Em>3 s COCOA.--GRATEFUL AND Co.\1rom'- I:s'c.-- I`he agreeable character of this prepara- tion has rendered it a general favourite. Made aimI'ulUvwif.I1 hnilimr water nr milk. Each WHAT THEY SAY or IT! A FEW FA(.'l`S FOR THE Pnorns. -- I`here are but few preparations of medicines which have withstood the impar- tial judgment of the people for any great length of time. One of these is Dr. Thmna Eclcctric Oil. lead the following and be convinced:- Thus. Robinson, Farnhaxn Centre, P.Q.,writes, T hzum lwpn nmintc-r] with rhp,Innnf.inm fur thn 1'AClCULl'lU `J11, uuu SIUUU hlltfll lll\C Ililtl HU ELE- tack of it. I would recommend it to all.-J. H. Earl. Hotel Keeper, \Vest Shebril, PLQL, writes, ``I have been tro-nbled with liver com- plaint for several years. and have tried di'er- ent medicines with little or no benet, until `I tried Dr. 'l'hom:u' Eelectrie Oil, which gave me immediate xelief, and 1 would say that 1 have used it since with the best effect. No one should be without it. I have ti-"ed it on my horses in cases of cuts, wounds, etc., zunl think it is equally 3 auulfurlmn-seasfor1-um." A. .\Iaybee, .\|eruhant, \\';;rl. vm-th, wy-n.`.~: l lltnvnsnnlal unnvn l-an lrmlu nf lv 'Hne ll` I3 lun :1. .uu_yIu:c, AVIUFUIIKUE, \Vi\l'L \'0l'E'.l, `Vl'l(`-`. l l1:n'csu1dsnuzel:.1i lreds of l):/,tlcs 01 if ,lcc tric Oil, and it is pronoullccd by the public, one of the bust medicines they ha.\'c uscd;' it has lune womlers in healing aml relic\-'in;_( pain, sore tlimzit, ct;-., and is worthy of the greatbcst cmidencc."~--Jnsepl1 Tow nship Percy, writes, l was l)UTSll[l6(l to try 'l'lm 1nas' }c~ lectric Oil for a. lame kncc which troubled me for three or four yczlrs, and I never fnuntl any thing like it for curing lameness. It is :1 great pnlxlic bcnct."~ -_-\. M. llfuniltm` \\ ark- wnrtli. writes, Fnr weeks` l was` t -ul-led with (I. awcllcd ankle, which annoyed me very much. Mr. Mziybce of this place imlucccl inc to try lclcctric Uil, and before mic bottle was used I was cured. It is at most rcxn:u'k:il)lc medicine. S0111 by all mezlicinc lcnlcrs, Price, `.35 cts. H. N. 'l`H<).\l.-\.\`, Phelps, N.Y. And NOR'l'Hl{0l & LY.\IA.\', 'l'or0nto, (lut., Snlc Agcntsfor the Dominion. .\' l`l-`.-l'.`I`l I`/1`)./'.._Huln1-bu] snnl ltllnr-in-i'r1u] l HUI . I\UUll.l|UH, [`BI'Hll?Ull L/UIJIJTC, 1 .\J., VVFIIAUS, I have been aiicted with rheumatism for the Ia.5_st ten yr ).rs, and have tried many rexnedics without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas 1'1 lcctric Oil, and since then lmve had no at- bnnlu l\` 36- I I|v1\1|141 mn;u`|vv\rvunv\:] 34- ism ..ll I JARIES V'VARD, ENGLISH BOOT MAKER. Job I Opposzte Spacer : Taroma Tea Store. Barrie, April 15th, 1875. { 15-ly 13 an VV neat Treadwell.-. Spxir` . . . . Barley. . . . . Pea.a...... ,.__ _.-: FELT ROOFING, OBITUARY. II`:-tumult` I 4. 0at'......a..u.` Ha.y.......... Straw Potatoes per bag. . Butter--tub . . . . . . ll mm] In woo: Beef--hind quarter.` fore quarter . Dressed Hogs ..... Mutf9n............ rlli 1gL'llb5_lUT DIN. IJUHIHIIOH. .\o'rI-: -l'lcl.<'lric---Selected and Electrlzctl. BEST B()() 1`:~; Gtommcrtiat. nlolw Periodical Pllls. _._.o... .. Spatial N0t'I;;: BARRIE` MARKETS. {"'I And Imgmttors of PAPER, DECORIATIONS, Pnnf nnrr l\vI;;- _ . ._-~ I-.\' THE D()Ml_NI()\'. MAKES THE rme, BUILDING PAPER. nuuni IN EDWARDS 8 LAIRD Booksellers, &c., Run-in wnn regularity, takeix by females it Of Pnmmmsu .. CULAR, and llcerlaln whlllh havrtoll fur- ther h c exnauar. In inn and ro_s-Minn. Wgxnoonn; 95 Union Uquuu, Nu lax: lu ` `Fremont Strut, Doc-rox; so and I9 M-an but Cixulo. -III UIIUIIII Illi- nndernko to lurnlnh the 111-251` AND CHEAP!-BI` CABIN!-Tl` OBJANS In _ the world; Indlnvueal} to send for their ILLUSL TRATED CATALOGUE Ind TESTIHONIALCIIH I_vhM_Ihcy havrto lay 1831. He, I Jun- 1-__A:IV, I, U: , Barrie. UU 016 016 032 850 n `'15: 0 Zn) 009 001'. P ROSTRATION _ RESULTING ' FROM the effects of the intense heat of the sum- mer months, is.the' re-disposing cause of so iimny of the disea~e ` peculiar to hot weather. The stomach partaking -of the loss of vitality pervading the whole` system, is unable to comglete digestion; the food paseiu undis- solved thrc 1511 the bowels, irritates t e lining membrane, and Dian-hues, Dysentery, Cholera. Morbus, and when prevailing, Asiatic Cholera. may he excited. Attention to diet, moderate exercise. bnthiun. and regular habits must be be excited. e Attention to (net, moaeraou "exercise, bathing, regular be observed. To maintain the v'tal forces and prevent _lnssltude and ex} nnstion, , Dr. Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphates and C.w1'aya is um rstiouably reliabxe, as it "'Higo` as the (11; .s veorgana, and snppliel ma.te.i2`. for generating nerve fdrce. . - ` - . 'Barrie, July 6th, 1875. uwun ! At 11 o clock a.fn;, all the estate, right, title, interest, and `Equity of Redemption of the said Insolvents and mvself as Assrgnee ef their Estate, in and to all and singular, those cer- _ tain parcels of land and premises, _situatc_. lying, and being in the Village Of Allan- da'Ie.. In the Towndhlg` of innlsfll, in the County of Simcoe, co taining by ad- measurement 1 acre and one-fthof an acre, and composed of Lots 11, 12, and 13, north side of Cumberland Street, and Lots 11, 12, and 13, on South Side of Bradford Street, in said Village of Allnndale, Baldwin s Plan. III-nu---n TERMS ____ -__.__ _.. -v---:-vA\le This institution has just closed an- other year of that remarkable. prosper- ity which has so long distinguished it. After paying a dividend of twelve per ee.nt., the prots of the year's business were Inch as to admit of about $70,000 being carried to the Rest Account. That fund was further increased byte sum of $14,000 _ree;vered-s;;frome. the European Insurance Oompapy-halter many years of litigation, as wbll as -by nearly $30,000 from p`;raminm;o.n stock i allotted and , sold _d,uu`ng7_f the E; I The Best new amonntlqto the ,9 _len Elid sum_ of,$,l,O00,00o', `which; is; T ne_.1>::ta ,: 50 P01 out. _.0'I,1 `.116 95191591.: .anii~:w;il!_F - . ii -the sC9n!ine9nt:.,Eun::J Ta? 3 i In): o*sui!!.!i99:'o`th'o`-.9 = 0 ' ..s8`Benk ' ' , lfpf ' . giv. nut Tuesday; the 10:h daytof August T 1' nezftt. ALn-L,I ,,,, ----.-`, u. gnuluuf, wuclclly me period of advertmmg the sale of the herem- after 1110 ntiu led Real Estate, is shortened to one month, ` u_:re will be sold by l.-._.-.._ ._ - Town (SIEWBARRIE, IN WVFIIO`. (l \`l'TKT'I1\7 nu nv`-1.5-- KJ F---- _ Stra.yed- from the premises of R. -Gregg. Dominion Hotel, Barrie, on`June 30th, alarge Red and White Cow, well bred, 3 years old, with small turned in horns. _ _ A ...y narann rntnrninu the same wxll be amt- Qvitusmall turned . Any person returning the same suit- ` ably rewarded. '27-3in p `R. GREGG. . -:---- Notxce is hereby given, that under the powers vested in me as Interim Assignee of the Estate and Effects of the above named Insol- veuts, and by virtue of a. resolution of Credi- tors, a_nd an Orer of the Judge of the County Court of the UL mty of Simcoe, whereby the the Rea`1_Estate, ..... CI\CI~ ; . >Alez DEA publicly acknowledg tory settlement of my claim Policy 6,186, in the Stzulacon on my property (lest 18th ult., and. you wi . Mbrronw, Esq ,` Agent, Stadacona Insurance Co. RSm,-It gives me great pleasure to e'_the prom t and sn.tisfac~ or loss under :1 Insurance Co. royed'by_ the re of the 1] please convey to the 274211 ` !2'JUCE:lU1U u_y guuu FORMS. The Veiidurs reserve to tlicmselsfed the right. of one bidding. Terms of payment very iiberal. A deposit of 10 er cent, of the pur- chase money must be pnig at the time of sale, when easy terms for the balance will be zir- rzingexl. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to Henry E. Jeffery, Esq., Penetzuigtxislienc, John W. Morrow, ` Esq Barrie, or to `M A r`.nm\.* A I h 5. n A mrnnxv : . --'---~~ --~.----1 ""J *'-.-r -W ` The yisit-of the-`County Council to the A `Camp on-Dominion Day, and their hos- N - .pi_ta-ble, entertainment` by the oieers of ' the_ 35_th, were the events of most in- ` itrest to our readers after the '.-tiavn on '1/'(1esday.` Owing` to some unfor- tnnate `misconception of ' time the Council came by the midday, train instead of the - early "one,',_ and . consequently were not ` present atithe rmlew, which was quite as _v/_l_yl worthseeing as that on Tuesday. The brigade was first drawn up in line and afeua-de ime red, a_ very tick"7sh _ bperation even with "well drilled men, but which was nevertheless performed without a hitch, and in a style which elicited the approbation ' of men we". -competent to judge. Three cheers were then given for Dominion ,day,,after which the brigade .re-formed a column, and marched past as usual. It was then .formed- in line of contiguous columns, the 35th being placed on the aft. The cavalry then slrirmished in front of the brigade, and the artillery opened fire, after which the infantry de- played, covered by the 35th in two lines 4-f slrirmishers, and advanced in line. The line'then retired by fours from the right. of companies, the skirmishers re- tiring by alternate lines, until, on the sduuding of the assembly, they ran in on their markers, and formed in rear, which concluded the movements for the V day. The number of spectatous onthis occasion. was very great. The whole country round seemed to have made the. ` czunp their rendezvous for the day, be- sides numbers whopcame by train irom different stations `along the line. The day was ne and not veiyi hot, and the only drawback to its enjoyment was the lust which rose in clouds, and was very distressing to the men. . \X7l1on ilin RBI!` tluv urns: nircm Hun PUBLIC AUCTION illl llibfll. ` . This property is -distant about ten milc-.s from l cnc-tmnguishene, which z1.'u1-dss a gum} mzu-ket furtha sale of roducc and is cn.sil_\' accessible by good roam s. , I 'I`h(` Vondursz rnsznrvn tn +|.m......I..'...1.l... -:..L. _uuvJ \l \rv . -_.- (:11 1)ropc;*t):dest{oye(1'by_ and, will Directors my sincere thanks. Yours. verv trulv. :27-liny In the Town of Barrie, the folluwivig vziluablc Real Estate, being composed of Lut Eighty Nina-, in the Secund Concession of the Town- ship of Tay, containing one lnmdred ru-res more or less, the greater part of which is cleared and the remainder is well tiinlncml with pine and ll3.l`(l\\'00(l. The improvements on the land consis ! of a_ llwclliug House, Stnlnlv :l.I1(l linm. 'll:(~ ........,...L.. :,. I:,;,, . 1 V . -- L]. For sale, :1 new House-containing 7 large rooms, and Lot, cultivated garden, good well in the House, good Summer Kitchen and \Vuodshed :.Ltac`.1ed to thevhouse. ,.n._ __:.1.._.-A ..t';L,.nmu-m Allan. `V UU(lSll8(l f.lzl4ilCIlU(| DU l.rlll:- uuuuc. Apply at the .esidence of the Owner, Allan- dale Road, back of Mr. GL-orge_:n s'residencc, or at this O"1cc-. Terms modelate. .._..__ Tenders for -Brn.-k\;rorlr. a.ndShii1g1es to be opened on July 20th, at 12 o clock noon, and for Carpentc-`ring on July 13th. l`l.,; ..l...... .....`l .....;...!a:....L2,..... ....... L.-. nan.` ln pursnzmce of the Power of Sale couta.ine.'| m it Mortgage from Charles Vent to the Vcmlurs, which will beprmluced at the sale, in one parcel, on _ _ ' CATHARINE BENNETT. Barrie, July 5th, 1875. 27-3in In concluding these remarks it may be said without being invidious, that the 35th earned the reputation `of being the'crack regiment of_ the _brigade as much for discipline as for e`iciency_ on parade, and that the conduct of the _men was as much marked by good behaviour in quarters as by smartness in the eld. The band too though deprived of the services of the band master at the time when they `were most needed, gave great satisfaction to the regiment: The plans and speciticntions can be seen, and all information given at the otiice ot ... . r ....a.. - .u.. . -..--v.. Friday, 0,`. July, A.D., 1873, \& l"..-,.'l.<,\ ..L` 4|... .___-*>..___.._._. .__,, New 2\bnertisen1eutss. `TENDERS WANTED vnn, # CARPENTER WORK! FREEHOLD. PROPERTY I PUBLIC Auc'r|oN,j J O I {N \V. MO1{RO\V,AUG7l`ION EEK AUCTION ROOMS um.-uu uucu uuuuu Uu J.-nuuy. Before the 35th broke up Sergeant Major Ward was called out in front of the parade by Colonel -McKenzie who, for himself and the oicers of the regi- ment, exlwessed the great approbation felt for the manner in "wl.'-ch he had dis- charged the very difcult and -arduous duties of his V `responsible position, and intimated that in token of this feeling it was intended to present him with 8 silver mounted cane which he would be requested to keep in memory of the regi- ment. ' ' 'r_ --:_1,1- .1 - Episcopal C|1urclI,Penetanguishen I, , 1 1... (`V .......2;4nn BRICK WORK] nu nu-.. JARD OF THANKS. ll IRE 0.1911 (3 _I:a`o_Ivent Not'.%iW7:es-- ./\I`f-/\/\/V [NSOLVENT ACT` OF 1869. AL.>0 FUR ' 35,000 F irst- Class Shingles, LTRAYED; `__ ..- vs il"IIII`I 'IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ..____.______.___,__._._.___,_ [OUSE7 AND LOT FOR SALE. uuuuc uuau was In 15uu;11_y mwuueu. On Saturday tents were struck, all stores handed over, and the various corps despatched to their several head quarters, ue -infantry by rail, and the cavalry and artillery by road, the latter -I19/ving begun their march on Friday. Rnfnrn H19 .`ll-.I~a' lnmlzn nn Q,...,..,.....L To be dclivc-re.-J on Church Ground. Material furnished by Culnlmittee. (')RTGAGE SALE - --_.' --.--I -vw\gI .\t Twelve of the clock, uobn, by Brick fixrnished by Commitgee. U EMACDONALD & PATTON, Toronto, \'endor s Solicitor!-. Z TO 1sr:--s6L"u BY smcere manna. Yours, very truly, THOS. . AT MY orncn, or \'A1.U.-XBLF. uuu nuzu u.ll}lUl um cuulmuml. The orders for Friday were for :1. route m:n'c'h by way of Sharon, but, owing to a hitch i11the con1rniss:u-lamb` departnlent, the f0l`<'B was unable to start at the hour A named, and the heat then became so in- tense.that, on the rep1-esgntapions of the medical, oicers the marchwas postponed till evening and then for a much shorter route than was originally intended. ` On Rat-.unlm.v +nn+a xxrnnn ..+......1. ..n \\"ALT'l`F.R J. KEATING, I).\....L ..... `Zulu IN THE JOSEPH ROGER mn..:..1 A .- ry truly, THOS. JOHNSON. 11 IS.Uu.|`j1b' Oicial Asaignee. 27-5in I. nn.-\ 1 1.\u, Pcnetanglushene. .... -zmh a. lame CASH. u--.\... ,__,_____________.._ |o. H. ROSS, hltu un vv1uu\./u.vll.uO.|al1l- - The party then broke up to witness the panule of the 35th who, on their own ground, went through a number of movements with great precision, and skirmished in capital style. The mem- bers of tho County (`ounc expressed their delight at the appearance, of the regiment, nud their prociency in drill, as well as at the good accounts which they received of the excellent conduct of the men, and to place this opinion clearly upon record they drew "up -and presented to Col. McKen7i.e `an add1'ess expressing in warm and fitting terms `the opinion which they entertained of the success of his ef}'orts, and of the high state of ethqienc_,' in whichthey found the men under his command. VF}... -..,l,..` . 1`... 11..-.1 , n ,, -- v.......uu us uucyczu I001. 110, withhis father and the rest of the family. settled in the Township of Caledon for a few years, whence he, removed to T08. , sorontio in 1835, where he resided till his death. Few men, if any, in the Township, were more respected. He was always kind, generous, and obliging. eve: readyto help the needy and` dis- . tr_-eased. `He has left behind him a re- cord offwhich his friends need not be Ishauiedv; and few have been followed fo the grave by so large a funeral on-tege. If he" enemies, they are unknown, while friends are many, Mr. M_ " 6 mass Conservative in politics . Ali, 3 `_` measures and not- } e-7f.1iIgd.' diedd 8; faithful _- *4 1'; he 0hurchof_ 26~4in For sale, the Store and Dwelling remixes ' at present Occuried by R. N EILL, 0t and Shoe Dcalu r. _" or particulars apply to T. W. GEORG3fN. .. . . 7 u nil: 9_ u ~- The Dominion Telegraph Company D1v1 1\To- 8 u-._., -----n Zrtibeis hereby given that a Dividehd at the rate of seven per cent. eraxmum for thehnlf year ending the 30th une, hn_a this day been declared upon the raid up c(I})1- tal, and will be payable on and a. ter SAT R- D./l`Y, the 24th JULY next, at the General Of- ccs, Toronto, and at the-other ofcea of the Company. \ Bv Order of the Board. Orders left at this Office prolimpy attended to. _____,.__.__._____________k Toronto, June 30, 1875. ._._.._.. Has the best conveyances for theremoval of Household Furniture. All orders promptly attended to. ' YARvD--East Market Square, Barrie. December 29, 1874. 53-ly LADY or THE muss \ How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and a'ection s of any person they choose, instantly. This_art all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents; together with a -.\Ia.rriage Guide. Egyptian Omcle,. Dreams, Hints to Ladies. etc. 1.000.000 sxnl .\ m-mm I---L oo*r'r, DEA LER IN LIME, W000, J HAY AND ` SIHA_V_I &(3.. de]I'vnrn/I in an" ...._L .l A lllUl'U5l.ll5 UV I-ll\7 l.IlULlo ' VVhe_n the eld day was over, the County Council sat down to lunch with the officers of. the 35th, and soon dis- posed of a very substantial entertain- ment. Col. McKenzie then proposed the health of Her Majesty the Queen, after which hegavethe toast of tlie Warden and members of the_ County Council. The Warden replied in very loyal and hearty terms of approval of what they had that day seen of the militia force, and of their county regiment, md he then made the very gratif_)'ug announcement that the lounty Council had voted the sum of three dollars per man for the Simcoe Foresters. The Warden then gave the health of the Colonel and otiicers of the 35th, which was very heartily responded to by all the guests of the regiment pre- sent. Col. McKenzie replied, and in the couise of his remarks u"ged upon all who were men of capital and - employers of labour to throw no stone - in the way of the volunteer. It was essential that a military force should be kept up, and, as all history proved, no nation prosper- ed which was not preparedto defend by 7 arms its wealth and its liberties. They might be assured that if they did not support the present system of enlistment the draft would be resorted to, the effect of which would be much onerous than that of the method now in force. For their own interests, therefore, they ought rather to encourage than to put obstacles in the way "of those who were willing to assume the burden of the defence of the country. In conclusion he assured them that they, might well be proud of the efficiency of the Foresters as repre- senting the County of Simcoe, and in order that those who . had not been pre- sent at the review that day might judge of the 35th for themselves he proposed to have :1 few movements on their own parade ground in the course of the after- noon. Major O Brien then proposed the toast of "Dominion Day and those who honor it. This toast he gave as an Imper- ialist,looking to the crown from which he held his commission, as the ultimate source from which honor was derived, and , to which duty was due, and desiring the welfare of the Dominion as forming an integral part. of the Empire. This senti- ment was loudly cheered and the toast , drunk with enthusiasm. I V111, _ . .__L,_ L`. __, I ~ nun. u.muu DD IV HIV!) :3 now prepared to Manulacture all articles in his` ine, of lhe best description, and at cheap rates. Uanie,Dcc 3rd. 1867 `J lllli. lgy Ladies, A .'l.1um... VI1 t1(llll'e8S 1'. . \\ Philadelphia. On reasonable terms can do so ' I) me, 01 me best descrxp \.-uluv. usypulugl um.c1e,. Dreams, Hints 5 1,000,000 sold. A queer book. Address T. .WI LLIA;\I 8:. CO., Publishers, ` Philadelphia. `" EX5U i%N%ei xuuu 1 `z 9 I U u n 9 ` Sc 3: '-\=!`gYHlt>II Teacher: I _ ` ._ , ~ . 1 H ~ v?f$;":`i` .*";~r=*-* and xde-Awak [unKI&\`:' `(ft 3` m l tC(!);0(!clz;l(l)msS|he BIB: -` . --_- .. ss. , F0 . (`mltruct :i`;;*: ;"i? ?~"."'9r.- Ad 1 -.- ; ]'1(t:\I`l`l_\, (,1-EXJ-n `mt. Q,..;& nn In-r Chromos for S1. The grandest chalice ever o'erc'l agents. \Ve - will mail to any aclclresa, post paid, 12 `beautiful Oil Chromos, nize x 11, mounted, on receipt of 31. Sell for $3 in an hour. Try a Chrome agency, it is the best pay- ing agency out. Everybody loves and buys pictures. \\"e have work and money ` for all, men and women, boys and girls, whole or spare time, daytime or evening, at home or travelling. Inc-lose S1 in it letter. (jhronuzs by return mail. They sell at sight. N ([\EDAgents for the best selling pnze packages in thelworld. It contains 15 sheets paper, 1: ) envelopes, pen, l L-nholcler, Pencil, patent Yard `.\lea.sure, 1-wckagevof Perfumery and 3 piece of Jewelry, :~-nglc package with elegant prize, post-paid, '35 cents. -...n -.- .. n- 1, s._;:.... (`,.Ll u'..+,(1.. l `THE BANK OF Tooi" :.:a) cunts. , % ,3 Selling Imitation Goltl \Vatch; ' ` in the market. This is 3. Pure : >`slver Hunting Cased \Vatch ; En vlish rolled Huld l late'; sunk Second Dial ; Fu lJewcl1ed; l`lXp'lnlOll Balance ; Nickle .\Io\'_em_ents ; lneau.ifu1Iy-ngravctl Cases ; and is equal in nppmrance tom gold \Vatch that costs from 5'60 tn 0. It sells and trades readily for from $2."; 0 $60. If you wish a. watch for your awn use, or to make money on, tr ' this. l rim- S17 only. .Wc will send this '\'atcli C. 0. D, subject to cw.n1inatiun. if you will send 572 with the 0l`:lz:I`, the lmlance of 315 y 1 can pay the Express (Io ,_ if the Watch proves satiamctory. 1 A I r n aw .....i... ....1....1:.1 ...n:m. Anv- u_). \ u1u"es mouomtc amt SZ\ElS!.'.|x'H0ll gnar- :- 10.-ml. A so .-\gc_nt for the celclgmted Singer Scwmg Macllinc. He has several exec-llcxxt om-s fur sale at the store. Adxlrusss, Dunlap} st. , I-last, Barrie. ' o - . Barrie, 29th June, 1875.1 r.LI..I.A.VI1 vv ;\/xx 1;uILL1J1_ab)-`J. 1112 l.)l`4o`,`1 of Flour is to be hail at the above Mills at the 10W('.`5t .\I.-xrkct price. Hristing Jum- promptly to O!_'l(L`!`. Flm1r`deli\'crod in town. Adeheas .\Ir. Laxsox, }'1`dpx-ictors, Allzmdalc l .0. ' m_1., ; 14- \,'.l.J\J1lA 1/.|vL'A\\./l.LtJ\lL)J:1l. :1 1'1!) from Courts of (litfercnt .\`t:1to:.~s 1 \1(3Sffl`til)ll, kc. - No pul_licit_\' rmluirml. ` cha.rg<.-`until divnrcu gramtcd. mldrcss, . HUU.\`E, .-\:t.oru cy, 194 l5ruud\\`ay. .\'.Y. : .' `1 EU. .-XSH_TO.\', AUCTI().\ EEI{. \] Appraiser, and Valuer. All 0)`1lI:X`u pruj11,:.i_' uttcxldcnl to in either town or calm- my. ( hzu- 'es nl0(1(`l`2ltC aml szxtisfzh-u'on .-\Ecnt celebrates] .\`iumm~ AMES SUli()GGlE, L` 0 M )1 IS- Sl0.VER in B.ll'. (`r-n\'cyam-.cr, Auc- tinner, &c. Agent fur the following lnsurancc l`uu1pu.nies :--,(.`itizcn lnsllrzulcc (`mnp:u1_\'; The .\lontreal Fire, Life, Accident and (mar- ;.ntce. The Victoria Mutual. Fire Ilxsumnce -4 '0mp:m_y, Hamilton. Adulrcss Thornton, l ,(), _....-, ..-..u,,uuu nIIu ulll &c., delivered in any part of the town if required. Also, -GENETBAL 'l`EAM'l`ER.- ._j.. 3d-LLE1\LClI'JlJn . (.`AY1u:~.kc splendid pay selling: our ;mls. We have other novelties which are as `sf 11.1`; as Flour. Send stamp for' our illnsI.mt -_vl <:utuIm_Iuc. . , '26-ly Addr-:~; 1?`. P. CILUCK, New I .ct1f Mass. .\\l|ll . 0. Honmnn Lncmfia, July 3rd, 1875. IL- _:_:L -1-u_- n-_...;_. n_.__ -2: . .1 1,000 I'()stm:L . APARTIIVSS DESIROUS OF ENGAGING THIS S'I`I`}A.\IER FOR ,`_-;_g. u-In u"u'I.;4u 1'-a---0- -I-1 AINSWICKE II.LS---THE BE>}'I` ..n- Sept. :29, 1875. . , IONEY T0 LEND. [OTICE. AKE SIMCOE. MascELL}x N?obs= --N -'u- uh-`-`VA, I xupuuuunu, .'1uiIHllillL' "__ ___4'..v.,_. ;__ HY 1:`-.'~'(f>LU'J`E DIV OBTA[`_\`- A 1.`H 3-..... fV......4.-. ,4.` .I:u'____.. .~. 4 lm CAMP. OR SOUL CHA'3-MING. ,.E`.fE. Ef . ?;.i"}` 3`p3.?`x1.i1 T. 1% ! By of -T. C. S} M I I) S.-}% U 0 K A rvnnfa l `L.-........ '3` \-- ~|- - - PEPLER & SHEPPARD, 37'Adelaid_e-3%. East, Toronto. _ Lend on` security of Farm -v vnn nnnruni l`UUN- I nay AGRICUL- TURAL IMPLEMENT AND srovr: WORKS. `Elm. HENITY'sEwERY, nnnln:-Inn-n all -.....'.-.I_- :.. I. an . . - , - . -. "J ._` K, ,9 1. MA [{l'0LE, Agent N. R. (1., Bahia. `HE RRIE FOUN- HRV Annrnnv I8 Duaru. J. C. SMALL, Secretary. 26-3111 by applying to I I-ll` 1.` uuuucrs, 13-ly '40-ly : Iy!}::xea.I" _ -- ' . " received the 55 5'0 `51 the next duy." Pictunl ` ~. 00 "!.9*'[,hn-a_ half and the tint d-I-. . .. Glul to ndan bond` Seven `nut-a entublilhotl " N_'0;,Wiv3h.C9nn. ./ " Iour rxcyums, rm.` :15 `L815. ESSA 183! ,wooLusN wuus, HICJ `.N"`5"' . 9i For Sale at the Barrie l'3"l":K' Tegms tn suit puachasers. DAPON HP (5% \m. mmmw mum, *_ Too great a mend of praise cea/{not well be awardedto the St. Andrew s Society forpx-_cviding such a varied and excellent e `programme for the lg-xt:,in_gt. ,T_o speak in trade parlance, ne1theif._1_g.b9r.; gr ex- gpense were `spared to enstirgtlgiyg stgccesgp ;which'.-ultimately crow_ned; >` ' fjforts. -'1'h9- Presidentis R. " N91801:? V 5-he . pecretary, D."D.- Winter, `Esq;,fj'qn the Management generally,` cLlejao1'ye\~well,-[of the community for the ` ' .319 ~ ` 81.1 71 ;of `3 l l` A numbero mnt SIIQQLE AND no. .,.. -- --'t1no |BARl{lE! _ uno wnrnnted to give sntI!!` ' D`: A ' key? Allordors left mm. P. W -",4 Street, or Barrie Pout Oixo, W-"' ' uttentior. 30 `J 49-ly / /m The Subscriber is prepurd to do .1: tin Cxaterns, Tanks and Wells, either Brib Onrb from 50 cents per foot Ind UP`"` I Pumps lurniuhed and put gown tfu 1}" '5 vi notice. Pumps fP'd' ` ` . 0;)'.Caru'ng Dom ;.Re.1wnW --- that All kinda ofwork done by the dd! "igg`% ind warranted i a satisfaction; Oldahi Inf`: ntglzr. P. '? F u b - _ ' ~ or 16 a me L {`n:ax.mry})l' \\ my 14` L \J- -I.Io CKJLJLJL """ Bayeld Street, opposite Suwrey's F995: Barrie,'l\'9v. 1st, 1875. ""' those made by him. ti'.r_\` Hr _D'- `unnlvmnn FOR um \x':un`-`c`is And can be e3`v.`t1\xI_\'JI1'1 `PAPIIM I ` 0Vi(len" Easily Worked by aC1h` ? " $9 At a denth M In! (mo ..-1`;..L ..n I. Chtlzz .----5; II VAAIVSC VJ Unv- dgth Of I07 feet, \\'hi-I: mm 1-0 " _on app ication to Mr. \\`:x)u -m Veg-nra 'l`|..~..m:........\.... CISTERNS of all sizes built on 1}! . .-.l....,. .....`I ..s ..... ....LI.. ..-.9. During the prdgresa oi the games 9. hall: was c_:4`1l(-cl as Mr. Stephens had, with that enterprise for which . he is ab famed, sent his artist on. the ground to take :3 likeness - of `the athletes" and Managing Committee. in: one group, which was admirably execu"e_d`, as "wits also the` picture of the Grand Amphi. th9'at1` - \V_ill be brought to the M111 I returned free of extra chargv. great advantage to parties liv` us. 01 L anunan rohcy H1-lulu Allapplications for Insnrxn sonnlly or by letter, will be 1+ to. L _ ____._____ The Subscriber challenges thu * we to manufacture Plunps t~ ' those I}: llllhnIv.-.-u-. __._ _A- - -plans aml at reasoxml-lo rates ORDERS PROJ/P TL Y A '1 1E.\'DED u;.unn.wn or an sizes bum on mwi . Roll '(<'ar(Iing~, K/\7IlUl'i`uWn Depnsit of $100,000 at utm- (it of (`anulizm Policy }{1-l.Iu~ Allzlnblicntinns fur lncnv-um These Mills were eutablinhc-I in 154;: have been doing a. .-unst:int.1_v nu-n 33114:` new froufthat time. '1 he .\lzu.i:`ncr\ ` new; and by (:m}:1uyingii;l_\` 1`.r.~.z la.-. 1 he is in a position tu turn nut. g-ad W; low rates and expeditiously. Iusurcl`. 2. The maximum u In='.;xm.- mum of cost. 3. Denite surrendu` valm >1-. face of the Policy. 4. The term for whi.-h t`m- .: run elected by the as.~u1-ml. 5. Grace in paynxent uf 1-nn one to six months, detcrxnuu-ii the Policy. (3_ All Hm ...m.;o.. ..t ..v.... V-- bl C0 n: 1 uucy. 6. All the merits of ylmn .u1owment and Iu\'cstnu~ut 1 ntmct. I\n-.....:4 -: _-nan AAA 1. -~-5-. -...- w,:12zaANriII"z3}`} '6`.m [nounnpze nffxx rants. L HOW IT WAS CELEBRATED; : -------- `MORE 'rAN' 3,000` 1-znsoxs PRESENT. 0 ` V C1STR;TASK,' AND `1 WELL I)1(:(;Im ALL WORK WARRANTEB,If. leave 1 BEAvEii'X11'$` flunomo "3 an FIRE AND LIVE stow . INSURANIIF.` I70 rum: M` -b e uelgu _---we nvJ"lIIJ I/xlll Horses and Cattle Insured :. Fire, Dxscase, or ;\L`L`1\l(.'hT. rr..lu.-;..I .. L` -J Vi . `IIU I The salient points 0. this L": Every Policy, wh: tin-r wz rates, or other, a ':`.s?1 En` Insurer. n) 'l`I..\ .__,,,' 0 Nothing but ]}(m[ ()4! usab Custom IVoa/. Pulling, nn1noP0i`|`m"'ii`- H1 Mu 13-tf. GEORGE U:>'1'm.'A.;g*;;; . Illg. Campbell, danci The games were commenced shortly after 10 o'clock, u..m., and were entered y into with a zest we have never before seen equalled. The competition in the , athletic sports was remarkably keen; _:ind, we venture to assert, that the results will hear favorable comparison . with any similar contests throughout , the Dominion. There were plenty of ath- , -letes on the ground, andtthe prowess ex- hibited by some of them was astonish- ' Orillia and Toronto were ably represented, and its champions Won a goodly number of prizes. That Barrie was not slow in coming to time the Prize list abundantly attests; and we are informed, by those well posted in , such matters,` that we can show a. prouder record of ' athletic feats, on i `Dominion'Day last, than has heretofore - been shown in -any town or citv in Canada. The game that raised the most uproar-ions mirth and confusion was, fortunately,` th'e_.last; the " Domin"on Day, and consisted of being blindfolded and nding the away _to_ a slippery pole and c'imbing it, a feat that was not ac- complished without great diiculty. ' ' _Df-.NCING`._ By no means the least attractive fea: ture on the ground was the platform for dancing, which was thronged all day, by an eager and happy crowd of devotees, many of "whom seemed never to` tire. The contest for the, best dancer of the V Highland Fling was very exciting; the winner of the 2nd prize, ' Mr, D. O. , ng although lune from a severe wound. ' ` * -- 1 J I I I 1 4 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I l The undeiai ncd h ,, . 8 wzhtxmle umuxgcmum AlVV1'l`JU --- A\:1:a.LVf-Jr. 5 and female, to sell Plagued ere. Fourteen thousand retail ";'.:f%%W::.:1*:.. ..~_; . u `I _....:-....I um 55 (roll agents say: "I can.nnl::3$`l'3:;` P" PP_llcat10n to Mr. \\`nlu;m. om Uf_ Vespra. These il1lpr0\`w1 punx}-s a.-e_.`-` MARKABLE CHE; 1 and mm | `nnnnr 4|... ...... .4 ...- ...... .. Lnt Nichulston, May 12;`, 1574 UGGIEs FOR s.x1.F. "1 T. B R 0 W N , .u IJUIA AL! A: -U BIJGG1E _____________..... "ANTED I AGENTS, -_,I __,,_I, A... ....n phhl 1nn..n.-u$l.l:. L'tU`;.-\l', rum mu 4 longer than any other pump bull'- ID1) A11-rnvw.. rs..- Any?` VI` 3----1 It reflects no sml credit upon the` ' S01134f,AI_1ld Scotia, and theirployalty ' to the empire of which they have been- ; "n0ngst the bravest defende_rs,rth`Rt the I Society of St Andrew should have un-' dertaken the celebration of Dominion Day; andright gallantly did `it discharge [the duties-[of lhe self-imposed` task, as . there was nothing lacklng in the matter of healthful or uv .*th-p'ovokiin`g, rational recreation and spc. .3. ' ' . - APPEARANCE or THE TOWN. -Despite the unsightly vacuum occa- sioned by the lat) re, our town tried to look gay. . Many of the private resi- dences, and public buildings, dis played, often side by side, British and Canadian banners; particularly was this the case on the Town Park ground3,.a'nd. :`1 the Sllerl, The four Fr-nit nnrl ' itself there could be no possible objection. We are c_ha_r-Eedwith hostility` to me North si;;;`cfoe`_i Railway, a project" "in which many of` onrfriends are in- terested, because we have felt it cur duty, as public journalists, to call atten- tion to the contradictory` statements made, and inconsistent positions assumed by its promoters, On these grounds,` as well'as upon others, we have questioned their sincerity, as well `as their ability to carry out the yvork they -have under- taken, and the grounds for our suspi- cion were patont to all. . To the project Its accomplishment would be a great benet to to a large and fertile district. How far it would be self-sustaining as 4 an independent line is fair matter "for ` discussion,tho\lgh we apprehend there are ` few who are not convinced `that, what- ever may be professed, or even intended, to the contrary, it could only-succeed by ` being run in connection with some more extended line, and that, sooner or later, ` it would, like the Muskoka and North Grey lines,become amalgamated with the Northern. One ground indeed of the suspicion attaching to the concern is the . almost self-evident fact that it was hatched in the fertile brain of the Manag "' ing Director of the Northern Railway, and was designed, in the first place, to bluff the Hamilton people and prevent the extension of their line to the Georgian Bay, although the tortuous policy pur- sued by its orginator deterred him from taking the course that would natu- rally have been pursued, had the under- taking been a bona de one, of declar- ing it to be, what it really must be to succeed `a branch of the Northern line and an important feeder to the trade of Toronto. ' ' -_...--- -u --vlUU uvs U1-iA-N(}E 00,11 (mm R. SULLIVAN. 4 2 Put ; c HA L L ETZEJ AGENT .-\I..x'u .-\(;1r;_\"r pm; THE HIIQIIY turn 3 -.-.. Dyeing, and SI man 1 can -1, v--~ " Your Pic ur, eceived ) 0__ '3 N) i ,0 cg` Q "(I Address, f! r A number 0 LIIU uunac Uu. UIIU J.UWl.l IHIK g!'O|luU3,.BrI1|-1. "1 the Drill Shed. The_ few fruit and other storm of that .k thdt were open, such as Bothwell's and Edmanson s, did a very brisk .bus"':1 ess, x_1o`thwith- stan_d`ng the attractiors of the booths at the Park. ` - T0 ACT AS Cloth DressinzA'.-`}'. .i". "I. Th` S/;nnin;n ___,,, nmbzx` '. ;~ . I "5, 3t nr}.sI.t* ';`rega.ti-v.1 ---` Pm` "Y nig 0' " LL: utlI_138 ` IUHIIICV L l1'Iltor~' th `O'A c. ."" ` rm: ARRIVALS. The morning of Thursday last--Do-I ' min? on Da.y-was ushered in fine and fair. At early dawn we heard and saw arrivals coming into town-by team and on foot; and their merry-`laughter was a. sure in-` dexvthat they were in for a jolly time. As the day advanced these sorxds be- ca1_ne more frequent, unt" every approach to tow .1 swarmed vylth vehicles of every description, up to about three o'clock, when there were at, least 3:000 people on the Parkgroundsl seeing r the,ele- phant. Shortly after 1`) o clock'a.m., ma lmnlf-all at {clan llfonurnn nnfnl an we uanlnppv POND. leavetr ) ug the ' ml mrit. I13 llll T no shot; week. -s_ 4 unten- jug}: foyr 1. USDA: ` . `VAN -1.. '8, gave 1.` Town 11.: e slim. _{E1l'x1l1'.1.` I" also M ~' h other. --iv Jan H "`u:vn;n (v.6.-...: L`x(?l!llSI_ONS. About 1.30 p.m , we heard the whi.s7tle of the steamer Lady of lhe Lakes, and saw it steam into port, with bunting streaming, we" lled with excvvsionists from Bcaverton and other points on the route, and as these, tegether with a host more from the country. came pouring in, the gatekeepers had a busy time of it iak~ jug ticketsx, etc. `To z1ecou11nodate all tastes the Management very wisely char- tered -the above boat to take those from our midstwho were desirous of escaping F1-om" the dust and heat, and a great num- ber gladly availed themselves of the op- portuuity, and spent an nf'tc1'n0on on thewater. . la in . Pntfit scellar and - '.":`- tel. `[1111! ` V rec: .'. ` , ` 5'omz-V\' uh, o.! H: `. 'l`.-mm 11 - rim eas_~. `I Ulnll{ . try til)` muh for AruL- vo nppt -A cinibn "\ Amt! ~ leap mu D1550 mod 1.1. -I.'n'I D .\ ft :- luv. "De. Between the hours of ' 11 and 12 o c1ock:1.m., the beating of al. drum re- minded us that a Temperance procession was on the tapis, to see which we hast- ened from the Park, and arrived just in ' time to see the imposing procession of the TUllll)C1`:l.1lC0 Societies of the County marching to the ground, the mmnbers adorned with handsome rognlius, and preceded by the Ix y Brass Band and the Pipers of the St. Andrew s Society; and .Ilf'.}Ol` p-.m.:ik"~1g of dinner, a. public meet- ing was ilvhi in the Shed, VVm. Boys, Esq., Mayor of Barrie, in `the Chair. The meeting was appropriately zuldressed by the (,`h..n'n'..ur, and by the Revds \Villet, Crompton and Boyle, and by .\l r. Watson, of Ot'a.w:1. II` in!` l ut "J. L... ' the`he\- t nu;-Clark... er thud. Til: 121'". )tI4kC.-Ohm Om- ..4.: @3011 I9. . hm ` Kll pt-,._. 3 b4.q;g.'u 3 close 1': I hVe ft &i}3`G~"!'- ( \ .nl'l'0Wc 0lI\|Iu .. .0l'l'0W. 0570 In Wlnr: IOIH . =:<: _ --mm! 1" L11 -`iI&' {M JuvI.LIJ at I71 Lu uuxvvn moan. ,.......u. . we halted at the Mansion Hotel, as we saw that a. crowd had congaegated there, though for what purpose we could not then devfse. However, weknew that something was up for we heard the sounds of the-to us-unme1odious bag- pipes, amd soon observed emerging from the crowd - <..n Al`! Iucapc fr. 'ni[r}:b - On entering the Park we were struck all of a heap by the great preparations for a. big time which the Society had made. Part of the ground was enclosed by ropes as a ring for the contestants in the various games, at the west end of which was it spacious mupliitheatre capable of seating 500 people, and so arranged that each and all its occupzuits had a full view of all that was going on. 011 Various parts of the ground were booths, containing cooling and noii-intoxicating drin_ks, and `a nearly endlms -variety of cakes , nuts, oranges, etc. inside the Drill Shed um- ple provision svasnmde by M( ssrs. Hill~ borne Bro., of Allandale, to supply to those needing it, 8. very excellent; dinner. ` ofvthe members _of the St; Andrew's So- clety, which, to music of the bagpipes, marched tlxrough our principal streets to the ' 'l'Il_E CALEDONIAN GAMES, ETC. GENERAL In-:_u_ A ans. PICTURES TAKEN. V It was our painful duty last week to chronicle the decease of Robert Murphy, Esq.,_of Tossorontio, of. which Township he had been for sixteen years the Reeve. Mr. Murphy was born in the County of Derry, Ireland, in the `year 1821, and ` came in (`Yunnan :. n......-_._ corn rr A PROCESSION ' TOWN PARK. MCKENZIE 4 FOSTER; - As the M MUSGROV1-1_.cUn&M 11~3Gs.:.At the Manse, Barrie, on-the lst inst.,'by the Rev. "M; er, J on Mvscmovn, to HANNAH CUM. MINGS, both of Innisl. . ELLIOTI`-- h3[<}DIVIT'1".-At the `Mansion- -House, fBan_1'e, on the.,ls_t inst... by'th Rev. M. Fraseroisnlcr I',`.u.Iqrrr of Essa` , to AaNna`McD`rv`rr1=, or-gm 13 ;-age.` anse, .Ba.rrie, Qn the',2qd inst; `by the Rev, M ' Fraapx`-- Gnonan McKm'_zxx, to`:-M.uw` _ PULLAN-.SU_MMERS. - At the Manse, Barrie, on the 6th nlt.. by -the Rev. M, Fraser, Joxm Punuw, `of Toronto, to ELI; zuzmn Stmmms, of Barrie. T ' MUSGROVE=CUMMING.~At the Manse, ` Earrie, -the_ (lat inst, bx} the?-Ravi "M -----------q-3o--:---- VERY NA'runu..-When a person has proved an article and found it good, and answerinlz thezpnrpose for which it is intended, he will not readily abandon it for one of doubtful repu- `tation, or concerning which he knows noth- owing to the course always pursued by those who have used that celebrated and valuable horse-medicine known as Darley s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy. All are so well pleased with it that they will not use any other; many ha:_e waited several weeks until the agent could obtain a new supply. There is nothing equal to it as a condition medicine, or for any complaint affecting the wind of horses. Remember the name, and see that the signature of. Hard & Co. is on each package. Northropt Lyman, Toronto, 0st,, ` proprietorsfol Canada. Sold by all edisise _ ng We are glad to make these` remarks I Dealers. L 4198*-"l!8rtitinVg.; and we holduthat hearf nf mil: . nun nu-anal II,e.I.. L... l... t`n.~.-.J :11 5`3`-95"!-`1g. unu W6 nolu-man " ll:ll."B. ` of oak ?., are most likely to be found in L- healtlifnl therefore, the ;more /such games Jive have the `better it ` wi". . be for the'hea1th'a.nd'strength`of our 3 manhood. We were also much gratied to see so many ladies pi-eaet, end that A they'took_b/such .a. lively interest in the ' prvsceedings. "And last, but by no .1169.-9 least the day` passed off quietly in every respect. The judges wens capable men, and dlsclzargedgtheir onerous dutiesim-. partially, showing ts none. either fear, favor, or a`. *:"on , and, H this fact was appaunt, tl ;r`e were no unseemly t disputes. . `Below `s a gomplete Fat `of the prfzes awards :1, for vblch we are in- debted to the couxhsy of the 'Soiety s indefatigable and oblig"1g Secre r )7, `MT. Winter` :- 9 V RHINEH.5_&R'1`--NAYLOR-- At the residence of the bride's father, Bartie, on the 8th inst., ` `by the Rev. R. Boiyle, MR. Wnsox RHINE- nmw, Printer, 0 Orillia, to ELIZABETH, second4dau ghter of Mr. James Naylor, of Barrie. ` ' Ninety-two men are required for the, active force in Manitoba, and ten is the quota from this district. The period bf serviceis for 12 months, the pay $13 per month, with. fijee kit and rations, and a grant of 160 acres of land on the expiration of the term of service. -J U Dam FOR._GAgE5. A-nun ulna u --Messrs. A'la.n Gunny 1 - McIntosh, O. F. \Vright, Pobt. N81303- Jqbu Ross; A; Russell, D. Campbell. and Dr. Hamilton. RFFRREE-H. SeV|-'9Y- E J Unau FOR Quorrsv-'-Messra'. G. R. Sullivan. . and C.` H. Ross. ` Boy s Race for Members Son-4 entriea.-- - lat prize. A. Hamilton; 2nd, A. Burns. 'lI:4...I. .....1 17:4. "7' ! The Globe of Monday publishes returns from alarge number of districts in On! tario respecting the condition and pros- pects of the growing crops. The general result appears to be that the fall wheat has been much winter-killed,spring crops of grain promise well, the meadows are light, and root crops doing well. There are many local exceptions, especially in the County, where there are some elds of fall wheat that `could not be surpassed,especially in the South rid ng, and many eldsof grass which will give a heavy yield. The potato bug has been very troublesome but has been pretty well kept under, and the late rains though too late foiuhay will give a great lift to the spring grain as well as to roots. - ____ -77. ----- ---4v- -- ~v--~-~----1'v--`H A frightfu' earthquake has devastated part; of the South American Province _of Columbia. 10,000 persons are said to have lost their liveshand thieves and robbers have completed the devastations of nature. Mr. Tennyson has writt.e!,1 a drama called Queen `_VIary,' which is placed by the Landon Times as second only to the historical plays of Shakespeare. A 1'_2..`LJ.l`..I -..._'A.`L _.__,`L_ `I 1 6ft. 6 in, ..... `luau. 48 uunuxuuuu; sun, A. Jlluliua. ' Bitch and Kick-4 enti-ies.--let riz8._ E- W. Johnston, Gift. 9 "1. ; 2nd, C. . Kmga The Land Purchase Act, doibg away with the existing tenure of land in Prince Edward Island, has received the Royal assent. .,-......., . i Boy s Race, 12 years and under, 100 yards-- 7entries.-lst prize, Peter McDonald; 2nd, Harry Moore. I').._.._'._... `I1'._, 111 u - - I The question of an` Anglo-Russian alliance, suggested by a. Russian journal, is now being discussed by the English Press. T ` nu `r 1`-\ The Alpl1onsi_st General Jovellnr, late; the Captain General of Cuba, has gain- ed some import.-ant successes over the C`a1'lists. -._, .... -a-_-n iiunning Hop, Step and Jump-3 entx-ies..- lst prize, W. Johnston, 42 ft. 6in.; 2nd, J- Dobson,'4`2 ft. 1 ?n. , n._L;:_ ,,1- 2,11. n. . . no - .....-..v.., .-nu. 1 .21. Putting Light Stoe, 14 lbs.-6 entries.- lstgrize, W. 0._Black, 39 ft. 4; in.; 2nd, W. Mcf ouald, 39' ft. 4 in.; 3rd, E. VV. Johnston, 39 t. ' rl\7Irl./ {V/;z1llace, whose election for South Norfolk was contested, has been declared duly elected. ` ---~-_..., _.. voqv JV... ' came to Canada in the year with `Me. 4'..n..... ..'...1 n.- .___L _.' 114. .W . J OIIDBUOD ham, 9 ft. 3 in. TN]. ._- Throwinglight Hammer, 14 lbs.-8 en- tries.---lst prize, G. Brady, Toronto, 86 ft. 8 in.; 2nd, E. Brady, Toionto, 86 ft. 6 in.; 3rd, John Cameron, 83_ft. 10 in. ` '\I ....9.. D--- `EA ,, 1 - ,,;..s__ 1.1. , Another of the missing bouts of the Vicksburg has been found oaiing bottom up. 'II',, 117 II I I -' I` Gold has been (lisco\'ei'e in the Town- ship of McG1'egor, Prince Arbhur s Landing. A.....L'|..__. .. LL- .__Z.._.'__ ,_ I , 1 n .1 Men's Race: 150. ya:-'d`.s-5 entries.-lat prize, J. Dobson, Otillin; 2nd, S. Brolley. Putting Heavy Stone, 21` lbs.-8 entries.- lst prize, John Cameron; 32 ft. 4 in.; 2nd,. E. Brady, Toronto, 31 ft. 4 in.; 3rd, \V. 0. Black, 30 ft. 5 in. . oa......x:..... tr.-_L 1- , . . - 1,. .,,,z._ Throwing 51' lb. wZght~--8 cntrlcs.--l|t prizc,VJ0_1xn Cmncron, '23 ft. 5 in.; `2nd, G`-cu. Brady, 22 ft. 2.5 in. 1w- 1` u w .. """"' I Some m'o1'e heavy failure.s In London are repomad. _ '- ` an an . -.1 .1 Ir: ..-- The disputeixvitlx the King of Burma}: has not yet been settled. ,.,. . .. .. . _'_ unuvn, uv nu :1 Ln. Standing High J ump-4 entries.-1sf prize, E. VV. Johnson, 4 ft. 6,411.; 2nd, R. Douglas. 4ft. _ -..-an _Running Race, 440' yards-4 entries.-lst pnze, J. Dobson, Orillia; `. nd, 3. Brolley. "I`l.-.nnI..,. `I .I........ U ____ ..__ tn II... 1! l\I\ The Plaintiff has proved himself regardless alike of his wife's honor and of his own; no verdict can mi igate his shame, no verdict can sink him lower than he has sunk himself. 'l`he]Defenrlaut, if he has not been guilty, has been so foolish, not oily in his relationswitli a particular woman, but in his general conduct and associations, that the man or woman must he demented who can henceforth sit at his feet snd look up to him as a guide of life. , Plymouth Church is acommunity of white souls" strong perhaps in transcendeiital aspi- rations, but by no means equally strong in good sense and urrlfnary morality. Monlton and some other minor actors in this gigantic _ farce of folly, indecency, hypocrisy, and nnlignity, are worthy compzm`ons of the chief actors. The appetite for scandal and lth in Brooklyn and New York exceeds that in any other cities of the earth. One man 111 the whole auir has redeemed humanity by showing really ood taste and good sensc~-the jurymsn who fgl sick." r......, V. -vuuu.., vununu, -nu, .7. ununn\._,. Throwing Heavy Hammer, 21- lbs.--6 en- tries.--lst prize, E; Brady, Toronto, 66 ft. 10 in.; 2nd, J ohu Cameron, 63ft. 7 in.; 3rd, P. Campbell, 61 ft. Gin. 1')..-.rN 1 )--- In _,,, , 1 a sun ,.__,_1_ _. _......1...,...., v. AU` v nu. Boy s Race, 16 years and under, 150 yards --8 entries.~lst prize, W. H. Bennett; 2nd, J. H. Edma.ndson; 3rd, James McDonald. \/I _.. ......... u..quu, unu, uuluua .uv..:1-ruunun. Tossing the Caber, huge tree 16 ft.--8 en- tries.-_lst prize, E. B:a.dy, Toronto, 30 ft. 9% in.; 211'], John Cameron, 30 ft. 3 in.; 3rd, G. Brady, Toronto, ._29 it. 1 in. u..'.._'n,. 1).: A . . . . _ _, 1 ,rr,,,,11,, nrn _-,__1.. .,.,.,...v.., v...--.-, :11 1)v"II-. Vaulting with the Po1e-8 entrie9.-lst prize, 1'}. Brady, Toronto, 8 ft. -1 in.; 2nd, G. .\'h0rtrecd, Banic, 8 ft._ 4 iu.; 3rd, C. H. Brazcl, Edgar, 8 ft. 4 in. Mr. E. rady ' suc- ceeding nn trial for first, to vault 8 ft. 4 in., was declared the winner of the [st prize, and Messrs. G. Slnortrecd and C. H. Brazel only succeeding on trial for second, were n.wnr 2nd and 3rd, althon h they vaulted the same distance as the recipwnt of the vxst. prize. Nnnuinn T nlirr 1"... P. ....4...:.... Int ....J.... ., .;. .-...u., an, ;. usu-J, A: Iv. u nu. Three I.egg'edV R_acc 3 enf-ric_~s.~~~--lst prize, ll}. King and J `iinghznn; `Znd, Bhck and I Johnston. ., . I)m1c")a H`gh`and I7""1g--5 c1t"ivs.~--l.~st~ pri'/.'c,.~\. (.'0ut_ts; flml, D. (,`. (`lll)])l)L` Barrie; Uhillie Uallum--I emvica.--~l..'L prize, D. ('1. (`mnpl)ell, Barrie; '2nd, David Burnett. l)mninim1 G:u11e~--8 cut.;1es.;~ lst prize` E. King; 2nd, Jun. Brcnmm. ...4Q__., n ......u AVAUAAIIU vau Au. 1 In. J! 7 . . I -Hurdle Rzice, river 4 `Hurdles, 350 yards- 7 entries.--lst prize, J. Dobson, Orillia; 2nd, Brolley- ' ll" 1 'r - .. .,.v..._, . , I Running High Jump-5 entries.- -lst prize, E. \V. Johnston, Angus, 5 ft. -1.5 in ; 2nd, J. \V. Patterson. 5 ft. 2.1; in. 1):;,.1.:....n..,.:;. n1 ....._,1.. n -_.n._:-- 1-. . ...--.-..... {I ..._, .... , . Pitching Qnoits, 21 yzm1s--9 entries.-Ist prize, R. Winning, Barrie, `Z1 points; `Ind J. Dobson, Orillia, IS pohmts. `7o.n'IO:n. u-ILL Ll... l ).`1,. u .___L...',\,` I..A. ..........w ..- Ull\/ .-.,.,....... ..... |"au ,,...,.. Running LongJump--5 cntrics.-lst prize, H. Mayor, 18ft. 3g,in.;2m1, E. W. Johnston, 17 ft. 9.'_.iu.; 3rd, F. Bay, 17 ft. 8 in. 'l`l......\ I ......'...1. n....,. 5; ....L._I... 1-. The great Beecher Tilton trial is Over at last, the jury,'after 8. contest among `themselves of over eight days, having glinally agreed to differ, nine of them as 5% reported being in favour of nding a verdict for Beecher, and the other three being impressed with the belief that he was guilty. So far, therefore, as. Stz1b_ lishing the guilt or innocence of the Bastor of I_ lymouth Church the trial has failed, though it has established the ex- istence of a. state of society,and of a con? dition of aentiment,hard to realize, To sum up in the language of a writer in the Nation:- Standing Long J ump-3 entries..\}st 1-ilze, 3..W. Johnston, 10 ft. 5 in.; 2nd, John ing- nam. . V NEWS or {HE WEIEK ,:_.__,. MAIIRIAGES. run :1 .cv. -- RIZE LIST. a, to nntzumu, o antimony, or anything L t - . J uuurr time zncy mg safe. . . ,. In all other cast: of Nervous and Spnnal AtTec- ti us, Paipa in the Back and Limb, Fatigue on slight exertIon,Palpitation olthe ea rt, Hylterice `and Whiu_:s,_these Pills will ebct a cure when all other means he ve failed; and although a powerful remedy,d TI captain Iron, calomel, _ _ artful-to theoonatitution. Full dnrecuons rn~ acktge, which should be carefully. preserved- -. '-' W N'I1|Irop&_ Ly_u'_;p,Toronlo, e pamphlet around each 03 MQSEU: NEW YORK`, SOLE PROPRIETOR- 0 dollar and twelve-and-halfconta for Bout . Inc on for the ,Domtnlon,.w'lJl,,inutre` IA . a` gAoyer60pil<|:,',l_:y,1;etulri|_mail. . ; n e. by Job '1-`olen'& Mgbeattt nods ; Wauon 65- V Trade continues much the same condition * of caution,-not to say apprehension, `which has chara.cter'.~.ed it for some time past. Thezo does not appear to be '9') real danger, though` ` -eheavy fflures whicz have taken place In Fuglaud, rove that .a system of credit has been pushed to the utmost. There appears to be a slight tendency upwards "1 grain, but not suicient `to have say `effect "upon our , market, and Wool has hardly maintained the piles it realized at the beg` -ning of the season. . The rate of " xthrest continues high and money is scarce, and will remain so unt1l the capital locked up in timber and lumber is realized, and the returns of another harvest adds to our resources. ' mm on me mama y pericd' with regulari(y.'_m se Pillsshould not be taker : during the first three month2afPreguanc_1/, as they are sure in bringon Miscarriage, but at any other timetlzey safe. ' ol`Nenuma nml '...`.| A 4?...` f ----O---- This invalmbla mqdicine l8.lll_I(lll'n/3 in the cure 01 all lhote painful and dangerous `senses to \'vlnc.i the female 'conati.ution is subject. It In deratespli excess anxiwremoggs all obstruction: d speed I-ure may rei o . ' an E ` yrro MARRIED uniishs. . it islpeculinrl-1 suited. It wil`l,in .3 than time ` brin an the mal.th'y pericd regularily._ se Pill: bu feinales J The markets have been well attended dmin the week; .' rd there has been, as usual, 8 V brisk demand for 1-1`. the farmers have to sell. Puces remained unchanged, except for fresh meat, of which there is a. rest scarcity, very ' little really worth the bringgingrbeing brought into market at 9'`. Next week haying wi`! commence, so that we may expect poor mar- kets from this out till after harvest. In the ] meanthne we will keep our readers posted on the prices current, which, being corrected everyhweek lb Mr. Milne, the Marlglelti Clerk. may e relie ` `u on as correct. e are given _np.tothe hlhur of go?ngto press, {avery week, and when, asis the case in this issue, l they remain the same as in the weekprex ions, lowing are the quotations:-- - |it 1s because no change takes place. The fol- Fallvvheat 0 88@` 0 92 'r......,1.....11 ` 0 R7z1 0 90 A U: vssvv. However this may be we are now assured that the work is honestly taken up, on the strength of the bonuses grant- ed, by 9. con..i.ictor who hasthe means of carrying it to a conclusion, and who has given evidence of his sincerity by adver- tising for tenders for sub-contracts for clearing, grading, &c. We are also told that the original line is to be adhered to, ` and that faith is to besubstantiully kept with those by whom the bonuses were granted. With regard to this we have only to say that we sincerely trust these promises will be fullled, and that the `work will be carried on to the satisfac- tion of those whose intercsts are really` concerned. VVc have every desire, and it is to our interest, that these expecta- tions should be realized, and though we cannot retract any comment that we have made upon the course pur- sued by the promoters of the company, we shall rejoice to nd that their future career is in accordance with the views of those who have such condence in thei. sincerity, and whose interests are so deeply concerned in the success of the __undertaking. HE TRIlIMPl[ OF '1`.H~El-AGE u-H Consum lion 1: not incurable, Doctors an ' it is not. All tga! is required is the pro rmedlcme to eect a permanent cure. D1. My Great Bronchial Remed ;ia_ fast Be coming the popular medicin.:for all e eejioua of ill: chest and lungs. or insipienl, conuuniiion, hrquphitia, asthma, coughs, colds, 4-c,., no o:hori;ned_Ic_Ine ever offered to! e publicpomesses such` curative properties. Le! thaalicled trv it and prove i:__lI,eflleucy. For anle by all druggials. .ueI me amicled try 2 THE GREAT EfGL1sH- ,iiEMEti3"'; $4.! $5 -r-lIAlQI\- In Pianns of best makers. The Mason & Hams iln Organn,and the Canada Organ Company - Organs and Melodeons: Organs and Melo- deonslorent, and for sale, on the monthly payment system T i WALL CIldLIOn VBookse1lers, Stationers, A-) I._.__.'. ~ QILWARDS & LAIRD, non nas renuerea In a genera; xavourxne. mauu sim )ly'Witl1 boiling water or milk. Each pau et is labelled Jamm Ens and C0,. Homceopathic Chemists, 48, 'Threa.dnccdle- street; and 170, Piccadilly. \Vo1ks for Dietetic Prepa.ra.tions, Euston-road and Cam den Lown, London. - 53 I DUNLOP t5T l`:{};1-:'* . 1, BARBIE. : THE MISON & HAMLIN ORG C0. \ to lunl-h HI- ..___..: