Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Oct 1874, p. 1

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.\lINION HOTEL, Annfs 1`ON_. W. 0. HAND, Prcprietornnd Auetioneer The proprietor of the Dominion Hotel has re- cently, owing to its greet increase in business, been compelled to-add double accommodation to his old house, mid_has had the establishment re fitted and, re-furnished, and with ample stables, beds, and sample `rooms, he thinks he- will be able to receive all of his old friends, wlioimve so liberally supported him illjlle past. Room for one, room for all. Best wines and liquors, best table, best accommodation, of any country plsce in the Domiuion.--W. 0. Hand requests the public to beer in mind that he is at the present time the only Licensed Auctioneer in these pa.rts,end in that department of his business be is prepared to give his best atten- tion to the interests of settlers, and invell cases to give fair play to buyers. ` E"Se.les of stock of all kinds promptly attended to, and prompt ' settlement elwnys assured. 42-ly , _ _ _ A _ ..- n ., I\___..I \ ...._...... A!` Excellent accomndation for Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the "Travelling Public. Boats, Fishing Tackle, and Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. The Bar is well suppli- ed with Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Good Stabling and attentive Ostlers. N.H.-Sp1endid Speckled Trout streams in the ` ` ' . 48-ly-w vimnitv. 11. I` nju} vicmxty. . ........, . THE WELLINGTON HOTEL. L `mos. Vsummnsmvr, Proprietor. .--:1 The best Billiard Pm-lor North of Toronto. . The table is supplied with everythingrin season. Pure Wines and Liquors. Good Stabling. Bmie, Deo. mm, 1372 L 1061' THE ROYAL HOTEL, ALLANDALE. -(0roxou s old atand,) os; ROGERS,` CHIEF` CONS .5_ m"I`i-," rune Olerk in ' The Table and Bar well supplied. Go ) (1 Beds First-class Stabling and Atteutivc Hustlers. . - 48-ly , `VL ARKSON HOUSE, BARRIE: 2 v ' - :7?%3;11`* KLLISTQN H_o"FE1.. The`Simcoe,' under its new management, has undergone conaidergble improvement, and now presents to the travelling community a house uncxcelled for coxnmodiouancssnnd com- fort. The Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of Lin_uor's and Cigars, and in the charge ofan adept. compounder of drinks. ` Good Stabling and Sheds. .. 40-ly - A .. . --.-. u vvnnuur :u`\4`\I7'Q"l`l\\I7\I XIHI '.-Io b3}.-Ah .9 n 8;" DUNCAN M. oHUR5,r1zoPR1m*oR_. Lat: of Havwood Razlroad House, Rzcc Lalu. Dlanuuug u n u N _ . _ .. ~ HE EXCHANGE HOTEL, UO0KS'l`0W}{. ---- JOHN GREGG, - - - Proprietor. Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, of the best quality, supplied at the bar. A goodrtable is alwaytkept. Excellent; woccmmodatiou for Travellrs. An attentive Hoatler. Charges moderate. Stage twice dailyfrom the house to Guilford; and daily from Roaemont and Al- liston and back . ' 42-ly ELLINGTON Hormoooxsrown. ` j O,/ARMSTRONG, - -` - -Proprietor. I -2-- Vn. CONWAY, - - - Proprietor.` ` ines Li uora Ci Ms, The be?_t:t.:::i :21? `Egret-Glass gar alwayga on `ad the %}(:, table is unequalled in its furnish- band" The commerclal roams are better .than mgall th or .'I`or`onl'.o. The stabling accom- :':Jydat`i);n cannot be excelled. StsK `WW9 3 ' '1 f th (33? ` `mg fr?E1_9.u 1lL(.):rd: 11`:l.].:inSa;:nyl` h:?'.!l1{l. 6 inga. ThB`O0llUlu_IuI u.-u.... .... -__,__ any North .'l`or`onto._ acc modation excelled. Stage twig; to and from Guilfnrd, and daily` from house to Rosemont a.i1d\.i1liaton and back. - - 4: bluouniuu on u u_,.. -.......-._ , iDLAND HOTEL, (Late Rnya1.)c.orner of Front and Caldwater street_a,Urillia,Ont. --.-. JOSHUA CLARKSON, pPrcK>prietor. HE SIMOOE HOUSE, nbxt. ddr West of the Old Bank of Toronto Bni1ding,`Du_n1op street Barrie . _ -.---.-- , COMMERCIAL" HOTEL, DUNLOP STREET EAST, BARBIE. . ` :-----~ _JAMES`HAYDEN,, -` -- Pgorawron. vs:-jn Good Board, good accommodation for Travel- lers, good Wines, Liquors, and Qignra. An attentive Homer alwayajn attendance.` 9-y --`A 19,-. ,' 'Y"...I.T H E- "Char D nn:m\ hqm In.-,: -lI('r 1 III TIC -` xll` Ohm-lea 01arkson,(late of the Turf Club House)_begs to intimate to the public Vthat. he has opened out a. rat-class Hotel on the pre- miseslstely ocbupiednsthe Bank of Toronto. The bar in tted'np in x-`st-class styleund Liquors and Oignis of the choicest brands can` nlwnvs be had The Stn`l_:lin_g in; good and ,:,.s A- ha choicest orsnus can always had. Stsbling is good ample. The heat of aocomodation in oifeied to travellers and boatdan, as I.he_1-ooml. _u:a'large and airy. and tho but`. of board is to be had. An gttentivo outlet always attendance. ._ V ' `OHARLE 0_LA.RSOlf, OEANV I-_1o'rE L._ .2 `BINGIIAM. % Pr Vol. _ ---_---- onnorn l"':a||"wa'y ofnpnilto tlio. VN % '_ :-5,P.`~,'`.','.!oT..349-.'.`,3"'~' L A . , 3!"i:.u`YV:_!?,`1I";.`,8'V7,i3 AV . ,p_v-A IN-1}` M. SHANAOY, - --.- WALTER TAYLOR, Proprietor. .-o....:- 3: < 931 ;k>e.r year in advance; \J - U17] 1 l U, ' -Obie! Agent for Dom1nion.. , JOSEBH R04 ,:///v //////. . . V ,--T? Iluvn nu .. ..._, -. -* :-.-:-*` ' H O T E L.-:- __Br\.LuuF!InQA nf the Turf tof aocomommon nu onuruu Lu mrdera, srdlarge be but be had. let i OHABLE QLARKSON, _ ` L T Pronriotor. LID! UOIEIHIOTI .4 ' JOSE RH ROGERS, A aunt, Rm-rin managemen n {mvu-nmnmon L and - P1-opritor_. `D. nU\:rnx\.o, Agent, Barrie; 7 Pr'op_1.'ieto'r-` I3 HI HM! nnou L`. , Propnetop. hili'l ` ~42-1); ` a M."`1`. o*::: a:,"$.;:,;;:*::a Ii ' :1. '- is prepared to give instructions at the reei ence of pupils, and also qt his own resi- dence. Pianos, Organs, _9.nd Meiodeons Tuned` and Repaired. For terms and further parti- rulafs apply at his Reaidnce,James St, welt of.the Cat`no1ic~Church', Barrie. -. " Barrie, November 7th. 1872. . , 45-tf . \ \~~ , ,, -_ /\y _/`~., -\, _,.. `Af.'I?:`{1TN 5`E i$iIA WE, _ ELE0'T)21(:1AN (9 GALVANIS T, ` Hnrrison s Brick Block. Dnnlnn Siren. \ The Mansion House is a. thxv-ce acsry brick. building. It abrda apaciousness, convenience. and comfort. The pronietor is we11 known as a. hotel keeper to nearly n1l_in this county, and his experience will be `n guarantee as to the merits of The Mansion under his superintend- unce - .. ' , - Sample Rooms for Commercial _ l`rzu'ctl`,1r. GOOD STABLING AND SEEDS. D. FARA GHER, `D-an-iunr PLATI- I30_1\TE' B3rrie.AJ:J.n`. '3, 1872. 141. ` cARi).:T`ue s{its?r: t;{B$_i,4TS}nri}n~ the pub|ic or Barrie an_d vicinity that he ia_pre- ared I0 SINK \V-ELLS, TANK S, (:r'do-E}CA- Q/ATING. eixhcr hv lhn inly nr dnv. nn 111:: .-u|mr`|.u.a `19i'AiIoN HOU E, ' iIAhTPE`W1 BRTTAVSIN area to mun \'V-b14l;,'J.'I\LVv.\ 5, or do-t.'1u:A- ATING, pilhcr hy the job or dny,m1lhc sluu-`(;.[ notice and lnusl rm-asonnniu terms. Apph to . - ' I R. (.?U.I`lIBER'l`, V or Mr Wzxunclrz-l|.Bz1rrie._ A '40-1y." ' `ll\[LV1A'\|J IJLI \V 1'4, ` L Butcher and Poullomr, BEGS toinform the pnb1ic`th a.tbe has taken Stall No. 4, iu the Market House, karrie. where he will carry on the above businoaa. arrie.Decemhe.r 11th. 1867 . ` -60 JV._J.'l`, having bought out the Stock rmd Good-will of 1. Va Willinma,. is prepared to sup- ply the public with Beer, Beef. Pork, and Potash Bnrrels,Kegs, Clmrns,Wa'sh Tubs, Barrel Churn 2, and the Celcbrateal Uylirvlcr Churn ; nls0,Ci:4lurns of all sizes, and all Work in :1 Cooper : Line 01 Business. - }oIltcr - - - - - -. a Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET. ` MARK I91" HQUAKFI, ~ ABARRIE, .. . - - -9 -T, `oummo. AD. TFARAGHER,` Proprietor. " \JL.LLAJJ\}J_l from the first dairies in tho Provmcs, which for _ quality cannot be beaten. ..__.: &l 6.2.`; %I n sex: \---a. va in-`=1 `child 0 I Consisting of Toaa, Sugars, Coffees, To- haccos, &c., Pickles, Canned Se.1mon,Lobgters Sardines and frnitotevery description. ' " N l:__A nhln int nf' nnimn om! I-aim-n;+a . ISIS!) 3 H116 BIUCJS OI ` E`3.@DG92'~.!aE!'9.i2l8 n__-:-L:._..'..r rm.-. 0...-.. r1,.zr.-- parumca Mm IrIuv..UI uvery Innwrlpuon. N. B.--A ohcxce lot of cakes and biscuits, manufactured of the best. materials, always on hand, with a choice selection of Italian gdods from the boat packers of Europa _ R. KING,Jr GEORGE Nnigm, 'ORILLI`A. The subacriber is prepared to execute all or- ders in "aiming, Decorating and Paper Hang-_ mg, &L. - V Pninnu of nildnnnrintiona done with neat. .P,aint.ing of alldoacriptionsdono with neat-is uesqand dispatch and at reasonable rnteq. " All work warranted to giva -satisfaction, V IIBSIBSAGA s'rRI:I:'r OIHLLIA. mmnnata `.\1 !`.'iV"|l`.'M 0m1{s.a5tb Mm. 1971 $5 To $20 `I 1 '1-ilher sex. vnuug ur old. [-mo. II A`. `$0 I U IP59 classes 01 wnrkmg people, nl either sex, ynuugnr mnkc mnre nmnuy at work with us: in their spnrc mom:-ms. or all the lime. lhnn ul any lhingelsc. Pnrxinulnrs free. Address 0. .`4 I`lN.\`l)N 8., C0,, Portland. M'c`nne. ` ' V 19-n-ly Y _ L!1UnllIKHIuUlul`Ul'ljl Ul GARRIA GE3, Buooms, . - WAGGONS, ` _AND snmoas O the lst abeatstylee and of the most np- ' proved construction, Oollier Street, Eam,_ sec- ond door from the Market, Barrie. As the ad- vertisers are thorourzhl_7_und practically con- versant. with their business in all its details, ernploye none but the most- skilful workmen, end use only the best nmterixl, they can- - guemntee all work` turned out at tli sir establish- ment to giveperfcct satisfaction to the porches"-. er. Farmers and others look to your interests, and git -e us a call,-we promise tpgive you bet- ter value for your money than vpu can get at , any other Can-inze Factory in Barrie. - :1-Also . GENERAL llI.ACKL~5MI'1`EING in FHOMAS LOWE,` I u um;'u1'. -.-- - ` The-subscriber has receivod 21 splendid lot of n II T? I?` S: `tr other Uamzxze Jmctory m xsarne. G'Aiso, BI.ACK`d.-\'1`.HING ullits branches attended to. ' 4 . n.....:'. Inns . in 1272. ' 5-1`, %\vAae0Ns, BUGGIES, WIIIAGES. CUTTERS & TSLEIGHS. -w Aaqoxs. The subscriber having purchased the entire stock in trade of Mr. Wm. Whitebread. is pre- pared to make on the` shortest notice and most reaaonablehterma as good and as cheap Double or Single - . , T OARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ' _ , ~ SLEIGHS OR CUTTERS, A- ....>.. ha maa in this nr nnv nther ndnntv FNGLIQH BER zogirsgc AND oxiimsi 1 DEPOT. m1.......;'.\-.....:tm..1.... m...~,:m..: .. .'..v.....1:.a 1.`; -8 0III1)I' - BIIBCI NEARLY MARKET, - _J.?*`-E`.}, ~`_!`3- `9:`Yt'. u.;.4u .1.;.1J.Lv cf lI. 1..L4.V.(l.L1.(L Hnrrison s Brick Block, Duulop Sfreet-. L-ym:In._ - `tn _- El- aumumo Un uu Lxnnu, ` As can be made in tl or any other county " A. OROKER. ' g 134111114 l'U.V'I`4!Ul\.D` LVHITKGI Slnll No. 2, Ban-ie. Am-Ie constntly on hand a'godd s1')pi)lv;0i', Fresh Meat, Fowl, Game. cc..'of as choxce `quality as the markets atlbrd, and olfet the same at very moderate prices. nu.-ed Be-J, Sausages and La":-d,together with ` 2;! vex-'y moderate prices. , Corned Be-J, Sausages a variety of other useful commodities, can axwnys `be had at No.2 smu. An nurchases dllV0|'8d in any pan of the gown be No.2 sum. _ All purchases delnvered part (`reg ochargea Cash paid !or, Game: - _ ` `M'.3'"M` ` 9 L ` - '1. mm . Barrie Nov 13,_`1872.. , . -. an-A4n:;_"y JUSTICE IS . I`HE{GREAT,' BUT SIMPLE PRINCITPLEMANDV THE WHOLE SECRET or svccjszss INALIQ GOVERNMENT. Mats qrancugs aucu-..u-.u Barrie, June 18, 1873. UIIK IIUA DI" ULl`IlIl\I`.u II -1-: rug:-U `S warranted to cure all discharges from`th'e Urinary Organanoither sex, acquitted or. _ constitutional, Gmyel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 436:1 each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Yendorm. . . RnIn.'Pr'nnri6taor. F J. CLARKE. MINTING AND DE0oi%X_f:NG . .M?ri?.r=l-1$Y9ua.T=Il-roar:-:& .09-L Wh9`|;W V- Medicine vendors. . _. `Sole-Proprietor. J. CLARKE, APOTHEGARIES HALL, `LINCOLN, ENG. Export Agents`. V Burgoyne; Burbidges & 00., Oolemsn street, gbondon. V . Newbery & Bons,_37 Newgste an-eet. London. _ Barclay &'.8o_ns, 95 Fgmin_gdon_ah-eet. Lq'ndqn,; Sanger Vt Son|.vOxford sire: t, 'London`,*.-' I ` A V And 311 the London Wholsale Houses. % L Agent;-In fcunuda. ~ ;. ... "l')`i'xi'E1-irinin`. ' EVIGNY a; corn. V Mannlnnfnrnrn nf' 5); w. , kurn VM07lrh CaL,'-EV`n`3, ; ,5 yum , vv uvlvm,-It f .. .. D"8i"'-V . L ' T 1 Lyman; Oliax-a 3 00. * ' . ' ' Toronto-`-Ellio`n '8 00'; Who1eenle*Druggi_nts ." ' `I v- -Qluaninunk nk. , _ c ,' - .._ - , .\ I 'I'07'01l30--ISIIIOII 8 U0 , vvuulcunw unu55.-aw. Sh tex, & Owen. _ - . _HamiItonr-__ ,ine,r'8,Coo-V._ ' ` - satire:-=-Ave:y',B' "a`.oo,_ V V42-_Iy. ~. _._-..-.;.-I on mu-n an dinnhnra-an ft-hm "t1 AND CGUNTY1 OF S 1MCOE %GENERA*E`_:Aa)VERT1sER. MARKT)T- squmia, ) Also 9." ne stack of H (PS! Yin-I TI`? 5'? YES! I1T15#iT.L nu.- ; in 1_lIT= . 4 \.. \/ \/\4'\/`g/NI`/'\.r\. --1 _. - `USN LESSONS. --- PROF. I FAYQED Du-....!nL .......! LVIGUUII Manufacturers of (1 A but A ring ARRIE TIGHT WORK OOUPERAGE. .._._--~ '.J. TAYLOR, -Proprxfotor. __:.. A. ununnu, V . _ Collier street East, Barrie. l6. 73. V - . 29-ly_ ""miaxM""a'dEE, BUTCHERS and GEN- ERAL PURV-EYORS. Mafkel Rlnll No. 2. Run-in 8 H1 H` Of Ell, A. OROKER, r1n:nr uh-an .par dnv. .Ap; ;cnu wuhlud! All V classes of wnrkmg people, at I. mmwv wnh L _B'l'K`l;'." Ulblllgo GEORGE _NEWTGN, P=\{nt.n.l" ' nnnnrnf n\.-`sun pa 9-aintt.-.r' ` . \.`J- LAJLI. ` Proprietor. ` nu (H-'.. sl:ul- -V- mt In 1` .`iw|'n _ xnlufn I VV 1. U N, Decorator. 21-lv -r_ lluhl hut be one n 'I`n:md' , 45-tf nml Ihns Lie!` > -.-n:.a`u` uva.-.51 _4LI..<:a:. u 711 g . A nnoimcos the opening of the above ej..r;.bI'i:-z_hL ment and solicits the pn;b!i(- p9.t1'0ua'e Goods, 2 ._ . . , '= . . Furniture} and Wares ofany km-~. re:-mvcd and ` adVlZBcet1.I:pC`.1:. O'ouu~mous'Pz:`ms!ns non ms F3'rom::u or Goons .QAT.E`Q"A' ATT 'TVIII.`s'.-`Q KJIIJJJJLJ Ill. Il'.Ll`lJ llLV.lL`4C|-4 Goods consigned to" his cs-.rc-Ml! be disposed of to the best possible :=.dvzmt.a;o. Tn um I Mnu nnuf _7tf This IS pre-amine my 11 shaving age- iflhis IB double: try 10 trade horses and see ifyou wont get shaved to your heart : content. `But at Prof. M0urc`sI, strange eosnv. the way not to gel shaved is to and thus get the vv'\u'Ih of your money. l{emexnber the place, Second Floor, centre New Brick Block, Du'nlop'SIreet, Barrie. 3 pay him :1 visit and get a clean shave, ' 1)Kl".l`A`Ul'l`1UUDl.1 I ARI.) In .11 Lynn 1 un-_ cured in Canada", the United States and Eu- nope. Pul.e_an.l guurzmlecd on no charge. Sendfnr printed iusuuctiuns. Agency in operation ten veal-5.. ' HENRY GRIST, Hnuwn_Cxmn:1.'l. r.1uaaaw3ic?;Ez%ba'fmat AND B8MMiS_$|N rmusvzs, 1 `MRYM. nnnn mn man u,nL'r:~m-rJ'nn::t.1 .-- ...... .-_..... . . . . . . . ...., _ NEXT DOOR TO THE MARKET `HOUSE, , ,Oox.x.nVm Srn:aT,.[%Ax1;m , "'\.l L`Jn uxnau 'N'o. 1, No 2, and No 3,`of this brand, V V are unsurpassed for body and }u`il1is.ncy of shade. Packages centain full nett weight. The public are warned that certain bthar brands are 1 nba short in every so-called 25 pound package. Eu-.mine the brand an} do not be put off Barrie, Cbntaxfio; Thursday, October 8, 1874*; Ottawa. Cunndn. Meuhauiga! Engineer. Sohciliqr ot'Patents an_d Drnughtsnmn. I _ A v X\1 _:_ l mzmnx u1uaL, . ....--r-, H , 1:31-. _ ' - Sold by any respectable-de.~.`.era in Paints throughout Ontario, and to dealers on! by ELLIOI.` & 0., '|"nnnwrn. ` Examine put whh inferior paints, The 3351' is always emu?- aunt . VIUKUIWIUA Far sale 'u Barrie by John Woods; J. P. W2.tson_f; Co and W011 : Bros. 1 -..__..- The undersigned begs to inform all parties who may need such work, that he has always on hand 9. large supply of hr A cumnn run 1) A DTQ I ` 5'l`\}VI`A1 1T.l:4 u1.a\;u;\,_,, Which he will sell at the lowest rates for 0531} . Wu. C. EMORY,` - Bayeld 32., Barrie, Near the Foundry. JulyV31, 1873. - 13-ly _ 1 l*1U`1uu1L.u1.uu Of every description, nnd all siza, taken at all bouts of the day. They alao keep in connr.=otionTw'nh the gallery 9. large stock of Albums. Album Pictures, Lockets. Cbromoa, Lithographs, nd n'A...nI`I . PA`I?\T'l`1NIG-_1` Pictures Fmmeu to order. HUMVIE & VAN DEN STEEN. Ormin, Jan. 21,1872. _. _A..,.- n.rv .'UMl"DlUUS YREHIHEB U01! TH! x`3'l`ORlI`."J li0OD SALES AT ALL TIMES. la.-`An ........:...._.z 4... L.'.. ..__- ...:n 1., .2 gs to nnno1iBce`t(;-th`0'D`151iW3-`h ' u - completed his S_T E A M P 0 w E R :3 II,-_'L2_..._-.. 1-... mm ..-.-.nm"m-mr-:1 nf hand large sup n TPLASTER 0yj_`:i*3m1s I vnnmwin 1`; 13. IV]. '1. \J V! It 1. _ and M9. chiuer'g forthe nu.-mufncturo of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, )50ULDING, &c and is prepxujed to supply th-33 urticlesat the - . lowest `price. _ v ' _ n. uunm An nmrsm :\.z.\an::!Wl\l!\`-If Ju1yV31,1e73. " A ' 13.1.5" P`n'0TOGiLif9H10 G7fI .T.T:TrT" nunum: &: VAN DENTSEEN, > 0_R1LLIA. . ..`-_ PHQTOGRAPHS m- __-; _ . . . _ . . . . . ....A .11 aha: mlmn M. all ~ weat`p1'1(: ._ PLA1N1N%emv' %ru_vr E:aa=2<:;:2rrio;\z. UnU_u..u 011.; ~.u, _Drsed and '1`on;rr.eda.nd C3.::a`;;;=.i Lumber. I J . every description, l11WlL'_-,'~ L':'. ,:and,1a.nd ad-e to order. , ' , Rim-yie. July-. ' . 47- .__:__ 67v%sTEaT$ A a [F2:: HON}? EOTYDNERY! NE'l*1Ul'lLl_V.'Sal\K '. ` TEAS,` fsaccos & CXGARS. ~i5}{'I`EN'I`S OE: 1A.`1`;\T7`1:*.T:~_I71"`IC')$iW' 1XP.EDl'l`IOUSLY AND PRZPERLY SE-_ `J ...._...l :.. {'..nnAn' Ihn ITIIIMIJ Slain: nnr1Eu- 0ystcrs,TDnrlni: Season, In ail this ` Various Styles. Dunlop St,61iposite Ne-vb: Brick B1ook.Bm-rie _ . Ontario ` 7: LVU. I. \IL\.L/ u;\.|J WH`|TE _LEA_D8, __ ___Gm.`U1: n 1?. n n _:`n_:. L..-_ And also of ms lrnprovcu ratevn STOVEPIPE BLOCKS! 7.4,`. 1... ..:n ...n .9 H11: Inwnnt. rntml fnr Gas Stages rnnningbetween Barrie and Penman- guis'bene, will leave Barrie Dnily,at 11:45 a..m. Returning, arrive at Barrie at 2 o'clock, p. m. V WEAYMOU EH * FARAGBER, 7 ' 7 Proprietors; : vnmnna .l.AllVI3i UK` 5E':=ST_:.4.__C3rE S. ...-..... - .4... 'iZ3'.,Vl'_f3i' R S 2 - .v\rvr.un nnvYLnn hnnnt *io= I3i)ERS! ' {uj.aGn s.- ;s'm.\'r nrriser9-nad At- torneys, S.`.i.:.itor_=. in Qhnrxcory, Notaries p.,m;c, Conveyn. -cars, P.grr1e,Go Hnncoe,VOnt. ,_ -_,,`.mnu;n, H. B. HTRATEY. I 1-.nV,SO1ic|'..'\I`R in Chzmcery, &c.-()ice- I J-Uv_\;'1";t;_ 1,} H-7.\` 1`. Bsrristma, Attornc'_vs-ntw Dulop Street. Harrie. Successors to the late- . B ullon Louut Boys & Stewart. $13 ,0(_'1o1-.. ' V G. W. Loam`. Q. :3` R0'.91.\ s0.\',Oril1is. Solicitor in Chan- H cery. Almrncy-8tALa.w, Gonvoyapcer. Com- n.1ns'r.x1erin1*.R.,_&c. Hair and Dcvmoe Claims ruse,-u`!od,Ag=nt fer Canada Landed Oredit y.,.mmn?, for loaning money on Real Estate. O/`!'IC:1-~Nt`r! Fran/J Kcun's S1078. 848 _ _ -- --A ` .*"_(._T-__: Lockets. Unromoa, mmogmpuu, ruu 0i,5'0IL PAIN'I`1NG,.g;3 -Fr-r'n=.d or without Frames VMILLINEHY, uasss &. MANTLE} 2lM[_A_IKI]N'C-. HUI.` -IJUJ: DJ. 1 -114131 , D nl)vl`.|v.I..l`J! Next to Bird : Boot shoe Store. `DRESSES mum In 1-an LATEST snnns, A o mnnrnln ahsironn. nmfwith nrnmntnn!-In. I lllilluwuu u. ..u. .n . ....... ...--....... At moderate: chsrges, rt-ad -v:th promptneas. ' STRAW' AND- FELT WORK RE -DONE wwn `nun. 40.1- Bit. . John %IvE91'1';r:r. mnnnn the nnmnn nf Hm nhnua - .. kl * MISS 371-0-RfroN,_ DUN LOP STREET, BARBIE; Next. to Bird : Boot mshou Store msinvntlon or me: Exsslent. (dQmntd" to g`1va_-Perfect satisfaction. 2" i ronAsg.n_gY '1 1 A?qi'o'!n*.i-nrii'- . :s.'. .-:;--V n-.'.4.... vn unyn DI. J,;WHA$TIf_?GS;, H 1- .1 345;, Ohmic. V DirB}i!9'9i=is1ar 3!-,!39;b@1;o9'-zgilipuion `A-,.?5.1`.8-; :}':4:"; A " "A .-`".: 9-1 _ Jgggp,-5`! "' II cl-no-IQ:-La, CARRIAG , aousg, ; SIGN, A AND` ORNAMENTAD DKE5DiU maun IN THE I.Al1J.'nvD'[ nrxuzm moderate and with um!) AW ~ ANTI PET)!` WORK` R'R.D()N1 3?! E1 i"Ed`m;`iT1i:` T ' (- FINE s7v)o7r-`OF FRAMES 1 ..._-__._. `NGUS C. GR'AIIAM, L Bmcms PATENT A SEAH%ER01,11.A,,L-..M13,E@TAULE3 1 ARRIE AN DK;;~:1;ETANGUI- SHENE LINE OF` .. .. rw rr1- A /N 1'11 (*1 jm ;oLn,%S'iL"\I'i=3ii'f7A'"1\'zn lsmnn, \J.l.l\I.A.a.J.I.v .v-- _.. -,_._-, WATER LIME. And also of his Improved Pater: r\r\\r 1:131 D14` RI.nf!KJ .scP.oL_1T'zn.=,' " __.x __.l Fi1......-..-.4511 and ('1. 1)R()F; D. E. A}. M0on'1s uaun nu:-onxnri nun ouunun m unsssmc` men sHAmm~ ~ `SALOON,- - \.\'.\:.uA m:\:A.\':.:.\'1" SA\'l.`u"_:-`, SI ,>UI|~`. 1` Y. 1:11..) Urvu-:--I~A.~\80.`UU ' /1Anr'l`A 1 41:1 13111212? & WEEKS} (`1A`lJ`DTAf1I2` ' MARKET S(3UARE, BARE; U114 1.-1n;x;;..x-- -Framed or without Picturvs Framed to order. unuva-m )2, VAN nrn HJU U-85 [IUEIJUJIC l`.lVI'~iIIvi1`,.',- JOHN W. MOB ROVV, A nI\|:t~nnnu A I-\v\o-n:eInvu E`. 5'3 :7 5131 re: r T ONF E}O I`IONIs .RY! IIIIIPQAIWFYIXCS KL ('1 II I Ulluuv 2|&&.A.IKIJ..\'l"z-. SALL. Caxpentx-r. Rzzilder, 810.. u1.ce`to- thdpublic that he has A M P D W E R ll) UU.l'l J: HU'J. Ul uzux. undcrlrnin, or o'.lmrv.'iso_ '10 pay ulfu .\lor!g-ugc or my tamer purprue `I 1. you do Lhn rcxinced P(\.;.1Amn HUKLDISII A wh: 4: lm r:1:u1x- more lam lb` `pm! 17 _v(-.\rs= tlmn any fa:--till-3 and advantage ml: : `,'mlJ1nU)}' in the [)m 1I'.n1mInn:3'I` Hut`:-` PAID F u..'. ... . .r. ....{..`I :.\V1 ..u ' Art} the; best fb: the J.` V` a L'.l's L.\1\`J 11 g Auctioneer, A ppraiser, Exc. Vljqllhl Ll&_ I-l\l` . (Ierchangeable) ` l'III ITIIII I III` i UU-, Tonomo. L411 T D I .l1\Jl.V IS 40-lyr .uay:' ' _ Do you know, I continued laugh- ing, I am going to make .3 terrible confession: only pray do not knock me down, not cut my acquaintance for ever, for my opinion is now entirely changed. .. n'7,n __ _.. n ....:.x "I`...1 . N ..-mn:An. My dear Ted, 1 remarked,_throw- -mg aside maulstick and palette for the day, and dm'Avin'g my chair to the fire, for the purpom of enjoying a pipe with mv old fnenzl Edward Reid, captain of the fast sailing merchant ship, Gzill, you have been married three years, have you not '9 (L V... )7 I-an anmunvadr lnnninn bank in nave you nun. : _ . Yes, he answered, leaning back in his chair, and attentively con:emp13.t- ing the ceiling of my studio, J11?! three` years, my boy, next New Years Day." U n unn lrnnut T nnntirilmd laugh- cnangea:' Well, go on, said Ted ; consider my nerves under this suspense." Then, I could not fox the life of me, on my first introduction to your charming wife, discover what you . could have seen in her, to have ever made `her iMr`s. "Reid," said I; you, theshnudsome lieutenant, about whom the ladies were always ready to pull caps--ao I mean chignons." u Mu Ann: Mnlvvn. I am assuredlv Cl'lpS--BU I. Iuuuu Uluguuua. My dear Melvyn, I am assuredly not going to knock you down nor per- form any other absurdity, rejoined Ted, stroking his long {air moustache ; rst, because you say your opinion is now changed ; and secondly, for the reason that on my first` introduction to - her I fancy I was much of your way of thinking." . Nonsense! I ejaculated. It is 21 fact, upon my word," said Ted ; I, like you, looked only on the surface, which too often leads men and women into folly; but if you choose, . here goes to tell you why I altered my opinion, ' _ I A _ A nqwerln rendilv U] the afrmutive. H ..... _ v_._ _..- -'- R.(_`u1:i'i";VR, (`rouu.ty Crown Attorney," gmisu-.r, Sn`. , Ilume. 41 T.(;Iu 3. sh` D F H. Attorrwxat-1awT. son- !1.m:u:'_v. Uonvoynncer, C0::.mis- 4 . _. 1 C|l0l1n(' I , Shyner, Co. Iionrr in G:P'v `W "" " ..-av .mm.\n\vn-17 my OPHHOIJ, Answering readily in the affirmative, and replenishing our glasses, _I drew my chair nearer; whereupon Ted Reid began. (4 `Un`` than I had run thmmrh all egnn. Well, then, I had run through all the grades of my profession, middy, fourth, third, and second mate, when, during my last voyage as lieutenant, we happened to be bound for India with full cargo. There were but few passengers aboard, and we had dropped some way down Channel before I caught sight ofany of them, save one or two of my one own set-owing to the stormy weather which struck us in the Downs, keeping them to their berths. We had nearly come a-head of Plymouth, indeed, beforeall the passengers met together round the cap- : tom's table; the last additions` were an elderly lady, accompanied by her daughter and niece. of whom, [need : only trouble you with the description ' 3 of the last two. The daughter then, was a tall, gracefully made, elegantly . dressed, handsome blonde; - .1 11' (1 Blue were leer eyes, as the fair y rms,- her complexion of the purest red and . white; her mouth 9. rose`-bud, her nose --her nose-well, I can but say it harmonized exquisitely with the other features of her splendid face. To this picture, her cousin presented a decided r-oritrns`. She was of middle height, of a_ slight form, a pale, rather sallow complexion, as from ill health,` which rendered her features still plainer than , they reallywere by nature." r`,nn`Ia nnmn 'I"nri 7 T intm-rnnfn llltiy sunny WUID U, _uu.u.uuo Come, come, '_l`eq, I interrupted, That is going a. httle too far. ` I`. 1,, ._ `nl'-1----...' H __.'_`I L- 1.1 _.... `.`My dear Melvyn, said he, I am only telling you what`I thought then, and what you would have thought had youseen Mary by the side of her su- perb cousin-1 decidedly do not refer to my opinion now. u11*r_n . . _ _ . . -.._1. 1...... ........4L ........ -.v ...J vl..-_---_ -~_ VVel'l, to proceed: her mouth was rather too large, though this was'scarce- ly to be considered a fault, as its the 51 better disclosed two perfect rows of 9' pearly teeth; her nose was straight, but of that character whichgives an intel- ' lectuality rather than beauty to the face, . but her eyes seemed as it bestowed to redeem all other defects; they were were large, full, brown, soft and earnest in expression, while masses of rich nut- brown hair_we_re braided back from-her foreheadand braided aboputher head. Apparently conscious that toattempt a rivalry with her beautiful cousin, who practiced .all the. little arts and ooquet- ties of beauty's toilette, would be as absurd, Mary assumedthe neatest and` plainest of attires. ' In their characters they diered no less than in feature. ,. Isabel Ainsley beamed with laughter, chat, and coquetry; while Mary was 3 quiet, and rather reserved in manner, E speaking rare,ly..say_ when spoken to, ,,.' andthen to the purpose; frivolity of - conversation appearing enftirelyiforeigu ' to her nature. ' ' - ; .I think I need scarcely say. which of the girls was the principal attraction on board ship. The m'iddhies,I I saw, sighed their hearts out about Isabel. and drunk in deep infoxreating drdughts of boy s love from behindmnsts, or from the shrouds, `when .sheappe ared on, deck; while `the cn'ptai_n,fa ire 10133 gentleman of the ancientrrteginne school , * hrushed- u`p4s.ll?`hisga.ll`entry in her ear- 'y_ioe; but the one r'nost,sev`erely bit_ten= ,5: 'was_-`:r9ur:humble3se_r._vje.nt. '-g ~ ' 1. ...u__;=qn-_.'_=_ "_'..`r.,!!~x_*-!:._..."' .-`J EDWARD EE`ID'S WIFE. - vvuaar "Jvuu -nus-cw - -oyuuu----u ' ..--.Yea,`1"wu--&s- 1? be1iavd-maa1y| :_ in love. `Am; iuner~u1;te-1 coma (H Pl('l-.;\.`$U.VIU I1. \|.u, '|UK.U.V_L\J. (M PI'[`AL,_ 5:"1,:')()O_()()(). To Mrmexs anaf In If... 1!/....o on D.-..-n.~_.u H./7.~~r.zmu Landowners ! `scarcely remove my'gaze from her face; -e-I neglected my owirplate in attend- ng to hers,-I tear ' I was even some itimes negleotful ot the common eti- quette` otthe table with regard to the other ladies In the evenings I hung over her nsshe sang, for there was a kind of piano in the stateioubin, and 1 was enchanted Wllh her singing, though indeed her voice was good rather from culture thannature, but not nearly an sweet as Mary s. `l\KTal|.. IA .. .... ...l Han T.nn nut` A3fVUUlv EB LVlllIy U. `Well,-,4 wg crossedr the Line` and doubled` the Cape, and I was getting deeper and deeper in lova than ever, much, I"saw', to the portly mamma s" satisfaction, who I fancied often called her daughter to account for not striking when the iron was hot, instead of show- ing her power, as` she used to do, at times, by appearing to treat me with indifference`, or playing opld Captain Fitzgerald against me. . _ prnu Hun) Air} |\/has Mar" Iain nu Quietly, as itpused to the neglect and not. minding 1!," replied Ted; hvwt she did, and keenly to, fox she lo--- but never mind,I did not lea;n that till afterwards, and I am Relating the alxir straightforward. So to proceed. l.{\nu nnunn-o hurl Luann hlnuan ulh uasunalu IIEHIIIBI IIIU ;- Pmy how did Muss Mary tak all this ? Iinterrupled. A fininu no if nan In lhn nnrrlnnt and uuiur uuulsuuunwcuuc uu tu ynvuuuu. `-Our Voyage had been blessed with thermos! superb weather till near 20 30 S. 1at.,- long. E. 60, when just after sundown R. terrible storm struck us-`-a storm which was a very good imitation of the typhoon in the Chinese seas. hma did run Rain! In nnvnnrrfhnn H-nn 1 LHU Ia] }Jl|UUu Ill luv KJIIIIJUJU uuuu. `-We did our best to strengthen the ship against the mountainous waves, but unsuccessfully; andpat last, after our masts had gone bythe board, the cup- tain saw there was no help for irbut to take to the boats. With diiculty did we get them lowered and lled. In the longboat the passengers were to be placed; and the captain, holding on to some of the wrecked rigging, as he shouted his orders through in speaking trumpet, bestowed upon me the office of bringing the ladies upon deck, and see- ing` them placed in a boat. r'!\Lan.4 1 sun: that T rnnhnd dnurn in. mg uwlu PIILIUUU Au :1 uuuu. Need 1 say that I rushed down in- stantly to the cabin, where my heart had long preceded me, and, blind to all others danger, caumt Isabel in my arms, and carried her to the deck, merely saying I should returr. for her mother and cousin as soon as possible. an. rrnnl` Hanna:-In `runny aha cHrrnb_ IUUKHUK u.uu Uuuulu no cuuu no yuaouuvo But good heavens, how sheishriclb ed ! in vain I begged her to be quiet, for her own sake, knowing well how her cries at that terrible moment of peril would irritae the men. It is seldom at such moments that Woman- noblehearted, as they are-app;ar to so much disadvantage as she did. All my perszuasions proved of no avail. She cried; she mourned one moment that she could not die; than t_he nex , that she `.VnS szire that she was going to--- oh, would no one save her! She seem- ed wild with terror, and I heard the boatswnin mutter 21 rather loud curse at her squalling as he received her from lIl0,a!ld placed her, clinging frantically to him, in" the stern of the boat. (:11... cl-sriahre nun-A nlill rinrnnn In IU uuu,1u IHU Iatoul VI. nu: uunu. Her shrieks were still ringing in my ears when I dashed back for the others. They had not waited lor me `in the cabin, but had come upon deck, where they were clinging to the broken portions of the scattered mast. Marv Ainsley being nearest, I was about to lift her in my arms, when Iwas arrest- ed and startled by her voice,so calmly, so steadily did it issue from her lips. Ilnsnnlv I I-ununnnh unn Mr Rant` tnirn U slduully |IIu IV ID3l|C IIUIJI IIUI Ilkln "Pray I beseech you, Mr. Reed, take my aunt first, `her terror is so extreme; I can wait. I do not fear death, but can meet it if it be Heaven's will that '_death should come. IE`- _..-_AI.. J2) ALI I_..\__--.;-nun l\P\V\ 1U CWJILIUID al-1\.L ulJL'lLL\4lJi\Y'AL\JANI' 1); You Want to Borrmo II/Ic'raey T0Y.:_\'Iu)rz:1:1'.\ for _vourseH or for you 801137. Tnbuilrl 4 houa-: 01 bu.ru'. To fence, clam`,- oru1l.m'wiso4iIuprovc your land ? psyut1`u.\iong-.;;c other debts? Or for vnuer ~ }._y`0udo terms at" the CANADA PA..1u'.n4r l:uu.n1: AND Su';\`lNG Socn:'r.`1, u-uh I`Iel0. unto. : Eiton HJOII . V.` UUEI-ll SIIUUIIJ U\JulUa ' So greatly did this behaviour con- ` trust with the shrieking woman I had just left, that despite the peril attend- ant upon each moment s delay, I stood , transxed,and raised my eyes in amaze- ment to the young girl s face. It was . easily to be seen by the blue lights - which the coxswain was continually ` burning to illume the dark night; but I asked myself in astonishment, could the face 1 then gazed upon be that of Mary Ainsley ! If it had indeed been ever so plain, it was so no longer. Her features were almost angelic; it was pale, truly, but no quiver moved the compressed month, while her splendid brown eyes looked calmly, rmly, uninehingly into mine. Yes, calmly, thoughal: that moment even men's hearts were agitat- , 'ed._ 1 saw, as she had said, that she . could face death bravely, without a . murmur, as a man; a man, do I sayl- . .... }\nOlnv ntll. aha nnnl runs! it like A murmur, EU 3 I.l.l I.Uj ll uuxu, uu 1. any I- no,.better still; sheoould meet H. like a true. woman . .. 11' L-.. ..t --.... .....o 0,.` Iannvotn `Wu, H118 WOIHED. . `I beg of you not to hesitate, Mr. Reid, she continued, noting that I did so; `every moment is so precious. Pray ~ save my poor aunt. _ I dared not disobey her Quickly I beat my lips to the `small white hand that clasped a tiny tarry rope, and ex- Jlaimed earnestly, `Miss Mary Ainsley, Ihave heard of angels, but I never saw one till this moment. 1:1 A-__...I I on-any `nodule! na(`:nn SEW one uu uua uuuupun I tancied I saw a bright, radiant gleam light up her eves as 1 spoke, but I hurried on to her aunt. ' . u zlR.:._ Au'nn:u.1|II I an`:-I' `tinny n;nn- l UL] EU IIUI Blllllvo UMis. Ainsley, I said , _` besaeches you to go t-st. am... .1... ..:.| 17 ...:.ul DBSBBUHBS yuu I-U 5U unal- `The deer girl! cried the lady, without hesnmtion inging he! erms about me. `Darling Mary, she is al- ways so unselsh. But` oh, do for Heaven a sake, sir, take me from this terrible place.` Save t;1e--save me, if you can! ,_ T ' ul... $6..--2 -an noun.` rant-annQ;nI1 hill yuu uuua , She uttered no word respecting her nieoe s danger by the delay, and I felt strange disgust in my heart, even at that moment. I humed her to the boat, then fetched Mary, who, though ' the ship was pitching orninously,tlu-eat-V ening every moment to plunge bowe tor-ernost rntoone of those awful troughs of the; ean, never to rise again, had lost non __of her calm demeenour. I , .0. , L__A_ ..._ J-A-on [USE uuuu VI uul uuuu uvnu uuuuu .. `When all were in the boats, we drew rapidly away, bathed scarcely got fty ward: off, before, with a terrible pitch, the.poor'old ship : black hull was en- gulfed-_ for ever. ` ` :una-.-..I`......:-...- nnnlnnai nnm fn hnyg guuuu IUI vlvuu . -'l`he huMrricnne seamed now to have spent itself, and there was little danger of outbeing capsized. Ont real peril xx_ogz;. _i_n_' not dghng `an iglqng. o; I , `your niece ,. ]'l'n{ Form No. 41.Wh91e No` 1155. AIJ5 lpunfh - When day succeeded day, and we sa'w.no sail nor strip of land, our fears that we had got out of the usual track of ships began to increase, though we took good care to conceal our doubts from the` ladies. With regard to them, danger and difficulty had certainly dis- closed the true characters of the two with whom we have most to do. Isabel's laughter and lightheartodness had entirely vanished; she half sat, half-lav against her mother and cousin, ever_-`-as ifshe were the only sufferer- moaniug and lamenting over ler fate; under her breath, however, for her repiniugs had been sharply reprimanded by Captain Fitzgerald, whose dread of having his men disheartened made him speedily set aside all gallantry. As to Mary Ainsley, she remained as calm and self possessed as ever; only, casting her usual taciturnity aside, she now seemed to strive constantly to start pleasant topics of conversation among us, and frequently addressed cheering, kind, womenly words to the men; thanking them gratefully, with her sweet voice, for any little atten-' tions which they, `rough, half-starved sailors as they were, tried in every way to show the woman; though I peroeived they were always offered far more readily to Mary than to Isabel Ainley. Truly the saying here was proved-`Handsome is that handsome does. ship, for we could not tell how much we nad been drifting out of the right course. From the last observations the captain had taken, be imagined we might be proceeding due south, where there were but small chance (if obtain: ing help. (`Whats (`on nnnlannnr` Run an ! Irvin For myself, in the last few hours I had grown to hate, yes, absolutely to hate, Isabel intensely; and you may be sure the feeling was not lessened by observing, when our provisions grew very low indeed, and the captain caro~ fully measured out our meagre rations, that Mary would slyly add a small portion of here either to her cousin s or auut s, whispering or declaring that she would not eat it, though it was scarcely enough to keep life together; and, would you believe it? those two selsh women look it! Il`174`l l`-_ A---- A ---__I_ ..._ L-.I _:A-l. UU|I.L3|I WUIIIUKI V-UUB ll-L Well, for over 21 week we had pitch- ed about in mid-ocean,when we sighted a ship, and better still, saw that it was bearing down straight upon us. I shall not explain our joy, old fellow; for the delight of one rescued from shipwreck is of that nature which cannot be de- scribed nor imagined--it can alone be felt. Our signal, a.=nilor s jacket on an upmised oar, was seen, and we were rescued. u1FI'1L- -.-..L ____ -1..- L._:..._. ....l`._._L..,1 WU] U I Uouuuu. "The next evening, being refreshed I by a long rest, we all assembled in the captain's cabin. Repose had brought back Isabel s gaiety and Mary's reserve; 1 but I noticed that Captain Fitsgerald A ard all the crew's feelings, like mine, had undergone a marvellous change. New to get a glance from Mary sbrown, liquid eyes, seemed a greater pleasure than receiving the full force of lsabel s whole battery of coquetish blandish- mente. The ship was bound tor Aus- tralia; but before we reached there it somehow came about that, one moon- light night, of course by the merest chance, Malyand Ihappened to meet ata deserted part of the ship, Wll re, leaning over the tarail, I took courage to tell her how, within the last fort- night, I had discovered what true love really was, and of what a dangerous blindness one shipwreck had cured me. Finally, I declared that she was the only woman on earthwho could make life a blessing to your humble servant. MI ....u..I I-in. or-tlnv ;h.n In:-that nu IHU u Ulubalug Lu yuun uuluutu ourvuus. I I need not enter into further ex - I planations. Suffice it that, under the 1 shadow ofa sail, which the rntion kindly threw over us,.I pressed Mary to my heart, and felt heaven had descended ` upon me; We were married directly at Melborne. Isabel shortly went through the same ceremony with a rich squatter. The `atationlife, however, did not suit her; she speedily came into town, and nally, growing discontented with that, started suddenly for India, but not with her husband. You under- stand: hers was the life of a. heartless coquette, and the less said of her the better. UUII-Ul 3 Now you have` the reason why I was delighted to make Mary Ainsle Mrs. Edward Reid. A ._J ._.. ...-.. ......l..I -2-.- _ L..AA'__. I) `I llu JHUWCIIU LIUILIC : And no man could give u better, I 1 rejoined, as we replenished our glasses. I can only sey,Ted, that should I ever come across a similar lady, or you can introduce me to Mrs. Read s twin sister, `if she has one, it shall not bemy fault ifI do not make her Mrs. Arthur Melvyn before a month is over; A buchelor ali(e is a dull, selsh affair, and well, puc down your pipe, and try these havanuehs." _ E. W. P. ONLY A TmFLE.--It is really wonder- ful what inuences trifles light as air," exercise upon humanity. On going up or down Dunlop st.,it seems only a trie to call in at the Medical Hull, kept by friend \Voo yet many a belle owes her beauty to so doing ; and many erst- while invalids owe their present robust- iveness, to the` same apparently trivial cause. Don ! forget to patronize tho Medical Hall." gAll::nx...,. _ - VCCARTHY A; gov.` ~-. ._ B 3 .\1cCar:h_v`,} ` in Ch'"""a 1\Tn:xar`aud Mlorht-f)I Y . >: ll??? Public & 3 nd S-=Iici\ora- Ounvcyriuoera gun. . . _.., . D`Ax.mn .\Ic(.`,n1`ny, Qlg 5"(!e`;,Y Barrie. I ' ~- ~ .- ,_\' M. 130-`I ` --. I L 1 .:.L.B *,A Pnomsme POLl1`ICiAN.-0no Fluke Mngilder thus throws himself in an announcement upon the suf- fra.ges of his fellow citizens, and mekes very gracious promises of what he will do if elected: I promise to have a switch put in at the county seat in fteen minutes after uy elec- tion; I promise to unravel the Beecher mystery; I pledge myself to produce . rein whenever eeded, thereby avoid- ing thensoessity of irrigation; I will banish the grasshoppers from our land, _ and render. this Eldomdoof the West; A l Gerdeniof._Edn;; I_will workVf_or.nuth. . ; $93.. and b._oau1.mvne1f-A Hesse pity on e- 9!;9!Ph~l!@ortyetwo ,i`3l55ill!d.:tI:l6l t - .i ,._t:n.%ns:goq-. And $2 00 if not paid in advance. =she`iil.`hh&`-3' 'muqh_of tier,-hand till within a short tniie llpforev. '.`h' death she; kept an ordinary and excellent school. But during the `mm: weeks. Th litre thought . lastmeek all seemed to be d and confusion in the school. . V mittee, Dr. A. Thompson-and Mir M. T. Pike, having heard of the fact. visited the school on Friday,and iound `it much as above _desoribed, on which. after the school was dismissed, they talked with her privately relative to the school, told her how it seemed to them, and advised her as she appeared pole and nearly srolr, quietly to go to the dgent and resign her positionhprif she felt strong enough to go on with the school, and thought she could im- prove in the particulars they mention- ed. she could do so. She said she would determine what was best to be done between that time and the hour ol school the next. morning. They left. for their homes. She did not return to her boarding-house that night, and her friends became alarmed. The school house was locked. O_u looking in at the window the key was seen on the floor. On entering they discovered on her desk some little articles of value she had taken from her person,and the following note addressed to her sister : Hnnar own - A. the! I hll '0 IIRV IUIIUHIIH5 uunu uuunuuauu ul nu. -1 "Dear Mary: All that I have s$" is that the curse is fulfilled. The laughters shall die in sorrow, if not in heme, before they are twenty. Ask_ Albert Thompson and Thomas Pike why. Gocde-Lyeall. LAURAINA. Qnnrnk nrnn rhnrln fnr `HA WV, Th!` - Vinyo |1'UL'u~-Ly u. 1.Jn.UnrLAL1n. Search was made for the body. The -school-house was situated on the bank .`f the river, -where the water was deep and still, and the body was found near by. Before the coronor s.jury her sister explained the note by relating that 'hey were the children of A. K. Cross, of Waterford, Me., and that in conse- quence of some difficulty between them her fa'her separated from his first wife, and was again married, on which his mother, taking sides against him, pro- nounced with. dreadful emphasis this curse upon her son's children : " His daugliters shall die in sorrow, if not in shame, before they are twenty, and that the sons shall be cut off in their infancy. She said that for some time Lauraine had constantly dwelt upon. the Subject of the curse, and the more so, reoently,es she was nearing the age of twenty, and she had done and said things which had caused her to think her sister meditated suicide. And her room-mate testified that only a week before she had spoken of it to her, and alluded to the fact that she was over_ nineteen years of age, and if the curse" was fulfilled, she had but a short time to live.` The fact that sonio of her brothers died in inizinoy also tended to strengthen the superstition, so that in- sanity and death were the consequence. There is ii man living on Fifth etrriet who is a good mamendeavoring to train up his children in the way they should go, end as his flock is numerous, and two of them are boys, he has anything buts sinecure in his training business. Only 8. day or two ago the elder of these male olive branches, who had lived about fourteen wicked years, enticed his younger brother, who has had only ten years experience in boyish triclr-- ery, to go out on the river in s bor-t, 0. species of pastime which their father had many a time forbidden. But tlir~' boys want this time, trusting to luck to conceal their depravity from the know ledge of their pn,'nnd in due time they returned, and walked around the house the two most innocent looking boys in Burlington. They separated for a few moments, and at the expiration of that time, the elder was suddenly confront~ ed by the father, who requested a priv- ate interview in the usual place, and adjourned to the woodzihed, when, after a brief but highly spirited perform- ` enco, in which the boy appeared most successfully as heavy villain," and his. father took his favourite role of first old man," the boy, C'JllSltl`.3f8.l')l',' mysti- ' fied, sought his brother. I` [nhn Ha nnir` `lnvh-in Jr. `inn Ih;nL' DUKE` UN 3 LICQVD Jllll LIUUII ||U'\I-Du I John s face will not leak mom pence ful and resigned when it is in his; or)!- n, thrurit did as he replied` "No,huvc-. you 7' Ciunurn T7 Pnmn r"nmn In than nnnv IIUU, UKVI-ltgllh lll-3 \lIU\IlUl I John, he said, who do you think; told dad? Have you been linked ? In-\kn n `aria 111: Inn! `nab rnnpn nnnnn Uu I Have I I Come down to the cow shed and look at my back. I Ink-. .lgnHnnA Ln: un.'A l`l Hill , .-_,.._,~ . is l}!)W .5 R08, (hate,U I Uonvoyzxnm-I . &c., agent for the Rnyal In-_ Imance Uonu-any, mad the Accident Insurance_ i`romr-1n_v.-t'nicn ~-I`mt Office building, iarrio -SIIULI nuu Iuvn nu Iu" uclun. John declined, but said : Welt, Bill, I'll tell you how lathe: found us om. 1 an tired of acting in this way, and I'm not going to run away and come back home and lie about it any more. I am going to do better alto: this, and so when I saw father I couldn't help it, and went right In him and confessed." RI Inna Onnnhn at Haiu rnnnhr nnlinn lllll-I vvuuu llgllt \lr' Iluu uuu uvunucauu. Bill was touched 3'. this manly action on the part of his "younger brother. It found a tender place in the had boy's heart, and he was visibly nboted by St nut kn nabar` I-[nut RCA :0 hnnnnv. noun. uuu IIU wua vlaluly 'uu'1ULUu IJ it. But he asked, How did 1! happen the old man didn't lick you 1" .nxrAn 1! ....: I ah. .u..s;h...o cunnnn vn, IJIU Ulu luau ulull I Hun yum 1 "Well, sai.1 the penitent young rc- furmer,you see, I didn t confess on myae1f,_I only confessed on you. That was the way of it. A ,............ ....m1...m ..nn......,a ;.-. nnv. WIIB IIIU \VLly UK 15. A strange cold hght glittowd m_ Bill : eyso (Wain n.-xnluaon nr-. Th`! hn annl uyuso Only confussed on B1I1,he smd. VVell, that s all right, but come down behindgithe cow-shed and look at my L- -l. H . It is to) much to ask of any merely human mind and body to work like` a slate from morning till night in hard eld work, and at the same time in manage the business and carry on Hu- correspondence of a large establishment. It is very important that the head ol such a rm should be able to do any sort of work in-doors, or out doors, and to get it dgne by others; but the large capital invested, and the important out y side interests on which success so _ largely depends, are not fairly treated _ when they get only the guidenceoi ll workweariy brain. The one part of the-. work which can not be hired done is the part to which the owner's first cam and best and freshest efforts should be given. if you are your own foreman , you must be always on the fore, and [ exhaust your capacity in manual labor- i It is better to have a good hired leader" and put ashonlder to (physical or men- tal) the wheel wheneveror wherever it is most needed 8Hhe..moment. Labor is one agent you have to -employ, but business management is, an equally important one; and as the captain of u _steam.1,'1.5 _"?,<'>!E tqt,1re in the, not house thiaiuthe sro _ehele;soia` t e maria `.1 so:;0f;.9..1Ms'.h.!m.iworthinoro in` tfm l I > 7 r a 1, isensralo dinsctionmhis .0 rations than It 9$s153*9i`5~.9-`;'**l1f`:tl?? * w-1satim5r{{E>}a:am from u.. hedspwhobmale and rat/.iLlAIi}`Bjngbz\x`s1`.; Vncpnian (Luann .. HUI n And v;vhcn they got there A STORY OF TWO BOYS. .... mmr. HEAD on HANDS. veyaucor. guishenn. l.A\'.ANI')EI{ MURROW, agent for th Provincial lnau.-xmco J`onps.ny, the Queen F3u=nu7lI.i(n,1hc Phmuix, the Isolated. and lb - lmxc-mhira Insurance Compnnie9.-Oice N.:'V Brick Block; over Rs.wson'a Store. 355 '1 In ished Weekly lnthe To ~ um flmuasmfy ti (1 "3 01 Ban-le, :menIn0W30 e ay, and an mining tothe alfairg Nth - mattgra gelin advance '3 County. Price ...,1 sul)S(`J'ipti0n. ultluslti ` b me-eac.. sq sequent on 13 V _ mes , 8 ,erlme,rat inset-ti'on%.c,;n2;l'B1x uquentonezc. Professional 3! Burial). Urn-da $4 er 361,11: $3 forsix monthme nnmorethantou lines. Specied B. If d by .5 Y9: ox Part!;t; m 0 3 can beb d r an to (iacontinue - A`-hertia a. rear. . ins zgbe mndcin writing, `per zscontinnml until all u mpaid except at than to "`'8-gen er. 1 P 1 II of the publish- l n.mxa, rxnxswm and Rmmnd . p[o'l]ls`S. The facilities of {he `Bet`l tg_the mt`!!! are more complete"tli'an 8, , ~ 3h~ North of :l`oronto, limwmg been J Other filled out ll] eviory pml~iCu1m.- camfully ` ' 5 ld ' . l0ll be addregsed `O the Publisher, poat-pa1d. 17- OREW .-... D` 'VI\IIn"_ "*iI.'. contdinin - 8 the 4 ' 53' `Daid at th . e I a -Sixlinesor under ti - ) rstxnaog-1,10 u 11?? ISRISISII`; Harmon UAVlLl.El{. [1 L` I nu . ,. Bcn'.u..} Cm , oi I I1. 1\lAfT4.\1\ A LJIDIL, 1']. ll., 14. Av v- 9 o I . 8., K., Physician, Surgeon, &c.-. Pcnctnnpuiahene, Ont. 31') us m.\n1.T0}i"az McC0.\ KEY,-Rcsi- .'.......~.Ar1..t1:.....o.......o D...-.:., n`.-at um nununlun oi 0|UUUAVl.\n'1)-""`" xleuce--CoHicr street, Barrie, Ont. A.'."x HAMILTON, '1`. O.M'00NUY: x. D. conomcn. M-D-.11-R--9` ';II:I;SK,.Gr-zi.duatu Toronto iIn`vorsity. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, UuL-Oice-'-Over Wells Bros . Drug Store, nposite Barrie Hotel, Howl, Dunlop street. 33 R J. L.G. MOGARTHX has romovcdrhis -vifice to his new residence on the West side 0! Jahn_b`treot, immediately opposite Mr. Geo. Bu`..`a planing and sash factory. Dr. McU., has 3 uuucy for a. student. 44-71 -g._-- , _ _. - . _ ' an s 01mbK~?'1AN1<,`c<.>RoNER.Es. Oice-1n Brick Block, Dunlap Str_e8` tin: an, opposite Wutsun 8: 00., Druggxats, Arc. Residence, re! house East of Registry Ollice. :T`\)lce`hours -from 10 till 12, Fore- man, and from 1 till 3, Afternoon. 11-12m P ' 'E OF `Philadelphia Dental 00 Egxnfn cm-gee found in his oice _eVe1'Y 157` Come, st;-eat, made for professlonal vmta. . . Banio. - ____...----:- BAlLE'1',VETERlNARYSUR- . . GEON, successor to D. G. Sulhcrlund,nnd Graduate of On- lurio Vorerlnary Uo`.lege,.-- The quqscriber l1sreb_v,-infbrms the public that he will carry on the business 0'l.Veterinuy Surgeon in the; place of D. G. lsuthex-land,who is leaving these parts; and hl`S by prompt attention and skillful treat-. ment to secure the patronage so liberally be- llowed upon his predecessor. Olce and Bltlfeu one door East of Fara.ghex- s Hate`, Burio. 45'. , /\V_/\. x. }f~,w.\*T'o 1.1cND._.x;.1ij `to ..'.l.'m-:3 ED- i WARDS, Pmyul Inszu-o cc Om-:e,1ax-rie. '1'u`.)1m'1'ur4. _ a The subscriber begs to inform the inliautants of Thornton and vicinity, that hiI'_oiIice is at. Thornton P. Q. , South Simcoe, and tbs? he i5 prepared to promptly attend to all meniunu nu nnnuvru nun nAmmt.l.m ,)\'?.Y TO I.-END on npprofod {r.~LOId ae- , uurity, and at modeulc ln`.erest.--Ap- .0 ARDAGII & STRATH'i , Solicitors, rxie. ' ' 2-G6 i7{v1xji, r;`ii i 'r7mus<)N, Civil `Engineers, I Provincial Land surveyors. Archicts, etc- I: g u I! I It and A I.l.lsii'!`0N. Bqtflcs `A 'C5\ l-f 5Jl,KJ V.` I-I\'lU\J1Ll `Kl-`I-I `III 5 LI-I`. And imythinz requiring Veterinary Skill. Hi! Condition `.PowJ1`a, Healing mg, #0., will be found v'ery othucious, and at: sold by J. P. KIDD, Druggist, &c., Barrie. Orders promptly Iltended to. ' _ ' . .. .< 8-) H. BLACKSTOOK. [z~:.\`m' 0masw10K1:;"iEV: i3`{iE{aTL'{1 :_l_urre_vnr, Valuer, &c., fhrric. . plupuuau DU PIUILIVIIJ nucuu MI nu DISEASES OF` HORSES AND CATTLE A ..a ___.L: ...... .:-:..... tr..4....:.._-.. Gun 11:. DIPOBITO RY 01 THE IYARRIE BRANCH BIBLE.SOC.IE'_T_Y'. nmanop nlnicmr- ` 153" _ I E NQRTIIERN ADVANCE , _ . :4 AL- Mama at 0..-. syn, unuxnu u_.u II nus) in may prepared to Manuhrclure all articles in- his line, of the heal descnpuon, tug! In chegpjmtesg x Tn-rna.nu`?-4.4861;--,. .. --uur III alum---at-- ---v- -. , . gnyggaun swnox. 9" -""" . ' Ll ry 1 1Ji`nl\', xiv. Vrovmoml Lana t5urvPyOI`Ha -`\7C""~-"1 C IMIHKIII and Ai.l.l:~ l`v.`)N. mu... :1 . . ah nrunun 'l`ununnN .]:11EiIII'iII_[? i`\Inti_cE:'. , __ ..f_,__.:- - ~- lchirnvl f,1i:HfAE55iu1t. A. ALEXA NDER, M. 0., 1.. 1:. C. - n 2: II m...a:..;.,.. Rnmnnn. kc. Or to gunner of: Aim!/A131: ncnNlf=8` .1-r .-nnntn uquvllrnv ' . ~}J0HbN.=,R , Jam! 1862. {x7rB?F1i:Tz' HARRISON. I . ` ............. n. n|u|mu>\' Ill uu; u-uunzu.-Vu. , \i|h=`,9'l` Hill`!-` FUR |1()D MORTGAGES: Ll1eriufux'I1is{tion apply to . T mr.mm'.n'T` MASCW. 2fIui1_iVto7ix1h;` man J. KR TING, AT l`0RNEY-A'I`- w,:~hlu.-itor-in Chancery, and Con- Omczaa--\Vute'r Street, Penetam 13-y f. .. Money to Lgnd. 5a'11tnc1_iSt s :II'tI-rt): r I do qr 2 loans ,to Fanners luring 7 nthog, n1}'0I`d [:,r`MOX` ndvxxnlnges than thone of any . -I... l\.m?~1nn _ F ;:cga{`*Tq*Lma.:.% .1. H!-.msmn nxnn._~.w, Svrrelary 3, Trmsurcr, Toronto, A. sumnow, ./1;.-pruiscr, at Barrie ._._ `VETERINARY summon, J . monnron. _| .. I....... on :..h...m 4|... mun npplv ID J. n1-*.mnmT MASON, L '1`,-n 1.-urn-r 7'.) H1 uutu V11. 1;; U] DUILOP SIRE IT. , Barrie, Ont. `HALL, 'r0rm.\:;ro. 1 1-, r`\/'\ l`\.t\{'\ [I IAIAIFI a sun. Unmronp Tuouaou, n my I. .0 BiI1LD1NG "}.\*1) hm, HENRY SEWERY, annjhmlura all nrlicla in. his DRY; AGRICUL- RAL IMPLEMENT 1_tND sirovr: wonxs. . EIIZYHE BARBIE. FOUN- RD TKIOH!-lDN,- 'c.E.,P.L._s. S D !`V Punmamen. 47-`.y TERMS 3 HE LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANOECOMPANY. ` Avullahie Assets, 927,600,000. Losses paid in` course of Thirty-ve years, exceed Forty Millions of Dollars. v lnimu hv nlnnrvn W31-n nninafnrl -n1 nnnr-Xv Lyman `to; El-i -- e,"2f1`3%, 3 - >-', i ' e1u'euu Horny minions OI uouars. . . Claims by Chicago Fire, estimated at nearly i3,000,0(}0,*a1-e being liquidated as fast as adjusted without deduction. ' Rm-.nrit'.r,Pv-nmn! mnvmnni and Hhnrniitv in JOS.B.0liE &s AnvEn'F1s13inENTs ~yv\AA4-\.\.--.v-.\~\.--_..A . .~\/vv`-'u~,._`_`-\_. I -i-1\nnnvv f\l'\rI1'lv\ru * UB3 BUUDZIF, CHIEF CONSTAB-LE, County of SimcOe,. Omco opposite: the Market, Barrie. UDDF I1 KVUUBIRV5 [late Clerk in ooumy Registry cam Gonveyancef, Commissioner in-Queen s B-.=.ncI\, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses, Lands, Farm Stock, Household Furniture, Goods, Wares, &c. Also for the csllectionofents, Notes and Aocounts,` ':!;`Cash advances made on goods Xefa for Sale. Sale Room. cor-mar hfnllier and Mm-lmt Rm , nu]-ABLUH WILHUHL JEGKIGIIOUI. Security. Prompt payment, and libemlity in adjustment of its losses are the prdmiucut: features of this wealthy company. Fire and Life Pnlinipa iqanml with verv `lihaml U350 llV.'lI1(:L`B lI1_E(10 K0005 I616 IOK` 19.10- Sale Room, corner ofOo11ier and Market Sta.. Barrie. V . ' - IUILUFBI Ul LX115 Vllly C01-llplly. Fire and Life Policies issued with verylibaral conditions. HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH-, . VMONTREAE1. G. F`. 0. SMITH, -Obie! Arrent fm; Dominion- Superior accommodation, and every atten- tion paid to the requirements of travellers. Rooms for Oommeruiayl TAIav_e11era. . Terms moderate. 3 ~ 42-ly Corner of Mulcaater nnd.Dvm1op Streets, _and opposite the `Advance oice, Barrie. ' ' Thin nnmmndinua eaiuhlishment has inst been opposue we 'A(lV8IlC6 oince, name. This coinmodions ealablishment lmajust opened, and having been built especially for the purpose of 9. first-class hotel, "is tted up as snch.and will compare favourablj with 'any house 01 the kind North of Toronto. Commer- clal travellers, private families on casual visit ; and the public generally will nd that the pro- prietor knows how to provide for their_e9pecia._l xiequiremonta. The best of ambling attached, attended to by obliging and experienced host- lers. Stages leave this house daily on the ar- rival of the up trains. Biir well supplied with p the beat ofliquors and cigars. 33- 'L`1\) . ll.o`- ceu'q

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