Insurance Companies have refused , to insure in Chicago, as that city has not taken the necessary steps to pre- vent fire. We commend the Insurance Companies for their nctinn in this mat- ter, and hope that our Cmudinn Com- panies will {allow so good an example. . @"S4ten.i;,-(J`}1opqancl Oyters at Bing h9.m s Oysber Ooeanv.V m , , any 1, _._,_ _L:u L._1_1.'. ....:. :.. .m :4. Jlulll D \J. Klvvn vvvw THE Webster sti Mlds oxit in all its _unr'wa.lled glory. No other sewing ma- chine can touch it. The cnterpfrsing Fields Bros., are the agents, as evetjybod known by this time. . ' "' T-' ""----**`-'.i The Teachers; of the S...T. Association met in Alliston. The President, Rev. McKee, B.A., gave im address which nnnl-.xnn:` n nnanhnr nf Hunfnl Ilinf to JILULXUU, 1J.tL., Suva nu uuuluno "unu- contained :1 number of useful hmts to thoteawhers. `If 13,, , I,'|,-_,- ':.. _ ,______L.-:.1 ........:m-. -.vs.-s.-vs.-vsssx-\.uvs vx v\4\.\ ~.~..~~ Vvvv , S. S. `T. ASSOCIATION. _ 9 To th `Editor of the N07 ghez Advance. IILIU Ilcluillclo I Mr. Bmdslmw, in (I. very lucid, concise lmd masterly manner, illustmted his sys- tem oftencl1ing'English History, taking the` events that transpired durlng the reign of William I. In W W. F`|~nann- 1-A-1:1 0 vnvlv nhlv HI`!!- reign U]. H uuzuu 1. Mr. E. E. Fraser read a very ably pre- pared Essay on .``School Orgzmization. Mr NH-.Nfnin' szhnxvm` his: s:v.cxf.reu1 Of HID. Ill-`$535) Ull ,"bDUllUUl Llfgllllllzrlal/urll. Mr. McMai1i showed His system of teaching Aritghmetic to a. class of begin- ners, . " VI... l`,.`|L\u...n. unntlnmnn nu-n rinnn;nf.- UUlla ' . v The following gentlemen were appoint- ed to show their. respective methods of teaching at the next meeting of the As- sociation : 3 ` -nr, 'n,1,_ n1:__;_ T ____ __ 1.1 .... __ ~ ORGANIZE 1' ORGANIZE! s Meetings win he held at the times and `places mentioned below for the purpose of orgnnizing the Opposition party in the demnt Townships in `connection with the Liberal Conservative Association in the North Riding of Simcoe. UUUKUIULUIJ 8 ' Mr. Babe Object Lessons, Fragon- Vulgur Fractions, J. - 0. Morrison, Geo. of Europe, Mr. `Armstrong Reading 41311 $51? h V ' LJUUL. - The Rev. Thos. McKee is expected to _ deliver :1 lecture, and as he hasihsul a large experience in teaching, :1 rich treat may be expected. The next n1eet,ing of the Association will be held in the School House-, Alliston, on Satm-day the 17 bhof October, next, commencing at 1 o'clock pm; A nnvI.`:u] :r\1.-:I'nf:I\I\> `ca nvfnvnlru] fn Ill] U U|UUI\ lhllla A cordial invimtioli is oxtemlcd to all who take an itcrest in the education of the youth of om'_coumtr_v, to be present. Qvvjt -nvvw-rv 1- cv Angus, Oct_5, 1'87-4. HOW THE CARLI-3'l'S OBTAIN J ARMS, A. H. vvrites to the London Times: An experience ofeighteen months in the Carhstprovinces of Spain and on the French frontier has convinced me thatit is much more diflicult for the French Government to stmpress the traic in arms and ammunition for the Carlists than is generally supposed. "The organization of this traie has been brought to a high. state of perfec tion, notably `through the exertions of the Spanish residents in France and -the French Legitimists. Contrary to the general supposition, the Bidassoa is . by no means the chief inlet for contra- band of war, the reason being thatithe maritime trade in these articles is op- posed to the interest of the contraband- zstas, who are in avery large mn]ority, and for obvious reasons must be kept _well employed. By far the greater portion of arms that enter Spain by the sea-c9_a_s_t proceed from Bordeaux and _Nan`tesf- By the Iormer route they are concealed in wine barrels, by the latter in cases, with a layer of sardine-boxes, and are consigned to the merchants dealingin wineand sardines at Bayonne, St.,Jean de Luz, Passages, and San Se- basfian, whence they are forwarded by landlto their destination. Direct car- goes of arms and cartridges by sea are rare, and when they do soccer, the- ehief ports are Guetxfria, Las Arenns, " near Purtugalete and San Vmcente de la Barquem, in the province ot Santan- der`. nn,_; L_. l`,_.I I wn: Iuuuuu inn! H16 1 U 19 wegav _qUa'_ed ind from nigh I ' . . . |EIlO Lonnon, Oct. 2. 1.30 p.m.--Repor!s of the gunpowder explosion on the Re- genI.'e*Cenal were`hea,rd_ a distance of twenty mules, The remen have been dragging the canal ellmomi `lg, Five , ieshave beenereeoverod. [A num- ber 01 the entmels m the Zwlogical Gardens were killed V. LouuoN,O'e't. ,2,`2.30 `p.m.-Thi quali- tity. of powder -that expleled wad ilour hga_eee_. miles {listen}. were bettet 3. e Seven pers"9ns;;ere' yet-migs- Io'=lm_t' : f9l.!!.!`4> t'!h,9 Iona. Msny trees-were upr.ooted,am_l A we ?l_'b.-sreei.vm.-f ewslnbt pannoelwra e no; until-.1he`e,_h__use . .......wv.., um. .2.--Lnuw 18 great ex-1 citement in the city in consequence of an_ explosion which occnml this mo:r- ing on the I{,agem_ s Canal. Al 5 mm. a barge lying near the Zoological Gar- den : with aeloaduf gunpbwder explomJ- ed. [Three persons were killed and Amanydiml. 'l`housam}a are, hurrying to the scene, , The newspapers hum ia- sued exI;aa_,.l;ut they cqntnin few de- tails; `T ' ' [V `f -_____,';_ l\ . A - '.- uul. But by fir the largest consignments are effected by land. , They are. re- ceived by merolumts ind private persons in all manner of shapts and forms. I .have seen thousands of cartridges arrive at a hotel packed up as Swiss cheesei boxes of rill.) barrels labeled muccaroni; hollow iron pillars stued with bayonets; end,-last but not least, bales of dry cod containing corn- taining considerably mire s`eal. than fish. Thus, in all shapes and form ~, these articles are dispatched to the frontier, where they are handed over to the conzrabamlistas ty well-known agents, who receive -from them a the consigment. It the goods are seized`, the q:ontrabandi.s'!a.s bear the loss; and it may thtts-he easily irragitietl hoiv care- fulthey are to avoid'zi'uy l`lL_kS. "lfh hi: contrabgmdistaso are all intimately ao- quainted with the country, hive their spiesiin every village and roadside inn, haven perfect system of scouts not! outposts, who give them immediate warning ofeny danger. The word is passed along in an inert: tiblv short tint ; end a seizure,` beyond the decoy cazgucs they sometimes allow the Custom house to make in order to cave: other operations, is very rare indeed. They are all orgnmsed into lmaids under the comrnand of 0. qllitef.` who has tho responsibility of conducting >llw,lt',,ns- port, and through wheat the bttsirress is transacted with the urgent. Some of these chiefs'have' as many as `.Lt)t ) men under.their command, and as they are at work mortiing, noon`, rind tiiglrt, it crmygaqly be imggiggd what qtltltltilg.-J of war materiel pgssa.the.trontier, deposit in cash covering the value u Gunpowder Explosion. T.a|l`lI'\(\\I 0.9 O 'I'1I..-.__'._ -v--nu-v vv IIIJI IUIIIIIIHIUIIQ Lounon, Oct. 2.--'I`h ere' 18 great '91:- itnmnnt in 9|... ..u.. :. ....... .. - WM`. IN EI Liv, Secretary. . .. to-3 1,oeo,ooo.j; e .90 Sr . , . ` 3 ce`ded';territery._i ".l`lie = gihouiit by," Germany was of course . less,`.thejtreope operating in the enemy's , country, no towns having to be victuall- . . ed, and the Oommissariat much y better than with the."French. | The coet,to the N crth German Confeder- ation hae been officially stated at 47 ,- ll 000,000. `When the truce was conclud- ' ed the German Treasury was empty, and I L 5 4 I I I I C E I c r I I I ' but` for the `contribution levied on Paris, and the first indemnity, a new loan would `have been necessary.` The 6.000,000 of the German war chest, and the 58,- 000,000 of the war. loan, must have been exhausted. Contemporary wars have been far more costly, Brazil expended | twelve and a half millions in its war I, against Paraguay ; the American Civil 2 War cost 330,000,000 ; the Crimean ` war cost England 167,000,000, the Abys- simian expedition, .ei;_.ght and one-third I3 millions, and the Ashantee war, one and : :1 half millions. The cost of the France- German was all the more moderate,in- asmnch as private compensation is in- cluded+7,000,000-on the German, and 24,000,000 on the French side. The loss ` of 129,250 German soldiers, who were killed on the battle eld, or died in hos- pitals, would not, however, remarks the Allgemeine Zeztung, be compensated nvnn umm tlm nnsit of the war repaid [U05 rllvoolua llavl/vulva even were the cost A thrice over. @'Doi1 t fail to get some of those ne Oystcm at Bingh:un s Oyster`0c08-IL 1*. __,__._ fI'VL...A .. ..,. O 1\fl;n4 a an '1... It is hoped our friends will see to it that theme is no lack of attendance at the meetings, as delegates are to be chosen for the Centre Association, whoue first duty it will be to select a Candidate in their interest for the Local _Legislature, and if we am not very greatly mistaken they win also have to namea man to represent them in the Commons may Cook, unsalted for bribery and corrup LIIIU \JJDv\I|n (IV I-lhllhlllunnn -. VJ - _ _ , PnRK1.\`s.-+Tl1nt s so ! \V}'mt s so '3-- Wliy, that :1 little money goes a very long way at Perkins ; his goods are pure in quality, and cheap in price. You who hn.ven t patronized him do so at once. V - DIED. TODD.-V-In Barrie, on Wednesday, the 7th ins_t., of Consumption, Mary Jane, the be- loved who of Mr. Wm. Todd, miller, aged 29 years 3 months and I6 days, deeply re- gretted. . _ Funeral takes place on Friday, (to-marrow) onrthelaunlyremdence, Macdonabbnuaeg at 2.30 p.m., to the W.M. Cemetaly. Friends and acquaintances are respectively invited to "attend. %___.___. __..._ _.-._..-_._- .,.A`.__.`,._,- M __ _ Bnnxnsw. -1-1993': CoaoA.-GaM-nut. um Couron'rnm.- By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations ol digestion and nutrition, and by a. careful appli- cation of the ne pioperties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Eppa has provided our breakfast tables with 9. delicately avoured beverage, which run)` save us many heavy doctors bills. -0imISm'-vice Gazette. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is labelled -" Jugs E! is J: Oo.,Homc2opMhic Chemists.'*.on. `lA\VI'1ElIV`IUf1IIC an nnnnn _ N `X7. mill an... lA0!l7`.0X1- Mnwnc1'onn or 0oooA.- "We will now lzlve an account of the process ldopted by Messrs James Eppa & Co.,mnnul'ncturo_rs of dietetic nrticleg, at lheix: ` wqrks in the Euston Ilralaidwbtarldon. --See ar'.1cle`:n C'assell's House- IO x` IUU 0. No R131: -'l`noxAa` Ecx.zc1-iuc Om!-Wom`n `Pm TIIKBS 11's Wnonr IN Got.a.-Do you know anything of it? If not, its time you did-Pain cannot exist where it is used It is the cheap- est medicine ever made. One dose cums com- mon sore throat. One home has cured an old standing cough. (`no or two bottles cure bad cases of piles and kidney trouhie. From six to eight-umylication-I cure any case of excor- ialed nipples, or inll-.unVed b:-aunts. One bottle has cured lame back of Qvgll . yVen`rs' sfnnding. Ask Mr. W. .\l-ngniro, Merchant, Franklin, Out. how he was; urcd of Ch:-nnic Rheumalism, of eight years et:.ndin_cz, and 11's roplv will be, h the use of `-Thomas Ecleclric Oil. Mrs. Lee 3 Son, of C-avnn, Out , was ailliclad with n. svere p\in above the eye-brow, which caused him in- tense suffering for sevtarnl hours ery day, ask, and he will tell you that Eclectric Oil cured. him, zer ti-y'ng everything they then heard of, thdt would be ct benet. What cured Mr. C, Burrows, of the firm of Burrows ck Winstanley, Sm-nin. and \Vilkesporl., of lxnxmmalion ofths lmngs-I:clecl.ric Oil. .\lr. Thomas Robinson, Fnrzihnln Gentle, p.2.,will tell yon that he was cured of Rhanmatiam of ten years` standing, by Ecloctric Oil. Mr J. H, Em-lo, llotel Keeper, West Shem-d, pa ,wns troubled with Liver -".-omnlnin: for save 31 wear: and la nnvu ....n mm mucuuru, p.: ,wna ltcubletl Wllh Liver -",-omphtin: for years, and is now well`. A friend asked him what cured him, and his reply w s Eclectnc Gil; he will also certify that it is equally as good for homes, in cases of cuts, wonnds, &c.,`as for mm, A voung lady had 9. severe attack ofintlimu, and did u )1 think she could the until morning. She now aays Electric Oil saved her life, What cured Rev. J. Mallory, Wyorifng, U.S.,ot B1onchiZis,iu one week '4-.Why, Thomas Eclerfi-ic Oil. Ask any of the thousands been Ct|l`ed of coughs colds, B.-onchitis, Asthma, La:ne'Back, Rheu- matism ititl` Joints. &c,in Canada, for the` last thrge year: what. dii i',. and they will xeeply Rcletric 21, it is acknowledged the uni- vlrsui x-emeiy, and is-never known to fail. Sold bv all medicine danlm-a DAM. .52 -1- `5 " s N. THCh\IAS,Pholps,l_\'.`{. And NORTEIRUP 5: LYMAN, Toronto, om: 8919 A u _1.he Dominion. ~'No'r::g`:-nF` _ _, V -Selected and Electrizods .._r payment system _-,-_-..-, .,w..umu r:u'r;Ic. na1u.I-ms m Pianni of best makers. The Mason gt Ham iluOrgan~,2u|d the Canada O.-gm Cqmpun)`s Qrglla and Meloulauns: Organs and Mam. deans lq rem,'and lor sa[_e', on me monthly nnmnnnu -o. 1* ...-.. v. rszu x-emeny, unu_ is-never known to ,,_$m hi 3'11 1 19419iIW d3'r. Price, :25 cts . .ep9.reu by I 7 Q N '1"l1"\MAQ DAM... \' V ,1 _m_' hear discussed at A `Grit Convention. But we a're`afr_aid tr-`uo`Reformen, such as we claim to lllvlli DID sunny vvucl` npar `div 3: gna1au,~w`i11"not_b allowed thpre ye -. 'T`P',!-J % Ii `ropo Vgfin any qther ()`m(`,`i&ll . (H * ; 'l'ivmool Slmel, I ; >o....na2Aa.n-Bu-.\ . _ \ Bokslers, ta.t'!oners, _'__ A / And Importers of .......u.. :5 V2 L110 A 1 Cqnxum lio_h' n'nnt mcurnble, Dacia is not. Alll at is up nircd is the prorgtu lag elacz n perrimnen cure. D;. e` B_ronchi..l Rcme Iv is fast B-coming I e Anfgetlacln .- far all ell`.-miona of thr `chest at _Eo_r_ imsipneql consumntion, brqnclxilis, co_ngh_s, coldh 5-c.. no other my-.I..-in. ...... _ `V _ ,, _..-.,:. .. ...- ~uI:fI| uuu lungs. Eqr, consumption, bronchitic, nsthnm, cqnghs, coldi, dc., other medicine ever offered to the public po qessca such curative properties. Let the amif-Jed lg-v it and prove its eicucv. For .7. SHE SYMBTQVIS OF MENTAL_DE- A (JAY resemble the gradual changes that come over old poop}-~, and are imam- lo those induced by excesses and bad habits, and the tendency is to the production of solten - ing of the bm`inand'ineanity. The cause in decienoy_ ol phnsphatea, as it is well known -lltet man grew: `older and -mentally weaker yttett. the nervous system is nnsuioiemly itlppliod with these el_etnenta_-Ihe eultdity of. the btain;depondin2 nnonohomh.-rin.t ........ .1 -_v v-gn-voov hi, VUQULUHU` Importers of WALL PAPER, I)ECORA'I`ION~s, ` FELT ROOFING, BUILDING PAP}-IR; i m |.'.ltHI syMi3?EvT'5 HAY rannnukt. nl. uuppuuu wun mesa e1_arnenla--lhe aoludily of I brain depending upon phosph-xrized cum- poundu --|_nd ghgt those foods which are rich- est` in plnospgmatea renovate moat opaedily wukoned brain " war and {loss of constitu- .ti_o`na1vigq,r. JDE eoLar,t a~Cqm`ponndE|ixir of "P59I,1{h,it; _Chl. 4a(| ounlpiaa men agents` iufan ifqfly uni ` tuning Q btin 'tIe|y9):6d.fQj Fall Wheat, new-'9O to 97. Treadweil--90 to-95. Sp:-iug-85 to 90c. - Bar.Xe}-82 to 58. Peas-50 to 530. . 0312-37 `to 380 ` 1 - a~-* . 3` Hn.y,---$l4 00to16 no. I '13`? Straw _--$8 00 lo 8 00. Btitter-lub-22 to 250. Butter--roH--25 to 27. Eg'gs--_14 to 16. Pctaoea per bag--G0 to 650. Mutton by aide~-7 to 70 Beef-bind qua:ter-$5 00 to 6 00 . Beef-fore quarter-$3 50 to 4 50. Vea.l--by carcass-6 to (Sc. Sheep Skina-$1 00 lo 1 00. Wool,-30 to 32c; -j._._. - THEMASON & HAMLIN ORGAN C0. uwlc-mh lo (umlch H... _._. .._.-_rvv~,.a~._. Vvvvvxv ~ . inn .'rP.It_J_MPn- on` THE AGE n ....... -:-- --'-A- ~ " " -another toil tJ1ousa11d`:' is algoqt played but .in the light of recent events mid Gong dong John, we` have lots _of_ ,l1ouoy,' _ Even, Mr. M onkey, `the voran Grit taetician an electioneer, lvill namely dare to call himself or his -.-uliu Irina gnu-A nnrtv an-min vulgar: urn ._ `T_:f`T.L"_:-:2*_ _L_ pccialNot%I:c; ._...;....,.~. .,.,.,..._- , , BU{Rll-1_:`_MAR-k:VF1TS. ll: LN)l1.IH1I0n- E-Selected and - -.._._.. EDWARDS '& LAYRD Rnnlrnnlln-n L- - _..-- --u-.4 hot Doctors say i `united is pro 1` ned .' b 3.: euro. Du. `ags r`1(:.".. g, DU l3UIlll)\JllD(lvV\:. of the war repaid nun 6 hnlktl) Booksellers, &c., Barri _._J._-- _-cwmms `he po nlar thx-`chest and lgngs. . bronchitis. asthma. IILI Ivuulnu an on IJIIUIIID ultmvnu` '---- awnru u '-~ " _ _ bojud spent $4,000--9. long way Bavnr. As8AUL'l`.--A most bmtalnnvdt V pithin the mnrk-at one election. We cowardly assault .wns'committed in the howeyer, believe Iiespoke the truth village of Angus, 0tg`beg- 5g;h =1,y' 3. man `;`w`hu'-he-said, Gentlemen, I am sorry naumod Scott, upon a young man naniut it, `But, despite -his sorrow, we Angus McCarthy, employd in Mr. Gor-1 I V the wiilha none the worse of a`..good `dou s saw mill. The factnao fair as can` ` ` " ` Theme are. many other `a ` ' be ascertained, are that du the` `fore. xiomd iihlb hear` (11% _ ` at `noon : 2ingry'words.tandascu:lll`etook plho _'V_?G'ritAOonvex;tion. `Bu'tI_ve`iI'e'af1* between`-u;em,v arising from '-the .Iniscori" - i:.1Hln KI3-'onA"'RAfnrn|nr- nnblr` an an: 1-Iain-i in tlnnt nG`rQ1\nl:l!a Im..`..- A .l.= ..`..4I....r..`......-:`|:.." its uregx, popnhlr L lumn. max. 90: ---1 \.I `As a family lfedlclno, It in vol! lndlnom ta! 3110'!!! | 0lieVin thculnnds from [Lil] i. Sula ljackanzl Head Coughs C M ,8 51;rui1u,,' Cramps. if: t.llcg!:1:11n:'W' - Cholera Morbua, Dyunlery, Bowel Cum. ' plamlu. Burns, ScaIda,Froxl Bites, gr, The Canadian Puln Demo er ha boford the public for n lmzgtb 0'! l:?;:o":;3 ` when-var used is well liked , never nilln;;'in , single insznnce to give pe.-mum-at relief when timely used, and we have never known a F can of dlsaatislnction, whore lho dircclm: `trnry A are 0 1;; no: wnlb its opunmons, and I speak in the higho.-at terms ofiln virtues and _ magical eects. "I7- n-u...|. 62...... -.._-_', __ y and In their nwor-u 3 conI1';" .,.'m.1.,.: g?,,,ggg;e,m._ mpson was I up!) and M ggllgaiebragd ::x?h:> x!l':yo{n th:d:&1anu""- we Ject. - mo partner in now vlamng c on M` `lb.- ; ml :0 `Va |dv1=:1o {too to an, and ;0"m`dNd!a e ., 1 u)..Md . I 8lmn nm1 & C'o.. under (41 D :".l'_'E 3. Be`! 'culnr, us. ' 1 sea uo;;.a.r,;'.;'.;-R',;,Ww;g: ' o It % sun zc . . -5- 1 [ mm P1llavv'm l:l:o"bo91Ie:%} .".'}',';- Two of securely wrapped from ob,,,":f.Dut V %a":1'1)mg" ` 5 W Ire-tmou: If and " 11 by :1 retail Drn hits ' um '01. . M me by .1'Lnnomoa1o Dmgglm ..,`5"1-mm gm: u!_`.._. -..n.uuu Wo speak from experience In the mntlr` -having tested it thoiuughly, mud themfure xboso who nre_au(_Por_ing fzom any of the com. plainta for wluch n 13 recommended, may de. pend upon it being 1 Sovereign Rum`.-dy. _ '[`ho_ nawnilbjngr gmcacy of tho Canmlm. pcuu upuu Il..UU|.|IK `L ouverelgn Iwmeu . Tho nawnxlblnxr picacy Canmlm, Pain Destroyer in curing the disuse for which it is ro_commended, and in woud-mul ekctu in subdy ng the tonuroul pains of Ilnhunmiaun 2:1-';.::::::*::$:';::'o`::::?v ** ` ._ _ _ a M. b. 1., are coming In from Medicinc l)<::;l;.rn. in` :1 parts of the-countr,-, for furlhw supplies, nu] gscl} lesstifying as to the universal satinlncxiog 1 gm. . The Clnndiiln Pain Dc-nlrnww nnvnr nil, . II gIY(.`S. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never nil; to give immediate relief. All .\h-ditiuc Dc-Mm keep it; Physioinns order and use it and no family will be without it after trying it. Price, only Twenty-ve Cents pvr hnule. Sold in Barrie hv Jnhn Wonda, ,J P. Kidd Watson & 00., Wells Hros., Tolen `K: .`J('L(;n.? irnd!'oxd,b7 J. De-neon; (}raighural,Gr:-av: !'._.o.' and by ail Medicine Den}-.-rs. E N 9 L I"+"a"'i>If:?M 5 0 Y. -_._n ._ -- ' JOB ][().`1.l-IS P I ) R I OCDICAL PILLS, _..'_.,_.. V . A Roan M4-zh Cmv, whuln [aco_ Q, pav. old, with a Red Hifel Cn1',6 muu`h.< (u,1_ Any information that wall laud lo lhru H-1.... any, will be rewarded by ' THOS. G. VVILSUN, nnlmzuny, or u Fun ducclm: `puck gr-, , whiu JOB Moms, N l\._ 6, '.)..Il.... n pucx (,;r:, vvuI\.u .....,..u.. .1. NEW YORH ()n`s'dullnr nn lWc?\'u- ngecuwlusczl to !`fnrlh.'s-In ge.-or.| ngzenls (vr Hm I haul evnulnH~IIl!1 ov('r: ;( `.30., Wa!s`l`r0S . Tnlcn 5; M--1.:-nn:I'..-. Dem.-on ;Cr.15ghurst, Gn.-cu dz l5xus., uud nu cine dcnlcrs. _________&`\ MNADIAN PAIN Dnswuoym 1 ge.-om hulllv . q..',u NJ ._.. Fon SA1.E,!he pl'0p.:A`I} Intel)` inxhenccupz. lion 1.! JUHN S.'\l/l'F.R, bumg I-I.uI-ml: 1 L0! H,5llI Con. Veapla, log!-Ilzm \vx'.`,l v.`.e Plant In onnzu-c!ion lhL I".9\u1h. Alia rm PINE ANH Hl'I\!l'.()CK 'I'l.\HH'.l(, on \\, half l`.!Ih, (i1b,,_and l~1rm-hnI-. II, III we _'.'. I\.... `\l,___. I I.Ix.\n'nu I`/xlvln I nn :1 nu:-_ ur. vu.\I\.:n 1 IA: n1.n, on H '. Cam, I Vcipra, '.1L'lGll'I`Y~["()U|{ .v\( Edi` which is 1-Rely 10 ha A Slamm an xh-s .\1.::' Simcoe Junction Rm}-.vny. A L-bl of (lnml Lam hnr l`nr .\`uVn u 44-` u||u\.'uu uuuuuuu ltlxllwuy. A Int of Good Lam bur For Szne, at .~f5'. v` per 'l`huusanv!--In Luis 01 Ton 'lnousnnx' 53 Apply 1:: H!) Al I\.'I.`l! ' 0ctoBer7;h. 1874. 1- 1 `J J -L. -l.J! NOTIK E is lmraby given that an apph-1+ linn \'vi|l'be mmla al Iheliru >`r+s~'m the Onlamo Legislative Assembly for an F To Erect !lm'l`m.vnsbips of A1ju!a. Muuolsf Mdlmur, in the County nt Simeon`; rho luv? ship of Mnlnuclhon, in the (,`mJnI\' 1:! lim and tho Townships of Amnmmh, LH`he:r, Pu. Gmufraxa, nnd the Town of Urban-,'ev:Ue. I the Cuunly of Wellington, mm a new l'osn|V for Municipal and Llher (Ionmy purpu:n'5,'*v Orangvillo as County Town, '1'h=: pnpw-L1 new Coumy to be: called the Cuu..x_\' 9: H. fezin. -I\_.,L,, (`.1 .n~. -- -` Barrio", Oct. 6th, October (H1, 1871. '1' ' ____ __..__...__. msm.vE:a'r Ac? ()5 uses. -.:_. 'VI DUlPlu`uo Also. Tun.-!i-rs far the gnnl- wxll solvent in Ihes newspaper:-Ila! tin! of Bairiu, as propriulur and pubhs Conservative interest ` 'I`I...:..:.|.:.._ ,1... I Pursuant to the Smtuta ofthu lam PrG'" f 05331`: 29, Victoria (`:ll.~'plor `3-'*v ""' , The Oreilitofs of Torrance Nummnl, W ` ` County df Bisncomwho died on or uh nut tlw d3Y 9` 41": 'A.D. 1874, -Chzl 11!! others 1: * W"ll hgninat on interqszed in line Hs:m;' `T * tholate Trarranoo Needlmm, ma hm-bi "`' to tend by Post pmplld, on or before the CHI Day of January N0 or o Erwin deliver to Mar Needdam, Mi P.0~`?`Adminiatratrix of the Igamte 04 W! of the: amid deceased---or to her Solrc-'1,"'(;f IoIsIenra.'LOUN1` & LOIYNT. of W T?,.'. Bli. Their Ohrintinn And surname-`v ?`me {at d deldtiptlonl. The tall pnnicn):r9={,` , pluims or internals. A Itntcmcnl of "`."n; 4 qohnu II1dheI||ml'e_oHhe secnritloa ('."'`,` . b.0145! thiutna in defnult l!ne1eofI9`3'$' .a1_;my.;.ne: nu hm mgm dnvA` -`*."d,(;.. : !I;IOQ(_l;6flliaasld Torrnncg Necdim . . dsllllhe diiiriliutod among 1139 P`l"`.m 0, * ?..t.l,-..M.l9.r-:to= was round on`: * " ma , jhish notioojhall b-v0.5 ;$`:",;. -v Tlo my p-irisn at P95 MI dfinum T on nhnllnf` 59" we ' iutnmx aft?" ` ' HOIIII tbqm; ash ooz.. 1:74, puIIuu|vuII10llller99l_ V f Thejubbing dopurtmenl bwing ! a ram chance for an enl(:rpri~iII`.f, I Stock consists of I rcsse.~x. . .. . . .. Joh'I`ype. . . CUE) . . . .... News Type ..- Buudrics mtgu un I, me `win IHRL, In so much in $, I..vm.Iory pnces, for tlmelouk-m-1:;-v19 book debts, said book debts may be Iemlur '0: separate. `Inn 'I`.m-nu. 6". cl..- ....-I ....H l\.- ":3 In Inllugr. . ` V S'k.i| |Vnjory, and lis! nl Lllt`--{r~ vn Isgn an application Io in;-nun |nu'I`l.'\` _ _ V1-:sPRA.T At the Town Hall on Saturday even- V gng next, the tenth imst., at seven o'clock. 030. At 0 Town Hall on Thumday, the '15 H taut, at three o'clock in [the nm.--{Ann BANKRUPTSTOQI _ `FOR SALE BY 'l`|:3NiJl~Z|{`: Be: n.-cnnw, or Bm-:-Io, L113 umwmlgneq \7`] MONDAY, the -2641: i Q iwum lnru n..:...... r.. Barrie, Oct. 5th; 1874 -av _ inquired, qocmity to be mm In lender. ' * Q..._|_' -. _ . ,. . . .'. ss=mr:%[nor.oEj T119 Undersngned will receive T-smlms uz r10NnAV.lHn 173:!` inn: at an ...m1i. n. New Qkhucrtiscuxtuts. W MIL}: LTRAYED. Wbolober 6'11, r"" r -r will hm.oo be gmngea .for,U` Send Qua] . Ol|UH!!|I|,'.' in Barrie, II.;.| 5`:-nc , }`I`.?_T1QE- Or Tlli k:RE:\T Ina: l \F'll mg numm up uw I. ull< I We pzunphlcl an m muld be (-an.-fuily Inn--4 ' YORK, sou-'. mnovu u:..`,un_un.LL..| .....n.. . Cappcnsnle (Era mmar Sclm Im~| "FOR SA IE JOSEPH Rm:Eli.$. ' Om.-.m A<.~` DR. omvxn. n. c.wPm:x,r.. l)__I. . I 'l',._ _ . } ll. Kzll \.`rnr.I_.l.. ! B_a_nk of Toronto, Raine 41 lm` _ 1'0!` (116 L` oruwrn JJIVIBXOII U] bill Township at the Town Hall, Duntroon, ou'I'huraday., the 22nd instant, at seven dclock, p.m. - T . 1 inal., xmx'i. '1" 0|...;,.:\_lvK.. :30 pi lnhn .2-Mun-nx D \`Z Lyn Dmmm H-Um V Thu "1 SVat,u` B:m`o1 Tdw |P(P`0lll .r 1: KEDONTE. it thekown Hall on Monday, the 19th instant, at seven. o'clock in the evening. . hula ]U_ Pl Ilf I NOTTAWASAGA. For the Northern Division of this! '!_..._.._L:.. .; n... m...._._ 11.11 r\....4........ ,. . _ ,2,` I I ugh`? betweentw 1 men iuito '_ 6 could-tell thef .; lie; when theone use 3 1t!-ymgv to earn.the wager, said he had L never told on he; the other instantly threw up the sponge, saying there was no betting that "Whopper." Wewere forcibly reminded of the circumstance nknvn anus-Ina` in nu -onnlninn {rho `I'_']nL-' Iw\ilIJlJ IDIIIIILIIJ-I UK` Iauu 'UIl`5IIIIIHI.III.|\iD above alluded to on reaching the `Globe : averment that it never indulged in per-' sonalities or alandered any man. `Now we upine that it is quite within the range. of possibilities to [be most olfenaivoly slanderous, and unjustly personal with- ouhaking up a man : private life; For inatnnnn ifn nfnfncmnvi in om-nnn nf lm. uuunonnaus any on uunnn yrnvnuv nun. Sun instance, if n statesman is accused of be- t in; admnknrd, a snbservienttool, pea-' sensed of no conscience principle, as " being dastardly, mean, truckling,selsh, _ U l uupatriotic,'a' footpad," as being guilty. 1 < 1 1 l l 1 of a. crime that would shocl: the moral - sense of n thieves" kitchen, bribed and bought by foreign gold," e_tc., etc., ad Ii bzmm, in his public capacity, we hold that * all these are, grossly,iin,snltingly, and. cowardly` personalities, and all the worse for degrading our public men in the eyes of the civilized world. Now there iii - scarcelyapublic man, in Canada who A; has been` opposed to the -Glcl:-2, politically, but who _ has been called - all "these and many other opprobrioue -. `names; and yet, with all these epithets 7 applied to Canada's most brilliant, _nblo and patriotic sons, the Globe his the ' hardihood to nvow that it has never dos-. cended to personalities, in all its career _ as a. journalist. Well, well, to quote the . choice and elegant diction of our next door neighbonr and confrere, That bangs Benngher." The fact is that the most violently abusive journal in the British Dominion is, and has been Geo. Brown .-4 organ, and everybody laughs at his pro- tending to have clean hands in this I respect. True, sometimes the Globe has received :1 Roland for its Oliver, and ' then, and only then have we heard an hypocritical whine about personalities. It,is now receiving Government pap, and is the Government dictator; and so it suits it to draw it mild for` a season ; but once let it again go into the cold shzules of opposition, and we shall hem- it playing at its old tricks, of abusing every man, ustly or unjustly who dares to stnnd in its way or.cross its path. N o, no, Mr. Brown, we may be green enough to take in much you say, but to expect us to believe you when you aver that you were never personal is to tuko us mid every man in Cmizulai to be an `evergreen. Thisis drawing the long bow with n vengeance. THE APPEAL 7(!0UR'1`S--V-JUDGE GOWAN. - - been expected in the carrying out the \ South Simcoe are about ovcr,_and on tho` whole, there have been fewer sins of I omission or commission than was to have . 1 various provisions of anew election law. ` We do not think, from what we have learned, that the oicials of the various towns or townships have loeenguilty of 1 manufacturing Votes or leaving oil The Appeal Courts for both Northaml any for party purposes, but that one and best of their ability ; and we doubt not that another time the work will he bet- ter and more correctly done than it was this year, for which result we shall have mainly to thank His Honor udgn Gowan. We see by the reports of the Appeal. "Courts" in other Counties that more than -the law. It would be wellpfor one gener- all of them have done their duty `to the one of the Judges have been openly ac` cased of giving, their decisions according to their party bias. "This is much to he deplored. But in the Courts presided over by His Honor Judge Gowau no such thing was even, for er moment, thought of ; but throughout our `Judge C has sustained, not only his reputation for that thorough impartiality for which the ermine has always, in the personof His Honor, heen distinguished," but he has shown a lminstaking and ability in his endeavours to making the Act thorough- ly workable, and answer all the expecta- tions entertained of it, that is beyond all praise, and which again stamps him as the most earnest able of County Judges. However, ouriobject in writing this article is not to pass a panegyric on Judge Gcwan--fryr he needs not` our praise---but to cali the ati'en,t1,'9n of our County Council to the ndvisabiiity _on their part of requesting, His Honor to ad- dress them s, during their session next week, on the host methods of carry- ing out the law's prorisions. ',l.`l;ore has been no complete report of His Honor's remarks at any of the Appeal Courts, and therefore we suggest that the County Council receive the aid of his` valuahle suggestions as to the proper methods of thoroughly carrying out the provisions of n] n-..-.Ln-n 1.5` -...........3..._ _-_L____! IR: I ucmvnvuu uuuul, BIIBLLI5 uulu -we IHISCOYI uct of Scott's boys; ' Shortly al'wr`din-' pair, as Mcanthy was standing` talking : too. fgllow-workman, before oommiaticing `work in liae}_1r}}`lL -Scott `crept stealthily V up, and `dealt him `a. ppgygndous blowj on ' the-head 9. heavy: w'odd_a;` ` - .gtp,ntly"fell`ingVBim `gab V;ha"gr61'x " '7 , , _ ' ow lisiinun-i1nooiLeci6udstte::`;Tlg ? ; 1 ` I -.N - 7 ~ --~-- vv --v--._-v- v-v 5v--3" al system of preparing voters lists to be adopted. Then -0 are also other provisions that appear to be but i.u_1perfoct1y under- stood._ In order, therefore, tothe proper carrying out of the law, we respectfully suggest to the County Council the pro- prioty of hearing, and getting printed,- in eaztenso, for wide circulation, His `Honor, Judge Gowmfs invaluable _exposi- tion of the }21w,_`and his suggestiolis as to tho !_pa-oper 9a1'r3_(i1rg o_ of its admirable })l`0YiBi0_l1H. I V x ' We"a|-e glad to learn. that Hit: Excel-_ lency, the Lieutenant Go've_rnm", has ap-: pointed .'.l`lmrsda.j, the 29th inst., to be mam-ed 2:3 11 lnyof Public 'l`lm.nksgiv- ing to Almighty` for the bountiful Harvest with `which he lg,-3,3 lrlessed us. Wehavetinile'ed ahuntlamt razmln for ltisaukfulness, and we hope the glayvwill - b_e.obsor'ved, `as it is intended, as 9. day of 'l`hunlgfsgiving. Public` worshipt will be held in the 5/a&'i0l.18 Qllurcha of this town, and we hope they will -"be w9l_l3i_._t- tended. t T '7 " - L - 'rHANAKsG1v1`1_~:c v- DAY. . ,_ .; - 9.. .,..) .' ` li{iotli:e`i-```to her-children-',aA* omsn i . tiny was summed u_p"a_s (daughter, wife , ` and" mother. Her duties were the house- -"hold of which she was, with good reason, ` " -sssumedtobeits chief and brightest ornsr - 7 inent. But the scenehas womuin. '1 is knocking at the dooi-"off ,rlis,ment_ .1 demanding a. vote, and even to be taken, asnn integral part of the Counollsof the 88, `nation. She" also nnnounces -herself as Eel ' ready and willing to. participate in the m revolting, enes of-a. dissecting room, to be udxnitted as fun M;D;`, and teitslie` - her part as logician ind literati; .? But not content with this, wom'un,- newlin- days, says she is 9. candidate to share the `1 honors of the battle eld, not `indeed as "' "nurse, for which, to -our mind, the Sn- s promo hes pre-eminently tted her. No [" lovelywoman-wantstoh'ave the priv ege , l0 of being drilled to shoot -behind -iiih _ go "` and pick-o` her man at a thousand` yaiids distance; not content even with this, woman says she hes a. divine jrightv plead has a. lawyer, and taking her share in making the worse appear the better- csuse; and even higher-yet "she sours,s_he seeks to measure the stars as a philosoph- er, and wield heaven : thunder "as `a di- vine; snd in the huznbler walks oti life she insists upon carrying the hod up. , dizzy ladders with the bricklayers Q labourer, as well as to be brickleyeri her- ~,, self; to wield the jack-plane as ca.'_rpen- er; to-muke.pegtops," as shoe1nakr,_to buildrnilronds as nuvvy; toohandld the plough und tho flail "as furiner; to` coil` ` ' ropes, and sail the mighty deep as silor ; in brief, woman demands that every avenue of, trade and commerce, ivhich now are lled with the ` busy hmfnts of men shall be open to her as competitor ' in the race, and insists with veheinence, if not with much disoretion,_fthat she is physically and mentally equal,-to the ' , lion-(ls of Creation," und that she shall , lnve an opportunity to prove herself so. The nbove is in brief summaryof wn1un n pretensions in this glorious nineteenth century; and we feel that the daylis not far distant when society will halve to grapple mnnfully with the whole , ques- tion of woman's rights, duties and m] spliere. The dilliculty, of 'a.rriving'vot,a - satisfactory solution of the principled` in- volved in the discussion`, being much en- l1:1nce the fact, that many men of "'9 eminence, such on the late StuurtMill, he luwe taken up the cndgels in woman's ,w_ behalf, and are backing` her up in this, in our humble opinion, most preposterous ngitution. \Ve are prepared to concede, for the sake of argument, that woman is 9f the intellectual equal of mun,-but whilst off doing so we plainly opine thntit is entirely ml dilferent in kind; Woman is more Aims.- ginntivo, ' and in the regions of poetry, fiction or music may possibly hold her : own with the more gifted of the sterner sex, although we doubt us whether the woman ever In-eotliecl who could be the ' compeers of Shakespeare, Milton, Dante, Schiller or Byron. But to lot that pass, we very much fem` us that in the regions of abstruse thought, whether as a. rule ' she could ever prove herself -the poor of man, whi'st she labors` under physical disabilities thutmost decidedly unt her for outdoor employment ; and, unless she wan " to be usdegruded as are the In- diax women, she will cease this insane _ a.gita.t!ion,'to be allowed to rival men in outdoor employunent ; for as sure as `she i does so, ultimately she will be taken at for or word, end, with papose at her back," ' ml th I 1:, uhe Jot ret- vas we be niade tlie s_lsv_o7 sngl not the equal of l men ; in which 9:190; in i$ ;ti1_l_3 geiise of. her own degrade.` ion, she will pull down '_ man to the level of the savnge. For`, ' careful reading has made us rmly of dpinion that any successful attenmt to talre women out" of her. sphere of HOME tends in thut degree to dobnse man. It is possible that woman may so fur unsojx herself as to become mlceessful 10-Wyliil`, _ doctor, physician, or" member i of Parliament. But what then, we ask ? What is to become of the indoor life, the raising of children, the governance of a household? Who is to do that? Can man take the place of n. motherl He ,c.';nnot, and. hence it follows 88 - 5110 night day, that God never --in-' _ tended woman .5heul take man's -place 1 in.. the outer world. We believe 'I`Y- that woman should be highly edu- has cated,`for she can never be the companion 3,.-8 of an educated man unless she is so, but ,,~ whilst we believe this, we rmly opine that the showy tinsel education given to W wonmnlis highly detrixneratail. She `iv. hlc taught to dress not becomingly but ex- ; pensively, whilst of household duties," 30f every parent who "can afford to keep servant, trains her daughter in total ignorance of, and distaste for all that per- tains to u- well-regulated, household, and one as woman's sphere_ispre-eminently HOBIE,` 131-. her educntionshouid have nsits primary object, the instruction in every depart- ment of household work, and after` that piece on as many eccomplishmcntsas you '0' please, ;'Ths Jews made litiincumbent V upon every man to` lcain trade-oven H1}? St. Paul was a, tent maker. Solwe would 031' have it.,incunibent upon every girl to be thorouglilydrilled in cooking and sew- lble ing,,nnd'- all that nppertainsto household duties, the lack of knowledge of which has driven many at man to drink, and _ "llencejn pt drunkard s grave. How- c`el_ ever rich a woman Iggy at marriage, apj a practical ki1owledge.ofhome dutiaspwill be: enable her `to be u more eflicient mistress, ,iv_ of being direct-her helps ; and if if) misfortunes come, as `in this country they. `,8. often do, woman willbo able to keep well themarriage vow--`ffor better for worse, f0rr1'icl1e.1' tfor poorer,-in sickness and in health, N ow3vv"e1doniiend,=tlzutr_imodern _ lfashionable edllcattionriunts? votariea to be the helpminesof iiien;;:-_ or d 4 over-iiressed'-dells whsit at 'thel;- l?,ngvlirl,f oyr -whs_1,:earthly.="i " ` ` ' ` ' 7 *9? 1103i I1 -`Ii , . ., on`th.edUat,liBl`afa}t ' tpitiable ;he {is has all - sta- md lim xty ing our our - myofy ayapepuc-gmng. amnars, we are - t_l3e -atgtention of; English. `swim spa. 7 class, and we hopenthat some-method uogf` household igmtnyction will be added to ...... ..L'l.........:.... ...........]I...J __:,, M . , I.`.".` 3'2 'ia1ep19nd4.-_vnaIl*i1:nnda`t* But; we - '-in isit any wonder that 0 1 ' -With iii! obncemitants of an n, illlgovenied, disorderly hous'ehold,. iwilh - often super-induced by the fool- - -' isho-and criminal tight-lacing`, consump- tive votaries of fashion ! This "woman's .rights'. movement is also a serious deter rent to `marriage. `Men. want wives and mothers to adorn their homes, and not noisy, gad-about, brazen-faced doctors, lawyers, preachers, politicians, hod-carri- Qrs, brick-layers, stone-masons or carpen- ters. Good cooks, good nurses, good _s sewers and managers are wanted at the 1 head of every home; and when women are I trained for the proper performance of these duties we may expect. to hear of . more. marriages and happier ones too, than we hearof at present. .N:1po1eou 1 said`, p France. wants more mothers". Henever spoke a truer word. If crime ` rears its hidious head amongst us far ` more than it should do, it is because so few mothers knowntheir duty and do it, We hold with one of the greatest writeis of the age that, as a rule, Man is what his mother makes him." ' Think of that ye fathers-who are making fn.shional)le good-for-nothing dolls of your daugliters. We have written thus because we feel in earnest-`on the subject, and also to throw in our small inuence with those true philanthropists who are agitating for a reform in woman's education, taking as the foundv.tion- a prepai-edness to dis charge etiiciently the duties of Home. As we intimated in our last issue,` the attack on our esteemed County Trwsunjer, I1 1? A ' Rnvu mun vnnaln kw unrnn HUDCIURX Ull ULIL Uavcnlcu \JUllL4IV .1 lU(Vlll_Ul H. R. A; Boys, Esq , made by some cowardly scribbler, signing himself Teacher, in the South S2mcoe'News, is utterly without; foundation, as the follow- ing Vcol-mspondenco conclusively p1'oves:- -n.___._ n-L_`_., rv 1or'.-A I "" I Tues. AVrKIiNe,'EsQ., Warden of the County of ;S'z'mcoe:v SIR,--In consequence of an a.1'ticle ; appearing in the South Simcoe News, stating that your County .Ti'cnsn1rct' lnul ' been making use of n.'lz11'ge sum of money, ' and tlint he had not for wnrdcd Silitl money ` to the Toivnsliip Treus1u'ei's for the pay- ment of the Teachers at the proper time that such money shouldyluwo` been paid ; in fact, that your County Treasurer had been using for his own` benet some Six- teen Tliousaml Dollars that should hive been in the hands of-the School 1`eacl1era some timesince, and, seeing articles in the Barrie papers, calling upon your County Treasurer for an explunatpioll, I deemed it iixyduity as Auditor to call upon your Co. Treu.~n1i'ei' for the. purpose of investigating the School Account, and, l as Mr. I.1`uIlj-auies, your other Auditor, was absent, I took upon myself to ask ` the assistance of T. D. vMcConke3 `Esq. , in the investigation. . `Va nvnn1':1ui:] vnlllu "l`vnnc|1rnv-'5: 'Rnnl(5x ll] UIIU lllVUHlJl5lIUlUlIo VVe exaniined your Treasure!-'3 Books and find that 'one-half of the amount (some 38,000) which is collected in the Towllships, does not pass througli . your 'Treasurer s hands,-but is retained in the several Towxlshipsi, the other portion, ,that paid by t.lm'Govm'nn1ent, being the only pzlrt that he has to sjw_c_:ount for. Va fnnml Hmf. unnr '1`:-nmanwmr hm: Ullly llll UIIEIU IIU IIiIr IA! (`I/D_\.4\J|l|l.Il lull `\Ve found that,your' Tx''er lms enterec1$8,5l3, as ieceived from the Government onvthe 21141 Sept, and on the same day we find entered as paid to the foliowing Townships. the amounts coming to 'them, 'iuu'ne1y:-_-_- 7 Essa, Innisl, 01-illia and Machedash Flos, Medon't_e, Oro, W & Gwillimlmrn Notaxkvasaga, Vespral ._ And on the`-A3_rd`Sept paid- Adj-Ala, Morrison; A Mono, Tzy,' I Muskoka, Monck, Mulmur, Tiny, ' 'Aud on the 4th Se_pt.`paid---- ' o _"S,1;1;x;x`1x_i;lf.`-i1I9_,' Tectrrmmetlx, Tossorontio. . 1 nr '1 17-1`: be held next week in our town, to solve. "`From all we have heard the expectant * GRIT CONVENTION FOR NORTH SIMUOE. 7 Who will be the standard-bearer of the Grits at the forthcoming contest for the Legislative "Assembly, is the important question for the Reform Convention, to ubnotor, ex-M. P. McConl can have the honor of contesting the Riding if he chases; although it is abundantly elem` : that Noddy bears tlmt gentlemen no gool-will--hence his. fight on behalf of A bx-M.P.P. Lount. We really should like to hear Mr. Lonnt pitch into the I misdeeds of John Smuleld `and his ` Government, and denounce, by name, the . "Retormers of thoNorth Riding, through i whose repnesontntions he had pumued ` the course he did in Parliament." We ` `would also like, from his own lips, to ` hear the white-washing process by which 1 he came "to be entirey in accord _with I the Reform party," and is now esteemed A reliable man, nnd faithful again to the 1 gods heonoe foreewore, What childlike 1 ulmplicity in sweet: Willlllln not to rely am his own judgment when in Pm-lis- `lnont, but to be able to say when con- _ ifmnted with -his votes, well I was told `todo so by smooth T. D. Mc., or I would bet hue ilone it, Is not such stuff as `thin dixgeslng. Supposing the statement made by Noddy to be true, it simply Jneane that Mr. Lount is afpoliticiul iiwoathm-cock,'his only mistake being that lie mistook the way the wind blow, and `voted, like a. blubbering hoy at school jut thevway he was told to. \Ve sup- you, however, ~-tlmt this will not be the 7 .` only object of the forthcoming Grit con- ,-vantion. Perhaps the sinews of war` _ _ "Willi he discoursed in the pow-wow of this_ , But; `above all a, good cry" -1 A`_,, .n, 1, gun party. |-II-lllll LU W uu IIIIIIJUV-la T ]31\_TRY 1a13As 1;, co, Auditor, . M00051`; Y? ` I ypusttfhrther add, as a_qdil;or, that I have nnvenlbefnre heard, ofnny person presenting a legal claim agamst the .Cunt.y,_. :4; your Tnjusumr, withouhita being paid 7 62; Vpresentatkion, Such a Jzliirrs 35 *h..1P99P9nii\it:v9f`,-*'!9A Pi) - mgnt. of gn_y..lawful olaiur ,J{'gain8.ti:'your _ :1 .;.:hu'n9v,e=.Teh999.he4rd'o_ .- _ . -.`....'.-__.`_`........z-... .. , -n. _,v..- .-.-- 3-..-v- ...v.._ . __._ -__ - - .ENRY FRASER,Co. Auditor.) ., V'\4t'/At` 0 F911 i:ti&,`1?own`Iisll; nday ' th L11. `pu_\_g.5\q._..~}..u_ --vv .......... .., ....~....- v---1->'I '. ' . ` ' , . _ A .. :` 'Ihe ncorporattgd Tqxynsg and Vnlhxgca arc`); ot._ paid zlu-ough your 'l`re:ysurcr_. Tlnnn dnnmmlinrr m'nnf' of vom- Ml}: u\7u.l1tllq -Iuuuslg _yuq.l. LL\.sI_aDut*-I7 Upon doumnding proof of your Treasurer of tho; corrcctnms of theao entries, 110 showed the following" letter .from -tho Honorable Adam Crooks, T2-`oagureg of Ontario`, enclosing the cheque fot` the $8,`!-13, as proof of tin- orrectness of the dam at which he had the receipt: of 110 money entered in his books: - l'_.,,-_- -_ __._.__'I JJIAHIV k7llLj' - You willnd enclosed receipt; for G0v1:_n1t_q;-qt Gmnbto Schoo_ls- of this 'l`owns!sip; A _ (Ivan: you vnunon H711 ` I v I UVV `l|3`.ll. g Yours respectfuily, V A . "JAMES Wlnsou, I M Treqs. West Gwillimbury. ' - Woconsider that-yo1\r Treasurer has clearly shown that; there has been no do- . lay in hin_oi in fol-wardi'ng the money; he received it at 12 o clock' on the 2nd . Sept, andbefore 3,-o e1ock `oi the same = day, about one half. `the amount was in ` the man. for the Township _'I`rca.su1-era, and in forty-eiglnt hours from-its rceipt every dollar was lcsp;if.cIned;v ' ' ` `VA nnnnhlnr nffnr n'nnnnJn. `n1.-_ UVl .l`_y uuuul; Wan LI.LVI`l'(lI|I.alI(7lIu ' \Ve consider, after an .tho'1_'ougl1 `ox- amihiition iujx; t_l}j{4 matte:-, that your Tre.1sure1- `was extremljr expeditions in forwarding the school money to its desti- nation, and must express our n`ujn'ise at any one; ' attacking a public oiger with- '_o_1;t t_-he slightest `cause, pb.rticula1'ly a Sshooi Tchev. =.Is'y9ur '!-`,r` kilowe _hqw nmdous the `Iv ea1cl1e1-s igpe gr "e_i_1_' n;1oney',_pu: on one sidenll the other fjit1g_ `of; hispioe`, and posh` he and the Treasurer devoted ' themselves guy`-.irIiesp$fw.~'h nnti1i.t_W83..*11 mam % - UENRV 1?RAQ'mR. n Anriifnn UUUKHV [cow op LETTER] TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ONTARIO, _ Toronto, lst Sept., 1874. _Sir,--I have the 1101101`-to tmnsmit herewith cheque No. 4170, on the Batik of Oomnxcnvco, for .tl;es11m of $8,413, being the uppo1`tior}n1ent to your Uounty out of the. Grant for the `support of Public Schools. . V I have the honor to be, sir, 9 Your obedient servant, A, Cnooxs, u " `.`. /'_ren.mrer.?.'- . 3 Tn (`.n 4 'rv-anunrnv " ` 7 LU \./U. .Ll'CllD|ll'Cl, DJIIIIUUU. . ` And, in proof of the despatch of th money to the ' Township Treasure:-s, he howed the` following lettr_ from the Treasurer of \V>sb Gwillimhixry, (the Township from which the comphtint comes): V A frvnnv n`I'.` r.wwm:*'u 1 To Co.` T1-ensurer, Simcee." A.-ul :.. ..'...,,'.r ,.4` `']\n AM ghhamc. U|. IlIl.`-I5 ,3 [com or LETTEIL] N mvToN_nnuINsoN, Sept. 4, 1874. H. R. A. Bovs; ESQ, Tums. Cu. Smcqn, DEAR Snz-- ' " 1:17 , ,, 911 t!,_j _- -`I-_...`l ..-,_.`__L A FALSE CHARGE. -W`I3i.IVA7[;IV1VIE-,V6zt;)i;g.b,`lV74.rV A glohx. '-V:cmaxuus<.';-3l:`Iio'. "Website: ' Sewing Machine toolfthei x-it prize. at the South Siniooe Fair. ~ ..a-A -\ `I y-7.r;'5('::nw ;a'ass-3;&n5-zfn'w- ._'_*7i-9; me` through, the'.[`om " is unavoidably crowd- ed `oub chiaweok. Will ap'[ea.r in our` next. ' Zn'3';";a".1mg*" ei.L"1`; i$}'i`.a`2`LFn" month. . ~ - "`]-EJLLL Townsip of E O1-o" will hold a Fall Ploughiug Match _at Qhnntv Raw {Inn-inn` H-an l.ul-.un- nor!-. nf thin I:1;I;3TON1LL.---V,Ve ar glad to learn that `our friend `H. Ha.rper,_E_sq., of Cooks- lwwn, is appointed Noam Public for nnfa 2-.- ` vvvvu, 1n Onta 1`; L .7 Suicon FALL Snow. --:Next ' Tuesday and Wednestlay the Nort.h1Siu_1- .--;.n Fol` slhnx 111;" `an IunLl- nnn' `nun. `swoon ELECTION c'AsE_7 1 it a. Vrhcaudgea of the Election Court Tuesday, the Tenth `day 3 o(,_No'v'on'1ber, at" the Court House in 1 for the trial of th petition against or Mr. H. H. cook. `,VV,'qJu!idoutand from the Solicitors , Liho .1n'vr; thiaondugt of the matter, that ~. 3;` LL- t'\...._4. Il__.- _'__I___-; ;_:.2 , _.._ -4- n... LIKCGUNJ .u.u.L V1 dllltlly IJIIU LVUKUII Lilli!` cue Fall Show will be held; Don't for- get that fact-._ A Ti- .....-.. A ILL ____.L LL AL |,-_ L..__ __ 0` VI5e:ef1e.V;Alho|1gh there has been no `special epidemic raging in town, the number of deathmduring the past week he ve been considgel-uyble. J um LAN'r.---The Orillians are intoxi- cated with joy at being proclaimed; town . We also are glad of it. May the new town speedily become a city. \1'..........._.. 'r_-_.__ `II, n s,,1 " "" "l"'"_'-I """'-' " "'1' NORTHERN LI,gu'rs.-Wo think we never saw a more brilliant display of the Auror`a. Borealis than was visible on our northern heavens last Saturday night. `l\.....-:L.. LL- ..._A`._____-LI- _.___;L~_,, .1 , _, __ _ - .-_-____._, _-,,.... Despite the /unfaworablo weather, the South Simcoe Fall Show, which was held at Cookstown, last Tuesday and Wednes- day, was avery successful one in every respect. ' ` UDDEN D1-:A' week Mr. Jos- Kcen, one of the most highly respected inhabitants of Orilliu, died after only one days sickness, from "inammation of the bowclls. : If you want good horses be sure and attend thosale at Harry Hunt's stables, on the 17th inst. The best horses ever otfered for sale in Barrie will then be put up. Don't forget. Vnmnng. T`........ 1XT.. '_L_-;_E,_II,,' , ,,_,,, I Lu... -1". 4/vnn v L\JLb'Ullo Vorxms LIs'rs. ---Wo cheerfully: axvaid to_ tho O1-illia Times the credit of print- ing those Voters Lists praised up by His Honor J udge_ Gowan. All being well we will run our confrere hard next year. ur]'\,,,, 13...... `r __._...._'n_ ..__ n ma 9 .. u ..vv J van . `-`Tm: BIBLE Loox1Ne'-GLASS."--This work, we notice, is published by A. H. Mcgafiiii, Guel,pl1, Out., for which Agents are wanted in every town and t.ownship._ Sand for it. 41-4in. Signor Nobi_le s leetur on Tuesday evening last, was but thinly attentlettlie evening being wet and cold. The lectu_rex- is doubtless u. taleiited man, but speaks English so imperfectly as yet, as to make it all but impossible to un( him. III--- .,_. V ` " --'.1`nos1: requiring cheap lumber for Sliedu, `Barns, Stables, and Fencing, should attend SUTIIERLAND, W1LL31o'r'r & Co :-1., sale on the 10th October, at their Wutm Mill, at 11 o'clock. Lunch on the ground. 40-2in SIIAM F1an'r.-The Sham Fight at the Cmup in Hollzind Landing was lurgely uttomlotl to-duy ( [`_luu'sduy), andvwas the subject of great enco_niums on tlioinilitary` tactics and discipline displayed by such 1-aw troops, and undef such unfavon-u.ble circumstances, v.....,=- V. V... ........-..-, -...-- _-mg rt linfe rdgred jiaiticulara of the _ ot _ bribery and lindue inuence an.` _ The Collingwood Bufletzn is in for n 7 libel suit, Mr. llodgns, a t_.:Lvc;'n-keeper near 1 arx'_v Sound`, is the Plainhi , 2311;! claims dammges to `the amount of $2,000. The BuZletm s offence app to have ' bgzen the statement; by it that. a man 1 -itmcd John Clark died from the effccs ,'o'-` liquor olybnirgoq at the Pl:Lint;i"s? or, ' rather, `a correspondent i\j1rd';e`s_o, and our ' Uollingwood confxvevo pub1_isl1';. ` A nnnnnn sun A _ _ __2._,1 ll -I Tmz CAuP.;-\Ve `are glad to learn that despite the miserably cold and wet wenther- our gallant volunteers have hag] ' luring their camp life at Holland Land- ing, that there has been but very little sickness amongst the troops, and that little not of a serious nature. V r. .-. -- ,_- W. .- -.._.-..-4 ....yu.u- S1`. CmsI-1xs.-Tlxe ancient order of St. Crispin will hold their annual A8- scmbly in 1\I:I.rbin `Moore's Hall, [Star Block, Duulop st;., 011 Monday, the 26th inst. There will be (lgmcing, etc. The snppov will be supplied by mine lrost Mr. Alfxed Arnnll,` of the Bzwric Hotel. .;..,.., .,.,q uuIu_;u_. Lu, gqqv1qg.nq0 K8!}e door, and whilst attending to some one who was. ordering lumber, the boy anter- ed the office, unlocked the safe,` stole; the fm6n ay{=ahdl6ckod Safe `In- a? few minutes the! money Was: missed, Weaver suspected, traoed;u_> charged with, n.- __-__- ,, Iv UGIUI. uu_npucusu, lm w Barrie, h`3_d WW1. but deniedpthe crime {was the mnnmr Muir .;.`..:.I L... .......5.,.. .......,_ uul. uunxea we came, was , `c ' ghgmoney A` foLi1nd on ` %vei(h:'t}1e e'xo'epti';n_ gd:99B d ilazty which fr;'xit,v'&q': : " _. ..-_.. ...... uuItIQlIIl\Il._lI_ uuluso - THE!-"l`.--,A.. boy named Weaver -has just; been sentenced by the I_ntarim'0ourt to 4 years imptisonmm in the Be!` 'm-- `awry. for'teaIj1;g $253 Iron; . APerk_1ns`, oice, It wopxjld seen; that`Mx`, Perkins bmt;l'xqr.plz_1ce(/l`the money in the __,n_ ,, 11 u . .. .._..... vuguc, 1.0 vyu_u_n 36611} was Mr, Perkins brother placed the in safe, and lqckgd ih,:]qqvi;;g- the key ingthe door, and" attondinir to some mm PRACTICAL J 0KING.~--LxSt Sunday, the oicers at the H(')1huid Landing military camp had :1. young dog served up to them as 9.-`sucking pig, and did nbt know the diiference till they were told. But, ah! `when the trick leaked out, if there were no qualms of conscience there was many :1 stomach that didn't feel quite rght. A llnnn `Dun-'..... VI'\L._ 4\___'nE_ nu,-,, WELL Dom: 0R0.-We are proud of Oro, Won; is not polipiqally !I,l1'g(vuqg(% with us ; for Mr. John Ru`hhex.'fo1=d, 0 that Township, was, at the 171-oyincial Fair held at Toronto, this year, awarded t_he bst prize for the best two bushels of Vhito V_Vinter, \Vheut ; and also ` took izes for '1`imot.hy Seed stud Indian Corn. fqrd, and the Township on `hiqsplendid sucoess . A ' -_ V W6 -hem-tily co;;g_L-ayigxtlam Mr, 1?_`.g_1t};g.1-.. -,J 1.. ,._.___v M he delivered on of; the [)!lI"!n0ntl1V_ to Mr. Cook's `_-gen;;, and`: although they have already information whieh' will enable them to give the particular-agin upwards of one(` hundred and fty canes, still we would urge onour friends, and all thoee through- out the Rlding,who like Maddlson .s J ohr, ` want to putdown bribery and corrup- tion" to send into the oices of the Liberal Conservative Association `any use bribery known to them not al- reo.dy`1-eportecl. `Let. it be made plainly manifest how much dollars bills have had to do with Mr. Cook's return as the -member of North Simcoe at the last two. BARRIE 11:. -CoLLI'NGwooD.--It seems that in the matter of taxation, Calling- wood beats Barrie, for awarding to" the Bulletin, Barrio With an assessment roll to $802,933,-the Town Council of Barrie exiwend this your only_ $16,500 forall purposes. T The-_ I I m'ent`roll of Collingwood is$738,579,b.nd the xnnnklituun m+:......a....I .4. an: ooo . .....o W .,q 1uy11uu1V1;ILI'l,'l 13 lg; mllla o` the dollar; in Cdllingwood, 19' mills. Facts are stubborn things. I 'l`In:nm __ A" L... ._._____1 111., I I N 1:.1n1,y Jc`.uuL.-'-As a lad named M-.u.cdoun,id was crossing the railway track at Allzuululo with n. liorso and wagnron, D the horse xvzas ssmck by the engine of a. passing tmiu, and instantly" killed, the. waggou bcing smashed. The boy was thrown into the corner of it fence, but was more frighten_ed t1m.n hurt, as he es- caped with But a few slight bruises. nu I\A .-. . _ - - r----., -~-~- ------v~v y--vo_o--ov\~--w- ACCIDENT.-AB a` night wa't_ch"'of the N. R. R. through freight train was pass- ing from one car to {mother at the Allan- dule station, h'o,feH'between the cars and broke a-leg in several places, 30' `badly that it haul to be amputztbed. Tho acci- dent took place on Wednesday morning, and was caused by lending his lantern to 7 . another man. The unfor'tm1abe_ mam has been about seven 1_non_tI1s umrricd. 11v v\ .`\ -- . -_--- --`-_ - --.,- .1....u ..,-5.. Goon ENaL'Is1_1.-The Orillia. Times tzlks us to "task for using the word on- -low in connection with'onr_co'ust21bu- l:u'}'. Bef01'c \1nd_Qrtal_(_ing to ixgstrilct us in the English l:1.nguuge,it; will be as we if our cautem. um'io`1rst.ood it himself ;' as" then Lu would not have bemted us for +h -3 use of the right word in the right pine ' `. ,. . . . . - that .i rntn it `A bH'C`:n96n barrage notbrioljy, has rcceiveli hisleward but the hands '_6l' his Grit cmp!oyes, in the shape of a fat office in Manitoba. Like master Iikev man. ' We are glad toleem, from the Luv !- don Times, that the Queen will pay ' ghe indebk duesa_ ol the Prince of Wales out of private sources, and that the no tion will not be called .upou to pay , them. That is as it should be. I I VIII. llxlvcnlj uulv uu tall! uuuutiu ul. lur: _ y the pure party again, when we ' 4 him admit, at "a. public meeting, spent ~ eleccion; ~&lg`,*`how`efver, He `spoke the `truth mid, Gentlemen, sorry 7` it.` But, L ,we 52...... I.` -3 Is}: nimn [Inn urns-an nl>`n' nun.-nl