Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 Nov 1874, p. 2

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-J ,_ _ _ , On Sunday night a re brokci out in the barn of Mr. A. Coryull, `Newmar- ket, which was lled ivicll buy. The loss a.mov.u1ts to ulout 53200. A n1anpna1n:5.d Clump. Vvagy t1-ied Godertcll for fthe vnnur-l_e?_ of Lewis, '.Iiuck<}2lrsunt11,_- and convmtged of ms s aug tor. ""'"C" '- . ' The Prenlier and Majo1'eGe11e1'a1'Se1by Smyth visited "Kingston. on Fridxmy, to . ins_pQct the fo1`tic:r'L`ious and ducky-ards,_ t with :1. view t-0..t}1ei1`~ improvement. _ _ rm, n.....,.-"mm" nr n..:n:.. 'm.1nL.-.u-ml ~ wuu ill \'LU\Y l`\I-\UA.|(3LL uu1nuvLuuJIu.._ _` The Orangomen of Urilliu. cclcbmted the 5th of ;No \'ember by 9. -supper. Dur-_ ing the evening a. preserxtatiozx was also made sauna. ladies` `to . the ` Black Knights - Encampment. I ' I` , __,_,,,,,, 1 ,L 1n-I 'r:Ln_ 113-1.` ..".'?'D"" -'`V' 3 H , re occurred at 171 Little Rich- mond st.; Toroxito, on Szxturdzty last, de-' stroying some sheds be1'ong ing to Messrs. Duulop and Scexvarta; V Lz.ss'uliout $250. Insured in the Guardi-.mAOl1ice. ` A young man Vc')f D.-a.visV, hasdecanmped`-vvith $2'.3,000 from the Saving's.Bzmk in Montreal. Also an- other with $15,000 from B. vSimp~_'. son '8. stock V brokers. on 2w .111 am. uuu nu. -av-y.. -.-v..`.... The xachocner Fa'n.ny Campbell. of St. 'Ca.1f.ha.rines;, went ashbre on Horse Is- land Lake H uron, on VVednesduy night. She is a. total wreck. Insured for 312,000. % ` * - The Convention of L reliresentativetto consder the best mode of Lpromotir'i`g;` emxgratioq was held in 'Ot3t_awa. on the` 5th; and a basis agreed to. `His Excel- vlency waspresent and * evinced [great in- terest in the work under consideration. `yrA~1;e;1:);;;I;JeVIv1;s_t;;>oTlv::r1Vf1V:;c($ ftdn ship of Ernestown on Friday. .Both the `parties bareTma.rried, .a_nd leff. behind them seyera1'chi1dren,_ There is a rtintqur to the effect that ` the Government intend to erect an , Idiotic Asylum _ at Orillia. We hope` the editor of The Time; will be cerful or he may get there never to be let out L 8g_ain, ii' we judgeiby the way. he rqve atBerrie. ' ' P18 renecneu H0 1.Ul.'Uul.'J iuxu. uumuu.-., and allow no furtl1crtunn1)e1'ing with the" consr.it.uency by vulgar boasts of co_1'(l.< of ten dollar bills 01-the scmtch my b:u-,1; humbng which Mr. l\1cConlcey so suc- cessfully plnycd the last time l1uappe:u~- ed as a czu1d1date for the honours he now I _V-Xv-1;:-e` of the anpposd o`_the-Ifawrence-To ey estate, amquri ` ing ea $500,000,000, was held at the of- l\n"n" OJ{n A`1I;|AIO:hof\ tIn1':1'rI`Inu'.\1-\l'-n nn I15 IUU QUU\:V,UUU,UUU, WEB LIV.-I (loll IJIIU VI` ce of the American Hotel, Toronto, on the 5th inst," and was anended byabout ,40_or_50,of the supposed heips from djf- ferem: parts of Qgmadn. and the Uni StaAes,,.and subscriptions were ta.ke`n`upV :11`.-. T. 0arv,<,n: ` aind Mr-L wYV- 1?- mmon , srho_` g.re_;enga30d; in tracing ~13Pih9"'P'Pi1i5W- - ~ % 'EKHDA. V of To- : while 1d._ died . oohzpetitors. _ On Satugjday evening the members longing to A, _Co_mpany, A Queen's Own 3. Ries, Togbnfo, f dined_v;"b9g'e_hher. The `n prizes won at} the necexit Rgimental Rie Match, being presentedy) the successful 1 111. n, 1 A J. _-_ -1` L1,- ;__.... . -av--r vuavvn -1: who was asked to become an Independent: cghdidate for Mnskoka, is out in 9. letter _in the North Star," retiring in favor of Mr.` VMille_r, the Miyistria1_ca.ndidate. - Mr. SamnieI..Armsi:rohg, like tov}n? ,, ship of McKe1Iar, Parry Sound District, . K ! V` I LIL ris, of nln` The ime.m.l1er'sYc.'>-i";v: 3;-made cloth-I iug and dry-goods rms doing business in` iI. 0nt.`, by tli names` of3`Mess`i`s. ADranger S: Meyer, and B. Adolf, of the .' rm of Adblf Co'., have absconded. Their liabilities are estimated at $80,000. on Friday the Cumberland was caught in a. severe-ga1a:near.PaAss5g6 IaIa`nd,Lak'e Superior, and rvascompelled to cast ovr- board all her deck freight, including 70 head of cattle, -_ It was a iraculous es- cape, but nolives were lost. . I - . I 1 An explosion took place in the meter , r_oom- of-sthe Parliamentary`.-`Buildings, Ottawa, causing the entire destrtictian of the meter, which is a 200 light one. For- tunately no lives` were lost, bxq; had it been a. moment sooner, there might have been the loss of four or ave workmen, as they had just left. 7 ' ' ' , , ,1- n- _-r. n_- `D`._1- vu uuu. seeks. ..-vJ ....... J--- ...-... , An attempt was made to rob the Bank ' of British North America.,,ii1 Paris, on the eluth inst. -The robbers were vtimsked, and entered the house of Mr. Carnegie, about half past seven," and demanded the keys of the bank and safe._He told them ' that it would do no good, as the lerk bad part of the keys. 5. Hewaa ha.i1d-cufi'- ed, bound and gagged, as was also his wife and servant:girl. ' After the bin`- ...`l....n 1....-I Annmnlmd Rf.-, nuwnna;n mnn;a.(r- uu. WILD uuu 5|`.7l'V.llU_'5ll.1. ILIIIUI. uuv glare had departed, .Mr- Carnegie man-it t- ed to work the gag out of his mouth,n.nd called to his eldcsbson who was `asleep in the next room, and. who Iiad escaped the robber s obse1_va.tipns. He gave the 'ala.n;o,an_.l soon. the neighbors weseitgfter "them, but they made their escape. ` " 1 A and case occurred at the residence . of s.'gent1ema.n in Port" Colboume on _ Saturda.y., It seem's,that a girl came a. strangenlire, a few days` ago, and em gaged as" Servant. -Some days ago she became unwell and took some warm tea to her bedchamber on .re`piring. Next day she attended to her work as usual, - which she repeated two or three days. Becoming ill medical aid W-.13 obt2v'.nel, but too late, for she was found dead in her bed this . morning. }: os=;ibly she may lxave faken poison to put an end to hex` Iniseryvand su'eriuga in t,his`.'\\'0r]l , On ex-.:minin_; her carpet, lung tr) 11g-.:L`I`- `Lain wllqthcl` it contzxined any 1:21.15-v1'.+ or ......._x,. 1... ...1.:..1, 1.,... r..:,. 2... ML. ' Ix-nu Hall] VVIJUPKIUI 1U bUI'DltlL\'.\l (Ill: lI.I`.".|.nI Kit ecrmls by which her friends ur 1-n1:.`i\'c.: might; be found, an ~inf:x11t was fmmd. therein, which had been wffoczmtecl by :1. mg which was in its month. No me .:~;eexns*tn kumv xvhere this poo": unf_n't'.1- uajtc girl came from, neither dm..-3 any one kupw anything about her 1':-L1ti`.c:~:. on his own dp.ugI1t91', near Mill 1`nint,. Peer Brown mas` b1'ot1ght 1'1"-`ml the C'eut.mi Prison at To1'ouL0, to Nzipineeg to receive his first; twenty l>`s:hes from the c;i_tr0 -nixie-tails for cnnixxiitt-ing mpe 0I1:`,111OI1th ago. for which he W`-\S sen- tenc'od by J1idge`\Vilki`son. of x"ni~4 }.-lace, to fox-`Ly/-lashes and f'0i1 r' months in gaol; m'(>x1Ly]:\s}1e:;'the 1irst~ inonth. and "the secciid twenty the third month. At 1:30 p.m., he was faken frum gaol and fastened to the triangle i1i'the prison. yal-(1in"presence of the "other p1'is0ne1's conned in guoi, the ofticials, the press, and a halt`-dozeii spectzitom. He scream- ed and wept bittezly, begg_cing for mercy, during -the ope1_'at~ion. His hack pre- sented :1 bad sight the hlood oozing out of the w,ounds n'1ade' by the` lush. He will beremoved back to Toronto till the expiratiop of two months, when he will receive the balance. -A Reports of 9. ehr-ckiug occurrence `mid to have tekenvplace last Thursday , `-n the Cote of Neiges Cemetery, Wont- reel have been made. One is h the :-eet that a young; r_na`v:ri<-d lady was takeusuddenly ill, and, after twoduys sickness, d.ied. She was laid out, and '.ift.( 1`1`-.'l11pSB'0f three days the funer-.11 took place. The corpse was noticed to be in aremarkahle state of pre_.=.rva- Vion. After the funeral` prcce.ss%:h had i neched the cemetesy the cofu was `removed with due care ll1lU'l`l1 .3.l\I(il`gl1e, and here a particular friend of-the de- ceased, who had been stlmmoned from the face once more. The request was granted,n_nd the coin-lid was unscn~w- ed, tvhcn,to'the horrorot 51*], it was seen that the corpse was lying on its side. The head_w.1`s twisted round facing uppermost, the grave clothes were disarrahged, while the left arm was drawn up as a. support underneath the body as if the unfortunate woman had been leaning on it in an -ineffectual rind terrible struggle for breath. The sight was simply. terrible; and the un- fortunate husband of the deceased gave way to the wildest manifestations` of ` grief. The ladies were so overcome by what theysztw as to taint. It is supposed the woman had been lying in ,9. trance, -and` was "brought to lite r -through the julting of thehearse while i. on the road to p the cemetery, though, ,_ of course, only to smother. f This is all that is known of the horrible afhir. 1 The uutnes are suppressed. a d1stance,urr,ived,-"and asked to see ` We are sorry to learn that Ca.pt. Dick, -proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, `Ton-onlx), and for many ye-ur intiin-itely couimcted with the g1'eaJ3 enterprises of our country, espcciull_\` rzxilroadipg zmcl _steaml~oatii1g, brealhed 1ll.S"l.:lSl3 on Friday morxxing; Cunt. Dick was born in Sui1;le1`lund,-Scot- lzmd, in the year 1809, and consg-;queutly 65 years of age at his demli. Of his childhood very. little is known, although his parents are said `to hm'e been in com- _ fovtable c,ircumst;111ces. At the age of ,1 _l4 he was appr nticed to fa trauling ves- ' "this he was ' put in `command `of ha. vessel trading ybatwAen' Eng- lish"; aud_ Seoteli ports," and the x West. Indies, but soon aft:-rwm'd's c'aune toCa.nmla;'.* His fa.r-`seeing judgment led him_t,o_ settleinthe U.pper-iuste:u1 of the ` Viagarm 1id'?fodpd"9mploy eat in the - buildinai. "yards ;tb.r.e.,i~>u nnchnn his nnlznrul ` silrmililiibn and . nu-iunfi- sel, and "met with. fair sueecss. After 7 _ ~.Low_er P.-rovi__nc'g. In~183l he_s.e_t.tl_ed.iI'1e and in this aullruuuulus Juuun vuutu, Luukl LAL huh`) positton his natural abilities and practi- cal experience, "soon placed him in :1. res- ponsible p'9sition,a.nd after having assist- ed in modeing some ne vesse1_, he xvqg plaged in cognmand. After giw_'i_ng up the command of sailihg vcasfs, h_e commenc- A ed to 1_)_uild_ the am; of Toronto, which h9.(1.a'ch a successful rm; heween Tor-. pgiio, Niaggrg a'xig1_.othe1'- ports. He next ' di14ecfer1 his' attention to the North, and N orth-W`ester'n_Lake_s, uxigip placed the A IR-esc`1_ze Lakesulperior Route. On ",3;-ound o'n'_Fr which he own- : ' ` *-_h0?1, ,y_Iiich,isonow In nominating Mr. Burnhart for the Commons we lmvc tn. (10:11 with in, mm: who has won the l1i_;11I`.~st) lmnours in this County and 0} ew'u<:re as '-.1 .~aL1cc(;s`sfx1l . business man. It can be said of him "that no adventitious or ext1r:o.n1'di1mr_\` circumstxmces h:u-c mut1*ihutu:1 i.) hi. present; proud pn'+it,im1 as :1 wezxlbhy mm`- cancile man. No Sp'cc|_1l:\t.iouS in the Crown Domain, eitvlxmr by '[`In11ver Limits or otherwise l1:,1v\,h0cuI11:1 sub~` ' to his success. Mr. B.u-nh:u't- coznznrmced . in the loxvusb rung in the lzulxler, :m_d by rare foresight zma c-:mti.4n has nttzxined a fureluost place in Um 1)1xsh1ess omn- munity ufOnLu.ri0. in lwief; Mr V B:;.r1x- burs has grown wig}: I'1_u=,. pmsperilxy `of the Cnu. Ly, and his }nlsiI1(.%.`4 cmnmenc- ing small in the Town of Cnllingwoui as a wheat. buyer zinxl 1n:1r_n1t'u<:mx1'm=, hit`:. so expzunied, Llult mm? be is :1 ibnuuust -nan Sn uvprv rl-uh-I-uriQ1*. ".)3)Yl'3`C"(1 \`u"l'.h Ag ,_qru\w nun Jlvll, Lgqunuyu. rose; `yri}1?be*ix }1_1o_l;`fie1';: ; _ funeral \p1acg;,on.jMo;i,?l;y,`fmm pljg `~Queen s', to the Necroiblins at` ? hi was I, atte_nd9n00i V _ ' ; _ 1-I - H _ ""-u. : .bi1`stLres are mgmg-along the ton and Maine Railroads, destroying , considerable .p1Qperty. _ 1.r,-L..:. L.... van stalii meriously iniured by running away. The `animal was worth 820,0()0. 1 ` on Mahatan was i Gunman. ....- ..---_. ,._,,, e One hundredT and fifty. wox-kmetux were discharged from the Navy Yard in Washington On Saturday. ~ -~-n .... -....1...1.'.+ can I I 1 ` down sta v. inqtantly Wsmugwu An Chalfleaworth somnamhulist fell uu KWCVUIUGJ - in-slash Friday night, and was n r\ 1-___` `jun--I ~ ` "'. _ _A man named. Montrcy, of Qgdens` burg, was killgd by l_i_ghnin_g . W11119 low ering a. window curtam m hwown house- I n-11 1'1 ,,,,L' -A IV.._....:nn:nnnI-C: nn f.`1R` urmg It Wu.Iuuw- Uulvuun u.. .....v... _ I The Court of Commissioners on the - Alabama Claims met; on Friday, and ad- journed till December 3rd, to prepare i petitions. - . z - . 11 u. 'I'I 7`_...L:......Lnn u-ran nnhvifr puuzyxuun. , ~ James Brett.'Washingfon,was convict- ed and sentened to 15 years in` the State x Prison for committing a. felonious assault `onrEliz9. Fieldyaged 15 years. ' n.._.___...... .n., VIA 5.101-cut - .v..., ._a_ ' A `-'A_..parfy "6fCa.i1adia}n. Surveyormar-. ri' ed in Chicago.o1i Saturday, who were recently engaged; `in surveying the North-West bouhdary line. `A `L-.. &'....n Charlotte Cushman made _\ye1l_appearanc_e i_n Booth s '1 Saturday night. She has ` gfeat Success. V -~--- A_.:.. .. 4-1 man in every c-,nt`.-rprisn c-.mne`.t,'-d tlle growth of the Umunty. Not only is LMI`. B.m1lm1`tt11e lzu`;_;o;.:L mirer in tin; Riding, bu t he is 3. 1:11'ge Mezuuhtyat pm"-9 prietor, Owning that mugnikicent; ilct-.\. that mils outof C0`.`.ing.vo;)(l,- now popn larized tln-ouglnut. the Cn)x`{!i1>.en1t; as] the Luke_'Superio': Line, As :1 1';|ilx'0-ml 1u-.m he was 1'ure1n.st; in the Ex-`,ensio_x Lu Muskoka. and now - ctiw, in the pron1;>- tion ofot.l1er'linr,-H Lc.ndi_ng to develop our I10I`I.1l(3l:l1 coixutry. M1`. 'B:irn}_m1-D is . I "H. .1. .1 .. .1- .......,.1...ni-1'.` '[`:n-(in. expzmueu, Luau uuw uc m u. m.\.......,. ` A passenger. train on the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway was thrown from the track by 9. broken axle. One man was killed Vand twenty or thirty -wounded. - -- - ... ... ,. Iv vu-ucvvu , Right Hon. Hugh Childers, the new President. of the Great Weste1'n Bail- way ofACana._(1g, with Mr. Price and Mr. Muir, are inspecting the terminal facili- ties of the Erie road in New Yo1_-k.- 'II` I',,._ W'hile ring a. salute at` Madison, Ohio, on the 5611 inst, `over the demo cratic victories, a. cannon burst, instant- ly killing a. young man `named George F, Martin. The parents of Martin re- `_:.!.. :._ rV......A.. -. L` . A.V.I.'a.I. mu. 1. u\ Side in Canada. Dluw Lu V uuuu an E C. Hubbell, a.`-reporter, was found dead in his room in Long Island City, L.I., yesterday morning; - Dent-his sup- posed to have been caused by the escape of gas. He wasa native of Hartford, Conn. - '- -- w n .1 . rI,L1 .12.. uuuu. . Rev. J. E. Gordeman, of the.Catholic Church. Plladelphia, is reported to have dis-.tp;`ea.i`ed with the female organist who played at. St. Boniface Catholic (jliui--.-1., of which he was pastor, to the consterna- tion and lament of the entire Cathulx diocese. *` - - -- rm, UIUUBHU. THE UNITED STATES ELEc'riox:.-_-'I`lu~ New York Tnlmne says :--Tl1e vcrdiet of the country against Gmntisrn is deliv- ered. There were only two questions` be fore the people at {this election. One was whether the Administration de:?I`v- ed the publ_ic condence, and the othe: was whether it ought to be perpe'.uut_evl. They-have both been answered in thi- A negative so loudly, that even`tl1e _Presi dent must lioanthe verdict. 'l'he'Stntr.- 0: New York, which gave Grunt mid Dix :1 majority of 53,450 in 1572, and elect: d 24- Administration` men out of her 2'3- Congressmen, now defeats Dix, solely on trcount of Grant, by n niajority of over 30,000, and leaves the `;(lI!]ll'liStl`alti()1`- not over 10 Representatives in the next. House. F or the tirst time in many years: the Democrats carry the Assembly so largely as to make sure 01 :1 U. S. Sena tor. They elect their Mayor` in this city by 32,539, `over. \Vales, while O6.cen fer falls far behind. The honest voters showed that it was not mere Derinocr--._c}' they sustainedi by defeating Hayes, the Tznnmany candidate for Register, b_v.m'a~r 10,000. Massacliusetts has acttmlly gone Democratic, and 'Gr.~n. Butler is over- whelmingly defeated. I`?cw Jersey elecirs Judge Bedle. -In nezuly en-,r}' State tvlze. Democrats ga;in lieuvily in Uozigfi-e.-ssni::n. land it seerns probable that they lizzvc :-..-- Represenmtiv es. .-._,_._.._.._....__, _. . . -.. cured a. majority in the 1:02.: 11:.-u_se of I \ l BULLIVER.---Al.BL1nie,Von':he 119': in-0.. the vwfu of Mn. Jules l3ux.L1-:2-. oi a daughter. R0kKE.-At Barrie, an the 8:2: inst, 122: } wake of Mn. Envuun R max, of 3 daughiez I I Lrgnanrw MO0RE.-At Barrie, an the 10 h i; 3L, CHRLT-PHSR, wungesl son of Jun. `irc'.(|?: ESQ , Boot_& Shoe 'Merham, aged '2 _\cu.::-' and 11 months. .. %.___.._..._, If this heimelhe pmpr o~ms'uf1h:: .VVhn bl-=,as=s others: in his dnvly deeds, Shall nd the hea].n9, that hiaspirn n"eJ-; For every wwe-. in otlners` path Aw ray xhr nvik Confers IIS fragrant beamy un his uwr-." _ Cami flan Pain Deslroyen mus`. be the reoipar is u; blessings innumerable. [Is_!'nn a;,~f._-.-.1 .-m.| Inns! sme remedy for sudden (`.c`.1J.`,-lht-}l)lI`.` 1ism,burns. spmina. 84:`. . and rumovg-.= all kinds of pains n1~'nnsl dire-tllv it is up xli-u . ` 25 cents per bottle? Sul-I by all munlicim-3 .|nn]n.l_ norcuuru (:()uum'y. .ui. um Iu_n\1u L also 21. l:n'ge.\vlml-23:11-3 ln(5!'clI:\7.1l3 in '.[`m'0n- to; and indeed iL in ,y be said t_l1m'ei;'no eut.erpx'i.~ic t.l|:Lt-lm li;1.s not sI1l)Sf,:|nt_l2llly aided, having for its 0l)j(`.('.I} the .1dyanr;o- ment of our. iI1L).L(!1`l:ll interests-. His wealth `is everywhere ' felt, axml 110'.` boarded so that in is `ml_v- :1mm'enL when some pupr 1l(3C<:IiHl(l()llS cr has to mortgage his lmuicstc-ml at twelve or some sucl1zq>ucryplml;~1 per we at. Time (locs not now permit H.1l_CXt(,`Ild:.`(]. notice, but if Mr. B:grnlm1't'zwcepts the nmniimtion, - `we are s:itise(l his superior claims will make the'msclves Yul; aunzmg Llm pmple, and carry him Cl`llllll1)l1L|11t to ()cbuwu_. .. ..... 1. `r . _1' bl) l'.!7|| \ 3 dealeao. No max -_-'I`ii-mu Ecm-zcrmc "On. i-\\'rm'rn rm Tnrssi1'a'Wmanr1.~: Go`.:.-D;. ynn kn~~\s anything 0'! it ? 1rnnt,i_t3 tiuw y 11 did Pain camm exit W11 :-re it is used it is tua ciivup est. medicine ever made. One d.is~- cam-a ruru- , non sore throat. One bank: has rare-.1 an aid standing cough. 1 me or 'wo Ir-lzlus care ind casea sit` piles and kidney tmub 6. -' _mm xix to night applications cme any cusp of ex<'3i`- iud nip-ales. or i!1.lm8d b~`ens .'4. one home has cnred lame buck of e giit yrzars` 5 nmi'ng. Ask Mr. W Mngaire, Nivrchaui, Franklin, Om hnw he was cured of Chronic Rheumaii:-mu: uiizbt years nsnding, and h s V;-op`v will be, `n_r the use of 1`h:imus Ezlecirin Oilf , Mrs Lcs -- ;~on,- of Oman Out , was aficied with `in. severe p in above the eye-brow, which caused him in- tense suering for several hours every day, ug`5_ > an} he will tell-you thn.t_Ec_le:tric Oil cum; him. after ti-fag everything they then heard or`, _, thsfwould beA of benet. ;\Yt,su cm-ed Mr. C Burrows. of the firm mi` Burrows z! \Vma:nnlu_v Ssrnisnmi Wilkespoi-t, of livammxtiup ot _m.~. ~ `Lungs ,-Eoleetric Oil. Mr. Thoma Robinson, Farnhamientro. p.2.. will. tellyon that ho was i cured of Rhaumatis n often years` saanxiiug, by _ Eclccuic OIV; Mr J. `.8. Earle, Hotel Keeper, `Wont Eheotd, p2 ,w-is troubled with Liver Soigplaiu {at new 31 ,y\;nra,.nnd is now. wk-ll. _A:~fr,ond,as!1ad him what` cured him, and his ' pl; 3' IVEOIBOIIIO .0il;.,.he.w_i1l also certify ihnt it j,a=equa1ly Is good for houses, in caves of cuts .Wj`9!|I}d, 3,`s I-foi-'_ig.m:. VA vouug lady a hut! |`IvQre;o,tt,tc1g'of|athmg, gud 'dld.n it think sho_,_.`quldf;iIyq;_nnti| ns'_m'iih'g. She now says nUI_ki9.Qi},'jg.y9d he:-lil_ _o. ~ gwhnt cm-ed.Rav. .`_ 9|!'o_ry- Wyoming.` U:-8 ofB.10n chi:is. in one _. j_t;r::Thoxga!;Eql, o3.i9,0il.- Ask uny . jigqt luvs? beoli cured of-coughs argue ti|,'=Abti1mip..~Ajhh:mBsck, Rhea-` _`uVA1I?_i l"!';,'I4.2yi_;0.,.,iII"O,84l.l!ld&, {gr the " ~____ @;iI.`_&p%; they; mu 3 A ' _`Q0iiow3idE*`H'\9.,F3i.`- A J_ t. _ ` " .2501: `PISS! PC3191 : Illa ll Ova? `HOWE `0 "III. Sold by all mediclubdoalen. ' Price, 25 eta Bren-rd P3 . Ij " = `.`.`S-- NUIHDMAS, Phelps, NJ, -1 `ind K_UB'-!l`{_RtlD"8 L\'MAN.Tnrqn:o, Um, 80!: Ali folye Dmnin'noI.I- ~ - , _ T Iiqn-;-E_Icctrio-`o'8_cloo'ud qnd moot:-a'qd K -Fail Wheat --85 to 90c . Ti-eadwe!1-85 to 880. Sprin:-$2 to 95"-. Ba.r1o7-95 to 1 ()2. Peas--60 to 65. Oats-3R, to,41c. 1133-81 00 to la 00. Straw -59 L00 to 10 oo. Butter--roll-27 to 30c. B'qt'er--'tnb-21 to 25c D`reased`Hogs-36 0G_to 6 60. Hides-$46 0'1 to 600. Sheep 81_cina-75 to l 25. Ez;zs_-15 to 17. T Beaf--him`, q-m.~tor--%5 no to 5 5-). Beef-fore qu-rter--$1 00 to '4 50. Munun b-v_ aid;---6 to 7c. .Woo1v-30 to 33. `?PotnLoe'\ -per bag-85 to 75. "D0 G060 TO OT?!-i;:Iu< B `sRRlE'\\1.-\RK!".'I`S Blil i`lS. DEED. thdde her fare- >th Theatre on met with ..__ V-.. 7 ,-,,,,. , ` Our old friend Angus .`.I<\rris(11 noerls is no extended nwtice :~.t. our h:m re- ch cord has left indelible ixiipi-<-ssim1:; in the -m Rid1ng--the public illstitutiolls he xv-.15 Ch the means of bringing `into our County m still exist; and it is u I1()l:iC(,`:t_l__Il(`. fact, tlint 7,! since his time poor Simone has had A nothing to prove tlu-a'f;ict of lmvin_g had L1. 8 representative at all. M;-. M'c1.'roiil;ey 0` had a long lewise of ollico, but beyond his support of J. Conservative lomler, and `J. few cruinbs of p:utron-ixge for hinistelf and friends, as well xnight Mr. l\IuConke`y, so far 3% the constituency xvus concern- ed, been catching ies in the (le.~;:=r`t sands Buthe is t1ot.te.d'outi and Mr. Morrison, under existing circnnist-,m'<-.es,_ C` will have no diliieulty in repeating _'the.-ee U `trourcings he used to indict upon his I, opponent before` the money-bags were let (- oose, and a. purchased Se-at stained the p litieal purityp of the Riding. Mr. `Morrison s claims far outweigh those of his opponent, from ereryf. st.md-point. He is an indefatigable 'worl:er, nnd as -auch,_ made his representative position felt` in every comer of the Riding ~ Mr M.cConkey is a failure use representativee man, except as representingiin all places l and under all circumstances, self. ..The letter of 9. Reformer "- published last - week, no doubtspeaks by` the book, and. 1 it were fol y on our part to pretend to 1 penetrate that inner _cir'cle, and draw a picture as faithfully ' as ' our. `* Reforml -. friends can `do. In'.'thej'meantime. we - Herald the-forthoon1ing_`"1ipotni_.neepsS of the _ 3Moderate`Party., and if -they "respond to ithegwishes of thetleectionl of the people Q are tired of _ `sm'ell`-hoof-l Apoliticians. = " * iiejghani it ano_th`'r`- time be me" 1- to vane J nounce`;their-.pletfoi'in;' say` `.3 1 l c I V l '1 l ( 1 ~ ; mu `of fiche me a:t1`li.iiid`e pe`:id'en ` kmceayik ' alone] g ' 9593 H?-I 7' 3 tovide . ":,kb1B.!' Wi5_ff7 ?gJ`l;!aca:eI;y avour-)ed by, srhicb may save uafmumy heavy doctox-33% ,9-9,; -' -Om! Bcrvice Gazelle,` Made 'simp1 ,.:,I`,'. Boiling Water or Milk, "Each packet is 13.; .'-.f"" _.f*Jnu:n Ens as 0o.';Homc2o;u.Lh:-c 0h...C ,`f"d `Lonoon. 4 ` , - "-`~`- |l.unu;m.}..... .; n...._. nu. _ _ _._ _. - . . ~W'4`!'9.I.'.i-05.0090:-- We warn ` `_l\'0' an smzour.-I of the proceuu g.'",.m, ` Messrs /James: Epii '2 C0,, a:anufr.cu:u. din,teti_c- artmlea. `At mreir works m 2:. E7, . ffodi1London,--Sec .-.r .icIe in Camfi`; , hold zzzfzla. " ' - ' UUIT .._\\_ VF mg mstm & Ham: ggsn? um!" n 5 IL furl`-` nu. \.uu.nrJ. Booksellers, Sza sio2-er-is An-`I Km -mt:--;. n.` `WALL P;mEz:t\1.>;.:.::::,~.`rm FELT ROOFING, BUILDING Pt. P151 - nux.sm' IN `Pianniof best makers. The Man gig :10 Or;.;a_n-,andIhc Cmavla Or_:m 1.`. m: Organs mu .`~le1m!euns. Orqa as aw!` Jeans (0 mm, and lor sale, on in: mm paylnenlayslem - I2DWARU.`1.',- I \i. .._ . nu... . popular use 31.: Ivan um! I-`Cu , . J. ....,... Du." J ~. BELL Sm)-sax`: lSpeci_c the firm! English Rerzzgrfy frr .:. . from whatever (tmi`"1v.a'Im). hm r thoromzhly te-IIe('.1u(}n:::ui1 us 1 . be laid in their favur~:.- :1 r.- diqtrmuimv o;';n1r):..:n~ ar.a`.n: fr distrcsuirug synxpzuz Dr. J. Bell Sinxp.- u: late Dr. Will's: .\h molt celebrated am joct. His parxxxcr prepared Iu rive n cular. ct.c., H app Slmpeon .1 (20,. In boxes or Pills wt}! of Canada, soc-ur_cl, rcccipt of $1.70. 1 Pill: aulcl retail by rmerlpt. of $1.60. 5;m~: by n`1 rm sale by ull wholesale Dru; Deors `T IS HF TANCH .._..1 _ "`r.zIumn: 0) I uc pus-:1 I_ glad by all ;\1-'diL'iue D: iwuaamss rg_a__ _ [_-V0.R'S.:\`LI:I. a rv v `=1 3075.5 `Ill KE\ll E.\'I7lCL}) I` `:3 -...-... .1 .- .. ._UL`\ IV` -u..-`.9 nu AIL; -II -4.1- ,?ctuvxV1:ysdlo"r' 9 `. ` 'I"'s... ..-.._._ and atfeudmg N (I i h"gtI"l;1-xid- 'A f'=`-i View of_t-Sm Bay and had friim |.*.v-`ryVp.ul more de_sIrahl- mu. {1 can be fuuml uhom Gin ue1_uunu_ ustoul |.::H~=- '( T-1&3 Ptopartv nan M n !~':in`13"" _,vi_ag'u`imu P,u:1c....u VLl.A MU` `cfB,`l',\vh`1::'sl1.:lpyI:xu.; S0\1t[`[,`\'," , I J, specngly - ad.;n-al FUB` n`:a|2HA't'InN_\' A WH.\M' 1! *'- especfaly '.`s-I-iVn';::l` Wm o?E1u:rloNs, A wu.\1u~` -z % fW0|,13dcrua'e a Lam! 1405'! H`: no -v'mqn,in\d, and Wlmlaage 49" `mun! quota. ba dmI.'IH"?* - ~ ."'nr."nnn ' 1'... .....nqriv. 71 (31 usxuuu llll-HI Iguuu. up Ut`u.nuu-`... ' TERHS -'I`he pruperiy, 31!`- !"1|.3 fur $4,500, with mm` term` .A ra*a' oppanuuny :2 mlpitalm or lI)|[,bu1 al'. Wha'|~=J nshvi Raul !'.. n: 6 figllon for Om and um lo-V ._I`IIa of me l`ea9|angui:.eua ` .3|.|!.|l:l_{einpeu!aldl. '|Ddtedg'BIrr`.o, N.,v_. .ocoZi:-Lela; ' _ 2.`hT.-Rh kuo1:gg;Z;' . <"39'-' `h P9rMiora' . up: . ` `n? 5-CIR` M .t'h g -73`: V0,; nn-'hn- nu.-.:.!_.. . 3U1L,D1NG 1.0'rs,. PARK L01`-5 To Nervouq Suerers. \\) `Ch M `*3.-pet1al.Not1r-.9. ._,.__ , .. P'.-f--E#ta : Cocoa.-(3 "` HCAWQ Ohnu-Anni. L `L-'L'\JI.\.7, I-IUIIIII And Importers of 'L.`l3 Will IIDU AIL` IL'LL incur;-Ry wr 1;'vI3d tr ' 81.60. S :e~`.a1 tr. retail by 1'1` r--mil I).- THE UTMK EDWARDS J: I, U: 3; W/lc\V."`L" I?!" . um, 1874- .B`l`)(u.:` r_ loxvnsh-ps I Ihguu Roud_ | I now {M by [273 0` _MEE'r1'1(; or 1$A1{IQiAMENT. .:1_'~.=sgg-`are-a ---- ---- --.--- _ . L '2` jthe paper or advertise, ..mnet giveivi-r,_uten notice to that effect; ' also `that accounts for -subscriptions and ` adve: tiaing are only charged by the 013i- = oi`nlAf&s sigr`1ee,`Mr. Rogers, up to the last ' of October, ult. Any who may have been cha`rged.to a. later date, can, on applyinfg E to the aforesaid assignee, have the mis- take recbied. 7 ' ` > THE N`.\II.\'ATIONS.' ..._.....__`.._....._..._. T1113; NORTH smcou CASE. ` _ V, 0.;-EV. .as-jiienibe_r,.for,_;N _ _ -H\{3.;0f`C_'u)iiicnsj`w9s ` _, _ 4+1! at 12 ,0 1.`?k.!399o? b9f01'.`M!`{7-lust tree Gwynne. ma Mr. Wm. agp_eared Counseifor - Mn Hzel1BhtEd}('rd, -the fetitionai; .f__ 1 and Mr. a.ines- Bethune, and ~ My V . -- ,Lo1mt appeared :as`Q9u.9.9e1 9r.., M.r_-=f. Hi ll.` Cook, the VRespo.ud`eiit ., v'_._l'.TIM0:T)0::l~7i'lti'0`!i1V" ` was led in thename ii of Mr. Edwards," d; n behalf `of the .L1t._m1, Conservative 1ssociation'of.North`Simcoe of which he (`,1 zaoll-books and writ of `Election were pro-_ luced and duly proved to by the" Clerk )1 r. McCarthy opened the case [by stat-` mg that the Petitioner reclaimed the Election of the Respondent was void on` . ;i-ounds : First, on the ground of bri-' iery by theRespon'dent,` -and Second` on n he ground of bribery by his agents, '0 that certain preliminary objections had '3 ween raised to the -Petitioner and they [ Betitio u, all of which had been either \ )I`8VlOllSly disposed of by the, Court or rhandoned by the Respondent'_s Counsel XII`. Bzthmne then informed the Judge .5 hat he admitted bribery by agents of the j Respondent, and that the election must` . )6 declared void. The Counsel for the j Petitioner accepted the admission, _ but . said the case must proceed as he was in- .*:-ructed that personal bribery _ could be moved against Mr. Cook. -A` discussion then ensued between the Judge and Mr . {Set-hume,. as to whether the election I/0`11d be avoided on the confession of the Reslioiicleiit thr.,ugh his Counsel or not. `rlis Lordship seemed to consider the trial 0. public matter in which all were l1lf;I`P.~$l}8tl, and that it could not be `set- ;led in the way proposed, which Mr. Bethume (evidently with the object of ' oreventing enquiry into Mr. Cook's con- ` duct and that of his friends) objected to` mil argued that the trial was in the na- Lure of 9. civil action, and that parties :ould settle it by confessing acts of bri- 2 ,e1-y without any proof being oerod. l'l1e Judge nally `decided to take the evidence ollered as to personal bribery, .lllLl to leave the question referred to for [in-ther consideration. ` ll!" I M {V > .1- H... mum] and mcsunin lurt-ner COIlS1uvrcunun. V M 1-. Cook was then called and examin- ed by Mr`. McCarthy VH6 said 1; case of vhribery by one Charles .\Viggins, of 4 Collingwood, an agent of his; had come , to his knowledge, and in consequence he had entrusted his Counsel to confess the election was Vuilfl. He had been a. can- didate on three` occasions. The first :;imo his expeiises did not exceed $13,000, and the second election cost him $15,000, but the last one only host him $197) Thishe was sure of-- _ Wllill} his friemlsiexepended he had no =neans of knowing, but the $193 .includ~ :d all his disbursements." He denied all ;)e1`.~;onzI.l `-n'i_ber_v or corruption 'of any kind AvHe spoke _as-to sv.-v`eral other 7,.`- flu: nimvn confession of kind - V H0 SPOKE _u.s`w_ usvcuu uuucn umtters, bun the above confession wholesale bribery" at two `of Mr. Cook s` contests, and the absurd sbatexnentrof his expenses at the third, formed the most. uupormntTpoi11ts of his evidence, and . .. .. .. an we um-u, xumm. uuv .. uuport.:mt,poi11ts a =.eemed to satisfy the counsel for the ] titioner, who, we understand, -had ' p=.u'ticu1:u- desire to disqualify Mr. -Cot but. merelywvzmced to show the put L ,..,...,. 1... ut-AR At theconclusion bitioner, who, we uuuumuauu, uwu .... V -Cook public how pure he was At talloconclusion of ` .\h' Cok s ex-.1 Ini na.t'xon, Mr. McCu.rthy .~m.id he did not wish to push the case of` p91'som'\l bribery V'i_udict;ively, and as Mr. Honk halal denied any corrupt". practises on his own part, at. the last election, he was wi ling the election should be avoided on . .- r - 3:110 grm_111d ol b`pxhe1'y by agents The r ' .1. ... .`o-..+m-I uylmf. hi: `l1Ilrrm(x,11 3:110 grox_1`11u 01 u`pumr_y u_y naouua .I.Il\1 Iu-:_l_gc tlxsn stated what his judgmen wdulcl be, but that he would nd_jou_rn the i,1..-urt- uut the next. morning, when his i'urm;xl judglneut would begiven, \ . :...n'_....q. hm on-'\Ve1nusda.v. the _ is 4 `hereby givn that `on and this dafe only,` will advertisements I and subscriptions in and for the ADVANCE ` I 47.3 .-...1 am; 41.mm mhn An uni-, the GXPCCU Il'0]_I/l)t Lll. _ We think a wise discretion has been sliewn in not disqualifying Mr. Cook as theerecord from his bwn lips must make him as weak a. candidate as our party could expect to have in che ma. . M CoNvExw1oN.-We are . requested to ` announce that the Liberal `Conservatives ` ofsgnth _i(~noe, ...wi11 hold 9. Convention at Allisfoh, onv Satin-day, the. 28th inst. O1: cours`;5;Kqr.v;B91l_ton, the sittiugnaeyn- `bar. will J` Aha n9'rh.i!!*iIL - .. .. His: goursa. Q; i ;t..1.Ie V Pa9.;sessio!3. laasj ush, as in do h9:t'h..1i9,.ov3`-i..'..V:.' `UIICHJ LlIJ!lplolUU II] V, UIIIIDI Ullll DUIVV % ( COBISERVA` ;# |% TIVE coNvN1'xox.w% g cmlouss uzm'u1uusn% mm; Mr. N.` Barhhart -for_ the Com- - mons-Mr. A. Morrison for the Loca`1'L-Qglslatnrev. .i``-UUUEUIIIIUAVBD nu -~-- -~_ -_- ,,-- and that those who do not :1 -- .;-,1_- A1...` _......... Aw -I>n ozlvnv-fine, , 118 P81` um_1uuuwumuu, uuo .IJu_I_ULnu uv..- s_eY-vative Convenon met at 2 o'clock p. ' ll "MI'_____L. `Cl',;I1 J... .'..J.u.I> nnr`;_ servauve Uonvenuun mun up a Uuxvvn .1 dates; to. oppose Mr. H. H. `Cook, who on account of_ bribery and corruption, for the Commons, and Mr. 'I`-.AD. tMcConl' for the House. Tl1is_(_}_(5_ny_ention was a grand success.` There` We`;-e over 80 present, above 60 of whom were del egates. The utmost Venthusiasrn "Tend unan- ` imity prevailed ;' an`! we aireii-fnly per- suaded that the selections made will com- _mend themselves to the support,not only of every man of the party,4but also that 9. large number of `supporters of Messrs. Noah Bzu`-nhart and Angus Morrison, ` will be found in the Reform ranks. I!\L - 'D......:.J,..-.5 h A ll-An l{nnPt}IV: L 'm.,..in_ M.`M'oore'e H'aL11,to.s`eIect cspdil has been unseeted on his own confession, * Will be Iouua In me xwxurun luuna. The President, D Albon McCarthy;. Esq., presided Vove_r the.-meeting being supported _on' the left by W. 0. Little, Esq, M.P. for South Simcoe, and on the right by W. D. Ardagb, Esq., M.P.P for NT.-u-9}: Qimnnn. llsuv VJ vv . Arc North Simcoe. fl - `I1..__.l..'l.... Nornn mmcoe. > _ . The President addressed the Conven- tion at some length-, and with his usual ability. briey, dwelt on the causes which had contributed to his. defeat in his two former contests; a.nd'announced, that he could not be _a ca.ndida.te_himse1f,~ f r either position, even Rrthey desired lim to be; He thought `it would be 3. good plan to selectboth their men first, and then say" which House they `should run for. . V g If A _J._L .. L.,.:.... mlln nnnn nix- tor. b _. Mr, `At-dagh on being called upon ex- plained the reasons why he was not a candidatelagnin for their ssuffrages. ; He said he was" elected as an _Independent candidate. and had endeavored to.act so in the House. He had voted `for or against everyv measure solely on its merits, and had -acted solely for the public good. He, thanked his friends for tl:.eA warm_support tendered him inthe past, and regretted thatvhis political connection with them must cease at the end of the As xer announcement, the Liberal Con- )!-uo 4-,: In: {".m}\ vnnann met if. 2 o'clock D. ensuing session. RE" Qunnr1nI' r ensuing seqsxon. 7 Mr. Saunders,of Sta.yner,moved,second-' ed by Mr.` Samson, of Orillia, that the selection of candidates` be by open vote. Cemried unanimously. T M1-.; S-unson, of O1-illia. moved seconded" b'y`Mr. Hnggr, of Co1lingwood,_thiJ.t A*`gus _ Morrison, Eq., be selected as one of the : csmdidates by this Convention. . Both 'gentlemen ably s'upport;ed this motion by brief addresses. The motion was carried .un:mi_'.1ious1y.` .r V 1 . M 1:. `Todd, of Stayner; moved, seconded by Mr, Moberly, of Colliugwood, that A N nah B 1'nhart,7 Esq, be selected as` 9;- candidut-e by this Convention." Both the mover and secoxlderspoke highly in favor of their candidate, whom they believed could beat: any man their. opponents might b1'ing._forw3.rd. The Vinotion was carried Vunzmimoualy. , n,. n1:...... - 4'l2..'m-a`n~.nvn ma:-nnd- carrieq -ummlmouixy. Dr. Oliver, 0 f Bai'1'ie, mo\*ed, second- edby Col Stevens, o.t'_Uo1lingwoodV, that -No-ah Bm'nl1:u't, Esq',.betl1e;nominee of this Cmventiou, to zgpresent t1iem`.in the House of Cgmmous in `theforthcom- ing elections`; and that Angus Morrison, L E~;q., be the` nominee of this cohvention no 1'eprese1it*t11e1n in [the "Local Legisla- ture`. Carried ummim`ous1y.. 7 _ "\ -in -1` `I\1'.. TI -.T4`.:1\vnrr]a nf _" "Tj,1e. fourth and last Session 9f `the .8t>VT-Legislature of .7op'ex__1s :i`hi:'unlmA'j ` U.u`r1ou l1I'lH.I-11[I1Ull:u _y .. On motion of Mr. }I.'-Edwards, of Biarrie, seconded by` Mr. Switzer, of Sunnidale, the President, ]) A1t;on `McC_a.r'bhy, Esq.. and the movers `and seconders. _of' the respective candidates, were appointed a deputation to wait. on N Ouh Bau`nh:u`t~, Esq, and Anggs Mor- rison, E~xq., and texnier to , tiliein` the no- min_abi0ns for their acceptance. rnn n.,A.-.....:,...-+1`.-m nlnuml hv aivincr m1n_ab10ns I01` T:l1(il.I._ItUU!:1)vu.ut.\:.V . TheConvent.ion`theu closed by giving three rousing cheers for t.he'chairmgn,t11e respective candidates, and the Queen". - . "I-IAMIL TON AN1_) NORTH-WEST nan RAILWAY; ' "done in relation to `this Railway. ing on with the road `l . Relative to "the We `are frequentlybaskedi what is being Whether the Company lifts -burst up`,_or have they run away with either the inter- est-or principal of the large bonus given them by our County Council; and if not, what has happened that they arenot go- bonus, we can assure our readers that not a cent of it h as been touched by the com- pany. \Vm. -Boys,Esq., Trustee on behalf of the County, says that, no part of the principal or interest has been, can be, or sl1a l he handled by the Company, till the work is progressing according to the sti- pulation unrler which the, bonus mu; V granted; So far this is satisfactory. The only reason why the building of the _ road has not `men gone on t with during - the -past season is, what has stopped many an undertaki vg, viz., want of funds, Aideputation went to England to try to_, raise the needful, but d_id`n ot'succee <.l, as no portion of the road was built, but they were promised aloan if they were avn:;lgam,=.xted with the Hamilton and" Like Erie Road, which they are now applying to Pa1'1ia1Iient to enable them to do; and_there-is nodoubt whatever that Parliament will sanctioge scheme V 4 Afterwhichgdeputations from both roads will again proceedlto England, raise the money, and so be ready. for operations irnineiiately on` the opening iof spring. ' We admit ; that the delay has been un- fortuuate.for' thissec'tion of 'co_`9,ntry, which is daily losing by the line netba- iug in` operation. We -hope," however, that there will be no more "hitches," but that the road will _be" ,, -_.L _.-..:..... ..'.:aL1..-.m+` I-`..{l -egg, pushed through 13113.3 but: ruqpu vv.u.A _uu lluvaavvg next spring,without fail. ` ..NOTICE.--P.11'}i68lwlshilg to ubscribe for the paper wil reeive it up to the end_ of.1876_fo1' one dollar, . ` ` - . `fur .1,-J Rgy g1n_2_'we,ll... Ieaonm by rwnqer, ;;;_~_ - ` c . - ~ - g Ur ... .. dead, ; Wm sort `qt Sc}_1oo_1Ti'gB_te"a`a`dp 1 C-HANCEIAIY. `df Chancery adjournc-;d jlast Sqturday, till` the 18th :....-, .. - ' ' ...~._,-am inst. -uuvl _ `BIOVING. --A "meeting of Libeful ._Con`-3 servanives will be held `_in the, ,O`nuige,` Ha.ll,\Tl1o1fm.on, at 7 o'clock bn'Satufday evening, the 29th inst... T n___,_... 117. -.._ 4.: L. 1--.... n..'..; ;{;Iu1:tlgc1"u ikbhaml Vvvnnonab, ~..v _.,.._. ___-. Pnnsbmxn --We are glad to. learn tinat our young bownsman, Mr. F. McDowel1,; son of the Rev. Mr. McDowell; of this place, passed 9. very successful prim9.ry__ examination of the law at '1.`oron_to_ last." ' " '~'i`:l;e Social held lhahstt `F:-iday: evpning in th school-room of the Canada.` Methodist Church, in connection with the Ladies 2Aid Society of that bbdy,'.was, as;u i1al,- quite a. success. _ . "uh? nan '- W`; "nnnnt-sin `I-an-I cl-ionvinln 1*-" '* -~""~.-' - U8ELESS.--4-`We `cannot too strongly `~ express our disapproval of t`I1e.co1A11`-s\e pursued by the trqsteea.. `of `a. schoiol in _$tziyner, who ,gdvq1itised_. iiiV, the _?l';_be`5i'or - tendetaffgfr teche". vpficice i315ii51:i1ii$15sl5F33 `9'19f1'*-`3* Wiille, L itbW`Ii*I3i1~7`1Y*iT`i!-ib7.r%eP9xfs `of ` Wt 3,9 .9;1 5 .(39."":`;8`1 . (`.- . 7. h `b : . Locz3.LR"ii*i7: Ms. T :' J..u-gI_vap;4vu:a.-_-IvI:-r:.;fg.u;;:.:_51aAwu` bw -acuuu. . Mt." `__ , _ -V =w6b.d,' is rapidly from the su- ve;-e_injIiries hereceived `from falling oni his horse, recently, whilst on a. _, Missionary tpur, , .. T .Exca,umn'.'-'I'h mv. Rural Dean Stewart, of Orillia, preached in `Trinity ' nklljonk Kano Inuit guhhuf.}I our] 5111:: AV, DIJUVVHIIII" Ul. \ll'LJl|iI, Pxuavuqu Lu .I.y.|Lu.uJ Church here last Sabbath,.Vand the Rev. `ll _ 1n-______- n...;..... gt` 4.L:..'1)....:.J. \.IIII|113l1.l_.lUl'U 1&0 IDBUIRIDI-I,,Vllll\l IILIV 15:37. Mr.- ?Morgan; Rector of this -Parish, preached .at -Orillia; `At both places -"there were l.rg'c_ong`regations morning and evening. .. [U . . .`._ The (split. in the; Gris camp in this ` Countyjzhreatens "to be serious. The . letter of an `3 0ld`Refo1-met has opened` the eyes of many to the fact that the late Convention `was a. cked on6,an .d it V also shows up M 1'; Mc onkey s coitrse in the past, in 9. manner which must make bot;hhiIn`nn_d his friends` `winds. ` up 1`: The Dbminion Hotel, kept by Mr. R. Greg, has be9n_'thorough1y renovated and xiow a;'ordg.am'pl and good accom- modation fol` both man and beast; and `mine _hos_t" Mr. Grgg is _One of the most obliging and popular of hotel keep- ers. He is domg a. rushing business,and deserves to do` it; ; Z - - ' . 1 THURSDAY N()VEMR.ER 12, I874. 'uU'1vL Vvl) vv _\.|v_ gy. ~ T CHEAP STOVE8:--If you want good and cheap stoves of any kind,` we assure you that you cannot do better than give Mr. Buck of the'Victoris. Depot, Bav- eld-s.treet, a call. He is a fair dealing man. He also keeps on hand a number one assortment, of tinware, sbovepipes, &c., 850. Don't forget to call` on him. ____< rnL, n__:. n..........:.... (`nu uuxu, uov. A/.vu v nay- u. .....-_ -,. ._-,,,, Tm: GRITS`.--.The Grit Convention for South Simcoe met: last week, and decided to trot out Mr. Sa.u.nder8 again. By all A` means. He has been beaten twice al- ready in the sameeconstituency. If he chases to court a third defeat we have no objection. The pure party know full well they haven't a ghost of 9. chance` in th9.t Riding; and opposition" ieonly got up for the purpose of annoyance. - \"I'T___ _. IV A . _ _ __,. II"___,_ 'M_ Q_____]_\_ _ . "..g.;1;w _-g1aa"`tof'1am hrgxm-ui. Accim;N'r.--Mr. James Gil- ha+.-th`n'12av_ `Mr . 'nd5a; of nnllina. chx.-ist. of Allandale. foreman over the ; 1 `I `T'_ "" r"'r"' " """' '"" won't facej the music again in South Simcoe, bub lawyer Wil'son,o. Bradford, the Grit Convention's next choice, has signied his intention of contesting the Riding. Well`, we know that fools will rush where others fear to tread. Mr. A Wilson is a. poor stick for any party to take up. We admit, however, heis good enough for his company. ` f___ 'I'.I_.__._ . __ *'lTA_____._._'_ T ,.L . -WON T Com: T0 TIME.--Mr. Saunders THE FIFTH `on 'NovEm_n~:R.-Last . Thursdafevening the Orangemen of Barrie celebrated the 5th by attendixxg Trinity Church, where an appropriate. sermon was preached by the oRev. Mr. Morgan, fromthe text Honour all men.- Love .the Brotherhood. Fear God. - Honour" the Kng." After the ervice they adjourned to their Lodge Room and partook of an excellent sup- per. The evening waspleasantly spent in speeches, songs, andrecitations. `The supper was got up on Temperance Infin- ciples, and was an excellent one. `ll 11' (\ _ ,,_ I11 _ _ , _ _ _ . . . ,..... L MR. M_cCoNKI-:Y AND Tmu>mANcn.-- Orillia Times we nd the following:-- Mr. McConkey, who is the Reform " candidate for North Simcoe is, we be lieve, a total a.bsta.iner." `Our contem- por_a_r'y_ is mistaken. Mr. M cConkey, though temperate, is not only not a. tee- totaler, but he owns an hotel in town, and receives rent therefrom; and not only so, but he owned a saloon, which , was only closed when the Council would not ' give it nor any other saloon a iicense. This is Mi`. McConkey's posi- tion on the Temperance question, and it is as well the electors of this Riding should know it. .VVe would like to know how the Orillia Ezposztar iustiesits ad vocacy of Temperance with the support A4` Hrn lunhal nmnnw M1` 'l\.Tr-(`.nnlrnv .3 l ' in the Leader of the last issue of the . VUURMJ U1 .l..Cl1.l ULGIIUU \v LIJIJ uuu nu; run- 1 R of the hotel owner, Mr. McConkey? Answer please. . . UNION.-The Pz~ebyterian bodies have decided on being one united body. Tu1-3 F11-`TH.-Tl1 5L_h of Nc;\'ember, (last Thursday) was duly observed` by the Orange body everyw-here. 1.. TR1uM_P11 -v--T7heDen have whip- ped the Reptiblicgns hip-and-thigh in hhetygcent State e1eptio1_m.. - THE MODERATE PARTY AVVA1{! I M,urons.--The Torontp Council are "about to petitin the Local House to huve the Mayors elected by the \*ga.ri3us Councils, and not by the people, as now. Eau=1~:noa's S'l .EECII.--.--At the opening of the German Pzu"lin}nen`t, the Empe1"or s` speech was paexc in tone, but he advo cated the keeping up of the standing `army at its present stz$.nda.rd. His words speak peace, but his actions breathe war. _... N In ii, _______A `__ -L__ 1' " ; _ - . . VVAP. CLoUD.-'I?roubIe seems to be brewing in India. between Russia. and England, -the son of the Ameer of Af- ' ghanistun has rebelled against his father, and makes it a condition of ._. peace `that 1 -Brit-ish inuetice be excluded from that territory. 4 This lpks as if R_us_sia s hand was in it, VVe` aha-11* soon see. .sm;.xm,_The Mail has successfully proved that the Globe is the greatest V literaryhthief ot modern times. It has stolen entire pa.ragra.phs from other jour- nals and authors, and palmed them of as the , production of its` own ineoxnpetant ` sta`. The stolen and original documents are placed in-`juxta position, sideeby side, that there clnnebe no doubt the mattez`. LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION. ---A Liberixl Conservative Convention will be held in the l`empera.nce Hall, Alliston,-on Saturday, Nov. 28, at 12 o clock, noon, for the purpose` of nomi- nating 8.: candidate to represent the South Ridingof the County of Simcoe in the'Legislature of Ontario. Munici- palities in the Riding are fequesped to elect delegat.es.to represent them at the -Oon\fention. ' ` LIBERAL _ CoNsEnvA'nvr:s.--:We are glad td learn that. the Liberal Conserva- tive Party is organizing througont the Province, and will fight the unis-called Bofermegs innearly every constituency. A long pull`,,a. strlng pull. and a pull :ilt_ogether," for a. _few, months, will in,sure the triumph of the Liberal Ccmservative Party,`wy{l_1ichis truly the lbyal pa.rty,and the party who, `in the pat, have made 7 vC9,n:g.da. what shefia to da.y`.-'-The bright- ` -est. gem ._QIfg_en, Yictot-ia_.`_s splendid ' '_diadeiri a1i(l_1isf9yvn. . * No THAVNK8`; The late Stuart Mill of ' h a*heisti cal_ philosophicfame, indel that he was, admits that the doctrine of fu- . mire rewards and punishments has had 9. most sbenecial ebct on society. He alsoadmxta thatthe` life of Ghrist affords the.be:_:1_; example for any man to follow. Wefdort thank him for `these concessions no Christianity. >He_oouldn_ t do -other~' twist: on: he would have done so. Indelg aifter_this,>_need_not sneer at Christianicy : whnhuchratatements ardmade by the f-leading`Ind1.phi1ospphe:;ofths1genera- -I5nl'r"> " . II|:IU _Il.|U|IIlU\'l Ul._ VMUULIAIE uuu_ Inlausnsua customs of. socicgtly, to give license not `only to the 1ne"nwhc_)'sell, but also to , `those; [who buy; _~. '7Th!@tj, is, it is urged to Ial :n>_,`xg;ag:t3' mink; jyi_tl3o`uc ;; license. b9.`Vthe,`\(`ec of sut:h ' a ..';=.`.-v .'..'a.mi-.I-' 1 nvinnriihu-hw the opme` Nov:-:1. Im:A,-It is pr-Voposed_as one .n'i8.th od o_' checking thei drinkmg ;..3'..'+..`m-.. at "...'...:.',4i.a` on ohm `Hnimnn nnf. ii9?iie`1i'?i"rI15v?g'7i:s'e?;$3 // '1n6 that `th"e' `xf-v`en u'o wbuld `Be gnormously Elsewhere will be found an account of the ('onservati\'o Convention T held ll. this Town on the 10th" insli:mt- ~tl1r_- principal ch:u'act_(=,riSbic being the cordial unanimity "with which the t\'vo' gentle men were received by tha asaembled re- presentutives. 11? .1 ,1, 1,-L--_i.-- A... .4-..&.-\ Hm-.+ Hun NOTES. Allandafe, foremah ovr - ' . home. IAIEI UL! \4.\iLIJIlL` L'u"" 1lI~l - Va-If \.l|` cai'penti'ing w..0l.`k 9f_the-1`Mulika -jRai1_-i * way, had` hisz'fi'ghtCax-`m` broken in three 7 places while attending bofthe pile-driver", at 1:119 Sejven'1`River, near 0." _McKe! ;zie _s. Hotel. " The pile-d1-iver;vyhicIi4!Vis 4-0 feet in height, capsized. fund Mr. Gil-` christ s arm caught in the cranks. Dr; Corbett, of TOrillia, was telegfaphd for," and on his arrival set the injured arm, so that Mr Gilchrist was!-ma.bled'to proceed E OUT .0_F Won1<.-The New - York Warldvstatee that, in that` city Elena` 'th"91' 90.000 persons out of employ- . ment, and that this number is likely to be indenitely inreased during the':`ne.r Eat hand winter season. It also states that vast numbers of skilled mechanics,of Sillkinds, hie going liackito the` old` sod because they cannot get a. living. In one issue of tl1e;New York Brad, there were 600 servants applying for situa- tions, and there were only 47 persons advertising for servants. This is a` most deplorable state of affairs." We are of opinion that, owing to the low prices of ...'...;.. Hmm-I will he nor too `brisk. even opinion owing the low prices or grain, times will be nor{e too "brisk, even in Canada, though, of course," there _ will be little or no utter dcstitution. Lxmur. Oossnnvxrxvs Assocmrxon. i---Ai meetingiof the Liberal Conserva- tive Association of Innisl was held in the 0m.nge`Ha_ll, _Victoria., on the 28th ` -ult., the President, J . J; Dodson, pre- sided. The meetingwas vvell attended * by representatives from the north, south, . east and west of the I Township. Dele-. . gates were appointed to attend the Liberal Conservative Convention. Speeches were delivered by "the Presi- dent, Mr. 'W..C. Little, M.P., and Dr. Madill, of Thornton. Tliey are deter- mined to do all in their power to make this one of the greatest victories they have ever won in South Simcoe. Their motto is-no surrender, no Annexation, no compulsory voting. no bs.cksliding-- such as passing a law to-daysnd to-mor- row passing another to prevent it--Mr, McKellar s pla. . ` m1__ 11--.. 15.. 'nr.......+ oi .LVLI.a.I.LC1Il-it D ynwuo SHAMEFUL.---The Hon. Mr. Mowat at a. Grit spread at London, Ont., referring to bribery and corruption uttered the following disgra(':eful sentiments:-If bribery cannot be put` down, if the Con- "servatives will bribe Still. we must only ' take up their own weapons. I don't" `like them; I prefer more righteous "weapons, but the Evil One must be fought with his own re until the battle almll be won." Did this Chiristi-.u1 poli- tician never read the Good Book, that Sllull oe W011. .u1u mun uuuaumu. 1",... nc\ er their damnation is just who do evil that goad may come. Besides both parties will. use that argument, suhstitutixvg the word Refor.ln. or wee 'vi9'/sa, as the case 'may be. Truly Mr. L\l.0\V'd.L is descend-_ ihg with a. vengeance. He will soon be as low down in the scale of political recti- tude as the Hon, Archibald l\lcKell-ar hixpslf Chrismiaii politician, indeed! -' Vv nu x? ,__,.-..1-..4. 13 . _u1u.|m:u Vu;luu.u.. 1,- ____ NORTH Yomt.-:The Newmarkct Em, (Grit), is intlignantat the Grit Conven- tion Nominating D.r.Widdifield, whom it declares a. nobody, and a man who had (lone nothing to deserve the nomination. -W iddicld W ill be easily beaten if the Mo dcmtc Reformers and ' Liberal, Conserva- tives of this Riding only work shoulder to shoulder. \Vq regret . to learn that there is 21 strong feeling against the sit- ting member, Mr. Boultbee, on account pf his` action in regard to the ..Orange Bill, and more especizilly reference to his vote on the Montgomery Indem- nication Bill, VVe think*Mr. Boultbee made mist:\kes~ in his course on these matters, but still, on the whole, he has done his duty, and by his tiilents has commanded respect. To hear the name of Arthur Armstrong, J12, Esq..as being` likely to be brought t'orwm'Ll in me Li-V beral Conserv:1t.ive and Moderate Reform interest. If the party cannot unite on Mr. Boulthee again, we know of no better man in the Riding than Mr. Arm- strong. He is true'as steel'in the advo- cacy of what he lioliexcs to he l`l.'t:_'ll'*.v; pos- sesses good capacity, anil,\\:ith' practice will make a good public spezzlzei-. Above all he is 2. gentlenmn of sterling integ- rity, und hence will do honor to any constituency. ` A man named Thomas Fowles, 01 ronto, fell down stairs last week v under thebinuenqe of liquor,` 9.nd._ from tiIieh1jx1ries 1'cc.eiver.1. 11' `IV , `n _. .. .- ...`.. .1... Small-pox are 1`.1_gix1g in Montreal. \ Two stores in E om ivefe 1-obbcd .burg1m's pn Thumday last. ll\JLLI |/I_I\J L|lJ\l|AV.,. AVVIV- - \. Mr. \Vn~. P-.u'kinsox_n, im qnxloycs bf "Lyman B1'os., 'I`o}'0nto, poisoned hilxxself on '].`hursduy by talking am overdose of hydrate of chloral while intoxicated. , A r. v ~ 1 . 1' ,_ l._..!_-` ,,..A. 1.. llLuuvuuw.. - \d|4C We take the liberty to state that the modefate men of North Simcoe have on- tered upon the matter of Parli-.m1entar_\' represenr.atiou with .'1- full dcteu-xninatiou to have the true sentiment of_ the peo- ple reected at Toronto and Obtauva, ant] nnnur nn fnrtlmr t:um)e1'im_r

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