T -` :1.r|nE.AccInm&L_[LnsunAucs IIFFIGE. TIOKETS 1'0 ALI. P0l!I_'l"8 or cAuAnA.Tu.s.a AND sung:-a. NOTES a;:Acco'IT13s COLLECTED. ream ! fqllowing. I . _. vv -UV 1! And follgwing SI the I_Innnlbon,& N iaan Ium` Tiek cggggvnjfjlasluwsl EEK`: 5 Even s' On Saturday`! Ant` ,fn"nu7inn 9-!-.. . I Good to return by ' .1- - _._......, av`. '30 U. DU Allnndale, 9. 53 5. 58 . Victoria, 10-06 6 .12 Thornton, 10.20 6. `.25 Cookstow , `10. 35 6.40 Arrive Benton, 11.00 7. 03 Ijeave. do. - , 11-15 7.15 Thomp nvillo, 11.31 7.31 Allis ,' , . 11.50 7.50 Ev ett, 12. 10 8. 05 Tioga, 12. 22 8.18 Airlne, : ` 1 2.35 8. 30 Aprivc Glencairn, 12. 45 8. 40 Rotrun [Tickets ..m be issued by the 'I`n.ina at , smcu-: F'ARE_l_ Good to return bit nnv Rnmloa 'l'--1- --- H. & N. W, R. omces, Hamilton. 17th Jnnn, - - "J ` And .foll'o`win Saturdays , until further notice, the Hnmxlton & North-We.-:tcm Rail- way will-run'theilr Gloncnim Branch Tmins through to Barrie; via Beeton, stomping at all Stations between Ulcnonirn and .|1nrrio, bnx going ind reuming. The following will be their arrival and rlepnrture : Lenvc';' Hononirn, Airlie, - Tioga, Everett, Allistnn, Thomfrsonvil! Arri ve Beotnn, Leave do. (`nnlu-L- ..._ THE 00 UN T Y .PR1_NTING. B A 2: E. -Saturday, the 29th_ June, 1878, muanmu A rrive Barnp, Leave Barrie, ' A Anal n T17 - 4 Notice is hereby given the `have tmns- 2 mitted or delivered to tho eraons mentioned 7 in the third and fourth 3 t onsof The Votrrcf V .'.i.-Is at, the copies 1- irod by 8.13.1 sccti n 5 to be so transmitted o delivered of the List, a made pursuaht to 951 Act,` of all persons . 1p- pearlng bv the hat. 1" vised Assessment. Roll of : the ma Municipali to be entitled co van! ' in the said Mumcip ity at elections for mom- 3 bars of the Logislat vo Assembly and at Muni- cipal elections, an that said list was rs`: posted up at my oflico, at Im1ia!il,on til: 1 SEOOND DAY F JULY,` 1878, and re-F Llllll them for in nm.-.n unuua more .101` m Dt9:1 tlli 91111 Jnv nf .Tn!u [Q79 T7 1 1- ecmon. 5 upon to examine tho said } Electors are call list, and if any 0 isslona or-`any other cyrors g are found thergi to take immediate pmccc:1- . ings to hswo '1-h paid errors corrected n.ccord- 3 ing to law, V ' ` HA'II!J:`.b' IKALLING, .CIcrk of the said .\h1nicipa1i.*.y_ ._ . . _ . \IlUl'lk U1 MM} 5? Datoal this 2nd day of July, 1 I AMILTC . ERN IL E x5cU?f67 N S .: . Neirnmtbnertisentents. i``7`87W __.__. `lllinlclpamy of the Toxvshlp oi ; lnnisl, County of Blmcoe. 3 out/Uuu U51 1" JUL mains there for in gwcetion. Tuna.-Ava n I-n mm nu... L. uluo nu. u. v._-.,.... Duu Sir,-l hue. been sick two years with the liver complaint. and durin 1}!!! time have taken a grunt muny dilrcreut medicines, put none uflhem did me any good I was rcatleu nvghlmhnd nonppcmc. Since inking the Vegcune Inst well and relilh my food. Cnn rccom-, `mend lhe Vegatino for what it has dune for me. In 1872 your Vrgolinc was recnmmcmlcd to mo, and yxeldmg to Iho per:-un.-ions of: friend. I conu~mcd In Irv :2. A1 thclome l was suffering {rum gencrul drelnilily nnd nervous pmzlmlmn. Iupcriuduced by overwnrk and irrcgulurhnbnn. [Is wonderful slrcnglhemng nnd cura- Iivo prop-mics seemed to nlfecl my dcbililalczl nys-Icm fromlhc r:l.dnsc,nml under iI.~4 prcsislelu use I mpxdlv. recovered, guuung mom xhnn usunncnllh nnd gum! aclmg. Since then I have not heiimlcd In give Vega- uno my most un-umltud Indouumexll nu hemg 5 gm; sum and pnwarf_uln;z:u1 in prnmutmg health and rugmr- rug lhu wasted system lo nu-w lite and 1-uorgv. Vega- nnr is the only mr-diciun I use, and M limg u- | live I nc\'urexpm'l In final 1! In-llor, Thousand: will bear _t-amnnny (and do n volunlnrily) lhntVc clinojslhahcut medical compound yol p|accd bclure I a public for renovating and purifying the blond, eradicating all human, impuriucs or poisonous secminns from the system, invignranng and ulrcngthc-vning, [lu- system, debilmled by disease ; in fact, It Is, as many have called it `-The Oren! Health lleslorcr" Ml. II. R. dnzvxxs :- m .V:-gt.-nnc. . ' ' I chxxnnlennreul taking it man nfler. hut fclt wars: from ' i's elfecla, llill I persevered nnd soon felt _it was borne- liung meinolher respects, Yctl dul um see the re- :-uha I desired. lili fhmi mkon 11 fziilhfuily {nr hr! murelhnn nyenr. when the clnfnculty in the I-um-k wzm , r:ure:|,n'udfnr nine months I have cnjaycd the best of` hnllh. 1 I I hnvn in llml limn munml Iumnn-Jinn nnlnhuic nr H.-ch llllh. _ , I have in that time gmnod twenty-ve pounds of csh. hcmg lxcavicrthun over before in my life. and I was never more tables In ,,,;r{unn labor than now. Dunng the past few weeks 1 had a scrofnl-ms nwclliug as large u my at grulucr on number purl ufmy body. I louk Veg:-- line fullhfuhymul ilrumoved :1 level will: (ha: surface in_ :1 mor_nh. 1 think 1 should have be-0'1 cur-rdn! my main lruublo sooner if? 1 hunt mkcn large; doses, aflur Imving lu:<'..nnu accmslotned Y0 i|s_et.-cls, . [nan-ournmrnm lrnnhh-II win. um-nfnln 11? 1.a.v....u din. lu:('..nr_m accustomed i|s_ef.-.cl!. . ` lnzt yourpturnns troubled \VlUI scmfu'n or kidney ,dxs- ` cnsemxulurslnxnd that it lakes liinc 1,0 cure chrome dis. cuscs. um! If they wiI'p1tien1lyVlnkc Vcgcnnc, 11 wxll. iumy juv| gment, cure them, ' A OA3n.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indincrotiona of outh, nervous weakness, early decay, loss ofy manhood, &o.', I will sand 3 recipe that will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE This great remedy wardin- oovel-ed_b a missionary in South America. Send a sef-addressed envelope to the REV. Joann '1 . Ixnux, station D,vBiblc How; Nag York Oily. - 21-Gm _....__._. Mn. R. H. Sr|vx:- ` T IX X- The lollnwlllrtlr-llnr lirmn formerly pxuln ' of the MN Hyde Park, nml nl prc:-can ('I vlucu cvcry mm wlm I t*.:11I\ h; -uruuvr-. qunImr~- -In Vvgr pnnlicr of the Mnml :-_- through the depleting 1-fret-uu 0ft1\'Sp('[Kln ;.n;-;uly u -,-car Inter I was attacked hy 131-luau! I`:-vrf .m in worst fn n. it sclllml in my buck and look the form-'n!'. #1 large tic:-p-scnlcdnlvacnae, which was lifwou mnnms In gmlhe r- ing ' I hn.l nmsn Igirm) opermlnun by Xhx! lwsl skiil m the Slate, I-ul rx'N.`iVc:I| nn pcrlnnm-n! c-ur--. I suffcwnl grenl pun nl luxmsgnn-I WM cunslnnllv \\'m`:;mn-I by n prnfllw-tlisclxnrgv. I nlso lust smull |IiN'c~1 nl bun` nl hcrunl unu-s. 4\Inllnr1 rm` nu Ihml nhnhl llllin vauri lull \In-- 12",! Dmr Szr,--Ab;wul xv-n ym r.- n-an my hr-nllh filllvdt 4 `EGETINE. 8|-IE RESTS WELL. _ scum Polnnd,Me., om. 11,1s7. .. n n-_..-_ , > , llyla.jI`nrk Mus-_, I-`y.-M15, 1576 Ma. U. R. Rnvsx.x:- - dltlcrulll unu-5. ' Mullcrs run nn Ihus nhom sr*\'nn yeuri. lull Aln='.1F7 . when n frzcml rnecngnmcnxlt-d me lo gm [0 your ntfmc and talk with ynu ul'xhe-vmueof Vcgclino. Bv whnll mw nnd hear] I zniue-I some condence talk wnlh ul lhelvmueot \'cgcuno. gained confidence in .V:-gcnnc. taking II. R. STEVE-.l. mlon, Mass. J. on H. W. 11. umces, Hamilton, 17th June, "The f'()"I1Wlf}lr"llr'r {Irmn l`.I'\'., ' Nlmlsolcl. Formerlv mum- at l\lcllI:n!.'-31 Iinm-an-.I nhurrh '_ people generally. Mr. Tilley hue aigni ; Tn: announcement that Mr. '1`illey,at present. Lient.-Govelrnbr of New Bruns- wick, will again enter the political arena` will be hailed with `delight by Canadian ed his willingness to_ contest in the-Op- position interest the City of St. John, and we may expeet to ef4h_ig- -1 nsignotign ofthe guberangrsgtiobgggg * 4?? 81 With great obhgnlions 1 nm, ' _ BIKE. Ahulultn. l\lUl\| Witness of the above, Mr. Geo. M. vangpum, Modford, Mm} AMILTON & N1 B_J.ILW_.;AY. Yours res-peqlfully, L: unrne, Victor-in u . ( '/ookstn wn, Thornton, Victoria, Allandnle, 'e Barrio Vcgeliuc is Sold by-All Druggzsls. VEGEFHNE .2 [ E.'FON & LN" 1AIL\VA'\'. N I` ' page of the paper, devoted to the sub- . the Free Tmde theorists and what we ' what Free Trade has accoinplished ; let = them know the attitude of the respective , a Nationals-Policy at issue, it would. be- \Ve trust the readers of THE ADVANCE pay special attention to the matter which we have been presenting each week for some months on the fourth ject of a National Policy for Canada. Every phase of" the question we seekto lay before the Ereader, and to support them all by plain and authenticated gures and indisputable facts. The argu- ments pro. and the arguments can. we endeavor as far as it is possible to place side side, ' leaving the in`elligence of the thinking man to judge as between them. There is wide' scope for debate in a consideration of this great question, and we have node- siro to shirlc "any needed explanation or to avoid discussion of any opinion ad vanced or any inference drawn by those who take the other side In the eontro . versy. Our object is to give a fair, mmlerate and consise resume of what we believe to be wrong in the doctrines of feel to be right in the tenets of those who believe in the advantages of judici- ous Protection, and to. this end we cem- pile each week ihets,` gures, and inci- dents, bearing on the respective policies, and give thomto the public to judge which policy is the better for Canada; Let the people have a full knowledge of this, the vital question of the day, say we ; let them read all that can be furnished by both sides, as to what Pro- tection has done for the world as well as . them understand thoroughly the circum- stances of the several countries which ; have tried both or either policy; let parties in the Dominion with regard to I this question; and then let them gate -4 tlapolls and vote. [f the Grit". organs would agree to a suspension of political hostilities and enter on a fair square and contest with jug-handled .Free Tr ads 17:. better not only for their own" reputation, but also for the `peace of the country; Bu_t they fear such a struggle--and we feel that their fear is a well grounded one. They prefer to harp on exploded slanders, to work up party feeling, and to present` `unfair statements when they touch on scal affairs. ' With what? ever foilowing Mr. Mackenzie can so care through the aid of such tactics, he `will to the country--aad gotne back a thoroughly defeated man, as certainly as the sun shines if Withall their dupli` city, all their cunning, all their machin-T a.tions,' all their lies and misrepresents-A tions, the Reform organs will nd the result at the polls ' far, far below the limit of their expectations. The-Cane".-. - dian e`eetoratei1re nct foels.. And when the organs have niado the takeislin treating_ t_hem assuch; ' " i SAFE AND suns. y_E<.E"r'INE. vsesrmzz. izo .\].narlrr6_\- 5 gnlions yotirs very knly, G, W. M'ANSl1!-.`l.D, Pastor of me Methodist E.Clmrch- 1 WI) Mgumr lay following. A A Anni: Pu-pared by ___. u a-IIII-I Vuny Regular Train on Mon- ay follouinnr. ` .-days, untilfnrthgr notico, .-th-Wcstorn Railway will _:a to and from all Btgtiona their Lino ` Thep1ib1icanf is the Conservative Chieftain, who is kneeling humbly and reverently beside his altar: - honest Government and a prosperous country. The attitude, air and position of the wor- shippers are happily pourtrayed, and con- juring up, as they do, before the intelli- gent obsorver all the characteristics of the two men, prove the eternal fitness? of their being sketched in the respective roles of hypocrite and honest man. 1-..... vuuvg days, IV1Ant!lfnx-that h-Western Bailmw wtn I10, dn.vn_ nnm 6'....u..._ _ _.. Yours 'ru!y, iiimn, nnv tx-Aln nn -1.. u-.. MR8. ALlR'P TUCKER. ` 1878. In III'\'.U, ' .\`lruIs(\Id. lclh:>d.'-31 l'7p1<:-upul . churrh, wlllvsl in l. M}. mm! (`on- w. HQ CLARK." p'_v Snrvm, Alla-qlu-r\v_ I'll. This week we have the Political Plmrisce and Public:-.n, an admirable conception of the Lance artist.` The pluirisee is the Hon. the Premier, who has ascended :1 pulpit erected upon a pile` 3 of stories labelled FosteriJol>, A' Goderich H'8.l"l)O\\.`," Lacliino Canal. Steel, Rails,` Nccbing Hotel, Fort Francis iLj)ck, &c., {ind erect, with hands rest- ing on the sacred desk of T increased sharing, and eyes raised in pious sup plication from oil` acopy of the.(}'lnbe, is littering: "I thankthce I am not as other T'men-nQt even as this publicanc I do things as in the light of clay, so that all men can approve." ,"i 47s. -.4n.u.r\IA.I , S)uperintendcnt. -. m. 2. 10 2.9.0 2. 30 2.45 3. 15 3. `.24 3.40 "405 ADA '2. :10 5.12 K-`)I\ `tU) 4. 36 4; 45 7 .4110 27-95. `Z3-lm I Embracing fnll and authentic account of cvery nation of ancient and modern times, and including a history of the rise and full of the Greek an Empires, the growth -of the nation of modern Europe. the middle Ages, the crusades, the feuds! system, the re- formation, the discovery and settlement of the New, World,otc., etc. It <'>ontn.ins'672 ne historical engravings nnd-1250 large double column es, and 1s t/he most.""comp1cte'.History'o?t a World -evegpnblialnod. It sells at sight. Sand for speqxmen and extra` terms to Agents, '3-sel`1s'tastor than any other V way ahd Tornto, Grey & Brno-3 ItaiI\i"zn3'L 'I`or<;nto; M. 01 nson &,Co., Meafom: 1-I. Todd, ' Owen Stmnd; Wm. Boatty, I`arx"y Sound; J. S. Darling; 'Penetzxm_:uishcn<:; [. The comic pepers through the inodiuin. of their cartoons appeal not oaly to the risibilitiea but also to the_ sober reason end judgment of the people. ' The other wcel: a Grip plate represented a_ trial scene in which the Premier and his Cabinet were the.` occupants of the dock, theworthy "owner _of the Globe was ooun-' eel for theprisonerrs, and Sir John Mac-' donald was conducting the case for the ~ Crown. Sir VJ ohn was gravely addressing `the Jury, which was made up of young women, each representing one of the pro-' vinces of theconfedemtion, while Mr. _, Brown was conferring with the chief culprit of V" the batch. Ludicrous` and laughter-`provoking as the deft pencil of the artist had made the` general outlines of the scene, there was noticeable on close inspection 9. something "which pirnpelled one to instinctively anticipate the .ver- dict-Guilty !" There wasadeapemtc, H despairing, lzcsceching look on the fame ` of the First Minister as heiwhistpnred in ad the car of his lawyer, and there was it puzzled, llesitating, hopeless, .can t-do- _ you-an_v-good look on the face of the hp lawyer as he listened to his client. Sir ` John's air was one of easy condence, without :1)" arentl rlackin earnestness . ' 1P ) S , and the faces of the jurors bespoke the a deep impression his address was making on their minds. __ I ', Leave Collingvgood for Parry Sound every 5 Tuesday, T}gnr'a and Saturday, at 12..`(), ? p.m.; on grrnvnl of -Morning Train from To- ronbo. For _l -Inctan uishetic and Miullnn-I City, every Monday, `Vedncsday and I*`ri'.:xy, 312.2. p m. Clnao connections mudo h(:t\vc4:n Stenmem nnd'Nonhcrn Railwizy ':\t ()nIlin'(_v- wood, and Tomnto, Grey It Bruce Railway, Owcnsogmtl. liatcs Low.` ' _._._ The Popular Exprr-ss Route to .\'cuxlt. Ste. Mario and lnto.rmer1inte`l`orts The Splen- dldly Equippc1?`Nr:w Upper Cubln Swift: `Steamers IVORTIIERN QUEEN, I\'OR'l'1I- {ERN HIZI.l_E_ wmmn.vn ......-..:.._ n-_ .-..... --V..- n-5;:-;v gt. 121:1`, l`L llll]" -ER'N BELLE, WJUBUNO, c:srr;;ing Her Mnjcsty`:x Mails, in connection with the Northern Rail-way,"uud the -Toronto, G1-_ey mid Bruco Railway, lcavo (mllingwmwl, Men- fcinl and Owen Sound, -for Klllarney, Mani- tnwaning, Little Current, Laclocho, Mrulgu Bay-, Uuro Bay, Spanish River, Blind Riynr, 'l`hnssalnn River, Brucb Mines, Hilton, Rich- ards` Dock, Garden Ri\;'er_, Saxilt Sta. M:I.:`irz, A`. follows, viz. :-Co11ingwn61 at i p.m., Mcnfortl, at 3 p m., `and Owen Sound nt 9 30 p.m. Fine Ste-timers, Good. Accommlution, Low Fares. N 0 Rough Weather. On R0tu:'n, Steamers will call at nbovc Imnmd Ports. A _ . _ ' That dosimb_lc- Brick lhmidqnoe, (-11 the I `occupied by ;'_S`_Ir. J. G. Stnwng. Apply to - L - . MRS. O .\'I-.`ILI., `n. in 1: \hnn\"r`r .` comer of Worsloy an Bay1ie`.d-5 ., formerly ` L.I . - . : --- T 9 ' _Mcssr. McKay Broe. have tted up 2`. Lum- ? pomry oaniiug machine ii: ('}_mbam':s Tzmucry, { 'n`w.1'm'e ,pmP:u-ed to cxccufo all orders as `r `formerly. - l hey cxpectto bo in new wremiscs I ima short time. See ndsjf... next wee c. ' I 1 20: On the prom ; TIES WANTED. V RAIL FENCING. I To berlet in largo and small quantities; Ay- e ply to Elliot Rngcr,Cont17u.ctor'5 umce, Bc.rz'i.-. : ' \VI\I. II')'INI.) .II 3, I z I A I Uoz_1tract- v_r. lJuno 26th, 1878. _ 1 26-if -+ __ ' v nub. U':. r. 1I,1 Or to D. .\Ic_DONEL, _ - ` 5 ` _ Corner of Baydd atjd Cplligr-sts. ` Barrie, Juno`18, 1878. ` . 24- I .3. - - -- - , ~ - J Lost on Dnnlo -st on Woduc-:;1uy mm-u-_ I Eng, `nu Ostrich `eatlxcr yellow color shaded ', 3 to brown; 1-`index: will cnufcr n {amt by Xc:x"- - ;' ing it 3!; the` A h\".\ V1112` nl::.`ln1.` . THE TWO LEAD;'I:' as can- roozv svamars. O M.u;1T0Ur,IN._..._ ST JOSF.I'I{TIs1L.\.\'_D%, "PARRY SOUND, 1'ENET_AN(:lII- - SVIU-`.NEAND.\fIDL.\ND(`1'l'\'. ` 11.9 l}a1`rie, June 5; I873. ship of Sunnidale, South half of Lot 32 Bnlp O1 'Ull!lHl'|1I-IL`. 7onr:ees1o11 Tmvnshi Sunnidalo. Lot 7 it 32 in 6th Cnncessin ship of Tosorontin. n\`nIn\4Q til.` 'l|A\ \1 1. -I- . V -'- . 1 A Dwelling House, (arringc 5-`hop and [Hack- Esmith Shop; That oommodious Dwelling House containing fen rooms with xi :-git -class. {Cellar and n picntifpl nupgly of good water ' Alsb the large; Cm-rf:\go_ .)hn_p . cnrlemeath same. Situated on Coliiur Street, Barrimuext . :to the English Church, M -occupied by the *l.1te.Matthe\v Mcliec. .A1so the llagksrnith 1 Shop Adjoining same. For particzxlrms apply th , ` , n - vnnnnuvu n.- |'I`hurs1i`a'u'3lru,V..`1.iu}J7.u25, 11,131) 1373,] AL I r. nYnr-I; n an H-In fnnnu-inn Inn/In o -.------J `V... --v --,- , ----, At 1 o'clock, p.m., the following lands: _ East half of Lot. 3 it /6th COI_lCCBE)i01l Town- ship of -Sunnirlalo. `ast half of Lt-t 4 in 6th (`.nnr-msinn 'l`mvnslni of Sunnidalc. Ea.-.t half _of' the pnrchnP.c- amp ()1 I U:~1UrpIIuu. ~ I TEl`.MS Oli` PA M~EN'l`, - 'l`cn per r-mt > nay at the time of sale. Balance to make nnr:-thirsl of tlvo pur- , chase money on he Sth lay nl Auuunt, 1878' ,The lmlzuic in tlm.-0 (:qu.'1l zmnunl in- stalments (it rcqui u).with intcrcqt; at 8 1!-r cent. per nnnum, )nyahli*. `annually. (In thr- said 8th_of Angn. ,,'l)c1_- will lxc-.gi`vcn {rm of charge, and Mar g.1;; at the c.`:pt:nsc cf the purch:\=xex~s will u taken for the Inlpflltl 1:ni`- I chase Inoiwy; ` . J/\.' S. <.'m:1s'r0rnr. :, \\`II.I.lA\I u, w(m|>, , I. .\mu\m;In-*.\'. 1 '- .. . . .. I ' -, - - VI J]. L Contractol- s Ollicc, |5a_rric, `Q - ' V 26th Junc. 1878. 3 `W?f9if:5+:::1Q$l lial jv-_--w vvo--av.-.- - Fit for Farming purpdsga inztho Townships I of Sumxidalc and Tosorontio in the County of Simeon. The undersigned will offer for sale by -2vI`Ij'I I1 -II}jl3nI 1'HE',NATIO_NAL IOLIC Y, We have nodispositicn to obtrucle our business affairs on our readers, who are no- more expected than they are disposed to take an interest in what concerns en- tirely ourselves and those with whom we have business relations. Yet we feel that a reference to a business matter which has attracted some attention may be made. The ADVANCE printing estab- lishment at which the;Cou_n_ty printing `has been done duringffthe past thrte years, presented an account at the late Session of the County Council, amount- ing to $503-dcductions were made for alleged overcharges to the extent of: $34-, and it is to this -circumstance we ' desire to allude. The alleged excessive - disinterested parties; and all of whom charges arose, as such charges under a contract generally do, not from error or misrepresentation, but from a conception 1 of certain limitations of the tender ` which the printing committee saw t to ` consider aserroneous.. The committee arrived at a conclusionins to the matters in dispute through a consultation with three practical printers of Barrie, each of whom gave an cstinmtediflbrent from ( the other; one of whom, at least, failed I to abide by opinions he openly expressed himself asentertaining previous to his appearance before the committee; two of `whom -were `previously interviewed- and posted" by certain members of the committee ; none of whom were entirely I were accepted as auditors `under the pro- test of the representative of Tris An-j vases, who asked to have the points M under dispute submitted to a city printer of more experience and less open to ob- jection on other grounds. iDecic_led in the way it 3-as been there is nothing for it but to submit quietly to the deduc- tion made, and we do so feeling that, while the amount is such as we do not care to lose, its loss will not altogether bankrupt us, and knowing that those of the committee who specially interested themselves in the success of the cutting down scheme, have much more to be ashamed of in the matter than we have- the subjects of their very earnest and long-continued attentions. The amount of our bill, asswe have said, was $503, the amount disallowed` was $34 H (a part of it was for a County Oicial who will himselfisettle it) ; the cost to_ the County of the investigation, which occupied the committee the great part of the Ses- A sion and necessitatedthe hawking about ,1 . space "can be devoted to `matter of more of our bill fromrono-printing oice to an h other and its exhibition everywhe're that_ t` it was thought objection would be made f. to it, is computed `at $100; the arbitra u `tors were chosen and ap_peared before 0 the committee under a protest from us ;. p and the cutting down was effected, not d in accordance with right, justice and =1 precedent, but in accordance with the much conicting opinions and erroneous calculations of local-and anything `but disinterested-I-printers. \Ve do not go into details, for the reason that our interest to our readers ; we merely make tl this general statement of the nature, ex 5, tent and result of the great printing 1, frauds investigation, to show the public ti what grounds exist for the reports that p: have been so industriously circulated by tl partieswhose only object is to do us in- tl jury. (LII Juurvu u JLUIIUA, nu vuv VILLAC-.E as anemwmm, In lkn f",nun4-tr nf .K';vnr-rm nn 'All parties indebted to U10 Into M:-.'f.t}v:w_, McKee either by book or note mtcmxntay are llecby requested tn'pn_',* the same so Mrs. McKee on Or bcfm-e the 22ml dny of July. 1873, or they will be plzxcetl in n solir.-itm~'s' .l1ands for collect_ion; -, _ ' 2G:4t. i I Dated Hf 29311 `(la y .!--',1':: I * . V V _ . , . . I } 200 Teams wanted, all zxlnu_-_; the Lmc, mter ; `:lst`July. V- |, '51, HI`..'\'l)!{ll-L Andreas, Do Kmxn Pcnnnnto 00., PUBH;9iT2se9.Ii0N N ORTH s1 M001: 1 : At r;\m Y. % _TEAM'S vyANrD.i "xoI.L1NA(`4'\vr:o1) AND Iw.-my J SUUNI;-'rn` T ' SAULT STE.` EIAREE. 91152 Amess pol: SALE um fro u1::-:.'r.- PVEATIIE R LOST. KFTER `THAI-J 1r`11g__1.:z ERY MONDAY Aii AGENTS wnmo run 1:; t.'.3uu-su=.--T.... _. KIIVSIEI l trusting nu- In the County of Simcoe, on , S , __ f__I_. RE I f\ Oil % l"I T T I 1 At I}rown`s_J-Iotcl, in tho /OF VALUABLE `ADV .-XNCE QF1r1c'x-L 373; - -- _ T `23.tr. 1 \VlllUll UILUJ lull uuu Link-usuuu. V They had relied on the farming vote. Themselves innately pnr(:hnBe.'\ble, they '3 never questioned that two cents saved K9 on factory cotton would buy every far- )- mer from Halifax to Vancouver. Pat- riotism, said they, love of country --pshaw! What do farmers care if every town was burnt? Show em a dollar"; then you ll fetch em It was h a slight mistake, `and those who knew ,5 themselves so well are beginning tond that they by no means knew the farmers. In due course cf their scheme, thousands 0 lack work in Montreal and Toronto, 0 'workmen's families live two and three ,3 in a house to make up `the rent, many ,1 have exhausted their savings last winter and know not how to face the next, monthly thousands escape to the Pro- 7- tection-ruinecl land to the south, houses 9, are vacant. by the hundred, city popula- tions'grow desperate and turbulent, men are shot down in bsead riots in Quebec, while the only help promised is occa- sional employment on public works, where, if they have good luck, they can save enough to pay their passage else- where. All this the Government care little for, and are prepared to send their a last workmun to the States with the equanimity of Artemus Ward marching his relatives to the front, . But the far- mers, their chief dependence, to con- ; eiliate whom they do all "this, strangely refuse to be conciliated. _` However odd it me appear to Mr. Mackenzie, it seems that armers have more patriotism than likes the destruction of Ganadiai} `cities, and more humanity than is pleased with the misery of their inhabitants." Besides these qualities, they are -evincing .a shrgwdness of apprehension very. un- palatable to the Ottawa ring, and have` 5 the audacity to observe that the, losses] subred by cities are direct losses to themselves. Our toninsgnon who still remain have -1ltlei'-m0l1oy`to- buy farm produce 5 on t_lie`othar.jhs'nd, th`oV ' SW8! :`*".1":0nr .Tmde.7$7.8.*em. send in what ,prod'q_:,ce_th,e`y; cheese. -. .139-7 wees the We th.8tst mslvti if can ` fa !'me`rs `set P001 nsgrarioss. for. sale. butter. '1ies; ti6i"k;f oats `vihw; L xnany'.othsr` arti_cles.= remark}; . T`4*Whe_.n`-on`: tDWn'IitI!h`*;=!59{'PmnS.f,9V~ N we 11' F3 `J( l](:C:'53lUll JV?\VH?llI|) UI 3rd - (,`!H:c(::!s:ini1 '1`rwn- North half sf I,ot.2I in ' sllipnf Slixmidalo. Lot Township of 'l'0.'50r0n_tin. in 7th (,1onco~..=;irm J`r>.\rn. rnsn mm 01 um 4 I11 um i of n cssion 'l`ownsahip of Sun- unrtcrs of Lot 4 in 2nd `. J of ~.`s'uruxi-lnl. South Concession Township of u flu-4] (`minor-Iu:i:~.iI 'l`n\\'IL MRS, mm-;x.;,' WM. '1n~:.\' I mu-1, I '...-(>- ......:.. -1 Nil u.` -...-..., On premised] THQS. LONG, Secretary. L 1),; x;trnctor. O12 Tl ` ff`-'V' ""i:xss uAu1s5,~'=v~ STAMPING FOR BRA} mm}, --HodhB'Lif?6iiTun-- LET us consider -the result of the.Pre- ` mier s policy were he and his colleagues permitted to carry it out. They cannot 9 deny that `policy is, as far as possible, Free Trade. They have preached `it ata thousand meetings, and `sung its praises . at a thousand dinner-tables. They have declared themselves "its adherents in Britain and in Canada, at Dundee and at Toronto. Their actions have been as ' their words, They have refused most obstinately all concessions to the Pro- tective prinoiple; Manufacturers, seeing ruin in the immediate prospect, localities about to lose their most important indus- tries have applied to Ministers for help in vain. They did, indeed, slightly raise, thotari` ; but with no view to Protective purpose ; on the contrary, they took every care that the marginshouid still greatly favour the importer, and render manufac- turing far too dangerous an investment to "succeed generally in Canada; The result of this would be, as they well know , to render Canada simply agricultural, and render unnecessary any" cities ortowns, except those few required by the import- ing trade to distributeforeign goods, and whiclrcould also ship our produce; But all those great branches of `labour which chiey support, city populations--the nmltitudinous arts which change raw . material into valuable fabrio-they do- terrnined to discourage. How earnest their intentions, how diligent their ia- bours to full them, how rapid the pro-. green of those labours, the present state of our industries witnesses. Our manu- factorics of locomotives and cars ` are among the things that were ;our sugar reneries are with them; our woollen mills, our machine shops, our publishing houses, one by one go tothe States, drag out a languid and debt burdened exist- ence, or collapse in-suchrapid succession that the Globe can hardly quote anin-q stance of factory prosperity erethe in- . stance is sold out by the sheriff. This is undoubtedly what our Government intended, and so far they have. reason to be pleased ; -but there have unfortunate- ly for them , appeared alsosome disagree able concomitants of the situation, on which they didnot calculate. 'I"Lnn Tuna` nniinri nn 4-.i\n fur-rnlinn vnha w. H. FREEMAN ' . TB`ABBIE.` M % %%%% `*`[;s;;zcwmm LADIES -FANCY uooos, nnnnutr Au \: `um -- __.--V- uuvuny, T - - . BOHEMIAN v..~s.I.-;-*. CHINA GOODS, S'1`ATU1`ES, [11 tom olrtlnru I.- GRVSTAL%PALAGE CmLv1mN s (ARIl'I:\(}ES. - mm) owns, .\1o1"ro1:~;, FRA.\H'It*} Ir:-sunny Jun--1- -. NERY CHEAP. BILRLIN WOOLS, nun.-... - ....... jpcr cent of Extract. The n\'r`r.'\_L:0 0f " . _ V r-urrxo, Gcntlmqn,,-~I have madc.n careful :\n:\Vl of the Sample Natural Japan Tm nu_ln{m by you. I find its Pure 'l'ca, contmnuv, gent.-r.1l_ly is only /31 pr-r cent; and _NI`." t`c.-'icd> for tho" Uovvrnrncnt ox(`,ced.~1 flu` being .41 per cent. I -`nd it pcrloutly from mI11lt:rati(n of any kind. 'I`l fn\r I n. lIVV\'n' 800. lb.. or in"5_H;.. Bvgxes, $3,75 ONLY AT T7` |n1'1.nvy- . -....___. --.-. _ \JlIvlJ un1un:\h l.[`.:\ l` '|| l. Iiaxskjet 1)ric:1~.-free {mm 4%} Prussian Blue, and uthcr x~lnw` p-`-1,--Hi` stances. Copy of Uovcrmncut An:xl_y port : . MF. \'.uu.1:'.' &. Nmmm ,- ' I) . ` ;;n:nL 1'\lJ.\v, |D1LlJl'4.`--_5ll [` A i Oncmilo fiom Ilnxvkstmno Rtutiu `norm, mom or l(}$i`\, 130 cleared, nix r guo1Ccdnr Hugh, and the rest _n :;~---v wood Bush. . A good Orchard. llouw rmul St'sl>lu, with other (Iutl)Il`llqlih;{:I, the premises. I`wllI sell, `with Hu- without, to suit the purlmscr. A nu mmxcy will be requirccl down, the rm! nr six oars. Apply, .un tlm pr~).'ni' AVIRS. (EORGE ADA,.\l, Wltltm` Ill -'\tlmn.' E-93., who died nlmut Ht`?-0" '.`43tlI. 1873. V Just so ; end it is this species of Pro- tection that renders the.agri_cultural in:- A plement interest coinpa1'ative1y indi'er- eat to legislativeencoumgement. Their patents pre_tcct them to a large extent. against undue United States competition, and that is all tlmti other manufacturers, who are net. so protected, ask for. `In re- porting current; matters,_ the Free Trade organs are frequeritly compelled to admit H facts which tell against. their theories. -. V ?;_.___..._.:_ . ~-._ EW SPRING 00)-I)SAAT "nu". v I . F_mu1'l, n \V:xt'c{h.- The am: by praying property, and pr: i Apply to ' ' 1| i aischargezvn the utmost r up n -.L...l,J. ,:_uuu unnosc )1 my a 2 ing ,~. slnmish ohcdi E feel myself. at libar : th.1 s aim at .-xdvcxn .Domi.nion. and` 31' freedom, bu-liovizxg E p:uty ng;tr.-*.n1i:-31z1; ' ` l ham t.h:..~ Imp um, A1,}-i1T2:m'1, 197-3.: ` ....,.T.-.l.:. _..- .,....,..........., .........ux.uuuu__,r :; ; rmnmg lnturcsts of t. n_)_ Dominion ; inure: _` and retain nur papulation ; revive am 4191., I acd_induatriv.-6, and develops our ucti-c in; colonial trade. ' I);-I-pa.-u-l...nl Jn IL. .D..l '- 17....-. 1 -1 . i in (he -Pwl; Er7cnd'tu'e B` 1 licvlng that the Go\'eynment of this '<,v.:n|:t::. gvhas been carrier! on with rufnous extrnx~;;g_v;.,,,..., i :*:;:`i,.:f Pm, *hs":W." rk i c en 0 0 u c uzspcm 1_ me unna ,2_ruL1gnt system of (-_x,-r.-nnmy, w}n1gh _c.-.{;'m._ ; gall, `unis on (1lvithaIx)cralcunx{x1ercml_[. ,1; 3-, \, rev xe our oprcsscd industries _mul ;.];._-9 3 u e ooqntry once more on the high`.-.`:.v 1., 3 proepcglty. - . ' " '. British Connrlion. It shall be my: <-r.nxg-mg ;ux1dc:w_orL3s11pp6rt British connection mz` :J'.'erv Inc.-\.':nm Hm! nirhu no ..1.~.... 5 cLALA';.u`U1' w aupputb DHFWZ! connoctxc,-:1 _' uvery measure that aims at advm:r:i:-; : gmmtfy in wes]th~nmI`Prosperity, and 1 mining` that intiznatc relationship wit! I xzhther country which is the pride of A . use Britigh subject." " _ - Tcxxxpemncc and l m.`u'bft_oa are also a c Icadingqueetioh of tho day. 'i'V:': :..tc3 of this c:m9c already emhrace .1 `portion nf. the electors, and the n:':-" "..~nr.d~n.Iu inn.-main" T" H... .._ As'REP1msIm1'AT1\'r: IN Tl m .01? COMMONS` 1-'01: Mr} Mackebzio s'Policy. and Its ' T ReE1_1_lts- 6 lrIUH(l5' Hllfl ?l|E'. l' TL`C(.`lVIH.',; Ill ! ~ vote of the '|`cm;ur:mr:e ('nnm~r.vn late Uonvr:nti_on, 1 hr c ncccptcd tinn, and lnlnoc mysblf in your 1: 1'r'pr("4cnf:xti'-`tr of _thI: Tempcrnn. this Jlidingz. -`Tho position was: n me, and :\1t.l,n'r>1xgh not in nccrdz-_ 1 private interests, I` most c-hem 3 them upon the carncqt solicitntim lc:v~_e})unt:yr:1exv. -1.; u.. 1:m.. u ..... .. 1n Q1I[wu!1Ig.; mt . IAlLlll'J' 1-mu nu: art by any pm-smlnl or vilulit'.tiv(,- [no-lfmv 5, blue` coutmry, 3-;'iU1 l'hnrity fm-.1 .- ~] Malice towards mum." my fellow ch,,_.: this stmnn-li old (`nns:crv:iti_v(: (_`r,-nuly_ rr. `mi: in pz\rtir,`ular. l stmxvl on the p1u,{(.; Total Abetinexxqc uml l rnl_vll;iti-un, mu n1ys1clfus a caxazlnlatc to rcprc-st.-nt yum on this mnmentoua question. 2 ' Jiuru in tho Cmmty, I have gm, amongst you ; all nxyintcrcstn lie lxcrc m clscly allied with yoursl My principl well kmuvix to all, my integrity I trust drmbfed, anvl Shnulil yoiir olmic-0 fall 111-r my-`best ci'fm'1s_ will be used in pr..y~ ynux"intorcst:=, and furthering the x,`-;,, nmm.\vhl(:l1l atzmd; the or-.m:n n~l...l. I ,u.:;m m we oouunf, Irrespective mi 1 ' cm.-:1 Casting minor issues nail};-, x "1-cat question of right and wt-mg we: ~ `zmd's to-advance this measure in wh xhxkizzg and ixxtqlligcxrt minds, ag;-. which wi11'place_om- holrwcd Canada fa in the rrmk of free, prosperous and onli cal couufrim. ' ` - nnnn -_ VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE n..:.... 4'... ..,...n. ma: ..c rn. m. . _. - v . . -- Bcin the south half of Lot 26 i C'on.,' linislil,` 100 acres more cum: thghgth Soaorqs cleared and four .-(l, mu i, cm s` cby, loam. _ There are mrthn land a log ho 3 log stable and 5 log bum, also a frame ;,f,"' well`, root house, shed, &c. About 30 "'- well timberod. The property is clcliglntm situated on the nhoro of Lake Simcoc and .7 tho-`immediate ncighborhoed of the most mm able fagming gortlou of the 'I.'ownship_ Au` yrill be sold c cap with may terms of paymmn` Apply personally or by; letter to l ' ,\VA'FQ(\RT (' nun lw. G. Er?f'rLE, A :.'ru1-n~.n1wn1.1\wrn A I1VY\'1.v II-r my So11thS__1Inco F`:-co B:-cakfau. Table 2 An 0"... owing Treason ! A Nmlomu -Policy! Protection to Ourxmlu. trlon! Am! Brlllnh Connexion: 9013 S.-xv: THE QUJ-}1I.\', Barrie, June 5th, 1878. 23 f_ .,..__...-.4._.._-- - A -- "Our l1lEU]'l:vl', uzgu llll'IaHeX'IHg [I[(_' I upun.whichI stand; the cause whiu ; ]i`.'('Il_ chosen tn ad\'ocr1to and rcprr-ac; J M views of tho grcabvpulitioal qu i the try are those trxken b the-' 14,-.44 ; in the party with which Ixavc alxv yclosuly nicd, prn1ninerita.1nr1)g v-hi. ' Prolcction (0 our ('.1nrnIiun n._v': . \Ve were yesterday shown thre_c patents just received from the Cangulion patent office --making 10in 311-hearing upon the John- ston wrought iron lmrvestcr. manufactured by the Thompson &. Willialns, M f g. 00., Strat- 'ford 0! her mnufncturers of harvesters should bocarefnl about appropriating any parts of the Johnston, as it is fully protected :11 all its . distinguishing foaturcs.-./int;-Nafional Organ. , . . i : Clouly mucu, yrulxlluellnalnllng win:-1; m Prolcction (`.mrnIi/In ln.."u7tnr shall support 3 Lib-_-ral xmtional puiicy u shall sore-adjust tho__TxLriff zua ta. fustcr devulopc the ugricuitnml; manufacturiu 7 m1ninui1i!.'urr:f,a nf Hm Hmninim. . A4wu\I nun- '1mzo,.mn'o 5th, 1878. At t.hn_ Trcs`oinf;' mlieitntinn of nm, friends`, may after rr.-c(:iviu,,; u..,_ M; tho. '|`cm;u}r:mr:o (`amt-r.~.'nti\'r:~n 1: the nu; tinn. zind l:L'1(`r! mvablf in vuur Immb. 3. 14`.-m... vote` 01-2N TI. _I-.'/wz N : un L4 I 11'!` VARLEY & ;\jQ{;mx'S, una I\rwn %1LE'H."0ES UULA-`L92 test 1 I man ..'. SAID Lord Brougham `I815: Eng- land can aifonl to incur some loss on tphe _'export of English goods, for the purpose of destroying foreign mannfacturoa in the Vcradle. The manufacturers of the United States thinks t11e_v_czm afford some loss in order to glosstroy ` C-tnadiun rnanufactures in the crndl0._ France, Germany, and the United States frustmtotl the designs of the yvonld-be mouopolists of-England` by promotion. \Vill Cnnadn. boas Wise for her own interests `P souTH_IMcoF.. - *__-._-y - wanna. u v---' A Immense Stock at tho CRYSTAL_PAIfACE STOREE5 9. In conclusion, >nrIv- 'n`un:A.. 1`_YI Alliston, `June 1 \ A R;`\"[" A i4`01.{. SALE.--_S1`1"G_ A '11:, nun-vnn fltnln 'lY.....I...L'...._ I [NION AND PB OGRESS I ...--.-n_y 5u.x~.:uu:uug. 111 L11!) pre: 1 1.1.1:`;-.':l for support to every '[ v in the oounty, irrespective ..f l Cuatinu minor issztxnsz .-1.-Ll.- Stores. ma 17.{'>_ffI\:'1 sj -1 V Arm-. - M1`\B.KI-J I`~VST;, B.-\RRl}*'.. Hanna gained another victory at` Brockville _on Monday, coming in ifst` among eight oarsmon. Plaisted, his late rival, came in second. .2L33|. .cln':ir_n, allow xnlo-to snv, tlmt rice fall. on. me, I ahali cm].-; ezv:_v,'.1rity us` your reprvscnf: >st)1'm.y ability, and \s"lt!y.~-.12: sh obcdicncctn any Ic:u1c: 911'. libarty to support any m x .-xdvcmcing thn interests. n. rmul` -m.-dnfnininu ~ n....-+:` a gay, vnmuus, moms, vvuvnvvuxn nu; vn Iv : auuuu iv 3 WATSON C. ()I<`.lL Land and Loan Agent, 35`. I 0'! 1'Il|I)l' .UU Dc, {;(`1iLYI faithfully yavurs <;<;1'.uJ~; 1`-`LI rlst, I979. _ ` V uuuxug Lu" IIILUICSI -malnmining cum ..`. n,.~=.. 4,. L. x.-.~ __()F-7 ` Lit?/1!), ..:...1:. ,-.., THO.\I:\S` HI-'.\ .\', .:\nnlytic:\l` Uh:-m .-_.-. Vu:pu.'Il Lu`) ll]II:Hu'I ypnr lmndra {L1 1',. npcrruxco )'a.r_ty n not sermum In ' Ull'aI`,(3 `xd net the prcar, ucvc-n"l` THEIlE'Wi1l evidently, as we hnvebe fore vntured to pxjedict, be trouble in Montreal on the Twelfth. The munici- pal authorities have been pebitionod to take atcpsto preserve the peace on that day, and in cage of an outbwak the mili tary will be called out. ` I MICK CJJ pznyfxng (.)Ul.\' |,...\.\ HCJ "1 'L"YflI_\` V nu ,.l' .4 mt, Barfio. _23.e. . ,..-__, HOU8F A (It'll 1` Ni H". ugum -u 1 ma, *u\'-H `yit'.tl'lV . . 1:1 ` THE young of the King of Spain is She had only her eighteonth birthday, and was a bride for but ve months. , ` ' We have just a wonl or two to sayin referenee to those worthy men who have doubtless not yet got over a feeling of satisfaction at having succeeded, despite the opposition of other members of `the committee who were disposed to regard the alleged overcharges as justinble, in beating the printer out of his just due. We shall try to assume that their `~ Re- form " principles had little to do with the unmistakable determination evinced to have the Tory office account so nudit- od as to effect a reduction of the amount. They were, we shall say, imposed on by 3 follow whose name it is needless to "mention, but whose reputation as a pro- feqor of Inendecity, a rstclsss slender-er, an miserable, soulless sneak, is well known in this vicinity. Listening to his vicious misrepresentations they enter- dd which, it is possible, their predilection may` have render- ` Dd`! somewhat ngreeahle one, but which, ' 51 U beyond question, they `followed out persistonoyv and disre- llul ii,everything.,bnt' what `would i] fvvqiathni me! they had in view. and ~ ,'.Mhey? -vmnnily sainat Their 1 with theffellow to when: `.1 M` *5 `d58Bi`qo9tothese:1 ~- , -. .w_99!av-sothihror the " en, t Nmrr week it is -expected the Berlin Congress will complete its labors and a definite . treaty .of peace will be con- cluded. ` NOTES `AND OOMMENTS. -1-: llUVl'2lL|-IIIL lillfflfgnuosinnln Tu foife nu:-te_r.'.........)._ rm` "o-'ao---`onion ,pcuuh'-.'o'*ono~noa `a*f.`%'soi; nSy'L;m.aa " Shqep Bldnl.-.--u Hdlil ..`.. DUQUP UK"3'- I I 0 I I Dmiaetl Hogs finibionoounooouun RnAf._`| `II J 11 II no-n! , mini cw`-iii.-OI-noon o-009-: Bee-hInd quarter. ... foia ann.1-tm-.'. ... F 01351509! PC!` DB: _ +'tl1b.'.. Butter ro1la.... . I'.n-A gnu IL Dl1w6l'r0un.... oaudovououoio C!4b--n_- --any-on-- -`no {mun oo-.u'-u-nnac-gov-oo- RIC}IAI:?DSON--McMILLAN-By,the Rev. John Bredin, on the 27th 'u1t,, M3. Hmmv R1cu.umsoN, of Niagara County, New York State, to Mas. MARY ANN MGMILLAN, of Thornbury, County of Grey, Ont. 7 BURKE -HER.RING--On the with J mm at the residence of the`bride`s father, by the Rev. D. Auld. Mn.` A. L. BUM-nz, Barrie, t0MIS5'MARY O.,`eIdes daughter of II. - Herring, Esq , Bclfontain. i ' ` ' emu, No pent up plan can reach from can to sea ! He givesto country lntesllect and can Ne er uses mask or shield with double faces I All his brand policy undvconnsel share`- .\Vho' form the Nation that his talent graces- Our statesman holds the tenor of his way Unmvedby slanderous tongues and silly tattle. ` To him-nl1e gianco heartily we pay For him and country, with the foe we'hattle I Then cheer Sir Sohn !. tis no delusive hope That nerves us again to make selection! Our aspirations nd their widest scop-- For your election, and for all I lwTE(,'I`IONl': ` n _. mt-. srAI~sTJ tIT mu siui - ...___..__ _._.__._.- ' ' _. :._._;__~ "-._ -_.__.__._ `. MARRIED oxEN1iAM -- McMA`HoN,_,.n the Rev.` John Bredin, Mn. Rrcnum J. Oxmuum to Mus. J. 0. McMAnoN, both of Barrie. -r.rr111- A 1_\'l\(ur\\v- 1. gun: I` . `V -5 i\O gI'L`C(l '01` DCII I11`! 50118 `THE QCDCTOUS hund- V For country first, for party only second , The oou_n`t`ry a- "good---nlthongh by party < ' nlnu . . era ; I . . The honest chief of no benighted chm-- Yot towering high in merit to be knighted ! No aims unworthy ! ovcry inch 11 man 1 Prone to accmnpinh c-very promise plightoal, Ripe inhis spring: and m his antnmn green. Liko nature, he appmrs renewed in features. Our gret\t*C`:mndi:m Leader thus is seen High tovsernug o'er the head of carping ' creatures! - IAIHII UU\"}7lH; Ulfl UVIU IIUi|l| UL carping . creatures! The-Patriot's lovnnf this our country great His generous soul betrays no mean ambitinn. Does he de:erv-3 the shafts of Billingsgnte ? No I but rs statesman ; fate is his fruition ! No greed 'oT- pclf has sailed -his me u()u_ul.ry a gona---mmongn ny party pltud, _ A principle on which his foes ne'er reckoned, He by no dim unwbrtlny is coutroll, Nor narrow views. nor sln'ivol rl policy No Province would be slight by treatment ' cold. II`; Luu. nuu. Ianuvpvl A onuwxy DIICBU Wlll. CUIHU th all the drawbacks of the rust ruilera ! V For personal reward stands rstwit some Who with the helm of State prove lubber sailors! - ` * Sir John, the slzmdcrml oft but ever true! The patrYot s res, within his bnsom . burning Be an with'nob1efollowing--onco a few- Bu grinving 'by`u'un fricnds.nm_l old, return- mr I ' Dllli g|'O\VHlg I)y'1lUI Il'lCn(l3 .l\n(_l Old, return- ing 1 , The country's staunchest friend ! fo: him we wnlt, v * No more to be struck down by bnsest alm- dam ; A leader skilled --a gaint in debate-! A; stn._tosmar'1-Pntmot -fittest of comnmm1- RFD- Alcbynuu \.lllU nuutulur I:U1lLUlll:lUll5 illlu motions , A , As due to one, who many a weary day Lubourod for union - t-pvixt the two nr-nan II_- uuu uuu Luounu An vuc uuui. ' Sogenoral is the ' feeling against Mr. Ma.ckenzie s policy in the rural districts, that to be 9. Reformer now does not any i longer imply one who will vote for the I Government at next election. Matters promise then to be as when the dmgoons, during` the French Revolution told their ofcois, You may march us against the people, but our first re will be fox ~` you." There is little doubt that many a Waggon-load of sturdy Peformers, hur- ried to the polls by enthusiastic commit- tees, will dep:sit its full ballot for the Protection candidate. There is no doubt that Robert Baldwin and W. L. Mac- kenzie would so vote were they alive to- day. ' '- A T1'mnu1' E C. E. CLARK. Acim. _ n .. - - x v up w The mccd of admiration we wou1d_pny--"'.' Despite Grit stems, contentious and com - mntinns; ' oceo.ua--- _ ` B rail and sleeper 1 Slowly these will V 11:11 rui Wnr 1-xnv-unhnl rnnvnv-.1 nlmu-"In Gs-at mil 5.... QIJIIO IJIOGII llllhl U011 UILIJ U1 DIIU WHIIK` rnpt court. '1`hc fact was, our` Gov- ernmental clique made a fundamental miscaleiilation. They ' considered that the Free Trade journals heal the car l of the farmers,. that the farmers ' W()l1l(i vote Free Trade, and `the vote would keep them" in office. But two'|itt.le unexpected `items are in the way. In the first place, tliefarmers liave ' been pretty hard hit, and they are quite y Sharp enough` to see "what is hurting 3 them. In the next, tlieee papers A limg: not thecasy times they had. There are l pamphlets, there are lecturers every- where, exposing by history and by sta- tisticr; the ignoranceand knavcry of these ` journalistic frauds; there are other and .mom reliable n0WSp;'1pe1`s every` day gaining greater and greater ground, Farmers are` refusing to` be lu1ml)ugged_ Let any one ask at Ottawa, for the blue books on trade and imvigntion, :m(l-_lm will nd them very scarce-hc can hard. ly gotta copy. Then let` him travel mnong the farmers of Ontario, and h; will know what has made them scarce M, Ottawa-hc Will find them cverywlmrg-_l I 'Whenafarmer reads. `as he might in Saturday's Globe, that P1-otcctiicn will _ta.x our clothing, our implements, and all our conveniences of 1ifc_ from 35 to 85 percent. seine yea;-g ago he` might have believed siicli an if;;m. But-, now he coolly takes down and coniparcsliis statistics, his lists of y prices `from the St. L0l1lB Glolze-Dcmocrdt, the Chicago `fguy- nal of"C'ommerce, his -references` and authorities, and remarks, I suppose they have been lying this way all along. `V011; `W90? NOW Year's no more Globe for me. Or if he have not the statistics, he has neighbors who have, and the result is the same. I Q.. ............l 2.. LL- t_`_1! - - `Ir .r`**.:;'%..::.;3:::i:i:::::;::. " _8%3;] `itories - We observe, that we get our: cheapest goods from the most highlyiprotectedecountry in the world. It is natural that they shouhi reason: thus, and also that they should, is they do,` carry theargument further. h_I_t is ` plain to_ -them as to us that matters will not stop here. IfVMr. MaeEonzie's sys- tem be continued, it is clear the worst has not come. Every factory we have left will go. _ City property, now being. carried till better times by; "monetary institutions, will be 88l'i08d at any gure. Industrial enterprises, now temgorarily _/supported by loans, must Bnkruptcy must become still more frequent and more disastrous. Our remaining operatives must leave; grass will grow in the` streets of our -cities ; farmers, now losinghoavily by tho i .-.`--?`v of the towns to purchase, will nd tilnus harder. That such coin- cides with experience elsewhere appears from the followingoxtract, copied up provinglyyby the American Live Stock Journal from the American Working People:-'-'l`ake the manufacturing in- terests out of the country, and in two years half the farms of the West would be in the .*.horif t"s hands. Farmers know this very Well who remember the V Free Trade days of 1856 and ' `I857, F` whom they were very lucky if by.hard- est scmtq:-hing they could make both` ends meet nnd keep out of the hank- run} nnnvl` " 'l`i\n punt tivnn n.... (`In- BARBIE. . MARKETS. E g31L%a July 3rd,1878. nmka an L-JOHN MAO- ARRll Loaii Ant; ozroir co. `m Ixrular-Anwwznox Dxrosrxs. 0- ll. CLARK. - - -' l_la._IIacor. _____ `--n-s_ . grct laluury cneuus. A. than. time sg , ayonng `ad was playing 3 aboqt `tho IQ!!!`-8!` qe, '{o{ro_n(o when, by. some cireleamm ha go nu f t Sec ;-9| in ;u.:ec1-.inavea. t. hes! :3. 3n`. mnon. ..a. All the maul: 9 1}9Ih_Igh|ld ooqu mg hue and that foo hon amputation, in ltulf ; but the timely plicqlian of _Hagyard'g Ygnow Oilumovod e in as (by mgio, ma 1;; 'n.*.'J.f.."`-' an...n;".'.`. .""Ha"..`;.f.1 .'.'.`. 111...... i3`{;"?;a." `H3 3J$;,"c3'i`5L`f".If..`},'..'f Walla inimln athm; bronchitis, ma kindexed complain mg; by cured with Ha yrd's Pectornl alum.` F ` - . dnglers; 26. per Ie A or "19 by `H Freeman : Worm oidorn proiuoe the mo salutary ceota. - V A chart. [118 I9 . A vnnnn `ad -nn ..I;..!_.. E'~`UlLIl5 HKDIUBI WUKIII Deep rive 3 move my I '1ow.brookI are noisy moves re man wit V brook, the man with 11 ingmumng, blowin , 1 to his lrienda. o r: nnlnnu 3-unnnln `F1-ec.man a Worm Pow 9)-3 -9 highly` estcome-I by all mothers w o havdnnd tham. The average duxation 0 life th;-oughout the glpbezga thirty.`th`:eyo year . Ajiju order go 31. am e age na are mp. d 1 11101 wa of health with he utmeolt gas? 11': ticularl females, who q subject to ao'many complaints to which :1: as are not Inbjact and for which Victoria Bu n and UV: Uni i7, the onlygnw remedy, an ifhsed in gym, won prevent diabetes, Brig t s discuss, and all de- . rangementa of the url My orgnna. `Old peopig ::2:.&:;'.:.a;%L2f** M bnem=~=m-e ,_u_ 911. Th Victorig H) phosphites acts like magic rapidly restonng the strength and Ippete` promyting sound nnd refreshing sleep, am]-' imparting Tone, Vigor and Energy to the who`e system. For Consumption Weak Lungs and Uheat,1\nd Throat Diseaseem, ig ghe hm and surest remedy.known.`/Fg(ig1, by an dealers. -`II`-nnn-nan : Wm-in `Dena -_- I_!_,lI l.{l|)Nh;!-`S, im|;As'r or SIDE. nndhelicvc it is solely done by the electrical qualities which the Porous Piastcrs contain, and which is unpnrtod to the system. thus restoring them to a health ' condition. Thoyorc very soft and pliable, sci , very adhesive: and u. sure cum for WEAK BACKS. PAINS IN.'l`l{1 SIDE AND BREAST- and are invaluable to those who have :1 GOLD of ion standing, and often rcvent CONSUMP- TI N. Some even ml] usi ny heuevo thcywm-0 entirely cured b the use of thom of n loxltz-seated Consumption. -11: red by GEORGE E. MIT CHELL. Lowell Ii ass. Sold bv all Druggists. .1m.ticnt. will tee Mrmmzrms llmmanoxxn hwnovzan Ixmx iuzum-an Ponoua l I..ua'r1cn.--'i'licro never has been in. Limo when the honlingi of so mun dill`er- cnt discaxea has bcouoousod ny, ontwn rippli- cotionns tho resent. It is an undisputed fact that over his f of tho ontiro population of tho gioboto the pm 0! ordinary plsgsiora. .'l`ho prin- cipal imgrcdmnts used in mokm thoeo l"lmitl)i`R are Gum 0iibonum-or hotter 'nown as tho l~`mnkinoenso-l{_nhbm'. and Burgundy l it(.'h'_' which, when scientifically compounded is full of electricity, and when combined with the puro niodicixinl gums is found to he one of the great; oat hmling med mm; over brought heforcthc hu- man race. They am maknowlod ed by all who lmvcvuscd them to not quicker t an any other Piastors they ever before tried. and tlmt one of these Plnswrs will do more real service than 9. hundred of theordinar kind. All other Plastcrs are slo\v_oi notion. ant require to bo worn non- tinuail _.t.o oifoct a. cure ; but with those it. is en. tirely 1il`cr-2nt- the instant. one is applied the lite eifeot. They possess all the soothin . wnmnin. sup|pox-ting and strengthen- ing qua iiios of ui ot or i'lg.sters. Many who have been relieved of RHi~.UMA'i`lSM. TIC- `DOL()l1h`.UX and various other nins in the ' KIDNEYS, liREAS'i` or SIDE. and clicve dgno oleqtricui which the iihhan A , p;\r1\A1\t\I\\I\AI|&ls4\/\4\lsA.'\(>F.I\I\I\I\.I\t\A. V\I\l` ~vvu.z- ,,, l r:rn'r`a ICYF-S.iL\'n.-.\n infallible Rcmcd for all Diseases of the Eye (acute or chronic , umnnlzmen oi the Lida. Uleomtion of the Lucil- er Glands. Film. and Wcakncs oi` the Vision any cause.-The American Eye-Salve is presented to the public with the ussiuuncc of its eiiicieucy use curative of most. diseases of the eye. acute or chronic inammation. whether in- duved b scmfuions origin or_o!herwise, wonk- ness or erect of vision. diminished tone of the optic nerve. or n diseased state of the tissues con- stituting that organ. Also, `for all persons whose vocation requires an ine:.~sau1lt action of the eyes, the Salve will act. as a charm in restoring a. uni- form healthy action. where weakness. pain, and misery may have long threatened a fatal termi- nation. It is the" most aim lo, safe. and effectual remedy ever discovered. ' he xnutorials of which it is made are pure. perfect, unrl.costly, com- mmndeti with elaborate cure und exactness. safe its appllcationmoiuq used externniify, and. of course, nvoidinfz the pa n nn_d dnngerw uch neces- sarily nth-ndat ie intmductlon of caustic minerals and eye-xvnslms. R1Nu\vna.M and QLI) Cnicoxlc Somca, of scrofulons origin, or resulting from whatever muse laid to the Am~:m(:.m EYE- SALVE. IT 18 ll `ED 1-iUCCF.SS1<`ULLY FOR PILES, lta soothing eifect is immediate, and u ormnuent cure . nircs but a few_ apxlicatious. `hepmprictors of ` l)n._J. l i-`.'i"I`lT :m:mc.\.\ E\'i<`n8.\LV " while mukmp: new and llnpruvud machinery or making 11 more perfect box for the Eye`aiv(-, have changed the Tmde Mark on the covcreo an tooorreshond with the Cut on tho Wmtvner. (`ircuin.x-9, Advertisements. 011:. .We call attention tothis, as it might ni.lmr\vis~ he re- . rdedne counterfeiting. } lC'l`'1`X l` &: IiA1i.Kl`}li, 2`upricir)i'F, Frvotlonin. A . Y. NOlt'l`Hi:mJ xv I I rucmm coumm-xolung. y1c'1"1`x'1` Szlh rlcmrw, N. NOll'l`HR()l 8:. LY.IAN,,'I`oronto, Agon_Is for Canada. 5- ' No1'.Qu1'ru so -` It is among the moat savage but deunaed tribe: only that the condition and comfort ofthe horse have been neglected, and we believe there are many in civilized countries who` are guilty of the au.mr:- neglect: and without tho cxr.-use of the former; here all may uvnil thomaelvqs of the use of an -article which has done more than anything else here- tofore known to improve the condtiou and re- Have the sulferlng of the horse. Those who will not use it will be the loaors, their horses the sufferers: to avoid both use Du-ley`s Condition Powdora and Arabian Heavc Re- modv. and you will be satisfied with the re- sult. Remember the name, and ate that-the signature of Hard 6 Co. . is on each package Northrop .2 Lyman, Toronto. 0ut., proprietor _ __,_ _` ` `_,,_,,'__ __._ ,._. ___.__.. _, T. ._._. -3..- l}rv.~s`s ()ocoA.--GRA'rr:1-`UL ANn(7omrox:rn~fu. -By 9. thorough knowledge of tho '1inturnl . laws which gmjcrn the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a. careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Hr. `Ippq lms provided our breakfast tables with 1: d<-,licatc1y tlzwourcd bovera 0 wlxiclggnny save us many heavy doctors bile; `It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet -that xv. constitution may he gradually built up until strcing enough to resist every tendency" to diszcusc. liundrcrls of subtle maladies are oating around us ready to attack wherever there is a. weak point. `We may escape mzmy zv. fatal shaft hykccpin v ourselves woll forti- ed with pure blood. am a properly nourished framc."--(.`ivil Service Gazc!..--Sold only in Packets labelled-.JAMl-`.3 Errs & ($0., `Hom- (Lvapathic Chozuizxts, 48, Threadnoodlo Street, and 170. Piccadilly London." I, ,,,, wmokomono fumcmt. work forus than at any- | thingnlso (,uplml.uot. required: we will start you. $l2 por day at homo made b . the In- du5n'1ous. M on. women. boys and g rls want- nd everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costly outt and terms frco. Address '1'm.'1: 8: (.`o.. Aunzusta. Maine - Uosuy mum and term (.`o.. Augusta, V_VllUu5`*.l.'lI1.l. -IOOIIOIIOOIOIII I Sp:-ing.......v....... Flour-.... .,.'. Peas............ ...._ 0a.ts...................;...;., B:Lrley.................... .. IIa.y..'...............`........ l'ota.tocs...............g..-.- Applcs.......'......... Button...................---. ]`}p;:;s--fr_esl1 ... ..... Cheeseg... . . . . . . . . . . .`....... |l`W31'.a-(i-o-c-nouns:-9-pa-no ggspor ozen............... Applasperbrl ........_. Potatoes, per bng....... ...... Haw . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....: Wheat--FaI] ..;.......... It , Qh1nI.ntD Uaw-uulullitouio B:Lrley........... IIa.y..V........... l'ota.toes......... Applcs.......'.... Butter............ . ;. .. Cheese`. . . . I ork,... .. . Boef, per quarter. . ksrclwoocl .. . . ;. . I1ides............ Ziilj CI 1 T '--U'V W -' BOUGHT AND sow; T c. 1:. OLAHK. Agent. SAM. UE_L' DRIF FILL; Orncuu. Assmmm, ton`,Co. Sxmron. |.rII.1 . . . . . . . .....-.. (Nuts ............ .... Potatoes . .' . . . . . . . . . Untxnnsj, per 200 lbs. . (iornmenl Pork, pm` 100 _ lbs. . . . . Beef, himl quarters . . Beef, fore quarters. .'.. Iliclcs . . . . . . Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 'o"0u1............ Eggs, per dnz......v... Hay, per ton.._....... \Voo:1...........'. .. i . `- my Fall Wheat.....`... ..2....`....l Spring Whopt.`...-........'-... Bm-1cv................. ..... G -igooun \ltoIIosoao-c--I -K. Dressed Hogs............... Beef-hind q1xart46r..... Mutton ....... ...........; Chickens per pa.ir......... .. (#6838, uuuu.`......... "Turkeys Butter................ Hung nno (In-ran _ , _ _ _ \Vhc.'\t--Fall . . . . . Sp:-ing.. Flour, poi` barrel ` Harley. . `. . .' ... . . Pens . . . . . . _ . . . . rem: .................... -iqnoon qotnuosono- T):-maxed H028..........-- (spkcially repofld for ` (5`pc'cinlIy raporlui for Ihe_./Mwmu-.) - ' June 19, 1878. _ c.1t--Tall...........'.y....-- $0 90 $0.1-00 Spring . . . . . . . . . 0901100 95 nr, poi'l):u'rcl . . . . . 4 25 to ! 50 Ir,-y..`..'...'...... ..... . 0 4oto0v4.n 3 ........ . . . . . .... 0501:0053 s ..... osomosr. atocs.-...' ............-O30to0 35 Inna), lbs . . . . . . . .. 5 00 to5 50 nmenl ;.. 3 001563 50 k, porl0O_lbs............. 4751:0500 f, . . . . . .;. 5 00 to 6 00 f, fore quart;crs..'......L... 4 00tn500 `.03 400to500 tor 0031700 10 0 101500 20 ;.~x,pcrdnz......~ . . . . . . . . . .. 007 1:00 08 I, ton.._............... 800tol0 00 t\l` ' Onnl.-`O R COLLINGWOOD MARKETS. LUMBER FHp{LES `DIITYIVTTNI A `I\ C T --petif N attics; / Inonlu III! I L; ante epaajap. '.ro1ioN'ro MARKETS. oR1LLIA_ MAiu 1.4 A ' M- 1. ( mm `eddy. .Tnv )4! Lu uuent Jnljeaty ; 1 Like the-mfeatic 1 (mod hnnh _l:Im the .dua1'u:e..) `l ..`Iu 0.3 1 Q ? I (Ill JIIIVUTICC July spa 1373- UU DUIU UU 00to2 50` :.avzvu-vvvuv.owuvvmn~v.r...nnnrvvv\ ...- 7rNHUsDAY. JULY, 4th, 1878.