1'-11% W1xet_ ngenemny ` loan` ' _V frosts have done most injury, ' it is nothing uncommon _ to find a splen-. did side of sinother all but . . C `w-cat;"1_-odd _ H 4 . lging to l;._-.-' V'};ll -1% - . gutoolailwayz re pox>i~sindioate cu, nun` nonoe even 1n those districts . ' theta . Is. vmon;-to V ont_e7yh9lc,. thecrop ? `H95 .~x. .lL:l_VI)eU, ;ue1'cnz1nt, \\ :u'l;wo1'th, writes, ``I hzwe sold some hundreds of hottles of Eelec trio (hi, and it is prnnmmeed by the puhlic, `one of the heat Im-tlicim-.< they lmve uscu1;' it has done wonders in healing and relieving.-; pain, sore throat, etc., and is worthy of the greatest confidence.--Jnsepl1 Rustin, Township Percy, writes, I was persuaded to try Thomas Eu V lectric Oil for :1 lame knee which tx'n1i}.}ed me for three or four ye:u's, and I never foum1 n.ny- thing like it for curing huneness, It is a. vrcat public 1;cnctit.--.-\-. M. Ilamiltun, \\ ark- wor|':h, writes, Fur weeks I W353 trnuhled with a swelled ankle, which :lll!`l()_Y(`(i_IllC very much. Mr. Mayhee of this DIIICU induced me to try liclectrie Oil, and believe one bottle was used 1 was cured. It is a most relum-kablc medicine. Suhl by all medicine d_eal.-rs, Price, `25 cts. S, N 'l`H()\l.\.\' m...1.,., \' v nunl --3 am llletllcllle u_ea1c-rs, l'r1cc, `.25 S. N. 'l`H().\IA.\', Phelps, .\'.Y.~ And .\'Oll'l`HROI & L\'.\L-\.\', '].'o1'untn, (h1t., Hols: Agent; for the Dominion. . .\'(m; - I'.'cl.clr:'c~-Sclcctcd and Elc-ctrizo.-:1. 1 nus. Julnumull, r:u`nl1iI.ll) L entre, L'.Q., Wl'ltC.~', `*1 ll8.\'(.: been afflicted with the-unmtism for the last ten years, and have tried many remedies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas l-IL-leetric Hil, and since the-n lmve had no at- tack of it. 1 would reeuimneml it to all."~--J. ll. l:u'l, Hotel Keeper, West Slieiforil, I .(,)., write:~;, l have been troubled with liver com- plaint for several years, and luwe tried dill'er- eut medicines with little or no benefit, until I tried l)r.'Thum:Ls' Ecleetrie Oil, which gave me immediate relief, unill would say that I have used it since with the best eeet. , No one should he witlmnt it I 1....-.. +..:.,,1 :4. uuvc um.-u 11: sxucc mm the nest eect. No should be without it. I have tried it on my horses in cases of cuts, wounds, etc., and think it is equally as good for horse as for man. " A. .\I:1yl)ee, ;\[e1'chzu1t, \\':u'kwo1'th, writes, have sold mum In.n.1rn.L m`1.,.m..u Ac v..:n.. ENGLISH BOOT MAKER. ms mason & HETLIMBRGAN cg: ; undertve to furnish (in u_C1oughs ad Colds, when left `to. {hem- Alums, fmnuentlv brim: on uulmonnrv com- liggs . `V001 . \. ilL-3 - -t-oun.-qc- { nta.tocs per bag. . liuttcr-tuh .. . . . . rolls . . . . 15.1,.-_-. W. Gwillimbury, Division No. 1. u u > H u 1;..m-ta, April` 15th, 1375. 'AMES WARD, BES7'E`M`i3`2`i()'l`.?3 N5tIre6- L beal mlgers. I`he'Mason-& Hams =,Tandthe Canada Organ Company - `(I Mcludeons: Organs 'and-Me.o- ant, and forsa!e.on Hm m..-.-m- BARBIE MAI . KETS. v?'-lIQB 57, _ And Impartera of D A nun f\`r.1r\r\ MAKES THE ); nu. uuu \1IlAAvvu DEATIIS. .. uubvnnxu an(l MB.0- l forsa!e,on Ihg monthly EDWARDS as Luna". Bnnltihn-re Iv!- lnuisl, Division No. 5` SI 6` n.uo G 14AlltD- Booksellers, &o., Baxrie. jjj-----. 15 ly U `II I 01170 0 '10 A -')l\ -- -. -~.. . ` ':ap3n :0` (,'m. I10,-'0-zen "i`!s .. u!` i, -mm l;v.`svx-mu rc"L: , . Ill.` 5.! 5.) l`i!l# 5:-xiii 267-1 1 all whnlr-u 1 THE &REA'] I'..I{. nine: 1HE GP.EA',l` ENGLISH REMEDY. I Join Moses Periodical Plus. --.-o---; , l_his' invaluable` medicine is unfailing in the icure olalllhoe paiufulnnd dangelous raeases to wine.) l ....A.-rm.-_c all excess and removes all obauuclxonn hefeznule consli'ulion is subject. 11. cur ol all lh'c;v`e-;'2VtIiVuV1'ful nnd dzaeases wine. the moderates all and a speedy female an and ( urc may be re led on. T0 MARRIED LADIES bjecl. _[_ ------. The undersigned begs to infbrm all parties who" may negd such work, that he has always on 1 hand o.large`aupply of . DT ACIFHTIH nun -n;-.-.~' . ,___.._- V- ;.4.nI.IurJ 8 _ WATER LIME, _ And alio ofhia Improved Patent ST EPIPE BLOCKS! Which 0 will sell at the lowest rates for 0331`: Wu; C. IIACEY, . Bayeld Sh, Barrie, ` ` - , Near the Foundry July 31,.1 7s. V 13.1, \lIlUIoUll, . . Bradford, . Asnmrt, active lad, about 15 or H`: years of age, to serve customers and make himself generally useful. . . Apply to l.' . . The East-lialfv of Lot No. 15, in the 9th (`On- cession of Essa, 109 acres; 75 acres and upwards are cleared bud under cultivation. There is :1 good Lot House, Log Barn, two Stables and Sheds, u. so a good Orchard, Well, and good Spring Creek. There is a quantity of 'edn.r and Hardwood on the lot. This is at good wheat farm. Terms reasonable. For particulars, &c., apply to . DAVID COllBETT, A Thornton P.(). Essa, June 2nd, 1875. 22-4in. Bb.rrie,ApriI10, 1375, 19 ' A ._._.___.._...__._______... Oro, 3l'st May, 1875. E':zrul'_i/.?ower, ls arly Cabbagp, Tomato, f`L , , , T% a11,T Monday. t.lie141hofJune, 1875, O m. ......- ..v._..._... . `_ 3-2.t;f. 2nd, lnqnnca EERMINAT5 10 pm`- 1ring the 17TH A Y) I Notice is 'eby given, that those lg the High Schoo I 'I A' AVIZJUIIIIJ IUI 4.u.vuuu5nu . . . . . - nus Total votes rejected, 20; votes tendered and not received, 7;'spoi1ed ballots, 6. (JOURT 0"i3`5`i}"i`V1s10N w scibn HOUSE, :\\I\IY`\'flY\'l` In ' 0:7'PUBLI(} " LLLIJAI (/11 L, HVULIE u L/.144. uu lu J\} L -415`, for 1st Class Candidates. V \ ('mu1idatus1m1st notify the llmk-x'.,ig11c-d of ` their intention to present thcm.~s:l'.'cs for em ` minntinn not later than 23ml J L .`I la`, an-1 alsn ` forwu11't_he usual tustiuxouials as tn nmral ` chargr ` ,4 o A \\'\[ muvu l Notice is hereby. giving, that the First Sit- ting of the I-r\'r?r\rn (\'r.\ 11-r`n11-rm-rrxuw E.7FIA2z21ib-i}.;(;2`i;::; of 02-0, \\ i`l1 Ln I..I.] -4 LI... Ncm 1w1:2rLMtAi`e.zii'e11ttz.V' 1 ~ 1 V q\/ \./ \.r\/\/-.r\.r\/\/-./\/ W ANTED. T I-__.A. 1: ....'l1`. Ivan: `)`\I -'--- 7* - _ .\'Iust present t r cx.'1mi1m.tion at Hm HIGH SCH L B'L'lLDII\'(}. rm Mo$r"i>Z'iZ 3132?? .'/' 5'1`??? T.7`i".-?J `)5 .' }v1., ., 11]-; , V , V , . `.:n'1'ie', May 27th, 1875. nemn wmch have chieyksubr. "Gd, anii` hence even in those districts '4 J-1.g...'.`.'4.L..`.l.'....-L- L ___- IFRIDAXWN .18NUNE ! I llUllU Schd_ol Teacher"s Certicates ...ZH L. K. IIIIUVI IIUSHUDCVL 3 765 vino`:--vwt-r For 1875, for the County of Simcoc, will be held in the --~4---- 4~----- v--_:.--- V A Ila:-any adv-A..v\r-u. --vw-v._, 1s.u Cu.\1.\11-:.\f(:I.\'r: ox MONDA Y, mm JULY, at 1.-301, .M., I`..- -')..,J l'7l{.,u- I7...,.,-7.'Jnhs. i m LLAGE 0UsIII U.LlJLVlJlL I. lslolh J U141, uro L.v\.' .1. .u.L., for 2nd Class Candidates. TUESDA Y, 20th. JULY, at `J A 11].. ` for 3rd Class (, andidates. and on \ I|/!f1.\7I`lAV 01241. TIT V n! 1.`lI| D 7|/I u a large supply on PLAs3R 01+` PA RI-S I 1I7A"lVDn r In 31,; l'i3. ..---:_..__j__.. The Annual Exauuzttinu of Camlidates fur . Pub_1ic .. . noun 1-: .-(U ._ IIJQJ II!) V \I the electors. . ~ FREE: -15 EANTINGL 53 - __ Best sorts 1:1___A]V (`I `I'll! C.L),URT Uh` REVISIUI ust present. me n` I01` t:.\:J.lu1u:u.1uu the HIGH B['lLl)lI\'(}, -------- ---7 - -u-on- ya 3.! . `O BUILDERS ! lP.M .15 OR SALE. T l;UN ANIXLOCKSM I1`H'S_ SHOP. gnship of Tuy. 3l.~)t .\la.y-, I375. KARRIE 1119.11 SCHOOL.` I'l]UI' 2r{u| 1 -null irxomf Essa, Division No. 0 ' I K C S To No;-`mugs Sherers. 1' nun l1nrnan\x'n .Q :w1.35n and 7011!!) An a4]j()11l`l](e(1 meeting of thuz .-.-- -`.- -uO1ID9cr~a _ .1 Can be had at my Garden. I It`: AT TE.\' o vm<-K A..\t. 1.*I1.\r\:. n ... -..- L-3&5` `Will-5 t the hour of ten :1.n1. By ordcy. (`W \\' 1 I .I J \Vi1l be held at the WM. 1:m's, V ' Secretary, B03111 of l'I(:l!:liI1cl`s ;`;E:;ni:;;;`;;;';sm, '[`nwI|.uhiI\ (`In Apply to_ 1? I ......,, Cucumber, ' and Mellon ' .Plants, 1d my 19 J.` LESLIE. Rnrr n $75. Alliston, RI-ad fm-(I 7 -n.\-. I:o.<.~, 'l`uwu.~`11ip ('l\`l'k, L \I ._.. I_\`-, .2.) yuu 1:. K[.\'(:',- Baker. iNE1"8h, \ u J U uuur F4, Townslup Clerk. `3'].9in IJI I9|_ Barnc. 1..x., l .\Iastu1'. L 00 I6` uuuury 13-1] 22.311: .-gu 01 uanaman 1 0licy-Holders only. Allapplications for Insurance, aith per.-. ~ ganally 0; letter; will be promptly atugalccl, I 13% nuey couxu HUI. put-ns1u1_y u.u.nLu. The following are the gures furnished to us by the Returning 0icer:-- -~< -J vuv IIGEIIFCII. 5. Grape in - payment of prenniunm of from on_e.to.,sIx months, determined If the age of the-Policy. .- 0 6. All-the merits "of plain Life Insumnceg. Endowment and Investment combined igou Deposif of $100,000 at Ottawa for the bene- t 01 Canadian Policy-Holders `- `_ Allapplications for Immrnnns-_ nlflua. mm, _- ALLL4 umoronmu mu fuisumcn co., 1-`... _._- `--' -' U 1uL\.U1!'.l.'U_, I i=mAian"i'. swan] /Vnnrn 1: `A11 , ,, _ _----vu-:4 V\.'JllIJ'IV 1, Horses and Cattl Insured against Death, '-Fire, Disease, or Accident, at` greatly reduced rates. ALSO AGENT FOR THE |1s75.% ESSA . .1875;-| m paper; 1;) cents, 1n bu:u'd NEW Yr..u:';~' EV!-7. A Cantata in Th: rep:-c.s;-ntin-g,tl1'c Four Seasons. N0 4 Scener ' required, except for Tablcm ducml behmd tho mam Scene. Price, in Lmper; 75 cents in bon.rd:s. 1;-\"_. T", Rm . n nu u . 1MI:hI etcrs, Broadway N. Y _ P.0. Box 5-499, A.\' How: IN F.ux\' L.\.\'u. A Cantata in one Act. No change of Scenery rcqzzircxl, except forTab.2m1x introduced helximl the main Scene. Price, 60 cents, in paper; 7.7 cents, in1_)oards. MAUD IR\'L\'; ox, rm: Lrrru: Um'u.\.\'. An '.)peretta in five Acts, for children's use. Dram- atic, Singing, anal T:}blean.\'. Price. 60 cents, in paper; 75 ccuts, in bu.'n'ds. V . Three Parts, 1`,`31n'*3-3L'1nting.tl1i: Seasons. \'n l"ICIII1Ils ,.: g1ulIU|, :u uuuus In l)0n.r(|3. A`(`I.I.\'l-1, THE BI-11.1.1-:01-' S.u:u'0r:.\. An Ope- retta. for adults, :11 two Acts. Suitable for Parlor or Stage. No Scenery required. :32, In boards. ruuxvvw.-. mu-.--__ _, 7 Price, ` Toasorontio, ` (C no eseasy with which the lesser 2 lights of the Ministerial party have ' ; hailed the accession ofMr. Blake to the . Cabinet is very attering, no doubt, to , that gentleman. but it can hardly be so . considered as regards his fellow ministers. Weak indeed must a Government be ~~ which can be so vastly strengthened. by the acquisition of a manlike Mr. Blake, ~ whose qualities as a . statesman as yet are ' bnly to be found in the imagination of ` his friends, and who by the very step " which he has just taken has shown eithefgrm` vacillation of purpose, or :1 desire for place hardly consistent with the very lofty ambition for which. he has hitherto had such extensive credit. Mr. Blake's former position of independence was, no doubt, very embarrassing to Mr. Mackenzie, and the Grit party gen- ~_I`liii y, but it was at least consistent with 'his own former pretensions. No won- ider then that the Grits proper are de- lighted at nding an element of `danger converted into one of usefulness; but we must wait for further developments_be-e_ tore we can sympathise with them in -the extravagance of their joy. It has ....a. 4.. Ln unnn urhnnnr Hip I-.rm\h1l'P. _ nu uualun. C( >1 1Es `SENT, szrsmw aannml A Mress , I n -r A u;llcui.1`o11 of f:1vo:'itc .\'m lnstrumcnLa.l (guitar Music, .~"ri-:\\'.u:'r, KINKLE, and othc Price, 50, neatly bound i lnmuu E! I OPBRBTTAS and "CANTA, I` AS For the aluovc Mills. ` l`....n4 'J'lnc-T\'i11gin;_;-(,'l:nss l)cp.1rtn1e11t is \`cl'_\` runn- pleto, and thv I,m1.~'ic is of a butter (mlvr tl.:u1 is usually found 111 wcl-rks of thi class. 1'1:u:+:, $1 F..\ul: -5'1! l'EI:m)'/.1-2.\`. [ MEf 3 f5_{r"5`IfirtEAR These Mills were estuhIi.l1ed in 1867, and I'1m`e been doing :1 cuustzmtly i11c1'c.asi1x;_( busi- lcss frnm that time. The .\Iacl1incr_y is all 10W; and by elnpluyihg nnly first-class hzunls `re isin :1 position to turn nut guual we-rk, at low rates and 1.-xpcditiously. THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1875. ALI. WGBK The Iargesf and only cmuplx-to I Book for this f:n'm1ritc lnstnuncnt. .10, lngzilegl, p:.st-paid. rm: AmAT2_m1LGU1TA{R1sT l '\ 'ill be In-oiuglit in the .\lill once in week and returned free of extra (:llal'gu. This will be 3. great .'u1\'a.ntagc to parties living at a. ullstaxlce. Pulling, |f1\li3ii6A,LL;G`%%%asa I Roll F C . I (" bu G.EO`[{{: ac U pm P4. WI UOIUHL Uitia ;\ new class-book for fenmlv voices. ;V0t7zin.g/11/t_Lm'(l Oil mm] on \ Custom H7201. Majority for Mcadougall. Fat.` .04... ....:....L...l on. "A6 -; rnBm+{[ .40 -.\'ic}mlStou, .\I:l;\' I3, The ululeigaigned has made arrangements with Alihh 1' FOR THE BEAVER AND 'ro11o1srro- `IE! Ann: 3 g--~. _---- souoof E_3i:Hi`:7|ous. __._ ..---- _-u I =.':~ V I III INSURANCE COIPIPANY, ~..... .._,1 r1 . nu max )f cost; lnnu- . HOLLAND S COMPREHENSIVE |7!\`!] l'\'l\ L`- _. A 1- IN CO-as ..v...,.. ....u.;u.- mmgs, \.n0ruses, and cntal by }I.\\'.~', D.\.\'K.\', r, other favorite authors. 2.50, in boards. ' Total . NEVVYORK. qt ` \ f l N LFB88, O. T. BROWN, A ' Box229 Barrie P. O. .~ll' IT.-\ IILE FUR . 1 0ST-PAID, ON RI-Z(,`1'Ill"l` OF PRICE. 1'0 Am` As ' -\Il '\\'o..l h:ft at his l'anner)j for run, 1 -1'.-U or PRICE. `I. . , Divmon I I` (`1ot.h Dressing- l`. 3'5! : Songs, Choruses; and Rio. In. H .1 \x H - \----- muplm-to Instruction z.~'.tt-nnnnuf I -3 -- .0) Spilg m Au 1 nun` l'l'|3S, s. chzmge of '1`a.blcaux nutm- 60 cents, RAN?ED. -20-tf V - tie by John W F-.::|..'1. * . o. and Wd1 IF K__id_d. Wane: _ package. E In III ' ' ``GENUINE' , No.1, No 2,." and "No3,f are unsurpaased for bodysml shade. Packages contain tull 0*` The public are warned that certain are 1 libs. short in every no-cull!` VV I1 I Enmine ch ' d an! do not '_i'shil.'If0li0rpIJ n,.. The nsri! ~ In-. ' 5; 'A yachts. sure nouns Inn: 1 tu-nu hour or season. A person :Ll\\'.'t_\'S-" chc premises, to aid in the man! J. CALREV, pnor B0./9'!` nnlmn`. p'nn'I` 01-` MJ 3. mm 80.91` HOUSE, F001` or MRI SQLVENT ALT W ,8- M 39. 1` T`/' I"./5H; lS' [;R% sialwrzfs, lacing, Skill`-o. I'unu, cw Order at R1.`.'lS0ll:LHC Rate ;nu1 :-4 Notice. Ours of \':u`iou.~` 1-:Ith f'*': and made to order. .\klll's`,l`l||1'm:' .~...... I)4...o.. .....u r....ln.-..nh-" sure Boats and \'zu-Ina u l 151111 XHIHIU C0 UTHCF. P IIIIIS, I C hnnv nr mmuiun .\ vuuxxnll :|l\\'.'l\ :31-lt lnu run x Rp[)ro\'cd prim-21-1c.~'. Irn`..I.4.. umul Mr. Carley will lmw x'c;ul_\' fur 35 S9330: 3 number of new \':u-ht=`. ` Parties W`is])i|]g_tn 1nurch:1.~u~ 1-!` N5` Season should take ml\'aI1t.'igc of 3 -` portunity to supply tin-1115:-Ixrs. "II'IlY1 1 ulllzl I s |.nlf.\I2 IJOH TET7 RQQ BOAT BUILD . FOOT MARKET .\"I'lH-IPJT. HARFV -Unu-thn three and six muuch.-. good endorsed notes. Gore Lot Lenore-1. B. on \ erected at large Smhnnd I-`actory, also i.m~ I6 17 20. and 2!, South of Ilngtun .- (root. and L 15. East of 'l`l:o1u|)90' Street. A C. THOMSON S B TOWN OF 13.-~.R1m-:,1.\'f COUNTY O! . Tuesday, the day (H 1875. 4 PUBLIC A AT .\|\ POLICE!) All the estate, Tight. of l`(:tlUlHptiUll of th: myself am Aasiglltt` to all mul sillgnln ccls nf Lzunl :m lying, and hen: l'.rn-I-in ,-n'.n.. .________._, . Nc._1GROUND WHITE` LEA. u n mxvrnllu vvAv\|lll|a My 3u[:1u_, uunu.~\....~. l RA! ING HIM-.'l.Ls I-nilt 0` ..l.-4 .nnn.v..I um` .. '1llJIU\ Cu in INCA llu.-`. Yachts, suura. Puma, W )nIm- nf. Ha-ncnln-:}x]o' Harm _. In said T(w.`| '$E1:.\1.<;...one-um-.1 Hn-no and 3:0 .......pI.. . Barrio, May l`.`th, 157 Further pm`t1'cul21r.~' mu to At the h0uI'uf H u `HE B( )L\'l;l NU H1-I.\.\`I LV. Insol out/Notion` mm m: `.|\}'..l I] W` [HEL- CHM ()1 ( K Branch .- great in . general]; H1) 47 R `R 1 U them. 1 29 .,., ._:.muvx: `Sm-ra I8 (`X [1 Hill nu. w/4 `)0 371 vuu1u.IUu. 36389 n 8`gC1y;VW8 h8.V8 . been too muc_h:imde1= Temperance Lea- guers who don .t kn0w.what..'l emp e_i-ano i3.al1dVCh1'ist:iah`_A_ssooiationis_tswho sult [ Christianity .:by; their hqllqwneps and; stupidity, It is timoVt,lge:.1;o_gop!`e f9f-Lialxisl j foivn .woke .up16oJa'I 'odndoion'sgosq.of_, ,; one. nn2t..nf-1'+.- in -.a;.;;... ..m' +.h3...n;"* ._...._..____ Wthisvoountryg particularly in the`Sou`th__ ` Riding, and some very indi1_l`e'mnt ones, 5 but on the whole, it looks tolembly I well. The spring crops, in spite of the late season, have been well got in and ; lnoks very promising, while the meadows I are better than they have been for years. Taking all things together the prospects for next harvest are exceedingly good, Woihfenaeen. Jame. A .. van) -uuu, uul` guuurzu uusmess 18 1.105 just now in such a healthy condition that we can turn up `our noses and say to , Ramsay or any body else that he can go if he Wants to-we don't care. are has been a great deal of sham and spuri- ousness about affairs in this,town_!o.r two ; years and more; we . hove ,hsd too -much A morality and .-little `of T every day common and .s_'ga.city;._.weyh'a ve ; W I'I\II`lI`.I'l-Ilillnn Tnnxnnnhnn Ti... - j__ 1; CmmcnmLL`-0n Saturday; the lfzth 3 . I mst., there will be an` excursion _on L...-....l Ll... T.-..J.. ..l ol.- 7-11-.` 4- ,,,, 13,11 ..--._ ---- v_-._O- ..v`-by vs vuuLvuuA4.A. KEENANSVlLLE.---The Adjalapoupcil have offered a reward of $500 for the apprehension and conviction of the per- 5011 or persons who may have started one or both of the late res by which the buildings of Mr. Small, of Ballycroy, were consumed. IxmsmL.-We are sorry to learn that an Friday night last, Mrs. Ross, wife of Alex. Ross, Esq., of Innisl, slipped and ` fell over her own doorstep, and in so do- ing broke her leg. . The unfortunate lady is 80 years of age, and very eshy and heavy. Dr. Land, of Churchhill, f was promptky inattendance, and under ` his skillful treatment, and the careful mu-sing of her daughter, she is ` doing well. uxum., uuoxc vvul. ms nu. excursmn _on board the Lady of the Lake, from Bell Ewart round the Lake, in connection with the Orange Lpdge of Churchhill. ` 'lf....u..~m-nu... "IVL- A ,L-,: n 1 COLL GWO0D.-0n Saturday morning list a _ious accident occurred on the Northern Railway in this town, causing the smashing of three freight cars, the" turning over of others, and the tearing up of a, portion of the track. "The ac- cident was caused by the through freight Lrain-a train which leaves Toronto about ten o'clock at night, reaching this place ahout._fonr in the morning. - When nearing this station it is customary. for the conductor on this train to make what is known as" a running switch, cut xing off thevengine from the cars, a couple ufmiles outside ofthe yard, the engine darting ahead, and leavingthe train to follow more slowly on to one of the sid- ings. The usual course wasadopted the morning in question, the brakesnmn who ..-ut oil the cars, jumping on the engine l.l'l(l leaving the other men to look after :he train. They appear, however, to have been asleep, and did not notice the engine being detached, and consequently put no check on the cars, and the whole train, which is generally aheavy one, run into the yard with fearful speed, and taking the samettrackwhich the engine had been placed on, ran into it, driving it ahead a considerable distance, breaking the tender, and, as already stated, smash- ing up three box cars and doing other lam-age. Fortunately no lives.wcre lost. l`he dehris was all removed and the track repaired in time to allow the accommoda- tion train to -pass down.--Enterprise. :\ n-I I . .1 run- .,,_-_., ,_...., ....,. 0mLLI,\._--We are informed that Mr. William Ramsay has nally decidid upon removing his establishment to Barrie. This is sincerely to be regretted. for many reasons. The immediate loss will be very great, but what it may re- sult in indirectly it is impossible to con- jecture. N 0 town situated as ours can afford to View with indifference such a step as this. It is not only the loss of a large manufacturing industry, but there ' is also the injury to our reputation caused by the removal of a business-that was established here years ago, that`_grew up with the town although not by it, and that is now taken away to swell the wealth and enterprise of a rival for want of proper support and encouragement on the part of our own people. . It sounds very badly, and the effect we fear will be still worse. The immediate result will be the loss of an industry`? that gave em.- ployment the year round to forty inen, iv and of a weekly expenditure in:oui=,_ midst of at least three hundred do} 01' the present number fteen are ried, andthe move meansa direet loisllsito ; our population of at least one hundred ` souls`. Orillia cannot afford ' any losses of this kind; our general b ' '18;-_nOb. inst nnw in mm}. o Imnltl... .......::i:..... n..:; : The body of the missing coloured man, I Eli Blakewell, who dismppearecl sudden- ly about three weeks ago, was found oating ih the harbour on Monday lust by some shermen.` He is supposed to have drowned himself whilst in a t of temporary insanity. -r\ -- .4 `U18 extravagance un uucu Ju_y. All nag yet to be seen whether the creature they have caught and put into. harness `will be docile in the traces. If he kicks or baulks, as he has done` before, he will do more harm than good. Besides his power of drawing the Govemment cart is not so clearly established as to justify -. -----.......Lu (1.... frlnntln luul l1nf.f.Ar not n _ u J . _ I P.u.\'swioKe.-Mauy affirm that farm I life is exceedingly monotonous and slav- ish. \Ve, however, were never so for- cibly convinced that farming, on a good farm of onc s own, was, on the whole, the most independent, protable and plea- sant of occupations, than during areceut visit to VVI11. Hunte1"s Esq., lst Deputy Reeve of I nnisl. The farm, which has only been cleared a few years, is in ex- cellent order,having onit a good dwell- ing house, (lair ,two barns,ontbuildings, good fences, and every other conveni- ence, besides being well stocked, and having a thriving young orchard of choice fruit. Tiiereis, under such con ditions, an exemption from that cm-king care that we look for in vain in any other occupation. Besides, we do not know of any advantage, either literary or otherwise, but such an one can en- joy, if as is the case with Mr. Hunter, they have it taste or appreciation for such things.` Therefore, A little Farm well tilled, say we. A ` ,\ vuv . ,. . . __ . I " ' I On Friday lost `the steamer Chicom, with 700 passengers and a large quantity of freight, returned to Collingwobd, seri- nisl y (launaged by her prolonged enforced stay in the ice in the Georgian Bay, in the unsuccessful endeavour to reach Fort William. The Frances Smith 3l3H.l'l} -Ll o' on Suturtlay with the Chicom s lO:u.l, passengers and all. \Ve,m'e also informed that so encumherell is the Bit, with ice that a vessel belonging to C. Thomson, Esq , of this town, was thiee hours running :1 distance of ten miles, on the way to Midland City, whilst so eold is the weather there yet, winter clothing is still worn. Business is still dull, as the shipping trade, on which Coiling- wood so largely llepencls, is being greatly injured hy the Messrs. B enty s line of steznners, wllich run from Sarnia to Fort William, and all the other places of call along the route. As it is evident that the Benty vessels, by connivzince of the Government, get the cream of the trade, Cgllingwooll is justly indignant thereat. 'f],(__., 11;g[,{; gide of the "picture is that a great (Teal of huiifllflg 1.3 E0illg .071 which speaks well for the enterp1'i8 and energy of both its monied and business men, ` ' COUNTY NEWS! `V rt . V? .VVllUUlll_ul*u '5 1t;1s_ domg u__1dA thee )`iI'l("V_ nu '- Whzyt is sauce for the goose does not` 3 always, suit the palate of the gander. 1 Speaking on this subject the English 5 Uhurchmzm says:--`It` is stated on good F P D 9 autlnority, that Cardinal Manning has intimated to the Roman Catholic Bishopp: '~ of `Germany that their opposition to the? _Ger1_nan Government has the approval` of the Roman Catholic hierarchy of this ' country; and we obsepyg . that in can ']`answer to an address "presented on 3 Saturday afternoon last by the Catholic ' inggpbem of the House -of Commons, repreaent' 7 Irish oonstituenciee, this \ Roman Cmoiic -Gardigul is _reported to , halve skid that hi$;.T'b1i;(i.waq- bhatif , ' -the 91zrm$h...l$mPif.1' .rtr.a1'its: ii i 1 "hi t =2 _* -E * -* t::ih1e`1{;v,l `J f"th"5__Uli1i3`f ."`?%`9'_ A ' `~ 5 ~.-vs-.V -.2-,4.-v-*:s,.. W L:.9%: `*9*9'; ; . *ives:`.;ve' got` the champia1elte,eps11ag_ , here, and odrdutyv to `ourselves . compels vus tocall upon Chicago. to stand back and let us come to the front. Besides- the Champion Speller, we have the Champion` Lacrosse Club.. The Cham- pion Jumper, the Cha.mpion- Runner, the Champion Shot; the Champion Quoit Pitcher, and there are several other things in which we excel though we only alludet.) them in a "modest way, and don t waht` to sling on style to any extent in regard to them. We leave wlgar bra,gg?ng and all that to small places like Barrie and Hawkatown, as our friend the editor of the Times would __ ,_ .13,__.-__.a_-_ ...._,. .-m....,..........., Mr. Chas. Skene visiting Indian Superintendent reports as follows of the Chippewas of Rama :-'llhe census of this Band shows an increase of two since last year. There have been thirteen births, nine deaths, three emigrations, and one expelled for immoral conduct. They have one school, taught by afemale teacher; also :1 resident Missionary, who is supported bythe VVes1eyan-Missionary Society. This Band has not made as much progressuin civilization as it ought to have done. Intemperance is the besetting sin of these Indians, as well as of so many others, and is the prolic source of idleness and prhiarvncy. It is hoped however, that a change has taken` place. f Some of them, of late, have be come self-respecting, and good members of society. Some of the members of this Bend are good. farmers, and support their families respectfulh; others devote the greater portion of. their time to hunting, and during the last season have realized between 0 $2,000 and $3,000 thereby. ' '7 Some bun-glam effected an entrance into Mr. Booth s store on Saturday night. last, and carried away goods to the amount of about one hundred dollars. They got in by prying open the fasten- ings of a rear Window, and their booty consisted principally of gold rings and clmins, and meerschaum pipes. 1` .r1. -Lthexearestillagood muiy ham 313013;- " ~.hFVY 'i13:_ *9 PP0 seldom ifever The Monetary Times gives a short netiee of the general condition. of the fall wheat, and the writer says, that hav- ing examined the full wheat in several parts of the country since the warm weather came in he has been surprised by the great improvenient of its appear- ance which has teken place. To as late a period an the rst week of May, it lookedivery bad, and in some districts; more particularly; where the land is hilly, _. but in other locali ' " d gegerguy on. for bountiful crop. Itigthe`. 1 eld: "which have `ohie y_si1`er_. ` Lanna Anne. L. LL... 1': . . _ The latest Vclmmpion of the doctrine` 9f [reodom of [conscience is, strange to say, the newly 9.ppoiIyted Cardinal .Mu2_1ning.' , Gil'cun1stanc_eB suaugely alter cases azzghj wh t is vthe- googe hot-,; s sum unit. Hm nnlnnvnf` Hm mu-Him-. T` The conduct of llir. Briglit in _so far departing from" his original political role, _ .- -J -u:-V-4-): [as not only `to lmve held it cabinet office, _ but also to lure been the proposer of the Marquis of 11l:u'ti1_igton as leader of the Liberal pauty in the House 01 Cum- monslms been a good deal commented on by't.he English Press. A late paper says:-`Wlio` would have tliouglit ten years ago that Mr. Bright would ever live to become the patron of marquises? In 1865 he was the $1`;-v,l)_u_i1._e of the people; yet we; liave seen l.|ll1l'l.I}_l875V propose the Marquis of H-.u-tington. as the Liberal leader, and boil: was who introduced the newly elected Marquis "of Taviatock to the Speaker. The ducal houses of Devoushire and ~_Bedford con-; sent to be patronized by the ARocl1dale mamzfwcturei-.nnd- the Democratic Quake: becomes sponsor for young lords. 1 n.i n .- .. nu I Last Saturday the vote to grant twelve 'thous{1nd ve hmndred_dolla.rs as a. bonus, by the ratepayers of the Iownship oi Mara, to the Midland Railway, was taken, and resulted in a majority of 54 for the bonus. A `TA Bill to amend the law relating to ixifaiiticide has been introduced into the lmpeifial Parliament. Its principal cla_\1s provides:--That where "`tl1(- mother of any child shall unlziwfully and maliciously woumlor inflict may grievions bodily harm-upon such Clllltl during or ilIll1l6Lll1.tCl_V after its birth, and thereby cause its deatli, she Shall be guilty Qf felony, and be liable, at the discretion of the` Court, to be kept in penal servitude foitany term not exceed- ing ten years, or to be (imprisoned for any term not excebding two years wish or without hard labour. Mr. E. S. Mceking will sell by -public auction at the Ru=sell House, Orillia, on Tuesday, the 15th inst., the steamer known as the Ida Burton. For pmticnlars see" posters. This relaxation of theilaw is supported on the gt-Ou'ud that juries will not con.- Nict for infunticide on" account o the death penalty ggow imposed, and that; in. conseqhence the crime_ is largely on the i11crea.s0. It is hoped that by inicting 3. higher penalty according to the nature of the o`eno,' it _will not so ofteri escape 'p'unislm1ent as is the case under the ex- isting law. A A1 A I. I O ,,, Among other measures of sanitary re- form int1'o,d}1f:ec_l by theiprescnt Govern- ment is one to prevent the pollution (f rivers, brought in by Lord Sa.lisbury: Speaking of the necessity for this measure the-London Globe says:--Thos'e of us who remenlber the effluvia from the Thames some twenty years ago may he startled to heartlmt into other streams are daily poured no1_(_ious'und pestiferous refuse which exhale a stench ten times more intense, and that from certain dis- tilleries there is sent forth a description ` of waste chemically found to be thirty- six times ns pungent and offensive as London sewage. Sometimes :1 river does not seem to be mug]; the worse for taking into its current the outpour from 21 particular factor `; but when another kind of trade is started on the opposite bank, its drainage, initigling with the former, bxeeds a poison and u stink ul~ most insupportable. One .well-known stream is described as be_ ng `yellow as ochre and thick as gluc;' another ill- used river `frequently resembles ordin- nry ink ; a third is stated to be often so. full of inammable. gases that when tried with a torch the `aux-face has been seen to burn. Altogether the state of our rivers has, come at length to be re-g:1rLle,l as a national disgrace. ) r 1 n 1'.` `n-II . 1 .1 SaliBl)l lL;_;Vh|IV3 iVll takes thenlcontrol of these matters out of the hands of the municipal authorities which have been found either. unwilling or incompetent to deal wjth them, and places them under the control of the `County Court Judges who are presume-c_l to be independent: of all local interests or prejudices. Jm... ..-..,1...L -4` `.\.I'.. 1),: ,1 . - n GREAT ERITAIN. .,,,,.. .._. A ,~g.maun:,_ pteparabory to re- u";q'w ' ppxpmodgous quarters, w'here the:vu dAl have `laocording to i their strength. Now is fine` time -to geguz-9 ood * ' guns, as the'firm to rem\ov9_ a_ xttle : oft eirjstock-&sp08Bi1`>`le,Lnd thereffe offer 1 ,3;-g; iniduce_n_1ents _to buy 9f,.them; rgimember . `dab t_l'1Ae'!aI_<:t;".1:lh1' t_ it `in not old ont~of-date I go`qdsl:l_1y`are-a3hn_ i-Ib'I:taA,1)_ran new swclg 4 .ot;thp`:1nbst_faI_lqI_Ia lo-of Dry Goods, etc. :1 18 I105 80 Olufly cbbuulmxnuu an uu JuI:\u1J a warranty. Our friends had better not be too sanguine until they have had 2: trial; unless, indeed there is a secret de- sire that their much lauded bargain may really turn cut to be. failure, and there fore harmless for the future. ,, .I,_ __-,...a.:...... .5 :1: an.-nuninnr tn . - / . ~.,, . . , dmns , preparatory `to 956'-nm'3i5 lmrterui, where '1 but `A - 2 - ntmnnm Nu: offal- 3 t5 the`! L R_.EM0VVr'ING.-:-(`Wev observe that Messrs 32.`..E ;`.`..&s` `Z..E;:`:.E2ussa uroymg queue pcsusvnnay be (uscovered before ny senotdamkge is; dong a. remed that- `:v1}i}g{_:g : _ _' , __ the nu1s,a.nce will got, at the samtlme, llire. the trees and bushes uected. . :=.n -' - A v owes the position of Cardinal to his championship of Ultramontanism; with- out it, he would not have occupied a. hi`g`er place than Dr. Newman,_ who, one I*]\nnInrr:nn ant] nnnI>.nrurAI'n;n":f. {S1 `JIDUU uuuu Ill . L`UWll.l(lll,_ whey, as a `theologian and oontroversialist, is the Cardinal's superior. It would be amusing, but for the e'ect of reiteration `on the `public mind, to note the con- dence with which Cardinal Manning talks ; of freedom of conscience. The Old Catholics accept the-doctrines of the| Roman Catholic Church as these were : taught tothem by that Church before 1867-70; for this they are denounced, nr;'1 not-J:nn` 1ufnnn:nn a nnnnnn M on I \JV I `C V `VI V1115` Illlcy CHIC \IWll\lIIllI4I.'clJ, with Cardinal _Manning s sanction, `as heretir:s.. 'The Roman- Catholic Bishop of Salfcrd ex-communicated Mr. Petrefor the same reason; Hos Cardinal Man-' ning never heard of Father O Kee'e, the parish priest Cullen`? VV11at freedom of conscience has been allowed to him, under the authority of Cardixml Cullen? . 'PI-unun urlxn AVA!` Huh-ulr l\ Han nlnuvinna |alLl\.|UI ll-IC GLIUIIUILUJ U1 K/U.l'uu.l.l`H UUIJUHI Those who ever think of the glorious actions of British Seamen. in the great War, will readwith interest the follow- ing notice of the last survivor of T _the battle of 'Camperdown:--Tlieg `Navy List for April contains the intelligence of the death of Commander `Robert T1-otter, Royal N avy. the. oldest officer in the British navy. He entered the navyas far back as October, ' 1789, as an otlicei- s boy on board the Edgar, 7 4, . and after two years service at Ports- mouth was appointed to a. commission as midshipman. In the Adamant he was present in the famous victory over the Dutch eet, under the brave Admiral de Winter, o` Camperdown, 11th of October, 1797, when the Dutch Admiral was taken prisoner, and surrendered his sword to Admiral Duncan. Mr. Trotter s name occurs in the despatches published in the London Gazette of 1798, as being present on shore, and praised by his senior oicer, for the manner in which he assisted at the successful defence of the Island of St. Harcouf,` when attacked in May, .1798, by a considerable division of the French otilla. He was promoted lieutenant 15th November, 1799, and served next -in the \Vest Indies and in the North um. I _ 1 on; T - uuun: uuu tum; mcir wants have been nttcmleel to,-as there is ne:u'ly an enalless varictyof very excellent goods at prices to suit the most limited means. Indeed Mr. `Strong professes to keep. all that can possibly be l`.'l_`L1lX`C(l by any one` in the lines above, niune1l;froin the cliezipcst of Priutsaml Muslins to the costliest of ' Silks, Satius, /Broadcloth, &~(-., (to. We have visited the store and find it a. umrvcl of display. The Show Room is one of the lian(1- somest we have ever seen; and one glance at the rich display in the front wimlmvs, and all through the lqng, \\_'cI1-lighted store, cannot fail to convince the most scc%)tical- that all we- lmve said is the truth. In at (lition to all this Mr. Strong has engaged the services of tha- best cutters and ttcrsjto be had in '1`oront'o, so that nothing can surpass h1s Tailoring es- tablishmeut for exact fit and the latestetylc and make.- Then for fashionable Bonnets and, eneral Millinery, an expericncedlady. has Eeen.engnged,}1_sq that the most elegant of Bonnets and tastiest of Millinery, etc., etc, can there be obtained at cheap rates. In con- ' clnsion we would say that a visit to Mr. Strongs will prove the correctness of the fore- going remarks, -` . .u vnnu vv vou JALULU3 U.Llll lll. UIIU LVUIUH Sea In 1304 Lieutenant Trotter s name again occurs in oicial despatches for his gallant comluct when serving in the Albacore sloop, in an action with tive armed luggers oil` the French coat. Although exposed to a. gulling fire and within :1 few hundred yards of the coast, the Albacore maintained a discharge of round and grape.sl1ot until the vessels were driven on shore and abandoned by their crews. _ Lieutenant Trotter- s con- duct on Ihi- occasion was spoken of in terms of high approhzition. From 1807 to 1811 he had charge of a signal station at Jersey,` and he was. placed on the list of_ retired c_mnmande1-.5 in November, I 1841.? to have relegawu Due J.1u.uuuau \JAu.U 0|) its very useful `sphere of teaching the usages of polite society to the very res- pectable body of `young men who daily sit down to its very well appointed and very well managed manage. A ;A.__.____,,_.. \/ul`I'lE(_l'. Moved by ALD. BRO\\`.\`E, seconded by ALI). WIIIPPLE, that the following gentlemen be a committee tqtPI`C[)&1' :1 by-law for an uddi tionnl g1-auto $100,000 to the H. & N. W. R., \'iz.:--A]d. Waddell, kilvert, \Vhippl-, Mitchell, and the mover, his-Worship the .\Iayur cx-oirio. (.`1m'ied. ' Goxxe n`-Snzo.\'a.--In Barrie, for along time past, when any extra quality "of goods were needed, those requiring them inv:u'iab}_v bought such in Toronto, because, rightly or wrongly, it was suppqaed that our lnCl'43ilfll1tS dial not'keep them in stock, at least, in any quantity or variety. I Mr. Strong, know- ingyof this impression, tltcnnined to supply this expressed want, and has recently opened out, in McC_nrthy s new Brick Block, with 41` most tremendous stock of Dry Goods. \Vhcn we speukvof Dry Goods, we mean all that the wonlsrimply, such as Dress (loads, Milliuery`. tarpets, Clotlis,_ and the thousand and one dier 'n't articles which we have been in the habit of associating with the term. 'The richest nabobs amongst us have only to walk into Mr. Strong s store, and, they can there purchase, at Toronto prices, anything aiid everythingthey can possibly get`in or out of ~ that city`. The poorest amongst us will also there nd that their wants have nearlv emllaz: .-.m'..i.,..c..-__. Ata meeting of the City Council of Hamilton held on the `27th ult., Ald. Bn)wne,Cl1uirmau1 of Finance, introcluced among other subjects in his lie-port, the folfowiug in rcferenceto the Hamilton :u1lNo1-th-\Vestei-n I{-.1ilwuy:--- V I. That the Mayor be an ex-otcio l)i_rector. ' '2. That the hem] ollices and Board of Man- agement be located pet-ma.nently at Hamilton. That all wurkslwps, repair shops, construc- tion shop houses, freight-sheds, store-lmuses, elevators, and all other buildings necessary for cnrryinrr on milwa.y business, be establish. ed at Hamilton for all time to come. 3. Tlmt tlm nnnhnnani-s lm nu----1----`l - L .. \l| Iuxu uvuurla. -,_ I "Upon the motion for themloptiou of the report considerable discussion ensued. The report was withdrawn for the pre- sent. ` It was moved by ALD. \V.un';.'-11.1., seconded by ALD. FAIRURIEVE, that this Cnlmcil whilst favouring a. further scheme for assisting in thevbuildiug of the H. & N. \V. s.1il\\'ny, re- commend that a. committee he appointed to draft a. by-law providing fully for the security of this city, and submit the same for the con- sideration of this` Council at :1. special meeting thereof, to be called by his Worship the Mayor as soon as such by-law be drafted.- Carried. '|,I....;:.1 1... . .- r-_ H H.`-\MIL'I`0.-N AND NORTI1-\VE.`T- . / ERN RAHAVAY. xuztsuq. 4. That the Dirccturs again otfcr the build- ing and equip ing of the maul to public ten- der, showxng ally the resources of the Conl- pany, and glvinu one month for temleriug, znnl further, that me Mayor be present at the opening of the tenders. '1T.. A. 1 ` ` . cu an nzununon tor an tune to 3. That the equipments be purclm.sqd, not leased. A '1`L..LLl._ tx-, : - --* ~ ` " ` . ....vvJ xu vuu `suit most I`. ly be `required bv . tlfe Hus: +..+1... ..,.`.u:M -v%~ Men of all parties will not be sorry that by the withdraxval of the election petitions for East and West Simcoe, we are to be spared any further `political combats until the time arrives, in it con, stitutionnl way,1or the electors to ex- i press their opinion on the conduct of V their representatives, and on the state of public affairs generally. \Ve hope also that the contests we have gone through .-will teach all, irrespective of party, the.` nothing is to be gained by "resorting to those practices which have been so hrgely indulged in for many years ' past. _ Time was in the County of Sirucoc when almost any freeholder, on either side, would have resented as an insult an at- tempt to approach him with improper solicitavions; and even the legal hire of their teams would, by most farmers, have been felt as degrading to their pri- vileges as free and independent electors. `Wis trust that now this sort oil feeling may again prevail, and that the next man elected for any part of this County may be the free and unbiassedl choice of 1 Ian nlnnfnrn A --_ --\a .1], Consumption is not mcura .ts`i1o`t.- All that is required is the pro in` eoct a permauen_t cure. "D1. e s Great Jglrhrtqhinl Remeiy is met Bu coming th e popular medtcin .: _for all cections of `thy chest and lungs. j _, '}';'i1_[_8'm` je_n_t_;o39ump_lion vbronohitia althnra `#9 E53, (:9 d~J_, z[c., no o:her,mL-tltcrrte ev,er offered to`: `e public; po`ae_sses such ournuve properties. 1-Ls;-the atilicted trv it and prove its eichcy. For `Me by all drug,-gists. . . V -` r tnedtcme ble, Doctors an it -,_. _. ......-usul. .I |, LIL` 1 I'll`; is incurable, Do |As ~_hdl.- isiequired In permanent "D1. |j_'._.., L! I I` ` -.,`_-._ u.,_C'-oughs and Cold, left tathem . . f .f`g"~'. ~ `:53 -'_3f`-':'i: `- " - DZJ. 31.1 ntPs`o_V's pe_ can naPlllc.. lV f'q""uy ~ mug " p"h'nm"y mm" Iha `Ewe: EnglWn.]. cmedgr_for all rm-mu. debllily. laiixts which lead to-tluit (listressi -and W "M, U . . H H M b en ,0 gstsl disease. wnsumvtion: but if men (` t0 {1 :yrguuthalyts:g1ll?1g?:?:;1:`1?:'::; rcfugri nine to air f:x\'d!`-.-2gsn.n.m-rluhu cure for those in time, Br unfs Pulmoxiic Vvafers area, be said In th _ _ . ' srmptuxns nnsln-.: I:-um orrors of youth.` ' . ' ' ' ' IL! - 1 ' certam mm y` They stop the "-tatmg .rI.:!lsc'I'{ Hix|1p;r:nxr`was A `pupil and friend of the V8hv `md soothe and strengthen -the bum` ` late Dr. Willi/u '.\.[.-ncfy, of lmxxion, England,` we I :unhm-ity in the world on this sub- chial tubes, a.1laying.a11irritatiou's and ina- .)nostculc!u1yl(r`; 1 . H ( _ H ' ` '- ' ' I. ll`; an nor -4 now vw x ng !amu..1 am ra mt1n- 1119) 3" ls, P`rt`"]3y adapted ':;":v.':pnrc.1ltinl,;.i\-.- n-I\'i('.c free to r.I!, mu! rm-w'ard cir- f" the use Of Singers and Public speakers ` v'.n'!;n' me. if amt}:-:1 m--nc!r`.ress in;,r Dr. J. Bx.-II ' ' . Two. S`-Imps:-n A`-` (rm. I):-xx-.u:r 91 I`. 1)., llmnilton. 3 Sold by all druggmts and. country dealers. '; :01 :-ice 25 cents Per box. I lmvm W Pi`! 1!! nl.-u bu sent by until :0 any part mg L, 5v't'IH':]y `.\'.-'1:ppml frmu 0h~'cr\'ntinn, on . or .~`1 _I, Sp.-4:.`|l tr`-c-m.':v.-zxt if dz-sired. MM 2.. -Ly an to H mum-1.2, and who!..-- . :1 wimh--xxlu I)x`u,-:;_:!sm.'ml X;a1IL-nt Mudiclne . BIR HS. n -\YI\nnI 'l\.. #1.. Iub Cuu n `\'nr|n;4I`9 v nu: mums. 5: mg AGE ; 'Co'nsnmmio`n III nnl m........L|- n, . | --..---:---~-----~ BIR'I`IlS. ` SANDERS.--'0n the 13!: inst.,_a.t \Varleigh, ~ ' Stayner, the wife of E. B. SANDERs,.Es1;, I Reeve, of a daughter. . g | _]!lAl-llllAGES. BURTON--THOMSON. --.-it Ba.rrie,_ on, the 0...: innf. , nt the residence of the bmde 3 fa- : BURTON--'1'HUM5UiV.--.-117 name, on we 2nd inst., at the residence fa.- ther, by the Rev. M. I"ra.ser, J.uu~:s L. BURTON, Deputy Reeve, to FLORENCE, eldest daughter of A.` C. Tnomox, ESQ., Lumber Merchant, both of Barrie. V BAXTER--FOSTER.--At Collingwood, on the 27t_h, by the Rev. `Robt. Rogers, `Mr. J mm` BAXTER, of St. Vincent, to Miss Mm- u.u:E'1' FOSTER, second daughter of Mr. Wu.Lr.m Fos'1'I:`.R, 5th Concession, Vespra. i\I'.Il 'l"l.I' . lrnar-. u --n.`rl NEILL.-'On the. morning of the 1st Jfme, FLORE.\'c .'l-I .\I.u', infautdnughter ofJ. NEILL, I J1-., Peter-st., Tm-onto, aged 2 months 13 Jnvn I _ umanncm -'l I:_mos of best makers. nln Organ.=,-and the Canad Organs and Jenna In rnnl .....I r..- __ mg-ausanu lueludeons; Organ `JOOIIBIOIBIII, for sa!e,on payment system V W i We give below a complete return of the polling. at the election for South Simooe by which it will be seen that the `exact majority for `Mr. Macdougall is 2.79. The vote polled was a small one, In the first place, owing to the busy season among the farmers, many would not turn outon eitherside. Besides which, the Conservatives, feeling that there- turn of their candidate was certain were not as active as they would other- wise huve been; while the Grits, know- ing that their man had no chance, were very lukewarm in his cause. Had they succeeded in their plan of getting another Conservative into the eld they would have been much more zealous, though the reslut would have been the sn`me., We must, however, congmtulale the supporters of Mr. Macdougall upon their success, and upon the care which they took to prevent any untoward circum- stances from allowing their opponents to snatch a victory which in_n fair contest they could not possibly attain. Tim 6`nll.-mn`na am the nrnrpn furnished KENEDY.- At Penetmlguishenc, on the 11th of May, Mrs. B. KENNEDY, rclict of 'thelate B \V. Kennedy, ]~lsq., and mother of the 1nteRev. J; 1 . Kennedy, aged 70 years. ' There was an excellent `market last : a.tur- day. The farmers brought in everythmg they had to sell in great abundance, and the con- sequence was a. decline in the prices paid for nous. butter. nnftnfnnn Imv nnts. &c. About SBQIICIICC W71-5 ueclme In Elle PFICUS pzuu. LU!` eggs, butter, potatoes, hay, oats, &c. the only thing that helcl its own was wheat. We suppose our agriculturzxl friends need money to carry on their summer work, and so are cpmpelled to realize. Anyway S3-t.l||`~ day last was .1 busy day in town. Below we give :1 list of pricc as co1'1'ect:(lby the /Market ()lerk:- ' . . . . . . . . . . .$ll00@.l2 00 Strznv . . . . . 300(9) 900 k`alI\\'l1ent .............. .. 0 90@ 0 9'- Treaulwell. . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . 0 85 Q1), 0 90 Spring . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 0 88 w 0 87 I :m']ey . . . . . 0 75 ((0, 0 80 I`c;'.s . : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 70 (L. 0 70 llnb. . n An/_\ A 1- ]im*s'.~s (.`o('o.x. -(l |{A l`F.l-`L I. AND (l0;\lI`0ll'l`I.\'(.'. ~~By a. thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opcmtionsof digestion and nutrition, and by a careful :1 plication of she ne properties of well sclecte(l)cocoa, Mr. lipps has pX`0\'l(l(:Il our l)!`(.`ZXl{fZ15l2 tables with :1 delicately llV0lIl`(}(l beverage which may save us many lie-avy doctors` bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of `diet that :1 constitution may be grmllmlly built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. llumlrcds of subtle xnalmlies are lloating around us: x-early. to attack wlierever there is 2: weak point. We may escape many it fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti- ed with pure l-looal and :1 properly ll0l1l`lHllC(l fru.n1c." -('ivil Snvicc l}I1:z!l:., _._.__j__ __-__:'_ __ ._..._...' "`__" __.j""" ._._l 1DWARDs{& LAIET), lmlwmwnr-w~_.$m__ _.._- W ADC! xmpsrtera of WALL PAPER, DECORATION S, FELT ROOFING, BUILDING PAPER. Dmmcns an ' ,l):....-.. _:L...- _.-I "` IN THE DOM }NIO,\T . One Door East qf the Domz'm`o'-n `Teze- graph Oice, IWTTKVI f\I\..'I\v\`v-------` -- - ---- V vault I DUNLoP?S71`E'1*, BARBIE. I 'lII Ind roar-run. ` Wnnoom . 95 Union . . B1-non. Nu: Yolk; lag -;' Tmnont Sm: Cuxuw. g Statioz1`ei's+ Imnrinra nf` ?_.j_.___..___.___..:._______. \\'u.\'1'1'I1I-:\' Sn or H`! A n`.\\' 1".\('T.~' F0}: rm: i l1)l'l.l-2. ~-'l'hc1'c are but few preparations uf mu-licines \\']n'n-11 11:u'c witlistu-ml the impar- tial judgnicut of the people for any great length of time. One of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. Read the following and he con\'inccil:-- Thus. Ituhiusun, F'u.rnh:uu (`entrc-, 1 . (3., writes, I with i*h(:iinm.ti.-un fm~+.h.. I0l`6 nR_l'l1)l83U ll)!` um: uuauus. In the meantime it is something to have snuffed out the no-party party, and to have relegated the National Club to nunfnl 'nnhm-A nf teaching : A... -.......