_ ____ _ ....--.`uu.g.4-\.r u Give 9. call and judge for yourselves. FL_me1-al.s Furnislxed. See advertisement in another ' column. Sntlsfactxon (}ua.r:mteer1. GEORGE SMITH. - - `WILLIAM `MOORE. HM'y.S06ks of Wdiches ffom __._._.. _:__ .__.--:.-_, jnQ``Ql-ll Have the handsoxneat, most complete, and cheapest stock of all kinds of Furniture to be had ` either in Town or County. I l'\'\l I,"A`l"I f"l'T7 Tl!) '1\'r`/\r'u-ru--uv- --___ ._--- jwmcmmg PATENT` FURNITURE WW};\REHOU`SE 1 , i,:.__._._____.___.-_j__.__.4_._. __ _ LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPES:|:. fjj'i"w()7'`J7*.w ow TZGUITKK $V;9C" C Is to be obtained. This is no blow, butva visit will prove the statement true. The stock` consists of Household Furniture, for rich and for poor, such as Bedsteads, Tables, Cup- bozn-ls, Lounges, Sofas, \Votnots, Mattresses, Chairs, Pillows, Bolsters. &c. ` 9-`: .21 -. --u .. T. aoUsmo1.n Fmmwavm, VI -o.`..1.-........:..o.. ..c rrm... nu Ir.-.--:A---n cm --=~I- -- I ----- ~-~L - 7 "V ' - ' '" ' ` " Comprises everything in the line suitable for Presents, such as Fancy Gnods, Berlin \Vo0l, M.-., ALL CHEAP FOR CASH. . - N.B.-Any kind of Furniture made to order in the most xvorkxnziulike xnnnwr, .-u the shortest notice and` At low rates. oLIv Lnere Is neqgin so xeasun. But has bler. te qweet; There : never`: t o ea ` ` ,_L'l`hat bears no tl;q;prir1`:tg:f feet. And we have a helber m-omirl 1V.D. "l\lly K1110. OI J` |.ll'lllUllX' ` and` Th Subscriber begs to i1;t{x_1V1ate` to his fI'i(.`lll'l-Smillrl t}A1_e public 1 - Barrie and surx-oumiin_u Country that he Ma`1ufcu.`tures and deals in FURNITURE > 0 :l.' e ve ry desc>r1nt1on. Jewvllery, North of Toronto. 7 K `RUN "ON THE LONGINE WATCHES in GOLD AND SILV CLOCKS and JEWELLERY, made repaired and warranted. SIGN OFA WATCH AND SPECTAOLES, opposite the .-\.\.sv_;us-\.w 4..x.LI.A On the shortest notice 1111.1 most; rezwxnablc sex-nus} 1n -. . Irv . 1 B:`m;s`o, April, 1875:- Anu that he haw nn haml the Largest, 11085, am! (;. ma[2cs6 stock of Fmmiturc Th {thin unnlinn 1-J nnnni-nu url...l. .... n. .11 _ .- Gent15me;1 s Furnishing Goods, Hats, Cabs. &c. .I Innflinrln In-nun-. ran-1|:-nu-r . -`---mm 4... sin! gm--._-.. `Perfecf iuitisfacfion guaranteed, road vnrietv nlwnva on ham! 1.`. 'J .1 ' I, 7" '_ "" '7 In thls sectlon of country. which, on ius,_mctinn, will prove to bejzhe fact. He also does ' `I\-' ;.1T`r\1' r`: I 111x --...--_ ___.___ A _ ,There`a never 3. way so narrow 7 But the entrance is made stmigh; '.l`here s always a guide to point us To the` little wicket gat.e; lr'_E'AbDYi-Iii!-'.ADE c:mL*6THINE. TAlAL_O`F`lI`!:l`:`z._t:__.A `A334 Has now on hand a chance stock of Seaaonabla Goods. uutlisltlng or jj-- ::---n--_ _.__.g__ -_ _._-_...__- IT IS GREATLY TO YOUR A'l*VANTA(}E TO KN OVV THAT LIGSSPS. Sxnith ck: lvlioore OF THE CHEAP TEA'S, anosmes, wwss. LIQUORS. ...-.. -vvvv /v\rvv\;\Ar\ T/cc Berlin H/ool and F(4ncg/ Store A sPEo1ALIfi?}'}5}b":F3RE FRAMES. 5ve rs; ' ' <'1esc.~r1pt1on. And that he lmu Im hand 9}... The` following Goods are for Sale: .: kl- m.__.LL__ -`. on an `BA;FUNDY&E(3'i:5HEKXNITEMONUMENTS. . LEPIEOEs_ Wmnmunm mmn...m ...,\..,. - Luau nears not wehaveal ' For-Aha .h-i nlmi FURNITURE TA:CbJT`T%E:A3iNETwAa - AA-_-..---- _- V_-.. .. .v..mu u :uUUl'U.l1[UI.llUVU.`l MUiVUlVlE1l`HD,` MANTLEPIECES, WASHSTANDS, COUNTER '1`OPS,_&c. "Also allkinds of_ OUT 8 ` Efor buil'_' mr oses made *0 `order o . , .- 1 P . - .- ' I I I. , ., 3 Y'3:xa.~_.......-L" IBm%;L1 8tre`t_%eF gm South 0f 11(2)1_ll?` -___ --------ug ; .uuu.u; 114]. ll l".l.']!H.V' U51) '.|TU. ` \ Ur1_U'1'U1`]_1{, BEE MI E @Mr@ 3T@NB89 Posts far pnrlnmiinn f`.mM.4....-. """""""" ""`""`""""-W3\H-599 I S3"3fand_._Marble Posts for 4 ' Dim. .4 1-.. BAYFIELD s'_1*m:T,_ BARBIE.` : ;-:uI.: ulrpuzsnpu Mu: 1\\.'gl$Cl'y I __:D WI3"L>UGAL%1 ., D A `I)'I)1"l`.V E. S.l/TEEKING, zigct:'0"e"-` 1L~,:.. There's never adnn-that rises nu` um. `runny `Gavin uni Inf. n1'a SMITH "I9Z"'VIcK, _ ' MANUFACTURERS ,0? HIE I'TH.'If.\llI5t:1rn .,-..a......_ A Momrmlcnrs, mun swarms, ac. \/\I\I'L1\A-__ , W. _..+i..__._ _. 5 Fm-1_1i'tu1`e \Vm-kw and Stu! '1 ,-.,ms oppdsitc the Registry Oflicc. A 'T"7"'l"'1 \ `r`\ .\`r`I-/N A -r -a ur -- II urn-Qrpurm. ~ And that he lmw hand the I I - :;z ..*sA1fnss?, L JEWEEEEE3, 6%.. M,-. FR EE/ll.4ZV S Lnvzm mm zmm The largest, best and cheapest stock of It is an established fact thatat 1'nere's never asnn-um, mes L But we know `twill set at night; The tints that glenyf 0 orning At evening a ' t, In Am! the hour is ' . 5 eiweetest ...... uuux unpunu 80111 Dy 118. A ` lied with some of those ELEC-` 1`ER KNIVES, NUT CRACK_ kc., of which we have a variety -uc-u- ?CSUW - enclosing Cemetery 2 Bgest Makers, _includii1g the l clocks sold by ' A those F.l .Ii`.(".- "i;zaiE:f9nt.| Watches, Clock : and \ WATCH-ES L I '1] 511 (My ::- - ----wc-4 .I IICTC S l_\`v'Zly3 8 31111.16 DU pl_.uuv ur gat.e; And the zmgels will be nearer ; To a soul that is desolate. , is`warranted,and may positive to make u pertnanentcure at all Thatthe Gnu Snoauouns ttsnnntr n'n~t- r. , `ofthe Eminent indatn Meotctne-Man, _Dm Lewis losephus, ot the GrestTrtbe ofShosnon_e .:e British Columbis,is working the most mnrve.t.ue and astonishing Uurcs the World ever heard at. Neverin the annals oi Canadian Medics! H isu iy has such success attended the Introduction at any ti medicine heretolore. - W1-l Y? SIMPLY Bsomss the Valuable active med tcmt vegetable ingredients, mention, such aslhe xti-acts of Wild Cllell Bark, Podophvllum,Juniper,Q,uassia,Smsltw? 3, -'. Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extra-.'. at Cnlocynth, Jalap, soeotrine Aloes, Cspst .mn, Jo. ow ) which enterinto the composition 01 me comlzt-ed medicine, are such and so harmonvot sf} cllibtod and compounded,thnt it is made the most searchinicurativein the xnown world, and (an- not help utactou the system in a ver saslactotv and desirablemanner. No matter wh ment may be, or how longstanding, it will nalthc spot and astonish ycu by the Ti! id mnnnr:n_ L which you are restored to perl`;'-. ealth nnu fix . vigor. This safe to take, em. lv/be relied upon diseases 0` the Throat. Lungs, Liver. Kidneys, Digestive Ur ' an! ace. ix.-.~.,as well as Serolula, the varim * -`Vi! Diseases, Hnmors, and all diseas .7 t 'is1..5 nun Im urity ofthe Blood, exceptit g;1. Wain; Stage of onsnmption. Further inlc._`rI:t.2iot.,` with .` 1;] directions tor using the Great baoeirozzees Hcanecg Medicine is pleasant and 1 some oi which we .w:t ( at vwur arlo I 5I._Pills,and containing Testimontna and ~'.'. ez!.s{l V cute: 9! Cures, can be obtain:-u by securing n.r 'I:reat.es,`the Hand-book or the Almanac 91 clrculr rs from any respectal'e Druggist in the Bottle: Dominion--tree. Price of Remedy in large Pin! 81. .Ptllspc7 Bars 25 cts. i3"For Sale by all Druggists and Dealer: 3. Medicine. Aaxnrs non B.um1n.-John Woods, Watson 8: 00. Wells Bros , Tolen at McLean. 0au.I.u.-J. W.Sla.ven. Cor.:.u;ewoon.-1lIr. Csrp.nter. . `vnnvtialtl AnEIl'l'R.--_Ho[[hroD & Lvmal 85 To "zosastzv-. puher sex, young 0| oid. nut; nu 1! in their pure Inomh 11. m- 3 Thepartnershi heiqtofore existing between Messrs. Moore & inyon, havinibeen disaolv. ed by mutual cgnsent, Mr. G. . Binyon wi.` carry on the business in the `premises late?!- ocoupied by E. Shanncy, Elizabeth-at-,., whex-I you will find his Razors keen`: and Towels clean, Olotlgecleanevi on the shortest notice. um; mo. hm one cent. Mama If you want an easy shave, as good as barber's over gave, just call on me at my saloon, at mom or eve or busy noon, I comb and curl,the hair with grace; to suit the contour of your facel; and all my efforts you will find to `lease the taste and suit the mmd. McA\'oy s uildings, Ba eld-St., North of M. Shana.cy s Hotel. PRO . D. E. A. MOORE. . 17 - Wnourunn Aoxm-s.--Northrop Lymal 'l`or0uto;_ Lyman Bros. 4!: Co , Toronto; El- iot 5 00.. Toronto. 35. ;-I: \[i[L.|`4 LIL` lJL|v\lL\\JJlL I AL). _} Batrnrxsno. J. 0. Cnvunnnnam, Esq. This isjto cert that about three years ago I became aticte with Bronchitis which lasted about eighteen m'onths. I wrz so alicted for the want 0. breath `that it was very difficult for me to sneak andin the night time frequently throwing tht clothes off and raising in the bed- to keep tron strangling. I tried three of the` most eminex physicians in the County of Northumberlat. for about a year without receiving any ;benet. In fact I continued getting worse all the time At lastl was advised to try the Great Shosho- uees Re-medy.: I bought a bottle ofit, and whei it was about nished I began to feel alitt.;- better. I continued to use it_ uniiiI had take: three bottles, when. to my sstismction, I fou; that! was sslwell as ever] had been previou, to my illness, and have heen so ever since- JOHN -SILVLR. Sworn before me stsinithtield, this stn day 0 April, A.D., 1870. . .1. LI. WELLINGTON . J.P. 3 . V Wimlsm-_ 5-: 9 Sold in Barrie by John Woods. Northrop 8 by ,'ron-onto, Wholoqale Agents, , , '*-`;`;} --'rI4I5IJIilllIV\J 050. Av eve.-lung are And the hour thi I. lmcmnm. um I Baooxnu, April 5th. 1870. J. C. - Gsumrnnnwa Esa.-S1n,-T`-sis is to certify that my wife was very low with lungdi ease. The Doctor had given her up. He suit her lungs were tuhercled, and medicine could uothelp her. Asalast resort, I purchases; 5 bottle" of the Great` Shoshonees Remedy. ( the expiration of two days, her symptom = -"ct rt decidely better. She continued to im; ror~ -.2 rapidly that by the time she had taken 0 K.` 1.; the she was abl- sit up. By the continuance the remedy sn. was perfectly restored to hear; Ynr. mnv nnhliah Hm fnntn far the hcnpt WONDERFUL CURE or LUNG Di.=3'ASk I i I GANADIAN _mgn BALM ;; ` UIU l'BlL|UU_Y 5Ll. WK! pE|'AUUlly YCSIDFUU |U LII2`.l'I'g } You may publish the facts for the bcnctr r those s`mih:?y:~1icte1 T. 0. RIM WN. (mm In!!- Evg-and`m-omolcs-itsgrowth and strength. -05: nndian Hair Balm" renders the hnir soft am. gio: _v, and is me most elegant hair drgzssing eve. nil -`red to the public . Canadian Hmr Pahn i.~ nut a dye, it is warranted free from lyjuriuus In -rredieuls. It xnhe cncapesv and best hair restor alive in use. Price 50cls ;~- bottle. ' or<'rue b_\- Hrespemghlexlruggists. ` 3 V up- _CIII of workln on me: young 03:1 . more at work {with 5 pure momhts, on-_a|l the lune, than at my ling else. Pmlcuhn free. Post card to state: can pone Addrou G.,5`l`lNSON as CO..Ponhnd. on receipt ofpbst stamp to pre-pay return postage. Address all letters for pamphlets or pills to . " \\'ILLL-ll; C_}R.-`. Y & CO.. \\'i.u.h -H. n I - _ U] can depend` ` an unfailing - `mm ,-> 4-7 127/!!! Q Cure Leucorrlioaa (or Wh1tcs), Painful Men- stz-uation.Ulceratlon of the Uterus, Ovarian di>e:'.sc<. ..Absent Menstruation, and all diseases known as Female Weakness. They are prepared with the greatest care. under the personal super- vizdon of 9. physician who has made female dis- eases :1 special study for many years, and they are avlxcdicine on which. _ - - MARRIED LADIES in the hnur mm H... -. --- V )IiD`C_LAVl M THEAGIMD 17101 NGb `1URE OF BR30HIT1s.' u: nu There : never ndream that's happy But the waking makes in sad; " There's never a dream of `sorrow But the waking makes us glad; \Ve ahall.look some day vn'th'womler At the troubles -aw`, have had. .1. B-ARBE ING IIu'IoOIu'Iunu'Iuu.nn-.. cu-..n..n... HAEHBUTTINB 8L DRESSING, smvnm AND` snmrooriec I g SALOON.` Tsar. Bnnvoms umoulnn me." Io' Si;{c;'ca` G..B'1_`1Nsou 1. co..1`*8on&;x-3:. - - nu--aw ZI_3rA-'I;l;1EI;;I'.(")TICE. \ ._-:-. -..;u.vauuJ utLU.l..l`; the hour and time of need" as -_ 1'. u. um um. `iuiqcom Idathn-`.'v~2 .`.`.in":1;.v unu. LI. WELLINGTON . J.P~ cm! of working people `hi I. mogney vnb hats, (reg: Post sum. emu farm with mitten. rAgixouAnLI 7. Agent wanted! ML of working ' money all MG. than It An: T. 0. RIM WN. l1nhn"i.-l `H,-nd: ...... ..u 1: prev e n [F lhb` II R A 7 Ia!!- n.-.n. J`.-. V k % :`~`~"*M,~t-~; " Eispiel./VG 4-, 3 LOW am 1: Iv V ---A'1"l`H}-1--- - GN`I'ARIO gggsg, Bnngfi -n/rs`: ca 1:: s='1:'1r1.-:2-1:: 1-1-. .. .__ ` 3 moat reasonable Mm` zvozv ;B-U'.T THE 1:EsT<:-mg; TERIALS 1 L AN1?.E2vT.IRE SA T1sF.au2'102v G UARANTE5 mu me DOIII` `U153 llbIB BWGGDUSI is between the ciurkindw light. ~uu_.NeRv;`%MAm+L;`V`*aAoKe%*`" SI-I~.AVVLS, &.'.C`. &C, on 1:`-than I .. .-. gr-Irv-1\'l'\A'If $17717? I'l'1'II'I' _..,y '1 aflowers, Feathrs,Ribbons, Trimmed arid Untrimmed gauiik, ;n}\;,s_M}5;\"1'S_ &c.. Which will he .;H'urcdon that dag at `Surh p|`in;c,-' M ....n _. J I . (m\:AME;~;'1'S, &c., which wi_ll be that do.) in-j.;c.-g _" _ ' .timn. A call is solicitccl. FNG1 .. .4 a . _ _ ` A ND n IA N A ~ \. ,:.. ,,.,_* (.`ENT .' - . _, - 1)[ , V `:" P3&';~*,-.r- 17 11.3, -V`; _`(x`I;1m T EDv'_._*?`)1f; . 3- F e, MN `*0. `-`"i"` :0; 1 `I; H a t .vx:>_ 5 4;; J :w:sv, CALL AT ONCE AND SEE FOR Y()1."R.\`l'3L\"E.\`. OUR 5 {>"!'E.\I OF B1;SmE' j SMALL Pnorrrs AM) QCICK lurrvnss, ()nta1"io House, ()pp()si!e the Railzlzay Station, Ii ar7'z'e. 13-6mo. Spring 1,-using` its 1 JOHN ABELIRS J0HNST0N;li-E;:\;l;-ii-R);L\;D sPmaio\x`n.; . . Both `t1 1 ? . W` ` h L"`t1mprox-axneute of the semen, to: 1375. 5 THE FOLLOWING ARE x FE " I :21`-Icy. cumm'm_ .,OF THE MANY ARTI(?l.l~Is \\'l-I KEEP xx sr--,, ` "3 it Wlnner Tri| . | Sc-ulllera T '- 1'31-aln Dru-s,T ' a '``? s v i suovegofall kinds,` 1 P"._'| [Ian-ow: at mg 39 ` I unborn sowing Mnchln T 'f'`m males, A paaesnnd Hnowela. "119 Sowon, V . Plollglln 0! an mum. 1-uaar Ketllv.-I, 'l`InwaI f SPRING 1 H SPRINGRJ _ or. 'nblic, . Owen : AT ` V THE JN'O. ABELL s-}'fT-Pnuzg nmesmus MAM, nnrrnn BY J. `M. Bo'rnw1-:LI.' ' Hows .:a:9a3;%j%f%`5issn mm mm Iaoinin I-`I REE - ' (.`ZI'._.S 19 3m And l\'EW- EVERYTHlN(l-cxcept the style of ulning business-xvhiuh will l)r~ as hmwof '.'iz:--The Ells. and tlu: mustAuftl1L-m, for yrmr money, aml ONE I'Blll ` \Vc have scvera SP]-ZCI.-\l. Lmes, for the opening traul(-,,au1rmg whio.-h;are g um ,.,_._ r\.l-\-w- 4`z-*u?'""\ 'T"7`r`1 l\.1- I-\:_ [PIIBUIS ms, mg w1Lso_N*s FANNING V \,.._.--.........-._.. _-.---_., \,......\,yuJ-- :Z`Butti<)11. at 75c., worth $1 10; One (fuse (pf-'Tll0NlP.q01\9 (;L0vE_l_~.Tk.;p' CURSE`/1'9, Jo1s:-Slight1y discolored in finishing, clearing at 90c. wmth 31 .'O L. m the above the imperfection is scarcely (Ii3(.'eTUa.il]('. . ' "51 (`luv (;-'F}`|, .I ETOCK ix` snrin nu 4-nu nnlu L`. uiu...-.. ... n n~ I-HU IIUUVU UIIU lull. el'|CCI-IUH I3 SCZNTCCJ) lllHL'Ul'HU-Il'. Our G-Elu ERAL STOCK is such as can only be shown as the -. experienced taste in buying, cuuxbincd with a kn(M'lc(1gcuf the rcquirtemcuts mi 11;: Our SPE(,`IALl'1`IE." noted frmn time to time, are each, in tlxemselfes, a chm`-i our cglstomc-ms, in justice to tl1CmS(:1\ CS, cannot aiford to miss. -- an-nruaxr-I-1` ... r11n-_wx- n r u C! -...-.-____ \ L as mmox team; E;n,hinen':6,xat the ' hter ih! _stqx-my gempest o ears. 3'`$A%`r'}}iEi3i:.7 In " 1N _B0(1JTSt& snoss. um st -1`. 0 :1 . '.'1.n\.' vmr-.- I 7'|I4`L` \ a I 91! I O C I1UI I m1(lc at `;my pnt [mi-_* -. R:1ltl)_\' K: .' ml Hntnil u . um: u:__,, v -Lc5:5`:';(5:::) may 2 Hntfkm. at 75:, _ worth 3] IO: (mu (`use nf- 'H'lII'IN`II .<(H\ S (ll nvp Inn.-- . ' Y9 _ `._ _. 27 -, N` 3 ` 11'; . ` [/. ` UV ._ .'\S llNlH`l. HL`.`[ ' '.-\l{] l'.`l'.3`, in "l:qmstr_v, L am-I 3 1-1,, :11] cit in every style. Something vi-ry llv; . Misses and (`hiln1r<.-n's Suv.1~'h:1_-lcs. it \ r-nnntnv ncnnnfucwr u.. .. _ BAYFIBLD ITRBBT, NORTH '01-` BAHBIE L "S Ul'iU;m.'4 `W aILI\-3 mu) 3-.i.~'u.-1:323. wuuou mw u uLIrLUIlt8, m u - -` and, as uslml, the Bc-zwcr us ready to tot: the mark. Our stock is now about cmnplctc-'. Wc_:u'e showing uuvcltie.-4 in every depsrnuen, r'I?____ T\,_,.._-_ \ nx2.R1%.1AI)`Y-1\['A 7 ---.-- *~'~- ' DRY Goons. CLOTHING, GFIOCERIESA-. v\" \/\ ./\J\/\/N/\/y/s/\/\'\/\z\/\/-\_r\a\,.,_ A , ~. ngut. u_ "ml LIBERAL A spleifclid Stock (if Ready-Mgul--s ix-1 all the newest .~&ty]cs an. .'J ."'- -" Mas. B-.- s1x:e-a- . _ . _ _ . . . . ` n A . . ;.nn n luau` (`o-;nn.]u non] Ghn nu .1 some 1X1'n.A)1:D1sX'1':i' cm-:.u= I.1.\'.+:s I.\` ---FANCY DRESS GOODS. E-B I~.n-nun:-rn.~ L IMPLEMES: 7 miuntry fur the - ]`zRMIN(&- & AGRIGULTURA 7 .....__----.- u-`- ct-13 '--:o:---- We deal on the square, -and are Sole 1 ' nnnnl-v-\.v F...` ll... 5 She lms`sc1ecte(@ with great care all the ncw_e'st 4._ u\ _--u\.'.v-.4; .L.\;4.V \_g/ 1.`v'0I`.'I'IIP.>`, GoLm:.\' m:_u'x>:}:, lJ('.\'LuP-S'l`}iEF.'I`, Ruumz. 11-.3:-E01109}Tcoum,u.L1' nwrrnn. ~ Sll.|$3 AND 31.`;-3:-::':zs. sauna AND GAULIFLOVIERS, M an , is v - ---uunauj Unit`. '1 II '1'. (Wuranted the Best Machine in Canada or no sale.) nj, III `L"\;I \ `V L Uur Stu-::~; is (`rut-k-c1~\" H} 1 .... I ,. I American Cut Nails. Paints, Oils and Glass. (.`arpei1ter s Tools. Boring V/Iachines, &c. Spmles, Shovels, &c., ' A rv rmcing to her friends and the pul 11' th 2 h - V I Show of FRENCH AND IINESITISIF 8 c "11 make herhnnzgz "1' ---nljn j: INDUO-\(;fi:_NTs FOR CASH? {`.(\t.1 .T1a"I') QVIV r\*nn.-.....--4 p 90n!l'\:` . Moan. t-` Ixlhu .: -. . lnodcr x'r- , B2:->!. >: - " N e\;v Dressgs. . New Mantles, -- I.J.1.'.'\. \/.13 1:5,:-1 Laura, CI_*L`3R_-ST-. OPPOSITE MA.\'.\`IU.\"H01'. *5 _ _. __LAq'.;.. - " " v 7 Ir J. 111; Jv.:);3;:1:As`0:. _ ____-_____.*8II%'e:. are, A cuts in this section of Mn` country for the fo lowing ups.-`-n.-___.___ ,i _--_----< `.'Fl"'1 3 sweetest ...l `l:..1.l u.s_4 -.1 I nxul I IIILL I {Improved for Season 1875.) __._o.__ Sole Agents for Uneqllajlletl General Purpose Ploughi` Wrougzht Iron Frame Gang Plonfii _-M:.-. ; 13I0PI.i9;t:s I _j" -'j--" Hzuinijust received the last shipment of mu: Stoc we are now complete in all lint,-.5 -,.f we,- partincnt. These Hoods were in-ugh! xiuf the recent mnney panic, and um gm; xv.-re at their lowest 1-bl ), ('4)IA.~'t:I[U"H1l;- _ we can and will sell tin m at saw}; a price as to ast: nislx custr mcrs tor chcapm-s.~s zmnl ; qnzllity. L'm1sisting< v nIIIiNf~' ..-)(`)l).~`, .~'II.K.\', \\`1n'FL.'.k('.I:E\ mr l.'l>L1LSlIl every .$ha. Kid anci Thu-av! H1-.u-. I .c:.;.p:=.ms, Musinis, c1iNAbi'ri`s.`,"i5XIiA`so; ....._o_-_ MW `1 1 MILL, ALWAYS 1711251" PM- nggist, SPR|XG STOCK COSIPLUE AT THE j`.'--:..... " a `I E!EiTBAL wnauunrs,:;`AT 5; unn- .__-_v-., !:ll9 ffelS0nIb]e Mm c-n!y'e`ectiva. check upon lha evil, v::me'hing may be done by pointmg" ~ ant to farmers the "absurdity `of their ' p0ll(}Y. Aaltong moral inuence might; b;-fexeroieed which wold tend to res- 2 min and even `to diminish the extent ofduch fol!y.- The educatiop. of_ghe_ farmers on these matters. rests largely v.=.2:h the counlry merobants,and ifthe 3 la-'-$77 will hut hitn 0h-m..l...... .: .1`... l `mg !-o w:ail;VVb'u`t aside froln thisfia ' our v nletc c-er. , }0o(ls llnfh` panic, mm: gmi: rest ebb, ill Inclal l. I 0 nislx custr. I-I `i'1l.x.Lu ljonsisting ml . 1 IllYvIrvI- . ,....... _, u : textures in BE AVEHt'LO1'r Salim! ' g,,_ E U00 will defy . ext; Lupo ' hr xonn 11..., [C(L\'l Ii m1 1'!` -.1. null DIIU uuuu'_L_v_ luDlUUllHl,`nu "I `air will but "avail themselves at the V .1.-gortaunmes afforded by -their con- s`:~int intercourse with the formerjto ;mpr_ess upon their minds some sound rules on the .subject an important ser- vice will be rendered thehusiness I ummunity. Manetavy Times. I . `iv-.. _ Ind 11 A {:6}! 3; ya: (:.,1;.._ 0.1, -: 1`? NU Iielpb` .x J `BI x::".u. Liw 1 S1 _ I-I um um, "0.E. P1... ENE unm A NEW I o'r'.n'o Drslnsrs.--A new name disease, which promises to be more disssterous by fsrthnn the old -are. is announced in the Journal of ` I-Iortzculture as having made its appenro nice in the garden of the Royal Horti- ' mltursl Society at Cheswrck. Since hen the editors of that Journal` have -..c.eived euioient eommunicetions on the subject to show that this disease is :0 widely spread as to call for the greatest vigilance on the` part of`oulti- vntorstoprevent it becoming general. It appearsyet to be confined to the new varieties which have within the last few years been introduced from America; but there is no reason to fear `in! it will- not be conned to them. 'lhe disease which is jungns, effects rhe haulm when it 18 about six inches high; and leaves become `curled, and growth ceases, the tubes never exceed~ mg the size of large peas. It will be observed, therefore, that while `with i `.116 old disease them'.'s a chance 01 at `least a partial crop, with this is no gr,-ance of any. :$;\\ i tom "In 111` .-`I7 - - --~~ ~ -~ ***""'"a ---~ -W-'-'-~.1 II'I'l)lerp1`iB6. We could not he! thinking so when, the other day, we visite Mr. Ste- phcns new te_mpora.ry Picture-Gallery. All his splendid collection of pictures were burnt at the late fire, but he is fast repairing the loss. ' ' BHERf DI?` jBRA Nun` B111} I Pouno Bugs: -- The largest, `the 5 purest, the chca est stock of. Paris Green in 1 I :--.y :11 . RnH'I1xvn"a I rvu ---.--.u- But it is lumen wil` ;;: might at .. . . [I06 .11. ,3, but \ Ittontigw I uuuus, .umuIcry, Ury-H0005, 620., SO 88 to ` v_:ci; rid of all the stock damaged by the late tire. The public `can there obtain excellent |u:1rga.ins. ' W:-nfz. J)o.~u~:. ---There is notilxg like nctivityv when. dav. we visite Mr. Ste. 'l`ou:.\' & McLmN.--This firm still holds out opposite the ruins of the o1dBank of l`urox1tobuildi11_2;, Dunlop Street; not only do they hold out, but they seem more thtmto hold their own against all . competitors, as is proved by the increase of their sale of Dru 5, Km. '9 (lnuht but nun}: mm :.'luu.u. kg 4- .. `I;z`a."l--av;)?I')r.I'1u &u. We doubt but such will always be t e UXLSU. C1 . .urDo('K.--There is a great demand, these times, for all kinds of hardware. Those needing this class of goods will read Mr. ('?m(1dock's advertisement in (mother column, and thou go pay him a visit. They csnnot do ' better. - DOF.\`" NOT BI.ow.--Mr. Kidd, Barrie's well-known Chemist and Druggist, does not believe in puffery. He simply tells the public tlizit he is always tube found at his post ready to serve them. He rhen lets what he sells zulvcrtise for him. That this plan is success- ful is proved from the fact that, every week, despite hard times, sees an increase of cus- tomers. ' Is your throat son. or ore you annoyed by 5 'onatant cough? lt'so,use promptly" Bryan : Pulmouic Wsfers.-`l`hsy will gin you instant relief; They relieve` Ibo air passages of phlegm or mucous, and allay insmms.tio,n, and no safer remedy on be had for cough, colds, or any complaint of the throat or lungs, and if tutu: in _time their ellizacy will soon be proved. Sold by all Druggists and country` ilsalera. Price 26 cent: per box. rs` .... .. 1'....-....._.,.. I. 2, ,_-1 `U UUuc - - I ' Selling Imitation Gold Watch; 3 Q8111; the market. This is a` Pure Sslver Hunting Cased Watch ; En lish rolled Gold Plate ; sunk Second Dial ; Fu Jewelled; Expansion Balance ; Nickle Movements; beautifully engraved Cases ; and is equal in appearance toa. gold Watch that costs -from $60 to $100. It sells and trades readil for from 825to>$60. If you wish a_watc for our own use, or to make money on," this. mine 31 0111 . We will send this atch C. 0. . an ioot to examination {C urn: ...:n 1:1: (in ."- H . " . gig} mom: _1fhan_ hds.:. . .1aV-4.. 4xA.1.I.l:l|) `VP W and female, to sell Pioturea, every- Fonrteen thousand retniled by one. int. _ .Ilcsn.mnke`sxlI: o:')(9)o!!`1:oney ( uunesa _' _n-n' , rt @"Q; _mn' mmygl the 3;-eeouvod e., a . . Ussrm. Ixromwrxou.-It in said the: `olive oil ndminimnred intcrnelly is an excellent remedy for 9! : gout, and is also benecial in paralysis, and epilepsy; but for-the cure of rlieumtnism, neuralgia, colds and colic, and l`i(e the `_`Canndiau Pain Destroyer ," it is l we most reliable remedy. For sale by Drug- igiau and coumrv dealers.` Price 25 r-er.-ts per bo`-tle. ~ ' Tm-1 M.m\1u1'u.HoL's?.--Every one knows ` that this House is situate on Collier `Street ' East; and all likewise are aware that at no` ntlier house can the _farmipg community, or the public girlenemlly, et all their wants so well or so c enply slzpp iod. The Messrs. Marriii Urns. lmv nvnrvthinn mivlxnrlu 1...... 4m the removal of pain generally. there in nothing 0 __ 7; uuua-no v_nu ullucrslulltl me matter In itlight at once; nor would we on upon with the subjeotimportant 4 it for the purpose of -oallmg - ' tp attention of oountry merchants to thinooouity of using their inuence G against the pomioiona practwe, They ; are Qhomuelven sufferers Ix-om it, 93 are ` [tho `-?:_ ; wholeeald trade; and we I think! ` t if they would disoouiago it nd lead on Ill pouible occo, '.'.',3.'..-@h 3 `:0 9- hlifiol con- ` WQQK1 50 Vuooomphshed . ` 7 no of the henn gain ` . f*"'f:x.,. .. 5 av wen ur so uucupiy slzppneu. .L'Ile Messrs. Marrin Bros. buy everything anybody has to zaell, and they sell everything anybody has :0 `nu y. They have the largest, cheapest, and most varied stock of Dry-Goods, Dress-Goods, lleiuly-inade Clothing, Boots and Shoes, &e.. to he found cmywliere. .\IAvx.m'.~: HEx'1's ,FURN1s1tt.w E.\IPORlUM., - -The Messrs. Mncnab & Son are, as they ought to Le, doing a. good business, for cer- tainly we have never set eyes upon a lietter class of goods than is sold by this rm. The store is what its name implies, a Gents Fur- nishing Emporium " in every sense of the word; and, while some may Puff more; there are none who give better satisfaction to cus- tomers. N owhore are better or cheaper goods to he had, for this or any othervseason, or more fashionable suits. Indeed, the whole establishment is complete in` every depart,- ment. . ANTED -. AGENTS`, MALE. `` :g1_i_ fgpzalgg sel_l Pjoturea, even- (llmnuos for $1. Tlle grakdest chance ever,o1l'ered agents. We- will mail to any address, post `paid, 12 beautiful] Oil Chrolnos size 9' x I], mounted, on reaeipl of 31. Sell for $3 in an hour. Try-a Chromo agency, it is the best ay- ing agency out. Everybody loves an o 1 ` pxctures. We have work and money men and women,- boys au girls, whole or spare time, daytime 0|'_ "mn8` N7 1101119 0!` travelling. lnclose $1 111 3! letter. Chromos by ret;m'n mail. They `sell at sight. I -trr A 11-rn'r\1\ ;\.......c.. 0.. ; ,m V v 1.1.1 I J. uupnzepacxages Ill theywo;-1d_. It contains 15s_heets paper, 15 envelo pen Penholder, Pgancil, patent Yard ea:su`1-e: ggclilage ofk1;erfu!{x:hL"y at piece of Jewelry. ..1nge gewn coon '_, . ` `F W row 1 11 n n v .. .. ._ --- ___ now. an the next and moge than; 1: l00.more. . - shaker. Sven vrzweluug. xpuwse v1 III ;p. ggptgg-, Cm-omos mail. si ht. WAN TED:::zg;2:3:::$ I 5: contains 15 sheets xmner. 15 envnlnman ...... their horeee frequently--especiallyever i. g. This in a great error, and one which no aun- ed the loss ofmeuy valuable horses, vsic, as it is usually given, often produce inam- eation of the bowels, which generally proves fete); it also weakens the horse and thue renders him more liable to disease,` or lees able to throw it of` -whet is required is 1 medicine which will '3; were gently upon the bowels. :::d not llpui. the liver and -lunge, removing all obstructions therefrom, purifying the bloodand enabling all the organs to do their work without overtaking any, which is accomplished by the use of Dex-ley s Condi- lion Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy -itil always safe and ('0l`i..ll]. Rome ' i`h'J name. and see that the eignnt U Hard 6 Go. in on each pecluge.-Northrop ` rtn'Iu;uw nullslci.--n1any persons nystc it Lyman. Toronto, Ont , proprietor! for. Can- u"a. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Huulss GIVEN AWAY. --.\Ir. P. F. Ewan ad- "Tm-s us that he is nearly giving away Dress- Huods, .\li1lim-ry, Dry-Goods, &.c., to r_-9'; rid of all the sAf.m-,1: dnmnaml In: Hm 1.5.. Fm.ns BRos.--Don`t `forget 'that this rm oils the Webster " Sewing Machine which, I` van have not got, you had better secure at L`. - V ` 1 u claim to these nubjecls will.be re- ?yIeiro|`t:,I`n"::ile|:)I'luInI| lfntlcr Ike heudof Notice! 10 Conespondenls. ) < _.._.....-..-..n.4..4-n..n_n...n..-1.....-... T6-`SE, cne C1103 935 -.--1: at Bothwe 1'5. Pavucxzia Honsns.--Many persons bysic heir .`hi| d thn Inna nfmnnv vnhlnhln horn... .- Alumh. ;3~x-twnuu |"|n:._0f). yau . I, :m_ 1,.,1`}."{;1'd 6;` `Mares . ?:;ai~.'-" d- lvnn ..____, _ Q OI1_est iW00l.l.ENM|l.L8.' ;18,'7,- ESSA lmn. nmmnw unaml |BAnnlE 2| lFor the abov Mills. An wool 1.5:: at his I V _ Tannery for . :I:i'noVthe grand an! Q9 poi pk: on! wiuhjnforior paints, The 838! ha ulna ; gnu;-`I In. r . . ` = M 801:! by any respeqtabloldealero in Fainti- gtoughont ()_ugg;q;an`.to,den3? znlgzg, .- : _ _ :` ,v~-;~i ' - ` "-,;_.v.,.,V, v _ gr. ma . I-I, nag; o:*,`.. _,;-;v_(ou2i1_3xo.'_ _ - ., :1 #19 :j:a1}~[liaa:!*3i`o .3 \Vi1l be brought to the Mill once a week and returned free of extra cha e.~ This will be 9. great advantage to parties iving ata distance- It has become evident within the! last few weeks that our trade and the t ! money `mirlrethave been for some " time inuenced to a cousiderableextem t `by farmers speculatiogin Grain. The 5 deliveries and sales at vhroius points ` .in the north and north-westcountiesl of Ontario have been at least as heavy I t during the month of June as in any it of the winter months. This grain was` i hold back for the rise" which did not 1 come, till within the last two weeks, before which time much had -been . sold at a decline of perhaps ten cents = per bushel on the average, compared t with what could have been obtained ` in the autumn. The value of this grain was mostly representediby debts due to the storekeepers and others all . the time it was so held. The store- ' keepers with a remarkable complais- 1 `since which arises from thefear of losing trade suffered themselves to be .dunned, but dare press these budding l speculators, who use other people's money, to a sale. The grain buyers facilitate this speculation by taking the grain into store and leaving the (armor the option ol calling forhis Jncney at any time he may select, paying him the market price on the day of payment. During the last two -weeks, three or tour hundred thousand bushels probably changed hands in Ontario, at an average of 20 cents a bushel more than had been obtains.- bie at any time since the decline of prices last autumn. The average rice was higher last autumn than it has ever been since till within the last three weeks. Compartitively little `was sold in the autumn; and nearly three-fourths of last year s crop must have been aoldfat a time when prices were at the lowest, and on -,v'n`ch a loss of 10c. a bushel as compare. with the price obtainable last au`ii:nn, incl to be submitted to. The wisdom of the maxim that it is better to sell at the time's prices `.3 illustrated by these t gures; and it is the more that es-..:-.;y tn ; insist on this fact, since the lr.i`e_sud-` den rise, coming at a time when three- iourths of the wheat had been sold, ` should be held to justify the specula- -tion in which the farmers imliilged More would havebeen 0btt1`l!`t" tr the wheat crop,-as a whole,.it it ind `been sold at the prices which '.`-. :;i-:l Just autumn. These Mills were established in 1867, and have been doing a constantly increasing busi- ness from that" time. The Machinery is- all new; and by employing only rst-class hands he iain a. position to turn out good work, at low rates and expeditiously. .T EEN'UINE" No.1,'v " No 2,nud "No aforimabnnd, me unsurpa.eud.!o_r~body and hrillianoy of shade Packages contain full nett night. "the public are wnrned that certain other brands `. no 1 {lbs short in very no-called 25 pound Pil!-I . l Nothing but vfitml, Oil used on - Custom Wool. Pulling, [fall Cartling, I i J .Carc.l-in.g' and Spinning |Au. womg wAnnAu1'n.| llUI|l'(l- Avplr *0 JAMES BOOTJI. OF BARBIE, who is the sole ngent tor Onmrm and owm-.rTo! dejd from Ptntentee, for the County of Simeon ') t. Parties wishing to bnv Township or C-.:..uty Right: on do so by applying to the show. Barrie Nov; 17, 1874. , 47-If ' $.' ` _-----4;-}4 - uruuluut unu nolug up the breakfast dishes. 4111. Clothing wears doublothe tima, wash- ed in this washer, thntit wiil washed by a ma- ohine, or by hand-labor, or a washbonni; I ' 5211- Luce cm-min: mi ..n A... r..|...:... ..-- - cums, 01' Dy usuavmoor, 01' washboard; j 5211- Lace curtains. an 1 all fine fabrics, are washed in asnperior manner. 1. A1` fumes. from the nest Inca to a bed-blanket, can be washed perfectly, and with ease, without the mubipg. board. . FGEORG 1+; U1>'mN. ...v--~y ------- -r--a~ ---- --w~. ---------- .. A PHASE`UF GRAIN spzsotirla. ' 'l`ION- noes, tonne xouowmg reasons: . let; It doeslts own work, thereby saving a 1:130 Portion of the time usually taken ix; 3 unilg. _-2n . It use: much leu soap than is required byoany other method . am. It rezjuiren noatteutiou wt.a.tev.rw!.ile A the process ofclesning is gdng on. A lady on do her washing while she is (sting he: breakfast .r.d doing the breakfast dishes, Clothing wears: dnnm. n... 93...... ......u. I .\Ir. Carley will have ready for the Boating Season, a number of new Yachts-,. and Skiffs. Parties wishing to purchase or rent for the Season should take advantage of an early op-_ portunity to supply themselves. I) at-Iva: alxml I a 1._.:u __, u , 1dQ3U;;%EEDgY u uu jujvuil-nl V BOAT BUILDER, FU-JT MARKET STREET, BARBIE. ONT. lav: v\lI nu`, In! qurrtlsj uuunucunvvra. RACIINGV SHELLS built on the most approved principles. - 'I7n..I.`n nun. `I`I..-... 0-- n -n . ul-In u - wu _ Yach Order at Notice. and innde rs Annvaynvau tel, Skilfd. Pants, &c., Built to Reasonable Rates and on Short: (Data of various patterns on himd to order. Skllfd. Family Plea- sure Boats and Yacht: on hire by day, hour or season. A person always available on the premises, to aid in the mzmagemenb of yachts. ` (I I I II Ell . vv\IIyI_r'\I l, l`l'\lEl`V|J Will do vonr work-it is the latest, the chespest K and best; no rubbing on n wnshbosrd; no pounding. no tearing or turning. no twenty or thirty dollsrs e\xpense,-8'1`EAM DOES 1'!` V ALL. Steam has long been known as the most powerful agent in removing dirt, grease` snd .str.ins from clothing, and bleaching them white. Peper makers have for many years used steam` in cleaningnnd bleaching their r gs, and they , succeeded in m!sl;ing,b:' its ngency,the lthlest pickings from the gutter perfectly pure and - white Until the invention 0! the Steam Washer _ or \`l otnan's Friend, although often attempted, no .met'.od had been discovered of applying] steam directly to the clotting. which could be! used in e. protiteble manner, for domestic-pup poses The WOMAN'S FRIEND washes with- out lsbor. It will do the wqshing of an `ordi- '-icry family-in thirty minutesto an hour. The STEAM WASHER is superior to all othez de- vices, forthe following lltl It does "3 turn lwnv-Ir than-nl-up -...I-.. _ y.l(3l1l':S. `J. CALBEY, pnomeron. BO,/9T HOUSE, FOOT O1" M.RKE l' ST, The undersigned haanade arrangements ' wit ` Nicholston, May 13, 1875. It is scarcely necessary to point out to any one at all acquainted with the laws that govern successful trade, how thoroughly unwise and injurious to all ` rties concerned is this kind of `specu- stion. it is highly amusing to notice A the air conscious shrewdness with ` which it ieimm, poised on his weggon- loed of wheat, =-xil predict. the future price 3! ihlt great stspe. He knows it ia going to rise for it rose about this time last year. The Grangers discuss :it, and the gravity with which opinions on the subject are inter- changed would befit a council of So- tons. They would hesitate to settle the question by the. loss of 9. copper, or by. the issue of a game at cards; but it would be as suitable to determine in this way whether to sell or hold as by any other method known to us. This is self-evident. lfdealers at the great centres ct trade who have em- respondence from the best informs-id sources at all the leading points of consumption and ut production; who know all that can be known as to crop prospects, stocks in store and Ioa , the condition of the money market and , I OLA an-nnuu-{nn `Olen! nnnagn Olunll wurrs LEADS,- Qn nu-vvrn'nu.`.. V 31112: BOATING SEASON. PAWIVETJT MACHINES- uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu -- ------------ .-.--It-`:3; on WOMAN'S FRIEND H dn Vl'H1I`VIlnl'l(__:!:n H... 1.4....` n.- ..L--_ AGENT Dyeing. and To ACT AS AT V` Cloth Dres sing- %JH*.LBEN NE'1"1~, grAILoR AND CLUTHIER, IIIU UUHUIHUH UI tun auuuuy Iuulltu guru I all the numerous other causes that` inuences the price of whea'.-i{ these men can really tell nothing about the future, and nine out of ten of them-i are ruined by rniscalculating the pros- l `pact and the price, how is it possible that a farmer who has almost none of these facilities canform an opinion of any value on the subject ! He cannot and does no`; and his holding back grain fora rise is simply gambling and -that with all the chances against him. Every day_ that he holds he loses in- .terest on the money his grain repre- sents if the money is his own; it he owes it in payment of debts he loses the name of a prompt customer and therefore has to pay more for his goods; he runs the risk at loss by fire: his grain shrinks in weight; rats, mice, the tnidge, the weevil and. what not will do their best at diminishing the quantity; in all these and other ways holdingisattended with risk without any compensating advantage. By holding he encourages the credit system which costs the tumors of Canada millions per annnm. _ * - I')._'n 31 3- _,, -. V ---G -------~ -*"`I '~ "" ' our s'rANn,Tn`n1cnA nnocn, - - - - nl'NL(_>P s'l`.,'nAnn1;3 Barrio Oct. 16th, 1873, E0_l0IHs._|1EA|JX*iViiELf_i0T*i?NG ! 'FasmoNAii f1'uLoieiiiciis*i"KB'LlIsH1[:1r317ti2f Aucmm ROOMS 1 ormsms THE RAILWAY STATION.` - V , LJ :1 50 Dozen of Ala Tumblers at $1.00, English Sauzu.-' : -Comprisin'g Worccstexshire 50 Dozen of VVhiskey Tumblers at $1.65, ; Anchovies, Reading, Harrie s, Mushroom, and Decanters from $1.00 to $1. 75 per air. _ Cn.tsup at 20 cents. Also 100 different stylesof Felt ats from 75cts. upwards. The above are samples from :1. lat e Mauufacturing House, and are marked considerably under first cost. Also a. lot of Ca- 11 ion Twecds (J ob) from 60 cents well suited for children's wt-Ar. Jnh Inf: nf \V'hH-1 Shh-1:: mr c uuuguxacturxng mouse, mm are marked consulerably under tirst cost. Also lot of Ca- (Job) 60 for children's wear. Job lot of \Vhite Shirts from 75cent_s. 3 Dczen_of Ladies White Skirts,wo1-ked bottoms, (just from Englaiul), from $1.00 -each. V [T0111 I 0 cents each. R . n _'m.. " iqxitisfacion The acme of time can `ixe had from clock aged vsrip 313273 a on hand. Eve house should be sup 1 _ _ ied 'th s 1 R0"-PLA ED E-`3RKS`,"SPOONS, P CKLE FORKS, BU _ERw}1i-N I({7n1l`JeS, | E88, GRUETS, CAKE BASKETS, BUTTER COOLER$, &c., -)1aU.U `B8011. N.B.-The balance of J. Farquha.rsou s Stock consisting ot Boots & Shoes, Crockery, Teas, -&c., to, win be sold by_Pul)'Ilc Aucuon, on Saturday next, at 1 o'elock_aud in_the ewfening -at 7 o clock. ' Terrns c`>_a.s]:1. A |GREATLYTO `YOUR ADVAi --.._...._-_:._.. useless` to expect that our will understand the `matter in ..lhil'li|vht at nnnoi um- v..... ..u ..-- _-