Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jul 1874, p. 2

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_. _.-._-u \JJJl s ` The day of rest for poor, ck1o,pas ,4,. nionate Fmnco seems as far off` as ever. President McMahon's Ministry has been _ , defeated; and have tendoxed their resig- nnolx, which he has refused to accept, {or hodoes not know how to form" an- ._.. `other. There two three great factions 4. Striving for the gow,-1-111110111; of the coun- ` try, who; pgpayrently, are so evenly V . .divided as to;reng1er"n strong Govern- f gnont almutg impossible, mmiely, _the ` 5.. Legltixpigba, the Bonapnrtists,_'aml the .,- Republicaus;:u;i;as!11eith1' pvarrty-will , coalesce togethor, except to dfeb.t'the [ ,.-s gpartg .~inposvo1`, \i'hichever party `that ` 1;. &-liq lptztine nation is kept, in it` consta._nt ` 3.; Jihirloof e:`rcij:en1ez1t_o.ngl.uny1est, and w ` -r -7 .`l0lI1 .1101 . -be nnrprisied any day to.he`ai- `t u ,-4bst:ums'hnd been reso_x_ted_to, .t.o attle, . f,or.*the time being, tho relnti\'e strength of the opposing forces. T The latest a.c- . ` u. ` counts are that the Duke do Broglize has '3 form a Cabinet on. `the basis of ,3? ;:qold_ majority in the Assembly", and" * _ n .`3asg;.: that the. Duke de;.Cazea has undertaken` `(:1 by the hencglean In then_x_'ea`nt.inze 9. `In -: -M ;.thea_nnu9.1 redemption `:9 -Bontpartists ate, workinghard`m` `Ir motion has been adopted whioh rducos `bi . . o . paymsants by $10; In Vn . . 000,000,; winch aggmyatea the Ministeri- ..-".v 11.3 defeat, ;and `the genoral mbroglio.* _ M M It unea vote for n dinnn1.m'm. me n.... 3 W. .-- --.... vunlln 1`m~:' Govsnxon-GENEnu..-IIis Ex- cellency is to arrive at the Cogwlxiclling Hotel on Saturday izftzemoon, the 25th instant. .In the evening the grounds of the hotel are to be illuminated. J ` Doos-e-If the requirements of the law are not complied with by owners of dogs, Constable Bradford will either destroy the dogs or summon their owners before Mayor. Boys. So look out. ;uU 5:.-uun 111 1118 BEOYG D1 and the store `is closed. I sorry for it. { If} `is` rgmored that TCheapi`de has cleared out, and thus escaped the Sheriff. F U o F116 goods 1n Ins store have been seized, and H11: nl-mm '34. ,.l.......l 117.. ,, , , __ ... ...--. \ noIu.l\I uurul UUGIJ 0 LI I`L~lfl`.\ m-'. CA.\IP.`? -- What _s cc-1 M are being takevi to secure the Military ` Camp _I ._a;lf{'iu 3: A'_\Ye, slvxouldy much like to know. V ` . I O .. .-... w uuu\./CD04 VVe ttnderiand that 1:116. _VVof>1lei1 Factory recently'b.urned'i8 not to be` re- built, but `that Mr. Graham` is putting C-arding Machinery into his Tannery building. ' ' V CONVIEESAZIONE.-`-T1le Conversaziqlle held in the basement of the` Presbyterian [Church ofthis town last 'I"lmI`8dY even` -ing, was a success. .11? - ' .u- 1' -'*af"'.{ ` ""' ' ` WHAT Fu1:{.--.-4`~ Camping oubpart1'e'a are all the rage just no`w.- Wei know of T nothing u1_ore beu1t11ful. and invigorating. ` A new Lodge. of I. O. O.AF., B. U., was installed in this town last week, by > the Grand Master and Grand Secvetamy. TH"-.,....... n.._.. nu The iforth Simooe Railway Bonus Bf- jfar`$25,f_)00',"was carried "in"1`ay last Friday by a majoyity-of 35. TIT . : Hayfng has generally oomxirenccd in _: this section, and promises to be "an `ex- ___:eIlenl:crop._ V 1 I Q The Press Excursion passed through 'Ba'rrie on their-fway to Thunder Bay _ on * Tuesday evening last . ` ` 3 nu, - \ .1 ,__._. . I-Iycuw _o ux 1305!` j UT egih` 5? tlxeitj Ee` 1 `would speak so l_ni'dIy`fO1`- them that sl ' pl}lii8o*'wotd'5 50 Aiuihecebsary. illxdeod; A we xnubt-ihcnoi to` the opinion" that `whilst `ncnn nnnvnzi En 44...-.. ..Al...., ` Brag may be :1 good dog, Ho1(1fv.9t is u mubh batten one...aAs it is with individ- uals, so is it in the world of politics. `Who, yorakyhvovlike th_QGrits, -taken *tohthomne1ve`s the,credit.ot_f possessing an '1 tho: hlentl and} virtues to (be, "found imthe Dominion? All. they aaked was nhopportuxty tohdistinguish themselves. Well the `opportunity, through a. uke, chine in Ontario ,`und a. pretty mess they have made of it, as we have time and - -`----. ..,._ ~--Iva.-oi: . I|lIrO.AlLl0lII , ` Thai` iamimition b f the qualicafios to Common School Teachers is now going on. ~ ` - ....ua yupub race, E -will complete the 'acht.s rm... n..n:;-;. ...uy-.000 we pro- mp Collingwood, .1-rie, and Urillia, , are expected to vu UGULL SUILUU, \Ve are very years, was I` 0y, from a r the train V... .._ L1 brakes- - UVLG. W e nave no love for the Glo6,:;.a .' `a.l1 our?readers are well . cause: ,t`he.-Glob ~ we ; believe the. .ex _ aware, but we V H [ pqsure. of the -;D_3t>or ha:-3_ beenso able, aha;-his defense - ;so.weak;asought toprecludejhim`/fI'om the M .`=;`.` `*. 3317'5`V`.ifl;91?}d/Vb ,. ,. -uufllhy, and [the .`IL);o;to1_-.de_feqti:e:cKi, ,_..-u... no uulug 111.!` above fghose of the Doctor, on the score of public `morality. We don't believe. in: divor qla Chicago style ; and our, teachers, above nearly every other class; should by their ;..reject1on of Dr. ,{Sangst.er, uphold the, tors.` Wehnveno love for the Glabergzs imorality of`whioli;tl1ey.a1'9 the" insbruc- ' __out:rea.de1-s a re`:w..n- ............k._1- L uuu-. .1416 men or women who brag of Who ` ' dnessn, ml` rectig ge T eligPf6`rtI1eiti:b); sneak an Inn':11`P'0n n.,.-.. n__. Ju- ...,_ ...... uxuuf. emxer A candidates for, the position, and have ` reason for so thinking ;A but of A we should "advocate." qluiry Professor as being far` above the score of publi '1 W D ,],`..14. `V 1' ` uu_u _ their representative in the Council Bo , ,,_._.-_ --. ...uu;mucu mcerest. A Pmnr}mINAnY TEs'r.--At a. con- vention 'of Common School Teache rs `held in Toronto_1ast week, a. trial of,` strength took place as no who- shoid be , ard `Dxpu- 1'Sangste1' `or Profqassor vGoIdWin, Szkh, wh;e;1 the; - election of a. member of the House of EAST E'LGm.---The contest" for the Commons for this Riding 13 being pushed . r with vigor, and is toybev `decided on Satur- _' ' day next. Mr. Harvey, the late member, I Oppojsitionist, and Mr, J olin M`cDougal,' `who. avows himself _a thick-and-thin Mr. Biewn, thene might to be no.1 dii-V ` yculty in electing the Minisberal supporter ' 'erst.~e1_ec_l;ipg;1.-pnder the l;u1lot,_nhe result `will for~wi_t!_1'.-hiuoh `interest. , . was elected by atm`aj9rity.of 180.` The `` ' contest is betweeh Mr. Thonms Jenkins, `tosta.y at home; _As this will /be the _ I -out to be the `hodyvof :1 man named Pt - AMooney, who had just arrived from . _...........l.` mu, wcru uurnneu at ndiig 9. man` lying on the ground with 1133 throat cut from ear to car. It turmll England as an imniigrzmt. He had bee .- employed by Mr. Russe 1 as a farm ham and conducted himslf well. He leave . a" wife and` four children in England ._IIejwent out for, a. walk _on (Sunday, .,th 12th inst, and was not seen again till he was found by the children, `as described with a_ razor lying by l1is_1 sid. N 0 cans "is-known as to `why he commitbd suicide. ` `contest for` election of Commons for this Ri_ding.is Vigor. and in +h'lm .L.,.:4-.: -n n - V V picking berries D -. La. ta" * Th"hm; they '?3relho1~mPf;ad at sxfglrrl \'.>""*"""' ' _ - i SUICIDI-I.~'--AS some `children wfr. {.5 lViTlD` nn `H14: Irv-nnnr] .-.:- in '11m`. Doox<.Seth Ifuntinghclongie ` herp (f the Pacic Railsvay ch:u'ges ` gainst Sir John A. Macdonahl, is himielf . is to be tried for fraud by 21-11 1`:[1nfS]1 _Ra.iIw:1y Company, who entrust-ed tids to hi111f01- railxmy purposes in thQ'11ehoc Pmvinco. `Va hope, for his own sake that he will "get; a fairer trial" thzm Um _ gave Sir John, amt we hope, for he 'htmor, of Ca_nad-a, that he may I),-dye himself innodent of the cha1;geg,P1-efeI.,-pd against-]zim._ . - 2 . ._ V I ____ _-- V.-. ...n.. -vuuu. UV 151'. PI%`UsSIA.-Tl1d peo`pleC.of I i'gssia, ';lmviug sobered down after the excite- ,n_1ent'/of the past two waus,_ lil1l(i; the glorious military results consetjuenb thereon, are beginning to look at forum , and in so c_loing.lmvev become vei-y_dig- contented under the rep1tessi_ve`cent:-zilim-1 tion i~o1ic_v'of. the Emperoi' andi his l\[inister. Bisnxmiick, zmd revolts have `taken place in many Aviciniipiesl, andfiu-3 . akquming `ala'1-ming p1'0p0lfti5nS' injthe Eqxpire. s l ` 1 I I T --.u 1-. ~.,,, _,.J . , CARLTON 1{Ac}:s.--Tfjese races have ben admirably patronized by the public, and some very good sport has` been shtown,` and zi detox-n1ina.tioni to lmve every race cbntested on the square," has b__aen appara.nt, _wl1icI1 lm.sjgiven grea1tvsa)is'fac- tion to the public, and tends to do" away "with that which has rendered r.-n-;m.4 -by-\vord'fo'r' eviI- the world over. um. l/U uuc yuuuu, uuu menus to do aw renderctl racing 11.. ,... rm - A -gilhai that {he who cries `stop tla,i_9f V , the loudest in gdnerally the; h,ie_f,hiInaelf ; and expe name has nrm-4:1 "h.:.'+n.-..1,...`- I ` , ....... --,- uuvununuuuu `carry out the terms` of. the union as nezn-ly as circumstances `may permit. . . HonsEs",--'It2 seems that the coasmnp- tion Of, horse-flesh is greatly onwthe in- crease in _Europe. Punch, in comment-, ing on this fact; Says,` th21t`if tliepeople commence eating asses many, pe1's0ns`will be left without one solitary friend. \Vhen doxikeys become foed, be_wzu`e,'oh, -N eddy ! '{~`V_,, 1. ,,__ _..--_ -..v ...v.nLuA. Bmrxsu Oow':I,n1A. 9- Mr. V Walkenn being disgusted with the duplicity of Me- . Kenz_ie & Co., hasfgone to England _to. try.-if the Imperial Government; will not compel the Canadian Government to out of as circumstances T-Inna:-cl ',T&- m'-........ L`L.t H _ ,__,__,_J .. ...-A. IMMIGRATIION.--'VVe are glad to learn` than an association has been formel in England to further-"the Immigration to. our. shores` of farm laborers ; and that already there has been a. great inux to V our shores of this class; 1`.etthcm*come.i Th more th merrien _` r\ .KEROS};}NE-IlI1E.?-A fearful Iferoenc; re "broke out .at. Coal River, N. (Y, which resulted in a loss of nearly 100,- 000 barrels `of oil, valued at $750,000,, in which there wasau insumnce of $100,- _ 000. The spectacle is-said to have been Sublimely awful. ` ' 1-______( W , -wry --_-..-_..-........ uuztsvl uuu .uL1b'u.lnI1by. - WIFE DEsr:n'r1oN,-l-A man has; been m`1'ested in Hamilton forbonducting his wife to a. ` house of _- ill-fame, for` the purpose of leaving her there and desert- ,;ing her. . We hope the rascal will be severely punished. _ Tr..- ..... -_ n - ~ - ~ `*3 uLu.u.luUhI:U, .mun1wo.-Aa., med last wee] He was a. man said who possessedt considerable ability and miginnlity. `VIP? Th:~m.~u:m.-m A I-r~-~ " ` ` DEAF AND Du.m.-_-The "Deaf and Dumb Institution have held their eighth Convention Vat/_Bellvi11e, anditit has been a very successful and Aim-structive one. o ~ The Wimbleton Team, in England, have thus far -been` very successful in their achievements. We hope soon to be able to give the ultimate results thereof. ' `Wu... II`. 'I'\ I- - I- ,, ,_-, -- 5-. . ,..... ....u..uu.u<: umunws l.l.l.Ul.'UUI. DEAD. -M0. Robert Cunningham, member of the House of Commons for Marquette, _M21nit.oba., died last; week. He WVRR a man nah`! +,. 1... ..-_~-_- _ __-._ u-n\l`VAI-I yvunvl Ya - 1-. l;lz4;ks_ANn 1_1omry.'-_-W,hm been "rqi1e'8t`d`by`ev`eral expose the im- truthfulness of the pretended report of w Orange: gathering onrthe 13th inst, 1n;_a. . paper down street. But noluse, for the proprietor hasn't honesty _enough to report a meeting fairly even if he could, particularly when by misrepr-esen- I A" tation he _can gratify political or personal hostility, or "both. Mr. Boulton was never once interrupted - in his remarks by any audible yoice, and Mr. H.Edwurds never made the speech e.'ttributed to him, 1 neither did Mr. Little introduce him in the words reported, neither was Mr. E. in any Way interrupted by any one, The whole a'a,i1'_wi\s made out of whole cloth by "` N eddy, but What else could, be expected from such` a source? 1 dchlld, whi19'chnsing'a*ba1l, fell into the - take,` and the mother in her fright julmgd , in after him. M.r.,Ja.s; Martin observed the accident, and rescued the wonianl The boy had sank to the bottom, when 9.` man, passing in a boat, dived after him, and brought him up almost lifeless. The wcmaufs name is Kelley, and she and her ve children had only recently ar- rived from theoldo country. 12....... ..,.. nu` ...... -i n v 1 7.... ....v vsnun 'puvy_-I:u9l,' 131.18 J.0lld88 ll 1sh,ie_t',hi;_naelf; name has proved hi1't'Dickens was cor- rect-. ` The men" who . .. IYIIL rtanhull. ......ov nuUW_ wen we candidates suitable 1d._},i:`tve given our g: huhnf +1.- Ayf ,_..,.. 5510/ll Ulll` ;;_ the two _' claims of the "above ghose of nn'hI1"n '---s-Jfir Ndi-ifs? A nu-:0. V - ING -_-At Barrie, on the_ 213! inst.,l fo h daughter of Ozhndo O.Vnml go, aged 5 years and 4 inomha. _ Th_ fnneralwil leave hm-r..u....:.-.4 MICRON - worms ; At :1 use], Bar ie. _ou me 15 in ms!_., 1 Fraser. Ksnnmh`Ca:nerm-,1 Jana Woods. of,N. Urzllm, E R[C_IK`- McDON`ALD- &.t_b I_ ammon lhn ln. :..-- i , N mnc uu asuamcd of con iguum1_c_e, for the wisest man u ignorant WI manylhingr, ins:-ma he know; 552: mare nommg inc what he does not know. But w very few are ignorant oflh 3 Won` oflhe `f(?a`xIaL!iax1 Pain Deshoye sure and. `rapid cure ` mg 55130.. 1ANNlxr:_;Q",,.rru __. . ' or given such universal satisfaction - ' _. -1:isgxalifyinglcfknow that lhexe IS an Iaasroro which has stood the tea! and prove! itself worthy the ocndence reposud in at; w_e know of no other amel- which has .pruvt:d so generaily successfd, , we Rh` _cor.-fidum :h_e`ra is` more of` it used than all o1`l:erscaunbim3d,and Iha; it will umimel)' know may will be satised `wilh the few!` Remember. Iha name. and See that the aiguhlure of Hard & Co. ia__on each pack- ng_:.. Northrup '&.LyInan, -Tor-.n,uo. Out, pmpriclora for Canada. Suldby all m0Jlll) doalam. 4 .' - _...o .- . Hvsmy fu'.1:k, Manning, W m:l$l5D.: . `ggl TANNINU-4SNU'TI_1.--(7s u lhe~ _l7;h in8l., at (hr: ,We sk:y_:_m .*`.I_,gt}x:xlisi Chum-.`h, Barrie, by the KEV. Df(7._ 111:1) M-'11, :},p._ Ruv L-~lv._vaI_x .\I:rxi'!e::, _lo Josspheud Smizh, second daughler of sheli Sznilir `nu maspneue" S Sheni Smith. MERON W` iP._Ol] ,Fr_ascr. Ksnr` I. '_ -who holds `out on A `A addition -to keeping a rstfrclai_ss and cheap s.'uuoL.l. uciu WLLU U111]. Fmssn` M.n`.-- Bayeld. street, in lot of . Teas, Groceries-,, Provisions, ` Liquors, Beet-_. I" ortCer, etc..,, has invented :L pl-.1171 to iiwp his 1:26-at good usi xviaeiijnxstsliii. "Ibis i excellent; invention. like it in this 1:dee'hw.xi1osi_: A There is xiothing secbioxi {of tho couutr_y,} So we wou"_d a.dvisc'aI-I those who W.i.shv to ` `get Fifesh. Meat, tuinl; this hot, W Lennox a 3:111.` civil and obliging, is :1. g1`c'.-Lt. recolnizl .0f`s1mrp practice. ______._ without the sliglxtst eztthei-, to give, ,M1'. I-ibomi mid ust, which o:uia1;ion in these days; Our friond` Lennox,' as fr! sh and` They will find him. i` .... -- uu.uuL1dbl)--A`! nrrie, on the 18th insl., by raaer, `Robert Elriok lo Emol; In of Fl :1. ` _o _ .. ....... ..u we Lil.l1LUll J.` .: tore., :5 H ANDSO)! E,.'--"`H;'.ndsozne is that hand-. 0 some does, is an old saying- Now the hzmdsomest shiowvwindow, by all` odds, in this town-isiour friend Bot-hwell- s. It is, nature's own garden, improved by art. - Who that has a` soul in him but must 'arhnire owers? Now it Mr. Bothwe1l's, opposite the Railway` Station, the bestgof pi-4.11:-.3 are to `he had ,' then if you `:u`e`thirsty, there isthe place to _ get _cool soft; (ltinks; and if your bent leads, A nowhere can you do better than get. them at BotluweIl's,1'o1' he sells cheap? A Re .1'nembcr that. ' ' ' A e don't know,` norczue, of what nationality our friend P:-rkin's is.- All weczu'_e to know of, him Z=:`v.'hz'e our pocket is _eii'ected ; and, by e.'<];.`3l'ieI.`|(.'(`L,'A we know that his ~advei-tige- meat speaks the tmth. So tr_v--him and judge for yu.11'zseh'es._ He deals in the best and cheapest `Teas, F-muily Flour, Groceries, Provisions, &c., &o., and sends ` tl;emzui_v\vI1ere in the Co1'po1'atioIf, i'ree of chm-vb'e. Uur rr-ade1's cannot do -hetteir than deal with him. . -A ' 'F`D`,;..-p - 'l1I'.. . _ I`- ` V` so--UHIDIJALE.--Al lbei r me 18:11 inst, by the Rev. r ya, of Tecumselh, (0 Sara} iA e,[o4f F105. I ' . A SumI1:n.-Summer is Here and will soon be gone; but Qur friend Hugltcr, of the Canton '1` Sto:-e,.cl1:mg_etl1 not, but _ is ller all the time. amjl coutiuus to sell ` as cheap as the cllezq.-st and as good is the best. Go try3his Teas, Groceries, Proxrisions, Wines," Ales, Porters , and -Liquors. . _ They cannot be beatiixz this p1'_u.11y othe'r_-"market for e.\'c(-Hence in quality or cheapness in price; So pay at, once a visit to the Canton VStore., T`T.l\TT\dn\lI.V- rn:r--J, ' _ ........y uuau. VVHU ' have novrezputation except from thei1'an- cestors"; there are,` however, others who are a. name innnd of themselves. Such an one is friend Nelson, of the elson House. He krmps hianame good bglore the pxibl;"c bjrselling the best of _ Teas, (}_1'ocen'ie.s;D1`y G oods, ' Dress` Goods, &c. ,' &c. 2\t,the lowest remnnemtive prices. '.A.'z .7_.-..- 3.115 best; of miloring is done there. 7". N ' ' .....5 ant; .zJinV3U --f-----:.__.:.-__. ' NEI.S0.V'.--T11e;'e are some -m4 novreputation except 1 are, oth "pp n m;....... ._'A~ 1 " " The Dominion Government have tele- graphed to Lieitt.-'Goverinor. Morris, re- questing him to procure provisions and distribute them along the `Dawson Road. `V till sult. z o ur 130.` to 15. i neVw--pe 1- bath. {(5 to 80 . i clip-`-.-82 to 35,. _ . c `C1 y .:nl8h;l,;r-rf! l`5 5f"$3g. f`at;,fe13olitaiz~-_}.{otel;" y seine` person; iiiiknown fto_ hini.".? This '1_no ' "g as Mr. F "-(3,`larl:e`1> was :legvingl;for_~t,l1e y east, `he. `was- ? set upon"-by a. crowd of rutans from {M]"_n1j`gaPQlig,'l1l}{l(l(:3d_'by Mike Hay, _ Chieof Police for that city, who beat and kicked Mr.- Clark savagely, and but ,. F 1-forrthe iziterfer-o_nco of one or two of our , - citizens he would doubtless have been '1 ' killed. `Mr. Clarke was taken into it ` ' railway car audleft on the train; but it ` ie_ feared he is dauge1'ously`_hu1-t, being C ` in poor healtli. Hay wail arrested and ; --.held for trial. He is. one of the `Minnea- pelis party who were imprissoned lust ` V year at Winnipeg for an alleged attempt ' to kidnap f` Lord Gordon, and the ` murderous-attack on Mr. Clarke was in ` revenge for his action as public prosecu-' tor in that affair. _ . ' Gr-asshoppershavemnrletheirappearance in myriads in this _I rorince, and have destroyed the entire `crop in the _l ztluS- tine and \Vhite Mud settlements" from the xvesteru limit to Toger. At last accounts they were drifting in` the direc- tion of Lake" Manitoba. They have got some fteen miles this side of Pembina, and appear to be entering the Province from all directions. Their advent has already created great depression, and the opinion is universal that unless the Dominion Government come to the .z'v.:'cl of the settlers, either directly or by com- _uuvt:u1u1t`)_[lU come to the aid gfvthe settlers, either. dTirec_tlyTor by com- mencing. the zfaihjvny operations between, this'po_int and Pembina, destitutiqn to an ezitent never before known wiil re- ` ` w._(n nn ._ .. W I;raIrrietnr}`f"a&Tp;%i :- *f_II_Il_V'-ipliaase Iona tlnoin in" A . 4_ ,. - -v.o a'aas.IJ..l..\.l.I.l-a , `The; lulmt _news from Manitolxp is , .c1a'ted the 20th inst, and into the follow- .ing effect :--- . , ' ` ' , T4` A.u.-.._ -1`. I`! M 5 (MI - 5 A - V even be aslmijad cbn{eszing 9, upon `can inscvmucn than 5 mare mm..- :- - ' --..-....... . uvvuvililnd Arabian nedy, we;advie'all who require the kind Io gins it 8. tlial -we with see that ` :hmp yr Sold bv an ....x |..'.._..` DIED-. ., .,._, uupuu, urcss uoods, <&7c.,' ;hc remnnemtive prices. by miloring done ug vKu~1e_\'afl .\Imia!er, Ix, second --Auhe Manse,Brnie, he Rev.Fn--Ar ~- ` "'i{1XiiifoBA. an-cnrvunulu luv. yVUl'Kll1g nara 170 for a dissolution of -the lv : and Hm m.,a...1..:n.u.. :_ 4. , .' ..-.. , ;.Au uuatm 111 me is 0115, 356., V the Oo1'pora t1iozf, "ald8l'S do"bett1' m . V ' 2ls1 nst.,Emma, ugdo O. and Marv u we Manae,Brnie, Rev. Fraser, David Sarah Ann Dry:-` a-:5 I J uur :1 earth is -, the: what uug in comparison to We gpprehond lhe Wondexfnl effecx eshoyer. n .oa must nr 1-,! fs, rheumatism A 2 r.c.`ami n'H ....._._- . v.,;.s, rnenmalism, s,` and (all summer V-Hlhtillu d~:I-are. LVVLILU luuvlslulls llIl(l_ ng the`Dzuvson -men M10 nvnnvd 9..-... LL 437 ._. .usu.,r.`mma Mary innmha Q ll}:-9' Manse, y'Ih Rev. M. I01] McDonaIJ, my v acronar st_.,by mo Rev, n,`ol Georgina, .....-. ..;.;.;?__. ` fjwzfxa-;"e: .-*-VURE mmxozifsz .3'0ilr _, . ,._. ...~....u.u uuu, calouuel, unnmony, or anytnng hurtful to the conslitulion. _ ull dlyections in !be pamphlet around each pack-gexwbich yhpuld be cagefully pr_eserved- JOB-MOSES, new roux, ` sou: pnornnrron. ~,_0g_e d3}lnr and twevg-and-_bal_f~,ceuls for. 31-- " Normjropvdz?Lgqmn, I`qro;{to, n.t., 'I1..:_;-m 1.. `*3 =`!;.n `I \/- qu, LJCUI and W hites,1hes_2 Pill.-`;'-il. effect a` 3"}? _ ,6` tr` nienlis `ha ve fviied; nd pow : l r emedy,'L'o not cxxnlnin Iro -angmony, nnytt ing c ~ _ull _dn_re_c_tions the namnhhu .. . AU MARRIED LADIES it is Deculim-Iv suited. It will ' brin on the inomh y pcricd with regi Ygese Pills should not be taken I luring Vibe ', /hf! tlxremywnths 0/',Prcg lheyiare bare to bring on Miscarriage, allcgr time they quexxafe. _._.In . alljotlgcr cases or Neivuus and Sp! ju.-us , , Pups in the Back hnd.Lin11is,l slIght`e`xe`ru,on,Palpitaxiqn ol`!,h Heart. `and Whitesithena Dm. ...:.. H. A - " [his invalui grurg at all thou to whLc.:'the!'e1 m nalm-no..- - |' ~ ., _... ...uu.uun.- :9 unlniling in the !.f|1l'9_0l Ibo.-e painful nud -dnnge:ous.`d wages wtuc.:'xhe!`exnalu constitution is subject. _It moderates all excess and removes all bbstrucuons jand a speedy I-ur_c may be re1'e_d on. T0` MARRIED Deuliarlv aimed. It will .-.. - -' oraurox-a.by J. Deacon: Crai and by uH`Mediciu_e Denlefu. ..__....__..____..._._.._.___ --..,...uuuu. vuce I01` dlssolution of-the *- ~.7Au`sz:1bly ; and the probabijityvis that g motion may,4carry, when, of _ -fr scourge, g,g,4;;g,rg1,e1ection.VLwill,follow, : .;`;,f`. which, 1Ii8I>`*"*iV:`.*Ii".:?Vi.~fWri*`1`Y 4 , , _..`_ ---Itll`.\aL` It glV!.'E-_ The Canadian Pain Deaaroyejrvnever Lila give immediata*rcylie AH Mcdicixxc Den}: keepit ; Physicians brder and u `it and family iyrill_ be without it after tr mg it. ~'Pricp, only Twent 43%. Genre pm` home. fold in Batti by ohn .J. P. Kid VWatao>n & C'o., rWella Bron, l'olen 8 McLea Bndfo_rd.by J. Deacon: d b "M m__ h ` ghurat.G:ceu Brc In 8 9 (`Inn an --- Vthose whoine sujferin p_1ninfs fqr which his pond upon it being =. S be astpnis Dc ` ajitrpye n N }q.I3.1'gh,'ranking{l1e li _pfgrt_s_ot the g_o.unl:;, gqolystutifyfidg was (0 _--.b.. hing . eiv r.in cnr`_i~.".gI. c_,0t,n_xueuded, and 1t_ _u'rig be tortu'xom__'- , Aud{iu`frc1ie.vi er.vou`s !;1'sr. a I ;'are.com_ing in from Medicina Deniers, fo :1: A", uuu ;aue.'m'e g f.:-om an_v. of' the com- recommanded, may de- avereign Remedy. r a_cy of zha`Ca.uadinn ts "diseases fonwlziclz psihs of Behu _ kfn, e _;:!_ 1`-an-sd:"ea. matism, mine it Older! in all s, and fiction r, tuft}.-E1` supplie e`uui1e1`sa_l-tatia -._.`..y.u uucutn ' ' ' . ' We speak from hxperic hgving , xleutcli` it Lthmougi jthose suffering f.: c fqr recoi upon it being, Saver: The astonishing am...- ` ,, ,_ . .. an 8912, Back and Had, C0dghs,Colds.Ssr' ihrbal, Spraim, .Bru_4ses, Cframps in the Stomagk, Chplefa Morbus, I)ysen(cry,Bowel Com- caae' of `dissatisfaction, where the directions hue been properly foowed, buton the con- trary all`are.dbI-igh1.ed with its opermions, and speak` `in the hightst terms ofita virtues and `magical ffects. a - - . ' n1- -_r - As a.`fVnmil!y Meicina ably known, reliev ' `the ' - mg 1 I , , , ,__,_. ,,........u;_-_, q:m[!_`.' 1`-bulera. II1`9._';'Vbc excited. -AW."-tion to dft, model-"te c':<':rcis9-balhing,and regular habits must be observed. : l`u `maintain the vim! force s_and ynrn-v,:x_f'!as:itude and exhaustion. Dr.WheeIe:"s ._Go:np'ouud Elixhjr-F Phosplsat-es an_d Cidis-*.ya iiveslbe digestive organs, and" su;pYies materiv for gonrntingz ne;'ve'!'orce. _ :0-'2 b "-2.`(_);l!el `!QlIg"'S3!`fi'ctre}9s; '1; .'J.Bz1. s` -v,zT . ~, :;.?.-ma. ;s;2z:;~i' 3,mzy r,-n"',`z": mm$ ' `e'z$u to/:atez`er. ca:4t_s4 er!-.-in . have already been ai- ythoroufghly tcsac .n Canu ..-as tn 1'uu.zir-ng mm. ... be as! -= - ` ' 13- `unqueaziionably reiiubia, as K it invlgot ..., ......., us |_m: u:sea:ea'pecuIiar `The Itomncf. partaking of th.- ! pat-va-ding the wl1o!esystem,'xs 1 plate digestion; the food pnssin through `the bowels, irritutczs the _gbra.uce, and Ditnrbmz, Dyaez `.Otbu:, arm} when pr_evg.`.'ing,`A may be excited. -Ar.`v-v-hnn 4" -so many oflhe d;'saa:ea' ltomncf l,}Anu(a`1`rtA'l'IUN, RESULTING ` from the 1-ifebts ofthe xutnse haatdftlxe ziutpmer ni ath.=, is the pro-disposingiunuse of _ peculiar tohot ivesthcr. . pnrtaiaing of ms: of vitalitv r.u.......J:_.. V ,`._ _----w-V-5;. .1. vi.` 1.11.114 Al 1 Consuim lion IE not incurable, DOC-I01 is not: AH1 at ismquired isvlhepro err: in effect a permanent cure. Du. ea : Iiro'n(-hid Remedy is fast Becoming the 1 medzcinj.-fur all effeclicms of .111": chest am For insipien] consump`.ion,. brdnchitis, `a couhs, colds, .S-c., no o:hc'r mediu.-.:'ne ever to! 1- public pn-_s-esses such curative pro] `Let the aIicte(l,tw it and prove its cit-ac) sale by all druggir.-ts. ~ -".12 , ,;.;;..L;; 1.; ~-,;,. `3',n'I 5',iT>`: i KAY,..I'IILY3 2 3*.` ua.-a..a....- .:;,,: -3'. 87- _ueI we anucle it 'l).R 0STRA_'[`ION,' I _ _' from 1-I`_ec oftbe gutnse ` ant.`-an-. ._. _AL V MNADIAN PAIN timsfhovian --3. , . DIAL! -.'R_5 :24. ` Pianps of besl makers, The Mason g-Ham lin Organ:-,and the Canada `Organ Com'p-an) : Organs and Melodeons, Organs and Mom- cleonslt-oremr, and for sale`, on the rnnnlhly payment system ' ' `l!hnr}nnn ., -p .- _. Booksellers, Stationers.` ` And Imnhnara nf ' . - Ana Importers of ' r I WALL . PAPER, VDECO{{'A I`I()N'b,' , f_FELT,R`30F1NG, BUILDING PAPER. . n:.u.g;n_s :24. ~ II; haul lnnbnrn '1"-A ' ` " invaluible 1 all lhn-A .\...'. EDWARDS &?1AIRD,` Ana nUh'1'HRL`? an LYMAN, Toronto, On Sale Agents fqntbe Dominion. V 7 _ No'z'I4--1'.`c.lech*t':-V-Sele(:ted hnd E'ectri'zeH; -. _, "Pain cannot may whole it is used. , common sore LL:-m..f. -One .bal:f-:-. 2 bronchitis. cma cfidl: iii the back,"a11'd-tho" same" Eclectric Uil, have sold all I had from you and '.Wm. Mng ui:re,'o! F'ranklin,"writes` I have` sold all tlmgngent left, it acts like A `charm-lt was slow at :st,but takes, splendid y-now A H. Hf Oole, of Iona, writes, plexse forward 6 Roz Thomas Eblectric Oil, I_ am nearly out; nr 11.. iug equals it. It is highly-recommended by those who have used it J. Bedford, Thames - villc, writes---,"3end_ at once a further supply 0* Eclcctric Oil,I have only one bottlelelt. 1 never saw anything sellsq well and give such writeVs_--`.fSend_me some more,Eclcclric `Oil. I have sold entirely ou't-.` `Nothing takes like it Miller & Reed,` Ulverton, P. Q., write-- The Eclcclric Oil is and is daily called for. Send as n furilxersupy-'ly _'wi1noi1tdelay. Lemoyne, Gibb 5 00. ,-~-Buck. imzham, P. Q , write--Send us one gross Eclectric`Oil. We nd it to take well. ' ` Sold by all medicine dealers. - S N. TH3MAS,Vl hnlp3, N.Y.` ` And NOR'l`flRL`P LYMAN.'l'm-nmn rum" . Ill1.:c~.uuci-rv,1"--,TuoxAs' EXCELSIOR Ecucrmc Ornl-Woxnx Tux Tmnsimi -`3\'u;_om xx Goi.r..- V It. is the. cheapest medicine ever rnnde. 5 One dose cums gm cured - Fifty cents worxi. has c-.;:e-`1 an old standiugmough. '1! pqsitiulyncurea Oahu-rb, .Aathrna__nr.'... Group.` Eifly. cents worth has _ quantity` `am : back ofeight. yearal Ilngdiiig. The follow- ingnre extractsircn_1"ale17r`ol thc many letters that have been received from different parts of Canada, wb_ic'., we l_hinl:, sliox'xld be suflicient `to7u'atiel'_y the most akeplioial. J._Gollard, 0! Spa: ta, Ont., writs,send me 6 do: Dr. 'l`liouxa' want more now , its cures are truly wonde|'ful. , general satisfaction. J . Thompson, Woodford - getting a giant. reputation here, - Price, 25 eta. - FRANCE. 3I_lHAoI`r:.- -E923 : `COCOA.-GBATIIQL an 1: Cox_t' thorough knowledge of _ " the `natal-p.l lnwawhlch govern the operation! 01 - digaationbnd nutrition, and by nonraful nppli- s- cation of the fine p1o'per'ties o wollnelected 1 coooa,Mr. Epp: llma provided our breakfast tables with aidelicateiy avoured beverage; -which may save us many heavy doctors bills. E7 -Oivzlservice Ga:elle. Made aimpliy with u `-I , Boiling Water or Milk; Each packet is belied ; -J` Jun E: as 1: 00., Homoeopathic Chemists. L `London. -T `A -* v - < * Mnuucrunl or Cocoa.- We will now * give an account of the proceua-Idopted by v Messrs Jame: Eppn -E 00., manufacturers of - dietetic articles, at their works in the Euston ' Road. London.. See article in Cussell's Hausa- hold Guidt. ' , ' ' __ fHE mason & umm oam co. ' 'umI:Jk lo [ink]: 11.. -....\....,v~...,.,_ __ . . " V` 'VVv-~--V./.,\,\,.. . \I\ `HE TRIUMPH OF THE AGE` Cnxxuininninn .. ....'o :..A.._.a I I 1 `FBI. act, 2 ,_,* I .___.... T -----------. _ __ The Kingff `Grocery and Provision ,1Stoi'es, allsojchief of Wines,` Beer and Liqg1o17_St6_re&,;is Mr. D. King, of the ;West End Tea `Store. Remember that fun}, (111.11 rvn .....`l .1.._1 _.__-.1 1 - - 5 N. '1'UJMAb',4l hnlp3, N_Y,- And LYMAN, Toronto, Out". is Anzents for the Dnmininn, .-_.o--.-- - uibie medicine is unfailing I r.-e rdnngeiou: .d sea: `$111814! c-nm.c.: ...:__ - ' ` .- 9'"?! qu.pIH4|;'Dy.relurn mad. as h ,J.o_hn Woods ; Wm.-ou J; U. .o_le.fn_& McLean:B:adf0JIi, 7 ` ron&J}rog., am; all medi- _,... .....u unul I23 u1ted,Il will, in a short time `.th with regularity. mid talcen by /emales of .Prcg1:anc_1/, as ring on M1'scarrtage,bug at guy .:.wfe- . V ' ago " my gun g.qu. DLUIU. I\6Hl8l'llD8l` U18." , and go and deg] with him at once. . ,-__ ' Mfdicing 1: f a!-ievina H r..- aaavg D, DJUCIJ And Importera PA PR`. H n mnn u_' uxperwnce `in the .. .tho1o_ughly, and 1: - ` - ` r .` zetlb fmm mu. .. experience` in 2 .lhmnnn1`.1. ` 4.. zd,Coughs,C'olds.Sar'e 7/zrbal, ` r,- 6, s, Sca1ds,Ff0_t.B:'les, c. '-uinDes-troyer has now been ` 5cr.'|_'lei1gth' of time,and relilied, never silinvr `in n uu ua 1,119 Heart, Hysteric-s wil.' e'ect_ 3" cure when ` f1i!e`d;and/vlthough a !Vc.mln_iu Iron, calomel, lmful constitution. pamphlet arunml Anni-' .,.,..- v1uUU!,`J. I . Kidd, : Yfolen McLean; ,-Craigbur:-n.G:cen Bros, I mien." -V I 11 . cxmw. lnlhllf asmsov. `no, it is v 911 and favour- rtbcueands frompjain in Imwami a LAInD` Booksellers, &c., , ' Pun-I vau ya=:Lng' I`.Dd153\'1l v'd ritatcs lining .mem- cx,-:`D,Fae!.`-!5arv_ Ch.-.1.-.. ,_ ..---- nA\-I t Doctors snyi ired er mkdncine 4Pn a u-no _ .. ..... .,..u :3: uurulclue :urc.. s Great. popnla . andlungs V n ,. `asthma, 3r am-r 1.9;...-..r PILLS.` ...v-1 uulus . mem- 'E.e!.`-!su` , Choe_r_n" .'A;ziuLti c_: Cholera ` to dft mmhum 0-4 r wvuplz weather. gt` vitality ; Iz,'mbl_'e'-to con.-- timyi nm`.:.au..-.: `the ratter, .nd H1: . arm... I 1' E5. nv: lI)lHl0l',' t_bu efnre ` Hm. rm-M IIEFICB my}: a anus, lllma, ne o'ere'd' we properties. ci('uc_y. For . each Lue. Kidd, !`.I.Ann 0 I the >5: nu. ""9 be inspected pm: to the 33515: at W! 05100.} of _lhe Vendor : Solioiloqpz Memo. "MoC|nhy=& Boyi, Barrie. ~ `7 `* ~ v Dnledhig 6l_h day of July. 1814-. ..~ ` - 7* ~.Muegm'ru.Y 9 Boys. gVo"ndo_y u"8uj,_<:itorI! -vu -~--- uuuu IIUITI lH0HHUu1_ o and conveniently situtued near Chnrch.-t- of $.11 denominations, and the School House. ;= ~- p|"! 1 N0. 2.--The North"-Rut gunner of " Lot ],3,._in the 9th Conceszioln of the NH! ye Township of Essa. conIaining`5G`un'n mo"! :2: or 1eas,ot"wh.ch about 43 acres are elem-"1 I and under cultivation. and about five acre` of " the remaimlerjs 51 good hardwood bush. The son! is an excellent clay loom, and hen erect- , ed on its Log Dgvetltng Hans and 3 1`-03 Born, with a good Well and omp. '1'!` s Wholej froutingnon a good tranrtled road; 5 35011! "'0 llltll. from Thornton, 5 mile: TF0? Cooks'|bsvn,and 11 miles from Home. Th ! ,~and Io`the donor or claim or night of `dowbr of"L ot'i/I]; Lodge, _..r'I`erros.s-`-But- te:ith dftho `purohuu $10097 -; me aw.-i9?V`I5i :da:; or me. and -9.-W ,::.a~.mti witttdopinit, o'moon"to one- . hiltbf pnroh a `money; within 10 am W `o1og1`.,.Rornotnder `to oacultg W."05:f,l` 9l til 7 erf n|- P3? "' .!jn'.uji';[.'_ A not ale pro rly_ will be sold subject to o,MurIaIR f ` B, Cc!) Pnrrie. -.4-nu UUISVECH and mules from Barrie, and three cnnvenienlly I 511 J Parcel Na; `)__'n... m__. ........5uvu vvru ul vulrl near the house; 'l_"hxee is a small Orchard near Ihe house,-the whulo lyingon the Tnwn Line between Essa Jnniql, aboul 9 I 'm:lcs_ three from Tnotxxou., cnnvenienllv silnnlml 4.... m..--..-.. . ..... unuauluer I8 nnrdwo is a rclling farm, and we being a good clay loam. House with Frame K Frame Barn, about 56 Stalgle. on Ihe 1and,aud a house. Three house ;'1he whulu Lina Irma----u _ -.--..h..,oa, wuwn win 08 produced at lhe time of lale, the following l'ar.ds: 5 . ~ 7 Parcel No.1.--The Eu!-half of Lo! No. ,in the nth Conceqsion of the Township ofelflsaamouuiining 105 were; more or less, of which soacm are c1aared |nd_f__oI_Iaed, and the remainder is hhrdwood bur -" Thy {mm is and well w|i_gi_" ; ih'e so I dgpori loam. - Thmflfa I 1-0: H0039 Fram Kitchen anached. I `ram'e 56 by 36, and "a Lot; ,bla.l31e. on.Ihe ],and,audam.-ad Wm nl .. mar _. .,...\.-sgu_uI,- HIJUUDI AI IS. o'clock. noon, by Mr. E Auctioneer, pursuant lo powe mined in several Mortgages, ' D__,_,I `V 7 ---~ . ,. o.~uu(lb`. Oil`-'SATL`I{D_AY,. AUGUST sm,13u, Al]? o climl:4 nnnn 1... M- rs n -- .__-.__._. Therqwill be sold by Public M Queen : Hotel, in [ha 7` ` 'lllhnvh` ITv"1E' H TOWNSHIP O F IN THE COUNTV 05` "" AUCi`Tb7sAi,&E -0'3` `fiifntuw-. V III` I ALUAB am seven r'A"nMs, !'I'1I'\ IN THE M- ... ....\,..m.wuuu:e. 1'nereV was, 05 however, a something lacking, namelya f Billiard Parlour, ' . and was opened fr bhe..rst time on M r Monday lagt. It. is azne large)-oom, ._ r` built. expressly, nndsis nicely dooraied ,- E 9 it has two, tables bf thefstandard aizq, : :" gem` the well A1 3 : ay xyay, Torantofg judging 1 7 item gs`. alzx. players. `-119 9. 1? m the Tow all, in t Wednesd ,July 1531:, I874. rs ui-u Pie::seant!.y_"s;h_z_ga{ed near the -centre 9: tin town of R.1r:i9." with _ , gs`:-du at(:u_`hed, nnuixu` with wLi."gzo'~.vi1sh:xde and (ruin trees." beamg Gottasrerontuins 115t:i.' and sluing rw"-9, ;e b:_'d'rO0't19, `kitchen stva'n't'r xip3x'me:;.Z: clormvlz, pantrie.=,- ctr. ` A Pum-hascr can h;ve.oh -acre cfiard. with cottage - /Ap;.l_y 3; this 1cq.~. ,v ._....._.._.._._,. .. , . hcif'q EI}ter br hm/{I15 o" _ 23-:f. -nu5N,N)' A Olerkind Treasurer, Jul: 15.` 74.` ____.__.____..-.--- ~{}717rX6 is" ro1fs'Ia ff vv .L1 lJJ.'I].1.I. U l_N CUUNTY OF SIMCOE. ES L *_._ .,;,.,urru.~.1u:; THE ~NL`W ISTERY0I"F'[CE4-Coxltuimng Sxx and,-azquauer 01.511 acre` of ldnd'aI V Applyto ` I100 n llg lQ'l'L`: _ Scpcic! Train 1-ta ' in 01 [lea 4:30 p. of mu Governor ixghiii RETU A FT INOON, Jl'H' ;`:'. RH, ms ovEanog_"NsnA/4L s vnsn-A. E4 oURIoN " . 'A1{RIE.`n ---.__,... ..,. .u... xx. tuuull 8. 8110112 time x Back, it is nnnecessarytb say that under T his management it has proved as dom- plete success--in fact it "cannot be sur- passed by City Houses of rst-`class char- acter, for Mr. A's 1-eputation,is`i1,_pu_blic caterer is unquestionable; There, was,` however, la.cking,~namelj5a _. .R"lI'1-1" 'Dn..'l....._ 11,,-, 1 - ' ` ` MEN ALL WHOM :I n3 ,.__.......__-. - .__j ---- Tlu par!narsl:ip heretofore oz` (ween Wullaam Wilkmwn and J; doing business under Ihe name at St Brll, ofthe V:lXage of Angus, wa dim-lvnd by mu'ual con-em. Th. will he carriedon by Willsam Wu {orme-ly. ` - Ir! , v-- nvvna , ( J; :\;\.g;.~a, July, 21, y. __._._ _. . `_____ pr A1 or 97', BJIFRIE. ` MKS. R.- : Na-Aar1y_ apposite the-VV. n1`; '3, -1874. . of ,0!" , the no _ V. ' his 1 , Ruadentw ("b` comfqyable now undu- ` X h ygpain Wh gain`,-if 1130700` Illbln, Ind had 7 N. of land allac . bow .mnIV 1.3 - 1] lo _ 1 For Pamculuo WP nornwl. prism`: _ Samuel Wesley, _)A`\,.;S BE N. Antm. Ink. `II 1914 ` " K` 'sVIi;1esn:.' ' WM.,\VlLKlNSO" B.CROMP l`ON & ('b., * IMPOR'l`ERS_.' fxr-->---- - Come s'on`g and bringV_vVo'ur friendsvbeforc all the Bargain: ` are gone . . As our readetsTare, 'no5do11bt-, aware that` the above Hotel passed -into theT hands of Mr. A. Amalll a. short time back, it say that 11;`: -rv-A--A ---H A spasm. awucnowsz _nmivrLa::s, ' .mn.:.nmIiY,, - .mms`s_ 60098, D... `WHOLESALE PRICES. 'AUTUM>NATRA'DEz `We have determined to cI.e:u- out _the ballance ' of _our SUMMER -STUCK at and less than . x EDWD. S. LALLY_ Baro, QQMI luly; X874. V 30. DI: 8OL U'lION OF PA1{'1`NLT`R_ SHIP. c: zz%A'1* CLEAR1A (} As we ban large lines of Gods now coming, forwnrdel from Great Bim.in, for we [()IJ:i-:'};5T:F()'R S}. L 1-: up. 1-. LET, OPPOSHE THE m-. ERYOFFICE-4-Colltinlna .\`.y I)- 4 &c. , .5 uuv prunury and nearlymole _ cause of wife bea.ting.._ the plea of 1 the guilty lmsb2md iis,'r..`.`I wa`i`drunk ` _ when I did it, Sbrong _7m1tera_ . . is the ` ' foul end tlmt makes .man,._t`prge; high ; manhood, and sinks woman to _a.dep'th of degradation allbut unitllomuble, Lot then,=.ou1r readers, one_ and all, pdnder T we1l:this uudoubtedfacb, :\Ve,,&k is"; zthqx-euoremed`y? ' if ~ .- ~ AN'cii:3 ;\:h},;;tfia::l1t11t5. FSLENDALE. ' `` GOLDEN BEAVER! -- sq suuuu AUOIIOD, 8| pm, the TOWN or` . BARRIE, V J .| lvnnnn n-- ll 56 by draudagcod Well ol vmer tires in animal! n......c on, E.`:_M:eeknz. [ant lav powers o sale eun- Mongp.ges,_wh_io_h will be me nln- IL. t..n.........- .., __w._.._..,. Ticbts at 6' Fare. - FRED. CUMBER ND, ` General -laagep mpsumizn .L.IJ| .`f t`E/ v..., vau uu uuev oare- backs of the cowardly rascals who` abuse those whom ' "they should cherish and protect.` If- this course is pursued wife `beating. -will soon be an unheard of crime. Let it,v. '.' 3.1353? \n AT THE` 6 kxopy of the Yams .0.` theown of Panic. ' t posted In my mac. . W'0f Hurria rm `v-1-I-uluul DIX oumi Ln acre luidanncn.' .. MRS. R.- nnss_ iln Hm LU. n....,., -..-\/\Il`,| -'_l' L! Barrie al 3:30, am - in `ime Im the Rose] I_ Ro9nrn'..\.- ' ... -uuu nu ma Kc-c-.-pugi I. Returning lam ,ar `ag at Bnme 8;30. at In rmedme Slatmns o Auction, at the Tnnnu nu: rr, tow;o\Qn .=. EDWD. V ,,.,_-. i As we announced last week, `a man ('1) line -been committed to trial in Toronto for -beating his-wife to death with a boot- jack. It appears that the. unhappy` couple were given to drink, and that he rogulm-ly beat" his wife `two or three times in week. In reading e'the i papers, both English and Ame1'icm,i`we find that brutal treatment .to `wives by drunken brutes of h11s1>a11cls vis`m'u'ch more in vogue than is all ' desimhle. V \Ve think that one cause of this is that V the punishment meted" out is altogether disproportionatmto the offence. We frequently; read of most :fea.rful` `wife l)`eutings, and the punishment therefor_ is _ only a. month or `two's 'i;np'risonme'nt. N ow, it is oblivious that "such triing ' punislnnentis no deterrent whatever to _ a. brute, who has no chantcterbtto lose, and to whom `n few weeks in-dumnce vile is"apl1ysio.al benet-A rather than other- wise, as he comes out from his incarcera- tion. rccuperated in health," nnd at_`once begins to drink and to beat "his wife.7 N owif we wish e'`ectua1ly"to ,stop this` inhuman treatment of .woman, we must do as 'he English judges did;-`with the garroting once so much in vogue.l We must stamp it~out by a liberal: use of the cat on thevbare -back`s-of nnuynu/ll" ...........`I..--J -- ` nub-IL U. oow, urn '___;_ __ . ... Essg; M (`.('H-`. Ivy aim! H. II` I. Va.1_lmg afore axiuin Jumea `mg of IVML. ` bn [M1, }fr`L `Rooms, nlu.-A ` WIFE BEATING. AND WHISKEY. Never lmvewe had occasion to speak more hopefully than now of the prospects of an abundant harvest. At ' the open- ing of the cold and somewhat backward Spring serious fears were ezitertained that the fall wheat had been irredeen1- a.l__>1y injured; such, however has not turned out to be the case, as, on the whole, it promises to be an excellent crop, whilst the spring wheat andoats _nnd pease never looked in a. healthier `condition. Haying has now pretty gen- ` orally commenced, and is an abundant _ crop ; whilst the warm rains have had a 7 most benecial effect on roots and vege tables; -so that, takeit all in all, we ' have the promise of an abundant harvest ` ' to crown` the farmers labor; Fruit of every kind also promises to be far above an average crop. We need hardly say that we rejoice at the prospect of plenty nbounding on every hand, ,a.nd ever de- sire to rememberwith :.gretituAde -the Lord of the harvest for his .-goodness. _s_j_( OPENING or 'N`1i:w V av; - oflT ..-.... .._..u u,:a.;1\2u;1u1' Would hold t:.}1:lection cases; after vacation, at` suchtimes asmight be xe_d f.r'mn.tim_c to time. It was intimated that the A8- sizes would comlnence abont't110 21st`: September next. ' T ,5--- -v I-vyguuu. _ Re Nonm-Simeon ELECTION.`-_-I'Ield that alleged illegal act of petitioue1',e.t election to _which. petition refers is no disqualication as to his right to petition. A Theiobjection that it had been agreed that the petitioner was to-pizoiceed in his own name, and that the Libe1'al-Con- ' Hervative AI~ssocia.tion_ would con_triliute tosvnrds paying: the expenses, is held in ' valid. 7 ` , _ V _. ` First p1`_eli_2niua;-y, objection held to be a. matter of fact to be tgfiedi by judge j ' second and fourth objections diszillowved ,- Iifthzis a matter of fact to be tried by judge `us to whether the petitioner is the _ true petitioner, 01` whether; any fraud ' has been committed on him. No costs. -The Court stated that the Chief Jus-, tices of the Courts of Queen's Bench aud Common Pleas would not _sit in Term, but, with the Chancellor would the election cases vacutiou, at` l L-nnlu &u'unz.'- ...., -3 ~ Re Noam VICTO,RIA',>ELECTI.ON.-._- Held tliat voters `list is not conclusive proof of qualication; also, that alleged want ' of - qualication of petitioner. is ` no fatal objection tohis right to petition. Noam-Smoorc A that petitio1_1e1: at which. 4 .';-....-l.'c..-;:-- 1 I `oscoonn 'rI_km;,_;i'u1y,16,"1_-'zT3__74.,V* 1 ELECTION `COURT. M _ Pm:s1:m'.--Tm; -CHIEF J ifsmca of On- tu.1'io, THE `HVANCI-JLLOB, and T112` Cuucr` J usncs of the Oommbn Pleas. Judgment was given in the following cases: T - _ve1"g Ag1'2u`e ,.~.Is.'nl(c to approach the ,- ___.-, -v- vuv qunu uuuv in many years, we have 9. Government which draws its inspiration from Wash- .' ingto, and is more anxious to please the ` tafes` than to do justice to Canada 'Then there is the Reciprocity Treaty of "Mr; George Brown and the Ministry. Z.Never was there it more emphatic ex- pression of opinion than there is against . the provisions of this Treaty. The Do- . `pgnignon Bognjd of Trade has pronounced I inst it. Each Province of 'Canada 1 " scbxited it; anal, indeed, nien of every 1 Whnde and stne oz` politics, and men ifith zi6p o1~'~.':. '. leunings whatever, all tl:-w _yu*c one-sided v'Reciprocity 1 . l ' 51fee.tyy r;.g.'e:_'\v.'zis`framed, and thst it {`v'i\{ill, if ca`..'.1c_d into effect, operate most `l "inju`riousl;; ~ _;' enada. In fact "it was a "Un,i_tedlStut:,. st all on the subject, and 1` Aitlias n. sec>11d'mistal to send George f` _`Br'ow,n as the negotiator, for a` more un- jpersoxi` culd not well have been hr 'oug_1t.Oi. One "blessing`is, that after 1` "pp ecigigl zn1nniiin3bmble` expression of t` -r..'.1l0bl8 country. In fact`, it proves that -.-, pot '8I1.d.'never can be statesmen. Short _ -ling and disastrous" one for the country. ` They have needlessly increased our taxes, _ `caused suspicion to; be cast on our loy- p nlty,`i`aised ill blood in British Columbia -1. _)toa '1`reaty which, if pasaed, would be qqdnt-ry, "their own political friends ',f`3fp`n_on _1jgenlixig it, no Ministry dare P it 3 eflicct; but the fi M attempt and its 1'es11_lts are alike disgrace- _6ii_1j imbecile rulers at Ottawa. It' "1 they there no conception whatever .` ,9? the requirements and interests `of this :1 ...`8l17` hey may be politicians, they are '..al_3 has been their rule it has been a. bung- 'by a policy of duplicity and disingenu- qusness, and have committed themselves gnost inimical to_ the best interests of the udges. . ___-..a-o _ ` The Grits have -"t;-ied every _dodgb;n`6t' - {tojlet the above Pmtaat lie` tried -6:1`-its; merits, but thus` far they hz3."ve `failed: `V The charges` a`gainst`tl1e p'etitiofx.1"erV of -' . bribery, &c., of-course,` the Grits nor any ` .1asL:~. body also for one moment blievVtb',be true". The following is the decisiirof 5 the Judges on the p1'elix11ina1'y objegtioxia : raised, as taken f1-om`t11e Mail-of Friday ' ! gax only way so nmnage-F `".. .4 ii =intenAreoz.ivins=*eiri is by the` none man power Aglf ` Exce11en'cies;at the station` and present j , dent McMahon has the ..e;,t;,mume.v ing them with a suitable address. The} i ;, d;cM,,,-,hip_ w.;dia;the we Na v_ minis eXP`5d,_-to` arrive} little after_ 1on;,md is mi {hog `two ofdock 'inrthe.-. afternoon. The . sdoxxet he" -viauilts-:int6 vaant {limdne Governor andlawiwgl 3b?9dutrBd to `of the late Emperor the Bette`:-' it -bei P"*"" e'ii"7* 1!l P`!.*-"`*` `' ,fa"r { that unhappy, comm-y ' But we N,01`h side. of ' the Station` House; where inueu-farm. 29 r=99[, 132* ,gi9;; A Km *;;~mfWh doesi not tickle it. ?a;n `:`5`1i,;`:`ifi`,:i.f.f3.; ;I?"t?, ;$ 23'.,,`:; W1 7 ' - ` , militar gzgaigv gilxcellency the members of the rfgat ca `S f-`til d`- - ` . j . r=`Cou11'c1land`.such of the principal Of- E' 1 u 3 35 deg Cltsqmet m European cials of the Town and C01 nty ni V are es, an or 'e1'many a. plausible - _ ` 33 5`. pfrefezglt for keeping up a standing army 2?-tI;;e:fE: emghEl;nv;1h2ft};Ie cleyggfmf ogucl ' t - _' . _' `.0 ` . _. ` 181.58, 01' to mn3gg:}?elf,ci:1;-r}t$3?:: seuously adjoining the railway fence there will be i V " V` . I ' V '- a stand erected for the n,nmmm,..1.,+:,`... j .`BA`RRIE `Hb0T'ELf.A HAARVIEST PROSPECTS. ~ NoR1'rf':si1_\ I A ELECTION .-' 4.:--ma T" . ` :z\-.v:-;-..., _. A .. - ._-_r'~ mLLIA1u)_ nook. - I I m .u1:c.l)LuU6. 19 mom: of `the pIat_form $1.)? nous y rzulway astand erected for the accommodation _ of Ladies. `the `pr?es"nt.ations~ a.1*e LECTION over His Excellency will embark for "'```"~" `* ' w - %='Grilli1ron~the=-Ladyyf the ~.Lakes,~-`which M will be in Waiiny in fmne at` +1.. ..&..+:..... ...- .1 _'_1 _... ;.- _ I `WHAT A` Pmm Sm`.-.-'-_We are credit- ably informed that Mr. Carpenter, of the j & Carpente,r,ABuild- { 7 1_a.,'hius goththel contract for utt' u 1'. etc j .es"a'1lonn- the _I1))aw,l:;1n rguw to I D a Mr, _Sutherls_.nd,the man who was recent- ! l_v.Vun'gea,t:egl:"q.nd . the con`4 1 Vtestzior t119;Reeveship ofL;t1:at. town.-and .: "1 - h%vinaL ` 0 Costs. icf wouh L2... 1` \IllJ\I vv4uVUl.l.", KUUBIVB U16 mice from evaxybody. ` , V` ._ ' live to milk at hi oWn"fun_eraI---lo join p `that caravan towhich his friendABrve.nl doublt"edl,y,gaze longiugly afar towards * (A`_frio. s `sa iid., Artic lseaa,` Egyptian .....>._.um 5 turn oomes-though may he referigaihd the only one more innu- n1ereblet1um4 hisown, he will un- fto'ri'1be,- Itidian jungies. and Europeim `Art`"rep`ositories', and repeat the-watch word of'hise1ife:--`_Mare Features. Thisis the obaiacteristio which imparts such v_alue'aud irresistible interest to his` great exhibition, `andwiil- here, as 1 eisewhergreceive the tribute of attend-. once` eve'rvbodv'_- . ' P. T.BAiiiw1ii'.Gn;s.t'r TRAVELING Wonis FAIR, AND UNIVERSAL Exposi- TION or F_EA'URE8.--'Th6l`e are some propositions so iricontrivertibly estab- lished as to have long sinoelpassed be- yond the propriety oi discussion. For example: the world is a round body, and P. T. Bariium s. Great Traveling W_orld s Fair,which is to give afternoon and evening exhibitions at Barrie, on Friday,eJuly 31, isincoinparably the big- gestnnd best show in the world; neither of which assertions any intelligent per- son dreams 0! disputing. Among the masses` the latter fact is as well, it not l better known than the former,_but it 9 may not be quite as generally under: `; stood that the great American Monarch 0 of Marvel Land and Nimrod of curios- ity hunters, grows in ambition and eii- terprize with the y:ars,aiidA is constant- ly adding to his vast moving collection n of museum, mechanical, aiiternatio and 1; animal marvels, living phenomena and f, arenic novelties, till hisrepresezitative exhibition has grown- to nearly three 9, times its original stupr.-nduous `propor- 1.; tions, requires the services of over a thousand energetic, men and superior _ horses, and presents under its acres of 1` twenty centre pole oanvasses, some-, `tl thing like a hundred tliousaiid euriosil 3` ties. fteen hundred superbaiiimals, 0` birds, reptiles, and amphibious marine ` inonsters, and. three great` combined. 0` .cu'cus companies of the finest artists in eve:-jy. department of. nniphitheatri exercises and achievements, who _ap. pear ings_u.pnrb,rivalr_y,at the iame time in two separate rings. A_rid.this grand aggregation is fully_as_ remarkable -for qualityas fs:zi=,, many of`_each of its sooresof nionopolized specialities being a show of'.theinselves. ,'l`hre ai"'e,`Ior, :instqnce, in the steam erigine operated Museum and. Polytechnic Institute, hundreds -of the most ingenious and costly French, Swiss and; German eu- , tomaton.gures_ of men, birds and ani- mals, w,hioh_miinic life in many extra-_ ordinarily illusory \\_r_ays; that wonder- ,ful scientic sensation,the Talking Ma- chine, which laughs, sings, and speaks e uently, in exact imitation of the .'hu- ~ mauvoice; the El Dorado dwarf, Ad-~ me, mi`i:al_,-Dot, who is 9. Liliputian. among on , the[s_mallest_pigmies;the only Fiji Can an}; 1 nibels;.evez brought from theiriar and -_ fearful island home; the only living Giraes in this coiinhry; a inastodonig. Rhinooerous, weighng tour tons; the , remai table horse"-riding Goat,A]ex_ig"; monster North P1oic;Sea_'Lions,' "dis,-l .port_ing and roaring in great jtankg of , ..wa1er;,`gisw,io Elands, Ynks, Horned. .;Horse _ Tapire and Vlaok ,Vu rkes; `moo-._ `,rchfial`I1ions,.rayal Tigers,` and `many `other j a_lf`B " crestures and' creations, too nvumergus to -'m,eiin'on'. `Most gu-.5: *'m`e., y`are_`7crediteil_with some tl:iriarltable.lastl ' ',,d1,'d; f}S"!i Sort of original be,qu e:st' to The; surviving fireman` y,` '1 and _.'wh'e n" Mr`. `tlief -`Baifnuiiif{`tiiru`coiiiiss-A-though miiy 4,5 i give Walk; 81 hi'"owti""1.uneri a`1.-;o~.. -33.1.; Tomi; V` [\,l-"', Crealman, Stewart`, , Tron, 'Mdbarly_, I Byu, Le Bye-.' Wzdes, so-dD4lll1` Rem, . Stephens, Fryer, -Green. _ Fremlin, . Simmons, Rvluv OI [H {"011 Ryl.-y, nuns] mn .'l'o!Il,- Graham. Fmyse-.1], Webber, v Chri'slophor,- Moore, Loum, Pepper, `Birch, _` . Ross. . Powell, l\ lnCoz1k(-y; ` van 91- I The follc$`\iri1;1g,"Ai`s.-:t'lie bre of the} match I played at Collingwood, J uly 18th :- - n;nmm'1.~'.~ ... Name ~ I V Majmily for Barrie, J i us nun uu 'vl.:lU"`.%V IN3` : yyill waiting in front of th'e station grounds. The repr esentative- of the` _;Queen-vvill, `wb ti_'us1:;`_` i'eoejve Va. tting ._:w`e1com5;.fr9m" ou1`_.Tq`y1;_sp'_eop1e, who should turn but mmasse foxgthe purpose; We are "lad to -notice "that the Mayor '.l|a.s 1):-oliaimed the afbemoon [of Saturday M a. half-holiday, so as to enable every one ;to`br", present on this happy occasion. 3 - y 5.:;.x..`uuux1'.;,_\1j7ay?;`ffD Song? ~that: the El Mxyor auaeauncauncena foeeiving hir c `AE:cVoeIIe?i1ci:,izt the station and present}: 7 a suitable The ; t txtain is expected to arrive .11 little [after .3 "two o'clock in the: afternoon. Governor and auioe;wAill be ponducwd to! L} 9. platform greeted forthe ogurpqscyt the} ".1 Nolth S]-.dB Of. Statinn nnuvo` uyhnnn 4 n:\_.um((-y, Byes, 21; caLL1NasdQD `law min 2:40 . LI ~ -u I n . mi 1.2.4.. `n..4r..;.:. mm -vs, connmawoon. .... 1; Lag-byes, 3; W:de_s, 5, u - 7 "'J aAgum:'1s`r mmuqs. . with the treatment she has received at deniedithein. England is also seriously mu uwu u-umpuw prior to taking bice, and we` will- for -9. moment glance at their. 'pe}fQrn11mcee." They found the country proIp_ero'u_s,l `contented and happy. .\Vhat iiitl stdte now`? The two recently-ac- quired'Prov`Inces, Manitoba and British Colnnihia are in a. high state of dudgecn under G1-it misisrule;e- the Grand Pacic Raiiway Scheme of .the former Goi(efnni911t'- flms dwindled down `to; a 1nereIiunimerroute;'and tho` utilizing the magnicent water stretches. .So diagu indeed is British Columbia the hinds of Mackenzie & 00., that Mr. 'Walken 1 has gone to England to lay his n plnint at the feet of the Imperial Au- thotie, and thus _ endeavor to obtain Chat jutice from the Home Government which the Dominion Administmtion has displeased at the course the present men "in power ate pursuing, as she is keenly alive to the fact that, for the first time in a I rirnwn :fn I.I\tvv\1.nn 5:I\`~ Pu--. 11- , -.......- us vuuu y'pne more 'q`wn, he Igingly ' [tic `seas, Egyptixm 2,88. and Ellrnnnnh . Q&R`I'C"K`E lA`.A `Totaj, . .v . `. innings and G5:uns- ...... rwnvld aun- Reid, ' .'S'epheua, ' Fryer, Green, Fremlin, Simmons, . Ry! *1 . Creelmnn, Stewart, . '|'rott, Mobsrly, 2 Byes, . , _. Leg Byes, V Wides, . > INNINGS. _,,_ -.....,,., ...g.ua- wuu. com 6 grog:-amme. ` Yachts flf0n_.lv C Liudsgy. Bell jwaft, Barrie, to th_e nu " ' 1' teen, compet_e'._m= gatta, under the patronageof his Excel- oalency the Governor-General, will take place on Monday, 27th July. The clxnlnpjpn ag `.of, the lake, with a. hand- REGA'I"X.`A.--Tlle Lake (loltchiching re -v .nervo:f'. f-class yacht` Seull 5 gnclcan V_ fracas nrb- f um uau uuywuy. wen, we socalled purists: and " heaven`-born statesmen Avuultd into power, and we have now beingovorned by `them for" nearly in year. W6 ttllknow `how theyvaounded their win `trumpets pt`i'or_ to taking oioe, ' and we'wil1-for-a mmmznt nlnnnn ..4- +1...:.. { aged eleven, who had been missing since `I ,,` _.:_.. ruuuauvu. I.Ul.' PI'0I8.Illt`-Y`, .DI;QWm:D.-On Sunday _ night the ten`o_3"c1ock-in the j morhing, was found drowned near J a.ckson s brewery, Orillia. ' An inquostywas help by Coronbr Rum- sgzy, bt_it,`ag `no7cIue could be found re- garding 'who,the lads were that were seen with him during the a_f:emoon, the in- ' Ram-.;. _rm.n n vveslzigation was adjourned till Thursdzijd `\ Runs. `the Ma .Dn`owmm.`-`--nn u ut::n maspnemous in tli extreme. ght to have been .btonghb' befofe yor agxd punished for profanity, ' !.L...1..-.. V ....,.1..ww u. um uouncu retusing to pro.- 7 test; against thecarrying of abonus to the _ N oljth Simcoe Railway, on.Fridz1y. The vote is to` beprotested on the grounds `of alleged `corruption and bribery. ._UPsE'r.-About noon on Thursday `last, a; boat in which were four inebriate _ men, was upset 1n our bay, and it was yy*_itl1Vgreat_d'ifIicu1fty the occupants were sgiired. Thei'r lalnguage to" each _.'other ` whilst blinging to the upset graft, is said to have been blasphemousin /tljie extre_m_e._ Thev nunrht +1. ham. 1.-.... LL ' 2 - RAILWM` BY-LAW P1;o1'Es'rr:D.-At a ' meeting of the Flos Council, at Hillsdale` on Monday last, "Deputy-Reeve Loftus and G9uncilld1'Johnson resigned, in con- '.`scq1fence of the Council refusing to fgst; against-thecarrying a'hnnm= +n Hm 1;; SUNs'moKE._-VVe rcg1`etVtolea1'n that 21. young child nf Mr. Ingo s was taken ill last Saturday from effects of the `severe heat, and died on Tuesday evening last- Sunstroke is supposed to have been the primary cause of deatil. The bqre'aved parents ?havVe the sytnpathyv of A the entire community in this sad bereave- ment. ` J.uv ; uau umw an mgnb 13 inconvenient- ly_ci'o`Wded, as is the R-mxvay Station, 'stea.n1e1' cdme `in, mill` t-he wlmletown rushes out to see" the , no -matter what may be the hour. - ` ` ' V I u-vw nuuuu U; u., as we have time and ` again proved in these columns ; and-. we _ rmly expect{ that, at the next general el_ootionAl'o1 the Local House, which-must take place within the next six or seven Inonthls, it will be decided by the electors _ not-to take the Grits at their own high valuation `alny longer. "fhey bragged 1 well, but tliy didn't hold fast worth a ` continental-dime. l As it is with the ` -Lo cal,l so it is with the Dominion House, jchorgo of selling" the Pacic Charter,- th'.e Grits overthrew Sir John on a. false and, according to them, although all the ovidenoe waato the contrary, the `coun- try under Sir.Jolm s rule \ma"going to the bad anvwav. Well. lm nn.nnllml. Lady Q] til/e `lbI1`<;l!Ei"(L)`xls`.;()61f1P.l,-2,0 Th - - V. . - 0. .0915 03300 Fft mght _1a 1nconvm11ent- IV. crowded. mu. m Hm D..:,1......- Lu `Q .32] , _' o`_' ._KILLED --Last T1`hurscIa_'v' `a bra] man` named Lynch, aged 18 t ` killed a little this `side of Lefroy, fro; fall t1:_~etw'een the `cars wlxilst tr was in I`hI\f;:n1 IT.` I.,-_1 I - , O- . -_- ....._ VIQ\I uuuntic FIRE 'A'1V` PEN`aT.-ixaUIsHENE.--A.` re broke out in the Globe Hotel about two o'clock on Tuesday morning, and totally destroyed it, with sheds and stables, and doing consiclei-able do.m- go ,to Messm 'Je'ery_ & Br_os?. store. M. J. Mundy s Waggon shop xvas also damziged. ....... .,_ 1aLuu_)"Ll.l. me easvonct of the town, recently attempted _self-dest1'uction by- taking l:u1dan'um.- -_ She, Jiowcvcr, was iortunatoly discovered in time to prevent serious conseq1_1ences. Jilted abction is given as.the cause. ' ` ....vJ uv Avu un n.uU\V. . \ ' The voters "list for Bzn-rie is now ready. Any objecbions tl1erot0 1nust. he gmidc in wr_it_i'ng-1 t6 the Town Clerk within 30 days from the date of posting. Examine , it weII,:1'nd let no errors either of omission or coulnnission escape. . i ',Las_t weeka younglad on his way from Barrie to Guelph,'jun1ped off` the cars whilst in slow moti0n;:1nd broke ' hisarm and leg, He says he .h_ad no ticket, and was frightened lest the con ~ ductor should__ turn him `off at some Io`nely_ spot; Po1soN_.-`-A pretty" Servant girl living with 13.: family in the eastend of the YGCOHCIV .f.f.Plnnf.m] ua'll .L...L...._;_' .. I "F Sunnus Ex(:Em*.ED." -- The _' Grit sheet near the N. R. C`. sto.ti)x1, advmn ` tises {airs on Mondays and` Tuesdays in` each month, ex'c'pt said days fh`-1-onS_un(lz1y. Z W ;-1], Neddy, when they do let us know. VVho the Coming Men I is the heading ofa poster published not very far from the N. R. C. stntioxf. ._ Please let us know, as he must `be A proud to have his vclaims udvomted by suchavsllining literary light. ' tr] uuuer on-.aonn's rule wmrgoing anyway. Well, the socalled d "V|Antvn-u:1.n-..J' -L-L----A ~

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