The Pall Mall Gazette says it is`re- pcrted the Governrnont_intei1ds appoint- ing thcTDuke of Connaught Viceroy of Ireland. ' [Items of news suitable for this cohimn are 5 licitcd Exjomuur readcrsnhroughout the county.]- U factory is doing weel. T A ' VITAL statistics of Orillia for 1878 :~- Births, 6 mt_1?rri-.1ges,_ 39 ; deaths, 22. .l._ 1'I'7,,,V , _,, L _,,.,. 1 ,1,` .,, A'r- Bntfe.-r.u the Pen-y-brin cheese ` Tun members of - Prince of Omnge " Lodge, O.- Y. B'., No. [50, wil! hold a. -Reunion; in the Temperance Ha1l,Cook3- town, tomorrow evening. - T GLEA1m:as mom COUNTY EXCHANGES A AND" moms mom CORP.EsPONDE.\"I`S-- Tu1~:wm:K's NEWS IN Smcoa.-- NoTzs AND OBSERVATIONS or HOW THINGS ARE `IN mus DISTRl`CT.--EVERYTHING rmzsn, man AND FULL; ' - THE xaixenance of O'rillia Asylum last: year cost $21,355. 36. A 11.. .9 `In 1- 1 -.,.r._. . ,_,,,_ 7, , - I _.,.,_,_, _._. AT VVye'orid'ge a. concert was` hold on Tuesday evening in aiV;3. of the chursh of England organ fund. 13 ______ _.l`(,,,,,.,v.! 1r1I 1 r\ THE Aveuing mills are for-sale. fI1.__, ,,3,,;,.,,,,,_ .0 Ii -11- A COUN 1_`Y`i Nohas. .,V I`1m; Stayner _.-S`:_m _is [shining again, Let us s_ee1 II_'a'v`G vb``1ho1leted.enough, yet, young man ! u m., _ ,u_-_1_:_'... ..-.1.'a..... :_ 4.L.; .....-__4... .-- L- "l`t_'m_ announcement that owing to tie disc-)v:ery' of .pleuro-pn'cumoni;a,--a dis- ease said to he as `mid as the rinderpest -in cattle imported from the Stj{a.tes,the British 'Governmcnt.hhadgput an embar- .goon the cattle export trade from this continent, created quite :1. furore in Canada among the many dealers interest-` od in the European cattle export trade. It appears, however, that while due pre- cautions aretboing taken at Liv:arpoo1.t.o prevent any animals sullering from the plague being removed from the vessel without being immediately slaughtered, _ there is no restriction placed upon those animals which exhibit no trace of the dread disease. This fact is assuring to ` Canadian dealers, who feared that in any` action taken by the British Government, their cattle would _be included and they auer loss in `consequence. I t is an un- deniable fact that this pleuro-pneumonia is prevalent among cattle in the Eastern States, but so long as the Canadian ex- porters tako care that the animals they ship are sound they need not entertain any, apprehension that theirbusiness will euer. The Privy Council of Canada has issued an order prohibiting the im- - portation of American I cattle for three months. - J"-"3 .I"*-ca '-"- ' . The c11eekicsts ditor in the county ia.hc of the ADVANCE, the most unscrupulous he of the Messcngsr ; the two combined are inv1nci- ble, and clectz Wardens or develop {National Policies to order.~ f - V _. l'\ nu nu. -u .n J. van: vv vs --v `Eihizs says .;'c OriUizm. Times. :' Bro` ' -Beaon may be serious, or he may only" be ta1king--as_Joshj'Billi_ngs says-Ch'm`. But` whatever his mood, we feel it incumbent on us to acknowledge his compliment and to assure him that- 'he_ can borrow a quartet` on the strength of it. A COLLINGWOOD tailor havingfurnisb ed-a uniform for the town band, in a cheap and'ant-iusfactory manner,.as the udvert_isements say, was waited upon at his house by the members of the qrgan- ization and -presented with 9. compli- mentary address. The document was full of attering encomiums, and that it did not `lack pathos is_ evidenced by the concxding words of it'.:-- 'u 1.r,__ _._.._. _1__.1-... ..___.,__ ....-_ I... _.__l -..v -v--- ------~D ~- ----- V- -- May younshadow never grow less, and may the echoes of melody ever play around the pathway which leads you to new and greater triumphs. -until you don the fadeless uniform of immortal beauty. ` .-n 2- _.,-j1_ 1--- 1.- _.1_1 ).L_L u._ L-:I___' V"_ 77-` "` -"` _`L V i "_"," ' "7' " ' When the T imes nlleges that fun AD- VANCE was awarded the contract for the County printing at prices considerably higher than those tendered Hy Reform journals, it lie" - under ca. mistake. \Ve have before nowcndeavored to cor- rect this impression on the part of our contemporary, but it would seem. that we have failed. Now it would. be an "easy matter for the editoriof the Times to ob- tain a copy of the tenders submitted, and Judge by` the facts. If he find it to be the case that THE ADVANCE tender wa`s in the aggregate, higher than that oft-he other oice which howled so much about the award, we are prepared to forfeit what money we rceived on the_ contract. And if it ho mt the case we hope our ccntemporaxjy will be prepared to make the amende lzonm able. . Hm is what the Collingwood Bulle mz has to say on the indemnity ques- tion question: 11 T1. 5.. .l....LL..'l ...L..LL.... .. ....,`l..,.l..'A.. -..,..J.1 uuuxunu V1. ;u.. uvn uu.,. in `It is need1e-1ess to add that the tailor was quite bvenvhelmed, could get _no further in his `reply than : Ahem 1" `IT! .1 Ir! ,, `ll , .1 ,1 IV___. A_ ...\.... .1..-.--_-_ . It is doubtful whether a. reduction would really be in the interest of trueeconomy, We do" not think the member who receives $300 for his yea.r s -services as representative will nd much of it left when he strikes a. balance sheet at the and of his term. It is not always economy to be parsimonious. If a member does not receive indemnity enough to reimburse him, he will be very apt to reim- . burse himself in some other way, at the poo- ple s expense. -u--..1- in- ..1-_:__. ._..... L -1` n... ..x...--.. tlav u v..y.....n.. . Mark the closing words of_.the above, and o`oserve`who.t an exalted opinion the truly good _mau has of out Provincial Legislators !` HL.. '|IT.._J.... ..'l....L _._..l. .;..L [.._....L Li.- The \Va.rdun; elect must not forget his friends. He should see that the right kind of printing committee is appointed in order that our friends of the ADVANCE may once more obtain the contract at prices considerably _-__.. . _ __ higher than those tendered. by Reform jour- ' unis. -- Orilliz Tnn: r. Recommending the retention of the Stock, and its adoption was moved and seconded. Dr. Spohn then 1x1ovod,.seco:1de Gannon, . - 18 cmlecnuxj uh ;u.uuuuu.1. In the North`OntaL-io `case, tried at Whitby, the evidence was closegl on Saturday night and judgment reserved until Wednesday next. The J ut1ge s re- ferences to the test_'unony' would appear to most people to _indicateany.thing rathgr than that Mr. Wheeler is safe in hm Fur $5,000 in Czlsh. This monetary cun- sizlemtyinxl, to be associated with following conditions :- The company be bound in $10,000 to'e the gauge within two years ; the County C511ncil to have a m c-xn- 7.'~.- nu nnn rs? Hun (`.nvmim1 Rnnr nf iron- 1*:-as couN13v'sion1;H|':Ru RAIL- WAY s'rocK. ` Ydstex'day nftemoon at I'1e' County Coim- cil.thc subject of the proposed surrender of the N Qrthern R.:*.iIway Stock held by thd County of Simcbe was discussed. The mat- ter lmvinf.-; been xjcferred to committee_ bcouano, on I116 I611 danuzsry, 01 .Dl'Ull- chitin, Mn. Jons RICHARDSON, formerly of Barrie, and father of A Mn. Aux. Rxcmmm aox, ix; the 65th year of his age. . The deceased," who was a native of Scotland, came to Canada in 1850 and took up rciaidence in Barrie, where he livedovcr 20 years. He was a member and deacon of the _Preabyte_1-iari Church here. Some six years Ago` he ._wen1i beck to his native" land. V T. ~ HARRISON.-In Barrie. on` the 1.: man, * Harm, daughter of Mn. E. 1HLB.RI80N, I `aged 2l,year_aand7 monl_5ha.,__ _ V V = Theeceased young _!ndy- eucoungbefl to an o`f_:1oxig d_u'mti(ni which -she -bofre1wiI;.h eiempley paenjxce. ma" l : The `funeralwas attended by ' g,`, "of . .,1:he;oitizena1o Ber:-ie,. amonge`.w1gqnx'wor9 the yL'lL['-3 ; EHL3 KJUIIIHJ) \J( llHU1l LU HIIVU it ILLUILI.` , .~':- as one of the Canadian Board of Direc- tors ; and the City of Toronto to m_;1ke a. similar surrender of its `Stock. In 'IIT..1\;.u......L \-\I\C0DI Qr\\r\vvI\t1 a-u\.u.v\J.\:-1 In the city of Toronto, after due notice through the press, with the exception of $10,000 worth, which was to be reserved to entitle the County to a representative] on the Board of Directors; the stock when disposed of to be divided among the town- ships according to their respective assess- ments; no such sale to take place unless a. bond be given for the change of gauge to the uniform width of 4 _feet 8!; inches, within two years ;' the County So1icitor s opinion to be iirst had as to the legality of any disposal of the stock by the Council, before any action be taken ; and an act of Purlimnenb, if necesszxry, be secured em- bodying the terms of the agreement, the expense to be hdcfmyed by the Railway Company. . , y H A flnhntrn nf nvnr fwn hrmrs: riiirntinn MCUUJN ILDI.--1!] xnmsm, OX1 we dl mu, Mn. Jums Mccouxw, brother of Smmtrr Mccomnzv, aged 67 years. B.IOHARDSON.-SuddanIy in LEdi n_butb'gh,V Scotland, on the 10th January, of Bron- chitis. Mn; Jnnn Rrmnnmsox. former-Iv of lU.HIi'4l' Slll.'I'CHllUl' U1 11:3 DDUCK. Mr. McDerI;_1ut next. moved, -seconded by Mr. Drnry, a. motlon A debate of evcf two _hours "duration took place. 7 [We are obliged, through lack of. apace, to hold over a report of the speeches made, and which our xfeporter took down] . _ 'I`}m f'n~:f. nmcmrhnmnf. was then nut and LUUK uown-J ' - The first amendment was then put and dcfe:';tcd'0i1:thc following Division :-- -.- 1: `us 1: 1 A In the. East; Elgin case one clmrga has been reserved 1` *:~discnsasion, which will be given to`-day. Tn Hm `l\Tm-Ha Vnrl: nsxsrh an adinni'n- nnucwtduvxn uu Univ .v..u "9": g. - nu. Yms. -Ewing,' Gamon, Horre , J ackson, Phelps, `Patton, Robertson, Stewart, Switzer, S1i'eri11,>Spohn, Taylor, Vint. `l).....'....... \T.-... I`1.....!... l'V........L,.Il fV....I. -vu;u-Au. -.u.....--.., _...1,......, -..J ..v-, . ...-. NA\'s.--Burgess, Craig, Campbell, Cook, Culhoun, Drnry. Dunn, Evans, Ewins, Fennel], Fraser, Graham, Harvie, Kirk- land, Little, Lott, Lnidlay, Lawson, Mor- den, Morton, Millar, McKay, McDonough, Macnab, McDermott, McGowan. Parker, Patterson, Ross, Stewart, J., _Thoms0n, \Vi1son. - , , . . . . 1 1 I v au.1vu.- The amendment to the aulendmnt was next put and met 9. sinlilarfate, the vote standing as follows`: L V-..` A..`L.1...... . I`|...... 1']-nun-u "IF-.n'-`n. Hr-4.... .n.swJsvn, I M. NAYs.--Burgess, Compbll, Cook, Cul- houn, Dunn, Evans, Ewins, Fennel], Fer- dnnnn 'I'4`u-nnnr Graham. `FTM-Vin, Janknnn. E3`a.ns, Ewfns, guson, Fraser, Graham, Harvle, Jackson, . Kirkland, Litt1e,TL1idlay, Lawson, Mor- den,_Morton, Millar, McKay, McCo1man, McDonough, Mncnab, McGowan Parker, Patterson, Ross, Stewart, J., . l`l Wilson. . ` . A -u '- a ,1 .- 1-`: 0 I xomson, ' The original motiod afiirxning the report - which recommended that the `stock be not .m_u-1-ende1ed wa.s'put and carried. ' BECK.---In Barrie, on tfie 51.11 inst, IDA, youngest daughter of MR. JonN BECK, aged 14 months. A LOUNT.-In Barrie, cm the -zen insel,` smm Tuoursnm Loam. wifia of G. W; Lomrr, ESQ, in the 34th year of her age. McGONKEY.-In Iimisl, oh [the .31ieia1t., Mp Inns : Mnnwrtv, hrnhhnr nf Rnnmmr -uv:uu\.IJ.LA5 an nvauv nu . YEAs.-Ashdown, Cmig, Drury, Ewing: Gamon, Horrcll, Lott, Phelps, Patton Robertson, Stewart, Switzer, osufferin, Spohn, Taylor, Vint. ' .. xv.-. `D ..... .. n.....1..Q1I n...a. n..1 r'xmrT1'uz: _s'rocz; 1:2: omvmnn FOR. saw, ruin covxnr COUNCIL nzrusxa zro sun-' RENDER IT. `That Mr. Capt-eo_l,-the enetgetic pro- moter of this great national project. has not been idle of late, is shown by the following petition which has been pre- canted to the House: 1 -1,42, 1., V, DIED. `: T115. Best Snfve igic world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores; Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Totber, Hands, Chilblndns, Coma; and all I n n of skin Errmtinns. This Salve in mmmn. P00. Llllllu, UHHIJIILIIIH, UOTHB; and all `kinc s of skin Eruptions: This Salve is guaran- vteed to give perfect satnsfuction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 Cents per Box. For Sale By W. T. Gcorgen, Barrie. 41-tf A CAnD.-To all who are suffering from the errors nd` iudiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a. receipt that will cuzeyou,FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis- covered by a. missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelo e to the REV. Josm-n T. INMAH, Station , Bile House`, New-YorIc City. ' ` V , A Dmuunc Entertainment for the benefit of the Charitable Fund of Barrie St. George's Society, will be given in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, Feb. 19th. The mem- bers of the "company hsvebeen practising for :2; considera.ble time and will, no doubt, give a good account of themselves on the boards. ALL descriptions of blanks, Deeds, Mort- gages, -Leases, and other Conveyancing Forms, &c. ; also Magistrates , Division aul other Courts ; Commercial, Landlords , Constables , Coroners , &c.,_ &c., kept in stock and sold at Toronto Prices. Orders by mail promptly at. tended to. Address ADVANCE Qice, Barrie. This isto certify that my wife, having been troubled` for a length of time with asthma and general nervouu debility, and having been trcujzed by medical men a'nd`use_d many pre- parations; nally tried a bottle of Victoria Hy ophosphitea, and realized the most im- megiate and permanent -benet she ever got from any prcvigus medicine. She felt like 3. new person. i ' Acacia, Norfolk Co. . Yours truly, n n u_:1___..'._, If you are sulferlng with 3 severe cnugh,_ raid gmhmn. bmnchilrzs, consun_1plion, loss. of vnicu. rckhng m the lhroal, or any ntT:cl'mn o!'_1hc huoal qr lu_ugs`, we gmowdlhin Dllj f!(|nn,*p:";s {New I;n:co\'I(.-r); will gxvct ),"ou mrne u: e 11- 1e , c ::xo'.\'n um recs or ca.-csx .ns cog1:ple_tely cured, and lhntwberc all other medicines had failed, No.other remedy can shpw oxiqhnlfllxe Inag}; [`enn`x)1I1clI;l_ (`lll_'3\. NIBV in give y'all: salIszclor pron nut r. Inv's New iscuvery \v. cure youo Aslhmu, B|'()l|chili; , Hay Fever, Cunsumption, severe Cpughs and Colds. Homscuesa, or any Throat or Lung tllilseavc, if}-n;1lwillcnI!al, 'l`,l(|};)n1;;;c?'s Dr:1z Store, Injne we I gwe youulrm ate rm: 0 cost on: regaufar size home {or $1.00. ' But as soon as you nd you have caught a cold Ofcel the least symptoms of lmnrsencss or pain in the chest, go to your drlwgist and get 9` bottle` og \\fggsop's Compoud 5;m_; \`v;1`d pam m we cncsn, go no urlwgxsn anu gen :1. of Wilson's yr'uv Wxld Cherry. It will nip your disease in the bud, and prevent any possibility of its affecting the lungs. Don't procrastinate. Delays arc dangerous, 0. cold should be got rid of as soon as poesible, if allowed to settle on the lungs it may prove serious. Wilson s \Vild Cherry will sure you as it has done `thousands of others. Ask your Druggiut for it and see that you get it. 25c, 50c, $1.00 per bottle. 3-lm 1\I1'rouELLs BF.LL`ApO.`I`;\`A Il\lPl0\'ED I.\'m_x Rumusn Pouovs PLAs'rI~:_u.- I?here never has been a. time when the healing of so man 'diti er- ent diseases has been caused by outwar appli- cation as the resent, It XS an undisputed met that over 110. f of the entire population of the globe to the use of ordinary plasters. The prin- cipal ingredients used in making these Floaters are Gum 0liba.num-or better known as the Fmnkineense-Iubb_er. and Burguntly. Pitch - which. when sclentlcully eqmpoun_ded. is fuli of electricity. and_ when combined with the pure medicinal gums, 13 found to be one of the 1.;rent- est healing mediums ever brought befercihe hu- man 1` They are;now.led<:cd bv all who vvu V`! v... -_-....- . ` ' To the Honorable the Legislative Assem- My of the Province of` :--The petition` of Fred. 0." Caprool, Esquire, the President of the Enron and Ontario Ship Canal Going y, huinhly showeth : That your petitioner ' received from England, drawings, plans, and photographs of the wonderful develop- mentm engineering science, relatingto the construction of the Enron and Ontario Ship Canal, which show clearly that that rest V enterprise can be curred out by the aid 0 hy- drsnhc lift locks at nearly helfthe cost of the ' ' 'estimetes`--saving" one-third of the deep cutting, and only consuming. one per Aim}. of the water--reunirinxz only twelve looks est healing niecuums tn-ought Derurct he hu-,"l`l1ey byonll have used-them to act: qulckertlnm any other Plasters they ever before tried. and that one of these Plasters j.vill_do more real service than u. hundred of the ordinar kind. All other Plzxstcrs are slow or action. an require to be worn con- tlnuallv to-eifcctn. cure ; but with these it is en- tirely differenti the instant one is applied the patient-will fee its effect. 'l`l1ey possess` all the soothin _ }va.rmin . an porting and strengthen- ing qua mes oi : oi ot ier Plusters. Mm_:_v who have been relieved of_ RHEUM-\'I'I.'-3.\1. TIG- DOLOREUX. and various other pains in the KIDNEYS, BREAST or SIDE. qllti believe it is I solely done by the electrical qualities which the I Porous Plustcrs contmn, (ind 'lll\"ll is `imp:u-_t.:-(1 ` to the system. thus restoring them to :1 1:-:ultlxy_!` condition. _'l`l1eynre verysoft and pliable. still very lldlll:SlV`0_: and 0. sum cure for \\'E.\1( BKCKS, PAI~.\S IN THE SIDE A.\'l) Bl{EA.~'l': and are 1nv_aluahle to those who have :1 GOLD of long standing`. and often prevent (J0i\'5U.`.Il - 'l`I0.\*. Some even tell us they bclu;-_ve they vs are. entirely ctlyeti bv the use of them of u lomz-seal ed Consumption. `Prepared, by GEORGE E. Ml'l` CHELL. Lowell Mass. Sold bx all i)ru;z;:ists.- Bu.-as Ana um-saw - ~ If those who-have never tried, that unrival- led preparation for colds, coughs horseness, asthma, sore throat, ctc., Hagyarrls-Pectonal ,B3lsam, will but receive the testimony of the Jnnny thousands who have successfully used it, they will Be acting wisely. It is one of the oldest and best known, remedies in the Dom- inion. For sale by all Drnqgists in Barrio. Com:L.x.\'n`s S\\'m:'r `C.-i.<:'roi: 011., equ3.lly' suitable for children and adults. linvlorsetl by over 600 doctors in Canada. The of administering nziiiseous -xnec'=.icin : and the desirability of having them p`..:~ :.:'i`. to the taste, inducedT. Copeland to m.-: "rt;-,l;c; m. searches, which resulted in the di.~:-.- -- 1 wt . i` 2:, `Sweet Castor 0i], perfectly .pi*.lz1tal;le, fr `J15: same strcngthanxl merliczil _ as the ordinary Castor Oil;'a.nd while equally safe and harmless yet acting with more certainly Some children say it is honey `; C'l`.ll( .I'S call it syrup-they all say, they like it. ` One parent says-My children drink it like water; ` another - We had to hide the bottle or they and producing neither ntuisr-.9." nor griping. would have nishedit right o1l ;- another- My little girl has taken it twicqwitliout any trouble, and does not know \'.'ha.t it is, though she hates the ordina,r;.' Castor Oil,_ and we never could get her to take it without 1'. ght ; yet auothcr- I wish you success of your Sweet Castor Oil ; it is :2 splendid thin g~- sure to take the "place of all common oil." The extrnnrclinnrv (lnm:m(l for fl1isinmmve- ` $i`c'o;', 1}y"c2.}2;;;;'IZZ_'.'.Zl'.' SheepSkins............._..-.. `Dressed Hog; -Hides..,.........5....,...._..- Beaf_-};ind quarter....._v.,.. fare main-tar . . . . . . . . ... LVUIV [Kl KUY. (Yo 11 I. LVLHLV . *..L(?T{3Z17.U. Ask for CopeI:md s Sweet Castor Oil. Ub- serve the name. Do not be deceived. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents The extraordinary (lcmzzud for fhisimprove- men}: of a staple linust-hold _ medicine has brought fraudulent imitations into the rn:_1_:'kc-t but the public can guard themselves agziinst substitutes ( which unprincipled parties-are .1`:- tempting to sell on the reputation of this article) by seeing that the name, Cope-l:snd s Sweet Castor Oil, is on both wrapper` and direc- tioh label. ' , 7I"Inn I1UIt`:1i<'J:lI'!`(u1 "\n:v:1'\Iv nny-n!an=n:1 `_rnc.(!v-3 U0 UBKU `H19 PIECE OI Eli]. COILIXHUXX U11. ` I I 'or1gina.1 recipe: The umlersignml, having purchased Mcssr T. Copeland &. Co s"interest in the above pre- paratlon, are now mamxfacturmg xt from the ` FIOD. in Del. ' ! NORTHROP. &. LYMAN. Toronto. A ..L `1n- P9,.-.,.l..-..-11;. Q-wnnb (`.34-1-. F121 ll`-\ Nervousncss.--A very great number of those inithe middle and higher classes of so- ciety, who, without being ever actually sick, never know what real health is ; who live con- stantly in `a lower plane of living than is normal in man, who are weak all over, though not specially and constantly wealc. in _any one __ _-. ._ ..____._.._..__._. 1 `organ, who may not experience piercing and grinding pain, yet-sulfer at times, if not al.- ways, that profound cxlmnstion which in many respects is worse than pain. Those in that lamentable state have always been re- lieved, and (many permanently. so by using the Victoria. Syru of Hypophosphites. it be- ing particularly a opted forthose cases. For Sale by all Druggists in Barrie. Aged persons are often troubled with der' angements of the kidneys and urinary organs, and will be glad to learn that Victoria Buchn and Uyn Urei is` prepared] with the special Purpose of meeting these troubles, and making . ife happjhto the aged- Those whohave used it speak highly of it, audit is highly recom- mended with confidcnce. For sale by alldrug- giets in Barrie. 2 . _ , . TC 314.... . -L- Ln.-A ...uu.._ ..Z-J I-LL! u-...2...J Still they come. Dr. H. En. Ross. Khmer- dine, considers Yellow Oil as staple an article as he has in his store, and as sure to sell as ten. or sugar. Jes. Bobbin, Bobbington P. 0., writes :~--`` We have used Hz_1gyard s Yellow Oil, and nd it answers every pnrpose for . which-it is recommended. There :8 nothing better for blirns, bruses, scelds, etc. ; no bet- ;ter liniment in the world. ' Milburn, Bentley .&. Pearson, Proprietors, foronto. For sale by all Drnggiats in Barrie. V ` ' an D851--11111 Ll fore q ,'.l.`m-key: on 4.: %u,.s% `r `A.--.PTR I E D 1 -aov AMONG T~l1:E`G`l-i|LDREI`-5.` BIUOKLINYS ARNIGA SALVE. FACTS` 'rHA_*r_ we KNOW. DON T F7 ROGRASTlNA'l'E. `iwtiai %`J%3i1e9.- ABA_RB.IE-`.71-ARKETS. R. G: Scidmofe.` Feb. 6th, 1379 none AI K0113 a . o o . . u Inc . - o - -unuoooo.- Rye ..-.'... .'................ Dressed Bogs....'..v . . . . . . . .. Beef-hin4l quarter... 'M1ltt0ll..-5..... . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chickens per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . Ducks per bracc..... . . . . . Geese, each Turkeys ................ B1_1tter...(i.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... E spar ozcu............... Aggples per brl . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. Potatoes, per bag...........;. Haw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The Niagara case '=..u.f resulted in the unseating and. pe1'~<.A'::17l disqualication of Mr. Hughes, 11;`: Reform member elected, whose efforts in his own behalf as well as the efforts of his friends and a brother-in-law [brought over from the States, furnish material forianother ad dition to the notable list of Elevators of the Reform Standard of `Purity . - at the head of which is come-along John Madi- : ver, and next to him, Dunbar Browne, who went into an election to win and did not care ax -o---- what it cost ! This selfsame Browne, it might be re. marked here, is arrested on a chargeof embezzlement in connection with the In-' land Revenue Department, of which he is collector: at Montreal. A 1-,, n,- "x`r_..1.`L l`\..L....... -...u... `I.:l(` nt- l.'B88..._- . . . . . ....... 0ats.......;_....:.... Potz7.toos............ . Oatmeal, per 200 lbs.. Commeal "` `Pork, per 100 lbs. . . Beef, hind quarters. . . Beef, fore quarters. Hide2s.... .... Buttcr....... .. Wool.....-.......':..:: Eggs, per doz . . . . . . . .. _ Hay, per ton . . . . Wood . . . . . f. Fidl Wheat . . Spring Wheat. Barley. . . . . . On.1:s......., VVhen.t--Fall. . . . . Spring`. . . Flour, per barrel . Barley. . . Peas .... V \/ALA.` A.I.L1.\J_J\l. J. , \J.Lu..l.l.I.l.|JkJl.\l.L\ ' ER, Conveyancer. Isa er of Marriage Li- censes under the New Act. 0., Crccmorc, Y \.-/ . - . ' An eight-year old, goo Milch Cow, which has recently calved, a d has the calf with her. App1y_at'the Am (:13 Ofce, or to V `H `DAVIQ 1.1 ~ Lot No. 30,on the 00;! of Peel and James Stgeet, north of the Coxfvent, and containing 3 l1tt]e over one-fth of acre. This prop- erty 13 exce1l_entIy situa` ed for building pur- gczsei, axiglvwxll 29 gold Lon leazg terms ofvpay- on . or pat xcu ars pp y PETER KEARN S, 1 ` 1T.._I.-L Q-........~. Sbrayed from the. f 161: 33, in 1312 con., V . met, one Red Heifer, side, one on Hahk an one gray (or strawber 3 yearling animals. P I will please communic who will reward the them after the expi be prosecuted accor ' Om, Feb. 5,1879. Bm-rieua, Feb. 5. 1s79. De given w-un_y. _ In the North York c-.v_o, an adjourn- ment has taken place till Tuesday next, whgn witnesses will befurther examined. STRAY CA'_1`TL v um 01' John Drureyl/1)z'a.Isto11 1 .0. mu. 5,-1370. .. .... 7 ..... .., .u. uuuuuu, . I Sm,--I beg to return my sincere thanks to ' the . xncmbcrs of the Fire Brigade, I-luck "and L:uidc-r Co., and citizens of Barrie, forltvhe e services in connection with the late fire at my hot-2}. ~ ' ' \7, A,___ L. "I, fi;L`1RE BRIGADE. .' . cA.RD oP*EHA2~7 KS. _....______.______,,,___, ,z__ ._ . -,_r--. 1 \'.'is1: to contradict a. sh crons rclmrt, detrimental to the character of Mr. }:`x*anci:s Dunn, as coming {rum me, . there is no truth 5 in the report whatever. do solemnly de- : date that I never knew - m_ (o be other than a. gentleman, nutwithsta ding that I had a.; :1. little difference -with him about the up pointmont of 3 pa.thxn:1st' 1' last year. 1 `V ` K 131`. BROWN, Ha Ivnn "5-.-7` rn I'3;I.rx'i(-,_ Feb. 5,` 1879. Vcsma. Feb. 4, 1876 '1'u L :c Editor of 1/2} . . u; z:ul1co`, u. 771 _._L, `premises, or to The ].' of Lotl\'u:n r Iiluw.-n C02. 5 H Township of Medoute. 'l`h re are 30 acres! under cultivation ; 15 part y cleared, and the ` balance timbefrcd v.`ith Pi -e and Hardwooal. The land is 01 good qualit ; 13 ::cx'esare sown with Wheat. There - ar on the prcxnises ; good Fnnne House, Fm Barn and Sheds. ' For p:u'ticnlars apply to he Proprietor on the j ' l 12 zwwr D uuvm I NqrtI\e1;n- Assrancc Co. of London. Fn,",1.-md. Capual. 825,000,000. `North of Scotiunc1Cnnndian Mortgage Comp;my (1in:i:.ed).` $3.000,0()_O funds to loan. ' THE I1UR0NTA_RIOT.S;HIP CANAL. s. Wso;:a7;: ` 5 wall, LAHD, AND INSURMGE :3-.CaEiiT,; ` I-:1:_vI:1;s1:N'rs - I. -n..._.-_.-._ '20.. Anal. Lulualun L D ' 'Dqmz'nion Fire nd` Murine'ahcc' C6. Cay.-xtal, $1,000,000. - J1 V The undcrsi ned is prepared to receive tcn~ dcrs for 500 ords of Soft \Vood, and 1C0 Cords of Hard Woox1-aH four feet long. Temlers will-be received for Ten Cords and u>p_w:n-ds. -A `(C nvn "l`t'\'\T 11 one $1. cI3.ANLEY, 7 Prnnrinh Uulce lltl uqsxucnco COR. B,/1 YFIELD 5' WELLING TOP -3 TS. ' `Ram-:n rant... 9...: noun 7 J.` Ll Barrie, `.39, 1879. _ 1%[03TGAGE SALE vzLLag `vEB5e2?v, . In;!-snAm.~_ Friday. the {[v4vve`1`:l;y-First day. of February. 1879. . --THERE \\'lLL `BE SOLD BY-- In the Villa e of Hillsdale, at Twelve o clcck noon, the fa lowing Lands and Premises, that to gay : - A _._.a _2___-:,. u . .,., .1...-J . All and singular that certain parcel or tract of Land and Premises situate, lving and being in the Village of Eillsdale, in- the Township of Mcdcnte, in the County of Simcoc, ,and Province of Ontario, containing. by a , One-half of an Acre, more or less, being c osed of Lot Number Seven on the North side of Gloucester Road and the East side of Agnes Street; in the said Village of Hillsdnle, according to 9. plan or. survey of that part of the said Village of Ejllsdale, which is on the South-half of Lot Number Fifty. six in the First Concesssion of the said Township of Me- `donte; made by Henry Ureswicke, Esquire, Provincial Land Surveyor, and registered in the Registry. Oice for the County not Simcoo.' . ADA 3- n-nun I-L1. ......_:--_ 7 . The courts have been pretty busy of late with contested election trials in this Province. A ' ' ' Ipww. .`~."*1.'"'*.". '"""' . ` ' ` .u'~in;' ` Deroche, . Hu_nber,.. Lane; ._ H yr. :_,_,V' +;._%",. ; V. Pai.khL .` meats of _the ifgd_e- ..$x 2: .2:.u;i.+;.~ ;.a=' AF '.A1ua:"'('Jn'r1r'\"t)`1IV`.'iv ` f"4XL'* f'+',':.."'"_3_f~_L.E -HOTEL, i.PUBLIC gxucon` able Rough cast 1; (story kitchen and woodehed la Stable. All of whichlaid build thorough stateof repair. TI... ..-........A... _:n L- ...wv ova yuv \JU There in upon the prcmia uuvy U1 61111000. Dwelling with back ttached, also a good inga are m a. ,1: es a very comfort-. vn-vnvuln wulnltv UL Acyuu . The property will be sold pursuant to 3 Power of Sale contained in a. certain Mortgage, which will be produced at time of sale. - There will be 3 Reserved Bid.2 - For further particulars andjnformation ap- plyfw ' e nus-.-....... _ __-__ - ,, .-.\. V~.v~sv~v. xxx, \\.~.'v\ '\~.\\\.\.\.' .~.-v~.- zv-/ EHN MACKAY, MM1SSION- KR (`nnvnvnnr-or Ta: or nf 'l\.'I'nrri.'u,rr-. Li- 1`-Iun 1hncrt;g211ie11I5. 0 .`01T_A LE s/\raII uu4.a.;;4uu u, I Barrie, 13`eby. 3rd, 1879, wow" F(51A :-E3_A-LE} I _j__*T. UILDING LOT; R (Specially re,;orled7>r the dvame.) " - Feb. 5th, 1879.- eat--FaII................. $0 75to0 82 Spring'.............. 075t0076 ur,perba1-rel 350120400 1ey.......`............. . 050to0 70 3.-.5 .-goo-...o.uoIo 028.to0 30 atocs..................... 030.to0 40 meal, lbs..'....'.... 4001:0475 mneal 2101:0252 k, perl00 lbs...-..... . 375 tv63 55 f, quarters . . . . . . . .. 4 001205 00 f, quartem-1.... . . . . . 3 00to4 00 Let... .. 450to 500 ttcr... ` )llto012 >ol.....1... 013t0025 gs, doz.. O 20to0 52 y,per . ....... .. 7001:0800 od . . . . . .. 1 75to200 E.\`rDERs Eon WOOD. sjJAT1:ME: TORONTO MARKETS. `1.L\ u II: J. , Proprietor, `Mt. St. 'cui.x' ORILLIA MARKETS MLESSRS. LENNOX & LENN OX, . _ Solicitors for Mortgagee. 1111, an mm 1 - = -2:- I1! mL!.smu.Iz. '_(From lo-day : Mail.) 13-1. El I Olce z1'1>1>cl.mI`{-qsidcnco -'17:!!! n 0. fnnr -r an-n _-shag .- been fefrid #2` 19'; ail...` 5 I -an :n;\I \n nnnn V .~ Ym`xrs`t1'uIy,` I A Vnv ,5 u-rel '6b'i13;.'.TIf;'IIII union.-A )lbs...-..... ......l-...m AN DERTON BROS., Fnirview Steam Brewery. .. 5-3 : -/'r.-".wI.I`:"I.)AV IS, _ ' Crown Hill I .O. 1\:'.Lulvnu I) D . __oN_. .. ......_,, A. \`f/BRQ\\ N, _ Prop. Quccn s Hotel. F9. 6. I t ll IEKT DAVIS, Hillsdalc. ht of the undersigned, spra,-`during the sum- ith two white spots on ione on forehead ; also ` ' yf) colorcdlilcifcr; both ics having the same c with the subscriber, ; and any one ietaining ion of jthis notice will - ' g to law. I nr rr `nA\"to I f -ty-.:_-_._.._j. FOR SALE. I ! `L'."5ch 1379. V -4-Aavvvvv-.r.o\rv\/xr A 0.1 .-u~ -x-I4-4-.-vs:-uv r.v.av .~-\. \rr~(~4w . THURSDAY, FEB; 6, 1879. Ivan vu-yv, v. .. . H. DAVIS, fI._ -'__ .' D1\`J n u, 9th cnn. \'cs1:ra.._l .(3-11: I .- ..-...---.-u -.4, Market Square. 6-tf 'LL v 1., Crown `Hill. [L410- u 6-417 .LllL| 6-731: 1 - ; -_--- - . , Tenders-will be recexved by the l1nd0!`|`8"(1 t th P1311: or mannvnnv. 1979 ' -. '_n.--` n..l.linn `Mnterinl. re. VUI" l.'l'AlJl.II:n-- , -wv - , For Stone and other` Building Material, re. gnircd for rebuilding the Queen : Hotel and or other purposs. For particulars as to quantity, &:c., apply to m. ANDERTON. _| __ ' Teacher Wanted for School Section No. 4, Township of Monck, for E5 ht months. `Female preferred. First term, mm the 1st of February to the 30th May; second term, from 1st Sefitetnber till the end of the ear. Apply, by etter, stating salary require: and qualication, and enclosing testimonials to tr A 121) V 1lT.A'l\"C`FIARD. THE CATTLE m;1I1Izao. Or 0. o.` `moo, nafajv V Barrie, January 29th, 1879. ' --\ ` Bracebridgc, January 20, 1879. For the County of Sxmoe. $800,000 'I'0'Lo.A.N1 FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND TICKET AGENCY, DOMINION TELEGRAPH AND EXPRESS. Auvrtu numm, IWP.TER'URD_l1[JYALREAPER .-.-- ~ Esery\vheI-0 Trlumplinnt. Has been awarded more Medal, Diplonmu, Sweepstakes and First Prizes, during the least three years than any other Canadian Reaper. Ours is the only Canadian Reaper winning High Distinction at the three great World's Fairs of 1876, 1877 and 1878, or at any great European trials during 1878. ` First and Iilllghcnt Awards Al- ralnable. Grand International Medal and Diploma of Honor at the Centennial \Vorld s l_-Exposition, `Dlnilnxinlnl-n 1E7, . rnuavumyuxu, Man U. 7 - Highest Medal and Diploma of Merit at the Sidncy`Exhibition, 1\_cw South \Vn.les. .-\u.~;. tralia, 1877. n-A..-_..L1.. .......:.\.. .4. H... r:.....+ than .1.`\_ 110110!` 8]: tone \/elnwu Philadelphia, 1876. `[`l`:..l......L MI'm'l..l on Illllllll LL`! I I Hox 1o1-able mention at the Great I :gris Ex- position, 1878. V Grand Silver Medal at the great (iliusguw Field Trial, Scotland, 1878. Ovcr 1200 sol;-`in Canada and ` Europe In 1878. `NEW ~ ADV]-`.vI1TISFJ:! Emfs. 1Joul..u., \!\.LA\oIIIA `lbvnav \/\'I -...._v... _ 12`Acti\ e Agents \Vantcd in Every I`own ghip. _ 4-3t TI-I352i'E'E`E=l"A'u3"E/Es. H . JOHNSON. E W/m-Ms it is impracticable to open. up the } concession line between the -3rd and 4th cun- : cess`nns cf Essa. further Northward than Lot `28 in the said concession owing to certain hills ! anq ravines caused by the Nottawusaga Ilivcr; I R111 ' _ ll /zercavs it is xlecessafy and cxpedicxzt tn openazp ` a roadway to nccommodatu the tram-liing community across the South side of ' the East-half of thg: said Lot, No. 28, in 1122 3rd Concession, to comiect with A new ruzul establishccl along the \Veat side of th: `s:-.111 Exxst-half of Lot; 98. .1 -'.c 'r. H1111 UK 110$ .00. KO, XI1 EHC OTU L OHCCSSXOH ('l = the Tow.`nship of Essa, that is to say : Cull]- mcncing at the Southeast angle of said Lnt No. 23, in the 3rd Concession ; thence \\'a,-s- tez-ly, along the Southerly boundazy of said Lot, Thirty-two chains and Sixteen links. more or less, to the. East side of the road which has been established along the West i side of the East-half of said lot ; thence Nur- therly, along said East side of mad, Um- chain ; thence Easterly, parallel to the South- crly bounclary of said Lot,` Thirty-two ulizxixw and SExtc3n links, more or less," to the 8.lluW- F mice for road between Concessions 8 and -4 ` thcnce Southcrly, along West side of said i Concession road, One chain, to the place of beginning, containing, by` admcnsnrcmcnt, Three acres and Twenty-one hundrcdths of an acre; be the same, more or less, a.cconliu;,_: to avaurvey made by A. Clibrd Thomson. Esq., a P. L. S., shall be opened, made and repaired, and kept in repair an a public highway of the Corporation of `the Township of Essa. n 'I'l...L u... .._:,1 -1.-.... _-_- 1 . 1 v UL 1'45-Ylh _ '2. That the said above named road, as do- scribed by A. Cliffonl Thomas, 13941., a I . 1.. S., as aforesaid, shall! be, and the amino is hex-c1.y established as :1 Public Highway of the Corporation of Essa. . .?. 'l`l-at this Ru-[.n\v :}1n'H nnmn {non o` ..... .. To cpcn up aml establish (2 Road across the South part of the East-ha!/-L 25, in {he 3rd Concesszon of Essa, -f , avoid cnlam [mills and vaviizes. V LlU:U|Jy Ulllilr 33 IUILUWBI . , 1. -That the follqwing description of 3 maul to he opened along the South side of the East- hrzlf of Lot N ; 28, in the 3rd Concession of Hit! "l'n(i`n,t:h1'n nf Feta H1911: Cu fn gnu . {`..m, L/_UFPUl`llKalUL| U1 E533. ` 'l`l:at this By-Law shall come mto form- and effect from and after *thc nal passing thereof. _ i [ELECTION P1aoFi37sTs. `I, Robert Thompson Banting. Clerk of tin- Township of Essa, in the County of Simcm-. do hereby declare, that the above is a tn..- xmd nnl-rm -f. nnnv nl n nr-nnmmxl 12.. Y ..... ..t n. uo nereuy ueciare, tune the above 18 tn..- and correct co y of a. pro osed By-Law of tin- Corporntion o the Towns ip of Essa, whi.-h said By-Law was read a first and second tinn- on the 27th day of December, 1878 ; and will be taken into consideration and finally pas..u,ed by the Council of said Township after 4'pulh- catiunb thereof in the Coblrstown dvomla and Nomnmzx ADVANCE newspapers; subject neverthclesato the tovisions contained in Section 506, and so -sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 thereof of the Municipal Act, Revised Stat.- _ ntes of Ontario, Chap. 174. h nu vn. . \0n\w\v4-q Th!-rcfurc the Council of the `Corporatimz . the Township of Essa, in Council assenmlu he:-oby enacts as follows 2 I. "I`hnt thn fnllnwinn lpsmrintinn av` 91 rm. The Taxes for 1878, now past due, must be paid forthwith, and all parties failing to com ply with this notice will be dealt: with accord- ing to Law. Tho Collector cannot undertake to make any further calls on those in arrears. The following ins clause of the Statute havin 1,; rcferenco to the collection of Taxes _: HT- _-_- .-.l-- V ' Cookstown, Jm,` 1379 E UNICIPALITY OF BARRTEI` special Notlco n-e_'fax es for 1378. E _ -_-. -_...v -v Innv vvuuuuvu vl. 1.11365 3 _ In case `zany person neglects to pay his Taxes for 14 days after demand having been made by the Collector, such Coilector may. by hims_clf or his agent. levy the same with costs by distress of the goods and chattels of the person who ought to pay the same, &c., kc.-Assessmcnt`Act 1869, 32 Vic., Cap. 30. R. KING. Collector. V 01"ncn-V-At Tm: ADVANCE Printing Estab- lishment. - - n. OFFICE -At Abv.xxci Barrio, January 2131:, 1879. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE can xucapaclny, 1mpedun rcsultmg from excesses. "Pnce. in a sealed at In an nxxshc the Mail gives the qustibn of the increase made to tI1e'_sn.`1arie_sTof. Min- istcrs and indcnmiticts of members. Tim original inc1'ensc was nmde Wighhc concur-' ' rnnnn nF 2|" -nnv-Hn: in 1R7 Tri 1R'I7'H'. We have recently published 9. new cditim of DR. CL't.v1:a.wa:x.1.s Cnnmuurnn Essu on the radi-:::l anl perrmmcnt can (without medi- cine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physi- cal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. , resulting from ` runuxowg lX'0ln 'Pnce, a sealed`-envelope, only 6 ccnh", or two postage stamps. . The celebrated euthor, in this adxnirnlxlc V Esaav,'clearly demonstrates, from thirty years succesafl ractice, thata1urmix'1g- consequen- ces, `may e radically cured without the dangerous, use of internal medicine or the ap- plication-of the knife ; pointing out 1: mode of (care at once eimple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter `what hisoondition any be me? euro himself .Ch%DlV..' nrivntalv And;-n ' tullu T116 Culvo:-nwiell medical co.. , , 41AnnSt.N Y1`. 1 o|t0iooBo'x_ mo. _ '_ wa.i y` I_,.......... vs vvuuzu every auuere }`wha.t his condition may be, may ch 1 ' tel d 41' ll. ~ up l,l;nPI?;:nrny3-uni : h`:a:nyn uuvuyl ,, pl'lV80ly 8110. raatcally. V Lecture "should be in the hands or every youth agd every man in the land. " 13; HOW HIST. HLW_ HESTUHED !! H.CLARK, Manufactured lohlyv by ' I `EAOHER WANTED. EVERYWHERE ACKNO\VLEDG}-II) _.__ .-.-. -- -51- A 3`.-gq,` A navunn uuu. .Iuu\:u|u&I.u;8) UL A.uc;uuuAn. .Lug' wighhc. rcncc of all _p:u'tic3 in 18.76. Iii 18'l7,it was inf.i11m.+m'l luv Tyfx-, nsunm-ml tn Mi. `ENDERS WANTED. >Y-LAVV No. 108. A Gun . Barrie, General Agent, (16. Simcoc. _ A ..-_L.. 1l7....l..,1 :.. `I'.`un-u 'I"/.n~n Buu VUUIVIIM5 v-.........-_..__ - , HARRY BLANCHARD, Braaebridgo P. 0., \I....I...l.- GREEN BROS. & c0., y IIU JOSE PH AN DERTO N , T, BANTING, Waterford, Ot. , 5`: Q: \4`, Muskoka. 4-3t ONT. YUHUU U1 LL11 [J3!.l'l;lU3 111 10.10. Mownt that a. motion would be hiade to re-` duce the indemnity. . Then Mr. Crooks` ni_otionfo1' the reduction and his extraor- dinary argunient, and Mr. Hardy s motion to reduce-it to nil, put an end to any im- plied arrangement that existed, and left _it an open question. From that time the `Miniterial party out of the House and their journals persisted in throwing the onus on the. Opposition, evidently intending to make use of it at the elections, as-'s,een by the tone of tl1eir.locu1_press, and notably in the action of Mr. Hardy in York-, when he stood by while Mr. Badgerow. his candi- date, charged the `Opposition with the `onus of raising. the indemnity. ,'The Minister- A ialists were then making 9, dishonorable use of the questi<{)n and an `undtrutliful ,one, as the round-ro in originate wit 1 :1 suppor- ter of the Govcrmnent, Dr.- Clarke, as is evidenced by the letters being addressed to him, and because on Mr. Crooks motion- a majority of those voting against it wel`e Re- formers. As to the propriety of the motion submitted by Mr. Pm-khill. It is quite ~ consistent for those who assisted" in rinsing the indemnity to move to reduce it, as pub- lic e inion evinced that the members would not )0 representing-the sentiment of the people if theydid not. Then it` was or was not a motion of want of confidence, just as the Ministers should themselves ac- cept ' . This is proved by the fact that the amendment of Dr. Widdield adopted practically Mr. Lauder s motion, amending the Ministers address. They could have done the same in regard to Parkhil_l smotion,- but did not. Their. acceptance of La.uder s motion, after Mr. Mowat had stated that they could not accept Mr. Parkhill's motion because it attacked the Address, shows the hollowness `of their suggestions. .'.lhc- de-, feat of ' Mr. Parl;hill s amendiuent will prove, in effect, a victory for the cause of retrenchment. Mr. Mowa,t' must now go to the country, eithcrns :1. foe to the re- duction of salaries and -indemnity, _or he must practically carry out the principle of the amendment in his estimates. No mid- dle_ course is henceforth possible; and if the Premier imagines, that he can escape-the inevitable issue by any new Pin-linmentnry 'str:Ltagem,'he will nd, at the polls, that he has only deceived himself.. ru:..-- LL- ..1\`.\.m `nun ad in 4-`Ins _ _ a p 1.1! .LoH`.uo was intimated by Mr. Cameron to Mr.` 5-2t find it necssary to a0 39. _ ' Now suppose that m, tlusvintcrrcgnum, as we may call it, an emergency of a most secrious and pressing nature should arise, such as has often arisen in Great Britain, an emergency in which the Leiut-Governor and his advisers would require to convoke Parliament, when, in fact, the voice of the ` ` e and the popular will must be heard ; -- 1: would Mr. Mowatend his friends do under such gircumstezwes `I The return 1 of the Algoma writ is still six or seven months-o', but Before halftof this time has; expired, -the country may be ruinedwory ` saved by other agencies without those who " of acting` when so .-much "depended r heettended with serious c0nsequ`enq`_'s`/A, are most interested having had an op po`rA `upon their a.et1on. - It js`ug.1nin,. tliergefori that the Algoma quibble {#9: In-IV Luvnvuvu -..v -.._._ 1 .1*&'*itaisT`,.of.i$h.%,0oxr1`r:&i1y3611 ,0`. ,nAIq.(`. .. _ YT .:sh:setstecassA.thevde=rve: ~ shine or buncomne. But while holding that the Legislature is incomplete without the member for Al- goma, Mr. Mownt admits that proclam- ations calling the Legislature `together. before the return of the Algoma writ, had been issue in fact Parliament had been summoned when there was none to summon ! According to the North Ameri- can A`ct,tho Assembly or Legislature may last V for four years from the return of the writs ; eight_y_-seven of these were returnable on the secon and one in August; and than the cighty-seven must be without representutionfrom the former late totlie latter, and all because Mr. Mowat is afraid to meet thelcountry. That such` :1. View isun-. constitutional upon grounds altogether apart from this. -The British Constitution secures to 't and-his'r_epresenta- ~ tives the right "of di'ssolution- at-any time, waving for the present restrictions that have s irung up in recent practice; but under . Mowe.t s interpretation, of the Ontario Constitution, the Lieutenant-Gov`-. emor is debarred the exercise ofvthis right forall this lengthened period-, should. he find it necssarygto do 30. mm... ............. I-_h'n~. in this inter:-aivnnm. . 110 nus omy uocexveu. 1u|u:suu.. [Since the - above was put in type the salaries of the Ministers have been` reduced $500 and the indemnity to member-st$200 ; but even now` the members receive $800, and the Ministexs $150 a session more than in J 01111 Szmde1d s timo.] ' uonsnu. T . Conrvmxcma WonK.-4At last thd House` has actually entered upon the work of the Session, after spendmg :1. long tune 1n de- bate. ` ' ' ` n.. . nu T11-r-Ar `hub .mn~.xr `pninnn in Date. OnA:\'<:1-3 Ixcor.1=oR,\'r1oN.-Petitions in favor of the `incorpomt-lon. of the Orange I body were presented-yesterday`by Mr. I 1 `1>.,..1..1.:11 Mu Rinwnlnir. Mr. ]\'Imm_ M}-. Auvun u. I144: ....vv..rv-...-v. _._..__ hotly presented-;yc;:xte1:dit;r', by M_-. Lamle'r,'Mr. Currie, Mr. Monk, Mr. Hay, Mr. Bzurr, Mr.'1`ooloy,_M_r. Bell, M1-.W,illis, Mr. Lyon (Hzton), Mr.. Springer, Mr. . Bethune, Mr. Wood, Mr. Morris, Mr. Creighton, -Mr. Broder, Mr. Code,. Mr. Coutts, Mr. Deacon, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Boulter, Mr. Rosevear, Mr. Merrick, Mr. Kean, Mr. Preston, Mr. VViIlia.Ins and Mr.. Mostyn. The petitions numbered in all three hundred and thirty-three. To-day other petitions with the same object were presented by Messrs. Barr, Bell, Monk, Long, Lauder, Creighton, Park1ii1l,Flesher, - Gresham, Rosevuar, Tooley and Merrick. I 'l`uv l'.1w1r. nu vmnvz T.1.-.m.~x1.u-I7m::.--T\1'r. ' I I Parkhil}. Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Miller, \\'m;:: run rxmssxr Ll-2(ilSL.~\1`U1:.1$ E.~.'ns.. This was the theme of to-dzi`y s debate in the House. The life of the present Par- liament e.\'pired on the 2nd inst, but it is contended by the Govcrmnent tlmt as the iyrit for Algmua was not issued until Au- gust, the present House can exist till then. Mr. Mowat in his speech in support of this content-ion, creates the impression that, whilehc might possibly go to the country. in a month or so after the House prorogues, he wants to be able in case anything should occur in the meantime calculated to injure his chances, "to throw the elections over a -few months lorfger by dating the existence of Parliament fromthc return of the Algo- mia writ in August,_ instead of from the re- turn of all the other writs in February-i. Mr. Scott ably conteinlccl that the date of the return of but one writ out of eighty-' eight does not determine the question, and by the force of his arguments he shows that the quibble is merely a. subterfuge of Mr. l\Iowat'wlio, fearing to face the people at once, avails himself of it to put oil` the evil day as long as possible. The un- constitutional plea. for the prolongation of the life of the Legislature has been invent- ed for this purpose; The-Mowat Ministry- are politicians of the Micawber school, and as `they are unable tovwin the condence and respect of the constituencies, they can still hope that sonictliingmay turn up in their .fa.vor. Indeed, Mr. Mowat does not 'at- teinpt to conceal this hope. In his speech he evidently calculates .upon the Dominion Govc-rnmcnt s being unable to nmture a policy upon the grcatscal questions of` the day that will meet the expectations of the people, and that, in consequence, a re- action in favor of the Reform blunderers will set in with such force us, rightfully and skilfully availed of, may carry the Provin- cial ship, with Mnwat at the helin, safely into port. This is the game, `and all the small talk of doingan injustice to the peo- ple of'Algoma by" dissolving the House, when it should be dissolved, is only incon- shine buncombe. , n..:. ...!.:1.-. 1..-.1.1:nn l>.l\nf Hm Tmnslnture is urm1:m1, .m)uevuy.1', Luuwy uuu .Lu.u.u:u:nv. I '1`ms. LIFE 01 mm LEG1sI.A'rUnE.-Mr. Scott yesterday proposed. to proceed, as a. 1n:Ltte'r of privilege, with the" discussion as to tho dumtion of the present Parliament, but the Premiexjnot_being`ready for the discussion, it was postponed. 1)!YI\. A'l`I.` T-`{YT.Y.Q are in coming in inn. GISUUSSIUXI, lb >iU Puauyuxxuu. V 1 nn-`Aw B1LI.sA:n'e `in coming in in a. shower, from all quarters and for -all pur- poses. Our readers are interested in but few of tI1emru1 these we propose to notice at n110the1' time. ' `bag; 1; 2EST;;is17tu}. ma sauna: GVILABV vcimc. .E`J>.m.s1`. of'_theirc oI;stitu_tion231=rights atv the pmlier time and at a conlenicnt geason. As the question wa_s Brought up. as a. nxattor of privilege the sense of" the House, nrhnn an `r'h':T\n{-.n r-Tnep urn: `nnf. tnkh lllU4ll|IUI.' U17 lJ.'1ylll$gU IJIKU EUIIHU 91 I111`: LLUKIBU, when the debate closed, was not tn,kqn_ on it`. 9 -,1 ` . , _ = ILU'.l.'n'.I..llL'r LI_'_U1_Iv3u1`Ul' IHUVCU. H1 Ullllultlfci of ' the Whale" and `the Aresoluhon was Vpassed, to 'o.p1 )ropriaJ ' $50,000 _of the Iinnvnnrmn mu-nlna Fur "|nvn:+.n1nn+. H1 `THE O.' AI:1o _MUXICIPAL D.AINAGE- Ac'r.-The reasurer moved in Commlttee -.`LL.. u`L;.I'_-'..__.1 41... _-_-1-..J.:..... ....... IJEIHZDUKI] IJU ' U:1J1]I1J1J.I'LiIIoU ' IPuU,UU\( .UL ULIU. nnexpended surplus for investmeiitl ' muniipal debentilres, the money to" be. spent in loans in dmining waste lands with- in the limits of the borrowing municipali- ties. `The proposed measure: is simply an extension of the principles of the drainage Act of 1873, which set apart $200,000 for a. similar purpose. That amount was exhaust- ed long ago, and solms been the paid-up principal of the loans made under the Act, and yet numerous applications for more money have to be refused on account of the statutory appropriation being exhaust- ed.` . ' P'oULrB.YHAssoc1Afr1o1s BILL. The Bill to incorporate" the Poultry be paid instead of a.idingA several local As- sociations The _ Association will have u sphere sohiewhat analogous to that of the Agricultural and Arts Association. and, like the latter, will have an a.nnua._l Exhibi- tion. the rst to be held at a. time and place . appointed by the Commissioner of Agricul- .ure', and each subsequent one at such time and place asniay be selected by the Board of Directors. The annual fee payable by members is fixed by the Bill a.t"from one to` two dollars, at the option of the Associa- tion, aud the amount of Government aid is limited to $600 per annum. The time xed for the first meeting _is between the . rst of January and the rst of April, 1880, l each subsequent annual -meeting to be held V at the some time and place as the annual _ Exhibition. The officers named _in the Bill are apresident, two vice-presidents, and ._ nine directors, who` are to elect _from _ amongst themselves, or otherwise, a. secre- ;' Atary and a. treasurer, or a. secretary-tree.sur- er. - The Government grant is to be psy- . able to the Association only so long as the membership is not less than fty._:The up- ; propration of $600 was voted the associa- . tion on _Fridey. ` As-/ 3 sociatiorrof Ontario has for its object to 1 create an Association for the whole Pro- vincce, to which the Legislative grant will i V ~Yeste1'cia){.iL1d:e Johnson gzo judg ment in favor of the.-volunteers who were called out in Montreal" on the last 1 19th of July, for their expenses; .,: aw; .1, _-1_.._,,__v Li 1.1.. Thu engineers ind dokmeu at Liver- pool and Birkenhead, to the number of 2,000, me oil strike. nn ,,,,,__4 ,1` ;L_ A._L,,,,,,' TY . C1 `The exgensas of the Auburn, U.` S., State P1-igon for January were $7,505, `while A the earnings of the` pi'isone_rs [amounted to $11,169. T ` V - - o u ' * Template ixitends presenting" anfhddress to the Governbr-Gene ra_1 Lcmiseon Ijdth Exist. V ,- -may Qvvno _,.~-. :11:-. is .asst:1-ted. h$i ai1 ;.isemedis gpx-Love . upavailingfin the cae7ofitheplagu9,V and A has` ;ask_ea. Eng1and`to`barid;med_i-' ~.`..1 .;..... L.......:.;;.i. H.;:Aai.1.= ' v o-u.. .. .. ..... _.._ __- _-_r-._..__. In is sbatgi the; the physican as the Czar advises the burning of villages where the plague has broken out, with all furniture, and the. removal of the,in_-` hgbitants -to `hea1thy..p1aoos.} ' 1:51;. ._..:__.;1 _;.'m_- n__'_..:-_ -.--_.--.._-- V- -..----., r .... ... Share Ali `has arrived on the Russian frontier, where his followers were dis- armed and he advised to return home. The Ameer was greatly this treatment, but expressed his determinag tion to proceed to St. oI ewrsb4tuA"g.; `E o _ ,Moxo;v. _ -~ . it is repoAred`tha-Pmasmo ' pm-ohas Heligoland. C` , \ . n_'_-___`1.`n_;;r;.`..:v;.Li`t.;;;.C;' .1a..'..`...:...(..... ,.............. ...-.. -....._. H * y H A 4 -` _ zieral Grizxthgiled from Europe on -Ss.ti1.4rd.8y f.t 3},.mb1y- -- % T ,1 -:--..1__ -0-t"1..'-_1 l'l`1-._}.LI*_,.- B `u&`uu.I:uJ5Luug.I uu nuuuvu -$313313 I! U I` V Tn;;,u-. . _. V Fdur hundred locked out English agricultural laborers left; Kent yesterday -for "Australian. , -Tl-1_e)V'<'a;:'el1`;'lirt3l at 13IoIlg_Kong bufned 368 buildings, causing an estimated loss of one million dollars. , __ _Q__"1 V- _...--- ,,_,-~ - -- -.-__. ..-.--. A vv'i`ho .l'1<-ultlx of thb'S'ulban is bad, and his nervousuxess and suspicion are greater than ever. T ` T Tne Ma'rq'uisA of Hartingto nbuzjgh. -,__ ._._'I 1__`l M- versity of Edi . _ Ii was yes- terday installed Loud Rector of the Uni- dee'p cutting, and only COn3|1m.l!!g- one per cent of the water--reqnirin only instead of forty-eight, bcsi cs many other ad- venbages. ` The construction of the works oanee 3 great inux and expenditure of foreign capital in Ontario, secure the greater portion of the carrying traie of the great wcet . and northwest through Canzula, increnc the Ihippininterest, and shorten the distance to Europe y the St Lawrence nearly 800 miles. That your titionor humbly prays that your b Honorable ouse will appoint at an early date I committee of your Honorable Iiouee to take this `subject mnttorjnto -their consideretion, And hove submitted to them such plans and documents relating to the same (and also the evidence of the`-Engineer), as they deem ro- 'th the now of obtaining "such in- ' ' i L W1 ' men namoy be necessary to enable Hie `Hanoi the:Lien_t.-Governor of Qntnriov to con- "lidenthn ;propx-iety of `reootnmending to your `iidlbnblo `onlethe appropriation of in some at gionoyto provide _a new eurvey of theconn-` a...n.-i- nidnr to locate the,co`nai A In`thnt,ronte`. = Galhlercd itom an Sourcesv mu] Condcneed_. iV:;1_)-eiug formed in Buffalo to purchase lands in California, V and to [send out a colony from that city. ` I ' ' . 1'.` I n 1.1 ..I -r-r- 1n.. else retire into Canada. ---v -- -v-v-J --v- v--- ---_,. I It is understood that the United States `Government will mquire Sitting.B1_1ll to `surrender himself as a prisoen` of war or I A Constantinople desputch says that there is rea.s:.n_to believe that a. repre- sentative ef the French bondholders has made an `arrangement with the Porte, which will secure Turkey an advance of 10,000,000, and place the Turkish Cus- toms under interxxational stipcrvision- . The crisis which has been impending for the past few days in Fra.n_co.l1as been successfully tides} over, the result being one more, and this time 9. very decided, triuiznphe for the Republic. : President McMahon, rather the.n_9;ct- on the advice of his responsible Ministers,` who insist- ed that he should. sign an order dismiss- ing certain military ofcers, resigned yesterday after arhort periodof suspense, -uneccompanied, however, with any great degree ` of excitement. His resignation was promptly accepted, and M." Grevy, the unanimous nominee of. the Left, was immediately elected in his 'place.' Mr Gambetta has been elected president of the ch:-xmler of `Deputies. ' ' `SATURDAY. . ' * The public debt of the United States has cleoremeal $1,600,000? during` Jan. rm_, L_.1u. "1-uL_ cc.-_1.._._ :_ L.) '-,_ ,1 m .`I`<; :;p}cau of the plague, the Russian authorities have decided that the bodies of the dead throughout `the infected district shall be burned. V _ F1uD,u_r. . _ The N ew York Times says J ay Gould's losses are reported to be $100,000 :wevekl_v. T i H 'i1_1}'i~:ew York Herald 7 says `that Edi- son's electric light is perfgzct, but requires to bo cheapen'cd. ' - :..,L_L_,1 1` ,1 11' It ` `-"'l"._"" I; is stated that Bismarck's protective policy will include 21 duty on English coal of 10 per cent ad valorem, 'r.' "-1.1 ..1 11 It is said that the delay isignig the treaty cf peace between Russiagand Turkey is caused by'tlie'iIlno:s of the .qIiH-an ' u`l`tan. 'G|$t' 'l?_arg1-rmzvs amt Siius, Gama . and . Qllvor Wglces, ' Clminn, Gtplii B11139; AElvecl,r`o-P:a.*.`e.- Toys, &c., Spectacles, M CImdren s Slelxns and Carrlngcs. iT{iI20. Doors H7est Barri. Hotel I St. Petersburg" G'o!osl condemns the policy of Russian agresision in Asia, and thinks it better tr.> stengtlxen her pasition in other plues she holds as a base of dfnce :zg:xinst;`Eug1u.nd, Which it regards as the determingd enemy` of Russia. A se.;men's agrike at Sidney, Austra- lia, has taken place.` Three hundred. Chinese are expected to arrive . to take. the places of the trikers. `A. T .monsbei- meeting \ probeat against the inux of Chinesmnnd the Premier favors` legislation x'estx`ctiag imnligmtion from China. ' ' ` ' `rm: rmw I255 '1IUrsE-ELI. I . It is o`1ci-ally` . ;1.nnou11ced that the plague, has appeared. in a town on the Volga". Strict: measinces are being taken .to restticlz the spread of the disease. I nu, CI: `TI I I . IN I I 1svIo:v1>.a-xv, ' Prsidentj Potter and _.Mnnager V St1'i)na`ch, `(if the Glasgow Buhk, have` been `sentenced to eighteen montlhs im- vprio nmen.t,am1_ five of the Dimctcrs to` eight months. v- vv 1.v: I3 :1 L 3,, _ V `The New York .`1e;~.'zl?l says that.-in a oonversa-tion "Gambatt:1 . ddclared that `the Ministerial crisis in Fra nce has`ended_ `for at Ie Lab :1 year, and expressed confi- . dance in Prcisidr-nt Grcrry. __ _. .... .. N. Tue Dbminiox) Privy Council on Satur- day pas.-1n.d an Ovrler prohibiting the im portaticrr of ,Amcr,i/:r.n battle into Gama,- da, or their passage through any part of Canada fonthe space of three months. This order goes at once into c_`ect. - . ` -`TUl;smY.' Richard Henry Dana, American poet and essayist, died in Boston_b;_r. Satur- day morning, aged 93 years. ` `n , `mi .4, ,. __L_._ -1. LL- "-J -"V __"a_Y "_D"' `V J `."' Baror_1- Ekstromer, a` member of the Swedish" House of Nobles, is at present in this country to arrange with the Do- minion G`overn ment._fo_r the settlement of T a large number of Swedes-in 1VIanit_bba.. fl'\L_. _,,__ _ ,_____-Al. 5|, __;_______g_ __p `L, - ---be ----.-.--v. .. . ~..._..,., - . __..y_._., Tho'coma:issT2riat' department of `the English troops engaged in the `Afghan campaign is reported to be deplorably bad. For the want of fordge, the elephants," camels aud'b`u11oc1:s employetlin trans-T polngibaggage mfe dying in large num-- bera. . ' For Bq.le-Robert P. Davin. Vegetin -~H. R. Stevens. Stray dattle- \_V. H. Dz-.\'is:. V .Cow'Vfo r ;Sa1e_-- `.7. H. .Davia. 1 A st.-.tou;ei-Jzobt. Brown. ~ Syrup of -Hypaphogphites, &3. Card of Tlmnks -A. W. Brown. Comujssioner, &c.- Jno. Mt-.c4kay. Building Lot for Sale --Peter Kearns. ` Discount Sale-E. B. Crompton & Co. > ,Loo.n_'and-Insurance Agent-W. Orr, The Pall If/!a.. l G.-zzette says that in consequence of the discovery of a sea route to Siberia that country is likely to be a. formidable cbmpot-ibor w1t.h Ameri- ca, and even with southern Russia, in supplying Englzind with wheat. mug, 1-11.1.; n _____ __.1 A I_.'_-__1__ x`r_:.n ""l'I"v' ""0 '""-3"'-" ` The Right Reverend Alexander Nei11 Bethune; D.D., L.-L.D., Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Torontd, is` dead, aged 78 years. He was born,in Mon- treal and educated for the Ministry, and was r successively Rector of Coburg, Archdeacon of York,Coadjutor to Bishop Strachan, `and nally" his successor. ' `U Owing to the. report that the Ner- denskjold Swedish Arctic expedition party is beset in ice forty miles north- east cf East Cape, Behring Straits, a vessel is being fitted outiin Sweden to go to the rescue, arid ordershtwe been trans- mitted hy -the Russian Admiralityi for the Ab'reIc,.of the Imperial Russian Navy, to go without delay to Behring Stmits in search of the explorers. WEDNESDAY. . . The mortality `from the blade phgue in Brazil is sensibly decreasing. nu 1\ 0 -1-. 1 1 V Drury Lane Theatre, Loxizdon; isc1os- ed, because the actors refused to consent to a. reduction of salary. ' ' The obnoxious German Discipline Bill, introduced by Prince Bismarck, has been show of its most disagreeab`e clauses bye. commxttee of. the House. ' f`nI,-1`|,,,'A,"I. 1,0 ,-11 MORTGAGE is derived from two` French words, which mean death grip." Fu.rm~ ers had better look it up before adorning their land with one, A NOTPAWASAGA `young, man while out in the bush chopping cordwood, cut his foot, taking the little"!-.oe and part of the next 01% . His . friens becoming alarmed as to what was keeping him out so latein the evening; sent one of the children after him, whenihe was found quietly seated in theisnow, smoking quite unconcernedly. ' 11-1-,___ ,1-, . .1 . I -1 `SUUII CKIIUUL llal `Ill-IID VJUIKIIUJ. Wll-VIII WUCLC prepared to .aokppw1edge. `Let ``?9`.9`?9??n9;sP$399'9P claim- _' long. -'--'-*- -- "`."""`J --v--v.~-~--o- The Russian military cordon around the plague district. is one thousand miles The Pope is Said to`be.nancia11y em- barrass:-d, and the Confraternit.y of St.- Pc_:tc1' has undertalcexrto stimulate the P<=ter s Pence collections, which have fallen oil` of _late. . go! nionoy to provide a. survey 01 me coun-_ in order to thecanad in thnt mute V tlntvill secure the greatest advantages in _ ionwith the new modo_`_p_ropo`aed_jfor i`p'ojuIrq'ctiqn; and your pel_=1t!0.n9t, eta; .`o 06". .=.'.r ,_ .. English nanciers are preparing to submit a. 1-iv-.11 scheme to tl1oAErench;ane, whereby the Porte would receive a,n"ad Vance oftwclve instead of eight millions of pounds. ' ` ' BETHESDA Congregational Chm*ci1,Oro, held the annual Sunday School Institute recently, Rev. John McE-mu, of Inger soil, conducting the p1`ocee up u u a In . . v-u Tum Herald of lush wev~`x gives a. four column report of the "speeches at the re `cent dinner of the A_lliston}Bbrz1n':h Lib.- Con. Association. AN Orillia carriage maker is lling an order for 50 buggies for a Winnipeg dealer. Enterprising man, is that car- riage builder. it 1. -| n 1'0 .1 1 c T1IV'os.4Haya, while feeding a. threshing` 7 machine on John VVilson s farin, N Otta- wa.saga,' had three fingers and a part of the thum_b`of the right hand taken off by the cylinder. 4 lI'T'l"' 11- `If: I '_7r";}:'J. I. Hlindleglz,-. M.A., mm has accepted `the call to the Congrega- tional churches of Oro and Vespra, the. Owen Sound I'i.nes says , leaves behind him many friends, and `has their best wishes for his succczs in his new sphere df labor. ' \ Wnjn reference to th! projected rail- way from Durham to C.-llingwood, a. writer in" the Messenger says that after the Pretty river va1ley--elong~whieh it is proposed to build the road--becomes a.. railway bed, the next will be to the moon. > He adds, in conclusion, that the engineer who gets `amgee upthis velley iyieh. less gradients thanioo feet. come mile, canzdruw on him-uit sight for_coet.of - survey. ' - . -. g..., A- .4... x-:7 - `z. '.-u ' on - _ HE of the Orillia Tzmes puts the Bul- letin man approvingly on ;.he back, with .the `observation that he is more than 9. `match for us in discussing the church V lottery question. "1`hishsid4ingwith`1he truly` good editor` looks` ireryimxichbas thoushJ..Brthe.r f Beaten watiwl to be claggglgs a.[t_mlyj gooc1X"ei!ig5i;fx.:a1sb.hh : But ;il5;cs nnot he. 3 is .-b"lI,3_' 9_1;o,; truly zbdiboisin -tshi.B7Cqunty,:w`hom. V "|a.:`uinv"uc'Xunn'J`=I-ii. nnhknii -'2' Tait. ` ` in. A CoApenhagen despatch says `a diplo- `ma.t.i`c' rupture between Germany and Denmark is probable. ' rnI,- ,,,;:,, ,, 171,, ,_L'_1, |,,,, 1,,, nu ' v ', I The notorious English burglzw, Clidrlcs` Peace, was yesterday sentenccd to death for a murder committed 1876.