seeds that she had in- tended the very next day to plant in her mite of nygarden. And every day" lost in a. . garden in early spring, _as every body knows, or ought to know,` is a. loss indeed, and there s nothing in the world so exas- , perating to an amateur gardener, es every body also knows, or ought biknow, than to hear from a. neighboring mnateur garden- er 2 Good-morning, Miss Peppard. How backward you are this year! Your redishes are jtist-showing, and we've had at least a. dozen `a day for three days past. And our parsley's up, and our onions doing nicely. And you used to be so forward 1" t ' So~1\:Iiss Peppard, who was a dear little ,_ 1__c__n__ L_.:__L:. 4.1 I..,1.- nours, . And earth had but` one inusig tone DC :4-\I-2 `nu nu Oh!` ntivn 9 Anu you useu BU ue BU 1u.l'v\-iuu ; So~Miss sweet-faced, wonderfully bright old lady, living in the nentest and most comfortable manner on a." small` income, with a faithful colored servant-woman n. few years younger than herself, is rolly-polly dog, a. tortoise- shell cat, and three birds, had two reasons `for being sorely vexed, the loss of her money-and the loss of the days which she, had expected would start the green things" a-growing. . . All Hm. mnnnv T liml nlm zmirl tn Pate- COUNTY OF SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISER. W . Allthe money I had, she said to Pete- omL--cal1ed Ona. for shorb-as she rocked nervously back and forth in her rocking- chair, her eyes sparkling and her cheeks ushed." I only wish I could catch the thief. I d send him to jailias sure as grass fa green. _ . . V ' T)51f.'A nhn nntif, Nfinn Pnnnmr --Pete- 13 green. D2165 sho emif, Miss Peppur -Pete- one. always dropped the it'd sarve em zackly right, w en dey `war ketch- ed. to be `drug to de lock-uplby do heels. Then [after slight pause, which was 0na. s way, she added an after-thought: Dono, dough` s pose dey might as well take dc pore wretch by de head . V. ' ' `- All th mnnev I had." reneatod Miss Wrcwn by ac nea.u.' ~ All the money I had," repeated Miss Peppard: ve and-twenty dollars; and I can t. get any more for two weeks, for bor- row I never did nor" never will. ,And there's the garden all laid out and ready for planting, and Mrs. Brown sets out her lettuces and cabbage plants to-morrow -5 morning, u.nd she ll be sending theurhere with `her compliment-s--her compliments, indeed !-before ours have begun to head. - ` 7? aka '.-In 1" Fr-nw nm nlnnr `Hun ma oartn nan Dun one Inusu; la Of joy for us and ours 2 The x-ainb.ow s huea, The morning s dawn,` The `blossoms of (day, ' The tmhlino sheen UIQGCU. !`D8I0l'9 OUTS DKVU Utigllll L0 new .```If she 'do,_ I'll frow. em ober fence," said Onn; _Better eat th: dough, I guess. Her compliments c1 V I-iuarlt Ham nurn ' G111. And, oh! my cunscienco! Miss Pep- pard went. on (she could invoke her con- science-'t_hus lightly, dear old lady, because she hadnothiug on it), ba.by s picture was in that pocket- `book. And I can't get . an- other. ' Polly said it` was the last, and the photographer don't come that way but once u. ven.r.' f ` ' - ' - THE BABY'S rxcrujuz. a. yea.r."` _ . > ' We1l,wel1, you are a. pore soul, sym- pathized Peteona, to!go an lose dat at picter-dat.lubly thing jun` like a. botned angel. An V yer ` sister's onlieat v qhile-' .cept ve. Wish I had (lat robber yore `dis minnit ; I d b_ox his ears so he _eou1dn _t set f1ir'a week. ` ' ` ' V t'n'Ivn1'11r`n"-, Rn `In!-n Inna " `I9?- '(l:0WIl X111` 8 WBCK. . mistress Of all things in the wide-world; Ihate a.thief.- I'd have him put where h6 d'steal'n`oth`mg for 9. year or two at '|nnn}._ , .. ' j ,He'wou1dn t be here long, siid Iner- 139,.-..'A . ` . 'uggested Ons; a.n day's al1`wnsa den ;`:at_rpi1la.ra.. Caterpillars takea .yo 1':hings_ right `fore. yo eyes'--don .t. sneak In yo gwokti`. Take a cup of tea, Mina Peppar , gr : no use frettin no mo ; An do cat ; ben a.-settin on yer skirt for half an hour, a ;ua ,came` in of do duh` Aa. mimt ago `_`Might be _n-vshe; dnr s she-rob'bers,.` watin you to `notice her, pore " She ; .- Liisslenimni-06 t17x ateaL and soketo A Few SHORT V533. A pus came In on as 0 on a. mum; ago .4 Misa1_Feppard_1_'}oo thetea; and spoke to the) cat; but shejcouldn t help fretting; -and 31170" slept but little that night , and -Woke A the next morning u.lmost"as voted as 781`, - the thief at..interva.ils qt ,!h`1.l'!'jhlf.-51!`v10|1.! f..r.om 'un,*11 LIIU FIUIIIUIILIE HIHIIS-II V On water seen More stable are than they. U16 moasoxnn or a any, The trehlbling sheen On water seen Q3111` tntg. I183-(ls per the them, 5 ca;1 t &'.c. Agent for the II nuicsz -C/1! izvn H ln.-um `ire, Life, Ac.- Inn: zL_u< for Ontario. Turomo. Olcc. Hamilton. U. 1), Hooker, S-:-crvmry m v p.m_v only insun-5 lluhl dress. Thormun l .0. `.dinne1', although Pcteona evnphatically re : nmrkexl : "Dar s no use cursin` an swearin IMiss Peppnr"; don't do no good. W141: I 'ih:u1 an T1-obbin debbil here, dough." - 11:1} nffnr tnnnnr n` u-]\;n}1` (hr: ur.I'Ul\r` C Inll (HID FUUUXH U.UUUll H6113, U. D ` But after dinner, for which ()nn. served g '21 soothing little stew and a. czmliug ciea.m Icustard, the old lady became a. little calm- 1 far, and retired to her own room to write a letter to her sister I ol1y,- vim lived away off in llnlchigzm ; and she had just written: I` And T r-.m1'|*. nuzn n. nf.rAwlnn1'rv hn this: l on In lllllllgu-ll ; illlli SHE llllll Jlll-I VVIIDDUIIZ ` A1111 I can't make a. strawberry. bed this summer, as I intended, and I ll have to wear my old bonnet, and, dear! dear! how I shall miss ba.b s picture! when Petoonnv opened the}dooraa.ns ccrenwnie,n.s she always did, and walked in with a mysterious air. . Pusson want to see you, Miss .Peppar'-- man pusson want. Bout a boy a age, I guess." . - \Vhnf. dnan he look like. and where did 633- What does he look like, and where you leave him?" asked the old lady, laying down her pen, and looking a little alarm- ed. ' c-n..+ ,... n... ..,.-..1. I 1...1. an Am An 2` Out on the po'ch. I lock de do . An he's a. dirty, ragged feller dat looksjus like zulirty, ragged beggar. Shall I broom him off, Miss Peppa.r I Looks the dough he ort to be broomed off--or gib somn to out -pore. bony, dirty soul. 0 T "nnmn nnw." nmd Miss Pemmrd: bony, curvy 30111.; . I ll come now," maid Pepp:L'I`d; and she went` And` there on the porch stood 8. dirty, ragged, forlorn-looking boy. of about twelve ye'urs,of age, 1ooking_ex- ceedingly bony" and half starved, sure enough. He pulled off his apology for ll cnpiwhen Miss Peppard opened the door, but said never 9. word until the old lady asked him, in a mild voice--she never spoke unliindly to dirt or tags: Well, my boy, "what do you wmlt? T`}mn vnn lnnt 1.-mu` m)cl.{0t-book \'lSt13I`- "what (10 wa.11u'" V _ . Then you lost your pocketbook yist:;I`~ day I he bluttcred out. _ Van " mid sihnj emzerlv. That is. if. any 5 no nu1t.I.creu uu. Yes," said She, eagerly. is, was stolen from me; for I felt it in my pocket a; moment before I misaedfit. Do you know the thief I" I'm him." was the answer: and he 1`:\i`s- Kn0W.I.ne UIHUIX ' I'm him," was the answer; ed a pair of dark eyes, that" looked like the eyes of a hunted animal, to her face. ` ' Mv r-nnsxnienca E`? exclaimed the old or hunceu animal, to Her IZLCU. My conscience 5'? lady. and fell into a. chair that stood near while Peteonn darted out and seized him,` shouting: "Golly! got yo wish mighty soon dis time, Miss Peppar". Run` for do con-_ stable. I'll hold him. _ Could hold .1 dozen like hin1--or two or free." [>n`1\:rv\ nlnnri nna " coir] lnnr 1niqrn!xq,. rf:E)ZTx6< A: 6% `m \ \"!`-x `\|I1lih'H`51, llke mn1--or two or IFUU. Let him alnn, _Ona, said her Inistross, while the boy stood, without 1x1a.king the slightest resistzmcz. ' _ .:\in f. he to be drug 1m to do luck~uD 1" slightest resistzmcz. Ain t he to be drug up to 1ock~up asked 011:, with a. toss of her turbamed head. _ u \v..:; an ..,,.1....... ...1...+ hn 11: +.-. nn.v,'. neau. \Vuit till we hem` what he has to say. 5 said Miss Peppnrd. Then turning to the boy, she asked, as mildly as ever`: Of course you haven`t brought. me bz1ck-" Yes, I have. interrupted ho. Horo- -'tis, money and 9.11, 'cept what -I had to take to fetch me out here. I found your name in it on '21 card, and whom you r1iv' ed. LID"; kl.-ma \vnII'" nv.-u1n3n1n(1 Hun Old ed." . But, bless you!" oxclnimed the old lady more surprised, whtzt macle you take it if you were going to bring it back`? Come into the kithen and tell me all about it. Onn, give him a. drink of milk." . By the Lor' Harry?" said 0113., rolling up her. eyes until nothing but the whites were.visi`u1o. nebber hear of sicli 9. ting long as I ]ib-gibben hullsalc robbers drinks oimilk in my clean kitchen! An I sha. n t do it-. Spect robbers gits thirsty as well as odder folks. dough. And she Imndcd him the milk, wliich he drank eagerly. _ Now vrn mi. said Bss ?uI)D1r(l. W711] eagerly. ' . Now go un, -' said Miss Pcppnrd. "` Why did you steal my pocket-book? and why, having stolen it-, did you bring it. back! Are you a. thief I" ` ' H R nn:n_T._mn " lm sxt.-m1n1ere;1 : "bub Are mm: 1 S po3e-I-n.m," he stnmnlered : I don t want to be no more. ` I woulrlx-1't 'zL took it 2. year ago. when my mother `was alive; butshe (lied, and fatlxer went to gaol soon after for bentin another man ; and I hadn't `no friends ; and it's lmrd gittin along xvhv.-1'1 your mother's de.1.d, and you .hain t. no friends, and your father's in pris- nn " "'vn;I\`f '\':.:f 1111*`! JR .'\{`~.., did .ham`t. menus arm our tamer :5 m Ins- ,,` ... . . ..,1-. on. 'T:u_ut :;;:t., dat :4 do {'30, 911151 Petienna, gra.vc1;,=. Q1. 1 Fall in with n mum nf 1).1.d fcllers. reteona, gravcxy. _ So I fell in with a. gang of bad fcllers, but I never stole nothin but things to eat till yisto1'day.. `I come out of the House of Refuge two weeks ngo-." ` I-InI1sxn nf R1-fuse ! (1x1uim0d.PeteumI.. Lietuge two \'v'L"`s.`R3 n.g<)-. House of Refuse 1 exluimod. Peteuxm, holding up .her hands. An'n-settin' in my clean kitchen, on n1_v.cIoai1 oiI;clof! Wot nn\?" I was there for bi'e:tkin"a winder and smssiu` a_ cop," said the boy, with 9. show of indignation, -and nothin elsethough they did try to make me out n reg la.r bad nu." And then he went on, under the inuence of Miss Peppm-d s steady gaze. And the fellers said I was a softy not to have the game as well as the name, and So I went into that store `cause I seen a lot of folks there, and I stole your pocket-book. And _ ~dropping his eyes and his voice--"there was a picter of "a. little baby in it. Mu daf.m- 'pn1lv'n nhih] I nrin/I Mina 7 `UO.\[SO:\Y A? U` )8.-1 ED, zxvuu Us.`- - T.-\.\'T.\`_ .\udimx's, .Couveyance1`s and Brok- -'_~rs_ Icoul Eataue `mud General Insurance Agents. ULlu.\vu.'.-\:{ricuItI1ru.1 Fire ln.~3umnce Uompmxy, (,`1tizcn`&s Elm ln.~sumnr:o Uompu.n_v, Union Fire [n.snmm:o ()omp;my.v.4}'.`Lnn Life Insurance Com- p.Ln_v_ l.onfcd-rmtimx Life Insnrmxcc Company.` l.'au:Ld:L hive SL<)s:|-Z [nsuru.ncc Company. Union 7 ln.u1:md >`uLvin;,:.-1 (Emnpuny; Txioney to Loan. at 1)\\'_c.~xL rates of llxulrust. on 0u..~;y terms of 1).'I.)'- mcnt. ltunl l*1st:x'.\s bmmht and sold. Mortgages and .\Iun1~-um! l)(-hvnL_ure~1purclmsed. \u1uu- rimxs 01' property mm any ]v'n.r' of the Pro- -*-~- ur `l`hz\rn. 1 '33 ll PICDUY U1 If IIDLLU UU_y lll lb- My sister 'Po1ly's child ! cried Miss Peppard, her wrinkled cheeks beginning to glow. _ _ 7 . - F{m- nnhnnt nhtl---`cent vn_ , nn.u1Pof.e- 0112:. . .And it looks 1'Lke,': continued the boy, bursting into tem`s--"`1t looks 1ike-my- 1itt.le--sister. " Ll 17-.-- 1l.I.L`I.. ..l..L-.. '1? _,........l...,1 1\.I'.`.... 1lbDlU""'8l8lUl'. ' ' Your little sister 2 repeated Miss Peppard, her own eyes lling with tears. Is sho-with her mother?" . `S -to be hoped she be," `said Om, with a sniff, or some Oder place whar she'll be wn.shed.- Her bruddet-`s dirty nutf for ahull` fa.m ly. urn. ,9- 1.- - ..1...... 1...... ....:I.... A. .......... 3.0.... Lcuu :_y . She s in a place ten miles or more from ~ here said the ho . with a woman who - 7 used to know mother. Mother give her fty dollars just aforo she died. She man- aged to save it and hide` it from father somehow, to keep Dolly till my aunt in Oalifomia could send for her; but my aunt's dead too, I'm fraid DoI1y ll have to go in the Orphan Asylum after all. Father don t care_ nothin bout her. But if she does, it I'm 11 good boy, Icau go to see her; but if I'm a. thief---And wheuI saw that picture _I said .I will be good. It seem- , ed as though the bahv was a.-1ookin - at me and wantin' me to has her. `Nobody ever kiaaed mebut her and my mother. Here : . your pocket-book." `All..- `Don;-sort` int! Ht fv-nnn`1-n I-non:-I u u|. yyvnv Ir -cusps. Miss Peppartl took it from his hand, opened it, found its contents as he had de- scribed them, and than sat for full ve minutes in deep thought. 1 I :1, M nnnynvvnv _. _._-r ._V ._D._. You want to be a. good, honest boy," she said at last, "so as to be a.cx-edit instead of a shame to your baby sister I "` Yes, answered the boy. . It's mostly yea, ma am, in dese parts, corrected "On.-5.. V - : ' ' . `-`Well. I'll try you]? said Miss Peppard You !--starting from his chair. Yea I. I want some ,p1a.nts1 and seeds from the store `where you -at--'took the pocket-book, and I am going to trust you to get them. But befm-e'yeu go there, do ~ you know any place where you can buy a. suit _of clothes, from shoes `to hat, for-very little money?" ' - * i - * ` ' (I17... nan .-n>" lalnntvlnvbnrl Hm `hnv in A utme money: A ` Yes, ma, a.m," answergd the `boy,_ iq a Voice that already had a. nng. of hope In 1t. .S'eo011`d-I1a.nd_Bobby: s?" ' Wall an in nnnnntL1\and Robert's. bnv ,".seoona-nanu bonnys r _`V`We l1 go to` deoond-hand Robert's, buy the "clothes"-- By-the-bye, what ' is your name?"- V - - . Dick Poplar. V . - And Dick." continued the old lady, daybu; know any` .. placb w1ie/re"youv vcan tskeabathf . ' "'. f` `S `tq lav-1(;ope;l'l 1e do;-`_"s;aidjPeteonth `f-'!'z`1=n .-=m;~".% ` - = \ "' '-`,1 ' V L .. lU\Vo Her onlicat child--~`cept vo, saidPete nn L MAKICS THOUSANDS TKINK."-BvnoN. UU.u.wu. .-1- xun... .. ,,, Union Exre Com-` Company. UxII11l(1IL[;i\'c Umon _ ion. John A..Uon.tes. Heal Mort ages In-hv.nLur(>~1 purclmsed. lioua 0l'&>ruper1.y nmdu in pm`: vince. pposilc l ustU1li_cc, Barrie. W. `l`1:l)m- , ` I _ Y "CVV- "V-vvw..-. [SISSUED . I vanvfrnunsnmr, L: I.he.0:nco. Damlop Street, East. Foot otMm-kc; . Street, Baxfrie. Take a bath, put on the new clothes, throw"--with a slight motion of `disgust- the old ones awn.y-" A S to be hoped he will," said ` Peteonn. ` `Then go to the seed store and give them the note I will write fonyou. And here are two ve dollar bills." l H A- .1-.. van:-\nI1;n annn nzn-toll I ox- ` two nve uouar mus." An dar money is soon parted 4 ex- claimed Peteorm. No matter `bout (`e fust word. - - ' 1)..` 41.- 1.-.. c..n..... 1.:`. L..1...-.- `.. -Ln-n Minn ' fust word." ' . But the boy fell` on his knw:s `u.-fare Miss Peppard and sobbed outright. I An Imfll nnhher co ne mw mo. sz\.'1g I repparu zulu. Buuuuu. uuunguu. " An he 1lnebber co no :m_v H10. -`HWS Ona, at tlie top of her voice, am She \}'eI`It abdut her work tlmt axftcrzmzm nfher Dick 3 depm.tm._um,_ he'H uab\wI' cnum hack `Y?! any mo . . _ Rm. Im Aid Jmr. an the sun was smknmz I ." ' 3 But he did. Just as t.11e_suu sinking in the west, :1. nic-looking dark-eyed, (lurk- haired boy, dressed in nsuit of gray clothes 3 little too large for him, and` carrying u package in his arnn, came up the garden path to the door of the mite of x\_ cottage. It was Dick, no changed Peteona scarcely knew him, and the package contained the seedsund onion sets and young lettuce: and cabbrsgcs. "and boforo dark he had planted them all, under the '%|upcrinten- deuce of Miss Puppaml, in the mite of 3 garden. and Hrs. Brown had no chance of I ncmdina Tmr r-rnnn'H1nnnf_~1`" HL(l.f'S{.`.SOIl. I gZLX'(l0H, {URI 311'-. .DI'0'Xl {mu ul) uuu.uvu \ sending her comp1ixncnts:" tha.t*'sfcason. And now, m's tun," said Dick, a`t rat.-uuuxg HUI.` U()u11uuucuL3 L:uw. ayuau... I now, ainl a`ter `s'.1ppor,- I ll gn. I thank you ever so much, and I W131: my xnother had known you. P`r hrmn she k'.mwa- her :14) '0' o, P'r h:1pa ah-2, k'.10wa- her nu.-'.` Onn. ' u ..Z1 I `..'.`n I... ......`,1 L,..__V ` Una. A `, And I will he :1" gun] b n!l,i;1- dued._ " ' - snmu. at... 1...1.. ..c.r`. .1 " ..-.111 `Hie; Pun- `V ll/ll UZJU IICIP _L|A \.1"\I,. -`hlyuu u._1.;.; - V1. pzxrcl, solemnly. With the help of Go;l,"- 1"upeate'.l the boy, in a low voice. _ But. I guess you'd better stay here to- night, continued Miss -Puppard. " You can sleep, in the woozl-lxons. Pete-una will make you up n. ccxmfqrtablo; bv:-ml` there. Rh nf. tln irm nnnl-u firm Y" s-mi(l Petemm, L ILL`-Llj.A4Au\-, .. nay`! If so, call nearthe Foundry. an 0 ur Loans. Yours. Barrie. $70,00[(%{i security at 8_zmQ 93) Inzuw you c0mm_rt:w1-.- |)'.'\t uu:n:. Sh nt do ho_snch ting 3" said Petemm, dcaxxtly. A 0:13. 1" reprovcd he11n`.str0.3~x. Till my dishes is \\'Zl3`.1I):`1, I mtenn, Miss Peppru-,7 said 0113.. V ' Am! than tn.mm~r.-.\v incrnimz voil can .rU1J[)5\I',' BRILL \_ lli1o. And then to-xum'row mcrning you start for t-hat baby. I've nlway:~; wzmted :1 baby. Cats and dogs and birds are well enough in their we. ', but n._l)a.by. ' is worth 7 them all." ' an r1-n.- u ..,.... ..;\..`_,. s..n.:... 176 `Dan. tncm au. , . ; Golly ! now you're talkin , Miss Pep- par 1" shouted Ona. I `s always wanted _a baby-a wite baby--tn0. Nigger babies ain t 1nnch'a.ccmmt. J us` as w.'L1ub1o to C131` mxxddors, dough, I s pn~,e. Niggms is I such fools!" I; \..,1 it ..,... ..1..-m.-I. or. ..&-n- by \`nmmm-- zsuuu |U'Ji:L. . And if you chooso to stay in Summer- town," said Miss Peppard, you may have ahome hum until you can batter yourself. There's p1ent_',' of work for you; and the youth upon whom we 11,.'u"o de- peVm} r.-d fnz` errands zml gru-den help, etx:., 1'q__ 13-" - V A dre'u1 smart, nice,- perlitc, bray 1" chimed in ()m:.; :13 lazy-m1(1 sassy as he can lib. An` I'l1co.1l ynu in do mornin w'en do birls arise, _an We'll hub (lat tn` angel here in n. jiffey ; `an wLm t do out an dog an birds look pale w en dmr nt.~xc's is outer j'in_t. But dar noses '11 be as straight as c-bber. Thn 1-m-v nmzf. nio'hi'. n. 54We'_*t 1)1lb\` czirl smngnv. c-ober. The very noxtight n. swe-.t bitby girl with great blue eyes arid fair curls sat upon Miss Pepp:u`(l s lap, looking wonderingly about._ 9.3 she ate her. supper of bread and milk, at Peteona. and the (log and the cut and the _bi:'d.~s, whose noses, by-thegbyo, were as straiglxt as ever. .171/L hnfnx-A Innrr Dink PnD1. i1' bCC:Ll!Id lL'CrC Sirfllglll :5 UVCF. And before long Dick Poplar bccaxnd tho 1nosbpop'lar--dre.1dful, Iknow, but I cou1d_n t help it---bny in that ncighborh9nI.l, he \'\'as_ so clever, so obliging, and not :2. bit `` .3 S333) . hm I.m- u /\rL'-. in funnv \v:u'.~x. .':h() v " szmsy. ' v Dc Lot works in funny \va.y.~'. .-:`no' onnf." said l etcono., one A )I`l.l day, about '1: year after the return of iIiss_Peppa.nl s pocket-book. `-' Who'd lflieve me and Miss Pcppiu-' chbcr want-cd Dick drug to de lockup by dc heels! An all dc time he was :1.-bringin' inc an` Miss Pleppzu-` dc lublicst chunk ob sug:u'. de sweetest honey- bng of n. chile dat ebber coaxed ole Pete-_ one. for ginger-snaps. She shall hub more, do Lor brass` and sabo her !"--p-nuring them from the cake-box into the little up- lifted apron. Poleorm _l1 bake dem (le hull liblong clay, for bber nu` ebber, for de blue-eyed d:u'lin --wid a little time let out far lierx-alder work-."~ ueu.", _ .- _ With the }1c1p_uf`G-r.1,_' said Miss Pop- "I `'11 an` OHIYI1 V 8.13:5 the O1'.m\1gc\'il1e Sn.-z. : ~" There is 9. strong desire both in the town an-:1 the sur- romidixig country, to se_cui'c 1-ailwzny com- munic'ation \_vith`Hami1tou, and tlie net- wgrk of 1`ailwuy. entering them._ How tha cn,n bc'mo3t easily secured is D. ques- tionwhich lmapfuzzled our leading piublic ` I I.` `L #_.A L`......._LL tint on I as _s_'c1>.<)ur}iT.1j, o in1l.R.. (3un\'t-_\`a.nc cr. 1'- Aur-ut for the fullm {bl \Y\.iJS) vs I-lA\J yvu. ...... .. With reference to this matter we find the following in Monda.y s daily pi-css:--A large and iuunential meeting of the rate- payers of Orangeville, Mono, Calodon, Adja.la.,'and Albion was held at Mono Mills on Saturday for the purpose of taking into considorationtho propriety of building a branch railway from Palgt-ave to Orange- ville. by way of Bsllycroy and Mono Mills. 1 Mr. William Cam bell was elected 0ha.ir- j man, and afters ew remarks, introduced j the` following speakers:-Dr' Lawrence. - John Allan,_ J. F. McLaughlin, John ; Flesher,' M. P.P., D. L. Scott, Mayor of ' Orangeville ; Dr. Tuck, James Allen, G. McMxus, Neil Drummond, and a. number of inuential farmers. who all expressed themselves as highly pleased with the scheme. ; The following resolution was un- V ahimonsly carried :- --That this meeting is of opinion that o._ `branch of the Hamilton and N orth1fvestern'Railwo.y from ` Palgmvo through Ballycroy and Mono _Mills to O1-angeville would be not only a great benet-to that Company, but also to the section of the country through which it would run, and that to aid this project this meetingpromises to, do all in its power to carry` sectional bonuses in the clitferent rrihn1't!ifinHkiBs.` ` | municipalities. carry secnonu .W01'3` one 01 me WHOLE year 101: pruuuvn. freckles, and for the benefit` of our fa rgzxdetn pvq print the following remedy _: `.' Muriabelof ammonia, dm'ch_m ; lave (`u-' 1|-`vn'Ar '91`!-lIn`|iI1ll 2 Tail! Whfl`- Di} Muzcn W1sns.--This month is .wo rat one of the whole year for prodm Cs-anirinn ant` `Ail f.hn' Imnnahof 0111' A New n,An.wA_v_ PROJECT. \. . Z 1' `5`_l;[t1'r_inLtae`.5f drzichm; Inven- da_1;wnte_r, 2" hma; rain water, Q` pint. Ap _with'a popgaftyp times I IS , L.'H(~L 5g:u.::uu. I _.... .. A\\"DI' ..,.| No. :2 Whole No. 1414. nth the ' producing .f rmr fair (ID U,U V VI IHVCEW ut8Lm3 9 per 1 amount require . 2x0 1)} said `rm: l.B`TEl.Lll-`.I`. Qcrr.=rm.\'. Mi-. ;\Ic(`.xu'th_\7 who was received` with che:-rs, sa.id,. as secomler ofvthe motion, it wouldhe nece ssarj for him to travel to some extent ovei` the ground covered so nlily by the hut. .~zpenl\'er, hecause 113, as well as as great number of the members, were unable to fullu\\' very closely the nrgmnents of that geutleumn, upiken ms they were in l the House at any very `great length, bie- - cause hon members had had before them . q\l(`8tiun. i 1 l f oili-cur of the Dominion, an ollic `r who had P] to S-'IIn`.' ext-mt n<}ve1'ei,qn power, an otiicer I) 'l Ll French. ' He did not expect-to be able to discusa the inzxtter in the very explicit man- ner of the hon. member to whom he refer- red, and he would not atteinpt to detain for some time the papers bearing on the But he would say at the outset that this xvas one of the most. important questions that would arise during the sea- sinn, and probably during this Parliament, involving as it did the position of a high who, for n term of years, unlea-; grave fault was found with him, held his positioninde- pendent of the Executive zmd the Parlia- ment, and he would any :0 the House no question which could come up before it deserved to be more imp:irtir\ll_v considered. Mr. i\In.ckenzie.--Hezu', liear. Mr. McCarthy Siltd he hopa.-ll it vm ild Le , so considered. _ Mr. M:iclienzie---Iierw, 1`.C`il.I`. Mr. McCarthy continuing, mid h: hoped all party feelings wouldbo laid aside, `mid that the 1l1)llS0 would remember that it was exercising for the tii-st time llgllls of some- what an imperial chzimetol-. The great stride which we made when the Cu!1fuduI'- ntion Act of 1307 was passed should bring this forcibly to the minds of hon. gontle- a Raf...-{a that. time. though the (iovcr- l `nun nwimi).*: g_A_nLIKiIENr. HHS IO1`ClDiy Ii) U10 uuuu: nu nun. BU||LLU' men. Before that time, though n`or-Geneml ruled over the whole of Cane-V (la, the Lieuteuzuit-Governors of provinces held their commissions direct from the Queen. They were not subject to the con- trol of the Canadian Pnrliziment, nor were i their nets subject to the criticism of that body. The present occasion, with the ex- ception of the debate on the question last year was, as he said before, the first coca. I sion on which the House had been called to . decide upon a. question involving imperial l considerations, and he trusted that, --bea.r- I ing ' 1 mind the result`: of this debate,beer- ing in mind that they were about to lay dmm a. precedent whieli might be quoted , 4.. nfrnr vn.'u':_ hnn. members would be ca.re- I ' that charge was true and it was passed un- down precedent ivnicii uiiguu U25 |lullLU'.l ; in after years, hon. members * Pl` fiil to .see that they did not pronounce rel against the high and distinguished otcer 1 dc. whose conduct was called in question. un- re` less his conduct deserved disapprobation, um` and at the same time that the rights of the 1 ? people were not neglected. Nor. was the d matter to be looked upon as a prm'incia.l (E matter. It was sa.id that we could very 15', easily learn to regard with equanimity the L` misfortunes of our friends, but he would H sayto hon. gentlunen from provinces other 9` than Quebec that, though the subject a.f- Q th fectod more particularly the province of 51"` Quebec, it was a'Doininion matter. (Hear, 1 hear.) - The Lieut.-Governor of Quebec was l C charged with having been derelict in` his 1 ` office and with having trampled upon the C: rights of the people of the province, and if :` rc E w s< noticed, what was done in Quebec might be 1 done in Ontario and in other provinces and at some future time. (Hear, hear.) He therefore trusted that the matter would be considered entirely as a Dominion question. What was the accusation made against the Lieut.-Governor ? He was accused of hav- ing usurped the prerogative, of having trampled tlierights of the people under foot, of having acted contrary to the advice of his Ministers`, and of having dismissed them in an unconstitutional manner, al- though supported by a majority of "the poo- ple s representatives. {Those were grave charges which should not be lightly made arid`-which, when made, deserved careful a P l attention. They were charges, moreover, of such a nature as to cruise tlii.-in_to give Mr. Letellier the benet of any doubt, to place on his conduct the most favorable construction and not weigh words. It would not be disputed that Parliament had the right tocriticise the conduct of the Lieut.-Governorof Quebec and to submit A t 1* a C a c 1 D a e t e f s i 1 the motion which was movcdlast session { ( l ( i 1 i i 1 I by the present leader of the House. The next question was as to whether it was ex- ' pcdieiit that they should exercise that right. i` Parliaiiieiit undoubtedly possess_ed the right - w to sit in Judgment on the actions of the 3_ Lieut.-Governor and Legislatiire of Quebec. . He at the same time iitlmitted that it was `C only in `grave cases that suclra course should a be pursued. But when they found an _-n angry controversy prevailing between the I _ .I:ieii1t.-Grctrvenipidnntll)` onehoft gietgreatt plold ` iica paieso ue cc a is pnry I1 :3 ::1hari;_c<(l'tli}e_ Lisiit.-G(i&'ernoIit' W1;/ll bgingt . ere ic in us 0 ice an` gin y 0 con uc of subversive of the rights of the people un- I y- der responsiblegovernnient, and that they ,i he charged him with having made statements `S wliich could not `be reconciled with facts, ' v Pnrlianieiit was amply. Justified in inoving rig in the matter. What was the position of [-5_ ahirs in the Province of Quebec when the diiciiltv arose ? Mr. Letellier had been he sent to" govern that Provincejby the late F0 Administration. 1 He was at that time a .n- member of that Administi-ation,s.nc_l a warm partizan hostile to the party which then fit ruled this Province. It was unfortunate` `e- that our Liciitenant-Governors, from the l he very necessities of the case, liadgol bo se- nd lected from warm partizans. _ t _ e iooved .1 gentlemen whowere placed in control of 3;` our different Provinces to forget during ' the time they exercised the rights of Lieut- r~:,.........m-= and to some extent represented ' (82.00 IF NOT I N ADVANOE. time they exercised me rignns U1 mum . Governors, and to some represented 3 her Majesty, to be more careful, if poss1- ` ble, than the gentlemen who_ were sent to preside over the whole Dominion and to abstain from any show of interference be- * tween the two political parties into which the provinces were always divided. For two years thepGovornment of Mr. De Bouchrville successfully managed the ef- fairs of the Province, being supported dur- ing that period by a. majority of 20 in a House of 65 or 66. -During that period there was no agitation out of doors. ' The machinery of Government run smoothly. _ Then what did we nd I The Lieut.-Gov-. ernor, who was chief executive officer of ` Qu`ebec.wa.s bound to do as her Majesty had done during her reign and as our Governor-Generals had done without ex~ caption, viz., to . give his advisers his im- e phcitcondence, to do all he could to as- V sist them-above all to place full condence . and reliance in them so Ion as they pos- sessed the concfence `def e representa- . a.:...... ..c 4.1.. -nannln_ .021 the 26th Fabrn- EGSBGCI the CO!1K1Q6nC6 .01 um rupruuuuwr tives of the people. `On the 26th Febru- ary, without any notice or warning or com- plaint, Mr. Letellier sent a. message to the Premier, the substance of which was that the Government had bro ht down mea- sure: to the House without ving obtained authority, and without having consult- `ed him beforehand with respect to them. Im..;.. -...........- math Bu Hm Premier was 80. [um Deloreuuuu WIUL Iunycuu MU lulu: The `answer. made by tho Prexmer w Egompt and satmfacto . He wanted a .. `I ..L..1'l:..'a .-.A chain H-ualu ah the Mn .0 U355}: A on:-nnvq-n :mX& si3cZ3 '."' e` . Letelliel" and state that -8 LL- usual`: 1.` Jhnnnrw Ln'}uu' rompt ana samslacwry. nu wuawu uu git`. stated at the close of the month of J anaary hethad sent to his Honor, than absent from the seat. of gov-_ ernment, for authority to introduge dif-`A = fez-ent measures ; that to that communi- nn6n'n I-in nnncvnc` an B0 fergnt measurqn ;" man 1:0 mm: co;11x_gnm- cat1qn_ he recgxvod an answer by wlexnph - A ' that anmuthoritymonld be. at grrnkw. which will 50119.. Ihowinz c1e'iu-Mi: mi: ?.nk f `:.*:`:`.`:.Ei*..n...."%::g& : If,-`::1..`. mu`, yuuypg. vu-u -vu:itniuvnAn5 and 111l'i`9W,"h"P J73 in Thick th (:1-xxnier stood to the Lxeut.-Governor, th: t Which* the were um-yin gh g?:?.?...2.nnftha Provxce. and thnt8tl?:1.o..?. Vtrnuul W C-3:-U- \avvvv;uu;. `Ina terms _.on which the ,W0!'O'ry]_n on an 0Hh0`__.Pl'0 ,_ g 90..snd that {ha `gm afterwards taken the made, was merely a pretext and not based on any substantial grounds. (Ghee:-3.) 1g was not for the. House to sex whether that was a suicient explsn_ation'or not. T119 had, `however, .the Lieutenant-Governors own statement that it was s satisfnetory ox. planation and that he did not believe any attempt had been made on the part of the Premier or his colleagues to usurp the re- ro atives of the Crown or to do anyt ing uxveoomin of their positions. The Lieut- Governor eelared that if there was any misunderstanding with respect to money matters the Premier and his eollea cs had acted in good faith ; and Mr. etellier added that the only diiculty remaining was with respect to the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa. and Occidental railway. All the ditiiculties about the retended slighting of the prerogative had eon abandoned and the only question was whether the Railwa bill brought into the House,carried throng its stages and almost become law, was to be reserved by the Lieut.-Govemor or to be- sanctioned in the ordinary course. There was nothing in this to cause any disruption between the Lieut.-Govemnr and his advisers. If the explanations were not sutlicient and satisfsctorv Mr. Letellier must stand convicted of having been guilty of conduct which "was subversive of the rights of the people under responsible G0v~ ernment, because he dismissed his advisers ...:n. .. 1.-Mn mnmnhv lmhind them for nu ernment, because no uxsmisseu run nun.-mu with a lerge majority behintlthetn for cause but the one mentioned. For Mr. Letellier had ndxuitted that his Ministen were not attempting to limit his .pl`0!'ugt|- tive and that the only question remaining was whether he should reserve the Railway bill or sanction it. Upon that nub :-ct the Lieu't.,-Governor (lid not seek the vice ex his Ministers but forced them to resigu-- in other words dismissed them. ` \VM Par- liament prepared to any that the Lieut.- Governnrs of Provinces were placed in pesi~ tions higher than her Majesty occupies in Great Britain` or the (lovernor-(lenoral! Because if not it must come` to the cunclu~ sion that a Lioute-Govemor who hml re fused tu follow the advice of his Ministers who had the conclence of the people's re preeentntives. ought no longer to be retain- ed 11) n positic,-n where he could be guilty of such coon-l=.:;t. The hon. gentleman then proceetleal to enquire as to the rights aml of Lieutexmit-Governors, nml n~. OWII province pvvsscssesv the ezune puxn-:3 [and autlxuntn.-3 M the(0VCru()1`.~U\-ngml .-- n... `l`\._..nm.\u T m-lmnmnt. fur our mm snmezl that n. I.iL-utenzuit-Govenwr in his` and aiiuierities as me \'UV`L'l.'uU1'.'\J1'II:_\x1u to the Dominion Parliament, for our Cun stitutionnl system would not work if this were not so. After reading froxxilln-,.{eliot's work on the English Constitution, the opin ions expressedogi the duty whichthe Ci-mm had to perform under the British system of government. `Mr. `McCarthy said he did xiotdesire that our Lieutenant-Governors or Governor--General should be shoxn oi` any atom nf their rights and powers. No one could read the life of the late Prince Consort, written by Martin and super\'ie0(l ~ by her Majesty. without being convincr- that great good had accrued to England from the administrative ability which hnd bren shown, ncjt only bi her Mht:je-aty, but by the Prince onsort tiring '5 life time. Nor could we doubt that the conduct of our Governor-General had been benecial, and that it was not wise that they should be I merely automnta. He didnot mean to say that the Sovereign had not a prerogative ' power, but he did mean to say that the pro irogatire was hemmed in by constitutional rules and constitutional principles whir-h should not be broken. One of those princi- ' ples {res that the me; it; whom tl}11'.(]1`:00plu'5 , re rescntatives in ar iament :1 cont} . (108106 were to be the advisers of the Sow- , n reign ; and it was certainly a. breach of our lconstitution on the part of the Executive ' powers to attempt to control Parliament by dismissing those whohnd its condence. ( Hear, htsalg) So fart`! he had spoken merc- ly as to t e grouu 5 submitted by the Lieutcnant-Govemor to the rovincinl perhaps it would be only right and pX`0pz'X` that the action of the Lieutenant-Govern- '1' p I U l 7 3 House for the dismissal of his Ca inet, and t` f should` be -jurlgced on those grounds accord- ing to the 7-: ll understood principles of an E , c">n's-`,it:iv,i.-:i - ' 2n an administration rv:sii_;ri:< S : or \r.-.5; - '~.'.l. A dismissal had not cw e i c=.r`rel pr.i- : i this unfortunate case. I: , vme cestonuiry that all the reasons that led _ to that resignation should be stated tn tin- B , representatives of the people in Parliaimzii. d But the Lieutenant-Gov ernor ot Quebec was` not content to rest his case on the rm sons submittedto the pl'O\'lllCl.'\l House, and as the majorities in both the Logislntiw Assembly nnd the Legislative Council had petitioned the Governor-General gllli the dismissal he made a further statcim-iii. No complaint seemed to have been made ,d Governinent and that Government did inn: 1, appear` to have -advised Lord Dutlt-rin 1-.. call upon him for explanations. But fut-l ing, no doubt, that he stood in an unfavor able light, he -sent in an explanatory C.'\%l'. ml and in that case was to be found" what he ,. evidently thought were proper reasons {ms ' ` Hm Jlmniuanl of the De B0llcl10I'Vl.llu Get`- against Mr. Letellier by the lat.e.Doinininn' ] evmenuy Lnougur. \\ an: pxvpur xuanuua w: E the dismissal of the De (`n-v srnment. What. were the reasons! The 1'st+-a.nd they were all of pretty much Um same character-was that a certain bill was not mad 3 tlxird time, and that although u had not passed the third reading in bath . Houses the Do Bouchorville Govermnunt `recommended the Lieut.-Govcmor to gin: 2 his assent to it. That was an oxtmordinnry ` charge to m_ake,for one could hmdlyseu the object of nnv adnninistmtion with a lm-g.-. .majority at its back, nndinvview of the fact that bills were discussed at their second reading, evading the third reading for any impro er purpose. But when it was suid that t xis measure came up in 1876, w1u-n.-- .. 41... `lininh-w u.-nu nnf xlicmiqqnrl nnh] amqunt. rC><.uu'cu. .w mm! end 0 the term. Solicitors. &'.c., Barrie. that Ems nleastlru c;uxu: up in LOIU, \1uL'i(.'- an the Ministry was not dismissed until 1878, the giving of this reason was inure extrxmrclinnry still. That, however, W.l' not all. The bill \vas'ussented to withum having been rend :1 third time by :1 H1iHt:\l*ii- of the Clerk of the House, who had curziii ed to its thirclv r-zmding. The attentiun r: the Minister of Justice'(Mr. Blake) \\':H :1: 3 once called to the mistake, not by Nu Lieut-Governor, but by the Ministry whii h he subsequently dismissed, who also auku-l Mr. Blake that it should be dl-Rnll ,V'u'C\l. Mr. Blake x-opliod that nu tho bill hml not been read nithird time in both Houses 2 ...-- ,.;.1.. mun nnnm` zmd tho disnllvmn been read n3thll'(1 time In mun L1'|ll5t,'H 1' was only waste paper, and the disallow- ance was unnecessary. , And yet this \\ n'=, one of the charges brought by Mr. _LeteIlia-v.- against the De Boucherville Government. By that charge he stood self-condemni--1. because no man who had a better case would present such a reasen as that for dis- missing alovernment. Charge number- two was perhaps even more contetnptible than the one just referred to. It was to the effect theta bill was passed withmn liavin the blank providing for penalties lled xp. Mr. Ee Boucherville, the Lieu!- Governor said, came to him and request`,- him to give his assent to the bill in the state it was, and the conciliatory xnannm` in which his consent was given seemed to please the Government. But what where the facts in that case? A bill, No. 19 of the session of 1876, passed, through the lower House without the amount of the gfnalty being inserted. but the error being 'soovered, another bill, the very next one, No. 20. providing for the penalty, was ":1- trodueod and passed. That bill r0cL'i\'~rl , the assent of the Lieut.-Governor at the same time that he assented to bill No. 1". . There was a. mistake and it was rectified. . But was that a reason for the dismissal of _ the Government from ocel The next 4.--..- .....;- nknnb tkn nnnninltmnnf (.5 n 5119 UOVOYDUICDF ITOUJ UIUUU I Luv uI.'.\: charge was about the appointment of n munnci al Councillor for the south ward of the Vi Iago of Montmagny on the pretext that the a pointmont was Illegal. Accord- ing to the aw of the proyince, if adifculty arose in the election oft boiincillor, instead of the matter heing sete; b a resort to the law courts It was settled y-um Em. cutivo. In this case, the me e'r.being 1-Q- ferredto the Executive, wee` '1-ohgerly re- resented and reported on by q`}__gbn,p_y. nnm-ni. and nbon tha advice of Hm M- reaenwu lulu rupuxwu Uu uy um tu.corm-_y- enernl and upon the advice of ' the Ar tomey-(lhnoral a. gentleman was nppointa.-:1 to fill the vacancy. A "So far there did not appear to be "anything `vax"y{e1trtu)rdixmr 2 After that,'it_ qpygareg, he.'Lie_uto11.1n)t- Govargor contrary .tb_t1`191_1-Main;-,v19,wi.on;,the gomt, to cancx.-I . ms` n9iI1n.n'=' `~`9`4:*a1ieav.thepoo1~se ` *0 -W ?.h6 ;. 0.2: way which _ A, V110` Surely -, 9' 1 ,,v a`sr.:':nrm.":cx...=:::n*: -P'{n Which the h Tinnt -nnwnmuAu LL , M `WV: W '1 U LJKIELLV ._-- I 11.13` ;\ u;u;;... - of Scotland Camulinn `Alomzage Com any. )lxuitutl).Cupitul$2_L33.333. l u1lntt&0sIer. ene- .~ul Mu.xmger::; 38 Kim,-st.. Toro to: \V. C. Orr, agent, lmrric. mllco over {Ions ' Boot 8:. Shoe Store, Dunlap-:51. 16-0111 7. '. y .i\1' A \Th n`/Cm $5 l4\}LV.1XJ.VJJ\J.a;1. ,. . '. LOAN 8: AG. CO., end money on1<`urm Security ut 8 per cent. The ndvuxtznges otfex-ad by this_Compuny are un- cqua. ed! Bu-fore l)m'mwing elsewhere be sure and, culkaml see. VVM. JUIINSON. Agent at Barrio NKB.-$1700. p1'i\'a.l.c funds; on hasrad at. 39.1110 P818. ._._._..__ _. LEGALAQ Ts5,%0*6o<)oo;j Seem " ' ` -- AV Inst, wu.u_u:u, . .. ~.__, , 51tnes, admitted for cents eacn In- ortion; All advertisements ordered by stmn on; or those with whom the proprietors do not. cal must be paid for 1:: ADv.\sc1=:,. a. rule which will he strictly adhered to._ N0tiCCS_ of local births; marriages. and deaths inserted free of charge. `WEE-3I,E'Y 8: KING. Publishers_ and Proprietors ,, JV .TGONVEYANMGeggw [OHN M ACKAY. 2 CUJIAI} 88,10`)? L`H (`.nnvI',\'(LnL"3I`. pf Mn.1-riaglo Li~ ._. '1`U 1} UR LNLIKL 11 K Estate at. xnodcmtc intc-rest. LENNOX 8-: .. l<.`.\ NUX, solicitor.-3, l3u.r1'io. - vv (1? I \T]`I \| ]\ Dominion Fire Capital, $1,000,000 1 `;{1iSiEi1S,7 > muvi If an. (3: \.u.,...,..., ,,..-..,, .\'qrlhcrn_ J\saura.nco (Io. oi London, Capxuxl. `5'l.),UC0,0U0. uugnnus-., ,-v,...-,~ . . , North of Scdunnd Chziiaxx .\Io'x-tgago Company (limited). $3,000,000 funds to loan, ' V rL`E"Sc.{iNbrs:J1i "6oNv1;_Y. . u. -wu n`..m.-.x~u`. .\'_wut. ln:u1m.nQca_} cct- IX. Am __ ` Attorney, olicitor 'in Chancery. Convey- zr, Sac. Olce~-`-South of the Post. Omcep :n Street, Barrie. A9.-ly JCARTHY, BOYS vs; _PEPLER, Ba.rrist.crs, Attorneys, Solicitors. 8:c., Barrie. McCarthy, Q.C. \Villlam Boys, . -l)'A1t0n- H. __Ffunr.ji5 1'2. I . Hepler. T 'I'.`i-T--\-T{\V' R A R.n_] Q_ Omce and Residence ` COR. BA YFIELD 4' WELLING TON-STS. -'- -1... 0...: 1e .-n , 6. `EU. 1'. EU1\.u uu/muouu .'1uv- I T[ONEl~1Rtor the County of Sirncoe. Orders left. at the ADV'A.\'0E office. will he gnrompfllf at- bonded to. and lntormatxon will mtur shed at-ties requiring Mr. Ford : services. as though 6 had himself been nnnnllltad ` 35-ly : \-~'.'55'.'37'MT".'\\'....`.'._'. ; `VALTER J. KEAT NG, ATTOR- NEY-AT-LA\V, Solicitor in Chancerv. and Lonveynncer. Mpney to Lend. '0{cc-\V2iter 3.?,9e,t,-_l_ 9,EtEI='1Sh- ________._________ Q A. RADENEIURST, BARRISTER _\ .~,\~.\,\;`/.,\,\.-\-\-. ,,n.......u~ Slnlicitol` Chgnceyy. _Cq9_\;ey. GESO lhfl. at. ti ..uu. u.u.n;....... ., Barrie. Fehy. 3rd, 1879. - {O NEY7 n0 \`nr\O\r _V~,_.~.,_._~-. .v.~_\x-. \\-. ~_-. "OSEPH SWAN. AUc1~tdNEER. o.\..n.n nmmtv of Simcoe. Terms reason- --- pulgsdpr 914., BARBIE _on1_-.<| AGr1{, S1` lL\".|.'l1 1 (V1 Au -4..., rri:-new uml .utm-nc:.'.=a. Solicitors in Chan- oturlcs1 ub1ic, Conveyance:-s, Barrie. Co. Omce over Bank of Toronto. _. , _._ -\-rr~4r1II':\I`I(V faomgy TO LEHD. )NEY TO LEND ON REAL ..~.....m no nlnvrtltlt 7{.- J. `ZIMMERMAN, [DEN- mm n. ...:.. nnnu-in. Graduate otth_o1fhil- WW msuR}m'oI-:."'" [ATSON C. ORR-, _T. GEORGES SOCIETY. mic Fglurtltm gavautel m rmumn "c?1)T}<}'1T1,,c6313TiSs1oNER n n r-....\v..\~.uu~. m-. Licensed .-\ucLion_oer, Jamrn ownn. nuu...v-u...-- for the County of Simcoe. e. Orce at my Store. Crapighurst. -16-71y LAND, AND` INSURANGSIGENT. r_*': ' 1{()BLI~3Y, .xcQ0UN'I`AN-,T-, \| .-.. A |.v.mr: '\lr~.=:. ., uuu ..., {:2 its; DO .`fOiIm.7AN whit}. on W. Cmddoc,k. Rosa-st.. Foundry. and su.vo expenses in getting .3 \ nnr.u, \'v'.\I. L`-l\'.AUUUCK, x`_\g R. FORD [LICENSED ;XUb- \\`r In mu 0... nm (`.nnnl'.v nf Simone. Orders . A9V,E_BT!5!w'}!I3.-: . .--qr` IN UU Lt .[1tLLV-us.) xuu V in\`e.=.t.ment on good f1`0Oh01(1 81m cent., depcndztm on me }uire prim-.ipu.1 mon<\._v 1`cq11iru Aul).-\Gl{ 8:. S'1`ItA l`llY. inn lmrric. u....,~. L0 U N'i,_ BAIQZISTEIIS, u..1m.hnm m J.`E1X`JLV . UULV V .uI_L` (harm-.-1'11`. .\:{uut. lmuxmncca E Collcctetl. Olliqe in Uromp- :k nearly opposxto the Posit- .37~ y ll]. Ont. [.1-LB ()UYU 1lS,_\JK}J.l.nLLLJ;J1.\/.L\.u;.u 3ux\\'I*_\`u.1\0{Or. Auctioneer, or following Insurance Com- m lu.~mrmm\ (`0mpu.n_\' uf Montreal cinlun: .uu1 Huzuumec; Head Olce 'l`uromrl). \'i(:lm'i:1 Mutual, 1[`(-.8.d tun. I . M11153. Preside-nt.:\V'1u= -on-mry uml 'l`rcn..~)urer. l`his Com- uxra: uuxx-lmzzzrdous property. Ad- ..n n - - TO LO ;{1I`.A4-'1`I11s NORTH 1...": l"nv\u:`inlI `.\Inrt.;zmz Coxnpuny, 'AUO'I'|ONEERS.. -_-. \\~.\-.-.-. -\x,\-_`_\._., V, flllw n-vv... IIICPIKI-2SE.\'TS. `EH:-e and l\I-urino Insurance l N) :t;.'l-`,-`VV'I!V.V{`t`!'S. .\1:5o for the a_?\'n:.\s.>u1l Accouulre. rrin Jrb Lb`: - Mun v .u ; ;-.. mcr Queen}; und |. l.:m-ls. 1~`urmSbock.lIou:sc- nil-`._ m.-4 211111 {ml m geuuu; . \'v'.\I. Agent, ` , - 11-ly 1 Y . UU.\L).\L,}D~DJ\) .\ r.` of Marriage (Jrccmora, Ont. v . t r1y dI5";~f 1cs,`'}xocoUN. ,_ n.........-nunnvannd H1`0k- I ENNOX J: Lam LVUA, u:........ 1 mm, Attorneys-at-law, Solicltorsi n Chancery. Uo.wc:.'unv-m-19, Sac. Of-Te above Post Olce. Owen rraet, Barrie. ~ J. '1`. I4.-unox. lluughton Lenuox. ,A. J. Lloyd. . V . A `\P.DAGH, s'r1:;x.'rHY & AULT, I)...-v-iuvnr: untl Attorneys. So11cito_gsin Ch(zn- The Regular Mgcting of .the above Society will be held in the Good Template Hall, over '0, Harrison's St 0 x` e , o n r \U`l<`.TI'N17'nA\', Anri] `Ha.rr1son'a an r e o n ' WEDNESDAY, April .' 2nd, 1879, at 8 p m. M. H HARRISON, Qanrntarv. J5L$LV1t1J.\, 1J1'Ju- ` . un M Royal College `LON. AND CAN. 1n.|\I 2; A{}_ (j0__ _ 66Nv1~:YAN.- _..,..u.. ummh A un- ;uAn5g_n. A fine Stock or Hm and Furs constantly on hand-.. 1 .4. --~ Hsgheal frire pui 11/ .- r `V Raw Furs. ' I UR8 Amnsn 8: F ;u:_1>4m1-JD. l:1U I101, .l l1.l.IaJ.|rA.\J;.....-- . Solicitor Convey- tmcer, ~(i)911ce,~ . ` .-Y Owen r, all ncwsmmera .\u2{mi-.sc1'cnx.\'a uuou A, Seoretarv. , England. 00 M. Mhnu 1 Au .LI.\J.I..uu ;;..u,` Stables. 51 and 56 'I`oronto.- ` The best $1.00 per day House in the` City." Only Two blocks North from Northern Depot. Ji 3.. I, 3- y ` Mrrl{AE. Manager. . , blocks `Norm n- MCRAE, ._..__~_-_:_____ .u\.Lu4;44, -.-..._.., ._.._ ______________ 3. `EUROPEAN I-IO'1`EL,(L_ate Ocean,) H. G. BIGELOW. Propriepor. This House? will be kept on the European prmciplc. Meals at all hours. Oysters invevery style. and everything usually kept m n. rst-class house. , ' `I112 U 12:4-` ~ - BROVVN. Proyrletor. dation for the tmve pt well supplied with the bee attentive lxostlcrs. 1 free to and from" u.11,t.ra nt Market-et.. on Dunlap-st. ' f- |`HE QUEEN'S VIIOTEL.-V-A. nnnWN_ Pronrletor.:-_Exccllent agcg `Streets, Bun-lo. ' V BU1h'1',) horuur Llunuv ` old and popular x 3 stories in conveniences. accomn travelling suppbed. smbung an __.--./\\-r 1`I'2r\Pn!`s1- 1\ .l.'\. U AU 1]., Barristers J very, Notaries Publiz mcoe. Om. Omc