Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Sep 1874, p. 1

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\l`A IV PUBr.xsxn. ....._..._... 47-U Z-.66 . =?%~w uppusm: we `Advance omce, flax-r_ie. ' This commodious establishment hasjust been opened, and having been built especially` for the purpose or a first-class hotel, is fitted up as such, and will compare favourably with any house oi the kind North of Toronto. Commer- clel travellers, private families on casual visit; and the public generally will find thatjthe pro- prietor knows h( w `L0 provide for their` especial requiremonts. The boat of stabling attached, attended to by obliging and expurienced host- lers. Stages leave this house dailyson the ar- rival of the up trains. Bar-well supplied with the best (.\fllqQ')1`& and cigars. ` . 33- The` proprietor of the Dominion Hotel has re- cently, owing to its great increase in business, been compelled to add `double accommodation to his old housc~_, and has had the establishment re-tted and ro-furnished, and with ample sta.h1es,bed.s, and sample rooms, he thinks he will be able to receive all of his old "friends, who have so liberally supported him in the past. Room for one, room for all. Best wines and liquors, best table, best accommodation, of any` country place in the Dominion.--W. 0. Hand requests the-public to bear in mind that he is at the present time the only Licensed Auctioneer in -these pet ts,s.nd in that department of his business he is prepared to give his best atten- tion to the interests ofscttlers, and in all csses to give fair play to buyers. E3`Selee of stock of all kinds: promptly attended to, and prompt settlement always assured. 42-ply Excellent_ncr:omodntion'for Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the Travelling Public. Boats, Fishing Tnclzln, mid Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. The Bar is well suppli- ed with Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Good Stebling and attentive Oetlerl. N.B.--Splendid Speckled Trout streams in the vicinity. ` _ 48-ly-w Corner of Mulcsster and Dunlop Streets, opposite the `Advance otce, Barrie. Thin nnmmmm-.u ....o..k1:..L.........n.....:..... 1. ngnu U. uurnu c aif EFdiEi1"5"'. ArLL1'i"l`):`1i1'(`}`.f: ' `E. CONWAY, - Proprietor. Superior accommodation, and every atten- troupaid to the requirements of tra.veller .` Rooms for Commercial 'l`rave11ers. Terms moderate. ' 424ly _____;___}___..._____ IV`! A D`..'on\r !Y1`|TY ,\m .. . n.-.1.` The best Billiard Parlor North [of Toi-ontn, The table is supplied with everything in season. Pure Wines and Liquors. . Good Stabiing. Barrie, Dec. _19_1.ii, 1872 1061 D,e|]er:` .. `Wan Th Tahle and Bar well snxplied. Good Bed: First-clan Stabling and Attentivo Hustlers. ' ' 48-hi .Tixe`Simcoe, und&:r its new mnnagoment, has undergone coxxaiderable improvefnent,. and now presents to the lmvelliug community I house unexcellcci for commodiousnoss and com- fort The Bar isnupplied with the choicest brands of Liquors sud Cigars, and in the charge of an adept compoundor of drinks. Gobd Stabiing and Shed . ' '40-ly ,.._..._.. ..._ , __.__. __.____ ., _,_.-;~........~-- u.u'neu rony nnmona of Dollars. V - . Claims by Chicago Fire, estimated at nearly 83,000,000; tire being liquidated as fun as adjusted without deduction. , Securitm P-rnmnt n..........o .....a 1u_-_,-:A/ - HE Iaxolmudm HOTEL? UUQKSTOWN7. JOHN GREGG, - - - Proprietor. T Wines, Liquors, and Oigerl, ofddthe best. quality; supplied at the bar. A good table is always kept. ' Excellent. accommodation for Travellers. An attentive Hustler. Charges moderate. Stage twice daily from the house ` to Guilford, and daily from Rosemont and Al- liston and back ____ __ . - ` 42-ly 7- _ _--.._.-.q- v-vrupixvsr 114-\:xnnn\r\1-I-Ila `m: i.1v17i2Poor._. Lormon -AND GLOBE I INSITRANCE COMPANY; Avxulzsh-Io Assets, s27.000,000. ` Losses paid in course of'l`hirty-ve yearn,` exceed Forty Millions of Dollars. Claims bv nhinnrrn 13:... Ma:---A-~1 -A -~ ' house to Rosemont and Alliston and back. us-vu an-.. ....-_. ELLING'i`O_N HO_'I`EL, cooxsrown. 0. ARMSTRONG, - - - -Propriotor, The best brands of Wines. Liquors, Oigu-a, and the elceternaof a. rs!-class bi!` alvnya on hand. The table is unequalled in its-furnialr inga. The commercial meme arejbetter than "any North of Toronto. The stabling, accom. modation onnnot-bo_exoolled.- Sago twice '9. day to and from Guilford,_and daily iron: the 42.13 rr US. ROGERS, ~ ` CHIEF CONSTABLE, County of Simcoe, Oice opposite the Market, Burris ` USEPH ROGERS, v [late Clerk in Gonnfy Registry Ofce] Uonveyancer, Commissioner in Queen : Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses, Lands, Farm *Ssock' Household Furniture, Goods, Wnres,&c. Also for the collection ot'Rents, Notes and Accounts, q;`Cash advances made on goods left for Solo.` Sale Room. corner of Unllinr and "nu-`rA` ca- gg uuun Suva Room, ( Ba.n'ia. Good Board, `good accomiriodstibn for Tnvl- lera, good Wines," Liquox-s,- and Cigars}. An attentive Hostler always in attgndanqeg ; -- 9-y J95. l?.(!(;`:'l7*;Z`ttV~.5:. Agp`1:l`g1_llTlsl-}nll~}N'l` ' -.- ...\~.\,_ ..,..-.-~....... TERMS 2 THE BANK `;Ho'rEL?.--' .1. Charles oluksou, (lmof the Tar! Olnb I-Innan\ hnun tn intimlm ID the Dbli thlt `IQ ' `I12: Dnxin _LAysuu. .3. O1arkson,(lnte of Olnb House)_bege to intimate to the public` that has opened out tyret-clans Hotel on -the pre- miseeletely occupied as the Bank of Toronto.` The bar is ttedup in i-at-class style, and Liquors and Oigars of the choicest brand: can always be had. The Stabling is good and ample. The best of aogomode.tion- in ofered to travellers and boarders, as the roomI_ on large and aity, and the belt of bos:d,.iIt_obe.h|d. An attentive ostier alway3.inIattend'u':_eg.-` . _ T . OHARLE80LABKS0ll_ ,_ ' -17-ly - . . . ` BUNCH! M. CHURCH, PROPRIETOR. Late of Ilaru-ood Radrofwi Hau5g,R1ce Lain. OCEAN Ho'1f1':L. V M - n. BINGHAIE `- .rropriqo;. opposite the Norther`-n "#'* M W??? :.f.= wmnxsox uouszc, BARBIE: J . 1 - JOSHUA OLARKSON, Proprietor; , ._.-.-- W. O. HAI*.`D, Proprietor and Auctioneer Hi`. ROYAL HOTEL, ALLANDALE, . {Cmxnu a old stand.) )()Cu1NL0N1o'rEL, ALLI_s l`0N. my WELLINGTON HOTEL. Honael} `.- rum SHICOE Hovsrcfnext door West of tn} L Lnnaiiraf Toronto Building, Dunlap 11 e 1 UMMEKUIA LI uuuuu, uuuuu; uupug. "1 J EAST, BARBIE. 113:- JAMES HAYDEN, - - Pnornm-on.` IDLAND E0 1`EL,(Lu.te Rdyal.) corner Vor Front. and Goldwater etreetn,Urillia,Oht. |'<')s. nomms ' run l.h| n I'|\ w 1 OMMERCIA L HOTEL, DUNLOP STREET 1 1aAR'l'. BARBIE. ' ` nditic ` A n r M. SHANACY, . i . mos. SUIJMERSETT, Proprietor. -----n -... .._.-- WALTER TAYLOR, Propriefor. , l I I E /. I! am Ctmx-chi I to be rnzru.-i Vol. V. omun v 7 Chief Agent for Dominion. Jnsw. >1-I nnr: ;: $1 per year_ in advance; LIA i1U Inn, ADUALVUA (Croxon e o'Id>stsn_d.) ......w umuuun goons um for sale, , of_OoHier and Market Sts.. |yIUl' IJOUHDIOH - J USERH ROGERS, A m-`mt. Run-in - Proprietor. 'n xxuunxsa, . Agent Barri}. ['3 4:8-X_\~ and Lgrqnoi male, I 3 Dumb: , _ V La. :3 1'; U 12 from the first dairies in the Provmca, which for quality cannot be batten. --._: , W- -..---. .-.... urvbw Iv uuun Iu but! 11 public olliarricand vicinity that he in pre- gared to SINK WELLS, TANxS, or do EXCA- ATING,_either by the `ob or day, on the shortest notice and most rensuna In: terms. Ap to l\ . R. CU[.l`HBERT, or Mr Maundrell, Barrie. 40-ly THOMAS LOWE, Butcher and Poulterer, BEGS toinform the public thathe has taken Stall No. 4, in the Market House, Barrie. where he will carry on the above bulinell. an-ie. December 1 1th. 1867 60 W.J'. TAIL`;-t;;-1 roprietor. N. J.`l` having bought out the Stock and Good-will of l.Ve Williafns, is prepared to sup- ply the public with Beer, Beef, Pork, and Potash Barrels, Kegs, Churns,Wash Tubs, Barrel Churna, and the Celebrated C linder Churn ; also,Cislerns of allsizea,nn:l all oil: in 9. Cooper : Line 01 Busineu. Collier -; - - - - - - street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET, BARBIE. 19-ly-r ___`__.__.___._______.__. -.-uAr ynn n`-o'u ru.-..-..-... . .__ autumn! Inu [run oruvery uescrxpuqn. N.VB.--A ohoico lot of cakes and biscuits, manufactured of the halt. materials, always on ha.nd,.with A choice Ielection of Italian goods from the best packet: of Europe R: Iznm 1. `Ia: ea {J an: ax at 4} i 5 , Consisting of Teas, Sugan, Ootfeea To. baecos, &c., Pickles, Canned SnImon,Lo{men Sardines and fruit oftcvery description. N.B.--A ohoico of cakes am`: 1.:a....:. The subscriber is prepsga to execute all or- ders: ainting, Decorating and Psper Hang- ing, (. " Pnintinn hf nlhlnlnrinnn-Anna -120. _...a. _ _ . , 1 Ori11ia..25th May. 1871 AIIO I IIIIG SIOCK Of cm :R<:>c9:aa::r3.:::m`8 nnniuno nf Tana Qua--a n..a-...- PAINTING AND DECORA): ENG I GEORGE Nngzv, ORILLIA. lo , . Paintingof alldencriptionu done with neat. noes sud dispatch and at reasonable rates. All work warranted to give aatinfsction. - IIIIIMAGA an-nu! on mr.u.' GEORGE NEWTON, Painter Danm-Atm-. [Ptv'ngs;'Cs;- Dmaou fy 5 T 2 per day. Agema wanted! AI! $ 0 8 classes of working people, 0! either sex, young or old. make more money 111 work W`llh us in their spare momenta, or all the 1iIne,llm1`uu any thing else. Particulars (rec. Address G. STINSUN 5,, CU.. Portland, Mamet - . 194-ly` nv Luu x- 8 UUTN, , - `Manufacturers of GAR-RIAGES, `:3; ` BUGGIES, - 2 .25!-`3,"" wAi%%Ns:aHs f the latest and beetetyles and of the most ap- proved construction, Oollier Street, East, sec- ond door from the Market, Barrie. As the ad- -vertisers are thoroughly and practically con- . veraant with their business in all its details, employe none but the most akilful workmen, and use only the best material, they `ear: guarantee all work turned out at th )il establish- ment to give `perfect satisfaction to the purchas- er. Farmers and others look to your interests, and give .us a cell, we promise to give you bet- "ter value foryour moneythan you. can get at any other Carriage Factory in Barrie. I'3'Also. GENERAL BLACKHMITHING in '-701" I3 prepAre4 the residence of pupils,: deuce. - Pianos,0rg|_n: ....'I n....-:__ E i'EC'T1e101Azv .9 GAL VANIS 7', - Hnrrisozfa Brick Block? Dunlop Sheet. .-_--_ -,.,-. - an prupnreu so glV6 Instructions at pupils, and also at his own resi- Pianos, Organs, and Helodeons Tuned` In ! Repaired. For terms sud further parti- culars apply at his Residence. Jnmes-St , went of the Oatholic Church, Barrie. Barrie, November 7th, 1872. _ 45.-tf I-i'All0, u nnnxsnu Du: all its branches attended to. Barrie, June 18, 1373. ` WA1iTG0NS", BUGGIES; j GAIKRIAGES, T cUrIEns_c_;_su:1aHs. ' ' ' ' Have constantly on hand 1 good supply of Fresh `Mont, Fowl, Game. &c.. of an choice quality as the mu-koln gtford, and oer the name at very moderate prices. _ - - ' r - corned Bee!-. Snnsaxeo and Lord. tonzether with . -_.5" The Mnnaion House is a. three 32::-y brick building. It Afford: spacioubness, convenience and comfort. ' The pr0[.rietor is well known as ahmdkmmnoumuunnmhcmmmnw his expetience will be 3 `gnnrnntee an to the merits of The Mansion under his superintend- anon ` i Sample Rooms for commercial 'l`raveIIers. GOOD BTABLING AND SHEDS. D. FARA GHER, 9-] ~ `prnrnvint-|r Itob; ` wail; % moderale prices. Corned Beef, Sausages Lard, together a variety of other useful commodities, can always bo had at No.-2 Stall. . ` `All nurnhlnal delivered illlni mm nf the toilil 3 be had No.-x man. _ .~.e?.`:,: :;.`:`.::?'L*'*'r*' M or we town; "cub paid {or Oaulel ' Lo BIHGIAI. - . - J. .. OIIE ,IOX OF 6l.A|lKE'S I 4| PILLS I8 warranted to can all discharges from the AU:-innry Utguu, in either -sex, acquired or eonltitntionsl, Gravalnd Pain: in the Back. Halal In Rnrn- `ll ll nah." hi all hnmintn and eonnuuuouu, uruvulnu run! In me luck. Sold in Boxes, 49 6d each,` by all Ohomilu And Patent llcdicinp Vendors. V . Halo Prnnriatnr. F J . HLARFIE I TnE3V1Tfi61T1?6if Inn-n-..__ _-- - K taunt luuwlnp vuuuvu. Sole Proprietor. F J. CLARKE, ` APOTHBOARIBS HALL, LINCOLN, ENG. Export A entu. Burgoynq, Buxbxdst 8 0., Oolomn-atmt, - ,. . :London. . Ncwbory 8: Sons, 31 Newgqte street. London. Barclay konn, 95 Fnrringdon Ilmt, London. Sanger at Bonn. Oxford um t. London. j_ `And pluho London. Wholoulfe Bonsai. A ' Adgnnn In I1-'-nggln. _-. . ' ; uAn`xm1sQUARE. smntn, - - nuu Ill. tau uuuuuu Iv nuussuu nollllvlu -' Agents In Canada. - Montud-'-Evans, Korea: 8 00., Wholoulc `Dru gim. _ . ., _L_ u_np,0 0800. - ', Ibranto--El` ion 8 0o ,=Who1aulc Dnjgim, * . '51" itam}:11n..._ ...A.n. _ , 5 IE! C U'Ua ' v |Har;illon--n$inor80o... ' ` , ohm 2".'.`?:~41.""'~"-'-- NGLISH BUN HOUSE AND oiiin; * DEPOT. * __ ~ , SE The sublcriber bu received a splendid lot of - ' C II E E S E .-an. 01.- Anal: .-l-:.:-.. :_ 51.- `n.__,,,, , , . 0 . .. Ermucs E L A. '1' I N G: in 0 IN E Ban-ie.Ja_n. 3. I872. U 1-ti. 0ARD.-The subscriber begs to inform the of liarricand mred to WELLS. TAN.(S. nr an mrru ?iLEi:%r:%[1{ %ii}:iiie3z}'z }1'tg7 /\x.x./J,-, .. .. ,. my Omar Ulrnuge 1-ncwry m bl.l'l`le. G'All0, GENERAL BLACKSMITHING in .11 in hrnnnhen nttended in. -' . ' EvIG'NY a corn , 'N|nnfo nhx ran: an` r./-./J\x--r~x-./~/\/\/ LEXANDEB Ifffizf L.~ . ---n:\uL_ Dqun, ` mats, . -_ - . . . onmmo. 9-, FARAGHER; _Propr_iotor. L JUSTICE IS` THE GREAT, B_UT Also 3 fine stock" of n can run In :1 run . \;'~.a V \J\ s/\J\/\.'\.`v.(\l`\.I -x.`\.\.- D USIC LESSONS. -'- PROF. L. CAISSE. Pianist and Qrganiut, begs to intimate that he prepared to give instructions 2 mmila. and also at Ma mm. .....: AND COUNTY % or -SIMCOE `GENERAL Ar1)VERTIS,ER. .___:._--___..?._....._____._.___ :NGHAM BROTHERS, -_.. ,3}: ..H1-ms and GEN- L- RVEYORS; Market . ` sun No. 2, Baltic. lusir. .. ~J~J\. ..1\_/-._ -. gARRIE TIGHT wo COOPERAGE. UUIIUII 1` ` Painter vv 1. un , ` Decorator. 21-Iv \._a.I.J.1uL| Proprietdr. 5-`! - JBarrie`, out-mo, Thursday, September 10, 1874. 501110] any rolpiolluus uel.I'="! in van throughout Ontario, And to dealer: only by ELL10I`i &_ 00., l`nnnl-` pacKago_.- . V v V Examme the brand an! do not be put o' wiLh inferior pa.ints,. The 3331' is alwaga 0ERAP~ I81`. Qnl luv gnu rnunan-hln nal}-rn in Duinin 1UUlTU.- For sale In Barrie by John Woods, J. I`. Kidd, Watson 5; Co . and Wel1 :L!_3ro:. . , - _._ __.. . The undersigned begs to inform :11 parties who msy need such work, that he-bu IIWILI, `on hand A large supply of * dirnctmmn nm Dn)r1I' 5'1'UV.lL1`.l\'.Ea DJJUUIX5! Which he will ssh at the lowest rates for Cash w.. n, Iumcv They also keep in connection with the gallery 3 lnrge stock of Albums. Album Picturu, Lockets, Ohromol, Lithognphs, end Mbnlf. DAI'kT'I`lNf3 I-I 0113:1111 J.\IvvJaxs and Machinery for the manufnturo of DOORS, SASBES, BLINDS,.|l0ULDING.&c * and is prepnred to supply those articlu at the ` lowest price. I m Inuum nn mmnll nlmnnlhmlnl! UFOIIOQ, nd Tongueu BIN! UIUUVBQ IAIIIIIDEY, every description, alwnya on hand, and Lde to order. . Barrie, J uly. - . ` 41-` vvrlll nun, : L. I:. GENUINE No. 1, No 2, and No 3, of this brand, are unsurpassed for body and hrilliancy of shade. Package: centain full nett weight. The public sre wnrned that certain other brands are I ilbs. short in overy`ao-cllled 25 pm package. `. Examine the Le out id . 2.`. J. JILIJ \IlTJ.|I{1.l. J1-DJ (v)fove1;y`deacx-iption, and all sizes, taken It all - ' houwof the day. cu of [45 M33; Cun- U;rLU1..11 on: W :.J.V\:q;', Dreuod, and Tongued and Grooved Lumber, avarv dmmrintinn. nlwnva on hand. and l!IX\l Ellll IIUIILIDI IILVII I'I\`\.rI3I\l-ll DD` cured in Canada, the United Slates and Eu- ' rope. Patent guaranteed or no qharge. Sand for primed instructions. Agency 1!: operation ten years. . _ ` HENRY GRIST, _ _ Ottawa. Canada. Mechanical Engineer. Solxcilior of Patents and Drauzhlsmun. ' . ` ' rlclllfel l"l`IIIl9(I I0 otuer. - ' HUMHE & VAN DEN STERN. oxmia`, Jan. 21. 1372.. , 44! 4x. r\r\r\rII'\ n n I` r 1 E.Ul(lz1!4 11111.14,` U Caxpenler, Builder, &c. Begs-to snnounce to the public thnhe bu completed his 0 m 1'.` A M` D n TI! 1'.` D. - UUNll!iU'l'lUNl`iI I rosnccos &c1GAns.| uyuurl, uunn: auuuunn, In all llI_u ' Various stylou. ' Dulp St, oppoait New Bxik Blook,B'nr Ontario; '1- Mecunmcal 1 Draughlsmun. PLAINIM:o1v'`E7izZraf:Yiisscn:1rr1oN.| 6"vsT.mn4~NgvrnuW!| . TON I oynll-s, Dnflnz season", In all the I Val-Ions sum; ' 6 11,1!!! ronto ,- 1 39.71! This Is pre-emine ntlya shaving age-- ifthis ts doabtez try to trade honoslnd ee ifyou wont get shaved to your heart : content. But at Prof. Moore's, strange I0 snv. the way not to get shaved is to pay him :1 visit and get a clean -have. and thus get the worth ofyour money. . Remember the place, Second Floor, centre New Buick Block, Dunlop Street, Barrio. ` X 3 G" I 10035" . "oIu{iuZGE, `OHOUSE, SIGN, AND" ORNAMENTAL T Q j Q Stages I-lunning betweenABarrie and Pnot|n- guisheno, will leave Barrie Daily at 11:46 am. Ratnl-nina'.`m-riva It Rm-I-in at-2 n :-.Innk_.n, Ill. guulnuuu, wu: wave Dune uauy II 11:90 nun. Returningnrrive at Barrio at-2 o'clock, p. n. ` WEAYMOU (`E 6' FARAGEER, I `Pmnriatnrn . 7tf' - ......-.um um n are! ul any Kllld FOCCIVGG nnd advanced upon. Gounnxoua Pnunsla non 1-5:81-omxaor Goons SALES AT ALL TIMES. Good: consigned to his cum will be disposed of to the but possible ndvantnge. ' JOHN w MDR Rnw ii"\i- i';":"1i _ 4 p A -guy:-non nnir A an A -u-A--u riitlinsnv, amass in MANTLEI " ' flSJIA_KIE'C-- MISS MORTON, I DIINLOP STREET, BAR : Noxtzlo Bird : Boot a shoe It 0. I nnnssns non n! m LATEST swims, ` A At moderate charges, and with promptnoss. ' ` 8'1`BiAW'-AND FELT WORK RE-DONE Innlln nnnn At\_1-- 4 IILIJ IIIIJLIL JIIIJIHIIIVVQ Announces the dpening of the above establish- ment! and solicits the public patronage. Goods. Furniture and Wares of any kind received end advanced nnnn L ' , IIUMME G5 VAN DENTSBEN, ORI-LLIA`. / A VFIN-E S700-E-or FRAMES .I CVIIIIIIIUVIUII IIIIUIIIII maxi` DO0Rl'0 Tan MARKET Housn, ' - ' Gonmxa vsfrnnr, Bums. ' .----- PLAsi1R"'6i*_ :'i>1R1s I --w.uu.-. - r rbnsgtnsr` ` = _-T-W-n.A3TH`G3; , `;/_`-7 = . BI.:ric,0nt'u-io ` Oknlgrfgg appliutiop . . A;-.n ob. "mu Muanuw%'XcFu'WnT AND COMMISSION nnums, NEXT DOOR"l`0 THE MADYIEN` an`:-mu Ongnked` to give :51-. _ Sold by any respectable dezlrars in Paints hmnahont. Outn-in. And to denleu onlv bv BI-AOK'S PATENT % SPHEROI:l,)],;n__lfhB`CTACLES=I Ann 8130 0! [H5 IILPTUVUQ ITIIUDI STOVEPIPE BLOCKS!" 71.3-1. L.. ..:n ... .4 H..- 1.\-..o man. I... (I... ., .., ,_ A:;HIC GALLERY. )1 ! WEE uocxeu, unromol, uunogrnpus, 9:1-OIL PAIN'l`1NG:n.u3 . ll`:-unnd nr withnnt Frnmei "E{*i*Ei~Ii's OF INVENTIO WXPEDITIUUSLY AND PRCPERLY SE-_ I .........l :.. (`......l.. at... ITnII-.l Q n . n . . . . ...l 17.. hKmm`** WHITE LEADS, - In uoLn,`5iLi5i']"rn smn, `O BUILDERS ! ARIRIET AND`PENETANGUI- SHENE Luna on L oq_.I'V'TI'T'A IV'I'I'V reenproy :_ord."- ' ` l" SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, 'AND THE w_H'oLE~_sxcBn'r or SUCCESSTN ALL GOVERNMENT. COIIIPIOIOII I115 STEAM POWVER -1 II. _|.:_.__ p,-_ n... ..........l.-o..-. -6` ru:s:nvAnoIj o`_r gas"-svsslcut. s.c,RoLff" AW1Nq'-, and and Tnnnxin nntl `u-nnvnd Lynn` Mr. John Morrow.` IOUDCIBS `.119 dnenimr nfllm nhnvn nnonlnl _1>HQq'o77RAPHs .-_. .I.._--...A.-.. .._.I -11 -2--- 4-`.-.- nuns & WEEKS. NARPIAIEI`, A `MARKET SQUARE, BARBIE. 8-y Iv .. __.-- _ __ _--. WATER LIME, And also of his Improved Patent l`nV'l?`DTDT4`. RI .f`.I(: 1 ulUll_|D_g . Toronto. Toronto). , Hamilton Lnnnn Picture: Framed to otder. 'CllT\lll', Ar VA N `HEN LII..lJ .I.. 1l.I.V.l.l.LV\.I Framed or without Frames" Auclioneer. A ppnisor, &c. PROF. D. A, Mo0RT"s um nnsssmc Ann Snnvluc SALOON, A IKII I ZIIECT T I'll MISS MORTON, 73$ lfiilj `19! : n a III! II I? OONFEOTIONERYI mnn A nnn R. n- me 093! POSSIDIE ndvantnge. JOHN w. MORROW, A nnlinnpnr, A nnn:e..- Aka hofb:od !_or_t ho v.|u_a.u.I Ill 1.: ' (Interchangeable) nu ninn n uni [L II )0 IOWCBE IBIGI I01" UDSIL WIJC. MACEY, Bayeld St., Barrie, ` . Near the Foundry. 13-ly n-nun vlvl WITH Ollla. Gaps` lulu xsilioxrm Inc 9. u-vnnn inl. L! '_V o |u.\/LULLKI VV , nnunnn, Proprietors. 1 uu-, Tonouo; la 1 T: D"l.IU1` B 40-11: 181': l cnuvrsn I. The town clock peeled the (hour of nine, on the last night 01 the old year. The `clouds which all day had hung hcavyaud gloomy, were now silently falling in bits, covering the earth with a mantle of purity`. In the~`upper part of the town,`=there was silence in the "deserted streets,{or all ~:-were within en- joying comfortable homes, and bright resides; but down alongside the black turbid river, vikhre, 111` rows of dingy l houses, dwelt iiygwretched and_com- fortlesspoor, t `e streets -were neither . quiet nor dark.O< ;:t the corner of every block, there st a beer saloon, with its arch of jewelled lights sparkling in the gloom of the _street;while the music from within, attracted `many a passer- by, made him pause, enter, there to empty his pockets, and craze his brain with the poison that kills both body 2 and soul. In front of `one of these places of attractive misery, the full "glare of the light shining on their rags and pinched, wan faces, stood three *' children listening to the sounds of rev- elry and rne_rrinien.t wit in,and casting. anxious glances as the `cor swung to and fro. _. - i - ll` .1- .._2_L A-.n. l_._ _'.-..h; -.-.;'.- n __:a ' I do wish fnlhpr would come," said Kasey, the oldest, mdelicate girl of f- teen, as she drew the thin, old shawl around her own, and meter : shivering form. If he'only knew.how much ` mother wenuhim. ..c .1-.. .._....I--'L_ 1:1.-- .- _.___ 9-. IIIUIIIUI vvuuua lllllll "I don't wonderhe likes to stay ii: there, where it's warm, and light, and nnn,VnilI Hvlxrin; *3 at hnmn SI : Ag.-I. IIIUIU, VWIIGIU IIID VVIIIIH, nuu llsul u nice, said Sylvia, at home it a_ dark and cold, and mother crieaso much. What makes het cry, Kaaay 1" HT hnnlb 915:3 Than n`|`:n:u- LI- "7f'I{3'7,'-'3 135' -"'I"h`e`;,u:h'oking_ his at I the door, it's"beoause father -`comes here and gets drunk, and leaves us nothing to eat, and then] he : so cross, and strikes us,a.nd scolds mother. It : too bad! When I'm` 3 man, I'll kil-1:1}. the men who make liquor, so I `n - . ` . -III II. I will ! i1!7.'._! Hxieh l eeid Kasey, as the angry httle vows was broken by a. sob, you must not mlk of killing. What if the police should beer you! Come on the door-atop and be we.nn-.ho ll not be long | now. V .un:.| 1.41.-..` ..--.I 4.- .I..'_I_I __|_-_| IIUWa ma mam` used to drink? asked > Sylvie, when they were nestled togeth- er in the shadow of the dooxway. ' nk nn `Kaine: an-nun-A AI-an-rind- ' `.'.(`)l.|-,";1;|,:7uK"n".'ee;;;:v;r;l:eerful- ly.` `fl remember when he was nice, and , end strong as oonid be. and our one was beautiful,-and mother , would laugh and sing ell day long, it : very dilfennt now! ((1 nnneinnn Catlin} Inll ninlnn` -`Olin.- W"`i 311130;: .f:t`i1';r;will go on ouing drunk always and always, uni Tlggo`, ftoin his comer. . u1:r.nI I.'...-,..-n - st l.-I.I -..1.. '-2-_ IKUIII HIE Iivlllvln ' We ll.hope not; if he'd only sign the pledge I think it would onto him, aid Kassy. There he` come: now; I must help tum home; youkaap close `behind---h'e"d bo um if hoahould nee L79.- " >1 - . ' ` = Deeply does it wound and griive me _ .Whon I mun will not believe me, But, dear ext,` if you will givoigne Fifty cams, I will. bv xts nrnnar unina.'-.- ` -. - my Ind poor` But they found I we: 3 printer, . And they hustled me instentor * To the shore. Then I sadly raoollocted Day: when printers were relpected . For their skill. Now I m ojdcted . Fore and aft, Jul} bconuse coma havg been drinking 8:1 . the steamboat-men`to sinking Am. the craft. Thu: do Iober workmen Her By the vice: of the loafer. Till indeed whne ex4 I go for Wnrlr T s By hi: doleful conversntioij Ronned be our commisemtion, And we made the amnll dgn_1%uion, V ` W`uich`ho sunk; But whiln aoino in our dirfnhr . VVul(?II`O BUIIK; But whilo going to our di11"z1 _cr. _ > . We obnrvod thst hardened sinner Beaitly drunk I nor: 1 sum: I met another : imposition Throws-on me a foul Iuupfoion . ' That I drink. may 1 will, by Its proper uIing.;-3 Show you Pm above abusing nnd Thus do lobar workmen guix/`or By the vice: of the loam--'- Buut coin will often go for . Purest lump, Kindost one: who moat hum tinned In your city I'm 1 stranger, Dusty; seedy u a (hunger- For I slnmbered in the manger, 1. A Of a burn- I ciesire a small donation - And some easy transponation ` For my CORN.- Bmt? I tried to work my passage, Moving freight and rough oxpressage- Living on bologna sausage, Drv and nnnr- runs: lump, Kindest one: who moat hqvo mmed Are most thoroughly diiygusted With the Trump For the printing ozce Iteering Till within the door appearing, When he bowed As one revexing. .. When he apoko, Saying, in a voice as solemn Ail gratis Buohu column. -' I am ht-Al-nl Onzu mom in drcny winter Onme n worn _and weary printer, With his bundle on a. Iplinter ` ' 0 er his back; Travel-stnlnnd. ha wn. lud needv_ , uus Shoshonegl :1 1n 1 I unhnl , ' U'er me back; Travel-stnlnnd. he wu, and needy, And his appetite was greedy Fm n mm-.1: `A7BAND OF HOPE. BY ALICE 1:. wxiitlagxs. ma E3119. ly I-llgllil Witg: Tramp. mange, Dry_and poor- I Ilflllll. uuuanug Oonn/ance. L g0 101' Work I shrink Hm. - mum, * I am broke! ` F01` I mack. All the next day after the children had git him-safely at home, Joseph Burd l'vy prostrate on his bed,unable to stir; The pains of rheumatism were racking his joints, his head was throbb-V ing, and his brain was clouded. The black bottle which lay leside him, had been drained, and at vnight-tall, the time he was accustomed to seek the saloon, he longed, with unutterable craving, for just one dram. He pictur- ed the warmth and light of the brilli- ant gin palace, only a block away, and compared it with the dreariness of his home. With the darkness came a cold thick fog, from the river, which pene- trated the dilapilated house, and wrap- ped lreezingly around him. On the hearth, before a small, open fire, made froiirbits of coal and wood that Theo had gathered along the wharf, eat his two youngest children--the `boy, and baby Lena, the darling of the ock, a sunny-haired, affectionate child of four. His wife, with Kasey and Sylvia, had gone to carry home some work. On a light stand near his bed-side, stood a small uid lamp, dimly burning, and beside. it his supper, which remained untouched. He tried to shake of!` the terrible thirst, the intense desire for drink which lled his soul-gtor there was not a penny in the house, nor, as he looked around to see, a thing worth pawning. The terrible pains all over, and the awful longing, drove him al- most to frenzy; he felt that he should perish it he could not have just one glass to warm and oornlort him. "Thee," saidhe, in n whining tone, as he watched the children chatting to- gethenand stretching forth their hands to the pleasant blaze: -`Theo, caa t you go around to the shop and get me some brandy ! I'm dreadlully uick,and must. have some right 'away,te|l um I'm sick, and that they must trust me till to-mop row. ` -:II B U start ! A _._I___..-._ Up the la seemed to press darkly upon the glare of the gas-lights, Kassy led her. father homeward, while the children, fright- ened ani shivering, closely followed. `Often and often had this faithful daugh- ter beeu like a guardianangel` to her father's staggering feet, when, but for her, he might have perished by the way. Once he had been a strong, up- right man, wi:h rm step and steady ng street where. the gloom hand. Kassy remembered his better days, but the younger children only `knew him as he was now, with, feeble gait, shaking hands, and blood-shot eyes-a poor pitiful wretoh, that] im- agine the angels in heaven could hard- lyhave reached, in the depths of deg- I radation to which he had sunk I am sure no one but an angel could have reached him. An old tradition which . tell how the angels fell from Paradise, says that The thread which at first drew them,was at first as thin as acob- web, butthey did _not resist it, and it became -as strong as a cable. So it was with Joseph Burd; he had not resisted the cob-web, and now the cable bound him hand foot, and he had no powergto rise again, His ch.ldren formed the last link tliatbound him to God, and his fellow men. In his sober moments he took great delight and pride in the dear ones whom God had given to his care, and for whom there still glimmer- er sparks of affection in the heart that was nearly dead to all other feelings. 7 His wife,`feeble` and delicate in health, had well nigh sunk under the burden of suffering and trouble, that he had brought upon her. It was a sad,sad reality to the bright dream they had pictured of their married 1 i , when he had brought her,'a happ `bride, to the home that was then a nice house in a pleasant part of the town. New stores had sprung up around it, and time and neglect had _wrouglit sad changes; the decaying 'clapboards', had long been guiltlessof paint; shattered windows, rickety steps, and broken fences, told the sad tale all too plainly. 1nside,the furniture, except for oneor two rooms, had been sold, piece. by piece, to bus the poison that was bringing them so surelyvto ruin; ' " V - Let me bring iho Doctor, lather, if you feel` so bad," said Theo`. 1 - ; ~--~-- --~-r- `_`I?ve no money to waste on doctors -T-nt s brandy I want I tell yo,come I'll? ' `I11! hnfnvnnn 1: Johann ant` - u vanes!-L, I Wllulu L ecu yv, UUKIID ! And between a groan and a whisper, he sank back upon the pillow, and saw.with relief his son disappear- ing with the bottle. A Hundreds of lit- tle children in our Christian country are daily sent on this; sad errand, but never before had Joseph Burd sent: one of his to a rurnseller s ; bu`? pride and self-respect were beiugfast swallowed up by dreadful desire. Out in the thick and murky darkness through which the gas-lamps shone ghastly and dim, went Theo,with a burning sense of hate and wrong swelling his little heart. He longed todashthe ugly bottle on the pavement and run away, but he dared not, and thinking of Lena, he hastened `on. The saloons were f'ull,.and it was a long time before he could get atten- tion or secure anything entrust. Mean- while Lena, leftto herself, came with her childish prattle to her father's side; and had he not been crazed with liq- I oor, he would have welcomed her with a kiss,.but lled with the devil, an an- gel s presence was hateful to him, and after ordering her away without effect, he struck her-a blow across her sunny face and golden curls, at the same in- stant, bringing his hand. back, knocked * the little lamp off, and smashed it in I `pieces-on the oor, spilling `the uid, which at once blazed up and wrapped poor baby, who had been felled by the blow, in ames. In an`a g'ony of ter- ror he struggled to save .her, but his hands _shook,and his limbs were power- leu; his brain walxbewildored, and re- 7 inset! 10 dictate hientovelhents. For an instant his baby -stre there im- hands with criesat` help; he ` * _r 1 ~-ev`er.,he r .with.;-,a that . 4.0- !|x|iIsbl `lltlllblod in ', No. 37. Whole No; 1151. lulu unvulu, L IIIIVU BU many of them." It's no dream, I can tell ye. All night and all day your poor wife was raving mad, and now they've taken her away to the Retreat, I've just put Lena into her coffin, and the other ones are all alone. ` Oh, it's horrid to think what you have done. Mrf Burd groaned. " Thero s no use for me to-try rhen ; Pd better be dead ; they never willwant to see me again. I can jump rate the river, and the tide will carry rn'e,{ar out to sea. `` Nnnr A-`nu ! --an -A `A. ` " Torcqlb. I Tn:-nnl vvlu uauy HJUJIII our I0 $88.." Now don't you go to-`talk about committing euicide--you veV gotoeins enough to answer for already. Live and reform, I say, and save your soul while you've got a chance," and taking his arm Miee Migge led himrnto her little cottage, made him ecup of strong coffee, bade him bathe his bloated face and throbbing head, and left him to rest and try to sleep. But there was no sleep. ' Memory was stirred; he thought of_hie lonely, wretched child- ren, and longed to see them once more, to tell them he was eorry, and was going to free them forever from the curse of his presence. Then the aw- ful thirst grew etron again, and from his heart he cried li e Dives, Oh for `I - (linen `-I\ 4...! ---A V thirstlgrew etron" ag;ih:ua;;'1{:o';x; heart as drop to cool. my parched tongue! for I am tormented in this ame. X03, that was his condition, and rais- ins. he crept silently out into the street. The darkness was last galheg. ing. He would go.round pest home and see what was likely to become of his httle ones. With slow end feeble step he at last reached the eurtainless window and looked in. There was K083) : 0!! the earth belore the fire; with Theo and Sylvie nestled beside her. The tire light danced on their strange, ghastly look. He turned away with sickening heart and passed into the other room across the entry. clear, calm light, and Joseph Burd saw a tiny pine ooin; and Lena lying neck and chest, and the rehad spared her sweet {ace and golden hair. Her thin, white hands were folded,an_'d_ on one of the tiny ngers,sho_wed a small gold ring. ,He remembered when it was given to her and how pleased she was; but she would not want it any more, and it would bring him what he so terribly craved-e glass of brandy. He shrank at first from robbing his dead child, but that sotn passed away with` the desire that was stronger than love or honor. He crept silently into the room, drew the ring of the little dead nger, and hurried with it to `the pawnbroker s. Now he could drink deep draughtsyand it would be easier to plunge into the cold, black waters. Making no eort to "resist the over- powering temptation, he did not leave the bright counter till his money was all gone, and then sank down beside the stove in a drunken stupor. As the clock tolled the- midnight hour he was aroused by a shout from the rum- seller, who bade him hegone. He crawled out and down the steps, and moved toward the V0|`._ Itwwas slow . lthy streets, and he he toqpeuse fre- quently to rest. `At last, when he had almost reached the wliert, his foot slipped, and he fell sprawling into the . tter, when a watchmen, attracted by it groans, rescued and sent him to the . police station. A _ V ' red, with faces, and gave them a i There the moon looked in too, with a . plaoidly in itasif sleeping. The folds I of muslin hid` the dreadful scars on i work, staggering or cree in along the .... uuv -vuuu no au wagon to leave. Ah, 1 know you, she cried, and Iain : surprised; this isjust where I expected you'd bring up when you used to take a drum a day, and accrued the idea of ever being a common drunk- ard. You're worse than that now. You've killed your baby, driven you're wife raving crazy, and made your children beggars---thal s what drink has done tor you. Oh, I'd like to nd out the man who supplied you with this devil! I'd make him buzz! Con- sider him juet one step nearer the evil one than youare. He s one _.of the devil's licensed agents, and he s boughv you pretty cheap, I tell ye." navnr tnnnli an.-.91...- -.-_--J guw [nutty UIICRIP, 1 I611 ye." I'll uevor touch another cursed drop,'so help me God, he murmured with a leoble 3110:: at prayer, but with asiokeuinglhought of the desolation at home, he cued : Is it all trueumt you have said, Muss Miggal Dnd I really kill Lena`! It seems like a hot- m'd dream, I have so many of them." . II : no dmnm. I can mu .... A n Miss Miggs, the owner of the shed where the wretched man had crawled for refuge, was hunting for eggs the next day, when she espied her lodger, and, by a severe pounding and shak- ing succeeded in bringing him back to the world he so longed to leave. I Hnnm unn ,7 aha n..:...l u .....I The next dsy_ he was sentenced, in default of hsil, to a month : imprison- ment for drunkenness. The first (our days were psssedin his eell in dreary lsthugyeofhody end. soul, void of re- morse Wfw of :13 kind, except the thirst 1,: ' grad ly grew less in- tolenble, us no liqfor was given him. Wheqbthe el_ d o drunkenness wore swag, tnelnory grey IIIII `V I9. ` You have killed her! You have killed her! Oh, father, how oould you ! the poor baby! What shall we do `I what shall we do 2 and the boy wrung his hands and moaned `and sobbed. The father, caring for nothing but oblivion, grasped the bottle that had slipped to the oor. The intolerable agony of his epirit gave him a little st:-ength,and he crawled on his hands and knees out through the slime and lth of the alley, and under cover of the murky darkness orept into a neighboring shed, and hid beneath a friendly pile of ataaw,wherc he sank into a deep sleep, that, bring- ing an agony of dreams and delirium, lasted till late the next day. wu a.roI-::o_d by awfu'nTs.l1`};al_t`a`}:}i oz;-ie.s of tenor, and raising his head, he saw Theo bonding own the charred and life- less body of Lena; the the had spent` itself upon her, and left, oh, such a pn- \ iful much! 11`)... I___-_ I_,lI_ I u n `v And. 02 on if not paid in advance. . cumm nx.` uzunmoll London. _:__4 CHAPTER Ila uu uon -11:50: Lu-u uulu 1| [Ur l lJl1l." Oh, lather, how could you T cried Kassy, horried; we missed it and thought some thief had stolen it away. I did not think you could have takem it, tathar. `(van .!:.l ..._. |_..-__- .|.__. L ,_,_ u My Ba_ud of Hope is my children, he said, with grateful tears in his eyes; though this little ring will over to- mind me that tis a broken band. vuul Atuulv Cl I uuu a Father said Kesy, when they were left alone in the ickering hghl, why did you not let me know whore you where all these dreary weeks 1" Mu nhim Inn... .3. `wall or... ...--.-_ IIIUUI VVKJII' `UK ! It! could only give her back` Lena! " be ground.` `unnnu 4.11.. 4...... :. 1-,.L,_ . nu SIUOIIIUKI I Don t talk about it, father; she is happy with the angels, and is better, you know th'ere would have been In many sorrows for her if she had staid on earth. 1.1!... I.` 1 .u A . ... - . - - WBut '.`wnsI that killed her; that I never never can forget.` And did you know, Kassy, 1 took her little gold ring of} her nger and sold it for rum. (Ink hating. Ln... ..,...i.) ......a-9 -_:.,: 1- vgavn x It may 'be at tho pnwn-shop; we will see to-motrow. If I had it for u talisman it might help mo to koep my pledge. Ido not think I could ever sink so low as to sell it for drink again. that {Any Hnllnrc aha haul nnunll unun cu ruw an LU null LI. LU! UHUK Ilglllllf With the few dollars she had saved. Knssy succeeded the next day in re- deeming the little ring and her tather s; silver tvatch.- Returning. she threw the silken cord round her father's noek,_ and fastening the ring tightly to it, said; There, father, is your talisman. Call it your .`Band of Hope, '30 that when you are tempted it will remind you of what you hope to be and what wehope you'll be. nun , n 1 1 It ~ - -- - -- 42-Iii` -{ Miss Miggs evidently did|somo good things for her neighbor,` {or she 'suo~ ogaedod in securing for him the desired position, and it. was so arranged that they should start 9% once for the scene of his new labors. mg- _--_.__.1 __ ,.. 1 ,.,--.L - n ,u.. vvuulcl nu Lucuc uruury weexs I My child, [was in hell the greater part of the time, for surely no disem bodied spirit doomed to the horrors of remorse could suffer more than I did in body and mind. But tell me, how is your-mother-did I ruin her inn '7 ' IUU E `-`I.hope not; she is better now; was quite rational when I was to see her yestordav. When I tell her you am alive and doing so well, she will be al- most well, too. ' T? Ynnnhl .-..'.l.. ..:-.- L__ l.__,|_ r ,_,, I u ID LCI`IlUIO You did not know, then, how low the devil c__ould sgnk one, and his hate- ful servant, mm; but it is true; there is nothing too ooutemptible for :1 man to do when under its inuence." u\lTL..... :. u__ _.__ Ln, an I I IIU VV IQ too ! 117 L IAIUI ~ Thore ll be no harm in trying, and l ll run right over and see; he's stopping with his daughter, you know, Mm. Cli" And the good-hearted ener- getic neighbor, hnstily throwing I1. shawl on her head, departed on her charitable errand. (11.1- `L _ 49) - 1 vr uu wuvu uuutu Ila IIIIIUUDUC. Where is the ring, father! asked Kassy, after a pause. "Couldn tI get it back 2" u-v; ,, .1 i The sympathy and encouragement of his wife. who was now nearly oolvales- dent, give him renewed strength and hope. He felt {or her sake, with God s help, he could and would win the vic- tory over himself. gun VUI, Hulls IUI yllo I don : suppose he would take any one with such a poor reputation as I have, though I used to be a good {ur- met." urn! III n I - ' A - TuA'r s EVEN so !--What is even so! Why, that Mr. Stephens is the very best Photographic artist. in this section of the country. Don't take our word for it,buL go, and judge for yonrselvcs,ns hundreds have done, and are xcontinuingly doing. His `picture gallery, and the place whom he operates, iav,ovnr Wood ): Medical Hall. " Don't forget that. ' ' I know] it, was the sad reply, and I tremble to think of Lt. Iwish I could go away somewhere and get something to do, where. I should be less tempted." `rhn urn-U lhinry unn nnnhl In u su uu, wuuxc 1 auuuxu uu luau LU1llP|-Uu- ' The very thing you anght to do. Why not go out :n the country ! 'l'hero'e Mr. Druyton wants some one right away to take cinrge of his (arm whiln he goes a sea voyage for his health-~ the very thing for you." I Ann ! aunnnnn ha nynnl/! 4-1-- -...-. A CURl0Sl'l`Y.-A great poet says that an honest man is the noblest work of the Deity, now the place to find that man is atthe Medical Hall, for friend Woods lievw injnst dealing, and giv- mg fu value for money spent with him, and as the public are well aware of this foot, they liberally `patronize him. In addition to compounding physicians person-iption_s in the most pareful manner and of the purest ingredients, and also` keepingin stockthe.l;e of everything: to hehad in his line of ` ' nojggn lnhilnvlsxl-. nit -~ Ill"-LII` L EIIULIII-I IJBI ll 6U\J\l IJIEII ,0!- Praise the Lord ! ejaculated Miss Miggs, who appeared in'tlmo to hour the last sentence ; if He hasn't given. us back Joseph Burd, clothed and m his: right mind. Yes, you, nmghbour,_ [feel it in_rny bones that you have- pulled through, and will make me an strongman yet; but you will have, fierce temptations. . . HT Irnnur if " nvno Hun K)`Il| -nnln null UIIJKI ll IUURO \VUIIUl \\l\lo on'vc come back to be good, hnv'nt you father 1" naked Theo; it will be real mce if you are good because Miss Miggs is so kind and mother is getting well. Kassy has been to see her, and she says so, too. -Yes, Then, I've come back to be good. I think God would have lot mn be drowned in the river if He hadn't mam! 1 should be 9. good man yet." 66 `D....'.... Okn T nun` I , n:nnnIn!nJ nun uuuuavvo uuvxus uuw Uu mum bu_,Ullll'g08|'o, cheapest and best stog:k__`of Oils to by had anywhere, in thigjolof the country. Remember-.th|.:. ` -~ _V ~31 thought be .;m...-. died said` Sylvia ; I knew he would come back. and hi looks Weller too." _ l,,,L A- L- ,, I "`bT.',"}3;, father, whit am become of you? cried Kasey, leading him joy- fully in ;. wevthought you were drown- ed`)! , .1, ,.,L. 1 L_I 1. 3- .199 --s urug SUI!-I ll: EU lllllls For along time, broken hearted and cast down in spirit, it seemed to Mr. Burd that he could never rise above his , of his children lled his mind, and a desire to redeem what he had lost in 3 their sight possessed him. The arous- was a dawn of light, which grow ' stronger and stronger. There was no drink to quench the tiny sparkle of hope that had been born, and so it `lived and grew; and when the day of release cams he felt strong enough to tatce up hi3 life and battle forth:-. right. Withthis resolve he wentnt once to his old home; butstrangers re- sponded to his knock. The house, heavily mortgaged had been sold, and in Miss Miggs' poor cottage he found his children. l nu. l_.L_ :,,.L_,, .-_L_. .arj|_ _ _ _ _ ,. miserable conditron,but at last thoughts j ing of love and self-respect in his heart ~ ;.`f?21oE.tha'r rum of 3 his ivrok .aa'mau.-ow d . Of `the dPVil," he groanad; Would i they had shut me` up in` :1 mad-house ; before I wrought s'uchudesolalion." 5 Once he had been beloved, useful and happy, but yielding little by little, the demon had et_ last full possession of his soul. Now all was lost-his family, his honor, self-respect and condence ; _"othing remained but remorse grief, End a sense of his deep degradation. - He cursed drink and the people who had sold it to him. I")... , L_-l___ L-_.'.A-J _._J ... .uu.Lu .\uJ.';LL, Ulo U-1 3" `" V' 9 . 1*..~'..K4, Physician, Surgeon. &- -- 3'\ m-mrtrzulslmne, (int. 31') D115 HA MlI.T(I\' & l\IcCONKEY,--Reai- . `wee-Cu'..`.cr street, Barrie, 0111. ' Atrx u.w11.1'or4, 1`. c. IHCONKIY. M n. (YURONER. _ u.n., I!-B-0-9' \{'m}`1..~, amd13K{e 1`oront;TI Xi:-m}-or College Physicians and Surgoollq Uni.-U[I`xco-Uvcr \v.-us Bros . Drug Store. !>[msito Barrin Hotel, Hotel, Duulop street 33 DR. J. 1.. G. MuUAR'l`H&- has removed {pin -yice to his new reaidence on thq West side 0! John Street, iminediately oppo.-.ite Mr. Geo. Knife planing and sash factory. Dr. McO., has I X 1 .`.inC_;` for A student. 44' 1., . . ' """` BAll.EY,VE'1`ERlNARYSUR- . GEUN, successor to D. G- '.\`.u'.herland,and Graduate of On- ` ,_ tnrio Vererlnary College.-- Thee ` enqscriber harebynforms the public . that he will carry on V the business 0} Velennnry Surgeon in the plus of D. G. `'1'd:wllo is leaving these parts: and P95 bi prompt attention and skillful treat- 111011110 secure the pstronage so liberally be- slowed upon his predecessor. Ollice and 8teb_.u one door East of Fnn.gl1er I Hotel, Bmxe. 45.1 _.,,_- V - , ii nrmonwuu we the Id, tudul vs:l .IlIc'l6l1 -81 V W! ". Inii lbdlll manner: I III! Inu ' 9 VETERIN4RY \ SURGEON, THORNTON. V The subscriber begs to inform the inhnbitnnts * Thornton and vicinity, thathll oicois at Thornton P. O. , South Simcoe, nnd that he is Drepnred to promptlynttend to all _ DISEASES OF` HORSES AND. CATTLE. And 'suy_thing_reqniring Veterinsry Skill.) His Omldition Powders, Healing Oil, &c., will 139 l91wd very elbclcions, and unsold by J; P. DDDruggist, &c., Barrie. Order: promptly I tended to. V 8 y . H. BLAOKSTOOK. -;-> OF ATUATE R 1) H. uosmxo. `GR .- Dfrw ///_Z [nay be P_,mude1phi,,` Dental College); fur1dI -3 cbrges ubia olce eV`3l`Y `my Ex - creel, . . Oollxer 8 - sun. A_ made for professxonal V1 . `Junie. DIPOBITORY 0? `PHI ` U b3ARRIE BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY. DUILOP IIEE I1`. ` ``s.\'.ir>..\ Fix:.i'?:;-:%':731LDfbiJ{AND (; .s'.v.'::.'<;.:.~: nu;-:r'1. ' 1,,-,~.,. (m':rr:--.`.'..1\S1).\'.(`} H ALL, 'I`_()RONTO. (}A.PI'l`.\L. {'3 ,3')O0.()0(\, To `vnrmels an-'1 Landowners! v I! T7... Tl/ ....4 A.` 7.`r.......... H11 _ . . _ ... Q-_ 5, m')1il\'n`<-N, Orillia, Snlicllor in Chan- ; /` I`c f_Y .A'.m:'u-_v-nt- Law, Gonveyancer, Com- n.:ss1~.nvr Er, B.R., kw. Heir and Duviseo Claims p}osc.~uu-u .Agcnt for Canada Landed Credit 'o4,.nnan,v for loaning money on Real Estate, rju."IL.'.--'.'Vut J"/'1u:'s` Kcnn's Store. _ _ 848 ~---,-~`:- A A A` _ mn. nmuu omvmu: `Mow rephredio Manulgclure all articles in his ll, of he beat description, and It chupirnles. 3-.nie,o. :x.1867- , - H\')ll.I..P:I{' :'r[1n.\1Ls'm} ,(J-:vi1 Engineers, .7 l.m.1nc1P.l Lxm.1 Surwyors, A.-ohicts, &c. it-nun!-1 and Al.LIS'l`0N. 3`A-'-Mics (J.mu.m. ' (7Lnr1r.om> Tuomsou, U.E..I .T.-.q (`..E..P.T._Q_ . y, '1, Aummi. "u`uA=-C.r ;' t .sjr.f..\1'.'_Y, Barristers and At- {orneys.S')1Ic11u:'.~I In Chancery.` Notaries p,,{.ij', Uouveyn cars, Harrie, Co Simcoe, Ont._ H. II. GTRATIIY. \ ..'N'I` k I.HI'N"I`. Barristers, Attorneys nt- L lnw,So1ic|lnrs iu_ Cha`ncery, &:c.-()fce-- Dunlap Street. Name. `.~.-mceasors to the late m: Boulton Louut, ';3oys,& Stewart. . r: W r..-..-...... m I , nun I IHIIVBWUI .` r he-nrd `do ical llialuy j ction 01- In n; _-_._., ____- - Av; . _ ~ 7 t :` `Fun of num_uAt:n mcsmslas J _ - u.nmnALn.srm,ox. 0.19. WA. - ., " " Qlgnr JHRISTOPHER HARRISON. n-an-urn an ....o __- veyaucor. ln|i!'Dne. .... nnlif. . ~.---.\\-. -_4~.~.~\.,-J . mm 0x1:s\\'u:m:,`JE"; Provincial Land 7 `q` k`.V~F. VII! er, 2%., Bm-ie.' ' Ill LLII U D. You Pu. J 6. uunn COR NER. ic- U,*'rice--lu Brick Block, Dunlop Stlieetp it at, oppositn Watson & C0., Dl'l|8E13`3z `- RH' rs! house East ofReg1atry ace. -:s~mn.-.2 hours -from 10 till 12, Fr' ~m.am1 from 1 H113, Afternoon. ll-12m P @913 ' \'m:A1z :{1(_T ll. i.` I. ~ `~:::';'_ ._:_' ___...' W `-' ,fichirt1l 1);]-f55i;11I. . . . ;{1`.Icf\'k\'L.\7b`I?:i{,`I\/I`: B: if ii.` 13. - PxH, It v|wa:..:,,.. Cl ..... Ari Am _ ~.\`L:i' rm I.KND.-:\;};;}j io J1'$1/ED: WARDS, i{3_\_'a1 Inauro;.ce Office, Barrie. {men J. Kn qjma, Al"I`ORNEY-A I`- L wlsmcim:'-nVn.UbmEcery, and Con- .wm_ l)!!ices~\\:-Iter faucet, I euet,,-m. P-`lgua. yous) to Lend ~ ]3.y n" cc,-_rmn' 1: nova, [LATEMoCAI'lTHY. I &.\Ic(';;.'l!1`.] Bnzristeranand Anon-yg, Ii.-ixur.~1i:xHmnmry, Ncxtarnos Public and _um,W.,,_,_;_ I)m.op street, iume. 1 ' ' .. .1 Ml` `Nu Dnxvn Y I n Or to` .Z`x151I~: c.`-,u'=: i\7uIitc}s . In! XU l:n.\u uzI.upp1'uV*.`u Hbcl.Ul(l BB- ,-~;.;'._v, and :.t xuo-19--_.xtc Intcrest.-Ap- ARDAUEI is STRATHY, Solicitors, 2-54: W N m'uEm-. ADVANCE V . , .1... m....... .130... 371'1mc2;or 5 Vliidthlijj` of `V y A_ PTl0K y 1 u'i,1 11-, RC. ,e_.0w.:u Streak, Barrie, Ont UV.liL.l H (Life, the I. \,u. Jun. 1 H6 99 .4. *'2:i;%gtn;+:;,T3*f ' T-J I.ESD' on.n;s;;fc;rd-?x;e;1.o1d so- In and ;l nn`s.]n.-.ah: 1n`.ra: _AnA IIJKB (.4111: fcgnl Qmthis. IUI IL-111` \JlllL\L\ VVLAULD 3 Want to Barrow M-cncy T i:.:.d for y-tmr.-:clf or for y0:.1 sous? `vu-`c cx 'u;z.i'u'{ Tc) fence, clear, r'.>`.i.e|-u.'i=`:- uugnruvc your land? Iort._r.*.;eox' C-{her debts`? Or for_ ) ...u .. 11{.\1.1.2 ,:x'1"I'LInNEi'-A*rfAv n , (`hnnzvnrv (`!.un;.... nnnn ..- .._... ._-...u.-5-wvav I ormuu R D A um: `D1 1: I u uh, I: relied upg anon n`, J runu vu D1 D1 STREET. h.\1-I: : ,:\ I I uzun n 1 -A L-11)\W ,iu - Chancery, Conveya.ucor,. Ru`. ...- -,~/.....uv... - .2-.`n Fuil Goon MORTGAGES uioz: supply to J. :.'::R2.EuT MASON , L`.-M. AA 'I'rm1.\'urrr, '!'.)rm1[ JIKRUW, agent for "the x.. ;7oupa.py, the Queen tn:-nix, the isolated, and :'.`z=ncc Comp:uxies.-0ice `s56 <, .\:.uce Ueputy Regxstrar ngonHnrtheRaya1In- :.-.1 the .\ cuila11tIu5urance us=.t Oice building, inrrie (,`ount.y Omwn Atlornev, 1 Harrie. A! l r.-cl terms of the CANAL{A u AND SAVXNG Soc1H'rY;_ : limns to Fauwners during any other, n o:';1`gmater mu_:.~ than those of any 0 H.nnin.1n lib`, Attorney at-law, Sol`- '_ (`.nnvn\'nnnnr_ (`.n--uni,-. IVU "I. run . `ox ` H1 zili. g In; loin. Stu } H ees Bennu? '5'. Lzuuvc-_\'nncet'. l;0'.1mna- mayner: Cu. Simnoe. '90!) inm. HENi'r sEwE1w, annlnlnllurn nll nrlinlnn In. L!- DRY, `AGRICUL- RAL IMPLEMENT 'AND STOVE WORKS. _ . IRE BARBIE FOUN- .IlU:\l\\_7 VV .{I/mraiscr, of Barrie {X I LN .`\D\.` J7 'l'n3umI`'r, '.".)ronlo, I: in WV Buoksrook. .x.u. IIu.lI|Uo 1 Wu. 3031, L.L.B. uzwnrb. G. W. Loam-. Ill) 1 HOMSUN, (LE. , P.L.S. DEG uer min; I_ mauac-1; gm in `,1

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