Victorian ` 13 Piuml. Pra`::::n1'e': .1` `W " *:v_.__________. I A R R I E FOUNDRY, ENGINE D AND BOILER WORKS. -1. TI`o1}c1_)%tu man. .4-\./., //1-_,-xx- -'./\/\. uu-c in, van n nu `________________._ [ENRY GRIST, OTTAWA, CAN- AT\A u,.1:..:+.-up nf `Pntenta for Inven I-v---._.-- ._ ,, In the Town of Barrie. v user 1-) ff 0 in uur hands for irwcsttnent on old security at S and 9 per ccnt., on the amount required. No prin- v rcquired until en_d of the term. ARI).-XGH & STRATHY, h`qlic-iturs &c., Barrie. 1511114131, V 13 ; .u.u:;.- o NARY Surgeon, mu1Gm- duntc of Ontario \',ctc1'i1-my Col- lege. Oicc and Stables one dcor East of the C0mmcrcin.l Hotel, l)......n 131581: UL Barne. ._j__ *:j -` BAILEY, V E T E R I- V A nv Q."-m-nu and Gm.- Jlhhla nun. Cmrronn Taonson, nra_.P.LS =2:-_-_.-::- u OFFICE-OVERTHE , Bank of Commerce. "1-{.m1' Sr. UULI V 12.1.- ID, Oice in the Post - I"nv-unnntv Annnf. nu Taouson, C I E I 9 Pull S- ..- _ --- : U U 49-ly ____.= M col- A0 I" nowx, 33 >u wish a (2 money on, n11 send `H1. J`? CUTE 17' .I(:).ROIiB 8s'ADYln'l`lllIl!N'l`_I. U Uumn` uuna l'Al.ali,' Office Police Court. Bu-tie. TERMS: $1.00 in ad\?ai1ce.] OSEPH ROGERS! . [late Olerk xnocnfy Registry Olce] Couveyancer, Oommiaaionor in Queen : Bench," Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent. for the sale of Houses, ands, Farm Stock, Household Furniture, G00 3, Wsros,&c. Also ~ for the collection of Bonn, Notes sud Accounts, z1"0aah advances made on goods left for 80.10. 0nloI-I omo: C0031`, `Bus 1:. _,_ ,,_-_ ___-___--_ A..- _...._.. BE LNERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY.` Available Assets, I9'I.000,0o0. Lone: paid in course of'l'hh-ty-ve yearn, exceed Forty Millions of Dollu-1.; lnimn hv Chinmrn mm. eatimted at nem-Iv exceed Forty numona or uouu-3.. Claims by Chicngo Fire, estimated nearly $3,000,000, are being liquidnted as fun 3: adysted without deduction. , . .....u-In1 D-nnfni nnnvnnnf and hQfl.`it' ad'usted without. deancuon. curity. Prompt payment, and liborality in" adjustment of its losses are the prominent features ol this wealthy company. First and Life Pnliniaa inncd with very liberal features ol this wealthy company. Fire and Life Policies issued with very conditions. . HEAD OFFICE, GANADABRANOH, . V - MONTREAL. G. F._0. SMITH, Chief Aunt for Dominion. Oice, Police Court. _,_,,_.. yRoUND__ ` 1 DCVYITUH EIMPERIAL, (or Loxnox, Exumm.) .PH(ENIX, T "_ ~ QUEEN, as I M It LANCASHIRE, PROVINCIAL . (01-` CANADA,) ISOLATED RISK, CANADA LIVE STOCK, insures Horses and Cattle against Death by Fire, Di_sease,.or Accide . _ ' v _..__ |$60J)W ALEX. MORROW, I -LlCBNbl:".D AlJc'rIoNlmn.- 0FF1cn-Mulca.stcr Street, nearly opposite the Roman Catholic Church, Barrie. n.......',. nm. In. M174 1v This House has been thoroughly renovated and furnished in rst-class agile, and affords the best accommodation for ravellers. Table and Bin` supplied with the best articles. narunnn (`.nMMRR(`,IAL ROOMSLQ M/\/\J\ rx. `L N ION HOTEL, COOKSTOWN. -:_._. J. T. GLASSFOBD, Proprietor. '1'ar)le and bar auppuuu wnu um uvau muwmo. n3 uoon_coMM1mcI.u. Roomsfil Stage to Gilford twice daily, lliston and Rose- mont once. - 49-ly I! .G. BIGELOW, - Proprietor. This House will be kept on the European princip1c._ Meals at all hours, Oysters in every style, and everything usually kept in z; first-class house. 42-ly Excellent accomtnodation for the - travelling; public. Bar and Lunler well supplied with the best. Good stabling and attentive hostlcrs. Guests conveyed free to and from all trains. tn..." .1...-...a maul. nf M.-u~lmt.nt._ Dnnlou-st- rFHE Q`EEN*s HOTEL. A. w. nRg'nvN_.--- - Proprietor. Nlhrop 8: Ly o , Toronto ,- QC '1' INSURAVNCE all trains. Few doors west of Market-st., Dunlop-st. Barrie, July 21st. 1875. 29-1y _________._..______ IVPHE MANSION HOUSE, os; noamis, oamv uoxsuann, County of simcoe, Minn Pnlice Court. Ru-tie. .L MARKET SQUARE, A A BARRIE, - - - - - - - ONTARIO. uju--- - The Mansion House ia.a. 1.hree story-brick building. ` It affords Bplcionsness, convenience and comfort. The proprietor is well known as at hotel keeper to nearly all in this county, gnd his experience will be a guarantee an to the merits ot'1`ho Mansion under his superintend- 8.1100. . sample Rooms for Commercial "l`|-avellers. GOOD, STABLING AND SEEDS. 13...... `Dunn tn nn frnm :1" Trains. ALEX. MORRO ws - ,u)`v'rs. V\\z\\\-.'x/.-./xx/\.~.\\\\\\\\\\ x\\\~/vsx/sv\\4\\~I~AIv\ A LEX. MORROW, LARKSON HOUSE, BARRIE: . JOSHUA CLARKSON, Proprieto Corner of Mulcastefund Dunlop Streecs, and opposite the `Advance oilice, Ferric. This commodious establishment hasju stheen opened, and having been built especially forthe purpose of a first-class hotel, is tted up as such, and will compare favourably wi lb any house of the kind North of Toronto. C ommer. clel travellers, private families on case al visit; and the public generally will nd that the pro- prietor known how to provide for their especial requirements. The best of stabling attached, attended to by obliging and experienr ed host- lers. Stages leave this house daily ox 1 the ar- rival ot the up trains. Bar well Iuppl ied with the best of liquors and cigars. 33- _ - `no uoman ununouc unurcu, Barrie, Dec. 16th., 1874. D. FARAGHER, I z'oprietor. ur;-u uu me he Great Sh tie of it, and: :1 to fcelalii numill had tisfmttion, Ho :11 been um` MEALS AT ALL Eo-U-Rs. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES DURING am: SEASON; The Bar is well stocked with the best \ Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 50- VI`II'\II|-|_\a n-v--.-_ Has 0 ened out in. the Mansion House Bloc , Market Square, Barrie, where he is prepared to do, on the shortest noticq, most reasonable terms, and in the best of styles," fashionable - -4~-___-_ - . .. _'-..nn nurrn GABBlAl} X|I"V"J[.lv~J,EAE:i)`TRllIING. )IlcI1% E1ge_EIIE< New. UUUU, Dntnnuvu nnu anm Free Buss to and from all Trains. " H 12` A P A (11 Charles Clarkuon, ----:- - LEAVE YOUR ORDER AT ALFRED _ GBA'.VER S. WEST in palm snow run!) vrinu ran YOUR, V |SPRlNG PAlNT|N_(}l`_APEBMNGING. WU anu E cheap. Rian ` All wox-ky in these lines- attended` to andexecnted in the; but sky of the art, 4.1....-. L [J I II I ll In-uses. such_ u'1' Jr.-.. .\v Xvn ' V 8' Writing, Gilding. , and Ona- mengll Painting. Sample ohror always on hand, Ornamental Sign4Wzi ' a speciality. All work gnangteed and L `on gven. Remember the. land. Weatlind Paint hdp, Front-street, loppoaite Spenc r ; '1`. Store. ` UROPEAN H(-)TT3L. `I lfnhu nnznn \ 1 nams'ror'nnn_1_nnnts0x . ` 5 - `nnourou or 1-n `J . unru-u--- -_ ___ mun: nnancn 3131.1; gum-;g 5' -1:----L ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED ro. Barrie, March 9th,_l875. 10-ly Vol. taoung ages` 1a'a1aj`ns`7 \Jw _L'CHARL_ES-_McGUIRE , L. n \l_....:;... `lI n-.5 '.I.. Lute Fashion Saloon, . `VASHIONABLE PAIVN-TVII-`ICE ' t'\`c1Hu5, u. . i I! letter. ` ~- 11 at sight. . ` ` 9--V` fh ea `BRING _.I-IOUSE CLEANING; _?_ fE'm01>oLITAN HOTEL,- _U.hlll.'l'l:l, f D i i ' 1.1 011. O 1etAgont jxaslggln ROGERS xz-.. n.....o A nnnt Rm-I-in PAINTING 81.0. ` TO LEND. ILL` 1L\rJ.J4;;. (Late 0c(an_.) nDD_A`LLn--.-V--. . 'DIPOIl'l'0lY `III Apply to ms.-:_{ ' the folldwing (V)'(i`1_VVl`VI5KNIES v. [T0111 nu 11151115. D. FARAGHER, I3.-`nu: gin A. MoRRo_vj_. ' . Dunlap `Street. '11 nuunna Allllt Barrio. Proprietor. \.l.LJ.44.:. -4 Proprietor.` .__.-. U1 ICBF 50-ly ._.__ I atone Jlulon Ana. rxnnenfr. .t_u1 wuns done cheap! , Qroxnptly, and satufnchon guar- ranhaed. lm1dence--Just below Dvment's1 d:ne ranteed. P 9dencI::--Just below Dymenfsl Mill, Elizabeth Street, Barrie. 10-ly M. MACEY, `BUILDER, `CON- TRACTOR, Plastercr, &_c. All work done on the shortest notice and most reason- nkln `Arcana Q-Hg`-n6nn 1vrInunv|`nlIl` All . 0.0110 the shortest nonce and most reason-1 able terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. dress-'-Rn~1e`ld Street; near the Barrie Foun- ` now terms. sanancnon gnnrnntoea. nu: dreas-T-Ba;7e1d Street; near the Barrie GEO. H. BROWN, ARCHITECT. * none: to Rent and for sale. `R&91DI_:N(i:-McDonald-Street, Barrie. 1813' .I_J Uonanctors, nna Arcmtccta, Dmmoru Street, Barrie. All classes of building work undertaken and excuted promptly and satia- factorily. Plans and Specifications of build- A in is furnished at a. reasonable gure. 'e, March 23rd, 1876. 12-ly .11 lilill. II-Ihla, Uarpcnmr oz nuuuur, and Manufacturer /of Doors, Sashes, ' Blinds, 1 Mouldings, &c. Planing: of all kinds done romptly and satisfactorily. Scroll Sawing, resscd, Tongued and Grooved Lumber 111 stock. All material fumiahed at a low gure and satisfa.ction- gua.mntecd.. Factory, luf- gld Stxfeet, Barrie. 47_- y ARNESS SHOP.-AT MR| WILLIEPJS cgube had or made to ` order as good and cheap Harness as anywhree in town or country. Bring your orders alon One door East of Mr. Caldwell s Blacksmit ` Shop, Collier Street, Barrie. ' 10-ly 1 world, and . verysnt er what van r ng,1t wxli--h L? SADDLBRY AND MN@$--.33$?.@@E@M Saddles, Harness, and_ Horse Clothing, Trunks, Values, &c., at pnces as low as any Establishment this side-of Toronto. :1-n,.:.... nvnnnnl tinny-lrvnnn urn (Inn 01111 . xsstannsumenn um-3 sun; -01 1.uruuw. G'Being tactical workmen we can gua- rantee first-c ass work in every branch of the trade. _ 'l`..\Lbnn `Haw-nnnu Jnnlzann & Rnnlrwellh L. R. WEN ER S sAn0Ln_m)_ _n_ nms `mama. VIII! . V Zll .. or -r 1 -- -- I Corner of Buyeld & DunIop_ btreetg, .78./1RRI1| As the advertiser is practically conversant : with his business in all its details, employs the . most skillful workmen,- and uses none but the l best material, he can warrant all work made in his establishment to give thorough satisfaction to the purchaser. Single and double Harness .1 of all kinds, Saddles, Uollsrl. Trunks, Valises, and everything connected with the business constantly on hand at the lowest prices. Part- icular attention given to Light Single and Double On-rlage Harness. Sole manufacturer in Barrie of the Excelsior Beck nnd Hip Straps." to which the attention of the public is specially directed. Barrieuiune l8,"l3 _ 24-ly [`H0&- 0KLAYER, Shae Mason and Pluterer. All work -nun n`|nn-\1Ii nu-an-nml-`u and nnnfntvinn nun!-. UVGF KJIIUCI speciality. IVIIVY $IIIu:un- -v----v.- Begs to acquaint her lady patrons with the fact of her having succeeded to the busi-` ness of her sister in the store MISS s_A_.RAH Moa1_'oN ~11 UIIJI ;..:d Dealer: -John W oleu 4! Mel. x.1.mewoon.- ` Opposigzgzeg Hotel, Dunlopusheetl MILLINERY. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING . r`l4-LIC -1. \.t_.),.....L,. f`l.....-nan IIIII-Lllunnn nu-nu-u nu-- ........ ...- ... ----.-` In the Latest Styles, at Moderate Chargesl and with Promntness. :WSlr(zw and Felt WorIc-Re-Done with Care Baylleld Street, upvosltb tn; Slmcoe llotel. ' lwms. aagmsma) Begs to iiiforln her friends and the public generally that she has removed to more oommodious premises, --uuuu-u-pl n-nun: nun D. I llnnl oommoanous r 15 , nrrusns snwnnmsi LA|l1 1 u3cu><:>:::s ~u=c:D:3-aria". Where she will -keep on hand a rst-class dam}: of Full and `Winter OAN & STRONG, BUILDERS; J Confznctors, and Architects; "Bradford mnk Run-in, All nlnmmn nf building ;ARRIE PLANFNG MILL GEO. ll ALL, Carpenter & Builder, rl Nfnnunfmetlxrnr /of Doors. Sashes. Blinds. my throwing bed to kegpl ho most em' { Northumbe ving anyfbe urge all the` 1... (lmno QI. 3 -keep first-class stock of Fall and \Vinter Hats, Caps. Bonnets. - Millinery of Every Description, Mantles. Shawls. Feathers. Flowers. Ribbons, Laces. &c-. VVhich will be sold at reasonablerstes. S1@@S!`RI!@> ` Of all kinds made to Order on the shortest possible notice and on reasonable terms. vs - \Y-__ InLI. IOU: 4g_|`.,' rvuvnw-v ....-.-- .._.. -_ _ Barrie, Nov. 16th, 1875. * sea GAR'I'ON'S amvaavgmmmi IAYMER 85 THOMPSON'S By the application of an Iron. Handle w Bracket the smallest thing cannot be got into I the working part of the Pump, thereby saving snimmense deal of trouble and expense by J keeping hard substances out. _..A Inn Ii:n__ A(1iusta.ble- Leak Valve; ` _ _..._. Annnn mun Isa nnnnnt` An --u -~ -- -.- - - - . an entirely new device can be opened and I clued without raising the phtfo -_.--._- . DIALIB IR 0 ll . Vl00"I|AY AND STIIAW Hn._ddiV9ldiI any partof the townif LIME; Illnr mu ruw ulllnn &e.,ddiveledin:.ny partofvthe '.-a1:1ni.-.n"1. 'uun |s-rnn.- E nuiznouatognveynoutoraneremovaot Household n-ntm-e. `All qrdera 1_n-omptly ' Ya '.D-EI, In-kct'8qusreT,ABarrie.. becgmgerioelszm -T 5a1y% LUNG DISFA April 501.1810 ---Sm,--This is low with lung her up. He and mediciaec t, `I purchn was Rcmedy. or synmtoms nvod h)iu`rrb `I-Q.-u'-- .-------. V . Wood m-Plastred, all sizes, maeco'o'raer.' 6-1!. ILLINEi'1?:1-)i1i1AND MAN- TLE MAKING. TSADDLERY, &.c. .vv..\,vv\.-....\... .A,vv~,vv 3TJILbEas. a. 0. 35 $99 TMILLINERY. &.c. - _-A-._A...\..,.,-./\,\,,\,~/ A 0ISTB1$Sa, nuiuxn `II 3035 oiyxua, an uuruum and with Promptness. AND 66uN'rv' or slmgoa GENERALADVERTISER. CT: 6-1:. 'Zs-1y' Orders l; at this Office promptly attended to |F|`|17F-:. E"i!:i;I"YIEf,'TFZ'f1,i=|`| --v-a-y -v_--v\;-- vv---_ _-_. Horses and Cattle Insured against Death, Fire, Disease, or Accident, at greatly reduced rates. . Allnpplications for Insurance, either per- sonally or by letter, will be promptly attended (in. 13-tf. i`11`m%. m3a*.ssw@1 Wiahesto inform the Ladies of Barrie and surrounding vicinity that she has lately com- menced the businesa of Hair Dressing in all its branches. anvitclws, Curls, Braids, Fl-Izzes, Crlmped Curls, &c., made to order. All curls warranted to stand twelve months with mm. Ladies wishing to have their work done in the latest and most ap- proved styles will please give a. call. M nrket Square. and North proved anyxee wm please gave can. Residence-Eaat Square, and of P. Kearns Store. 49-ly u::nLI_tL1UH, 110 :;'.1 been prev" sooversincc. `Pill M QIY YA"h TOYS, CHINA GOODS, STATUES, \VORK BOXES, GLASS VASES, GLASS SHADES, DESKS, _ CRYSTALS, JEWELRY, AND I<`.VERY'I`H1NG. ' Imzm m1,ncuz'ru1ms.| ALVU LVILIVI 1Ll1J.\'\1. `BERLIN \VOOLS, GENERAL LADIES FANCY GOODS, ALSO Unit? AND EVERYTHING. IDIPDT TN` BEDSTEADS, CUPBOARDS, TABLES, PILLO\VS, BUREAUS, MIRRORS, DESKS, BOLSTERS; . SIIJEBOARDS, CHAIRS, MATTRASSES, &c., &c. w.. 1 I1 nn LL,,;_1_,__ AILALL .a.;\-4;, savvy um.- It via acknowledged by all that he stamd un- rivaled in this hue for Style, Finish and 1) b`l't . um y W. n. FREEMAN. 0 1-. ` \1'..-.. n... u;....... n..:;.+ Mm Run-:n 3-1) - The subscriber whilst thankful for liberal patronage given in the past, respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, and begs to state that his |_H.9AU_SE"H9.!aD..F.HBNlTURE-I AYFIEL15 STREE1` G1-IOCPTZRY. JWMONEY SAVED IS M_0NEY EARHED.<'r`II VI .`."VHl|'L\lLl.|.`.) mzcd toirrgro 2141 taken one he continuum _v restored lob 13 for the hem |ms; anucmss & Psmvusnussi 7 W` ' V I Cannot be beaten either for quality or price- He deals in the Best Markets, and cannot be uudersold by any house in town. He also keepsou hand the. best 01 @jw1N1:s AND LIQUORS.@ As much as he can lay his hmuls on, - hought and the highest market price paid. Call once and you will be sure to come again. TAHOMAS LENNOX. . Also Ale and Porter, bottled or on draught. THE GREATEST wonmanor ggpsnu TIME BEAVER AND Tonomo MISCELLANEOUS: :;: \/ The PILLS Purify. the Blood, correct an dis- orders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. l _ The OINTMENT is the only remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria, Con%s, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and" all Skin iseases it has no equal. .Vz-1.-1;1i11:;.tion, 1! J" the bn.lo.nce of . if the xvatqh J i ADIES I deem it my duty to state that my PILL`-1 . AND Ommnm are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the Uxrnm Suwrns. ; Each Pot and Box bears the British Gamm. men: stamp, with the words Ho1.1.owu s PILLS AND Ommmn, Lozmox, engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533,, I > Oxroxm Smear, Loxnox. ` : _ Vile and spurious irnitationt of Ho1lowny e ' Pills and Ointment, are manufactured and sold under the name of Holloway &. Co., by I. F. Henry,Curran & (.30., Druggists,of N Y 'th assu trad .33. .c:-.lI`::gw._l__ `J1 a'l'n Cn;.et(1lnd1: A f_w Doors North of the Wellington /Hotel, Bayeld Street, Barrie. mark, mus---- thoprinci 3.1 lax-s in tese Iwuwu U2 2--u-w-- 1Nst'IzANo'E oomzmzv Y, F. He , Uumm an (:o., 'ot new row. and this_ is euplied to unprincipled . Vendors, whose the sameas my genuine Fill: and Ointment, which are ,pnnnfn.ctured only at 533, Oxford Street, London, am! my be ob_ta.ined`rom the following Fume. viz :- Ev Mnncxn & 00., M ntreal. _ M33. Avimv, Bnowx &':3o., Halifax N-9 Messn. T. B. Buzxnn &' Sons. 81:. John. N3- Mesax-I.E1.uorr & Go.,- T0l'bnm3__ . E . . . . . , Who import them directifrom heN....., ; munu Ag n'm.t.nW"A_ .hY`uAN, ULABII on U05, Nonmnur as Lnmx, and - LYHAN, Bnotrumzs 8: 00., M hrhd obtain them at very low I-ices, from J. F. H Gun-an 8: Co., "of ew York, and ' tlnidh-n.a in smnnliml fn "nun!-incinlad Retail 533; oxrm Strut, 777.3, ' . "Jammy 131, I876. T. BROWN, 1133- T: 3: BAQQN. 3". Jlll: 5---' Ifcn-.(1 agelxts. 5' zu1lrcss,p0st V (H1 Chmlnus, on. receipt Of T Barri. Ontario, Thursday, April-20, I876. FAnMnns_>17nonUcE, "FREI-:MAN s LYMAN, Cum: In 00:, Nan-rwnnp Jr. T.vunr_ nr W . II. l'l_\z:iru-I.-nu. Near the Steam Gust Hill, Barrie. Address, AG EN ! FOR . `TILE .rcss;, C. T. BROWN, Box 229,- Barrie P. 0. ` SID. uuecs Hum lllilk` 'm1o_mAs HOLLOWLX4 Pint B014 25 Ct3 I ` uo., uruggxsts,ox av assumedtrade In C a. n n d a, Whrnunln nan. VV 110138318 UB3` Countereits are When we are weary with the world's rough ` teaching, Too weak to press our way amon the` rest, Too tired to guesaat life's perplex mcanin g, Too worn to follow in its eager quest, `We ask but room beneath still summer. skis To dream in rest, and, waking; drnm again, Calmly to bear what still before us lies, Rubr unshared the wnes that vet remain. `Tia then,I think,God sends His specialspirits, { Who straightwny open our cold slumbcring ` hem-tbs With love that yields farmoro than it inherits, W'ith love that claims as much as it imparts. No winged troupezof angels, pure and sinlcss. Nor saints,who too grew weary of the earth; But little souls whose life is fresh and guilelcss, Of human weakness and of human birth ; The littlechildren, with their wistful pleading For love and strength to feed their` `tender growth, - Yet give us warmth and sunshine, all un11ceJ.- ` In! \Vhen baby-ngers twine within our own, \Ve cannot. push their clinging love away ; VVe cannot walk the tedious path alone \Vhen little feet want strengthening on the way. \Vhen 0lll1(1l`CIl:Cy0S grow brigliter with the sun, How can weshnn the glowing golden light? \Vith little thoughts unfolding one by one, `\Ve dare not shut the truth out from our ..:..l.4- Their tender love, dependence full and sweet, We needs must feel with fuller love and `. u. um um Fothodist Mini {5C} ;"'"' A And seeking this will bring us to His tcet Who feeds the birds, unfolds the opening numm And doubting souls iirst know a God above them "1101: they have felt the spirifs mother- hlirxa. V` HUH L119) HSLVU AC1 any nyunuu u.u......- bliss, And weary hearts God gathers to His bosom When in His fatht-r s love He scmls us thig. "No, sit, there is no need of further conversation upon this topic. Once again I assure you that I will never give my consent to such an ignoble union. 4 ..n,.. :'.n..._ :r..,... .....I.. l.....n.!..;.-1... Ul]lUI.lo ,,}`But,f`ather,if you only knew herlam sure you would love her. She is so refined and ladylike that you could not but respect her. lt.KTnnr:nr\u:: 1-Inn!!! WA fhiih hf HUI: Uul. Icaycui. utuo Nonsense, Henry! We often hear and read of such cases, but seldom see them. But it isimrnnterial to me how accomplished and rened she may be. It doesnot makethe slightest difference, as I.would not give myvconsenr to your marriage with a sewing girl, oven fhough she possessed all the accom- plishments ofa princess. Now under- slaud ore, Henry; if you are foolish enough to throw yourself away on this Clinton girl, you shall never handle one cent of my money. 1 have labored hard to accumulate whntl possess, and I do not (gel under any Obligations to you. ~Whnt vnn snv in regard to vour Jnluuy to near WHILE sun Uuxun: us 11:, _Su'er unshared the woes that yet remain. you; wealth is very true, father. I! is not the loss of your money,but I am very son-y to forfeit your gooq wiil and res- pect. But my mind Is irrevocably formed in this matter, and noihiug but death ca n a_1ter}it. What you say in regard your u\r...... mo`. our - unu lmnur the nIf.s=.r- A mg Uucunscxous to'achcrs`of life-giving truth. Dul (lalll U111 llll-Ulili-I Very wen, sxr ; you know the alter- native. "nun ....... .....o e`-nnlrn lnnncr u.-CH1 ma nauve. Will you not shake hands` with me, father, bcfore'I leave your house for- ever '1" said Harry, extending his hand and walking toward the irate old gentleman with a half pleading look. IIT\Tn, air. was the harsh renlv. I geuuuluuu wuu up nun Ptvuunub suvu No, air, was the reply. W111 never clasp your hand again until you promise me that this disgncelul aair shall be prevented. Until then Ido not care to hear anything 0! you or your affnus." nun am-uLhv nnd God bless vol. tamer. luu wur xurgo-. uua auuu. -`Never while I live ! was the quick re=ponse. Qnama that all emtu toward recon- re=pouse. Seeing that all efforts toward recon- ciliation were fruitless, Harry Suther- land, with. slow, falterirg step, left the presence of his enraged pxzent. 'l`I-m annnn um hum iuqt described your uunua. . | 9 Well, good-by and God bless yo: father. You will forget thns soon. .(`KT-..n- ...l.:ln 1 linn`"Il1nu`I;: nlnlt I the presence Ul mu uumguu yuan.- The scene we rave just described transpired in Iheelegantly furnished room ot one of the most fushionable mansions on P--_-Avenue. Judge Sutherland was a retired banker of re- putedly fabulous wealth. His beauti- ful and accomplished lady had died of consumption a. few years "after their merriage, and had left their infant son. Entry, to his care and guidance. The Judge had been eminently true to the trust, and had l8.Vl`Zh6d both time and money` in eudeavormg to make his only child and heira king among men. "l"ln- imlma hurl, nrevinnn tn the oc- NINA THE. ' ' '1;:Aim$zEss. only cunu uuu luau n ulna unuuu-5 u.|\-In The judge had, previous to the oc- currence Just related, been very torid o1 hisson, and had constructed many bright plans for the iuture, in which Harry was to play a prominent part. But when Hurry informed him that he intended to marry a certain Miss Clin- ton, in. pco: wcrking girl, his rage and _ anger were boundless, and with bitter im rcozuions he bxde him be one. P nnllmtina a few'nerson.1l arti- llnpI(0.1`lUlls uu Luuu nun uasuuwo Alter collecting a few" personal arti- cles of jewelry, e`.`., Harry left the great mansion once his home, and stepped out upon the broad thoroughfare almost a beggar. . But his heart was within his bosom for all that. For was not Nina s love far morevalusble to him than all the world`! Was he not young and strong, and fullycapable of battling his way through life? And with these thoughts crowded into] his brain, he ~ hastened forward, and soon reached the modest little cottage located in a poorer but nonewthe less respectable , neighborhood. Ila -nu-rlln nunnnn the glen: `and nelgnoornoou. lie rapidly ascended the step: and rang the doorbell. His summons was answered by Nina, the girl for whom he had sacriced weullh, position, everything; _She greeted her lover affectionately, and -then led the way to the tidy little sitting-room'__where her venerable mother sat sewing- The old lady extended 9. cordieyrnotherly welcome to our hero. ~ - 7.. -- 4-... ..m..!. an nncihIA_ "aim in. Welcome `0 our IIUIUI 1 In as few words as ssiblo, Harry m- {ormedthemofthedi cultyhehad with 4 his father. He diselled the gloom caus- . ed by those sa_dA ti iags with his bright and blissful projects lor the future. And them they sat until long after the little btouzeolook on themantel had in silvery Jones proclaimed the hour of Dgm `Que = ' ' . Tl days anew, Huxy, through the I notice of. "oer1;:nn' prominent : (liH.'U ll` slght. [10 IUUUS 1 ower. @111: $tor12. A TALE or TRUE L(.\"E. um A_ll_D_LOSS. `iiierary peopl, obtained a situation on one of the mormng papars as an editorial writer--9. position which his `thorough education rendergd him am- ply comretent :6 fulll. A fnm manic nftnr (hi: hi: Ind Nina ll], Uklllll ULUIAI UU llllllue A few weeks after this heled Nma Clinton to the a.lter,.an'11n the pxesence of a few friends who, in spite of Ldver sity, still cherished them, they were pronounced man and wife. Anr n Iwio! urmidinntralr tin hnnnv KJLIH I`.l_UV.|.K- Fem, this 6tnd PIUUUUIIBDU Luau uuu wus- I After :1 brief wedding tour, the happy couple retumed to the little oottage on A-Street. Hurry still retained bin position, and was rup'.d!y rising in the estimation of both editor and proprie- tors.` I -r u,,,1 n,.L_.,I__..: _____ _____.:,______1 IUI-`in Judged Sutherland never mentioned h1s'son s name after the violent alter- cation previously related. I19 may have though oiand longed for the boy, who had, with one exception, always proved an affectionate and dutiful -ron; but his proud spirit refused to sauce ion that which his father ,-: heart dictated. His": friends understood his wishe[s, :3 nd never spoke of Harry in his unralomh ing father's piesence. ' I O I I U Q i One pleasant vefternoon several years after the event; pxeviouily related, Judge Sutherland, while driving through A.--Sireet, met: with a ser- ious accident. His ery-bl-coded Macks became frightened at some passing ob- ject,aud, with ashing eyes and dis- torted, nostrils, dashed madly down the crowded street. The judge s efforts to check their wild earner were un- availingr They refuse-. to obey his voice, and his strong arms sank p'.)wer- less at his side. n-__-__i -.....n-....-... ....1 ...... ...1 'r\ H333 d.'- 1113 31(16- Sevaml gentlemen endeavored to stop the temed creatures, but they dashed upon the sidewalk, and. in so doing, the carriage was qvermrned,_ and Judge Sutherland `was buried wo- lently to the pavement. Ila nmc ninlrn nn `v'ncan:~N\In nr.J mutiny BU HID IILIVDILJWIJI. He was picked up jusensible, and conveyed to 9. l'lOlgh.b(7..'iIl,'.', dwelling. _ Was it fate that dirccte d the steps oi the gentlemen who were carrying him that they should unknuwingly select the house of his own` son? But such was the case, and in ca. few minutes Judge Su1herland_ was tenderly laid upon a snowy couch be nenth the mo! of the son whom he w ith hitter scorn had driven from his Sl ht nearly five years before. A ._u.....:-:.... uuvnn ...................J ...1..\ YCKLIS IJCIUIL`. A physician was summoned, who, after a critical examinat ion, pronounced the judge s injuries seric us, amladvise d, if agreeable to the occupants of the house, that he be permitted to remain with them until circumstances ren- dered his removal expedient. VFL... .-uunnulnl rnt1.r\voV"';\'1nu -1a]vvn'.noOnv_ uurcu Ina l0LLIUvl.\| any aulwnlvu The powerful restora:t;ivesadmiu1ster- ed produced the desired effect; and Judge Sutherland spredily `revived. The docsor informed fnim that his in- juries were of such a. nature as to ren- der his remrwal nut`-xur the space of several weeks extremely precarious. Thejudge nally cons-.:ntei to remain, . inwardly resolving to amply compen- sate the good people for their kind- ness. nu,` ,__-..:.._. ..-\--.. 1r_.._.- _-..._..-.r Ilo3u That evening, when Harry returned .fr1m the office, Nina related the lur- ticularsof the accident, and informed him of the course` she tmd pursued in the matter. Harry comm ended her as- tiomand requested to see the unfor- tuuate gentleman. Ran lnslr vvr-\aolImn1nI1f nr] nrh n LUUHLI: gcuutuuuul. One 1031: was suicxent, and, witn a slight exclamation of astonishmr:n', he turned to his mic and said-- :1f`1_ -_-u L- ... ..... 11:.-- :. _.... r._n'.,._l 13 no |uu.u.Ay nuJu-.uu - Nina gave him the doctvr s opinion, and assured him that if wluchful care and tender nursing would restore the old judge to health it would be speed- ily accomplished. . [Jarru than rlienlnnnd tn N'.'ra:n a ran. E. C. BR( WILJ ,.n...A:ne Mini turueu |.U ul-`.5 wuu uuu oaI.&'-- _ Good hewcns, Nm:1,it. as my father! Is he fata':1y injured 1" `KY3...-. rvnll krn lhn Anni: no a nh:n:nn Ily lSUUUlll`l|lllU\4u Harry then disclosed to Nina a rap- idly constructed plun. He xcquested her to amend to his father s sllghtesz wish,but never. under any pretouco whatever, to disclose her real zldentity, as such _a proceeding would be ex- tremely dangerous to theold gentle- man's health, as he would uudou btedly insist upon being removed xmmecliately D nr (for Ann n"rr1f nftnr nitrhi nhn luau: uyuu uunug, Iuuxuvuu uu|uU\.v.'uu;n_y Diy after day, n"g1t after night. she sat by the old judga .s bedside smoothed pillows, gave him [cooling draiighzs, and did all that lay in her power to render his painful position mow: com- fortable and easy. Gnnln n-un~'.ru.` Iris-uinnon nut` g-11.-tvsnnfla-ir lullausu auu Una . . Such marked kindness and sympathy to an entire stranger struck a. tender chord in the stern old man s heart. He often tl.ought,ns]he lay quiet, how` sadly he would miss the fresh young `(ace and Winsome manners when his illness permitted him to leave the quiet little cottagolor the great mansion on P--Avenua. One day he said to her,- Whnt is your name, my child? Nina, sir, was the sweet reply. A pretty name for a. kind-hearted . girl, said the judge, looking into the A smiling face. "Ah, thought he, `if Harry had only found this Jewel, what .. klgminn it n1nn'rI Hutu: human in ne uuny uizu uuly lvuuu Lula JUVVDI, wulu. a. blessing it. wouid have been to us all. 'l'.`.._-H.. L- a..I.I 3.... Al Inna n!` L--uuk'.. It ii`mu`.ly he told her of ms sad trouble with his only son. HA is I Nina if n hurl nnhz hnnn vnn IIUW uluznu-.n. Lb wuulu nuvv uvcu . What would have been dibrent Judge Sutherland I" asked Nina, with a miichievuus twinkle in her dark blue eyes. . u1 mnan that it wnnld have nffhrded WU-ll III3 Ullly BUP. Ah! Nina, if u had only been you, how dnlfsrent it would have been ! 1.1111.-. ____._lJ I__.-- I-........ .l:Il`.........L 8Y6!-'. I mean that it would have afforded me the greatest plenum to have wel- comed ycu`daughter." , nllfnll An en` H-nan Inlilihllli T\l;nn comeu ytu usuly uuuguucn. Well, do so; then, laughed Niixa, lorl am N1 9. Sutherland, your s:-n 1-Iarry s wife." NIL- ..I.l -2.1;..- can-nu .`llII\AQX`>II`lI|f \\ HS (L 1\'|'1]uLuu '.`\un:\', l .\'l\`Ei~` l:.\. K, Ul.\l.`1FS 1' .\-<:l~?, . ' |.\'.~',\.\ rm , or ('_ I 1:1: (:I:.\\'I-1, . :-:n'.1sc1 by de\'l A-Al mm- imhllj! .l'lal'ry's wuu. , The old judge was thunderstruck, and he gazed with astonishment" into the roguish face. But in spite of his oft repeatel avownls to the contrary, he took the fresh young face between his hands, and, with a father's kiss, acknowledged a plebeian seamstress to be too >go;d tor any Sutherland that ever lived.. 1117... . I....... .`I...u..I-on.-I -no nnn rninv ' [IIEI UVBI llVUuu . You have dece;ve(_l me, yqu mm_x ! s'aid,he', but never rmnd ; it 18 all right now. Where vismy son 1 `Thin Can't` |\:rn I`-In. noun `Ina-I nnf IIDW. Vvllvnz Ia nu, nun. 3 Nina told him that Harry had not returned f:om the oicg, bur. that she would apprise hum. of his return Im- mediately afler his arrival. man irt! lnnrnn `IIIIIIQ Iknlv Anna, llluulul-us, uucu Ina uunvun When Harry came home that even- ing, he was informed of the favorable change which had taken place. 'Bhe `news was almost too good to be true, but, with a light "heart, he followed Nina into the room where his lather` M was lying`. 5:13.91... 9! ....:.1 NH..- m...-- .-_ ug_.._ was I 1 ans: . V Faher, mid Nina, here is Harry. Tell him what you told me this after- -noon. ' 'L_-II',_I n can ._ . % T50 oldjudgo raised himself slowly l:w. No, 16 Whole No. 1263. on his elbow, and extending his hand, said,-- V Ilf`..._- L... __ __-_-___ J,_..I_._J 1-: wl( };ne ho}e you young dog,[nud le` me look at you. AVID lnnunr:-|u:n JnOLao'u Earn` an!` nu: Ivun. an yuu. Harry graspedhis father's hand and pressed it warmly. All was Joy and happyness in the Little cottage that night. I-In." Inn 1.-.. :1 ....:.: 01... :..A... LmGToN,J.r| I-Il6ll'v Harry, my boy,, said the judge, it is a good thing for you that I never saw Nina previous to her marriage. Why, father 3" asked Harry, Beoaus,-s I should have requested her to be a mother to a certain young newspaper man. ' Horn an AI:-I ~:nJ.-..n lnnnlun.-I `|Al\v.;`I7 us. vv crayon unzu. Here the old judge laughed heartily at his joke. Jnrinn .q|nknu-lawn} -p|A.\19auAsI` onniltv IIU Ill JVIC I Judge Sutherland recovered rapidly and in :1 few weeks was enabled to leave his bed. Wfwu he left the little cottage for the last. time, he was accompanied by Harry amd Nina while little Arthur after a slight struggle with his good uncured grandmother, seized the judge's hand lightly with his chubby ngures, and stoutly main- .tnin,edr that ho was guing to Walk with'p:n. IIIP19 no this nnunnnP twin}: nr hi: 1-1a.n'1.', at the earnest wish of his father. cancelled his engagemveilt On the Enquirer. ` ~ 'P}1z\ nl 1n:`rrn ;G ovIHvornnI\v Hahn`! ` VVILII fslall/Pull |oIl\J I-Vlliiullclo The old pidgo is supremely happy now. And seated out upon the veranda, with his Little grandson s uoft cheek pressed against his own, and Nina's golden head resting lightly upon his shoulder, he fervently blesses the day that Harry wedded Nina, who was only -.1 seamstress. ---Lord Lytton, the new Governor- General of Indm, has arrived at Bam- "bay. -A telegram says Russia reccgmzes the.tness of the title of Empress Of Indla. -Upwards of `30,()0() colliers are on strike in South Yorkshire aguxzust a fteen per cent. reduction of v.'n.g(.s. I`nI,1\, -.- `I I , ,,,_,-... ,. _ -The Queen, itis said, has present ed Mr. Disraeli with her portrait painted in oil by a German artist. 'I'u__ -...4-....:.... : _ _ _ . . . . . A . ..l ,.l rholnavvha nu vu u, u \.-\'l|AAIQu- -.. .....- -The susbension is announced of Rohlnudt 5; Mullnr, an important cot ton rm of Bremen with heavy liabili- ties. ' ..... .. _ . -- . ., ,- K, New} uu.-an --The Senate of the University of Prague has prohibited the attendance-. of women at the lectures at that insti- tution. -Suocewsful experiments have been made in England to establish many banks in connection with the public schools. rThe annual Umversity boat race between Oxford and Cambridge has been won by the latter by three bout lengths. ` n ,_,-I . v\,I,-.-u-L_.. L-_ ._...-J.-.... ICIUDYLH3 '-P:esidcnt Macwnhon has: pardon- ed several inhabilants of Mzuz-oilles who were lmpnsuned for participahon m the Commune. -The Czar of Russia lately intend- ed to abdir-ate, but the idea has been abandoned 1n cnnsequence of the zes- toration of his health. \.vu.4-.~u- v; -...4 ..\.....~... -A London dealer in old chim has colxfcsscd that he sold to the Baron Rothschild, for $250, a bogus pxece which only cost forty sllillings. 1.- ..__.__,._a...._ L..,. L_..!_... ....a n n-Auu V... -4-..- .-. -, .........-:,u. -An insurrection has broken out in the desert portion of the Province of Constantino in Ngeria. Troops have Leeu sent t) the scene of the disturb- BIICC. . -The Nationa`. debt of Spam, con- solidated and aming, is said to amount to 7l)0,0|)0,0U. ), and would require the whole nvenue of the kingdom to -lxquidate. A ...l_._........ r-....... lI.I....u.. .....n..o.~. ..\1...---...... -A telegram from Calcutta reports that serious agrarian outbreaks have taken p' cu in Busmr, district of Madras. Thirty thousand pma-mls are assembled, and troop-2 have been dea- patched to ;e3or0 order. C'........ (Jan 4.` Ikn up-ulna n` Gnn nrf u..v...... ._ .,-.-- --Some idea of the value of ne art specimens taken hy the British Superm- fendeut of that Departmentat the Um- tennial Exhibition, may be inferred from the fact that the insurance upon the collection under his charge amounts to $750,000. , 1 u 73---!) V _--.._ ..,.... LA-.. +.EJfii=L!!| u -,.-vv,-...\.- _Musical Bees have now been establislred in England, and prizes awarded to the best amateur lmmo players and singers at sight. Questions M upon musical topics are also mcluded, and the plan is said to be highly suc- cessful. --------v-430--o ->~----- -Twecd is said to be living in Hunava. ,-A. T. Stewart leaves behind him between thirty and fgnty million dollars I of property. `l'.V:.__.. l....o .-....._l- . -5 If . . . . .111.` Va .. ,....,,....,. -Fires last week : at Keesville, Ky., loss, $60,000 ; at Cincinnati, Uhiu, loss. $20,000. w~v.vvv- --O Learv, a Chicago pedestrian, has walked 500 miles In 139 hours, 32 mmutes. n-- _ L-:|.... ......I-..:..... no Ql......l.n. UIUIUL|Jo --By a boiler explosion at Shapley & Wells shops, Binghampton, N.Y., the other day, two lives were lost. 1',-,I_-,_,.___ _A...__l_- _.. ..:I o-...l-..5 ..v--v- -...l, V..- . -Lightning stru;:Vki k an Qil tank at Parker's La.ndiug,Penn., last week, and 45,000 gallons of oil were burned. r~|,|l_,__!.l. l1-:.1 a-..|a...J ....._Z._..L .sv,vvv -..v.... v. -. - v--_-.. -Goldsmith Maid trolled against Golden Gate the other dav in Sm Francisco, the latter to run a mile and [550 yards. The maid Won in 2:16-';, bunting Golden Gate three seconds. -A gang of tramps stormed :1 New Jersey Central train last week, and at- tempted to take possession oflhe en- gine. A desperate fight ensued, and the train hands being assisted by oir-era, thirteen tramps were nally made prisoners and lodged in gaol. Some of the oicers were badly beaten. 1111.. .91.... J-.. 'l\ `I `I7 ,, ll . --T nr. other day D. J. Van Meter; city editor of the Rock Island, 111., Argus, had alight, in a saloon, with John Stanbach, about whom Van Meter had written an offensive article. Stan- bach was cut by Van Meter in the temple with a pocket knife, from the effects of which wound he died. Van Meter was arrested. nl no l_|I hemr`iIi -The bill leagalizing the mmrringel between Mr. Iames Paxton and his step daughter, Miss Ellen Willis Eld- ridge, was passed in the Masszichusetts House of Representatives, by 9. vote of 91 to 86. Now in that State as in some others step-fathers may marry me deughteree with impunity ae. reget BRITISH AZ.N-l)-FOREIGN. [$2.00 if not in advance. UNI'IV`EDZ TA.'i`Es. Following is n summary of the ohioE news of interest from Ottawa since we: last noticed Parliamentary doing: :- Mx. Ross (Middlooox), on I motion for conennandnnno- m-aul ah. P_....-.... OI-ll. IUIIIC \IIJl|lIll%&h U ` for correspondence, urged the Gown. meat to submit e cue to the Supreme Court in order to settle the constitu- tionnl question of the jurisdiction of the Federal and Local Legielnturee in re-chant n? the linnnr tr-nin Tim `M :-., IIIIU HUIIUICI DIIII I-HIUCI JJU gain was III respect of the liquor traic. The Min- ister ofJusttce, in reply, pointed out that, asan appellate court, the new red Supreme Court might be called upon to adjudicate on the question at issue on appealfroli the Provincial Courts. He suggested that it was inexpedient to forestall any decision of this nature by one that would not be that exhaustive argument that would necessarily precede a formal adjudication on an app mended the hon. member and his friends to take advantage of the oppor- tunity the Supreme Court abrded to carry acase on appeal before it,and iven after y counsel eal. He recom- have it thoroughly discussed. A state- ment ei revenue and expenditure for the nine months of the current year ending April 1st, shows the revenue to amount to 817.231 546, and the expen- diture to $15,489,828. There are some open accounts, which aect any calcu- lations to be found in these gures, and appearances indicate at present a larger deficit than was estimated in the Budget speech. The supplementary estimates for the current year 1875 6 amount to $1,114,338. A large portion of this sum has, however, been pre- viously taken into account, or repre- sents chargzs for capital expenditure. Public works and buildings on capital account are down for $212,758 and $124,777. Unier the head of unpro- vided items the sum of $169,149 is is charged to boundary surveys, a mat- ter of account between the British and Canadian Governments and is simply a re-vote of unexpended balances for 1871-:3. Of the remaining 86lJ7_65-1, $135,413 is for public works and bui|d~ ings chargeable to income. all works in progress, and a large pro- portioiiolthe sum total has been brought forward from 1874--4'). For Mounted ` Police in the last named year there is also a charge of $160,001). The sum of >36t),000 is required as a further ad- vance to the distressed settlers in Manitoba, which will be repaid, and .~.'i0,0tl0 represents new charges for Indians in the North-West. The esti- inntes also incTude the following sums: -Leg1s!-atiori, including parlianientary printing, books for the Supreme Court and library, .'i~'30,00tl; lmmzgration and Quarsintiiie (re vote of an unexpendcal balance, "$3,000 ; Militia, $'. 0,0lltl, Ocean and River Service, including the building of n steamboat to connect. Prince Edward with the mainland, $4-8,000 ; Fisheries, $19,400 ; Viieiglits and Measures, $21,284 ; and some smaller amounts-. The supplementary estimates for 1876-7 amounts to 835: ,- 380, of which $152,380 belongs to con- solidated fund, and $`. 00,l)00 to the capital account. The Corninittee ap- pointed to enquire into the charges against Mr. Cauclion made by Mr. Langevin, in their report have reporteil favorable to Mr. Cauchoii, accusations against wiiom are not considered proven. -I`he depression of the Trade Committee report regret that they have been unable to go over the whole grounds embraced in the order of refereiioe, and they therefore sub- mitted t)_l the House all the firiloiw motion necessary to complete the con- sideration of the suh,ect. The report. It points out that the causes which pro- duced the depression in the commerce ofihe country are beyond legislative control. Rclerring to the depress ion in the lumber trade, that is attributed' the diminution of the demand in Eng- land, West Indies, United States aul South American countries, in which Canadian lumber has heretofore had it good market. The duty imposed upon Canadian lumber entering the United `States has enabled the Michigan lum- bermen successfully to compete in th: Eastern marks`. 'l`hc quantity of inni- ber now being niaiiufactured in Canada, the committee think, is not 50 pt-r cent. of what was produced in 1873-751. The report goes on to say that the UlL'l' cantilc classes have felt much more the depression than any others, and that the system of credit has been a lruitful source of mischief to mercantile men. They recommended the renewal of the enquiry next session. The Session came to a close on Wednesday of last Week. His Excellency, the Governor` General, having assented to the bills passed, delivered the iollowing speech from the Throne :-_- These are ' u.-an...-.u...u v_, ..... ...,....- .,., V--......,... , I thank you for the can and (11-lihurntium with which you have tlischurgcal thuzluzi. that have lcvolvcol upon you during the :1\'~ ~A;llI\ 4 Hon. Gentlemen of the `Senate : Gentlemen oflhe House ofummom : I LL-..I. L... `|h1\ ........ .....l .1 siuii. The bill ynll nave passed rehitive to thi- iiianzigeiiieiit of lmllml ullairs, and the griieliiul eiifraiieliiseiiient uf liiilizuis, will ntlttlllly ll" useful as .1. cuiisoliilatioiiuf existing statiitm, hiit Wlll_ll'0l`Il further evideiieeuf the llll.i'l'|.' ll. taken hy the people of Caiindn in the- V5'L'llAll"' of their Iiidiaii felliiw euuntrynien. It is in tercstiiig to know that inniiy of its ])l`U\'l.~l|Il| 4 were suggestecl by the Indian Cauiieils ii! iii-- older Pruviiiees. It is my intentioii `during thi- reeess to make treaty arrniigeniuiiti-i with the Indian tribes in the western s.`L`1l(1|t(.'lM.`V:'.Ll) eountry, fur the extinguishinent of their l.1l.l* , and thereby open another large trait of l(.`ltll\' territory for settleiiieiit and eultivntiuii. 'l`h-- furiiiatiuii of the iiuw district of Keew;i.tiii, UL the eiuiterii part of the North-West cnuiiti-y, and the progress made in opening up railway and telegraphic euininuiiicatiun to the iiiteriur, will, with the improveineuts effceteil iii mir land system, further prepare the way fur thi- rapid settlement of these vast regiuiiii, .'LlIIl will at no distant day materially eoiitiil,.iiti~ tn. the trade and extend the prestige of the IL, miiiion. I am glad to be nble to any that w-- liaxe over 700 miles of telegraph iii Ul)UI`Z|l.lIJH west of the lted River. rm... ..........Im.m+: mmh. h. Hm `nun: "lI"I6;I\ , wee: ox me neu mver. The amendments made to the laws TI.'i. |Y.ll)_f to elections for the House of C()llllllul1.`4 will, I trust, have the result of obtaining an un biased expressiaii of the opinion of the ole-.:tm~.-4 in settling thciir representatives. '|"|n- :m:Lq|n-can mm lmwa 1m.-4:-iml fur Hm nnr. X" Settling `H0 T TCIITUUQSIIGIIEIVUS. The lllL'2LSlll't:s puu have passed for the pur pose of securing a careful rutum of crimmgyl insolvency and railway statistics will, I luum not, be of essential service in pruumting mi portmit I-injects. as well as in prm mm.., much nee-dcl information on eachol Lhr-~..-. subjects. Gentlemen of the House of Commons .- rn I __,,r,,.| I I I thank you for the supplies you have vat.-I for Public Service. I ..L..lI uni `n:I 5 . . n A _ -1.I,... Ll... A`b-L>J7 I01` I uUHU BUTVICU. I shall not fail to consider the clause _\'n\l attached to the vote for the works of comstru. tion on the Pacic Railway. I am clad thntn wine m-nnnmv n|'n!;nfn.I H... E10 U11 UHU ITKIUIIIU nuuwny. I am glad that a wise economy obvinteul Hm necessity of im sing any fresh taxation I)! the people, am I trust that increased Curr!` mcrcial prosperity will justify your contidem-.. in the future. Hon. Gentlemen of (ha Senate : Gentlemen of the Home of Commons : I _--._..L I _._ .`__LI.. L- __., . `-.....--..--.. -, .~.- --_.." ._, .,.,....u I regret I am unable to announce that any further progress. has been made with the m rangomenta for the settlement of tho (`um- pensation to be paid for our sheries, in an. cordance with the provisions of the Treaty ox Washington. I trnntithat nn vnnr return 91: vnnr roam-u . VV KEIIIIIKIAJU I trust that on your return to your respe-u tive homes you may find the promise awaiting you of a prosperous season, and that your labors out of session may be as useful and benecid as they have been during your at tendance in Parliament. . `I_ `II HA kill: IIQIIQ nnxnr` IRA Ina- tenuance In Jmriuunenc. In all 74 bills have passed, the ma- jority of which are private ones, the rotnninder, with the exception 0! the impg_ttlnt;tt:,.boing Imondmonts few Ignporun; go: Iooxmiqlwb, P ARY. C OBHUI` nu: Send st! EEQIEW l-l:.\\r., -. usul de\'i 1 (>\'(-,1` indlg s thc result ` of oxpcriellff -cs. l*`ull par 1 \n- dcsiretm `- all 1 six pnckagtf .\: pnckagf receipt 0 'lHl * ' hw ...,.umm? aclive I 1 which nun. ain'- (,`S[)9 . .r REM! ` ind` J Law, Solicitors in _Ch:mcery, Convey mmcrs, Ssc. Otce above Post Office, Owen- atrect, Barrie. 4- _ J. I. Mrsxox. ILwuu'rox Lnxxox. ""i~:'I(}:'()x & LENNOX, ATTOIINEYS-AT-' S. W ESLI.3-Y`: .. r ~_/\/\.. A - `f\_r\/ ` r-(`.r\ll'I.`HY, BOYS &. PE[ -LER,BARRIS- _M 'I`l')RS, Attorneys, Solicitors, &c`., Barrie, 0 it. |)IAlt-m.\Ic(}arthy, Q.C. \\'illiam Boys, LL.B. 1"r:u1cis E. 1 . Pepler. Francis Rye. `I CONT & uUUN'l', Barristers, Attorney:-at- l _ 4 aw, Solicntors in Chancery, &c.-Oice- Dxmtop Street, Barrie. Successors to the late rm of Boulton Lount, Boys,& Stewart. W. Loun. G. W. Lornu-. gInr{@ern gihhante, 1V MTER J. KEATING, ATTORNEY-AT` V LAW,Solicitor-in-Chancery, and Con- veyaucor. OIIicea-Water Street,` Penman- guiaheno. Money to Lend I3-y -..-. . an L . an AIIITI" u__..:..o..-- and A9. 6 1 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED my T'l_l`I:`_R_[)_;t_'\?n_M)nNING, ;x.m;;1`1t*%%.;.i%aFje:;m,Ta* r`4-/`/\/\ - \,,\,\,.,v.,\,`- , 4.r<;\/\4\/\f~4 Jji[ 1'~f'iIoBLEY, ACCO.UN'TAN'T, ('n11Cct0r of Rents, N otcs, Book Accounts, #0., Insmance & General. Agent, UH<`lUE, ()WEN4ST., BAIKRIE, ONT. Tm s Books Adjusted, Entered Up, , and Accounts Made Out. l)IL'lHI(,`llt8 Made and Copied, and other aimi- im work executed with due accuracy and despatch. W . 7 -r . ARDAGH & : TRATEY, Barristers and At- torneys,Solicitora in Chancery. Notaries Pubhc, Convaynvxoera, Barrie, Co Simcoe. Ont. w. n. Anoma, u. a. rrnnnv. .r 4- ,A,-\.~ _, - './\/' "f/b 1~i3fS?' TO LE N D. One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dol- lars to Luau on Real Estate, Bonds, &c.,by the North mt" .\'c0tlanu`lC:u1:ulinn Mortgage Com- p:uiy, (I.imited.)` Moderate Interest. Time tu suit Borrowers. \VESLEY 1*`. ORR, Agent, (mice at Purvis Brothers Implement .\`Lurc, (`ullicr-street, Barrxe. ' 4-ly l.)1Ill~l|Ina I1 AUMCE uuxnnm. GE . .1 ONEY ii )-'I`jEi~`I D. Muncy to Lend on~l_ .c;sI Estate zit zxlodcratc int:-rest. LENNOX & LENNOX, 43 tf. Solicitors, Barrie. 43-tf. MW. IJ \\. . \\\~ \~\\-_\\\\\~\~\\~\s~-.\\\\\\\ I`.EY...\f\'~DER LAWE, ELECTRICIAN & (in. unist, Harrison : Brick Block, Dunlop Saw! mating done. 46-tf ~ - A. . --..r,. -rxu-a\Y'I\I'Q"l'\ H gllllll l"('\'lXl 1 rmul IIM./I4"! DR. OLIVER, Uotwm 151$ rvn. tho, (Yuunty of Simcoe, has resumed pnu-t.i-v at his Uicc, fur the prcxcnt, in \\'n.t- mx1.k(`...'s Drug Store, Dunlop .S'trce_t, Old .\'t:uni. ('h1-mic 4l)isc:Lsus made a speciality. .__________________________. R J. L.G. LOCARTHX has removed his -nce to his new residence on the West side 0! John Streev.,immedia.te1y opposite Mr. Geo. Bul/9 ; Inning and sash factory. Dr. McO., has A vacancy for nstudent. 44-71 Ulk-`) LVJCJIJLIAL \.:.a -- ..... _, -, , .\'l(?lANS, Surgeons and Accoucheurs. H--siulcncu--;\ngus, Unt. F. L. NESBITT, .\l. l)_ ,( 'nmncr;J. E. E.\KINS,-M.B.,M.U.1 .S., .\`xl\`cr .\[-lulist 'l`uru1i'te) Univ. 35-ly 1)'; ik. J. ZI.V1.\1ER.MAN, DENTIST, Barrie, Unmrio. Graduate of .he Philadelphia D-:m.n1 College, also of the Royal College of ?:;.tn1 Surgeons. OFFICE-Opposite Barrie lmul. ` 50- an ,._\ \, \\._ _,-\ \.,._.`..,.\\~_\-\\\. \~\~~. (1 KVILLER I THOMSON, Civil Engineers, I .-uvinci-.1'.L'nnd Surveyors, Archicts, &c. BAIKRIE and ALLISTON. u ..-. nu ll AEII urn CLIFFORD S)! L'_I. $70,000 T ! ....|mI.1 um-.nri jbli. ,\l(JUU.NlXlLX,U1\AUUxxLu \.IJ- . Mvuill University Montreal. Mem- lwr `m_\~;x1 College of Surgeons, England` .\lrn11I-1' (lull:-gc Physicizms m1dSurgcous, Out. M. .in:.~u1n:.\`c1:-InBankof Cmmnc-rccBuild~ 1n_;~4 0\'cI' Messrs. Sanders Jewellery Store, mul two doors West of the Barrie-ll0te1,> Dunlap-.\`truct, Barrie. 19-ly. . "3 \HO.\1AS LOWE, J; Butcher and Poullarer, BESS toinform the ubllc thsthe has taken 8:21! No. 5, in the arket House, Barrie. where he will carry onthe abovebunlneu. Irrie.December 11th. 188'! 50 lh:s1dum'c, Wcsu blue 01 nun 93 lb. King's Grocery Barne. V '|',\H0.\1As LOWE,` '30 " VCI SIDCPI `OHM SILVI `-13 41.}. co. J Amrzs suuuuum. U V In * ` -"' SIONER. in 1112.. 0onv ey-new \ ed Aucgiomm, kc. Agent for the following" ,es _. .. lnsu * , . . .Co:n?.'i.v"..?nE'I.'. .`2:.L Fire. me. A_id2 H. Sewrcy, Manufacturer ot everyv de- Bcription of Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shingle, Lath, and \\ ood-working` Machinery. GEO. ASHTON, AUCTIONEER, er, and Valuer. All orders ` E0 g A U \JJ.J.\J.LV 1:u.'a.I.v, Appraiser, Pmmptly attended to in either town or coun- `T y. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- &`uteed. Also Agent for the celebrated Smger Nwing Machine. He has several excellent 01108 for sale at the store. Address, Dunlap- ~. East, Barrie. - -. /\m`m` 11`-`T liE.NR G1{1'.l.', U1..l.:x. H n. V... - . ADA, Solicitor of Patents :9. &c.. prepares A licstiona for the Cams,` ""1, American, and uropean Patent Oices, `F4 for the Re ' tration /of Trade Marks- unber Marks, esignamdcopyrighta. 10- `(MIN COATES, VETERINARY .\`ux-geon, Graduate Ontario Veterinary 'l1u,;-..-. .-\1.~m, Fire and Life Insurance Agent. wsidullvc, West Side of Mary Street, close n l,','_.._Y.. I`-nnnrii Tl;-|rl'ie_ ___,_.__. pm NESBITT & EAKINS, PHY- .- I 1 :1 A we Q"-unnnn and r\C(:0l1ChCl1I'8. . _ JA M E S EDWARDS, CONVEY- _ ANGER. Barrie. Ont. Qice inth_e Pogt nu; n -3 my vv navy": '7" "" ANGER, Bu.,;e, mthe om Real EstateandLonnCo!nP311Y Agent A0971} `An Dnlvni Ynnulrnill Cammnv; sight. tr; fur the best 1.-zxcluxgcs in the'W U1`, .l.')_cn\'e10pe-S. '| I tlnuy. ulluu ll. (3. H. BOSANKO, DENTIST. ()!1iucm'cr Edwanls & Laird s Book II`, ]'z;u'l'i(.', Ullt. 45-1) in. OLIVER," `6RI)1I1;1{ h`6i{ .1 ,1! ....L.. ..6' Qhnnnn `ISIS! I`CSulnCd _ ,_;....,..__.- mciral irofession. Vince. Real Estate anaponnuvmp-H: n W" Aent for Royal Insurance Co!1_1l[3=\nY- 1431 N xtleasearched an A acme , J,E.wa.sforl6yeaI'8 Denuuokls Inn gun (`.m1ntv Of '6! Abstracts Procnred. J. n. was 10: u. yuan PW? Registrar for the County S_i!nc00- - - -. - .. _ , -.-n..--.._ -- JA ES SCROGGIE, .00 M M 1.5% .. .3I9NER is M. 92n'v"**- `*`" :__ LI... I`nnu1;h{" :3. -Cash handed over same day 1 if required. .' nu, -v. ------ '__._._____.._.---------'- 511. M cCONK EY, GRADUATE OF I \ :n 1 Y..:.m.-nun Nfnntrnrxl. "(i:IEx' TO. LEND. WI noii-`Ii; Water. 3.0. *5`i1E BiE;~iIdtbT