IIIQ Ilnetun we nuns, uuv Uuy u. .u...... ,_,.._}_.'g1|.dgodgedwithour.: . Iiirtox-Pm,-'-Grated rind` and juice of dawn to-whiclradd nearly 0 cup of V and upiooofaf butter; half theiize of :.:.:'.A gqg; into one ih0`751k3"9ffW6 N _ . `- . gguprust, sad when do1fe>nprqnd:ovor_; 1 the white: beaten nti , a lit- ." _ ' '..'f'i':;9E.". _ofoo1d cup_of.bolling Inter stir * of _ co;-`n sea-kl;,*_}:u_ehat$ I , _,and1-`eyurn to thezoven ` L o Y;?slitM w L. H1181-I IIIUIU QIUIIIDIUI EFDYUH: Blllll NIL Ctlier causes '..c oI_nb'in_e,_!;V . One party of; yotufg "!l"',I'!h :i_!1`_th.e l;ibit_o fox-. lun` ~av;jj T.?ti3YT.5ii;;th` ma; , L psi-tofthe cityuo`. A _ _ . meat of each adoring wlnt mntu ' mg: it, hhd it wo:n;benutitnny. " They are ma V.....1.`. +1..~;n1a:.nnum-; . they V ;`Whnt do yfu every /` ni8ht?`irep1ies , : " J % 4 ' 4: 117.11 1' .::.1.-.u:.-.:...`.; 4.; n':; .51.- :`.......:_ 1113 H5 H:B1HlIl5lllI U1` lI.I.UlIl|:Ul."|IUHUllUl'o ' 12. Carefully note any apparatus which you may need, `or any unprovements you may think necessary or advisable, and re- port to me at as early 3 date as possible. 13. 1I`1nnv nhtnin flan Av-f.n'|:'\ rm " Tl-Ln PUIIII UU U15 H5 H5 cuny 5 UJHIU 8:5 PU351UlU. 13. Finally, obtain the article on The Programme; with notes `on How` nnd.Wh:1t to Teach, from Barrie ADvANcE,E:oaminer, Collingwood Messier er, and 0rillia.- Packet, and follow closely t e advice contained in it- V `The consideration Of particular subjects is reserve d for a future paper. ' A correspondent sends the following to the; New York Mail : ' Iwant to urgejmovement which I be- lieve. will do more good` for temperance than all other agencies together. I would like to see the utteriy absurd, stupid and- injurious practice of treating done away with altogether, and the German practice of every man paying for hisowii adopted. Every man who has been addicted to drink-a.nd I emaorrry to say I am one- knows very well that his appetite was got .L1......n~1n $1.5; sum-nnn nut` &Iu.L aka- nan.-n, n;gu_w rupuuu nutty. I u ,v . `. ' .{wen I dun : :9," is the invari- able answer, 'but',y9une`,Ia.st night I struck Bill, Dick a'nd %IIu`:k,1 and we` t ho" -M-well,Tone drink56l1oib.iiio1fJ1er;nn -yo_u `innit Eric H. ii i7lbnI'ln1f. ?. 7,,` . -.UlIo LLIQBU UIIIIIUIIL I3 I01! I.|.lU3F vhluabie `my gintemperanoe has. It `has mm: mm-n "rh"-in`ikn.|adn i than `-All. aw--V .. __--_- __ early _ days to hewleiohjeots .' 7 h1t'h{iIi'bn the heels, back andhips,-he will ` nttention to giving out of ha.rness,. on wagon runninwigamet him in an unex- n -moment. A dxi_Ve.a high-spirited horse, attached eonoe saw an aged 3 to I es:-tinge, down a steep hill with no hold T` hook Itnpu upon the harness, and she 33- ` sued in that there was no den er, for her, 3 Ion eeeuntomed his. horse to ea 1 kinds of ; nngee and nights that commonly drive the enimal into a. frenzy of fear and excite- " hunt. `Agun can be red from the back ` of 0 horlo, an umbrella held over his head, ` 8 15118510 robe thrown uver his neck 9. rail- reed engine pass close 'oy, his heels bumped M -with sticks, and the animal take it all as a. ` nltnnl condition of things, if only taught j by careful management that he will not be . injured thei-eby.. There is e'grea.t need of bgrovement inthe management of this j no 10 Animal ;leas ~ beating wanted and more education. WUTK. - 11. As soon as the average attendance of your school goes over740 write to me ac- quainting me with thefact and stating if there is any pupil attending the school, or any ex-pupil who would be capable of act- ing as assistant or monitor-teacher. `I0 l'I.......-`l'I-- .....L.. ....... ..............l..-... ...`I...!..L lxlluvvn '01 "cu. vulrv unn BEEDUIIIV won EUII I through this practice and that, after acquir- -.1 :1 _.... .n..'.. -.-..a..._ 44...; :....L.......I :1. .....I "W511, 0118 unns-luuuwn. IIIUDHUF, Ill y0I1 know how in. youualtwf.` . enfI,e1_euAcunto1n is -the most u.iVn`|unl\`A A inn .,7 :n6nuuinnIInnnn lion 1'} -Iun . nv horjieismmen -self. ese Illblvlubnn vuuo rnnalvvavv nun vuwv, unvun I\n1\nA-I. ed, it was this custom that fastened it, and made it dangerous. - T ' ` R _...--..... ....__ ......._.l...... 2_.l.- Lt- ..1.-`L L1- nun-av nu unuunabuovw-J A young man saunter: into his club, his billiard room, or any other place where liquor is sold, without any idea of drink. He doesn t|want it`,he d.id_not intend to take it when he came in, and _he' would [be bet- ter off without it. Three other young men are at the bar, two of them precisely like himself, but who, had accepted the invit- atian of the third, who further alon , had come in for a. drink. eis invited o 'oin them, and he follows the customw 1.... L.....{...... 1-... A .`. ...'..;- .. .I..:..1. `D n 001113 In I01` Ii Ul'L|lK- FIG 18 LIIVIVUU I0 0111 them, follows the custom which has become law. A. wantsa drink, B., O. and D. ` do not, but take` it. While the changeis being made B., slightly excited by the stimulant,` suggests 6 repeat, which is done.` C.`,.having p'a1`taken' of his friends hospitality, deems it mean"not_to spend some money in retum `suggests another, and D.` bythis time_Tex`cited to An (I which demands moi-e,ipollows with `a fourth. ~n_ u_:_ L__- J.L-.L`-L.- I.-u':_.1.u-.1 -....: vvunou ucunnuun ulvhvgnvuvnn vvauu w IUIIL vu- By this time .t_hey,are hnlffuddled and ready for :u__: Mribed home 1t iegsela. . ' ything And if they are not car- .is be< w13.theyAAare seasoned um! _lyl.'I9Ill. WIIULI WUIILU IHIVO been~but one. Andho yin lucky hat gets off with forty, ' 9f'te`ex_1 more or less -`"I_'ver dz ' man in city will V testify to the tmthfbf thisaoxperienoe.- an 1.-.... _ I.:....|.-....:.n.:..- .....;........ n ....g. . (`If they Vutop.withA fahe 011.`:-I'.Vlx there are fteen drinki poured down where, with this pystem a.bo'l_inh`_'ed,- their would have hnnnhnf. nnn, And ERA nu-tv in Ilmkv Hunt '_\loxum u.u"rms.--A remeay xor (mox- _uttle is opportune aboui this time, vhen they are more than ustially exposed ' in the danger, of gettingan apple,` potato, To! small turnip in the -gullot. A -certain Ioxnetiy is said to be to open themouth of AL- .1.,.1.:.... ....:.....1 .....1 +1.... .2..." nm """"J W W" -e--'-.-_'{- `:"-"-`r\vv--.v-v;- T;;:. W -=~ `A 'rn.'r AT 1'n:_A'rINo. V -P,I.\1'EN1' M_DlGINE3. 66 GETI N E,Y My "RE_!"!9MAt|.9M-| . up...-`um .. <~-v--- cw--1 --w--u-------- 7 MR. ALBERT OROOKER, the well-known druggist and apothecary, of Springvsle, Me.,A always advises every one troubled with Rhea metism to try VEGETINE. ' ` Road In: statement-: _ Srmnavsnn. Ml. Oct. 12, 1876.` Mr; .H. R Srsvsxs :- V A , , - Dear -S`ir,-Fifteen years ago last fall I was taken sick with rheumatism, was unable to - move until the next Agril. From thattime until three years agothle 3111 suffered every- ` thing with rheumatism. Sometimes there I... main. ..4- . Lima Hunt: 1' nnul nnf. would be weeks at a time mu .1 `coma HOB step one sten; these attacks were quite often. I suffered everythin that a `man could. Over three years ago est spring I commenced taking VEGETINE and followed it up until I had taken seven bottles; have had no rheums-. tism since that time. I always advise every one that in troubled with rheumatism to try VEGETINE, and not suffer for years as I have done. This statemexit is gxiatuituous as far as Mr. Stevens ieconcemed. , Yours,~ete., 1 1 nnnm nnnnvvl) {iii}? "$31231 'rYu7.`i aIt`{T-K. ""sBzI13EiH:B `1ie wo (1 be weeks at time that I `could not n`-nu` nun .4:-n . H-mun .Hm-bu warn rnfn nfluln. MR. H R. Smvnxs z--- i\ A0 II , I ,__,\ 1 Dcar Sir,--My daughter, after having a. severe attack of Whooping Cough, was left inn. feeble state of health. Being advised. by a friend she tried the Vnaxrrus, and after using a. fewbottles was full restored to health. I Iuun Luau o nmv-. an nrtir frnrri Rheuma- 3 Vl'CllUI T ALL breaking out on the is a. good ;'7 It the same time it is an indication .dlIOele, in the sense that boils are plihy ;" the philosophical meaning is iihatute in endeavoring to throw out on toutdde of the body, certain perticles ' ihllh w`eu'in the blood and were poison- _e-noughto do Kilt" the eign" is that she is vigorous 1 ,. ~.pIhn6 would have died. ` 5`. -n-uuv 'IEI\nvrvII __.'n'nnInu7nt-lit` in mn. if she had not been, the usmg Iew bottles mu resmreu no neauu. I have been 9. great su erer from Rheuma- tism. I have taken several bottles of , the Vsannxnifor -this complaint, and` am happy tosay it has entirely cured me. I have re- commended the Vmsrmn to others with the same good results; It is a. great cleanser and urier of the hloodgt is pleasant to take and can cheerfully recommend .it. ' r. A xnm \ln1)Q`l.`, mu Anmnn uh-Ant, L UIILI vuucuuug LGV}J1uuLuuu.sva JAMES MORSE, 364 Athens street. Rheumztism is a Disease of the Blood. The blood in this disease. is found to contain an excess of "brin." Vmmms acts b convert- ing the blood from its ` diseased con tion to s healthy circulation. VEGETINE regulates the bowls which is very important in this com lsint. One bottle otV1-zommz will give relief, ut to eifect 9. permanent cure it mustbe taken ular- ly. and may take severe. bottles, espec ly in cases of Ion standing. Eamixnis sold by all druggists. ry it. and your verdict will be the some as that of thousands before you, who say I never found so muchyrelief as from the use 0 VEGETINE. which Is composed exclusively of Bmxs, Roars and linens. VEGB'nm. ssysa Boston physician. has no usl as wbloodpurier. Hearing of its men won ertul cures, after all other remedies he. failed I visited the laboritorf and convinced my- sell! of its enuine merit. t'is re ared from hm-ka.ron nnd herbs. each" of W ic is highly tauen 1 vxsuoa me mnonw mm uunuuuuu my- barks 1-00 and herbs. each hilhly effective. and .they are com ounded in me a manner as to produc e aatouje 113 results." Mn. R. Smvmxs :~-. Dear Sir,- I have been troubled with Scrofula. Canker and Liver Complaint for three years; nothinglcver did me any good until I commenced using t e Vmx-rrxxn. _ tst-rate, and still using the Vcgetme. I consider there is nothing equal to it for such complaints. Can heartily recommend 1': to everybody. Yours uly. MRS. LIZZIE M PACKARD. ' No. 16 Lagrange street, South Salem, Mass. _..-- um now getting along ' ELECTRICTLY! THOMAS Excnnsron ELEC- TRIO OIL! _ WORTH TEN 'r1.\u:s ITS VVEIGIIT IN GoI.n.-Pmn cannot stay where it is used! It is the chcapcstnmedicine ever made. One dose eures common. sore throat, One bottle cured bronchitis. Fifty cents gvorth has cured an old standing cough. It positively cures catarrah asthma and croup. F1ft{`cents' worth has cure criek in the back. and t 9 same quantity lame back of eight years . standing. It cures swelled neck, tumo .1-heumatiem, neuralliztzcontraction. of the muse es. sti j oints, spinal culties, and Pain and soreness in any part, _no matter where t may be, or from what cause it may arise. it al- ways does you good. Twent-ve cents worth ' has cured bad cases of chronic and bloody dy- sentery. One teaspoonful vcurcs colic in 15 minutes. It will-cure any case ofpiles that it is possible to cure. Six or eight applications is war- ranted to cure any case of exqorlated ni ples or innmed breast. Forbrmscs, ifa plied o ten and ` boundu . there is never the slig itest discolora- tion to t esl-un. It stops the pain ofa burn as soon asapplied. Cures frosted feet. bells. warts and come. and wounds of every description on man 111- beast. . and and man or beast. S. N. THOMAS. Pmups. N. Y. And NORTHROP &: LYMAN, Toronbo,'0nt. Sole Agents for the Dominion.. , ' N o'rn:.--E'!cmc--Selected and Electrized '1 mi GREAT Suosnomzss mmsnv AND Pius The success that these medicines have met with since their introduction to the public some ears ago. proves plainly to. the mostskeptlcal but they are medicines that perform what thgf are advertised to. The _virtues of these me - cines have been well tested and-have withstood their trial in a most satisfactory manner. For diseases of the Blood. Liver. Lungs. &o., they are unsurpassed. VVo have testimonials of miracul- ous cures _of these diseases._and man others. If any one is afictcd, let him try `a_ p ottle of the Remed , and a_box of Pills. No in} urious eifects will fol ow their use to the most delicate person, as they are purely vegetable ; their being no mineral matterrin them. The cost is small. while the advantages derived from their use will doub-` ly re ay you for`your ex enses and trouble. The me clues are widely nown throughout the Dominion, and are for sale b the principal medi- cine dealers. Try them, an be convinced that these medicines are no humbug. No one who has tried the Shoshoness Pillshas ever pronounc- ed an unfavorable opinion of them, _no family where they have been used will be without them. Fullinformation may be had on all particnlurs touching the use. and the experience of those whovhave used them, by securing the Treatise or the Circular from any Drug ist_in the Domin- ion, Free.` Pricepof the Reme y in pint bottles $1: Pills 25 cents a box. I . The PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all dis- orders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. . The OINTMENT is the`only remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of .how- ever long standing. For7Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria, Coulgs, Golds, Gout, V Rheumatism, end ell Skin isesses itvhss no equal. - ' :___,Cloxtxo CA` by o; In {In dunner: by me, an 056, Uxtora bureau, uonuon. In the books of directions affixed to the spurious make is a caution, warning the Pub- lic against being deceived by counterfeits. Do not bemislead by this audacious trick, as they are the counterfeit: they pretend I: denounce. _ These oonnterfeits are purchased b_y- un- princi led Vendors at one-half the price of my P and Ointment, endure sold to you as my genuine Medicines. - I most "earnestly appeal to that sense of justice, which I feel sure I my venture upon asking from all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Public, as far as may lie in their power, in denouncing this shameful Fraud.` Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medi- cines, bears the British Government Staiup, with` the words " lIor.x.own s`P11r.s mn ' lobe! is the sddresa;g533i Oxrcnn drnur, ` altmnay ;;Ptllc;mid.Oint:npeatpbzc_n`ng ' 'f?:`f.lI"I"i eedihlt taro l Onmnnrr, -Lennon," engraved thereon. :03 ` Lournon, where slone<.tle7; hm. H`: , `pgqethrgghto ` um GBEATES'l; woupan or Monanu nuts I Znhst respectfully take leave to call the a.ttentio1i,o1 the Public enemlly to the fact, that oertiin Houses in. ew York are sending to man parts of the lobe SPURIOU IMITA IONS `of my ' and Oihtment. These ft-ands beer on their labels some address in New York. 'I' An uni: dllnur vnv Iinrninnn hi HA: In!!! in In new xorx. I do not allow In Medicines, to be sold in any partof the nited States. I have no` agents there. My Medicinaa are only made byme,' at 533, Oxford Street, London. In the books directions to,the BEWARE OF AMERICAN C0'UN'l`ERFEI l`S. I.'u'purcu uy u_.` 15:. sravnss. nonon, Mass. Vezetine is Sold by Jill Druggxsts. - - 1.1m Ila: I-Inurely Cu:-ca Mo. Bosrox, Oct.. 1870. II R Qvrxurvu-Ia-._.. . a Y to - --NO'lTHING EQUAL TO IT.--. . .SOU'I`!I SALEM, MASS., Nov. 14. - -. 4-._,______ , __VEI:_E-TIME Pu-pared by EVUIIB I5 UUIIUUILIISIA. LVIIIU, vvvo, ALBERT OROOKER, . Firm of A Crooker & Co.,' Dmggists. mwv vvvuun -an-vv nun-u ` '~ ~ -u'nLnY Errzor.--Housework'in mod- . "$010!: 1.` benecial rather than otherwise Th vomon,;who need bodily exercise- A n-Ialgn lnr wnmn.n n diseases. found that 'V7eg-'et1n.e. ` xrnmurna mnnAT. an 1'!` .. _v_|_:c_E?ma , _ 1-._.__ Prepared urn NC on HOLLOWAY, ._... I .....;u- .4 1876. J.VU.uh Lnn nuuuu vv unu Millinery, ac. . . . . .. .at .20 per cent. discount Overcoats, &c . . . 4 . et I0 per cent. djscoun Furs, Fur Caps, &c.,, at 20 per cent. discount Pea Jackets, &c.. . . ..at 10.per cent. dlscoun `Clouds. &c. . . . . . . . . .at 20 per cent. discount Ang1allWinterGoods:at substantial reduction Fancy Wool Goods, &c at 20 per cent. discount We have also several special lines just purchased at a great bargain. Special attention is di- rected to our .u.1..woo|. CANADA 'rwx_-:1: 03,. at so per cent. formerly 81-00 goods, and which are the best value ever offered in Barrie. I.:C>'.l`.' or `EIELKNANTS CHEAP. NEW SPRING GOODS! n 1-. . .3... -u- __ n_.,:..__ -n_:__;- ,___a n.L:;_ n..u....... :....s an. 1...! Swan Now `V nI-It. 1nvelY `DISCOUNT CLEARING S ALEI] w1mT"E""ui;:i;:@ji""1i'Iiiiiii:*f1ums It IGOLDEN IIJVV E.l:.l\I.l._LV\J \J\J\I.Lz--- 6 CASE New Spring Prints and White Cottons, just to hand from New York, lovely goods and stylish. ' As there is every prospect of an INCREASE DUTY being put on thes goods in a_few days, and as we have secured. them Much Under Value W: are ptepsred to give our customers the benet of our Chen Buying You will save money by calling and O W . securing what you need in the above lines 5 cents ner vard. ' B.--A good line of Fast Color Prints at V my 15 351 In?) DU W UPON UHU_l{JUU{lll U1 the chokxng annual and throw u on the iongio, nwty back, a tnblespoonfu of salt- potu, then` let` the beast/go, and the ob- nhaln will aithar mus out or in. in a. van? aecurmg wnau you 5 cents per yard. as--~o LTETARI N G, sA1.E=sQ SANDERS BROTHERS, 'From 25 -to 50 per cent; Saved bv Laving your Order during the` - next Thirty Days- Clearing out FALL AVNID WINTER Stdckjin ofder td make - room for - -v-1 ~ It will_ bring. N ate the following :-'-La.dies Mautles from 75c. up ; Ladies Trimmed Hats from 50c. up; Ladies Fur Setts from $1.50 up; Ladies Clouds from ,10c. up; Ladies Wool Squares from 15c. up. Meu e Overcoats from $4.00; Men s Suits from $6.00; Hats for 50c.; mug Boots, $1.50; Good Tea from 95c. ; Good Currants from 30. ; Best Golden Syrup at 60c. ; 25 Bars of Soap for $1.00; Blankets, Tweeds, Wincevs, Flaunels, Shix-ting and Dress Goods at half the usual prices. ALL KINDS~OJ!` FARM PRODUCE TAKEN. Cash. aid for `HvIDES,]SKINS AND VVOOLS. Country Stores and Hote1-keepers supplied at oronto hnhann n Prion: ' . . DUANLOP STREET, tuuno, axun o .4 Wholesale Prices. -Ai:O-- cocoa mmma, MATS, (nun on;-emu. TH nmponxum. - - JOHN wuso: ONE DOOR WEST OF THE BARRIE HOTEL, ysunuuuw _ _ . `ljnuqumo Honsss.--Cou1d the coming ' f tion ofghorses in this country be kept , `the-days of their colthood to the age Q! in years in the hands of good,_ careful ninym, says the Indoqr and Out, there monl be seen a vast difference in the gen-' ' of the noble animal. If a. is never allowed to get an aqvantage it ` j'ne've'r know that it possesses a_.. power IIIt msn cannot control, and if made fami- Ila with atxange objects it willnot be skit- lblgggqd nervous. If a horse. is made ec- , onltomed ironiits ea.rly_dsys to_ha.ve `obj eots - I.u'I.r-..'~`m. {Ian `I-inn`: huh`: and hihn..'|1n vii" COMPLETE IN THE NEWEST LINES OF ENGLISH. SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS WORSTED COATINGS AND OVER.-COATINGS. WHICH WILL BE MADE TO ORDER, FOR STYLE AND CHEAPNESS SECOND TO NONE IN TOWN. -- . - :0: - ems rununsnmns Ann nannv-mu: cI.onnm: K; . T03 New stone ` K NEXT -J:-o :3. HINDs. ----jo`--T '-- GT-u=.AP GOOD$l_A_C|-%|EAPGOODS!! CA%PE'l`! AE{PE' INEW DRE ssa. 00133, LA%Rc.EsT : BEs'1"mV1'I-u.-'. coumnv R.ME.MEER THE ' I'da`N"<>'r1t`r"IitE am` 3601 WILL- % ~ % % no-1'32 uuosasom. A ~ -1 i--K-"'I":1-`I51-n 8R,USS4`.LS. 'l`APES'l`RY, l{lDDER:\ll:\JS'l`l)R., (UN , EMBRACING. EVERY DESIRABPE $HADE.A2D COLOUR. WE OFFERING - Xlrnto the mouth `shut sates strength inlking, modies excessive perspiration sloop pxfevents the vacant appearanceso ohorvchle `in country people when they also Into the city, supplies thelungs more ugnhrly with air, tempers a - cold atmos- 'pIl'0' in its pusagesto the lungs through 010 circuit of the head, and tends by the bruthing to strengthen` the breath- I-ntnnnn. NE W 121. 0 'l`Hl./V G HQ Us E gr om! o'oo:ns,meAnv-mime cI.o1'Hm`o.- nnoctnlss &c., .G-RE3A.T sf:-EQIAL El?EPOBEUM! Flannels and `V inceys, .1111 at the c1oset Pr1ces_. .0. . %nmroR1UM. -{ JOHN wuson. SPRING IMPOR TATIONS I i02-"" We shall untill affer ouf Anhual Stock-Taking o'er the balance of our ,, _ __ _. ..j--.--nu-n V :Q1l"'1'l :0: . Give us a Call and be convinced. _ ARE SHOWING A LARGE AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF] Dvomon,_~wno "neea oouuy exeruusu- A V ylleian for woman : diseases, found that `women who themselves performed all 14- \:n-nkni urn`-Ir Flint-A unul 'nn trtu-.n (if PiTsTtIEnEMovn oua TAILoa|N5 DEPARTMENT A513. MAONAB wows. AND WILL BE OFFERED AT SUCH M . rnIeesj%1nAr,Anrv eourmtmna .:.'_f-..,._-:g;.._. _..._._. NO. 1. ONTARIO nnmmas. opposrmonn smnn. DUNLOP-817' . THE_NEW ES'F S IN- --MVERCHANT TAILORS,- E. 3. GROMPTON & co. 7.... -`rs -Ina-I-n 3 ID C tit 11- --v- NOTE THE FOLLOWING: ryncun xor woman I ulseases, iuuuu uuuu I household work there was no trace of ' complaints ; that these complaints to make their appearance in women 3-. one servant, become more prbnounced 0!\_':oIen with two servants, or worse still one who have three serfgmts, and so . 0' showed statistically that the deaths `ab child-birth were four times greater in 99' also" of `womenwith four servants than Qjith none. ; 80 hard work has its ad- IN GREAT VARIETY. .n. AT BOTTOM PRICES. --AT THE- """ 1.9 _"l2HEMS'l..:( ).CK on,` V.` Which we intend `to Sell at Cost ;for ne month ; also ` balance of NEW BRICK BLOCK) E 0 13.8.! AT THE LII`! 'I'ur!.--Two cups of white sugar, on up boiling water, one quarter cu vine- '.'Ig, onoshalf cup butter, avor with emon; will into buttered plates to cool. `n.~...'..-. .mum..._To a. lame teacup of ONE DOOR `EAST on THE MARKET, OLD Sl'0CI AT ANY Po ICE E . 'INIarz-11:; :19 co. One Door East Market Square. `VV1th 3 Splendid Stock 01 T0 ptm '-- hi- Inaporteru. BEAVER UNIONS, wll! mw Dllweruu puawn w vvuu 3.": iB`Ax'Ib 0onrxsn.-To a. large teacup .3 picked ne add two cups mashed tool, two cucfas of milk, two well-bea- u, 3314. an pa per to taste, and half ' tter; mix` t orqughly, and bake DA- `lunc- '41,, 2!} BARRIE. Fl R81 -OLA88 I nossvmon as wnuwr OOFFIN8 With Hem-so furnished in addition, , soA|.: or-' Reduced Prices. '33. E`?-.'`223 EXT A CHOICE YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWER, T JAPAN, \lII\a\.a III I I IJIOIJI } nnrialluavtuiuunuavugnu-anuana-grlu` nuts "un- cANTON |'C'ii '15ir7E iiW1i3Eia:wT. Hickory Axe Handls, ' - \ Lance-Tooth Cross-Cut Saws Champion and Lightning-tooth nrnnn,nIa Qnvnn ~ -.......t;-uu uuu -416:: tlx11l5"\UUlIl| Cross-cut Saws, `All the leading Styles or Saws,! Jewitt s Mill Saw Files, ; AND AS UHEAP AS ANY PLACE IN% TOWN! ' PURVIS BROS,.,___L T FARM HIN'l'8- , V ,';,CI.0K'lNG CATTLE.-~A femed'y for chok- ia cattle in nnnm-tuna nhnniz thin time __..__._j _ ._:_ _.._.- _:_:_f_. .i1 SL`*LUS1&GEMA(3_I1_11_`@S & FILLERS. X-GUT SAWS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, HUNDIRTAKING 'VVVV\AAvvV the Queonand` Royal Family, and by special app Wales, I. R. M. the Emperor of Russia, the Maharaja Princes. . A . . Of every desonptxon, suitable forsllclimates, from 2 _to 200 uiueas. Chronogrs he, Chrono- mtTl. Kyless Levers, Presentstzon, Re esters, Railway usrds , Soldiers an Workmen s Wstches of Extra strength. Clocks, for hurches, Turrets, or Public Buildings, Dinin or Dflvnng RooIn,_ Inbnry, Carriage, Church, Hell, or Shop. Perpetual Calendars, V ind `D1913: 50- Arttshc Enghsh Clocks, decorated with Wedgwood and other wares, designed to "119 any style of fnrmtnre; also as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson. From 5 (_}old Jewellery, of the richest and most exquisite designs, with Monogrslns, Crests, and Ensmelled in Colonrs,.after Designs by the most accomplished Artists in the CP1'_,1,M0.hls ; Brooches, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings, and all kinds of biouuric ofnthe Court, s_!;<]l1 otherte13ist{in`guished`l_Pera:usgesr;i Mlcfchante, _ e_; nyers are so: mvx , eore sen m , exro erse ew ere, yfsous-theimsnufsotory thenplllnstx - ated Catalogues of Wgtohus, Clocks, Chains, s`_nd_ llectro-piste, which sre sent post free, as not only st-sthe discounts _i1'*'*`;.`!*,'"'!:_g_t1nnToan`.b:0nv-deLfroIn the 16?8ltletock.in..t}l31o woglldg 9td,lI- $0514 Rb? 'ry,_,dgq.teH1ll.' .nson s sm e_q~ "pi-:: _e'.' ops Plst_osndJewel1el-yient Post Free. Watches seiht safe bl';Po'st to en s V. Ennlan-.nn'n4l`l 1luannnp 14515-1. 'I_-nnlnnnin III auuclagvunvuv uh? .1:-guguv -ovyp i53:5;`:l;avJ`;;:I;n:f;ul b.i1v1: I:;atFro:.VT-azchea sent by P-out to all para "0f.ili'o'Wr1d. Steam Factory and (my show Booms, Ludgato Hm, .w}out-mu! Bslabllohment, 9.5 on Bond Street. amn- mm. 38- X a'.vV.BE1\TsoN', H WATCH & {CLOCK MAKER 2% '2`. . 5l lconstantly on hand, skouda, He.-ui Lin- E if i ing, Gloves, md all Funeral Requiuitea. I HEARSE FOR HIRE. Orders by Mail or Telegraph promptlyiattended to. VITPLAOE OF BUSI[NESS--John-Sl:4., One Door south of Ball : Phning Fsctoryf Lllilloholtkillod ower -5 `Jan-nnnnli uni `All nnnn . TEAS 'I'I-]Z.L'I':o: ARE TEAS. VTD A (`1[l'f\`I l'V'D \7A \l"|'\Yl`1 nxrnnxr I `I A `n A \T `nu A an MEAT CUTTERS `AND CHOPPERS, NEW FRUITS 76$? ARRIVED. _B_EANSON S wA1'c H ES GANDIED PEHELSM AND ALMoNbs. GEE 0RGE"" SMITH, Family appointments to H. R. H th ' lea, `Russia, Maharajah of Bm-dwan, and to aevzarlglnfrfg aces. - IEP|ZEMEDALS-|.0N0N. uusuu AND rAnIs.a A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. -: The Subscriber be to intimafo to his friends and the gublic of Bsn-io . and aurroun ' 1.: Country that he Manufactures an deals in LIIFTIIWFIIMQ HOWE! A'.lIMblnI_Iomodouttoonoon; ' A{ung"""` vpigah edjn dutli, Eiwoois song` ` nnn_1ng; Ind: ioldod. ooldtnd 315111, This lifg-work but begun,- Unnidnl. inaomnloh; Ill_IlI.I Ill-I I Illllll AILIU Vlllllll Hun unvvna vs 5 um-nunnuuu `In this section of country. which, on inspection, will prove to be the fact. He also does t%`_`_-.l_-_._ __.{ IC`---4-..l-4.-.. D8 8150 0.085 Planing and Turning I\.. LL- ..L.._L....L_..LJ.... -..I ..-.,..uL ..............'I.ln L.....-..- :0: AVIE Blilg =_ I LEI. OHI- V1.1 1.1.:-Ana. LL12 ms`;-4 V.` g.A`IAgg:_snT_,_Izga,s`T gm) eunAPEsg_:T5ci(`6i runmuim nnnn wry cal-u'nI-u nn I nn 1:7?" nu-nun in In: Hnnfnn On the shortest notice and most reasonable terms 'Furniture Works and Store-rooms opposite the Registry 01ce.`B -T 202-----1 -u-.. -_----..-.-n V. --w- - :-- pug" '-|1j" or EVERY DESCRIPTION, runmwnm nu! WAR nu `r1'AN n'l`FI"II! I LONDON, LAYER, VALENC1AS,.SULTANA, CURRANTS,| GHOPPING AXES, SKATES AND SLEIGH BELLS. in . And 9-worn out neg '.l.'h01r I}! uminhod. Cashen s Block,_Ba2/eld Street, Barrie. I L I. 1 A Vi H U N '1` E R, "HEAVY >AND SHELF -HARDVOI7l`\RE.> bibl- I\./'\/'\/\./N./\ f\I\I\f\l\ 4-\AAA._1 MGROGERIE8, FRUIT Blscurrs, &o.A I nainanul nuuIuI|.uI..I-.n.,IInnuaIn`uonuilualculinllul-au`unnrQ.O\u'Iu-u FULL` as-:|:-occurs. ---- :u:----- Having purchased a first-class Hen-no is . prepared to do Undertaking Cheaper ` than any other Dealer in this i part oi the country. .1 - - '_ _ n v&l-U runuwwuuuu AND THAT HE ms ON HAND TEE -no-u ncnngnnnnu runnnir nu w1LLj::i@TER. .5. amnmasoN's. HANnsoME HEARSE A d6;n a team: A lfnrv.ImnIz half made Undertakinz IN ALL rrs BRANCHES; And all Funeral Requisites Furnished. IJ1a:In.o:nd., Lance, and :Elo11ps_> III ! 1 AT Proved Coil Chain, `Glass , Paints, Oils, &c., Nails, Locks, Hinges, ; Sleigh and Cutter StufT, Waggon and Buggy Stuff " &c., 81.0., V &.C. JAPAN PEACO, VERY FINE BLACK TEAS, ORANGE PEKOES FOR FLAVOURING "COAL BOXES Dunlap-st., North'Side,` Opposite W. Hunter ;'E::3.?':` imgani? o needle in it ' 3 $21: Cant nliunv tirnd . inns?-cuss ROSEWOOD I WALNUT cor-:l-nxrn with House tnrnlshod tn addmon, 'Ix'|\i5'vAsss. son: or Reduced Prices. `:2 '9!` `ll 51-1! D, ilc -`IYo'I-1'eodla".' '3; ; Two foot nlrudy tired Jami ntnrtinn In) life : 1: ;"xm.""" ".'.`.'.a`T'2'a'3 oi`.'&;f3 ; 0 god :-u thic.'.l'hy will 2 r F." Qipdnnd of stale Ilhl, And when soft, p I Dutwr ; V an hour. Bum Swrrma ton F1sn.-Take about bread and soak in` ress out the water; HILL unuvnyubgoni, .. =1'|I?'I voxylittlo 0110 d_ met, a er and IN} I -large tohlesp:eful' of mien P onion, _ 1! preferred,` 9. littleminced arsley ; trie, and after removing . m the `nddsbeatonegg. A A ` _ ".1. d$i'6o`t \milk, twdoups of sugar. three ` V` four cups of sifted qur, it o'or nfter -meuurin it), one} A ulofsoda. diuolv in: lit- Iohot valor,` one teupoonfnl of cream. of ' Tdfiod-ingtho our, `one cup of ruinuu _.n A-ulnar! villi mut ' . - 0,!l.-On_e "cup of butter, bno cup V W11: .' heart: , . ba`-?.~`; cm. uIZ.`. . 2 lb {nun hm burn `mm Iuanwm uAuoax u mu tno enar Or my her harp from heaven lb music to us send! . The blouomlost from earth, 'l'ho'_u[oet;unninhed song, Slnll 1t'conj:mue there? `Nae blighted `rose `re-bloom 2 , !.'or all of life : lost joy Shall rocom use be giv en 2 _ II the lite um nished here To grow oomplbte in Heaven! I'D 1003 Already urea Jnltltnrting up life : hill; - l lmnm undo delol&te.- I IUV IIIIU Q6530 g0, LIIIU. ILIU UU`_ 3 ml). either pan; out or m, m very -. n1'n_ HOUSEHOLD HINT8. "I-IEALTI-`A HINTS. ` 1:. 51- 5 moo. Puqra. M j: . `f obr-{two when a servant Vgirl 12 open he side door of a house on Silbley V itreet','in response to a trump : knock, `her. ~ iace looked so kind andhenevoleqt v- that thehungry man had no doubt that a. good `dinner `awaited him. He had, however," (laid out a. certain programme, and he there- fore began : . ` Mv nnr wnmnn T `uuyAn f. Hui A-RV- xore Began : . My dear woman, I haven't had any- thing to cut for two days and I wanted to ask if on would spare one of those icicles which ' fallen from the eaves 1" ' N \Vn1l T A........ 7 -1... ..1-...l.. ......`I:..A .- VVIIIUII I1/B8 Illlle. ITOHI lane GBVCB 1' Well I dunno, she slowly replied, as she looked out. I suppose [we mlght spare you one if you are really s_u'ermg. but of course you,won t take the largest `and the best 3' 1:1,`. ..;`......._: .1....... _.__1. __1--..-.1 __ :-:_I.Q uuu yuupest. I . He stepped down and` selected an icicle about two _feet long. and in 3.. hesitating manner inquired- A ` ` If you would only sprinkle a. little pep; pelt on this I would be for ever very. grate- fu . ' llll. It's rather bold in you to ask it, but I suppose I can sprinkle on a little--a. very little, she replied as she got the pepper and dusted his luncheon v_ery sparing- ly. - A "D nI>nrfnr] fn Innlv amour` kn} -nnnrn:I\n IUUHII UU gU2lU, Ell}? !'Bp.l18' L _ _ Wherrtha icicle had been duly salted the man expressed his tlumka, but didn t move away. His game wasn't working to suit him ` some folks wouldn t have stood there and seen him bite off the end of a. big icicle, but thegirl did. And further, whenhe hesitated ti) go, she indignnntlyu carried out: HT 1...-.- ...L- 4;... _._L 17... ___ ' `He started to mov away; but -sueeming to recollect something, he turned and said : ` ` nv-.. ......... ;.. 1.- _- 1.'-_-_-1__L 1-911 __1_ UU1ICl'I-Ull Uulav-' _ . - I know what you want.- You now want me to warm the icicle in the oven for you and then put 'on some mustard, but I'll never do it ! '1`)... ran vvsnvvtuq .1m..1.. ....L 1.1.... .....a... .....1 ; u. never uu_ lb : The man moved slowly out the gate, and as he threw his icicle at,a passin dog he gaveutternnce to his disgust in fanguage p}1nctuxfed.entirely with slung-shots. . ' uauu I . You seem to be so benevolent I'll ask you to sprinkle on 9. little salt as well, I like my icicles seasoned up pretty high. You are a. bold man, sir, and it's pliin that you have the appetite of a glutton, butAI`ll give you. hit of.sa1t and then you must be gone," she replied. ` Whmrthn inialn hm! lmnn dnlv nnlltn The editor of the Sarita Clara (California) Echo is happily deaf, and thus tells of A his adventures with a female book agent .(the book was not a ,female, of course): We thought everybody in the State knew we were deaf, but once in a while we nd one who is not aware of the fact. A female- book pedlar came to the. office the other day. , She wished to dispose of a, book. She was alone in this world, and had no one to whom she could turn for sympathy or assistance ;- hence we should buy her book. She was unmarried, 9,nd_ had no manly heart into which she could pour her suffering, therefore we ought to invest in 9, book. She had received a liberal oduca- tion, and we could not in come uence, pay her less than two dollars for a 00k. We had listened attentively, and here bx-oke in. with, . What did you say 2` .wev,`.e dafy She 3-1't9d ill_ a loud voice and went I through her rigmarole. \Vhen she had . nished We Went and got a roll of paper, and making it intoa speaking trumpet, I placed one end to our car, and told her to` proceed. She nearly `broke a blood vessel in her effort to make herself heard. She commenced I am alone in this world-- It doe5n,t make the slightest difference to _us. Wearee-husband. andfather. Bigamy ` is not allowed-in [this State. ' We are not eligible to proposals. . Oh ! what a fool the man is . at the top of her voice, I don t want to marry you, I want to sell~a-b-o-o-k. This last sentence was howled. " We don t want a cook," we remarked,_blandly; our wife does the cooking, and she wouldn t ' allow as good looking a woman as you t". stay in the house ve minutes. She is very jealous. She looked at us in despair. Gathering her robes about her, giving us a glance of contempt, she exclaimed :-I do believe that if a three-hundred-pounder were let o` alongside that deaf fool's head, she said in a low tone; then - he'd think somebody was knocking at the. )9 door. You should have heard her slam the door when she . went out. We heard that. ' S - -__P_1_e_a.p9 Yours, etc. Dear sir: =1'n.op,ex;1ng' mine I `nd that Ihaven t'u' _i$11.\`.,"s, . .1 can't. `Yours, 'otc. _ ;`:...:.~.e>AfManhepo1u`.boy_ `us gm lb jn. i`:5.*: omma tothwtpormpexgd mg ;g ,`: "a2'51`liilndL me;_b.,n,: AWL, UBCEIIBB AW} 13 V8nlllWy-_*1"l17le A Yonkers man calls his wife Frailty, because Shakspeare says, Frailty, thy name is woma.n.-- Yonker's Gazette. . . Anol .. CL T..`L_ ........-;. -..'|1- L-.. `L--_L___.J Ebruu jeottuer; ` " Si-ll: wouL_oN' MELT. . A Ayoung LOil Citizen calls his- sweet-` heart Revenge,_{bec_auso she is sweet.-Oil City Derrick. A__:| ;_1__ _A_____ ________-3,5 ,,__,_ , AV :1 um: 15 u2u1geruus.-.Duru/ngwn Vnawueye. ' And a. South End man calls his wif Fact, because she is astubborn t ' g.- Boston Globe. , ' ` " ' A...I .. ..--..n_ _._:g_ .1 _ 3s,.,s,. ,.. Duawn uwue. ` And a fourth wife of a district -attorney calls him Necessity, because he knows no law;.--New Orleans Times. ` ' - ad .. :...:......L: .._..... ..._u.. 1.1- -_-_1___-_ LuW.:.LV(NlJ UTOu7lU 117/558- And a. Omcinnatx man calls his coachman Procragtination, because he stole his watch -Breakfast Table. Ant` :1 Qvi-nmunn man namnn his nrifa Rina. "`.l)TU-NJLIJU .l amc. _ . And :1. Syracuse man nameshis wife Slug: vgard, because she gets mad and goes to "her aunt every" time he staysout to the lodge. --Syracuae Times . --uyI'wu'waa 1 ITIUU5 ' And a. Whitehall shoemaker calls his wife Aw], because Awl is va.nity..-T1'mes Frailtv. uuum L5 W Ulll. "" I U'IUG7` U KXUIZCDDC. - And a St. John woman calls her husband You-cur, because he orders her up" every morning to light the res:--Torch. Winnllv at Harlin mun nu: 11;: nrifn ..QIbz.itx,gub ttcbcu. I ed the kird1i_n'g~wood question. He just; backs his father : best mule against the If -A lazyi>o_y, neair Stanwix, has conquer-' y'ood~pile, and throws the milking-stool at` --Every new edged father thinks he has the nest baby to be found. . We spoke of Gowende e twine last week with .3 httle pride, but one of our correspondent: seem to want to take away the palm. We will e not qu en"el"with you on that question yet. We` will weit awhile; `and let you hove it yoxir owuwey, gentlemen. - -"1`he followini between a ntleimn wI'1o"hed loenedone - L`.... .I.'.;.'1u' p.|I'..`_. .".7.`-.1-I :16. A-imuul . ,T\...._ ..nunurouA ' uouun anu um Inuuu : f ` 1 `sin? In`6loii'n'g my books` I. nd that` man indnhtnd 41-.n1nar nnn hnndrn tin]? ..-.._......... ...... .. ,.... ......~\,.. . And the young married man on South Hill calls his mother-in-law Delay, because she is dan'gerous.-Burlington Hawkeye. ; Andn. Snllth End man nu: Iu wifn Luuruulg IIU Llgll D113 I1I'UBI"J.U7'CIh Finally a. Barrie man calls Ins wxfe Hunger, because she makes 9. go_od sauce. in , said an old lady. But when I step out to feed the hogs, and h ist myself on the fence and throw my soul into a few lines of ` Cap n Jinks, it does seem as if this uirth was nmdeto live on, after a.ll; 'i2"7 i:Is1 }i;;77i3oi? I71 ii:71'ti:ac ' 27;} . indabtqddspm on; hnndreddq an-I. : ; .leo..o9:r9m,1ts -.Yov1rI. em? Dears air: -Some men are gdod bcsuse gbdness pays best ; some men are goodyfor nothing. -Meanness sometimes `makes a. saint. Some men`are- good only "because it costs. _ money to be wicked. -A father lettely induced a croupy lit- tle boy to make a helthy little meal of buckwheat cakes pnd molasses, but theist- tex"- roved to be syrup of squills. The boy, sai `he thought something oiled the mo- losses the very minutohis , father told. him to eat` a1_l=hewa.nted. . T ' ~ ` Wluuu I3 Hllu` IIU UU Vfy elective :-For ten bushels of wheat put dttoen ounces of blue vitriol in a. boiler 71 ten gallons of water and heat thorough- 1;. `Phi mixture is sprinkled, boiling hot, out-the wheat, which is then gathered ..hWo 0 hoop and left to absorb the mixture tonne city.` It is then spread out again- put! bellowed to dry. 5 Tllbnm Yovxo Srocx.--It is often but Iiwhgly considered that.anything is good ` for young stock. On the contrsry_, , clnibe too good for growing sm- .`-pni. ` Course indigestible, and especiall musty food, is very injurious to them. t Ihorders the digestion, and produces diar- `has, tedwster, sud impacted rumen; or Lpves the way for an attack of black-leg," use other cmthraz diseases, when the change Io gran-food comes. Plants a`e_cted by (not, rust and other fun oid diseases. are, 7 their used ll food, most erous in their fists, Ind should be most carefully nlslul. nevwqen Ii nueuusu wuu uuu. Luuuuu on .. .1... .`L.-.L.A `I 12-13 LI.;.Lv ...... o1lar3sLlaVnd "his friend: MDea:l $73 rlIIllBDV_BIl; 10 `ms b 9119 UQMEIFI. I - Yours, etc. Dearf nu`: 'fvL"'}:nnn:n nnn T Hn that T Maura!-I !-Jh - '--The nvmst di`1culi`.a.d\:ertisrs to pleage are the `ones who manage to sponge free notices. ' -There_ are American newspapers that acuall steal the "paragraph that accuses themo stealing. It is enough to make. 0. penitentiary blush. ' ---The` English iangtlage is inadequate to e'x`press the forlorn feelings of the boy who thinks he has stolen-A dime novel and nds it to be a. cook book. 4 s ~ --1'never en'o _| I) ....:.J Ann Al `I en'oy poe 11', said an 01 lady. ml. in fnnrl the Inna: n A DEAF EDITOR. PA88 If 'l_iOUNb. Hllfy Will!!! I. III. UUUI` m 'h inf. mvnn'|F mi Euucatthuat Gtommu. Uderth rvlsl tJ.C.M ` ILA. n 1 .0 mcountoynlgnsnector. 03 . unuounuuouuuuuucunnnnuuqouuuuqnunutuoulfqunnunnuu pmnomu. nu-mas on`na-op:u- . ma SCI-IOOLS . . "The aim of this at-tie 1e.is prepare the wn.y"for 9. futhge series on the method of teaching the various subjects of the Public Scho'q1 programme. Nearly all schools -have 'now opened-all should have done so _-nnH in mnnt nf thnm 1-Acnnr urn:-`Ir 1111: `HBVD IIEIW IIpUU|.l.""'Il.| BILUIILII LIIVU 1.10119 50 --a.nd xn most of them regular work has began. It will not be amiss then to point out certain things which shouldhave been attended toif the school machinery is to work sxpoothly and satisfactorily, which ought at once to be attended to if they have hitherto been neglected, and to these will" he added Roma UAHATAI hinh: ` ' lII.II|lVl'IaU DUE uUyUVWu nu. be added some general hmts. nu I In": 1. Sc_hoo1s should have been properly` classied, special ca.re having been `taken to avoid too r_a.pid_ pushing. ' b .9 rm...-.4.-.:1.. ..;..1 n... .. .... ..1 ......:`..4...... . .,-- V-.. _-_ _~..-....a- 4.2. The '_;!;rily ahd the general `registers s`1.oul-.lVhav e been properly made out and-.. lled, only the new registers in stiff covers being used. If-there are none in the school, Trustees should-at: once remit 20c. postage on them and on tho Compendium of School Lnw- - 3. A class Register '1-1,ho`uld be made`-out in which should be enter"-d the name of ever scholar and adaily record of his or her answeririg or standing in the class. It is mainly on the marking entereti in thin- cluss Register that prizes ahouid be given; > A A .......L'L I-.. LL-..-_L-.-L-\ V.-I.....`.J L- -Ixirr nt Want.--Mr. Pendaries, of Uontbulpu`, in France, has discovered the mllowlng roxixody. which is said to be very anntln :--For ten bushels wheat nut B` ' ' 4. A month (or thereabouts) `should be taken up in a review of the work of the preceding half-year, so that, ' with their ideas of the past work fresh and clear, the pupil? will be ready to go on with the new wor . V .. 1-. It - ... ..' .'. . u v-..- 5. Special care should be taken in teach- ingthe junior classes, especially in Read- ing and Mental Arithmetic, as the stande ing of our schools generally will be judged chiey by the condition of these classes. 8 A lm-an Hmn-+.nlnln 'nn"ininnl-.lv lsu-an Ullly Dy IIIIU IJUIILLIIIIUII U1 1111330 0153555: 6. A large time-table, suiciently large and distinct to be easily read by the pupils, shmild have been pre ed, and should be, as strictly as is possib e, followed. By this means much disorder in calling up and dis- missing classes may be avoided and much saved. In the reparation" of this time- table care should be taken to provide not mv for the rnnifntinnn nf Hm nlainnn hnf. M8015 IJRSFU BHULLIU. DU WEKBII DU PIUVIUU HUD only for the recitations of the classes but also for the worl; which should be done `at seats, such its preparation of lessons, writ- .ingcompositions, printing forjunior classes, working arithmetical. examples, &c.,. &c. This insures the having every child stead- ily employed. , 7. In' all nnhhnln thnrnnah nu-rim` and dig. ll |:IlU.l'U\lgIl. 1113333 8. As far as your teaching is concerned, avoid the use of text books as you would 9. pestilence, for they are enerallyas deaden- ing on the minds of hot pupils and master ' as the very plague itself was destructive to the bodies of its victims. In a future article this point will more fully be dis- cussed. ' - . . fl (Vi..- ..-___ _L-_A. `I _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . .1. .1... ._J Uuasuu. 9. Give very-_short lessons each day and be sure that tho work is well done and thoroughly comprehended, . In teaching conne your attention to one point only at 9, time and see that your pupils master that. To insure this -youmust of course rst_do so yourself. 4 In T? onv n$ unn'r' nun: fa I-n nut: in uy cuipwyuu. ' 7. In" all schools thorough order and dis- cipline should, ere this, havo been estab- lished. _ If this has not been yetsdone let me advise the teacher to cease teaching and to devote his whole time and attention (if necessary_)- to` establishing such prompt obedience, such perfect order and smoothly wnrlci-not Hr-ill, ms will IARIIPA at nnnn his UUULILHIIUU, BILUII PUl'lUUU UILIUF IELIU. auxuuuuxy working `drill, as will secure at once his. future comfort and the well-being of the school. Order and discipline are the A. B. C, hf nlrnntinn, and thnncrh n wirinn tnnnher BUU.UUl.- UIUUF UH ULBUIPHUU HKU I-ILLU 1. .11- C. of education, and though a wise teacher will avoid converting his p_upils'into auto- mata, or Mm-ionettes, still the beat instruc- tor must fail if he be not at the same time a. thorough master. ' R A: far 11: vnnr tnntna ht nnnnnvvna, 7 nu yuun-sou. 10. If any of your pupils fail` to put in "an `appearance very soon, ask from the others the reason of the non-attendance, and, if" you fail to nd it out through them, endeavor to call on the parents and urge the necessity of regular attendance. Tea.- ' chers generally undervalue the power of this house to house visiting as a means of improving the attendance. ` Other things- being atall equal, that school has the lar- gest and most regular attendance .,whose tea- cher visits most. The carelessness of parents is mainly duo to ignorance of the irreparable injury they are doing their children ; make them fully comprehend the wrong they are guilty of and they often will cease to do evil, learn to do well., Of course there are somecases in which the parents either will not or cannot help keeping their child- ren kfrom school to aid them in the home wor . 1 I A- .._-_ .. 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