Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 6 Aug 1874, p. 3

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.nnu1-:51ull) paper `my med uiues (an I. I`lw1u1|o'.\~ing is andl parucnlmny 1': get mv medicine ; 1 nanyed :-' Messri. Avery," Br: Mclars Fursylh-& Meuu." I` B .Bm"k Mr. '1 . Des Brisag/'1 '53::-ark T v---'--- .-`:5! e Eao,larg.e lines of Good now coming, forwarded from ' Gr'ent Britain,` for the We have (1etermid-to clear out the ballauce of dur SUMMER -STUCK at and less than \\ R\\\\ \\ I can uuu Uk 140! N0. 20 Iuwzzshnpof Vespm; |~1=5 `*7 Ihe thriving," ` am "lO,as-_:e,~i cleired. 1 2h 21 H: u-' nnn.I..Z ~"` . "o;3:~ ?A}.vAnLn"' `.L_\ ..H For EA 7` UL EAR-IA/G j MVI DSU MMER. , .. .-. _murw,~me atxnve} Residence (which is nuw under mznugh re-pair) Wllh _labl_,`ar1d :u?r:.`s of 1._.nd -attached. '_ Renlf -`us paulncularls apply to the Pro `1==_I-3q'a.I (3131 r UK! Ill IIIU `I BARRIE, a tin iuun AT ':`m`; * of the above Furniture, c., parties requiring same for r oxhexwise will do well In ..... .....m we powers vested in V gm the abova Estate, I` shall offer for state - ` ___ _A t term nf yirp [})ea rum: (mhinh ;. , MRS. R. Ross, ins. Ihn lV..n......-_. . - CASH. :e at 11 Lo CZcc/c, a. m. ` JOSEPH ROG'ERS, j ~0i_':'al ssigrzee. ., '18 74. - 3-2-2: No. 20,_ a"aa..-_, ENGL mom). S LALLY.V IO"'l `6i7_ bfi'6"Tf cum` .5, Iloi Iiofpei-b,_ 3 ' an 1nmlve_nt_._ 1} 3X.lJf. 20,. in" the [Ian Ch. ; wighin 2 and `a g."I`mvn n. Barrie. '; 150 young-A Fruit` Him). and n nn--- ` nu. nl IUD, V-L-llmglou Holex 1 28-1!- ---,_uuu d. He`V rs applyfxo the 3- new `v"r.. .|., gull`;- Barrie.` mI!Eu.ceI must be sent-iv adxnce. . _ __ ` L -i (ahemi-su 3. d other vendors ofiolloyqayk re4n_u-. 1' BE Pins and 01m` dent ma-v haveuneir. .unxnep'J,n+` e':im 1* ."H"`.` ' ' 535 .'??93PP' a ahnve .....l... '3-`tr . JUL BR0NN. |.r. JV'.V'BR0WN. J. J. nnmvxi |J.J.E3%:?Wi J, J. BRQWN .r. J; n1u_>WN.f DRESS-{'_IKINGz 'WAHDR8BESB9_lJ_{[lT AND Jsmn. "'_"" "V " -'*`*) Lately` from Enghud, respectfully 21; (`arms the public of `Barrio: and vicinity aha`. :.2-.e `u:z5 open- . ' , . -ed out a . - A 1':-Ir-r vi 1:11-us?! n nnnnn II I 1-1.11:1 .__-_.___.._._ ., ,_ ' -A_ _i_?UE2l.._'lA-`Cf _cAuTIo;N1. lwms. a`?owm\, Lat-1v'-nI'rI T1`.n:r!nri_ mane:-.t."nHv Enfm-mn the Inlnllnnuln I lI.\l.I nun. I n ` 2 dooraywgst of the Weilmgton Hole}, and will guarantee to make the most fashionable Tifmfl . Z i-'J$v5dIdvUaUE-'Ell~J Of any house in "town, and as cheap as the cheapest.` Hrs. Rowellhafing had an exten- sive experience in England 18 prepared to Il all orderae,n!1'uIteH0 3191' PFmP!1Ya My 111]. sud` cheaply. . _ v _ Ladies and gentlemen can besupphed at this ' ` establishment _witb,vory good . __;._._....- -n.--'1 .nn-'g1:----a ` II. J. BROWN! IM1LL1NERg3I0;ggss-MAK1NGI I31`: UL` .LIzABi"H STREET 2 9 (lam-n West of the Wallimzton Hare}. and will KUBYSIIIBB IO DJHKB U16 l_1lU$l. IESDIODEDIB - E@NNI`1l B, A _ - V MEEEENEIBT ? A - &IDIBEJ an 73 L-;._- :_ 'A-_... -..A nan ..L--_ _ lllitilliii-A.Il.i'.!'\%..P4;;I.T|%.;|.3;i_e!1"`l'"|IIPJ!%l 9.3332` XIIIVE C1: - jqpv 3 A! Cheap Rates, A Lndis -waited upon auheixr rsidenoe. on hnnd,fon' nl gig a.` low` `guro._. P.8.-i--All kinis of `PATTERNS constantly ' 11'-nn`t sitrnht-_ Rm-tie. .hn{waeh E.& W. Rm-kc , K: _ . ` }Io!I_oway=5 pm mllulux-Iivrmi 11.5 .-.\I on hand to! Illa Q; a. row ngure._ - Front,stre`et-, B31-tie, bgtween E.& W. Rorke and P111130 ; stores. 4 ' ._ , * ' .sa ._ V" 1 ,~. `-5-----_4>---_... _ ._ 36-lys. J. J. B P.o`wN,.- ` Muvuin ;_`0n`- the T'lt1`1 iL:L:st.V, in Barrie, : .B0HRT_H__lNG.VaLIIAT3_LI;,..~V . l h_ej9wn or can , .1: the: 1): dtokans and` BE-Y5 I`B'I_ljl] [ paying `expansu; - ` J. J. BR0wN. {JUST To HAND! March T11.,'1874n. Pfilll LISTS EEEW. ugnlyx `.1:-J W I) .. L. I 0, mm` ng For Spring.` Trade. WHOLESALE. AND: RETAIL. VVDUNLOP s'1*m3 E'"1`,: % vassvam WATER LIME. DPLANTS FARM %$EEDS ....5..-. .. .. We speak. having tcst=--- !~zo- w5'n Me {XIII E05505, EDI .$Ku1 "`= `median; J}x..f "Eng "Tit __Bav3`:= 11e%. wmuouss. _$EA$ON. _ _SEEB. 114: mom. 5 ' V ; - _ S. Simplicity of arlilch regulator] easy to be understood. _ V ' 3; ~ 3 , , 9,` Capacity 1o' dual`. kinds of work,;`-Th` "T gheavyu ' ` J0. ll makiillcluck-stitch i'm and g6ud- 11. Pressure-fboi" can bg,.regula'.ed 1'01 light -or 'r1Cl1V'V slitnhing. "Heavy stitching. V . _ I2. :Can be regulated the" li1kc-a1papnng accord: mg to Slilchirig. u. rressure-toot be..reguln:eu I0! ngm or 5713. (Jan mg-uleue throw-(>ii' kiopin s`huule_- racc 10 suit sewing; 14. Has sauare needle-bari has two throat LrAm: wmacH:NEI Highl'y ornnmenled - Mm.-ln'nes' on Irn V Starid, | Black WalnulTub1e an_d Drawer, [E ol1shed.] furxxish with each . Family. Machine Q` one I-[emmer,.o'ne oi ` Hall scombined'Tucker, Binder, Buster,` _Friller, and ndjuslab`-e Hemmer,` one extra _ Throat P1ec:',oneG'uidc and Srew,} - one Wrench,nue Screwdriver," one Oiler, six Bobbins, one dozen Needles. one Brajder and j one copy .01 Directions . Higher gl -ides of .VIachin_es equally reasonablein ` ' pnce. . > warm-s sgiax sa.ocK,| D u'nlopA Str_eet Barrie Olnmilt; ic.A. PERKINS `V ..vv Du J. Hm. Sun-.-'0V"s Spgcic and Tonic HIE, W 61,, }jng[;../I 11wm_cz_{y1.orj`qll _'ne1*z`ous dcbilily ;.l`WH[.'m,/,1-,,v .-mm ar:~`2n//, have n1ma(ly been so 11;. ;rQl1f!!1y- '_a;d'1n uir 1'uvor-:3s, zx curtain cure` for those 'pulI'I~ 1.11, _ . _ ,m..._,;; \w1.~= av pupxl and fncnd of the 0! London. England. tho tr-an-:1-ix: L`.-umdn as to require little `to I inf; mun errors of Youth. . "S1I\.T'GER _ l 3: =%,qizt.:c%:%aNE, F.c.wmu1xa1s* ;1:;\:\*L`;t`;wm:I:r:t: 00.} FARD1 FQR s:.L'I3, .In`nr Help n Q-11..-..`pl!.'l :1';...--..-.l ' ~FoIraa1e,' a Splendid Imprnyed F_a_rm of_ .55 ac. ,1, -near. the Rage. Cll|"B _`B,-3-,Ch_e3p.f0yI'V :`uh..-I`foi'_terIas..;I11 ::ierAvarIi::u1~.u -` Ainnlvfein. '.QHN' B:1irMie,,i\ Iuy 15:; um. , -__.L_: W. ,9 _, All Small M;';chiHnerv`kep![dons!axitly.on hnnd,and iazgaj mnchiuies furmshea onihe shortest possible notice at manufwture.s prices and terms,Vand subject . _ ` ` to their 'w;rranty. V A ' T LIBE'E$..&.i'. DISCOUNTS ALLOSVED T0 CASE! CUSTOMERS. _ . REl ,AlR 'i`0H! ALL DIACIIINES SOLD KEP-_.L" I55 STOCK; ' 'S.oIc:1gentsVfor- WI.LSON S Double Action FANNING MILL [0 sun sewmg. _ ` 1 I4. square needle-b'g\I`a 11 .'~w hm- p}at~:s, gSac., Ace. TIs excc-V1-1e11Vt;fo1` the fdlloxving lioints IHFUKU 7. Simplicity \ (hum. : .<;`.~.mI:,..`... '"J.lI\.. L0!l33V' ` ` 2 _ H.m;rAc:r:m: op rCmJ0A._. We'_b . , : ` V my ,,,,,c5 -win "5 3 ., D : ` Epged 8!] 1\C-30`JTN 0, wag.-e Jar~:fzs' Epys Z2 ()0_ mt` . ' '-l 3 `a: beir \3:(;;..:E1f T`~0lDl`e1-'3'.. of P.I`*.ic1e in C1`! lh9Eu`st . _. . , G8`.'!l`g Hons: Messrs. Ave-r1.', Brown 55 Co. Halifax, NS. Fmsylh a\'.-Co., H.:li ax, N S. - Mesus."1` Barker (2 Sons, S1. John. N.B. _ Brissy, Clmrloilel Town. P.E..l. ' Messrs Langley & Cm. Victoria BC. ` Messrs Mcore 6z.Co. Vic_toria_.B;C. Dr. John l al|cn,Chall1am, N.B. Mess.-9, Munro &. Co '. Montreal. ` . _ M*.'$:~rs. J. Wiuersa Co.,Haxr,1'l1on: Ont. . Mr--H. J. Rose. Toronto. V, Mr. A. Chipman Sm 11:, St. John, 1\l_.B- Mr- Jahn Bon_d.Gnderich.Oa1. ;- - Messrs. Elliott 5; Co.. Toronto.- Mr. J. Chalune:-;Sl. John, N-B, A- . ' - Messrs Hanin on BrnlhcIs,.`S4.Jonn, N8- - Mr. R.vS- Pri dv. Windsor, On. _ E M[_ Ofb9n,M0fdE, N.S. . I _ Mr. G-go` g (L Hunt. Junu F`rei1ericl' l r 11:. w, Thompson. Harbor _Gra c-'e'f.- I. _,MI". I. Mziwilav. Fre.I.ericIni=.- N_'R-'r:.-14: Spades, ' ' CW I- I nienis ; `ll. is well iiiailg. _' ' _ 2. Non-llaliiliiyto gel (Illl.0{Or.Ie!`,l1h9|' by or standing. V K 3 ` 3. PI3|'ICCll'0ll40l',dflflltibilily ol`al1.ilsp;1rls. _ 1 . Easy 0f'vlfl)l`k'ln , light running, and I101 ' 3. Ei_is1.'.o."i'nz1iiagcmeii1 ; no great skill req ed .10 operate it. . V . , .- ' i. Rellabllllyi It won ; skip slziqhcs or break the thread Y ' I .'......i;..:... ..'i-.'_ i......i l.` ..n....:.... OSB0 1i.*I%:;S;EQiiE%i11\TliACHINEI I. >Snnplic.:iIy of <;onslru(`,lLon, pans and m mlll `II. is well made, -_' 3. Nan-lin 'liIuI.u aul nut nlnnlnv phhnr hv -T--j-jgj. TTTFCMICT T-`WW9 Bought siuce.the Full, cheaper tharrany others in the trade. Sble agents for Connty of Simcocor the celebrated ` ` '/\ r\1 '1ru'1`\ v1\'1-v- 4-..-_-....._...-.__._... __ .._. . ..._.;._.__ PeIoE_4o.oo. Pmas W3-L l ...-.-.... .,...... cs-:o:Ic:E c*66KNG STOVES, Bouzht Full. chenner thannnv nthem in the trade- Shin nonnta -(nu-1 V 25 CASES: ' CANNED T GOODS !j j.` `long as - , ~_Sewing`M'a- . chines. hgzvcbeen , atallwidcly known ' ' to - the people, the, . Singer hm. been in pro- _ minem ex: slence,'and during all , `these ye.ars_ has been I1x\c1ergoin1'ga;m.' provemep1s.compatible,\-Jitln the d_em;md: - ` Oflhe age ' I "Jim. ` _30iliag V `(I reemeaaeas &A6Hi`5`,f'ivBPERS, Mnwafzas. ,~ SAWING MACHINES; .-.- w-auauu Iwarivllllluv _llbhl'I1II Iu}lIU _II SAWING MACHINES; ~ . _. BROAD CAST and -ROW SEED DRILLS, % ._SULKY HAY RAKES, T V. ' ' :GRAY S CULTIVATORS, ` PLQUGHS of all kinds-i11cluding the I 1"Y1'4` -r*rT-:1-r~..\sv /\A . 1'rr,\4 -.r\ A--v Q-oAI._L7AVND m; IT, @ ;___ ---"J UST T0 HAN`DZ AT '1'1 1_ L.\ "" C1i]I4ls3B1U WILKINSQN GA`Nd%%P"LbUG11s, 5 arrows. Platform Scales. BARRIE V % AGRI HOUSE! PEACHES, PEARS, ` DAMSDNS, TOPIIATOES, _ BEANS, - QPEAS, . _ .COVE 0YST_HR_S,. ":iB9B;51`3FSs` 5; `I ` .. @h%sre:s, T % % . Lizwn Mowers", - Ralges. -s,INGE_I{ s' 'lIzL11L1,f;axct111'cd by I 0'1" tueixsious; lxicl `hard to manage 4PL`Ai_NT-. Consisting df 3%} - ...._f..,__A_.___.r._ ...._._____.._,`.._.,_.___...- . 1TfIRVI { BRO ' 'l\C1.I'1'!If\t'\ 'l`\`!' mupl pi1I'Iu: j 1- 11- J99 `J 8" J0 .v 4.1 Ix/.LJ II .l...L.I \JI ..LV.I..l..l The best Sewing Machine. in Czzxxadag 1w'.z-zlzoo-r-to P. -11_ICKE` Y, Dzznzsxq-eez, Barrie. \I L.` \II_A.J-.J-I \)l J. .`Hgrrows, Platform Scales, 4;- _..___.____ Consmnpxius: H! ram 5: RATED. - _ _ _...'_1_..,.._`._ "" ". }. . J J.GILLEM,THEJOBBINGBUILDER *` " T _ A l .g -Combines dispatch, economy, and T ;d`.'L',Egi-_n3, of, .g'i4urabi1i.ty` in `carrying thmugh each bunch 1- cf ingsgn, bgicklaycr,plgstpgor',_ulgilgr, while-.-_; `]')E:LEBS*I'N'- 'STEAM,HOTAIR&HOTWATER FUNACES _.._...-aunxsu A-Lltlllklivai ".~\pplica.tion for 1:. Patent of which is being xgmde. Iron Pipes and Pumps of allv kinds always on hand. All kinds of cornice work, plambing. and bell hanging done. /I1: TET C1 7:13: `I In :1 --n-yr. .. 7n 311 its branchc; executed. ' Nov 5"18'! .___ ---._...._ no aa.\J 5.54.14, Intbe town of Dundas, in the county of Weat- worth. ON F|{ID.:\Y, THE 1413 DAY OF ` AUGUST, 1874, at noon, by James Somcrville, Auctioneer, all the right, t tie, and equity of redemption of the said M cUnrty,nnd his aasignee in Insolvency of, in and to the following lands in the_- townshipof Vespra, in the county of Simcoc, namely, the north halfnndiouth west. quarter of Lot 14, 4th Concession. 150 acres. Lt 13: in 41.}! (`.nn`n.nuinn 900 hnrnn Ilnnnnrv TIMBER LANDS, _GnoWING TIMBER, SA W MILL AND _ PRIV1 LEEGIES. INTHE '- ' ' co u2\"l`) 0!-` slmcols. l By virtue of; Mortgage dated the 15th Nov- ember, 1873, from Julius Czesar McCarty (and his wife as `to dower)_to John Frederick Wood, which will be produced at the sale, there will I ' be sold by !Z"`"i" b "ff 2-"; --.-`--= -- HE 1:313).-19:1 oz-' '1'.jIE'AG P, ' __.: .` ._- m3: incurable. 'D0L'l_or;:`siu quapxcr 01 um 14, am Uoncessoon. 150 Lot 13, in 4th Concession, 200 acres, reserv- mg 2 acres. . ` Nnrlh-want on.-nnr nf` enn`H. }m`ll`.-.1 ..-...L. ......4 lug 6 llUl'.B. North-west corner of sou`tl1 balfof south-enst half of Lot 14, in the 4th_ Concession, 1 acre, and Lot 37, in the 2nd Concession, and in and -to the_pine trees growing and standing, lying. and being in and upon the following lands in the said township of Vespra, namely : Lot 15, . in the Zndoncession; a lot. containing about 60 acres, called the Dutcher Lot; Lot 19, in the '2nd Concession: Lot. 32, in the 2nd Concession. Upon the monartv the:-e.um era-ntar1`n an" W EIK LE, Esme Agent, Acconmm, I Conveyanoor, Collector of rents, notes, or other debts Account Books adjusted. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases,.&c., drown up in the moat om-rest manner. Perlonal and prom t _a'ttdntio`n~to,bnainess. `0m ce,"cotner ,B~ye d E andjollier Sta., __Bu.rrio,0`.: V V 26-ly-H ,,............ . uuu uuu uuuglug uonu. '1` a_R__$::A{a 1'1_m ING 1%! znu uoncessuon: not 32, In the 2nd Concession. Upon property tbereure erected}. water povicr Gixcnlar Saw Mill. Five Frame Dwelllng Houses, 9. Frame Barn, and other outhouses. The nronartv in nnmnmhared nrinr tn elm nuuuun, H. rrume barn, and other ontbousea. property is encunrbqred prior to the Vendor : Mortgage byva Mortgage for unpaid purchase money, to one David Garvin, to the extent of $3000.00 and interest at 6 per cent. from am Decemb:r, 1873. Th Vendor will nnlv nrnvlm-`A nvIHn V-n.I.n we V euuur 5 nuucuors 81.` we venaee`3 expense. Further particulars maybe had, and full con- ditions of sale, m~.1y.be seen at the Otce, at the said town of Dundna, of the Vendoxfs: Solicitors. Dated 7th July, A. D.,l874. , - OSLEB,-~WIX'K & GWYN, 294;; . v.....1...;:.. a..I:-:......_ mun may uecvmoir, 1515. . `- ` I The Vendor will only produce to the Vgndee a. Resist:-ar a abstract of the title and the deeds in his possession and control. . The nnmlmapr will 90 um gala nan 3...... .. In In: p0B5E;!El0D and control. ' The purchaser will at the sale, pay down a deposit ot ten per cent. at the `purchnae money, and the balanco wi` in one month thereafter The doed 1.6 um and mm m. `... .........a 1.... auu we uxlzsnco WI` In one month thereafter. The deed to the endee will be propaxed by the Vendor's Solicitorsat the Vanda`: expense. particulars mu be had. and full con. uncut pr(`:~:Hm`d.lh:ll,'1-rvlll the lxrge, connexion .-He; ry & 130. have m the British Pro- and (`l5'L \\ h_L`l'L`,.lhqpllbllc is very"! Rely to )rv~~rd upon by xxrscrupuluus vendors and l)n1t:`-:~IhL'y exercise great caution (6 pre- vil` bLin'g1ni*ilcd,? 2 a sfmxgj) wi:.l11hc name 0!, `_`HoHoway 65 ew York, p`riu-ted lhereon. ' ".' I C.`l)C('l:a|:-le=. rm: m Hus 12.: -1. 15-- r,- nding these medicines: vucu_.p Lur uusu and see. ' Remember 11$, Corner Store _ Morrow : Brick Block, class 0 the `Market , 9. conveniongi place for Farmezs. _ Barrie Jun. 'lr.r.. `.974. 1' .295.:. -dkooimxms, FLOUR, V FEED, FIELD 3: GARDEN . ._BEEDSf I RUITS, VEGETABLES, GENERAL PROVISIONS. ~ AND EARTHENWARE. , Elvefything bougbtthnt Farmers hue 1o_|ell, nnd the highest Market Price: paid. R H :..4.....1- A-, .1- |_...:A.._- .,J (H- ..... nu. a4AEu\.I3\ A S. intends I `Cheap for Cash ' Rpmamhnr lh PU 1L1i*fL"i 101$ ION I m.: MARKis1'3` s.-vmag `.7 NEXT THE OLD FIRE H `1LL,_ .u\. nnau nu TUBULAR nirnnsg \nnHm:1inn (nu I: Data. ..t' ...L:_|_ 2, H Ema HS ,th1atestfnd most sciennc ;,rinci'p`u,~s. ` V ' _He also makes ` NI`Y`III'YIAt\ p.-..-.__._,' 3. u, For the sale of AT R1LEY S HOTEL, Forks,- Has just been opened. by 1 n n -A m'.a(' - n __ .- __,_.-. `.71 `bus prompti _v ,neaxl y and cheaply & c.:, _&c.` AND 9 business, and will sell and See. V , Store_Mo1-row H'm`Mnm-lrnt` n tInnunn:AnO. V JOH.`?'PLAXTON,' nlunlniu Qt Du. To Nerv_ous"S||fferers; .4- (v...... . , ` rm, . v..-gs I- wt}! 15`, Vendor : Solicitors- ....... FLIAA (uni, Dunlop St., Barrie. ` ` 45-1y -18`6mo. ( ,ulJLI LILIUL IIUUIIULIIIII - ! .1. \;u`31_'1. ----.-- I V -A 512; and a-half octave Pia.no,by Paxton, _ ingood order and tune. Can be seen at MR, FREEM:_\'N S ` ' 7 Furniture Store, _ 42-ti _ ` , v Duu1opSt., Bar;-ne. The subscriber otfora for sale cheap, and en easy terms, the following valuable property, viz. :--A one storey and n-hell frame dwelling house and l acre `lot, situate in the village of Sunuidale, township oi Suunidale; _there ia_ a good pump and never failing wase: supply `on the lot. -He also olfers for sale 81 acre lot: u.Cjoiuing the aforesaid house The above prop_rtyvia eligibly situated, within one mile. from New Lowell Station, 7 For fnrlber perti- cularxikapply [ifby letter post paid] to ' A Wu. GLENN. T )1 .c ' N.I..... 13-....- u-__:_ V 'Baiug'tho Wosti Lot 11, in 12th Con. Town- ship of lnnisl, distantfrom Barrie 3} milu,nnd ' from Allandalo 2 milea,and within the circuit of a mile then are several Grist, Saw, and other Mills. the Village of Painswick with its Churches, Post Otce, School, Stores, to. . Snil wood 0.1:! lmnh. 50 acre: elpnrn umll unuruuea, 1.'u:u uluvu, ncuuul, grates. ac. .Soil good clsy loam, 50 gscrea cleared, well fenced, with frame Barn, Granary, Stable, Cow Homes, and otter buildings. Ten acres Of Fall Wheat in ground. - S POSSESSION I MMEDIATEL Y. `D.-6 A0` an-nlunnn Innnnw Ann vA-~1n:-\ ._ ll-..` `. \/LIIJIJIJLIJ-\I&V A 415575121/`ll. I UJJ In Part of purchase money can remain on Mort. gate. For further particulars enquire of ROBERT COX. or uun_elIl - `um-d.1lm1,' :( H. ,9 12,. n.., `I ma rrupv:-"x_v xiv`: nu ma :morc'o: the Gear- gian Bay, being composed of Lots 114 and I15 in the TUWNSHIP GF _TAY. containing 200 Acres. It is situated witnin 1} miles from Penetauguishcne,1 mile from Midland City, and ' mile from Mandy : Buy. Thu-e i; 3 rst-class landing for vessels gt the beach , For particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS Midland City. July 17th. 1872. . ` ` 29.2: no I ca-I-nnabcaao-aA_| L LLILJ L 1]. III}: Being Somh-half of Lot No. 6,~2nd Conces- sion Floa This-Farm has many faoihlies for business pgrposes, being in the centre of 1` ' ne farming country, and on me oppopile corner to Ap'o . Post-office, when: than use tw_o Stores, one Hoto1,and-two Blacksmiths Shops. ' L` A Tnrmn mad: hnA-n` ni-lr ..`na.I...-a:.... ._ .L- _+ nw |'IuNUl:U_U|`.5 ur LAND m 11:0 4111. (ion. 01 'l'ny, being Lot No. 8, ll clcared well,tim`uer;d with Pine` and Hard- wood, xthin a mile of the Midland Railroad, two mileafrom Hngg Bay. For particulars ap- ply to - M.-1 RTIN MOORE, Rnrrie. H M. umsamv. `~14-If V Nglson House, Barrie. VALUABLE FA RNLFQR SALE. -Rain-"Han Tani! Lnt `II in 10th (`nu 'l".._.. irlwo LUMBERMEN Am) OTHERS. i;nY!:IJ&].E3(:1{'1?3.i1'EPiJMRMITI Terma made k_noTwnT on` application to the .oevner,' , C I_ . _A w ' T ` F. J." GRlBB_lN.`0ril19a. Orillin. Jule 17.1.- lR73 ~ 4): m- . J omm, July 17:1,, 13. WAGGON FOR SALE. -For 8816,: Single . ' Waggonin good order, and as good as new. Apply to ; ,, . _ . `_'~ .` -0| -J! V FIELDS -BROS, this Ofce. ' nunlnn SI pm-u m--uuu'ree.-m;; I)r. J. Boll . Hmwur 91 '1 . 0.. llmniltull. 'I`w_o mi M50 be sent lvynmilto.:u1ypo.x-t - ray wmpped from observation, on u_ .`~'IpL'l,`i1l1 troatmmnt if;idesircd,. by an,-rcI:1'1l Drxuggists, `and whole- `su}c_Dr1x;;;;is_1s and I _atcm_M.edi . R- NEILL ?i:::::`.<*: '"s:;;:.:*`::* *`:..:':: ready with u. fu.1assortm<`:nt of_ Goods for the Spring Trade, which will be found ofrst-class quality, and of the NEWEST STYLES. AH usual hejwill be found fo give value for money. He will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Order work in the Latest Styles. BOOTS AND s'if6'"s,` ` RITRRIRHR X7 (- Orwz Door West `U V v"_IN{ U:1}L{ S, 855. .....-..-- R. '"::;`k: rmudv with n f'n1aun_o..-.-...e I (1.... `This Property Yin outbe `shot-c'o! the Geor- rian Raw. beimir cnmnnsed nf 7.n+a 11.4 ...A Barrie. Much 31-d,"1-8'13 July 1711:, ru H unI\,s3l1U I ,unro,n.nu AMMUNITIUN of all kinds kept constantly on hand. rs-SEWING MACHINES 'REPAI'RED._5 ALL w WA-RRANTED to give satisfaction. Fua &~`.A l..}$ ' " "7 TWO HUNDREDAGRES 0F LAND n 4111 uf `1`nv, bemtz Lot No. 9. in ilk. Hacz; pIcxx;t.:LI3'tuueI1eu` Cc., Homceopalhxc Cnem`i_gt3,_V we ltlipi" _` orhers _\_m vent xhvil P. lr.u-n I Bagrie, Feb. 25th 73 . '{"E-';:2ecial attention given to Repairzng. POW DER,SHO'l`, CA PS,nnd AMMUNITION all kinds knm nnnnlnmlv nn hand UU1VLU.l' b"1'1{l1`E'l', BARR.-1E, Where he is prepared to execute all orders enlrusled to him wiih nearne and despalch. uwrr noon "r0 nUN1"s b`ALOoN,j D UNLILJOI` S TREE '1`, BA R R13, \.Vhm-n ha in nrnnnrual In ow..-..n.. -11 ....l..-- S_[lE!..?,C;1RRl:\GE, SADDLERY, AND GENERAL II. a.Aa-VLILL DIVA` Would reapeclfullv inlimala to lhb publiolhal -he has REMOVED lolhe premiaealale- ,1) occupied by MR. MoHENRY, Sannnrn. SIANO FOR" SALE CHEAP FOR CASH. ----- A LVI\ ....'A .-.-I..I5 ....o'--- n:-.'.. 1.- n__.__ IALUABLE PROPERTY- FOR - SALE,. ' . _ V` ,. LADIES; _. _ GENTLBJMENS, 'A`.\1|. (`J-I .6): incurable, 'D_0r;1or:xVsi1_v_i: _:irL-:1. x.~ the |_u'opcrn1edm`ne M 1-zzre-'. D1. Lm~ s Gm-at Gm3ANn1,ocKsM1Tu s;`% .. ..-2; 3&2 DUN LOP SA'I`REET,"BAl{RIE. ..4 n...\.. 7lI--J _r 11.-Innnvrnrn nrnnn :- REM_g_vAL2j 1zING `IM150RTATI0Ns,. Hzisjust opened oh in the above prem- ises with a well selectedock, which be ' is prepared to ' SELL AT`-T{)RON 1`() PR_IOE'Sl H A R D W Arm, NEW PER/1IsEs, D U NAL 0 P STREET, Opposioe the Old. Bank of Toronto. E_I?.$L9riJ |' [NI:x'r noon 1 NTTIID QVPD '~._2 *4 ris1711oY'EB HOUS"Es`zFU.RNlSi1I.\'GS, &:_c., ac , %'I%`homas McVittie, or II V _ Office. 'Y5ifS'F.' {"1379 HT 7LBEs , FOR7_:5ALEvIN SUNNIDALE. Ul'\llCl' [)&l'|.lClllIl'S Cllq . ROBERT COX, or - .Insu:pn ' Izhportcr of mud dealer in :mmr..Vc, Am, <;H1Lntzmts, ` Tl ,___, _-..__..-__. a r%1}.:n1.q121cEi' .TRE1:T. nu mn.munnnnl Sannu-`n, L `m HUNT : SA 1.0021,] DEFT DAD] a pupil of Lou (1: y in the v w visitin UUA, U1` - JOSEPH ROGERS, ' Barrie. :73 M [ARDWARE ` ma", w.e.REj_~ CI TTIYINC1 `onus, Dunlap Si. ' `38~lf In, utuva *25'_8in. unna, Barrie . 9 Qf 29-tf I 6| IIIUII the Bank. lN3WAn9!1lE;dI$H'0P! `uga W (Iu(!.\' ;_` wmson Q1 1 dc f\Ir.Le:1u: liradlmd, 1 -.$;_,l:`.ro:.,' and all med!- n|.|. ruuruu LI JUUUIIIU Particularly in Ihe Iron Department, such as turning large Pulleys, 5 feet 6 inches in diameter; running Shah, 21 feel 6 inches long Tins is lhu kind ofhalhe fur boring Cylrndera properly` I! weigh: 8 lons.. I have ngood supply of smaller Lathes, and a rsl~ class lron P-Inner fit for almost any job. Any parties wmrng Caslinga I can supply them on short notice, as I cast every day xn Bradford. and have a very large quantity of patterns. I beg to call to norice my T I`III')IDl\I7l,1l\ (VII As-u-u -u . -. wt was In me beaver! Generh1Mex-canlile Risks Insured `IL I otce at very low rates, fully one fifth less Stock Gompanies Apply to ` R. JUDSON D()YLF., OS'[`-.- A Ptcket Book containing papa.-:4 ` _ and a Nola of Band for $153.95. .\.z.~: 7 person having found the same will confer R ; favor by returning it In ' ' ' In R MI.`,E`i(nur: .L.V \/ 4. .1. \/ .l_U- I The subscriber begs to call the attention at the" public to the fact that he has opened hi; IMPROVED GRATE BAR, which gives one quarter more draf thanlhe common bar. In the meantime don lforgel- the lluuereld Ploughn; I am manufacturing them on a large scale. . ` . ~. `I _. nmmnuurnrn .|. To be_let by tender. for a term of ve yum from the 20th dny of October next, all lhnt pan ` and parcel of land, No 27, and situate at Shanty Boy, 3rd concession, of the Township of Oro, County ofSimcoe,containing about 85 acres, more or lesa,-of- which 60 acrolnre cleared and almolt without it stump. ' Also the Public lions: and nrlminnn Hun-nnn I Lllvs VD Insured at Lower Rates than those of any -' Company doing business. Our motto ';= Low Rates, Good Risks Prompt Payments, Allowing otbar Comnaniea U1: nm.I.;.`../ . - -van];-Io L ayxuvnw, AHOWIIIR Companies the Daub!/'u! Ir at uuyI (Ilr;H1'g can get, Who Q79; 1-, dii(3`.1]L\' in lnnrina Hm unnlm-n-..o :.v' . out my I-rm meg get, Who hem diicultv in scouring the settlement 0:` .-`. for loss in the Beaver`? Gunny-'n'I Mm-a-...a:1.. n:_I.- v__.._, A OJ` C` Barrio, March 4, 1874. : pnpn and !`ri(.-nd the 1` Lomlon, England, the world on this sub- ` vis.iting.L'an?xda, and is o to 2111; and _fm's\:2u'd cir- +-z|d(l reesixx;: Dr. 1 -P. 'l`wn IHIIUII WIBUUUE I3 Bl-lllllpa Also the Public Hanna and promises thereon called by the name of the Railroad Hotel,on the Ridge Road from Barrinto Olillll. - Tahderl will ha rnrnivnd hr than -m1.....:.......: [H035 HUIU [F0111 DIITIQHP Uflllll. Tenders will be rooeivod by the undersigned on or befolo THURBDAY, the 20th 5133 of AUGUST next, immediately that which the pOl`B_0lI scce fed yill hI_7O notice`-thereof. Dated at an Bay, 2011: June, 1814, I > `WILLIAM (BEARD, tf T Proprietor. 23- - E"_-_-__..__A , V -` ou-.,occ. 1' _ ` Stun: AND -EtLx(;'_n:o-P1.A'r: in the molt. recent fashtons. and ul" the -mml tlurablc: make. lu Electra Plute'it is I!6(.'l'S ary ltt'.`L'('llH` sound mn- terials and a alllcicnl coating ul stlvcr to resist dai'y wcnr and tear satislaaturily No other is reallfcheap at any price, not worth hu_\`Hl;.'. , Watches and Clocks repaired hv skilled wot-.L. cnangeu. 'lVl|'cIl'lIH'. smppers, and Clubs supphul | A Watches.Clocka,Jewel cry, and Plum: .i('l.lh; all part: oflhe ujurid. rAn1v1 141 )1- 1u'h ..'1`Y 5 Inaurcdon Cash System and en Premxum Note. 3 System Premium Sou: Pblicy Holders am ' not liable for any losses on cash syslem pol .~ | ciesins they are in a. ditfc-rout branch. ~ I . Horses and Cattle Insured Alizunv-3: Dcmh. THE BEAVER AND "annNIo< I-l Hm nnhr (`.nnn.'-inn (`..u.......... ;..z__, `I - ..... -y-..u-u null UIIUIIIU Is the 0111; Canadian Company doing this air. ofbnziness. General Town and Village B`: ueis done in Mogcantile Bxanch. which is 2 tirely separate from Branch. `n....-n.'_. .._ _--- m ureny separate trom !!_mnch. Dwelhngs 1n Towns an: Vlllages T those M .~..-.- .~. Oico over We-Ha Bros. Dxug Store, opxm _McWzm a Barrie Hotel. V '1 !_\ Ifersonnges. . .- ' Puzeasr/mun P1..'rz--TeymnmnaIs u:`di1-rem suns. Racing Cups, nnd Jewell:-8 and then Bozo.-.-,nsprovi:lcd by Mr_.B1-znsox fur the Unr pbrnlioll _of London ' and ulheu Public Bddies, 10 `enclcisc doc-uncut: cnnveying thee Fremlnun ufxhc f-,'i1y 101]; Prince nf Walcs. Duke: 0! Edinburgh, &(`-2&0. ' rezuvy cncap pnce-,'nnr by wot).- meu. Old Silver, Jewellery, Walclne-, 5542., ex- changed. `Mnrv.-lI.'lIn'. Shippers, and Club; 7 crv, M-1 1 1.: l >MA$'vH`gLL9 V{1LYa - , nun nnnvnu AND 'l'UliUN'1` 2 I MUTUAL |NS|.|RA|Il3CE g j 1: ma doing the 1:: `ow E usiness. n The pm chi tween William ilkmson and doing business on 8:. Br 11, of lhe Village diuolvad by mumal will by cmiod 9" foi'uI',erIz.":` ' ' ' ` ng be- lnea Bell, _.oi Wilkinson gal , was this day I.` The-buoineas crau: prices. An'r:s1'|cGoL_n Jr.wr:l.x.r~:u\ , 91' Iixe rivhest aml most -xquiailo designs, w.'lh Monograms, Crest"-.-. and lievicus, Eumnellozl in Culours. ufler U1-szgrns h the most acuomplishcd Artists in the Precigm lVela|s. Bruuclxcs, Br.'u~o'el3, Ncckfaccs, Luckcls, Rings, and I!!! kinda of /zijuu/cr1.'e, as supplied lo Members of vlhe Conn inn] -m'h,er Dinhnuri.-ha-d Personages. Pnv.n|u\"rA'r: nu Pr.A'rv.... l`nv imm...|. .. .lIl unuullnun WATCHES , , (II.OCK$ Ofallkimlafrom 2 10200 am. {OM11 kinds fm 2101000 Gus Lever, Vertical. lCh'urclI.'l'urreI. Horizoulal. Duplex. . zcarriagc, Chime, _ Chrunomelcr. Clnra-ungr':Iph. mining and Drawing-ruum. Keyless, Centre h'ccmnl. Zull. shnp, Repeaters. Induu: A- r-, ELM-rary,~ Bucket, &c. ENGLISH ORMOLU CLOCKS, designed by English Artists. und Maxnufacmred by J. W. Bu - soxv, tar ex-end in beauty those mannlactur--d abroad. They can only I: ohmino.-`vl at this estab- linhxnnt. . _ - HIKE` Aim" unnuvtre .\\`l\ nnu.......| rmr. Atu um.-x\'z.r.a AM) CHIMNEY ()RNM\!EN'1'S,.ul'lhc IleV.'eSl dasigna, {rdm Co..- linenlal (I144/l;I.I.V ul the higlurnl rs-pulmipn. an mm]. crate: prices. A1z_'ns1'|c(x`m.n J;.wm.x.:uv. M` H... .;..s...u ....: T .\~1E11cHA1'f; Sm P1ERs,'Axn WHOLE SALE BUYERS :m~ specially invited-bv:t"urr sending their ordcm c!.~e-who,-re-m nhxam tram lhc Manufm-lnr\' lh(',1LS'l`KATED CATA-' LOGUE of \'v [\TL'-lH'.'S, CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWEl;LE_|~'Y. and ELE(.'T.li0- PLATE. which are sum nnsl l'n-9. ns nu! nnlv nu: nu. .l..,-mu... .114 VI uuuD_'I 1 . mm DJ4l'4\ are xcul posl lrce, as not 1 liberal, ~lml a '_`.le('l5()II 1 :1 largest pluck in (ht: world. ()nlnl-at mun Inn uni aliu-uni larger! _3l0l`K `H UH. Wl)fl(l. . ()rder-5 can he um direcl la the ;\IanU!aL-lhry, Ludgale HiIl,or\hrough Mo.-razhunts or Shipper.-' .in Eugnmn. nr.rr~nnn_ ... .\.-..-. muv-c.umvu1n, An!) Ah'1'l-3"!'lC Mb"l.U. 1 WORKER. Pmzn Mun/u.zs'r or 'rm'-: LoNooN, 1)_nm.x.\', A.\'x' Pun; Exutulrxom. Maker oflhe Chronograph by which the Derby N und all other Races and Great Events or ll|r- . .1 I). y me timed. MANUPACIORY AND Crrv Huus:-58 .5, 60, L171)- - ` GATE HILL. , W251` END Esn m.n~um:M`s--25,0LD BOND ST, AND 99, WESTBOIIRNE GROVE, L0.Nl)()N. wncn 5: CLOCK MAKER. GoLrsMr'rz~'. SILVERSMITH, mu Al\'I`[STIC MET.\L ' W()HKl-TR, 3>l:*- 1_1L-m oz. b0., 0! )'L`l1_CL3l.' holluw'ay s To the Queen and Royal Family . ToH. R. H. the Prince 0! Wales (Spemd .` And to several Indian Potenlnles, F n-. Governments, and Railway Compninv Estahlislxd I719. _ -c-.---. -. -_ Ill! Iilllllili |lII'|HlII`H Wu] be found well stocked in all line-z. cular attention called to Tefgs. Whe:-u, and P ox-k bough', and the highest murE.: in Cash willhe paid. ' `D \T1.T`T s '. n. o. ;vu-.u.1um.'. Payment of the note has been stopped no ` ' The Tailoring Departmger la nmlnr vlw -Innnnntuntlnnmz nf' Hr .'. "_' """""'-O "'l."'" is under zh snoermtendence of Mr. A A complete t guaranteed. L-nmem. FIRE )3: MA MI I10 LEASE. ' "E5'(me -;` I `Comprising new Black and Blue Broudclr-Lhs ' A . Wltneya, Meltons, Beavers, Pilot: Assam-/. -English and Canadian Tweede, the - best in the Mlrkot. . . . g uuauraaa -wands: ` ` FALL AND WINTER G00!3`:3`: I eucc 'in the n1at_tm-",. and thc-xet"ore.- bl)", DU)ViI1'_`y_"of the com-' -mmended, msxy de- 1-. 1'0vnr~l'; 1* .- ' .I.\n Barrie Yctober 22, 1873. FARM PROPERTY ured on System co Premium N MR. NELSON begs toinform the public mm 50 baa just opene out large connignmemo ,; I NEW BRICK Ezqocxg` _ jllunlop j Street, Barrie; . I ."" `::.-.;_';."-~.3-:.`- 7:\'.'f___,,_` _ RUG STORE AND DISPENSAV?-T`-'. {P111139 I-IOOAIJJJIJ I .llIIJ..1LJLJ \n\.I\/-I I; Such nsbresn Trimmings. Buttons. 2 r. Gimpa, Ribbons, Pr .nta, Canons, &c., `NELSON HOUSE} SSOLUTION or PART-N K5319. ' If 'rm BEAVER AND TOIMNTO l1'lIlI lllnllnnunun A. ._ uuuxpuules Apply to mosox DOYLE, General Agent Saugeen 0:. Owen S v Or m A man: A. ROBINSON, . ` 'I`mvel!ino Au rt is\"c1l m;'L1Af:avou'I_'- l zsgmds from 1:-a'i_n ju l AL"L"kiiu"ti ir'i'iiiiiI 3'IFIla. .u1ar1y Denartmonmn -ms cnocanv napixnrmm \ four_xd wcl_l_ sgocke_d alAl__l_in--:. \ urn. .|IIuUnq`|llIrI.`_. DI. : Bzg Buszness. VII II van on Avon ll: And is now prepared to do 1 u nun-an run -n-nu...`- ` V I ART BRONZES AND CHIMNEY EN'L'S..ul'lhu newest desimu rm`... (in..- Gents lclll (Ill 3 ll L. BU1`:i'g1'513*'i'1a:1..p3 I Inna ._ ` Furnishing Goods, i\I'\'I1r`1t l`It\(v s. MEEKING. L..l..-lr. _ . n _ - _ - -A :.l7Ill'\7ll_)' o` ".ihc,Ua`m'1dianv .`~if1ea3(-,:`.1'0L'w'I1ich . [Ln-{nl :.'.R`.n.o.a. :;. `W .`x':: 1; _P4|l;vand `(Jim I 5: nv--u. n. nunmnun, Tmveing Ag FL. 1". R_ NEW. 3 v1.=:~.-r,.n",s'r.,Aw;:s1', BARRIIQ. an!) . nu uu4- mm 1 n, wmou `I only are the dust-oumn nan be made from lhr I, FENSQN. nu--- _ aasnnuuwaa-;__ "57: 5 La 1 STE.-\.\lERS FROM NEW YORK WEDNEB- I DAY AND `SATURDAY. Pasanxam AcCo.\monA1'Iox Uxscnnaun. Rite: of passage from Suspension Bridge ' or }iu'*1}o To G|.Asno\v, LIVEIWOOL, Lpxuoxntnav, `QL'::xs1`uw:.' or BELFAST : ' ' Cabin 865 to 9093 gold, according to steamer and location of berth. A 7 Return tickets issued at reduced nter. Intormedinte and Stale ;-age as low as any othor me. WA!` nnllnn nun fnnohnn :..6`..-._._A:-_. ' .7 - EAD our Hecur never been (-1; -chine in Canada. 9:` '[_',||`p\ 1`):-.'r nne. For passage or further information, apply to Hondeuon Bruthcrs, 7 Bowling.Gxun, New I ork,' or their Agent, A. B. Mclmco, Clerk. and Treasure-r, Barrio. ' - 6-6m.a `_M E D_Y_ .; I urn, or turn` Agennyn .._, ...._ SURFACE DH. Sl33$`a`T3'UTE -cunue m uunaun. 25.FlP.:~? i` P11. 3 -FLQCL ANTI -_FR1C'1`IO_N. rxz;'iAL` 2/ woons! have a_`:'o:3};. ' ggafrbm the cqtflgliy A midile.agPdwuma1:, who will make hetself generally useful in the house wbem than areonly two of 2 fumvly, can hear-of sf; comfortable home, by applying amhe 5.1-. manna Oiue; also, a boy, from 10 to 1% ypunjp or a'ga,_u-ill be uakexrfor ago 05. more ` yam, e 0 " '- (`WWW L" `X `f V` .- -. ... `[ ` SOLE .~'\/hr. \ 5.,`,,> ,1` UV. < (6 [Q " `.1-`or sll('?_"!.."`,-".}I`i.`.Ii .`F'?55T'??1Z 7 mg U ' sswmai Pure lL n.gi7z(: Oil I PURE MACIIINEII-Y OIL, ` `L 3.4.1,` Ev:3`r" 1 Ft`- Mhc `hm ` -1` Li EN 1". BA L 15:1 PLE MENT D- E A L E R S , Ill:-(`2xrt|u"s Brick Block, Dunlap St., South Side, November 28, 187%. 46-em All kinds of Horse and Cattle Medicinal, 80 Physicians Prc2criptioa`3,and Family Ro- ceipts prepared with ne care and accuracy. Call in. `My ,3` " `Ji? . a lz'.Lf_l - "'or '*rcu;:;3: on-1871. E.1`J:',lRSl` P111255, ,7 5.1-xv,-. V1'\ r.--Au.-... DEALER IN EEUSS AND. CHEMICALS, FANCY PERFUMES, PU... . [Patent Medicines, &c. November 1873. -_-..~._._+._....-.._.__. I . . [ Lugut uni He"! :E<:'*:-'."_t :l2Stcck_ in Ba'u'r- `l) .D::z;4s,Medicinvw;oz?"(}hemicala,PerInmc-zy { and Toilet Articles, Pninta, 01': I i and Vuniehos, Coal Oil, and 9 Burning ;F|ui d,_ Dye smora, ' `Pipes, Tobuccu, and Oigaru. My Ipociulity in univexnluti|fu- tion' to :1! par- c In I 0 I . I-` I?1_-:_. ANcHq._LmE- ..._ .. L uu;zorx1u1 .lU1V.' iiiachine warrant- 1 M _aran`te"e__(_1/i V i`n n.. -` ,~. ._." KL 5:11) ? uus usegxses n is subjt-L'l.' IL * all Obalrlzullollr :'\II HOME IN THE c::>Urx"1'R'.' .__. ` v _ _ -'- * u'1AJMAr= ljor Season; r1872. 2,.-.- . zzazs an nrxar van 'u_.s'c, and 5-[my-g 5:2: sn TISFAUTJON; A )~.*v\:-..~ A`.-.__ - IYYA , mg.-stun: .`_'_XV m` S. c. DS`cA37cL'.u_1K as 00's. gun Lu ue Iuuuu Ill A uL 'z":iUi.I*} IN WANT OF` A ma , _ . HALL I rIJ`l 1 1.151 -7 s:-:o:~;b PRIZES, .1 hit`: .1 <;77`C2-.0138; |I\J\X LJ.l\/LIJJ DI8PENSA_?`r - ;`.c.r~. 5.: x`_2i(-Lean; :__u,C-Izeeu Brosf , .1. r. luau,- -.- .*<'\d,AJC4LV`, Vltlhll we reach at_"aH, cu-mogdo better than and Exrunjne the Usbom.` `\`l !`~r\-rr.-z-. ..._ - _ Q Osgif '70 `BB HAD AT` ignulgan LICBNEEQ gaJ..;.DALn:,s'1"A1'Ion. 1 _ . a.sza'.. '- j- '- w_ww_1%QIQU&v :: the pri1:c1;-gt} Exhibitions in `as: tour yea:-s,'t`uo Unborn ha ..s..u:ly carried u' the rnv-Ir. .. .,.-_ __ wsasnz` yr ALL nouns.- ._._,f...\. was nwntuiu III :4 '1` P 1 . I Z E . 5 pmcticnl men, not intern: machines. Such judge!` W0. .= ;.- not to be tunud at some of u. .2 in WA.` Est .uu-.2 u-.- 11:; LKILVJAD `tors. Not the least brillinnl rum won by in at 1hc_ Gllllpb ~; for Ihre-= days is wn pm in the Howe, becler I Wil : 1 other leading Amorienn . Hm-s,ar.d WI: awarded the .731 `I"\I5vrt-r1 mm1Ljs 13R"o s .2 is` U: f5.r.'Ja/1 A s "inn Nae nm 1...... L-lI|_'- -5-AND- 771* 111259, '1 -. 1' l`\' J-_ P- K199.-.; LI:Jl4L.AL4" ' 2 1,-1'PL0.`.1-A52 LI. I 85 ! L\vllJL.`lK}' -2 T`lPLOMA.~` .1` I o %?'icc7:,` ..,_x .v..... .V- `_PRO.PR: won-. .....o \r\lI 46-Sm M9: ..... .... _\. .V.v jelurn _m:uI. V ds Watson 51. Y .un 1. R.-v_uH`n|*l] _ u. news U'I',`3l in-.7 the popnla mast and lungs lniIis,'-_::s1l1xI:a.=. no rver c_'ered viv.- m.\..`..-n:..~. I-vu,L_.'h n" `r.lu-name`, Pk\`_ J.4I|5 apd um ' It is prczn Messrs.-Hr Villmu mu` IL`. > Kidd, Will] WEI] g'l`UVI`Xl 8lH\U6_IlU lfUlI.I`TEB, nearing. Oottaze contains dining and sitting rooms, ve bed rooms, kitchen, servantfs npsmnent, c oat-ts, pantries, etc. - ` Pm:-.lm. can have mther mmrter nr half` an OBFIB, palltrxes, ow. ` Purchaser can lmye exther quarter or huff an Iacre ofIan_d with cottage. _ _ Annlv at this nf.-.9. ' ' ')R.'n~ 'I`he're \-.~i1 be sulsl by.Public ,Au}:l .11, at the- _ Quee 11 Hole], In the TO _, OF ` BARRIE. A |(.)N.nSi1 l.`[:`,laRA_Y.i-A-l:[?G-|{:::S:.TD ${";.3.Pl V _ , Pleasantly emmted near the cexitre of the mm) of Barrie. with garden atmclied, -planted" with well grown sbadennd f'ruit.n-eras,` bearing. Oottncre contains dining sitting moms. I5 W %:v`f-~~~\. *%9iE`ws.| .._,-f vu , _\ )urk, p}'ix:tcd _ Manj; rc.=pc-xalelc rms mlhe British Provinces: who (b uin.my medicine's direct from here, ha.-VG very propgriv sIIgg'.~led that 1 should, fqr the. b::nelil o{`1hen_n:~elves :u'1`d- the public,'insen_, their names in the papcr:4,llml it may b_e_ known that my uiues can be had gunaine from `them flw Iulluzving a list of `the rm; alluded to; reconrnend those who dsire to. muglicirxcis `.0 apply to some of the Houses nanyed:... . .- ' - - III lunch: nous. - IIIIIII Q IN THE TO? NSI-IIP, OF E;I~A, n\\'mE COUNTY OF SIMC . U`.l uunuu .-.J ' ` ' V ' ~- I -- At 12 o'clock, noon, by Mr. E S. Meking, of sale con- lhe fdllqwnig Mortgages wlu'c'h' will be". lands: I ` , Parcel No.1.-- he Eaa half of Lot No. 24, in \he.1Ith Con esio of the Township- 5Ia es more of less, of e ed and fenced, and ad bush. The faum _e11 watered, the soil Thnu-A nrn R [no of Essa, containing which 80 acres are ihe remainder IS hard as a; "rolling farm, and .._ .. ...-....l .x\ .u [.9 _ , Mus. R. Nearly o'ppo_sil'e me We] Jnly 8,1874. v 3 T L?U i;`i?.?_S_A 1: E Vuuvvu. O hbhx. B..,;.;.,2;2;.a 1u1y.174._ T j 30. ,} OUSE 8: LOT FOR-Xi:IT.T)E_f5 ' LEI`, om>os1V-1 E `rm: Maw msc lS'l`ER_Y()FFICE-Cou:aining'Six Rocms, and a quarter .0! an acre of-1au_d attached. Apply to - u;:r.n_X uvr'lL`,lL'--C Apply me remsmuer us ualu being a. gout` cl-ay 1-) House . with Frame Frame Ban), hbou 56 Stable. uu lhe 15m ,3nd near the house. ` `knee _..... ..,. 3...... .1. m|-",1, mllmg Iarm, anu cl-sy lo ` ilchen `attached, a Barg, 56 by 36,` andja Log ,and guod Well 0| ualr a small Orchard n-':.'n the bouags; ye wholly ying im'IheTnwn Line butweetn Essa and nisl, about-sA:x m:1_2s from Barrie, and mm from Tnmlon and conveniepllv situated :1 at "Churches is all denomin tinus,and the -hool House. n........u M . 0 Tho Nnrlh Wnal nnnrlniv (if _C1[ W1`UlUU HIU HUIL Thure are a Log priexgy `L . --To Ienqo Torn conxfurlabl`? Reside: unfnu. -, o|.n..,...,_I . dome: of Liemia Lodge,` `V ...-`: I1 deuominp'tinu,;, and the- b'hool House. Parcel 1%. 2.---The Norlh Gas! qgartar of Lot 13, in/:hn 9111 Ccncessi n of the `said '[`ownshil;$ hf Essa mining 50 aoresmore nr less,p f wh ch . -ii! acr are clearegl uxd under culliVaI.e, .." r:.-';: abou ve acres: of 50:1 is an E. \'3r:.llenl ci 5 ed on 'xl'}1'..L0~_: D'."9_ ` _ Barn,"'v.v'nh a good whole fronting on E -;_;='-KI. Irai Had "road, ahoutjwu mil-as Irom 'I'Emrnton_,5; iles fmn/2 Cookslawn, and 11 m_i1ea3;I_:oti3 `Bu lQ_ Thin:-. p;operly_wi_1l be aold'siAibj`e:_Iylo~a"_Nlv , Ighggf 0'9- $500,_and_1otbe dower._9r:qlsi'qn* 4 ' ' ' - - '1`-nrmnf.0no`:-innth nf: Ilia iiir : `of _ the 7! half m;1 I [BUS I: Prune 1 owner, ir=oL:`i;1 .Ba_rr{e,~J111y 339,` lS474_. _ I Barrie, August 4lh_, .l`87_4.' IP01: SALE 03 310-: ----- llUWlS| UI LACHUH llUUgE.'. A Terms.-One-2emh of ma purchase money` to be paid on the day of s`n1s,'an'd"w muo|_1' more, as wiuwilh deposil,.nmonn`_lo one-3 ' half of purchase m,0r,ey, within 10 qgya (ram ` the day 61 sale. .Rli'!ld9_I`D_` l)_`=I'ecI3fr`_t_:d ' ` by qorxggg at 7__..per_r.-an! `B3!`i1 aw ' "nunn1`i\)e!alngents.>":,Tha. pa` `if Imps-,ctes_1:;.:l:.r h _ _. nun calv. "TERMS, j ? - Sale to Commence . - vnuna UUXBL As the whu1_-3 `a is almost new. parties Hole] business or omen anond Ibis sale, Vhnu-n - _ , -._.--...u:u o!.guAlt E,_. BARBIE,` The whole of the valuable Hotel Fumilux, and-other chalt ls belonging to the above Eslafe, '. V12: ' Chairs, Talil-an,` Sidebqarda, Bureaus. Dressing Tables, Washstnnds, Ch_amber Sets, Bedsleatls, Spring Mallrasses, Mixed Manrasnea, P;llowa,She`els, Blankets, 'Coun'erpa_nesz, Lqokirg Glasses, Carpets, 'Lonr.g,ea, Glassware, Clmndeliers. Ivorv fmn.Jl,.,: lr..-, - '- , _- .. ..;v|.a5lII5 IU HIS B0079 Eatat'e,'_ Chairs, DtessingTab1es, Mattresses, Mattrasnea, "'Coun'erpa_nes, Lottngea, Glassware, Chandeliers, Ivory hand]-.-d.Knives and Forks, lxrge quantity` of Crcckery, Box Stoves, `first-class` Hotel Coolc~ ting Stove, cost $100, Stove `Pipes, :2 sets rsingle H8l`U9SF,'1. B8` Double Harness, 3 Buffalo Ht)be.~`, I Stnglg Cutter, 1 Double Cutter, C1ock's', I`a:a, Dessert and Large Plated Spoons, Cruel Stands, and variolis other [articles connected with the businet-tsVofarst- class Hotel. 7 Anti...-|- ` " ' Lcre or ianu wun coma Apply at this office. Rania, on Saturday, '7z};`kmzte-/_`: gwilliam Pssrklns, I Take noxice, that under me asAAasignee In I ',..'r,.. on _ "I3"6ii"A'i_fE7 Aaxgsl 4lh`,` mr. w, n. Lnompson. Harbor-G;racu." Mr. J. M. WW3, Fre.leric_tofn_, N-_B. Messrs. 'W..&~ - Yuile.Mon"1t`pal.` Thu. ma.I2>.-Inna nut. uni}! nl th}i`|n......4 West h;:lf oi Lot 1 Hum "`uuunc|\2..' . I 17'. W \ \ y uum IUI sane ,av PUBLIG Aucmm, '1` Saturday. Allin: In-I`-" AUTUM N 1'-RADE DUN]. OP .S.'l`.,;BJI`RR1E.. WHOLESALE PR-.IOES.. AV m,mTLEs, MILLENERY; musss Goons, SPECIAL HEUUBTIDNS !. Come along and , bring your friends before ,all.the Bargains - ' are -gone. B.(3ROMII`QN'_&`Co,, - IMPORTERSL. --ware. vv 1 uuu. xV:0llH'}Il- The medicines are sold at me lowest ' {viesalc `?l pnces, m -quamties of.nol less tn 20 . V(onh-i71z. .'8s. 6J-u 293.3 and~ 343. .per:_-wjozcn ~ lkgxes or Pills `or pu_ls;oI0lnm'1 ;n1.`for wljigh ' 3."`|ceani1uslhe.;i9ent`ir ad,v-.nc,e-' r ; L inn`, .1 dvhor"1roi-alninixl-Ihllnuvnu 5:.

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