Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jul 1878, p. 3

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tolerance to .l\'Ll`. lung, was peeled :-- Moved by J. P. mlljamea, seconded by Joseph Rogers: " That in cons ` uence of the immediate departure of Robt. C Esq; First Vlce-President of the Soclety|,ngh 3 visit to Old England, our Fatherland, with his daughter. the members of our Society avail themselves of the preaent op ttnnlty of offer- ing to our broher, 3 very onrtyv Godspeed on his joumei, mid hope that he. may heve a safe and pm: tons voy e and that he may` return in g health is t ewieh of as all. - ` , (signed; . M. H. Hannmoxv, ' H. R. A. Boss, Secretary. - President. To the Editor of the Jduanca: Q... `I L__ L, _._, Dn. Mcoommv baa goho to f` " Newport, l A fuhlonnblo watering place near Boston. Ma. n..... 9.... n-., ,___.-_._ . . . . . _ . . acne yurvv uvm. uvawu. _ MR. CHAS. Ross, Reevn,.is trlying to for- get the dignity and reaponsibiitg of the reeveshlpvhile on a visit to Mam eld, Mas- sachusetts. V uwvu any man. CHIEF Roolm-i, ncompanled by his wife and daughter, are spending the season at Ni- aglm. - ` V . - \II'.. h 'n.--___,., ..- - u`-A w. Mn. _D. -FAaq unAnsoN, of Messrs. `Far- guhai:on& Dutton, goes on a visit to Anld cot - . 1 f M. II. Huzursox, Deputy-Reeve, star-ta to day for England. . _ ` Mn. J om: Ln, with his daughter, have gone on 3 Trans-A_t1n.ntio trip. I u.. n....,.... n.. .n, \ - .. l",_, __ _ _........ ..._...u.uvnv may. Mn. DUNCAN COUTPS (Vespr-a)_ left yester- day for a visit to the Old Country. Mn Inuuv Y.-nu"... 1n:-,_,,4,L vi .........,. _ . J MM. T. D McOo1ixnv oooompanics her `son, Dr. McGonkey, `$1 Newport. for. which place they started onMonduy afternoon. .Mn 1` W a.,.\........x.-- _-_- .- 4.- u- r...yv um, uu-uvvu vu,A.uuuuu] llloCl'l.l0ULl. _ ~MR.- '1`. W.-Gxoncm has gone to View the Paris Exhibition." \l_ on -_ --.\`.rz!.- .\I:_mn rctulrnc-Ad from Fmghnd on` 'l'11r-May. _ ` . ..\`.'m*d':;'.|ul)i1eo Concert on Monday or`enV- 21y.;11v.\f,. U0! ' ' .V ` 4-'l`mvn ( auncil will meet; on't.ho lat Mon- 't.1j,' in .-\ugu.~4t. _ t - -It will !huI"t1_Y be In oiwler to think about :1r:','i.t huliulny. `V -4 ' ' nlr .. . .. . .- - - nI'r1;3 A o6x,a1uusL1:.. . John Muonamnra. who was drunk on Satur- day night; was arrested by Constable J. Rogers, Jr, and when boin taken into custody bit the cop's band in tea places. He was sent up for t-rial-. ' mnnrxxrm who Am : on " ' mxr. | *_, --. .. .....- .... vnav vlu uuuuvly. Mn. Jomv Jon: (s' ' B has, gono to_ Enghngim lmpmn 6 cry) Mn T.nnnv vu Y.-`.wn..-.... 4-..; 1.1 1 u ' . any cup 3 mm up fotj unun (H3. Thoe.-Murphy, N. 8. Railway` a\'vy,_ cal )- turxl by Oonstahln Carson, Vwas-discharged V wlth ncailtion ` ..Michacl Innis, drunk and incapable on Collier st., discharged . . .Jo1m McPherson, committed for 10 days. .. . `too. Hill, `ned $1,and_coata or 10 days ...Jo1m Kelly, a sick trzunp, represented by Co. At- torney through turnkey Stephens, was com- mitted for 10 days. ` rum... . ,.x._ 7 Ana.-u, U1 3 - Michael Hays charged Thomas 1V1cAdums with nsaauling him at the Qacsn's .Hotel. The evidence showed that the two got nar- rolling over some matter and that deft. :3 look his fist in the other's face. The case -was dis- missed, dcft. ordered to pay costs, Mr. Peplex`, of Mcarth , Buys &: Poplar, dc- _fen'lcd. ...W. 1). Mn! 1' for assaulting \V. (I. Ponton on Tuesday, was ned $1 and crusts. "Let us hold fast` tho profession of our faith - without wavering: (for he la fgithful that prom1sed.)" , The discourse:-an eloquent` and forcible ono---was marked by Intense -fervor and feel- ingin deliverance, and had an appreciable ef- fect on many a listener.` '-The `preacher allud- d to tho period of his residence in "Barrie, dwelling on the kinincas he had been treated with by the people, and recalling the plenum. Associations connected with his life hero. He l referred in terms of high compliment to the local press, to which he expressed himself as being indelvtcd for many` courtcaies. A L Rev. Mr. llrcdin loft yesterday for his new field of lnhnr-`-Walkcrtxm. Before the do- pnrturc of the family 0 very compliinontnry Address hccmnpanicd` by a aiibstnntiul gift of money was prc1=ioutcd ta Mrs. Bredin by the I Lmlios of the Barrio Methodist Church. I _ , A PASTORAL `vAu;nId1'onv. A REV. some nam:>n~f s i`A12Ewm{t. snn1'uoz. ._:- Aannnouncod in Tm: ADvANcn vek, Rev. John Bredln preached his farewell ser- mogg in the Methodist Church on Sunday evoxfng-to a very-largq and attentive congre- gation. The preacher chosetae (I text, He- brews, X; 23 : " Lab. I...I.: A, ,4 -- 0]` 1`; X ours, &c., vBan-ie July 3. 187 name; .LJ-_;fy2.%:is7{ :%,raztg:I1 , ,_- ...... -muuu uuu D0810 :-- Maoey . 86650;` Ball-" so-mo; $6400; Caix-us , 85975: IrviI_ig s, 35935.; Rank'ln's. 85766. Onthclangrincxplo of econ- omy the contract was aw tender; and as soon as the necessary security , for the due performance of the work will be grovided, unimxnediate commencement may ooxpectod. We_underata.nd.thnt the con- tract is to be completed sometime in the month of November next. - ` The Bonrdbf rhhawga for the High School. at their meeting last wank, agreed to ex-ac; the new edice on the ' ' a mom central situation, Iithont adding to the-pmpooed cost, the Trustees umnm 1.---- ' `THE BATHING "I'wIs`ALNoLz. THE ooa-nAv_a- zxobus I BOMKPIIIQHG WKXCH THE TOWN NEEDS. _oBsEnv_u.ua. A ACITIZBN SPEAKS HIS MIND 0N.I'.l`. I -Irn--, . . `/\'ll`.u\-lulu eovceanouucutc. POLICE cbunr mores _ DRUNKS. \vn-. ASs.u;L'rsi _I_-_. I run 1 no nor nb 11- mg ON I MID-HUMAMER HOLIDAY. OITiZEN. ' -~'l'l1i~x is the semen of drowning Sccidcntzs, mt (LR vet we 'hm.'n nnt hnnn nnlln nn' fn Iroma. .._, , ----r, -v- , -,-v-savv, Luv , HUSH, U`!- AT the raising of a frame barn near Lavender, John McLean, while in the Ictof pullingup a rafter, fell backwand off the plate, a` distance of about twenty feet. He landed on his feet,` and it was thought had broken his leg, but it was found that the knee was only badly `_L__._'._...l LL- L" ,- I Gm. Dinwoodie,` jr... of, Clover Hill, had a'barn destroyed by ne last week. It contained nothing but straw. An at- tempt was also made on the homestead. a ne having `been kindled on the barn oox-,.which bumed .ohafi` and straw three or four feet incircnmference, but went out without doing any? damage. 13............ _..____, , . ynnulunu UDBJSUHJUUW I---LVODBIA Qlu Real Pro rty, $262,003 ; Personal Pro- perty ,0 er than Income, $441,880; Amount of Taxable Income, $4,700; Total Personal Property and Taxable Income, $311,583 ; ;Total increase over 1877. 653,7 76. Number of cattle, 115; sheep, 107; horses, 133 ; hogs, 64-. .A'I`.}IA I'n;I.htI at-.-l'._....- L--- - V a nun IILUEUII um `U5 5533" badly fstrained, the kne_e capbeing knocked out `of place. - . . ` A 1Il_ n,,,a u . ' .' .. _ - -_ , ..... -. 1 Mr. Conklin is extracting Inigo uantities of money of 3. very superior quality win his xves..' " ` We `find the above in the Messenger. if it be true, then give us liberty or give us hives. Butwe hesitate to accept the etory. The goose that Iaid~ the golden egg is a creation of the bird kind in whose existence we have`-been taught to V believe from the nursery room up. But to credit this. 6 ofthe bee that manu- ' features the thy lucr `in almost to much for the most innoent `and orodul-` ' one ofus tall. Mr._`Mgs'3.',relieve our -ia.nxie't' if}yo`u` even` have f tb ley_'"tIie7 ame" at the door of the intelligent. A YOUNG man named Sinclair, _fro'm Nottawasaga, had his legs badly crushed hoother day. He was attending a log- ging `.`bee in Sunnldale, when the in- juries were received. ` Tm: Keenansville paper notices that there was only one bible on the min for the accommodation of a recent partry `of excursionlste, but, it adds, the one seemed amply` suicient for the demand. Wnm: a number of young men were putting the shoulder stone `at Sbayner the ball went off its. regular course,` and caught one of -the athletes on the side of _the head, and he dropped. The blow was not fatal, hqwevc _ A `CHILD Vof I Mr. George Filda_y s.r Cookst.own,.feIl head rst into n kettle of lye; the other day, and was` terribly in- jured by the liquid, both eyes being so burnt that it is feared the sight will be dstroyed. u - V A A Connnmwoon councillor who refus- ed to vote on a divinlonfwas ordered by tho Mayor to leave thooouncil. [ 'C m9.d:` Permanent loan and savings Company, 01 min hnn QUEBEC, remarks the Cm-dwell Suite`- 1352,15 only three weelm under Re'f_'orm rule, and fresh prints butter is already selling at 9c ! Tn-KY hatch out eggs by means 0; a patent incubator at Bmoebridge. The aoil is too poor :0 grow chickens the or- dinary way,'weAsuppoae. ` ' 131$ BAra.dfordAHera1d has a we}lrwrlt- ten account of the excursion to the Falls on the civic. holiday. - ' BRACEBVRIDOE-ls to have a photograph g.xllery. - TH-B'cr_ops ail over the county` `look splendid_. ~ L: Aivmsfon has a new grain elevator; three storeys high. ` OWEN Sound cricketrs were waxed by Oqllingwood cricketers last week. Tan invention of a lleograph in in Voon. ta xnplntion, and the Stayner editor al- ready sees his occupation `gone. Itom of news suitable for this column are cited from our readers throtigzhout tho oou.nty.] .--__. GI,'u`.A,N1xos mom Couniv Excmmans AND moms FROM - con1u9aPom>r:m's-` _ THE WEEK'S rmwa IN Smco2:.V---No'mv:s mm onsnnvmxoxs or now mmos mm xx mm DIsTRlC1',.--EVEB_YTIIINO mesa, mm: AND FULL. '1` UE%F:bI,I{!1B31N0Ec0 .__.. 7 .. --v-I py- Sravkn now boaate two `Base Ball` Clubs. { - I Ln leave mm to attend to his bneinnaa. Now, Sir, it is not true that Mr. Little gave 9. re-Iunh any more than Mr. Fletcher. Mr. Flotcher n rehash consisted of great Temperance princi- ples, how he was brought out, and he would go to l :srlixuncnt and would xote on either side that would put down the great cvll," (i. 0. etraddle the fence.) ' M1-. Little entered ' into all the topics of the (in r and ably hanr_ll_ed every subject, and rcmpti question. And to ow you, Sir, that it is place and not the advancement of Tom _ rance that Mr. Fleteheris aiming at, I woulk point out that when the village of Alllstrm applied for another tavern liecnao through their (loun- eil, `Mr. Fletcher signed the document as head of the Council. Now, if he was truly consis- tent why did he not resign his oilice an lleevo ? Electors, beware of the man ! If he is not omaistent at home how can you trust him at Ottawa 7 ` y azzswcrerl every, `Mi. H. 'Robl:1son, Colngwodd, hue] ? gone _on a continental trip. ' ` 5 ,. W- Iuuisl, J um) 26, I878. .7 ._......n O? puu uauvullcfg Sm, -In looking over your lastlssne I see a'p u`-ball which is anfo to burst not to the sntlsfmtlon of -Mr. J. H. Now, I appeal to all electors who5were not present at any of Mr. I"letchorla meetings In Innisl not to al- low tho wool to be pulled , over their cyc In such a manner. It was plain to be _ seen by the clapplixg and chering' that Mr. Little would be the successful candidate, and ho has wright t ; be, for he is u statesman In every sense of tvhcwvorrl, anvil has spent the best part . of ms life in your urrvlco. we_ wish Mr. Fletcher all health, wealth and prosperity in his own quiot little village, where we intgnd to leave him to attend Sir. not true that Mr Lenin m..- - ....r....A MR. Lrr'r|..:'s MEETING-8. :1--- To the Edilbr of the ./Idvanca.` O... 7., I u n , . -710 --A--_, ~._._u-Evy. BRADFORD asssssment :--Totals, alue I-an] Pmnm-tv, QM`) nnq . D .... ....I I)..- pwlamn I and using. ln Inns 6 _ Connfndwoon is `trying to organize I and. ___.- Bnacnaalnox is to have a lock-up. n_ _ __'__ , _ _ Ml. rsrrouzma ouuulonunq COUNTY NOTES. Yours truly FAIR. PLAY. ..l..I. --- - Stmyed from Mabchedash Towmhip about three weeks ago, oGrey Home, about 15 hands high and about 12 years old, ringboned slight`- Iy lnthe hind foot ` Anyone returning `the same to the undersigned or giving such inforg mation as will lead 00 its recovery will be re- warded. . A 1.`. i- A unxinxn .,_.._...4 Uanur. T.-nonunion.-`-It u mld thal ollve oll administered lnternally la An excellent remedy for the goat, and is also beneficial ln psrslyzla, and epilepsy; `but for the cure of rhoumatlem, neuralgia, colds and eollo,_a::d the removal of pain generally, there in nothlng like the "0nnsdinn Pnlli Destroyer ," It YB the man reliable remed . For sale bgs Dru g- srm and country den 5. Prloe -cents per bottle. V Ownne on Hume Ruowme..- And why not? And who knows but what their hereon V ur reioioing as well: who on prove the con- trary, But their owner: ice because of the utoniehing and almost In alone efxeclve on their horses of Dario ': Oondition Powdore. and Arabian Reeve medy. Some were lean and r having no np1.etite,othere would. devour t olr food ravenoualy, yet derive no benet from it; some were hide-bound. with rough and shaggy hair; others had severe colds and coughs; many had the hooves and other complaints peculiar to horses; on all itoper'- uted like eohann, the diocese or eexnpleintyven speedily removed, the appetite and digestive organs corre `end, the skin softened, and a sleek, and ubiny appearance given to 119 com, 311 vithout,nny_ danger to, or preventing the home being uaed.-Rememher the name, and see that the eigneture of Hard e& co. inon each package. Northrup 8 L man Toronto, Ontqproprieiore-for Oeneda, old hy e1lMe- dicine Dealers. I 11 E N D E R s . V Sogled 'I=`gz_1ders will,-;q_i'eceived by the Tm; faea. of--S. 8.` No. 1, 01-0, up to noon on SATURDAY. 29th INS'l`.. fm-`the arpntinn of also survive him. i Mr. Oolomm was u:-uu, All A I U, nuu wuuu uurby-u\D y`D3l'S old emigrutedio this country, whom in] 1834 he settled on the place mentioned above, which won at that time` a dense forest. His wife and young family had, ! with him, to undergo theusnal hardships! incident to the settIer's life; but by haul - work and diligence the aspect of their farm kept pace with all around. 1n1837 (the rebellion) his loyalty was put mi the faest,.and he tamed out as one of the i Home Guard. In all his .-1sbors ho was ably seconded by his loving wife, and to- gether they saw a great improvement in their surroundings, with every prosper-t`j of enjoyiu life for many yearn He leaves beh d him two daughters and three sons tomourn for` a kind and lov- ing father; three brothers and one sis - one of those whole-he-ar%d,tme sons of old Ireland, whose hospitality madeeil who entered his residence feel st home. He was truthful in every relation of life * Y and what he knew to .be right` he preo- tised dy ` _ V 3-t - the right of us,` tramps to the it uf1;s,,\`:c., &c, , > I. was 01- a. :9. no. 1. we, to noon SATURDAY, INST., forlthe erection of an addition (brick-cased) 20 ft. H .22 ft, the brick-easin of the old building, and the com ' struetion o A Stone Foundation under the whole structure. Tenders to be method in accordance with the above. may be addressed to,A. M. McLean, Socre of the School Board, Shanty Bay P. O. opus-ate Tenders are to he made for both jobs -WiI.h and_*w$th- out hrickirork. Satisfactory security requir- ed. ' The lowest or any tender not necessarily Mn. L1tt1c,M.- I-`V.,-bas hold xneetingn ' in tho Riding no follows 2 At Allzmdalo, Mr. James Burton, Chairman. A, vomo of condence was moved by A. Miecamp- bell, secondcdby VV. Lennox, and'car- ried. At Victoria, Mr. A. M. Murder, Deputy. Reeve", in the chair. A vote of I condence, moved by Thomas IIurs`t,| seconded by Thomas Black, `was :arried.A At-'l'ho1"nton, John Scott in the chair. A vote of confidence, moved by Thomas . Soythes, seconded by `John,Hopkins,was 1 carried; At Ivy, John Lonnox in the chair. A Vote of condence, moved by John T. Fletcher, seconded by Thomas H. Banting, was carried. At Bell`: Ewart. A vote of oondenoo, moved by D 1 I Henry Groaso, J. P., seconded by Sam. Wmy, was can-iod. V ' - . - A . 1 True stcalnr Frarzccs Smzth, n.rriv-ed : at Oollingwood on Satunldy bringing the followmg news ;--Grcat_Am_)r)ici in .1 reported over" the ' Duncan mint; agile] mincml lnighet` than three dollars 1" ton was found at adopt}; of 350 122$ down ; at 450 fcqt mineral was struck which nsmyod two'ti1ounax2J ounces '1'] ton, as also" 0 small quantity of rm vs I silver. At Garden River the Victoria mine has turned out very `rich with sil- ver blende, which assays thirty per cent, and the loud seventy per cent. ' I ' Mn. Richard Coleman, died aejhtgm. sldenoe Lot 2, Con. 2, Innlsl, on [the 91st inst, at the age of 79 years. He, was born in t.l; County of Donegal, I:e- land, in 1790, and when tlxirtyh-ns years Old Hmim`nfnd'fn H113: nnnnh-u uvlxmn 2n ; ifnn. editor of tho" To'm}:s want` Borne reader to" scnz1_h(m`a completo1i5b0f- Dickeng works in the order in which r they were written. J10 ,nays:- A 091`- . respondent mks for" the information, `and we are candid enough to corxfess that we are not able to supply, It--nor have we tltxggjust nqw to hunt it `up.__b It never occurred to our` contempomry to` refer tha enquire: to hcruiquartcrs fo i,nfox`- ; mution--to tell him to go to the Dickens, \ we mean. IT is ubatedby the Alliston jiaper for our benets " that that such A per- sonas Mr. Bruntcn never sang in Allie- tpn, nor has the pipe`: of music c:1t'Itled . `Pass under the Rdd been I`(`nde1`0d at ` any concert in this village. \Vr: feel I! mlqeply gratfulto our back settlement}: conferanfvor his intomat. in our warm, . nnd hasten to publish the aplogy. ' But ` 1 how did he know that Mr. Bruntun lw/IV` instituted proceedings against us for B I 1 criminal lib:-1 in saying that` he` had ap- U poured at an Allistdn concert? I IlU'-l]II uu UUILIU D05 3:37 3 brnch liahmen hero.--Collingwood Mama`-gar. . . 1'o1so:um, go! Got thee to .Col1ln'gwood. Herc; Mastngcr` man. take him, with our blessing;-and k h!m-BARRH! ADVANCE. Yxa, and after 0 has atxfclently laid over the canine breodv 1n'CollIngwood ship him to Alliston. --Hcrubl. ' ' And then lethim take a walk up to Stay- nor, in which place, the local paper says, he could do n rushing trade. for about a year, andvnot bother any one-oxcept tho . `just 10 years, and'1c_wca Marge number of descendants, including no less than 33 great grand children. " Tux local dog porlsoncr is onrlshin in Bar- ;-io._plty he could not start bmnc` estab- lishment here.-CoI1.-`nm....n.: no ..... --,. Total weight. .. . _1138 ` Average wglght 2-5 pounds. ' ' Mm. Jzmzxson, at Madame, who died recently was one of tha pioneors of Sim- ooe. Along with her husband and chil- dren,.she came to this country from` Conpar, Flfeshire. about fm-to vonv-a nnn -vvvruwua . Om, Jm 13eh,`1s7s. -._. _....._._.__...._._.___:_ `:~;;.a1s.;mea Risk Insurance Co. ' L__ -...I D..2....&.. 1\-wn'IH-`nu uuuynr D10! COHQ lows :- J ' Mrs. Noddo......... Mrs. Wnlkex-..'...... Mn: !i'l....l.-u- nuunon-o nu . .. Mm. Andemon..... ...-. Mus Cun'le ........... Fxvn Sunnidale ladlesy according to a Stayner Sun cormapondene, weigh as fol-` fonsm LOST. ' uu nuances an wmon persons at either % m:% m:..:1%<.g:::.?::@-awe | awoekln yonrownto ' jbontt tree. Norisk. Render. _ you want a. business at which persons at either so: can. make time . wrlcator 11.211. .IJDK l'lI.'n "Or to ANTIONE DUAM, Mntohedash. P. O. m+:ima1ALiNsun,sNcn comm a on ' n...-.Hn1 ll mm mm T`nr 25-2% `U113- nuuuowul nnuults nun, EU WATER LIME, CEMENT, &o. Special qnomtionsvizo dealers and others jo- V gnlrlng large quantities. I n ZLEI -Ca---n n yxlnulllig ulasu ll!-lollllllbllxj. L J. M.) ..BOTHWELL. nwmnnrn trnnmr D Annn: .3 Now'P!oa3ans,- 1 New Covered Buggy, 2 Good Bacond-hand Bug- ciesjlcw Open Buggies. 1 `Earn- ovor.-ooat Buggy, 1 snoond-hand Democrat Waggon. &c,. &c. ' TI`! TI l\lTIl\IO L x V v--`---- V Be}'r1_1"g-Son?.h half of L0tbNo. 9,511 the 3rd Concession "1`ov`vmah1p of Iunisl. Fully 50 acres aloe.-red.` Good sci}. Tcrmsljhcral and mm low. Full particulars can he obtained 1 m - vv AGAINST Mr.moPoLy AND man PRICES. A . ,- . ` _ . (LIE. LIE begs to lntlnmu-to the public of Bar- rie: d ezgrrorxnmng count `. Lmxt he has mu lmnd rs audply of Screw-Jacks, B on-ks. 'l`nr.xkle nnd an we nme<.~.~1z=.xs nooosm"' to mczvmvm k;uLLn. DIOR of mm-rgdeecxipt on. He will rxleo gunma- too to Mom I rmsos any dlsmnm without I. "ar- my thoplasier. bmaxlng the windows. on ur- UIR tho dwcmng, 6:43.. In su:vshnpe.. Honlso rule tunvw 31115 an mam-9 old honsoa us guo as new. Wurkdonnm an parts at me l}0\u1t_V on the ebortpst notice and reasonable wrms. Tho mxbscribcr is 111301: mtrcvlaesiuuxd ut. stxpcr1nk~.nd.- tn? the budin or 1\I!1ld.1.m.-=.. The toumvinw m oneqoea one _ ndly pL'nnitt4:l:-~-MuRsm. 000 Ball. D'Almn I\'Io'Jru".hy 'Q..(.`. hr. 2l.-Cau1.hy, H. i,sou.-my, G. (.'ook.0. F`. `right. A.'1'hnm5on. '1` Uundio. Seunucl Wuslov Jaeph R('g(`l`J. all 0%- 1-yliarrlz`; npd Mmem. '( hm:t_I,-r. `Wcat_ _E=1so. !)..o...w\ . ._..... , nu... Wtfmt, 'Ozsts,' Pdzns, Barley 'and `1e`m`.*o<:a. Evwythmg new, choice and true to name, 0 20.23;. - | ...-~_. ' [ Dun Sum :l;'Ehcni1d<:`:-'sx1gncd\/iaixvxe tolu- . fox1n.yon`t.ha?:,he has a}n'to<.l lnannfzxctnring I all kinda uf Silver, and Uroixlc Plated Unmoss snw m Terrettza, Hamoe, Hooks, Rita, Bnc ca, (`ch `-oh! and Silver F.!c-<:tm- Plntin , and hav ' mzury years cxpcricnm: in Now X ark and 0% or Sta-tcis, I mn"n:)t {\frr`.l_l to warrant my work both an m,;un3s,\vu:1mni1x `ship and altzfnbility, mt-claadin _-.-\"z~ry pm`- ` tlcglnri`; ' ' FI.'._..l..... 1-..... 1!! L, 1 , n ' u 'l'..'u- i)mmxxxiuiou Duy cele1)rnti0o0u1mitt00' H`: 1'nmU uut-shdrt. I _ ` .-\Ltuutirm is directed tothc II. & N. \V. -:il\\'u_v (`vr1.`:I UOUCCR. ~-l.'m'trid;_-,0 valmoting dom not onnmancc in _w;.r ti11_ Int October. V _ V _ -~H:'urh.~ Masonic Lodge Excursion to (`/on` i-'|xinv_.' nu thu19th inst. ' - ..,..._..__..-- ......______.._..__.. FARM` FOR SALE on T()"I}E'l`. 1)_,`:_,_'-__ u,-A\, 1.11 La'1- . `V A . .. A - [UIu1d!o. `xvesxcy .16zaem'1 tc3;,-i4a','iii1 6;- and ( mmlr,-r. Wcat Essa. Brown Angus; Tamh-.~. 1'<-nr;mnguishene ' Swan. `Maren, Cruighuxsut. :' I~`r.19cz- Hmvonlnxrat Butterold. uunun Alknndnlcz Miller Uobooy. ` West Ema; ()ux'r"F`lus ' Ilvmnnt, St. 'V1nu-cut ;_ yak _i. :g lr~ . 15121;-4.;-`-t niac- o z ,. . 19- .mn om, , c`.nu uy ' nud .\.' Ncees. Inntal 1: `A. Ranula an-.1vMvr. Jamie- son, Mlucaing; and 500o1hcrs. A In nnvuu 18-65;, I ' . CLOVER, .'t:a=;e'rzav.- .'l`urn1y:-1-, Unr- ' rot, an Malugg-.1, \_un1Vnvr Axfxx 3.. \v~|.\vVu _.` __ ..__._ Everything new zmd Oqlhwblc tn VI\'it<.-hen and ` Fipwcr Garden Sheds. aw-um _] Ti-Es i| Y. ' , , . .B.--C:.rrag'.~. Iron Fluted on the short-cast notice and! warrnubeel tn 1,yiv r ' J?4.MFL`~'; LI'L\I)EN ` - - F.Ii;1Lboth-st;., Bnrrib, Ont Bni'rie, M:iy,j1878. ` ' 22 _1y : FRESH An `Q.-um-`._1`UL1.\( .<:~.~.A|_',<.'1`F.~r>. Ma 66?} a a M `EVERYBODY WONDER_S gnu] an: wav nneu` oruera xur 0110100 1110- hognhd to son to fgicnda in distant lauds. . .-Owin V to such a demand in copying old Pi_c1_1rnI,p-Iinve o ned moro extensively in!`-tithe business. ving a large stuff of man. I am enlarging pictures at such prices as n.avor,waa'he:u-d of before in Ontario. " :*{i iEi3f{z T"; fffi."ZiI"ne?T --nun-uu-unpubail +A=LERY~ WILL Turin izairvnn In : n-ivnu nvnuus .uo.... TU C"C - 5` - I ` ` WILL, telI'yon, he gives (many sitter `satisfaction, nxgd one sends another. eymfe lea their` orders for choice Pho- fhnrnnh 1m nan lax Co-hind: in rubanlv Ian}- , --`.. , Sm,-'-`-As one of the We-lion! Staff in !\tben_-A dnfice upon patients under treatment in `the London General Iiaspitnl, I have had t-hoop- porbunity of trying your n-epamtionn, "Rheu- matic Ah:3nr?>cnt, aml `KIWI xuimh plvmsxlrn in stating that upon {our cas-:3 of _1Hc(-is {meat- cd, I have won the best results from this pre- paration. Yourobr.-dieni; sen-.v't, 8 PA \'Sn`,..`vI. D 11: 1? v v\v.....-_ W13 I OS1TIVELY DEGLARED AGAINST AND 1 I > fl)"1(VTI`o~u qgpima nousm, 3? *1 322139 TM: .pr,fncip}e nfthis"1)rcpnt:{t1oI1 is t6 alv- m_rh and xlcntmllz-3 tho Aci-1 `Ferment, with` out which there can he nh 'in'fl1Ln1rn'9.torv_ ne- tfou; In Ixctxmatlmru, 1'-Irynlpelas, Ulc'crs=, Skin Dismqcs, ;'w.,-IE`i:x Hu].\o.ri.1r to nll other prcpamtigns. Its gxction is ixnnxcdintc. -To IV. Y, Bruufon; Etq.:~-, n'-_ -. . . ]y}*GlVliV. _ .TO'l`ICE T0 C.`fARRIAL;E AND L l.i.-`LlL"H`3v.*_-\`. .`l.\KIfI{{S. fschoa1Tmbcm ,seoond Class Cdrtiticatcs,fm' the County of Simone, will be held in the Model School, Barrio, commencing on MON - . . . V . I `The exmninatioh of c.m.uao.ca for Pizhllc DAY; 8_t}'1 JULY, at 2 o'clock, p.m.' And -for Third Class Certicates M`; the name pluco, commmwingvon MONDAY, 15th JULY, at 2 o'cloi:k, p.m. .. ` _ - ` > VVM. BO\ .`~I, ` ` _ . . Sue. B, of Examiners. Barrio, June 14th, 1873. ' V `.Z5;f. t- ' .-.- - --rust:-Int -;Vhy nch crwdaaro making tholf way to "Q '1" 1:1 1: 1`=r 1:: Nr g a --A couple of little houses-h-einngn _ "lag to `I1 .\lc(_{u1rk were destroyed by re on ucs. 5 morning. ' Who is going to be instrumental in hm- \ n-Innnnfhldt Haw nhnnnn as the nmann nf 2. Pictures of Every Deacriptlon` Taken hwy, Inciudlua Carter do-Vinita. Cabi.ue.Piturcs and Enlargezncnts All kimlapf - GL9 PICTURES GGPIED AND ENLARGE? In a superior mzmnar. .1'*TY|.f (`I vx-vac-qw-.._. Norvmbcx` ms, 1377. -oT1c`E-. 1`:T__ uvul um-ua A suuuuzo uuwu Fbab-'his itithc spot to come to. Pnrtirx do~ airing Good and Correct Lxonossoa are invitedto call You can rely upon getting f3(\\f\f\. l','clz,J\III:-:\a\-- ------ yuu, nuuwaul; Ammzss, ._._--_ Thifgallry is now opened at Am! in zl! wnrk. Ono-vi!t will convince those to have . Buplrerioz? Pictures Taken r.h.=-tr at siathc to Pnrtim do. Good "5 H 5}3l}{`X';9: "35 ' nf. Hn (141111... I` ' - ' JOHN Vs; LUCAS, Chhnzhi. -T I'1-I3i"1 3X'nI%*1'-i~1:v V PHT,,DEJ3E3i' 13`-fl` ununx vuuluxg L0 DH_'!'l0 HRVO DEBT! KIIOWII 130 hwy m:_my xx shade tree, but we u_over 1-A1 at me being summoned to answer for -j&IIIaq7I') lNI64&0I iilullliil ' DU`NLOP STREET, _ ovsn Famvmsy & nnvnws AG$N'l`S wAx_1m),. .5 to Q1: gar vgluy -caxvuz gr ~ HE ,_m mtme, . tea V u2{{r:ioa"f}&T1;T;i?L *i:;L czmxom . .- _ --Iriruvcuv vvu--3u-p-. gm`, W3 B- GAPON's f\...._-.'A- AL. I'\,, T"rtm um;?ric`1Bs77x;i;1`s`NT. ' |.-9 T - ; . ~ uu ; \/UL; x v uux Ju`_:UL/11Iu3U VEAGAINST AN 1) I S. III-.2 41$ ? I I I II 1! ONTARIO HOUSE, B.-.\I uRI-I1 $33933 saags -'}'lm PI-((0/tdGnApH|rae.'. -at ..4-.n.. JOHN M;:c1)oN..\Ln, &`po , -... .. vurvlllll uznxuzulg -WM. 0. REEVES.` Pfnnrinhw t`f:;`Qneon Hotel, . Barrio. u -u`r,I \g at this Gallevy. ....__._. ..-. ..-;.- u, . -. ;_.n I :uu, Au. :1 W. Y. `B-1'1. ".\"m:~r, A I.om1c-u; Ont. .c.'1e. um-,1 Rev`!-In P, (1 up nun,- Bltrlc 1 . 1. : V 1213, Pfoprictor. Int 1-- a. UV Toronto, ,5 ,, ., .___,-_ `Hm .\y\'Ax<'n will he scn1`;'to\n.uy ad- fur tlm,l)n1a'x'1ce of the year for 60 cents. -'i'!w bathing nuisance has a citizen down" .2 in tlnjs wcuk a. J\.DVAN(?E. It must o..l ' 18-`Zm u unuvvli 45-ly. All kinds oi ouicboi-.1" Bragcry Cleaned or Luca. T Carpets, ()rmnb':.l'oth31, Hearth Jizxgn, Gm, ckxmed. t`-heap Skins C1oami.u`.' Dyed. A r7_'1:":1-xx.-r-n-a ~11 I\' -..~.......-..._ I .. ----e-- v Bci 0 th'a Norhh 50 ncr-.)3 of lot 24; 4%.): con. I Um. . plend1_d lanai, undv :' c'.:Z 1`.'ation, WU, be sol a bargnixv. '3" `:-..-rmn &c., npp!ytn1 NIAI{?.': .7`. ` XI`) HARPEK; ` fh-En sl}..mo.. u... u n i J 0. etvLu.1Dun, onnnuu, Jill- . . PORTER or and dearer in Cools or all kinds andueorsetovrn G:~e.y,nnd Guelph White Fin! _ng Limo. Gen-r.:.'.;_a or all kinds, Fire Brlqks and lactornra lin-.2`. Oman and Stony hcdao at the Nortl`-t::'n 1tsuwa,vjS\v1t;.',-_. {out at John Straet, near l.':;o` dr-Tot. Pm: how! of tL':< ` Llme1s hem: L`-an :Am_ u: my other lginol, am`. ` thenish superior. ".)1dco~--Corner of John and Elizabeth-am. [AL L 5? a A L s! [wry Ii: VOnce.l -.n_.-' Being": pure whioeliglfb it is a stronger light and yotlesa In ax-tons to_ the sight, and in also lose cambus, fwd brna longer than ""m'-* 1 wmouon 3` *`:isr;::i@ :3 {MB % T ;81_'FtAW x-v0sr;;<,- % STAMEING FOE BRB 11?`?- .`IG, MUI_.CAt3Y1`_I'fi`.}3 fs\"rV1D.I31~:'3?.` `W i H'I~\ L, NEAR AND 1:1:.~m gm THE .\mm<.:. > - V `-BARBIE. Jar, n ism: A . .r.m.' 14. 1379. ,_ _-_.--._-.1 .. . -- uu IIUVQJLIIIII Boga to inform the inhahitnnta of Bitrric and` surrounding country `that ho has mmmcnced htiainees in the above lire, nu-.1 by 31:: long cz- crieuco of nnd'pmct!c1> in th: lu'.=iucna be open to ho Miles to give entire :'.o.tisfu:tir>n to all who patronize hint _ ' V F.n'dInn9 Bhvnsua-:.:n mm, u..u.. t`-I..,.a. .uL:nuu\.'.I, M3,, uyeu or \.:lca,ncx.1':q11al tn new Gentlemen : Bum: Jlynd or kcnuvm.-.-A and nicely nished. V ` .` Nnnthal Luann [.'rn!w-nH.~,u Qnh 'cL.."a,-,. `.- asuu uwcly umaneu. . V ] Foathem, Lacoa, Umbx-r_~Ilr.:I, Sun .'~'hadv'g, dyed all the newest colors and dr_esa<-11. Kid Gloves Clmhed; ' v IvvILJ1.unII| 3 NORTH sear 9032123" l2k;~f ;t):LLlE3 Ann? [name,}u.1-mznxgig. STREETS; um. 3 sm warm ma mew FARMS; 0!` ulKl dcscpozna, in thn nost section of . country In the Uniop. b STEAM, FOUNDRY, DO ESTIO AND BI.AOK8Ml'I H'8 QBE. BAYFIELD 8 l`., - `BARBIE. I ]ii`EAn Luann` out "I'N'li! Inrcam DTTD\T`I \1 r1 nrr 1'17 N0RTV11}53i_31W-5Y- N c1?: z ` - mevmg Wishca to ihfonn her Cilflml V ' prop: -ed to rucoivc_or-I nun-can .-...' _-__-_._, _ HqYl'|H.U Barrio, Ami! 5, L8. 9-EAL ESTA 1`E ` I)? 1l.nn wisxzcgxpmws:23`1}3*::;3:;%sf)i;i:s1g I {M1 W110 pncrontzo MUTE ' M Lamas E_)rz~:s:a.-win Silk, 93:1", ml`-gt. Mcrlnoca, &g., Dyed or (.3lca_nc1L-qxlal tn Bum: Uvnd or um. .v..+...1 WILLE{ht .IIAI.S I`IL`AN, . I'In.vu t:-lion Rooms over 1Ion.!c u Sims :`1s;:`::5 ` [Dunlap Street, ' A Th.-.... n.,.;. M... Wnntitv o.-. ,...,.....a.\ .... ... 4.1.. --. u arnuu-vkz 17:: vvug Where they are read to 1-xc-cubs [nryozzxy-`.11, ;-. Ln`gIc-hi cnthmtod to t u1'r`u.::}.rou . , References-.-'-_J0_uN K.u', ;\I)i5. E. W Tomnto. ' _ X*:uSTI~'m ll-`-If 1; W "I - Yours rt.~apcctio1y" Showsfthat Secre- .' Lu be 3 acholm`. - ' ' o (`uIiin;_;wo.y beat Orillia ab ldcrosc three i-`hf umnnu ' ` QF['1'HI~: o11'Y. ?roRo.\*1:a.~. V ` , Ilcitlg highly rocomnxcndod 'h_v mmofof tho leading houses of the City to locgate tht~_!x)sr.h'vr in ;Bzuriv1 to supply It w_n:xt: lung; Wt in 2%- wnv nf awn riiiiosazz LE V 2E+ss%& mane Evc.L-,5(at~m%, jiis. Damn [W27 5 z:;%'K??S, IXYN nurrrl titan v 1"!-V nu/-.v\- o... , .:& UDZIS -DIIUZ `I TTIW? - FOR hII\ RI AEHQXITLPQ IIQE I 19-61:; i'E`h Assortment is Complete _v._.. --.w- cuucvtlnu \JI\If\ `(M ancut Tool: cm iinnd. Everything cheap to suit the Times. | our stock wan nova-r so Complete, not our Price: I0 Low. 3 ' . . - ,';wmNG IMPORTA'I`ION VVM,-|Ul]LVDL\.'LV, November 30, I876. aoun>io'}._c-iivvu DASI-1:8. -ff: -~'l'hi~ is accidents, lmt uni yet we have not been called on' to (-lzrtmlclu one that has occurred on theliay. l`wvlo are more careful now-n-days than they nw--1 to he, and if it is not :1 good thing for the cnrnnc-rs it is a good thing for the people. ' ~Hpr>rlsmc-n should be careful ii: observing lm law, respecting the killing of birds useful In destroying insects injurious to 8g'ric!11t|l|`9- Tim law is very plain and strict on this mgt V. any person violating it being subject_ to It ne of from one to twent'y-dollars, or un- l$\`oxnnent from two to twenty `days. The law provides against killing all birds, except f`%l0S. falcons. ha{vkn_ nu-la. wild niaons. -'T'I-{I3-ST-]'3'II`I;I~;I'N.C'} 01133:- THE WORLD; SEND I_`0R oA:1p1LoaU.I::s Giving full doecrfptiuns. ' 14.5 Emox, TALBOT ca, - }W.`-,T:'LAI:}1, W'AS i`E NOT : .\vAi~."r NUT L11 UGHLAN _M1i6'DONAL D, ._.......,.. -_.__.. ...-__...._.. - ;A13'R[IEo0A3. OFFICE.` W. P. A.`.'N'~`s_":s. 3 `Ennu on-unonuelo nu \ a _ A new `stuck of the-lntst and 1110?`: Faafmlonablu (3-uov_I2 laid in, in 'v.'hiuh 811:: invites thcxtcntforz of the L"/1ieS_ of Barri anvil Vin-init'y. . :1-.v-L`:-'na1:r1c7r'nn.~a~rn. 1y:h}\vn so , qnzmzy may VVMUTOHNSTON, Banister, Barrie. ovumbor 30. 1876. ' J She m!ra'3'c(mtinxin..'icc of the,- !ibcx"al patrormgo fdxmorly bmtuxvorl on 1:;-:, ' anl(_ gunr:~.ntc-cs the .';~:z.-m sr. .;i.-'.f:z(`li-.I!| in all xfmk entrusted to her cow. A _--4~,; rn 1;;.m_$, Doc. 4, )ESiARaI U L7`-J~IlAl - .,V._ `of Lm.1on, ,'Eng1nn*1, Eatublisheci 1732_ ALBI- nmmgow, V...,.,.,% v- -..-..v 1.-nn\A v n.u.AU].. nrz;sT.a3LIs11 Mm'7'zaxinnfs V uoczc, D'U.`\. L0VP-(ST. `_.,4_ .. _ . i Hnvmg re!umcd.t> B:v.r:ic and take!` up residence pcrrrmncnf-lg, .d~firo~' tv. _nmndncu the re opening of her 1:-4:` businuss in oiams, met from Ailcwerp, the. only ampmena mama this season `in Bhrrio.' We V _ hays boughg at tho Another Car I.dac1`of(5ut Fails to Hand, being ' Of the Select kind, frcefrum all dust and Silvers s. JOHNSON, BARBIE, IM- POHTER or and denfcr in (`nah nf II MERIT/CAN "v?6';6TZi:7 "SE95 .coAf ,.,..~).,\-..__..,\..._.,._._r- -, .,/ . M 1*` 11::-.v'-un ...!. lvvw Man: e aicing. 'c., urn`: l`.".l'Ill 1 lupus u) (Iuu . . nu... .. vv .......,,. ml, .<})J,000. ._ - /\.!3`S. MOIERONV, Acom. ::a1n:aIrJ:2`3:;`g1%3`;7g Lovvest Posible Prices, And will an" V91-v In`! 'T"hn nnnhr In "Tnvnnntl Hint " ,1u?`.`. MAK 1N'_G. A vsnv LARGE AND cu-once s1'ocK cannon.-C "l__ - -4 Ch, DREE~3.*;: %z}m; ..__.-. - v-u aalln IS. #9.; $16., &o. Residence, Hurst side ' of ' cal-QCJII.-.V Koops constantly on 1. II -I II II Q I A Ilorncnxbcr :1...` piece : :HQ'I' IIQDIIEII 1|! fil mu.LmE'nv. rw `(unit 1: V-CZl3LluI..I A And win 3911 very low. Tho quality in Diamond Btu. A u-;x zibiiinn _ Molmow, I` . _ vvvva --u-cu. va. vmu AVCULJD IIU Al-C {rce'fru,~x u all dust .u-. a1Al\.l l`,:4'; .S_h1mty Bay `L . nlntm-. Ran-in J UBT ARRIVED OUR NLM.` 4171!), is I - f,~\- ' 39-lv `SEE 14-6' . PURWS Baas, _ 3-if I '}\.\m:rnN - & NOHRTII-WE. .A , 'l"l'.}Z.\' .H.v\ H4\VAY. ' , ux:\n.- . I Aux'm1:. ` i I , . ~v<~wJ- ' . ` Excarsmix or Return Tzckets Ik-tween Elev." York and Liverpool or Queen- .-`wwn 811- ) or 8120, Currency, according tr: looatzun of atntcrooma. 1 liutfl,` mn `Thaw-\ ,..I. -..1 I ` ` ii? ,. ,, . , \v.112A11`A_ 1-nrun 1`Ui& BALIS ` 1' -' `wt:-..n1 lC*0_A<-me, and situated noe , 1211': fr:-n V hn Town of Barri being cum if - _ 4.: Hr: W5 Lot 19, In 310 5th 0on., - . -. ' 7* acres are cleaned; hahucu mvi li1'...}|. The soil in of lime " .. "er. nowiy seeded down, and 13 Q `(`-nod I-`rarao I_)wclling- 18}; `AL m:v Avg Dwelling 16 X '20 ft; 2 liufgc l"rt:'::1cX nms3fi x60 {'12, built At a cost of `-8909. Bc-hem` well water on fine premises. 2 T'1vpK*[:--." _,' ` =.ii well fcncsd. This lot al- - 11. in L7; -. ,..'.-'.-ml` of Mr. Thou. Cundlc, m :5 <:rz:.v.,-r~.*l.1:t to 1| rmod nnhnnl 'e;x2A2s3t ocean snamsmp mm ._____- ! 3E){15EE3;%TES0F SALQON PASSAGE ,V`._,-vf Ydrir On T -` -m A a;-95-:xg_;r:r3 'u.7r>3;c:-I tn and from all Tc "in Europe, and all 1',.`u':p_r>rts!n Australia, . Zcalnud, (,_>:xcr-mslantl` kc. Y`. Saloon or Ste `It E.h(.- I.-wart mo... ' L_L, I I g1....j5_.%*" m"m-`n, fdl SALES "TL! I 5 \ A I F F I --.~-1-v-uuvu! llnuu TH!S wssfx. % Lots of Goods, at Job Pries. I GE-5?.;EE:`eE & '-'Ru%.1-% ism zngw snort ' i saw wnmms, pmusz AMI} cAamAs mmrms. EA LSUMINING, &(.'., um. .-_...._ Or at '. '\,'.,_ mrrc-apom_1cnt speaks the p)p11laidc- (lag fur thetriangulnr square`. 0 earth woi ha 5,885,000,000 tans. If ft hcllevo twoigh it yourself, -- .2-- l.`.'uon Costumes, 912 00 for 0 oo ~ T 9 50 " 4 7:5 " " 7 00 ~ 5 00 at an 5: H .4 Q A .. -u l ll _ 51;}-\ Ztix;:I`glc-"', no oo ~ 14 ' V I0 00 xl :J'a..mm-ncmanntlcs, A! no ._ _ H M S `,1 '- C."|hU!(`f(! FiCAllD8, 5 lot at less than ` [fouled Cmhnnm-u Jackets, 87.50 for ` \V|1!.L- Shirts reduced.` 3117-vvmnn g-_..__ --.--- Now Striod Lawns, 10 cents. " ' Ashton ! riuts,*woI-th 12}, -fox-'10eents. Another Case of Pound Print: tohand. ` ' Felt and Straw ' ata, aJob lot_st less than C thgf Plxicei` ` _ a face , runsc a ti and ' A Wool. -A111-oduoed.` ' Te`? uarprb occox, nrnnacls, Tapes WOOL All reduced.` A Gdod Ta try for 70 cents. Suits to 0 or Stvlinh ma mu... -----u-' 1 wantto nisbj Signoftheootn U y'iEnh._ `M 1373 large amo;u;tof W `- _ inalimite_dtime andthp I ._ _v __ ' n uaucu uMuuIm'-s_.n.u.-Kern, $1.30 for `$.f . WEMI: Slurtu all reduced. v BRESS GG'JD_S, `A lot at 50c., 45c., 40c. and 35. Y3:_2'r chmcc CA I1..nu.L.. `D3..- n-._L_ nu .n nv.;uu_y-rnvu Utzl. Parasols, L-zxge` Brown or G1"c'en,; For 1`hirty-Five Cents. Bemnnts In-cu Guadg) An 3-gang. ROIIIIIIIIS Prints. ed for Ihls Romain Tweodl, sale A l!UUl . Smta 0 I Du2z. a;:-:t., North Side, Barrie. '\: v--_--~- ---~ - ~ ---~- ~- - ,_ .(3.\I ITAL, $l2,000,000._ `, ALEX. nmlnnow, Agem, . H . . Tim en:-V ."">-:4 whim. thankful for the liberal ` mtru; ;._'.\:~.n iuthc past, rospoctrully so- 1191'; .. -.":-I ` .\-.00 of the snmo,nnd begs` '.` viatc that his - ,>._ -~, `-,; .!IPnIPn n '-......_._A Tbl. UM Harr".u l :)i .zu':-:1 Markr,-E. Street:-.` ` I L-...,_ ` .. l_ _ I-n . VITA L U ABE; `.7 :2?-5`="F.'.E~IEi` f-2.`! D PROVISIONS. v`1'\.?'F1:i.J) STREEP GRFFEE? 55-rsnrzav smrzo is mom I-:Anuen_.n __:._ ._--_. %g_;,J-.*"jc7._I . UN HQ Us E 1.`: K l 1`:;v n.,... , 3 5 am; JR's., . . `..... -u .p.vuryuuI or I in Q73, -urrency. In-w lurk `.30 l.<;ndon by . 355, or $60, (`rnmsng-y. ` Ar rxluc`.-3.: .'i`iHu` NEW Bl{ICh'. h'TO,RE, NORTH SIDE (D1-`I DUN L01 :'1`Rl`}l'L'J'. , Artdruir. Li-M: . ` :31=xc;m.v1:Ps. 'Ap}n'h.iscl' fm; the -- . nu- '2' '2I{Li.(!Ll1Y H ;:_$;e:s z:a'"PnnvIsnim_s =~ be-.1.-A ,."-,,- . - :` m-..no.. ..- __. : J-J-2'9. Y H] oitho 1 ' vrr... u.- B . A! LA U A153 ' Cbutxriihk fp:;i; _t!~. ' 1"J$.'-'.V hf -Hm lcaglra. Alma: ,_"`('I'.' I*]`\',:v.'.t.'z;(\z_] q`-'.aiity; 60 were in Fall Vf!2cr:.`..' 29 ff, 9':- . 1' V I-3.1.. .. 1;__ _ n __,-.....-.- n..n...I1II\lI\ .-." ~:normowe1ungtonHozeL " `T xanfgfuasueez. Bm-to ._..,-. . .A>~. ._. :.n\; A--wart, ratz,-.,'.. For tiulm :rr-ct, uuul @211 information, ` Au! r;..zu-yo umcc. . . . .. . ,.~..':1u OI -.ur. TIIOII `xx? <:n:.vur;io.1;t good school, For further gmrflonlam apply to 1|, -_n I'- Wx. % H:\ 3'.'-_\-; "9113 nm Fword 1.) \v\- --...._ 1 l mprty and l`riva.tu Dwellings. I nnn. '6'. .`-i1:wx.r:1.1., 1'25! ndon. Englmul, A'1`us A A_b\/A_\"cxt. Oibe. :pr':.'."'3_`-. 1978. -.-. . ,..,__... __._...._.. urrerxcy. uuuvuu I HUUIIUI rpool Quecnstowu, S60 VV 0 UAKUH, 1'; Sign Writing n specially. . ,,_._..., ....-. -; w" enfzsul rumud ', can of self-mm-. Iewlllbo the u.r11cu!nn-1 to nnyaufferor on receipt. x;-:2-1 nml din-cred cnV(.`l0p(`.r-/\ddr('8R WI'Zl.I., I-`.HQ., Liaburu House, Flxlhnun. England, ' l8-1y ,. . .. . -1. uvuvvluullltl. .`?c;v'"Y:'x`-Xv: and Londun, _by Direrl 3100, 5);:-rmcy. "S -cial through ma! {mm PARIS by Attho various "iu the Luxzdon, or Liverpool,` Steam- u 3.21:0. fnrxiishctl noon mmlin.u.... -~ gira GR0cEI1IEs,. s-w.:-r wuwnvwilig Oc., You'rc1uaco_ T 4 for Twenty-Five Gents. ` ` - `_ '7 7 n ....;. .v I';lI',Ud Stock of ( n wry I9!` '10 cents. dlglstylinh and Cheap. -' ,_,,, , .. - .-vuvvn, . ..u "..y L;-; hands on. bought, and ; h qh-:22 rnurket prim pulgl. --------a . having; tried In I hm) dtacowrrotl 5 I e will be hnnnv tn -)i3`P11Ys1cAL -mg . r\A zuutloxnnn. hnvhm mm: `D; . ..v u IVICIIII ` - .-.,x-quality or price. Ho ::-t:,,nnd cannot be house In ,t.owu. ..._. _. ;z:T:i3L.72onvcn, n "..y'i ' umda on. hn-mm mint Shop, Corner Dunlap :4. . FARM Eon sA LE DO Anna gn ..M....A4.1 _,_ 7._tn To` ?u:nr>."ts In ush-nH.. vs ' /\lKIIl\'l\}. H100 ,' 7:05 !l.`)F'. "7317. - -_--w m uum one no uwenlzyuouarl, or 1111- l"'+~`0n_mcnt hm provides mgglcs, falcons, hawks, bwls, wild pigeons. 1<}n-'4-slxers, jays, crows, and ravens, and the We ebccinlly motioned in the Act for the rotcction of Game. ` --A'1` - ..... "nun an 1U\\HS .4; was in New ` Stedrngv I-`or tiukots from liarrg, xrmation. mm! ..'o A W. OAPON,` Jr. [Ina n -nna-In In .- .. .711"; my W . or R. DRLEY, On the premises. `lice. _.___-1 1;AA.$8I5.I`*JUI Direct Steamer, ' Jmicu (-ts liarrl], C1 :11 i2:6m am; .)1-)" -2 :00 1.1.`. . 1. 11:15 11 .')`P IJIOU 12:22 .u 1 1 1.1,: I [:00 10:45 1l'\.n'1 81.75'0.0on. AlH:K\"E. u. u n n (: 3() . H ll!) 18 g()ll.l 00 D8 lllB`5l'Kll'l]8l.H38-_l Ill H3` ' aw. .\ s-nxpcnfoldt Bay chosen as the scene of 3 l.mI.m us. somebody boat race 1 ~ I-`ngnn, an Adjala poet, has been Immor- l:.h.`in;_; llnrrlo in verse. Ills effusion appears in Mst work's Sentinel. ' ' ' - .\lr. (`ulverwoll has been rcnovatlur_r and '1"-mt_i1'yi:1_:; his lmir-dressing parlor, anal it rum.-; zrqunlsx many 0 city estzsblislunonb. ---ln July the mower . p;0c'a- forth to mow. l`:-- the rattling, V whirring machine ';:.`.Iu-m him in; They hear the slices to the '\\'~-r-1~in_;r x\`ilrm". ~ 3 - -\oung lndloa azjc o )posed to the tele- ]lv.n~ They say they _ 0 not careto have n A\'<-H1111 fellow whispering ln' their car with his I'm-uth twenty miles away. ` 1:3`: 7:03 mm: The nnl competition for the President's Silver Goblet, presented to _the members of the Barrie Rie Olub, took place on Friday last. The weather was extremely hot, wind changeable, and the light very shadowy; but notwithstanding these drawbacks the shooting was good. Mr. Miscampbell, the veteran marksman, headed the list for the Hey. The three highest averages, necessary to win the cup..a.ro_as follows-:- , _ n- -u..n....1..;.. -nan AIt"wi1l thuh bo soon that the Gu_ and Chgmfionghiy fall to Dr. MoConkey,- osaph Sprou e wmnmg second prize, and John Boon third. The six hinrheat aggregates of. the HPTODIG Wmnmg 80901111 `H119, I110 JODD D0011 ' third. The six highest 0 regates of._the whole five matches are he f oweT:- Dr. McConkey. ....'.;....,..,.;-361 B001! tour-rut:-1|-u"q'IoI`nD ' Joseph.B&roulo..;....'.;.. ..... 386 Andrew iscampbo1l_...,..;...' 338 P. E: EW$n..._.-*.'._-..._.` l>Il'nor Andrewmham 318 'Tlz`o.Auooiaion?a Annual vii] ak_o'_ plao about the lat September, and willbo open tothe County of Biz1I_d99,,> ;. :, Ah D UHIIII WDU6 In IIIOEIUIL The day was one that will long be remem- bered by all who witgnessed the proceedings. Tm: Cozmrsr ion ms (Jar o'nn;zD_ m THE Pxvmsromrr or ran Bmnxn .Rm.1: Assocxm trxox-.--Dn. MOCONKEY rm: wn_mnn{ rm; I'.V'BNING'S Ardtrsznusr. The -Torchlight procession which led through the streets at night ' was a grand sight The` procession was arranged so in the morning with the addition oi a good many torch bearers. Fire works were discharged along the route, the bands played. the crowds cheered, and the whole seenewae one of _in- descrihsblo splendour. Assembling at the s( uare, a huge b_on-re was started, the rest oi the fireworks - were discharged, and a fire balloon was sent aloft; after which cheers were given for over body and eve thing connected with the ay_ and its fee vities, and then the crowd separated, the band play- ing the National Anthem. 0THER- BIGITLB. Four Companies of Volunteers nssomhledi and paraded the streets, headed by the 35th Butt. Band, They also fired afcu dajxie.----'- A Lacrosse match between Orillia and Barrie junior clubs, played in_ the morning was a draw; one between Bradford and Barrie juniors was won by the letter inthree straight games. . .\ "(?IDEN'l`S AND Kl`-`CIDEN'TS A middle aged woman named Elizabeth Reilly, cmnloyod as cook at the Allandale re- freshment rooms, .was struck by the steam- boat engprcss train While it was backing out from Barrie. and died subsequently from the eifobts of the injuries she received. A cor- oner's jury returned s verdict in, accordance- with the fects.-----A woman ' named Mc- Gowan was severely injured on the arm by u wont rocket, _ the esh from her shoulder to wrist. ----A boy whose name was not learned was hurt on the nose by a fallen rocket. ---_-A few runaways occurred throu h the noise made by the re- works, though ortunatoly none were attend-. ed with serious resnlts.- ---VA quantity of re-works became ignited by the up-setting of n lamp on the Waggon on which they were ; there was quite an explosion but the bulk "of . the-inilarnmable material was removed before catching firo.'-.-A man who tests the car `wheels at Allzsudole was hurt by jumping off :5 train while in motion. Thu Jun mun Ana lzinnf will irlnn HA v-nv-nnrn. which ploughed 11 ridge along. ' - A uowly-mn.rricd getleman is reported to 1H'.`.'u he-on nskedtho other `day what was the it?`--u---nco luotwcon ztbride and a bride room; t which hnimmodintoly replied. W y, 0110. I = ;;iv<~n mmy and the other sold. J33. .`1!'1ILlllK'UI IL `A 111. Running Long Jump.--lat, Jae. Artlmn ; I 2110.. A. McDou al--V18 ft. 8; 111., 1'] ft, 8 in Ho , Ste an _Jnmp.--lat, A. McDouga.l ; %(1, . W 11-40 ft. 8 in., 38 ft. 3; `in. Lacrosse Mach between Hamilton and Bar- rio.--Won by Hamilton in thme straight guman, ' ` - . A . Grmzni `Pnln. Over tha Wnfm-._.1nt W -an lvvulv .'- - ' 100 yard for boys und`e1; 10 3;.-:m;,_ - {1}-1t(,iJa1Ax1cs Kennedy; 2nd, G. Bxngham, Brad-. or . . . - 100 yard Race, for boys under 14' yogra._ lat, W. Edzmmson; 2nd, Jno. Rym; 3;-(1_ Jno. Shmmc . V _ 150 yard me, (for Professionals) beat 2 in 3-lat, Thomas Burns; 2nd, R. A, Bingham, U2-min. .. V I 100 yard Race. (for Anmteux-s)_-lst '1`. Coach; 2nd, Jno. Kannedy; and, `W, Bennatg 1 200 vnrd Race. (for Axnniiannx ntinv 4 `I1 ... ` KIUDDOD, znu. :5. DO ' 5T0, W. HHVTOD. URI} Me Skiff Rmc, (fip Streak, 14 rest keel, 5 inrlggod)-lat, 8. N 2nd, H. Sandfotd. AT THE '1WH PARK. Affor dinner a general move was mad for the Town Park, the great contra of 'attrn.ction. The games and athletic sports were speedily taken u;1uxnd.ua.rr_lod through with the follow- ingrosnt:---, ` Inn ....-.z D--- t-_ I.-..- ---L- I- uuucn; zuu, -mo. nolmeuy; am, w, ennagg 200 yard Race. (for Amateurs) over 4 Hur- dles.---lut, J. Wilson; 2nd, Leatherdale; 8:-d, Gordon. 200 yard Rm:-' (for Ama%cura.)--la't, T. Conch; 2nd. J. \Vilaon; 3rd, W. Bennett. 80 vm-d Ram. {Volnnh-um: REM. 12.14 \ ...'..... uoucn; `am, a. w uson; am, W. Bennett. 80 yarrI'Rnoo, (Volunteers 35th Butt.) over 2 Hurdles, in Heav Mzirchiu Order-lat, ? El. Mnuudroll: 2nd. Aodlv: 3r& .".T_ Hmmpe -' ' A. mcuougzn-v In. 0;` m., V rt. 2: m. . I Standmg High Jump. -~1st, J. Kirknp; 23}, _.Tas. Arthura-4 ft. 2 in. 'l)......I..... T1\v|rI 1......-. 1.; Y... A_LL.___ [g|mw._ _ ` ; Greasy Pole Over the Water.-1at, W. 1 Hutton, 2nd. J. Booth; 8rd, W. Hutton. I Mr... mm Rnnn, mum Fltmnk 14 rue 1...: ......., ` ._........-.vu; uuuu Alain.) UVUF ! Mzirchiu ` Mnuudroll; 2nd, madly; 31$ ,` J. Hnggut." I 80 yard Race, (old men over 50 years) -lat. 11. xvuumurou; znu, ueoaly; 3r_ unggu-L-` ` frard years) ..15z_ C. IV cB`rlde; 2nd, Gen. Grant; 3111, John Morrow. ` I Q4-av-..13nn Y4-\I\r1 Ynnnn _ Ynb Y `lTl..L.... n_ n- u-1-\t R1-antford :1 f{H'Il1C)' `W58 nod'$20 `for `?\in;: his horse to one `of the s}m.det1'oea. I";u':ncr5x coming to Barrio hewo been known to ````-" l`-)\' mnnv n Hhndn rnn hut wn unvar- ! E`B&D{llU .LK))l.JUlIlD.--1B$, J. nu-xup; A. Me])ougul-9 ft. 89 !n., 9 ft. 2 in. i Sbmdimr Hm; Jumn.--Inf. .1. rcmmn. _ "nu; ("xm\v_n..` 7 If ever the Hub of Simone hmy seen '11 big dnyit was Monday,_ the lat July, 1878. From oarlymorn till noon crowils were pouring into tnxhi from all pd_lnta of _ the compass, and in t,-,vcr_y ooxnccimble vclxic-19-by mil, ' by boat, hy wagcrnn, bnggy, oix horse-b'ick,I on foot-4 till the t had received an inux of fully \,O00visit<>rs. ' I nomsmom DAY in Bnrcma. .' ] Haw rr `xlms C1:m:nn.vrm>.-A Rm In"s EN.-A Jo`mnN'r.-8,00{) on A (mowo 1:: 1'mvx{-- How" THE Ax:n,\.~u_: r~:.m:.~:'r_; 'wr.mz_ L-.u_:xur;u eu'r--A-czm:.v'rs As .1 .\'(~11::.\"1~.s. nun uuwzmon 13 cnuedr to a spade or a buck- saw ; wouldibe thankful for A `.`Iittl_e bite as he is week with hunger, but eats like a stage horse lnvclover-pasture when any food iseet before him, And then he goes away. Next day others of the gang who have learned of the hospitable treatment he received come around and-be ; and this state of thin 21 con- tinues till the miy of the house is we I nigh distracted, and the good man sees in the pur- chase ofnehnt gun or a -big dogzhis only V chance of relief from ._the tramp trouble. This is the ex erience of many a- household in town, an where the romcdyls is an unsolved" problem. 'l`h_ere is a whole regiment of thtec idle vagabonds encmnped across the bay, _ whose daily occupation consists in foraging for grub about town and sleeping. between meals. It looks as if a vi ilanco committee -would have to organize to ml the mm.muni_ty of this lmnle of lazy but voracious beggars. umwu or much have. not boo'u 'pcse17ed"i)-y visits from members of the fraternity. One of the brigade will "go to a house and beg A meal, telling a story of hunger and hardship` sad enough to melt the heart of a bar of pig- Iron. Ho generally gt-ofcaeea some occupation` either unknown or orign to the locality; narrow. ` Standing. Long J ump.--Iat, J. Kirkup; 2nd, X. McDou:ml-9 Si` !n.. 9 ft. 28 In --Itemps are very numerous" in this neigh- bourhood just now, and we fancy there is scarcely a house within the corporation the in- mates of which have. been powered by beg man], telling; ebo_1_-yA _of hardenin- 5 cup, are as follows :- ' Dr. Mc0onke ....,....... Joseph Sp:-on e.......... . John Boon . . . . . And.Miscumpbel1 ........ P. F. Ewm.... .......... A n(`IInIl1 (31-1'1 nvn --A contemporary addresses his rondcrs in. the fnllnwmg ver sensible fashiop : -' - If you are wanted in 2153 `re, the pr_oprietor-'-if he can offer you uny.barga)ins or jndncements-_-L 1 _YB igvites youthereo thrbugh the columns of Ins local paper, and when he does notit is - '9') nmannerlv and rude of you to. dnnoy "11 by intruding M-r.:.;.-.~.-:mm_ 'Rn thnt. 1'. 1". IIIW -loo ....--... AndrewGraham......... -. xi ,1 LL __-_ I, , , `THE RIFLE. 5 mt now! _.an_d we fancy therein nu: I nocm~,uoS:. an In una noI.gl- -poratxon the in. m I0!` my acneme uuw wlu nave sue etfect. H0 of stopping the practice alluded to, and con- signing some of these alugngelpas rqwdiea to the care 0 the police. Will my one mqke 3, 3113. gestion iih_!`0I'gh the col n_a_of"l`nn Avgxcg. an to nbitinn this nuinnce `! . .. .... ..-..... .., ............ ......,u,..., Sm,--The Ma,yor s Proclamation requested all business to be suspended on Dominion Day, but I noticed a` number of stores that were open and doing business on Monday. I do not refer to the fruit and confectionery etores and refreshment pnrlorn. `It seems to me that` every patriotic merchant should observe the Nationxl Holiday `by a suspension of traffic, whether the Mayor :1 proclamation called for itor not. . . beg to `suggest the desirability of droctingnag pole on the little square on `Dunlap-st, -The town, lbeliev, has no such- thln on any of its public building, and I thin the square would be 3 units 10 place for It; ' - . V....... 2... ' nnrn SOME BARBIE MERCHANTS 1 PIERLY. V01 . oy - . - de V(t` `$89 / y unm_annerl_V 9`-$1. $5; riyvfvcggvgted erod Sign a AIAIW` unless you W131` `_,,,...1A ~ or unciviliw` " ;1-]it;rxnss MAN who 101.052 ms Sroifs. Barrio, July 2nd, 1878. your remax-ksin reference to the indecent men and boys who bathe in the `boy within the corporation {ignite in open day and in vfiovy of pasoereby. I. havewotched to see if the authorities would take `notion in the matter, but it would seem they are `quite in- 'di'u-ent to it. What ii to bedone! `Is theie no means of punishing these fellows. who so outrage public deoenov Y I am and wlm will A FLAG STAFF won H-1:?sQuAR:.V 88118 01 `pnmsmng vnese renown who . e pubhc decency ?_ I and who will 0 In outrq _ go in or my scheme that will have the effect. nf ntnnnimz the nmatice Allndn fn, ` ant` nnn- gesnon glxruqgn F116 COIl1!l1!.l_B_1 as to abating this nuisance} L ..Y`.?"'.*'.`2 " To the Editor mm .adume'. "I'm; Anvmcn is at all times open to record the views and opinions of its readers on matters doomed of interest and importance provided. that all oomnumioations am oouche in pro :- ian . and ecegimanied by the name of he am or (not nooos y` for ublloationi. The editor is not to be understooJ es endorsing the views or Con-ospon`den.t.s. To the Editor of the No'r!hern_.ddvanc:=, Gnu WW... `M ..;.....7.. D......1........A.:-.. -....... ..-...,bv..v uv aanllllllu. Mn. Lncumx J Gannon wbnt England-trdn yesterday. xv..- rn I\ 11.11 _;,_,, .. ....... --.....-u uuaua Mn. Bonsm Ktim, 811., of Tm: Annxcxz, with Miss Emma, his daughter, and Min F. Drury, left on Monday for dvisit to the Old Conn .- At a meetin of the oicera of St. Georges Society the ollowting teaolution in .1-oferonoo to Mr. Kin , pnsaed bv J. P. Hilnmu. unnnnrhu! ha ;,f_Y9\_1 wish to bdconidercd uncultivated igiglfnclvlllzefl, you should never enter I store S.I0llt an mv1tn._tion. . Look overrtha adver- -th; $.1.m 0` this ' rend you will find em `",11_10_uncemen1'.s o t olnrgest, the moat Om l'PP18u}g, thc_chaap9t _a;1'd the mogt hon- ,m0 1.""w58 rms. ;gi,adf.A whcn you. require bes`t`- You may rest `dssni-6d of reoeiv_lng_ the ms Value for your money by purchgsgn of by ,."*1~~1Ve_rt.is" i.:TI.IB ?'I'1.$:th'e man w o. of a" `Hid honorable rivalry. _ gedpce the price -lg]-"9d3 &m_l co_ns uaitl -tl1e y'a'i9,'l:'y ayery at-l.e_c1`l _e oigustwe yonmif and others,"en- Ihoxs ' ` *'mv_a bex:;rut;1;?g.eia;_.a.gq.='gur nda' .;

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