Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1874, p. 4

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|T1N,snmiRii.vL}`0i>i"PEi:' ] Remember! there is no Cheaper V Cllouse In Town than FRESH MEAT, FAMILY FLOUR, . PROVISIONS, WINES, . V LIQUORS, - _ BOTTLED ALE, AND PORTER, is at the |wst H:i""'1`EA __rom=. 1| IIDLVI` DV n I'll ---w4 - --no I ZI1 `I I CII& I A KEPT BY D. KING. His TEAS are the Cheapostand beat in the Market. Good Tea-from 40 com: per lb, andupaards. - ` v .'N RA--Qiunnnnnm ...n nnrl` D...-0.... .... Ware kptconstantly on hand or made to order. All aorta ofjobbing ya the p--u-av-any r<.-- -q'-..--:-.__ -. B A YFIm17]ZI; l')T` "s'iVR E ET,l 13%@Wr _;@@| -was n--vans-ix-r IB'U'(3.I.} S ' s'rov1s DEPOT IS THE `.1. 9n Iu.'\C -....A gnaaid saw %@T'-ram, 1\'!"F!'YD" . H. BENNE'I`IT. T % _I".`L1'J'_-()1=I. .a.nd Jl.'L' nun, - J Feb. 4th, 1374.` .:__--_'-._-r 4. Are mule out of the hst Scotch Pig Iron. IIIII nnnnvn-nag. nntntuu-nus II -.'n._....- `Barrie. Nov. 6th, "i3. EVERY STYLE & -MAKE. The mignl :2 me. and em -' braces , . ' rnugul um) I" DUIIIUQ. .S::rnmeI Drinksinvseason. BR1ci]L0cK, DUNLOP STREET. ` V "31-V" Q v-/E:-v:.: u u -ran/can ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, __..I -11 _.._I. ._......-..;...;.: 1.. _-.. _ . - - j_......_._...__.. `A B R] E C OA 1. -OFEICE; , #1-an ` AFFEC'l'lO'NATEb ' wmow . I . V spoon. 1 11?:-X V7 L L A N D A L E `B ATK OLD !!"AND,4IInlCK :3:..v~_"rz. A - - BIINLOP 31., BARBIE.` gglcme Oct.15!2,l3`S. V - VERY C,/`IlEAP` RATES. LIB-ERAL`L3V{ SUPl'L.IED> and all work gum-nntod to A1-s... rrI1..nh n By contract or ot_herwise,`and B1! A l"'l"|1 f\`KT` [WIT A D A`K1'I' Booiis Aisiri *s7oEs And can be ;`e:.t;vely gndw I__`Tf I `II ' l Barrio. _ F -hommin `J pattern; oin ` b amed at you. T When I was your age from his mother s apron strings, and se. label, D-n the grasshoppers? ' `grids takes an early mm in San A Sehoolmiatress---Johnny, I m esh- Francisco; Whenalad breaks loose Ieould read as well as I can now. A cures a poaitxon at three dollers per Aw, but you had a vditferent teacher week, the first thing he does after that is to _hire 9. Chiuaman to run errands haw :f.' hm`- A V * 7 _ V _ _ No one (e'eve.fa._ {hotel-keeper)" can- ii .f hive any oonfeepnon _ ' de 0 t` ' ' to w>1A1aVt`we'!ve_g`ot'." " rL . 2 tie eid A CHEAE E1I~E:TcE> "rfE:E1~`." cmrns, REM-ma cmnnnu, AND WILL BE SOLD AT 'E11>5'R1EI}&.` gun am Your: g\4A\JV I8 LIJHLQ pmac to get good The n ry best place In Barrio. to get the worth of your money GROOERIBS ! jmade to ordey, y .3 1\T2E'VN' (LL the 'A'jl' A_BT|iR,D S |gIOD' mlrne. GEORGE O. BUCK, Proprietor. 3. ' 46-ly `rims: 1 29-ly JLUID 6-3m -.13-tf ash- ; read as well teacher what we've got. "5; F 1.`. -,0. .0 - u - . . ~A returning emigrant waggen passed `through Cedar Falls, Iowa, last week, bearing the expressive and euphonious label, D-n the grasshoppers. (1.1 , AIJUUDBSO QWES 'K5.'HlllA Ill IL 3"- " Steamship City of Boston. `To ali i whom this message may come, that I, -being.-found as stated. , ' the unders1gned,a passenger-on this ship, write the following ,s?atement: 0n Sunday night a heavy storm arose ,' 12:30, increasing; 1:20, all hopes lost; 3 a, ma, going do_--_--. ' " JOHN C_,a_sawxLL, London, Eng. ' At the same timaas the above was found,a board was found a?so a short 1 distance away, with some penoilmg on it which could be decxphored, reading. ; We have now taken-to the boats as M our last resort. - The board was headed t City of Boston. The above may be . a footish hoax, as many other bottles 1 have-been found since the steamer was lost, but there is -no doubt as to its ` . This disoonsolable lady thus writc to a max-bieioutter, copceming 9. gravg- stone for her late husband :- Fzsmoxanm AILORING EsTA3L1sHmE1m .....--.-2---jg. .__Y'(\)/(l,.3;.W|"e. pointed" out ftc me the other day -as the man who makes` grave- stones. -1 l-want an stone": -tor `my late husband, Hezekiah Spoor"; I wantla large stone as he was a large man, say two "feet Wide` `and. .eigh_t fsetfhigh. age was"'s_ixty -_ninef'yeais,,six" months -and seventeen days, had he l_iv_edun_til three o'clock in s the morn - ing, butas he` died -at twelve, I` think you had better put itidown sixteen days. I want you to be particular:-- getit right. '.His disease was billous A colick, and was "sick only two days and nights..' .I' want you to put `it, in, espeoiallv the disease he was sick = with-_he was most sick. The first I - day he waspafraid he wouldn't, but he 1 died; yes, he died, andl shall never forget the expression that lit. up his countenancein his latter moments. I understand that you can" `sometimes carve" images and likenesses. Now. if you can `do so, I wish you to chisel : out a picture of my Hezekiah, (late -` He-aekiah I mean, for he did not look like another Hezekiah I met yesterday) 1 will try to discribe his looks. He was reallyera ne lcoking man, had whiskerswhich was red, at short neck, and a very large head and foot--b'ut. 1 don't suppose you could chxsei out his foot in the picture,.but you must get hishead in. He had a large mouth and two large eyes. His eyes were very peculiar, and I want you to catch this peculiarity on the gravestone. I will try to describe this peculiarity. One eye you wantlooking right. at you, and the ether you want turned as though it-was looklllkf 1;}. the chimney allthe time. N 1 v.'..nt this done by next week, as 1 thirk ot zarrving` another Hezekiah the week alter, and I want this gravestone before for fear thisother Hezekiah would think it was designed for him. I do-n t suppose you could picture htmlhaviug the billions coltck,could you 1 I want to pay you in some clothes hehad on when he died with the billions colick, and the rest 1 will pay you in money as soon as I get married, which will be in about two `weeks, I only spoke to him I think for p the rst time yesterday. Tell me by _ return of post what will be the price of the gravestone with the picture of him having the billions colick. (Car. of the It . Y. Graphic.) A most singular and unaccountable disease, commonlyknown as the burn-' ing sickness, has.broken'out in [`~l1l- enango, Me'xic'o,and already has spread - to many neighboringvillages and cities. The people are in consternation by reason of the many deaths whichhave occurred.` The doctors-wretched med- ical men at the best--are at a loss how to deal with the trouble,and the priests have their hands full. Tlalenango, - Bolanos, Cartsgetna, and even Sancedu Hao are "suffering more or less and there is no telling when or, where the A disease is to stop. - 1 am not `an expert V seems to me to be an unusual discharge of nerve force into the brain. The . symptoms are sudden nausea, iollowed almost immediately by a severe and V sharp pain along the spine, proceeding at its lower extremity to tire head, and described as feeling as though a blunt knife were scraping upward. There i tben--whcn the pain reaches the back ofithe head--8. sharp and poignant dis- tress there which makes the patient delirious, although it; never produce; ofthe senses. The eyes are bloodshct and wild, with pupils greatly contract ed." The sensitiveness of light is in-. `tense, so that even in par.-xysms of ex- cruciating agony the patient will l`l :`(` and seek a dark place. This state, lasts commonly not more than from thirty to forty minutes, during which the pa- tient feels as though ' his head were splitting; and when this condition ha lasted for about half an hour,the crani- um actually bursts open at the sutures. as is sometime the case with infants whose heads split thus after death from water on the brain. The sound pm ducedlby this rending asunder of the - boncsoftlie skull,can plaimy be heard full ten feet from the patients It i: said that in some instances the disrup- tlOn'il extremelyvsudden, and accom- paniedrwith a noise still louder. This occurs too, at a moment when the suf- in describing sickness, but the trouble ' unconsciousnessor loss of the right use - ferer is iniull consciousness, and is - most terrible to witness. - The. disease brokefout at the silver-mining region at Bnianos about two weeks ` ago, and its cause is unknown, About thres hundred persons-generally adults- have already died of it, and it is yet spreading. Theysickness is, so far as 1 know, as unique as it is sxngu'ar. New Yam, July 23.-Ar:i=.}ices from El "Pita Greek, New Mexico, July 17 say that [twenty-one pgrsons --"six Amexicans and {iftee :.~ '3! ~+ -an-ans-hszve been killed by Ind? . bxtvieen Bus com andliaton Mountains, up to tho present tima, and 400 horses driven out of the termnry. A troop of-the,8ch` Cavalry left for Umcm, Ju!y 17th, on- ` their way.to the Dry Cimarrou River, the scene oflhe late Iudmn outrages, A hnltl nu: ninlrn nn `Bu :1 nnnn |IlU UUUIJC Ul III`? 13'`? Jlluluu Uullttgutf. A bo'.tlev.a_s picked up by a man near Key West and given to a son of Mr. S. M. Parsons, of Wall street, who is rssidjng in Florida. The following 5 message was gpund in it :- I _ n Rmum.l.:n nI"(' A1` `D..,.o.... m- _n THE BURNING SICKNESS. an-cuuau, Lfuxu, ISIIIRIICQ z>.f....'sm.>' f9.:-:.md.'-than # I; .m`n`in`in'm L J uusuu uub u| uuul1_pIl'uOl t Niagara. Sarah is _too full of love toast, and `.`Fwedwickj _partakes sparingly while embariassment fpred" V 'n_e3`gg.g `Every "lists: * V " "1 --~ ""'r'"'"' -'1": ; An elderly clergyman 'of\0hicago, when asked the other. day wl1fTzB`1n_z never married,replred that he had spent his life in looking for a woman who would refrain from working him 9. pair ofqlippen, and he had {never found her. ' - ' `Rf? I `.`Do bats ever y in the day time? asked `a taachex of his clags In natural history. `Yes sir, said the boys con- dently. "What kind of bats lexolaim ed the teacher. rzckbats! yelled- the triumphamboya, r ` ` An ..l.l...'.l.. _I__-,,__.--__, . . p ~ .. J. W; L-.{___STINGS.- THE CE./V"1li5 1+: STORE .r An Amerioaulaxtist In `Rome was asked by a travelling fellow-country .man who had invested considerable m works of a.rt,?wh'ether he really though; ahese Eyetalxans put good material in I their pictures?" A ur\, L,., ,,,, II - -`- '- ' An nrtiellin tiiergtmecan Jourizal I, of Science mum presents the unpleas- giit-ai-imsl celled`-the `skunk in a new anitude.` It appears at the west these . creatures have a, habit of biting peopie guimves, and thattheibite always re-A sults in hydrophobis. , A large number of cases are cited in illustration. The bydrophobia produced by other animals is much. less fatal than that from the skunk. From this iris possible to infer 1 that the disease origiiisted with these ~ `animals, and they have transmitted it i` to others,its power being,rtsalwavs,less- ? erred by transmission. They are its : originators. Then, to carry out a sug- gestion oered in the article, it is not- iceable that the oderus secretion of the skunks, when administered in proper quantities, have a very benecial effect . upon all sorts of convulsive trouble and attacks of that krd. The inferenceis ' then made that the liquid is an antidote s for the poison ufthe bite, and theidea is thrown out that in the skunk, the 2 source and cure of hydrophobia mav be , discovered ifeny scientic person feels I inclined to-wrestle with a problem of ~ such innate strength. A good way to restore a man` appar- antly drowned`, is to first dry him thoroughly, ineidennd our, and then clap a speaking trumpet towhis ear, and inform. him that his mother-in-law is dead`. . T _,_-. -....- .. --..b..-. vvu~I uI\vl uuu. -Tennyson says that Miller is the greatest Ameiicau poet,and. Mnl-ler says that Tennyson is the greatest English poet. A man couldn t improve on that if he set up all night.--Dec-mic Free Press. * [slcuiwvxs AND Hvnnopuoma.` -....._, -.. a... -...J `an an: ruvnavnvlvlln When occaslon requires, one of the M1lwaukee'policemen can "move with astonishing rapid: y. Night before last he ran a mile lnwhrge minutes under the belief that a burglar was after him. . `l.l"|I - "I"......-._-.- .A--~ I ,,- _.. ..-~.. -.,.-,.-.-, .v. J-vvulun A London adver'tisement runs` thus: A Jountry priest wiil sayvmass once a week for any one `who `will roguiaxly sand him the Times newspaper, second- hand, on the day of us publicatxon. wt` A % A A _ _ ~ _ A _ ` A _ _: _ _ _ _ _ , , I `I landlady, (ercely)-You must not occupy that bed -With your boots on! Bourder---`% O, never mind they're only an old pair. 3 The bed-bugs can't hurt them. H1 risk it, anyhow. - r!V_rw.1- - _.___, -_- .. . Two St. Louis women were refused places as drivers on street cars ostensi- bly because Ihey coulduiz manage mules. This was frivolous. ' They had both bzen vmurried for years. A T nnpln... ....1..-..'a1........_..r _..,, -1 I-(\J A Kansas girlwo_uldn t be "married .wx'I.houL a yellow ribb,a'ndT around her wa.!,and a boy rode eigh!"znjles_ to get. it =7/hxle the guests waited. _ - `I-7| run , _-- __ -._--__.._ -.-__r-_. V. .-.._...v..-. ,` 1Iv,nl:,I`ot.:a`:)I;1});`E|net::l'ng Mgcbine Ocmpany recommonded by the Internationual H -VAN TASSEL & MORGAN, AGENTS wmz Irma nn qmnmr , B W...... `When a Chicagomau lakes a young woman-out driving hp d-uesn t naed_a dashboard. tie; foot answers every purpuse.--Mzlwaukee Segzcmel. n n. --- -- A marine editor at Cincinnati dares to say that there is not :3 'siea.nbout man on the western rivers who would not die rather than tell the truth. 1 u 1 no U And John V Champlam was lying cola` and dead, writhing in his mortal agony, says u New .I.e1se.y paper. TlT..nI.I L- __.-._:L,_._ (.1 ' - I .. .. ..- -- -.-.. -.-.--, ,.-,..... Would-be contributor: _I `n you would tell me something` wnte zgbouyt. Editor`. "Well, Right ubouz ace. ' T , The latent instance bf Like curing lik `is the announcemeutby a western veter- inary surgeon, that [brandy is` 1; remedy for :ta.ggcrE." ' - T Y '1'-`xe. British Medical Journal says the I`ic'n!*-ome claimant is employed in his in_ms prison as atailor. Let us hope he is not engaged on 9. new suit. . , The East IVa_1/ne. County, Te1m., Citizen, says :-Mr. Kyle was at a near,neig_hbor s house-raising, and Mrs. Kyle with thesmallestjof her two child- ren, went to a spring near by to do her washing. After being engaged for some time she hesrda scream from her little girl, whom 'she had left at the house, and hastening to the scene, `it was her. horror to behold a huge rattle-V . snake 1 ing there with its fangs xed in the c ild s arm. She succeeded in killing thetsnake, and then thinking of _ her child, which she had left at the spring, hastened there, only to nd that this one had climbed up to the tub of water, fell in, and was diowned. This nearly crazed her, and she ran with all her might to the neighbor's .where_the house-raising was, and screaming with excitement, called ytolher husband, who at the time was upon the building, and he, through excitement, in trying to get down, pulled a piece of timber 03 upon him andtell, killing him instant- ly. The friends then went back to where the childsnd snake were, only to nd each dead lying on the our. This all happened within` thirty minu- tes. . ` The St. Louis paparu sahrize the me~ trop-Jlis of the Northwest by spelling its nume'Shecs.wgo. ' - ` 17 I- - You ca-t_1 t eat enough in a .w'ok `to last you a you, and yqu can r. adveruse _on ilxat plan euher. ' - rnu . u .,... .... -. That`wa:sahr1ght little child whh inquired "Ma, when cows die do they go to the `mi.ky way ! ' :,A,,J` 1' I Murrow A TERRIBLE THIRTY MINUTES HISTORY. . T The Indians complain at lh preval- ent fashion of, shun. hair as 9. personal insult. The feet that sub oovereri with bum- -oua maynut be stylish, but they are certainly nobby. ` A T An Iowa. elditorhas branded his oun- tempomry as a "m9.ugy dog-a disgrace to ms own ens. ' -: . Thai great American obhuary pro- voker, is the latest for kAcro_-exile. now, U( prulupuy M8110 to Order. imszss 5; MALNTLE T x J L ' " c_:,;h"e uuuuaujngxlyg or wnn*I$m?} Ksii .g.1g_, orpromptly Mada so Order. ' .9: M` Evil`? 1.: g-.. .'_.._.: I .o,?9$0N| -- :Wi1i;st thankful for her friends and I stantly on hand ill`: I "-1 v - w uv U I vw 93 pan; (yore, he Pllchut she has con. 3 full uuomneni qf 7 _ -~-_ _.- ---.--,-arr wrun- - , tom 60}: 7B7:L;e}'i.mm MIHRAL TERMS ALLOWED TO THE L7... 13... ... nt-_7. n._ 1 - . - ~ ' ""*- ""--- --vvrflutsni or MILLLI NERYI which will be sold nk mnm..'m- __L, , Do hot ' be aiubboin unless you are E _ sure you can aord it.` Right in tho 1 midstoof the late pamo, an Iowa man A` `chose to be perversely obstinate. His`: 4 daughter wanted a $90 Silk dress, and , he v.vonh2n`t get it. and he lost $60 by I ` .the operation. Se took cold poison,; [and the funeral expenses wor_e $150. I 0 Int; 1, _____ ...l'I "How like `lts {ether it is!" exclaimed the nursgon the occasion at the christ- ing eta baby whose father was ever Iaven y, and had married a young will} `Very hkely, replied a satirical lady, A it hasn't a tooth in its head. i uuu vnnv nuuu-.-. vary...-v.. .. v._. ,,_r i . A cuiimryman with hisbride stepped at 9. Troy hotel the other day. At din ner, when the waiter preeented I bill of fare,the young man inquired WhM s that? !*tha: s a.biil of fire, said` the ws.iter.. The countrymen took it in T his hands, looked inquiringly at his wife, `and then at the waiter,a.ad nnlly dove down intd his pocket and insinu- ating inquired, How much is it?" , _ I Windsor. Om Sold in Barrie by John Woods. Northrop G n_1an, Toronto. Wholesale Agents. __._._j`-..----------:_._... _ Loss or APPETITI IN Hogans.-Horses lose : their nppettse from veriousreaeonl,` but most frequently by the approachof eomefdieea_ee,_ this circumstance ought nczgto E overlooked ` -by those who own horses, but should be im- mediaiely attended to, by so doing the disease may be checked, and the life of the horse saved. To dovwhtuh we are positive there is nothing equal to ` Der1ey e Condition Powders and -Arabian Haave -Remedy ; tt_ T puries thehlood, corrects all demngemeule oi the digestive organe.e.ud as aneoeeeery i;onaeq'uenee the appetite is restored, the ekin'bacomes soft, and the can assume: a_ soft and shining erpuarnnce. Re- member the name, and see that the signature. of Hard 8; Co. in on each pack- age. Northrup & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., proprietorefor Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. ~ . V lrom (all- irgnand promotes its growth and strength. Ca- nadian Hair Bgtlm renders the hair soft and glossy, and is the most elegant hair drealing eve) o}`.rt:d to the public . Canadian Hair Balm is not :1 dye, it is .wm-rzmled free from injurious in- gredi-rntu. It in the cheapest and best hatr restor- ative in use. Prion.` 50cts'per bottle. For saie by` all r<:.~`[:V'~'-ihle tlruggists. ' -,_,_____,g - -Address all letters 1;or pamphlets or pm; go -GRAY A nn THEY Excn..-Doctor Jouephuaishoshonees ' ' Vegetable Pills now suparv iorly sugar-coated cannot be excelled as a` Family Meducina for general purpoas. The Plllcontnim the active nmnmlies nf "_3 7 lunow on hand": chemo uoek of Seasonable Goods, uunuxstmg or T:. BosToN RUBBER.` BEJLTING Al.`II:)%P1IOKIANG, A : uuunzy .uuuIcm8 [or general purposes. Pnllcomnim the acuve properties of Mandrake and Dandelion,u waltz: com- pound Extract of Colocynmnnd Extract of Hyoscyamus. Test them for your own cal}: faclion. One box contains about 28P11la, and and each Fall is a sufcienldoie for an adult ino,rdiuar,~ cases. Try them, . 1:5 l have, this day put into the hands 9:". `Mr. W Maikle, Ofiicog--uolner of Hayfield and Co1'Ier Streets, Bzmie, all u;_v-_BuLk Accounts, Notes, 3:0, with power nf '.\1'nrnov lo an :a r1geandc'll.-wt tfw. same at the earliest- dale practicable; 'vnnum`raspec of_ perspnt. 'l`hose indebted. are now n ;nr:d lo prov.-J . lax and make pay'mem before any costs be ir_1cunod.' . 'Barri9,.. CANADIAN 553:3 2AL"Ii?{ Cure Leucnrrhcda (or \V'lIitA;;s),\I a1:nf|xl Men- struatlon,Uli:c'mtlpn Of the Uterus, .01.'m-lan- dlsexwos, Absent Vllcnstrnntlou, and alldisenses known as Female Weakness. The)! are prepared with ghe greatest care, under the personal super- vision of a physician who has made femle dis- eases a special study for many years, nnd they are a Medicine on which , _ .3`. ' 1r run"-v~ -' - - -`~ Mmhuu I. F:x.Lowa, Manufacturing Chemist: - Sm: For several months past I have med your Compound Syrup in tha treatment of Incipient Phlhisiu, Chronic Bronchitis, and other aacti0u8`o{4the Chest, kind I have no hesitatiorr in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the rerm'.di<:s used itrthose diaeaseh. Baing.u.n r:XC."Ht5itl nervous tunic`, it exerts a direct irzgzemremx itha rmrvmzs syatem,and through it it itwigorntcss the body. It nfrnrtln rnu ninnnnro tn rntinnntnnrl -, Iumugu u I; 1117 gornzca H18 D0-`IV. It affords me pleasure to ratcommend a- femody whi_ch is really good in cases fox` whiuh it is mlended, when .39 many ad- vertised are v!orse'!han useless. ' I-am,Sir,j: ' vnn rn lr`nlv A 1.. 5. u.A1u.1:.', Jr` St John, N.B., January, 1868. ' L TB7{gIi UuT~iEI:T2?aEb. f67i~i6s3 15.-.... .L2.. .|-.. , ,- ` A ...y u 4-AvuA\ah.'U ULl XVHICII V ~59 MARRIED LADIES can depend in the lwur and time of need" a anunfailing , V [ ' ' <. "l1`W\l'A1'!:I -n-ma..- .4- --a --.- V -"'.-"-`------------ V The efficacy of Bryan s Pulmonic Wafers i.n curing coughs, colds, and all Bronchial af-` ieouons, a.ud cheering lb atic-1ed,hns passed `into a proverb. In the United States, whale those mmvelloua Wafers _`am known, {hey bear-down all opposmun and eclipse all rivalry; the demand for them has steadily increased for the "last twenty years, until now the sale: ave:-nan mmr nnn hnndmd lhnninnzl Gentleman's F=.::2;i531i,?ag Goods, `Hats, Cans. &c-` un-'IuauI.'u IUI IUU lilll IVVBHIY years, IJXHU DOW anles average over one hundred lhouiaud boxes 2: year. Emin-en! mqmbers of lhe rnedical profession wnhoul number admit that they know of nn preparation producing such benecial results as these "wafers. _,When taken in season llrev effect a perm:-` nemmrre. Sold by all drfzggists andcountry dealers at 25015. per box. ' ""."-"'--In be sold at reasonable than rn1\T1\`[1:mn`cc ' --V-V '-a- "3-GOG` L.uJq 3] ~13 In,Lthelat{o|t_u.y1s. _ hEEl`,s?I`R1a"n'!'l'9 L; .. . :29 15:11, 1874, " " Pamphlets WILLIAM- GRAY & co., Winmu n. ,o1r,j.` Yours truly, 7 S RAM lull!!! H z. E"A1iLE, Jr. M.D. JV. 1868 . BAY wxndsqr, Ont. dz Ly- ale Agents. P. McAVOY, ` 25-zr J `n hill. in `II ; Pnurving Sauon. Country dealers supplied at_ Trade Prion. V MARHIN Bros.-. 1MP0RTE- n a :1 | a n Hair Balm prevents lbs hai-r ,,_,|. u, ---. A ' BUYY;OUR BROADGLOTHS, DOESKINS, c-n,......-. Ihafeby 'Arun1'm:a motion all parties on giving Good: or Memes on my account wiIb_- - out my wnuen order. , J. B. JOHNSON. ' 12-0!` 31355;! kencibII'1i,'.4Nn P_ROVISl0_I.S I , ' Te .suburiberAwhiIat thankful for the liberal Q patronage given in the put, rupectfully ; solicits ts continuance of the ammo, and } . begs to state that his ._.... -...n-vnnIn~r (I IIJIIU \JII'IvIa_------, .-.._ _._._ , Oannotbe beaten eitherfor quality or price. Ho deals in the beltmarkemand cannot be undonold by any house in` town; He also kenpl on hand the best of ____.-.. -up-n 'l'?l\ff[\'j`! :11 W. A." FREEMAN, V Cabinet Maker and Dealer in . I-l0UsEll0LD_ FURNITURE. The best, largest sud cheapest stock in Barrie. Alla E Bountiful and well Ielected stock of ` {Fancy Goods_a'nd Berlin Wools, Ottoman and Slipper Pgttorna, 1.11119 21-` 7 Ill-I` V Ilanvuv Also ALE AND PORTER, bottled or on draught. , farmers Produce, as much as ha can lay hiahnnda on,bongbt,und the highoat market price paid. Give A call once and you wil be sure to come again. . T1108. LENNOX, . 1: , _-____ u__u. -1 .1... \'U.l'|:nnnn Hntnl. '1'uUD. unn n um A fw Coon North of the Wellington 1 42-11 ` B \_____________________________ \II mu newest styles, at ` W.RORKE S Cnbmeland Undertaking l=`.eum:-:.._-_. ... u u uugc quanuly oflhc most stylish AMIERICAN COFFINS. % E. & W. RORKE. L12qET)& ogsT_Ea_ HOUSE | Tana: Doona Win` or nu: WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. ...j-- As the advertiser is precticillj conversant with his business in all its details. employs the most skillful-workmen, and uses none but the best material, he can warrant all work made in` his eetz.b1ishmcn'l to give thorough sntiafnctioii to the purchaser. Singlound double Harness )fall kinds, Saddles, (Rollers, Trunks, Valises, _md, everything connect-2d with the business constantly on hgmd at 111- : lowest prices Pu-t~ ?cul'o.r Attention given to Light Single and Dor.ble'Ga.n'iage Harness. ' Sole marutnctnrer in Barrie of the "Excelsior Buck `and Hip` Straps, to which the attention of the public in specially jdix-ected. - _ `Ran-in, Jmnn In `'19 ' ~ ` O Oysters .Stewed,-Fr;-e-i_:nd Ruvv; Luncheons, Hot andold, prepared on short notice. _.__-. , .._._...... ..-v -v....i ..__, nu-q. vwvla -vvuuuuu .-i'iD~MEI;AE V013 PROGi{;3; 5.: A GRAND MEDAL OF MERI'r A Good Pldce zo_,_}LTa` Cup qf TEA. .coNnEcTxoNnEY-,7:_Axns, &o., so. I Don't ~fo:~get to call in} ` F. BAIL. .n-o-- -v.-- V 7., House, Sign and Onrriage, Plain and Orna- ' mantel . sTIinEvf'ii Hgmass aim, Corner of'BmieId Dunlon Sznm, R,/IRRH.` ...-----. . Shop on John street, near Ball s Planing Fact.ory,Barrie, nt. __ . Orders left at E. Gra.ver s Hardware Store, Factory, Barrie, Unt. : Orders left at Gmver Store, Dunlop street, will be promptly attended to. "February 2nd_, 1873. ' 6-1) `"`',*__..._-`-`-`_-`_2'-._.*. _ ;':_-- --- - '~_-:- _;-;s [Late Dunlon strcn1.,]'begs tovinfonm his in- quiring friends, his customers. and the public generally; that he inwell, and driving business in his new premisaa. nnnnuvmm III`) nnnu A use (I I 111 `Ill! 1 Hnsnow on hr. r stock of Single-2 .` -Ind '1`:-am), Englh. -Jlei. Duuble and :5: `mk..$ 7 . ,n n.'I". . ...--.- . V._-.-.., "1 . ::ve.and genuine stock'ofSin:;1e.-2 zzble z.'.unes s (C-a.rxi`-ge 1`ee.m), Eng,-li..;-.~.d Oomnisn Riding Sad- 51 la Briiles, Collars, c"xc., `what " uqu on`: ' - V reasonable prices. A1so:naLo<;x,sotn~. . 3 -~. nest-Puglish and other Riding and Drivi. .up:, Biis, Lines, Brushes Curry and Mme C-cmms, Cards. c', tobe found in this market. " A.... ....a:-1.. L` I... 1--.`--___._..r-_._,,,_: 1` '9-A "vie, A-,.xu 8.1870. Ill HJII UJHKKSCL. Anyarticle in the trP.a`e'mnnufactured, hi" 4 nished to crdar on short. notice, ax.d vnrranted to give satisfaction. V Ifkepairs well and nen.lXy'exer.-zted. AT JO 1LE E's- \'lC1' until. 4. .u u u :1 u .1 uu.) 1n_1l nu ll ofBuye: d -.'_DunIop Stree.'s,B./ZRRIE _,,,.-_ ..v~....- R OB Eii c~i:7i~i'1ii(',` " S A DD L E , . ms 61 W`? iI~wIUm ...... ,..........., _ OPPOSITE MR. DURHALPS SAW MILL, ALLANDALE ROAD. 7-`.y nL.' R, E R S , .-._...`v I! I LUQLULLU` Cabmel and Undertaking Establiulunenl,on_e door West otllu: Wellington Hotel, Pul- lan s Block, an ie. "1A UTION 'l`0 MERCHANT S A J _0I'.`1EB.8. ` OTI-IE FARMING COMMUNITY I -:--- , MONIEY savnn Is MONEY manna.- _ADDLERY AND` HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, BAYFIELD STREET, A few doors Norm of the Wellington Iiot_el. `ID GINIIAL Gnoczzu` Wmss AND Lrquons. Fruits. . .y INES..... V r----- v 5 upqclally _uu-ecgea. Bnrrie, June 18, "I3. . j IRYSTAL -..Ju, - v Vans, A G056 FIT! _ ......... Also a huge quantity-x U! I.` I.` In A 17 n Jlvwyu vu u-u-- Irv -...-. _ wmms ANn'L1atfons, . r n . urn nnnmnn I-moolna m- Just received a consignment of freih` . ...---- rs. run -1-.\ 'I"`n (` AINT1uG.puN'rfF'. ~ - : '_T_ ``._._' ``` `,`.``._._` -112; '_......` ' % gaiitllergf ... _.-.. A/V .~__,r 7"b is":Eri'i~' Mc unumzg E, nun-can n nunrw my II n utvn I IIIIIIVIW American Oek Tanned Leather Belting, Oenedjen Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Iowiwe Hill Files, . - , . Steenllitcinge end'Pipee,e ~ - MAR`-i?-.f r_.~%oom-:, nnw nn H.. v1 . .25:-a `-ml mm `Plum and 01-|~|a`mental. and got your : `ALFRED GRAVER, --4-.-\aa.vv-,v--v - ----v -- Taam: Doona WEST fun rwyrnu urvrm nl1Nl.1 $1221. 4 :AlL S PALACE s1'o4-mas -u--1 1' sons mnd 9: ' mtsv-;mc:3a=so IIKIT 1 I Tassels, &c., Jewellery, Glass Shades, '1`, Barrie. A 61-ly-w V oflhc f`|l'\Ll.`7 11 n III. F. BAIL, la: U18, :1 Hotel. Bnn-$0 nu, V Agent. "13-at `(the remedy she was {ex-fectxyfmxoreu. .- You may ubliah the`g{act;| for 14`: Iilniht yaicted -'--. v - . 1'; 0. BBC! WUNDERIUL ounn or LUNG um- Bnoouu, April 5111. 131 ? J. 0. cum, _ n-'l`biI". certify thut my :??g:;, 10% {mb lulu - The Doctor [and given _her up._ _9 '1 `mill were tube:-cled and medicine n` 5'1? her. As slut re3,ort, I P'h"d 533! of the Grant Shoshone Rented! `M. Pintlon of two dnya, her symP`"' .~.`1dely better. She continued toiP' ' . !!:t.htt_ is up time iho had take! 0- ~ wnnb uit.up`. ` Qyzl.-_o con ` .1`zugrerfeatly,! Hni7llIIl|IlI,l'Ol` J. ' mm 3; Onvunnun, Ellfnluv with Boutthree ,_. Em. '1`hi.i.'zow' "mchm. 511'-" `EU I became -mm h listed about oighh` mouths b ` - I Wr. . Ilrzfiaitf "Nit wa'uv:m'.``1 7! the III` ame. the Dighg um '3 Glicult for me now!` an-an 5- W` Id run: f". im1! throwiil physi%li'nE~_ Ilriod :3 n the bed to keep W for Rho 8m the Q "39 ofthe mos: calm In fa nu year withouml 97 Northumle III! At lssl`lI'm9Ii 23;? "'"""8 mi neeam Wu advigod "*2 worse :11 the itw Edy. Ibo t '3'1be Great SLO be? them niahntllgh b!tle om, And! .:h,.e'I')1continu,d `` beggn to mu V that tn. when owe"-`. h` 3, `u an won " "1! 3|-tlafaction, NW my luau, Id 1:` VCl'I had been pfi - `"'rnber `.`:.:`:*`s:`::*'a on . - . ~ ' V4913), 4,3`, l`g,`( 0.It Bnthold, thin on - 11- W~ELI.maroN,J. OF WATCH AND 8PEOTA'GLx'o, next door to Mr. C1-ompton s. nurse; aqunxe, DI mick Building. ' 1--.- -_.. f-ix n. that Brick Store and Bull in n Barrie known ` :?nhs}J :`:3"' Apnlv1:h. "he'- Barrie, Oct. 30_tb, 1872. 1m unj|n,cnnnm oelco higl Iv . " or S-"ufulg. St-urvy,Skin `I):s;::-of-sm of all kinds II is a never-failing ,3 cum." `Troa.hea,the Hand-book, or the A!mai:ac! VI p , , ' ` his Medicine is pleasant and say; to me. is waira`n_xcd,nnd may po.~ili"-1.; be reifii F` to make a. permanent cure o! uh diseum c Throat. Lungs, Liver. Kidneys, I);geE1I\`e (`r -` &c- 3-`J-ya: well ns Scmmla, Ike vnriot-Ff Diseases, Rumors, and all dastee A. I 'isi.l -" Im urigy of the Blood, axcepur; ; Iu lair. 5'? ol oiisumplion. Furtherum ni..I:'m., W1 diveclioha,-tor using the Greal bi:(I('t0|'.-DB 65 Pills, and containing Teniimcnics and F" catos of Curea.can be obznincd by scent!!!` circnlrra from -any respec I-ie .Druggm in` Domiuion--tree. g} '13 ,.,,. . .' . . ... . nu? V5: .L EGLSJIET 17035 and L6}! I3Fo1`8alo by all Druggiata and Dulerf Medi`cina._ A91.-an you Buuu:.-John N9 lWatso n 5 Go.,Wells` Bros . Talon a lid. Omnnu.--J. W.Slaven. Cou.zsewoon-- Oarp nter. w.. ........ A...-...-,. \v__.\..-.. I. lml VIII} U151`. Wnouuu Am':xjrs.--Nor1h:op 5 L.`*'l Toronto; Lyman Bros. & to, Toronto'; _ iot 8 00.. Toronto. . 39'1" cure. - " 1' """"'| 11 Cures old Soxea. Cures Ulcerlled S.-re: nn lh Cures Ulcq-taxed Sore Legs, Cures Blackheads, or Pimp: Cures Scurvv Sores. Cure-.sCancuroua Ulcer:-. Cures Blood and Skin Diuag.._ ` -, Guru Ggargluladr Swellin-3. (tiearsl 1- ion {mm a! 7 1: u Iimm whatever caluse am `P; H Mm: vAs Ins mlxlura is p casing 10 um . warraruedfree from anvlhmg 1;.ju,;ouM0"'i:"Il delicate conulilulion pfejlhcr nex, lha pmprhog golicns yuerer: to give at I trial to uni in V." Thousands ofTustunonin|s from all pm,` 'u` Sold in bottles 2: 3d oaeh, and in Gnu tnining six times the quantity, lluach- ..._ cient tr: effect a. permanent cure in C NQck_ cl on ma PM / th -mnjmit of long-standing cum, 3` F3`! Y ..A' CHEM STS and PA'[`Ei~iT MEDICINE '5' DORS throughput the world. ' ' Sale , roprietar, `F. J. CLARK, Cbemiu APOTHECARIES HALL. LINCOLN In-. D$'GlVE. -.-" A CALL.J>!| `Dip:-3, ' V Tits from 80 centsupwards. QLQQ QR L- In Ilvlllllllvujlfuu. ` Price ofRemed in laage Pin! Bot. 81. P [spar B01 25 cu. 8113 law all Hrntra-inn and DELHI? .` "NP lllavton the sysfem in a vrr naznacv ` V wnn ' _ - SIMTLY Brown: the Valu.-.LIe st-:2".-e mtd vegeI`ab'e ingredVic:)I 5,'(3nme or wzut we '_ melzl-0'_!~, ouch as-the F:_x_1ra-ts or Wxldj-'19 Barn, 1 0.!npbv3l[I)n.Junipcr,Qunss1n.Sum\V`i Dandsliqn, Hyosr-ymnus, (.`o;;.m:nd Ex!!! C3(YM1!a -Jli -p. Iocolrsnc A`ucs, Cap 40- s`z.c) which emer.imo zhe gsonlpu.-\x;cnt` coml` red medicine, are nu-h am! so naruvow` clasuul and compounded, (ha! it .5 made mi` lean-hm curative mike xuown world, Ir.-di nd. -`lVS_l |,0Me manner. No matter w ax_y)W mun! zmn: be-. m how I... .......I..... .. m._1ml:I 2?-u"n`;"_ `."-`f" mnnh .\q what vww spam-_`1';. `C; 91 how long sxumivrram m;;:&:- which" ous "`h Y-C by lho_ rn rd manna ! "'0 Y 879 restored to pcnec; ulth ml Dole ropnewr, :1 . J_ (_`],ARK LINC'()?:Ns,!n r2l()iv;on1&Acu1s.` K93 U0. Uh]:-m-n Burgoyne. Bu .1-.AruIu AUHHS. Burgoyne. Eurbidges 65 Uolemnn bondon. Dul'U,UCp Dflllllge 6 Q Newbexv dz . one 37 Newguto n 1 Burch: I 8 Sons, '95 Furingdon ?t:e'e%1l,)g,: Sanger E Soul. Oxford 3!reet,Loi1duI,: L And all the London Wholesale HQIQ, AIEFIT ll nnuuu UOICZHLQI nu.` nucnl ll! GANAQA. Mo1:lrevzl- Evans, Hescor B - bo;, Whom` Druggiau. ' U Lymans, Cmc ct Co. Ta:-on!--Elliott & C0 , Wholeule Druggim H Shapler &_ Owen. Hamilton -' Winner 3 Co. A` Hula:/`ac~- Aver_v, Brown 6' Co. 42.}, -A : ~ A Thauhc Gxxn Snusuonnxs Rsxxmr n.'_F oflhc Emmen! lndnm Meoxmne-Mg. W Lewis lolcphus, oflhb Grat Tnbe o:'Snm.s'- British Columbia, is workimz the mcI'- mg nnd,aslonushingCuresIhe World over new Never in `mi nnnnls 0! Canadian Main. H!- has such uc'cus- attended the, Inuoducmno: I`- medic irie hcretoiore. non 1.7.1 vr .d Specic` }(u:me:1y fa . '1 I)` .- Bla_-Ider and Kin}:-'ys; ])t( );)s`i:u'1 .5";-`1ll paxnls incidental In I"unulc~; am] an A _t.he'_L/'1 inury Crgvm m n'tln_~r .\`;__ ' (Pvt... __l..- .'.r.I..-.. l'_,x- - ' VVLIUIUHJ Lyman Bros. 8 00., Elli tl & Co., Nnxth-op an L)-`man, T-. Bickle` & Son, 8. A. .`itn}n'.1. , VICKIEI, Sauces, Our? 3' Jrrdei ilusurd. Porto!` `.iv~us Lobstess, in *~: ._.s, Salmon, " Ojsters, Oh-9630, Damn ` Flam-,&o_, L 3 3. ......._ 1 `IV D. u. .1. nun -'z.L. The valu_e 6! this 2h':-diciue has bun `In numbarlessinstancl-3 now on {ecmd ` . . . r - ' Px_'x_ce $1 per `BOHAB. Said -'~.s' 2:11 Urn") .,_ _.._...- __..-___..'-.. .__. .V.. _ o-r-n..----- - `-`\ moved ~ zusp not we CUX'_`: or ' DYJAPEPSI -, . . | BR01\'()__l l`l, 1 A-.TllMA Less of APi>I~:'rnrn, A Gas:-,R.u. m:m:.vn'. an The nnlv Svrnn nn-rm.-ax : frnm hr l`L...s-J unaunuan. IJI`..l)ll.' Kl. ac, The only Syrup prepared from Dr Chn.'ct~`,. Formals, and proved on anaiysia mtg ./m'.'.l%7TDM'l'l 1II~2 I\!'T,"'!=`17 Irntn--o .. mu.-..-, nun Iuvvnu vu nuu.u.: lUD I '.I3IIEIE..9..II4l'E L51`.-'33 SKI CERT! HCATK 0! SKI CERTIFICATE OF PRC"-I-. 0RUFT_ University College, T0p(.p,l Rn gun. .vnn net. the onninp An;.`.`... |,']1\_'l. \ll\U(' I.` UL|lVCl'Bl)' U02|f`L`I' Lljl Be sure you get. the Genuine Arvir Victoria Hypophosphite_s_ with the! Head sjnmped on the lube]. . PRIDE GI Par lln'I"l`l.l: EIUBYI ELIIIIIPCU UH LUU IIUCXI ' PRICE ll Per B0'l"l`L[. by all. Druzglau. Wholesale onh H` u..- rlvvuu nuu uu-1 Ul PULDIORIARY CORSURIPTIGI, Also for the cure of . ..\.A u.` For the nfeveutinn and rum ..r 3T'RE OF BRONOHITIS. I -nuuz :1 Fruits, `irmalli > .- Dlnblnn . DICKIB 6 non . A . {H0} (:1, 3-'ouT'i`u1-: swan Ls 51:31:? . Deuteronomy. chap. xii.u...- .. ' " 1 A.-vL\/lulnku CUMPOUND FI.UIU 1-..{'l`E:ACT 0! r bi3cLA1M'rHEMcLxD TIDXNGF an 45-54 uuuvu 13 H1 Deuteronomy. chap. xii,` For the p:`e'v'euli0u and cuvq or llllm A I'll (mil 4: `I .. -..... I av A- \JoI.lI. COMPUUNI) amt? oy cnziz Illnn I'll nnn . .. - _ V . . V Anuvu n uuIL'!ulC 1 AGENT IN CANADA. Mexcor &.(`.u: `LIIIIBI. LIFNHDM Also cur}: mil A ll Ermam-: Pickles, Btmcsan. uaglau. Wholesale only ty . k 00.. _cToRfA' Y?y'h` 1?`! FUN 1 -my. vxcroiiza ` I\lDl\1"\'n (`l'luvvr\ 'vii Y`! H, IIIOWD 5' Apply to ` BAYFL irnsar. 424} ` EN} I-h .12. 73-. It I V `VHOLESA. rir.':'rnt_ nun-u .. ."HOLESA. AGE vlcrenmus 2| 1`INEST}'J sis a+v;Iig JJJ1x_1_A%cH1N1a:s, IS, "_r _go1cEf:bFvFEE, .a.aJaJ\J Iv IJJJ I \J III!!! I dun- New B'I'ct Bloc/r, Dunlap Srtect, Barrie.` J C":'1` WHAT WE HAVE ALWAYS SAID. `he VVhee.lAer &_ Wilson L. S. & 0. L8` Max-Dell's, f Irish, - , Hennessafa < Old Crow, - Sa5_ret a 1 Age and Porto`:-.| Enghsh Rlack_;Teas1n Caddms, 5 I-Ant: nm- "5 '5` L5 UL`;-- Qhampagnal.' bandelnnn, Old Port, - Alncant Port, Farragonn Port, Sherry Kaiser, Diamond Sherry, Pale " Brown _" . Ginger-_ Wino. - BRANDIES.- Mm-te1l'a, Sayer `l1'...-l..l..- `DI- ..l-"I com) WA /CHES,_ com) CHAINS,_ , SILVER WATCHES, FANCY CLOCKS", GOLD JTEWELERY, SILVER JEWELERY, , ELECTR' P LATEDWARE 3 r 1 Z'l_.'J' LA`US"HE/,DQUA,RTERS' ` TOYS FOR THE MILLION PARLOR CROQUET TABLES, % BOHEMIAN WARES, A CUNCERTINAS, . `EOLINS. 5 V ` , Autumn Iiocx or GOLD AND smvnn wuoans. AND onocns on ALL THE` IIBT hAKllRS. ITWHAT IS SO GOOD FOR A CHRISTMAB I Kid I 00 W51 "1 Cillig Present at a real Jet Set of Jeri ellery, '10 0| I Oolonnd Gold Set ofhwollory, Present as a Gold Locket and Chain, ' t It Ilvlght Gold But of Jewellery, Present an Gold and Fancy Rings. In 0 it of Gold Bnaolctu, Prawn; as Violins. Gonoertlnns And Trefollas, CI to 0 nut Branch and Ear-Rlngn, Present: for Gents, Ladies, Boys and Girls, to I II o. Ilvu Watch and Chain form any, ' suit every pocket. ` V Ivnyboly olnltl knowlhnt to are the most experienced hands on Watches," Clocks and - Jewellery, North of Toronto; . AIIIAI IUN `oi Hm Lmmnm WATCHES ln GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES. :i.::'ulI. Dunn m .-\.--,g.__.. .> ,;m D. Wdwv wnjuuuu II 1 'AG;CNTS FOR um 00. smooE._ uenu RUM.- I'-..- --gvvlsun Jn!os Robin a,| GINO-* ` uemarurn. w HISK[ES.- nm :0..- ' :u3Alla.-_- ld Rye, Malt, _ Scotch, Irish. TRADE, A A II Jewellery, North of Toronto; ` `COIL! ,0N `EBB LONGINE WATCHES in GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES, ~ OLOUKE and JEWELLERY, made. repaired and warranted. "a nv.1sn nu`:-v;-u-arc A119` nvsr-nnur. ,,,..I,_,.,u: r1 _ nu-mu-a-9. Bootlrs, Dekiug ,u__ *9. 39?! n .`.=.. I . -- J una.ic_s,| Demarnra. WIRITIFQ _ :ANDERS. 4.2-19 "" ffsnwrrta __numNns' Va, ii &c lT'm`4a ISTOVESE Orderapromptlyatten as: o; V 7 * V H. R-SULLIVAN, Buyold street, opposi `rem-ey a new Foundry . - building, bsrri . ` Bnnie. Jnlv 16 1873} ' 90-1- lilunvner is eomplete, and being well boughnend of the most fashionable good! _ -. f . ""`."|'0f4 .Ivy feel condent the: a II will satisfy -onetonere that our - A I T. A . VIII Cllmniltlon. Here are some of them: Henvy Grey Oottoni. 1 yerd `H9: 10 eznze; While Canons, 43 inches, 10 censr Feet Oolor Prints, 10 call; lleek Luce Shlwle, booenu; Block llk, 60 cents. . V . lelnnoe (Sn-Iv Goods noon. 0n:peu,0lothe, 7 3. A '1-`weeds, Dreee Gcode, Lultroe, 0epee_SiIka, ` , Incline. Hensellefn B:illiente,Le.oo_ ` Ourleine, Linen Suits and Skirts, and`: hill ` - ' euott- ' ' '-C!H:Ih;I5 Small Were; -Reaady-llxiede Clothing. 19:? on; and 331?. Hau, .. II on ofevor at 10 an as 1 . Our asocko too or is or ' "` - 3 Iover brought to slag pr :-t end(imrinyg been bought direct frog: they _ pith:-In in leglend,we can sell at v ety`low, Pricel. Just to hand 1,000 bnrrele of Bright and Ornahed Sngera. Brighten" . Rened Bnger, ll pounds for $1.00: Broken Loafend .n . ' Ground, 9 pounds for $1.oo.- Also, a very ` ' lII'|'o.etock of Ten and Tobsooos, ` bought. before the new tan-i , and will tell - _ ~ . _ v at former prices. "*9 . 10') gases of Dlllllll Bunie,'Jn1y1o 1373. XIUHLLJ II VA ID`I T \II.LLIvi Ara d_e_pt of 107 feet, which can be proved on applicnionto Mr. Walwan, 6th Gen. '.\2Vespra.. Those improved pumps are < 111111: A 1117 1 43: 11 run:-:1 A rs i wAnnA1vr1:'_1Ti*'on 1 YE.'xR. .. -- -1 '_ Oistox-nu of all sizes hall! on the. latutplona, and at reasons ole nteu. u ynu u-a unvvuw n .- ~Easi1"worked133ichj1a dent feet. which can moved . -vu run-Iyliwnv - REMAiif{A}LE CHEAP _!_ A-) _.2II I. .__A_ LL---__ _LL-____-, As they have had Large Experience in all de-y partmonta of the business. . > , : V _ ' J. G. HILBORN & BRO. Allandn.16,0ct. 29,'1873. T ' .44-1; !ncnnLL1gg1nPVnmr 11 1I:AJLILL.l.lJLJl.A.l,:Jn.1 \IAlj.1.I.l And will last longer thn any `other pump b'u.ilt. ---- In the libnve village`. Fzmllllos regularly supplied with the best ofRread,m`d fullweigbt; alo, Cakes and Confectionery of all kinds, in any quantity, of nrat-class quality, and at low ~. - ' prices. 7 _ Pic-Nics, Socials,` Solrees, &c.', &c,, THE BEST ca % @431 FURNETUREI sATxsi"A"E"13i`5i~:* ."`(.1`JT}i1zV'XTEED, _ I__.11' _,,-.- n ,_ ,,,-,,_- __ .1. J- The subscriber cbn1leng esth_ec<.)"-uy of Him.- ooe to manufacture Pumps to .: ampeu with ' thoaetnade by him. they any 4 nlvnllvnlunn unn l'\l.'nn IlYI'!lTr{'.: nNnIvA'i_L"I65'Ff6i{'I3'_n'iP "Mas Si tn mum. mm 1] _Coniectionery Store! Tho Subscribers `beg to inform the pumic of Allandaie and vicinity,tba.t,thqy have opened out ` BUY W`; .)UR R E A D! .';1* 3 Fe 3 . D In commencing huainess as COAL MER- CHANT, begs respeclfnllrto announce that he has made srrangemems with someof the most renowned Coilieries In the United States, to be snpped with Goals of the very, but quality at tholoweu "possible, prices; and he trusts that by a rigid system of fair doalln ,by, punctuality to all engagements, and by boring to all just not! reasonable prots, he shall be nble to com- - msnd 3 fair share of public patronage and sup: port. .AH orde I transmitted to the.above V address will always ensure immediate atten- Ole OFFICE, BABRIEIFOUIVDIW. Fab. uh, In-uh - ~- uuu uu Ivunu gun.-uyvvu Iv unoastn VX7933 3 UU`cls.:r txronn 8` . auugd; mac wanna 8 ' I L THE Rnsr IN THE WORLD; n Wbulr r`! Willon Mannfnotudng Company have ro`ce'ive ad a. despstch from Vienns, Dated Auxllt 19th, 1873, announcing that the Company have been Awarded '. -1 -..'v\ Il!.N1\Af [N17 1'\I')r\rVl'$v.1nn n A A-v\ `awn -.--n.- .\.-- --..._-... OF THE NEW.II'{1VCK-B_L.C_)(-3K.- Barrie, Oct. 20, l873.- 43-` |U1T@1a+Wmm 2} Q - - D R A R B R I I R T I U ITTFIIRFII TA |TEKINQ_ ~sToREs.% RIIUUP WU.fU3o- {N. B. - `Simpson's mo and Porter on. draught and in Bottles. gnnunnr numb. in Vang...-.-. His Cooking SIOVGB are warranted to cook, bake End draw. His Pa:-lor,Ha.1l and Box Stoves "are in great va.xje_ty. 41] his! ' |II.N.SM1i.H:i:N Gail .g..-..--. 1 vxra-.v4n..-..n. 44'. n..A..I \II Line done with neatnosa and dispatch. Re- member the place, I ' l'IA`I'f'I1'I`1\'l"I\ (1rl'I`r\Qu'q-an " I Opposite the Simcoeotel, and Moon North ofthe `.':'eXHug!on, Barrie. - GEORGE n. rmmc |s'ro v E s 1] ETOVESH it &iLL.`.i'

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