Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Aug 1874, p. 1

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Excellent acomodation for Summer Viaito Tourists, and tkha Travclling Public. Boa Fishing Tackle, r nd Vehicles of all kinds for convenience of Guests, The 831- irwoll sup ed with ' Foreig \ and Domutic Wines Liquors. Good Stabling and attentive Oall N.'Ba--Sp1endid Speckled Trout streams in viinunitv. - , ' ' _ ' 48-] if a D 5-1.1; ncxnlty. The bea1.Bi11ir_~.rd Parlor North of Torah The table is auphlied with evqrything in seas) Pure Winesngd LiquorB.- Goqdmbling. Barrie, Dec.418th, 1872 ` I ` 1 ._._...~- ' _ ____..- .- WLARKSON HOUSE, BARBIE: J V . ' _ ` JOSHUA ULARKSON, Pro] I The Table arid Bar woll eppliod. Good First-clans Sabling and Attentivqostlers. - . . ' 4 '\/\I\.\_r\,~ \/x . .__/\rx4\ tLLISTO_N.I-.`.)TEL. `The `.Simcor.~,' under in new mnzgge has undergone considerable improvement,` now present: to the travelling. comxnuni house unexcelied for oommodiouaneuand fort. The Bar is pupplied with the 0110 brands of Liquorzi and Cigars, hnd in thee of an adept. compounder of ., drinks. Stablingand Sheds. _ ' - -74.... . --`.-.vn nnmnv. ,.nng7ai"n . - --.- ' `cg; . Wines, Liquors, and Oigm, of the quality, supplied a_t the but; A good ' tab alwuya kdpt. Excellent accomtnodatio Travellers. An attentive` Hostler. Oh moderate. Stage twice dnily from the to Guilford, and dnily lrom Roaemont an lieton and back v . ' 44 - --0--r\\v nnmnv` nnnvnmnw mmo AN M. ,oH'E`1i-(E1, PROPRIETOR; D. ' Lats of Har~~ood Ra:1road_Hmu_c,Roca Lake. `E. CONWAY, - -- -opriatoi. -:-- Linn . nu, n-' c--:- The best brands ofTWin4es. Liquors, Qi and the etceterns of a r_at-91-assimr alvn hand.` The table is unequalled in its-fu inga. The coanmerciai rooms are better any North of Toronto. The enabling a modation cannot be e geliegl. Stage, tw day to and from Gui} ord, and daily, fro ` hous`e to Roseinont and Alliston and bush Tffttl-: '\./\.-\_'\, -./s Good._Boax-(3, good aqcommodntion for '1` lets, good Wines, Liquors, and Oignra attentive` Hustler always in attendance. nu... . .. `HE WELLINGTCN HOTEL. c----- ...~,.-.v, - V} ___.__..-.~. _.._.__.__.... EHEROYAL aomn, ALLANDALE. . , (0roxon _a old stand.) V WALTER '1.`;'-I-I:6-bR, Prop'rietor.- _ Oharl `nnunlhnm . P . H,` . II! I. nr. Dttuzx z;v:.u Ohm-lea O1arkaon,(lato of the Tar Houae),begn to intimnte to the public th has opened out a first-class Hotel 6 miseslntely occupiudasthe Bank of To.` The bar is tted up, in rltqlssu atyl Liquor: and Cigars of the choicest In-an .1 always be had; '1`_he_ _8_tnb1ing in goo ample. The belt ofdoooynodstion in o . qtravellori any}. boa_"der's,`u thdrooml ` V and niry,and hl-`bV\_"`0Y'V'b9Ord`ilIn - An attem'we_ opilorgwa -iIi'ut\Q3`&.1'IIif, 1:`: smooiz i1oUsE,' n_exs'd_ Qld E-znk of '..-'.'oroi1'Vt9 Bu skeet Bur_rio_ ' oior West a mug, Du -13-- ~ Vol. 5 ' an EXCHANGE nlorm. -, 4 :--o JOHN QREGG,- -5 . . ---- A'.:,' 'n'.`r tlhoabonu 1 mnnnhil IBIOD anu unux. ELLINGTOIFHOTEIZ, ooo_xs'row{ ---:n o. A1ms'rnJNq,- -_ -_: -_ - Propriotc` "J17-1! . OOE .|. _ " ,,'.;: -_r_ WQMMERU1 `-1. nu run, a J ` EAST, BARBIE. ' c---.1 JAMES. 3.4-.Ynnn,_ '. . M. sa2.1:AoY, - %- c:--- - Tnosgummmnsmr, Propritor. __--- 1 omnmox .1. HOTEL, DUNLOP sr .- mm`. BARBIE. T ;: $1 per }er in advance;' u - D'.`Jl 1. n, \ Chink Agent for Dominion. A` . ' ` JOSEBH ROGER .1 noun} 1}. sire At?-i>:' 1!Ior,;!i.ern. 4] .15.- `.3 V ULARKSON, Prop:-ietopr. BANK HOTE1 .. I\1....Lunn `II-GA 1:!` Mn: 'I`nrf 11 RUG. LE -A gent! -Bar! ,_oooks 1~o1 Prop:-tor. Propri II Ill 48-] n`n1uui_ - '~'|lV\JlVAlIIJ IJU 11 1, V Butcher and Poulterer, > BEGS toinform the public thsthe haftakon I Stall No; 4, in the Market `House, Bhrrie. I where he will carry on the above bnlinou. & atria. December 11th. 1867 50, r public oi Barrie and vicinity thtl be it pre- ured 10 SINK WELLS, TANKS,` or do EXCA- 'I ATING, either by the 'ob or day,on the shortest .nolice and mostxeaaona lo terms. ' A un-nu.-'1'ne subscriber beg: to inform the . _ b R. ct }"rl}{'EnT,' lor Mr Maundrell, Barrio. 40-ly "T`i'`7\Il A A` I or Mr JTHVOMAS LOWE, I A RIIECLQ fn3nPns-nu I4... .. W. JQT. having bought out this Stock and Good-will of I.Ve Williams, is prepared to sup ' gly the public with Beer, Beef, Pork, and Potash arrels, Kogs, Churns,Wash Tubs,` Barrel Churnl, and the Celebrated C_ linder Churn ; alao,CiIterna of allsizea, and all oil: in-a Cooper : Line_o1 Business. - oz aus1zea,anu nu won: Ill-E Cooper Line_o; Collier - - - .- - ` NEARLY. OPPOSITE THE MARKET,` ` BARBIE. 19-ly-r 6 - street ` jun. vrcvv n-... .v.-._..... .,.A - Organist; begs to intimate that he ' is prepared to give instructions at the residence ofpupils, and also at his own resi dance. Pianos, Organs, and Melodeons Tuned ind Repaired. For terms and further parti- cular: Ippiy at his Resideneo,Jumes 8%., west ,of the Catholic Church, Blrrie. `Barrio. November '19!` .lD'l0 1- A 1 usuu unDBUD.-t H.UFa V I 14. OAISSE, Pianist and L (enerul &31min22m (mag ALEXANDER LAWE, VELEOTRJOIAAN .9 GALVANIST, Hudson : Brick Blank. nnnlnn 99.... n.n.--A ouuxuv mi 01 canal and msonm, ` manufactured of the but materials, alwiys on . hand, with a choice selection of Italian goods ` from the beat packers of Europe I ' - . R. KING, Jr. _m we `uunonc Unuroh, Bun-ie `Barrio, November 'IthA,- 1872. ----.:: J-JIJJJU 4 1.1.1.!/.ll.l.l.V a Brick Block, Dunlop Street. P 1:. A. '1: I J.\'l-'-(-3-` D o N` 21 J Bar:-ie.Jan. 3. I872. , 1-ti. |7GEoRGE Nnvgx, ORILLIA. * The sublcriber itpropu-ea 0 execute all 0:- ~ data in Vainting, Decorating and Paper Hung- Ing, kc. Pnintinnr of nlldmmrintinnndonn fth nan- . 5 " "" The Mansion Home is a three Mari brick `building. It affords epnciogpnese, convenience and comfort. The projrietdr in well known as a hotel `keeper to rem-!y~tll1'n this county, and his experience will be a guarantee on to the merits at The Mansion under his superintend- gnee , (0 Pkinting of alldescriptionndono with neat. 11099 and dispntch and at rveasonablo rues. All work warranted to give mtiafaction. muxssAeA a-run onnmn. GEORGE NEWTON, Painter . Dacnrntm-. 3 Orillln. 25th Hay. 1871 Sampl Rooms for ( }om`meI-clal . Travellers. . GOOD BTABLING AND SHEDS. D, FARAGHER, pIl\f\I';Dff\I' 9-! $5`T0 $20 1 1 either sex, yonngor old. A. per day. Agents wanted! All $5 classes of working people, of sex, yonngor make more money ax work` vmh us in their 5 are moments, or all the time, than at any thing else. articular; free. Addrou G . STINSON 3; 00., Panlnnd. Mame. I IQ-a-ly WW -'-H----W Of the latest and but styles and of the most ap- lprovedconstructica. Collier Street, East, sec- ond door from the Market, Barrie. As the ad- vertisers are thoroughly and practically con- versant with their business in all its details, employe none but the most skilful workmen, and use only the best material, they can guarantee all work turned out at th sir establish- ment to give perfect satisfaction to the purchas- or. Farmers and others look to your interests, and give us a call, we promise to give you bet- ter value for yourymoney than you can get at any other Oerriuge Factory in Barrie. I:9"Also. GENERAL BLAOKSMITHING in --_ THE MANSIQN H_0USE, Inn-.o..-.... .___,..._. j nanknr squmm, IZTAISO, utsnnmau man. all its branches attended to. Barrie, June 18, 1873. The Vanhioribar ha-v-ing purchased the ontife stock in` t1-adv of Mr. Wm. Whitobrud. in pre- pared to make on the shorts t notice And most ressonnbletegmn as good an as cheap Double. or Sigle ' . WAGGONS, . ' OARRIAGES, BUGGJES, SLEIGHS OR OUTTER8, A. mm ha made in thin or nnv other cnnntv \VA`jl}0NS, BUGGIES, GARBIAGES, ~ cu_1"rEns_e_5__sLEIans.T . UUIBIUDD V U1? U|'J`l.".l'liB, As can In made in this or any other county ` A. OROKER. IIVUIJIILVI Dl\Ull'lIol\O, 15 BUTCHERS and GEN- : ERAL PURVEYORS. Market Stall No. 2, Barrie. Have constantly on hand 3 good nlpply of , h M t F wl Game. &c.. of an choice Enrity assign; mg:-ka tn atford, and offer the lame od t `cos. m (.:g1elBee-2'1`. gaagtagel and Lardnogether with a't very moderate prncos. Corned Beet, Sausage: Lard,1ogeghg.- ::::ms:t5;:::`"'mdm--=~~v- ` I variety ofolner ll!6l|ll co_m_moa1uu, can always be had at No. Stall. All urcha delxyered in any part or the town free 0 charge-. Cash paid_,lor Cnltlei . A- B1N9BAH- J. nmamx. Barrie Nov -19: I872.` - _ ' 43.1y - III DUA Ill` Ill-rIIII\I-U In 'I'I tlnnu, IS wan-antazi to care all discharge: from the Us-innry 01-gum, in either sex, acquired or oonnTI,tntionnl, Gravel snd-Pninp in thejB|ck; Patent lledioino Vendors. T - ~ - . nln `Prnnriator. I JJJLABKI. Sold in Boxes, 49 6d oaoh,"by all Oheznilu gnq Medicine V pnaon. . Bole P:opriotor..l` LOLABRI, APOTHEOARIES HALL, LINCOLN, ENG. Ernnvi I QIIIIII. Al U'l'U.UAlSl.I.IID uxtuu. usnvvvuav unu- T . Export Agents. Burgoyne, Buxbldgea & .0o.,T0olounn an-oat, - . aLondon_. Nuwbery & Bonn, 3'! Newgste street. Londoh; Bucky &.8on|. 95 l'aningdo'xratreot.'London. Sangort Bonn, Oxford street. London. .. . ~ ' 5 and 111-!!! _, Igpnd .< ppulo liquggg. my other Unxnuge 1-nctory In nsrne. l 3"A180, GENERAL BLACKSMITHING M in hrnnnhpn nnnndad to. to 9 top lb 5 \ \"\"\-`\ \ \/\--\/\/\.r\/\\/\./xx-xa-\/~./x,-xn `:R.41]E`l'1RI{`. 'r.l'.`Qunuu nnnn BIl l'i9;, Juli 13; 17;." __._____ 3. mnaenrm, rropritor. ML. 11' OA-RD.--The subscriber beg: inform Vicinilv thil Im .1...-.._ EYIGNY 8 0'O'l`E_, ` . Manufacturers of ' : )AINTING AND DEOORAIING one aux or cunxeiis 4| I-Iu.s 3 _........m4 an nun all dinnhnri-rm from H JUSTICE IS THE GREAT,'BUT L1 1 as U U '1' rs , . Mnnnfacturen of OARRIAGES, . BUGGIES, WAGGON8, AND SLEIGHS u ,_. _A__`__ ,_.x ,p.|, 4,--. -4 lttsir, ./\/\. \./\z\_-x/\ -\ r\/\.-\/\/\. \/\a \/\ [USIC LESSONS.-PROF. 11. pmn:nO nut` e 111 mm or ny I A. CROKEE, nllinr nh-An ARRIE TIGHT WORK COOPERAGE. --._- .J. TAYLOR, Proprietor. day. Agents wanted! All of workum neonlo. INGHAM BROTEERS, and GEN- .. UULll13 Oollior street East, Barrie. 73. 29-Iv y uqunnn e - - -' onmmo. -:-n nun-un an vv'1`Un, Painter ._ Decorator. 1 . 01-11! COUNTY ".01" &s;_ 001+: GENERAL `ADVERTISER- L4 : " L :`?%A6m i""`a.:;:., % `A o " 9lI0dV&0il`onhf.cu`bg 1,3,,` V 'L.mfim Ii \J JLJJLII, Proprietor. 454: DIl'l'lCa 29-ly 1. ..!Il(`~|u;_< . :F0fL1`\ .l~r E~`~``uI; No. 1, ! No 2, and No 3, of this brand, are unsurpassed for body and hrillisncy of shade. Packager contain full ' nett weight. The public on warned that certain other brands no 1 ilba. short in every so-celled 26 pound package. V. . . Examine the brand on! do not be put off paoxnge. Examine the put withnferior paints, The nut in nlwhya"onaAp- I31`. V _ ` - Sold by my respectable dealers in Paints throughout Onurio, and to dealer: onlyhy ELLIO1` & 00., . . , . . - f'1`onorro. For solo `n Barrie by John Woods, J. P. Kidd. Watson 5; 00., and W ell}: Bros. .L . ---- I The undersigned begs to inform all parties who may need such work, that he has always on hand I largo supply of `IT! A ("BIRD AID D A DTQ I This IS pre-emim ntly-a shaving age- ifthis ts doubtec. try to trade horses and see ifyouyvonl got shaved to your heart : cement. But at Prof. Moore s, strange to say. the way not to get Ihuvcd is to pay him a visit and get a clean shave, and thug get the worth of yqur money. . Remember the lace, Second Floor, centre New Brick Block Dunfop Street, Barrie. IAFDULLLUIIDU 1 AH ILVUL AILHJJ. Du- cui-ed in Canada, the United Slate: and Eu- ropc._ Patent guaranteed or no charge. Sand for` pnnted instructions. Agency in operation ten years. ' HENRY GRIST, Ottawa. Canada. Mecha ical Engineer. Sohoilior of Paypnzs and Draught an. DLUVJHLJIJJ uuvu;xu; Which he will sell at the lowest rates for Cash ` WI. C.;;HACEY, Rnvnhi Qt. Rm-rin_ J. {.1 U 1. U U JJ: 11 4'. . 01 every description, and an siea, L- horn: of the day. --..__ . unuauulv uuu u urea 0|-any xlnu recenveu and advanced upon. Cornmmous Pnmnass nor: was S1-onma or Goons SALES AT `ALL TIMES. Goods qonsigned to his,caxe>wi1l be disposed of to the best possible advantage. Int-IN` ul Mnnnnnr `7tf" GILLI wvuu 'LV'.UI.1UVV9 Announces the opening of the above establish A ment, and solicits the public patronage Goods. Fm-nnuro and Wares of.any kind received and ndvnnnmi nnnn f. ;;;."13-.-;A.A--. .:'=';;.-5,... 3-1I.\LL, Tonomo. u: :A 1>:7r, : .. - -To 2`urms:.:s a'::_1u Lanriownors!_ 1}: `You. 170.235 60 B075-:7Jw Manley '.'-. 1. ......,-,.. '...- .1 I` n- ~-.3.m.:r.H nr Far vnrir Janna?` I Draught an. ' R Thoyaiao keep in connection :1` . ;he gallery a Inge "stock of Albums. A-lbwn Picturea, Lockets Ohromol, Lithographs, and .4.rn. `DAT`N"'l`I\1{3`.- 1`-n DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, HOULDING, kc and is prepared to supply those srticlu at the , lowest price. . - m nunm nn mmmli nmmnlnmmlr ~ DU MYZ I! Qrlia, Jan. 21. 1872. '4-\ar!I\r\t\I;-I'!AVI' Dllhtllu l.\l1VJ`JLL and Machinery for the manufacture of SASEES, HOULDING, ....1 :. ...........I en mum!-: thump nrtinll at the - UUlV!."!SaU1'lUl5l$I I was, froaaccos cc c1GAns;| u_ ur-.: ar.v- - Mnnnnw7s'ATJcTuuN-int mu cnMM:ssum_.nunMs, ~ NEXT DOOR T0 THE MARKET HOUSE, Ooumm 8-r-man R . n wnunuuz nnuu, T - . _ . ~ ' C:1ponter,.Bm1dor,&c- Begs to` announce to the public-thnthe has ' V completed his . Q m In A M P 0 W F. R Iowan pn mlmlneoir EvEav"i}nson1PT1oN.| -D\Ii.b\l1J(1J U41 vv:.:.\\.x, Dresud, and Tonguad and Grooved Lumber; every description, always on hand`, and do to order. . V Barrie, July. _` ` V _ 4'!- -: 6 v`s"rns Ann rnu: (]NI`EU'l`lONIlRYl Oysters, During season, In all the M Val-Ion: Stvlen. IIIIIUFI, IDIITIIIK Sllllllll, III II III!) Val-loul Stylen. Dunlap St, opposite New Brick B1ook,Barrie V ' Ontario. 7- .|. IIUMME Gr. VAN -DEN i'SEEN, - ' ORILLIA. * _ -_ 94-navy nuuuua Itvvvv vvu uuunnv -nu 1. uuuu uu Vguisheno, will leave Barrie Daily at 11:46 am Roturning, an-Ive st Barrie at 2. o'clock, p. In WEAYMOU EH 4} FARAGEER, V 7 Prom-iatorl 2| . . cu`-uunp nnvv A an n A an-- man urge amp I PLASTER 011 :i>`l&R1sx wwvnlnrlrhf I` A FINE, 87003-01` FRAMES 1 nHLTrinv, nnsss 8: Mann: LATAALKIETCJ. uunuu_J.' usnnnz, 9111351142 Next to Bird : Boot at. 1100 Stony. nmnssns mun In an LATEST srrnus; At mnllarnfn nhni-anti. and 1339}: nwnmntnnq- uumaama IIIAUE ll ran uA`I.`nia'I.' :s'1'!mB, A; moderate chu-gas, und with romptneu. STBAW _AND FELT WOR RE-DONE XVIII RAB`. l,I-- name, Ontario, Thursday, August 27, 1374. July 31, 13'i3. if-.-um. . n n . I \f'l Stages running biween Barrie and P0net|n- guisheno, a.m. Rainy-nina. nu-rive At Rm-I-in at 2 n :-.lnnk_ n. rh. nsssnvgmu orrnsevsslmn. Q to. `gi:g eA Poxrfao; Bltinfaoliqxg, ro.n,a4`Ln-nrj ` `v 2 'n;.`-x.5..n_..;_ FATE 'l`S OF INVENTION WXPEDITIOUSLY VAND PROPERLY - SE-I {I ....;..A 1.. lV-......I- cl... 1TnIOn.`qI-In.` nnpl Flu- ,Anu Bllo 0! ms unproven rawm STOVEPIPE BLOCKS! 'vLx_L 1... ...:n ...n .5 nm In-nt u-non. bu u: U. 1. \JL|v\l|JL`.|J wHILrET LEADS, 7 T . .'-arcnumnw v-"J v. .- .v. JHOTUGRAPEIO GALLELW.` /`gv . I 4 .\s\~I~.~~.~.~\\~. .`- _,. _-.~~ A. ALEX."~. ND} P. 8., K., Phyain `ehatar g1iish~:~ne, Ont. f_IAI:(II. .'l;ON: 2:; . _ w.Ie'.`ce-Co1}i-er atree! A .-Hi HA3t2L_Ti))I, 3 ' Um.-L M. 'D..C"..`ROIR.` . ..'. \\'ELZ.~R, G1 -ad_us.t M0 `.)-)r`.`5uH."g~`. Pi} ' ..-c~~=IJv':_r We` 3sr':`.r. U.:t;*.`.','.H vw>s ,.. LVLJIJQ LVJ.\.lJ.|o_L |.IL` numor `S'1`REET,`2B minim. shoe Lbketa 0:)-OIL. PAINTING-,..:;g ` I`:-nmpd nr without Ii":-ame.=1 . ? Bnncms 1=A_'1'i:N'1'% SPHERU1,l)lIL}3,lv,]_[JTACLES=! X 3 I 101 "'6'n-Iizrien, HOUSE, SIGN} AND ` QRNAMENTAL -1 Q I-I13?-ZC'EI-1 pan `B 'i3't3ii.i>Ep;s: SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, AND THE v_vIIdI.EI'sEcI1I:T or succnss IN ALL GOVERNMENT. KNGUSHC. GRAHAM, ` I IN a0Ln,"ik'v7pii x'i1ii%n {srnm}1., .~r VARRIE `AND. I- l?I*;ETANGUI- 1 SHENE EJNE OF - aq_('W?I'1 IV"ITfV ~ ..cOAR l`1{ `baa :9-*e`-0"-`=41. 31?! .. ifhce, .- new :` `brace on tho Westsxde tiilyl.`-_;-E1? .,A'x':v1:~.l1-._`.:".t.$~1y opposite: Mr`. Geo. 2`. s p.n,.m,; gm. a..a_r.fs.c1.ar_'~,7- Dr. _McQ., has 1- vacancy fur sstudezxtg " - -' ' ' " 44-71 Mi. J oh:_M.orrow. Iouncas the onenino M nu. um... .....m COmpI0l8U l8 STEAM POWER _: u-..|.:..--.. 5'... ok. nunusfgntnvn nf .'scnoLi-s_AW11~:G,- an!` Ant` 'I`n1|l('ll1'f` uni afd `A1111 PHoTo7.7RA,:- -_._ 1'..n-_:-.A2.-_ and .1! n1'z'n: . WATER LIME, . And also of his Improved Patent nnV.'|'`.D`l DR `Rl'.K! `BURRM & WEEKS. A`RRTA'l'.`.Ii'. `MARKET SQUARE, BARBIE. 8-y PROF. 13. E. A. MOORE .4 iun DRESSING AND SHAVING "SALOON, U114-L .rx.LV I-_LL`\J Framed or without Frames u.__- ` Pictures framed to order. . HUMNIE & VAN DEN STKEN. P-.. 01 `I(`!'10 - A_ff :n3t.1::zNG-. MISSMORTON,` Tn`! 'Q'l`D`l|`IMI| D A!) IIEUU T III[' uun '1'u `run Vmarcxm 0oLmm STBIIT, Baum. .-._..- . Bnu l'|lII.l r OONFEOTIONBRY! IIIIIIS I l'Il`Il\ n. I!` the best possible _advant.a't,-e. 7 JOHN VV. MORROVV, Annlinnonr, A nnrnicnr Are the fgro I I E , I. I: ,9 u xv- n vguuu Lu. HUA L (lnlerclumgable) ll IYIIII I I?!` a- nu 1. II u an LIDHJULI XII ` vixfra om. _ _4(_)-lyr an I! . ua\/Lb.I.\-\l V1 , Auclioneer, Appraiser,` &c. I. U.;;I1Auu 1, Bnyeld St., Bax-rig, Near the Foundry. 13-ly use guunu n `uvao 5.33m"-I-_ I V was tembly anxiovus from .the . :."8-Tu-t-Winn. ' manner of `the gugtd ; Vqnd` ghis seamen! 5` 9- l!l0!_n:I 0{ ho_I]I:ing.isomething 399:9. U I lay_.doW:1.'a qd~ ,1.is.u_nA_dTntten3- nnunnn, Propnetora. L en at all IBER- 4-tf . -_.... -. -.-____a, .- . ,, ___ ._-V . --From the New Dominion `Monthly for August, ` As the talk wex;ton,the atokeraeamed piessing the guard on some part of the story with amost vindxoitive eagerness, repeatedly asking, `His ngmei. The aocursed! His name `I AA l....t OLn n-nnv nnnnvnonxpl ITLA JJUKHUI ll 0 `He shall die! The accursed! He" shall die to-night ! said the stoker. `If I lose my life, the betrayer of my sister shall die ! T rm. _ _.._.._1 __:.-_..:_ _. 1- n__ ....I.L........ uuuu um ; _ ~ The gum-d,returning to the unknown tongue, seemed to be endeavoring to calm him; and I.oould only catch a repetition of the word `Empo_li at in- tervals. - Presentlythe stoker took from the seatsibeside him _two tin bottles, such as you may see in the hands of mechanics who dine out; and I could see that one of them had rudely scratch- edon it the name of`Willi9.m Atkinson. Ifancied the guard produced from his` pocket is phial, and poured the contents into that bottle ; but the action was so rapid, and the corner so dark, that I could not be positive ; then rising, they stopped at the counter, had both bottles lled with brandy, and went out. ` To I-nan nnm hind fn uni In the ntntinn 9 . op" " R 1;` T3-os.a:e1(0, - . \ .; u; -x ' D Phiiuie!:`:`.2,1w 9"d,,,, Emq. c.h&H.1: faruu.` in his oifsce .0?`-.7viam_ Oollxgr stfe 9 ma-ia for p.ocas}o:13 . ~ Barrie. _, .1:/1 ' SUULHUUU g 1115 unauw 3 . At 1ast_the guard answered,/TVhe Count Spezzato. l'I`Inn l `.nnnr'QnA'zrza fn Vanni {HA nfnlrnr uuuu I. upunaunun `The (Jount'Sp6zzato ! sald the ztoker, now leaving the table`, and speaking in Italian; ' u,_ ____1 r4.-:_1- . n__ _Q__.. ...1.. ._:n nuuuu. `Yes, good Guido ; the man whe will travel in the train we take to-night to ` Leghorn ll-In ahnll 4-Hal Thu nfII1PAl" T-Tn` uuuu VVIIII unuuul, lluu wont vuun It was now limb to get to the station ; and, having paid my modest score, I went out. E - A Inn, 3.. 1..-.-. 1 _._, `I.-. 41.- I:_La WULIL out. > A little in front 01 me,by the light from avsmall window, I saw these two cross themselvesgrip each other : hands across right to right, left" to left, and part. Thu nfninr land on! Jnnrn fhn hntnn-. uuu EIIU UULII IUIa The Court came up to me, and said, in broken English, `You are the Eng- M lishman to go to Leghorn with me? Verv well; there is`Loom.' I like_the Enghsh; You shall pay nothing,be- _ cause I do not sell tickets; you shall go free Is that so T ` V ` T Hmnhazl him in+Jm haunt Italian I Rllb Tine stoke: had set down the bottles, and now taking them up followed the guard at a slower pace. .Au-ivnrl nf cl-an n?nf.inII T fnnnd than guuxu 111, ll BIUWUA RUDD -Arrived at the station, I_ found the Count, his mother, a female servant, and the courier. ` T fIII_ , f`,,-__A _,__.` ,_A L- __._ '._.I __:J EU IICUI ~ JG Lllub EU I I thanked him inthe best Italian I oouid muster. - =' ' tn; ._-L __._-L -'...._.. l4_1:-._ A- __.. . T UUHIU LI.lUlUI- , ` `Do not speak your Italian to me ; I speak the English as a native; I can know all you say to me in {your own tongue. See, here is the train epieoial, as you call it. Enter, as it shall please you. Tho h-r.-n dram Iln On flu: nldffnrm - - --f.' , _ B.\ILh'iY,VETERINABYSUR- \`3\_I, . GEON, successor to D..G-- "':5uLh'cx-1a.nd, and,Gmdutxta of On- tario Verrinnry `_0o!leg`o. - The snqscribexj herebyinformn thewpnblic that he will egfry on the business `Of `v'etrinary Surgeon in the plan; of.D._ G- Sutherland, who is leaving these` pixrtsrand Impna by prompt attention a.ud'akilIfnl treat- ,m0'1` to aecnr the patronage so 'lib%mpI1y :be-`.. ` 8'.3 upon his nred'e'casaor..` 0l}`1ce_ arid Sti`.~'ea one door East of Faraghei- s Hotel,` .B_mie. . . ."'45._1y ____ . you. The train drew up to the platform ; and I saw thnt the atoker was at his post, and that the engine-driver was an Englishman. ' ` ' `I AIIlQn`Il\'QA in nah: In dunno I-n nllgllullluuuo . _ I endeavored in vain to draw his attention to warnhim, and was com- pelled to take my seat, which I did in the compartment next the guard : break V --the train consisting of only_ that can A , riugeand another, in which were the Count, his mother, and the servant. "I"I..n gunner` nauan nlnnn 0'13 Grain \JUuu| H15 I-U5Ul, II-Ill I-510 BUIVCIIBI The guald passed along the train, locked the doors, and entered his box. (Tho 1-4nrnnnn nnnaa I'D hnhvnnl` nnn wunuu Iuu uuvua nun UI-IIUIUI-A ulu DUA- `The Florence goods is bohmd you, and the Sienng goods _is due at Empolin Junction fourmihptes before you; mind you don t run into it, said the_ station- ` master, with slough`. {NI}. `pave nun aha" llfl.` inn un`ln J! ll-Illoul, Wllu I Auusgu `No fear; we shall not fun Into it, said the guard, With a `marked emphasis on the `we a_nd_`it that hemembered afterwards. - - ' , '!'I'II___.|..:..II.`.uu._J_'4I _...I _._'_.-..- _.' Buul vuuum The whistle eounded,e.nd we were ol It was a dizzhng dark night; and I lay down at full length on the seat .19 Ileep. An T luv ldmim claim nl`. link! lnhnt` $5.1 lay downj glehm of. light vuhot across the carriage from; small ohnk In thewood.-wotk of the: partition be-. . weon'the compartment 1 waa_in Anni: "the. guard : `box. " _ - T urn. Onrulii -n uiv::\ n` V .-A-6` -OH: `The blue sea is before me A And behind Canada's elrlnd , Farewell, farewell the valleys . _ ' Of mv own deer Western lend! Though friendly eyes and voices May greet me where I roam, There are no friends like the tried friends I leave behind at home! Ye idle winds tint wander This watery weete ebove, 0 carry with you homewerd A kiss to her I love! _ Nor whieper whence the token came, Nor ask me who is she ;- Go nd the fairest fair one- She s.dreeming of the seal In thought I'm `mid the li1liee,-- And the violets, tender blue; Beneath the oak Ind chestnut, Wizh the broad leke peeping through I Where the tardy-robing Iurnech, And the.beeeh'L shady noon Belpeek the opening glories. 'Of.our bsight Osnedien June! Had I the peerla of ocean, _ Or the gems beneath our lee, To speak my heart's devotion In a diedem for the- _ Twere worthier, but not more Iineere Than now I weft e.`-lee A prayer for dear Canada,` . And 3 Messing, love, for thee I I ) r 17., n,__,~._.,._ :':.,;L:,. 1-... A ____ ._ A PERILOUS JOURNEY. Contzmtedfvom last week. 1'0! THE CANADIAN` AFLOAT. WIAUIU .wU ulu I `Yes;Abetween St. Dominica and Sigma. ' `Yes; to Leghorn. ` `No, sweet Alexis, we are not ; we are going to Empoli ; the train will go no further. Look you, little -fox; we shall arrive at the junction one minute before the Sienna goods train, and there the engine willbreak down just where the rails cross ; for two blows ofn ham- mer will convert an engine into a log ; I shall ant nut tn mrnminn nnto that ui:-.1 BIC III suns l.I(7ll. FLIIKI JV EIIUVV Ito ` Isi! possible, sweet fox, that I have found your neat! I shall give Maria a necklace of diamonds, then." Why do you \v."_-it? Why should you fall from a train, an_d make a piece of news for the papers`! Why? -- c`l"..Ln. :1 o and Inn nnnuvanr` in unnv gold. suo uu yuu uuvo {ll Ind!` uug, ' The mockingtone of the guard seemed well understood, {or I heard the click of as r:.....a mu Al..-:.. . :4 :. .......J . L... :1 6v`l:.(.}ood, my Alexis; it is good; but it is very little forn life. Come, what is your Iife worth, that you buy it. with your maater s money? It has cost you nothing. I seoyou will `learn against that door, which I8 so foolish. `VlnnO in (`an rinrvsn A` All Dina Anni`: nu: pr:-pun: I '7 u] I . - `Take it; and be aocursed In your lifaand death I and I heard the belt `ung on the oor of the oax-tinge. `Nfnur rrn/st] Alnvfu T nm in {urn-Inn uuu5 Ull IrlI\J LLUVI UL IMO Uuznxugvc `Now, good Alexis, I am in funds; there are three pieces of gold for you; you will nvaed them at Leghorn. Will you` drink? N01. Then I will tell you _why, without drink. Do you know where we are `l - . A ' ` ;1r _. L . A _ . _ -_ (VA `l\____'._2-_ -__J IIJGA wua UUIJVUAI In Uuslllu Luv-V D I I shall get out to examine out; iilfatj will take a little time ; Ishall explain to the Count the nature of the injury ; that will take a littletime and then the goodstrain will have arrived; and as , it does not stop there, this train-will go ` no further than Empoli, and I shall be Count Spezzato to-rnorrow. How do you like my scheme, little fox? Is it * not worthy of your pupil! . Oh, it will be a beautiful accident; it will fill the papers. That beast of an Englishman who begged his place in the train, will be fortunate; he will cease, for goods trains are heavy. Eh ! but it's a grand soheme--the son, the mother, the serv- ant,` the stranger, the engine driver, all shall tell no tales. C `And the stoker `l said the courier. `Oh, you and he and I shall escape. We shall be pointed at in the street as the fortunate. It is good, is it not, Alexis, my fox? I have told him that the Count is the man who betrayed his sister. He believes it, and is my crea- ture. ' But, little fox, it was not my cousin, it was myself, that took his Beatrix from her home. Is it not goodx Alexis? is is not genius? And At- kinson--he, the driver--is new stupid:_ he has drank from his can the poppy juice that will make him sleep for ever. I will be a politician. 1 am worthy of oioe. Iwill become the Minister of a Bourbon. when Iain Count, my dear fox, and you shall be my oornrade again as ofold. V _ ` uuI- auu UU nA,nqu.. 1:5 M [NH EIHIPIU I `But, good Conrad, I shall not lean against the door. (OI. vnup ......\,.o 4'... ...... -.......:..... (nu a5u|u::t I|lll| I-lUUI' VVUIUIX I5 BU IUUHQIL `What, in the name of all the devnls in hell will you have 1 said the tremb- lingvoioa of the oouner. n..1-, .. nm. .......A. :....o .--,...o' 1", *2;-il;:v`?_ To-marrow ! ` You J-')k8,' Conrad. The brandy was strong; but you have drunk so much you could hardly feel tfnat. `[71QI.hAD Inhva own- nnnVT 1`-Inn`) . ens!` lI'4|l\JI, IWUI IIIRVO V .`I neither joke, nor am I drunk ; yet I shall be Count Spezzato to-morrow, good Alexis. Look you, my gentle fox, my sweet fox; if you'do not buy your life of me you shall die to-night. That Is snnple, sweet fox. _ (u. kn! (`An-cpl T an-i uni :v\ O lllylg VVCU| IDA; `Ay; but, Conrad, I am not in . danger. (Nun Al..v_. nan 1.....- 2.. AL- A--- uuusun I `Nay, Alexis; see, here is.the door (I heard him turn the handle.) `If you lean against thu door, you will fall out and be killed- Is it not simple 1 `Rut, cvhnzi (`.nnu-nri I clrzull nnt lnnn BEDIIIIOI \ll\7 UUUI I `Oh, my sweet fox, my cunning fox, my txznid fox, but not my strong fox ; you will lean againstihn door. I know you will, unles I pr-avent_ you ; and I will not prevent` you, unlss you give me all you have in that bag, `Tho rnnnH\'nn!nnn nl FLA Hunt!` nnnrnotl uu vulvtl U1 sua UUUIIUI. `Only a little more; just that. belt . that is under your skirt, under every-' thing, next to your skin, and dearer to you ; only a little soft leather belt with pouches in. Is not life. wottha leather belt ! 1117 ,.,v, a an .1, , ,, ,1 WA, Hunt 6 `Wrelch! ' All the ea'miug3 of my li_f are in that belt, and you know it. n . .'o ..-...:m.. ....m..o aw u...+ 1' `maa `:.I`-<-1*-`day, vlerylittle; when'I am sixty, all I have", Conrad. (Du! unn -mi.-L0 ni..- .........aL:..... I`... In '1`HU1{N'l.'UN'. The subscriber beg: to. inform `the inhsmmnts of Thornton and vicinity, that himoloo is at Thornton P. O. , South Simcoe, and thatfhg is preparad to promptly attend to hi] nlcrmc-nu nu unnalaa Ann nArI'uIIr.m VVIID Ill UBHSUI 3 `I have no fear`; Conrad 'Fermti has. too often conducted a train for me to fear to-night `I ` "Finn I'l\Il nan.` Alnoiu . K-10. GL3.-...'.. `III I. IIEVU vgllluu. `But you might give something for it to-night,Vswoet Alexia, if you knew it was in danger ! 1! l__.._ ., 1 I` a 1'1 .- u `u::1`1|i:;aI,"r!x5)';rUg:ood Aleixis ; but. thisis the last train he will ride with as guard, for to;-marrow he will be the Count Spezzagto. `Ham? "I"n,u-an-...uu') Vnn uni...- I was, for a time, lost to every sense- tion, save that or hearing. The end- ish garrulnty of the man` had all the fascination of the serpent s `tattle. I gait helplessly resigned toe-certain ate I was aroused `by something white , slowly passing the closed windowof the ~ carriage. Iwaited a little, then gently 4 opened it and looked out. The stoke: was crawling along the foot-board of the next carriage, holding on byyits handles, so as not to be seen by the occupants, and holding the signal lan- tern that I noticed at the back 0! the . last carriage in his hand. The meani ing of it struck me in a moment: if by any chance, we missed the goods train from Sienna, we should be run into from behind by the train from Florence. A _e ' The cold air thatvblew in at the open window refreshed Ine,and 1 could think what was to bedone. The train was increasing its pace rapidly. Evidently the maker, in solo charge, was striving to reach Empoli before the other train, which we should follow, was due: he had Iemako in five minutes a journey. of lorry-ve, and, at the rate we were; ` Qgojrig, we ihould do it. We stopp, V -4 , newherecnd ethfejjqurney wasjnrore , ` agree .5wetaiiI;g;veh9we _ ` 1 .. i e ` `W ,9! Fisfesie " &}?:iH: tiiI:Ia{:{:3i ES 3665:` T " " ' " Id9i W`*"W we No. 35. Whole No. 1149. ' My object was to get to Empeli be- fore the.Sienna goods tram, for Iknew nothing of what might be behind me. It was too late to stop, burl might, by shortening the journey three minutes instead of five, get to Empolin three minutes before the goods train was due.. V I had neverbeen on an an engine I before in my life, but I knew that there must be e valve somewhere that let the steam from the boiler into the ' cylinders, and that being important, it wo ul e in a conspicuous position. I theref turned the handle in .front of me, and had the satisjeclion of nd- mg the speed rapidly increased, and at the same time felt the guard putting on the break to retard the train. Spite -of this, in ten minutes I could see some dim lights; [could not tell where, andl still pressed on, taster `and faster. LIlk'LJLL)LILJ \.ll` Al\'LIb-IUIAJ LL\LI_ `J11 I. Lllll And anything requiring Veterinhry Skill. His Condition .Powders,'Iiealing Oil. &c.. will be found very" emncious, and are" sold by J. -P._ KIDD, Druggist, &c., Barrie. Orderlvpromptly altendedto. . ' - . s 3 H. Bmcxsroox. .I took out my revolver, without which I never travel, and looking carefully to the loading and capping, fastened it to my waist with a.handkerchief.- Ithen outwith my knife the bar across the _ middle of rthe window, and carefully looked out. I could seeinothing; the rain was falling fast, and the night as dark as ever. I cautiously put out first one leg and then the ether, keeping my knees and toes close to the door, and lowering myself tilll felt the step. - I walked carefupy alpng the foot-board by side steps, ho ding on to the handles of the door, till I came to the end of the carriages, and was next the tender. Herewas a gulf that seemed impass- able. 'l`he atoker must have passed over it; why not 1? Mounting from the foot-board on to the buer, and holding on to the iron hook on wltich the lamps are hung, Istretched my legs to reach the at part ofthe buffer on the tender. My legs swung about me with the vibration, and touched nothing. Imust spring. I had to hold with both hands _b8h1l':d mfhaok, end stood on the case A of the bu3"er-spritig, and, suddenly leaving go, leaped forward, struck vio- lently against the edge of the tender, and grasped some of the loose lumps of `coal on the top. Another struggle hrought_me,on_.my knees, bruised and bleeding on the top. I stood up, and at that moment the stoke: opened the door ofthe furnace, and turned. towards me, shovel in hand, to put in the coals. The lzight red light from the re en-_ stbled him to see me, while it blinded me. He ztished at me,and then began systrugglc that I shall remember to my . dying day. He" gasped me around the throat with one arm, dragging me close to his breast, and with the other kept shortening the shovel for an effective blow. My hands, nurnbedand bruised, were almost. useless to me,and for some seconds we-reeled to and fro on the .fool-plate in .the blinding gare. At last he got me against the front of the engine, and, with horrible ingenuity, pressed me against it till- the lower part of my .clothes were burnt to a cinder. The heat, however, restored my hands, and at last I managed to push him far enough from my body to loosen my pistol. I did not want to kill him, but I could not be very ful, and I red at his shoulderfrom the back. He dropped the slave], the arm that neay throttled me relaxed, and he fell. Ipushed him into a corner of tlietender, and sat down to recover myself. ; ` air," 1 - oare- . In vain, between the intervals of putting on coals, did 1 try to arouse the sleeping driver. There I was. with two apparently dead bodies on the foot- plate of an engine, going at the rate of forty miles an hour, or more, amidst a thundering noise and vibration that nearly maddened me. A61.-uni nu. -....-L...l `L- 1,--r,._ ,, I 1' uuuu, nuuuuuucu HIE. At last we reached the lights, and I saw as I dashed by, that we had passed the dread pomt. . V A: T tnrnnrl I-mnlr Y nnuhl nan IL- Luv UIULII-I VUILIB Aal turned bsck,I could see the rapidly-dropping cinders from the train, wLich, had the guard s break been suiciently powerful to have made me thirty- seconds later, would have utter- ly destroyed me. I ulna .o;Il ;. .. A:m;..1. _.--:.:__, Ly uusuuyuu ULU. - _ I -was still in a diieult position. There was the train half a minute be- hind us, which, had we kept our time, would have been four minutes in front of us." It came on to the same rails, and I could hear its dull rumble rush- ing on tdwards us, fast. If I stopped there was no light to warn them. I must go on, for the Sienna train did not stop at Empoli. T hllf. nn n|nvn' Cu-` nun` all... .u.-._ v-vy at J.'4lLLPUllu I put on more fuel, and after some slight scalding, from turning on the wrong taps, had the pleasure of seeing the water-gauge lling up. Still l could not go on long; the risk was awful. I tried in vain "to write on a leaf of my note-book, and after search- ing in the tool-box`, wrote on the iron lld of the tank with a piece of chalk, `Stop everything behind me. The train will not be stopped till three red lights are ranged in a line on the ground. Telegraph forward. And then, as we ew `through the Empoli Station, I _th_rewit`on the platform. On wewent; the same` dull thunder Behind warning `me that I, dare not stop. . _ Wn Flhl` Hnrnnah nnnlhnv ,I.n.;nl| IUU Lune .|._ul:uu HUI. 5140 n We passed through another station at full lseed, and at length I new the -whitrlighte of another station in the distance. _The sound behind had 3.1- moat hoeaeed,end in a few moments more I_saw the hue of three red lam low dotvn onthe ground. I pulled back the handle, and after an ineeo- tual effort to pull up at the station,` brought up the train about ' a `hundred yardebeyend Pontedexa. 'FI':n`v\nvfAvn and nglhu- at cl..- ..A-o:-._ JIIIMD IIU Ullll L uunuucnsu The'portorI and polige of the station came up and put` the train baok, gnd `then came the explanation. iv. `Ina nnn `nu-.4` )4-) ...'. suuu uunuc u_.|u uapluuuuvn. ' true; guard had Been found dud oh thdjgailb, just bdyond Enipoli, and the tc1egrti`p`hf'aot`to work` to `stop the train. ~'~Hn"Innt 11Avn.lnun(I nut than ln:Im.- tvnvalullu awn av vvuun IV ILUP Luv nan], " llnnuat have found out the Iailtixe of hu.aohen:`e,_u:`din trying to reach t_h_o'iungine, hav'e_ fallen-on the tailsa. V `I7ha?1'ivnv- mun` nnln nonnngyl -3.) yuapuiuu UV PIUILIIIIIJ nucuu LU ulg DISEASES OF HORSES AND,0A'l"l`LE A _.1 _ __.Le._ ._ _-....._.._.. 1r-;-__2__`___ nL2n , rn_ wnv pusnuv, unvu Luuvu Vu tuc tuna. VU-'_`, - 1-1011 ,"1`ha_-dl'iver was only stupeod, aha go, and judgei `ibis stole: fortunately only dango have done, and 'oualy, not {atally,`wounded. `- . ~ His picturegd ~._ Agatha: dtiyex you found, axis; the he` operates, i -tiu,.wu'vto.`.g,oion; "And 32 00 if not paid . in a(_lvance. u no u_uI uuuuuy Wll UDDOHS ; II! I` 13 what Italy, my country, wants. I grow poor; Italy grows rich. I am not wise in these things; they cheer. me, because I am an enthusiast. Now, Guy`,my brother, you are wine; you are deep ; long in the head; in short, you are English ! You shall be my` guardian in these thing:--you shall save me from the cheat, and you shall work hard as you like to: all the money you shall take of me. Come, my Guy, is it so 1 - '|'l__j I IC It GUI .Need I say that it wnssol The Count and ms Blnnohe made their honeymoon tour in England. They spent Chriatmas Day with Alice and myself at Mr. Morton n, and when they left, Alice and I left with; them, for "out new home in Florence. uuuuv nuuu, uu uu auvw all my 3501']-. Ah 1 that is it ; you shall beunhappy because you we nt 5001. every year,and I have so much as that. I am a patriot . to get rid of my money.. So it is that you will not take my money. You have saved my life, and you will not take my money ; but I shall make you take money, my friend, English Guy ; you shall have as thus. And he handed me my appointment as secretary to one of the largest railways in Italy. `Now you shall take money ; now you will not go to your England to work like lg slave ; you shall take the money. That is not all. I am one at the practice ` patriots-no, the practical patriots-oi Italy. They come to me with their conspiracies to join, their secret so- cieties to adhere to, butI do not. I am director of ever so many railways ; I make fresh directionsevery day. 1 say to those who talk to me ol politics, How many shares will you take in this or in that 1" I am printer of books; I am builder of museums ;I have great shares in docks, and I say to these; It is this that I am doing thet*is wauted.". This is not conspiracy ; it is not plot; it is not society with ribbons but it is Whf mv nnnnh-or u.a-.o- - V GOOD ADVICE TO BUSINESS MEN David Ricardo, the English broker, accumulated an immense property. He `had whathe called his three golden rules in business, the observance of which he always pressed upon his private friends. These were: Never: to refuse an option when you can get it ; cut short your losses; let your pro- ts run on. _ By cutting short one s losses, Mr. Rrcar do meant that, when a broker had made a purchase of stock, and prices were falling, he ought to re- sell immediately. And by lottin one'e prots run on, he meant that, w an a dealer possessed stock, and the prices weraraising, he ought not to sell nntrl prices had reached the highest, and were beginnrng to fall. rnnn nyl-in I-uar-I :nnI .-e .... :_ 5L- Ullllll 00 [Ill llU|BIn' During the whole of this` time both mother and son were embracing mo and kissing my cheeks, am: the im- Qulsive manner of their passionate natures, the indulgence of which up- pears so strange to out cold blood. Thu Inn urn: r`n'nt1nr' I... no... uav uu-uu yuu IIIU nu Milly] II I nun He kept me, introduced me lo Blanche, and persuaded me. to write for leave to stay another two months, when he would return to England with me. Little by lmle be made me talk; about Alice, trll he knew all my story. Ah I that In if - Irnn nhnll hgnnhnnnn .l ..:M` '1 up` A: 5g,.1We6 7R8D.\ alf|9 0 nit!!! wt-` g;nCC -$';x sub . . 5-,... .` ._;c.93 ,gri1ue,l 0:39 20 :4 1101' n W-' `ion. rye Hl`?-" ! 5: ant k1y i!]t!lC .`o'wn_ of emu`, 7 morning. _ { the day, and all `matter! 1e 1`. 52.00 pr .1; 'if_notpai_d at the or :mder,-rstin8'ertioi1 gequent one .12c. Over six inn, inscsrllon; each sub-` Professional or Business 75,3 Q11 t`orsix'montl1s,-if an fleas. Special contracts Em year, or .par_La ohi -Rscrmtinue Adv_e_rtiaa`. lines _ !;.,=,u.wr'x`.ing.. - mi x.'1_t.x1 all arrcaragea. int . _ , . .1. ..r.nnn of the nnblinh. containing the_ '!J`aira'oftlm Coum.y.P1fice. vvvau llballlllllla IU lIl|e A man _who had just set up in_ the hardware business, and who had been a clerk where Guard had traded,applied to him for a share of his patronage. Girard bought of him,end when he brought in the bill, found fault and marked down the prices. Cask of nails,-" said he, which I` was oered .for so and so, and you have ohared so and so, and you must take it off. " I cannot do it, said theyoung merchant. You must do it, said Girard. I cannot and will not, said the merch- ant. Girard bolted out of the" door, apparently in a rage, but soon after sent a check for the whole bill. The young men began to relent and say to himselt: Perhaps he was oered them at that price. But it is all over now ; I am sorry I did not reduce the bill, and get ll. out of him on some- thing else. His trade would have been worth a good deal to me." By and by, Girard came again and gave him another job. The young man was very courteous and said, I was almost sorry I did not reduce your lormer bill." Reduce a bill! said Girard, " had you done it, I would. never trade with you again. I meant to see if you had cheated me. rnL- __ ,4 u___`___Il' -, -` -n . - L'lIIUVVUIh What `in `farewell, now? No g-yon must see Blanche, your sister. You will sleep to my hotel: I shall not let you go. Who is she that in your grant book says, Where you go,` I will go 1" That is my spirit. You must not leave me till-till you are as happy to I am.` A Rant fnn inhvnrlnnn Inn CA yvnna av nunusu bu Uul UUIU muou. The train was delayed, for my wounds and bruises to be dressed, and I then entered their carriage and went; to Leghorn with them. `vu:uAJ I`!-in T -o-9. -LA-at A- ._.. The word snug is insignicant and inharmonious, but what an element of strength it `is in a man s businen. Has his affairs in a snug shape. A. snug house with small liabilities, are- enconiiums that go a far greater length: toward the establishment of good credit than a large surplus or a. big trade. Business conned to capital,and capital conned to business, are not a meter play upon words, and the departure from either of these rulesis sure to re- sult in disaster. Ifa retail merchant, when he tbinksvof investing in a saw mill, a stone quarry, or an oil well, or eriyof the thousand temptations that daily press upon his attention, would remember how soon his assets may be- come unrealiaable, there would be a far less number of iailures: The same would ap lg to every trader who is allowing is business to get beyond; his capital, either in selling too largely `on credit or carrying too much stock. 1 The snug man, in nine" cases out of ten, `a the successful man.- `\`..'.'.. - - 4 IJJUIIIUI , ,U|l UHCII IVYU ILIUO `You, my mother; he is my brothot. I am l. He is English, too; I like English. He has done well. Blanche shall bq his sister. `l'\.._,:___ .L- __I_,| ,:.I,- V .- 0 .- vv .uIw5uvIu Wllll unnu- -Arrived lhero,I was about to my `Farewell. ' 1lrI_,L.!, A _, II A no aaid,-- ` `lama, he in my non; ha has saved my life; and more,ho has and your life. My son, I will not" any much; what in your name 1 `Guy Woatwood. `Guy, my child, my son, I am your mother; yam shall love me.` (Von Inn Innlkou a L. in -an I.-All.-- CU IIIU II-IUUIIVII _ v`Madam, my mother, you have from this day. one other non : this, my mother, ismy brolhot. 'I`hn rfnrnninnn Hfnrnnu la" An -nu II III IIIUIHUIO The Countess `literally fell on my nook, and kissed me In the night of them all; and speaking in Italian, nahl _, T1wr s was so !--What is man Q 3 Why. hut Mr. Stqphena is the very but Photographic arm in this section of en. count:-v. Dnn f. tulm nm. .......a :.._v.n. x..- DRPOSITORY OF TKB ' ' 1\i}A4B.RIE_ BRANCH BIBLE-;SQOIETY. DUHLOP STRB I1`. J. HI MIDI} Lu 0` countryt Don't take our word for lgbus Judge. for yourqelvegas lnindndn 11? 401,10 3!-nil are oontinuingly dob`, I-Iha naninnn 'IIn?I`au.a- .``...I 4!. _ z(5o;ht like '2"; n;oat A man; tively to my ntateme ,VI.nd then, taking my grimed hand ', / his, led me to his mother. - tll_.I__ ..._. _..-1L-.. .._.. I.-.-- l___ umo uuuv, uuu um oonnnumgly do]; [His Pi`1"85l'Yyand the hoe it he onamtam in mm WMB. ll.) Tums VI: d-`l...a- ll - uL...:L-__ 2,, Uommumum x"u`L-lisher, 1 ~. uszace-Co`d'v.-r street, Barrie, Ont. '.-vx rm:zr.rm.v, - T. o.:.1_ coux:v, _ -- - ` 2.1.9.. u.n.o_.a. VI~7KAI~:IILTU;!A7.&. YMCONKEY,--R-.633-' ' JILLU} ' 1LJHLV).Ul UIIJIV Lilli`) ' * .-ea.-1o`Manutact_ur"e all anicloa in his ' ngfzf `, {,",,. deyacrnplion, nnd_31t'chea_plxjaIes. `.*~n:e,n. 3:4 -ass T r - ~ `. NA Wild Inuit Rum. I I0 `I 0501'] 1.! 2. at _ - 2 _.,}{:3ZIANK, CURONER, kc. _ 02* 2`-1n P.rick_'Bl.)ck. Dunlop street, "I P_L`P08i1e Watson 3; 00., Drnggists, "V: .*`!13':v-2?. rs! hcuseastofkegintry zfljicc h'ou'n1 -~fr_om 10 -till 12, Fore- _<-1_.11m1.`ro;u 1 till 3-, Afsernoong '11-,_12m p L` .Qv.s~.\.,. . _ K , '1 ~ \ \\\v\x~.~\ssA.\\~~.\\-vs _A. V an 51:23; M.D,, L.I:.C-. 9` 1 - 92.. Fla}-aician, Surgeon, 60.`-~~ ' ht. ' -31-Y ~u3ms1*o pmm HARRISON . ) . henna`:-nun an nnvvu Jan. 1 llua. __. ),';1).';u:{-, s;n-ii`.`m., Solicllcr in_ Chan.- _auo:-.-.c_~.'-.-xt- Law, Con{'c-ya.ncer, Oom- ,-ir. `AER , -::;' air and Dcviaee Claims" * -_om.2`or_ Gansula-~Landed `Credit. ` - ~ ~ 5: Real` Estate .!o.n'. ` 8-18' ion ol'lla ' l;CoI- ann- '.-*;_ze Hxryaxcnans and zurguuuu, """-`P `W913; Pros . Drug Stdra, :.>te..', Hotel, Dunlop treot.,"38, .- ...f4.wf1mdus.tu Toronto Un"veril)"- ucr`. nlngn. Phyaicians and Surgeon! .\1- Iv-~r \\'nl'ir'. I-3!-ha Drum` Stora. sztnliii? L . I In!` 14 '.~1:U :V, U{Vll' Hligivuf, '.'n~l {:`:r*n-5.`-'..\:`,B. ' `ml.-v.ct.s', 11"`. {Kid .r -.LfLH'K'(PN. ' P": vwuntin 'l`Exnu'nnva_ ` IN, C~vil- Eagieers, ' r 1.` '4-vr!'.".|".'\V` -A:-z\!:3(`tsl ha- ;VE'1`EI_?.INAIlY. , V stmG1;o2~r,1 ,."rH'oRN1*oN-. 1 cu: Lana-On inf.-u-rn `Chg hm; -- ;-.6. f{uL1'.~.'m1on:-Aon _the PM` n:ie u of the Bambi 3h- ; c-,mp`.etc_ than any 0-1161- -3,11:-.\ ing beau! cgrefully H,u,rIic thrr. V _ .o{~.!d be aridraszed to the __t.i , - M16111` ULI DLU ` "Dunno? arasnr. R1`, ADVANCE` ` sjia C'::aricery_.- Notaries , Uarrinlo -Sxmcoo; Ont. - H W RTRLTWV 1..Y, :rristera= and At-1 MIROW, agent for -th _~.::-.-.) Iunpa-ay, the Queen` gin Is`o!r.t'ed.`r.nd Ffxzlce CL-mmwios.--Qice on-r Rawaotfs Store. 355 . Ilarrib`. On ..',I:u_vWu.! Jn.u_yu:_4;z_:_- In:-'.:rQ:;cc_01lice, Same`. 7f`S`i5:VcT:{ k?-:#'-.3fio1I. .. \ - V.` \\~\x\/y\\'\\\\- \/ g \/\r w.'v\,-\/\/J` -J.--;:.'e L)~z_;au:y.Etog1;:lrar) ., .-;z_.uto:'t1)e 115,731 In- ` he .-`u~ci:;`.`-:11: Insurance Of`cr : t.=ui1diuVg,_3an-ie M 1 41-71. 4.91` 'rst.1LD1':ec}V `AND TX. L '1_L11 m 1 :1. L'ruuruguII v:}ptiOD of the publish-' g_.,p-not V "'1'; - T`!}' :3 V , mi- .L:E:RT` MASON, ' J '1`:-ealgurer, Toronto, :.m.u.::.oW, - I7,-.v1r`m':.-."r_ (1.5 Bafrie '~~:v~.:s Jf tha .0AxmA' 3 Sxvazge S:rou:1{x', -':3_ r.'o F z1rmorz; during ; thor, zu"fm'd greater zanlthosa of any 2* {J highs njuu. ,(`Ix_rn=onn Tuozaox, 1 C.E .,P.L.S. -A v-~-~ -----T .xll|1L.`U- ' R (:00!) r.:on'rqA9n. _.l.. on ';:..u.t., Tt)r>.:)>:To; '1 `-6 IX-1'3. f\l\I`\ .,. .,. V, . _-_\`-_-A-.~-~ . Jx: ,Provincia.1-Land I 5.`, Bnrrie; ' _ IW , _: _ J?,-.,nraiser, (:3-Baffle D. CREW` '2).-vat EMR. uni? SEWER-Y,"] -nu-I-nlu-`A all nnnlnn -311 K33 'ru_7.-':Jw .lt`JUl~'b'y7 ;2t.nr for your sons? To fezxc-3,` clear, aprove your le.nd?_ :L:.-r debts`? Or for vv Inna `l!U`RAL_ IMPLEMENT, D.S'I'OVE.:WORKS. V untcmus l"UUN- . DRY.` AGRICUL- . _ ,-_ /,,\_r\/\/ -.5 J _,s. 3.: was; .E_D,-A ;.n !\nl A\ I ,,,, III `HE RARRIE FOUN- . l)RV,`,'Ar:Rl{`.`l T!_ H."-u 211'!` 9 G.` W. Loam-. J 3 `[ln.te ~J:Qfk in Oouiify iatry Oioe] Oonveyaucer, Gommiiaionefin Q sen : `Bench, ,r`~_uctionoer, Appraiser and Com any; Agent ifurthehale ox Houses, Lands, uni` Stock,` Household Fur.-iture', Goods,'.War ',`to. Also for the can-scti n of Road; Notes :1 Accounts, :;'Onah advances mado,,.n gopda In for Sale. Sale Room, corner of Oo11ier an_ arket Sta" Barrie. ' ' * TERMS : ` JOS.ROGl.` 2E7J1`bvnnEb}E;71q_fg" ~- _ ~\r\.\.(v\vvv\r~~*. \,~v\.-..-, Q. ... ._.! \'\\'- u V u11u'u:'_uI'uIa:'Al51_.aI!i, uou l0{!ice_oppos1_te the Market, Burr :.........`.:.`; ..':4;..*".....:: to uh. I lid TH LIVERPO0L..LO DON._A GLOBE INSURANCE COM, AN_Y.f ' ` Available Ansets',`s97. ,ooo. Losses paid in course of'1`hi:-ty ve yggrj exceed Forty Millions of Dollars. Glnimn hv Cnnan Wins. nnlimgtai is .L.....1.. UXCCUQ NOTE] ILHIIOIIB OK Uounrl. ._ _ Claims by Caicago Eirg, -estimated t near],- $3,00<),000, ~`.re.beiug liquidated fjgg` 3, adjusted without L deduction. 7 . Rm-.n|-itv, Pr: nnf nnvmnnt. and Ii IN. :. IIUJHISLISU WH.ll0'1L ul\fllllU\lUL|o Security. Pr: `apt puyment, and 1i _ adjustment of its losses are the p ' features of this '.\.'aa1'.hy company. Fire and Lifr. i`n\it-in: inland with viar :h.=.-nl HJIBUTEH 01 I111! `v`4'0Vll'-y Colllpillyo _ Fire and Life Policies issued with vr iberal conditions. '_ ` ' - HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH, mourn 1,; T ' G. F. 0.8-!~1I"rH, \ V Chin` Aonnt fnr Dhmlninn. `u Superior accommodation, and` o`v'dry anon], tron paid to 1` .2 requivx-amhma of travellers.`; Rooms` for `Commercial Txavellc-:5. Term , moderate. . ' 42-1 '1 Corner of Mulcwter and Dunlap Streets, 3:147 opposite the `At mnco office, Karrie, ' ' ' . . This commodoua establishment hasjust boo opened, and hiring heenbuiltoeapeoially for th s purpose of 5 ti -t-class hotel, is fitted up a g such, and will mmpure favourubly with ` An house ot the kind North at Toronto. Oommer - clal travellers, [-v*i\mte families on casual visit and the public gunorailly will n! that the pr m'iMm' known luw In nu-nvide for their" osneci HUUHO 0!. I116 l.S.lH\1 LVUFLH U1 1Ul'UuiUo \.IUu.lu.I=A prietor knows b-.w to provide for their especi requirements. . `he beat of `stumbling attache nnumlmi on my Hxliaina and exm-rienced hos TIGHT COUPERA` W.J. P: prletor Knows nuw no provlue xor luau upzu 'he beat attended to by c`)1iging and exp-riencod. hos lera. Stages leave this house daily on` the a ` rival `oi the` up trains. Bar well supplied wit the bent ofliquots and cigars. . ` ' 3 ;.;a 17.";'3;i:s;.;i;.1'6"ii.;;.::ei...1`: ;;'.;:` ar.:.;."... cilgillggfest `foil: ; DOMINIO H JTEL, ALLISTON; ' W. 0. HANK`, Proprietor and Auctioneer . K. `. . _ sue The proprietor of the Dominion Hotel has MARKET, oontly, owing tn its greet increasesin bnsine ; ' ' been compelled'o add double aecommodati ,NGLlSlI BUN HOUSE AM) 0113333 to his old liouae_ and has had the ostablishm DEPOT. ..'_.._ ` . . re-tted and `:9-furnished, and with em: The subscriber hes received it splendid lot bf "stables, beds, and sample rooms,`he thinks ' C H E E S E will be able to receive all of his old frien {mm the r drig in N Province which for I . who have so liberally supported him in the pa A qnit not b. ban. Room for one. room for all. Baast winoga . liquors.'best tslife, best necommo ntion, o s l_ - ` ` - _ country place in the Dorninion..--W . 0. 541% @%,n:g% - 8 requests the public to bear _in mind that he is. gommfng of Tn, sun" comes T the present tum: the only I-ncenssd AllCtl0Il61b`0' &c_ pickles Canned Sam L I ' in these pa.rts,and in thet -department of ,h g.,di,,;,. :1 (mi: of every desori 3: ohm," business he is prepared to. give his best utte ~ N_B.__A ohoioo 10` of mks. l;ndn'B. . tion_ to the interests of settlers, and in all M33 the best materials alv;:t:x:)I' 10 SW0 f9-91' P135 t bY'3- -8319 f hand, selection Ita lisn yo dn of all kinds promptly attended to, uni prom be 3, 9 settlement alwcyshnlianred. _42- KING Jr _ . . , . ,,- _e...... .w ----- Dhlblunnvuv u: 1...`. _..__.V_. 1- IDLAND E\)'1`EL,(Late R_.oyn.1.)c>o1-`net J. Front and Goldwater streets, Ori1lia,0 -_r_- is: male; III onom_ Onnnh

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