Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Oct 1874, p. 4

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JL` J` I\Jl'J ' I Fob.4th, 1874. 3 EvEnLv_s.[yL_I-: M_AKE. .<;3@@m:) 1 mag svmana, "l\1"l-3'1` ' Barrie.` Nov. 6th, "13. me, made on: of tubes; Scotch Pig Iron, ` ..-1 nu.-.1.--.-..\- ....-.-.-..\ n -..y.._.-- Tim gtock is large, and em- . In-aces . L AT B|RD S OF THE NEV/_BR1CjK BLOCK. BRICK BLOCK, - DUN LOP S I`REE'I`. 7B7:&7K E R Y FIE ST TEI1"S";/f'{j;Ui5inA"E6FFEE, .-l_"i1AnoivAnn` ` .4 . ~ . - [ an1l!EWING Anomnns` `.5 1.=.1I3,F.%.3: -v}I;.w-9,-;;.1~`T."`..'as. LA * % -: . lnuhnmvmnnum. m.m;. VERY CHEAP RATES. ....."y .-"7",-, --- ... .--..._. and all work fguarsntood to_ __n_ (`n*II--dI\I1 0 Ry contract or othnv.iso, and .'\'T.1At`1 I`1l'\KT IVITADAKTW B00i`f$-' A1-#25 's'f1o1=:%s luuunr A VA` ....__... And can be c_`ecti'v_e1y and : - car 1 `I I I BA'RRIl+3 A . 'BT:Eo_ 13 `s71~`E:i1~T' AND WILL BE SOLD AT f`l'heIaIgest)u:i1rtment of arms evorphawn in Barrie. " L , 9HI_: .`;0W.NiG}. f3T9VE$,l 'E1'\1Pc')'R1YJ1'vi.~` 3'R;D; $_ lA\JL\lI 1.3.1/A21\) place to get good I up bui RID AND GET YOUR Thei vary heal iwlae in Barrie to go! the worth of your money GROC:,"ER2ES.! Ill- Ejls in the may annoy-r nu.- ` made to order, if All the new patterns in lgreat variety. ; ` ' Innis, May 1st, 1874. \.`a,za.aLa_4-.I..|. V V , V ' c, . I loltthow I on 39991. 1$I'"~ ov""' IAND ngwn, narnc. . GEORGE C. RUGK, , A . Proprietor, 30 ` 0 u - . R. SULLIVAN, A evvx-av : new Fnnm` E TEAS I 43- tf :7'i"i`1`is'.i0"`"PItIn&"Ei`i`E :fEI'fbTII" faieblenosit `would ?ed_mit* bf. She was . wretc_he_dly'attire'd_;' her shirts hung in rags;othe tattered. sleeves of her dress` V .leit"hare the greater part at her arms; the only covering on . her-head was a srnalldirty shawl,snd on her,feet,which ` were not nnfrequently stoclringless, V were boots quite unequal to'the task of -keeping out trt or cold. Her" face spoke of utter wretehedness, even more `powerfully thanher dress; "it was pole dirty and temaeiated, with pr-minent cheek hone_s,and eyes` dull and expres- ' sionless. Suchwaa the .opium-eater, or, more properly speaking, the laudenurn "taker, i0t"_'ii. wesin the form of "loudne- um (tincture of opium) that the `drug was taken by her. A little patience would have rewarded the watcher with the knowledge of the gaol to" which her steps so regularly tended. It was the ohemist a shop into which utter sundry passings and repassingsshe dart- ed.WlI-n it was free fromcustomers, and the pnssers-bywere fewest in num- V ber. In tliis-chern i'st s shop, I gained, -principallyttrorn herself-the inform- ation vtfhich is the basis of this sketch. Bet'ore"I had seen her many times 1 was much surprised to observe the en- tire _t1b8ell06.0f any signs of the pleasant mysterious mental effects opium is sup- - posedto produce on all who take it. Phere was nothing in her appearance to suggest the lotos,-eater - "Hearing the downward stream, ' With half-shut eyes ever to seem, Frtllingnsleep in a half dream. 1 Her face 'told.of the misery, ngony,des- pair, but never of pleasure, hope or set- istactiotv sometimes, indeed, when she had been longer, than usual without her acctistomed dose and would stag- ` ger into the shop withscercely strength `to stand, the dose would have 9. won- derftileeffect. bringing some little life- into her dull, dead eyes,-- and "giving her strength to walk home with en al- most rm step But it brought nothing but physical regeneration. But it was simply as the satisfying of hunger to the hungry. man,_ond as the supply oi water to the thirsty one. - Doubtless in great measure it was, that the effect of D the length or time she had taken it for she told me, when first she took it, that it hadta soothing, pleasing effect, driving away pain, and making her feel comfortable. ` (`III A l`,_,,_ _`, I ' 1 :1 1 sumuzn A? ?aE%mawMuTHI Political life is a curious study In Eng- land the most dazzling prizes are political- the;crown ot life of the must illustrious in -ranlr` and riches is political dtstincnon-and in English worlram of ction political success is represented its the greatest triumph. But we think'no greater triumph has been aohiev- `ed in modernrttmeathan the production of the Canadian Pain Destroyar, for removing. pain from tbepystem Ind curing ooluls, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, bowel complaints, &o. For sale by all Drnggiala and cbnntrjndealdrr. Price 95 crime pet-;_bottle.~ fl -` _ : Seeds! Seeds :-1>rimo new Tim-. othy fund Clover. New vajrietiea of _'Iln...'..a. onrl ..n..... q.....a.. 1-... i.`..iI ..'-_; - Nonomr cm BEAT mj.-7The1_*e -is Tut; question about` it, theanton T Storp A Vsit._s on th tln`-onv for `te_a.s,_li'quors, groc- - "er-iela, provisiohg, j and ,. de1f._ _':l}l1___ay`;qreL:tho-best and cheapest in this; comm Aahmn ms: um}! u u vAuyt71'. 4.1!:W ' VilJj10Vl(3B OI l~fwhg` 21;, and other Seeds for Fail gow- `nn .4 `n..n....`.1v. . ...........:L. -:_..A A" nun, uuu uuglvl pcvua 101' 132511 BUB ing, at Bothwe]1 g, opposibe Puailway Station. 4 ' .- " . V 7 -But I must. return totho subject ol the sketch. As the autumn come on and the days grow shorter, the visits for the drug "were marie later in the morning, and earlier in the evening and when winter set in the poor woman had only strength left for one visit a day," which had who made when the weather was most favoruhle. Her walk was only one of 200 or 300 yards, but so week was she and so wretchedly clad that her slow walk and insufficient clothes were the means of her getting colds, which brought on 8. terrible cough, , Then, in justice to the man. '1. mustsav that when he saw that she we": dying, he ung_rudgingl`y found the four or ve shilling a week which by sewing. by pnwning clothes given to hot, and by hook and crook, the woman had previously`-managed to" obtain to "expend in laudanum. Two or three good Samaritans mode more easy than it would otherwise have heen, but ' for their kindness, the last few week s of the poor or-eatu,ref's life, but I felt Pro- vidence has had been kindest of all when, on calling one day, I found that -the opium-enter?`-was sleeping her last long sleep. ' ' . - ' ' IIG TIIUUEI ` My readers may be surprised to learn thatthere are n0_x'esrt;-iati`-ons placed on the `sale of opium to opium-eaters, un- less the necessity the vendor is under of pnttirfg the nnmeol the drug and the word `poison on the packet containing it,. may be called 9. restriction. ' My worthy friend the cbcnnst` therefore must notbe accused of wrong doing in supplying" the drug to such an extent, because if ho had not done so, the cus- tom of our lmrdnnunr-taker would have been transferred tuhisnerghburing riv_al. it wolild be difficult to devise a satis- lactory plan of restricting the sale of opium; or perhaps the only feasible plan` of breaking old standing opium-caters ofthcir habit would be to place them in connement, supplying them with very gradanlly lessening quantities ol the drug. Q! c.onrse, even then there would always he, altar freedom was (;btgined',considero.blg3 danger of a re- llapse. ` ' ' - Rn! T rnnci rnfnrn` in-flan eninnni ni Uluxuul J I- \ Her life had been airongh one from the time she was `sixteen. At that age she was left anbrphan, 8. beautiful one, and I have heard and could well be- lieve, and from then until. the time I rst saw hershe had first lived with a friend of her parents, some thirty years her senior, that is, she had lived with him when he was not.in his drunken `tits, at which times he would kick her out of doors and keep. her out for weeks together until his spree was over. They were only kept together at all by their child-a boy--whose birth was the event which led the mother to_ take her first dose of lnudnmrm. And so for fteen yca.rstlie.co1'.ple lived abusing each other, the one for lnsrdrunlrenncss, the other (or her lnudunum taking, to my mind, the latter,-the more terrible. of the two habits, in the certainty of its _ destruction of physical and montnl "power, and in the hopelessness of its disccvritiriiiance. There is rrobreuk in its eeot. `ll` 1 ,, I - 1 .` u IUUA VI-Iullul Inlllus 1 The form 111 which the drug was taken, too-tincture-won}d be less hkely to produce exhilaration, enjoy- mem and rapture, than "the method in which the opium-smoker inhulcs the `drum But what doses she used to take!` enough at onoero poison at least four ordinary persons. ` War (A Hot` knnn n .-nnnla nu.-. I...-... J;osToN RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING; .;'_(o`.us1:`A'r,A1z1_ .is4',n0 Adfiibt` Labo1_1t`i,t:. `Mr."Henderson does so]! the` best gm-cl cheapest hardware, in this, or ` Sally other town. " . igseo 1}'i_sitt'h_ West {ma Tea'st}e ' if you wanto get _full value for your _ uors, and ptovisions. money in teas, groceries, fresh meat, liq Wn.u"s THE _M.IQrI;E.n 1-It is not `at! all surprising that people flock to the l store of the Messrs. Powell. Their teas, groceries, fresh meats, provisions, and liquors a milrvels of cheapness, and ex-A oelleiit quality. ` CoLDs.:-Colds are -prevalent at this seasonof the year, and unless cm-ed soon, may lead to serious conSeq11e11:cs.- If you. have 9. cold go to Watson's Drug Store, and consult; its intelligent and ob- liging proprie`t_or. He will give you some- thing tlmtv will make yo.1 yourself once more. ` H ."` ."? 7C"" (`his `well-known remedy does nfrt dry 11 a cough, and leave the name bcmml, as isjhe cane wit`; most: utc :u'- ' gums; but it loosens mud cleanses tho Lungs, am M u `S "lI`3V.,FOWLE BUN PTO ti M!`Iv'B ton. 50 `?:'Imqsuq;pqd aeuou . . . \ 5 - :`lrrlmt!on'.'thnu`remov:n9 (he cartsrof um cnmplxunr. . C-Anicnzssmcss.--Man}'V persons neglect . lhetr horscs heo1th and condition until it is too lite, when at atriing expenseangl no trunblethe hoiae might have been saved if attended to in time.-To all who` may have` occasion to use an article" of the kind we would condently recommend Dai1ey s` Condition Powders and Arabian ;Heave Remedy ;" it is without doubt the bcst.pie- paration in use, as thousands who have used it testifv. Remember the name, and seethat the signature of Hunt & Co, is on each pack- age. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., pro. pnetors for Canada. ` Sold by all medicine dealers. ' Iv vn 'InvLuy\lJ Auuuc In \.ILuCI.'- nR.'Es & MANTLE ixamna. I In thnlnfaii hfvlan ;uu MAAR'I{ET-'i.-1-1.`.-13'1", BARR1E.- nu-vnv Innis. fHATS& GAPS, inn rixrtts I LrI\l1:r-1 -`.1:---.._. .. dI..r\.q.._a.J\- I-J \./V \a.&A.R. L}, {for Tun LA'l`ES'l` FASHION, Fr. ` _Sn19,o_r'promptly Made to Order. ` `II, >1. I -Ii:-Ir `II `is - ---..... tr o hr the Summer in complete, and l)Is5a2;.; well bought, and of the most fashionable good: Oh &nukoI-I'vll|n'o'|-d,Vwa fool condant t'n.-t a call will Pntiefy customers that our prion dglfy competition llore are some ol`tl1.em: Heavy Grey 0olt0na.1 yard _.-Iv|lI,,;l0 oonts; Whlto Cottnus, 4`) inches, 10 c:uts;F'a.:.t `Jolor Prints, 10 oonta; black Loco Hlmvla, no dents, Black Silk, 60 cents. Bnlanoe ofStra.w Goods at cost. Carpets. Cloths, Tyvcods. DroaaGooda, Lustrea, Gapesilks, ' ' Mualins, McnEu|lte H lirllliu.nts, Lace Curtains, Linen Suits and Skirla,:m.(1a.full . ns.0rt- . _ out of Gloves. Holaery, and Small Wnx'(9, L1--ady-mnlle U]OliDg.b."Rt cut and a'.yle.Hnts, Uppa, and Boots and 811009 of evory style nnzi q-mlity. Our stock of Uroclery in by far_;'.' tho largest ever brought to this pr rt :.;u1 having; been bought direct _from the pottarlestn Enghmd,we can sol] :2`. `'o1yluw'l ric(:. Just, to hand 1,000 barrels of Bright and Crushed Sugars, Brightest Rened Sugar, 1! pounds for$l.00"Brol Ground, 9 pounds for, $1.00. Also, a very large stock of To.-19 and l`ob:u:cos, bought bqfom the new turrifl`, am! will sell ` at former pliv-.09. 300 casars of ' Hem (`Ina Yarn. f0I1tlxo Preserving Season. "W3T.Y am"-'3 5Pl `9d M-_T""- pr3<`-9- Tun Exc:L.- Doclbr Josophm Shoshonee Vogtabla Pills new super- iorly sugar-coated cannot be excelled us a Facnily Mndicino for general purposes. ' The P1111-.rmt::ir.sz the anhvn nrnnmvioc nf n umuy n|uur(`.I!)8 {or general purposes. Th P111 contains the acnve properties of. Mandrakiz and Dannleliongaa well rs com- pogud Extract of Colocynth and Extract oi Hyoscygmus. Test them for your own satis- faction. One!-ex comajns abom `)8 Pulls, and and each Pill is a euiciemdose for an adult in. ordinary cases. Try them. 1 ti Whilst thnkful for_past favors, begs N ). assure her friands and the public,that she has con_- stantly on` `hand ful|_ assortment of M.,J{..E..L!.N%E.VR Y 11 -'<:- In .uu;1_L.uJ) J.\.1 4\I U JJJL J. Q1`-. A53` Sold by all I)n1;:gl. everywhere. - Prim, one h0x,Sl;}s1x boxes, 35; sent` by mail free of postage secxxrclykonlunl from ob.-`cn'm.ir'm. For full pt!.l`(:l_1!.I`8 v.'ri1'o for our pamphlet, wh ich We will send in :1 scaled ci1vc1ope_ _to any address on receipt of post stamp to prrc-pay return postage. Addwss all letters for pznnplzicts or pins to V WILLLKBI GR.\ '1' 5.: C0,, . Wmrisor, Ont. Sold in name by Jbhn wnocils-. Noruep & Ly- man, Toronto, 'holeSal0 Agenlts. The efficacy of Brvan s Putmonic Wafers in curing coughs, colJs, and all Ilrorrcltial af- fecttons, and choariug thv alit-ted, has passetl into a proverb. In the United States, where thew mstzvezluutz Wztfors are known, they bear down all oppositmn `and eclipse all rivalry; the demand for them has s'.t.'ad_ily increased for the last twenty years, until now the sstles average over one hundred thousand boxes a year. Eminent members oftlm medical profession wrthont number admn that they know of `no preparation producing such benecial results as these wz-fora. When taken in season they olaot a partw- nettt cure. Sold hy all dnuggiats and country dealers at 25cm. per box. iVlR.I.ums I. F'n.'.1.ows, Manufacturing `Chemist: , ' ."Sxn .- For several months past 1 have used your Cbmpound Syrup in the treatment of lttcipientFhthi.~i:?, Chronic Brtanchitis; and ntherttectione of the Chest, and I ` have _no 2.9:-itatiun in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the te't:wdie:s um in-thvnnr: tiina-u-2. Being :=.nv~.xcel1ent vtesrvntni tutti -:, it oxorts :; Jm.-nt inuence on this nervous s_vatem,and through it it inviguratnn ths body. It 'l"`t\|r`t'l ran n`...-sun:-.. In y-(sr~nr."|'v\*\v\; mur rum nnu i't.{ m'n3 uuulnn rl:Hr nmm" rcnnvrs mu i0N.~sy, and is 111;: xuusi cl:-gaunt hnir drew _ all ran! ll: the p_uhl.c . (Zzu'.mdin.1Il:z:r f-uE:u is nut a dye, it is warranted lree from inminus In- ert-dicnts. It is the cheapest nml Ives! huxr r:-slor- nlivv in use. Price :')0cls per boulc. for lie by all respmtalmle dlluzgists. L. :1`. Lbfll St John, N13,, .TI:nun1}`, 1858. `Spades, 6Ai`s';:'-BiA EM.}_!B BALM lu|uu`P_{u II. II. ll|VlE;U|Al|7B-IHU UUUY. IL affonla me _ p`mas11re to x-euommenui n remedy which is realIy good in va.-.L-3 for which it in iniendod, when 30' many ad! verlised are worse` than useless. ' I til-'2, Sir, ' Vnnrn I.-In I U, I` I} Is "7 " . x-. 4.~.\. mm (or Whites), Painful .|\im1< ulruntion, Uluerfttlon of the Uterus. Ovarian "diseases. Alment Menstruntloh, and all d_I. ' known as F'emnle.Wca.kncss. Thcynre prr-pnruzl mm the gr:-ntcst care, under the pCrs:o1m1s'.up0r- vision pf :1 physician` who has made female dia- oncos a special study for many years, and they are n Medicine on which . . :5 17 ; T`;T`jT1VT-\ 1- . V\7CnA. ~ 4.. nu-L.u-nu..u1J LHLLJHLP5 can depend in the hour and cirrus of_ need" as an unfailing ';\LS--v_.` _ ' FEMALE EGULATQR. K?` Shh} hv all I'IYIVI`r`(<.n ..........--L --A .e` ~;%`3\\.`\\E:I3_:.ILJ' *1-g; Z/": / f""v g"' . _ Vx---`' : 3/ _`_\ ' S. % /,,.+:=~\; / //Z/`. gLE A1\1"f"\' s\\ ----.-.----_:-w- Which will be sold at reasonable rates. . r\ `TIN '\l'IY\l`I'f\r . AU'0IlPhl'I`l B !-`OCR Oi"AG0LD AND SILVER. WATCHES, CLOCKS OF ALL THE I Bin!` MAKERS. "uZ'r".V`\ 1IA'I` [SSO GOOD FOR A CHRISTMAS I {Quest I6 :1 eld Watch and Chain, Present as a real Jt Set of Jewell 61-y,_ ' bin! at a Coloured Gold Sol of .Iawe`1u, Present as a Gold Locket and Chain, III` as I Rgbt Gold Set of Jowsllury, Proaent as Gold and I*_`sncy Rings. (slat as 5 it of Gzsld Bra.-seluls, Present as Violins, Concartinaa and Trnfolias, Pivot! us must Branch and 1-`eat.-Riggs, Presents for Gents, Ladies, Boys and.Girls, to ruin! uullver Watch andChau.-; ferslioy, suit eyery pocket. _ - Ffoqbody should know that we me the most experienced hands on Watches, Clocks and Jswollory,-I~1orti.. .';.`_'I`0ron'.o. ` - AURA! RD! .(')N THE LONGINE WA'1`(`.m}S id G-OLD AND SILVER. WATCHES, CLOCKS and Ji~1WEI.I.]'2RY, nmdo, reppired and warranted. ...,_-_ .._. ... A . `~u\ r17\r1/1lI( A (1? I111 , ,_A 1-, ,-4- II- I`_-..4._A....)- 1v\uuulU uu wmcu. MARRIED LADIES mend in tlm lzmu- mu) I.-...,. -4- w:;:;Wspx3% nnss;=MAKauc /; Z CUQQLC` LL55` N , In thelatest iatylzs. ,uu, Yours truly, ' ' Z. EARLl<`., Jr. MJ). `nu 19.13: A `nasnbig%`T Tu`'ri6`.rn'< ~ nO1_'[`.`I;low, _` td.shy_that`ov,c:r 't11e"_` Medi ' I ?01'A_1EVB_8.~ ` cal Hull, rmidcs Simcoe-'3 most br1 llia_.i1t;}~ Phot.ographic a.rtist;.` Ts pictures look` -i" as if t-heyjwnuld walk out oftheir fmmes and talk to those who admire them in *` his Picture Ga1lery_-they are so life-like. Remombr `chat. ' 9 u IE FAI T lihereby` 5-n'n-rn giving Goods or N on: mjwritlcn on Mglllh Maine rcgunout, Borg t. C. P. Lard, vmtes that Rndwny s Rcneally Rehofmvod the regiment. from death -while qunncr at Tybee Island S. 0., when yvo;-king In the_,swnm . , erecting rnrulfcatious. Every` man named` with bold and her Fovers, Fever and. Agni}, Diarrhoea, Iggrscntnry, Rheumatism. was cured ' by pho use of the eaiRel1e; { ` 1}; `till eases asik for'Rmiwny s Readyrolief. Take another. . Sea that tho signature ornadway 3: co. , `Is on lhepntsida label of;-_oach boula. Every agent is _ _th. .09 hail.-nch stock ; '25.- ":~ 3`_"'dboeue.`"[so'i:rbr'muss1su,xegoa:...aA.3.'2x $3 1035 or Appeum, Rcsucsaness, Gidling2s, &o., am. , ar:'\' rremonitnry aym toms of M.-xHgnnut._Dise:Lscs. One case of the READ RELIEF is sumciont to break up %:;1l"axpol.dIscasc-d action, and `restorovtho patient to sonnixms. f Every mm should carry with bin} :1 adpply or Radway nReady Relief. -13. supplies tho` place of all other medicines 1 and an a beverage, ll toaspoonful of the Relief, to u wmo-glnss of water, is 3 nlcor,.p1oa_san_\.. -or stimulnnt_llum,_brmdy, whisky, or bmcrs. szcmm pmzvzxmn Ix,-ms am MAINE nxm-.'-` 'Elglith' unmo r 1 . ,.8efrg's.c. P. ma, , q_way s end} A _lio_fs!,d .10 regiment from dmlh .. .,........., .... ............ IVX nu,-...y-uvu years, and for ?;'cnt)' years houhad not enjoyed one whole ntghvs chlm ` rest. Ho applied BADWAP8 READY RELIEI-`--It im- mediately gave him case and secured him tho rstcxdm and undisturbed sh.-op durimz tho twenty years. The continued mm or the READY Rum` cured him. ., mam: xsrxo occ.\sxoN- FOR sxcxmm; When you first feel pain, then lake It tcasgioonmi of the READY RF.LIfF,iu' water; 0: apply it w_ the parts w-h_oro, you feel the dlqcomfort. . PREVENTION BEITER 'I'HAN_ CURE. ` 0313 0 [EN 3JEV?71NGn MACHINE] ` ALI. MALIGNANI` DISEASE! ' ` - rs! give wnmlng of their prescnco,und if mat pt-omz.~tJ, 15' before they become gccuroly intrenchcd withiuj mg system, will bo(r,endHy.expol!_crl._ " -` _s1c:`Ns_op si<`3KNrm- ' ` Headuhhe, Pains In -010 Llmbs-ln the Stomach, Bow- ols, and Kidneys--Com Chills, and not I-`lushm, Coat- ed 1'nnguc,I)urniug Skin,,Nnusen_, Shivering, Dullnea, loss or Appetite, Rcstlessness, nth t__~remot_)I9ry_g)'tg1p3oms MnIlguaut.,Disen.sxm_ nn -a of the READY nE.I.Iu-`,m water; or feel discomfort. cnnoxrc Rniuxrmsm Twenty `Ycxu-s of Sleepless N lghtI.'_ V Wm. Sydney Myers, Esq., of H.jwn.nn. Cuba, the cor- _ros mlcm. of "tho Lmxdou 'l`imcs., suffered with Acute up Chronic Rheumatism lbr m-my-ave years, and for ` twenty years he had one whole ntglws 3-mt: `lI`o'nppliq(l RELIEI-`-.it. im. i6:`01%``i'3?35f???l$jP! _E?'IWIIIsw`aru-u- ..,_ _ which can be 'ci1red_ by a. timely resort, to this stand- ard preparation, as has .been proved by the hundreds of testinionials received by the ' prop1'ieto1's. It is acknowl- edged by many prominent " -.phy_sieia.ns to` be the `most reliable pi-ej-wa1'at,ion ever in- .. itrodnced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, ' nndis oiI'ered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. \Vhen resorted to in season it se1- dom fails to cbct a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Con glis, Bronchitis, Group, `\Vliooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore 'Tln'0a1t,n}; ai.ns or Sore- nessin the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at-` the Lliiigsx, &c. ' \Vistar s _ Balsam does not dry up a _ Congli, and leave the cause behind, as is the (*n_se-\Vitlx inost p1'ep:1rn.ti it loosens and L-lr;-zmses the lilngs, and all:2_Vs irritation, V thus removing` the cause oi the complaint. ` M11"-.1121.-`.1 1:1 A 1mEU.\m1s.\r, wiwmmo, com`, NI-tvmmm. TOOTH ACHI-1,! GROUP, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT," (IUINZY; D PTHERIA, HOARSENFSS, BRONCHL T13, STIFF JOI.\"I`3 ENLAKGED TFNDONS, "HEAD ACIIE, (Sick or *crvous,) .\s'm3m, or HARD ~ BKEA'I'u1NG. 1 It is truly marvellous how quick RADWAY S READY V RELIEF cures the suerL-rs of these mulzulies. Tho poor. crippled, nu,d'pain-.~1.r1ckcn Rheumatic has not to wait days before u change takes place, but in a few minutes derives euseaml comfort. ._-a--.- , How yr cumas. The secondary indlchtion ot`_ R}\DW.\Y S READY RE- . LIE!` lg to _curc the patieucof the disease or malady that - ral iuucncb 0f,CIiCbanln1cnL occasions the pain; this lt ucponlpllshca rapidly and radically. So sun]! is thu patient transformed from min, misery, weakness, mud deorcplturlc, to tho delight. ful 0lljQ)_`lnCl1l of health and strength, thatpatxeuts fro- V queutly uscribc its tnlisma.nlc,powcr.to the mpcruntug --ya.-r Iv 4... DJ AUJJLILAIL LUJHIJLIHJ SHGJLD BE TAKEN IN'I'F'.RN4\I.LY. one dose will stop the pain; its continued use wl1l,l n few hours, cuxjo the` patient. , . ` muammanon 01 the stomach or Bowcls . . RADWAY S READY RELIEF SHOULD ma 'r.u:I7'\I r\"rmw.\ 1 1 v u I illicit Uolourea uola D01. u1.ruvvr.~u3, na 5 Silver and Chan: for as Iioy, 1-` +2 I .nu.\a 111.14) `AIL! V7.81- Po`r.=;nn= cxm..u,cl lo the Mzllnrirl of Aguo, or if .=oIr.od with Chills and I'n'.'0_r, \\i|1 nul n pn=itI\'c Antidote L 'f:` Euro in I2mlwuy'.-; ltcmly Relief. Let two to.-u|>oox).=nT.; of tho Ready Relief, in u wine-glzss of water, be taken on getting nut or had in tho morning, and however ex. posed to mnlnnu ynu will escape. S.'m .M l{_F.I _ xlxorlicutir) ,__..-._.__.___ _.._.._;.- MEDICAL A.`SS ISTANCE. THE GREAT AMERICANA REMEDY U .&D\.'A\ i`i+ 'fl -r113 nun: . l l"\}l!'A RED 1} I Vsrrm W. romn & ...o'~:s. nest A...'I unm an Inn. ..r -.1 I.!.i.-ru D.lu..u W | Aux`. snidhy I l'fIE (El :.AD\`(A.'1".< -cnuu51u\, or Diarrhoea, or Flux} Dysentory, Cranurs, Iunl . ; . . Billoua Chalk`. or G:1.:~;tritis; _\ '5: Fcnrlet, Typhoid, or other Fevers ; Xuncnzn, Coughs, or Colds - ' ` Inmmnutiou of the Stomach or Bo\vc.:l : TA `7 Q' `[317! Ah`? Ylfrri-1-, J. W. H__E_TI1 :QGS. T 11 E 0 [:0 JV :1 5;: E S T 0 1:%1;-..r WHEN . x-1) mm , -CIIOLERA, Iiiurrlm:-.u, Flux? DFSCHCOTY. Cranms. mu! .\'nnsun'~z - : GREAT REMEDY FOR FEVER AND AGUE. nvmm-rl 1.. Hm \hiv..-I-.' nr um ... .- on. as ur guadanid & LUJJLILLHS ml to me pm: or parts rullictuu. It m- 3 (ho p.monL frum 1-run, and quickly um`. slrmngthcns 11:. dis.-1121041 gvrurls, lu -~;u1' lhhinl [)ng.=:, Rophlcs, Slixxgs of Pol- ,LIxc:|pplic:\L'm1x 0| l{}\l)\\'.\Y`S R.".`A[)Y : wouul will prevent. inllzunmutiuu and n" s 31u;A./DY REI:IEF. -IA l` 12"`;-;'1`r,1"_.`:~IAr. AND 137-) l`.f\';\ L 1{E.'\IE|)V I z:,\m_' nmmp ) WITII I`.\I.`1. h, Bowcls, oi` Kidneys ;` -, S;v|ecn,'ur Lu'er ; rs-.. . .... 11-1.---- f'.o' >;_v nu In I READY RELIEF `\\' mimm-< rn. "- hereby` rdnrngp-i3:Ii;'}l1\1Iqrlies on prmonnes on my accouiil wim- ' "K order. . V " J. BJOHNSON. In of I . . The subscriber whilst thankful for the liberal patronage given in the put, respectfully Iolicita a continuance of $130 same, and bags ta state that his gg[a5A_s,`eancms, Am) PnovIs1o;.s I _ , _, . _ A Cannot be beaten either for quality or -price. Ho deals in the bust markets, and cannot be undersold by any house in town. He also keeps on hand the beat_of j----an -Tncug can-an-can-tutu `V LO` XX CLO`? CulL`y\l\rGC!C Also ALE AND PORTER, bottled or. onl ih-cnnhf AISO Au} draught. I'`nI-nl drangnt. Fm-moi-s Produce, as much as he can lay his hands on,bought,and the highest market. price paid. Given can once and you wil be- suro to come again. . V . TH08. LENNOX, A few doors North of the Wellington Hotel, 42-ly Barrie . TnhIm`Doons W|s1' or 'rma _ WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. WILKIN:9N%0:i%N9`_1?II0UGIis, :.U1\1'cr{E7\j& ogswan HOUSE -_.:- Oysters Stewed, Fried and_Rnw; Luncheons, Hot and Cold, prepared on short notice. 'IMx.o'mvna Es'VrAm'.1sHm:n_-r, _. . [if you nut to get the WOIIIIIEOY your nioney. . 4 . glemembeg the Stan_d- ` 1') iinvqvogo .-u O A Good Place 20.5723. Cup qf TEA. CONPECTIONF.-f_t-Y, cums. &o., &c. BUY YOUR Bne`Ai)oLoTus,%nosKIns,% v uavv' - ` UIISS U _ - &c., km. 7 &c. Neanthe Steam Grist Mill, Bm.-rie_. - Pictures and !`?!oIglI:z.-.:: (`.0jl!=[!lnII} on Imml. Frauiaes made to order at, the lowest rates (or cash. Braids, ' -Toys, Vaabg,` House, Sign 1` 1d Carriage, Plain and Orna- mental B E LTI N G: B E LT|%NG"1+I E3....I_1\T'I'E1!| ._.-_-.. Shop o;1 John street, near Ball s Planing F':Lct2)ry, Bnrriv, Ont. . . Orders left at E. (r9.ver s Hnrdxyure Store, Dunlap strevt, will be promptly attended to. February 2nd, 1873. 6-Iy m.-ax. x.;nu-u:u. mu can -.\.':I.rr11nl ml won: nmac In his esLs.bl'ishmr:nt 10 give thorimgb,sntiamction to the .>tnr:hu.cer. Single and double Harness of all kin: 3, Sa-i Uolhzrs, Trunks, Vxlisixs, and evelyllning counecied with the business constantly on'!s:md at the lowest prices' Part- iculsu attention givrn to Light Single and i)m.b`:c Unnriagc H'n.r1`.o-.`.3. Su_le 'nm.rul'u.ct1m-r in` l. .:u-rie of the `-Excelsior ack nnd Hip Straps," to xvizivh the atteutioix of the public 3,: specitdly diro-Jed.` _ Pzn-win .Tnn:~. H2 "11! ' nn 1- -...--..- V-4 -x IJZOLII I IJIIK4. . The best, largest and cbe.Lpe.~1 stock in Barrie. ` . Also a Baautiful and well selcgggd stock of Rrnhlu Fancy Goods_ahd [Berlin Woola, Ottomannnd Slipper Pnuernl, ' s3iI>%EB"",a?4':5.nixmsx mum, l"n1`nm' of 7?:n.h`:-M .`.- nu -hm Rlroalo R /IDDII.` As the ndvertizcx-_is p:z::'.icaHy conversant '.`'iHllXiSl)l13i'u`SS 2:: all in: details, employs the nxO:xf..=:ki2_!f11l `slur!-;rncn. and :1.=.os none but the bus. mntorml. he can -stnrrnnt all work made` in Mia llCIn`1,.;J`|rr|r.r-.!V:\ ni-vn H..\...`......l. ....oL.A`...s!-.. :c31 in '1`""Mcii i:"1~'1'i{'s?} SADDL E, QABESESS 5; mg .f`NUF.'\0TE"RE.R, {Late Dunlois an-rot.] begs to inform his in- quiring friends, his customers. gnd lhe public gem-rally, that he is well, and dz`-iving lu1a_inc9a' ` in his new premises, I.)PPOSITE MR. DURf)A.\1'S' SAW MILL, ' ALLANDALE ROAD. `Hy nu-nu-nuuuu -v-qr:--5., Has now on I.-smd an extensive and genuine_ stock of Single and Double Harness (Carri ge nu-3/1`:-am), English Mid Uommou Riding Sud- Riva, Double nml'Sin le Bridles. Collars, 80., whirl: he can offer at very xe:is<)no.ble prices, .\}=.c in stock, some ofthe been English and minor .idiug,7, and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes Unrxy and Mmie Combs, Cards, ;c., who found in this market. A.... ....4.-.I.. 2.. 6L..'o.-I-.Jn ........-.t`..._A.......1 0.... Shovels, ll} H113 Xilfiln _ Any article in the trade manufactured, fur niszlzed to order on short notice, am] warrautm] no give smtiafnctiop. l'?`R!Innir.u wall sand nnnv nvanun `.U EUVU 1`iilLlPHH.UlH)_ll. [TR:epnirS well and neatly executed. Harrie, April 8, 11-170. - nvAut'I'|JI~J xnuu lllllIAllJ|V-I Lllllnullj ('o1'1xe7'of T.'.'xy_,'IcId 3; Duultip Streets, B./IRRIIL` ._.....o-u-. f6 YV uomw SAVED xs mourn nmmm. . , ' "" W` '`_-'1`` |.)||-':'7; 21! . KE s I ....m.. .. |It|b \-(l|1u|[[||, ' ux me most Bleyllsll " AI`v'IERICAN-- EOFIPINS. . , V E. -& W. _RORKE. .__.._.. As the busy season is at hand, panics would do Well to call und:1.. nine thu n'umendous stock - of 1: HURT, o`|'|uH Nov. 23,1313. ADDLE`P.Y AND HARNESS ES'1`AHLISHMENT, B.A YFIELD ' STREET, A 6`. ... .1;..-.. \Y.._l. ..l` H". Xllnlllnnonn Ll.\I..l `___ ._...--...~-syv x/._L..n.\/;.\.J.4 \J\/.1. AND V _ _ GENERAL Gaocmuns, Wmns AND Ltqvons, -Fruits. `- WINES- r...._ {")A1NT11vG._]_)a1N'1';NG`. Plain and Ornamental. .-.4: vv -- - .a.v\JJ.\rA.LAJ Cnlzlnlaxntl Undo.-rtnking l~I.~mlnlE.~:hxnmn,onc door West 02 (hr Welhu-,: J1.` h'ulcI, Pul- . . Ian's Run-L`. in .. -- -- 7 _~-- - -----'----'9 g; Oabinct. Maker` and Dealer in W IIOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. `hhi-1Llnrn-av nu-`A pd... L....... _.__-_ nuts :I3::m.a~vuni:n@e_ ' ' undies! ion: SUITS made at Oppotite J. Pnll|n'a Store, Fnom. S'ran1-,- -- - B4 Nov- 29. 1313. ` V T ;4 !5[|(ZCIhil_)'1HI"0!.I( (lu `Harrie, Juno 18, '73; .u.-..__. _..-.-...._. .\..._....-._...__ A f-..'.v doors North of the W'e1lingtpn Hotel. IARYSTAL PALACAE sromss 7.. ' . - --. r. ._ ....._- -WINES AND iiitibns, . A I II A Uh `l)l'\f)"l`F`l) Lnilint` nu American Oak Tanned Leather Belting, " Olnndian Oak 'Tann.ed'_ Leutfmr Belting`, Iowit a Mill Fils,` Sledm Fittings and P_ipe, ~ . `Lnbrioating-oil,V&c.b,`_&o ,-[&c., _v b Just xecejvod a consignment of fresh . 1'--7 r-N r1-1 -1-.1 1"`\ r` A GOOD FIT! ..:-- {sop k1r'g(;.ql!nnlil}' ofthc most alygh < U! [nun A M fV:\I`.VT.1rx1'n % smas%:ea;~,[%]yj;L%;# "6 13 '1" J1\?xc i1V i:"N'R Y, J SADDLE, ..._....,... an nu... . -nuvvnnnmtvr MARTIN Moons, nr\\u nn Luau! n;'I nvmnaivn and nun ALFRED GRAVERV, ..1:%a..?fv fL*3:W_i- nu pun auu 5;- IMHO mu Lrulncmhuu FURN? (H 9}... ........ W. 11. FREEPJAAN, Don't forget to call in. F. \;`va.v.LJ.k}LIr .0( the ne)vcs! styles, at Y! T `rs rx 1\ r 21 01 mm W . l:1u's BIL] ~|A1L S _'j*j` j___... __ __. - - ... .....;.'.;: ;_cHAN'Is AND . upuIJ_u--- R. WINNING, nu : Sum- .. _--- nu, wu- Jewellery, Glass Shades- nstnre, , VBARRIIJ `V ;uon_ U- F. BAIL, Ann 51-ly-w Lawn M mv<~._rs, "13.u uu, Agent. 24-1)` ~.-~--1-~ ' ` BUSINESS STAND For. SALE n-.. 01...: 12.2.1. 43.--, ._ _...`. J. --t-- ` For as that B i k 8: . Market Square, Blue:-io, :;:>:!:nd:he."',`}l on th mick Building. App], go Woe. ` 1 > `II urn... ' Barrip, Oct. `30I, 1972. xvonm 1?I\iI7Ei3"t?[tJTI)mxn'ng, _'rr.:-ma. 1uzarnT-f*n-o1 um Im )un'u.9,cnnn0l Do loo highly H. or :3. m{u|a.S(-.urvy,Skin l)isea(v-:3" or all kinJa an is a nem.ranmg....{,` 'l5IIrn. \-nears 1m- blond lrom al iupuze Muller "tom whnlever cause unsung. ' AF jun mixture is pleasing to the nu. warranted {rug from anything nnjuiiunm lo] delicnu: constitution uh-ithcr sex, the Pr..,,,',` , gulicilu suerun lo givu it n lrinl to let! its value` Thunsmnds ol'Tcs1im0nials from all p.u1_-, ` Sold in bottles 29 3d each, and in Una!!! cm. mining six times the qun.I.Lity. HSt`il(`h~),.;, cient to 4>'ect 9. permanent CHIC in the: `(W majority of long-standing come, my M; CHEMISTS and PATENT MEl\lL`l.\'E w,' DORS throughout the world. ', Snlo rnnriatnr P, J` (`I Arnr In in, Mg he umu 75!` 1.|.|i|sI, -were tubercled, and mglfggda lwoxnxcnrun omzs or LUNU u.;,.... .Bnooxum, Apxil 5111`. 37l'r5 J. .0. Cmnsnunu Ell!--S1B:_'m ad, coify that my wife was very low vmh ll`{`:s,`j3 use. A The Doctor had given her HP`. . wad not_halp her- As that resort, 1 d _ .b9.N_le o`f.the Great Shoshonou Rem` ne dx iritlon of two days, her 9.V'P.`m.;,.. u Qcide y hotter. She `continued ` ` rap!ly'thst b Lthe time she had I , am, no who van!) 0 sit up. By an con d w W!` the romcdnhqwu-wf0"7 'Wt a'e beuew .' Publish the fact! Y0 ` I `J - nliint` _.a ' B1'Os., `M11503 TEES.- , ` Uhooolato,` ' M ' _ .}`.`I-1;)`(!-!;:!"Oj)8 I allgurow, Bugs", Snyes ' A Ala and Porter. =`I'oas from" 30 cents. upwards. English Black; Teasin Caddies; - 1 ram 60 to 75 cents per lb. _ . % LIBERAL TERMS ALLOWED TO TRADE. ' New End . Bloc/bc,~ Dunlopsrteet, arg, uu no unrougnuul we World . Sole , roprietnr. F`. J. CLARK, Che-mi; AP_'O'I`aHUARIES'HALL, I'.lN('.0I.,_\', 1 EXPORTAIAGENTS. Burgoyne, Burbxdxzua Cu. (`slaw-... . H18 TOIBEIIY Q00 WI! PIN` Y9n_ funny ubliah tho tholufmilst y named - x__ . :Al'U| AHHITS. Bm_'_goyne. Burbidguak Co, Culeman em. London. * Ncwben v 8: Sons, 37 Newgnlo street, I.on.](,,, Barcla I & Sons, 95 Farringdon air:-ct, I,g.,,5_ - Sanger '1 Sons (Ixlord street, I.ond..n, And all the London Wholesale Ifuum, llrl Ill lunnn UIIYHHI 3- 0. Cavunxmun, Esq. This isho '~-'1 th_atabou't three years zigu I botfnlf H?-"" With Bronchitis which lasted lb0'1l 91?} "' months. 1 WI`. so amicted for `he wt`- breath that it was very diiiicull. for DH` '-i"""` n'nd'i'1`thenight time frequently lhronimi ` clothes o'.nnd raising in the bed in km` 7". strangling. Ivtried three of the most V"'"`_"" 'Ph.V8ici:nsin the County of N0l'lhlIDIi"'_`_; for about u year without rcceamg an) i""' In fact I icoininued getting wom all t19'~? Atlsatl was sdvised: to try the Gran: .~'u.=f] naea Remedy. I bought abomu or it: ""*1`f". it was aboutiniahed I began to feel a- better. I continued to use it'un:lI hm` iv thrcbottlel, when, tonmy aitiaraciion, H` 5'15"} WI! 3: well as ever] had been I` ` `Om! illness" a db `:9 Boevexaixxch _ `V a n ave eennms S1Ly,.K&n H-M... L.'o...'. ..._ _.u_.xn.a-m this 61!! , 1'ne1 Fol 1:-nun IN UAHADA. 15 NI Mun!rml- vans, Mercer & Um, Whohmj ' Druggiats. Lymnna, Cunt & Co. Toro r;()--Elliott 2: Co , Wholesale Drnnggig-: . Sb'Ipt'e1 & Owen. Hmnilfma--Winner 8 Co. Half/2:: - Avery, Brown Co. 4; 3, wry 5& - ./I .\/vtri/in It -'mc.Iy fur ail _" Blll(f1/PrIHI/ KW?! [/32 ]J.I'O}I.\l-Ill] S Pillfff inrir. 'nlrII Ir`; I"I:uIi-'; uw . . Me Uvu.-my ()fL2rns zn til/98:` .\'e_.r. (UFI... _..I..- .1412, an 1- o - 1 .... .,. .v.. . J .,..,..... III -worn: 11:1. The value of this Medicine ha" I'~m~n by in numbetlesa insturcts now on ucn1L` Price $1 per'BOV.t}e. So1d `Ev nil ['m;g,_n Slat`! h:~_lZ 5I`3h'| whiq-1. you an Vi oh This x\1-Mr` ' HIDU IUI Kile UHKU V` DYSPIJPSIA, ' I3Il0f\:'ClIITl, A:sTIHW1I, [.0585 of A I`I ET!TF.'. (.5 '.Ml3ll.\ L 2DEIIl.l'l"Y, The 0.: 1y S)ru;rprepa1enfmm in (L F'.)i`mula,f_1'xd]vrO\'(:-'1(mnI\u433'i!4t` Q3 3=".". `.;/.3" cu}: (`I-`N l`lL'!I' rm. l\l .-.-.. `.1 .4. u .5. .J.J_L.IJ9 IKPORTER, VVHOLESALE AND R1-`..'.l'AH. DEALER [H 'I.`.'_` 1 [u ,\.-..~-- ,-`_. ,. A. That .'lu- (}nr..n Sum.-mmmm I ollhr` I:I1n:n't-n! lndmn Mom Lewis lune-phn.~:,u[`lhu (irenl1 Hrili:-1.(}oluuIbiu,is W-.x` H [Hid nnlnlnghjng (`urns lbv \Vv NI-,Vcx` xn the ununls oi Cuxnuh; lmr; su:-Ix sun-(-_--ss nlleud-:| the I medicine hcrclulore. 11!! I In: I. XEUL . \'l-'/l` L uun 8': sure you get 'Vi(:t'3_rin. Ilypn]n!1u.~:p Hem! 3 tamper! on the unuvu gal n. Ilt'l'.U ;iH\l1lpul l'II um znnrn. l lKI(7H.1`| V1-r-ls)'l"l`I.l2. M, by all I.'I`lI;.'l. .Ibls. ` `-'1.!.`m'.nlu m.h I.-..' SIMS | hl HIUA PRAC-Ix (`vHUFT Universikyl L! n- n. um: ".9 ha in. Lyman l FHELE! .'. |l_"H|'\H F.llio`.t.` \1'._.I _.. Pm._M0nAn1' co.\'s|;.m-Vnm Al.-u) fur H42 0. .r ` Fur Hm n-nuonvilnu n...l 1., -9 V 7 '`u' 11 Cures old Sores. Cures Uh-Ierated Srcs on the Neck. Cures Ulcerutcd Sore Legs, ' Cures Blackheads, or Pimplcson lhe Guren S4.-urvv Sores. Gurus Cnnccrous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Dlsecugg, (lures Grandular Swellinn. Clears lhv Blond lrom al lupuze M. "`ron1whnu:vercnu.v: ar;amu_ "/was OF BRo_Nonms. Pivi:-5 3303., 1|T,....a .1_.-..'.,. D IJTnx'z."V n....7.... ) ' `his Nlmlimlne is pIea.:anI and mu n V\'nlIalilcd. and nmv nn.~Ili`.`o-I`: I.- nun: d. \.'u., nn.1.ro;- Z: 1/) n Pi1*l'}a- )1 Sun v AWL \-vJ.\J.l. COMPOUND FLUID F.XTRA(`,T (av 7 &_jT` an '1!!!-: 131.000 IS 'rm.;' A l`IIInl.A\l\t\-nu -1.-- _s.- , )1-'.3cLA1M THE G1. no T1i:.\_ an .uu uuuuu no In Deuteronomy. chap. xii,` cLA'k1'u: s nlllnll Ill nnn ' . . ~u -nvuuuu IV LIU|'\.".U\lL` dam IN cnmum. -aus, WM. HUN'TER,T INPORTER. \VHOl.ESA'LI`. AND nl."i'An ru.-'.r-an .-. 1 Jo\'-D vsubld CU.\lI OU`.`-' I) SYRUP UP LIII at I LILIHIHY Also for the cure or )5 I I mV5IE!T0RIA vvn 1:1 Wyn l11'rnr\ Eilod _ 0 BBC 7` _ r.. - -. - . . .., an an, -upprepnnenfrom (.'l.um 5 ,:_md]vrov.-ll (JI)1|Ill14_\."`!.`!{fI- Li/'3".-L .-`. sax (`l-1N.'l'lHUA'l`k In , FT Universiky Un,ln~gr-, TI '?~::~`.` m gel 4:9 Gr-r.ni1;e .\r'..~ pnp!V)u~_-'plxiio.'4, with lbs -`C. .` .1-.. n... n...,u v: _ ucxuml. vy qkii; Discs!-en,.nml Fur 'L never-{ailing auu pevmanc KVL ' UT` (11 Enusplxiios, u the Palm]. ` II..- [11 u:vVH Y1 uunu nuu U11 u ..-u...... . , ........, ..r......_ ..,... ._......,_._~. SIGN 0F.WA'l`Ci AND E`-PEC'l`AOLES, ncxtdoo.*'to Mr. Crcv)m[)t0n s. IBIS. (Johnnie (ml) by I} cure begs. is, Pimplco on Face. ores. ' ... menus: Rtsvruv ; Mfultrunrr Mm | I2.-....n"l. 1.... uk. _ - st PHI`) l;lFE.'.. ii, Va`-u 93. r u~u.n-Imnulnl. isea-en. an-I -- ,..u1'J IHIIH I Sm-amt! h-`o no Mum, Ahh ` VHS- The best 8-swing z`.-Euuhinn in Canada. jg}-`. llarrowu, Plutfdxm Scales} Ll \l\'L'LI1l|ll`|a - Fruits, Msrmnlnde, Pickles, Sauces, Currie Powder, _ Mustard, , Potted Meats, Lobstera, in li_na, Salmon, Oysters, Oheese, Bacon _ ' Flour,&o , Next door to P.]1IOKE Y, Dania; Street, ' T Barrie. .`P`_:_A T___ . DEALERS "IT1~_I-V 7 am msx%'`EmAPans.`MowEi:sg ;{IrA"IHG MACHINES, % 3noAD.cAs'r%andRow SEED DRILLS, F _ J ~ v SULKY HAY RAKES, ` % `. X (;`BAY S CULTIVATORS, ,' PLOUGHS ofall kinds including the` n'ug___ -. E 3.3 kcs. (201.1) xv/wm-ms, _;or.n(:n,.:Ns, , _ SH.`/ER \vA'rcn'1;:s, ` r~`.-xN:vcr.nc1;s, T GOLD JEWELERV, V S11.`/{caJE\v1c:.'1-gm , . A I-If.`-`/3 ra P I.A'i`F`,D`\ .ARE .4 1_ =1 1': '3' .;.1 1/{'11:-,'/_I) Q U:lR'l`Iu'RS 'l`OY.`:'FOR THE MlL[.lO1\ PARLOR CIIOQUET 1'.jH-ILES, V nom:>.ux.N \VA`RES,_ (`.()N()ER'I`!NAS, , ` VIOLINS. g I xugvr wnr ; V u _BR.ANDlES.-- Ifnubnllhn vu Ann) any J.JlIl.!US. WlNES.- - . Ju`es Uhnmpagnor GIN. -- . Sun-iemau, Baron Old Port, . Booth Alncant Port, ' _ DeKin F'r.:-mxzona. Port, RUM,- S!am'r' Muizer, Jmn_n ' Diamond She_rx_'y,- Demn I a`a . " ' WHISKIF Brown _- Did F _- Ginger Wino. . Malt, RRANnlF!Q._ - - on- .A [V UI DID! Mam-1l's, Hcnncssey s .....l:..l; DI.- SL9-2 - E*`orks; &c. JIVI, ' Junlon. OOGOAE.-- in-Q uenmtara. WHlSKlES.- D11! D..- mnmnszs.-- Cid Rye, - Scotch, Irish Old row, ....z.. (W. J 19 V, lYo"' Barn:{r;i`s. Bonth's; Dc-KiugI.' _ 'll , - V4500 Robin s,1 N.`- (I: ._~-- J nrmsicn, Denmtara. 11sxnc.~z_._ iANDER& -n- ----- 18-6l`no. `In . e"onmenc_in"g `business as l`0O'AL" IBR_-' OHAN1`, begs respectfully to announce that he has made an-sunge_n`:en'e with eo_me.o{ the meet- rcnowned Oolliqsios ll the United States, to be supplied with Goals of the cry but quality at ` the lowest possible prices; and he trusts that hy a rigid system of fair dealing,-by` punetnslity to all engagements, and by sdhering to all just end reasonable prole, he shall be able to com- mand a fair share of public patronage and sup- port. All ordove transmitted to the `above address will always ensure _ immediate etten_- l .' br3FxcE, BARRIE,FOUNDI1Y.! Fnh Ath lR'lA_ . R_'.lm 9113...; . Dinah- 0':-dare" promvpt1'yn.tte-n> ;; I4 ` ' ` . H. E"KING_9_1` STORES.I SJCIDLLJ VI VA ll-\l|.l'll BU V-hncsvn At. a dept. of 107 feet, which can be proved on application to Mr. Walwau, 61!: Con. oespra. Tbe`e improved pumpsare , A runs`: A 1:77 4 t\'I' `KI l`1I`I13 A [1 I WARRANTED. son 1 "21: m. . -- 4 , V Oistetns of all aiz_as-ham on the latest plans, and at reasons`. do 1-stag. '1"-.1` ,.-." 5-:;iber challenges thecornty of Sim 4` ma to manufacture Pumps to nmpete with 1 ` those.-made byhim. they are nnn`unn'lI nu nnn I\l.'lRI\ ' Illll i 1 1 IUNa:xn{i}L9Ii"6i::`ii'Ef :WELLS 1| 1'.xu Unnu Ur. uuuuuvwn Easily workealii Child | AI. )1 am of :07 feet. which can moved Auc u uukuvyuu yuunronnv REMARKABLE CHEAP ! ; A ...A -.:H 1.59 In-unm. mn nun: n-mrnnmnhni. Mack, 030.; Japan, J an, A-Ln lll.!JLV.l11|:J.I.J..l..l.IJ,4l;a w_- -_aa4.;- o I And will last longexrtban any other pump built. ln the above village. Fnmlllea regularly supplied with the bust ol'Brexul,a-ntl full weight; also, Cakes and Con!`-.scti'onery of all kinds, in any quantity, of mt-gla9a_quality, and at low ' pnces. _ _ AVl"llc-Nlcn, oclals, Son-con, &c., &c., `LIBERALLY `SUM LIED 1`-N---'-3* --v----- ~~----.-~--~- - . As" they have had Large Experienco in all de- ; pqrtxzxozlta of the business. V - ` J.TG.`H1LBORN & BRO. I. .-\lia.nds.1e,0ct. 29, 1873._ A 44-ly mmnrumr 2| , ` A .1841 AI FRESH MEAT, FAMILY FLOUR, PROVISIONS, WINES, _ A LIQUORS, . 1 L . BOTTLED ALE, AND PORTER-, HI: in lhn - WEST TEu"'"fEA"__jrir-.5 :| If f.`I'I"l\ '1`, l\ |.NS1V11TH%_1%NG-!| la wmnl. may 2] Ir] vuuunvn u v1uu IJ|I\| szm SF ACTION ` w(.`:l`JIA_B.'ANTEED, | ,., __ _Iu J- II -w I -uu- a -II `C I w:..- I KEPT BY D. "KING. His TEAS are Iha Chenpesund best .in `the Market. Good Tearfromi 40 came pel lb, mdopovarda. ~_ , N R, --..hnnnnn -n Ann and 'Dn:-lav an .:"|ANTON T "s'rWoRz:. TIN,s:Imm0~,0omn?&JA`i>ANEn B U 5 VICTORIA STOVE DEPOT IS THE - _-- ...._-A __-j To VE s 1| @TovEsq I 1 Ware koptconsltanlly on 'hand ofmsido ti) order. All sorts ofjobbiugm the _..:_.-...q.._ _.___.--..-._._ -. _ Line done with natn-oas and dispatch. Re- ` member the place, gs `cow:---we I\ 'u'-u-\4-\~---- unu us Iv:-5 D.........-...... ..._ !n m.- Eawaun 8 . wvcpmm wcrcsnn 8 wand; tsnuo vwceuu 3. BUYTOUR T . READ:gDES. ..L;L . 'l`ho. Suxbscribera beg to inform the public of ` Allandaleand viciuiL_y,thsg,they have opened oi}!- .Ml Small Machinery kept constantly nn hand, and large machines Ium:.~'-'m:"3 on the Ihonost possible txolico at munufmturms prices and terms, and sus._3:-3.; ' - ` to '.h;ir warranty. 7 A A IJIIBAL DISIIQUNTS )\H.lL`.'."`}tr'j.-Ii`) T0 CASH CUSTOMERS. , HIPLIIIS F03 ALh'1VIACIIl;`i1E!9 SOLD KEPT IN STOCK- Holo agents for WILSON S Double Action FANNING MILL .--_.._--nap. u-nmunn-u .--an nawsuxnuu .: Ann V l`7011,tectio1icry ._ Store! \. pposiie tho Simcoe Hotel, and ddoors Nofth' of the Wellington, Harrie. 'GI<`.(')R(}'l1`. G. RUf`.K_ Barrio, .Oct.. 20, .1373." I[IllUPW'dIUUa ' _ N. B. - Simpson`:-1 me and `Porler on -lrnughl and in Hollles. ' Slimmer Drink: in season. |@@m&"_$1@| -a- ---x,`-s 3 A Y?FITr:3f1iT% Ed` R E E T, A. .|._ n:_-__ 7 llcsmcmbor 2 more is no Cheaper - zllouse In Town than`, ' u-__--gm-1-ig zraa [Oo0'k'iu Stoves are warranted to cook 3 2 aka and draw His Parlor, Hall and Box Loyas grain great variety. 51] his r_ _-_ V zmwzuzn ('[PJi4?3JPIV YW)Ii1K' DRDEDS PRDMPTLY ATTENDED T0, -1::-an-\`4|p\la On _Q.IIVli800 the Full. cheaper than any others in the trade. Sole agents fnr ' A Uunnt} of Simon:-, for thapolebmted . T . .

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