Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Jul 1874, p. 4

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-- -.-vi :-CI ". YUV. W % ! k'~I.IL:LNnA'LE BAKERY um_w.n.r. u.no:.n..x'r V VERY c_m.:AP BATES. Lt13'1~:1;AL_1.1'r sum -1:121) P='U"1.| - --s. "w -* 3 . In-Ali. i.m.'....' ..'vE.;. =r. ., _ "lilo > -I odd`:- Allordoru_ '_,-h|hoAbovo an vlllfnlvqyn hnulhu amn- and all work giunnmd to u- u --v--- u-- --u ----- By conned or otherwise, and an-`nwmnn an A n . um `go 13-: ava-3 noo"i5s AND snons I._;4I_ A- -_.I-_ BUG 13 SI nnnig nnvnn-.u in nu ---- uvqv , --g-q_ -- An`-dfcan In ohotlnly and I_."i?.;._I_-;I1 p BAYFlELDIT|\EE'!71.`i Van 1uBEsT%&cnAPsIiLrlllIuI ~onnAr{ mkdb 5 an v'.n4'm:zni -vwvvw 'E1'v1P5'1_uUM. U )0 'Vj&:I.IJ 7pi3F'rL_v Amnnsn T -1! _.-_I. ..._-_-..A--.I A- "g;.'.'I.7 Ila... ., T? 333.0 ._ . paw swrcnnn a T . nunan mm wow 8 ..'..-.I`.{. ........'. %.,~.:."......'.'; . L; .5. L... `d:1zocz_zmzx: mndiui NEW -1-.a.:u,..o:=a dud ; Fimmoxnm Tunoizia. .. an Inuftlgg` \""," II`, ' mm! my U, run ALE. :- 4ND',PoM'E1z, _ ` lotion; I1.` U. nuun, Proprietor. AIL] I ' rmis/' 43-Cf ' ~. -- xv '~F ?Tl`7" "About two end a hall miles from hwmneeburg, Ind., there is "a little In of eight nereq, owned. by `a poor {gm y`-by the namebf Bradley, cop, uiuting of the husband and wife then, children--two daughters, aged; xeqfzeetively ten and twelve years, a " [in e .boy aged . three,"and`ai_gin{ant 5 even or eight months old. ,On the ad: , "niug {eunis a man named Frank 1 it!-= ?`h9 was enga9od.; t xday in ploughing .wlthin sight ox we house... Stnhly notneed Brad oy'.91li- ; tle'_.bo' llllllhg about the place egying ;-5| 7:010 t0.*ImIt;otlw.da lb!!! - Igmnejiteuuotqwstecillcowaxds ' qf;`;`~ ngggheulhlihugmr-uni '.'81Ill`V. '. ..hiI!'f1i!!..Z'i!f.!lIi-'i6ihM fh'1'-'i elm `a ,1 ' 12...: _ . ,., ,2 ` i I Under thts heading the mercantile agency of Messrs. Dun, `Burlow & Co., New York, have issuedua cireulargas a contribution tcgradual iniprovement in the public -sentiment regarding the respect . of business in the United lates. We give `the following ex- tract '.-The circumstances of the past six months have not been favorable to trade. ` The effects of thpanic of last September have lingered longer than was anticipated by many; but, these facts have been more apparent in re- stricting trade than producing disaster. Considering the suddenness` and `vio- lence of the crisis of lastautumn, the commercial fabric,of the country has not . shown serious signs of: dis- order, if the number or importance of mercantile -failures are to be taken as an index as to its condition, It _is a fact, as surprising as it is gratifying, that, within. the past six months, there have absolutely been fewer failures in number, and Tcertainly fewer in promi- nence, than for the `same period in the ' average of years. On the contrary, r oi-`indebtedness in allclasses, in al- indebtednes in the `coluntryytc-day _is not _` this time last year. '.Indee,d,` so great cause of a restricted Jvusiness 1. a_ ; or the safety of credit. The"fright that mines of the failures that irnmediat , ; . has been heeded- It, then, it is goat? Into dllv.-`.1|tO.0iX_;tIlOn!hsqt.dull`timesi "5 we have had abundant opportunity `for . other-ving a very remarkabje cll0n; most all sections of the country.` It is l safe to say that tlie` internal mercantili ` more. than two.th`ii'ds what iit was at . has the tendency been toward ,.liq[uida-V tion, that italone has beenras much .3 I _har;_ipered t_rade,is "any want 6! onv deuce in the stability of the country,- the debtor class received in September i has-had its eect,'and the '-very .promi- followed `impressed deeply (lesson that A -nabs reducing debt,sp-it;its_i9;- `ee to owe two dollars where last year three 'wl_iich may have been eirpeiienced are: i not without somecompensation. :3.-". ~ on.n'u'An_n, nnlcu Bnocu-," Av.` . -' 'iuni.'}Ir. Bduio 0ot. l5th,I8'l8. ,, ` i ' ` AL...A A._-. __..| _ A novel dining table is now in use in one of the Palaces oi'thc Emperor of Russia. The table is circular, and is placed on a Weighted platform. At the touch of a sign, like a rub_o(_A_lla_d_-, din`: lamp, down goes the table through the floor, and a newtable, loadedvvilh dishes and supplies, rises in its place. But this is not all ; each plate stands on a weighted disk, the l.3bl0r0107h being out with ciroula r openings, one for each plate. It a guest deeiresaehange of plate he touches a signal at his side, whenpresto his plate disap eixrsand another one rises. These mechanical dining tables render the presence or servants quite superuous. ; In _:.t`liis country, out the Oneida Commhnity, they employ dinner tables having the central. part to revolve. Here the gob- lets, spoons, tea and coffee, casters, pitchers, and other necessary articles of table furniture, are replaced ; revolv- ing the centre piece, the `sitter brings beiore him whatever article may be desired, without the intervention of a special waiter. The Russians are evi- dently inadvnnce of the Yankees in respect to dining tables. 9 ' ,,,noua ,u...;. .In.2_; ;1;T;.;..,....: pelted sF.,.,..(;, an igtones. lit] be , tunghbonr-vary gs`-to bag gggi ing an `A lvni-II Thn nnnr nnlunni used to wipohis spectacles V y th'l:r..~begeu in a. measured. tone : . `MAnsEII-I -Es`. u3I`:'f."_1_.`77.5- `.2 When I was a child, .1 fell.ill'ot.e` - fever, and during rnyreoovery s'I`ered-' intensely tromthurst. There had been " a severe drought for many miijaths-; I end` the water; always poor in quslit,y~,'. wasjalmosyt wholly exhausted. At that time my, mother _told _s_rney_thnt marry l hundreds otthe poorer .o1pss`eul1ered :jti`- ' thesame way. She` also t;ol'd:n1e.th,at, u my father and many` others thad? lost their property by fire, chiefly` because there was an inst1ioieat""snf$ p1y_ of, water to extidguish the nme_s.,'e -F.q1'~.v these reasons, I bequeath all my"pro-=` party of every kind, after the pay ment of my just` debts and of my funeral expenses, to my native city of Mar- seilles, for the purpose `of providing: waterworks which shall supply the en- trre community free of expense. `*" . Jacques Guro'r'.'_;-; a After a. slight pause, the oflicer con} tinusd : This is the original tl__octitI_ifeIli and` is much _t_.aded. What. I3li}l;*:rt0_L ` .v read was apjrarehtly oft the day of h < death, and is very brief: , f _ _, AUG: 1, l'82;'r'. 5 Ru nnn'I\nI\1Iv an) .'_J.._a._,_ Y L-`-- ;A5et-295Vio., cap. 17, was in a case r` _ The advantages of a life policy to a wife for whose benet it,-is 9ipted,: _are:g'rea.ter then 4 t_hey?were aiIu g`l1t to be; According to a recent .deci_aion in the Court 0'! Appeal for Quebec,..the there decided (Villedon iv. Mairzipuin) . held to provide that not only the redi- tors of the husband had no claim. egninatgthe proceeds of the life policy, but that the creditors of the wife her- self were in e similar position.` In other words, no oreditoreilher of the husband or wife could intercept any. portion of the money coming to her under 1 life policy effected in her favor = on the life of her husband, __ The Court regerdedthe insurance in the light of an "alimentary revision made by the husband. Ju ge ' Rnnisny dissented `Inlfl th tlnnisnn __Mnufo-o/17 'I`.'.mn. uu--`uf Ivufou I9], lull`: gale A . .TVl1epo_)r`n br_a1 041 ml; ; r'ic1i siiorxli an V T:oiitd`~!:"M' lilgorgofiooul LC 'InasI gy gdo y. ln;ltlh:ir ooncljes. ' Let qxjo` r`ad:{you his_ _wx . 31 II- _-_,_ 2 n, ,, I 0 0 - -7- nun.` 1, xowuh Bf economy and industry I have acquired e"formne- of -more nun dour} million francs; end I hereby "give and- bequeeth the same to the object above named- ' - - A Jpcauss '(;,u}.v;.-r`." _ Such is the patheuo utgxy ofJaoq1iea Guyot, the Miser of Marsbilles.-`Oli' and New.` _ . LIFE INSURANCE-FOR TWIVILJSII uuauuuuo J uugu nuxusuy (HSSOIIIG1 [tom the deons1on.--Montrea? Times. " osm-:c'rs -FoR`trEE; FALL PB TRADE. . % : %3;`o?*liB>n,z1 `$34? :3 :I'A'1r'I\l'-In: "79 =~`t31"`-:JI.~..::`...'an1.ann..~a.-_n~. 7.- - .- RUSSIAN 1NGENt31fY. ` _'I`a::vAEx'c:r.;-TDootor' Joseprrua'ShoIhoneei : ` ' ' rVog'o_tb!a~, P111: now super- l_ jorly urur-Coated Aoufnoljb excelled 9: Q .` Fa"mi1y - ediainfbr general pnrpuu. ` ' - Tho_,l'_ ill oJ_d&irn*t`ho acme properties of `Mun& raH'i1Du'udeliolr, us well as non- ( ` und_ B31419! ofrcnlbtynlhlnct Ektnotol 5 ,r..;_;on:s cum uiumgogr. ; L. r and nan-uhaar;~'r edoinf f- _oIoyf_auI'IIa..-..3Bo_sHhl'I [sign 4). amino i. II1 _ `.T8i.Eicm Do6:'} .15.. Va ' . " 'vn"1ainhI'n.g Dorm Ku9wpHm.-iVe`heard of a man wno owned a horse which bed been for e ' ~lor'rg time aliotqd with rohronio cough, and _ was otherwise in a poor condition; he at * '-loogthrosolved to sell him; and did so {or g ._ vary triing sum. Some 5, or 6 wash after- "wirds, he met the person to whom he had sold hiya driving; heeutilul horse, full of mg, and` boltcludedihe had eithetiexchengod him ` forthie or purchased another; but judge of his surprise onlouning that the hme was A _sa ` .t.|tt_ho previously owned and con. `red;p5.oltj,r1;1}nlnet. On enquiry u to ` |h!1aQ.'9c!4l.`! km` 5 l1|B.`|i0 Wu told::th,at,A`,-puJey. q Condition Powdere and Artyhi _ IVa.Ramped`p'! had done it. TM; 1115! ' 7 51518.. 0.990936 eotne romorhble outuew `Remember the 1nu_u`1e.`nud gee am `the signature ofoad-& Co. in on eagh `pgok. age.'=.~_.--Northrop Lyman, Torontm. 0ot., grdpndmefm Cmade.; Solo l_>!I1]'rpgdioing' 9. `"5 "-:_2;t.-'~" _ ` "'V;-3. ;. . _ ` f_C'ICM.'i0, lune. 27-A violent hurri- Ime struck Lacrosse, Wiseonsin,yester- - *dey-carrying away the roof of the new "house; _ Emery s livery stable , the steepleof St Mery s church`, and doing :1! vast amount .ef:n-isoellueous damage. A} `wens time the wind xegiatered a =iefo_ei_ty ,0}; nine miles. Greatdamlge 3 done? e_t,jWinona and ` other . ; river tbwhk-.v passenger depot of the St Paul railroad, I-g_-yqq -qvu nvei tbhi GET THE BES'1,`.,-GQOd things, in the long run, are the chiztpest, for one of the best pl_:1_ce,s _`i`n the dry goods, dress goods, ` 1-_eady-inndecloth ing, tailoring and grocery `lirfes, is at the Nelson House A more !;on_e3_ ox; bebtm jgtxgincss man than Mr. B_Tc_Iso does\'-_hob"*e_xist 'in:- this or` any. other. town.` _. Give him a call. ' ` No coxmzcwxm: LINK. betweenjhe purchasing of the phos- phorus"an'd the receipt 0! the strawber- rieevbyp the -intended .v1otim has yet been discovered, nor has the boy who broughtvthem :9" him? been found. they ejected them from the mouths. A closer inspection of `the berries showed that-they were sprinkled with astrange substance, which was found to-be phosphorus. Some 0! the par- ticles were largetas peas. AV chemist was imrnediately applied to, who, after trying one or two experiments in an- alyzing the substance, said there was enough in the strawberry basket to kill a dozen men if it had been swallowed. No special effort to nd the author ot this attempt `at, a terrible crime was made till Saturday morning last, when the aid of Chief of Police4Marsh was oalled in. It wire soon ascertained that aloriner business, partner of the man referred to had a day or two pre- viously. inquired at one of our drug stores fofphosphortia, but as they hap- pened` to be out of the article obtained ibat ahpther place. ` ` rfeicoxxncmrm umr. -51} UT 1 "i>}'n'zf.1_laii_ii';xHiiB'ii' {aged th_a Ihg .:wom_an I had 130 to- mwnsuwmrawm the abdo- _._.. -nolugl. 1.- Luna -....... ..lI.....:~uu J?.W. TING_s. T11 E 01~;.Iv%'1? E S TAOFREV: II C IUIIIIIIIF `HUT UI| U UIIC `VIEW hxeh gsghurat openyallowing, jrl y_:a__a_l_eo lying on the floor dead, Vwiih her skull crushed in. She lay withnher `feet towardi her. mother,..':.and lie; ggbadv towards .t;he*bed.;- = On the `lat- ~ lei `lay-`. the yon_ngeet_.diittghter; dead, ; with the akull goruahed 'in as 'in the =other_two cases. There was no evi- dyrioe of'aIItri1ggl'e,"no other trace of V fvigleneedqh the'pe'rsona of the murdered p6p1e,'and no weapon or implemeht suggestive of the means by which they : `felftinder'theeassas`sin e blows. Strahly ;e:i 1y uptni hiedisbovery of the bodies. and the` place was soon visited by scores of 'V p5ple:' The horriddeed was evident- `/ly; 'f;!ormed with some heavy, blunt rtmgfement, mi` there was no out or gash except the slight abrasion or wond on the infant's head, and there vI'za_e;no eusion of blood`. The neigh- bours regarded the Bradley family as glgiptv inoensive and industrious oor peep . "` No one liore-their any ma iee, = -bl1p8;i,WID;supp0sed that they had a I `little"{x]n9y'etored away, it is believed Ikni 1111:} nnnuinbnrl, Ohm l\I`IlII' mntivn , wls ti ll"dO;"f-1I`_G_;; 0ldGBC.`: , Bainesroivr, Conn., July` 2, 1874 4 ' Some tithe ago {our young men, an- gaged in business in this city, entered into an arrangement among themselves to get their lives insured for the sum of $20,000 each, each to contribute to the payment of the premiums oi the four, a direct understanding being made that t in eased! the death of either the sum of $20,000 was to be divided equally among the three remaining. The in- Birrances on this basis were effected and i payments regularly made, and the. four rested in satisfaction as to the prospects. Meantime, as is alleged, two of the party. suered trcmiernbarrassment in " 'bttsin'es,;and were in tribulation as to ` `what method should be pursued to raise themselves to a point of self eue.en- auce again. A week since a boy, sup- posed to be of German parentage, hastily entered a store on Main street, with abox of fine strawberries in his hand, and inquircdior a man who was employed there, saying that a person had met him `on the". street_ and reques- ed him to carry the berries to him. He was paid-for the errand, but could notsay who the person was that had sentthe package. The man thought the circumstance a little strange, but accepted the berries and took them home. On his arrival he told the story of his obtaining them of some kind friend unknown, to him, and his motherand family had tasted of one ortwo of the berries. The UUIIIU IUEIIIIUII OIIUH 3IlI.\lI llllull III: I ' t inoiieusivo .ind}:aIrious pepig Nanb libraihdm `ggs;ig.yvagsupposed a I 9"n.oyf'gtozed< is behaved that -lhpgconsytituted the only motive for t&Q*?murdar.' A*letter.was found add1neJi5to.= Mrs. Mary` E. `Bradley, da`!6d'nt"Chilo,` 0., May `31, 1874, and }uA||'Ii ?nh a` `6 Mn hm... Wifn aivina uuoX`uw:I vrunl, U. nun us,` LUl x,. u.u\-I begrgurngg `{ My__ Dear; Wrfe, gxvmg some {ow oofnmongaoe` details enclos- ing $2,` and promising to send more in fa lsH`or"!" time. The letter was from lh `htfabiznd; who is still absent. `It is supposed that therermght have been about;$1_5_ or _so in Mrs. Bradley's pos- V se_ssion,~ but 90 one. who knew them be- . lieved thtit` the hoard exceeded that 'mount`, and for that trie fellrdire islaughter upon `her and her young daughters. ,-The fact that the murdered family were all oled shows that the murder must have "been committed eome time yesterde.y-early in the day, `I l'|'0hnhhr;:f?\r Oh`. nh|nl n -mmina nnnmun _ riulfuu uulc yO5IS3I'd8.)'-88.l'ly Ill Ina uuy, } [35 hblygrfor ho childfs `crying appears cb avebeen noticed by the` man Strahly us early-as noon. The child could give no account of the mysterious tragedy, ifl it-nnnnni annnlr A HORRIBLE scdmm TO OBTAIN $20,000 on A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY. ying hg b m. Examination .-nnn that lhn mnmnn hull 'n"`nn 1-1:. lead," 'th7 ,5" I ' `hedisn, `H mbe, h' ig_ wlzud on the hind, "1:l'I`TEMPT AT POISONING `I-`LAVOUR BEIVG DISAGREEABLE, Gentlmoivs -n -1: A n-L -2-4-Q. -up p'n-0-' ` hi 1'. 3-I.`-mg. IVUVHIJI VI UII9 I-I-I ztx-cannot speak. I s - L Ere? VirlI"t'. '1 9 . ' 1" 2!?-90.-. 3.3- Ct!-% _ % IMPOR'l`I,.l%; E % 4 , g'_..,.p 4 --- npull _ u M1IvI.zI1INER~' TEIES ."- '.",. . "m V ? COIIPABISQN, ,.?_gg_/1.1;1"_;'n'.1i. ` 01;: siugfdnag I *- Stout whnociir Ifn noc. " `:7lnolI1BnD5dA` w:193 . ASoanAn_euA >Jol0|I1IIlie_ at @500, sold elsewhere at 81.95. T.'.__ 13 ;."\.:*.*s-s. _ , . l'i'f1i1CVlil;lt'VI`_;Id;ii ti; this uukgji. 7 '5 557 si 0 which we invite purficblmi ilfxiiibi` : "Those Goods are of our ownim nation; ind are the but ulna. we on: o and'l9&;$ubli@. C`.lI`_l-IA II Inna an: -..-.......: wumz oonous s, |'f:;Ipi1`s;~%l% -. 2-]. ._- ...- % * Splntlid A mil-:1v1' BEFORE *P.UR(;A8lNG . ' -...--...--- i I ..a__-.._...__, Bold in Banio mun. `I"nr-an LnMuurgg`4ma1nsA1 `Qhli a"i:i'x. :i`7iS,f_1ir`e'i-:b1nu,'.'-"ff'n `every Enncz 3! _cnllivuiio`p-_-wheIhei`in the eld. or d, I the Villegl d [at lhdggardan, lh , mu be is I Its a 1 order an yelem to ienre euqc - end thiunllh ie mnly_ experience.-Anolhet greal um ` u , ,` been esle bliehed by the heme `nine, <&If} `ie:"l`heI u a preventative medicine, or 3 medicine for the cure of come, coughs, them i I nmnem and summer oorqplynle. the "Cann- dien Pain Deemym" is the moi tegietgla For sale by el1DrnggieIeendenImtJ -Prioe 25 cents [er i_>oIIle. , f 1;. T they-ere thus enabled to ggg;b)tuer,p_i1c,eg;Ii A Rnur GoehiAn`1to,n`.-yiwego the attention oi il1.iItOIOltldv.to../gilt, undoubted merit, end.which_yezw i all in want of to give it ttiel. e i`tefer_`to "Derleyk Condition Powder: end -Atebten Heeve Remedy nowbeiog extensively need by many of the ergeet lI0llO~d8I18|'l in the oountty ; these men have dieoovered that it im roves the eonditi of the; e by '9 . fyugg the blood etld fo:l.|QVtng gain? and liver all that prevents they? nlthy . tion; its effect ie eoon nppereIit`t"n the I _'- ` proved appearance of the animal. `which is one greet reeeon why hotee deelen use it` as at the eeme time give their cnetalnefg epttntl ' and healthy horaeeu Remer_nbe;r Ham: and see that the signature of i!-lord"`&` Co. la 0 each package. .Northrop& l.ymen,;TOfe nl0. Ont., propriezore for Cenedg. Sold by an medicine dealers. . i " - ' ....... lrom lull- ivg. and romnbs its growth and strength. Cn- nudinn air Balm" renders the hair soft and glossy, and in the most elegant hair droasin ever offered to the pubhc . Canadian Hair Ba m in not a dye, itis warmateb free from injurious tn- gredicnts. It is the cheapest and but hum restor- ative in use. Price 50.-ta per bottle. For unit: by all resputalnle druggista. Th 8 , Modidni ::::`%`"3=~*:z::re The efficacy of Bryens Pnlmnio `Wafers in curing coughs, colds, errdetl Bronchjnj at'- A teotrons, and cheering the alictod} hasbuld into I. proverb. In the United gum, when-'9 these marvellous Wafers are nown, they bear down all oppositron and eclipse) ell rivalry; the dszncnd for them he: steudtjy increased for the last twenty yeiriftrnttl now the sales average over one hundred thousand boxee n year. Eminent members of the medical profession without nnmber admit that they know of no ppfrat" n producing such beneoi|1'resnlte new Q ggiors. When taken in season they effect u-=`pert_pn- nent cure. Sold by all druggists and ootltllty dealers at 25ots. per box; _ `_ I i. .-3 -4:; *5 V I have, thin dnypnt into the baqdl of Mr. W- Meik|e,.Oica_.-corner of Bnfold and Colliar Sttoetn, Bluio, 311 my Book--Accounts, Noten, &o., with power of Attorney to ur- rnnge sud collect tho sauna at the earliest date practicable, without respect of person's. Those indebted no now notied to provide for anttmale pdymem boforo. any costs be incurred. I n in . u9I\I! ' - . ' ' . - ~, . _- % V B A R L2 re `V -`E '~ "ax? *_3'1.'__~ . ,..-V . .-E :.;\J.; .. t` `. V ESTU ="100II'3Hm .""" ` --. ugh: .__..__._.__-_ . if . " . ._ F . . I ` .-`, . X . . . 3/. v. ..' 'A'. Q ' ' . `f-25 Mn.Jnu I. FILLDWI; Manufioturing Chemiitr , A ` Sta: For sovoral months pant I have med your Compound Syru in the treatment of Incipient Phthisis, C ronio .Bronohitis,~o.n_d other tections of the Cheat, _ Ind I haio no hesitation in stating thqt, it, ranks` f_oro'Io|t. amongst the remedies used in those disasei.` Being an exce|ieot nonono tonic, it exdrta a diraotinuonce on the nervous Iyatarmuod through it it invigorate: the bodg. ` ` ` It nhrrln ma nlnnnnrn lh rnnnmiunrid 3L -nuiaunuua T V T P,'MoAVOY. Barrie, Juno mm, 1874, uc,u,._..,a gum gnu yuul vn muuxu lulu uvulf HIRI- 3`v`f';, `" c mxcme` la the result of a lift: sandy mm` pu(x!I.I(`(;"t ..WhIchW0d1}`0,}0;:,_ ' bvxmllto eve . : - '~ pecl Modldnos b all ta MT1 pcche.orslx !gr&'>.or\s `Be gent y man on recclp 0 money. bu - mrougn n u mngomes the body . It afford: mo ploanuie lb rccomtjaeid remedy which is many good -in ones lb!`-` which it is intended, when no many 11!- vorliud are worse than uaolou; i ,7` - X um, Sir, ` ' Vnninlrilii 1 ' Yonfnlruly, ` - A . z.s. EAE_E,Jr._M.D. S! John, N.B., Jnnunry; 1868.` ' " M ' , W _ ' . Cumsall Nervous Dlsaaseqsudn as 'l`I'omots, Dobmtyr-- r1(>S_>se%aI iI on; cw.` vtvlhllgh. inimatxrlz cu.s<:a,m-op u yovcr nueneou use of wbacco and alcoholic spirits; but tho cmc Medicine is more especially rccomxnen as unfailing cute an Seminal Weakness. Spzgmatoz-rhea. Ix,npoce&u:g&`ma.uu (seaaeg that follow as a name A 1' Memory vernal mud - ` 3.. Back. blmneeo of i 2 H] GREAT l -1`-: `.,m,_ FlP`\T(NT TCOTT .31 -seine:-sung; ,3um-ra.ung. v . .' i"%"` .1 -"$3 .5PF..'...!9 .ME'9'_"5 j_---2 `We are showing Kbjpiogdnd Sook of u not; on hand c`oI|oloc ; . Io'r_1c1?:'7rO,ALL coN,cB.|3r~u_':D.-_: _ ;;_,,N 7; ` `Wmda0r.Oz .n bys36!i 13Wo6d_., Northrop . mam `l'oronw:l-Wholdgglc Agents. --v---:%*-------5---9-4--------- _- _,-7_ __-_._-.w yv`, -cg nu rpnckago, or six {brim 1381103 0| In: , _~. tvevcx "v}'&i - u-u \'l ,ou, Yours lr'uly, ; 7 R r.`.Anr.r.` .. `V i 'i "}`7~};` "'2 '.= .:4un.V Mianfznll u`.3 V Y '0. ,;Wm .dnL. I'nv-OI.-- A. Y. uAuuBVlyV8h- _ & Ly- Io. Axenta. r e s [0 res . grey _ and .- qdeql huir. "!o`ilI origi- nal colour. AT JOHN Canadian Hninnlm" r e s 1 0 rec nonlt nml ` `(VIII Oflgl` colour. ll will re- ` movo st-urf 1 and dand- l rulfund all impurili e a (mm the scalp.` Cu- n A d i u n Hair Balm D prev._e n In the lz n i r lrom lull-' mulh, l`.n- ~`.4t?Stl . . 3. .nvvsla`llUla,lJ .l"IJllNI'I '7" ` A I - 1' `.7 1' F ` Thebes! 1 *' ` inimchi "L: ' Alto 3 B:x.t:fu_l gqd wol:lc.ct:fl` ` - |Fan'oy Goodruid `Berni w y Ottognqti apd Slipporrgg B - I t O" . A '. ' n,. LWFURNITURE r . ~ 20131:: nbweu q})[c9,' at; _- .. -.. .. ..... ..,,.uu..nnna mu lremcndoun - ' ' `-1 of 4 " 1-` n 1'17 -` A -- /-- -;.;;.-.;.;.-..:.m::. ' .:`""'"'v 59!: the m? goroctlardcr .;...,_.v,'\_,,. V . IAHD I larch nnnnoin. ..r..L'- _ , ,. _ .. .. .-e -g xl _1 [Mao I large quay: _ he molt utyli-h AMERICANW FINS, ` 1 3% :W. nonxn. i _ if .1 Av 7.9: n_~;,.-;-,' Gnunu. 'Gnocnu:s. .Wn.;:u, Fruits. mun __ ` niffa at hahd, par!iI*-`wox lg_pdg;_nine the tremendous atc , .` Al k . :4` rzin do well to ca v.uulcIlIy 0I!"l!InU1"Hl9'-IUWOIII` iculnr attention given to high! Double Omrlngc linmess. Solo I in Bngxie ,0! the "Excelsior Rm Strapu,`to`7wbichtho attention I is specially directed. Run-in Jm... In Um U2 w:7"V'Ii3.3i7`*-1-{-I11'a\IAN, 02223322592495 9-'= `"1 uovsams wvnmrwv-#3-; ,4 rue beahlauil" n.ai;.; .1-a-o ------ 0 un"nnu run urn; '- uuuwu vs V- 1 lg ta _ ` we Farmers Proglilcc. `II`I'z_inoi as he can lay his land: on,bonght,nnd the highest market t pnoo paid. Give a cull once and you wil b_e mtg to come again. - r. < ~. 2 THOS.~LENNOX, ; : few doors North of the Wcllington Hotel, ` 42- y . Burris As the advortinonln pnctlcnnj conversant with his business in all its details, employ: the moat skillful workmen, and uses none but the bolt matcnnl, he can wnrrnnt all work made Ill bin establishment to give thorough sati9fx'.ctio:x to the purchaser. Single and double Harness , ; ;,8uddlg|;._UollI:I, Tmnkl, Vplisoa, ' thlpg, eovuicgod .wi1l1':-mu hlllnana r'1`ho ianu-vi?hTuakrn1,1.g;i." fibii. Apuronago given in the put, roapecuully lolioltl B continuance of the name , and -' begs to state thnt hi: I. ta'r`i-.. :;3:`.:9 ~. :42. __._-.___,,. , L. R. W7`7 s. SADDLE AND iiAi!NESS MAKER, C`or__1m' ofuycld G; Dunlan .S`h-gm-. 1111121211.- "i3;i0vIsI0;.s vtlll [Ill Comer a_ llll UIPIUIII I VAN 11Kse.&.. ._ & MORGAN; mm: I-on"'mI no. snmt CIl'>IIIel and U door Wouln Illlw, Illivvlainunanv, A-II-1 - nwv -_.._- , Osotbabonten oitherfor quality or price. 110 deal: in the but mukeu,and csnnot he . undo:-sold by any house in town. He also keep: on hund the but of ._.___.__ -.... q-oJ\CIvt\1'|l1 Anuu AD. &c., to: , An assortment ofwoll made Oollnx-sin stock and wtu`-muted to give satisfaction. Riding and Drivinlr Whine. mu. nnma any vuu-rameu to gun samtaction. ' Bidjn Driving Whips. Bits, Ourry omba, I5rnshes,.&c., together wi pleto outtting: for-entire horses; all 0 he oers at very moderate prices. Barrie, July 16, 1873. ___.__.______._____._____ smnms, 1 TR A M |KinLE Y A urn TTA nxvncxru nnm . nv n'~.n..n...-.. 1-.5: vvr1I\|I DEIVIIIWOC, Having iaken the bromxsos lntely occupied by Mr. Wm. Root, nearly opposite the Barrie Hotel, begs to inform the farming com- munity and the public generally, (but be has now on hand and manufacture: to order SADDLES. ` Iv_lr1lIVllV lVI\I\lllI- Una now,6n .u.nd an extensive and genuine atock of Single and Double Harness (Carriage and Team), English and Oommon Riding Sad- dlel, Double and Sin. lo Bridles, Collars, Mn, which he can oifor at very_ xensonahlc prices. Also in stock, some of the best English and othor Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes: Oui-xy Ind Hana Comhn, Cards, &c., to be found in*this'u1u-ket. `now `-05.1. in cl... 0...}. ___..:-_...__1 1, In IDIU IIlIX'K8I- Any Article in the trade manufactured, fur- nishod to order on short notice, and warranted (0 give sntinfsction. rmniniiu -nH nvul -\An`1uo .... ..4-A . JUWIUI"F.`I!l xrl [UNGH_EV0_N &;OYS'I`EI_l noL*s1;: `:LLINT(?51)?15}viT, 051313109 JS1`. Uyateri 8 tewed; ,Fr_iad and Raw; Luncheons, V Hot and Geld, -prepu-bed on short notice. A (:ood.11zaoaizfg-ea-`Cu Cup 5/ TEA. coNP_scrr6NnEi'T5'AKzs, 343., "so. ...-_..... `noforgot :0 call in. 11'. BAIL. nrzupnua weu am Bu-rio, April 8, 1870. ]uma..,~. [_1=.A.I1\T-I-1:::a.:| Shop on; John 91360;, hear Bsil a Pinning `Factory,'Bu'rri9, Ont. . M Or-dirt lo at E-I-(}n.iu a Hardware Store, Faczorymurriq, um. O:-din loft gt E-f.`;.Gniu_"a Store, Dunlap street, 'wilLbe promptly amended to. Febnnrv 2nd. 1873.` 6-15 amass &'T'n'LIvIE milmxcrunnn, . ;::::: z::3.f?::.?:&.`:?.::.:?.:';:::*:::.:;; generally, that he in well, and driving business _ ` in his new premises, ' nvhunarlir inn nrvnu A uvn a A 111 1:11 1 :1 _ - - .-.v--u _.-- C anon-nu, 1VBol.lu!.l W H III me premmsa, 1 ottP`9s,I1V_a`1IR.:DUnHAu's SAW MILL, ` * "f~=':m.s-m)ALE ROAD. '1-ly a specially mrectod. Bnrric. June 18, '73. J in ki_ngt,,8ndd1u, Uollu-I gd ` (hi conqgcgod M rbnntin on and`tt'\xe.ld' culnr lnnnn ..:...... on I ADDLERY AND HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, BAYFIELD STREET, A fw doors North o_l' the Wellington Hotel. - v- u-.... ...v _--- _- WI AND I.J.aUORS.. mo AL 1111)` PORTER`-,'b6t0fei 6r on I-ni-lI`I-f- pa THE nnmmg; oommunmz I ..um-' - Di -a-5. , usl ..... u n. un-nu vu uuvnu uuuuv, ILU Will `o ' in well and neatly executed. hrrio. April 8. 1870. I... long )unlo`p willpe 1 Febmu-y `mid, .1873.` ->j` -r-u-7-ynu-`U IIII l';`.;7,.~?.._ V_v M _. =3-ww in! bum.-2--` 2...` .. ~ . `lb -* `. , ' '-5-`V 33 `Gay. -43"`. - -f; . -=1 -wast: .m.:- " "a-rgul-. EDWARD BEMROSE, [Ming the brommos lntelv occnniod h 7 AD-m;I-mE. Ias'mBLxsn.\1Ex'r. Jiiit received a consignment of hell: .-r---r~r-rm-1-.1-hr-nr AINTIN_G. n.Tf~i'71'iNCL Iililiii mid ornfumentnl. _ , ,.,.,._.,v~;.p..,~_-- ww- .~ v - .,- -O-BERT MCHENRY, ' SADDLE. In-vlunlu n nus:-vnvuy II n nurlnn nmlvll MARTIN MOOR nnw An Lmd an nu n n n u u n - mi nnn uuno, TEAM 8 CARRIAGE HARNESS. nmmmm ..... 4..-u uAll`.IuU'.) mzmuu, r afugcld Q Dunlap .S`lfrja't'a;.B.I213Il$ .__-p-Q GRAVER, a,`Yg";"n'nd Onrriagle, Plain and I manta . yr v .-.V\I.I.U`.L.l-` L l, gt Eanbl` h e I ' atuwwmawff u i r'1'o:'3I,"#.?1'.' [nn I Blqck. ;je. .- _ an--u-v.7 nvruuuuu -nu VIIII-ll: V I-(-i'l(_)'P'Al:(;;ND eno-noun indoor to It. 0nI_Ip|on'|. n`-' . I3 1.` JILVAIJLAIMI \.a\f.v.u- V-u1- - mgp xgknipxnv ,5 numm1,h=nie1"a`b' in lo:-an 3n tho ll`. flDG('.t(lln' EH7: alhn\I!`;,'".i>ar!i:l- u'.vbuld x.._1_1irtm the stock AA 0 ` N IS DD sm1'3Lr:s, L` mum Ulrrlugc, mental {ld constantly I!!! do to on-am- En. Idol ,. ,.. M.-l. 4 1 Jtock in Ban-Io.` ctcrhtock of 1'. 11-3- : ...;,;.;.:.:;;1`:;;'1;.T.::;`;;; 9`-ldwoit paos. -'-Part- [0 Lillhl ghlnhx or--I uno, TRUN KS vvulyu. mus, unrus,l :., with com- !hnrIuIn- an M ...1.:,.:. ta-aw: mm A c'KLI;.'.o II, xn;I|Kl, VVIIIBOB, ,will1`;:;thu business dwoit vola. `Part. nvvuwu B800 ru'w1.,1 +1 wrrlv. puns. wart- dght Single and 1010 max-uscturcr lino`: ml H!-- , anti Orna- s ?r o_1}7n._iarl u u1uruuu;luft l` tack and my of the public :u.u'r w1uIcom- a; of which m. P`. BAIL. Ana Cards, it}: com- uu. Agent. [ 24-]? |lW.l_.Q`!1ely> [aha wu,pc1 , ublilh tbt tlnouf __1r ;amited wnn.gI_Ing'.'_- rtriod tyne` or u; .3 uiainu. h5||IlI.8In the Countv of ci1:|'It"!1nml;e!1'* or about :-year witholxttquivlng any 'benr5" In factl coutinhadigdsixrg pg, .11 gbetime A.` N I was ndvilod to try the Great Sboal0' Ines Rhh5d7$' I bought: bottle of it, ind WW ` -T'P-Wb.'It.ani;hpd L bc 1: to run muc- ` biltor. (continued \l>.`;_iao'?'unu1I had W` I30 bottl . ' ' ' A tn-#1.:-:..'+ :i::";.`:::.'n::s's:::-piin `W "=7.-`u'!0_lllE3l`ld,hI_v;e Eiean Iover linen- -? .; `u ; Z . umrm su.v.R. J. L: .DTJl'nn(' thgtabout three . year ; 33.. ITll>I::t1lz:1'o: oamicta "um B'"h'i' "ih lulled about Oil: mmh3' I F`: l0..I1ii;l'e'd for the want 0-` b'.' "3 W" Vxbaifflcnlt for me tour: ""1!" `with : nine rmmsnu, throwin W clothcs on` and riisfn i'n1b'e bed to keep W` ; Ilrn'nIIn'v`u5`. 04.2.: ng - - ".'13'53Uy throwing I" m"f the moat cminu. ' M wnnhnmberlnr. '1: .4. wwper now '4.) cu. - I3'P'or Sale by all Druggists and Denim 7! Medicine." Aannn ton B.uuu:.--Johu Vvoo `Watson & Co.,.,Wells Bros . Tniun ck 5Y(Le.-14 ORII-mt.---L W.Slnv_en. Conwzuwoon.-51-'~ Gum ntor. - 1U.nu...r..._ A .... __ ur,,.u I v.._- UIYQ H101 . -WIIOLKBALI Aelu'rn.--Nonhrop & Lymf-'~ Toronto; Ly an B{oI.,&,Co, 1`or_onto; 1' iota: 00.,` cramp. " . -'39. :-T-' V1103. This Mcdxcinc is pleasant and safe In ink, in wmu_ulcd, and may posilivolv be rolled. - lo mnkenpermanont cure at all du-.-n.--us - T||roM. Luugs,luv.-r {{nim.~\'u, D1'pzers!:u : ~ 56. 3; :.,tu well as Sun-tulh, the imr-rt` ` Diseas~s',Humorx,nmY M! dam aria I 'isx.g 2` lmgaurity ofxhe B!uod,cx.-upupzn. hm. >= 01 Juusumpllon. E-`ml`.mrmI;.nu.ii0I., WW directions Ior_lr24In;: the (Ir.-..-n S'ur.~i.o:u>:- Hvn & Pills, and containing Te-:IIzIl`.ol u:.i! 1,-nd Ct" cute}: 0! Cures. can be `obtained by .=cnn n_.- Troalics,th' Hand-book, or the Almnnm I circultrsjrom any respectable Druggm :n. Domiu'1ou--4ru. ,, . _ ;n-vs ' y . . .... n 3;r}2`3}}L:edy in large pm: zmu ` O1. Ptllsper B02 25 cu. "POP SIIO hi all nrnaahln and nnuh-It uu-a-u...u an-.I vuunpoliuled, Inn! 11 In mmlc luv H` ;aenr(-hzn curative in the Known worm, and. not help u! not on the system in n verv an: aim and desirable manner. No nnmcr wimt y -In men! ml! be, or how long standing, 1: wni wit npot and ulolaisb ycn by inc :2 id umxmcr ughich you are mutated to perfect calrh nun V1103. vauauatix Q wonu1'L1Im0 nuffm (I I mum ' Tmdc Mark-Blou mm L ThcGI1l-ZA'l_` H,1,.40ODPUl_HI-`ll-JRN nu: '"'" I 1-`of 9n'n!n`(l (-[cnnn_yg mu yqwd I "" '3'! -.-TZ:i3.?f`f-l fvL`T`f2}fi`}'.t'..'.tt?I"wwa. 3T()Rp'R fl: 3 Im Im_'u 1,!!!`-nlll be loo highly .. ora'.:oMn,Scurvy,:!!:in l)is:r.!a::: ' D cgrl kinds 1'! is n never-failing and wull SIMPLY Bx-:c/urn: lbe Vnluald aclivu med - vcgcmlu iugro.-licu1's,(noum._ (.1 which we ` mention, ouch nslhc Exlracls 0! Wm! (`ir- Bark, ilnlophvlluln, Junipm-,Quna.sin.3=.narw Dandelion, Hynsrynunm, Compound I-Ixur-`. Colooymh, Jnhp, socotrinc Alues, (Jay: I drc. kc ) which eulcrinlo the .-olnpulnnpxz on com! xcd modicinu, me. such and so barman \- cluut..d and (.-ompouu.'led,1hul it in mmlc me In .,aenr(-hzna curilive in xhe nznnwn warm, medicine heretofore. .1. ' V That lhevGIl:A'I Sun.-uxo\~m:s' Rmnlnv ollh: Emmcn! lndmn Nroimnc-M`. Lewis looeph'nn,of1ho-Hreal Tn!-1' cl 5; Hrili.-h (1..lum?vi:`u, is working the `mall and n.~stnuxuhiug`3urcI- I21: VVMM cw! Never m the; annals ox Caundmu Muh- has such sucm-ss nuendcd Hui znu-o-iuct rlrn urn mm vmromu us 1| . vmesvuzauull are Loy; _ f '" 7 83:2: `:fo`;fPim"{"``hFnr.. ; `OM63: Cnnceroua Ulcerx. ` (Intel Blood and Skin lmensm. ,; . b:arI5n.G ra rlltlqdlsweltin-:5. V. Ev.t:':?`, ;1Q!dg:l,c:1:%: 7xlr:L:W Mme Al :15: Illlxnja xsjeuaiug m- the um. |` wnnaxfggcgflee ! rqm nnvIhmg mjurious 10 um , "A dcIia1c.(:0nsIiluHo.'I (:fL"'l.l_!II.'.r 5.1) the l.mWI:c-: solicits sujlarun. '10 gzvvv 114:: uinl to lt:I-l u. v`.";f_" I'homumls of l`eomnmnml>_ from an pm. sold in bottles 25 3d each, and in Guam co. I'ning'aixtini'ta1bn quantity, 113 encbimg-' cienno effect a permanent cum in the Km: majority of long-standing cup, By M,` OIIEMIBPS and PATENT MEDICINE VF; DORS throughout the world. Halo rnnriatnr. I1`, I {'1 ABI7 n. bole ropnetor. F. J, 91,51-`mchcm APO'1`1ic0AR1ES' HALL, x.mco1..\',, tvnnn-r A lllluvn burgoyne. nuxuzngesa U0, Uoleman am 7 London. , Newbexv & Sons,'.'l7 Newgnte mt.-L1, Lnnm BorI,I,r-& Sons, 95 Fnrringrlon Ill`(:([_ Lam, Sanger *1 Sons. Oxford street, Londun, AnJ`a1l the London `Wholesale Hon3eg_ any-u-r III gnu--- . uuu IN CANADA. Mon]rc:L- vans , Mercer t Uoz. Wt..,)._. Druggists. `-Lymaus, Clare 6 Co. Toronl 1--Elliott k Co , Wholcsnle D Sbnptcr & Owen. [IIIIIUY/In`; --Winner 3 CO. Ilalvjfun-Aver_v,Bx-own 5; Co. 43.`; .j._._...._J...__.__j NW3}; u ILSDIIAI; In-.uu.I I I. at The 0-1 ly Syrup prepared from 1): Chum Formuln, and proved on analysis 1;) '- w fI'T'IK!\T\/.'3IF `I [\TI E? R1) ~..nLu- tn;-um RUIN Burgoyne. Bnrbmgcsa U0. London. vr Jtspemc Remedy for ml .')t~a0u of p Illttfdrlrrn/ul K1 :/ruy.e: Drop-. irul S`:/'[.':..g.: I ` paints ihciulenlal to Frmulrrs; u.u.I all I): tke`U1inury Orgrm m e1'II/cr So: urm.- _-I..- -0115- |1,.n r . _ . \........-, `.,... ......w .... u.....,..= .,. .~ . L? `JI_5.s'._5. sx-2: c'xuc'rn-`loan or PROL (YRUFT, University O01!-~ge, TI ~1u.\1' Rn mire vnn I79! the HI-nnizm .\r;1.~'..-,1: |_ 1\Uf, \ll|a\Jl' UXIIVOIHII \JU|."gI_" [Iv Be sure you get the GI.-nnim: Am Victoria Hypnphosphitos, with the Head 4 (amped on the label. Du nun`. an I :-.r lu)'I"I`l.r I '3 E.` nus ji:`n`t:.*1si. u. a. [IP80 1 YHl'H[i\.'l.l Ull LDC lIl)lg PICICE I Pol` B0'lV"l'LI-I. by all Drmuu-u. - \\'-hnlcimlu nnlv ha ' 1V'UU|\;i1l Lyman 1-:ros`. & C_o , Elli It & (10,, Norvirop 1 Lyman, T. Bickio 3: Son, .13. At` .mc ncn, -.-- ........., \/.51". nu cuuzr -111. The valudofthis Medicine ha boon pm `in numborlcaa instances now on lecoxd." mess: per Home. sow ny MI Drum? :+ . # - - - - . -- ULSU IUI `DU CUYQ OI nvspnpsn, L RRONCHITIS, Asruma Loss of Ari-n'I'rn-:, (.:liNBRAl. DI-}lIl.l'I'Y. .2.-, Tim n.u'v Rvrnn nrnunvunl frnvu Hr `"741 -.1 ;wRE or B11?-{0,N0HITIS. _PUl.M0uARY cossvmnvnov Also {nr Hm rum of uuo Iraruuguoul me warm. Bole roprietor. F. J. CLAl sK, Chcmfa POTJMOARIES HALL. LlN(:m.v c re.` . It Gurus old Sores. '...u.:"`~"`!..72J.*! I. . K ) :' >2-:3cI_.A1M THE GL xn TI nmr SEW1N_ M#9E1NES| I A"J\ILILn OUHPOUND FLUID EX'1`RACT UP _ 3'5i}}ZUiLZr"q':Z1's -rcu on lb u . iiceswemunl am Last: 7"] . Cures Blackheads. or Pimnl.-.. fun . `"-' cLA'i:En-3" "ILA:-: Iulllzn III AAAA I. . j For the prevention and cure ol Ills-I Avg`! I1t\lV i-.--u.. Wm? ('1 ant wx ?:';'iio`6n1uosnaa:.: um ... .. u-lvu vvuvllllif . \E'iaVT m cannon. - V8ll9'2_ I AVA \IpUALL O-QHPOUND SYRUP UP` . .... .-uuu, ulnuu Eu-our Acms. Burbidxzesa (ink: IIIII. LX133 IJU] Also {at the cure of DRIA uuuw.-u-. W-holclzilztlc only by h (`.n IS 'l`0|BE nun, "1Tfc:71B`IifI % `MD PI Tlln DVn.n v1c1'oiz`11[_` nltnnuvn fI`IVv\vv I 3IlnsllO`\'!3Ss_ Rwninv A311. M:-oimneoM-.i:. ho. a,o{11m.Hreal Sn.-nu. In 21.5-4 u.vn:I.-{nu |'.u. `m. -7 n 14-. 0;]!!! Y ! '*.=1 % .. '&3I.r'.f:`:9:1e:g `l.'c's'.'. I v _ ......m-m if) lfiscnwn, Ind g-fmling nud pem';nen1 1 my!-nmmrmk-d. iscnwn. Ind -* Uolemsn ` Bummm. `M an. ...ol The Wheeler &%AWns`on HUI) : uohsea. Wholqulz `Sow ms`: nu innuv_I_ 41._v__na`aAm. 3 i :1`; - `rt-`ts.-wt.--_' _- _ _ pa 1 in wuou uh omen or 4'x.`1._; my 7 SO GOOD '0 AVOHBISTIAB _ Pmunt II. 0 rod in But ouolllo ' Pment u A Bold hiatus and chin. Pruonu Gold and lnoyilnp. ' Pmou no Ylollu. Oonntlnn and `fnhlln. `v j5UC-U `CW `.0. -----------_---u&-------------.------ `Ii: :0}: `ran oo.sn|con.| ,Lmm..v ' Jamib. `n- *3 , SW3 .3; Lniiz `.4 L , ' 5.7;` a- .u M IIOIIIO! :o_gr.~wunn sum . [V `'9 ,~ - `lion improved plIpl.'l:O_9 mm EEMARKABLE. "CHEAP 1 And -III Ignl In-nan Olugn din ni.I.--__.__ L_n. FIN Estf `in. `A. n T . 1 \ ` N6` V Q5; A Q`v "Nu \ . Q`.. . ` ` ` xktlm. I N : L -s nunung ' Bonk, Jnly'16.lO'l3. _, _._, WT ,-__.- .._, -._v. I--r -anus, nu. `aw V -: n}!!! Illh v~nvAI:9!9;%!91:!2!Is2JTwsIs I jun; II vnnvu II II IIAIJIB M (dept of I07 loot, which on be proved on L*"%"'*.`...'~`.*;;.'::'.::::.:::-.5212;"--=-- IIEIAVJJAJIJDJQIJJJIU __ V IJJ`J[|. I. I . `And will Int Duet shun uy othorpunp built, r . - - auuvqu u vuvwu Illll 8uil!Worked'1'x;' a. Chile!` (dept hot. moved on In, the above vlllq. V. hmlllu rogulajrly Iqppliod with me but ofBrul.ind lull weight; slu..0nka nnd 0on!'tion'eryVo! I kinda, in my qngntity, of Brat-glut quality, and at low pmu. -"Flo-VNIVcI, ioolall, solreol, &c., &o.. .. __-- ._- -- _--_- _ ____ Z;"I.'.;.`.i;'.'.2ii.;..-}I.I.I.I.2'&.I:T;,i -.pu-tuonloof tho buuiuu. -T >A T J. G. mnnonn 8: mo. Anmgu, QM. _ ..-187;: V . .1, uus..._ Z. gl- .u'.u";. ...j,;s..m, usi... 'oooto.IIIIIlmlm'Ov nm_p_I 'to -unpou with ' thounmlo lwhhn. am no ' Dy Ivlurlul Ill UIIEIWIII, Illil SATISFIKITION GUARANTEED, A- cl.-- L.-. Ina 1.-.. n..---|---- :-`-u 1.. IIIWELIEBPWHI 37- .. . n f$? .111 E s . lanai` --_ -s...5... 'u--3-v an n _ ` % ,"`.'Af-T"BUR'D,8 A ` OF THE NEW BRICK BLOCK-. Tho Bubncribon beg to Info:-nz the public of M llndalo and vicinity,\hM.thq hue opened out In smut nmnv 1| Conietiopry Store I l:02_@;9:@9.T.w.s@2a.$ 2| a.{f., 6I.35,'1T;i; ' g... _....-.-u-. -- - ----a- v. uv uvvu avprn UlllIIUI-CD Proust u 1 Gold Watch ml Ohm, at Jot! franc; an 1 Oolonnd Gold 3;! ouowellou, Pusan! 3.0014 Liokot `Pnuu u urlght Gold so\`vof':lowellu-y, ' M ` ' Inna: u 5- of Gnltl Buoolou, ' Ylollu. Oougninu gal `tnhlln. yrruo an 0 not Branch and In-Elan, Pmnu lot Gulls I-Alla, B330 133 IOIIII. to -Inna: up Svn. Wgtch and Oluln fan Boy, . uni; ovary puhl. lvqighogly should know that '0 an the moit exporiollnod bids '5 Iitchoo, Olotlh pld ' Jowolhr North of 'l'oI'cI\o.. G .1 GRIN!` HUN 303 73' L010! ATGHB8 [I .3010 `ID BILVII. WATCH, ` OI-UGKB II J IW ILLERY, mado, upalrel and vuruml. l AI IDAIIIIII nun nnnnnmnopn 4-, _- ; , . g. _, --aw-up ,.-.2: it 9v1c'ron`u. s-rovn .'m:'1>or.r 18 THE . place to got good gg upwlnll--,_ ._ . V _, 3 . B. - Simpoorn mo` diiughl and in Benin. ' SIDED? Drink: in nnnnnn YLV ' . nuzsn mur, FAMILY name, .. .;1?1m,v1s1o1v3, `WINES. V . ` % X L vans,- 0._1'1'I.E Incan- Bio oooklng Buoiu uh winntod to cook, bnhrud` luv. 3!: lnlonall and Box ftonuro in gun! variety. All hit ' An mule out of tho bevit Scotch Hg hon. "4WF'?F'W *P Wu; koptoonjtnntly ujludnt male to order. I A|1|orl__| oljobbing m the ' -guru 1 A'4'-`-:-.--ia-a-- _ .. -- 3| -1:3-Jvvjvi-J--uljl1L` T I Lino done with nodtcqu and dlnpnibih. m. x number the plat, ._ lIACII1I"III l'\ rm-III-In---`- Ieilemlierx than-e_ Ii" xio Jclleapor ` Home .l_n flown than IVIEST surf" 8103! II I(l.`D'l` nv n Irnun E" _ ; ran us: ll 1;: w'1u.n;` `- 11.. Image; wnm n__.aumc-nag Oodpony um nodal . cup`-ugh rtg_un...;V1oufna. Duj ` Augnu mi. 1813, nuouncing Ihaho Oo-pdny huhpn-nI IIlIIl~ V. . ` . `TV A GRAND MEDAL ON PROGRESS, 5: A GRAND HIDALIOF Him; And the that they Into the on! Bowlng ihohlne Ocupoly Iooollolloi by Oil Iltuntioul Jory tor the Grand Diploma of mm. , . V ' _- "V V 4 S T O V `:E~ $ f II Opposite til 81:13; otc;l,:;nd loom Horn: ' If tho Wolllngton: Batu; . V , an Ron 0. max. Pmnrinlnr. m1>1F }"_1_x%; gl `t J-'ll\-I'\1"r . ,xE|35~'nv lilo TEAS no Ibo Ch Mubf. `Good Tu 1 punish.- `E1: wuzqq 0. ma. < oupb -Iuid In the nuilo `oonugpt lb, H- .Q`nl'|~nnnnIn --1 IIa..n.. .. |8TvEsH V wwumium:-.zr ;@"..'..=:.'-*'*'....... 4 lilo urungomezm wllhuoao o! tho nous _ Oolliqriulu tbavamj 3|." to be ""' P135; uryilctq ilyot V III `I II 9: at`:-.11: a..Iu.s.T...a..:u.. ` 5 ` ` ".K`=*\v. ` -12' A column aroox 0150013) AND sun: nsr hanks. u-1': an 7; ulvwl IIIU VIIVU, IAYFI-Iv'3.LD. STREET, (I--la. Ax. DI-.-g. I1-a-l _-.I A 1-....- u__.I_ . .__ __,_ __ _ - IIOOI I IEO Blllul DUNLO STREET. . sa The Stock in lane, and on- . In-mm: svsnv Asrvlfi mm, -9 n `Ann 4`.- 3||'l1Q.._lo_v. ch. '13. . .3 , "';;'.'.':.".'."n`::..':'.":.:'.'....... % BRICKBLOCK, .nUNL'p;- - - I .1` 21:2 no-lg OLOTHS, READY-EMADE eLnIlIINc.|

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