uuunusc me 'nq1:els are vulva.- ;.hs= '=:=1>!.Wl11bt.:* % vs ' ".. *`*;"i. ("JG of ,\'~.'?'..~.1,}; 5'.?`5.` . -`"1i" ".'If~'l' V?! F 995"`? .5 "X ';tm{s fine ,/svl-,om-I' .163: L =Jf:r.f zis _.`Lg.g.`-xlziu ro '>`1L1!he .:i.:l'.h"a.l . `of Japamfis now lighted! !1\.u_\' (:')n_LfI'.].t1llaE:)!'_V TC` -11: 11011 of .`vh`. Mitchell (hag. Jr.. in addition t}; :-~.-uita, cakes, c0nfecfion- old by hi1n,.'L1mm1nces (`L LI.` 1.! . I`. (`A '. . '.'iu:; to the_ snssi011 of 1.1.-2!; l*`ri-Lay, this Court `-.juLu'w: 1 till the follow- ILJUI lIl\`\' , all 1:1.-\c `.;1H-:n1< . .\`_umpr on at the Coulxuurcinl .HIHh [ll lrllU \`ilUI`|.(|3! znv.-nut to S3,000,0 .'0. !`a:1_\f is .E;13ter Sun- 1-\'-edzus :1 holy day 111 .`;Lt1m1ic, amt some H,ll LIME. .l l'll|lI{l\'(.` uI'<'. held nu .\'u;1d:1_\' , and \\'u`x`a'.` quite a --'I`hc .knxxi\"er ssLr_\` "ith the. .l'nmiti\'r: l...l.l'.n. I'IVn'1l\I' of the (7.-n1ru1:: .6- +. C`) l\.`\l\ ll'|l\ prub week has ivighixng, but is Will be Gmul cvs of business HUT ,.` . _ , _ , -., _-_._. ._. _....- -.- Lorcm-`_o1u)' M1LLs.--Williemx C ml:-an`), agodal:o:1t..25, :1 teamster in the em- ployx-neut of iVIe;<:u':3.` Tllqnmoxx (.3 C0,, of- lxisplzice, w-.1_s'i11sta.ntly `killed in the township of Da1l;on, on S:it111-(lay morn- ing the 20th` inst, while engaged in zlxa-wing logs to Lhe river. _ As he wasi ~.lesc0udi11g 21 very steep 'hill, wiLIniu' u 1'e\v1u1`11drc-d yards" of the .1ur'np, if. is ~zu1:p_oscd tlmt. by sonm 1ne;~.u.<; he was thrown back of his`-lmul, :md, as tho horses were "going aha good speed, he h-.u1uot;ti1ue to recover hixuself before the end of the log which \vasVt'm'iIing. caught him. _ 1- ' , nu! Mmx.Al\'p.~--M1`. James Duncan, latte of Lindsay, has pm'cl1`ased the hotel built b y Mr- Gleason, and tted it in x-st class style. The travelling public will nd the `*' Hugel House a quiet and 1-csxgr-,c- table plxwe, and mii1cnl1osl;" Duncan" just the man to please. j'll)e Midland City Hotel is also 1)<:i1_:g fu1'11isl1cd by its p1'oprieto1', Mr. '1`. Hzu`tle;,'. ` -\.r 111-. z. It is reported that Taylor; the indivi-` dual employed by the Cooks to_ petition :xg;\inst1.the return of Mr} Kean, has "left the 1iu1iis_.' The elm-racter of this champion of electoral purify may be inlfcrrcd from the fact, that he` recently went into insolvency after -:1 business r:;u'ee'r of less th'a11 six. months, lezuillg his crcditurs the encouraging prospect of a. dividend of ve cents in the do1lur.-- Pac/cct. ` C . CooKs'row\'.--In our account of the Liberal Uonservati`ve , Convention held receut;1y_ at Cookstozvn, we iinm_lverLent1_vA left out the nmnes of Col. R. T. Bani ` ing and Mayor Tyrwhitt, _ilS liming been. nomiAn:1te'cI as ca.nL1id;1-tesJ" The fact is,- .Lhcy resigued_ so pijoxnptly after being . noxuiuuted that they did not come before. the meeting a; all. Bot-h ofihe gentle- men mxrned, are, however, w-;1'_.y popul:x1'.i and had they s'ood would lmvopollml a `strong Vote, vpu.rticu_1a1'1y Col. "B-imting,` =.\`}1o is known pexsonally to nearly every .':lect<`1'in South 'Simcoe.,and is highly. . 1'cspf`cLC:i by all who know him. Uu Snt1u'd:1_v nioming 11-amt" the 20th i1'1.~'.t.; Mr. '_l`hos. Uook, one of the rst :;ett.lex's, and aftzer Whom the village _was` gmmxcd, died at his residence: `at the advanced age of eighty years. m. H arliciea in cheap ,___-_.. ..._ \.......... nu. Auuunlu mu: \;uuu'uL:L._- M1-. \Vm. (Brow1'1, P. L. 8., offers, through the Orllll-a Agricultural Society, :1 prize of $25 for the best kept farm in the Electoral Divisipn of East Sixncoe. At the meeting of the so ;-iety held last Salturduy it was determined that Mr Brown should himself [ix the standard by which to judge. ._ 1`: , - Bf... TIT. T` 7 I "` -I ""J"D" Mr." VVm, B1fo\\'rn, I . L. S., is A in Muskoka,onip1oting the survey of twenty one islands, in Lakes Muskokn, 1 va3sCa11', and Joseph. -These islands have been taken up by parties at the front, desir- ous of securing camping grounds, or sites for summer residences. ` ' ` _,_.,-, .. ....u.........7 _V ` . 0RlLL'lA.-----It is rumoured that a suit in chancery has been entered by James and Adam Rutherford," to recovera large. piece of Valnxable property in the south`- east corner of the Village. - The 0t`t:1wa Citizen `says tQlx_22.2.` Taylor- &.Co., of ()rilJi-.1',*ha.ve phrowul up the contract for the railway bet-ween Fort Willimu and Shebrmdomm, and that Sifton .&'-(}lass will receive the <:Ontract._-V \.1`,, 117 1-. - -n . - -WeAi`egrt t_o Xe.u'nTthat a. find b_ro1{eA outon the premises of Jul`. L. VVarnia, near Pa.insw,i<.-ke,' on Friday," the 12511 inst.,. destjmying the kitchen; the` store-' _ room in which were the su111mE s provi- sions, and kitchen utensils. { The loss. is about $600; no'insurimcc'. ' f\...--'_. `r. INILVLI-V'1llAI.Ao..'o _ ,\ r_:w.'-~Ewan has just opened four cases of very chmce Iclt hats, and two cases of collars and scarfs. V - ` ~- , ru,,_ -- nu -n . _ ...._....-1..., Avuzbllbbiu .\SEx;En:% -Bmm. 4.` Mr. Campbews Saw VMHI on the Muslmka road; in the township of-Morrison, was desgroyed by re on fthe night of S.-ttu1'day, the 20th instant. - T [PAID?S\VICKl'-2.---In om-[ notice of the Flouring'and Grist Mill it should have read belonging to `Mr. Lgmnox, as he alone carries on the business now. 1--v I . ' I 123,1 . King, S12, is agent for the Czmadn `Ufa -Assurance Cnmpany.-./111v. " I\ 4. ._ 4 ,._. I T.`......`l. .1`. unu u.... .... To 131". Fm_sjr _ALL rme 'l`x:\ir:.'--Tlie Pun-is Bros., so well Tmmvn to the fm'rnin,r__; commu. nity of this section of the count1`_y, are still. the fmroritcs, hecmlse the " Uslmrn Sewing Machine is regly nvnc-._oAf the wonders of the age. he womler there 18 such a.` rush ifur it, IT is QUITE 'l`nUE. ~-X.'c-.s, there is no mistake about it wlmtcver, friend b'teph,ens is the favorite with old and yo11x1g,'ricl1am1poor,` wise and ignorant, for all know a. good picture when they see it, qml ,_the_r'eforo one and all get -their likenesses of Mr. Stephens, whose picture gallery is just above the Medical Hall. FURs1`rUIcE! FURNI'f`UREl--TllelVIc8sI`B. Smith & Moore, ofithis town, evidently believe in pushing business, by" advertising and also by the fact of keepingtho best of goods and selling them at tl;o_ cheapest ofmtes. ' This is the secret of their unparalleled success. I The ` public patronize them, as it isebelieveed `they are worthy" of their .co_ndence,i and so buy of the above rm.` 7. - ` H .e --... .......1..'...'~ om I. , ,,_,._... ...-.- ~-uy. S'mY}\*E1:.-llzir. `E. 1113. Sa_ndem been `elected Rqeve of Staynr, in of\Mr. Haudolpix, resigned. .Qnna-nnw .'D..-.'_,_.. "' Al. A9 `rxuuunulnvv xi-vnnnlu~nAJ. yginvg ` AOy.s1_c_r !.~--F1'es11, {.lni.ly, 25: per can, at R()'1`_1l.VV ELL .1, ,,_.,,:| r_____ _____, _p _ Vb 1... -. BRADFORD.-`---_R;lce!i VVV"111.}'.) 1ic;1d on the A ice on the `Holland Rivet, 911 Friday and Saturday, March 26th;Ii1d 27th. For ; particulars :`ee'bi1l!s.{ d_____'__u -`qt 1` '- -2 HA_WKSTQNE.%-Mr. Wi_1ligu_nsoxi is mak-` ing pre})a1'atioi1s for rbilildizigy his ._ouv, mill which was destroyed by re last} August. 7` .. ` V um: uuuv u ung-u, \Vo would call attention of our reaJe'r"s[ to the advertisement in another column, of the Hope Mmnuzcturing Co. `of_._New-York; they advertise what is the moatwonderful inven- tion of the age, a. first-class Sewing Machine, with Table and Treadle) complete, for Ten Dollars. Rand their advertisement hea.ded_ `( l\X. nnr`nI'fIli_ " ` ` `\Vondorful. " SEWING 1\L_xcHINs.--There are any number of these machines competing for public favor, but `we know of 11oue_tha1_s'can excel the ,.a1.,1-...-.p_d Webster. take 1t for all in all. but of none _thu.1_; can excex mw celebmted Webster, The Messrs. Fields`-Bros., of`this town, are. the agents for this really _firg_t-glass implement, and, we believe, are -dqmg a good bgsiness _.:LI.. :1- believe, doing good `business with it. ` ' ' - (`1nA1mocK.-It'muy not be generally known that a new Ha.rdw`are.Sbm'e has been opened um: agony: nu v..-.. - -.._ in this tnwh, a,n'd that Mr, Craddock is the ro rietor. Such is however, bhe'_ca.se, e B01 3 out (few doors-south of the Wellington Hone]. \Ve rmly believe thaii all`who deal withhim will nd his articles good in quality and heapin prize. ' -, . m- ~....-.. urnymm: 'Pna*r -'_f. is nnmetime 1 Dollars. mum `\Vondorfu1. n|__.`.-..-. `light Bllll (;uI:u1).A|x gnaw. I . 1`o "run VV-IN2~'IN<:_ .._Pos1*.-'-Ib is sgmebime since We drew uttentxon to our fnend Winning, the Merchant-Tai_1oAr, who holds out on Eliza- beth street, a. few doors soyzth-westrof the ur.m:m.+.nn natal: but although we have been: "1{.I}o1'o111;g) to ggp nneu' uluuuua u 95 h..5.V9: beth street, a. few doors scum-wesn or me wellington Hotel; but although we been l somewhat nglcctful of our friend, he stig- nds tIic.fzwor ofzall who like ighe besto 0101-,hes made into `the most _fash1o_na.ble of .x........ 'm:'.~hma dorm. and is still doinmarsl:-~. clothes made into 113116 111951: Jaanlplluuxe _0I: shapes. He has done, an1l1ss1;111 mte `trade; and we can say` wlthoyxt doubt "that I1e3'de_sex_'ves 'richly`so to dog ` (Wm! Go` 'ro I`onoN1'o?V-\-_There are a few . rticulnr. persons in .this -town who,-get mat suits .0f`clothes' `made iii`-`:T6ront_i` ]'qw'('.h'ete`is_no occnsibxr to glo zipythin of_ ` `a_Vv}za`\?e.iuL 0`lI_!-"l_r_;i`(}t`_ zxj . .1m=jr_1?> goods. f?1*9;'s*. mi `#1. MncNabb, who sens as good anu cuuup guuuzx ma makes. lCIX1".'t'5'VifC'Il".'1.3 in '1. or3n`to 0'11 plrwliere. . 7S0 "t. iu:1s_,e, is his _fttI1'xt3{:1 ' " `"1 0191.21, :-11ez'i1:;nt,=,t_11a`;. . V ___ttle's _ha_vaf`bx1g_e "3`ra. 4} -V" `B. Sanders ' Has. Q4....._ .3. 2, 11510- 1118.60 uuao-URLISS garden and orchard. The, property will be sold su_bjec':,~ to V9. xnort age thereon Of_ the G`u.x1ala Pernmncnt Bull ing Society, mu1_balu.uce cash domm, 0:" if preferred two hundred dollars cash down, and 1`cnmiu by the iiftcenth day nf `.\'u\-'cm= l.\er'ne.\'t, with approved Security with ixlturegst _a.t six per cent per annum. - nu `tr 1'T'AI"nV\`v.-.,`v Notice is hereby given, that under `and by \'i'rtun of the power vestgzd in me as. Asaignee of the estatennd-eects of the ` above named . _Insolvent, and by virtue "of a. rosdlutfmx of `Creditors, and_an order of the Junior J udge-of A th.County' Court of the County of Simcoe. whereby thepcgriotl of a_dverLising the sale of the hereilmfter mentioned real` estate is short- ened to due month,` here will he` sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, [on the Market Square, V "in the Tu'Wn"of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, on Tuesday, the-'vl`.$Ve.z3!l.'.1h _ day of April next, at the `hour of Lleven _o clock in the forenoon, all the estate, right, title, interest.nn_d equity of redemption of the` said Insolvent, and ut` myself; as Assigncc of his estate, in and to all and singular the \\'est part of the West half. of. lot number live._ in the fth (J_oncession of the Township of On), in the County of Simcne, `containing fty acres, more or less, with houaennd premisges thereon. _ Th land is narly all unfit!` cultivation, about four-acres of which are laid out augl used as :1 first-class garden and orchard. The m'nrmrf.u will La ...-.1,1 fV\I`\\'\rI`~ 1.- - Bnrri, Mxirch 1751;, 1375. un, .LJ1llI'8 kms 3 By-I line of ` [LIFE C;0MPM\*iES m CMIADA )LaFEAs$%%%~a3E `STANDS AT THE HEAD |PR@rE` a`1 The following exmnplos of Prots deg-.1a1f(1 to Policies at 30th` April, 1870, are` inst:-uc -ti\"e :--- . ' "H ` i 1 ., J V- '...`1:.... r. or. mm 42... mm ` "GIYU 2"` . The holder of 'n'po1icy_ fog` Em` 0" y_em-, i~ec_:en'ed as .1 bonua addftmn! =~l'..n. IPI... L.-.'I.1.n~ rs? n nu:-\' fa)!` nVC J. - ' ----~- - In the matter bf WILLIAM COL BRE, an` Insolvent. " Tu %D1v1i_>;`.. I). {ONE YEARS: sHARE.| 'l'I3e ~l101-ler of n. puhcy In`: r-.7+,u_w m Inc ycmjs sta.m1ing, `commencing at; the :w;c ofv30, receives in c::sh._ns his sham, .i~13-3.{`-1, being 30:} per cent of the :11uou11t;_}m.ir1{ `V ' I The h011e"x'_of a. p_nlicy for $5,000 of ve ye_ar's stzmrliugj, cvcimulcllcipg at age 2:0, 1::-canm entitled dm~i1_1;_,r the no:-;t.A `.'_e' yours -xt an au- xiual di11ii1111tio11- of `his premium to t`.1e-cxtVe1x-t of $40.05, 1'cduci'ng his prc-xniu`m from $5111.50 +n _ \"H 45. - ~ _ { ` . 1 above prom Lock, which]: i ) . or war. Va, to $71.45. E `Ki-NG, :r.,- A ......L 12,, Feb ~ ` Pllry 2, MuRRuw's*r.ucT16N MART AND comhmssrom ROOMS. Assums: New jJo:2m:c . A 4*` TV I lIa}ness[DoIxbloJ 1'`6R -S'AL'.E` CHEAP. FOR cmsa. l @"C9nigi1`m9i1tsfojicitled.-$11 mun w.~i.ToPao%w,` AUO I`IONE`ER; WW `I150! be proved It on. '>:_Veap1: '\ mg 4aS!tm2`i1,- Fozgyrlfg/gijlgdggg-iib zizznrlg 5* Blfci"c'fm7z'zt s [em-, `re_cei\'ed bouua mldxtmn, =.~'I'.:.. . The ~ho1-ler of policy fur $.`4,()_0) of .,...... Q4--m.1imr -nnmmeumimr at :\t;'(t of 30, Second Hand I<`u1-'ui'1ur, r\JrIl` Vi. l_Il \-an _ AUUTIONEER; Ba.rrig,Nov. 24th, 1874. ......__...._......_ . _.i'.`:____.___. ""`. .'_`.._.'`.. _: Vl;r!lS'CELLANEO`U~S:_ ........................................ n.,.-_,.. .. - Kgeps t:'onst;i.ntl3Az_A>(>n hand kinqa b Ma 1%)` COAL OFFICE `,1 GGMPANY GANAQAL .._.._ :.___-.........___`...'.. ...,.._ ._ {Insolvent Not?.ceis'; . \ _A,.A.._-A_- L11.-,...... ., AA gent, _Bzu'rie ` OF AU. THL1 J; n._ 7lI,EN'DEEl'.S0N, - ` 'Genera1A_r1en1 A. s. mnmsrw; . .'.._'I\I._ GET- ABOUT -JOSE PH 110 _._ ......u.u 1ngcr'm' . 1o:-9-- S1: H. 1TAnRI.aoN, ' an... ...x. D" 7'51` - zur an and Ilmm min a. Stoves, Cintlrn Slelghs, - .ngg ons. V "II aress - Smgle] >l\1'aua`giizg Directd;' V IZI.JOIJ\I.i Gencrgl Agent. - 8 921, Lunun, 'ssz'g-mt. I I .11.. E`, of Org, _471m [Argent and Be.t So_l:ec'.ed Sicnk Dri1gs,I1edicino9,nndfhczric~ ` and AToiEe't A;f.ic7':", ass 3. by-]A_J`a;. line of t half of Lot] Concession, of." 2 voyed b , C i5.'1..s -5' J"-I|'|l|ll!` DJIU. IFUIL U5 L \ l2l'_Y i.('b5!'Ipl-I011. , 21'-.8.--,-is ohdicc 101 of cm-zes `e>.n.1` biscuit - am-:nu!':".ctu':ed of the heat matsriais, 9.lwz\_vs'ca bLDd,fu"v'ith a choice scleczicia qf ltaliua goods frorz. the test packers of Europe ' _ - .' ' ~ . R. FTFTH`. Jr, J A Consisting of Tens} Sugars, Coffees, To- haccgs, &.c.. PiU_ C'm_x1Lfg.`- '`!afmo.~.,Lcbste:n Sardines and fz-an os every <.<-5:2:-I;-.x.im1 . H.B.--i\ n?~.riin\. In : nf mikuq *9.n.}` kin-nitm 5H1:1E\'r_;is';xNu NEVV YEAR. , _, ,_ , i- _ ,-,__ , Wiries, L1'gu.r,-rs and Cigars, Are to be_ obtained c-lump at the Cheap Depot 7 nf _. . A THE 1:1c:s"1Lo1? BOTII - FRESH &."SALT M-E T8 lar, DEALER IN Pura %ni-ms mm C%!Ei`1':!I;i.LS_ . _ u u. 1'. .t:. 0 1'4 ' from.therst dairies invtha, P:-cvmce, which for. - quality cannot be beaten .- |Tn1,EN_& I . nu-.vy~. . V "7 pd gllueroto?-at fter the pb_!i- ecutivc num- E newspaper,` _'n of Barri~.-`- X `SIGN STORE;--Fz:mus, L.m:r.A'x' 8; ' I .1.) IV \J'.l.\\J\JJ.'.lL\v'.I. lLV,IJ I L\.\J V .1. C`Q.,_De:1lers in F-lou i', Feed, (}z oeries andv Pro -dsiqxls of the best quality and at cheap ratea. For Woo], Hi Skins, the high est cash price will be paid. Mom:ow s Bnorx 4th Door West of Market Sq a:u'c.. 4 -67111 `Patent Efe,ici":193, .4.'Il kinds of Horse.and -3.x<.:`.e .\f.dir_-int-9, &c Ph_7sic_iems" Prescripf t:'e1pta.prepm-ed Y. , ' aecuracjn _ FANCY AND TlOILE'f ARTICLES. av Bunlop Street, ` - Barxie. L - ; u u v a L A_c1.'I,IuIu.'L LU, .`.`dae1`1in'am1 Paf It Oils Icon-V stantlv ozrhands av-rung:-| y`\...J"iJ\_-fi1'.-I-\3- Best Grade M031 Man'ui'm:lIT'e'(l ' SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . RY . `N_EW'BOOT'&.-S-HOE STORE! I -uuaru uzuy IIXKIHU IU Efll El! CHEAP A3 T-RlE Ci{EAPEii i`A 0%.. n...:... , 1 ?'m{>s:, ; ,mN<>::~:.A ain wide,-an fty links ; which en planted!` L road bctweg ;. line betwee Kn:-+1. R0 0 `V i P:EB?}0:R: ml _ , I Gil yin \IilI?rl,' . Have just opened ontin the'pi"cmisea next door, _`to Watson 5: Co}: Dmg Store, where wsll be found a.`Iarge,.s!ock of careful y` -, V V Selected \ `Bf\('\Pnc,~ ,. _....._ ` ..'.'--------~ - oe`x'r.'z;Iea- `V . . - - BOQTS {AND SI-IOES I 0_I_` EVERY CLASS, STYLE 5:: MAKl~`., win. -'9. 1!-..... 1. . .._--us`; 18).`! l.-REE`; ' lg'i`I.'2`Jlll'II"J9 '- _ Ofderwuflc pro.-nplly attended to. Ba_vrue_-__l\V'o.v, ]s;t'f187z{. _ v 457'` |sunI=m:: on. sussrlwrsl ~ -vsaawvvvvysavx .vvv~...nA.a.,v..~v- [LO0K_HERE:| Pm-8 % E7:.gij2e Oil.` i , Puma Macnlmnnv A011,, T W00DS% %~RtIG 5TonB.i " ' 12-17 ANTI - If`R1C';`.ION :M E'.i`AL :Hge`l'e-`Jy VFf!g7"fIi!n: _g:z_:.i itj`oh' 31;-'93:`-Es-Q` on ` ');:'\":Vx.-"g " t_'x\ {,"!l$`Xll1,-(}}`jlN:(?Gi(ial:i\,i1bL; -3|.` ______..._.. ",xm..x.~sH BUN "HOUSE no CHEESE ' DEPOT. --- V ` ' V A _ The sub.'c:`.ber has received a. splsn-iid lot of 'fIT`l`II`T.`|CI'DI' DUN LOP sf , \vI: :31; BAi;1uE. -...-u av nun usvyn no z:ac::~ce.=9zaar:a2:;am%`sz ifittzga A mail kE'L';:_z1icc{1: H-x.-_\.v\,\gV~.~ __._ _ / A {SK FOB` D1; '_FFIZ1(i_LJ}S- za%:..1r1NED --........... .- .. V `A-.1:-xng.._.,.,,_;x, * "MEG STORE AND MEDICAL ADISPHNSARY. ,- 3ril3'If3'5NLff`Q _.._...___._._.__-. .\ .__ .. f Gaocaatas. &.c. 3-EW G-ROOERY AHND PROVI; 5.QI'I|'\Y C-'I1'r\I)n 1' .--. ... Filer in _C-.20CERII=`.:'1, % VESIONS, J ALE& PURTER, .E0`O`.l'S {ea SHOES. \/v`\A;v`a~.`nA.p.-V s. c. nx:; dAH 0...;m; 8: 0053 FANCY PERFUMQ3, EV}1l{Y CLASS, STYLE MA UU}1 thuy im:nd'lo gel! as I` in g '. ....____ ___.#z _ __ Br." A1.\`V-\VY;S ON` 1-[V;\`.\ rlr):- 1`:A\'.L`x1~:L1;> ,s'm:1:u'r. a. & aTcA3s,`(, ~ t opened the-nicniisea 1 nd Vr.:ni: -..._..-a Also` anc stock of c\znn-\-r--.-sc-us`-~a.--.. WATSON & C0,, ' TL... ......2.. .. 5-vvn . u .uv\o- .... ~ pa, '0 E E S E -:1..:-:.... :_ :1... `n_-_._.. ---~u 'm_e: m-:,s"r 1 Vinishea Coal oil. std Bxlxning Fluid, D_:c st;-is 1: . .. ' 1`i""3, T<.'b..cc:.=, and C!g::z'. My':pe:i;-.`.i'.-.* T9 In HAIJVAT -'-AND-A-' " Z48 Mg-`LEAN, was-v may \/`ff, . Drugglsts, Pgont str_et',n3arrie. :_.L l\11_, ,, IE` n. IiI(},.Ir- \`H 39.`. astisfac [0 EH puf. fspe 2% '-';13:tI` ;s1,jm*1;;;3; iixiffxg i7f1us:<'r. x - ---- ` T n1 Barrie, Oct. 33m, 1872. J The Suubh half of Lot |1um1:e1' 'l`l:i:'l.9.m`), in the I"ir:3t Conn-csasxou of the 1`uwn:;hip of Um. . n L? U H} l [I4 apply Ln For 34:; ~ 11:22 Brick Stork and D'wcHiu,c_ on th Market Square. Barrie, known as the M.~:CoVr' mick Building. Apply to - . - T um s;rn.rq f.`'H_`y' uur ,uuu;u I ;_;: `mid {mm Barri: to Pea the Town [jue beiweau _ . -The purclmer can ;:5."I_'.' J .' Lita pro;~e:ty-, 23.199 it is r J! v. .- -ore all rom13'b~_ " ft] *1" U ` c Wind up an L`am`.e . Tamas. $4,500 -One E:'x":_'z: U~~.=!:. ; in Four -Equal Iurtrzlmgrnxs wi.'.; six per Cent. Apply [p0;\lpa'; 1 ; :1 1;:-....' .. .. ' I I in`tIm =!t!1 1 .- .-... \.v:~msAa FOR HAIR, :1 \`(.'If_\-' vz1|ImMe Mm.-k of 50? acres at KE.V1PENFI'3LI5'i'; I__`L`. nu.-: cs>la.ss 3,}? conveyed to the I(. ll.,) tzxkiuxrg in the ]'oil)t', and extenrling Northxmrd mx-2` the 1'id_;;c or. high land. A hca.11t.il`.II an-1 :ux-:urp:>. View of-the Bay and 0 rpusite ah:-rc n1zv__\,' he had from every part 0} thcpn-p-2r:_v. nu`! no more vlesimhlc site fm-'! .UU.l)L\'H pxlrpmcs can be found about Barrie. l`L.. u... .. ..l .'.. 1,-. 4174r->l , '1 I \- IUUIHI EIUUUD I)ill'lr"AU. - The property can ht: :~..x .v.:1i`La'_'emi. ` vidcd i11to_1 A!{Y-I 321:1 \'H.',,;\ L()'J'7 acres; Whilethatp)r&im1?*:n1il: of thr especially :u{:Lix`.a;.`n '!~`_!)'F1' LUV} ( >1 E1 .A 1.`IU`.\'.I~`, .-\ `Y.-'{.\.l .-`J` at the would crc-Lu3 av f.im . :1: `ml (I.'.x.rh:.:n-, now requil-e:T, rmrl \\"h:xrf:\3-.- :1-u.u:x: must so on.|)cdcnuzmh-:1. , . '|`1<`."RM.Q ,;,'m.,. .~..,..\....;.. 1;`- uluau auuu -nu ll.`EHL:.UU.l`Il. '1`E1h\lS.-'l`hc pmpcrt_v, .7: . :r. \v':Il be sold for $4,500, with on tums of payment. A rare opp-rrtlmily is have .o{Fex`c-`I to the c:xpitn}i:atm- 1um`u-:~.rc1'.' \Vhn.rf;\_.ge accommo-. dation for Ur.) nukl the trmmship-4 on either side of the 1 cnct:u1gu'u-slmuc 1loa.r.1is a. `neces- sity at Kempenfeldt. ` .Apply to '- .' V hfnszqng, M:-XVA T1` )2; x1n\vA'1vr- |% STZ . r!..--.' .1.-. n.:.1- o.-_`_ ,, .1 n-_ n. .8. > . Forale. a'Sp1andid Improved Farm o[ 55 acres, near lhe` Pace Com'se-Ch5ap for cash. .Fo'.' reruns an "other parlic-u11;5, Apply 40 ` : - J. H. .7_0.HN.\`_ 4:: In - b . J P. .n:~::>:s'n?', D...--... 1...`- 1!`. 19*! ' Iv: .1 Barrzc, Jun, 'lHHh`) FHJUIU Ill LHU V |ll'3l', the Dwelling:u1_uiuinu wit} htlildiugs. . The-. Um`-Ilinyz rn r.'Ltc-Iy,~(u-.-4to1'e and dwcllixr .1buvc [Jl'L*l]liS'.lS are in the hp ing c0u1\try,.nm1 with an :1:-* cnummml u 1:u';:e br:u1e~. ` For furtlxexj 1):1.1`l..lc1|1'.n`.-: .1} `f`[I( I IFAEM `FOR L"...V-..1.. -' SI.-.1......H.I l`...n......,.J >p..LT[ DY L10! 50, 0!] ll!!! ('0TlC(2SlUn_v 1'} 8('-F83. BO ."I'H. 3t_.'J_-e premi~:e3, or JAMES B0O'I`H;' in Barrie. v ' 52-xf F02` umber .part':c'u a.ra apply to BOBERTE . Being c-7mn.!':s'ed ot'Somh`ha1fI_.o No. 25` on will Cum, Int:i ._`, 25 acres under cul*im- tiou, balance of Lot. well tirnbered, chiey with hardwood, 100 acres; 5.1-30 North-west >p:.:-t of [Jet 26, on `nth cdncession. 1-1 a('.rm,- Ft)!` vsrlaw rm:-1?(uv'n1-a nun!-3 N) TiDRT9`.3'T` | L_._,_ _ . . ,_ V V . Store and Dwelhng 0239, corner of Mary and El m.beth su-e6ts,.lo-Rent, on and afLer the" 5 rs_f oiovexntber-pext. Apply to T M ALE-XNDE!_2LAUR1_E, ' 33-tf ' Barrie. lJIN\FdU:R L01` 63 |Bai'r2 i afriv, , ON Saturday. t_h A'_7th y of March, ma. _'E.__s. MEEK Aucnousm. Unless `previously _` Led of_ by. private. !TvIENT, Fyour mo ' mi N: 'gom1 cultivation, -Lo9r l.-North hr! of , 1, C011. 4, !tm1i_- Male, 100 acres, 90; V re cleared 2-.ncl in `glance timbered he soil is clay log barns on fenced. `and with. pine and . _ loam. A" good 1 g house and the" lgzmiscs; o farm is w within 3` miles f ' New Lowell. 1..-.0 _JnI. .\ m~+l, 1255+ ...... -1: 1-; 1n vs] Barri, ~ March 10th, 1875.. Ajnlf Acre Lot, in a good position for` '9, primtefresidencc in the. Town of -Barrie. For terms and further 'p3rticu1:.1`3Hap11ly,tov V I V \ 1'0--211 ' ' ' - V J()S. I._E$LIE. . \VlUl2u O HHIU3 L 1`U\V JJ!)'6]Io > LOT 2.--Th North Emit par of Lot 12, Con. 1, "1114 7`I"l5 0. 50 acres, of which are clarod d chc'b._wlance well t1 hardyvoogl, chin 3 miles of~New` we1!(sn.l_>- jet? tg`. m - gage for $500.) ' ' ` L.'3'I" . _ erd with "o`.~th half Ltd . 2:11 `( .:n'n:`. `_ '1 -hm, Ject to a In gage mr am/U. )- _ \ '. 'fort11ha1fl._c:-15-13, L011. 100 me, imbered land. -`L0,'l.1~' 1:03 1333011. `l4,AVe~'pm, 2 u'n_c1er.r' , _we11 timbemclwith` hardsm VpaI.'t..S cndidly. tiurbered with r xxbod c `loam. ' ESP; SALE . on To Rare?` /\\"-/_\f`\r`-/\ - TAYLOR S FIREPROOF SAFES , `CA- nn1A VA ....`l.. I-.. . [def T AL,:3*hTM.3b.'.175e`.,' ' V . J` - '.;_zl-I.L's_`i:.fJULl|i1hUlfS3"}!XX'}`2{:,_: $112.. `JOSEPH GORDON, Angn_s.`i ' T11`-A2 , uuu ueiwi `mu 62 9 .3 I, ....,1 -..t OTB. AIILAII LA.` .11` Bax-vie, .\ o\}embcr lt, 1875. 6 i>.:": ..'if1_7i . V (:51 31 RS. 1.; .120: `: 7 . } ci .C c-2111`-=r11ish< `cllctangllislmxw, Jauumryl 4. 157.3. I-ti `I'M . .1/;.G T Dgtcd, Bmze, Nov.` 11th,; 1374. x VU1LD1N<; *1.<:>";}, g}T'"`` R .s:r.:; l - ~- TW9 M!-.`u":`1E?~.-'."`:` `- `I |'t.'m 1'.!l Han; nf`~'I`.-\v hmfv pas; L-`oi: 341.}: on EASY TERMS; B.'_S A LE- ~PURLI[(3.:1UCTIAN as euxu oxgl 10? W. tree; the: more orla of the 12.113 1154 seven} - tenth agrq [OUSE T0; n:.s;i~;z=;r.' La. 1. .l4\J.|.InAJ .I.' I1.|a.|,' 7 Tier sale. Appiyto ; DJOURNED A UGTIO'N "SA; K V {V H ', , SXLEI Thsu. Vu .t side of the Permian mner of the t m1'-* wm .._.J. A... n-. ..n' &e"_ following- Properties will bte sol} -w--.`.-_..j_ Ii \ ( E33 \ ,`\\ \~} \ [A ~:\ E01` to PARK LOT. 1I{I*;.:3 -ins. Mu-WATT & MoWATT,' ' ' La11t1AAgqnts, &c., _, _ ' Barrie. nnrrxa wax?` I IN: IC1 ).l X1! 13...... A pp! y to .|(l FP|1l_np bu "J 53*)`-IU5$`-"v` n;. (;f"I`:\y, ,3:- ! timbiereat with` u 1). mile. of the .\ rmn H="z';5_j Buy. My tLfI`!Y!`x a large nnrl cnu.mr the \'ilInge of .l`.'II)l::':`.')`\'c; ztls u1_m u3n_r with Store :u::I mu: :9 run he 1'4-nte-l 3;-}.: 2 and du.'nHinrr t.:'vraHu-r |'h :-v- g_.`--1.1.`; '1'! ~ , `3_S}1 "33`1`:in,,;" MAR'l'IN mid} Mow.-1 _.... .~.--` "F_(_I_R__ zualnsarwaw. LI) JOHN n;.u:m', v'~ .L..Il . -113- 7 -.-\/1 AT THE (K I1L]`SiL]}!]_' t-n - _ TH(L\'. (.`UI{Q0.\', 1.41 v An , -_; Faew Foun :u_'.', .'u vma`. wan 3_'.*tu'aus 1 ,\Vhn.rfu_.go huuu How] in n` Manna- '!'n '51!!! 2d Vex -. xn nu'.~. ; as "-"..:. .1 Hr; .\xoo R, 1-1, Barrie. uu: nu;_;<: or. :urp:>.~'.a'cn1 ', }ll'p(I43CS T J. . nioursi-.3. % q, {. A10-t . .azH-.r:.1-`nee ; lnirrcst at n-1 ya u. -. ` Sirnply LL: *.'AT'l" .1 \ ... of }"i\'f: .,.D n :. y S111)!-' n. n.. 1:: 3 .E(II\'(} u 1OI;`{ l` .. ..\.1 :0 1;`U1;\ 4 and is .:u0dn.ti0n J1 . {flu- 46-Gm A D. Bs;rr': `:14 _Ou 159131: LI:. :1`-vu ripe ';.i\vg_vs on: hand . pl..m'ui':g. :1 .HK .-.\'r -1. L flllllfl}; Ll;L`HL'yk'5 I. . Cb-.;v:ka, Knce doors, L;-1:-_r*. :: Boots at 5;-ccit;ty. `Barrie; 0 ? 3731"` L.R; `WfAwi?=N ms. swam mrgass M312, STEAMHDTAIB&HOWATER E U NAG E 5. . ' I conmo; Bayelcl .;- Dunlap .St1`ctts, B.a12..r:11; ` -_ A As. the 9.dverI,iam- isbpracvicsny convemant wti't_1x his business ingi`. 1 -sd.~`:t:`.ie, c_:npIo_)`51!.( `moat nkiilful workmen, s'.n_& uses none but no hast man-1'm1.he can win-;a'aLal1 w-or" made in_ his establishment to give thomuxb sa'1='f{: ction in the anulnhvanr. , .*Xina!nn..d fin.-.hln h'nrr.a&-_ um I:BL&U|l5Lll n\'. l0 gl\'8 HJDK`(N|`f ;`l.'Ic'H1ClXOll :0 the purchaser. -_Sing'.ouud double Harmer: afan kinds,Sndd1e_a, Uollara; Trunks; Vn.lis.es. and everything connected wish 1bebuL=,i::cs constantly on hand at the lowest. prices Part- icular anentiorg given` to (.3521: Single -and Dotble Carriage Hzuuess. ,S.)1..- marvufacturer in Banie of the -`-Esczlsxr. Hack `dud Hir 3lrA'ia. to which the` :19.'_ea:v_inu of Hm nnh'io~ ` EN, TEAG -5, and _is ap_eia.1}y direued . nu n>n`rL_u: Lu tut: ~"nSc<;;.'-x'..`1`- h:C`:i and my Straps. to which the` attecziou. of the public D.--:- l`...... in `via . n; 1.. '17xNw:Az3fs: _`. I .n. :~7:'ov '3 D?C!T t THE `n all .i4.a L-rnni:h3s,_ arm-|'.2.::l ' The partnership h-:rcta: nx'c_cx3sting between Messrs. Moore & B-inyon, ha.\-'ing1)e`c:n diszsoha. `ed by mutual consent, -_\Ir. 0:. A. }1iv:y`rvy wili carry on` the busin'css_'i;1. the {:1-3,-mis.-.3 lam-Xy uPi.ed by "I-ii! Vprk:r~` ~vhcre you will nd"11i$Rz';zo "keen and Towels clean. _C1othes' clea_nc on _th;' -shortest" notice. srovES: % }BLACK S Pama? V 3PHERU1D3.!:,;};E`2 ?f3W31 u umu.0l' ' ed. , IEATH, `lcrk, Veg 11 42 . T! V, '.P.UR; `I .-1XGI`gi9h'.` IO `IW0 1 * 2!QL 71:8` ~ ,.("H9g . ._ ,,V.:m,:a:;L`2;:L;:Y." _. V:.JW.1L1srm+3S.;'*` 9` ;-"-` =a2,C7n1ar'w.` .1.3_9'?4`;rii!faiV..H.1.iI'0I_`llV|' {San he hqd ox_n.pplicau'_on "'gn.;2;:x7g.; - . . V law '45 J A n uyvuu-u_y uu\n.u.-u - Bu.rVrie;JuAne 18, '73 SADDLERY! A`.v\ "?5VE7FT4??Fi%%3- % SW. ;AI{RIE 1TU.:.::t3i2`775ii{`T uu-....;:, -44;:-~c=_ -Ac \`v .1. 115.611 to C0055; : and om'.v_- 1: P.a1-lpr, h';-1ll_und Box Stun .-.5 are m gx-'e;I. vn.xir-my All hi; f > .Pj,B_V.Il9i2.7VE` ' V bi-*.x Lei`t o{x-.`~: 1*a:.reT `u. - .na-i---- Tha'sub;cri9er is pijepatqd to` build E17 r-run `A - _~rr-.-17 r-1 . Sm$DLERY,&; B;AfiI-z'-E?-`;.%`JG` ac; :eK.'r.;*'w.-' :` | [air Vuuit" I3, . " HARDWARE * QV1('1 E1 rThc largest nss_ort_.-neui..rif GUNS " ,_ _eveL-. shbwn in Sarrie. 5' __..j R1 Y.`. ER & ` place got,gd5d 4%` "1 :1 _-... '---:11 ads at awn . Pp`!!!-7,63!/(.7 :11-U ? I-_I IJ&_ 5-IV! K (Filj7c.ingqtb) nu iinn `u my- ICF all new p.;ztter.iz9_i'n 3 great variety. ' `I. T:,.a 3.0 4:37. .b..Vv 5?,` _ Ngnijtlxo Wellington Hotel '4-Anya " .- _ a.z:d=SEWING MACHINES ~ Aw`. . -.:A'.- \v ;-..\;.-.4 `.u,_." ..:accf:32or3.2_; 3.1` .`eJro:c. . l`..u=-`r.-1 .~&`oJ u......: 4&0 . 2 1 111.\'G; [NI 5, ' ` `:1 rittiev . . - |lIG HGT ,or cause tq th, at the 1 charged. _ amiss! I R21 L` KG -' :2-kmo. 24-ly .. A 2-`11V:s'1`. ::2W E133 `-gr. .-`-9.5...` an .11 LL : l4 174.13.: "|'1~ dllll HUITJII IVUiM`iUlliI\lIU tcrxus,` -.-`.@~m, z __;1r.tzr.,_,r and Triunning dnucj. I:xc0n_I!cfj.ht>x1 with t}1u ;=.hove is at gnml Blaaclh sn_nt};`.a [hop at \V'1l1L;1: all ki1'1dsvof'.I;I>'i}1uVg W111 he done neatly. 1HU.VIl .\O.\ \\'1L.~.()l\. ' [1/G`-I-ILY 19J().`{ I W A Get :41 M A K ! . u-.:u. i.'IJ[J.;32 De.-:1.-j. r3. Bazria. gs, am, sc__.;' FIELI) B`R0E:. it has tak_`en5_m'or rgf prizes. (Ban any other ! SawYu`:g'Mac1:i1:9, and to-day stands unrivalled 1 Tot lightness in r:muing,be_aul.)' of` such, and x'u'r.n'ish'th_:z bash outt; (XXIII can do the best rabgq of wan-`.:__of any machine m9.da_ t-itber id the United`SLu.tes at tho 'Do.'niniou. N0 cog wheels-and no noiss-. - - . A _ l`erms2ibere.l. Great. inducements for castr . ............ ........ goneralkulaptibility mall kinds of work. We/' he Rkk I w -.-mm-_\;a' 1;_c:3e but Eh`) 3.. and. I230. 091:: t`.'=.1. 12%-at 'g':u-', x-xu:;e an $20: ::f.\1ru'c~ menus .'-ghs pr.-r. c:`~I. eerie and . nu--r-nil av/1 .~..-Ki.--.-. El`. 1` IlZ;i.:L`l` l`.h'J. `.5ulL'l .\ 11) :]'`!`J' H13-PI` H-3) sad g'r` '.:a.n all, \,-r-._-. gr.-.c`.:::ise 1:) give jut; `um. i .ter_m!::e_'fo;' yo'.:r_n:u::e_v [him V9`, cgypt 3'. any we: .Ga.fria2e Facxoxy; 1-,; {`gm2e,~ . = fa-~A1`gm 0.`!-`.NH1`.R.; L` .-.3-..X`a:.".~.umtnv.r-V SE%"a7?:%%;MElNE} ;Ln\'1`.1kAr. 1s:1: _P_II Rv1s BROTHERS , _ S(.)AL_E Leanrs FOR THE f 4Iu.-_.1--. 51.54 nus: nun: , coUi~'FiW`*v"%"k`oF .SlM.COEA.\. GLI}i* "nfy of . nnpeto !I_ nv-A '3 SE W1;v<; .11AC H1NE I 1 ,_--..... _V Angus, Nlm-chVl~Gth, 1375. Gan. "I:zip1e.'r.;ut, )nI1Id'r': Ru -1? \ Vnplcs %sJm1na`.a;a::.j;.*eL;' , M a.ruh_ `Am agc11t;;"fux; the (fcleliratetl U!!! I \II Tllvu .'For,ghe Cdclgralei F`r:n Prize n1r..1 J '9; HT}! ;,_,,,.; `\_\-D 1mcAh1.I:. TEN D0KLAR9w A I $5 .uu`x'vz's;, iii -uhmxurers of u.-'.: .~'.IAGE3-,, .L"0GG .Z.5, . . . `mucous, Iv .mrr.<;x.:4 U"-In \IUlX5.`.|" C\.1 U'.'L, lA21:h.,' BK C` e `i.~ .u;m, Barrie. As 1115 ad- :)u;z!1!_~,_r and praclfcnify -con-- rbuaineas in all in} details, :51?-`Lb wast . 3-`.:i`;2 u1 W1-rkmen, :;1_1:e-at x;:c. ;crEs.l, they` can i: mine-'1 on; at uz.-it cs`.s2`v ish- :5: e`a.tiz!':-.c1 .au to the purchas` "...~Vu.--n I.-A"-r 0.-. s.,..... :..b..-....&..' uvv-v ...__..uv.u-a--on .... `u...- '=Pmwxs- 13308.. . - Stove {I Sewing.bl::.chine ' 49-ly Iv 2.uuum:, ANUSLEIGHEF lag and 'ol'}.`ue most ap-' Ii;-r Ff-M, 1 .s-J1. - em-. .52 same: `D ;m~2 ;(`,.IIlU{.X.`_.\, \.1lLUl`, -_g.\'c I, n It call. 5' 'U\uL'I1tU11 an the nm.~,t rczusunablc l`1'innuing dour. . .... ..] DI.` ..|.' Tat `.\`]Zl`1D u-u `-0 . 5. : m1_:1~i.:s. uurr {ziil\\':v.y AI`.RlF=}. n.~st:u1tl_v lfAP_' 111.7 ;r, /3.` 9 W ' J vU:~2.r.m' STREET, BA Bar ' , D:.\:.cx-.;b:-.r 9th. 1874. noweat pnce. mzxuxrj or sxwzm n1;sc:umo.\;.' n:z_mm.-rzuxu on we anorrest noucc. mum I"[.vn-,r;+, '1'x{esscs. and all kmda of nrnnmentau . tic-`u :v.lw.\ys nu haunl. Honscs to Rent. not ! for Suhz. Also a Stuccoutllic on Mncdonalol : .`.'b.. for sale. Apply to ` } 4::L'r\ u nnnnu'v I I ; oi- .\1x\`.\.\'('E otlico, -Barrie. 3 January 2Iat,_ 1875. __ .--. _ ._-.....-___.__._..-.- . pnlpulllvr, Dllllllar J lugs to announce to the public math; I completed his R'I`1:`_Aupn\x11:~n mm .ur.cumer_v [or use manufacture of l}"H'..`i'.L~f, SASHE8, BL)NDS,u0ULDI1\"I, mi 2;: is prepared to supply thage u-gi1,,. we lowest price, H n\'I\'n rm mmnv mmm.......n.. .. .,--- _.----.., 'm,.u.\' .1.\'>D 0R.\'.mE?~"rAI. PL.u'rEnzR, &c., ' 1':-gs to u-mmuncg to the ublic that he in e- . pzlrc to) do all kmds of lastrix in the 8:5; `mgnnner and on the shortest uolcc. (`cut/to I }"l.>\'nr:< '|'ro.=Lsm_l. nml II kinda nf m-umm_.4.. :;'E{il,1.`r:n1,TaE-Lroarilxa BUII.DEll' 2 Combines dispatch, economy, mddum )lil"_`y' in" carrying through each branch-of nuxsou, bricklayer, plasterer, ulster, whit. - wnahing. coloring, paper-hanging, &c. A trial will enzmre satisfaction. Give early orders far, , sI:;s:'p attention. - l .`)!:nlrm .9`.f.w>..z.t4 l<'.:uat, 85033: I-if aaowu, pr \l`: \\~h nuvnuvx-~r.r nu .a-x-5...... I... 3s..'1I'I..7'I"TI EI?1! ... ...._.- age-. 1." " Ho 2," and -` !.'o 3." oflhin brand. '1 Yr. -11:11}:-. . ckngee ccnlniu tell nu`; weight. he g~:.1-iic are v.'_en'r.cd that certain other br2.n:!3 2-.c 1'o3 short in e-vuy so-called `lb poem". package. r.1.!Tc.:.'H= HII}`.ran:l n-. ' .X- --` ' are :n:rur.mascd Vcr hctlyaud lriHi:.ncy of .-..u .-...u ul 1:): LI;[VrUV6!1| STOVEPIPE BL! Which he will eel! at the Ingest . Wu (2 van: wxz v I()S.<`MdQ,1`:1-J, BHIOKLAYER, Stone Maggn amjI='_PIasterer. All work dune cheaply, proinptly, amllatinfaction guar- rzuutetl. Resxrlence-'- -Just below Dymenfa M711, Elizabeth Street, Barrier 10-ly L . ... .._............_.._ .._.__..._.._ )"i.As'1'E1}1Nc : PLASTEBING z 45'. - . ~- V ..,_,--..,....... aver)` doscn .:- ve to crder. -.P.l`tie. July. _ _ _.___.._.. s.:=.=.::~:G Ir~;:PoR'rj ms W _..-..~ i'.'3}: uudorsifgr-ed l;'a;r,s to inform AH partial who I u.-_\' uccd such work, that he has always on ' [hand a. largs supply of RT-.I C|VI`alNl\ f\I.I rs - -\"`- - ...w..,,v. iimmine 11.:-hmnd (1:11 do no: he r-uv. (I? :i.h iufencr paIn'.s,. 'I'be_alz1x: niwayr. cxzz:1-- yr. - Solriby any re:pcPr,bIe den !-:9 in Paints `uroughc-'.1l U2.-12.--.o,:vnd *2`. cc-nler, on]; by nu I ynu . Jail}-31,1873. 1 rt.-:1ui1`G4l. Arm u R . ~,-,,_ ~ . 0.`.-.x.1r.n :85. .?;.;`:v iUM ta =4. HAY-*>mq.T-.s1nAw I .o3'<.c.. :fivercd in nnv.n:n-4>_}.!;1`1.`. 4.,..... :.` ' :11 `IN THE I-'.\L'l`l 01" 'U.\Il'XI '.l`H_L\ . ITCH 82. HURL. .*}'I.n':'s: V`tli`bo1lf"4i:-!v;1`v1i 1 x;}_'-.';;:c-c`e:1 fray:-' t.h&;`'tnw::! ..; L".-ns_e!_xoM` 1*'J-xuit-uljt._. All, S-`rdrs"}!_1'o1upU_\' `i;tL~xidc4Itu. `V V , V _ v24;:'*`."*`19`*_*1`5?`~'.>"'l9x3`*7`- ~ maril-.~:IJi'74.~` 2 an 1 'v'.-. 1 -n u w H :34 "L"'Z. D 3 GENU2NE" 7"L3bi2E1?iXEn7." 1' r iii 5 F] ) i.\rlTICllDl0llo fhmlop Sheet, East. - .u.1Lu 1 U" P411 and .\{achiner_v for the mannfacturg ~,`. SASHEH. RLINDQ, unnnmwn `O ! - .'\-1: 4-all : L1 .~4:c'.'.ri: Such l).'ll`glt I5 H3 H1 Int :-rel vuiuccxlullcrcdmthns `own. ""'-2: f-3-,. -uu n; u..u.;I|InII M `?-%f-m'*= I1Y.-Da;'1ft.oa:t}:($ town a: ' T r..~:-I"i***~ AT-6` T l`_`l'Z"YHi|:1":\vAI.;:Itl 9:1` LIVAN; : new Fnnni PHT9{afL?H[I,h# .~~ ..--.~~.\, . V COIDPIEIEO [HI STEAM POWER nd Hnnhiuurw Pnv Han tun-.nP.........- -1- .- F _- ._, .. h E Hr.l:: mu! Gnamncmul. ALFREL SHAVER, \'.'.-\'r1x;R Luis, Am] 8150 of NS ll; [Irovgd P, l"\.'l?n1 nn ~n - -- F ;l`.l.~1 1" LNG :v., uu1..L :55. WING, Land Tnngucdnnd (lroaved Lambrryv description, nlwayn on hand, a.ad_ ._-..-_ SCROLL s;..w'ING, 1 and 'l"nnnnnt'|-A ll-nan-.1! 1- , _.-..__ - ...u -- iiiier 2.9. 15%.. of To: v-..__._ ,___ . ,.....__..._.. 31; {L Disks... 0. No. 1 (:1muND \`.'I-\T1x:R f-`n nf hie 1.. nun.-.) ;';35";'fEi H3 Tlii. u at we |4"Fi9Bt rates for Cash Wu (J. .\1.-QUPIY, Baylield Sn, Barrie. Nu: the Foundry. I ) I.- CEILLIA. p-.\rr,un: ucwrzs 2!) Pain w, and tr on] E.vL}Ol' J.` 0 . u1u.'v'I u`.;Sl:.'.IA. Gnu v'4.(;'z:- zuzv.-'1-0'-; 1'-u rt. 7 T.` .`. "1"-:`b3 (>. H. BROWN, (ha Inux- -\..,.. V 1 clean ;.v\p (M1. in Ic-.=o:nn. in LV Jo?=n'Wocds, J. I . ,t=x.(f s'S'Ll2 51`rvs. Calponuvr, Buildar, luv. nublic that he nu )AlN'g`IN(;.. 4:9. Phun and `.)(n:- ul ll? i:'CC'5\ A .1-`\(.`. n. onuvvn, _ On latter premises, s `(J U I R IS. .n'l+::~ ' cam`; _r.mv ram fater Co._: I Hnrdw-`.19 Stun. . Ir ..|h-...`-.l 1-_. v- rAccu_'.c ml m'-' :u'.l Paper H1n;:4 .:66Rs! may -..o..- 1,- (IA: .1. mv-xc nr..\ 1. mlistectiun. ..-... -VULILJ. L HvIY, IONS. ` bu upe, , BABRIl.,. 48-ly `V flmr, gnnmw quurn ,nd-- 1TYY*`w-- `Jnm`.xm'.--It is our painful duty to record 1_1}e sudal.-n death, on Momluy, the 15th inst, zlgter a fuw hours illness, of Clam E. __t1xc 1)eh_)ved wife of Mr. Jziznes Thompson, of Om, 1x\t1~n--mu. Ivan ,.c 1`... Ag. rm", ,1..,.......,,1 x wuzfx m such cases,wa.s resented with apa,ir I-'1 wlute kid g}r,\'es. T e Civil Docket is rather heavy. The Court is not gxpcted to. he tkgrough this week. Vic will we the pro- `1111g3 in our next issue. ' ' . ' :rCl|)\L l1 WHO 01 AMI`. HHIIES :J.llOl!l'pS0l!, 0! UFO, `M1`.e'L`42fln year of her age. The deceased :21! the eldest dauglxter of Mr. James Haring- U .3, of 0m, and was greatly beloverl by her `Wills and neighbdrs. TIM ' c . . ' ` (1 hat oult Qf Gcneml Assxzesppene H 9 Cnminal Docket was without a single ff ~*3 Of any kind, -and the Judge, ,as the Igstoqx such resented with apair ,`~'i\Vhlt0 kid rr]r.\-'m1_ T a Civil nnnltef. `in _, before Mr. Justice Burton." (.E`~"1'ER 'l`m~:.~u>.u'.-Don i'. forget to go to the :,[',h`1`1"h'a Concert, hi the Town Hall, next w`1`?`i"L*Y night. It will be well worth your , in `ti V go and hez_u* the dialogues, and listen 0 "9 smging of the ctildljen, &c.. Doors gen. `*1? 7 o c1nck; commences at 7.30. Ad- c0!l\on,9:11y 25 cents. The object of the _ nee-rt. '3 to pay off the balance of the debt ;<;o`*Pg on the Trinity;Churc11'-Sunday- other "nd also to get a largervlibmry,` and We add to the etaiencyeoi .the_ school, `u%"3\'Lnrr;1s:nNT.--The mihagem of the. `. `1l10r1_al H n d - ' t-fun to ac. fg`-,`;gege`u.o?I.1owfS;"i12t?ons, m..' N. m |,:..,1 :..:;_.u- ..._...;1...1. ...:l....-.'n7Im1n -' . M. Brc.~::=.uu, !hL:1ic.1l .:,.,~y.,1-tuc .1-ap.u:~tzu,-M5 of the S -.-inc, I'_;;s:mx1\,r :\pp.::Ll fqr the restoration of ,~3; tn its p...sitiu:1 as the unpitetl nf Fmnce, I the rmtiun xsxw ;1'1uptL*.d by it votq of 237! 3. ta 31'. u:l_\'s. - : .\v_1{-;n1t1ti from (.':1t7na.1`ix1ns, Kings- :. anal nth-1-;m't3 v;mtn-.1 on the 1 1'3m-x` on .- 17th in~,t., ta iudmj-e him tn agree -tr ..~..-n tho \\':-llmxl rmel St. Lawrence canals Hfuct. .`.1:-. .\l=u,-krenzic 1'cfu:~xcd tncntc1`- `:1t11eIm]n~ul clnieliy on account of tlw VI -1159. anvl also In-cm1se he was not satised , 1H1u.(,`H;.-ct. tn he gained '35 at all com- nsnrute \\ ith tl\co11tl:1_\v'. ']'!;[~ Synul nf the 11u\\'dincese uf l\"i:\g'n~`;x ,_;;tI{'11.1iZtm on the 17th in.st., fur the ._.y_,,.,..:' :1 Hi. p. Fifr,_v one clergyman `:[;,,.-_\- g'.ur1:1:,' I:-19;;-1t:s: were 1)r;>.s`.%11t. 4c P.is`v1..p hf '1`-mmmtu prcsinlud and a1&!1'(ss_~,~.-.1 L` Iuw:t3n_:. Hr. l"l11h:l', AI`:lulu;1cm1 of 1-mtn, \\'.1< <-l-..-ctc1 I`islmp on the first 1;; Lyn vary large 111:1_i(n1'it_v. The new n-escm1w,n'isc'< the counties of Hztldilnzmd. !I:u14i. |.1uv:`>1m, '\Vcutwurth, H:11t~nu,V:u1d '\`ilh:'[Ar!l. _.._- -.__. -_g'_*.v xo: tuuu Sccrvud-,. E.\4.lEH \' 'r::\'.- .\';-xt ,.\Im:1;1;,' vvc-ni:1_g m.-11.:-uzd 1'.'u.'t-1' \'c-stry ill be held in the `.n*oc-hiul .\'-'|l:m1 H:mso,.iu c(r1\.'r..>ctioI1 with -`1x1i`.`\' Ch-.u'uh. We uu-1crst:Lm1' tlmt an 11'-rt is`tn be xnmlc to a101~ttl1efr<-.c`]>cW _v.~4tcm. We need hm-liy say we wish it may - mlucessfnl. Pew rents, town` mind, :m`: at n.ri:mce with the dictates of )_')l1|*(:, and un- -riled (_'h1'isti2u1ity. . Sm-r.u.'I`!z.~.1x;--'I`hrongh the co'ux-t;-uy of he .\lan'_;ing Director, a special train '35 -!<'c<] at the alis-.nm.9I nf thnsn (if thy ffnnnfxv .\4;.wI) UIUIL: n_-- ... .. . ,..~.-5111.1-lc `C 3 H1: 1-L: 1:.)n !h:(,`u'.121t_) of T.ppc1'.n')'." In Lh: Fr:-n~i17 Assuxnbly Linn that tnc'\Tc:1=;te -hold 1. I ... .|i...- \\` Ls` \l>.":).`.T. 'WITININd horn, lib .vnllm;_'/lllg l. U'Ul.'l}UX', H. 'SlJL`fJH|rl LYKLIU WIS --1<'cl. the disposal of those of the. Coxxuty ruuul} who had to go uu:'thward.. I`_his wins VH3 ":--at crmvennicuce, as if they had uitud till the evening train som of thein. 1 1uI.l not have reached ome till the following Iouday. ymdwga--3:1 nome" uesxre grauemuy w uzu-4` ceivedhfge the following donations, &c., re-* hunt; , in kind friends since} last apknowlcd-_', ., ;L'L:y3gr1`8I.M(!utter, $2; Mrs. Rusae1l'Ar};1a`2, 11, 3'3. Mr. Barry Ardag, ' " f\'/n...E. ll Stmthv.` sm: Ardmven Smiday-" ' `L India. ' '1 t}eor_~_ria. gun! South Carolina. gregst loss both of life nml p1'operty_ .-, comp:m_v has bihr vfnrmcd for the imports.- of Texas cattle to England. - ' Iewg. .\Lml_\j_nu.1 ."~aukcy. the Ap1r~.riou_.u -mtg, u~nLuum tr-_ hold nleutmgs :11 "A0,, wi1h'g1'c-:1`; success. . V m.h:un the Mitxistcrizxl cnnrlirhte Ir. Hig:;:' . ` \-`".t}, \w-11111;;-.azx has been retIxrncd_by a J-,,,.g_v of five. _ ` _ M1,; dniug a great deal of m_ischief' ' 1. mhave taken place on~the Eml- S`:1squ1ch!Ln!lw. and 011,116!` 71'i\ e1's in -the_ {M1 );_ Ramsay. lute x1xcm}1})ent of St. Panl a f._.}, _\',m'x)|u:`l{t, nnd in- st hnnora.r_v._cL\non 55, .T:m1e'a (J-;n.he .I`oronto, died at. L on the hth Lush, -aged sixty, ` ` 1 (4 )`,1.\ n -nu): v.ng-~{ }'.an.1.H, ' -VI IUIIVI } % j - 32: z `/ ~ `V v g,1`X`V Ar 5 ndy .,1,mayo1-Boys; I-34rd1`3Ven ' 11 Mr H H. stmthy. , . ; M1-3.: . . ..,,A Friend. 515 School box, $4.04; - Lally, A _ Mmwm. ` 2 E099; Mrs. Power. tea; C-m}v,n_1, g InE"` ew)" Mrs` ' M11161 garmwy (n , _cInldren, 6 H0119-Dd pro ' Z 7 , u1ay**`` re 6 A ` DISGBACEPUL: --L`{Sb`;,h; c,0|1P1 -Or mo evening were dxsgI`` . 1: ' ' ta` . v onr..*`"`V 4 5911100. . c encount8l'5 tween roughs. W * . unfdj ebelieve -the ' Tnia in---" ` wu`-1e:s between some or our town. j ne hundreds belxeve tpere were _upwardaJof get no memperona present }ob1n'og* on, -and hunem PWa.s made to put 3 stop -,to.the - 1 . L . e gw ghts gm gfth `West 9n_d o_f_ rum .L hum ea`-.s`f <:1z.1s`.e;v.;z m"0nnters.-W, fitrange` it: iaiktlmt` 3" ~ u ss:,,_z:.e,e ? bmbac Ttbje}-hotels ,.t1aic1`:~_ V \."l RLK ITULIILI `ml.-1 broke up : TA! I '. I1 luau. :1 the pm]: I w zmul ; u llll|`I1l.V' HI 0111` r thv 4.-xnxuillutnc, ythc Counc of bip of Vesp pd +.I......-a- A my Qope 3": him) 5:5; Zlllg propetyu-smua..5 ,!,;:g:@% % ; `f` M b aw . smse ,\\l1lL'H|-`~ mm- l'l}:isc wr 1-lmrvlu-.~ .3. gas. ted mem t is repm utto visit In Mitchell. the berj for T -ted tha dia. ~ I-lz;A\)n '1'(I`n.UH._\'. .\1u'I. good speculati- 5 ;r-i'wHE WEEK-> .<'.<-l!nn:1. - l'his.1`.r.st-.-1a.~4:s hotel `has. H-.:u1.1.u, Mr. .`.n-lcrtxm, n'.`.'.` enterpris- zu-zz unvl brcwc-1', is the put--lmsur. '\$'c mt he iutuxnls putting the house in thy.-' nrh-r. so as to make it sccum`. in none -uunty. Mav tl1c'1)urL:h:sse turn out tn mi <,num]:1h'.:n ; .\v'-'H:I~: \`'1`.--L:xsL >1;1tI1r]a_\' znurning 4, wife of JuJge.- (I-w:m'.` ;;ar(1enurL ukv her II-g. .\~a't1n: \mxn.'1n is up in .he z\('='i is all the more serious. Dr. \v:L:< call-xl in. and, we are happy Lu : sntl}-rvr is dmug as wull as L'Ul.`al'.1_ be .m the ss1le\vz=.l!;11r2nr Mr. Mvcrnzufs,` HUS. . .:m;..;;'g d;\_\ was uelcbratml with .gre.'xt T,.,.,;1g., 311.1 the utlu.-r chxef tmvns 1n m:,,,.,;,, In the speeuixes made on the -; than: w_-r-- nnuy (:')n_LfI'.1t11]atur_V re- " . .- .'.. .,l . C \I\ no` \I.. XTH-aha" , the capital `: I*0CE.?\} ..- -1 1)Lli).\\'.\`.-~Ullr High um\C`un1n1on Le for the Easter I.in1id:1ys on Last wcvk prizes V/V\'.`!`E' aW:uv1eA.l nl `L-nnpctiturs -in the variousl kaming, taught in the several :01` our Public .\_'1_1}xvmls. \\ e be- uuiuutiuur. g-.u'e general s:xti.~sl':13,-` W, incumbent St. a' Vina:-kat. first honorary. canon 5'3 (J-;Lthelra.l, Toronto, died-a.t_ inst, .u... all SE. Kings- -1- put; on Pmmier \,t_, L. agree -tn \'=-!1mx1 St. to enter- n-ul cl1ieH_', t m 7J1- .41.-.`1:. an I... `.1 11,. C H R ESTT _\ |`.\l riallyt II ..... .lep.I m.--LI ,the lately cipelldi:-.1_1d re-J; Tipperary, is dc:u}.~ 1 that the Prince of "Wales inf ,1I.. . , . am the 18th a mute ~ho`.d its sessions in 1.:-.~:. op_ut.zm,-111: Seine`, cztl for 1 the a vot_e