Tm: n&1r.niii`wt:'-13: made by` Judge in lsommunicatibn in any ;-P?3=191n..h.>' in r8*<>r.=i.`tiin of W- . ' I ,'TIuu:1; hotel pmprietoxis in Odessa, Lennox Count have been each fined . .7 . . . 5,1320 and costs forjclolamon of the Duukm Act. ; I ' 'l'1Ik:Bx'iti11 House of C70rx11:1bns -has had 3. short adjuurnmenAt, and nr(."~tS:1g:1i11 today. The House of Louis will not re-ass<:n1blc till the 13th. . D0! I e 21 flying visit to T0- ronto zon Monday rcmrxinjng not quite thrce hours. ` He visited the 1n'incip:1l' nlm-ng nf'1`nfm-net. in Hm I-ihv lI7'Ll.h'5Q`rIIlUIU U111 LIN? 1.-)5. ` I n e pmd ymg \ ronto 1`cmr\in_in'. th places of interest; in the city. rn,,, u n q Two xxnennhtars of the Dominion Paslilianlent ;u-c load }!on.. Malcolm ..-\ r ~- " * 4:0 Cmneron and Mr. G01-don. I`]us leaves 1 the 1'i_dings of Norm and South Untario v:1c:u1t.. E `.'l`1m Quebec insurance agnts are en- deavouring to cdmbine to refuse-_ risks on wooden buildings, und avoid such res n}; that recently. . nu-.. IL, ,1, 1r_,,,,, (I (`I I SIIAFTS have bcemmnk `on the French side in con11ecf.i011 with the Clnmllel f un- nel.` ` 1. THE cxport_of lumber from St `John so fur this season has been double that of the same time last year. n1 1 I -' - 11 17 I Tim second attmnpt nmd in N ow York to ride 305' 1'nilr=.s' in ftr-cu houm on thirty ponies failed on the 217th mile. .I11,_ ,.I n I . - Ii` You a. Vvaggon 2D.a11or'.' Buy _\'o1n-Bnntznnd F-ulky I"-zllocs, (lurringzc, Wmzmnn and Sulky Spokes. Hubs. .* I;,m. n`-ad \V0nd :-iozu. Hm~ks. A \:l(-.~'.. .\`prim.:s4. I-Jlmuwllcd Clnlh. Buttons, Silvercd and Japan l.'l'lI5n-v "\-IN" Shaft. and Polo 'l`im, Whitllc Hooks, Fifth \Vhct.-15. Shaft Couplings. Bands, (,`urrixu:c and ":1" Vlaggon Skcius, &c.,`u.t ' " ""'l`. SIGN or Tm: c1zos.sL(:u'1' mu . m |.'|`lL ``i!%.A%?@Want~| I Tm: Quebec Government hasinogotiat- ed :1. live per cent. loan of four millions at par. `rn.-_` .,..,,,,L -0 1, , 1 1` __,, L11, `r,1,._ You will get thc.v(-x'_\' host, lluilcd and Raw Linseed Oil, l`urpentinc, Varnish, \Vhil(' 1.0.,` (. a ml :1. very good assomm.-nt of Paint and other liruslncs. at ' I'M. D. A. MACDONALD-8 | Zn?/.Ea11or'.' r.L1o You a. Painter? IE.\L'[`()IRI-Z. -- .\Iv("ULL(7(,'(i]{.~ .\I.'u1su, Ii.-11-riv, on thc 24th ult., lid-\'..\1.l~'1-ascr, L1~:\'I J. l!::.\Lx L1i1 to J.\.\'1:'r N. .\]('CL`I.L ' Uri.]lia._ ' {Sign or the Cross-Out Saw_ D, A. MACDONALD, BARRIE, . SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, THE LATEST NEWS. `11'A1u:1'E 1\L\1KKE'I`:': VVHEIEE YOU WILL FIND A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED srocx op "T`"`5d-=*.19'" P500 95 chi. > vi~i"ss" s1`Z'z'& @1333? `rJ e ve. 531.3 `s:'on}"'?3.k N. THOMAS, Phelps, NZY. "1)l' Mr. Thou. Maire, the celebrated bredder. FP LLYMAN, Tommo, 0-nt. ,' of Pedigree given wlthveach animal ;'c`~55`4 . V ,1 ` = "`."- m` -~ - E. s. Mmmxme Aucuorieer. m.t_`(.` -' fetxeehmonts will be provided. -- . 8&2; Iimisznlnn. nEA'nl&a_. (A. ll,,,, ms appztrout in and! `(!L'_ 'I'hn -\ :4'nu.lnu,.,. I ---... vu, uuu Ill 15 ` ' `one of the bcst :ed; it has done licving pain, sore ' I of the greatest ,Township Percy, ' try Thomas Ec- _ hich troubled mo 3 1 1 never found ' Mneness. It is a Eamilton,Wnrk- 5 I ha 'tx-oubled 1:` annoyed me vex.`-y C place induced me i;` prevonabottle was :5 mqst`remaxkablo_ ft .,...., ,_-E n . ?,P::lcni'.?`1(" ` E , oh the (`nth ,inst.,, 11-aghtcr of Du. A. .L':1L Ill :|l'1(l, - :\ .;tcmln.nce \n.l all .~-.. I I. -'.`\I4 C. ,1 } uy I rlrn L- L` `the the; 1 TEE . -A-_E;-8l0 and. under. 'C'33h:ove1-stha?x1o1fsx1t6 0119113 C'9d- 0 A1 I1pvedJo1ntNou3 "-8Ql`.EV`l'0 DOM. AT I2 O Ol.OOK. Allth ca.` 5 h-bred a tan: V '(`:'a'. :c3,"v';i1`1' sold. '3'? 1 `3'o:o'3k. `Thisanlembeyvtthout reserve. The stock was ` Hairs. celeb;-ntad _breo der. r L 0 110313. Con. 1, Vespm on the Pcnctanguishono Ron . on I`: `IQIHILJ-`J nI.I.$IIL'.).L.I., 1.7117-nu.-.--_ -._ -_--_ .. ._..._ VII... XEEEIKG `Has received instructions from FRED. CAVE ` ESQ" to offer for rule by |!?111r\1-I- A --..+....._ MI`- l.EwENT8l, _ .~1 Double \Vu,gg`on_ Tl cmocrat Lgct Sleigh, 1 Brown 85 {Neal Ploufh; tniron Ilarrows, 1 Set \V0od' '-HM'l', t Double Harness. 2 Sets Plough I 3-nlzness. and other articles toqnumcrous to men. 1 . u V , Al I E Th h-b LI. "Cows! (` H. .3 2930.1-ling c cl-s(.nio`1;1u 'l`rccn A o'x 1ths old. 3 xii." `,0n1ves. A ~ ? H0I18.---1 gpnn of Team Horses. 1 Bnv Jlomeg. hm ad on], good In Slnglennd Doublb M LE mocra.twENTsl'1\fa'I$ct 3 Neal Ploual-n_Ia3nh~rm Inn-rows. 'nml ` wg `(U UlI.|4'l' lUl ball; I! ,Fub11c Auction, ; (in Int ID (V..- 1 1'v__,,,,, _,. n, . n....-A.._._..._ wupnoucn - Ensn srocxz Aluuua vu 3 W1-mxmsm Y, JUNE 21. 1876. !Zl-Sat:-ic. J mm 3, 1876. CREDITSALE nu ;jl`11UnsnAY, JUNE 3, 1376. AT 1:30 l ..\[. The usual Notices and 'l'cstimoninl.~: must be .:.-m. to the undersigned by the First day or July. \VM. HUYI~', .- ` Sc c`y Board of Ex:uninnr~'. Ilium-ic. Jnnn 2 mm . 'rz.'z.'.. 1. Monday.16viE`:i;i%EJuly Next V. -4--uvvv I! All Ill: lH'lU Ill kill} Public_ School House, Barrie. (-mnmum`L_v and public `L :-m>rnll_\ that ha` h:x.~ M1" N1 out. in connection with tho l~2urnp~':UI `W `- the con1modions_Slnl)I('s uljoi.ninj.: Ihv u_>I ( HI me-rcinl Hotel. Dunlap-st.. vast. t' W ' "-` ' stf.. and op vositc the l`m1m-r_\'. lav:-r.V' """"","' dutian fnx-horses and an ultcntivc hostlcr ulu :1) m xntclulmlcc. IL 6. mULU. Barrie. June 8. 1876. Z` L .1 I The Annl1nlExaminz\Uono( (`nndilnt.\< for W llc School 'l`enchcrs' Fir.-st, Second und l`l{ir ,.,(`-111.3% Certicates for ISTG. for 1111- (`dunly of Simcoo will be held in the i The nndersitmcd wislws to inform thv - | nyl connection with tho l~`.uv-.m.-_- E 8, 1876. I .l-..~'}-f` | York - ID THE SA W. l.\l:l:H' n or every one of the Dominion of Canada 5 um.-4'-1111. zrug cxne do-nlrrs. noun Luuana,,n_l4_W IURSK, S_ULE PROPRIE \UneI]""" 5"" twelve-and-half:-ent.-4 fur ngeench-sed lo N6r!hrop& L_vnmn.'I`oro.1m. ge.`cra':1gents for me Duminiun,WIH tn.-I bu!t.'~.-.vm1miniug ov_|; 50 pills ,by rmurn m Smkl in Barrie. .ln:.John \\'.....l< - \\rm.. TIIE GREAT ENGLISII I .iE.\II-Jl)Y. Job Moses` Periodical Plus. .._-o-_. .['hin invaluable media-inc isI1nlZulin;z ll) thr- mlrc 01 all thou: painful and tlnugcruns (ll.~r'f_I---1 to wh1v.1!heI'ein:1lc consiivntion ll slihjerl. ll ln0(lL`rule$ all excess and remove! all olx.-trux-In-us and :1 speedy I-ure ma`: be relied on. ` TU .\lARRll~}l) la.-\I)H-I5` it is pui-nli.'xrl'; suited. It will, in :\ .Hh()rl Inm- bring 0': the mouth v pcriml with regulzuny. In all ulho.-r case.` of Nervous :1'ud Spinal Aller- ti us, Pains in 1h- Haul; and Iulllllm, Fatigue In sllghl1-xi-rl:uu,Pnln::ul;onolthe lleurl.Hysu-1l~- and Wlii,1es,lhc.~`e Pills \V'lll ell ;-1-I a cure W'ilI`l' `Ill otliqr. nicuus have lled: am|_a'llhou;_:ll..:- pnwcrlul rc:nezly,do not contain lrun, Laloim , .'1nliniony, or any! lzin g hurtful lo the c<>n-Inulmn. I F ll direcnnnn in the pamphlet around an :1 34..-k -gc,whicli should be carefully prey-ervc-l~ JOB mosI~:s,,N_E_w YORK, sou: PROPRIE FOR- .Une do] In r n'nvl [WPlL'n-un.l_hn I r......... .2 I N C )NSU_\{l"l`I(>N AN I) s 'l{ll FL'L1)US UlL'cr:i.tinu, \vhcrn,-tha-r- i.~. ii. fcctive uutriticm and illlpa;I`f`:\.'t ct-H furuzzitn. to repair the ra\':1_qcs of lli.=o:mc ; in riirmt-Ir of the spine, or rickets, wlicru thc-re is .1. ciency of 1 lmsp}mtc of Lime ; in white .-.-mi ing._;, in hip-jnint (list-Me: in uiilurgmmm I the glmitls of the uc-ck ur /.`[Iu_r s u'1l_; in ~=i rhcum. in eczema, swilil-}i:::1]. ulni Uzi v:u`i'etivsnf skin iliscnscs, In:.\\'lHZI-Il.|'IlI Cumpmmtl Elixir of Phnslplmtcs an-l illiln} is recommended by the higlivst lllutliurll us thoritics in Europe-,m11 .~\1nL-rivu, and 11 many cures of these :x'cctions justify this '11. _ estimation of its great value. I A _ ,__ -_--_ -...., r.- m:.u.|-;ns IN Pianos of best makers. The Manon iln 0rg:1ns,andthe Canada Org-an (Ic Organs and Melodeons: Organs ax deonslorenl. and for sale,on the paymentsystem EhwADno L w . Bose1e,M Stationers, -1 "A Y.___._;. .- WALL PAPER.m1*)TI:3('3.()RA I`ION5 FELT ROOFING, BUILDING PAPER DEALERS nu ' EDWARDS & LAIR3, New 2\hn:rti5cn1cut5. ~ . on & HAMLINIQBGAN co. THE mas f I, I-xruluh xx. tain, that it abounds in 1001; am: sounu mnga, but assitluons ahd Ion contzinned practice. It would be imposaiblc to give an adequate notion of the niceties of bhggle without diagrams ; but 1_;his is car- dopportuxghcs for thela .1, 1; of n.droitnessa_n grace, as `ength am .g:Bt;-4nboV6 811 agility. for no man who is, :21; i:*2*:::?'.:f.:m .,:a,;*::s_ea*fP::1:.:o;';.: is of the shape of the hockey stick,` with" :1 sort of. battledoretnetting attlie end. ,-0th _ 4 , _ er gum _. .'nJ_'g;1's that .shon1 *!* new sun In .421. ute'thM:_1 Lg nearly as acmm.` .1 ............................................................. .- CAl`.D.-T() ALL wnn ARE . fr.-nu elm .......-.... . UH"`<|. Km. 1 \\'il1.-u-min 1 Fill-Ll~1 Ul-` (`ll.\l((il~I. di. -n\'('rmi lv: :1 lni4sxinn} .Il>'.v()\'(`l`I`u h :1mi.4sionnr) 11 .s'-It`-udcli`c.s.~o4l 1-nn-I4 "1; l`. I.\'.\l.\.`I. Station 1). . .'_'llS'. A.Ll|J I.--~L\,I [\l4J.J VV I1 111 :-1-ills: from tho errors um! it `h. In-r\'(m-5` \\'0:LkIu-s.~`. urly do-4 ml 'L .. 1 \\'iH.~`1-lltluI`(-<'lln'lh:I. onmlmng 50 p:Hs,by mm]. Barrie, .hy;John Vvuuds ; \V'al:mn .\' clls Brod, Tuleudz Mcbezlnzllrunilx-1.9, '7r|:'ghurst, Green 6: Bros., and aHIllcd1- .1:-rs. ' Spatial Names. aAnd Importqra of EDWARDS 8 LAIRD Booksellers, &c., In... `kg, (fmtllcs. (;rinzl.,!nno;_ c.. at A. MACDONALD s m'_\'1n.S0ulh.\I 1-lnpv to lhv ). Bible H0ll.-`< 0" __-i:%v-- Tm; CANADIAN Lacrosse players, now on a visit to Ireland, are everywliere they go being received with great cordi- ality, and intense interest is manifested in the game wherever it is played- Great crowds witness the matches and show every appreciation for the-to [them -new sport. The London Standard writing on the Im.ero'sse team has the following :- V ' ' nun so -` -~ 'he 3 Ham: 1 Company`- and Meno- e,on munxbly I. I .\'nri(lT IV: quuvu. ;u ue` am good` player requires not only a. quick owe `and nervous wrist, it eet foot, and sound l_unga, but and lo cont_inued .p}'at1c. It; imnosaibin The rudiments of the. . quirecl. To be. a. good` pg only quick ojre new mugvs gnaw anonlu mung, 15516 new game . z (1 a .`;.,:'.`.o.:*`:2&`.`.?.ft ..:`..i`."?f ` onn, andvthore is'_mo_re .freq1'1enI; I ' than at cxfxcket, and that it tglybe `Q . here on Ohlinnn popu- e_cono. sodnu er. gap;-grliezfe, Olaham Common Q56 ovi1." : . ' `.14. '~ of manly sports the * Mother Country is not one ofizer co/I_o;1_ies, and will adopt no nan man 8!; cncget, and c-anube e; ' as at Hut 'pghnm or on- obove imitating - aniomz j __ ...,...... vvuutll An IIUE _DOVC of her colonies, will adopt `among her list` of ppular games, `the pati6na`l_ game oi.'anala7_lgcrosse,A ; or ~ I'D 1satte1'lyin1_po ssil;ie at present to he prophecy,` with any possibility of realiza- .u' tion, what will be the effect on the Turk- ili ish insurrection of the eh:1nge'ofS11ltn11s.. `lie The new ruler,iit is saicl, p`ro1nisesn__i'nr.y B1. reforms, and it is proverliial that new [[1 brooms sweep clean ; but it xilffill take an 1y "administration broom of no ordinary power toiiweep out the Augean st`-aliles 0fTnrkisl1abuscs., A reasonahleiitime [i_ of course should be allowed to see wile` a ither Murad V. can _oll er the ..`lilSl1)`g(JI1l} 8- provinces. terms that will be i1cceptalle_ to them. while -not emnp1'o111isiug the, Sovereignty of Turkey. Ilo m_ay be able to - accomplish this, -but it is doubtful. Not alone are there` re.fn'ms `of-Gcvern~ l mcnt which he must be able to clfeet, but to satisfy the insargents heniust V `pursuade the d_i_strict rulers to renounce their practices of pilfering, -extortion, lust and cruelty, which have become al- most second nature to them, and tl;is` will `be 8. mighLy task, for it is hard to teach old dogs newvtricks. One cause _of the late Sultan"s failure was his ia- | tense penuriousness. .He had one lum- I l I 'V L dred millions of dollars in his privv I purse, not one dollar of. which he would spend except on his fifty-threc boat loads of wives, though his soldiers were rehel~ ling for pay, This vast treasure has been COll.llS(':LlC(l, so that the present Portc has the chief. munition of war`-- money. hi the event of the Sultan fail- ing to crush the reb_ell_ien, it is likely the European I`o\vers will inl.ex'fere. Tlzere is little doubt thatthe insurgents are deriving moral, if not material, support- from liussia, who has a cmttous eye on the Southern seaboard, the want of which is a. barrier in tlie.x-my ef her becoming alloat,\v) at she is on sl1orc-the inost powerfn `ation, in extent of army, in I the world. To check her course inreal: ity, though ostensibly aiming at the = pacitication of the East, a conference will ` likely be called,'and the proposition of ' France that herself, togetlie1- with Eng- land, Russia, Prussia and Austria, should devise some scheme ag1'ee:`-.ble both tn the Porto and the rebellious provinces, will be accepted. If these four can agree on a plan to pursue, it safe to assume hi that it will be adopted, as neither of the J; two parties most interested would dare to refuse concession to what had been endorsed by the great powers of the con- stinent.. At present, however," prophecy as to the probable sudden bursting or gradual dissolving of the ominous War cloud in the East, is hazardous. The state of Europe is like the mental condi- tion of Macbeth after the apparition of Sh the witches--all is lost in surmiseand In what is is overshadowed andsobscured by in` wlnxt is not. i ' ` si tr 3:`. ut -. ) O- ..-.... ..u uuvlv nuuulu De spureu _Dy the ,eorpor,atioi_1._' :That we do)-possess Such an organization is a fact 0n'_'fl1iC11 we have every reason to icongrzitulafe ourselves, and that our citizens fully a- preciatethe brigade and are willing fog accord them all t-he credit attaching tel their self-sacricing and alrnost__unremu- nerated labors, is beyond doubt; but that the re company` do not meet at the hands of the Council with the treatment they merit is too evident to be gilinsaid. True, their accounts for valuable ser- vices are cheerfully allowed, but/beyond that little is done to show approval of their efforts or to encourages them in continuing to work in the pubic in- terests. To ._mo:;t of ourecitizen , 1) haps, the huge appear to have every requisite in the way of accoutreinen ts and apparutlxs; but this is not so--a host in the 'aggregate, are wanting, 1111 the lack of them is :1. great drawback to the eiliciency it is desirable the 0l`g:tI1lZ:1tl.OI] should attain. made over and over again to the Council, with a view of suplulying these little de- ciencies; but they h:1ve' either been en-' tirely-ignored or gramted in .sucl\_ ii nig- gitrdly economical style as to he of little benefit, . \Vc haxje taken the trouble to enquire thoroughly into this `matter, 9.11:] from wliut we lmve learned would seem that our town fathers are slimnefully indierent to the requests of the re- l>1-ignde for indispcnsihlc 1iccessiLies-,so much so, imlcod, that it is consilorc(l useless to make futtlxcrapplication, mid, in despair, the men talk of dis;hnmlin_;'g , The following :u'ticlr=s are what is urgently requirecl. by the department :-'-- I "l`w'cvityfo111' hose heys, at s:i_vf.`5 cts. _ ea'ch......... Twenty-four liclts, _.'it s.-w 49 cc One e.\'tr.1 hose l'L'(;l, to hold extra hose , . . l`rough and rolh-rsln`_\\':1slii11;_; hose l.m'gc hook rcpziircd . . . . . . . i I $600 ut '5 . -`,9 60 '40 00 6 ()0 3 O0- , The cost, of those is _insignifienut ; ':l.11(l surely the Council will, now that their iI]P_Jl(`l:l? has hecn ]n'ominonl.l_y l)1'ouqln(, before the people, furnish llimn. \Ve, as property liohlers, cannot l'gl10l_`Cil`ll(! strong claims which this l)ody'h:xs on us, and the Council in nogloctinfg to re- cognize tlwsc claims by 1-csponcliiig to the calls m:ule on them by the de- partment,_:\rc guilty of :1derelictiono{' duty which merits .s'e'vere`condemnation. Within n short time reference will lie :1g:1inmade to this subject, when it is hoped tl1:it,ou1"rc-n1:u`l will not have to be`.be uttered in :1 condemnatory strain. a...-.- of necessary appliances, of triing cost Applications have been i THE MANY res from Xvhich `we have I " lY 311'el`cd, p1'_oveVthe neoessityiexisb. ` fag f0!` 1! large and eicient re biigade ' "_` B`'"iea to have which should be the I ``_`"n f eV1`.Y Patepayer at all interested In the safety of the.(town, and 17,0 encour- age which no ebrt should be spared by the nm-.`-.A....4:..... rm_-L ,, n_1eAare easily ac-' ml` 1) ayer eet assidunnn and `Imu- T VVE CANNOT xjefrain from again refer- ` ring to the remarks of the Collingwood Bulletin on the matter of the encour-T ago home indugtry " polioy, which, the paper, laments, jg not pursued by the people of that town. The Bu/letz'9z s con- clusion ishased on _tlio fact thatfa travel-. ler for 9, Barrie clothing: establishment recently paid Coilingwood a. xfisit, and Blwceeded in obtaining `orders tooa con- I`iitI61`._1)JlQn1i__m`oeif, ;` and it thereupon feels A t1f xliilt some 8593*]. 4 ff yh_g;1;gr if-' .(, `C "t `1 `1 95 it :1 e l f I - tion or nancial prospects, _how'x'n:my Rex`. Mr. Rol,)l)'str0n_;;ly eppesml smell :1 course, taking; for the ground eflxis`. re;uely {l]I})(`:1l(?(l to the Synod eml ulsete the Geneml Assemloly, it was lyoym'nl the jnriscliction of the Presliylnry`. `ilut one or two, however, f:t\'Ol'G(l this view, and "Principal Cm':m'sinetirn1 was :1ccorling- ly carrier}. Tlxis, "it may be assumml, 1`-1':lCilC~;1ll_V settles the afi'aiz', as the As- scnibly will doubtlc-ss accept, n.=m'ece1n- memlecl, the statement ; peace will be restored, and the m"l':1irs of the dis_turl)o(l church go on, we suppose._jnst us though there l:a_l never oxistctl among its clergy one with l1( 1'(`.i3lC \'iews,.'Lt leastsullieiently leli:1erl---ifi11ot holdly upheld--to make his presence in Pa Presbyterian pulpit slzmgerons. `It must he confessed that the reverend dissentc`."s latter course has scarcely fuliille the e_\._zpect:ttions enter- tained by reason of the wsoliiteness he at first exhibited. . lie n ipenrs to lnwe sullicient in oi .tl1e ugl1_t to de- sire to hold viexfs counter totlxe doc- trines of his church ; but he,_s_cems at the szzmetime to possess a judgment ivhicli" shows him that hmvever gratifying it may be to exitcrtzrin these opinie'ns, it is impolitic at least to persist in Itheir free utterance. And, perhaps, after` all he is riglit; Imlepenclenpe of tlieuglit is, of course, 9. grand thing, and `quite antle- sirable as indepen_(len'ce of `action. `But where its exercise is atte1ided_ by conse- quences nmterially n.fI ec'ting,oi1e*s reputa- I 0])1`)0SiiiO11 that the case lwxing been al- l:l101`e are who ratl1er_thnn_ take-arm stand in support of their. views, are wil- ling to renounce them '_cntirely, `or. at least, as in the present case, Vobligingly modify them? T l ' - = It was n:}IIy`n1ovcd by `Rev. Princi- pal Cil.\'i1l) th:zt_ V The statement sulnnittcd by Mr. Mac- rlonnoll be tr:1ns}uittc_d tn the Gonc1`al -.I\sz=un1- My, with the c.\;`1>x'cssi())1'of the hope that the As.~:cm|)ly may bud it :1 s:\..i:;f:1ctorv lmsis fur the setL1(m1(`.\1t`(?f the case. " f l. r 5 1 1 vA!\'OT1IER s'r..\(zg,r in the. Macdomicli lieresy'Ii:1ii3.l)'o11 1`O21CIlC(1~:1`l`l' 1-owiiiity. is u;a fiu' will be settled with- I out _a resort to the extreme measures l.t first app1`ehe11d0d.."` At a lixeclimg bf the P1'(.*sbyLc1', `_'1`oront.o, the |0t'h01`,d':1y, Lhe :1c!x`it':ili)iL)' Sl1i1).l11iU-illglthc whole case to the U`0l`1C)`ali Ascu1bly,. wgts Con- sidc`1:ed. The f0ii(iW.11g letter was 1'e~ ceivcd from Mr. Mztcdoiimrll :--' To [/16 I|Io:!c)'(.'tar qf [/12 Pro` '(:_I/(`cry of Torm;'Iu ; .Im'. .M\'l)D!-`Al: f~xu,-~|)csi1-nus _ni lczwing notliing u11d_>uc nu `inf, 1-art to prevent the cvil n:.s11lts :1})11'ciIt:1)(1ulby many t1'o'u the disciissiniis in the .~\;;c1ni1.~l_\' if the nia,Lt;er at issue bv.-'t_\\'cc11 the ` l`x`u.~;h_\rtcx'_) z111l'11'1y}=..L-1f,`_] licruwith submit 11 fi_:rthcr stzitcnient which 1 have been alinwcd, to hope nmy l>u.'::.c_:coptcz1 by the } i`csb_)'tux'y, and nmy. render it poszsilplc, \`s'ith_the cmwcut; of all pztrtics, to reIi;\ p _thc .>\ssc1ubIy from the consi of hu case. ' ` l':uu, yours mspcctfiilly, ` 1). J. M..\cno>:.\`F.i,L. This is the statement refei-1-e:1 to :-- Nt\\'itl1st.'=.iir'Pixig the diioultics which I h:).\'(-. 1'0g:mlin_z; the "doctrine of l"utm'c l umsh- nzunt, I cuntinuc my mlhusimituth:tt: as implied in my .".S.`s(.`Ilt to -the (. 0i1fc.`~ss'1~of lf':utI1 as foruicrly given. . . - `- ` I) J \\T|l'Y\(:\'\'nt r In 1 I i ( < 5 --uvea xrnemediable injury. I fear we shall for the moment increased troubles, but I am satised that before long this country `will _ rise superior to all her present difficulties and the -just expectation of every of the .men who have made the `Dominion their home. perfectly clcar, bu _yimu u1u\'.`:1.t.c!'s1(m'1y ur Inst. It can be lll1].l)lll;.`.Ct1ll`(!(l in ivsnn 5))` c:.1`blien\v:u'c,' from the liltcr, for tl1c'p.-n-lor,_to any c:1p:wit_\', fcmniaiins, t-milcs, (ir 'ci:;furns. Tl1c11uu1hci`_ul' high tizstiiiinilics the iiltcr has in its favor would till :1 lmok, but we select one or two ex- tracts from English jmu'n:\ls speaking of it. '1`/us Lancet says :- We had an opportunity of inspecting one of tl1cscl'llbc;1-3, .1 _aud_ Wu \VCl`(_`.lllllCl1 pleased with the very Sntisfzzctoxy way it did its work. The liltcr `was lillcil, at our 1`(,`1l11:St, _\\'ith hlacl: stinking; ditch water, which lxzippoucxl to be at h.'m am! in live minutes frmn the cn'n1mcnccinct of the filling inordurous, and tasteless Water canle bubbling through the stmtnm. of _clL'u'- V coal. The sp:_:i.'\l (;orr(,-spnndciit of the Daily .N:ws at the AsIi::1itcc;wm~ says :-- It fur-" _ nishcs `at each st:Ltioif' at Wlllcll it cni1~1)`<.{'Sct up mi alnmst; unlimited `Sl'lp1_)ly `of liifautiflil drinking.\v:1tn1`. _l`hc st0:'i1n' 3' )[)C1`_ fhnl;-`mp this lilbcr tn Inquziboim, and nli3l1crto'-l >'ot:i-0-: ful. (}Ec:isc s llltu1's`l1:1\'c :il.'0 been cst:1hlislw . zit` Y()llC()0ln1lSSl(` (l*`:uxLIuu)' lvlansu. At the l.`|.l2tL'l'})lYi(:t: two sm.-illcr lilt2crs,_ each nv<-1' .1 ton, siqiply the pl_.-we of a I:u`ge. Thus, tl1r}n1_~_;liniLtlic lirst half of the 1'o.'ul, aniplu` :uil cxccllexit Wliftl` is piwviduil. '.l7l1(: Slim- .hu`il s.-iys`:J`.`.;\lru;uly tnc scoiirygc of foul \`{a,tcr, which is A!`0S[IUll.ll3l(} fur thrcv mt ul fuur li\'(.`s last, no l(.-.i;_:ui' a|l'cc ts. us. VAII the \W!tCl`1lSL"ll!yllSlS 1) ml tll_l`Ol1,'_{ll one nf ('i'c;1si.- s liltcrs, which turns it m1tln'iglit, clam`, .'m d t:x. as one wmilddcsiro. The w:Ltcrrui1s tlimugli the tap at cmisislorahlc pr:ss1u'c, mul iiu time, tlicrnforc, i2lost--n. ,_ri-c-at [mint w_hm`c lurgg .__(1_l_l_.'_'1l_1tllJ_lCS ;1.z;c:_11sc_iL_. 'l~'li'crc"i.'s mi`(lniil-t h1i`.. this liltvr will be taken up by all who yalm-. _v_; ivlxulcsome aurl pure. \V:Ltu!` in their l`;1n1ilics,".1mI we expect to see its early m:mufnctu1'c 9.11:1 sale tli1'o11;`_;l1m1tl;l1c llmnixiimi. :\l(.'bSl`S. J. ll. l :u'tlctt X: 0)., l`lll_1_{lIl(.`Cl'S a1i1.`s'1ippl_y Agents, `.32; (lullmi-no-st., Turulitn ; am] M.-iiiw (Tm-.-mi .-'lu'-rT+I....- Mn '4' ' I. I. I E: ...._~_-,...uux.~. mm csuppay Agents, .m xUl()ITl(.'-St. 1%. ('1'4;:1s, of J:u'ric, will he lmppy tn ,<,;i\'c mm xn:11111|;'.t:tur_crs and othe1's.ztll iul'o1'u1.'tt1uu rclutxvc to this filter. . `_ .. I J`u1-unto ; .\l.-um` (?1'c:Lsc.s`bz'ntlu,-1', Mx'.,'(3. Q I - V ' 3 `f Major Crease, of the Royal Marine Artil- lery, has invented and pzitcnted a self-regm lnting clezinalile chin'c0a.l lter, which, after the 'most- searching` and sttingonyt trials in` every climate, has been 11ni\'er.'-uxlly adopted 1' n 1: 0th the sister se1'x'i'ccs,_ap`3` is eonsi(1ered;by the autliorities as one of the most impoxtaint hygienic appliances which has been adopted in theta. An adv.-mtage that it pdsscsses over` H s..tlmt are in use is that it is ' simple in -tructim1 and intcrehzmgezible inits paxts. In case any portion should be broken, it can f be taken to and put together a.';.;:xi':\ with fncilif"he 1-equired, and the ltering medium, which is :1 :.pecia.1ly p1'cp:'.C1'cd grann- Ia.t(V-(1 animzzl chm-eo:.l of the pure;-t chm-zzetcr, can at any time be withdrzuvn and tlioyouglxly ` clu:11u;L1. By an ingenious plan the charcoal . i can be compressed,- or not, :1ecording as the : \':..t<~r may be fiml or less dirty, or if required 1 to yield the \'.`a.tc1- slowly fast. It be n1:1nuf.`.ctur<:d in iv,-nn `urn:-.1~f.Imnm...-,. `cm... 41... I J.-f ,A1{1o'NG 'rm~_:' `valuable inventions % ;~1atened`7of`l&te_l is__o_ne ithggt `T `fail; ' to mee`tw'itl1:`;.a `pro1 sr.xe6gnieip:;_ by me, . public, sonrgenl; lias been thevnecessity _ `fog its u'se,,qnd;so ea'ece;_ye1y`,c1z;4';s, if: per- form theigxnctibiis for ivhicl1itisde- signed. The in`v/entidn is of local i1}- ' vterest, i1iasn111ch,as the _brother of -the in\'ent.or is ajcitizn of Barrie, '`and has undertaken to introduce the mtilc into C:1nada.i The following notice of it ap- pgearcdin the Mail of `afew days since, {and we give it `in full, as it explains briefly the natilre and construction. of -the" appliance, while ital; -the same time ptovcs its capabilities. At some future time, when: the article has been adi'er- tisczl,' and its manufactureiin Canada entered upon, we may refer to itlagain:-- ,,..- . r. ... -.` . -- . M `"9 ,Buz[ they do 7:.[i cu. V ` D. J. `M.u_'nu,\'.\'1:I.r. vvqno n_u-ltyuvu VJ, U.l.U V]Ull'KnOWD_P1C`nlC' _ca.te1-era, Edmanson dz; Spn,.of your town, ' and f11_ey._deserve credit forbringing o_nt. what they did. on`, we an eqioyed the fnjn`, eating in'cluded";and wheix I say 399W 1. 9.12 99? the cyuu vvcuu uu vH_)uL ugzuu, arm 10!` l1QlII'8_ 311 Went merry 33 9-marriage bell. B1117 I; "W118? 11.017 Omit to mention the eating; It_ was good; The refreshments; W9. 5.`H P11d bf `7118 known,pic-nicv ,c8.tT8l`8. Rm: .nP1n-nn- 4-nuns I ........ ....u. vuv, r :.uu_y uuluu uu uance and were bound to dance, and if in"- dandngh they jostIed- each other or t1-amped on each.other s toes, _or slipped; as some did, on_tire_ly 93' the platform, nobhiixg was thought of it. They laughed -gm".-d;wen_t to work _again, and for hgu;-s ll wnnlv man-u .nn n -................. 1...]! n . nun. we are now rcaplng the consequences of undue haste. But, I believe that in future, looking forward to the great country that we possess, and to the great measures for its set- tlement and development which must occupy the minds of our legislators, it will be evident ' that the wisest thing Providence could have done for us was to arrest us in the im roper ooune we were ursuing, before we di( our- Jelvea irnemedin In irniln-v, I can um --I---" }I`..\NG.I-`. il 1(:-NIL-.--Yo1u' (:o1`1`nspom1- r-1-xt, l1o;1z~11:g of the mammoth C}x':L:2;;;. [110-1:19. th-.`xt \`-`HS 0_c01;1e_0ll' n0:`.1' .l3:1l:;f.al1 (1 twin 1'1-1 took ll; 111tnl1isho:u1 to lay by m plough for :1 (lay, don "-ht's store i cl0Llws,'nl1 stroll over to the scene ` of t'l.1e;fost1\,'1t1o3. A_ml now he `1'nu-pr3_qeg g't*I1jg._vn11 :1 lmvl1n"s:1bo:xi._tl2c amxir. , Well, m the ush l)l?C(`9, ii; \v_-1gn t m uc).l [1 ufn fl1'n1;{;g"_1g:nic: but it was an ex- . E-f}ltllC11::_ socml. ' 1310-mc--one of t;_l10_',g Y 55.; 1enn{_;s at v.'h1ch.tl1e _ymu1g folks of both E-zexes predonnnatc. and go in for. u.nl1m1tcd fun, m1(l.--slmll I mld `Z-i;-`m tmn and love nmlmzg. Of COIIYSO there were :1 few xnemhors of the anti-mi m_-n _"_`l" l 1'95Cn ta llutcnly one haul on hls 1eg1111cntzl1ls, u_nd l.:1_; c1ulc:>,.~.-01-S to im bus?! so`1_ne gm. xxxsjzxshx mto the few Qtlwr .rc_t1e1n were irultless. He cou1 !)Ql:Sll.'1(l0 {my of them to start; up speecl1- . Efyumg or 1_11fu1g_111':1te any other scheme 3 or the (l1l1CatlO!1.Qf the young Gmngepg ; and so he nmollily sat down on {I log and d.ecIzu'ed.tl1at the . progrmmm-, jvas not bemg curr1ed out_; properly. And guleeg, If1{1ust agree '.v1th liim. _Ou2- ; bcI;;:Jt1(1,e. nlands _should have_ sI.nrn ' up F N _ '_ I1 and 20119 1I1l_'`._3 .19 zlf -1111` vgtn more ;p11lu t aml-malde an nvely old t;imo,.' as 1 ti: l:hey.\vot1ld. Bull 1t was on 1st; plc-nlc and_ I rpake ewferycx- 31139 lfor; them_, hopmg that next time p eyf lave one 1t vcflll lrela. gzmtenstxccess, T Rrom a.,Q1-ange pomt of y'1ew.1 You see) . Ir. Eclxtor, Iam a G}-anger my3._,]f, and dan 5 him to; age our n_1s'ci`oution get up anytlnng that 13 not. entirely up to the _ um;-1;`-Altogqtheg-,.however, if we didhft . have speecfhes, and lectures, and cheering, and _shoutmg an_d things, we `had _lo1is of . mus1c, andanglng, 'and__coTurting,l a.nd_--' 5 ` I `was : nearly forVg.etting-`_eatin-g and g *1.m11 . _'-The n_mzc was furniahecl by -. the _1_>1_md-_ Ylohmst, oampbeu, _who_ 3 ' Seemed t91)6 endowed with supernatural . ` strength of am, and-to be in his happiest P4 m`lj_.` , -El-`I19 '~ 'd3ni8 - W351 !?l.i0yg'(i_. on :3 tempomrx-p?asfmim;sarw1y 12ig`0f19ugh- .*' ~0mm0da_te;_~"the;.*- Itrippe1js, rbui: m W113`? ;!m`8d *5??? ,They.ece;un.e.ft o dance .'KI.T\d hnlln '4`. -.. st r c ( `I f s 1 1 a { c c e 3 I t -A 4-In-nus. nu.` uluuu A11 nu uuLu`t; wu :u`l: nub :10! should in the public interests, tied that we will be upheld in c by the 1'at0paycrs of the town. .i-_-- l\IIs of. (mi' 1'mn_:n-l:'s'ln.,-t W(`-Lf'lx;' on the proposed honus of `$l'),0OO folltlio North Siniooe ill-1il\'.'uy liits l(: Isomc. to the` belief that we are 0I)S'}(l .~- to the construction of tilio roml Ii 1, an idea is lamm1L:1'I)l_y' c1'i:oiioo\1s, mi _ we '\'.'011(l(`I"ll0\V any can have been so finis- lod as to cnt(rt:1in it. \Ve oxprrtssml , 0u1'sel\'cs most lii1I11ist:1l{:1l>l_y in favor of the ro:i and evenicitcal the z1 that might ho exlmqtcnl to ho {iworerih built. to }J;u'1'i(~. '0 i:~.lso"g:u'(~ as our opinion that our Cll.l7.f`llS as well \ : iworotl the construction of the 1 s.ilw:1y, 1`. Cl] . land would rejoice to know that the com- .l=pa.ny.x.\\'c1`0 in :1 position to curl y cut. tho. : contmnplatozl scheme. Yet, while s:i_yin_v_; all this--:mulwo1`oitm'ntc it here-we clearly pointed "out that the imncizil condition `of the town was such as to pro. i clmle the `possibility of l';O1111SIn.l'l Lo thr , line. The sum askczl, it :`is true, ,is 1 -riot yery ltu'gr*., hut in how many Qum- i xvhys miglit it he expciitlml if :1\':`.ll::l)lf), oven. wcije t the cm-pomtion'- o.\'cl1c 3 infa hotter State than it is ".1 `The t<)-3'11 1'.quiros water \`.'l)1`l{S`, g;1s.:nil i1l)0\'G all, i _:l. 'tho1'ougl_1 systnni of so\'.'oi':ige, to t:lw`:1l;- smiov `of \`\ihi(.-h is to be atti-ilmtorl n11icli(,=l' l:I.tnl_y ?p1`1'5v:'.lcx1t and _V(*t-to-l>0-:1]'31'cg liemlcd"sipkx1css._ A'1id:\p:u't :\ltgzsL)1cy- from those Ixrggmtly '1`l!qllil'( (l lmblic \vorl:s'a1'c the onliimry corpoi-ation im- `_ ])1'o\'ex11_9}1tS, to c:1,rr_v out \\ lll{'lY, with Itlie"-limited niemis at their COTIl1ll:u1l, the 1 Council are unable. -Under those ciiv cumstances,tlioioforg,c:1n it he woiulc-r4 -ll tli:1'bftl1e p'1'o1`.o50rl ifailway bonus meets with our (lis:1pp1'ov{1l, and thab--unlil;c 3. co_i1te1n]n0i'm'y which, ~ in :1 1`uinhling;if .`,` wisl:'y-xvasliy style, ovidc-ntly_ :1."mid to approve or. coxi_l`cnm, :\'cc`is to give i:1n l I] imp:u*tial_opinio1i on the `SlIl)jCCt--\\'Ci openly express ou1'selos n5.{:1insb it 2 \Vc- I wish the pi-onioters of this` r:1ilv.':1y 011- ' torpi-i'/.0 all the success their zeal and in- dustry entitle thmn to ; but while doing so, we imliositatingly `prmiouncc om`- solves`:'.s unf'nvorabIe to the hoi111s.fo0lin'gl tlmt in so doing WC hm but acting as v.' cvlunnltl `.11 +1.. .`..LlZ,. I..L,,,, I `I -- tl We. tliis assertion `i.ind-1';_th57 in-we . ll. 'fpression._ the; iuhabit'ai1ts". of .tl1a.t " 1 town. are ;a,.tionali beings; capable Of; - the tvalue of money a.And,_of judgix_1gas t`o their requirements and the mea'nS_ of imeeti,8'i them. *' Of course if " 5 `our contepmpomry will n1`r_in that `in our '; judgment of theAs'a.nity"`of Collingwood 7 people we are in error, we will give in, i admit the righteousness of its s'trictures, and agree not to express surprise even if these folks should import :1 consignment ofcwhiteclephauts, on embark (in any" other wild commercial speculation. But F taking for granted that the ordercrs cf , Barrie clothing are same, how can our contemporary assert, as it does, that for -the mere purpose of ' spending money * `V from home they pat-ronize our town where ; '1 goods cost them as much and suit tl1eu1`3'; no better `I The editor of the Bullelini `l surely cannot he in his right senseswhen ' he, haz.11'ds' this aubliincly ridiculous Q ` conviction ! As we,bcfore `advised, I l V let the Bulletiiz lament the xvitlztlmwul ` l l of local trzule, if-such has actually tu-l:-31.1, ` place ; but let "it also assign the right}! cause and take those to task who deserve ` it. It is not the purchaser's wl1o merit ` censure, but the sellers. Not the wearers of clothing but the niahers of it. If Col- liugwood clothiers kept up to the times 1 iii the matter of furni:~;hing- cheap,- ser- J viceahle and fashiollahlc clothing, no 1 doubt the visit of a Barrie taiIor s truvol- l ler would be attended with small prot. Such would seem not to he the case, 5 however, and the consequence is l. .:u'rie "` esluhlisliuients ohtuiu trade which might 0 he kept within the town` it comes from We hope the J3uZZcti:z will cm-`so its ir- 1' rational complaints uhout :1 ggricmncc l which has its origin elsewhere than in l 1 s 3 an insane desire on the part of ,thc Col- lingv/opd_.peoplo to patronize th_d.-County town. Incvincing I-.Ade.=.ire to ligp-l1t_ for ` its town, the Bulletivz (`,(`I.'i:-l.l.lll_V `eli-. " commendation; but iii tnlciiug tlnc,5::1ml it does, people will he moreVlil::l_y' lb rm-("lit it with exhibiting :1 st1'ong iliclinution to I prove how ridiculous nowsp:1por utl`(~r- l V -Elhccs can he rcmlerod. i ~ ii -3 `Ti: comiyi 13.;-:..'_:`>M. ~ a toting , :u1 1 our course W . LL \,....,,-. vu. nut: ucu:sui'cit 101'.-payment! oi" {\'1I0, the xedsulury as Asscssor, .no L` , \Vn1..Mcd'calfc, and-.a further sum of $2` for posmgc. On motion by Mr. Morden, seconded _by `Mr. Scott, the Clerk was , instructed. to notify Francis Ihrtio, of Allzmdalo, that unless he removes fl;OlIl and vacates tho log house, situated on 1 Cumberland street, lot 9, in the 14th ` com, Allandale, within ten days, pro- P cceclings will be taken against him for ,t `ejectment, On motion _by Mr. Scott, I seconded by Mr. Mordon, the Auditors f Report N o. 1', on matters connected with the late Treasurer, was, adopted. On 3 `motion by Mr. Morden, seconded by Mr. 3 Scott, the Auditors Report No. 2 `was j also adopted. . On motion by .Mr. Mor- vl den, secondod "by Mr. Scott,-$20 was `paid Jno. Gordon, and $15 to Ambrose _ Hamlin, for sexfvicos rendered as auditors T on mattem connected with the late a ;Treasure`r s' books. On motion by Mr. Moi-de_n, seconded by Mr. .AScott,1t_he_ ~ . sum of $10. 80 vyas-paid to Mr. -F. Cline, -for, timber pr0V1d_0<.1,t0 repair,-culvert on` Road. 01.1 `mFi!1 -by? Mr. : 4 Esecondedby M1`;Il50BD: ,; ' `V V- finstructe ;tojge . .,V' ' lists 71.`- , ,jQIirne3jnt1" ' {the I _ Enm'n'"::'r1I'.e1\IF.a:TrNc.--On 1`e-.'1.:':em- ` b1ir_2g`t-he.1x3 wt-.'.`epi'oson1:, Me::srs. Little, ?s_Ttu'dr.-en, and Suutt.- The third and last 3tti11'g; the Conyt. of Ilevision was `held. - `J:rm()s' Finlay was reduced from '$-",`_ 00 to -$1,000 ; John Scroggie, con- rmed. ,' Andrew Thmnpson. confirmed ; .'Ke:mrfth McLr:nn-an, reduced from $450 .to SWO. : Report; No. 1 of_ Auditors Finrmeinl .<;t:xteme11t, and Report N 0. 2 of Auditors special report connected jvith f'm:\nci:1l r1iI':1i1's of the late Trea- l'.:m'er v.'cx`e p1'escnte1, ind .Vt~ho several - docnmentr~; referred. On `motion ,- by Mr. Morden, seconded by M1'.'Scott;, the `Assessment 11011 for the yezir1S7G, hav- ing been examined and revised, was udopted as amended, and the nal revi- sion of the Assessment; Roll made and the 1-ollfol-mal1_v`certied and passed-.'-`- On motion by Mr. Scott, seconded by -Mr. " Morden, the Clerk \ms;i11stz'11cteL1_to give: 1 an 0rd 2` on the Treasu_re1t for.-payment; 4 Of` $110. `U10 xedmnrv nsx Acnuunu . ` ..,.p~u-.-.u..\.uu \7L \ Ll m'.:~L 11:11`: OK H3, in 1Ll1_ cr,n., `_`._'~ ;:c.'.~:<, .`1`:`;(l1):1l.'l: of .5`. lot; 16, in Altl} c_n':., ly.'..--tlxi1-d.s"0f'a_n acre, lm_,\`e :inc3 lJL.;21 1.-rm -1-1 lzy 13:0 owner, Mr. James rllo.-m, to lm i:1cnI'1'0:tl'., an-ll there- fore his :1ss_(`ssxm-nt is; Iinzxlly snttlc ~`}l,.()`()()l. On 1n0t,i_0x1`hy M1`. Monlon, secnml-_'l by Mr. l\lcK.~.y, the Council r:d_inu1'n.'~ rmlil Flitlny, the 2nd day of Juno, t.l1m1 tolmcct. at l: :1t1'icl: }la.mlin s lxolnl, Allo11 ,`z1l;4't.'l1:2l10ur_0f'I0 o'clock _ o in the ('m'c1ioz1.;;C'11As. PALLIEIG, Tp. 0Z7']C. I V A M: ,_, __ ._..... .... us: Lu uuu nu Jropcr lo injury. incrmsed h-(mm... 1...; 1 IJJ U. uup\.1`y-, b\'fUU$[IU,(} Uy iUl'. iU.Ol - 1101:, the A'udiLo1's we-re instructed to ex- ,:xn1im;_tlm.bor>_l:s of the late '_l`re:~.surcr - with `a `vizxv `(Sf gsce1'b:Linix1g the correct- :ness of 111>p(>?3r:L1 _Q1'i'p1's in the T1'e:1Su1`e1"s ~:11)sb:Lcsfo1' the y'c:'11-'s , 1866 and 1867,` .:nn! 1 f`pm't to this_ Council the result of fsuch;ii1vesti3ntio:i ; :111d_ thceovc was , 1-p;1r'q`r*-J fa -ya-r.nx-!~. n'.\ 4-1.. . V H.1- LLu5\.'-;.`\L))'I_g, l'1`:i llU(iLl l1'O1l1 -5,`l,-TJUU $0 $1 . -100 ; cxchzxrd ,App]vbv, redtlcod from $5150 to 8101) ;`J_ \V_-_ P;,I.]_:S, ,.m1ucm1 F-'>" 11\`4-`"'-3,5"_)`t *3s*'00`; V\"in. McDo1:-' gull, 1,-;.d\1ce_-,1 from $;\.`!)0' to $704) ; (inn. ',-1:-an, mzlucegj from .\``.` .,2m) `to ,g'3 0;m_. Uu m.:ti0n`l;y Mr. AIL-K:xj,', s'(011x1e(1 bx" M1`. Mo1`x1('.!1, the sum of $2.27 ' was 3.5. 1l}1L tn ]:I(~112'yP Sh;-:1, .1,-ring <:1'1'o1' in Ins t:1.\'vs' f r the \;n:u' 1: ()1, moth) by M1`. M J\:1_y-, secd'dc,d by Mr. Mor- 1Im:_ tho A'mlit.m-a xv.-.v.. .'.u.+....,.+,..1 4. TI-`.N I`l[p M'r:m'1.\`rz or -Tm: Cfoyygn, on the ISL inst. All 1i1cx1xl<)1's prescm; The second siuing of the Court of Revi- I .3 <:nn \\7'l<.']l(\1.:] n1\`:l +`!.n'l`.1I.\...:._.. . .... n)\ \.IuL\L uu.u.un-.5 xu yin: UUHYII OI .l.V1- .<;im1 \v:1s hold, and t.}z( following business tx:ms:1ct0d,:--Vi'.Inl '].`1`c51nbIy, 1`u.h1cod from $5300 to 213500 ; (;'o<>1`;_.;c Montoith, `L'dvll(:(` from $400 to $300 ; Fyuncis Ro'ge:son, 1':-duced from $1,500 to $1,- - line-h;\1'gI 541501,. mm) .21 xv - D....1-,. .._1,_ . . . X . .... v,I\.-\J|/I" .-.x,mnuu'u 11;; nut`. 'LU0l"llE`.I`., the Council :u`!_j01u-nod until 'J'hu'r.<;dzw, lst J 11110, than t()_1n(\.ct:1t l. 1'iLt.ic s h0tcI,. hnoy, at 10 o'clock in the fo1'enoo11.-- Uzmxu; -2:; PALI.I.\'G, Tp. Clerk. S10.:30_he pr. '[`hos':' }.11cC:u sum of >313 1 of \_V'm. (.3! iz11ij_;1`1ts, rm l`,......'..,.1l1'.... lp_w::aKu:ou:::nu III ulo 4gnqmu:w.J Council; .Pnoem-.mNes.- -The Council- " metat Stroud on the 30tl1ult,, pursuant to adjournment. Present: Messrs. Scott, The following 2 `- Little, and Morden. . rlocrrments were read :-'--Comxnunication- L from Thos.` Maehonchy respecting license . being granted to R. E. Stinjson,` of Bell , Ewart. Cornmunication from G-. P. Mc- Kixy, Deputy Reeve, respecting the late .?Scott, seconded by Mr. `Morden, the : seveml documents were referred to their pespective comniittees. The committee : to whom was referred the several docu- .l ments at the last meeting reported as gfollows :--'l`l1-at they would reconin1end' .' the payment of the following accountsf: --D. Crew, for printing done in 1873-4, vouched for as correct by late Treasurer, $44.18 ; \Ves_ley (is King, printing, $4.50; 1 . H. Stewart, printing 1,000 `J`1'casuz'er s Accounts, ; to the 1 u:glSt1`z1I' for regis(.r.-union T`reasurer s P-o11 ; and would also recommend that the comnurnicartion from Mr. Thos. Sproule he referred for further consider- ntion. Un,motion of Mr, Scott, second- eal hf; l\lr.. Morden,`.,,_tl1e_ -report, wag adopted. The cornnrittqc to` whoin u*:'..S rcf'crrcd the s()\`c1':xl petitions asking re'- lief for imligents and burial expenses for `Wm. Mau'lin_f; and \Vm. Clmpman, ro- 1'-;)rtel: Tlzey-1-ccolmrxrended that the sum (ii; "513 he p;1id to `each of the follow: ' '- \\';.1.\... xvnm. 1-.r,.u...- \`.r:`A, vy\II V, TrcasureI."k accounts. On `motion by Mr.. r J xu lawn and 1 ._.;_.__._........__ _ felings of any*`one'.w'ho with A-przsent, ' except it was perhaps one o;;,two pensive dmnsels xvhos, gkgllants were ither absent . or had wanc]erei1.`O` with some other of i L the fair. I am writing toormuch about this pic`-nic, however," and:-I will hav) to A cut it short, with the promise that. tha next; one we hold I will try to do it up bcttgr for your readers. _ [Carrespandmce of 11:; A_dvana:.] -...-' 13...... ...... ..... rm-.. 4 .meI_l wno have that home. A lnixii-`II; ,... `nu V um kh. 1| :, and part of}. .--:.'ui`.'ds'of'an owxier, 'n'1-mt, \nH.. ..,.LL1_ `I i- I 1 ...,.....,.... nu n . 111. IHDDLSOIL were 1'6- commended to sustain` their superannu- ated relations to the Conference. The Rev J. C. Wilrnott M. A. "was appointed member of the Sunday School Commit- tee. The young men on trrial passed a - very creditable `examination before the ~ Distct Meeting and were recommended _.for con_tinuance on Vtri9.1. Rev. Thos. "Legato and. W. Tornmce, on the 3rd _ A year's list; Rev. Geo. Brown, 2nd year i3 . list ; and Rev. Andrew Stevvhrt, Ist -yearfs. list Only onszdgathwssreported, ; ' that of theflate Rev, John'WesIey Doc-' 1 h.8!`ader._..tzn h.08P Y:.M.ii2:....A..Y9T$' n t pgpphblcr. ocozfersationx = -.he1z:u `~-hzfkwe` anew. -;`:'.=m'-an` '5 xnaazisoh` " ` op_td':fd1:Vino1"easing' the} -' gnydi. (`fin-: gninist_riai%Jabon;s, zgndfthe 1$i'omoti0i_1a9!:- the work 0fGod 17?, _ -. - n F.`- a. A ; ' Oonnmawoon Methodist District meet- ing was in session last week. Following is part of the business tra.nsact;ed. :-The Rev. T. Reid was chosen Disbr .-t: Sec- retary. On examination of chazjucter no delinquencies were reported. - Rev E. Sallows and W. M.` Pzit.ti.san "were nnnnm.....,!...`l L- A I OF` Tm: tenders sulmiitted for the erec-p tion of the Orillia High School ~building . the following were ac,c,cpted:-_-Em-th, stone and bx-icl;work,.Mr. Henry Bayes, 340 , ....,S30; woodwork, Mr. George Wz`igl1t, 1 $1,521 ; pzxintiiig, Mr. Geo. Tit-0, $285; V totul,~$sl-,GOS.. Iltjs ex ccted the build- 2 in}; will be completed yZ.September_.- 1-`revision will be 11ia(lc for tl1e'entm.nce `examimitions towards the end-bf the cur- rent month, and the Times hopes every teacher in the neighbourhood will send up` :1 number of applicants. The pros- pects in town, it remarks, are `exceed- ingly f:xvorab`le,`it being expected that the Douglas Institute `and the Public School together will supply at least fty High Schcol pupils . T I rm - Tlr: the following news, the -people off this county will he interested. A (lis- ` patch from Otmwzt, (later Momlay s:1ys:--At :1 'moe_tin_; of tl e R.'zilw."1y' Committee of the Privy" (llonncil this '11xo1'r;in;; it was llecitletljto gt-mt. permiss- ion to tl1e'H:Lmi`l__ton_g1nd No1'tl1-w'estern _R:1ilw'.ty to const1'upt:1 bridge across llurlington Canal. into Hzuniltom ln connection with this may be taken in- telligence from Hamilton to the ell'c-ct that the propeller :u'1`ived at Burlington Camallwitlx ft quantity of mil~ road iron for the railway. -It is currently reported that the contractors will com- mence work on the road along the Beach this week. A "`"`"/` . _ . ,1 . THEY have valmnt men 1x1_Mc wlmt the co1'r0spoml011t; of the Urillia E_:r,po.iinr s:1_`,'.`; be true. Iles-.1_vstlmE one .'l:1.},*' 1'(:c(~nfly, Mr. Jfnm-3 K(1l1o'was riding towm'ds home, when he met :1. gm1{l0n1:u1 ho \v:1_s lcmling :1 st:1llio;1,,; the former lmltcdzmcl commenced talki ing over lmsincss. ` SlI(lllC!ll_) the stallimr made one spring upon the Szulclled horse` and _41':1sp0l tlfe poor fellow by the lmir of hit: l1o:`.(l. Fin(li11g out" the proc:n.'iQ:1; stale hr; was: in, the tc=.r1'il5r:Ll r1mn -scmm- blml all` the horse and made for the xvomls`, tool: a rolxmlnbout roml` for lmmo, leaving the lmrsc to battle for its life. I r ' ` ` ' A'1't1m,lutc;- P. M. conference the fol`- 10\vin'_I_; np'p0`i_nv_t1ncnts were nmdo. for the I3a1`rio_ Hst1'ic3 :--I'}_;L1'1jie,` R. /Tinyh-.. T. U1'0l_l1pt()}1,-Sllp(3!':lI1`l11f:).t;Q`1 ; U.':o, } _. l"ii;_1t` (conditional 1111c1e}j- the ]}:LI*1'i(: supc1i1i- tomlent) ; ]}r;u.1{c.rd-, `C. Lazcnhy ; ()3. prey, ._-lib}. \Vhit\v0rtjh, 1L StepI1ens_on,; I sltpelmfnlxixted`, Co11in_;rwr,od, T, G, Scbtt; A1'te:uisi-.-.-. `George \V:,tsm1, one-,tb he obt:Line.1-;B1':1ct51n-idge, G. F. Lee, one to he obtaine 1-; (_-)ui'1lia, James Thompsbn; ; Th1'c(:.MileV L:_-.ko, J. Noble (under H10` ];`mce1)1`i sii1>c1"i1`:be:1(Ie11t). : nun `_\| JKIULII1, Coo].-, p'x'b,1i:'<)5c `Mn , , 1-` `crossing. ' V "W 1'1` is lo:1111.}'tI1at the. N. have consontdl to Exllow the 1nod:1ticnTmir'1`, going-nortT1 an to stop at _thcu1izuua Miasion : .1 ,,.f._" _....--- gnu wvnv II AA.|\AlV1lU\.7 J1" I believe the period that we are now going through is a period of lesson and education. After Confederation we proceeded pmdently . and well at rst. Too.grent success led us too fast. \Ve reaping the of But. believe that En fn+....~.. nu uxnsllls 11171113 cIu,V0r: :1 h.):u` tllmwn backxvmd,` striking him in in the thigh, causing an ugl_)':t11dp:-ai I wouml. 19' NH. W . Little. while cxlgxxgctl at me _'of the l:\l'.l1lllillSiIl.'tl)0 Oollin;_;wood Mill, lnet; with :1. sm'm'e accident the other day. An edging being cur,V0f' lmzml Vv':l..`-5 tlxe , . ln llnn HG}-pl. n...m...... ...- L, V n u 9 AT 11111-1 Courtof `Revision, in Ozillia, fiherc }vC1`u:1b0l1t fteen appeals but very fmv of them were grantci ` lm: Semi-Annual Blenting of South Simcoc ()1-m_xge ('3onnty Lodge will he; ' mm in z.111suo.:,mn Su.mrd:1y`11ext, 10th inst. . v I V ()vm` $l()0`\vas 1'6.-:1h'zo_ theoIloc~ tion at the cerennony :LLt(jIidiI1_'_;. the 1:1);- I in}; of thv co1'11er; stone of "tho Allistail i C:1Lho1Zc Cluxrchl C`oI.`I.1NGwo0D C.1n:1di:mshzu'e boatcll Old Uo11rit1'yn1m1 at cricket, ~ ` 7 K1;x:N`ANs\`Ir,I.r-. lzist week shut down on Amoriczm silver except at 20 per cent. Eliscount. v I Kn-:r:NA..\'sV1r.r.E has a C-:um_da First base hull club. Tm; settlenxeqt ,:u-oundv McPhoc s Switch is growing up fast. GRANGE Gmw M`1I.L.--I6 is rnn1oi'ed' that _bhi`e of the Messrs. Drury aml two of the Messrs . Paltridge are about to erect a Graiigebgrist mill, about. half a milc_ north of this place, on the PC1107 tang. Road. This is certainly a piece of wonderful enterprizo on the port of the Grange in this neighborhood, and the 1'o._ of 'it will he looked forw:`m1 to with interest. The projectors of the scheme anticipate success. V I}1:,\m`b1:n_ Odd Fllowshzwc opened their new Ilicll. 5 =[C'o`e_.udeuu qf A_duum.] ` _ J . Olxxlno on THE. Hour.-.-Tl1Te Conchi- ching Hotel opened on Thursday, Ju`ne., `lat: In the evening a. special train from " } .l`oronto' ,arrived-__ brin`ging .25 guestml I l l Among them were the "following repro- statives of. e the `Press :--H.'m'y D. Votlght; Buffalo Conner ; Geo. E. Allen,` Buffalo Sunday News ; Thos. A. Gregg, Leader, Toronto ; Messrs..Barlow.Cum- bel-land and John `Harvio, N .11., Toronto, were also among the party. - The party } returncdto Toronto the following morn~ ' ing by steamer Lady of .the Lakes to B_allEwzu-t, and special train to Toronto. A few transient guests are here at pro- . C sent, a u ._ uuuuuuuu nuqyun. nvuac. He justly condemned 21 policy which had the e'ect of trzmsforring our tea. and sugar trade to the United, States, and robbing us of a source for Canadian ex- ports, when by a 1 roteetive tariff we might deal direct with China and the West Indies, purchase mw sugar with which tokeep going Canadian refiner- ies, at present closed, and open up a market in the tropics for our .manuf'ac- tures. Sir Alexander, though his views on the nancial "condition of the countr_v were certainly gloomy, did not after all despair of a. return to prosperity, as his concluding remarks below indicate :- HI I...I:_.._Ll___,,- 1.1 . - DRUNKEN In O_rilli:1. L\1In ` :1I)ol1t 7EEi73i?BT;1}ii&I2." : lo:11'11r'::1.,I't11at R. Co. Jnsmxttll Accom- rn Tr:u'r'1', and south, Clmrc-h` I-v . _ [Cbrres1mnddibe of the Advmicn] .. v .__ _ coUNTz'i~I`oTEs. CROWN H ILL. - I 3 of: wa, :ing R. 2i1w."1y' Llnalfln I'Il..-~L _-, ' Aoyyx uuu. IVOV L _ Pattison .- n.n:.. .._......k .7, ljto gmut. permiss- ul Nortll-w'estrn :1 Hzunilton," If the policy of this country is to turn the whole of our trade into the merchants count- ing houses of New York, Boston, Philadel- phia, and other American citics4if that be our policy and the end of our ell`orts-thc political status of this country will very I-speedily change. You cannot liavc all your material interests-your trading interests-in common with a country alongside of you like the United States ; you cannot be dependent upon them for all the necessaries of your c.\'- ' istence ; you cannot he in that position with out losing that independent political status which you desire to have us a member of the British Empire. lt is my rm, deliberate conviction that the comie~..~tion of this country with (}reat'Britain is more imperilled by the diversion of our trade to American channels than by any other cause whatever. And hc~- lieving as 1 do that that connection is very dear to the people of this country-o11rstates- men ought to look at the question of duties upon American goods in a political, as well as in an economical sense. 11` - . u - - unnu I1; L-MU `:m-Jp:--.i11Ful 8 v_ ,7 .l in t c . medicines they have ever used; ` leotric Oil for a. lame knee which 3 c - ' Jikeit for bin-ing lumen 5" p.'n'b ` I e`;'?r's - VVJ (,\'1` nun SAY oi-'9 1'1` !' A raw F.u"m , FOR. THE 1 i:o1'LE.--'1herc are but few pre- PM ations of medicines which have withstood :5 the ixiipnrtial judgment of the people for any `great len rth of time. One of these is Dr; Thomas `lclectrlc Oil. licad the following , rand_be convinced :-'l`hos. Robinson, Fax-nham, l Centre, l. .Q.,writes, been atllicted with rheumatism for the lent ten years, and have tried many remedies withon any relief, until ` I tried Dr. Thomas Eclcctric Oil, and since then have had no attack of it. I would re- commend it to :1ll.-~J. H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, `Vest Shefford, I . Q,., writes, I liave been troubled with liver complaint for several ' years,, and have tried different medicines with little or no benet, until I tried Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil, which gave me immediate relief, and I would say that I have used. it since with 9 the best effect. N 0 one should be without it. I have tried it on my horses in cases of cuts, 9 ` wounds, ete., and think it is ualli as good 4. for horses as for mn.n.--A. 1 ay cc, Mer- ,. chant,` \Va.1-kworth, writes, I liave spld some 1 hundreds of bottles of Eclectric Oil, and it is ` `3 pronounced by the public, `one of 3 l wonders in heali _and relieving pain, sore . ` throats, et.e., and is worthy the 1 .: condence. --Joseph Rusan, Township Percy, 3 - writes, I waspersnadedito cforthree orfonr `years, and 3 `ass. Itisai '1 l J - 4 lie" ben6t.'a --A_. M. Hnmilton,Wnrk- - --. E1-I'.<'.~; Coe0A.--G1:.\'rr.i~`1tI.jxxr>( 7oMmuT ma. ! --l}y a tliorougli knowledge of the nut ,ur:|I j laws which govern the operations of digc: rfixm z and nutrition, `and by :1 enrcfuh npplicati: m of ' the line properties of well su.-le(:ted cocoa, M r. I Epps lms provided our" breakfzst tznbles w`-ftl| all delicately tl:u'ourod bcvemgzgwhiclx may 's.'w-.- us ma_nyl1ea.vy doctor-:. hilla. It is by tl1.e'i judicious. use of such articles: of diet tl mt :1: ; constitution may br. gradually built up Imti l strong enough to resist every tendency tu disease. Llundrotls of subtle -maladies are oating around. us ready to attack wherever thorn IS a weak point. '0 may escape many :1 fatal shaft by keepin v ourselves well fortifi- ed with purqbloncl am a pr0prly_ noun-ixhd_,_ fmme.-C`i',~il Service Gu:ctle..--Sold only in. Packets 1al;ellc(l-J.\.\IE.s' Errs ,& Co., Hnm--`. 0:0 uthic Chemists, 48,--_Threadnccdle Street, a.nd,170; l ice;J.t1ill'){, Lon'don. -{ sow-Agents 101' the Non -EcIccln'c- ._..__ C(msiICr:xl>Ic activity was about the market last. week. Hf isll:-1-sx .'III{`]n1nnu<;w \\v,-n .. umnu. mu m:u'l:ct'. last. week. The attmulzxzxce of $'cllL-rs :m(Ilmycrs\v.-15 goml, anul all pro- dncc ulfcrcd w'.'Ls' 1'c:1dil_yl)u11ght up at un-.Iur- nxeutunxcd 1iguros:- - L`all\\'}1eat 9'I@ 100 T1~czu1wjcll. . 95 (I2 () `JS 0 0 -Spring..................... O 95@, 0 Us 0 .:1'r1ey.................... V50( 0 55 ]`(-:\s _ _ _ . _, - n ..- .. A -- .` 111': I [IE1 FULL1"]I}TO.\'.-At l};u'ric, (2 I Jlx~:l.n.\".\ Amm-: BIA", 11:11:`-3' 3 l"L.'I.mfI:'m.\', a;;cdAU years`. I 3;: IIE.\L'l`( )1 RE. \1' ..... .. lL....,i ()m.\`(: to the high waters in the rivers 1!. 5_;1'ez1t deal of_ the timber for L,),uel)c'c wilt he one month late in re-:u;hing that n;:u'k.':t. Un. thcotlwr h-.111d. wing to ice on the (,}uIf,.thL-.1nz1_jo1'iLy'of the 111m,- -bur vessels have not "yet been able to 1'c:1ch Quebec. MV Mona than half .91. dozr>n_ (11':1ngm's pic- nics \v(:1'e held in the 1 rovinc0 011 Fri- luy. ' The :L'.c1uIa11cc :1Q_:1Il'_(>t' Lhv.-'1n`w:1s l;:1'go. All along the `Time an attzu-k was 1vn:ul<- 011 miI7}lem<-11,, :uuL pe1lu1's. -,\'cV(*ml s]w;1kex's, l10wm'(~1', 1":fu1-re[_tu`af lJ`:U(3l' 1m<.l<:1"st,:111-.]'i11g i):>.L\\'c-11 _me1'c`hg.1.1t|;s and and the 1 :1tx'ons I1.n'i11gAbcc1i -.n'ri-ved at. Til!-2.I.l1liLed States public debt; was reduced over foul` millions and a. hull .(lu1'ing May. One luu1.1rc.l um] eighty- ouc millions luv; yet, to be p-Aid to reduce it to even two billions. ON 'V_V snsssnn evening of last week, i in the Music Hall-, Toronto, Sir Alex. T. Galt, delivered an address on the commercial and ' nancial condition of the Dominion. The address had its ori- gin, as was explained by the chairman of A the meeting, in a desireon the part of anumber of prominent citizens of To- ronto, "of both political parties, to have at this critical juncture in the country's aiiirs a thoroughly impartial view of the past nancial history and the present nancial position of the Dominion 3 and Sir A.` T. Galt was chosen to g. 'c it, as -perhaps the most fully competent, by virtue of his acquaintance with the subject and his well known ability to deal with it. We regret that our space will not admit of an extended report of the speech, fraught as it was with the greatest practical truths and given with showed the speaker s deep interest in his theme, anda lueidnoss which evidenced his full and clear conception of it. While we cannot dwell at length ori all the points in the address, we might touch briey on a few of the principal ones, and let us here remark that in all'tlxc causes to which were,attx-ihuted .the * largely increased debt of the Dominion and the great depression in nancial cir- cles, the blundering incapacity and 'rcck-- less extravagance of the present Admin-' istration are inade painfully evident. Sir Alexander first points out the fact that of late years Canada has run deeply in debt, and he advises that before -it - is too late, expenditure must he judi- ciously curtailed, and as our own Pro- vince is perhaps the most interested, in- asmuch as it pays three-fths of the s Dominion revenue, it should lead -in 01 setting some economical project on foot. 1 Of thewhole revenue of the Dominion . in 1875-$l5,30l,382-0ntario, with ' very much less than half the population, I contributes $9,207,024, or three-fths of the sum ! The net increase in the pub- I I ( l an unimpassioned earnestness` wc i lie debt since 1867 is shown to be $53,- 000,000, but the very necessary public ' works, prove the expenditure in that quarter to have not been too great; : yet the importations during this period 1 were entirely too reckless, and to this I fact the speaker assigned much of the stringency. He further stated as his opinion that the anticipated revenue for next year is over estimated, and he 1 strongly counsels us to draw in our t horns." In effect he advises the aband- i onlnent of the 1'ai1way schemes to build .1 the proposed road from Ottawa to the Georgian Bay, and another from Thunder I ` Bay to Fort Garry, two stupidly wild l projects. These schemes will cost many `a millions of dollars, while other shorter I and innitely cheaper routes could he C chosen. . If anything can be apportioned to build railways, he advises its expendi- 0 ture in peopling the North-West, and on t railway west of the Rocky Mountains. p He favored the stoppage of canal expen- diture except on the Welland, arguing that railways are taking the place of canals for transporting grain from the li` WVest.' He quoted _gures showing the D large and constantly growing increase of n imports over exports in the Dominion, and b dilated on the great detriment to the )1 country in consequence. A distinction tl between Free Trade and Protection was 11 drawn, the speakerarguing that it was m impossible with high ~Protcetion for w manufactures to prosper ; but he at last tc comes to the point when he nllirms that oi toenable the Dominion to ourish, its tc people to exist as a distinct nation, and (ll its connection with the British Empire pi to be preserved, our country must, in S]` a sort of retaliatory defence, renounce of Free Trade and become Protectionist. ll.) These are his remarks :--* hr