DECALCOMANIE OR TRANSFER PICTURES PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISH, PAINTERS 85 GRAINERS TOOLS; ALL KINDS OF STOCK AND TOOLS USED ' IN THE PAINTING BUSINESS. ;U; CARFUAGE PAINTING AND TRIMMING IN ALL ' -lT,S BRANCHES. ...-u I! uuu LLDDUISJLU 5'l.'UU.l\ U1" SHELF AND. in; EAYY HARDWAREf MAw9!w-,0. mane trturnn vnn u.-rrr `l1'\vr\ . .-mmm, PLA1N& ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, 8:50.." - - `OT '------:o:----- EM PORA}`.Y QUARTERS IN CR(h\1P'I`O.\"S OLD SHANTY, COP..\`EP. ' AN 1) OWEN :~f I`] .EX'ITS. Lrrir-_ Iran}. 0 mm JVHERE YOU VVILL `FIND :.&-LARGE 4 .U. , PIlE(?l`\IP'I`I0l\'S C.~\REFL'LL\.' MADE UP. PRICES MODERATE. T: tn-___j M , .-...- c-- , '.7fI;e display in out owers was meagre in qnanmy and rather poor in ' quahxy. No doubt this was in a great measure owing to the very unpropitious nature of the season so far, which has favored excessive growth at vlhe ex- pense of owers. It was also to 9. cer- tain extent caused by the professional gardenersthrowingtheirwhole streng'h into the classes for pot plants,` and the amateurs declining to avail themselves of the iudacements held out to them. 1 "I I'L__ t-..A ......I ......-0..LI.. ......O.';u.. JIJI :j__ _U.-_._ E'on. t' Forget the Star1d.---'I`IIE" DRUG STORI-J, 01'POS!'I`E ,'l`lII B;\IH{Il'.` I-I()'I`1*2I.. GEORGE MONKMAN. Barrio, 1\hu'L-1x39, 1376. ` 134`, March 39, I876. DRUGS` AND Iviaolcms, ova s'ruz-`F5, `PERFUMERY; LAMPS, `*3EIL.u"Ei AB3|2 EEaE 6:3 E`./.=LlSfl @E ClD (Late of \\ c-lls Bros.` and \\'a.tson & Co.) I-{aving assunled tl1e:1>{1si11ess fm-xnerhiy cqrricd on by (7. A. Sheppard, J pleasure in offering to the puhhc :1 tall and complete stock in the several lmeis of the Drug business. THEDRUGSTORE OPPOSQTE Ti-IE BARRIF I-l`(\'2':'I nun: !\n_o-u- Dunlop _S':r?<:->e`?6, Barrie. '----:o:~--- `I -`AINTING, PAPER-'-HANGING, DEGALGOMANIE, 81.0. - ;\AA-4;--_____--A -~-- onucs, PATENT mamcmas, CHEMICALS, ac. /\;\1\.-A....._4_--___ oppcsrrl.-: THE BARRIE HOTEL, DUNLOP-ST. -- :0: __j. UL LIIU IUUJUIZIUDLIEB ucxu uuu LU ululu. g The fruit and vegetable section did not {ill so well as could be desired, but considering the date at wblch the show was held and the lateness of the season the quahty was really ne. Wunvn anmunndina nknul mnltpq H. TG-leorgxe I\2&, II ..+.. A6` \\',.!1.. D..- ` .....1 uh`, ., Frccmzm s Fnrnitur 2 Stores, where full infofmgztibn will be Wiven gratis, etor, who will be happy to attend to all the waxits thn.t fall inzls line of ` tuullxzut 3 1.` urmnur mores, wnere mu lntormgztion will be Niven gratis :1`, happy wfarits that fall iucis line of :, am`. at the lowest possible price for CASI-I ON LY. unrulc Erna Llllhlnlnlnnnru n... .... ... ------ I-JEAVYAAND SHELF HARDWARE, &c. mx =<>s .. .- ~ . -D. ` A 2E'a.i:ntier?_ I - -. = ~ - A. I\`E\\' ADDITIO;\'.\` TO THE STOCK OF` -A LARG E COl\'S'1`ANTI.Y BEING MADE. ON HANI). E A.~SSORTMENT OF--A `w.-r;`ies---lst, M. Campbell. Bush 1.<`:.-E. Justice-; 2nd, J). McCarthy. ` .. .. Ea.rl_','IIorn--lat. D. McC.'1rthy;`2nd, .::--.;u-.e. Cuc1unbers-lst, R. -Power ; `2ud_, `- .'.Z\Carthy. Lettuce--1st, 11), Justice. Peas Y-R", `). Me-.Cm't;hy ; 2nd,` _M. Cam bell. 'n`.:`i`!vr`:--E. Jns'ti`ce. Rhub:xrb-1st, A}. S. -'. r ki'x:_.(. *`.`o`.!ec`c-ir`\n of Vcgctabls~'1st, Hwtics-.; 21:6, D. McCarthy. ' . F.~;'mAs --Ham.;ing ' BasI;cts-M. Campbell. `.r.uwIrr`(m'nniIlI11F----R. Pnwmrv T)innf.lms:.._ :...`,_,.. 2 AND WELL AVSSORTEDV STOCK or PATENT MEDICINES, TOELET ARTHCLES, LAMP Fix-runes, ac. I f)3N T '1"0I{(:`ET THE PLx\CE:~ . BAYFIELID srn.Im'r.Non'rn Ion-Banning romvmuz. A L L `V O R K I N PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAI. PAINTING, SIGN WRITING. PAPER HANGING, &v. , Dno. in the hi-glxest style of the art and cheap. 1 e1'f\ ct satisfaction gu:u`:u1tc-ed. % n. A. MAcpoNALo-s has l)Ul\"I.OP 10 1) THE THIRD ANNUAL EXHIBITION. third annual show of the above v--Av-I(.ety, which came off in the Town` "Ni on Wednesday cvening, of last ,.~`-_'t;, nsay belooked upon as a_ gren` '1_':-ctr-.79. The display of oweribg .-~' " was magnicent, and it xs safe Tu .2-.j;,that taken as a who!e they could` have been surpassed in the Pro- ."!1r":-.. ` The plants that attracted the -~ ~,.<.:t at:..ntim were the Fuchsms, i,Iui?t:S., and Begonias, And some" n.n'n'..ngst these were perfect sp_ecimens, ` n.:'iv:~;n~g the highest credit on their , I xep+:ct|ve growers. ` I I"-"l .l:_ ..l.... .'._ -..A 0...-.- . 1 LIUABAD DUJ 553; V(Jxfofd"8Ht;'et, W.c., .- v.5'.`d"r JWWV 1": 1Z. _ T - L\'MA.\', CLARE & Co., Nonmnvr & LvMAN, and Lynn Bnonums &: Co., who`oIA>b;sin tlieni at very low ricea, from J. F.-Henry, Curran J: Co., of ew York, and this trash is supplied to unprinpipled Retail _VeIi_dox-8, who sell the same as my genuine Pink and Ointment, which are manufactured _`only at 533, Oxford Street, London, pnd may tli'e`foIl<')win'g Firms, viz. :-- I EvniS,.l;l_;nncnn':&;=Co.; Montreal. Avnnr,-Bnbwrr & Co.,? Halifax, N. s. '11 `$3.- ;MIeu_rs. Ezuurvto 7 M . ,jToro nto. * ~.-a- .. .- " ;-=BAnxm as Sons, st; John, NB. uzuvmtu o'1'Rl-JET, .b0.\'DON. . Vile and spurious imitationt of Ho1Ioway s Pills and Ointment, are manufactured and sold under the name of Holloway & Co., by J. F. Henry,.Curran & Co. , Druggists,of New York, with an ussqmedtmde mark, thus---- --In 0 a n a. d s, ' the princi al in . t $3 nnvlntnrina -nu. Wholesale Dea.- - uuurm any part or the UNITED STATES.` Each Pot arid Box bears the British Govern- m-nt Stamp, with the words HoLLow.n"s PILLS AND Ommmrr, Loxwox, engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, Oxronn STREET, L0.\ DON.. * ` Van ll!` nsxns-C.nq..rl..`..JL..LZ....L -1` H`l'1 ..`lI-__, 9 I deem it my duty to state that my PILLS AND 01N'rMn1~"r,a're neither manufactured inor soldin any part of the UNITED STATES. Eimh `PM: arid Rnv 1..."-.. H... 12.-.':;.:. r1..-.._. The PILLS Purify the Blood, correct An dis- . - orders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females.` ` The OINTMENT is the `only remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Soresand Ulcers, of how- ` ever l`ong sta.nding. For Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and ` all Skin Diseases it has no equal. THE GREATEST wounan or_M_9_nnN TIME .... `.....v. xuub-Slova- . , ' . Northrop & Lyman, 'I`(-mmtn, \\ hole-sale Agents, who will supply I)ruggi.~;ts at pmprie3 to:- s prices. 37-ly - ,_ ______ .... .......u nun puulpnlcls or pills to WILLIAM GRA Y & CO., Windsor. Ont. tFa7`.'s'oI in f%..1-mic by Jnhn WN15, and by all other druggwts. \T.~...n....... v. -- ` ` 1 (Ni! 79 _"ii-) j._;'. ' 3" `5 nVM6 ~1:~il`a Judge. Jpdgo. indood 1-.` He mne shall see Juageimdnn am: clear o"Me !' V ` V` ' DH hono com: 1:" me ca! ` |y,I Inealit to. 1-pk thqlaw? ` ` Dsnred to s`peak'uic things" 0' Me ; Me, thophief o Punty! > Said I wished, in bri , ' Ithm to concur vi 1 e`! Whiitlil if I did! I trow .Tl!(`ahI Innnnnn in" II ; an I *rofl` is noiuanse xi udie k: A u , _ ___-, ......~.. nu: pcmumu super- vision of :1 physician wlm has made female dis~ eases 8. special study for many years, and they are :1 Medicine on \\'l1ich . 19'. ...-n. MARRIED LADIES can depend "in the flour and time of neat" as ` an unfailing - ` - V---. FEMALE REGULATOR. . 13- Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ` Prioe, one box,$1; six boxes, 85; sent by mail free of postage securely sealed from ob24erva.t.lon_ ` For full particulars write for our pamphlet, which i we will send in a sealed envelope to any address l on receipt of post stamp to pro-pay return postage. ` Address all letters for pamphlets pills to , 1: T Qam direct from here. ' LTHOMAS HOLLOWTAY, hit'+;z' mm: w n uu Accclpl. U1 pun stamp to pro-pay rcturri pc pills WILLIAM GR .1 V .1`: nt- Bzu'1'ic-, April `_ `?"!7/T / '1 MM . .". \\\ Cure Leucorrhma (or Whites), Panful Men- i struatlon. Ulceratiou of the Uterus. 0v-arlan 1 diseases, Absent lfenstruatlon, and all diseases known as Female Weakness. They are pnepared with the greatest. care, under the personal supcr- I A `Jr. ,__ It A nnyun v - ----- ` ' 0| A A . . a l\l,TiVl THOMAS LI-:NNo_x,] __---, ----w-..._-- --a -u-vI-w---- Cannot bg beaten either for quality or price. I 1n the Best M.-u-kc.-ts. and cannot be uudcrsold by any house in town. J IIIOAIJIJ IVKI I lIr\Il.'IJ`Jl.'l, `Its much as he can lay his hands on. _1mu_r;ht, and the highest market price paid. ms,snuisiliisifraovnsnnus5 r );'L'x,\.~4 --.l11l!l_L-11.1]; Vuampueu. 1`-_~!;:'(;r".>(}e1':1nillmF-~--R. Power; l)m.nthus-- . .\!ct`;~.:-`.h_v. (`ollcctxonof Pctm'1as-J. C_. `.u-nun, The subscriber whilst thankful for the liberal - patronage ghjcn in the past. respectfully so- licits a. cont-muancc of the al_ne, and bags to state that his - SAVED ISMONEY AnMn."u~a,5 .?-?E%in2m:3PR'N0AT T"E..!?}_'EE9N Hm `.__-__ _-_ ___ _ - By tho application of an Iron Handle Bracket tlx smallest. thin cannot bq got into the wozjkins part of the mp, thereby saving an un- menst; deal of trouble andexpense by ~. keepmg hard substances out. Also his - xeepmg n_ara mmsumces out. Also ms :e;:Anaus1'AaL LEAK vA|.v_z,m Hnvenow received .md a .. ...u:...I.. ........,1...'.:.... ...... 1... ....,......z ....A ..!mu-(I - A I 395$ hElII\ V337,`! " Au entirely ncVw~de\"c_c-can be opened and closed I ' - without raxsmg the platform. ` GROGERIES AND PROVliS7l76NSb. A few Doors North of the Wellington Hotel. Hayeld/Street. Barrie. ' PO'VV'ELL 85 CO.; Dunlop-,st., (Ippositu .~Innnm-xjsctfs Hotel. ifkgzn HORTICULTURAL .soc11mz. I V 3 Wood or Plustcred, all sizes. made to order. FRESH AND SALT MEAT FRAME TEMPORARY On the site of our late 3tm;e, and having x`cc'ci\'L:tI 11 new stock of GROCERIES, v 01' every kind nlwalys on hand. We ask our old custoxners and every one lac to come and see us in our New Premises. he ]1I`C])il.I'(`.(1 to sell. as hertoforc, Cheaper than the Cheapest. AYFIELD STREET GROCERYJJ CROCKFIRY. GLASSVVAIUC, &(!., mnn1'1:lC.`717nonUc1, ur-h as: Inn Man I."-11:9 l......I.. .... I.......l.r .-1`; xnu, u. mcx-army. ncruaccous 4`. <-]st,. J. 0. Morgan. Roses'--twelve <~tic-3 -1st. 1 . Power. Roses--six varie- -- hat, R; Power. Verbenas-t.wenty-four ' .ia;:-Hat, `J. C. .`/Mrg-n11. Vex-bena.s-~' - mric-ti5-1st, D. \IcC`z1rthy ; `Znd, J. :r;._:au_). V Zinnius--1st., D. I..'cCa1-tlxy. 4-. Vv vv' PATENT iVIED!C!NES. iumps AND c|s'r_nusT _--_._._..-._-_--_...,,-`A PdwELL&co .- OISTERNS, ..l .... `nL...o......A -11 ,.:...... ......z.. 4.. . FTER THE FIRE. V '9 lmvc re-opened in the IN .\'1-zw Ql. AR'I`EltS. VV 110163318` Uea.-' Countertexts arg '*-.--- vv vuc Lure ` `-nth the hem? assorted and cheapest stock of W338 align; mamamaxz . ~. ~`3.IVl\l -1- a...uax:a---- '* .11 tnsmau war we ausnc.; weru.cm3 ** i"u: smms;% Ravfhrn __, - v \Ve are also offc1'ixx: GREEN, BLACK. AI In 3 and 5 pound Caunisters, which ivili be fmm. _-...-;.\J;xv t1LV?l Caunisters, which will be found of 4 tcutiion of purclm ndmn Ale, iXl_qll.'3.I': n, at 75c and -*1 '35 `Va have on hand :1 large lot of Can l ' as being in excellent couditic) :u;~-- ~-- Also an assortment of Potted Meats, Him and l_`hiuke_n, He.-of _ uwdor, Frcm Crossc & Blackwo.-ll s, (.`:11.t. __}~'n `_ . _ -.... .u .. II}. III Anchovy Paste. Crosse & Blackwell's Currie 1` tiershire and Reading Sauce. GANTON 2!.` STORE. 1:11.: ' HUNTER, HQRRELL. 8`: I E `Q "`."*?`*. : *`1r*'>5- +`:59 1. __ I I H ec;i\?n m.n..(v.., u-.1 Frnuh , - e inst :- 1-te.'.. and .H x.` WI ntiu` all r "TS fr.-`.11 nu: ...: ulu auuuh ux ouuuuir u:)0 1:` sum Wall 3. carry any, goods over from 0 season to auuthcr-- tionsmwith the fnllowin r ~ PECIAL I}! 35119 the vn.riu1zs classes of II (15 named:- Our large stock of a.nt1es, .\.'h;1v.'1s :1n at :1 <}i~ Uur varied assu cnt nf made up Costuxm.-.4, `White azul 20 per cent. ` . 01:1` superior sack of 'l`1'imme1 Millinery at :1 lien-`zx=.L \-1' '3`! Our large 3 ck of Summer I)re:s Uuotls` at 1-. l`s-rum. of H) 1-: A superio ot of Men's and Boys" Linen, L`-L`tI`(`. u..;i Lixt Nu cent. disco 1:, tocgethcrvwith a.1a4a'gc lot of J1E"vII\'.\fi'l'~. &u., at n Ik3 \V_e ;: tn assure our friends .-ma H... ..,.`..I;.. +1.... .1... .:'r E u.-nu. tusco n, uogemcrv W1th a. laxge ` n:B'\Vc g friends uml the 1 E hrst-clasf. ioods at lower prices than thcsrm = Bzyrric, ' (1 xnnxlz`. cordially invite the: attexlc [exam mssaum ,E3!,eAIE-3i W01 B'u(;I1et-~1at, '11., Power ; `Jnd, J, (F, ;;m. Table Bou.4uut--lst, J. 0, Morgan ; ` U. McCarthy. Hzznd Iiouquet--lst, R. <-1`: 2nd, D. Nc(`-arthy. Hrbaccous 1.-1nf. .T, (3. B?nrvmn Rrmn-r_.+.wn1vn _,_.g",-`., -"`-,1st"..',<};-'=1.:_. A.'sngf Itz_;-2nlcI.t J.G 1% `gavimr. 4- .` m%-' T;`oo"v'nr; rep-~--3 . . it I 'a;vii`8in'I.i-`vign .0. H. whit: . _ fenyintit--.19`;-J._ .11.. ` Cotter; "n(!? .m-wme-ucoummngoi Dried Na- - Phlox Drummonu1--cm-ee xgarzenes; o in *1 1% Rm B.1rrie, Apni 11:11, 1876. REMIJ;VIBER--Gr -East of thc"Queen's 1 P Dress % GoddAs_,'_ Moons Tm cstoc;-/1:25-kw As 0111' stock of Summzr GLVJ/sstill wc`.l\'te. l!`l`V anv anndsz nvrar frnm n an-xanvl 4.` ......H..... .. *---.-~ And are now prepared to offer: greater i!_xducement:a than Ir. . -in thtz Town. A. _ UUO llll, urn.-u ---~ Which must be sold imm_cdia-t1Ya 5? h"'t"" ~;. SW4 `.s:'5\l . 356 Pa Irr -Illlll lILlU In this section of country. DAVID ' V , I.O\J|`1.iI"llUNJ AND THAT HE HAS ON ILXNI) TH!-. mansr. Bzsmn GIIEAPEST S_TOGK or mr.mzA:;; conntrv. w}..'..:. -- =~ Manufactum: .:'"g.n n ___ _. _jna-Fuyniture \Vo1-ks and Stor j\J .lll.`.l.} LU. t ndtice and most reasonable ` ~roms opposite the Ru; g..- -U.-ji-` REMICMBEP. THE PL.\C}~.`- West End of the X.- Side llunlop Street. I` Q A UK] I I: V TERMS CASH. ` PRICES LO\V. `ONE HUI Barrie, 2\'ovcmbex-17. 1875. . 3 Vmm 1.}- cnhv cofronsj LEAGHED covrons, ' HOSIERY, TR1MMlh;:.s READY-MADE.` CLOTHING, 0 ' FELT HATS i STAPLE AND `FANCY `DRY Goons, om-:ss GOODS, SHAWLS, NIANTLES, 1RlN.,S . cos'ruwu=. CLOT.`-IS, L3?\.Ei ;g -'----. _--_-A-nan I-in 2Al\l.IEf\ nf'?f\f_\ We take plnaanre in returnilg thauksg to our Ilium-rm ' liberal patronage bestow on us smce we cfmnm-um we solicit acontinunnce of their favdrs. We arr my V :2 -rr 'I\II" 1V!` 1:; B. I2!.\/.EPC)`R.'I`4!-`L . NEW DRY GWDS 8 ?R. Ready- V 7 Mn- -_. -......-..u uull. uuu yu.uuL7 LUZLD Luis SILK: -`- !|l ioods at pnces the` Sillm: q1:J.'a1t_\' hue c\`cx` 1--. attention of i`.l_\"ur.-1 cu t'm.- 3.`. - n Houses-aoLbp -`Ann--. Isa-xo TROUBLE TO SHOW u:_u)I)S. um: I*- _-, C`. -1<'nvx'r.~x .-\.\'D \'i-`.c1aTAnL1a`.`4. V sTnn- &W-EV. . A--.-.1 me their new SUMMER !s'l`nn. '8 8011615 IICODHUUI S'U'Ib1\4'Z _...s.;..I. urn M--vi 1. B. oB.oMPCpoN .s`:)<::% I3! Pnr2'I`m-< ' nun. vv._.. wmnow LACE, : `U 1V.[ IML .l:J 1:1. 4...... -which are; arrivmg e\';r_y day. --Grent Barggins `arc to bej obtained : xrear. DH|5Rluu ...- - I Hotel, Dunlop Street. ' ""J unu ue nlanufacturor. mu! ml` ..I- : EVERY DESCFUPTION, < HE mg n\- u . I.t,hcr men mmxn these respeck, . bzonmz Buoox, ye 1l recolleck, iii h shove them, at his case, .. hall insult them if he please. , \/.4.u\/ 1'-`J. _ I:.u>on'rm:s, \\'m r:~: Bu! %AvE"m % nasaaanffy % w%g: m m _ :-..'m}nf.n-_-or w--nil I Q /\/\/\/\J\f\.'\/\/\.'\ -----:0:------ 3 are offering some v |`A (1 `[1 A \1- -r u-rzuxt .1 euy, 1 Tomatoes and Po: I :~`.~=..';.'-.' " . mi;-`new 510$ ( t .! .-' `l'1`I T' 'I \ 1.7" I` /'1 -.-- Tell_n:i Me that 1 -intruch (In the freedom 0 the Bench ! Bench an <`table, court an ha , I an n.." :...1.... 1 ....I.. 61.4.... n FU RNITURE, AA--- mance OI B11811 Illvura. If 2: mr |ur.\ .~ ,'n;`,', ,,__., , :_ E B. IMPo1aTA'rIo1\-S ...'..:m. n\'L-r\' rlnv. The Stock mii we ;..gM;aae C1o'ch1ngV ,_;:-,... m-eater inducements 1:-L-.2 1.. M, E ` which, STHITCH & Hum ginsom E HEA Rs? ,IN ALL ITS BR'ANcm:.<. :H0ASI_ERY. <' ;_ Whntif n'Connni'ssion I _ Bnld appoint at ance, to try, V.-'hether sic a we as he ' . 4 Shall impugn My dignity 3 Ken ye no My Government Mann fulfil a My intent '! Sul;_i bheydare to tell me nay, Oat into the cauld they gne. aich, on inspection He also does . `Q-__ , will prn ` l {;.9|-iTH'NG. anocem: ` ,_V.. V. xruI\.lhl6L'lb. an Ale ix1_ int. lmtt` -- ` `cl - I . ; we :u_ul >1 :3. tnedoz-rn. I .1 ____:();j_.__ GENTS FURNISHiNGi`., FRAWLEY & DEVLIN` u unuml 0! bpctrit 1 of pIll`Ch.'l5(.`la. L10. in nn-vrf '\l\;] `, of the Jules! u-unnjp ii: H33? the1Barrie Poundfi` Let thupaltry fellow ken. Judges keep the`-ir places when \Vaol-conduckit, an hue scns No to gie Me impudence. I Call: Peas in 2 1 _ auluv \'(-2') CIIUXL1` .ND JAPAN 'I`1:.\- nfl n6 \`..,.,.: . v - v _.c v -or 4.` .4! ` ' the following >'c;`..-:1. Crnsse S: Rim-kwr Pvachcs and Pan; `mm in - Ha 'I`'--- in endless vuri 2 '-s UNDERTAK ENG. &.C. '\/\/xrx/-xix- - _ ,, SIVIIETH AI EN -1. I3. I stock 4 vr price they mp; . l' -I; Barrio. O11!- SpI.`iL:Z I}; .'l_ill-I. Whbpppointithim ? Noo, say. - Win keeps him a Judge to-day ? . Wha diz him his station gie 2 Disnahe bqlong to Me. I`, BARRIE. TURNIM; "at the Du!` lCllL;I W ` Capt. W} Reg fl` } E wrctofm Uotto aA r ..`S, &C. Can I no'pit in of oat * . Bun, wha. orders him about 3 An this little creature, he ' Daurs to sit an cmw at Me I )I'llL'.'l RH" DGDXB, CUUTU an Ill! Law au"judge, I rule them a . ~ ~:?'=`.3"' J WHIUIIIK I 0111.`! I tl'OW Judges maunna tell Me so I .jA.-1 1..un'. xx 1 m's. u B.-CL"r F1.o'v1-".Rs. . -I. U`IJlllllf7'IlLll OI: VDI. Iv Spot1i6l1__;,`Z _lI_d, G. E. Sneath. s;~`-tv'o'b,va'ri_4e`1:ies--lsl:, G. _'H._ ufra_mieti9a--1st; J: ';z.-; , Ea.) 1 1 2nd, J. (.`. Mor- Morgan, `. [ul, W. Power. Ferns- Lount. Zonale _'ln6 \\7 Tnnuo I'r iuaid that if a man is .walkihg ' ' for health arid 'enjojmeht, four miles an hour isxhebgast gait. This .ma_y be true as regards Health, but for ;-.eti1oy- A mentwe remember one_;ni hAt1y,hen it, . ` took us to1ir_ hoizr to want 9. `niilo, It, ` happerfed; hower, thatftha -our folli ' had gone to cgmp meeting nd who: `had rtlio; nighkey,-`:md,` as `far a`a`h`e`ahh` ' was concerned, we did_n treplIy care if ` it took _|rl_l'?_ni5ht_. M " V. during the; past.;t1y0_ years. "J , A Nntw Janet? editor lost his` begtx . gold pen ahdhoidera few dayyago. Aha; making a. thoxfough search all over the oce,tand accusing 79. ciozen tramps of ivd theft. he -happened to re- memlier where he last. p!aced:~u,:ond bending down the top of his` ear, dis-_ covered no less than A fourteen tvphhbfdi ` era of various styles which he hadixvlqst SOME mistaken genius hasinvented I apockep photograph apparatus. You meet a woman who pleases you ; you draw out the machine, and before she has time-to be astonished you have her likeness in your pocket- A: man opetaling with such an .apparatus is_ warranted to have an eye po`ke_d.ptn with a pafasoli severaftiiiies a day. A 17 7 , Io. .. _ ... CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence: `.` Cir- cumstances alter cases, you know, remarked a Seovch > lawyer t_o an old farmer client. "` Vc1:a true, sir,. 1M-`be- "plied ihe tanner, and` cases a1ter cir- cumslances as wee! ; for man, `I mind wheniye were young and had but few cases, your circumstances `wema owe: braw. ' ' ` ` - A YOUNG man who started for the . Black Hills halted twqanty mileskbis ' side ofthe chjective 'poiut and com- menced to dig, and tho resu!t was a. quarter 019. pound nflead inside of f- teen minutes. He dug it out ofhis leg, where .u had been deposited by a N uble Red Man; I A FEW mghts ago, as a young man stood in the gospel tent busily taking notes, Dr. Tyng came ' up, and laying his hand upon the othes shou1der,l suddenly asked, My friend, are you 4 a Christian ? " No, sir, answered the startled note takesg `- 1 m-l m only a reporter." - ' Ncw'1s the time to: lovers to get sjnoouey over ice cream, she taking a few `pretty dubs at his vanilla, and he borrowing a taste of her chocolate. This process inspires cor dence in the day when they will be throwing corn beef and cnbbags across the table. Tzzziusc of the editorial we pre- vuxls in the South, as wil_l be seen by the following remark in the [Paris ('I`enn.) Intellzgmcer : 9` If we escape the hog cholera this season, there W1 be a large surplus of pork next wiriter. 3 1MEN are often met with, plain in per-I 1 son, plain in dress, without anything whatever about them calculated to im- press the mind, and you are surprised with the information that they are rich, and made every dollarot their money. On enquiry it willhe _found that an their efforts were concentra'ed on one pursuit, about which they know every- thing, and outside of which they know nothing; and you feel almost angry that a men of such little information shuu`.':*. have been so successful in mak- ing so much money", WW9 Y0": Wllh your superior cultivation and Ereater int ;-lligcnce have made, and saved up none ; but you forget that the man has paid more for his money than it is worth, it has cost him all the pleasure - of human intelligence; as proof, would you take his sordid mind and his gold and give him therefor `all you have I learned? . ., , J. Fletcher.` Bouquet 6f`Nahire'Floi?eu"Llst, . Miss O'Brien ; 2nd,. .Misa - Palk ; 3rd,` Miss Bella Sn'e:ith. `Eight Ax)nu`als--lst, Miss Ellen Pnlk, Zennias--lat, J. R. Cqtter; 2nd, G. :E. Snenth- ' I . A ' _..... .. Tm: green outer htlsks of walnuts contain a yellow-brown and remarkably fast dye,which_is well suited for dyeing `woollen or cotton niateiiuls, staining wood, etc. Wool thus dyed requires no mordant, is very soft to handle. and not like that dved` with vitriol. The shades ofcolor obtained are fromvbright to dark brown. '1 he husk-s may be simply kept dried till used, or packed moist in tubs, by which means their . coloring power is further increased. f. `A BOA constrictor, nine feet long, was captured on board the ship Surpn'se,_ which arrived at London from Port Natal. It had concealed (itself among the cargo, and wasno: discovered un- til the vessel was nearing home. Thu `eatowaway paid {or its passage by cleanng the hold of rats and othcr vermin. ` THERE isa beautiful girl in Brooklyn who is a>most efficient worker in the A temperance cause. She has a little bo.ok',Vtl1e first page of which -con- lamsia total abstinence pledge, and` whenever a gentleman is introduced to her she snysjo him :-II you want `to become a" friend of mine you must sign this. Few are able to refirse lher. ' Tm: finest gift broilght hofne from -India by the Prince of Wales is a golden boat, more than n f_oot.long and won- derlully enameiled. The stem [repre- sents 'I.he head, wings, and tail ofo. peacock, the lustrous breast or the bird beingcarved into the body of the boat with great ekill. V - H3; . .. vow.-r. . _ ~ B.--001' Fmwnns. Double-BdumsM--lat, G; Sheath ;' 2nd, 3. B, Qoitor. Six Annuals- t, G. E. Sneuth; ` G: -11, White. six. na:bgceoua,1>1snce--V ,-m.G.~n, Snooth. co1_1ectibn.of. -Di.anhs-'t >:1l9;:J-.3, .0ot1a_I';_2nd, G. E. Snefuth. Dish-" 7 B-Cotter; 2nd, ._._ W`h_'tg`.,AI'};jS i1'; 1,11 _ in :-'--thI'ee vari-. 'j:1l.`.`8' ` ,;:2n.d:, Snugg- -n;.. 5.3.-2.3 A 1 rn.'ri3n.-' ` Int. G. llU|LUVn Mns. CARNOYLE of Breckinridge county, Ky-., has a clnld five years old whose body appears to be absolutely boneless. {though wall developed in every pa.rtic`xilar its hrnbs can be met- ally tied in a knot. 5 AT Mazes and several other French prisone a Suicide Album is kept; which is constantly open to the in- spection of the prisoners; It depicts tn the most vivid manner the egonies of those who have attempted or com- mitted suicide to defeat the ends of justice. V V . A/Inc nnhlvnivrn at `D---l-:__:J;_ T3952 is a Chinese daily at Shang- hai which is sold'for less than a cent and has a circulation of 6,000. `For the lower classes a smaller sheet at haif price is issued. ' ' - ' V -f- _ mumuuu; ;.:nu a. 11. power. uurranua, Wh,1te-`- lst,' J. R. Gutter; 2nd, E. Meeking. Cur- rants, Black-- 1st, E. S; Mceking. Go0se`~ berries-Iat, E. S. Meeking. Beets, Long Red--ls_t, Mrs.-Cook. ,VVim1sor' Beans-lst, J, -Dickiwmn ;' _2nd, E.`.%'. Meeking. Onions-- lst, Mrs. Cook. ' 1 - _ _ ` ' -Cherie:-~1st, Jon. Rogers." .Bqa1;_BeaaaJ- ~ - Int, J. Dickinson ; 2nd, Jo`a;;.-_R'og`ers. Earl Horn C.1rrots--lsAt, J. "Dick1'n_son ;` -`Znd; Mrs. Geo. Cook. Cucumbers---lst,` Mrs. G; Cook. `Lettuce-ylst, G. E. Sneath ;- 2nd, Mrs. Cook. - 4 Pcas- lst; J. Dickinson; Lnd,-E. S. Meeking; Potatoes--lat, Mrs. -Cook. Rhubarb-`-lat, E S. Meekiug. ~ I EXTRAS -- Window Box--~( :1. H. White, Geranium--G._ H. White. Collection of Plants in Pots---.\Irs.' Hcwatt. Rusti Work-R\'. -J. -Fletclxcr. Currants, '1{ed.--lat. E. S. Meekiug; 2nd J. R. Cotter. Currants, White`~- ! lst.` J. R. (latter : 211:}. F, R Mnnbnn Fm. I419 INK. (481 -A 7 I G. :E. Sne_ath.v mm liiii j}iIt"E: AAAAA--- mm VoW!5ittci:tc:.f`.M_. r\J\;\4\;\A;\;-A..__----_- t Akin VbGEr.usu'.s., ._DoxibInTfI 8.81IhiI,lf -`! i?.Y9f'_1!V}68-lsb. U. :1. White; `P van?w=*18t$ CR Iggthqr. Phlbx uunondl--three yanetxes; I siL1i.' 'nt."I! ."n...:. _h -e'9r`nl_ J"; R. Hatter. ' '-A murd`cx9.`was committed in few days ago in the township of Tarboltan, near Ottawa. A man by the name 0! John Bgescahun shot and killed ano- ther-`mim named William Moore. At the inquest on_the body of the mur- 7 dered man, the jury brought in `a ver- - dfc: of.witfuI_ _;nurder against bBreser- ham. Th,e,e\fideuo"ef'showe'.d it to be . at most deliberate` minder; ; vBresrnha,m was at his ten when he saw the fire kindled by Moore. He loaded his gun, : .wen_; to the eld and shot D/Iooire, who * was m-ox -mg and dig! not see him. r He went beol__t to` his house end` hung up jhie 'g12l5 iT!7ii(7h6nt sphln t<'_x["a`n.y one. 112:: a ashore: timb hmaksdg . V .,. _ _9wn.t;be gun, ; "wok something ftoni7a"drb_wei' and bade his j"g;u_i_Ly goodobye and tong; No at. tempt` _wa made tot-detaimhiin. H ' Cwife thighs "q ;: "Lni ' :assass@as;s ...m.9,F "id-` .; t -e-'I`here was :1 and scene at the l Brockville Court House the other morn- . 1 `ing, when James Kelly, a child of only . seven years of age, from Prescott, was . brought before Judge -`McDonald for stealing a watch and chain} The prisoner was a bright little fellow, whose headgouly reached Justabove the prisoner's dock, and who `was all alone, not a friend appearing; although he has a, mother. His `Honour, the Judge, `previous to passing sentence, - remarkedthat he hind made Inquiries in Prescott and ascerlained that the little fellow lied fallen into very bad hands; in fact was being trained up as ' a professional `thief. f The child was aente nced`~,to"thi-ea `years connement in the Reformatory Ptison. If the party who trained the child could be sent to the penitentiary ten yams, he - would only receive his" just reward, -The.body' of a man was founi in the Niagara River at Quoenstont last week.- Woajd was immediately sent to SI-spension Bridge, N. Y.,, whence a man `by the name of Alphonso Watson had been missing since. Saturday last. W. Watson arrived at Queenston in the ; afternoon and immediataIy recognized the hody as that of hisibrother, the sup- positionibeing that he was m_1ird,ered. Two men, with `whom he was last seen at the Suspension Bridge; were ini- mediateiy arresfod and are now await ling examination. A strong suspicion prevails that Watson has been foully dealt with. A ---A `colored man named Richard! James, 01 London, recelved a bullet in the head the olher nigl1t,`acciclentu1!y, wlxfle fqoling with a revolver. It struck him over the right eye and pens trated through the esh. Dr. Moore was called iuAand"extr'acted' the ball, which was found udttened against the skull. l`he man was-famous .m the railway gang as a buttist." He can split a board with ease. ' He was walking about lh next day apparently none the worse; l ---The ohrsr day a boy named Brig- ham,whi1e in. the woods in the vicin: ity of Beachwoodv Cemetery, Ottawa, discovered the dead body 0! a woman lying between two taxngrag: -logs. le gave information to the phlice, but on their visiting the cemetery, the body had been "removed. Brigham saysu ortion of tlze esh was torn from the E-.ft' side, Tund :1 bunch of the hair had been fmlled out The palace are in- veg1igo,tiI1g\ the mys'erious affair. uuL1U;] Iuu uavv :u:xyu\;LIl.xg1i. pun]! ofu good bright kind exists on both sides of the .river; it burns Well, and is easily obtained along the banks; it i is from one to three feet in lhikness. --A coal mine on Eik xiver, which runs into the South Saskatchewan, has -been on re fa; over 100 year s,' nd no Indians could `ever be induced to go nsarit, owing to some superstitious notion" they have respecting 1:`. Coal Unfn annd hfiohl kiln` avo!a An I-u.IL.l -In Hamilton store window `may be seen 9. red silk.a.gz, whih was pre- sented by Georga the Thxrd to Chief- Brant. It bears the impress of actxve service, having been pierced with bul- lets and out With sword or bayonet. It is an interesting rehct and no doubt highly prized by its owner. ---The writ for the election of 9. m:~m`:'~.r to represent Glengarry in thei Commons, in pface of Mr. Archibald McNabb, unseat:-G, has been issued. Nomination took place un the 24th in- i slant, and votmg will be on the 31st.T _--C. W. Kent", who killed a man named Howie in astreet ght In Lon- don some weeks ago, has, by the vcn-A dict of the coroner s jury, `been com- mitted for mmslaughter. - .'<;1.,\ss II.--AMATEURS LIST. A.--PLA.\'1`s 13-` Pors. Balszuus--thrce varieties--lst, J. R. Cotter. Baisnms-one variety--1nt, H.-_ B. Spotton. . Begonias-two van'et:ies--lst;, J. R. Cotter. ..'Begom`as--_one variety-let, J. R. Cotter. Native Ferns~lat, Rev. J. Fletcher; 2nd. H. B. Spotton; Zonale Geraniums---three varic- t_ies-lat, `J. R. Cotter. Zouale Ger:u1iums-- V ne vs!-iety--l`at, J. R.-Cotter. Double Geran- \jin'x.n's-two va.xieties-lat, J. R. Cotter. Dou- -ble Geranium:--one variety--ls_t, J. R. Gotta!-. Tricoldr Ge! -aniums--one variety-- J. R. Cotter. Silver Gerargilums-one variety --hf, J. R. Cotter. Ivy Gemning_1-one 7'31-ioty- J. R..Ootter. jSc,ented`Geraniutii s-.- ' one in-1ety-'-1st, * J. ' R. Cbtter. Fnch_aius_- `O10. .VlriO$i.'~lBt, J, Cotter ;f 2nd I}. .-H, : .i~Whit,o. .F sch siw-~one :'varie.`:y-'-1s_t,` ._I.,, R . ` ' Cotter; 2nd, G. A. White. "Ivy Geraniums-- ' -`lit,-.E.~S. Mgeking. Q0110;tion of Plants-- " int, 'J. "R. Cotter.` 7` 018,8 -.!1d8l'--lat, J. R. --'I`wn boys were drowned in the Lachme Canal last week. '1 hey were named Dunn and Lamontagne. One tried to help the other who Was. sink- ing and both perished. . ` ;One day recntly Mrs Wm. I1-wiin, cf Sebgstopol, started by stage to God- erich with her sick child, to consult a .phvsIcx:m. and _on the way discoverd- mat herbuby was dead. _ -If the Bothwell Times 18 to babe- lieved, '1`ecum'scth was not killed. by Jot:-.':.'~xm, of 1_{ontuAcky, but by one of his own _braves,T whoshot him from jealousy, - - ' - ~ A ` .---Pierre, Bison, aged 98 'years,-the eldest veteran of Belle Ri.ve_r,Vdx'ed the other aemc-on. He served in the war of 1812. Two days before his death he received his pansicn.. . A !--Four xattlasnakes weze recently killed near Woodstogk. They are the first of the species known in that part of the country foymany years. - --Tho Ontario Dental Association was in Session a'.*To1-outovlast week. Mr." J. Bowes: of Hathilzon. has been elected president. " --The_ town of Portland, opposite St, John, N. B.,.m order to make the two ends meet, has reduced-tho salanes of all the corporation oicers. ` ` T 4-J-ToTr`on_to city council has adjourned for five weeks. The. alderman cannot" lstaud the. heat. V V --The anngal crusade against un- licensed curs commencedfin Toronto last week." ' | L T--A Kingston convict who esqaped was found inn drain with a week's pro- visions, ` `r -cgoniusmlst, R. Power ; _.'.'m~.. (, J. C. Morgan, `.Znd, ].nr.m. (,`'--1.-xt, R. Power. lst. 11. Power; 2nd, \V. 4).; 2--~.iums-tllree vzu{ietics-lst, \V. Lount. V.-~-xah: UL-raniums-_aix va.rieties-lst, W. L) ~:xt. Uullble Urcrmxinms--tlxree varieties~- L). Mcuarthy ; `Jud, \V. Lount. Tricolor l.=erani:1ms~si.x vnrhsties-- lat, W. Lount; 2.}, 1.1. .l Tricolor `(`3cmniu1ns--three vm-14-, ties v-,lst, .W. Lnunt. Sivcr Geramiutns-- rs-e v9.rie'r.ics--]st' \\ . Lnunt. Scented '.`~x..uL;uiu11ns--three \':u-ietics-lst, R. Power ; `mi, W. Lount. Fuchsir.s--six varictics--lat, '. 1` mar ; 2nd, W. Lount. Fuchsias--three ` 2:` .05:-.-1st, R. Power ; 2nd, D. McCarthy. "ni;~..;e l la.uts--lilst, J. C. Morgntx ; 21111, 1. L$`.;..u.v-; SIM, W. Lount. Collectiun nf1 Innts - - .". J. U. Morgztn ; 2nd, R. Power: 3rd, J). Mc(3zv.rth;,'. I u n. -n I -'I`he whter n 1 th Gra River has-`I not been so high for many. years at this season. ' ' '- -` x -- The .'ss2;s.ori. :for `bias ended on thg 1511; ihst. ' ' - * . -YorkvTlef-has `otoid"$30L00f) {of I water~worka., A L - ' I j 2-'--Torbintq is}ohv6 public bathing E housas. f;. `- f I I -Codsh`5afe. repmed [plentiful _at 3 I Labrador; ' `-__ , I ` j A xouwm get th very best Boiled and Raw `Linseed on. Turpentine. vma.n; \v1m'e,Leaa, coma; and a very good assortment of Paint and other I_31-uahes.vac ' * ` .. . . . . D. A.` -M ' ` .A.r9` You ` 8:` Vvaggon niaker '2 . M `9""'_'_ 7. .:;;;-313:: a ' Fl] w` dsun: s kes.," j 4 `and w 3.i .i"3-`;t' `ac in1l.yahs. :`i)1?sClxTai::ed 33?}: %nmm.ysi133md unt? 'Em;'f1.1$w 1"" and Pole '1`! p A Milli Nails. . - , eels, `moo ' , as. V . wacxon ske1ns,~s . at m 9 7"? . n 3` mh"'d~T".B"" .. '. `W ff *_.'.?+.,-_ * _ . sum or Iwaonosarcvw AW.BA_.RR1E. 2. Buifodi i~:a;Is.'1nuges. Screws, Locks. Glass. Putty. Oil. &c.; gt D A`; . Are You a. I.'a.r:n:|.er.`2 A ' ' `M ;MBtu;3r zeal ca? ovfls. oes ea cytles maths. Forks, Cr Bopup, Plough-Lines, Wooden Bowls,,sw,~, gt - , I` - _ - ' . In A, ,_. Are You `a. Painter? . . A" -MA'".'D s ` :yon:wm' `mi besuaoil d an dou.Tmaentin',dvarh1sh: ~ ' '5'? _VW80%'3,;0:'1:1yant Paign 33d othgr BrIl_e9a_8t ~ e < V .`Y"` :I`d C919 ,A.r_e- 'ir_ou- at vvagg,on 1u:ak'er "7'. `.` ,, j - v_._-_:}-r ` Buy your Knives and Forks," Tea. and Table SDOOBB. Cioths nncepan. at_ - - . gmd Tea Spoons, Cloths ' Kettles. Snucepaps, &c.. at _to Build 2 VLASS I.-The exhibitors in this section m1x[)I0y ga.`rdeners, or lmvc the advantage of glass. _ A _"l A\1'l`I Y\' Pnvu-a a. Ebuekeepef? ._.. ._ , ,, -vv - - Sign` '01" 't11.e` Cross-j-CV111: SavtT7' HARWARE! Hannwii 1| CONTRACTOR HOMEFOR HAnnwAn's.-sAw`s. adi n.%mvs,mV .' E`c`:lr'x()).H1!`g(;:gl')"l`Q(:1.;s`, LA. ES. LOCKS. ,(Engh'shD. LOCKS, (Cnnu1iun):mL0(%I{S. (;*.n1eric$S, Tufxe y. , ` . _ ' PAINTER ' Home-F R - PPL`!E .-PAINT".OILS.COLORS.GLASS.PU'I`TY. BRUSHES, Y. `2'ISHES, \VliI?E LK D,(u.1lgrues.) D N .B. ---It is fo your advantage to call at this Station, n(;xt door to Fre_2eman s Furniture Store. Ifekt Doo1'*to H.` 1 the Proprietor, vri business,~a.nv`. t} THRQuGH' TIME. ALL ABOARD! ] assen.-c;er3 going: West will lease change cafs at B.AF.2R E `for `T ` Craddock s New Hardware Store TEM Barrie, March 9, 1876. IHU guano VVIIIS Ivan, uuuo I Every succeeding show makes it more painfully evident that the object which the promoters of the Society had in view at its organization cannot be realized. The Society is in 9. most ourishing state, pecuniary and other- wise. The directors, in framing their prize. list, have been particularly anxious to meet the requirements of the amateur, devoting the lion's share of everything to them and yet their su- pineness, prevents their availing them- selves of it. We believe the directors lieve done all they could with the view of encouraging the window and cottiige gardeners, who have with one ortwo , -iotsble exceptions failed to reciprocate. ; `t is now quite evident that if we are , *0 havg a show at all, we must depend } wholly on the professional class, and 3 Vie directors must in future give their I mention to them in a much more , marked and liberal manner than they. ( ;'t.)'\r'(3 yet done. Appended is the. prize 3 iii '__.