Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Feb 1875, p. 2

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I Febiayy 2a;-1s7;;` ,The holder of a pnlicyfor 85,000 of ve _ yo;arI atand3ng, commencing at age 30, became '_ontitled during the next ve years at an "an- nual. diminution of-hisipronnium to the extent gag` 84:10:,` reducing his premium from $111.50 $7.4m 1 The` ']io1de1 of I a. policy for $4,000 of ve years standing, commencmg at the age of 30, receive: in cash-as his share, $136.64, being 305`-.per. cent; ofthey, aruount paid. . The` holder of a policy for $5,000 for 0110 year, received as 1} bonus addition, $125. " ` The tonowing xampla of Protvaldeclarecl tttii Policies'at '30thAApril, 1870, are instmcg ve:---; ' v ' DU ITDIICH two :~-. [ONE YEARS SHARE. - ~ 7 Ageyt, -, fin) 1332 DIVIDED. ;?'I Pf it Mk fendy.` .L _ o-' `M1-W % *1 rdam 0*`--ittiziss or: 0091*. `name: and addm`eIs`ea'of,%," "-`?'`hll nmfinn. Fminhr nm...... `D....... ASSUREBS Now aiuumt: LIFE COMPANIES IN CANADA. A {STANDS `-AT THE_ HEAD} [m=AssunANcE'l The co.pzu-tnersliip heretofore existing be- tween the undersigned as general Blacksmiths and Czirriage Builders, at the Villa-`re of Bills- dale, under the style and rm of Slorrison & I zu'ker, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. - . Alldebts due to the said late rm will be collected by the undensigned, James Morrison, who is hereby authorized to collect the same, and who will also pay and satisfy all debts and liabilities of the said late firm on presen- tation. v ` -r nun.`-. .-A._..--.. _- JUILLV I. \VIITN ass:-4JOSEPH ROGERS.` Hillsdal-e, Feby. 23rd, 1875. ...f-:`5BYm;.. . .W.8w tlief ti `fd" t` V "and mwibi? by* ;`.`3:n1T 3",ucL`'Z..3`E the ne properties of,wel1'selecte Mr. M :", ti Af_zr'n.(?`<)nrok'1:1-1" I mi. ngh:kndwlqdgd ofvtha -inturnl ` E pa has provided any breakfm t bl 'th ` A d i'3?91J'V0ul'ecl bevera e wbic; sax : ` ns mnnv hmuvxr rlmd-m.'. 1.. 1.. n :. 1... 4.1.- .u--WW "' ~"5`53|!.jarvlsIl6Ivor=diet that 3? o6i`hItion'mn be grad1ull' , built): until sfggjohg enough-[to resist Leve)x:y tandeency to dulejtso. Iiundreda of subtle maladies are oating around as ready to attack wherever, them is a weak point. We may each e 'mat y ' a fatal shaft =by keepin ourselves we fo_rtih- ed-with pure blood an a properly nourished frame.-Civil Service Guzelta. ` ' x I .._ -_.(v. .v-_ WALL [P_AA-PER, nEEoRA'r1oNs T FELT R00FING,TBUILDING urns. . ' ' nnmznsm Pianos hf best makers. The Mas'on'& Hams - payment system ilzi Organs, and the Canada 0rgnn Compuny, - Organs and Melodeons.-A Organs and Mem- deoneorent, and for saIe,on the monthly 1l1\tl7An1\a L 1 Arztn u-=uww.v mwuru oeverggyyim nu ma :1! !.nny,`he-%ry doot oa' It is y the ' J|f_hc1_ons `use of V such prtioleo. of diet that a oonshtution mnv he anulmallv `&...:I+ x... .m+:I JIDWARDS A as LAIRIL1 UllXll9o Booksellers, Stationgrs, l A...I 7- . ..... .. .. 1ul`loll.l.' HUDIUU wux UL` gl.\ .Ull. V ROBERT KING, `V _ ' Collector. OI-`I-`IC_E:--At the Advance Printing Estab- lishment. ' 8-tf. A All persons who have not paid. their Taxes due the Town of Barrie fbr 1874, are hereby notied that unless they pay, or cause to be aid, the amounts due, forthwith, at the Col- ector a Oice, costs willabe charged. N 0 further notice will be given. R.()RT7`.R'| KTN fl mi: mason & HAMLIN emu co. undmvdro to Iwnluh Ibo New 73.6-1;2ttiAa21-11t. % `OTICE OF SALE. iIssoz.UTIoN OF PARTNER- SHIP. . ' ` THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1375- ; AA/v\ArAnIvv\AA/yvw\A./vv " ,"""cf}Z'1'3.ari~ Tfss - lux ' nguishcne, Feb. 24th, 1875. COMPANY GANFDTE ..I.in. nnxljmnsoxf, 7 ,,V , "V General Agent;__ -AV.A._BAMAY, ` . . Managin'g5Di:eotor1 And_I;i:1orte;a-of 7 -In. -\--I\ ax--an OF ALL THE: --GET-2 .4 vnnuau ullb MIAKACIIJICIIUIUI c-`tanguish uctinneer, to (1 nccomm ountin` Jawrence, Onchorne, bla ,,I, I ABOUT -wuvrsuu. UL, U110 UUHIIUJ we at least have no Inna nnwaavs & LAIRD Booksellers, &c. , ' . ` Barrig. JAMES AIORRISUN. JOHN PARKl~1R-. 111x-ra ` [<:;.::,*:..'.:y`1,];ev- ~ ~ vuv wuuuliy ox mmcoe, the first insrtion being ' th if no cg _ itionbe o'erd thereto, the public will t eI'ef_9r_g _gov91fu themselves accordingly. ; e 18th day Of. February, 1875, 7:; zrurnaumnrnv. That the abo By-Law to be Corporntionof the ve is-a true copy of :1. passed by the 0 Township of Countyof S_imc9e, at its first regular meeting, yo be holdezfaftor the publication of this notice mf out oon_Iecu'tivojnumbers dance of ` the Cookslo um _ at: newspaper, published in the Vill e ofenCook__stoWn, in t as .w y he Cotinty of Simcoo. as an m_the' Noxmnnx Anvuwn, published County Town of rat bing - 1 1375.` no proposed ouncil of the I I , ,V,_,,>_"J _...., -.- 9' yuvuu nusuwityg 4. That no niuclgof By-Law No. 45 of this Corporation, as is inconsistent with this By. Law, shall be and is hereby repealed. ' 5. That this_By-Law shall `come into frce pad have e'e'ct; from and after the passing 1: eroof. ~ IIJ vuv usI5\u Ll-VIII V-you Iunv Junuun. 3. That the said portion of the said road Vallowance, now used on the said east halfof Lot No. 20, in the fifth Concession, asnd',>ea--- thbliehed as aforesaid, by By-Law N o. tlnis Corporation, shall be conveyed to Ilobtz Nicol, now the owner of said half Lot, in lieu, of the new line of roa_d laid out on A the south side of said half Lot and established by Section one of this Ify-Law, ad a public highway. ` 4.` II:nn`1'nf 11.. T n... 11'- 14,- n .. . - I Qgl Lcuv vs vuu Avwuuuny vs .-.4-aw. ` 2. That the said line he the middle of a, road allowance, sixty-six feet in width, and in accordance with the notes and plan of survey by the said Henry Creawicke, junior, SCCOTIG-81108 Wll U118 IIOEBS KEG plan 0 by the Henry Creswncke, Junior. 4: 'm...o. n... ....:,I .`....o.-.... ..c u... _. l. Tlmt the following deviation of road al- lowance to abolish a. road now 115011 on the east half of_Lot No. `.20, in the fth Concession of said` Township of Essa (CSt3.l)llSllC(l by By- Law No. 45, of the Corporation of the said Township of Essa), described by plan and notes by Henry Crcswickefjnnior, n `1 .L.S., which said description is as follows, that is to ` :-Ccinmencing at at point in the centre of the roadvallownnec between the fifth and sixth Concessions, distant fifty links northerly from the limit between Lots 19 and 20; thence in 2!. course westerly and mrallcl to said limit . 2- n 7`lVI...L 4.1.- ...;;.1 1:..- 1... nm ....-.a.n.. 4 _ __- ,1 across the south side 0 said east half of Lot No. 20, until it meets and enters that ,rtion of the road now travelled on the west alf of said Lot, shall be, and the same is hereby es- tablished as apublic hi l1way':in.l thorough- fare of the Township of `ssa. ' .. _......, _,.....v., u A - uuuusu ugnuu 3u.l.'VU_)-'01`. And whereas it is necessary to establish the same, and to convey, in lieu thereof, the road now used, to one Robert Nicol. Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the 'l`ownsl1ip of Essa, in Council assembled, hereby cnhcts as follows` :- ' I; To _a6olish a certaizz portion of a Road now used: as a Public Highway "on Lot No. 20, in the Fifth Concession of the 'Towns/zip of Essa, [:stal2lz'sh- ed By-Law No. 45 of the Car- poration of Essa, to repeal a `portion of said liy-Law and to establish anew Devz'atwn of A `Road on the East Half of `said Lot, and to convey the ' former in lieu of the latter to one Robert Nicol, the owne of said Lot. ` ' \\'herca.s :1. certain portion of road establish- ed by Bylaw No. 45, of the `Corporation of the Township of F.si_sa, on Lot No. '20, in the fifth Concession of the said 'l`ownship of Essa, has been found impracticable, and whereas it better road can be obtained from the'owne_r of the`sa.id_Lot, on the South side of the some in lieutthcreof ; which` said deviation of road on the east half of said Lot No. 20 has been examined and approved of by Henry Cres- wicke, junior, A Provincial Land Surveyor. `Ami whnrnna if. in Ilonnannu-ur $.\ ....;_L1_--1. u , 33v-LAW N0. 33?] IL. I . . -" c " , `. Liq.t1prl,a>11d Cigars. Good". and qmpl atdblin `an and attentive hustler. like best of B0 and" Lodging. ` Livery-Horses and vehicles for hire on reasonable terms. 8-ly gmnnmf notes and mm mm ne noes 1101: mm nor will not pay, having received no value, g he hereb forbid all and everyone iving credit in , '5 name, no. matter who call! or it, he he will not pay any debt: contracted in his name withbut the parties interested roduce his written order for the same signed Ey Tnunnrr 71 A nbrunxr 7-617 P .....,..w.c. .I.u wucmsion nu said :- 1 I think we may very fairlycongratu- late ourselves tlmtz our nancial position has materially improved since last year. All our immediate demands,` which were ` considerable , have been met, There are no pressing claims on us, with the excep- tion of those for public works for at least 9. year or so, We have a reasonable 'su1`nlus on him +.mnu.;..+.'.\..-.. -0 I ..+ 1 V L"! Int "elnn assignment of Creditors at-`e notied siness, Bame, on The Insolvent _ his estate to me, -i to meet at his p Tuesday, . the-2 o clock p.m., ` affairs and ` |PUBLI\Au119-Nil Thursday the 11 h day fof H rch, 18 5. - LVE O CLO , NOON, e Decree and Final Order of ki V. Wiley. , `AT TW 'P{1rsuant to _ Sale in a. crtain slut Gzo There is :1/hewed log dwcllin -house, and :1 log bu.r_n on he said prcuxiscs. The Fm-n1 is well Water L The soil is of a 0d quality - 11 s:uxdy< 10 n. ' About f0rty- ve acres are clearcda (1 under cnltivatioh, he remainder is well nbered with good 1111 wood. -This pxjopert isdistaut from the T0 of Orange- ville a. 111: ten miles. In one Lot, with he appr ation of J. R. Cote1', Esquire, Haste at Barrie, by TMR. E. McL 5.415 |vv1tterA I-Iotell |mgHoLp_gnmts.| That valuav e Farm khow as the F 1: half of Lot Num 'rTwenty-ve, in the F' 1; con- cession t of Hurontafio St: et, in ` the To ' ' ing 1 will .I. ~ ---- ' ' The aubqcriber hxwin `been annoyed by lunning notes and bills t t he does not owe .,L_ .41 uni-Vruno In.`-Inn .m.u.uaJ nu ualna W......~. .Lcu. muuons or tmsrloan he proposed to apply in reduction of __ the public debt, and the remainderto public works. The terms on which the loan ' was obtained -were, he considered, very favorable. In conclusion he said Tthinl: vim mm, .m... '_:_L ` , -...~.. -.__ _ Couidhkdiasi. Eogibvndf A , . sTaEE1f,f . - ~ VE"dw;ard. Shhndcy, l"ropIfletor.. DAC:1;g & Aw:-by I nuns, Illkh vv vnnv 1 I IAVUJULICUI n Egtcd at Batrie, this 2nd day of F eb_n`ry, "Kn" WE. ERAHAM; or am, A` , an Insolvent. {SOLVENT ACT 01? 1869} Efrebmary 16th, 1875. ;__AN.0ERY SALE TAKE NOTICEA ' J _GH & STRATHY, Vendor's Solicitors. On Tuesday Mi. Cartwright, the Fi-_ nance Ministeiybrought dowii his Budget, and in moving the` House into Commit- tee of Supply, spoke at great `length on the nancial position of the Dominion. The total expenditure for 1874,was, he said`, $23,361,000, and the receipts 324,. 000,000, leaving a siifplus {of $880,000. -' `The expenditure being $4,140,000 in _ excess of that of the previous year, the. causes of which he expl'.tined.. He then : discussed` the effect of the increase of duties nmde last session. The revenue of this current he estimated at $25,250,- 000. He `then `spoke at some length of the loan of 4 millions sterling recently negotiated in London at 90, realizing the sum of seventeen and one half million dollarsl Ten iiuillioiis of thisloan UH ullliln Ill" -333.1393` Hmuusozy v Icuila-v -.--5..-`. "J I F "J'6.sEi>ii' T 36 Tn&nm'u `OF J. R. COTTER, :\.Ins4tr~1' at Rn .\Iastc-1' at Bu n. mu 1 Lulu!` , 1.415 I .Lu. La._uAmnn., rum-r. Organist, bags to intimati.`-I _ A _ - lspropu-ed to give inezrnd? Jhejrt.-vaidence of pupils, and also at hiso }1.`:"..- Pilotg Organs, and Mlodecnl. 7``3'` 39953136 . -For _lei-ma and fart Dli_~I hi: ~Renidenco,Jsmos _ N `M 0hgguh, lnnio. L 3F.i.k.- ~v-\.._ .~. .-----9 my In nu neaxuenco,-1: bf tho" gshalip Ohm-oh,`Bu-tie. hgxflo, .1{gyoji].got `lib. I872. messrs. Moore 3 Binyou, having been- .od by mutual consent, Mr. J. Binyi carry on the business in the vrmi.-sci occupied by J. Plaxton, Tin Vol-ken Y01! will nd his Raiora keen and Tow ` 01031168 lqgned on the shortegt no? _; . v "-""" .1 The partnershi heretofore existin M"- M00 4.3 `pinyou, beui ' L mutual Biny` "'Y_0n business-in rmi.-sag `.`P3d Vorketrgq Von willml hi. `D....... 1...- .....1 rn.,..-aim! BARBERING Z23 `ulna-.0-.43..n..-..n..-..u........,..,,..; .............. on 1. Pnor. nmvog .n.uy un- -=-no . ` Ohha latest and beltatyios and oflhf proved construction, Collier Street, and door from the Market, Barrio. `Al, vortisora are thoroughly and pnctlil verunt. with their business in all iu employs none but the moat. akilful and use only the best materisl, I guarantee slliwork turned out at th air men: to give ogrleor. satisfaction to t'ne_ A: or. Farmers ind others look to your And give nan call, we promise to give berrulno for your money than you can any other Carriage Fnctor in Barrie. l2l`Ala_o, GENERAL `B_ AOKBLIIT All its hrthchu attended to. Barrie June 18, 1873. EV I G-N'Y & coz, Hngnlnctux'os_of L . ._._.. . _ W 7 I Oppoante the .Simcoo'HoteI, md 4doon , > ofthe Wellington, Barrie. mannma (1. :. * ----~-- ..:. . _.__-.-______.V,.,al` -W`AGGO_l\7l( MAK!NG. 6:; __-..-. I r\l.L.I Line done with n... LIU JIUIE. All !0rts bfjobbing m the T D \ TIN SMITHIN Tina A--- _ . lD\ln\'. '" "-`W uuu 01 we DEB! BCDICD rxganuwxsl) 1 T':.SEETlB0N,00PPEi: .;xr:t` $1 Ware 1n>nn-.m..o....n.. ._ .___ 1119 Hit "'1"'------I,uu uU1 I In! u. u.u..' Ware keptconstanlly on |Ian A oljobbing TT'r\Tr`1 .-'r1r11 -r~r1> 1-rn Y J , there is naturally a reference to the burn- It is so seldom that an American writer is found candid enough, or bold enough. to admit that the enemies of his country could possibly have been 111 the right, that of such an one weare glad to say with Captain Cuttle-- When found `makes note. In `the. las't`n'umber ofi Hm72er s'Magazme, we nd a wfcry - striking instance of such candour, which ' weare glad to make fl, note of. In a very ; interesting paper called New -\Va.sh- iugton," which describes Washington as it is, and compares it with what it was, ing of the public buildings by General- Ross in 1814. ments against the British by American writers none have been more severely pressed than that based upon this act of hostility, which has been constantly rep- resented ns it piece of wanton and cruel . barbarism, unparalleled in warfare. In making the comparison the burning of. ' the. defenceless village of Niagara in the depth of winter is, of course, forgotten. It is, therefore, gratifying, especially to ' those 'who know the real history of the brilliant campaign of General Ross, to nd in the reference alluded to, the fol- lowing 1.ass':`.,;'95"" T! f1mP3lgn 0f General Ross ngninstth our has never been fairly treated by American writ?!`- The thoroughness, decision,`and success of that episode were legitimate, and the burning of the public buildings the only possible recompense for such liezurd; . A part of the` edices burned contained warlike material. was red upon and his horse killed after military resistance had ceased, Now of all the indict-. ` The General himself ' ,, ,,-, _- --- L...-....u uuuxn .|u1'val: 1.011.813 ww 01 31103: at 199" hiwe "0 year so. reasonable grolmd 1` objectmg- `surplus on the tmnsactione of last year, ._.-.-u and have every reason to believe We` EA T SIMCOE. shall also have a. reasonable surplus on. _,_ . Ablxose of the currentyear.` o It may also One of the sureties for the petitioner be added we have so far made no inroa-.13 . ' - 7 . upon that valuable reserve, the Imperial ggrmlthg r:ur:1::l?::'.E;E Eng V guarantee. We have completed the In- 0 n . _ oo , ` . . . . ta :-colonial Railway and `the Prince Ed-` - Cook. "Our political friends are not quite ward Island Railway, and are therefore no wise. as they fancy. They have free to tur1:1~.our energies an: attention " . . - ` to the tas '_o enlarging a_n.,i_mprovi`ng ;';&:;*2:**:;: 2:55:23 .,`;fm::3:*;`3f;:.1..,:` and ccummeung taeeoanal we re0,P.the fruits. M1-.`Cook claims :6 Pacic Raway` V Welfhave As--' .. on d - _ H ceeded _iq 1haling_ uch:j_a1'ranveme1_1t_a_ ~1'1'1zli Sndgmliiaeallf 33$ ml: W**h.13r*lhe0919_1bmi ".88: althgushm ' uot.ation~"'Quem Dem vult Prdere v1"ng -mivelzi 99-`d.mbl 1-i`-`b-if "`;'%'usdementat. " "T -v " it"3T."._tlv"i`.. Whois this Mr. Taylor that protests *"-=-` F '=n" '1 YW8 t C ` lllgnins , doxnicil The public arejratherl c1_jrious mm thr qngagemema` um. int. _ . ` . `Mr Kean `and where isliis b-epmdenlt 3':dl:"l:d'llgl/ht-'l1{.tJ`l1 ' I . ' V T onthei: 7 5 is /. ~ fairly 1di8p0e(.i:j0f th08`f0l'L"w 1:` - 'lready.repn8ib1&l`I"i' His Cooking SIOYEB are w-:1. bake and dnnv_. His Parlor} Stoves are 1:: great variet; BAYF1ELD`wfREb`}f ZB-U c ;;:%i' -~ VICTORIA STOVE DEPOT I.<~= LOU. - - v -v -v--. an. .n. 1.1 .l 11%; T-' (-I In all its branchesipromptly,neatly md.`5. 3 - oxecutod. . , onto; M-1 4 JQI1)` p{`;_\:T(l A. S`nn`. - [uheopSl._P"_tY L" Nov 5 1137!, :8 annual Uh. (V...-x1-3 _ . Q . . _ - _ I- ' --_-I -415 AU_ Ill? ("1 tjlles u_ 1;.- Apphcanon `for a. Patent of which igltsurer; .14. made. Imu Pipes and Pumps of :2lV.G. Lc.-r W335 On` l_1and. All kinds'of 1-:vrnic:h`'ie*4, '5 phmbmg, and bell hanging am, My Gram TI N S M 1 T H ENj:5:;;.*:f3f.A Tn A" `fl In-nnnl1.n'v...A...._a1_ _,_ .u . cant` \I Nov 1972 On the latest rnd _ u- STEAM HOTAIB mm Ba._r rio, Nov. t_3th, 73. ' way worthy thevcondence oi'fthe electors - a brother Orangeman.'gfI.f selected` by. man of good `abilities, , _ T i- and of spot1ess,privantet'.charecte"r`. Ae politican he is in? men a3Libe`n1;,.oon;-; . aervvativeji and inthe that. b He is also 94 8 of the Banner Conservative Riding". He was likewise i the intimate friend "of Mr. Boulton, during life,i.os}well_ as"; the party he willd_o'honor to its, choice, In South Sitncoe he is _1_ve_ll known to most of the electors, and it is at the urgent andfrepeated solicitations of many Vwarm friends in that1_Riding that .he,ha allowed` his name to stand as. a candidate for the choice of the approaching Conven- tion. Mr. Boys was urgently solicited toplace himself before the Convention that selected Mr.,Boulton the first time,but he refused to do so, and'_worked hard and ably to `secure that gentleman's return, and received his warmest thanks public ly for the good service he had done. 1`ho1'efore he is not_ without claims" on the constituency. In Barrie he has thrice in succession lledithe oice of Mayor, and has been elected thereto against the most powerful opposition that could be brought against him, which is evidence of his V popularity here amongst his fellow townsmen. He is also, always ready "by tongue, pen,` or ' purse, to help forward every cause that has for its object the elevation of the people in any way, so we . feel that a better or stronger man, against all corners, cannot be found to contest the noble Riding of South Sixncoe. 3`lIliOxl:'I `II; . ' I 00 L001: Jvx 7"l.I 0dhix! hu.~.3' . V ' T ITINWARE, H . A1` A 2 ` .. J . P `U L; A N.s`8.';)}:c;;c`g % N931 the WelIing!c:I4`l1mad_ out . _.` if Gran/1 BARliIE FULxNACE \;c)14.x;{'}} {`}g`g}f- ` "`L~ 4 -- -- . I. Comm l 20 I'll! l3EH'[`_ `(`,';`;.,-,,"",", ` - ' ,[ T ' resolved r? . BELOW _0UB LSML L0 PhL*`-f f.iii:.1i1! I k_ uct of` .\h. .`.I v . . . . `_ - ' ~` A"f ma gf-`{`*:,;a::: `V OD. smug ,I1 3;P0RTAT10N3.e . -t .1?` "`*=~`:,:::2,:;*`:::,:::*:,:;::i: WE LAUGH 1.\' THE l-`At {.~_ .,,.,.,J..`L 1`1 n4n`qi f ' 'U-\'- I 3 Ur" {. STRITCH an I-mm nrx`-?:7; ,`.`.*.`..`.';`: |sT0vES;::;:: ., - _._V_, 40. I `It Chlxrr A- '=,`_ hon, rm 81,0. II`. John 51.` .,--w~-w..~_..,M .,..,., \_ itude some - A H > "`""`--circumsat.m7 F ' tionfor U- ' ~ i!Ilu)('vi.'.x on: that n was ineli_r ion to adjm.. . Mr. (:'r1u:lst.,- wama 12% ' ntfi) ` -' M llllln -u-_ nun}. .. . ` . 1110! -gbruury 17th, AID. l8.__KuaI1`lD] U!:Alf'.(L`.. We are nowSeI1ing OH` our entire .t,,., I U V E. '?5`Ai`au?If Are made out ofthe best Scozch Piglixowxn 1'12 luv nnnm-u..,.. . . . . _;. . .....Li.nimr that 1 v u no: 3 `II I In: ||y |LnYrv13||n11I -1-. . DUNLOP STREET, mL_' Xork dm. Barrie, Dec'ember 9th, `.874. 5,21, by rfgm -~::`::`;-- -- _:,-...`ect of run` ; s1'ov Es, F u R N ACEg::t:{f:;W\ - ..-n .1-.. STRITCH & HURLEW.- i?.%?`. ,';i nnur nn rm-......._ ' till: WHEN FOUN_ MAKE A NOTE OF. ` - HAIBBUTTING 81. DRES1 N snnma AND saenrow sALooN. .' . ` "` ll'U_V0(1l)y Ln grin, February 17th, A_1)_, 18-75 kdeleazst. Chur The hum, - . C5111}: dcnbo." '3 pP d In bmne busim ml. -..I.'.... `vntanu hi. AT 20 PER I:-se41.`:,`:`=;..,f`:*;_% v-nun] --... -._-<._.- .. .19!!! $1 9-. "HARDWARE ....l CI '[i'it5'"i6K['- . L._~_.OAISSE, pm!` |rnI-iI&- luau In inml" AI 1 8 U U `L r. , ; Nnnntncturors of I UARRIAGES, u 3UGGIES,' . 4 WAGGQM. . . . - AND 31. . `o 2 :.L.- 7i:h ueatrcsa and dispatch` member the place, up gm: var}.-[J-, "'",'T.'; .,,'i1`.".`,,: "-" it than In f'1`he largest Assortment oz .`"'t "M" ` . ever shawin in Burriae Right M 5 _.___. me Aaanu: ` we in g1-era: _ .....\u fa Assurn . u:|-__, ,, . I352 ' , .__....;v -pure to get good : -I - --- ll Nth AN ' 3.1; . 'I[S:~-\\':_ A T E f.'I2'Z2l r$L:'.`, V ` Ken \Vilsn.'. ......L.. It WARE :f1l :un:= and SEWING MAC7y,-ed from AT A nnlc Ln 1.- a!I me new reg: .-.---.. ......, nc:u ._....... W me. 3, xgton. ,1] up L3,, GEORGE c.ns-,3g(,.,4 F Pm`: nnnu _, -~ 1 xv vv:l.l`lL`ll`II Ii Parlor, Hall 1:: tvariety. 41H` ' "I0 VY Illll 7 I I -. nu- fnct-3 I I XL. .1 PARL7IAl\/IENTARY. u "I mi IIIIHI - ..`nnltozL I Stern! Jr: WII.I.2',<-T. 1 Ox Tnuz. "3 ` H ` :1... 1. Willi` III II IT-59`l'd.s, a_fI1ll ` n tannin h ... `CH 1' IIBHH-V: _4)ciM'c l:.\\ 1"-nals, R. \\ , Cnthnri m ._,.,.. `Docs aug of ti: -git 8 tax w ..`l .1 `mun 'II D Ln|\ ( ppe it will ' ran-nn \rH`x wvnuv um ta Ramon. .. '1` I I W. \lVI L31`: Ins! xx `3b the"`fl|1`\' .ll..A ...\ .\ gpguu him `(#3001511-`rzs 3_Lllt, 1} -h....|. ._ Epic .Tow1. "U_,S.Sun.'1t-,-` _IQU1on()r1tl.u- [DUI]; Jul` etn . 1 .f P` In mnn.-.r Inn LIBHIIP lrial In ch have {L .ld not lime self! .-\u- I aul\buv-1 .. ` Uvvuo . ..\, Ipaper, :u `I b, the My dub, and :. _o...-... 5"... I IN: Illlum '3 lhlll no -.-..II.- 3.. ,. 3|ni1 ] _ fun: En slun l_riu_n lm buggy In PVU "3 `(anal -.-E um` ..I.. T uyu i-`nil L'.`H1 W0 glihru Ding lm~' J ` -<>)\\"f! .-V_ID.--..`vlx __,r I 1.i\ c:;. re` 1: .. 1' ct um 1m e Bflrn AC1 "IE 0`; I15. nu I at..|0_ "',`0l{.~y_ hmtelv l nadir. .'. III LHl' Rants an EMU 1! Dshn` LOCAL e vaileclvvin Oz-illia, and"n_1en who were ' never before known toutter a profane \ word ,awore_as roundly as any trooper. f Amnesty debate was up, and ardent a - ..__---.-v-ca vv Au U0]. 5 `I173 It Jyvasfthe morning paper, or rather -V theabsence of _it, that did it.---`-The - Conaefvative fondly hoped; ths;t_ Riel .3 and. Lepine would ,be" the `death 6!" ]'01`5Gri&8 I kenzie as well as _ V 1 too were ..anxiox_1 to. knovy;:.what;_ ,sha.pe; .1 `L12 I 1 - Tm: Bnocxmma _RA1s1~:D.--For three days--Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week--Or_iIlip. was cut off from all communication with the South. Late - on Wednesday evening the Toronto V mu gnrived, and then we had nomore i until after 11 o- o_lock on Saturdav night. va;iledgin`Orillia, and" men were 1 never befoxe known < wore_as any 3 Ihyvesfthe movniug_ -or ' gtheabsence _it, . debate u . ardent Con'sef'vn.tive fond! their RielV `L- .Lenim: umum 4....` - .j_ -.`I.` ,.v.....uw;uu u_y mu _m.st mturdayVn.ight.` A clmndelier which liggngs near the cen- `tre .of the store fell, and in an instant ~ the table of dry goods"over_ which it had hung w'as covered with oil and in a blaze`. A VVith much "-diiculty the ames were smothered by thmwiugt blankets upon them. The los is iestimateyd. at about s,_:75._11n'd. ~ N Um31zRs_ of sJu3.ntyn1en'hp.vin'g pass: ed through here during the past fort.- night, on their ivay from the shanties, t;he`._unusual dept _of snow 1'endgrin{,r operations .-in ,the' woods to a great ex- tent; imp1'a9ticab1e.-1Pac/set. ' " I The buerin House znatrowly escaped destruction by re last Saturday night." chandelier which hangs near `+1.4 ll Ibhe riding. O1uLL1A.-Mr. Kealh M.P.P., for East Simcoe has` called a meting for Saturday next at 2 }_).m., for the purpose of forming an Agricultural Society for ...p vauuvc VVULK? WLBU .l..lLDl'UUuUeu- v '_ Some unimportant `bills were advanced :9. stage, and the House went into Com- mittee of [T Supply and passed Va. number of items in the estimates`, including those. relating to eanigmtion and the militia. mn l.;he motion was therefore withdrawn. . On- Friday the Insolvency Act was read a first time. As explained by Mr. Fouxinier, with the exception of a'few slight modications the Bill was the some as that introduced last session. The Bill provided for the abolition of volun- taryv assignments ftlie appointment of assignees by the Government, 3.. large - multiplicatioii of the powers of assignees and inspectors, and contained numerous provisions to regulate `-the `exercise of these powers. The jiidicial `powers of the assignees were altogther `done away, -and provisions affecting the sale of rea. estate were also introduced. 3 c , I\rsI\1\ ......._.-___L,,,'A 1 `II ' - `I `- v LVDIMEH. vnvuo :Mr. McKenzie replied that as the matter was being investigated by 2. sub- cdmn'1ittee of the Public Accounts `Com- 'mittee_. any further enquiry was nee;l- less. ` A ' ,1 ,u `.1-in .... On Thursday Mr. \Vall:_a.ce_. M. P. for South N orfolk, nmdea speech in .\'indi- ,cgtiOr1' of his innocence of the charges made against him by the Premienof be- ing a defaulber to the Governmexxt in his ofce of paymasteron-the Pacic Rail- way, mid moved for a committee pf in- vestigation. -M- 1\/I',.v.;.`..:,. .....1:;.,1 um; --,. u.- ' V\Jl\1|3\L uvun llIi.HJl`. ILIIJLILII He condeinned the course Mr. Cartl wright had taken with 1'e'gard`to the tea duties,_wl1icl1 was driving `the trade "to New York. He also pointed out `the large increase in the expenditure czmsed by the present Government,` and as to the loan of four millions he showed blxat the terms on "which it was obtained were anything but creditable to the country, and that tlzey'in`vDlved 9. loss of two and a `half millions of dollars. A-(`hm z-'4-unun J`....4l..... .l-L-L- -I 7' V1 V119 LIIIIU UUlL|lIJlUUUUo On Wednesday nothing of special in- terest. took place." ' A On 'l`).m.lau 'M'.. xv_.n--.. 1r 1': A \IL gnu! uuu u, unu. uuuxuuri UL uounrs. After some further debate the I`IouAse went into committee. {\_ '\`l`P-.`l_,_-1, , :1 ` 4- - - ' gpio,oo4,uzo 111-.lC5U_7-68 to $20,826,469 ve yea.rs-I think the hon.` gentleman be learnedfrom examining the nancial policy of ' his predeecssors, rather" than have cast the undeserved obloquy on them that he did; and when it is'con- sidered that the enormous increase of no less V than seven million dol1:;u'g was ob- tained in contrasting those ve years, the rst with thelast--wlien' it is re- membered that that was not due to the hon. gentleman's increased revenue, which he will be able to float in our faces a year hence, but has been accom- plished while-at the same time we made the great staples of tee, co'ee,v etc., free, _and' .ha.d reduced the taxation tothe `reason to court the fullest investigation of the policy of my right honour.;.ble T1 , ` ` V in 1862-73, an increase of $7,138,541 in" might heve felt", that `something was to. "masses of the people--we, have every V 1t;s.as'well jthat t _ .- , A \.V_ we should b_'thug;,saHg'1 . m 583151` 50 .~. 3" `Q amed; 9 `-= .k"- d_o_ wha.t,other nationsjiave I13: to :13 by *3; 1`.79".I;l`%`7Z} -d`,`.*`~'~e"-"`1f".' meanleof wuti,ng-_war.,- benets '9 7 A`.-1-8 will arise, not` only to the. pi-esent gen-`I gawiog ORHI.-"".-kin H; ' he eration, from theprosection of thisgreat ,t-mp qy ~ : - 50' a- `t 3' work,butb.lso to the inhabitani;s`who' i` -`.`` ' 1 7 - T - - future will Populate these; vast Amgions; . C0oxs'1'oyv_x.'-5-_-JA meeting of the Libe- E and I am far from believing that our ml Oonsgrvative Associationist-o be hld eoplg W311 at an shrink fmm carrying J, at Cofzstown at 11 o'clock next _Mon- Its most satisfactory conclusion the task day morning, when an election of oioers tdwhich they have e; themselvey V ' _i:: to ta.ke"place, and other important , - ir\l1`;nt-San rnnunnlnrl `nwrvn n4-J-A1-arlnnnn `I\__ f'l'I,,_, ,, , ...-J _-..u Ivvl wuevqa-IvI._ILVVBa ` -3 . V'i`npper, in reply `oeny-etuletedi` the Finan(_:_e .Minister u,pen `the very. di`ere_nt tone in"which he spoke of V the `nancial ,position of. thelcouhtry this 1 year compared to what he did a. year i ago, when he` so disperaged our Act`-editby making predictions of loss which had not been` fulfilled._ He , then_.wenti _on to point out how Mr. Cartwright Aendeav; ofed to get out of this dilemma. by` the manner which he had arrariged his i comparati-ie statement, a) as to make it. appear that the expenditure 01 last year was greater and the revenue less than it really was. He also condemned him for the manner in which he had spoken of the nancial management of his prede-. cessors, saying When we wereiable to show the House and the country that, under our administration the trade of the country had increased` in five `years ' from` $131,027,928 to no less than` SRQ17,Rn1-Q02 m....\:.........-.... s.. In V- uulu I QLvJ`l,Ul,UZO 53 1635 $21-7,801-,v203, or an increase inve yea1*s of `$86,773,275, I` think that the hon. gentleman might have a!1owed his pfe- ' decessor to have escaped his den11nciu- tion. . As to the. past nancial manage- ment of this country, when we were able _to`311ow that; the revemie_of this country had risen under our administration from $13,687,928 in - 1867-68 $20,826,469 in an `:1'I'l'noun at` 4-6 1`nn r A 4 - coUN1r'1Inws. .z1W9 o 9*1`?.1!9g;snowL M.-\ . vIpqw:.'. `Om; political friends not quite wise.._ fancy, have) entered, upon 9. series of blunders of which, in the natural course of events, . reap the Mr. "Cook to no. reoiveda College education. He -will therefore understand this.v'erystb.le ` `quobation*--Ouem Den: qmlt `menu- uu uer nusbamlfin Michigan; Mr. obhers,for the re-appointment of John Rowatt as street waterer,` and accounts from Messrs. Stewart &'Lal]y,fo r1a.w services in 1873, "$11.50; Joshua Clarkson,` board and lodging 3co'iiIt!r=++. -- ` - viadpeople, 33. 75. . V - - . 1`. Sewre `asked, leave to withdraw Re- po_rt'No. 20 and _Police Cozmqnitte e.`5-` V Leave given. ' - Mr. .0 Bri'a1"pres6nted4R;ep6r't of Com-` ; 1nita_ae on_~Fmax;c_eund `Aisosamnts t.1`.60.m- _ mndins vpsrysy:-W. of the Fac- uy mm or we ncense money received from Mr. Bigclow for Fashion Saloon, nor ofthe _ nes and fees rcei\'ed from the `Magistrates Court, they also asked for mcreaxsed remunera- tion on account of extra trouble incurred by the books, and from t}_1e fact that they had to late '.l'reasurer s.time and, one for the present Treasurer's to the close of the year; Emily Williams, for aid tovgo_'wi_th her tour children otl_1om,foplthe re-appointment" of .l`:`-lii- 11 n-~-+'- state in which they found the late Treasurer's ` to her'huaband _in ,M1c1ugan; Neill and ` _ general stagnation of bl},-$lIleSSz_ll0 had not been showed` `a bald!) _,by_1iiu1 . of the license received from Mr. _]},igelow; , S " -L;oU.\'c1L UI>IA.\IBl-IR, Fan. 6, The Town Council met on the above date. Members all present, The Mayor in the Chair, . . ' . ' - _' . The minutes of last meeting were read and conrmed. j - A V `- The following documents, &c., were `read and referred to their respective Conilnitteesz -From D Alton McCarthy, on behalf of_.\lrs. -McCarthy, senr., to purchase certain lots; from a number of parties` asking for Shop or 'Hotel licenses for the sale of liquor, amongst whom were Mr. Full janres, askin r for license ' for the .Green Bush Hotel, an from Thos. Griffith, junior, for `license for late Fashion Sa.loon; both these petitions were backed by "a large number of signatures praying that the licenses be grant (1; from J ndge Ardagh, stating that_he `nod two lots on Water- street, and claimed that as they were water Iota they ought not to havo_ been assessed, as he did not occupy theui neither was there any` building thereon, which he had explained to the-late Assessor, who had, -without his knowledge, assessed them, h_e therefore prayed to have the taxes for` the same allowed on this yezn- s taxes ; _ from-John Ross and others, to relieve `John Shepherd, an indigent )el'SOll; Geo. Whitobreatl and others, ` thal: John Spearin be appointed -road overseer for St. Patric!-`:'s Ward; Thos. Griith, for relief of` widow Connor; Thos. Lennox. payment for a barrel of beer ; R.-King, senior, stating that _on account of the severity of the wcatherand able to complete collecting th ing the timeto be ,exten(lc'd cott, `to be appointed street April; 'J.'H;_ S waterer; Municip Auditors, Abstract. of Town 'aecounts,and stating that after allowing: the l;:te`Clerk $900,011 account of salary, there ce 0: $1,600, due the ` town, no 7 returns `been made e taxes, and ask till.-the first of besides which. paw unlined. xul Iuu 1uu't1cu1a.1'S S80 mus. 1 ;:EsBr'rx:Rr or Smcoe.--'1`l1is Pres- bytery met at Bax`:-ie, .on Tuesday, 2nd inst. Present, twelve ' ministers and four elders. ' eV:1ri_ous reports of the Mission and its meetings recently `held were presented, and aU committee, con- sisting of Messrs. Rodgers, -Gray and Cameron, was appointed to prepare :1 plan for the Missionary meetings to; be held next winter. _An application was was made by the stations of Tay and Medunte for regular services during the - summer, and six dollars per Sabbath, promised for supply. The application_ was granted. Mr. Hugh Gray, licensed by the Presbytery of Belfast, of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, appear- - ed, and putvhimself in the hands of the court for such duty, as it might assign to him. lie was empowered to conr`u1ct. public worship within the bounds, ,whenever_his services may be required. Arrangements v.'e_re made for the induc- tionof Mr. John MeLean, late of the Presbytery of M oritreal, into `the pastrol "charge of ,Knox Church, Oro, on VV ed- nes'dzty, 17th inst.` Sessions were di- rected to send in replies to the Assemb- ly's questions on State of Religion, at the next ordinary "meeting, to be held on'l\Ion_d_a'y,` 5th of March, at Barrie. The roposed modication of the Gon- . stitu ion of the General Assembly was approved. It was remitted to Messrs. Rodgers, F-airbairn, and `Mr. Fraser to make `arrangements for holding :1 Con- versation on Sabbath _schoo's, as recom- mended by thevAssembly. It was un- animously agreed that Principal Gavan, of Knox College Toronto, be nominated` Moderator of next General_ Assembly.- B7z't2.s/2. American ,,,P~re,sbfytm'an,e . \./1Luu.|.Luo \Jt.uLuL +LCbDlll'Ul'o V ORANGE BALL AND SUPPEB.--On Fri- day tho 5th of March next, the_membe;'s of the_ Orange Lodge No. 73,Angus, will hold a. Soiriee and` Ball, in the above Village. Speaking "will commence at 4 o'clock. p.m.; `the speakers expected are Wm. Boys, Esq., Mayor of*Ba1'tjie,,Rev. Mr.7 l\ IcKeo, _a1ud others. Dancing "to begin at 8 o'clock. It promises to be at grand affair, and wehope it will be well patroniscd. For.fu1l Imrticulars seo bills. ])f2RR\'TFDV t! .QI\rn}\u.w "`l-:-- T)----- r Oopxsrbizzta -r.A meeting: the Libe- Assciciation is to at Co9&s'town' 11To clock whn an ooers take " place, . Business tra-nsacted. A large atbenthnce is requested. 1".>_-___._,_ t\ 1-! - 1 ' . 1 V . I A ->-_.-If---.-_--. Inlxlsmn.--.()A.n lzoorl, the 5th of 3Ma.rch next, a'.'meeting_.of the Innisl Branch Liberal 3 Conservative Associ2_1- T tipn will be held at Victoria. Village for the purpose of electing Delegates to the County Convention; shortly". to be held to select a. fit `and proper person to take the seat in the Local Legislature rendered "vacant by the. sudden death of V D'Arcy Boulton Es_q., the late` respected mem- ` l1m- . ~ MAGIC L'AN'_I`ERNv.--0.n_ Tuesday last, the .16th in_st_;.,' H. R. A. Boys,'Esq., gave one of his Magic Lantern exhi- bit.ions~;in the Victoria Temperance Hell; The attendance was large, and the pro- ceeds are to be devoted_ to aid in building a new Epistopal Church in 'Innie1. 1 M e J-ALLISTON.--A. meeting was held in the Temperance Hall, Alliston-, on the 19th insl, tor the purpose of forming a Liberal Conservative Association fobthe Village of Alliston, `When the following oicers were e1e_cted:-John Stewart, President; Dr. \Va.Ison, second Vice President; John Gilbert,` Sec1'etar_v, Charles Coner Treasurer. l'\..'.`v,~.. 1).-; .___ (V A "` ' 1'e'gret to 1' learn thm: an accident befel a son of Mr. J_as. _Beat_1ty of Victoria. Village, last Satur- day. 'Ho.a1ipped' on some ice near the pump and fractuled two bones of his right ann "in doing so. It is not many weeks since the lad broke the same arm by a fall down stairs ' ' .Ar't vuinrnr____A umr.4-1...-.. ....,... `L,_L1 :,. gnu: uemmzaz. '7 V ' ho is that protests ' `Mr. Kean, and is_liis are rather cunous on the ` int. TdWiN COUNCIL, ;' "`" -:`H5 `urn 130111 and ~";`PPtl11'!11'-`.111: John Rowatt: i accounts: fr-ntn Manama ._-__. -CcjUxc1i. CHAMBER`, (3 :OunCil nn . `H19 n1\rnvn .'l.. J.` 0:`) H0 1238 `A. 00 o4enh:or.cue nongsnxon. [ *?I{oAgI_-;',E'cl_cli`!o~8_eIoot_VoJd and ling: v.-mu reins-1y, mugs never kn: . Sold b all medicine dealers. ,9 _ V a k` by .g en mnnufu ... .......... -. nu u. u ntnw, nuuu neepor, 'Wcat Shefford, p2 `,v_us troubled with Liver `gomplnim for seveml years, a.n_d.ls now well.- A (`Land asked him what cured him. and his reply was Eolecmc Oil; he will also certify that it is equallyns good for homes, in cases-of cuts wounds, &c., as for man. A voug lad had a severe attack of asthma, and did_nat thing ' she could live until morning}. _..'lze` now says Electricy0ilsuyed_herl1!e.. What cnned Rev. J. ._Mallory,-.Wyom_2ng, 17-8,, of Bronehl: is, in one `week 1--Why; Thomas Eolectric 011., Askahy 7 {qt are thnupandg that hnvebeen cnredgofeoughh olds.;;Bronohit_I_`, Aathmg, Lime` 89,915, Rhea. ; ;;I'l,III.3."`:_?'3`m{."'h>lnll.. 3.9": il'l,`1.Clau,adan .hfortie `l _t: th1'6I.": ,y,e_l,'8);' what did} Vii; gun 7 may mu. vty1,Eclottfi:0il'5'>_i4l;,ia_ eeknowledga um am; 1 r.-.25 A tr-use suuermg tor several hours every day, ash, onrrhe will tellyou that Eclestric Oil -cured him, after try`ng_evarything they than heard of, that would he of benefit. Wh&t.cl_ll'd Mr. G. Borrows, of the rr_n of Burrows dz Winatnnley. Sam!!! and Wllkelport, of Inammation of the L`unga--,Eg:lectric Oil. Mr. `Thomas Robinson, Farnhtun Oeutr e,`f.z., will tellyon that ho wss ; oozed of Rheum. smpf ten years standing, by Electrlc `Oil; `Mr J; H. Ema, Hotel Keeper `aomnlaim for serum! vnnrr and 1. ...... ...n :*:Wea,t`She'ord,`p2';wns` tioubled with . uuuun uu uuc IUSULII. The case of East Simcoe we especially - commend to the notice of the .party by thenameof Smith,"one of whose writers in the columns: of its organ, the Nation, so eloquently descants upon the "evils of party. The Conservative candidate here was a man who openly declared. himself as an Independent. Who, though for years he had acted with the Conserva- tive party, was known to be a main of very moderate views, and who was in a _ position, without violating any pledge, togive to the Government of the day such support .as he conscientiously thought they were entitled to. Yet not only was he opposed by the Ministerial- ists with as mnch hostility as though he were an atoyved Tory, but now, a'fter his election By an unmistakeable ma.- jority, he is'pixrsued with all the venom of partyvspi_l:e. He is to he unseuted that an outoand out Ministerielist may, if possible; be ut in his place. VVe honestly regiet the possibility of another election contest, but we cannot say we . are sorry to, see our opponents put them- . selves so terly in the wrong.- Go on., gentlemen--'-you are making Tories much 1 faster than"we can. You have dug a. pit i'or`yourseIx;es, and we shall be quite ex-- cusable ifgwe help at the zburying. If. ` `you think it good policyeto throw the , whole _2resenta.tion of. the county . into 0 ands. We at lnnzf `nova ..,, . - 110 max.-'L'nouAs"Eci.nc'rn1c On.i-Wom'n Tun Truss IT! Wnianrm GOLD.-DD you know anything of it? If not, its time yru did ~ Pain cannot exist where it is used .It is the cheap- est medicine ever made. One dose cures .-om. mon sore thrqat. One bottle has cured an old standing cough. t n or two bottles_cnra bad cases of pijes and kidney troubio. From 13: to eight applications cure any case of excor- has; cured lama backtof eight years standing. iAsk'Mr. W. Magnire, Merchant, Fmnklin,>0ut. how he was curedof Chronic` Rheunmisxn,of eight years sanding, and be rapiy will he, by the naeiot "1`h_omas EcIecn`.i_c Qil." Mu. Lee I non, of Gavan. Ont, was niictgd with : seyere p .in above the eye-brow, which canned him in- -tnie anifering for aeveral:honra-evo`ry day, ask, int!` he -will that Eclectgfio 0_i_!`-cqreg! hivn ngn I-n=...... -_'-.__.Lg , , -1 iated nipples, or inamed breasts. One bottle A .` Owing to the agreeable clmuge for thehetter in the weather, the `markets of last Saturday aml Tuesday were the best attoudcd we have - had since" New Yeafslweek. A great deal of stu' has chzmgeal hands, and on the whole good prices were realized for all but wheat, For other grains the prices have always been on the high side, and barley, though on the decline, still commands a high p`i'ico,- whilst _for root crops the demand is heavy and the ` supply light, whilst dairy pfoclllce is in active" glemzuul and prices given which glndden the he.`ni_.s of. our 'faru}ers wives and daughters, Pork still is high, and beef and mutton com. maml ready sales at from 5 to '7 cents per pound. by the quartet`, accoifding to quality. 'ru.n r..n,....:..,. ..-..,. u.- V farx.g1ers M _ Dressed Hogs:-$7 '15 to 8 00. O- . ....... suvuucu we high, and 5 7 The following u'rc.the prices` current, qccord. to a. statfemexmt furnished by the Ma;`ket Clerk, which may be;dependcd_- upon as being co;-._, rect:-- ' `FaI.1\vh`eat-s5 to coo. _ -Trcadwell-8.510 88c.- Spring,--S0 to. `$24. V Bnr1e]-9"- Oats-42 to .433. Pca3--62 10.650, _ Hay--12 00 to 15.00. A `Sir-aw-8 00 to 3 00. 9 , Beef--hind quartet--$6 50 to 7 -25, ; - Beef-fare qusrter-e $600 to 6'50. Mutton by ca_rcass--,7 to 8c. 7 ` Butter--tub-20 to 22 ` Butter--roll-25 to`28c . _ Eggs per doz-'-_l'f to 20c, Gees`e--50.to 56. , A -Turkeys-75 to 1 25'. . t ' Potatoes - per bag--75 _to` 80. 2 Hides-6c. * T . Sheep Skin a--1 60 to 2 25.. . .9... woo1,-3oto33c. " . - _ ,` No R1sx.-Ti1onus"l PEN TIMILQ I-ml Wnvn-- - _ _.._ -_--as _B_UTT.--In Innisl, on,th.e` l9tl{i11st., ALFRED XV. BUTT, age-.164 yeam and 6 months.` MARRHAGES. H . COLQUHOUN:-G1-LB;'ER;T.~'0n the" 17m inst. at the msiida'n'm`- of Hm 1\..;.1..v.. ....,n.,... SRI(}1.EY. '--0n 1 Jnnx: Qnu... m- J:1.l'E You '1`nu:n IT ?--If not, don`t `delay another moment, but get a bottle of the "` Ca- ` nz1 Dest1'oyer. .I_.t_is faraheacl of any other mcdicine, and was never: known to fail. All aches and pains nreilnnlediately and permamently removed by it, ax1;.l the'price places it within the reach of all. Sold by all menlicine dealer. - ` - ` _u.ssexnb1a_c;c in the court room. Luxton was.` Mr. Luxtou, editor of the Free Press, `Vin- nipeg, was brought Before Chief Justice Wood at the Court of Qyeen's Bench for contempt of Court, `for. pnblislling strictures on Judge Wood's action in the Schultz perjury case. Mr. Luxtoh refused to retract or _apologiae, an1id'the cheers and applauseirom It large ned $2,000 and he Wm; ordered to be im- px-ioncd until it was paid. ' V second- ed ~by `Mn ; ewrey, Thgt 1 John -;Sp,orin,~.{ be -` L pathmasterffor St Paitx-iek s'.WaVrd.--Lost. .' . _: Moved in ivrxendinent to tli`e-f'aunndni'en't 9 by` Mr. Harrison,`;s_econded" by- M 1`: .Fru,r- - That the Report be referre'd`b.ck to Roadidhd: - -Bridg e_0ommittee.-Cs.:-tied. = _ Moved b -Mr; 8e_wrey,use`_conded:by;Mc..:: - Sullivan, t `the ByJs\v'1'xnposing 5. to; 0.111 ed . do s be read a~rst time. -Carri, _ he By-law recommended that forench dog the ownerthereof be assessed by the Assessor $1, and for each bitch $2, and that it be col- lected b the . Collector in the usual manner. The By- aw was reada second and third time ~ and passed. ' _ Movedhy" Mr. Burton, seconded by Mr. Bali, That a S ecial Committee of ve mem- bers of this ouncxl beformed,.viz., Messrs. R035, Dyment, O'Brien and Harrison, and that the Mayor name the fifth member, and that they do report and introduce aBy-law embodying the conditions and )l`il1Ci les upon which certain manufactures, acute in this town, will be exempted from taxes, and pres- ent the same to this Council at its next meet- ing_--C;u`rier1A Tim 7\.fo.um. 41. ..... ..,1 M. IICHIIIJ |J\-Hlslll. D|lUUUB3C5n With this state of things, however, our 0 pononts were not content. _Al- thong it is notorious that the last `two elgctiong were fairly and legally carried on, and that there can be no question on which side the majority lay, `they must need revive the fray on the mere chance of nding, under a law so strict as ours, some legal possibility of unseat ing men who they Well know had. ftt11`1.Y won their positions. That they can accomplish their end in these cases we have no reason to suppose, but if they `should succeed in putting the county to all the trouble and annoyance of another election on them alone will the respon- sibility rest. But of one thing they may beassured. Asthey have opened the ball we shall keep up the dance to the end; We will accept no compromise nor come to any srrangement. They may proceed or not, as they like. AWe shall now ght the battle "to the last, and if, at the close of it, Mr. Cook nds that his blushing honors have faded from his brow, he will know who" to thank for the result ` o TL- -..__ _lI.1 ,4 (VI .1-ick Cwansg gppoiiited [J 'lic-Works atai-;a1:.ry of $1.60 pefx`3day1r,hen ,1 at wprk ; $1 per day'for lab'orer's;$2.50 3 day` 1 ' for a man antf team; and recommended that: 3` `the back stregts, and approaches to town, blocked up by snow, be opened up. ' E 310VOd ill amendment hv Mr Ham` nn\nn1L . Uuflll. Moved by Mr. O'Brien,econded by Mr. Burton,, That the Clerk be instructed to apply A to the late Clerk` for all books and papers in his possession relatin to Police bus1ness, and also for a return of al fees and nes received by him as Clerk of Police. Court since Sep- tember l873.-Carried. ' ' " Mr. Swrey presented Report No. 3.'of Fire and Police Committee, accompanied by two By_-laws. The Report recommended that Mr. Joseph,Rogers be Hi h Constable and Police Court Clerk; tlmt .Ir.` Henr Sherwin be -Town lnlsqpector at a salary of . 100; and that Mr. W. ROlEt0Il be T.l(`.Pha Tnnnanltnn n4- :1 `,,,_._ ..- <(r~.9\4' ...... AVG uu.u_ uucru,1ulll' pveexs at the cxpcusebf the (."o1'pora1hon..---C'-armed. The Council then .'l.(1jOl.ll`ll8(1 till Monday night next. ` ` " fwu hue snipe co mus uouucll at its next me'et- ` mg.-Ca.rned. _ The Mayor then named Mr, Burton. ` _ V _ 3 lfpuvn;-I L '\.I .. I\I`D..:-_, - ' 1 u 1 1:- lns ectoz` at a ..--,.., .. ..u_ an. .u.r.ur onerwm DB .100; . be License Inspector at a salary of $40. The Report was carried and the By-laws passed." _ . Mr. Sewrey presented Report N o._ 4 of Fire` zmk Police Committee. It.recomn_1ended that Mr. Plaxton be re-appointed Chief Enginee of Fire Brigade. Itepott adopted. - Moved by Mr. `Sewn-y, seconded by M Sullivah, That the Collector s time for th collection of taxes be extended` to the first Apnil. Carried. ' , . A:\.Tr Qnmrnxr nun.-....LA..l_`l L1 ,1 :1 vs `I '- .\Iovec1 by Mr. Sullivan, seconded Dyment. That the Mayor take the ne steps to scnc1M1-s. (`roodycar`s son to t pitul at once, and keep him there foul (."ox'poraI;i'on..---C-2 then ntnllrlmfl till I _ I133, The Capital andfunds: of the (`mmda Life Assurance Company amount to $3,000, 000. ./Ida. - _ . 1.1!.-| I1. L/illTlU(l. . I Mr. Sewrey suggested that the By-laws of the town be printed pamphlet form so that they might be had _b_y _zny one needing `\l .... ...`l 1... 111, `rs - - - -- f uwul. ' Moved by Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Hat'- rison, That a. Committee consisting of Messrs. O'Brien, Ball and Anderton, be appointed to define the duties of the Town Iuspcctot.- Carried. lfnuml 1... ?\r_. n7n,s 1 .. -.- L/iSl'I'lBLlo Moved by Mr. O Brien, secondedjby Mi`. Ball, .'l`hn.t the Mayor be requested to take legal advice as to the position of the latlerk and his sccuritics,:md their liabilities in refer-' ucc to the amount due the town by him. After some discussion the motion was with- . drawn. \I .... -1 I._.1r n u- - - - ~- "89: I? North Conservative Jlnuaty last, lreiolvedtnot contest the . l8Cl?- by Mr. Cob]: at the last. held by"Mr. Kean and Long. . understood that those seats were to be . contested, a meeting was called to decide `posited. N ow we wish it to be clearly -un`derstood`th'at this proceeding is not as stated in our some` tinze Association, `at its annual. meeting election, unless mgpmy `attacked the Accordingly no steps were taken until a few days ago, when, it being generally what course togpursue. Having thrnl ascertained that a petition against 31)`. Kean had been actually fyled, and till t a petition against Mr. Long would uw - doubtodly be fyled before the {time r doing so had elapsed, the Association at once resolved to proceed against Mr. Cook, not onlyvwith the view of upset- ing his election, but also of claiming the seat, and on Monday last, the nal day for proceeding, the petition was fyled, and the sumof $1,000, which the `aw requires as security for costs, was de- taken on the chance of what may turn up, or with the view of playing a game of bluff with our opponents. Evidence nfainst Mr. Cook suicient to void the e ection, if not to disqualify him. `per-` sonally, aswell as in all probability to gain the seat upon a scrutiny, has long been in the possession of the Association. The only reason why proceedings were not previously taken was the disinclina- tion of as; parties on our side for any more of those political contests which, ' .however they may result, and however they are conducted, are attended with a great deal of inconvenience and annoy- ` mice, disturbance of business, and per- sonal vexation. lVe had besides gained ' the two seatsfor the Ontario House, and being contentgvwith that victory, were 1 willing to let things remain as they were, and allow Mr. Cook to enjoy , for one 1 term, the fruits of his hardly earned and dearly bought successes. `Vi!-J` +1..'.. ..+..+n no .i.:.,.... 1 ...... .. nlluxguL1l:IU;V+jlxJ.'l:gIS.l`('1'.---Ul'l the 111312., the rc-side'n'c of-the brid_e's mother, by the Rev. Smith Hutchesou, ,MAL(:oL.\( COLQUlI0l .\' to LAURA J. .GILm=:m', bo"tI~. of . Mzmseld. _ 1IGLEY.'--0n the 15th inst: the wif'e of_ Jous SRIGM-`.\`, `L`a.q., of Inuisl, of zv/soy`). BARRIE MAmu:'rs. Bl R1`:-n1 s. llmxnxs. ; "EoL:crmc 0xn!-Wom'H 1-In GoL3_._.Dr, vnn Inn...- uvmcuguu me am- nnown .to fai1.`:'-, 'o4. Pricg, 25 an I ivan, seconded by Mr. uyor necessary ~dyc.'u"s son the hus- ) four weeks }o1'nor.11l:i'mn, _('.g n-:ml. pmuwn, u;_rul}ty&Ulno01'| ' A~_%T6wnIhip,:0Jerki, :M0si8I%*0s, Cora ` -_ s`nd:"?( Jommisaioz1ers,'IIi'gh M Schodls T rd, and o'therj~ useful informatibn; 30 be had on application -to the pnblibh~ in of this pI_.per. Price 25 o_ents. 3}

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