wedding lest evening nexng an we cnuureu. ever born to him AI mightvnaturnlly be sup-: posed this he py family, with 5 large number- of friends, on oyed as very pleasant evening, each member of the company contributed ha and her share to make the evening on enjoy- gblq 9 e, . The recent: were numerous. [ may ehoygn. he Deacons ofvthe Parlia- - .......e ah-ant Bnu Ohm-oh took -`thin men nnnnu : znHr.:.*P.'?..f;'i;:e3`.f`if;?9:1`:`:%.".m;' A ment sqreet gsapgllgf pgrcn tool: ml; opportunity: qf u_g_n1l,v1pg cu` ,6_!;} for-Mn Poole md hu eshmsblp gampunion, y pmout- ; mg him witla 3 beangifgxl ogoakaslgpresont I3: ' to an veo as xnomen = ` r>bl:un reg? nicely written 0 ' ml! 4 upon -.-__-` , exp:-guive of theahgaat chmgeu vihiohi ' yubnessed 5! - . . 1*: ?i:h: :`:..*a:%?:.%.3; u`::'.:.... ::.:; nnnie.I.nplA' OIIB d $ I Poole duri that win nmegtu. . m yennu an ryvuuw -- -~'v--- --W. - deli: h th d: :*:3;.`:.:'...';. ... ..:.~:* o.;':f;.;a*g3; being John Wohtai` proprietor .__u .. ..1.:..1. nmfmtivi an can hold. who: LEE. `webgcai p'roprio,tor'?JI' am` am mwhioh the nmviclou were held. who; was hnp ily able to be predentpfter `a long and- V auitpu an - A.1.*8l|.rT the event w.u Ii 7 haunt mmnd on-long to*be remembered i gym 1:19 .. N 919999 of b'?i"8~ vresqny. "II x ' 7-'.'..' I.x_}._1 i4.u}}Ax Tsglxpu T;..1 ? themult fnliy menu you prediction; 1: . | ~hnmu1e"snow mnof me. infdli ii! In! _~ _ ma dabnihtod.` u yvhou_-yog;.ggt- :, ffiugpnmm` Jinlthinr jnd vi theM ~ but strvlsr-4?. '3 awash" . V .';:g.,!"a'c.p.agy`toe1gpor. ' mxwum ---s -w----- - "W I"? "'~* -*4 "'1 NM`. .4- n. mdu A nnntui_:u|ig':n .u_.m`Is1-' 3300113 0! `I15 I'Il'IlI' giyuroh " Ii! air nntnm fm-Mi. unple- _ _`fcet . L...-us AX N IORIID BY '1'!!! TEAQHIBS 0!` NORTH RIIOOI--'PB0ClIDINOS 0!` TE! 0011'-_ vmn-rmu- - -- - A convention of teacher! forthe.Nor th Rid- ing of Simcoe was held in the Central `sclgzhol hnihli-no nn F`:-irluy uni, ntnulnn 1...; mg or mlncoe wll new III we Uenlnl school building on Fridn. md-.Satux~dgy last. The attendance on be days we: very` good, and considerable interest was manifested in the roceedings. Mr. J. C`. Morgen, M. A... nblio Schoel Inspector, opened the oomren-~ tion bv readmaextmnh fmm than maul-.+_i..n. runuo acnoox Lnspecuor opened the tion by reading extmotl from ,the_ re under which` um-.h mpatimn A6 em.` I. uuuv vvuvua umyvu readinghxt _ wt: f:om,the_ ations PIP! HIU UUHVCII" under which such meetings of this" ind are held, and then called on Mr. Chadwick, of N o. 10 Oro, to read a_ paper on `_`GI-ammar to Junior Clnuea. Thu paper was `afterwards discussed by the meetin . Mr. W. B. Ha :-vey then made some remar relnt1'x:o1 Mndnl -_._....- V rural nun aura: wants; meeti Mr. Ha":-vey made some remar, rela,tiz:g to, Model School work-, at the conclusion of which the Hon. Adam Crooks, Minister of L Education, arrived, accompanied by some of the Public and Trustees, Affnr Inn:-H nrnr uuuuulpauwu uy noun: 0!. use IIIDHC ma 'igh School Trustees. After ,lunch, which was laid. out in the building, the Min- ister, accompanied by the trustees and mas- ters of the Hiah and Public Sr-.1-nnnla urn aocompameu oy me trustees and uwr, ters of the High and Public Schools, was driven to the di'erent school buildings. He expressed himself as greatly pleased with the plan and general appearance of the West Ward .~_lchooL Un re-assembling, the election of of-` cers was nrooeeded with. Mr. H. R -Rnnt. I :5-enom. Llll re-aaaemnuna I-B8 8181.`-1110!! GE 0!? ' cers was proceeded with? Mr. H. B. Spot- ton, M. A. nominated the pnblicechool In- spector for the oioe of.Pres1dent. Mr. Spot- ton was nominated as Vioa.I-H-enident. and M :- spvcwr 10!` lane Dulce OI rruuluenn. all`. Bp0l5- ton was nominated as Vice-President, and Mr. W. .B.. Harvey as Secreta.ry-Treasm-er. There being no other nominations these gentlemen were declared elected The management Committee was then ballotted for, and the following were elected :-Messrs. Rye:-son, Gillespie, Ward, Williams and Blnckatock. - Dr. McLellnn. Senior`r nf Rial: mucu- and. ......A PTBSBDU W111 00110151933 IIVRU l7BlI13BlV35. On Friday evening the lecture announced was delivered in the Town Hall by Hon. Adam Crooks, Minister of Education. The hall was lled with an audience comprising old and young. the latter named portion of which behaved themselves after a fashion that .-..R....-. .I.'.......'.I:|> M. M... ..:.:m. nn........s:.... .4 |tlllplB, VVBITI, VVIUIBIIXS B110. DIECKJUOCK. Dr. McLellan, Senior Inspector of High Schools, then delivered 3 very able {address on Reading. It in quite impossible to -give evens. synopsis. lb was listened to with marked attention throughout, and contained many valuable hints, of which the teachers present will doubtless (wail themselves. On TI`:-itlav evnnino the lecture nnnnnnnnrl Wlc OBHIVGQ WIXBIIIBBIVGI 311381` 8 I&3lll0X1 lillil reecte discredit on the rising generation of . Barrie Both before and during the perform- suce of the Orpheads the conduct of the boys was boisterous and vulgar, and had it been possible to rid the hallof the ill-behaved lads It would have afforded "relief to those of the audience who came to enjoy the proceedings. Durin the lecture, also, the interruptions muse by the exit from the hall of those who had had enough of the uroceedings, were "fro queut and must have been 11 source of annoy- ance to the speaker. The lecturer dealt with the imnnrtanm-. nf 31108 50 FEB BPEEIKCF. The lecturer dealt with the importance `of the educational interests to a country or com- munity, and proceeded to show the vast su periority of the inhabitants of a land where a ' good sysgem of popular education was in vogue over one where the educational requirements of the people were _ neglected, citing in- stances where nations among whom the in- struotion of the people was considered of primary importance had urpassed. in military prowess and outstripped in general progress and prosperity those who paid little or no at- tention to learning. He dilated upon the ex- jcellence of the Canadian educational system which was now serving as a` attern for the civilized world, England herse f even copying from her colony in this particular The lcc turer paid a high tribute to Dr. Ryerson, lute Chief Superintendent of the "Education De- partment; whom he credited with having built up during the past fortv years this ad- mirable system which the Government was new not improving on but only carrying out toa higher state of perfection. Reference was "madeto the establisl1ment of county model schools throughout the Province, and and utility of these institutions. They re- lieved the model schools of much of the pre- liminary work in the training of embryo teachers and thus afforded opportunity for it to perform its proper functions in a more prompt, thorough and satisfactory manner l`he lecturer proceeded to show what valua- . ble auxiliaries these model schools were . to the higher educational institutions, and how important they were as preparatory schools for the practical instruction of those who were beginning the life of a teacher. He paid a compliment to the Barrie" Board of School Trnafnmi fur the wnv in which thev hadl nro- the lecturer dwelt on the immense advantages V COIHFIIHICIIU B0 EH6 DITHU DUIIIU Ul DUIlUUl Trustees for the way in which they had] pro- V vided for the educational needs of the town, expressing his surprise that such substantial, commodious and well arranged buildings had cost. The speaker offered earnest advice and spoke encouragingly to the teachers, alluding generally also to the benets to be derivcdby ing at such acquirements as would fit them they remained or not was to be gained much valuable information that would stand to them in afterlife. The whole lecture was replete with interesting information relative to the subject of education generally and especially . of education in this Province ; and it was -no less important by reason of the varied infor- mation, the nod counsel,l the sound logic and the practical ints it contained, to the teachers who were present, than it was of deep interest to all others who listened" to it. , At the con- ` nlnsion Dr. McLellan spoke briey. His Honor i Judge Ardsgh moved a vote of thanks which was seconded by Very Rev. Dean O Connor, ` to the speakers, which was presented them.` The meetlu then. closed. On'Sa.tu ay morning the proceedings 0 en ed with a. paper on the Relation of Higll to D..l.1:.\ Qnlmnln l\u Mr, W. \Villiamn_ R. A__ been erected at such a comparatively small ' young ladies pursuing such studies and aim. i for the teaching profession in which whether i Public Schools," By M r. \V. wluusum, D. n., of Collingwood High School. This paper cou- A tained- some rather startling notions; and evoked an exciting discussion, in which Dr. McLellan, Mr. Rye:-son, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Harvey and others took part. Perhaps the chief feature of the Convention was Dr. Mc Lel1an_ s address on the teaching of arithme- 1;ic__ . 1%; is well known the Doctor has made "this su ject 3 specialty, and has succeeded in working :3 reyolutioig if! l`.egrl' to the teaching. of it in schools. His illustrations of the man- her in which even Very young Pupils may be taught this subject` intelligent y were very apt, and elicited freqnentnpplauso. On motion of Mr. seconded by Mr. apt, and elxgweu treqnenu llppulllso. On motion M1-. by Ryerson, it was reso ved to hold the next Convention in Oollingwood. . A FEW OF T;HE GEN'TRY IN THIS VICINITY-' Soul 03 THEIR. nxrnorrs AMONG THE mums ma Rnw'cn1r.."' ' There would seem several of the horse thieving fraternity in this County, who are . making the most of theif stay" here. Only last week we chronicled the case of the Oro fanner McLean whom the thieves tried to im- ........ ..:+}. H... imliq! that some malicious >'l"AOI'lllI8' OOIIVCIITIONQ ['8 ll ` the `lined- Mehean whom me tmeves men so im- press with the belief that some malicious neighbor -had cremated his horse. Since then it has been learned that Mr. McLean has re- .ooverelhis1lostsnimaL The mere came on the premises of Richard Anderson, Rugby, ; having gslloped in from the bush. It was discovered on goin into the woods that the animel had been f and tied to a. tree` but had broken loose. The horse which had been sec- riced turns out to have belonged to John Forrester, of the 10th Concession, and had been stolen together with -some money on the revious ni `ht. From the Orillia. ,Pa:ket we Pesrn that e rcumstsnees pointed strongly to a. trump who had been hanging sbout dnrmg `live or six weeks as being the horse thief. He took dinner at the farm opoosite Mr. Forrest s and snnoer st Mr. Burton s, Rugby, on Thursday. . the farm opoosnte zur. .l`.'0l'l`68V a nun supper s, on Thursdag. l The next evening he on-ived,at' James Tn hope s about ve o'clock, representing himself as a gravestone agent, and had tea. It was during this absence the horse escaped. The supposed thief next turned up at White's _ Corners, wherejze treated quite liberally, - -presu1neblyw1thForreater!g mq liere I Mr. McLean and Mr. Neil Johnsbnf covered . M... gm! Hun fm-mar ntfemnted to keep him gm ';,*:..';f;.::s'.:':- .1`: :2; :.,..*3 was? to in.<='." rs [.., ;-.- m,.v;`.`: ] 1. 1` tie ' ' u _.. L- 'I_-'..._- LLILI __ I.` Ze.u..u Mi-. McLean and Mr. Non Johnson alswveruq ~ him, and the former uttem ted keep him ` engaged in conversation w ile the latter ob- tained the services of e constable, but seeing an opportunity the trump took to his heels on got into the bush, Immediate" and diligent search was undo. but no further, trace of the fugitive was discovered. The individual re- ferred to state (1 that his nsme was Hand d green, and he probably has other aliases. sung? ymn `char _yearsoee_A . ..t18 20 E : hsirnssnmessdull` .'"L wesrsjs black contend blsok pants,` merloen eut,su Sines thesettheftetook place. two others, 1: e 'dntl .`perpe`mte&h the "` .ha . .e3"m uxler. our#8I:tn"x-`:d?y 11': 1--'....`.`..;... :v.....e....., `u-ma. u ma.mbbed of 3 epoq, and lost; S0!!! 'p1g_1f. or Smcon. come unmet our uuuuu. vu u-nu. In ` Pena road, was robin:-J. 5?; valuthig8i'16d`fP. 1: as e nighljkare egigryaiegll`-rI_h9o'x%. . Fxeld, Eu. 3 hone yrlgioh wn_|_o_t_1t at pasture. 'fl.`he _ ngny . ound_m_anIed} ng gondgtmn, and it aur- nu:-AJ -nan uni i `Ml . t3'{{{za_"'1':I'. ...:a';., f.;.:7a'au..'.`.,' ;.:.i'm;*;.;;-1 mined. was sat . I41:-nf_ls_b1-_ Ithe thief. and {Mt-.,__ 51:24.11. 1...... hamlmlh the` vehicle.` Eve!-v 1 . `L.--.t.vs:.s.-1!.;v~.v..mxv:r. I '8... " 7.a?*g`n'. e`,u;.`e' i.`i *".;.;.."`a""" ` ' n.I:I-oI:ha:n' in n! 'n`srty o`f.tho wa.sset.I4lnIr-.01; tn_e umeg. um nu-._ gqngjnitohedto the vehicle. Every` ' hrgiscover thefthief but _ -9- a k. .13: "'|IWm-n'rInnoE `Rn-. 4|-longs` `in-uiavas. . at ""oifr"' 375351. B3 'Zmd.`"" "9 "7M'r'. ' [M . of . ~."I..`-3.......,' :31 the `name 5|` we < lime: DUI; I ~*-' "?' ff?; :3 A gm] A1 I) LVBI-`XI-`LII ld.I'li-U UEAEUDI The defendant in the case of alleged infrac- tion` of the liquor ln.w -Mr. Jan. McCab8-'-' which was reported in Tim Anvxscs last week, was again` summoned, on .Thnrsd_Iy. charged withthe same offence. Francis Field was the prosecutor. As in the former cue the??- was no evidence whsteveriagainst the defen- dant, and the case was accordingly A'nx'xn. no wan. . The Chief Constable agpeared against J as. ' Garritt, a shoemaker, w 0 was `chorged with being a vsgsbond and neglecting to suport his family. Garritt recently went off to am- ilton while, on a. spree, and was brought from that city as 5 witness in the late liquor case, though it turned out that he had no evidence to give in the matter. He was discharged by His Worship with a caution. ' DRUNK AND DISORDEBLY. Henry McMahon was charged at the in- stance of Constable G. G. Smith with being drunk and disorderly on Thnrsdey afternoon. He paid a. ne of 20 cents and costa,$4.20, and was allowed to go. _ __ ..__r_ ______ __--..--.'.....-my I The folloiving aseshave been up before Wonhip since our last record of doing: at tho Y-.-b3.u. OI"... A :'{.'o`'.T w A _'mAMP's l ..I1'1'LE mmoumm. ` Mr. . Thos. Robinson, J. P., Vesprn, `on Snfurdnv evening encountered a. tramp named David McIntosh, who as a sort of joke strnck the old gentlemen 9. whack on the head with sbnndle he was carrying. The fellow iteppesrs was drunk, and Mr. Robinson not pressing the charge he was allowed to go. Mclntnsh comes from Proton and was on his wayto Mnskokn. ' .. SNOOZINO "3 A_ DANGEROUS SPOT. John Greenwood, an old chap from Toronto, came to town to look up a'job. He got drunk and wandering. down to the Northern Railway track, lay down for a sleep. Constable Vick- erefound the sleeper lying within a. few inches of the breakwater, and conveyed him to sol The prisoner was discliarged and ordere to leave town. .._._ wuo ARE 'ro Imcsxvmrnmurrs FROM THE Lrquon ucnxsn. cmmssxonnas :1ron was cousn on smcoz. ` T EH51` Dllblllln 0rillia--Wm. Edwards, John Ke11,%,James Maguire, J. M. Sullivan and Robt. Russell. Orillia l"owuship.-E. Robinson, R. ` Burnham and M. Parks. 0rn.-'Wm. E. Davis, J. Orser, David Noble, Miles Caldwell, and P. L Campbell. Penetanguishene. -_-P. M. Finn, Cha.s,Vf`/lnrknon and Jon. Dusome. Shop.- Jns. Winn. \ T4y.-W. H. Cussellman, J. S, Mnckay,-David Howie; M._ Glalstone, Jos. Duncan. Jos. Crhddock and H. Morrison Shop.-M`. Devine and Wm. Smith. Medonte -John Bannister, N. J . Fmwley,` J. R. Campbell, 0. Faragher. Alex. Hill; A1-ohd. Darrach, M. A. Bor1and,XGeo. Caswelland Hector Macdonald. Shop -Parker & Laird, Tiny.--Hiram Tri p, and E. Cmascllman. Shop.-VV. Erlwanl)5. The application -f Mr. J nmhlmn sun] J. W. Slavan was held over '-"oh0p.-\V. Edwards. '1'neBppuca.mou "1 Lur. J. Coolahan and J. W. Slavan held until the Inspector reported to the Board that the applicants had complied with by-laws, rules and regulations in force, respecting shop and wholesale licenses. On m.tion ordered, that the Inspector be instructed to issue cir- cularletters to all holders of licenses in the District assuring them that in all cases where intoxicating liquors are given or sold to ine- hriated persons, and continued drunkenness is allowed on the premises, it shall be an in- struction of the Board thatsteps be at once taken to have said licenses cancelled. . SOUTH BIMCOE. Bra.'Iford.--lIotel.-Rol)t. Bingham, W. Innis,. Robert Algeo and Jol1n,_Armstrong.- Shor_)_s.-E1liot & Durham, Worst Gwillimbury -Hotel.--Ja.mes McDermot and John Rosc- man, Bond Head; John Bolton, Croxon s Hornets; George Swain, Gilford. Shop.-- \V`. &J. St. Clair. ' Irmisl.--Hotel.-E. V. Haumer, Bell Ewart: VV. Ellis and James Kerr,-Lefroy; Mrs Gregg, Churchill; W. West, Victoria. ; J .. J elly,' Bramley; E. S, iV[eeking,__ P. Hamlin and G. H. Anuitage, Allandale. - Eua.-Hotel.-.-C. ' Armstrong, Cookstown; J. L. T. Bush, Mrs. M. Foster, and W. H. McDouqn.ll, Angus ;_ D. Living- stone, Thor-nton;`P. Size, Nicolston; Wm. Foston, Angus, and James Speeis. aliaton, -Hotel. -John O'Brien, W. Booth, R. Hen- V derson. Shop-P. Fay, and J. 0. Hart. I'asnronti >.,--Hotel.--John Gallagher, Everett; ~ J. Moore, Airlie ; Jos. Willcox. Rosemont ; R. Beamish, and Robt. Mason, Glencairn. WEST SIMCOE. H. G. Biglow, J. Clarkson. M. Shanacy; J. M. Ness, Jas. McCabe, Thos. Summersett. Thomas Coughlin,., John Livingston and H. F.` Evans. Shops._--Farqnharson & l)utton..M. H. Spencer and P. Kearns.- .ll-m-- dale.-.-Mrs. M. L. Wait. CaIlingwoad;-Hotel -- Hugh Cameron, Alex Blue, Isaiah Winters, J "R owland, Wm.. Liddell, P. McCaulay,Thos. Collins. Whitney &. Cockerline. N )1! 1w umgu --Hotel -T. Froysell, H. \Vatson, F. Ban- nister, Alex. Currie, Wm. Larnsh, Joseph Leonard. Thos.'English, Elias Leonard, John Foster, VVm. Gowan, R. Mitchell, H. Stevens, John Mosley. Shop'--Wm. Kerr &(}o., H. Wiggins. Sunm'rlule.--John Randald, 0 Bush, Jas. Graham, John Brown. Vesp:-a.,--John -Cullen, A. Swaisland, P. Dunn. 'SIayner.-- 2` l{otel.-R. Cameron, Ann Coleman. A. Sum ' merfeldt, J. D. McMullin. Shop.--J. H.- ;a George. Angus Cameron. Fins.-George Harber, Thos. Stone, Geo. Hunt. Thos. Col- lins was refunded two thirds of his license of last year, on account of the loss of the Steamer ...J' ..1............. nut` II`: n INA:-nanny Rani-ah-u-v A5 I Barriv.-Hotel-A. W.,Brown, A. Arnall,_ ` ('umb-.rlrmrI. Mr. Geo Watson was re-elect-. A mmarr o_r nmcnuxmus mamma- T `HE0u@.NV1Is.*uBAN cm on t'mnom'mrI. Ml`. ueo Watson was re-ewcu-. ed chairman and Mr. D. Morrow Secretary of Ilsa IL-u.-.-I en 0 lrllll the Board. .F.-.-._.. Tm: Anvuwom is at all timesoopon to record the views and opinions of its readers on matters deemed of interest and importance. provided ' that all communications are couched in proper iunuago. and nccom nied by the name of the out or. (not necessa y for publication). The I: also :4--nu v_, ..... _-_-.. .-.. .DEAB Sm,-In the last issue of your valu- able paper I observed a statement that a large and inuential deputation waited "on me to become a camdate in the Liberal Con- servative interests for the representation of South Simcoe inthe Local House. Such a statement, Sir, is rather premature.~ No con- stituted deputation waited on me, but a few prominent gentlemen did call on me and ask me to allow my name to bexnentioned as a candidate, and I told them that I would - support the o ' es of the Convention. and if that an `ody thought me worthy of _ ? their condence I would `accede to their re- - quest, provided it did not interfert with my `municipalrduties, which_I am informed it will not, ' I may also add, Sir, tha_tI have not the slightest ambition for the position, and if one more worthy is nominated he shall have my warm support. By inserting this you will oblige . i I 1 1 I I Your obedient servant, ` ' n in `RA`M"ll'\Tn To the' Editor of the dvface, and men by me 01' the or (not y publication). editor is not to be understood as endorsing the views of Correspondents. . Pouo: ooun`r`no1'es. THE NOMINATION FOR THE sourn. cookssown, 27th Apr:;, 1373? [llorrupondcnce of tlie .dvam:e.]_ > T A HUGE HONEY FIND.-On Saturday last Mr. Edw. Staley, `while working at chopping on Lot 6, C011. 3, of this town- ` -l.:n nnl-inarl zrnnmlsnr nf hnnvina Established 1803. Capital, $11,000,000. For Fire Business Only. ' - Alt`? XIIIDDIIIII I-ant B_ up u "W9-1 -9 -1; su . J--g about. gllr. Stzleiyw. Hexng an egg;-riigneed bee hunter, oencluded th`a a `nest was not far away and determined to go in aea.roh'for it. Accordingly acoompgmieni by John McGinni he set out to look for `the home of the swarm. The `tree in __L1-I. IL ..-.... Inna!-;:I u-mu IIAII7. nnnn '1!- .ROI'aQID&ll|3U,Ul IIWUIVU [$0 uvun v .' ' I V ;a$*;m2,;:?.g:lez::m: as: .m hubggfg carried Mya. V a" 4; fthlootion , of-ghg_ggeua' hive for ,e19ei'8. 5W31'"!. b`'I0,II vfvifh` its occu- ;;g{_;n[oGiui:ia .premise6 on *5, ' `L-"u .-n ._..._L ' Innhv vnnn. 8&1- 101 91% SWHIII-lo `,5-`V 5`! `i5? . `F W ` ' Q9: 5 at? tbgbqi ntaxsa `::?5_: 09 t'do'ivn carefully proceeded 10`~&l0Wim thaaxmt ;1.._nd. 3351 bh9k.V9P? - 1.5. ... `__..g.., ......L ......a. LL...` -nnl anal ` N (IUWII. vauuuuy prvvvvuv-4 w w-vv--v--- I t`.18l3.9 n`? nds" .4 931`! 9`! "" `were 7 much more than realized. For 3 distunoejoftwelve feet from` the ;x..__n..-.... :_ 4.1.- L...` 4.]... L..Il..... L_..nIi- urns: niunsgnsrnrrxusn canon. up -no-1! Licenses TO sau.. eovvcnnouuute. `Li:'r'1"n1; rnon dog. Ignn-ma. ----_ u uv Quv-v --_ _---__ Insures Farm Prdperty and Private Dwellings. (lzpital, $600,000. ' Arlzt, mnnnow. Anenl. EAST BIMCOE. -.... y` rnog. rljvuuv, 3, T. Bmma. am 4d$mc.1. . . . ` ANOTHER or: T_EB...VETEBANS or` 1812 eons.-i-iMr'.` Williatn Vanevefy who died of eight brothers who enrolled themselves for their countryin the war of 1812, and deeds have immortalized the militia of Canada. Mr. Vanevery was present in the meniorahle elds of_ Q-xeanston Heights, Lnndy's'L-me and the taking of , Debi-iot, and nearly all the sanguinary battles of that period, and was one of thelenrolled veteran pensioners. Through life he was an uprlgh honest man, of undoubted probity, and was highly rc~ spected by all who knew him for his many good qualities. He wasa staunch, olife-long Conservative. His remains were followed to the grave by a large `Hid respectable concourse of relatives, friends and neighbors. `zit his real lance, in Essa, on the _29th . of March at the age of 88 years, was one belonged tothut nobleband whose heroic V- team of news axlutable-for this colurim are so cited from our readers throughout the wunty.] .-_.:- Gnmmxas mom Comzrv Excmmaxs AND NOTES mom connssaonnxm-rs- T1mwEEK s NEWS IN Smcox-:.-Noms _AND onsnavxrxoxs or now THINGS .__ --- unrvvn nvnmnln1\,4`l4`_uuInvvpg11\y(3 AND Olssnilsvaxxuna u: nun guuuuu `ARE IN _ l`HIS D_I8'I`BlC1`.--EVEBY !`HING rnssn, ram: AND FULL. ' -...-q BEWARE` of horse thieves ! Hmnronn lectures in Colligwood to~ night. ~ 1 _ ;_._-_ -.._..-.. . NATIVE gold has been discovered in Stephenson, Muskoka. - 4` ' ,,A1,_ -V "I.-`--"' _ '77 _ ALLISTOR wants a xje engine, so the the local paper says. . 1. n CREEK'1`OWNVi8_the narn;-`of 9. new Post Ofce in F103. __r`.,..,, , Canada Pox-m9.171exV1?t Loan nd Savings Company; ..r\vnI|Y II Ulhn Tm-: machinery for 11:; match. factory to be started at Penetang., has arrived THERE is one Bracebridge in-rm who is never short of a. do1la.r.T That's his name. 7 MR. Sine is the new teacher fdri Orilk lia; High School; This is 9. Sine that- but no maiter. WILD strawberries are said to be in blossom , up in Muskoka. Something grows in Muak'oka., after` all. ' A PROMINENT Collingwood blue ribbon man is the viciim of reports reflecting (Q n his steadfastqess. The Enterprise acts" as his champion. ' ' ... .-.... 1-... )1 `V 7* "_ -_V 77 I HENRY Smith, near Price's Corners, is rearing twin heifer calves, and the cow of an Orillia. man named Morningstar lately produced a pair of matched steers. MR. James Thornton, Medonte, has a ewe which dropped a. lamb on the 3rd of April, and another on the 15th. A similar case is reported-by Mr. Thomas Price, of Price's Corner. ' Tm: following are theoicers of Al- liston Conservative Association ;-- J. Stewart, P:-osident;B. G. Perry. let Vice; Geo. Fletcher, 2n'd. Vice; C. A. Lett, Sec. ; C. Couen, Treasurer. ' e a.. I In te morning you will see them going off in all directions with guI_1s a.nd dogs and" things.-ADVANCE. Va: and it `smnezu-n to he mucli more con- t|llng8.-ADVANCE. Yes, and it `appears to be mucli con- venientto carry the things" in a ask.-- Mnsswnger. V Only temporary, you mean. u APITAL, Tmum horses, save the S.entin'el,wm-e purchased at a. Baili's sale in Tecumsetli last week for 9.511. According to Mr, Mac- kenzie s theory sales like this are evi- dences of the prosperity of the cauntry, as it is a. ` cheap country to live in. ' AT the regular Exster vesbry meeting `Of the English Church, Stayner, Mr. E. B. Sanders was elected as the people s Church Warden, Mr. E.C. hFishera.s the Incumbentfs church warden` and Mr.` -J. Cole, as delegate to the Synod for the year. A-Conmnawoon paper complains that the Fish Co. send off all the good sh and sell the bad ones ahout town. But here comes the Keenansville aper with a. request for the Governmeu) inspector of sh at Co`lingwood to rise and explain how it is that so many of the packages bearing his brand of No; 1 are quite rot- ten 1 The fish would seem to'be bad all around. THE H. 8: N. W. railway Co. want $45,000 more to enable them to go on with the branch. This amount they wish to distribute as follows: Calling- wood, $10,000; Nobtawasaga. $20,000 ; Collingwood Township, $5,000 ; Osprey $7,500; and Mulmur, $2,500. The Enlerprise refers to the subjects a. fol- lows-:_ T 1151...... `LA Gnu nnnnhn:nn n` lrhn Dru)!` U Eumnov: has organized a temperance .,`l ..... 1ows-;_ Erom the first conception of the road, and we claim to be the originator of the line, so far as the branch is concerned, we have fought many a hard battle to carry out the scheme, havin every faithin the undertak- ing and con dence in the men who were placed in charge of the work, and have up to this day, and still believe that the Company are sincere and honest enough to carry out their undertakings but we ngnst admit that the present 'pl'0pQB'ItlOni have shaken our faith in the men but not the road. It is a last ef- fort, and a desperate struggle is to be made to squeeze a few more thousands out of the rate yers, and as we believe unjust] , we nhnl edenvour to nrevent it to the ullest rate Inc. as we oeueve .l1l]]l18l5l we aha edeavour t _prevent it_ extent of our nbxhty, - , his possession one of the greatest curiosi- ' Al-Lou uvnwl {'1 ON Sunday morning, 21 inst., says the Bracebridge Herald, Dr. Rear of this vil- lage, was called V about 30 miles from here in attendance upon a sick lady, the wife of a very. respeotahle and Dwell-to-do farmer, and has since returned having in ties, or `freaks of nature, ever seen on earth. viz., a pair or twin male children still born, butfully developed, each at- tached to the other from an inch below the upper end of the sternum or breast.` bone,vto_ about two inches above the ; public bone, and transversely the full width of the chest and ahdqnaen; In can can nanul-. nnnnninl-A111` scienti. Wlllll Ul UHV other ujrqrqs V`l'V``l `I93 the quyuquwur Lu arms, the skin of the bodies being con- tinuous and enveloping them together. They are finely featured, of mediuui and in'the other arms. they look somewhat like two `miniature angels enjoying a _ delightful slumber. The lady and her , husband havevolnntarily given them to Dr. Rear for the present, whowill prob- ably at some future time for -8.54` them ptotlasz P .1109? o.nxni"fr e smjnation , museum speci-. . are mat completely .. two in one, be 3 faoeto face, breast to ` breast, each embraced by the other's 1 equal size, weighing -11 lbs 2 ounces, and_ I as the Doctor has then; n_e_a`tl_y rgtirgd in _ a reasglwi eglaus cover, each folded I I1` Afar war, pestilhnae Had intemperance` ` --co`d3 lend to the nrestnat dutzqetxon qf hu- man lite, mainly boqaqao it in In darted` by mun mha nf- an conuaenco I . hence In AufnI1gp.:a_P1_cIgg;x_L us_1=1n.n\'cE calm?! A._`I DI`! AAA AAA 'I1-_ aY a':.:~:,-m`::.;::...*: ..,..:,% lite, mall!!! uocqao I! I! Q nunereu uv many to he at? at; ggaseqaeqce an us A temnicslly no so , . until s.i'iI"13pl. curable diaeuoh oonvemd `mo 1 fatal mfmonny on Every one ttB'uh!o_d '. itq glut is called xulight ' cold or cough, shohldimmedistely nae Br ran : Pnimonio Wsferh"-they uh: irritation at 61:09. and exert I most benee ; In qelpfoa op_ ' illoln-Qaln nni`IIai,' COUNTYNOTES. VESSA. |\Tv'|JA'1`_|_ THIS!` %{5T$~i_=H1`~'i EVERYBODY WONDERS t`l'?L.. -...'..L Mann 3; am: tnn`:?nu f.hn3n- 1v-uy fn f` `T I: Ii I Q - WELL, I mix teltyon, he gives every sitter good satisfaction, and` one sends another. They are leaving their orders for choice Pho- to who to send to friends in distant lands. .B.-0wing to such in Ieumnd in copying ..I.l T):..L........ `I I-man nnanml mm-a ntfannivplv ---._-_ GA`LEaY I17--- 1' `an n-pan Ann:-cu QM!-an toaphs to pend to xnonns Ill msmnsnnus. .B.-0wing'to such demand in old Pictures, I havvopencd more extensively into the business. Having a large stat}? of hands I am enlarging pictures at such prices an never was heard of before in Ontario. AGENTS WANTED. ` O5 to ll! per day to canvass for Photographs, Ambtotvpes, etc. Great in~ ducementa. Address STEPHENS COPYING HOUSE, Box 141. Barrio. fa EVQ|\|5l\JlJI Vv\IlVIoI-IIp\a Why such crowds are making their way to a on `E! 1: 1::r 1:; -Nr gs 1}nT'nBsAnRr11}1aE mm: Thia gallery is now-rfopenegl out and in full work. One visit will convince those wishing to have - Superior`Pictures Taken m.'.+ 4-M. Ia the mat in come to. ' Parties do- DUNLOP` STREET, _ oven mnwnr-m .2 nnvmws ..__..-. Xinrv--v- -- -vw--- v~- -- v_-- _ 1`h'at this is the spot to come to. Parties six-ing Good and Correct L`|u:m:s-cu are invitedto call. You can rely upon getting "G666 P'H_0TOG'R..AIV HSv` Pictures of Every" Dose":-Ipuon Taken daily, Including Canes- dc-Vlslle. `CabinelPiCturc:Ei Enlargements 1 A1l:i;1_<{s of OLD PICTURES GOP|_ED AH!) ENLARGED! `I'.. .. ............. nu Novembr 7th, 1877. 'l`he Ialolatedu Risk Insurance co.. . Pursuant to an order of the Court of Chan- cery made in a. matter of Mary Jane Pcarcy, and-others,infants, on the petition of the said infants and their mother J anc Pearcy, the crud- tors of Gilbert 1 earey,- late of the Township of Tecnmseth, in the County of Simcoe, . farmer, who died in or about the month of January, 1878, are on or before the 'l`LIl1{- I TEENTHDAY of MAY, 1878, to semlby 3 post prepaid to Ardaglx, Strathy & Aulh, of 1. the Town of Barrie, in the said County of , Simcoe, the Solicitors, of the said petitioners, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and ` description, the full particulars of their claims, a. statement of their accounts and-the nature i of the securities,_if any, held by them ; or in default thereof they will be peremptorily ex- i eluded from the benet of the said order, every creditor holding any security is to pro- duce the same before me the undersigned master of the said Court at Barrie, at my chambers in the Court House, Town of Barrie, I on the Twenty First Day of May, 1878, at 11 o'clock, foreuoon, being the time appointed for adjudication on the claims. - . ,1 12 nn'r'r1m In Chancery. In Chambers. -Bmxvmzx named P aintiff, and upon hearinw read the af- \u. us; (.1). U on the abplicntion be the above davits of Plaintiff and Mary C:l ark, led, it is ordered that the Defemlnut Charles H`. ! Clark do, on or before the 10th` day of June | next, answer or Llemur to the Bill of _Com- plaint in this cause. V4-4-1878. ' ' R. 1 . STEPHENS, f\ 1-: AA AA 1), (Te: 3-) VI IVE IU Iliul BIIUUIIII In-nu -- -u-nu...- CHARLES H. CLARK, take notice that if you do not answerer demur to the Bill pur- suant to the-.'abm'o order, the Plaintilf may obtain an order to take the Bill ~us confessed against you, and the Court may grant such re- lief as he may be entitled to, on his own shew- ing, and you will not receive any further notice of the future proceedings in the cause. V --------- - =- Ln Ln mm! -.4- Hm nun... I1` I NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANTABOVE NAMED -rr IV _ 2-- LL..L It uumuv In uuv Auuunu lJlU\;\4\:\AA|A5u u. mu. v......... | 1 Your answer is to be led at the ollice of the Deputy Registrar of this Court,.at the Town of Barrie, m the County of Simone. 'Yours, &c., - ARDAC-H, STRATHY & AULT, Ir 1; ' - 1lI-I..LIAI".. o..I:..:L.-.... 15-4t. .0 -IITIIIl U-tn Embracing full and "authentic account of every nation of ancient` and modern times, and including a. history of the rise and fall of the Greek and-`Roman Empires, the growth of the nation of modern Europe, _the middle ages, the crusades, the-feudal system, the re- formation, the discovery and settlement of the New W01-ld,etc., etc. 14- mm!-nnu R7-'2 Hm: his-xfnrir-s nnrrrstvinnq the New won-1(1,cl'.c., em. It contains 672 ne historical engravings and 1250 large double column pages, and IS the most complete History of the World ev'er published. It sells at sight, Send for specimen pages and extra. terms to Agents, and see why itsells faster than any other lmnlz Address. V Barrie . . .. Allandzile . anu 388 Wily ll: BC} book. Address, KT . vrvnv A I Pnnr N book. Address, NATIONAL Pum._1sumo Cu.,'PhiIadelphia,' Pa, u. :w v;.;.;.u.u :Daeea the mu Day of April, T878. 1s.4e um LIGHT om [Try I1: once.[ Being a pure white light` it is a. stronger Iight and yet less in'm-ions to the sight; and is also less oombustib e.'and burns longer than Ooal0il. - 7 . W. B. CAPON, n'n..; ' n..__-.-4- n.._-_)_ fI'.n_l n V 0. V1." W A 8-3m. WHANCERY NOTICE TO CREDI ......u.-u nn.~nru- v v V ' ' . ----- - Fbnqq, aWatch. The owner can have it _by provmg` property, and paying expenses. :App1yto . ' M. QUINLAN. 1 Ban-ie. Am-il 23rd. 1878. ' Thorn ton . . (`onkstown .. liueton. . . . . 'l`nttonha.m . Palgrnve . . Barrie, April 23rd, 1878. WA'pcH FOUNQ.` _ | n.......: ..ur..a.,.1. mu... .. 1 HEUMATISM. 13 AN "ACID BLOOD P0 There can be no Inam gion wi out Fermentation, there . cgnhdn rmentatlon without a poisonuus Ani `.mtnN'I`nwsz 'R'1i`.TTM'A'l`lf`. An .Acid. ABRUNT0N S RHEUMATIC 0&0 [[0 I10 .l'."8l'In8lll3aVlOl1 W'l'|'a0'1V pOl80nUl]8 AB- SORBENT neutralises the isonons acids in a fewhonxn; removing the AUSE of. Rheuma- tism, Ulcers, Sores, and all Skin Diseases. Sold by Dmggiats. Price 2c. Adviop, in particular cases free I . w B . Ema `1lJ\J Q.IJl-LI-`I J.` .IIrLlI. 1' \Jl'U CILLJIII V Containin 100 Acres, and situated noe mile from the own of Barrie, being com- of the E. About 75 acre: #0. \i|K`ed; balance The soil `is of first l0l_ e new "y seeded down, W, est. Gbod Frame Dwelling 18 1: ~ 29ft.,'and Log Dwelling 16.: 20 ft.; 2 large Fr'a.!_:_1_e`BAlTnn 3.x 60,ft., built at a cost of 3900. Belt of well wafer on the pycguis joins the h _ oi M1; `and iaooqvanlollt in A 9196. 5.05001- Ilbn fnniharnnhlxnlaiia sunk to ' 4} Lot 19, in the 51:11 'Con., ` and13 ' . ` _ e' V The property 13 all well feno9(1`rh'.(l)`:isC1::dal(`1 - A .1 Iv nun `THOMAS JAMES SPRQULE, Plairzfi`, l 11-6% [. 7ALUABLE FARM FOR siAL'E 100 mil. I-Am 01.. nah: n6 `R.-uh. 1.41:... .. UIANCERY ORDER AND` NOTICE. ' ` I THE BEST BURNING 01:. IN `THE WORLD. Wmnlx mm INSUANGE comm 0fLoi1don, England, Establia he-i 1782. ALEX. lllonnow, Agent. |.J.L4LLV\/14511;. ..uv.._.\,.. _. -_._- TORS OF GILBERT PEARCY, LECEASED. [0l'AITlA`DVARcI t }TcIpn.1A_8._l87a. A = AGENTS WANTED ron 1m~f - IGTOBIAL -' .5!I93_Y9?;T?`EV9A*3.ED`, Imo'ronAr-ulna. V _._.;.._ MERICAN nu IAOOIWGIIIUIK 1! S99. 5.0509.`- see ~m~mM;.2v::n 'n..n.. CHARLES H. CLARK; Defcndanl. In 9. superior manner. 1171` I` I` T) 1'.` I . on gun tun Iuwuuvn . 0. RE EV ES. .nuv..-nv Iv-`wu:vu at this Gallery. Toronto . Ihuuiltml . Friday, the 29th day of . -March, 'A. D., 1878. u.uuu..-:- J. R. COTTER. 1 n-n vvo u. \.r`-L\/A1, l Opposita Queen : Hole}, i uusn.;;;. w .-u..., Plaintitf's Solicitors. . ".,BBUN'l`ON. W `' London, Ont. ppny so - j. 01-8. DALEY, `On . the premises. I.'J V l...l\`ln I`rop1'ictor. A K I -- _. D`), Rot. L. Imus. l1EPSEY-Il|SS_[l0PKlNS. fnrtigcru 3hhance.| ,---r -*W._ _ - OF T_HE CITY or TORONTO, Being highly recommended by some` of the lending homes of the City to locate themselves `in Barrie to supply a want long felt in the . ` . way of 4......-. -`gnu--AQVAIIIIN ' G00!) ABLE DRESS & IQANILE MAKING, _-__._v' V.__....__.._._ _, , Have taken Room: over House : Shoe Store, Dunlap street, Where they are ready to execute promptly all orders entmstedvto tb_eir care. -Dn`nnAn/-oa- Inuv T( A v `Inc 11`. 7l?l'k'I'I-`.71, UI\IUl'3 UIIIII I-IBIIUMIV IIU DEVIL MIDI`): ` ' -Refex-ences:-JouN KAY, Mas. E. WEBSTER, Toronto. 15- ~ Two First-clias Dress Makers and 3 `Ap- ru-nn f;r\nu nrgnnd mmnllinf.4!] V. 1`wo mrsn-c1aas_ ureaa mam: prentxces wanted xmlnedmtely. -Wi5hes' to inform hcr customers that she : prepared to receive orders for / mam Arm mmmw mm; s| STRAW WORK, ,sTAm@1N_G }*_oapm.=m1NG, Jan. 14, 1878. $7 D5 """ """" "" ' "" ' v -.Take a rake and'invite_ yourself ton lawn party. ' ' V IVIULC ASTER. STREET, INEAR AND REAR OF THE MARKET; BARILIE. T-.. I A IO",'O 0 LI mNc;icLEm1zL, m:3& soommn Begs to inform the inhabitants of Barrie and surrounding country that he has commenced business in the above line,vnnd by his, long ex- perience of and practxce in the business he hopes to be able to give entire satisfaction to all`w_ho patronize him. ' '_;n-.nI-5 _ _ . _ -_- mu: m .- cv- Lvidles Dresses in Silk, Satin, Velvet, Mt.-rinoes, &.c., Dyed or Cleaned equal to new. (ielnlcnnenh Bulls Dyed or Renovated and nicely nished. }<`nntlw.r.=z, T.:|m=_s1, lTmIn-nnq Run Qlusuinl ZLHU. lOB1y IIIIISHCU. ` V Feathers`, Laces, Umbrelln, Sun Slmdes,` | dyed all the newest colors and dressed. Kid Gloves Cleaned. All kinds of liolzseliolcl Drapery Cleaned or Dyed. Carpets, Crumbcloths. Hearth Rugs, &c., cleaned. Sheep Skins Cleaned or Dyed. . I A r~11'1~I-r'I'Ic~ 1-I-P l\ -xv-I-I-1-I-1-I-s VVASTE NOT 2 WANT -Nor. LAUCHLAN MACDONALD, ` Remember tha place : I DUNLGP-ST. WEST, 0`P'TE DR. MORTOWS. Barrie, April 15, 1878. CLOVER, TIVIOTIIY. Turnips, Car- rot,` and Mange}, ~G irla School Satchgls new'kind-aee them at E . V FRESH AND CAREFULLY SELECTED. ,Whe:1t, Oats, Peas, Barley and Potatoes. Everything new, choice and true to name. Everything new and valuable in Kitchen and Flower Garzleu Seeds." ' Lsm, LAM] P1.As'm:,m:\ Special quotations to dealers alnd quiring large quantities. { . Z1$..i;E71v:I'7si'VVW:g:L:1'E[:i;I. ia- !v1__.!39:Hv_vLL.l `Miss . Irving 4.1.1. Having returned to Barrie and taken up residence permanenf-iy, desires to announce the reopening of her late business in REAL ESTATE AGENT,|I n u --Fx-uit tree peddlers are deliveri ng- their orders. F11 than vv,_.,.,_-vv.,-----_-- ,IEss MAKING. ;`VILLIABI HALSTEAN, ` 7 7 . `ism wma ANB mumn FARMS Ofisll `de-xoripbions, in the finest section of country in the Union. Shh asks a continvance of the liberal pationage formerly bestowed on her, and guarantees the same satisfaction in all work entrusted to her care. 1 D.` 1 . . s ; nu nu. no... no. -nun. av Anus vvvnvv A new_ eteck of the latest and most Fashionable Goods laid in, to which she invites the attehtxon of the ladies of Barrie and vicinity. _r,-LV071`tlDTl0YIlllI7`l7 l'|. DIDYVO Mantle Making. in "' UL ual Lu; uuu I Auuuu y o K3'EST./1BLlSHMENT:-BIRD S BLOCK, DUNLOP-S l'. L , 1 Barrie, Dec. 4 , 1877. NHEAPEST OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINE! ImummnmmAL0emssm V,` , - - l`he increase in the number of subscriber: to I`nm A1)vANc1:.continues. -'I`o-day the trial of `the boy James will take place at~the Court House. --There are a. few dead dogs within the cor- poration which ought to be buried. .. .. u. . -n1_...I.... *AT10NAL LINE PASSENGER- " L STEAMSHIPS. ' New York to Liverpool or Queenstown, $50 to $70, Currency. . New York to Londnn bv Direct Steamer. to am, uurrency. New York to London by `Direct Steamer, $50, or $60, Currency; " V run: I _ 1. MHLLHNEIW, Excursion or Return Tickets ~IBetween New York and Liverpool at Queen- `atown $110 or 8l20, Currency,` according to location of staterooms. D5We8Xl,lV OW IOPK III JAOIIQOD, Dy .UlTCl steamer, 3100, Currency. `_' S inl through rates to and from PARIS by the various routes, Via the London, or Liverpool, Steam- ers oi-the Line, furnished upon application." awwn ouv or onzu, uurrency, accoramg to locntxon staterooms. Between,New York and London, by Direct `simmer. S100. Gnu-enov. "Snecinl thrnnah Psaengers booked>;o-and ft-om` all Towns in Europe, and all the port: in Australia, New : Qzealand, Queensland.` kc. Saloon or Steemge at the lowest mun. For tickets from Barns direct, gnd all information, apply at the _"VAdvano,e 2 once. SEEDS! OTICEl -Lacrosse and Rubber Balls, cheap, cheap, cheap, at Edwards . ' , A u -1 . I 3., _ ~ ` Six` young men can be accommodated with Rooms in a first-cllll private houses, ve min- utes walk from the Post Ofoe. Apply at urlrn-1:: A n11 A 11111:! nilviiirus-.1 ___-_ ..___. __-._ - v v-------- -op`:-Iy nu TEE_ ZDVANCE" omen. I _n-J:-is. Ann -1_;15.~ me. _ 1 was SEND F0 R -c'71`TA LOG UES EASTON`, TALB01` C0., MARYLAND, $EEBS! VVATER LIM E, CE;\lEl\'T, SEEBS! ONTARI; HVOUSE, BARRIE- tlss moRiToi~i DRESS AND --We have sent out post cards to subscrib- era in urrears, not all of whom have as yet zreupomled. " n I vn_ ,,,,r . _.y._ A ..L....I .3 ...-..-u at-uah moms To me. Residence, East side of M ILLINEBY. navy- .-. __.__-\/x/u/\./vsqs Giving full descriptions. others re- 16-1y- 14-'(.`;m. AYFIELD STREET anpomm a-Idoiczv smn I8 uonzt EA||lEI|.`wu The subscriber wink: annual for the nnmx tronnge v In th t, lion: 9. oogxitigxnusneo :tpt..h8e lune, sud hop '0. tostomthathln WIDWUIIKIIAID TEAS, GROBEIIIES 8!. PROVISIONS n......... ha human either for quamy or prlcg. Ho Autumn-yu .. .._v._ - -_, ""`:.P.1f::.`:.:.;`:3,`:;`:`1'o..?a.`?.?'` -La.ger beer has been introduced into Barrie. ' -u .n 1 I Iii), ot be beaten either quality price. H Best Markets. and cannot be y any house in town. THOMAS LENNOX. .-.__.._ ~n-.n.. -0 n.. unnnmmn nmL CHEESE 8: FRUIT -1 OROOERIIS AND PROVISIONS. THE NEW BRICK STORE, SOUTH SIDE OF DUN LOP STREET. R. KING, JR'S., THEA 1 CHEAP TEA STORE. '` enocsnms 3:. gaslous cum GASHEWS BLOCK. BAYFIELD-8T.. - They sell for Cash at the lowest living profit the following :- A I TE/S HOUSE, A Q H E M l Q D I n U D A V I I I I . OT ;uu . Iva --This timelst year we were hardly thfough with snow. I ~. u Challenge Tea at 50. per 1b., tho beat and cheapest in town, can't be beat ; Very choice Young Hyson, at 40c. per lb. or 3 lb. for $1.10; Very Choice Young Hyson at 350. or 3 lb. for -$1 ; Very Choice Japan at 3(`c. or 3} lbs. for $1; 11 lbs. Bnght Sugar for SI; 5 lb. beat Curb. Soda for 250. Currants. Ralm, Layers, Flag, Prunes, Candied Peels, Con- lcctlonary, Btsculu. Inc. All departments full of Fresh Well-selected Goods. Also I-`rev-h and Cured llltmt, of every kind And CROCKERY, CHINA, (ELASSWARE, kc. &c. COME AND SEE ME. I DEFY COM- PEITION. ID. KING-, A I VI`..- 11....-- I')....4.'..I.1 Qt 1')..--2- -.- ----.-- `an, A 1 Tea House, Bayeld-S12, Barrie. Barrie, Dec. 2 .1877. ' 50-ly C: U \JlLJ.V KJVJLV .l.)fl LVLLJ. IV, I 1'1` - PORTER. of and dealer in Goals of all kinds. and Georgetown Grey, and Guelph White Finishing Lime. Cements of all kinds, 1-`ire Bricks and Plasterers` llulr. Omce and Store- house nt. the Northern Railway Switch. foot. 0! John Street, near the do ot. The bond of thin Llmeia bettc th_an that 0 any other kind. and the nish superior. 0tilce-Corner of John and Elizabeth-eta.` 1ALL KINDWQF cons BAYFIELD ST: 11-RN|TuvzE,Ar-"_1\_Iu._ ab }-HmIsEHoLn"runnItunE-- STAMPING FOR BRAIDING AND EM- BROIDEKYV DONE. w. H. FREEMAN luxt Iillut CI $CTIZ& F01`- STEAM, FOUNDRY, DOMESTIC AND BLAOKSMITI-l'S USE. nu.-...v.. ......... -...-- -- _. ,, _,,_ , _ ~ --'I`he Town Council will meet next Monday night sure. April had five Monday: in it. --- - 1 . ,,I,.___:L 1mm:m PAIKT snow A SIGN wamwe, HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, KALSOMINING, &C., 45.20. [..-xmest. and Best Stock, comprising evory-- thing in the line. The Old Barrio Paint Shop, Comer Dunlap and Market Streets. N. B. Sign Wrltlng a specialty. Inn -NGL_ISH BUN HOUSE. `1REEMAN S QRYSTAL PALACE - STORES. un- ;ARRIEVCOAL OFFICE. W. `P. JAYNES WRYSTAAL pAI.ACE STORES _ 826,- at Edws.rds .' J t:n1!uu\u;u- ~-Baby Ca.rriagveVs-4-wheeled-very stylish, `first-class workmanship, from $8.50 upto __ ._ -- . .o 5" ,1 WOOD. LIME AND OOAI. S. JOHNSON BARRIE, IM- PORTFZR nf and nlnr In final: nf all BERLIN WOOLS & FANCY GOODS, BRAIDS, TRIMMINGS, UNDERCLOTHING, WAX FLOWER MATERIALS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, Fnnmlinn Am] Amnrinnn N A spiendid Stock of choice (moo ERIES, Keeps constantly on hand. BARBIE. IXIVLV B \.IIlI\I\rl2'l\JI'JLV. Canadlan and American Makes, -1- I-IT E" u.. nu, ma .;uu....-. - --.\Ir. hachlin McDonald make! the air of Dunlap-st. musical with $116 sound of bag- gpipea, every day. . 1 n-u.__...1-.. t..- _...AT_. W. CAPON, Jr. BARRIE, 12-Gm unlysl wry-J u.._,. _ --Mr. John Chutes started on` Thursday for Manitoba. to see what prospect is presented in the way of an opening. ~ mu .1 , _,,;__-_J -1. LL- Ind-n -uuu vu u-J vn uvnn vrvannlnbn -'I`he fhre prisoners sentenced at the 13450 .`~\ssizes were taken down to the Central Pn- won on Saturday morning. _- . .. . .. . ` ,,,__u.- vvvvv vn ~gpuu.\.wJ ...v._.... V--Numbers of Ban-ie s citizens have gone 011'. cm trout shing expeditions to various noted strezuns and ponds in this section. . .... --nu.-. .-..._ -- _---__._ .___ -The recent heavy rain s-torm will cost the corporation about $500, in consequence of damage done to drains, roads, &c. 1.17 g ,. 1 ,,,,x -: _..___- ....l..I......b3-nu -When zs woman gets up about this seaon and an s I move,_ her husband almost in- vnriab yv has to second the x_notion. -H - I ' L_____ .!II -_-A. LLA nu.--by uvuv --4 .........., .-.._., ._-. -We hum nof heard of anyone celebrating May-Day in this neighborhood June know anything about it, gentle reader? ., .___u-..1 1.-...- -..m -.....D _..--- --, -._>._V -The gay and festive travelled horsla now 'pnmdes the streets in all the glory of his [huge and handsome proportigna. ' -- ~ ..-. .. n A q ;_______._ A: n._ --May. ~-Plaut shade trees. ._ .--Croquct< is the rage. --Rhubarb pie is in order. I --Now sh for speckled trout. ---.padea are trumps--among gardeners. - -'I`ho watering oar-t a occupation is gone. ----I_`erch are numerous about the wharvea. --'l`he town bell is living a rather fast life. ---Lawn CroqI1et from $1.50 up, atEd.wards . "nfl --The on the first page should read` ---bu uuu ....-.......-.._v r..`.._..,, _-Mr. R. Tait and family, fntmerly of BM`: trie hint more recently of Gmvenhurst, have re- unoved to Cheboygan, State of Michigan. --The town Ericket club has organized for `the coming season. They will play on the old crease whnch the track has not altogether spoiled. ` --Now and then the troller lnensges nocure ash in 17116 bay, but the (limb _`3. nothing this season to what it he been Ln years past. - r- - . -- 1 _ 9; __...I__.L.....l. '1 `as. u run-Iv: --Let the Constables nuke It 11nd0_l`3t9d' that discharging re crackers an 919 P!'1n1Pd streets in 9. practice which the boys I183`? I191? indulge in. ' . . 1- ,1 ,___ __ LL- ...._.uuI-In auuulgv Ill. --Those lads vino climb up on the verandnh of the town hall and get the benet of whet- `__ave_r is _goin_g on inside, ought to be ' attended`; ` tempdngly that 5 passer Z'v;}`?a'3ig"J i'Ea'id'e:' 6:1; Ho ho attendodg to by the Inspector. ' 5 --The bookstores dinghy crogut set: to y is a1moat'pstIud- `ed to invest in slot, -though he has nota. gnu plot on his promise: big enough to hlflli around an. I Wll ly to ALEX.wMO_RROW.'8 "A"6v"I"s'." K1310` 0- III PFUHIIDVII unb v-v-a-- -- -.., I uroundon. I --"A Barrie citizen uncceeds in securing an: `occasional ne men` of rnnahrooms in his at-den. His plsmil simply to turn over I hot; aedin the: ring and the delectable fungi `spring there tom. -1: anyone going to mnke a "move town-dd. ' appropriately observing the Queen : Birth`-; tiny, or wmitgul over er dnr_ing the put; few ears with notbih mark the recurrence; ':n* eeiupo-of-a.-pnbneobeowpneet A . . Ail, -~-- __-.. ._ LL- du vuu bllrwwln - I----vv ~-~ --v v- _ , `~-An Alluilole you unn_oII th.D$.I|i9 1i or the Into heroic ms1:1eI,I=_rIed 69 Ihov 50!: fnio1y'heeonlllbO&fIiIm0V,1_8*$_`l re . `in the park. `He Dd] ooaedotl In a o ` How well he could execute, at.-elm _..|0m"`1 uukand alighton his . . , _ ' '- ALEXANDER MORBOW, Appraiser for the -'C `s ! On-po1:I:!Oupot|.+! at 31103:` por_inm`fpl'ha newgat -in Bniuols; `ttputry, Kialgnnnnafer, llIl_l0l1I,' to; Also V `cocoa mtting, mu, oor oulooloth. A All gs,` Ihelclouelt pricu. A n Em rium-, John mm. tdnorfaBd iO- toI.- 21th`; " ' I`I J I\'iIlo hhpdduuuyitugqdnyihmppg.` AMILTON & NORTH-WES- TEEN RAILWAY. '"`(*I1l:"}:i")'iz"'r"i1"`f3" THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1878. AI. --Eggs and butter are down considerably in \ l' ILULIU iate -` copr_sl y 15- good et at ......m ROUN D TOWN DAB!-IE8. uucan \.Iu_IJ . ALI-II. nlonnow. Agent. CAPITAL, 812,000,000. .u.I:x, nonuow, Agent. WUU,VUV- ' ALEX. MORRO\V, Agent. .AnRIv`l.W 11:00 7:05 11:35 V 7:35 .__.;_______. mall Shh` much mu no puxeu 0 243'. Thu` Toruntb "dab mini--: inlmbuitnn again iithoiil` homo 6:30 R.`l\ A. A. ANlERSON, Supt 2 2:40 terea. ;, Log nyn r.M 12:30 12:22 :11 A. M. 11:15 7: 11:33 7: _ 11:00 7: ` 10:45 6: 1 10:25 6: LEAVE. '1.9n Q. $1,750,000. Amuvn. an an 1:1; 7:03 6:50 6:30 u ment can -Very few potstobn hnve been dug a this season. Lsstfsll the ties were In re- duced in number and weaker than usunl, md the:-estegoodhopeethstwemsy get rid of, theimt, and that this summer they willbe muc less troublesome than usual.` ' _' nor. .1, is. mogul-n, Toronto, who win issue it this month; from hcsimile plates of the Eng-` lish edition, with the maps and illustrations ' --The copyright for Canada of Stanley : forthcoming book nnrnting his travels and ndventnrenn Africa, has` been neared by Mr. J._ B. Mngurn, Toronto, who will issue It month; fmm fnmimila nhhu of that Ens. --If the Penatung. base ball club can retain the Champion Silver Ball thine season it be-. longutothem for good. With the view of ` 'giv'1 them an opportunity to relinquish poo seuilogn of the tro hy, 3 good club is forming in Barrie, and wil noon be ready to enter the lists Against the champions. -'1'here in more [checker-vlsying done` and talked about in Oulverwelfs barber shop than the outside world knows of. To see and hear` all about the game in'ite true beauty one has only to drop into the 3110 of an evening. Barrie evidently can whip creation, or at at least all this conntv. in drilmhta. -1'no '1'0I`0nD0 cumes, tne xuegram and Leader," come In by train every evening. and are sold about wn by newsboye. The shrill cries of the -gemins who hawk the papers about, put one mind of the city, so well have the boys learned to imitate the cries of their fellow news vendors in the metropolis. --We are pleased to note the vast difference in point of amount and qunlity of con- tents between the two Muskoka papers--the Herald and the Gtzette. The former is by all odds the better paper of the two. althou h it iaa. new one while its contemporary in ong established. We wish the Herald all urns- DGITIB evmenuy Whip an Cl'8lWI( ! it [out all this county, in draiughts. 13 8 new one wnue IE8 00lJl'o6ll'lpOI'8l'Y 15 Long established. We wish the Herald all proa- perity. ' ' ' . . --A cow belonging to Mr. J. J. Brown, while in search of a pasture on Monday,~be- gun to explore the vicinity of Dymenfs mill. Approaching too near the creek, `bossy sank in the mud and stuck fast. It required the united exeiitions of a number of men to ex- tricate the luckless orummie from her uncom. fortableposition. - Z?--o~g---_.__ --On Sunday next a sermon, on theoccaiion of the 59th nnniversa of the,Order, will be reached to the Oddfe lows of Barrie, in the resbyterian Church, by Rev. John Leiper. The members of the Order will- meet at the Lodge room at 10.30 o'clock a.m., and march in procession to the church. Visiting brethren in town are cordially invited to be present and Ttnko part in the proceedings. - --In connection-`with the Primitive Metho- dist District meeting (Barrie District), the fol- lowing meetings wnll be held :'-On` Tuesday next, when addresseswill be given on Gospel Work b "Revs. G. Watson, E. Whitworth, '1`. Boy , and R Pyke. On Wednesday, a Temperance meetxng, to be addressed by Revs. G. F. Lee, J. Thompso_n,'and G. H. Thomp- son All temperance people and othecs are cordially invited. Each meeting will com- mence `at 7.30 p.m. . --Mr. J. W . Ward, 3 music teacher of four- teen years experience, and who is" highly re- commended by the press of Ontario, has or- ganized a juvenile class for the study of vocal music. Any wishing to join can do so by communicating with.Mr. Ward at the Gen- tral School thls-or to-morrow cvenin at four o clock. An advanced class will also e form- ed shortly, atwhich the music to be. ractis- ed will `be from the Oratorio of sther. Further particulars shortly. -A couple `of Barrie. citizens who wanted to have sodded a. portion `of their premises. employednmsn to do the"job. The work was done and the respective families of the two citizens were just beginning to enjoy the look of the green award, when a note fr om'l the owner of the land where the sod was ob tained was received, stating that unless a monetary consideration was forthcomin for the sod taken oil` his property without eave or license, legal proceedings would be taken. --'As the time is here when parties will be making excursions into districts infested by mosquitoes, for shin and other purposes, we insert what we consi er the best preventive of their bites, and we have tried several : Take say 4 oz. tincture of arnica in which put sulcient pine tar to give it a. strong tarry odor and making the liquid like a. thin oil ; with this smear the exposed portions of the skin. This affords an excellent protection, against mosquitoes and black ies,'_and can be easily washed off when desired. . -Ye Orpheads concert, thou h an old af [air now, takin e as it di a week ago,` must et he sti l resh in the minds of all who attem ed it. That it was a success nancially and otherwise need scarcely be. said, as suc- cess has invariably attended the performances of this company of musicians, and it was not absent on this occasion. The hull was well filled with a select and appreciative audience, and the testimony to the merits ol the enter-- tainment was frequent and hearty. There seemed to .be a keen appreciation of every piece on the programme; at if there was one part of the performance that was particularly relished it was the comet playing. Messrs. Shauacy and Mortimer never played better than on 'I'hunday evenin%, and the `audience gave the most unmistakab e roof of satisfac- ,___.L.._.. fl"... Ann-nlizfunlan- -'I'ho Toronto dailies, the Telegram and Leader." coma nn hv train nvarv nvaninm and Tiuiysaay eveuiu , uiiu uuu auulvuvau ` most unmistalmb proof tion with their execution. The opei-atic selec- ticiis were. as usual, rendered with much 1 power and with every attention to the miuutest detail. The H. & N- W. railway i galop was a well `arranged and admirably -ex- = ecuted composition. The imitation of the train, in the puing of the steam, the rattle of the wheels on the":-ails, the prolonged toot of the whistle, and the nal bringing up of the cars at the station s-which act was accom- panied by the shrill yells of the news boys and` the invitations of the hotel runnei-st -was about as near the real thin as it is possible to make it. The whole per ormance we can- not but class as a rich and rare musical treat, with which we feel assured the audience were delighted and of which Ye Orphcads have every reason to be proud. The hope we have heard expressed by many who were present 9 that the compan twill` favor the public with ` another concert efore long, we cordially _share in. On the following evening a repetition of part of the programme was given gratis in con. junction with the first day's proceedings con- . uected with the School Teachers Convention, ...i..'..I. in mum-tad elsewhere. v uected_w1tn me aonooz uawu which 13 reported elsewhere. in-luw, and it is a 1`eIn.BI'kIbl9`uc ms nu- Pooln but never had a death n; his family, his nine children who were p_1-esent at the golden_ last eyaniug bexng gll the children-. .....- hm-n to mm mizht-naturally E03.