Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Nov 1874, p. 1

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:3 rie Nov` 13,__lS72. u:en:z::1L1`m.>.'a1a1l-_ . ' _' > V M} ;;ur(t`.~2ases delgvcred m-anypart of thqtow fr-..-col`cl1r.rge. . -"' cum paid (01? Game: A. IHGB.AMa - g V and IIIYSTERSSTEBSHI nu auuuunnl I _ lrms, :E5 3Acco's & cIGARs .| I Oysters, During senson, in an we Various l.VI&5n. `A Good Place to get :2 Cup of TEA. A \.co{FE,Q"rxor5EEz.f, -5AKEs. &e., Jgo. Don t forget to cali in. T!` DAY? -- - -n-auunavucvuu. uh DUAL; Having been apppinled solo agzems in the County of Simcoe for the sale of W. J.,Ellis, & Co's celebrated CAI-n- -.....-..._ ___.__._.L A - vuunu llllrilill U I 9 I .E IIU i Would beg to state that as _lhu.-3 come direct fromlhe packing huuse in Ba1umore,lhey can be n:1ie_d on as being _`\!1_nT\I'WA\ ?W|:`=1 rt,-A-u1s--mt-&-xe_n-on-as _._.. _.. ..,...._ Illl nu uu-:15 ` EInWWf&3I E.~ EPE5`3IE3.'1o k`o........ lJ.....I, 17., .___. - V g---_ use In-`I-we!-ZJLRJGJ-LO Stores, Hotels, &o.,supp1ied at Toronto prices. Oysters se_rved in every s:_) 1:: with Hot Cpffee. As we have filled up a'corn_{o_rlable mom w.nh private entrance, parties can rely _upo|_n being attended to on the shortest notice, and at teasonable rates. , ' -31 I`! All tn...--`.___ , V . v;_al.|Jl'd, uurun: season, In [ Various l.y'lgs. V Dunlap St, opposite New Bxidk Blook,Barx-i`e * , ' '0nta.rio. ' ' 2 " _0yatera Stewed, i Hnt And Cnid- The` Mansion House is a three at; ry brick building. It a'ords__ap5ciousn:se, convenience and comfort. The propriesor is well known an a hotel keeper to nearly all in this county, and `his experience will` be` a guarantee an to the merits of The`~Mn.naion under his superintend- anoe. ...,...... u. ;uu~.u-Anulluu uuuer ms anpe.~xm6nu- sample Rooms for Commercial . , 'l r.'n'ez'Ier9. . GOODBTABLING AND SEEDS. 1 ,_D. FARA GHER, 9- K >I rnn1-infnr Tmm; Dooas Wzcar 01! mm WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOVP` .:5?.~f*iff j?f%%`rm =l GEORGE REV;'i'_QN, o1uLLiA.| The subscriber is prepsreu to Execute all 0;`- .der s in `hinting, Decorating and Paper Hang- ing, In . - Pnintimr of andnnnrintinnndnnnv min. ......o aw i A LUNOHEON& OYSTERHOUSE ` Tans. hn...-... u1.._,. - wvaxguuwut or -wean C>""3?' _T__E R _s :I.l} l_U(l$U|ll1UL| J mics. ; N. it.--An Oysters Guaranteed I-`resh,`or no Sale, A.......... nan. 1097.4 8* ' ,___.I ._ -_v -.;vv _;ugust,.26Ih, 1874.` ::v.-.:_-__:-._--_-v--::' -- In P,aint.ing of a11descriptiqnsdone'with neat- .n'oss and dispqtch and at reasonable ratas. All work warranted to give izst'i'afa.c:ion.' ' KIBBISEAGA` amnrr. ogzmnu. ` GEORGE NEWTON, . - ' . Painter - .D.=.comtor. nrlia `Hit?! Hnv, T571 . F-Ll-v 1 aluucs .1.I.:UUl'I.UK'n nzma auh Hnv. 1=-7'1 . '-.1-lv PAIN'T11~4G.]) e..1NvTING --5- ..x - J-.I.JJJ.' LWLJLJ \JlI1I. V -13.1`, House, Sign gudv Carriage, Plain and Orna- - mental ` ' P A. I ` _ MANSION HOUSE, II A vi\-nun: an-n . an " namkmr SQUARE-,7 - - ' ` "" ' " - ._..-_-u ? Shop oh `John sreet, neaf Ball's Planing Fa'ctory,Barrie, Outs. . - Orders left at E. Graver : Hm-wnrn Rim-A. 1.` uuwry, narrlt`-, U116. Ordgra left at .E. Graver s Hardware Store, Dunlop street, wil1'be promptly attended to. February.2n_d, 1873. , ' 6'-ly I on of Barrie. `NEW BOOT.&--HOE STORE! L: :1 uU.I.G\a|c\' Booms" AND -`szazoss _ OF EVERY CLASS, STYLE & MAKE, T -..|.:..l. IL-.. :._.-._ ) -- -._`lI -- III 3- III UIIIIEI ; Have just opened out in the premises next door V 10 Watson & Go. s Drug Store. where will be found 8.,1aI`ge' sIock,_ot carefully V selected -u-ut\t-\r-I-11-n ` `---_ `a-.----as-u-z-1 u -nu Illlvuu s run: -.u_ ZCIIEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. `n. J FATRAGHER, Proprietor.` VVIJQ-Jill 1., I 3...` `ll...-Jlil. -17 .- 7 0:? Order work promptly attended ta. 4:0 B-ar.ne,_Nov. let, "1874 " - ' :45`iy. BOOTS AND s6 Ii"s,| PTTRRIZRQ .Xrn . R. NEIL %::`.:5m::3k:"S:*h:::: ready with a. tml assortment `of Goods for the Spring Trade, which will be found ofrst.-class nmilitv. and of the NEWEST STYLES. As-- Dpnng LTBUU, Wultj Will U9 1011011 DI I1l'3I.'I.'rll$*JH quality, and of the NEWEST STYLES- Ar ._naual he will be fouudto give value for money. He will EEIYCHEAP FOR CASH. Order work in thq -Latea `St;/1en. . I : an E 5: an M JJ.I._ ho UAIDDD, FIBHIBF Bllll Organist, bugs to intimate that he is prepared to. give*instr'ucti_dns at the yehidenoe of pnpila,.andAalab at his own resi- dence. - Piano a,,6rga.ns, and lllelodeona Tuned In ! Repaired. V For atetms. Ind: further parti- -.-n1ara;.pply atehiq ,Ruiden c`oyJsmu St, West of the 0atholic`0!!'Ii'h}`3f!rii` - ` 8nr:io,;;.1lo_voxplic.t-' -I ~- ` DUN tor STREE1`, BARRlE. One D091` West Of-the MJRKET STREET. raters Friecfnand Raw; Lnnhe cn'9, Hot and Cold,- prepared on short notice. V - -39% LADIE . GEN l`LEMENS', . .Awn an )AI NTING AND DECQRA-.:NG -1_:--- V. Edmanson & son; iaving annoinlndsnln nznvmx in the Just received "a consignmebt bf fresh ` V (N f'!"T '1"-=1 -I--\ f` {PRINGkIMPORTz;I`lONS. JUSTICE Is T_HE_ c1iE_Afr, `BUT $ IM:>:.E rnmcxri.-3, A.HD`1;IIE WI`-IHOLE` sncIE'r'or succnss IN ALL GOVERNMENT. 1;:xf`i11`g.'. Plain and Orimmenml. ALFRED'GRAVER, 1. git!!! and rinvvnrrn DI:-n ant` which may intend to sel_l as._ I lit up nu--rs lain--un -1- _....v..v\~v.l.kJl [1] Tuna}: 1 NGTDN nn'rnr nr n. & .iTcAnEv It nnmwd nut. in Map nrpminnn I I OONFEOTIONERYI ll1l\ l\ . run.-.)-.. - v_ 4..n..I.I_1J. NJLJ hUBBERS,- &.c, ANDCQUNTY` OF SLMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISW. nmmmno, -AND oamrmunsi, . 131 A , . ; A'I:`TORN'EY-'A l`_- V 1 -L-1*.:m,ci'.x'y, and, 0on'-- JAAAAAAJ BxB7L'nsBE.`L mioiw. T ' L. OAISSE, Pmniat and ..:.....:.a- 1u.-..o..':`..4im-4.' ex... 3.. > .IJ..LIf, 1 V Proprietor. . BAIL, A .... 7'.-. BE IN" I'Tl\1'(`I nu, Age_nt.v ST; Barri, Ontario, `Thursday, Noveinber I9, 1874; is-mzm and Pouliefer, pt" `.30-t)1si.`;e has! taken- M:-.~.ket House, Barrie. :3:-2 ab-o'ee `cusinedag Z , |~ 1c-gm ' '-':Kn" . guuuyul .-..~-4-. u v DREES Zcirzxvmm LE isxfiiina. - I - LL.\1-L_nA r1`rv`Q-I ' fHATS' 8: TGPS, lhl 'l"I!I.`.'-I'.A i`I1`."l` Whlllw `Un- UUCWVIWWQ 'T_V?\jCUC\lY`VCT Whilst thankful for past faivors, begs to assure her friends and the public,that' she has con- _st-antly on hand stun assortment of__ - !Mfii%Lf.i7I. Ni EF\? il _a.-\....n..n. \.;-.a..n.-rs n.r' V oi? TEE LATES} E1451: mm, F9 an-. -_..__...._.I_. u-.4- 1. . n._.:__ MAnKy;T7iRi2 1 BABRIE. .l.1.LLIV_.l_\/LfJ.hl.|..L 11.0 'Of every description, and all sizes, taken st all i - h0i1l:5_ of )he day. They also kaep in connection with the gallery ` a la.rge'tock of A|bums.A1burn Pictures, Lqcketa, Ohromoa, Lithographs, Pug] Mu-(HT. PAlN"i"lI\I(Z'. Pf! DUEL `ll El Orillla, Jan. 21, .1372. -.v IILI cl-JIJJ. HA;-2:15.41. a.rL.laIu.|v.5&'.l! Next to Bi"x-xl s Boot .3`. shoe Store. DRESSES Imnn m mfnmsr STYLES, A: moderate chM'.ge3._and. with promptness. -' STRAW -AND FELT WORK B.E-DONE" can-in nnnn An Ins. l`Ir`lBI II` ._; IVh'YIE' Hashow on hand an extensive and genuine stock of Single and Duzible Harness (Carri-:ge and Team), En2'_r1i'sh and Common Riding Sud- dles, Double and Sin la _Brillas, ' Oollars, &c., which he can offer at very Iensonable prices. Also in stock, some of the best English and other Riding mid` Driving Whips, Bits,`Line's,- Brushes Curry and Mmie Combs, Cards, t3'c., tobe found in this market, - v `A... ..-.;;:..1.. :r\ 4L...'4.M1.; .........r..........A- 1.... ln_unu Lngu am, . - Any article m the trade manufactured,` `fur. nished-to order on short notipe, and warranted to give. satisfaction. - F3'Rnnir'AiwnTl and nmitlv AtAnnfn_ I0` gll/V. Slfbllitcllullo ,!3 ,Repai:'s-' well and nest]; executed. Ba1`rie,Apri1 8, 1870. `n'nILLIramg l V :MEv.A.IKIV1S'G-. ` L. R.`W`A?*N LSAI)DLE AND HARNESS MAKERL, ;, n nnnfn A .F1m-3 S-TooE`oF FRAMHES 1 `Corner of Bageld :5- TDunIop Streets, BARRIE I .----n _ As _l.he edvertiaer is practically conversant with his busines3- in sllita details, employs the most skillfulvwork'men, and uses none but the- best. material, he can warrant. all work made in hieealablishment to.'gi_vc thorough satisfaction to the purchnser. _ Single and -double Harness of all kinds, Saddles, Uollawa, Trunks, Valises, and everything connected with `the business constantly on hand-at.the lowest pricca._ Pert- icular attention given to Light Single and Dollbl Carriage` Harness; Sole manufacturer. in -Barrie "of the` Excelsior Back -and Hip Strnps,toTwhich-l.he s.tl.ention.-of the public is speciallyidirected. ` A _' . . . Btu-rie,June 18, "I3. _ V ' ugly -Ti LKIUMZME &.'. v'XBEN'rsE1;N, - - QMLLIA. _- wk: OF THE rum mo. Offi.-c-5,`eo_ond M, Allisfou, County ' wily ~:nris?e>', Attorney,` Mmnow7s7ic?|~TnT mo - BDMMISSIUN noams, mnxr Door: TO `THE xunxsr HOUSE, - ` C vvvvvv n!n R'nnIn-Iv Rum... . `M15-s"'1C1_o_g_RToN, _ ; DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE: tiff can '2:-II("R. 3111-15! A} ililtlu - -urn: vv--an Gl&VLA}U'" ` Announces the opening of the above establish .ment, and solicits the public` pagrogaga Goods, Fdrniture and Weree of any kind received and ' advanced nnnn 1` uunI.u|'v uuu_ JI njuu Ul. any mnu IBCBIVGO and advanced upon. Oonnmmons Pnunsna x-on mas-roams or Goons Q A T{."'Q A '1" A 'l'.t l'lIt.I\l`I2`Q A'l.L-..IJ.lJ J.]LIJ.,.[`JQ. "Goods consigned _to his care-will be disposed V of to the best possible adyalniagei j - . JOHN W. Mnn nnw 5 LEXANDER .LfAwm,.nImomIo1Ax a ;Galvixn1sf,l Harrison : Br_Ipk_ Block, Dnnlov 8Vtroet. 'Plati:g"d9lI.e. A45-st "J 3.4-as`.~7`:z"-"I.-':;`x:~:_F-,1'::E'-.Ai"i , >srrR`2=.~1V=.z-:23, :A fejv doors North of the Wellingtnjiotel. ` '1: ct} ' .u0_cu".ew, uurumoa, L:lm0g IP.p!JS, Pnu fI1".OIL PA IN'r1NG,;;u Framed 6: without Frames _)uoTTo;m.-xxuic GALLERY.` r77r:):u::a1'-AT-LAW: :.;-5', `O-umeyaucer, g:|ngnnI.\l nnulbvnnm-7: ..;- BUTCHER-S .and._ VGEN- . AERAL FURVEYORS` Mhrk9t SluII-No.2,"Bau"ic.~_ ` * -.~ uunrt.`-.m5y on hand a good; l_Ipp1vI of ` L`-is.-\', Fowl, Ganui,-&c..'o-a.`ch6i65' '2 as we .narkc1s n3`ord,"~ and offer-`th"e `as; `e , 1::--dcrute prices. ' _ '_-AN *7m-nc.-xi Buu.:,_S`a.usnges_and-Lardfmgethe _ n vnrcay oI`nlb'v~r usful comnuodixiasg , be hm`. z1lNo. 2 Slhilg" ' " AH mu-n`..n.-.n yh-l.un.a.I .`n .... .Which'wil1 be sold 1:}. rea.sonab1e'ratelL ;-. -nu.-qg-4 -......\n.A. IVADDLERYVAND HARNESS 9ESTABLISH,YIENT," ' . 5 A ~x-1-'v::I-r-1:1-I-' 1% c~u-r1-I-7-I-ran-u JOKKDDIOUS KKBXIHKB 1'03 THE UTOBIXG 0 H000 SA;L-ES AT- ALL TIMES. 1nnIIl nnnnlahn in his nntn-tn-21`! L- A:......- 'P_HOT_ OGR"APH|NG. .MA'RT`|tlm_EQ)RE, nnw nn hand` an nvvr nnnnn and man an...` --4-.-.-..-..* _.-~_-_v-u S:l`e;`or_Apromptly Made to Order. Fifi!` QHACTITIPHE CIA???` P H 0, 7"cJ'cT1z'A P-H s. -.....- .1.-....:`e:,'\.. .....: ..u -:-..- ._u..._ v'Joh-n-_M%5orrow. nnnnnma/the nnonina M the dm'm. Amish` (`AUCT|O N- CARD. _ \.._a;2.:2x.:::;u .; ma mhn,-Atants 3111 i` m:i*o1ca is "at name,-:;z1 he`_ is is/U.("'l1.'i t0 all __ S AEVD =CA'["TL'EU r'>'=.*.rin?:-'ry7S!:iIl.. `ma `mg -on". ;c},wi1l be I` crud hv J. P.` ----__._.. .._.._4.... ,_..._.__ _ ._ _._ S_fA_DDLERY, &c. .vv~. \r'fV\r ..,y.~,-..-~,.-qr. -_....,-.,.r.,~.\n.- MIL1JJ_~!E%BY_A~%9; \/L44 1.1l.L1.l.I.J.\\I 6; w_it.hout Framgs Pictures Framed f otder. V . EUMME _&- VAN,DEN,S l`REN.- Y... 01 1nv7o ' .4}? -nanny: A good an Id-the latest styles-. un. IU IDLE uuuuusl Gomaaa Swansr, Bunun. we neat posslnle advantage. '2 JQHN w., MORRDW, V . Annnnmivu Annrnknr, an H . Ill-L}, |vL\v,\J\" g Auctiongy, gpprgiser, kc. Ilbliu 4itr my on me ousmus; we `place of D, `G, :30 liberally be-. -7r`u.r:V1gh'e1"s Hotel, . 2 pa.1'l'SV; und- .rz'.x skillful treat-..'_ cr.~ Office and` LUIIKO The above was the introdiiotory to `a new story brought out by. the closing sentence of an adventure in the Sierra Nevndas, just related by the Grand Lecturer, Bro. Leming, who was on an official visit tu_our' place. We had been rothe lodge that etfening, listening to an exemplioation of the work- Closing at an early hour, some half dozen of,us, ` at the invitation of Bru.iBirch, repaired to his oice for the purpose of spending 1 a little time in social chat, before the nal separation forithe night. Bro. Schmoker being a dealer in the article, stopped at his store ontthe way, and ' took in a fresh supply of segars, know- ing full well that all but myself were ` his namesakes, at least byhabit and education, if nothing more. Bro. Lern- ing had spent several years of his life on the Pacic slopes, and had experi- r enced many hair breadth escapes. He had just completed the recital of one that occirrsed duing a. stage ridejover the mountains, by whichhe came near i losing his life, the conclusionof which ` reminded Bro. Schmolrer as stated at l the opening. Said he: ` T una `nnrl hat] hnsin fnr anunrnl Ivnnrn THu'{reminds me, remarked `Bro. Sahmokar, of an adventure that betel V me some twenty odd _years ago, while retummg from a business trip Lo New York. ` ,L_._, .___ LI,_ :,_.-:l,._.__,__ 4, , LUV V 125110": NJGIU (ID. H :3 I wa`s,and had beentor several years, ` livmg at Lancashire, Ohio, plying my ` regular avocation ofmannfacturing and dealing in cigars. It was my usual custom to make a trip to New] York about once a year,_fo1 the purpose of pnrchasing stcck, andvas railroads were not so common in those days as at pre- sent, 1 dud a portion of my travelling by the old-fashioned stage-coach. The term "over the mountains used to be as lamilliar as household words to residents and tradesmen of the towns along the Ohio river, from Pittsburg down,,even as far in the interior as the place of my residence. We steamboated it as far as steamboats could run, and then took stageover the mountains, to connect with other conveyances on the eastern side. a T. ...-.. J......__ ..... .._A..._._ t_,-,_-_ .,, ,r Unol-Lil ll uluv 5 It was during my return from one of ` these annual trips to the metropolls that an adventure happened. which came near putting me behind the bars ` of ;a- Pittsburg prison, the particulars of which Ishall nevertorget so long as . I retain my senses; more especially as l was wholly innocent of. the` charge ` bmuglrt against me, backed as it was ` bycircumstantial evidence of the strong- 3 est kind. And to Masonry, brethern, ` am I indebted for saving me 1romAin- ` carceration in 9 felon s cell. `n.u_L....__ __-__ _ `:LLI . 1 UCXUUIQUIUH III I. IUlUlI KIUIII Of ooure Pittaburg was a little out of i the usual route to New York from our place, but on this particular occasion, utter transacting my business, I return- ed byway of that olty, to secure some hands to work in the factory. Passing through Baltimore and arriving at Gum- berland, Itook passage in the stage by. ` the old'plank road over the mountains to West Newton, where I expected to take boat tor the iron city. ']`hn nfuan lna {nil nu! nrnnunvoi... V was apparently loaded. This state of I ' night- . ; ~ ` L_QB\} IJUEIH LUI UIJC IIULL UIIIJO The stagewas lull, and amo g the passengers was a rough, disagreeable iellow, whose name, asT subsequently learned, was Crabbe. He `seemed de- termined to make all about him as un- comfortableeas possible,by his bragging, swaggering mannet;a.nd to add largely to the disagreeebieness of the situation, he managed, at every halt of the stage, to take in a considerable quantity of whiskey`. The fellow had aAdouble- barrelled pistol in his possession which . be frequently exhibited, giving. at__each J "exhibition a di'erent.account as to how I he came by it, until every one in the ` coach became annoyed, disgusted, and in fact alarmed lest some accident should happen from the weapon, which 1'airs continued until just before reach- 1 ing the Youghiogheny river, which is the principal feederot` the Mononga- hela, whenau accident happened to the stage, by which we were detained Several hourse-_-so long in fact thin` we did not arri_ve"n_t the endof the route, .West Neywtonp. little town some thirty. ve` miles_ above Ifittsburg, until mid- 125; ..- nlu-.I.'.-A1 .A'V1nnuA 1\ooAuAe n IL- Ulsllie Being obliged to`wa1t over for the morning boat, we sought the only hotel in the place, which we found al- ready pretty well lled with guests. Naturally quiet and nnobalrusive, I as the last oneto receive attention he landlord informed me that my only chance was to sliure a bed with this man, Crabbe`. At first; Ipositively declined the hgnorgbut` on ascertaining thejrthe lan_dlord'-Asletatement was oer-_ _ frect, Itvery reluete.nt!y;isepsenta'd. We were imuiediately ehpw`n:ti_$ an ordinary ` : '?ei_z\e_d _h`o'tel` bed- rpolngconefainingebesidesl ._ _1e.b`ed,`.iiV*eouple_.ef tiiekety Vehaire, a ' " V iyenrmouiited by'e'br9_keifminor',` *1 A ' - " W ~ . 111. T: T If yonldeign with me to share it, I lltry to nuke my dwelling so ' That :03 would wish not to forewear it, If to a. palacelyou could go, , _ My life shall be a long endeavor To ll your measure of content, V And make you bless the day forever, When to my prayer you give consent. A - an n_._,,. A But I am prior and cannot render _ A fairy boworwhere you may live ; And gems that dazzxe with their splendor ' Axe far beyond my powers togive. A little dwelling which disclosu- A modest`nspecI. s all Iown- - But peace about its hearth reposes, . And son-ow s shadow. is unknown. 1. ' If I had riches in my power, I'd lavish treasures at your feet, And lead you to a fairy bower ' Whose splendor you should nd o`cmp'ete, Each wish bywhich you'd give expression, 7 I d atnve to gratify for you ; And I wontd place in your possession, The brightest gems that charm the view,. -.~m'.'d (re.-1.-old e- =v- I.".`_:)Y`-Ft.-Ap- '1i'riY, :`o1i'citors,- 2-G6 SAVED FROM `PRISON. ' sour}. A-`-SI. Germdfn; uuauvua IV nu uuuot way. -[The day proved to be a pleasant. one, { _ and thamugged xnountziznous :u3.:n cry or Iiha Yough1ogheny and'1\Iun.ong4hea, T xiv-srspar bqlarly attracted my. atten- ' tiont - 1`hvbont had a Paip load ofpis sngers, both men and woman, `and it very soon became evidem to me than the man Cr-ahbs had quietly circulated lheireport among them that I View 9. thief, 3.3 all eyes were upon me with ttut peculiarly wspicioils look l.i`.'.1. al- ways attaches to a" suspecled c.h..=.1-aster, Even the bar -tender, when Iaakcd for 8. cigar, had zha boldr1assitoi'ia1sul". me, with the remark,` You c-a?\"nffurc1 t.u_ sn1o!5e good cigarsaflur making mcix 1-. hu1;3 :I.t annoyed mu very mn:*.l1,and I kept-aloof from theothai` pzzsscxzgr rs ,~. .-ml.-rn as rrrnn'n na nncmihlu I Iran u` 1 l l ; uvyv uauvu. a.LvL_;| any uuuvx tr.e.V.4UvA: Au .5 as nxuohias possible. I was s`w.;~Jiu'g against. the sternof the _bo.1t l- :;`uilng against the railing, admiring the Leu.;1ti- fut l:\ndsc:t;pe, that pravsc':n5.et;.- an ever varying appearezncei, when i'-:.n. '\. E;.gi1iir;. gantlezimii stepped up and poii'r;lm-ally uocus-ad me of tllaiihbf-.`. Cmlm; stood near me` with his hand on the s?r:c-k of M his pistol- My first impulse` vlae; to spring upon and toss the ssouudrazl over`- bourd. I could have nccoxnpliszed tho feat easily anough,lm_t aseckmd thought interfered in time to save too from oommittingtan act that might have re- sulted in terminating theffellow s lift`. l"pat1ently_bo.'e the jibes and insults, i which contiuuedto inoraaso in V-Jlllxne with every hour. Knowing [was on- tirely mnocent oftho charge, I care- fully avoided every provocation for a disturbance. that my accuser was con- stnutly trying to fasten upon -me. I was a. dtrgnger onmongstmngars, and the ciroumstnnaes were vry much` ` against me. 'l"kn mu-...:.-.4-:,-... ..,.........!1..1.,'. .G......t-.. _--I tell you it has been lstoln, and _ally quieted down again, and I fall into another sleep, which lated with- out further interruption until zluylnght, _ when he `suddenly leapadfrom the bed, declaring that his money, amounting to over one hunlred T dollars, had be:-n he fumbled about som time, but fiu- i stolen, I also arose." dressed myself and went below. Meetlugthe land- lord, 1- related what had transpired during the night, declaring my belle: that the fellow was an 1'-mposter and a. cheat. Crabbe soon followed me, and. intimated that I had stolen his money- 4 Would have me arrested, &/3;, on our 5 arrival in Pittsburg. A The boat '.vas.tu 1 leave at eight, consequently a hall. hour afterlbreuklast found us all a.bourd,. l anxious` to be under way. T % frhn (lav nrnuari In km a nlnncvn nl nu.` uaa not INC : , The conviction seemed to be rmly xed in every mind that I was a thief. Wharcould I do but wait patiently our arrival in P1ttsburg,where I 131*. certain something would turn up to clear me from the Vfoul aspersion-.' W'h:-.t that something might be Icould not clearly dene; I wasa stranger even there. I :-,n|'IIr1. hnmnunr fnlnn-an}-. l'|t|VV\ll' I`...- uvulnvo A vvnuv. ouaugcx UVULI UJUIU. LcouId`,howevor, telegraph home for! re!'erAeuoes. T ' R '1:.___ ;- -.1 ` 1 boat. to ~Pitti9burg. Iweut directly to -who at once placed `me under ,arrest. IUIUIIGI-|UUI ' Time, with never ceasing tread, at lastcbrouvght us to high twelve: and the the Monongahela House, and after re: _ gistering, entered the `dining-room for dinner. The meal beirig' ni{he(i, I` started to go out and was met af the door by a ` rough-lopkmg policeman, He searched my pa":-son and baggage, but fouhd only fifteen dollars in munnv, all I had about me, together with _tm.s' and receipts covering my mean t_ pm- , chases in New ,Yor_k.` y to impress `me very unia.vurably.- How- 3 thexe `wage ptesantime_n't in my mind th:xt_f`s"om'ething wasgoing to happen. '_ .7 The nndnight hour; th o1su._sp.iomus char- ; ` actarfthrust upon m Lr `room-ma"-te;j -the strangeness of the,p11-ma, all tended I over, I removed my cute: clothing,lay- ing it across-one of the z;hairs,and with ` the door ujar, crept into bed, ' Being , grentiy fatiguedmrad nnturnsoon mnci .5 `repose in refrestiingb sleep. How" long a time nlapsed 3: cannot say, per- haps a couple of hours, when my bad~ fellow hit me :1 voilent blow with his elbow, which xousocl me to` parhct. oonscionsnessjat `once. ' - _ I have Inst my money." said ha. How muchbhad you/I" ` _"Fifty do|lara._ I think you must be mlstakon about the loss. I am certain no one hm entered the roomnsince we retired.- You wil! probably find it all right in the morn-_ ing. 1 _ _ uT In um. :4 1...". z...,... ...-1.... n _...u ;;!u.V .';D{r"a" T I was immediately taken before the _ , Mayor, and with the view of making the best possible defenae, asked foreu attorney. ColoneI'Sa!:m1el Black was , recommended to me,wbo being present, * consented to act. in my behalf.` A pri- . _vate interview wasiashed for and grant- L ed.- We repaired tore. small room, ad- , joining the Mayor so1ce, and the (1010-- uel s first words afper closing` the door 3 Wef , _ , _ | Are you a Mason '1" _ A L "1 am," responded I, promptly. _ . It atterwards appeared that on "enter-` [ jngfthe roomyhe noticed a little gold . slipper, wh:ch,.though selciomvwearing, by Iehencede to have'uuaehe do to myvest , oyn__that-occasion. A ` - He proceeded to question me in a way peculiar to masons, Ibut not being satised, sent out for a ,'Dr. vWilliz1m Quail, who examined me further. I considered myself pretty "bright in those days, and could answer xteadily almost any question asked relating to the lee`- .l_1l[88 at the three degreua. _ StiH un- decided, the Grand Lecturer whose name I have forgotten, was sent for, pwhof'put.methroy`gh 9. iigid course of I sprouts, `A_tter consultation; the three J eppyo_aohe'd :m;e._`with._, extended bands- Flinn .Qr"irh }'1knrur~.: "\n:nI9a unnl EPPIUHUHDU IMO, Wllll Ulyu HUMME- Bro. Sc;lxmokar,. we believe your statement and will stand by you. The oizouznstanoesvot tl: e- case certainly . wcax..a;brd look, but we will at least ; _s:Iqy0li.tlltquglv;, unuli you have an op- ` portu'.nit`y`to_1p|joVe ycmraelf itinocent of . _3hQ:nhirg,'g{ they `to pxgva you guilty. l AEWA-"`n'utni-nn`:I'ln Ilka Mnunr o rnnrn, IIIU \auIll5Uf Ul I-HG, bi! Pxuvg yuu 5111;). We njeturned to 'xheTMayor s room- ,'I7`h e plaintiff swoia positively that I had stolen` his money, upon` which the - "ocinl was obvliged to bind me over for- T tri_al, set. at 10' A.M.., the ne;;'l;da, N. *-ThAo'e9 Cyndi-_he9.rted masons, tl,8`roo;. B_i'qkqnd'Qnail;_became respon- A No. 47. whole No- ;161. ...x, .. .:.v--,: "struck ms t might pdssib to my czxae. recognized; on tho` gxng ' Th'.r. fei found if It 3.p'p:aam rn-0.1./1 rl!`u\n\`I 9 ..- -D.... A p')!ir_:enmn, 1:: cdmu-"u1y`witl1 the F1L=.`iu 22ifI, wen . back to Nraxvzon V021 the 50213) and obtained the money. It w-\s fU1.11I'3,Iig!1t where jthe fellow; in. his gdnmk cx2,'m-agdliu cqnditlon had placed Lt. ' This, of course, ended all further pro- qeedings. l_w:131tumcL3ir.uey discharg- ed`, and the Mayor, the fellow who aq cumgd ma ofthe [huff and other.-gunited in Writtem`. testnmonials fully exdnera- rimy inn Fmm all ,...:;-+. 1.2.-.. n'~....:. :P'.)ndf`.!lC:3 was kept up between us. cu vvuurun. lCJ'-l:u.'JUld.u"! lull) tJS J6l'2'.- ring me from all guiit, Bros. Black and Quail `becsuue my warm and stead- fast `friends, and for some time a corres- 'I`liey were a 'coup1e`of true-hearted rneuas "ever breathed the breath oflifa, and that tmnsurzlion placed me under obliguLIonsth;1 I" never expect to has able to "repay. Colonel Samuel B? ask was an. erliucz-xted man, having gradu- atad with distinction at Washington, Pa., sierved all ,ih'r_ough the Mexican war,as gt colonel of volunteers, and on the breaking out oflhe rebolliom. was among the first to enlist in the Union army. His career, _. uowz:~ve.', was of short dumtion, being shot while leading hislmsn 1111.0 action, during 9. battle fouglit `somewhere in Virginia. As a lawyer, he \vas'e:ninom; as a friend, war:i1=heartad und~m1c;as 0. man and M;-xsbn, none excelled him. V h. \xr:n;..... n....:I ....... ...... _A.. 6-. . Ii 3.p'p::a;'e;1 that Wlill the chamber-l Ln-avid w~cz2'L to make the beds, she found the money-_-';`lli)-'1,udar the pillow. Saved! saved! said I mentally, in great de`:i:!l1:. - 12.. Kiss, Sr. -All-`Tl-DUII, IIUIKU UILUUIICDL llllllc Dr. William Quail was suvgeon to Cnl. Black's ragnmenz in the _M-cxican war, and for many yemjs was an active member and an -')t1i3:.~r to the Gmnd Lodge of Pennsylvania; Like Bro. Black, he was held in hxgh esteem by all who knaw him. All honor to them both.- --Mas0nic Review." ' ` ' .-'...,..u t:uayu_ uuguu N) share 1116 H1 Lfit face. :1! soerixedns 1bough_everythiug conspired t_o convict me` of that of which [was not-Vguilty. '.Withouta word from myffrieuds, with no o :hct.'assurance . than the mere ward ofdns who claimed to ba 6. Mawnptherwise 11 total stranger, those two bretl 1 en'1 renewed my ball, audlha trial was put off twenty-`four huurs. . Their condenoeramained un- ahuken.- Tbs Masonic, when all other `ties failed, saved me from 3 felon s cell. Au hp'ur.af:ar `tho adjourgment of court, several despatches arrived from Lancaster,` not only in answer to mine `of the` previous aveni:w,b.1t from other - - . _ D 1 pr-:)m1n::II.', cmzenc, that set everythmg l'i`_'hL.`!`) fflr S-_~: inv yd.-anfitu nnrl intm-.-`men `?m'_1f1' WY appoaranoe, A ha!f,hour ; P"V18. way to them an utter stran- ,` 891} 3311:, W1>h- 6V_/8`l'Y',pp62IH.nC0 of ; 81111.3 lI_p0n me, they trusted impliculy `(to-my;no_nor as a Mason, not ta leave `hemm-1l.lf3h. 'Being_set at liberty, 1 I_ ``98f3Ph'fd home to parties Awh: I were known 1Vn'_I gttsburg,, but for some, gto mg unexplainable reason, recajqga ' na_rep`x1es. AI smpt`va'ry_' little that night, IVE-55_'-[F6 you. V Morning arrived and ye . Il_0 31312188. T951 o c1cc'a: faund ms at {he court-ro_om unprepared for nnythin ;r 1 mm a p!'aus1bie defence. The gas} and istate pnson began to stare me in the {one `If D1.IQI;Ie\rl n- cL...-_L _,_-___-AL:._, ' uyv-uvun, Bhlll ;or.1'z1ucu aglHllSL llI_`3. .1 left the hotel after dinner and walk- ed I'e{sureJ,y.l.o-.-cardsthe landing,Ac3git- aliz1g,1up:_m.Lho.events of "the pzevnous forty`-eight hours, and trymg to conjure up amnething-phat would release me. from my predicimant. The `boat on `which 1 had come` down` the previ--nus duy,ha:1 in the mes.-.n_t1me made a round trip to New/tun and,b:-xck. The thought ma -`._h=.zt` by gaiug oh board. I` might possiblvguiu something favorable to my The: crew, some of whom recug:1iz3d.met!1zaznoucmt I 3',-L foo; p!u.ul-:,..-shouted out- fei2ow s money has been \'......... .1 m The `Grand Temple, Independent. Order or Goad Teznplazs, fur Ontano, will meet at Brockville, on the 24th {UlS_to. r-v-u-uvxv-u \JAI-.Kl4(.Ll`_' yuan EIUL uvclyullug Vrig'r`1_t,'soI':1r as `my zdantisy and intcgmy `were congzomed. The charge of theft however, stiilnamaiued against ma. 1 ,, T Inf: H-.-.L...;,.l..t'..._ .1:_-.,,_-, ,II ">l`wob `hundred and eightATer'opl-:5, I. O.TG.TT., were insmutedin this Province during Lhe pgat yBR'f,.`j> - A A"h; Go`o{l jferhars of Carlton. County ahd Ottawa Cnty, have formed ajoint stock company to establish a '1`e_mperance, [Hotel in the Dominion C_apual.. J V A . ` ' }.3y your voie,`ye C/Lzistian people of ' Cdnada, aremcn uuthonzed _to license ga syatemihut is depopuluting. earth` to ll-`hall-.-for it is writtrx, No drunk- `zgrd shall mlherit the kingdom of God)? The members of Rugby and '.Izu-ratt s (`Corners Divisions-of the Sons of Tern-` 'perauce, held a debate, in the ho.H.oI th.eIla'ter,_a couple of weeks ago. The subjac was, Which. has the most in- uence over mankind, wealth or beau - t'y'! ` From Rugby, Messrs. Duncan 'Andefson, Richard Auderson,R. Mc Kinnell, Chas. McLean and Todd,took* `the, side of wealth, and Messrs. Broth- elsou; A. and J. McNahb, and-Captain C.ia.rk'e, of Je.rmtt. s Corners, argued for _beautv._ The decxsion was in favor-of -the latter. D.`McLea'n, Chairman.--~ P."r'k`_`.-* I ' J ` has i'cm<$vbd his on. the West side po-its Mr. Geo." 9. ' Dr. McG., has ' 44`-71 M STAR -oriors: Templg, Waverley, is going 'down;]hill "fast, owing to`dissen- ati_ons.a-mong`_the members. This is'not ,a8'it_ahonld be. - ' - A THE` Canada Temperance /Idvocate says that late advices from Oriliin, in- dicate that the ginger trade-T--by nn~ other name perha.ps`--is carried on as V mpnth of August." The remedy which `it`_h;asproposed, is to place `alcoholic medicineis _on the druggists shelves,` Win?` .tI_1d 1;-_a moT restrictions _aa other dun-gerOusi&1fugs," _ A ' aetxvaly; and almost as openly as in the Tan` annual session of Ihaontario G:azi'd"l)ivision of the Sound` Temper- auc'o,.,wi|l: be held in Oobpurg,ou [the lflqt; g_f~V7`1)6oember,' gnd following days. ', Sari Frnciscp mhnoommitted sui- pida because a _pictozial :s_heat charac- ;{6.r.I.zed him asp._n old nuxianoef A" A'l`jEMP'Ei?.A.NCE ITEMS. V And- 82`O0- if notpaid I ', in advan;:e.; T .-;-nvanuu uuI.:' .. 4 / _.%Ylfatp`ver plishod in`-the W9)$j_.g_PQ;I!_L%n&_thO lest .. ., . -rtsprreslrrfew ,`donei-itherej-'yetr reinirin at vest` `work * {to be `eohievedi. To say nothing of -those.`pdrtion*of.,` the -earth`, the; moral ' -iderlfness of fwhioluemains . unbroken `to this da'y,th ere are,within the bounds of .Ohristend_`orm,giant.systems of ini- - quity` toybe overthrown. The uooursed trnio in liquor rnnstbesupprssed,end ' the blighting: curse of intomperance "lifted from its millions of victims. Gambling hells and those moral pest- o - houses whose very atmosphere is sur- charged with `le_wdne_s's, profanity, and kindred vices, must be closed. pernicious literature, are leading thou- sundsto ruin. The chains that enslave these must be broken, and the captives sent free. There are countless masses of redeemed souls to be delivered from the" bondage of ignorance and crime. There are multitudes to be reclaimed p. from the delusions and superstitions of efalse faith. Surely the harvest is great, `rind tho laborers are few.` How many of you will respond to the divine call by saying, `Here am I, sendrne. Never was there an age so full of in- terest, of stimulus, of hope, as the pres- ent. Never was there so much to arouse the youn_g,,to siir their sympa- thies, to re their ambition, to prompt "and push them forward to noble und vigorous efforts on behalf of struggling humanly. Never were there such Op- portunities or such nienrxs of holy usu- fulness as now, t-nd never such incon- tives to.it. The arena that opens be- fore you is as glorious as it in vast. It presents prizes to be won at`; well as duties to be` performed. If there are mcricos to be made and lvntilwz to be fought, there urn also '~{)lu'l;(]l`.l c:ev.'ns to grasp, thrones of lttnzle-U33 t-,; l'j ;lB.Cll, and treasures to gatl.cr up tlxat will enrich the soul for this llic,nnd for ever. [ Snb- . bath desecration, dishonesty, and`n .l|A\4 n. Au :1: uuuu .2 as these that. the grew his spoil, years before orime,'but by tho sins upon the wuxid, and u ' of the ilj;-{121 _ha'nits. Look at that 1 as he walks: lauguihy cigar in 1113 m.;u'.h-, . him that duad putcue: quired by a Ion.-_;`c0m'.`: at last he is Ian J. 1122;: sands thaw ;~.'re w1..~ late, {ha-i they hm a health, and sh -rtenczl naiuml Me by mjix (I I ,1` 71,, I`! .}0T1e{.: .-- Th uforuxs the pubhc A- .L.n kn_vnnnu - ` (hm of the niost i:i!ere.stin2; le'.`.lUl'L`S of the xertvalions in this l)'dl'lCd city ' is the discovery of rnauiy .hJ~.ncly du- mestic articles of wliicli we Invu 00lm`er[r:1r?s. It l`:s`1L.!'.Jlll;l`-illg how` things in common use new V: :0 in use then. Here vou will see u ii:os;t every kitchen u:ou.==i7, pa-_r'.1l;le cnolsizrg 4stoves',jelly`culse unrllbirlter mmltls, in the im'itation'of birds arid ow era; puts, kettles, crooks. dishes, grips and .'3rxllC(9rs, ' spoons, knives and .'-zrrkzr, dippexS,Sl(ltI1- mers, sauce-pans, lunipn, lamp-stands, "flesh-hooks, brvzars fonohnrcuul; ln n word, pretty much every kifohsn, din- ing-room or charr:ber'a.rtiL,le found in modern use 6":{`]`U\.` ii.?.3 the 'CE:t)l1Gmy of the daily lifc of Roinzm antiquity. All the articles of v. lady`; toilet, in- cluding jewellery of all kimls, gold and silver ornaments, coral and precious stoneslwvre found in l10use=: in Pompeii. Taken from the re`rLil shops were sliml- yards, balances, weights and measures. From a doctor s Cll.l.;.`.f) were recovered as full set of surgical li1{~`l1'tll`i1t:nls, includ_- ingpuliki_ns for exirnofing teeth, rmd isrepans for drilling holes in the skull. There is any amount of shoemaker, tailor, c.1rp_mrer, SLn:l,l')lZ1.'3l1`4lDllll`3 tools, and, indeed, ll11pl=.`men!.`I of alrnoat every present mechanical operutimis. `Taken altogether, the collection of 'nrf|.n!L\n Inlvnn l'...m1 `:19. Aunt` thin in on It isvsaid t!m:"v.-=. "are creatures of habit. Oi comm: -1:3 will nutd.-my the truth of this mvxxim, i.~i- we see too clearly that habit rules the wurld. The buy who sfole tha pin dxu` um. hcutate, utter he had got into 31;: hu.L;.5t vision!- ing, lo. take his Ellis`:-.1".~s cu-ii 'oy:~:. 'lho little boy who took (`L:.i,|.3.: l'.Vlu tc.-r'uringz' {lies as they `sported Gll'Hh3 window- pane, did not eruplu in :1i .er `lilo to take the life: of his is-.iLnw. And` this is the way the prison geis its iiinn'wa,mid the` gallows its victim. i`imci2':",.~:i: docs not arrive at the gallows by u. Lingzlo bound; it is not Ii-s gs . sin ; La: lm has beieome eixibolclunaad by ii:.'u.:, and by his ixnmunity {ruin p`.ll1i.S :`iII1(:.1'.,llr`1- tilazist he reapalhu .hane.: oi hts sin -death. ' A I .,`_,1,__ _.-l. .A_,'I l THEN AND N3 DIS(.'OVE{iiI) Lunvu uiuvusu`-4:, uuu I.uuvu'|'n.| UL "article-:3 taken from tho dc:-id Olly is a surprising ralelation toevery rne,3l1uw- ing lh3.l3_lh.0 ancients invented and per- Jeclcd ten thousand implements and articles of common life which we still use with little improvements thereon,- and without giving them credit them- for. ' ' A woman in New Landau, Cnnn., saw herhusband carrying a lady : sut- ohel, and she tore the lu'1y's dress off her baforevdiscovering that it was her mother, who had dropped down on the evening train-'to_ surprise her. ' Every husband in_ the. land who is out aven- ings should read this little item to his `wife, and hold `up .the.drmgers of her becoming`suspi.:ious without the best qf `cause. A A , . It was in a M2ssach`usetts village that an old scissox_s.-grinder, calling on a minister,ma.dc the usual query,"`Any [scisors to grind 1 Recexving xx nega- "tive answer, it was the .m1nis:er s mm, which he took byvusking, Are you n_ man of God 1 I do not understand you. "Are you prepared to die '1 The question struck home. Gathering up his kit and scrarnblingfo: the door, he ex.cl,aimV'ed',terro r' atrickbn: ('0 Lot 0 fLor7 ! `g on aIn tAa-goin gA ldkill me, at 0 you? ~ } - h h . The gorriliant the_Cincinnati Exposi- lion wrues to the Small Talk: I herr that a` good many pwedpie in this town, are making disparaging remarks abom._ me beuause I haven't got on any oluf.hes._ _~f1`_hisxs the_raz time I ewr pet wlgh suqh treatment, and to 9. per- rson ',0,t_`._;VIIg,A('r'a_il, sen'si}i_va peonliaritie, -i5 orughaa ]ik'b_.a, _piLe-drivxai. even : *hi8..,99. In.0.f*1r. 99.1..! f;9'W9i53A~;j-V ` `nit... 04, r. `i'.'.`_--_ . wish sg`w.'vI;swira.aa:1,g=i.Jx .-:pnbHshA I `la Papets. |`|.ll~X AJAI II-\.'.l\4~l I1 I mjixr 2 of Health; oU:>. HABITS. ' I SID N(7`.\/'---AR'1`1CLES.' EKEL) PCHIPEII. 3 most i:1!crc.9tiue', features mucus rery ma1ny.h-'meIy cles lnvu. s. is u.r!oni;hing how >mmuu' now were in` will uhnost an u:enszi7_, parable cookmg cake and butter _--l L.'...l.. ..__.1 D_._ . KJH. `KC. VVHI UV Lid .'~eoid'_b_y J._P.' Orders promptly nun run \aA\a xl\rw uu.u\u~\., got uf smal- ia 1z|a1+.-.z":s ca.-h '1 he Monk gialighnu winduw alter nf And` grison a 'l`|xa`cl2?p:it docs guilows n I {T ,A ' I '. v _ Wis. {H-1. 1' RlLLAI -..___. ..-:,..... at destroyer :du.:-`nut ulun r|~. 1 ', - Tht :2;-:.cKs1'd_o1_r ._,-,, ....._. .. Lxtm charges _Uu_1Xier street, Q.- ----_.__.__ -,- H N` ;{<)';, _ A Issue)` `of MARRIAGE L ,. _-_:. AI.IJkNDA2B 51`4'T]QK;5 JnI7\91 7xl... -- .- : . iATUATE' ' OF 1,...,.\- M ... -In. .T0Rosrb. \)`,O0.0. B ROTH ER s, ?Q amp` (INN- .IN'AI{-Y. S-UR-V- -.-... on T\ (1 IJUCU, \Jl'UUX Kc-z_t1 1'-lstgteu .`;. . '_ 84. n .1: Ln : LVIJ` ace, Barrie, -....._..._.... - V Q 5% per dav. Agents` wa`mad!- All $53 classes pf work1ng people;'9'_ evher sex, yxiungor old. make more mopy at wmkgnhh T In in tn,c4r4:sarc tpomem. or .1|;.l.1ne;t.imos than at `uni: . }I ing emu,` ` 1*&rI.icn1nrs._fre'e. Addroai `PINS. 3-` $0 Ponland./Muan.. 2 `.-~- -. -*1 . ',-Resi-_ WV ":.1er:3 ! -J, 110(11- Claims . Credit: .- lr suns av. * 31-y 23,-m. ans 1. ,,.. Th? um.IU:uL: till: 'cuVuuCl5f OIJIQB, "`8l'l_'I8'o This comma-iious establishment hhsjustbeen opened, and having been bui_1' especially for the purpose of u rs`.-(lass hotel, is tted up as anal), and will compare favourably "with any house: 01 the kind North of Toronto. Commer- cizil tv9.v.3liei's, private families on casual visit; ruui rhe public geaerallyvwill find that the pro- ; tor knows hcw to nrovide for their eanecial 1: ing emu 0 P0 {.l0S;:uERS ADVIR'l`IlillEN'I`si Corner of .\1u1v_azter and Dunlop Szre6ts,. opposite-tine `Advance? oige, Rania-, ` This cnnnnmlinma 9.-amhliahmnno Han inn Insu um puunu g<.'LlUL'lHl)"VVlll mm lust we pro- ;;rie1or provide _for their especial :`::q|Ii1`emant:`. The best of atabling attached, amended toby obliging and expnrienced hos:-' Ic-:9. Stages leave this house daily on_$he at- riv.-1 of the up mxins. Barwvell supplied with the budt of li,quAora and cigars. 33- auJuu|.!`u wn.-|uuL aeuucuou. ' `- ' `slecurily. Prompt payment, and liborality in -adjustment of` its losses are the prominent features of this weahhy compdnyp Fire and Life Policies insmed with vnru n|u....1 _ Supariot accommodation, and every atten- uon paid to the requirements ofttravellers. Rooms for,Oo:nmercia.l Travellers. Terms moderate. _ _ 42-1y` __.______._______._.__ /NY A'nrr.an\y Irnnan u . nun The proprietor of tha Dominion Hotel ban re-l` cnuily, owing to.its_ great increase in business; been compelled to add double accommodation to his-old bouse_ and has had the estnblishment re-(`med and re-fmnislnod, and with ample smmes, beds, nndsalnple rooms, he thinks he will be able to receive, all ohis old friends, who havn so liherally gupported him in the past. Room for one, room for a.ll.- Best wines and Iiqurms, best tnbe, best `accommodation, of any country place in the Dominion.--W. 0. Hand requests the public to bear in mind that he is at the present time the only Licensed Auctioneer in these pnrta,'.'.nd in that department. of his business he is prepared to give `his best amen- tion to the_}'ntcrems_of settlers, and in all cases to give fa-fr play to buyers. I3'Snles of stock of all kinds promptly attended to, and prompt suttlmnent always assured. 42-ly --..- , Excellent accomddatinn for Suinmsr 'Visftors,. T`ou-vista, and the 'l`mvelling Pub1ic. 1 Boats, Fi~.'1;iag Tackle, ..ndV_ehic1e3 of all kinds for the canvc-raience of Guests. The Bar in wa1lsuppli- mi- ~.-vvh' Tnminn and Domestic .Wim=_n and C 7H\ C'Ul .`JlCi` GI Lt`-1E'.3'u3- 1 HI! DB! IB W811 suppli- ed- '.'.*i'.h Fnreign and Domestic Wines and` Liquors. Good Stabling and ' attentive Oatlers. N.H.-Splendid Speckled Trout streams. in. the vicmity. 48-ly-W _- - -( r v - - - - - -It VIIIIIIUU LIDIIIVCV [late Olork in Oounfy Registry Otoej Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen : Banoh, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission .Ag'em forthe sale o{ Houses, Lands, Farm Stock," Household Furniture, Goods, Wsres,&c. Also for the collection ofRents, Notes and Accounts, z;g`Oash ndvanccs made on goods left for Sale. Sale Room. corner of Collier nndlrlm-lmt sag. 1816 LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE OOMPANY. . Avmlabze Assets, 327,000,000: ` Losses paid in course of '[`hirty-ve years, <:(:eed_ Forty Millions of Dollatl. . Claims by Chicago Fire, estimated at nearly 3,000,000, are being liquidated as fast as adjastt-d without deduction. `Sppnrinv Prnmni-naumnnt nan: 1:I..._-u._ 2, : i:ia':_s5? .l`U1b 2A7',`_ ucruures m HHS wezmuy company.- Policies issued with very liberal conditions, ` . . HEAD OFFICE CANADA BRANCH, ` , MONTREAI. G. F. C. SMITH, ' Chief Axmnt fnr-nnmininn . The bastBi11im-d Parlor North of '.'1`o1-onto ; The noble is supplivd with everything in union. Pure Wines and Liquors. Good Btablingp A Barrie, Dec; 181.b,18'12 _ - V V1061 ...._,_._. _, ~._.. .._._.__ u UHIEF UONSTABLE, County Uice opposite the Market, Burlap _ --..(-vrxvsrw .. ~ ._..__ 54;; uuau uuvancia made good: left for Sale. Room,_ oornerv of Collier andil-Iarket Sta.. Barrie . ` . The Tahle and Bar well supplied. Good Bed First-class Stubling and Attentive Homers. ' ' 48-It r HE swoon HOUSE, next door West of :1: Old Bank of Toronto Bniiding, Dunlap street Barrie _ The`Simc_oe, undcr its new management,` has undergone considerable i1nprove_ment,Aa.nd now presents to the travelling community 9. "house unexclled for cominndiousness and com- fort. The Bar is supplied with the nchoicest brands of Liquors and Cigars, and in the chs.rge_ of an , adept. compounder of drinks. Good Stabling and Sheds. - . 40-ly JOHN GREGG, - - - "Proprietor, ' Wines, .Liquors, and Cigars, of t,he.best. quality, Buppliad at the bar. `A good table is :-11 ways kept. Excellent. accommodation -for '[`ravel`.ers. .Au attentive` Hostler. ' Charges moderate. Stage twice daily from the house` to Gui1ford,'and daily from Roaemont and ' A1- liston and back ` . - 42-ly E_LLI NerpNi'oTEL, oooxsrown.` A o,Am1sT1_zoNG, -1-" -Proprietor. E HE EXCHANGE HOTEL, oooxsrowx`. ' I The best brands of Wines. Liquors; Cigars, and {he etceteras of a, rst-class bar always on hand. The table is unequalled in it.s/fur-nish- iuga. The commercial roams are better than gay North of Toronte. The enabling accom- modation cannot be_excel1ed'. Stpge twice 3' day to and -from Gu11ford,and duly from the house to Rosemqnt and Allieton and back. . 42a_ly > CUM.'\1EKU1&1J DU Lmu, Lluuuuls uauuu- EAST, BARRIE. " " -----.. JAMES HAYDEN, - ax `Pnozfmiron. Good Board, good accommodation fo1:'l`riwl- lets; good -Wines, Liquors, and - Cigars. An attontiveHoi_,tler a.1w_oy'sAin atvendonoo. 9-y ._.---.7 .--..rn1-at 'e%s:~ ;rz*z` bhnnfj auuuuuc J..I.\.v:-av. ......._,.. -_ _.__ "';nH`E BANK 'HUTEL.- 11. Charles 0la.rks0x1,`(late of the Turf Club House) begs to intimateto the public that he has opened out a. rat-clgss Hotel `(in the pro ' miseslately oocupiedas the Bank of. Toronto. The bar is tted up in rst-class style, and Liquors and Cigars of the choicest bands can always behad.` "The Stubling is goodsnd, ample. The best of nccpxnodntion i|:o`ered_tq ` travellers-and ho:=.rders,'u theroomI srelarge and aizy. and tihojbeat ._of iito-be hggi. An a.tt_eI_xti-ve ontlar ia1'w'a`y in itthniinli. an 1- ' 0HARLES1QI-_nARKS,0N, *_`, - - `z Pron1"Iabr. DUNCAN M. onnaou, raopnmron.` Inn of llnru.-nod Hzzxlrami I-[m.!e.Ru:s IAER. OCEAN A 3.; mnamm. Lfrx _1s*.`nMs : '0 ' Ito th ukhllwox pp-m.s:at|:n; 01318313.` .1 `HJARKSUN uuussc, muialn: J . . . JOSHUA CLARIKSOAN, Propetor. H 1! Slpposlle we Nonnurn Ina v ;_8l,alloII. BARB-IE.` V 3a}:i\ei,A;\;1gy 14:12`, 1873 68-. ROGER9,uez-3, CIIIEF`_CONS'I`ABLE, of Simooe, Mice oppoaute Market. Ban-la. ' ~ ' J - ` W. 0. HAND, Proprietor and Auctioneer ._._.___._/I _._-_._..__._. HE ROYAL HOTEL, ALLANDALE.` `(Croxou s old stand.) -_-_ )<).`.1*IN1U.:'j.1iU'l`EL, ALLIS PON. rx r`~ _.__/\/~ /\-/\/\ ..,_/\ {`L1.1s1'.oN I-IOTEL. 4 was WELLINGTON HOTEL. EDLAIID HOTEL, (Lam Royal.) corner of Front and ColdWB.IEI' atrets,Ori1lia,0nt. 3 [ vol. JUL`! Uf AN In. U!1lIn.U r1,t'n.urn1uu.UJ Late of Ham-oorl Htzxlroad House, Rm Lake. `E. CONWAY, - - v-` Proprietor, _- VOMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNL0_P8'.l`REET : mam`. BARRIE. . ` `- M. SHANAOY, . . -.-- rmtzn A ND 7PUB`I:aISHvE!.) _ u uuv, uzu $301215 nub aloun .- fl I ./\/\ .----- mos. SUMMERSETT, Prdprietor.` ..._-.-.. WALTER TAYLOR, Proprietor. ;: `$1 per ye,ar in advance; ~ u - ;a.u1-Ln, ` C`-hick Agent for-Dominion.` ' J_OS_E. H ROGERS," A Rent. Ran-in - Proprwitorf l .rpetor. nuurnna, agent-, Barrie . Propgiggtpr. }.`.%%`%3;R

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