.'w..m.xz1.\n. . .'L}`!i_labI_6 wc:1lt}im' I .eriodic:d-9 .operlia.. _. Ra_n$1o Mills. An `\\'oo1 left at his 'I'aI1nery, for ` cm Dxessi.;g, \\ . \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ 1357, ..:}d zasinrr I-mu_ , vqnuc, 01' U} llf.lu')IUDf, OX` 8 weaaooard. A 5:11. .La' curtains. aui ul1.h fabrics. are ' washed wnperiormanner. K11 fnbncsrom thenes A _ e to a.bgdh1_agkat; can be washed perfeg;ly ;jn(l~with case, without,-the` rubbing- lboajdt, ,...'.,.. .... . _` ' I V and best; no rubbing on 9. Vvaahbourd, no ,_.- v . -uII-IIl.I Will: doyour work--itisi the latest. the cheapest pounding, no tearing or turning. no (wt-my ALL. Steam has long beenknown as the man 07.` thirty dollars exp_en4se.--STIA.`nl DOES Pr powerlulagentin removing dirt, grease and 's?.'i n;~' from c`.othi1:g,and bleaching them white. Paper mitkers have fn1_'.many year; uscd steam in cleaning and bleaching their rugs, and the ':uc:=edcd in making, byils agency,'the' ltbioat pictsizg from the gutter: perfectly pupa and white. Until the invention Ofthe Steam Washer 9r'Wcm:m`s Friend, aiitccgb often attempted, no r:ct'.od ` h-xdbecn dissovcred of applying -steam directly tn the dotting. which conid be used in a'pr_o{3li1b1e"man'ae:, fdr domestic pm-. poses . The WU!AN`S FRIEND 1>.'asb2a'wit.h- out labor. It`w .l1d_3tbc washing of an ordi. naryxfamily in thirty minute : to an hour. The STEAM WASHER is superibr to nilotbez dc - viceagfor the_.foHowing reasons: . f ` : 15:`. It 5023 its nwn um-Yr clam-..l-- ---1 -- __-_-.,-.....,,......,... . 19%. does its owniwotk, theteby saving A large porgion of the time usually taken in family.` _ / .` ; _ ` _ 2nd.`. It uses n-.ach.!ess_soap than is required by any otbrmmethod. ` 7 mid.` It rgqniresv noatteptidn whatever while the process, ofvcjgening is\ .guin;;_ oq.` A lady `c:t`r~d6- hei` washing ~whil--she` is eutinglier breakfast and doing up the bnaakfast dishes. 41h Olcsthinnr wanna dn'uhf..~'oI.na....` ' .......1- nlxzll, 53"` .'C'l1t5`; gby '1 uxuaxmun mu, uoxng up the bnaakfast dxshee. 411; _ G_l9thing`wers dqublothe time , wash-V ed in this wihor', t!mt it `w'n1iwnsbe:r by a ma- ` g1iip9;orbygyxnkl-Jgabpr,-or`:washboard- - ' 5m. "Lime curtains`. sun an an; e-..1.`.:...` ..-.; ' ,`. i' 1 `j . j- _- bios; dof - `i. , 150.1": W uniunii lUUl_`b UI- I5AlE- `who _xa;ha sole 91 em. to; Oahu-no and owner of age.` `fr.0m.Eaten1ee.T f51;fh Qonhw Cfmior Jm ;:' rties vv`,ih_i`n/g to buy 0, cjhn`; & '5 ~b'ovVs.~--~ ; . ' . 47411: wows awe s'r0:;;_:. mea ma. s;.:;;:sa*9 F.X}ICX' AND 'ro'1L1~: r A n'r1c:L1~;.~s. Dunlap Street, - Barn` Atari: - FH1c'1'1oN METAL s. C. nU:umNV.cua1::;.z: P@:9'e Engiae 0: ! Pasta M.a:2zn5w:2n' on, -.A ND- W-351': Z1'A"Ii1Es gn"ci"1_&:; o mm.-; iihq ia'&he_ao_Ie agent tor` .n ano an own: nl.x.,.A pg . V I Q . `1. HORSE OWNERS 1` ` +"7 0i5T`- N?.': i.m><.z:~., PAT EmT?n"AL~hTm. ,_ ._ ....._, `sumac! their 2;.-..::uruc- .::re. Twttir;g:Hv.1'nr.-es. Jzzclcssn & Rocl:wei1'3 Over Checks, K320 P.oots,;Q,'.1arLer Boots and I1.;cL' 8mm a speciality. . ` 1 I B9 ` {tie sh (`is `Q .D1_!0 sAD:>Lz:av .v? ?I'?:A:-`zreezssyf E 0!, or in Tcfontr) "I-ir.:r _u.,`...: _ . ,_, .....- _,_,`~;uu.-_:w.:l, u.::u \':'C|1:g[ 1 Intimate (sax tliey nre p7",-Jared In nrxpplyhc nustomens of their pg-eder 95:3 ! as"wcIl.-1:. my new ones who may favcurxjzexn 1:1 :my'X, nc of the . `LR ' --'I19R;S'E' CUDE0 7'}-.7.7.'\'/T- bzzsincxz. :15 ran-s equally :;;v_-L1; this side .I n ,___ n-I--H-l" '_ V . on WOMAN'S . FRIEND n` .1__-..-( . , ._i_ r-..,.~- -u u.:L':'lc ana v_2r_1::iLy with I the tn.c!:u!`.7.1eirsucc+>.2sio:: to the business here- p, _'Cr9re I`-rt-'ieh' on by th1t'g,entIr-';u::1, and vrcnI 9511!` favoursizexn :mv'X, \Ar-uo-`. -...'__|iIA`.~~ J M I. _ . ______'_ . `'-i.--.- The i:uderaigned`ha.vingpurchased the ` ; in-ir._1dc and goud `G,-in bgjozrgizg to .`.II'. I Monrc{"uaddle21nd Ilaruassvizlakdr, de:',irc quaint-th'e'peof>le of Barrie and v_i':_i:2ity met 0117;`-_eir succession tcfore -.9:-.'iea.' u.!:d`V inun---st -~- -" "' zrfs..- - , ( 1:. :1 ~ _,.rvv\.- ....,~- ....\..,~ ,_ V fIILI]B S _c;1_n be had or made to igyrder as gooi and chcaf) Harness as auywhrea L m town or country. Bring your orders slang , One do:)'.` East of .\."r. Caldwell : Lflackemith ! J:-hop, Collier Street, Bamrie. '. I0-ly F ---.-...._._ ijH;R:i~IE s.s 7f S H0 1%. ~ A T ME f it any ti!` 17442.11 SADDLERY, $3 I -v~,.,v.,V..v.. v...v.-u`,v.,v-u....._ _ - _..u. nu: 9.0!" Iii:-it 1..-3.::urV J sarnr.:n Y....|.. TO BE" HAD A1` RA'Ym.n. .. T. ,_.`_7Q',~, ii.xcco.a'cm~:. m 2.7 -. `oor_A9,-I53 l 4. AND naihcb J....J.._~ >`:)\zccessr;ra~to E - p....n,.I,v ?! i;i 0m::`a"M;T 2: -.2-an E_D.3irghas:d1vhe Stock 3. -Y Si'`g I"a':`.x".1n ssitiakcr, :0 Ag. "0 with H the h.-I.t'.3'~n:an Mn.-4 J. `I.E`3LI B, yr! .`a'in...nr- ;.-..v..cU,V :5sr;ra~to M. .'.-loom. Bzrfcld St , B:.x'1'3e. I/V-`-IL -..-uu lL:lS Sh` { r:1Nic`-.l )5 orkme -'33 Work in mm )AN VCU` `sEvrroEHAD In` spite of the ljarifnes and htness of moqey, pgopleriir v *"-'~ ll): {No TROUBLE T0 snow Goons.-THVE US A CALL. I `O - Z?i']}s1E[1?ER TIIE PLACE:~-- West End of the New .'L7=/'2'c.3.` 3 Z;r/'.`, N09`!/'1 Sz'a c Dzmloj) Sheet. W77 Rcacly-./Plczde Clothing, $622575 Fm'2w'e:: .=.z'22gs, licu?.;iL,':z iKi51a*:%;S3Eiiiy. Repairing in all :1 1 30: I2.9membe1' the Place-- IVE, _ Twb Doors _ Golden Beaver, New Brick Block. ~.-n Barrie, November l7th,'1875. _.,-_.,._...._, .__. . , , . _. ... .-_...u 1....:"uI.. QNEW mv GQQDS 7s}fF:{E%: . --, , I-Jog to .-umouncc to t1:e.-11' many friends and the < ' ` co-pz_utucrs`h1p 111 the n.1:ovu line, aa.1};a - - Z0;-----._..__ 'Hawing Plxrcha.-zed a. shock of ALLIGATOR I-IIIDES, we are as the only Manufacturers of Alligator Boots in the County, bocxeeuteall ofdofg for N.P{..-Bo3f.s mgde from this mgtcrial are W preparex , the name. :m:a.nted water-m-oof. and mmm.n...: c-.. 21.5 but: oluy xuanumcuurers UI Ayxgauor nnots m the Uounty, ordm N.B.-Bouts made from uutcrial warranted waterproof, and -. dura.b'L1it)'_--Porpoisc alone excepted. '1'.` . f`P1P' 1 rt Of thebest. qnaiity, newest styles, and at lbwost prices. ---:c: .__-._ A_ \'J=.m' LARGE STOCK or Q {Kip Bouts , Paent Frost Proof Boots, Grain Knee Boots, - ` . SHOEPACKS, MOCCASINS, `&(', ----- yr C .'-1 L411 .\lJ|"' I'M`-6 fur `I (".~ -orlrdl .:____ In Lad-ies Snow ._ (:l'u(Z7'S, Ladies ,1` I'll 1 ! , - ' ~ (svcczssons Tn J. T sULL1'r.m,,-` '_.HnV removed to their vne#* -store. BelI':i0ll. s Bnlldln N V 7 street, ayxid have `.'tcdVit up with a large a :arie::':::ks<).fde `RYE. 1'1 71` i I A 1`? 1-1 -`A is; HIVE lN:;:E:i qumsassi guy, a_uu u we uy WAUH Ll h'H'gC and 7 %a~mm~s`;;`N o S ;; E'=R.%4a_. '<:2v LE1; _c-2: T - _Ba.rrie, 25th October, 75. us,-11:5 m 2- pusxuuu L0 buy on me very best terms, 3 I de- simus of largely increasing, and extending our trade, w will sell at prices for CASH! ON LY that will mak 't an object to do business with us. rfms f-CLASS Goos. ONE PRICE ONHIQY`; . , J cL,b':rHs 35 `mmmhuas _- at "9. fuel c tide-nt ofgiving satisfaction to t ac c with their ordcxju. V zjifei -nut-mpsan .5` and BI! J. 5-11? \\'ill be open ilnuxcdiately aft( of TR .1. 1\L`,1-31`) (`.1 Having evcxifucility in our 1: WIcC!H'I`K I1" B Cg,` --v, _BEFOR x/2;. FIRS Tof `o VEMBERL \\'Lm nu. -- - rc-f:-rcnoc to the :.Lovc ' ~. remove mto Bar\z', C/'a`0Zm'1S, 1875. Being in a. positiorx to buy on the best terms, irons lnrgelv incrczmno and Pxtnnind nur bon _ As I159/hav.e` %mo0~E`"`&" i.n LE, ISUCCESSORS To .7 T .enr_r.n..m WE -SOLICIT rf.xTR0N`AG:z;. .:=.:1L~aERY skew Roms 'ill mmn inn1m:rin`..1u tom. 1... ...\...-.._v e'E4:fa5v pnspszs, `Iy,.n;,-. 1:: '1"!.I\"z nu 1 \I I I I II In g1'c:1.t variety and at prices to suit the timei EADY-MAQE '3 ustom . 's`aazon\Q]g, 6u'.1nn4- hr` -1"... ,.-L:_L s'rRoNG`& LouN1'. October. 1875. rcluclers; Eiters, and evowy elescrip. tian of Illanu/aczured Goods. 3!]-__2- NWTECE ! 2 -5 `T2? .7,` is fu.~3 % 2` . A splendid assortment of nmcdiately aftcir "to-r::mo:Jl'. A full stock EIVIJSID G V DS now ready. sins msn my sums` MAMMVGTHII will be shown. M FRAWLEY & DEVLIN. d.R_l Ir r(';ner.1l public, that they have entered into a ~, anc1}x(i'c just opened gut a qomplgte stock of _ ,,._ A 1- new premis& for carrying an the % iffents Furs, Vghlngs, ` .I4 V ., :m@ IEI.r@@ @Z-yo --ll): --- EEQTBING 4'3-1) _ foutixd ht Wlirew \ _ .3: 5 U `H v BMW .I. Y Goods, r fnU stock of I4] I I . TERMS CASE _M.9_Q?3.. .L.1.LE- entrusting ul noqey, people are :ARt:Mr'is,_ its Branches. a West of the o 10! um: name. ` unequalled for bllvu 46Jy blniop Chmmos for $1. The gramleut chance ever oercil agem. We will mail to any a.ddros.<,' post paid, 12 beautiful Oil Chromos, sizc9 x 1], mountcrl, on receipt of 3]. Sell for $3 in an hour. 'l`rv :1 Chrome agency, itis the best ing agencydut. Eytorybody loves and buys pictures. We lm_v.e work and` money for .111. men and womqn! boys and girls, whole 01` spare time, daytime nx-_ evening, at home up- travelling, Inclonc $1 in a. letter. Chronms by return mail. They seH:1tigllt.-=- Agcntaf the Best selling -1 prize packages in theworlrl. Itbontaiua 15 ahcpts paper, 15 envelopes, pen, Penholder, Pencil, patent Yard Measure, package of Perfutpory and a. piepe of Jewelry. single package .with elegant prize, post~pn.id, 25 cents. 11:1 a_u:_._ r._:;.-;i:_.. r._I,2 uv . u Z0 COHEN: , , S Selling Ilnitation Gold Watch; in the market. This is a Pun-, "Solver Hunting Cased VVatch ; English rolled (`mid Plate : sunk Second Dial : Full Jnwnllml-, 'S.:l'v:x*`7It-In-1;1:ngmC`}'n-: J iEg1'. $1{' r$f1'i Gold Plate ; sunk Second Dial ; Full J owclled; Td`vnnnl;nn RAI.-ulna - Yinkln \{n\-nvnmuoa . (1 rlaw ; Bums oeconu U131 ; r uuuowcueu; Expansion . Balance; Nickle Movements; beautifully engraved Cases ; and is equal in | appearance to: gold W'atch that costs from 360 to $100. It sells and trades readi1{ for` {ram 25 in 860. If vnn wish A wnfn Im- from $25 30 360. If you wish as wato for `our own use, or to ma.k_e money on, try this, rice. $17 only.. We wxll .sen5l this \Vntch 0,` 0, D_ subject to examlnatlon, if you will lend 32 with the order, the balance of $15 you mv the Express C0" if I6 Watch nrnwu: - wltvlellav M21}; readil gg-av-v -v v o--v v vs uvv ununva vI:.|A\.|n ;;e as sta `l-gas Flour. lld stamp for` om? illustrate catalogue. 26-ly Add_l 0ll F. P, GLUCK, New Bedford, Mass. Or` to At 1 01.-lock. 1:.m.. the fnllrming [>1-..1,`.:.';.,.' 1 - innnoly : The South lmlf of Lut numlmr t\wiitj.'-iuzm, in the eleventh (.'-`mcessimx of the 'l'muL of .V0ttzLw'aIug::. lfuunty of Silnunc, contain- ing onehundred_acn:s.o\'er eigthy of which are- clenred, and the remainder well '..?mbc-real | principally with Beach and .Vl.'L11le. Tlic farin ll well watered, ln-is on it 2. gnml U.'cl::ml. Frame Dwelling House. Barn, &:-.. iistam about three miles and a half from the \`1llage- of Nottawa. The front portion of the l`H.l'll1Vi' n rich Sandy Loam and the rem` pm-tinn a line Clay Soil, forming one of the best 'h0.'Ll grow- ingrfarms in the aunt)`. `E'D\lQ I)-.. &....Al- -..' LL- -,___, I In IIYIHS III TING l nun'._\'. ER.\IS.--One-tenth of the [)'.lL't'h.'k=c mums at the time of sale, sufficient. to make OnC_-11.11.! thereof :1: the expiration of thirty da_\'.u, and the bn1ance_to be secured by Mortgage on the property with interest at ten per c-out. pm` jmnum, or in cash as the purchaser may pre- fer. for further p:l1'tiCllL'I.rs i|r;d conditions .(.{ Sale, apply to . \HT[.(`l(',K & l`.\\fP!-ll -`I I ON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16th. 1875, V ----_ I Lnder a puwer of sale L'ulAt;tilu:d in a M.rt- ` gage, whichwill beyroducul at the time uf sale, there will be: cred for sale at the Slrmgl/t GRAND CE;\i`P.AL HOTEL 01` to the Owner, JUN, P( H H"! J - For Sale. a 5:11.111 Farm: on I-I;.=_` T...'u1~; I payxnent, almut 245 w.`;L.. u. .- ,:2 x."` 1-1 .(s in-izv, composed of part of um Su.x'.E.`.}. m` Lut 7. in the 7th ('rm., Iuniel; "S ncrea are cl;-:1x`e.l, ha] ance a s.::m bush, :1 _\'m1n_L; orclmr-1 of grafbed trees cnmmu.-noinr_r to In-nr; a l-`r"n-a House and Log Barn: a.!.a-V 1|. new-r 1'-x:`.' spri1lgc:'cekruns thvmugh thc wrn " m 1:.- : Int. Cne mile frnm ":1urch an I .`.'.'.:u?I Hmxsc. Terms easy and T:t -A; Fur further p:u'tic'.I}.1rs app _" L. ..` FARM mmrv I or s.-'u.r:.._1'r: .~;:_\:T\.' Tl) Nfnety Acres nf C`-fcellmlt law}. .+.;1-. ,5 cleared, on the Ridge Rnarl m the 'l'n.'.'-"n-.hi; *1` nf 0ro, near the b'.hant_v B.1_v {\'cutim1 of the 3` Northern Railway, and wxthm .1 mile, of tl.:~ Shanty Bay (,'hurc}1, School. and l`r.;=`t 0195--.', It zmd exactly 1`Q miles from the B-1rrir.' M.-u"m I I by 3 goo_1gravc]Icl road. ! n era 1:: nmn frnvn-2 haunt. :41. .......1.... uy a goon gI'd\'L`llC(l road. There is 2 small fx-am: etc., on the prcmiscs. . Apply,` to \ha.::n: X Rh :4: I F.Al13I FOR .\'.\Lii. I ... 0.1, , ,,, `I rv N, _ To rent on easy terms :1 largo: and mu; dious Store in the \'i1In.ge of Elnugrnw; the Dwellin adjoining with >`trn'e and bui! Fngs. %`he D\'.f\:iIl[,: cn.n he route-"t :4 '1'.'3.tc-ly, or store and dwr-llingz tr)geHIA'I'. above premises are in the in-:1rt. of .1 rich f: ing country, and with an ac.-tivu nu-up:mL command a large trade. , For further pa.rticul.'u~s :u.pI_v L41 '1`H1 >,\`. 1:0!`-`.]m_\`, 11-bf }':}n1_;{1'rn\'c. I For sale, .Vr2*t11`.)i' Lot 99-, '. ml (Km. 4! Finy. 50 acres. 'I`:m`.)cr. 1m1ulvv.m! and pin:-. Twenty acres cleared and under x'l1Hi\'.'\tiU!I. Frame House ,:u1-i Loy; Barn, A _ .~1rinj,; vi water on the Lot. 4 miles from .\r1id!n.nl(`it_\'. and three uxilcsfrmn the prupuwtl inxrlcpvnvic.-rt ]iuL-,j}f1'ai1rnad from Bzxrric tn }`-t:ut;::1;v;u.`- sham.-. Termn, mm-lmlf nf Lhu }HlI'cha.>c money down, the bahuxcc in g,'u:nl.\' in~'.:1' ments. Applytt) I \\'\.! P x 12!: m- 40-tf ,..;;i 0 Burn Penctanguishcnc, J.-un The .\'nu1 half of Lot numln-1' Tia} the `First `)|u-:2..;io1xoi the Tm\'u\l1i , , . V ulv h. I VAL` xngigu Ipzenuug.- }y aemug our W6 huve othfgoveltica which aunts lo as Send for our ustnta catnlonme. 26-lv '14<;71;`1\2`1s51:s:;:E. I7`. -..1_ - DA` '*.-u Bsirne, June, 16,1874. 13: ' Comet-_1/I of .imc0e. IWU HUNDRED ACRES OE LAND .8 in the 4th Con. of Tny, beuu; 1.01; .\o. 8 is 9193-E`i ~`d. .We!1timb_ercd with l5_iue nnd Hard. E-I00` , _w1thm n mxle of the ;\hdL-md Railroad, I ' W0 miles from Hcgg Bay. I":-r particulars [apply to I \IAD I`I\' Icnnnv 11,, - I no \ '1'. \\'.~ FAIR, ,ESQ., ` l-`.n";nrvu.'r , Bulr!e1', &.c., Barrie, Sept. 10th, 1875. .,___.-.. I-_ nu ! 111131! In jntcl .u.. unuu, aux 1;UJ.'b' AJNU UNE Dwelling House, near the lfftlxoclist Church, Allandalc. Terms Easy. :01` ml`- ther particulars enquire of . wu uam.-v {1`C)l% .E 6.: ]')\V]ii.1.IT\'( T1`) RI-`.1 411:5 . . __ j A Brick Cottage, South: opposite the Court House, building new. App} y tow ,__.___..___. _.._, ,_ FOR SALE. sxx LOTS AND ONE Dwelling: House. near 2:... \h.H.,..1.. U(TIO;\' .9`.\ Hi rs vvliuijvne Drug. v1}=I;z:1a1%<`x,e ox {ms :1 ts xpress o.x_`e atch ~~ Y . M > K _ V PTOVG5 ...___.--------------________________- FOR SALE OR. TO RENT: HOUSE FOR SALE. V,-J W MARTl.\' .\l(_)UliE, Barrie. Barrie, November 1st, 1875. ti 0 '1` F 0 11' s .m_.'_ .LARS; [41 OR SALE, ., TWO HNDREDAGRES luv. 1 1 L . L H OF L ` 1 4th ' ` mlmz .0` No. Que? I Town of Col/in_;'zv0ocl, IOB. SALE . m, H n 1.`, U) _ M zssns. A RI Lit; >` V.-\Li7.vU3I.l.-I H! l |`.U\'1?If) V) MULOCK A&. ( '.-\ .\H BF)l,L, \`.,....,1.\..'.. _-..1:~: 4.-. un, _X'JD`~J., .' , Collingwood. ' any timem _M.R.\'., H. [,0 JOHN, I).-UL rx .a..n...~x.u rbr.I.L., \'cndor's .\`olicitnrn, I Q. , ,' ' Tomntu. Wood. 46--tin , South side of Worsley-at., H0060. containina K rnnmq - w 3.1, r. vi? 3: .\"l"?.\T}_-I`. u`..H.. PK , I)... w. R. GRAHAM, I `nntrnnnr l W )1. MACEY, `, llsycm-.st., Barrie. -)7 LE vu mun Ul VV uruey-315., pc, contaxmng 8 rooms,- U I v l. 81II';`. . W. ?U.\'\', Pcrmtzmguisheno. In-1~ -z 'u'.\E11u1nN'rs. acllin - our Egvel him `svhich `-U(l\' Hi. \\'....I .. kl\l\1';KI. \\'y(-In` I n nunzvl , (`0ntn.ctor. nunu-.', 25-ll 3`7-ti - lOppositc Barxic Hotel, `ran. EIICIBI Ial.lJlill_LIIl- . How either sex may fascinate an'd gain Hm love and aections of any person they choosy, inataaxtly. This art all can possess, free, b_ mail, f. 25ee`n`ta; together with I Murriagoi. Guide, `N1 013019. Dreams-_Hintn to Ladies, etc. 030,000 Iold. A book. Addreu,T. WILLIAM & CO., blishen. Philadelphia: ' ' _ 13-ly \\ ~ cbnstagitly-I fEEE:`\E ~@B D$ I -"LADIES" .}i}v:13 Gb:N 1".S FU&'2PHSI~S;`: songs: In urn-1? vn-K. In- |PsYdHMANoj? (ll) unlit. I-urn.--u-an N0 D`-iMA`G.I:`D Goons. STRITC!-181.!-IURLEY, l I\TI l|D Y`I`D.' and Winceyz, Silks and Poplins .-\ Larg. ;r|./nuul Barrie, June `Nth, I87. ,.u3:c:-` Jrh, 31 ,~'th', If iguliu x`u;|IH(` , ..--v. H.` .l;:l "'..lt: Anne:-Scsm mini ia.~:;::z:\ Mnmumscmu, I2:-n.-V:_~i<::.-4 lcls`, frmu i!.c [I3z\:h\"?-I Hm.-K 5:: ;-n.`ss:v.'. (fr. i, eze2rhca<! um! Am.-:L-en Grzuzilc fails In We 11:; Clothes cleaned on the shortest notice *- ._-- n.-1'7.-a"l-"Ni I C6.|a~::.-x :.':`::l':mr. i (,7/)p0.~z'z'(']I ::'b/z'c Sc/ml;/, /) ru` nr" lW:;E:E.E I COH..IK-TIE? c 'I`I'DI'\rV'u-V (JANA 121.1 N AN/7 l~'(?:'.'r'.`1(.'_ V 7 1 *:'.23\ s'H3\:-:EA:0N ;/H2330? mg- 4 ':m** w . r1`$7W `WI? \ ~ . %<%3gm%%3 / .1;/l 3 I TI I&I'II_\I `V on SOUL CHARMIKG. n-u nioknp nnv mu. l......:....L.. ....,: ,.-:_ 'AJI=; BE im I5: ' --------------------------------------------------------- .A-.n..-.- h PROF. BINYMVS Provisions, Flour. ats. maul every Jenn 1'00!` always on }m.n l - -.,-..., ..-V-aunt, >Jl &t`., which will M sold at \ Iigurea. Just I`.ecei\'ed 3. large Stock In all the Lcading Lines of the Chol cost Greens, Blacks, Japan-, &c__ whi;-I. um! I.,. -..I I A - HAIREUTTING &. DRESSING. unvma AND samrooxmu SALOON. Oppaszta I?(m 1z`ay Statcorz. `{g? ~"=-L `. Li 0,3- y_a 7110;. 3 anvil I-F I % I I `Q I I V I I. L. E I , I.\1} ()R'I`}iR.\',. DUNLOP STREET, BARI. |P.. 1. 04141. lQ"": _ _-.._-. 5--.1 , deunptiun T on han :l and m3l.v .... ..,. A ` I` 2-pt:'u:b!)'. VA. 1-. BURK & ($0., Al 'x.. ., -I153: IEIOUSIEI. FABEIZONABL I 2], l)'unlop-st., Barrio. ._-_. .4-.v.: car. !;.;}I.~. St-0;-1-E: L! ulms 1-. u r....:z-. H ` thisq .. nn1 than 1 t very ion" Bran. Io lin- gztufg, Barrxg; - LUNA" rlactncl ...-ll , "?'3fdY `.'}\7 an =."I{:::! `it`p; `writ > uiuersg ...~ 3.12} I ..'m 1 I L0 POI :: r, 3,4 n.-walla ' Hm .:I rcs_s, {ms .ur guqdii u A 1! d An-n` uccmj an "' 5-1>'.i ,.o{.'l_lu/4 . oz 7:: :`7- v .` rx to _the.. .\1.mAzI.\'E. 11.}-To '-re J) `.'.---Tho st. mwnvwill L`(`Ix_3`nrz1.tc `\~ rm 5' a: .-;'J S\'rti:L's 'P:lfl'u|l' `F 8".1'.`=""` ?1mT:;.'.';1 Hull `nut nu. . , _- V _ ' ' th` `"74 1. wall heap.-11 mi HI: ` `" ~1-~. Yhe supper, Will 1 . . L,` }`nr.1ghu1', and we lmvc no .,;..;1_ 5- After :1 short pr: ~ .} `um 11 (Li-. oppnr . "" 1; `~12 .:'.\vis7i1 to trip the m,l_1",l.W W ` . I)cko!Js_-Gen ` ~' cunts each, to us 11.-M the ('w~,1 . . ` i it - - ~ -. ~ m_:'W.S MEL `-5 ..1 m~.mb..ra u.f tl "\--~+-9---._ 1m._T_ L,HnA;-a_ _ 1 (x)x .;f.- nu: Tov.'.x:.-. M-.mm"U_1ln`~_A '1'l] .0 phe eff -act tlgat .~,_.`il__h __m).-;<:.>;..c:11xcs a}-o 1`.ag1n: )m,;;,,._.l_:` j{x.x_.t, hml a detrxment thew . ` may as Well bi ;.+n;.s e::;1gge1'afio _ 11:1,: been L"`.l`-I ; ,' . ,,`- - , `K w,-u-F13:-|1};:l:l"3`t: f.-31` altlxnfggju, ; c,mu,.m.l W1{1}-`s{,x't1<:11, n._t__eW- t c,-;_;..,. gm?) H, 3} vhrnd anclnther fa 1314 n t<)'tl]Q "V-;N.,1-.g:.1 so 1n1.!n.nvox{/,' M\'.'nsl1im. 9:15,`! ".5/\"`: 5 U1 the 5 am. t,`eMj \-mh fLhc aniyant o the tghm m- wr`.~}.x-s have vzuns`.-1e'd;` lmusmny he, l`tm,g. the dent}:-73193:: ,,{ fc\.C_`,' 1 mid there are fgaw , . ' , we contend, so in = I a~r.nnm.`.. ....uuuwu_)' 1lC. l\'}', Q J5:`.}'l'le, \ an concermvl, in .y-.. {alive in the Dam Lnsily veried. _..} , \ _, ..._. . >I--- ..I%.w,,-,- _`ylr;z::r.\:<:.'-1_`::.' next \Yednilnv Barrie Branch Lilvoral-Conservative 11 be hclnl the usual Iuuuthly meept,-' P35 .. _._----- . ,` r _ ` A1,.vg: xnsa_,l-5 dl`&W111-I `W -'1') W811. ' `ml gm year,faIls{55>11ja`S1tuxCay. Next, `M1313 the first Suh 'n Advent. - *4-H -..u but: uuz`-bn war. a u----~_-~w 0.113 e;.;.1m;(-5 are raging in town, ' 5 *_\A`.'~~ zietiriiental effect cn '0 state that {beep 4m.-as e::.:1ggem.fion within`- H5 s:i~3c<;t; for :L1tl`sn"_*_'u, .15 with all `" 1*-, .2-mm, n._.f_0' -dcathz, have "" `L'.\`:'lmid and other fevers, ihcse 7 '1"? iw-,=:~. 1num'.';ous, in prepar- Z">1v.11.:.2wx1, :u2';1 the snri-m1r`1c'!ix:;; ;`!. with the `advent of cold wim- `_' 1{01.-.~; vmxis`.-med; `so that, at I wrm'=r. death-ra.te.~i5 n0'E at 311 he-"3', zmd. fW 01; 110 03393 '.`'1'3. so farlaa health `"1. 1: -no of the beat plnceg in.whlo"-1' th,_,D:`..._ .. b med` ummon, Va fact xuch can 4e_ 54 '}.`.`-.----.`.Hi` -"'13. ;\uu1c\s.;s' mv.'n wi'I1 Cf`Il_3`HY`Zlt(= tin: nitri- 'Pltl'IIl"S.'L1'.)t by .1 {ho 'f:;'.".1 Hull. m-xt 'l`I1.s'1:\_\' '-1: I>o}opcn m !11:22111)e1'S and '1. The suppcl he got up ghur, dnubt will - prngmnnne of] =50` ueposcd of, oppnrtuuity wiii ! " wisix .ligl1tfrm- ' "Pi.-lzni-. f.ln mc-.n. .`"-I . \ 1:; ms Tim Tov.'N.-As reports -oml to the affect that a. nuznbur ` nv.I1.. .. ,..... ....~.n.-; {n iv.:\v{-n I ;':!.-.=1:-.52.-,....-- 4 LGCA*L7I.`E_1'2IS;" "- - ,. l )\L' lb IUHJU H1 ml up as two 1 n.;\\r`IS' to crap hue *"rAl`{_.Illlrl.'lll- ,. Ticko!;s-GentIn1en, :}l,_ 113 be h.-;11oL" any of 1- of the St. Au- VI-l 3-.Auu. WILE !.lyBUl3, l'l(l 1175 UU throng ou,togstI1rwit}1 21 md egg; The indies, though -' ed un.hu_rt,_ agate l:a.3_ hoax} noihmg golicc L`-')u_rt during the _ Afiul1`ev.' ',~ I H... ......: K `_ urge Vsum every year 101` me r11:e.{{epart}neut, 5}, is goo4i;money_ thrown away uhless it is . .V hqroushly '_1.<=3nt- in 9V'T,Y,.l'8Pe_-. ` .-V.... I _-`\.\' f"Ii.-.I:'..-`Al;mb half past fm-.:~ u'.-.ior..'i; i;`.stSx11:.`.'aV x1;n1'i'i:`._{_-' we won: :ura_k- cued by i.h(."I`i|`,'{i'.}g of thg: Izictvlxcztlist C!iu;`L-11 '\n .').n. mud i:x:rr'c'.v'inoi11C1It3 after the 1'mv1i "Bell. ;;v:.l:L`. an (1i.).1`l1l of Fire: _ `nu ]1;\5;;ni:;g dr.'.x';i tmnl v.`e`.:-.`.vv; :1. firrce lire was rm iug at the to r of what used to be Mr. Scott s W(i0_l _\'.".!`d_, jns13.ox"f (`o}lici'._s`;rcelr, a she:-tdia `tlltfo west uf_ti2e Methm>I1st ({l_1ur<:h. `Thc Si'f1i)iL` 1).1`;n_r_v11i_g in Mr. E). 3. ERCTIJOH wasiu I 1i.`mr_`.:` \'.hcn_ WU got. th_ei`0:\ 511151, for the spame cf. iifto,-g.-it :n:i1utL.-::_. no lire-ciigiue was then; to c.ic;`1; the U.u\` (;y1`.'2ei;I;. :1.Ii,lm11s:`;i it was r.-agiiig -within a _f_cW,1'<: of the Fire Hall, \'.'hg5`c the cnginozs kept; andievx.-n aftcrit .t`.icrc s:\'c:'a1 ; precious _ minutes elapgeql ;, `zm'c` it fizrcxv itaj usual "powerful sfimm. ' `Life tirq qni JV spraa-.1 to the t\s'o sL;.'nl:s'be- 1 I luiiginzg to Mr; \\'m. Gi-'ai`l'1l"n,'1'l1-()i1-'.` of which I xvem turue horses beloxxgiiigto M. J. Suther. iv . Ianid. , which, iuifort3una_te1y,' were forgstten fill their loud cz-fespf pain and V fright we'rk.= hcxmi, whc-1: if. was too late to SZLY4" t_:1icm,. and I they pcrislicd in the ames, , Aftcr the en- gine got fairly to Work` the` fire was soon (got; | [uidei-g:o1it_roI, and civiiiigrl to-thcdcstru-.-tion of the stably above ineiitioued; although luid the wind which vase about two hours` after been then blnwEi:g,it is :~.w?u1_to`thin!; of the daznug.-. that might `have ensiied, such `]1n(Iw;;_'y "had like ames made, beioro .the.cugin_e ,p}:_;ycd upon them. . _ The cause pf the iir 13 a. myse te ._y, all t1_11l.`1S k13o\v:1 i)'(%iIlg }zit~ if-ot`igin:_1ted` in` .\'l| ._:`~,I`l.`IS.'(:1:".l(Jll-S S3"i);Q1,Wli}Ch wag 1_1_ag_-chi, by ;\Icsars-:`ae`~'I11.$ Cove ~3__ k9_T> b1lggt :S_ami cu1.tcr=:i_n; s.c_1 they stgte that ue1_th_er they-,ngp guy `one 111 i_5_hcuj e,mp1oy,had`bc1i nc'ar_ the place 1;o1l:1aqm_e iigs.-4, l1eAlpssesvtal1;i;. eah:11)zf1t;_1 as (}'0Vl'5:""J. 1'. J. c ernon, s a c 411). cncs, *>`,2i`25;QSe;vign.y`3: C6,.g1-Cu}? f mini two bug- . igx ,g,'..,'2 .1`11..(x_la.`11:>.xi1,_`xiro_ Sijablog, a stove and a.`_g:an~iagc nearly .8W,.' :0; ,. and M;-_,;._'J'-.> -.'Suth, Ia . hi-'ee_ ggges, Mamgag, `1-at ' '.`5leig;1;' and `a.*pf-.h_a.y- nndvoa'f_s,$7o9;- -m`akmg_ a _Vtota1::1,o,ss of $1.->200 A 2 sutferm `1 Q1` Vxrupb snow.` of Dry-Go:ds,`Dra.':ij,-69(Ii';l'(7;; uml from the time it opened. til": it'cIbg(l.- late ' on Sstur<{ay,nighf:, tin store `a .-;3.t_hro ` with eager purcha-.:e29,- a_1I of 'r.'hu.":v. prank (rally became cox-n"inced`of {she fans, tI_x:s`c gr*c:.t are there to` be obtained. Mr. Wzttl `aonf nu: cvi.."e2':t1y made a-decied hitin i_'.'i1.-g `the . ptiblic the ,ad'\`::.:1;ag_(; -of the good and Cheo.p'stok:k~l1e has bn:xght'.- Not only was his , stcr`e craxmned on Saturday, but allthrough `_the.week'peop1c_hav. becn1i9cking thithr.-2-, j `bud buying 1ibera'.1y._ Money is scarce, and he who` sells -chmpcst is sure to do the biggest 4-`....,1.. ' ` ' A Gun Khaki J 5Vv'.'m;on, A. fro:-Ii I Cookstown, opened out in the st or: lz.t!y`ot-I cupied-by` Mr. A. N..,_G-rah _ Block, last Saturday, withn'trcmqudous:}3a_z:'k7 V1-u'pt' stock of Dry-Go: ds, Drea:f-_'.g`6ouls, (:;; and ouened HY} 4+. ,. .-..1 I . A an), .Mr.Co::key s I ~ _.a..+..:;...- Ggm `A365; .42 300k'.tnwn n-ma-.-A ....a. u hllllg, 1:1 > the mm. \' .45 L :_u..':s FCC '..'1..$ In Life .3 .\1-,..~&- 4..-. uu.J E101": `E513 -U_KH`D R an p12;...i -'~ "-3. .V. u_ u IL 'L`he Ir.n1_y'.c3a:jq.`.cn i:::_uc.~:'... Efrl 1:. vnrv I V. LI|)1. U1 tum! I wary of the 1, in! "W111 be brouglzj; to the.M1l1~once 9. week. and 1':-t;uz'm-2d free of extra. charge. This will be a great :."v:.ut:1.ga to parties living ata distance, If 'I ` in be-ng. lT\, IE muse .m1:s were established in and h;we been doing a. cqnstzmtly` increasing busi- ness from tlmtvvtime. The Machiuerys all new; and bybmploying only ._)*st-class hands he is inn position to turn out good work, r.t_ low rates and cxparliticxxslyg , - , I . [ Puljing ` ltji; `For the above VF..- . {Will b brimght the 'Mil.L;)nce a 1'<-tux-nezlfmn. m` mm. ,.v.....,.'.. vm.: Z\/Totlizfzzg but Ltml Oil. usecl-` on` ` " 0ustL{17a `IVUUI, " ..i.'P.< [>3 (1)319- z'arz;ng, 'l`hb3e Mills esbablishcvl l{`.V C been doihrr n.`nmm+..n+1..- :.,,.-..- ` CITY. , ~--.--- ., --- '4 11.1. MA5I3;_ QBUILDER, 1351: g V TRACTOR, Plssterer, &:c. "All wmk done on the shortest notice and most reasom ; able torais. Satisfaction guarnnte' . Ad-" C_tress--I},a.ye1J.?_3t'reet, near the Barri .I_F0nn- "'31.. ._.._ ._........__.__...._._._.. ..,,.-;- -_. -. (H Hus. MOORE," BRICECLA 5`./.>no Hausa and Pl;-Lsterey-. All work . done cheap}`y, }3ron_1p1y,i `n1,1dga:ti:n 9.c`i*-ion guzuu . mnter.-d. . .Resxdeace--Just Dc-low a1)yz::uu :. s` Mzll,Elizalithsrect,/Barrie. ' : .:::.1;,v `Dyeing, and CarzlinE(_;' and A `(To AC-T1` AS A .` :7) Z'.\Il\Jl m neat`. ~.~~, frelghj non vol .1 Q2