Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jun 1874, p. 4

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|r|N.kiiaiiik6N}b6EIh'&7jA}KifEn |I1NSM1T1i[IN G -!l wast sun ~1'EA% STORE : - KEPT BY D. KING. Hip TEAS are lb}: Cheapo and bani In the Market. Good Tu from 40 cents per lbj, nndopovardu. V ` N. B. - Simpson`: Ana and _Porter on drnnahl and in Rnnlnc - ` u. D. ollupiulrl A draught and in Bottles.` Snuunorv Drink: in sauna. Hit Oookig SIOVOS are warranted `to cook, huh and dun. `His P:rlor,Hnl1 and Box 7 Stove: stein great variety, `ll his ` BTOVESH I I 7 77 Vvirirw Ware koptoonatqntly on, hand or made to order. _' All sorts ofjobbing in the --q--Q - ,~.-. ...'-`_ --_q- _ .- 4. 3 A Y F I1_I:_l'rfS"'i: R E E T, AL- :_....- -4-I B tro 221 s VICTORIA STOVE DEPOT IS THE n|.;A 0:. _.o _-..4I V W. H.'F.aE1a:M.A1, . 3 O|.bineI`llnke'r' and Dealer uousnnozm 1='_lJnNrrIInET The best, lnigen and` cheaper-I stock in Barrie. V Also I Beautiful nndweil selected neck of` ; [Feny Goods and Berlin Wool|,] Ottoman end Slipper Pam:-n|,? 39.13.. '----I-- ~- __,_.__ ..__ uw--rrv- - --nun-' - Bahia, . Tuuln, to, Ten, - Jowellery, Yuu, _ ~ Ginsu Shndu, L ' 80., { &c.,' te.| ' Hear the Steam Grist Mil`, Bu-tie. 51-ly-w |sTovEsn $109? I ` QWOBE. 'K1"'=I'I'lT' I'l'."'_' " -' ".') }. AT 'BlRD S, OF THE NEW BRICK BLOCK. The stock is lai-go, and em- braces V EVERY STYLE & MAKE. BRICK BLOCK, 'DUNT.f)P S'lR.`RTc`.'l` - vAro undo out of the beat Scotch Pig Ifoh. IIIV nlinunnu-uni. nnnnn-an n -.-..-u-'- ionunsns Pnommv ATTENDED to. ....l .11 -..-1' .u.n.-.'.A....A A- _____"_AM A '....u .w_n upon 'n.pacho1 ` and ammo.--ucmns F"?!.".*."*z " ..8"` "W8" 1 V. 3 - Mr. -- -. _ - -:.1;ay9u_gg.:- Th): lively LLANDALE.BAKERY nnsrun. PAVLAOVE snorznsl , , VERY CHEAP RATES. LIBVERALLS} SUP! L'lED' and all work guaranteed to 4.; Iffm 0 '5'H4=WAn= v nnnll noors `AND ggions By contract or otherwise, snd DTFLIVWVTIWKT {`ITA'D A'k`lfl` WAT}; `can-be efactively ind |_.1rr-_j__.-:1 . u an men am on the 15:1 and at means 110 ntu. A COIPHITI STOCK OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, AND CLOCKS OF ALL THE BEST MAKERS. !:?'WHAT IS SO GOOD FOR A CHRISTMAS Pnuntu a Gold Watch and Chain, Present as a real Jet Set of Jewellery, Pmcnt n s Ooloured Gold Set of Jeweller), Present on a Gold Locket end Chain, 7 Pnnnt on 5 Bright Gold Set of Jewellery,< Present an Gold and Funny Rings. Pruont u 1 air of "Gold Bracelets, Present as Violins. Concertina and Ttofolinl, Pwont ll 5 an-net Branch and Ear-Rings, A Present: for Gents, Ladies, Boys And Girls, to. - flaunt u I Bilverwaioh and Ghana fora Boy, suit every pocket. _ vlnrybody shoull know that we are the most experienced bend: on lwatchel, Clock: ond - Jewellery, North of 'I`orout9- ' ' LGRIA1`BUN.ON"I`HE LONGINE WATCFHCSI in anus Ann Qtfjinn II! A lllriwcnn B1?-:13RIE ..--..v.__.- ._- DUNLOP s'rI-trj B`|RDL S AND wlnt. ma ow AT EMPORIUM. V Ann. cm? mun] lo! all the ads: [gxpat variety.` -jn Squdo Id orde;-,| A} I IIIJLIJVLB IJIJIIIJ phce Io got good ma: exporie1;o;d Wwatchel Clock: A Gun` mm on ma 1.drg<';'1'""' 'T'" " 1 ' E WATCHES ' GOLD AN 'cLooKs and mwEL1,nay.m..al,.n.;r.a ...P..S.I.I1Y' w"3' cafe} 15 , menu Vronn a cannon unna woman 8 yum uuomnent of E qvgr qhawn in Bank. V , uj The my bol plane in .Ba i'zi_a to get the wonih_of_yont1IImiey Gnocznhgs In '1?f:E:'v3-' 3:5 It at the pttdrql in `rmsz; 43-tf . . e '.. "' :"""-1 Hun whloh we defy emrpouuon. Our Gmeerian no at run) of 1he.v`ery beuquelilyjl` I _ 5;. {I1 met and the lowest p:iou.lo which we would cnllethe mention of on n; . - 3_l0|'O Keepers, II we no-prepared to Jul? at Toronto priest, W 1,. K . , R.'":::.:.':2,`'::;`:*;2.m;.2r-::'::*.2a.I._Z2*113' ' comvr wruuazr. m nr:nr.1N. A Berlin correspondent oi `3_he`?Lon- don Tdegraph remarks that the Emper- or William no longer rides on horse- bael:,. but has to revjew his troops from hiecnrriage. He is now in his 78th year. "Iris true, adds this writer, "that Count Wrengel; who is nearly - thirteen years his senior, may still be ` V, `paths of the Thierg arten npon a steady . *!9.9nh eaeenlfrom trme.,t'n;t1me. tgee.ing the ' gomghack _to the saddle of which he` _i,e( onrefully _stmppedf'; and . they 5the_ 31 zrandfithr mboreleirxugssau mg ` THE om) AGE ohm `MARTINET. ------ ma 1 aqua. w Irslgil." Now, is not this a pretty picture to set before the -people of the Dominion `l ' Is it not a spectacle before which the ` Grits of Ontario might well {all down i and wail and weep. Toeee their `pure u leaders "thus disgraced, -public virtue l thus base.ly_ debauched, the honour. of the . country thus outraged, and the dignity of Parliament `trailed through ' the `foul waters of political and personal dishonor. Surely there is a day of V reckoning for these political prostitutes, when even-handed Justice will be meted out to them and they willreceive the reward of their proigate and dis- honourable career. ' W ` suuea. mac me memoer /or Bmvenclwr, fearing that his hfe was 27. danger, would not attempt to take in: seat. The vote had riot beezrtaken when the in- terview had taken place. Riel refused ,to be a party to the Ministerial trick. "I; is useless". says .M;'nm;e, to add that the most Zz'ber'al_oers accaagzpanied the request to iekign. `Nam. 1'9 run! this n in-..u.. ...:-....__ . Stated that the member for Provenc/ier uzuuuu ul. um wuum. LIIB news says: ,It appears that M. Dorion, not die- couraged by the failure of piBViOlJS ne. gotintions, setlabout in right good ear- nest to induce his friend Riel not to put in an appearance at the opening of the House, but to remain aWay.fro_rn Ottawa, inasmuch as his presence there would embarass the Government About a. fortnight previous to the open- ing ofPnrIiaznent, Riel went to Ottawa. He sought an interview with M. Dorion but who, as he stutedlhimself, fearing he should compromise the Government with the Ontario members, would not grant it. But on the 16th April, the day upon which the vote, upon Mr Bo_well s_ motion was taken the Minister of Justice sent a partisan, known to Min- erve, and whom it can name, to Hal where Riel was then stopping, who car- ried with him and presented an aida.- `~ Jvzt, prepared by a member of the Govern- ment, the Minister. of Justice, which fparirna Hm! In`: hf. Illulin .. J-.__,.. From -t`h Blevillc Iilelliganccrj TL..o .. _..-u.. -._..-A__l_ `. ...m '3`n4;+;za ,. illakei l .. . , `Co-=no`Vl5`i5+ 1 .sent'to._the` Canadian people! For , lzfears, they; made that u1_uI"der~ their ,4 'obb'y_'horee,' paraded-it at every corner ii I 1 I 1 I l 1 I I of the s_treet,.ou every public hlatiorm, ~ in Pail smen,!!l,d-outofParliament;iu the private circle and on the hustings; in the church and in the School house, ~ everywhere throughout the.;broad _laud they made a hue and my about the brutalimurder, and clamored for the . "life of the coward rm and `crime a stained hands. They made it the stepping-stone to place and power, and succeeded even beyond their own ex- pectations. They traded -in the. blood ` t of their fellow creature wilhas little oompunotion as the vile` prostitute - traics in the virtue of her victim, and l having been successtul they leave the victim to rot in his unknown grave and his murder to go unavenged. The murderer was in Ottawa and vicinity .for`weeks, walked the sreets publicly, attended church without any attempt . at concealment, walked arm in arm in `the open light of day with one of Mac- kenzie s most servileiollewer into the very "Chamber of Parliament, .aud signed, the member s roll book. even while Mackenzie was sitting in his! easy chair not a stone's throw `away. And yet these men who offered $5,- 000 reward for his arrest, vvho daily ind hourly harangued the multitude against the, murder of the patriotic Scott, who went from constituency to constituency and used every artice and every stratagem to iname the public inind--these men who succeed- 9d in getting into power through the traic in human blood, did not fake the first stepto have the murderer arrest- ad, but actually connived at his escape! it is hard to believe. but we are sort to say the story is too true. i Tr rill hi! Fnlvlnrnka-AA 01...: ..-....... w ll1IOlGhJ I (III! 6`!/bUtWT(b.57Ilr7ll/. What do you think now_ of the pro- fessious of your leaders, Messrs. Re- formers of Ontario? Are you pifepatedv to sustain a Government which is guilty of such infamy as described above. !- Can you honestly and consci- entiously defend such an outrage` upon the people of Canada ! But the whole and worst has not yet been told. The Kingston News gives us this-additional link in the chain of evidence, which is the most disgraceful and dishonorable featureof the whole. The News says: It nnnanrs that M, hm-inn "run A;.., unuJuIu6 uuuuauuuu E " Prior to the recent election, the Hon. M Dorian entreated Riel to re- refrain from being placed in nomination, with most tempting ofers to induce him to not only leave Canada, but the Ameri- ~ can continent. M. Riel cozdd,iif he had so chosen, have taken a trip to Europe, Asia, 4-0., for so long as he might desire, and with what companion: he might choose, the Minister cy Justwe pledging T himself to provide the necessary funds. The'ofers were at least to the extent a several thousands" of pounds. ` ' .' - After the election M. Don'on,_ seeing that his overtures had been unsuccessful re- newed the attempt with the mew of pre- vailing upon him not to take his seat in Parliament, in order to relieve the Gov: ernment from embarrassment. . What (In unn 0|-.Iy.L an: at al.- _._- nun, nnwn amen, - . -, - nl_nu.o1- 31., 343313.` j ' ngnie Oct. 15:1, 1s'"3. T UV GI, Irllw gave, l IUU |l|u|U- " It will_ he remembered that som time ago the Kingston News made a statement to the effect that the present Government had negotiated with Riel, with the view of preventing him from running for Provencher, and promised` him a money consideration. That. was a tough story to believe, consider- - ing the pastprofessions ofthe Govern- ment, but the News professed to have good authority for the statement. . In- A deed the Montreal Minerva, which is in the secret of" the whole affair, con firmed the statement, and announced that Archbishop Tache had" told the North-`Nest Committee that had seeh a letter from the Minister of Justice to Riel, in which the latter . wasotfered inducements to leave the country, Bat this is not all.` Clearer and more positive evidence of the guilt of the Government is at `hand. A recent issue of the Mum-ve contains the following important statement and damning accusation :- Clprrnv In Hun unnane ..I..-A:..._ .1, 7T1iE' TRADERS IN BLOOD. _--4.- -----nay! GUIIIUQ >0` ively and hi "9.,= ' ' . .,'\ ' Fnrzil Mm'r.--Pei-hzps our readers . .. awg.n_&1>fLthe:v.fA':`t 7th t th "?1` w?mH 1:. :ma?esanz +3; jth: 1 . about; of .teas.~ 2r9_v_ision, wines and liquors, thqyery best: fresh matto be null: Ami hm +1.-.. ' foundin` this or atiy gthbr inarket. - Yes - M Lu vum Ul' On4 d `, I W" _ , m I :l`HE - ;u, Aux. Ulvyull, W110 1101113 Ollthjut above ;Voods Store, is the best place in town b.;0uit17y`tO get correct hot .- He"taes~5them"ii1.th'e bestsbyle gt` ;t(l:a art. Remember that fact`. I PIC-rvnuas --.- 1W`hei`e is,no mitake ,hout it, Mr. Stephens, who ' holds out just I above Stqre, place in `Ar -,, 11.0-u. V. 156.30., well Henderson s--good r and_ _motbo he `acts upon`; HAnnWA1;s.-F;of there is no placef in -_L _,, _ _--_ ._...- --. -.... uvnunu ~ he Whoolerb Wilton Manufacturing Compen y have received a deepetoh thorn VI August 19th. 1873, announcing that the Company have been ewerded ` I`. fW`KT DDf\(VD1FOQ 0, A t`l'IA1 -------- -- What is the difference between a bo_a_`r`ding-house keeper and a cremation- isl? ` The one would turn, hashes into" the men, .the other would turn the men into ashes. uuuuuu uuvnv u A Bill has `roconly passed the Ameri- can Congress which gives to all soldiers and sailors who have lost an arm at or above e,l;bow,.and a_re so disablod. that they caunot_wear an articial arm, o pbnslotf'oY`fWrent y1four dollars per month.` " What are you doing there, you rascal? _LIerely-taking cold, air. "It looks to me as if yolk were stealing ice." Well, yes, perhaps it will bear that _constt1iction. 7 gaau au.1.sJ1.'\l.|.\.1ULV.l!AO UK`. A SPORTING MAN IN STUDY OF - NATURAL HISTORY. Frank Kerns, theywell-known Ethio- pian comedian, beconiingconsumptive last fall, journeyed South `and settled for the winter at` Enterprise, on the St; John : ri_ver,g,Fl,orida. Before leav- ing this cit.y'f:1he__proin ised his business partner, Mr. Edward Powers, to send on a couplelof young `alligators. On ' Thursday last a. large box containing sixteen `young alligators, arrived from" Florida, and was duly deposited in Messrs. Powers do Kerrie store, corner of Prince and Crosby streets.` The alligators became great` pets of the actors who frequent the establishment, , and the news of their arrival soon . spread through the Fourteenth ward. . It reached the ears of Mr. _Hugh Rielly, better known as Butt. Rielly. Mr. Rielly is one of the best known of the sporting men who make Houston street their headquarters. Mr. Rielly . is a proiessioiial athlete, trainer and . pugilist. `He is what is calleda hand- ; some sport. On Saturday Mr. Rielly put on his best clothes, and, with a large solitaire diamond in his shirt front, and his black velvet coat button- ed up, sauntered down to Powers 55 . Kerrie . He ordered a bottle of wine, you some alligators. I want one. How in the box there, and lffydti can take him out you may have the biggesi_ one. But look out forgiem. " How big are they 'l iaske Mr. Rielly. ` ` Three feet, said Powers. .0h, pshaw, said "Mr. Rielly, -and without his right arm into the box. A. He rmly grasped the neck of the largest `of the young alligators, and success seemed g all but certain. The all'lgato r'wriggled, and disturbed another young alligator". The latter young alligator opened and shut hisrnouth, `and deftly removed about asquare inch of esh from Mr. Rielly`.s hand,,and also the sleeve of his velvet coat. Mr. Rielly was sur- ` prised,`aii'd.`t!ropped the young, alligator. He gave vent to his feelings in as howl of agony, and rushed to the bar, seized a glaeslice-pitcher which he passion- ately broke over the head of the young alligator.` It di_drr t:seem"to disturb the alligator,and Mgr. Riplly left the saloon E Sddi RIM ! nr.` -n-|`nr'n n`v'..o..,l ...-._ and said, Eddy, I hear Frank has sent ` much will she cost .1 Mr. Powers .: said, Itell you what, Butt, they're all ~ taking o'liis velvet coat he plunged -` nuuguuunuuu ml`. many 161! the saloon a sadder and `a. _m`8re excited man. Three young me_n, who,.a.,l)_1de in Hous- ton street, have already been" soundlv drubbed for having djscussed.` the physical pqnfqrinatiqn of alligator: in Mr.`Rxelly, sT presence. ` e easy : : which`; he`Bm-Fun VI added I 3'2` .,.imgg..~'.mowl . -A he; aehie_ve'd_ ag-.n;a.u 1;. in,t!l,go - boudoir u'a_j_1n,;, y:Q;.%!!e 99910 himself es"Ih6}i gh _t 1d5`a of Jenfh never crossedhis mihd, and even dotted the laws of netu_re_ao utterly as to re- cover entirely from a shnxp stroke of garalysis at eighty-three years of age. nf thnrnnrnn and rninrihiihilll} that ;.g}:ii$ -reix_7v " V ml 5!! II lshy.'UuIUQ 5313 U! I800` I `T [ ttli':oa.fe'I, 1&0 `W ` I E oppress crowned hea vel: eon uni ` li::.2.:::,%.%at1`J tics, literature. or other puzzling matter I -of `that sort` has he `ever allowed to f bother his brains. ; 'Aag-`elf-subordinate, 1 to carry out to the letter his orders-- _ asachief, to see that his own com- o manila were accurately fullled-these ' have been the sole cares and- preoc- enpations of. his public life`. `Private 'griefs of the most tremendous and "crushing nature hevhas met with the stoioel courage of a hero, and has dealt with them invariably in a manner dice 1 iated by the honour of a soldier-rnore than`, once with the most tragical_re- suits,` but in such sort that one s admir- * ation for him, though . a slight shudder may permeate it, never for i no- ` meiit be qualied byithe remenikranee of any word or action of hisin the least i , out of keeping with "the maintenance Win unsullied brightness of his personal * . and professionallionour. A regimen- tal cadet when King William was j born ; a dewre, for valoiir in the eld, of _the first daysbf the present century; a colonel at Waterloo, and general titty- one years ago, it is very possible that this extraordinary veteran, of whom the Berliners say that `he has forgotten the way how to die, may outlivehis sovereign, whoni",hep little less than worships--he has already outlived four " Prussian Kings. _ . Carlyle says that a. man is known by llis garb, and that therois a world of meaning in the word c_Iothea." If so by all means go and secure the best, and that is at Mr. McNabb s Clothing Em- porium ; for though he is a Scotchmazr he is painstaking and honest-sel1s good ` M and cheap, and his-make and fit is of the `beat. That's :30. Canned fruits per dozen, very cheap, at C. Perkins . ` _ _The'Field:` t}1e':'FieIde,`.th_o fresh, green Fields. Yes, 'tha;t's the talk of all who love nature s beauty ; but if-you. visit the Fields we mean, you can save mania dolla}-, and many an hour of slav1sh_work.- The Fields-.' we have re- ferred tobells f` The Webster, one of "the best sewing machines in the wide, wide world. W --w v-. _ vv\JIA.IAd\/NJ no 5|. \x|,y4 :'}?i'.:..`&`l:%`;3`{.?:.`.`l`i. ?`x.$L'Zi WP-=-I I ITHE MHISFORTUNES `OF A! SPORTING `M.A n nu arntrnv rx-In general Hardwarye; | fnurn Inc A----`~ .u- nuunnvvo , _.._. .-..... ,.....u, a gummy or III PATENT m=:.mc1mzs.:. ,- _..-----u- f Dunlop street - uuilf 3" U. 'M GAll'|'HV'8 BBIGK BLOCK, _Dunlon Street Ban-ml: n....._._ High: grien of .MmhiIi:::;uuiy ruuoniblein , ,. H fl v . -:j_-- We furnish ' with each Family Machine one Hemmenone o! , Hallhcombined Tucker , Binder, Buster, Friller, and Adjnunbe Hemmer, one extra IThroaI Piece, one,G-uide nnd Screw, | one Wrenchmne Screwdriver, one Oiier, Bobbin, one donen Needles. one Braider ` one ~eopyro1 Di!-"actions. T hly ornamented Machines of: Iron Stand, glue}: Walnut Tnblo and Drawer, [Poluhed.] `` I'I!1If\F` J-J" _..,_-- --- -....., ..........u..u5 um. um uompnny nave ooen Iwlrdod ' A camp MEDA-I . ON pxzoezmss, .2 A GRAND MEDAL OF m.:p.1'r A.` -11 n`.` thaw Wm.` u, nnh, Q,.,:..,. _\(...J.:.... f'l--.------ -A-~----- At half retail print, I ..M_.l'._ WOOUI Una Ulj_l(lu. Iuv-u a-uvuvu-nun ihfriefiiij-ehmtte. "The public go there because he deals only on the square, and sell; them the very best in his line, at thelowest living 1_etee.- Then in Summer V it is pleaeanigtp go to the Woods without going out`of'fown,' and in Winter it is fasqinatixxg toeee the Wwds in -all its verdure and freshness, end above all, the _..L1:.. ..1..:L L1... `M .-..1..nI Wall I-umnnnn . /. ..,Ntor Acxtiistzxtg,-;I_t iawri acident that i_Mr.. ` iii oie 6f_oi'1r' iiaost iucoasful A.,,:-;._.;__`l.`.....L.. nu... nuuklin nm I-Jansen menu; it is well madu- ' ' A Non-liability lo geloul o[ordor,ei1her by or standing. .3. Pan-leclion'or adaptability bfall its parts. ' .4. Easy ofworkin , light running. and H0` 5- 5. Buy ofmanagement ; no great skill reg. ed to operate ll. ' ' 6. Reliability; it won takip axitchu or break_lhc thread .7. Simplicity or ienniona; norhxrd to manage them. 8. Simplicity of stitch regulatorjmuy to be understood _9.hCapaciIy to do ali kinda" of W0|'k:8h` 0' eavy. IO. It makes Ihelock-stitch arm and good, 11. Preuuro-foot can be regulated for [IBM 0| heavy stitching. 412. Can be regulated the take-upapring accord- ingtoiatiichigg. , .-. man no: ragulnl ing to stitching. 13. Can regulate to am`! a---=-- ` ..;. uan rogylale throw-oi!` looPi"hm"` ` to suit sowing. It H" Nate needlrbn; has two throat plot :1, dcc., 6:0. YUFILUIU lillu lBuuDBu, uuu auvvw nu, yaw `public "the Medical Hall because jhey have condence in the proprietor and his drugs. 'Mr. Woods has theobest of reput.at.ion, and intends, by fair deal- ing, to keep it. _ ' -js - Tun! Excu..-Doctar Joaophuvshoehoneu ` Vegetable Pillez now super- Hiorly sugar.-ooaled cannot be `excelled at I Family M edicine for genernl pnrpoaee. Thu pm nnntninn the umve oronerliel of. BOSTON QRUBBER B`ELT1NG AND PACKING, READYJMADE GLOTHING. Famuy `M adtoma tor genera: pnrpolel. * The Pill contains the active properties of Mandrake and Dandelion, as well ea oom- ponnd Extract of_Colooy'nth and Extract of ` Hyoscyamna. Test them for your own antio- faotion. One box contains about 28 Pills, and and each Pill ia a sufoientdooa for an adult ' in ordinary oases. Try them. 1 :5 -. . . .- an ,,,.t. _....E__ Mmlntls I.-FsLr.ows, Mannfsolnring Chemist: . A Sm: For seversl months past I have used your Compound Syrup in the trentment of Incipient!`-`hthisis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the Chest, and I have no hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those disesses. Being an excellent nervous tonic, it exerts a direct inuence on the nervous system,snd through` it it invigoretes the body. It nhnln ma nlamnurn to rnnnlnmlnd I -especuuny wr unis work by Hays, Dunks, . Stewart,` Dresaler, and other well- known Authors. Price, 75 cents each. Sent per express for $7.60 per dozen. Send your orders early, as we shall ll themln the order received. Sent, post-peid,on receipt IP11` In/I`-D1111) A 1\Tn1.1 TTCITH oP'l |3wma Mama, Saint, post-pId,V6i:Vrecai'pt %'1`_E`MP_]E_RANA(3E USE. ::::6 lHI'0Ug I! ll IIIVISOIIIGI llll 9011'. It uffordn no pleasure to recommend a remedy which in really good in cases for which it is intended, when so many ud- vorliud are wane than usoleu. IaIn,Sir,. Ynnrn lrnl1_ .u. .u.u Iv u.u.lhJ.'J UUUIL well-known i`emporauce'Songs, together with a choice collection of new Melodies written -especially for this work by Hays, Dunks, .'[]n`|) Stewm-t,_ Dresaier. other well. IN We shall issue; new _ .* book entitled Temper- ence Echoes about the first of. April,,comp-lied esyecially to" suit the wants of Temperance Societies. It will oontnin a large number-,of A RTWTIT (`IT-1313 `nnnrr r:rmxuv.n:5- u. will uonum IBIQB numborof A NEW GLEE BOOK i'emDorance'Snnnn. tnrmthnr ..m. ' Manufiicturd by F.G.WlLLlAHS mUmowun1NaVco. % aA`rFu-:L4o STREET. Near thqnew Bn'ck"Foundry, msnssra cum:-zsr runmruns ..., vruuluunlaa machines on Iron Stand, lack PRICE 40.00. % 7 Yours truly, ` . Z. S. EARLE,Jr. M.D. St `John, N.B., Junnary, 1868 :[A_E-!~H/_I_!r:% |3A._N-.0 El ulrow your wmaxey out. zsong and Chorus -..;.............-Leighton.2 Pspa,Stsy`Home. Song and Ohoruu. . . . . . . ..W. S. Hnysm Will be Crme Home To-night? Song and Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..DankgA 1 "in no urmu nome "I0-night"! aong Ohorua.. . . . . . . ..Danks. 30 ctl. Poor Little Tim. Song & _Cho. Abbey. 30 ots. Don't Sell my Father Bum. Ballad. .. Bressler. 30 cu. Mailed, 0 G S on rgceipt Dost-paid, u of P1100- Stay Home with me to-night. Song & Oho:-us.. ..'I`u- kor. 30 cats. Drinking Gin. Song 8: Chorus. Heath. 30 cu. We won't1eave the Farm. -Songgnd ' Chums . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . , . . . . PM-nlnv an 1-0:, we want Leave me Farm. ` Dong and Chou-ns...................Per91'ey. 30 eta. We cannot give thee-up. Song and Chorus ...........Clnrk. 30 on.- The Living Waters. Song and Chorus. 35 cu. If.yon ve a Fltlier'l Jove. Song and Chorus .. . . . . . . . . . .-.. . .Mux-tin. 30 cu. A-ddreu, J ; L PETERS, 599 Brolsdyvay, N. Y., P. O. Box 5429. jlill jlllllii Throw your Whiskey out. Song and Chorus -. .; . . . . . . . . . . . .,T.ei;-hmn. :1 In excellent for the following points \. Simplicity of construction, parts and In menu; it is well L on-Iidlxililvtn am ..... ..4.._.a-- _:.L__ L.- Eaq` 0. 'Pbi3fkiiza for cazined godsp - , I L) \Kt LIL-l\llLJ_ \Il.' I-U ' I3. hrgoxgqck of Cmckery & Glassware, I nun In nmlnnuld. J1 Ln ' Jongal" "` Sewing Ma.- chines have bpen at all widely known to the people. the Siugor" has bum. in pro- minent existence, and during all , {huge year: has been undergoing im- provement: compatible with I edcmandu ofihe age xgmghm `W-,.eEonoe~3}' ` IYn`Aun~n 1.5---- uucnmg. ` throw-o' loopinshuttlo-nee sowing. -F'_L-A_-I SINGER .. .- c - I Z &_ I` Q 9 nxonwon `omen, _. - Qyot Bank, Q?!.II"0:;; J. W. HASTINGS. THE c1.*./v'11e:' STORE: I quint!ty' of Iihininv-._ - ,mr, . 7. S RAH] Po 0. BOX 13 65;I* ,'nix And I. 3,3!` I . 30 cu. h 40 ct_I. 'CCUlP I of ! at-. gain! a surge qunnmy oftbc most stylrsh PMERICAN COFFINS. a`r'}. ; x'.r-4 Cublnetlnd Undertaking Establishment one door Won otlhe Welfin Ion Hotel, flui- ` Inn : Block. mic. 1-3--n PIoi.uon7and Moldings conuqntl - on-hand. frame: made to on-(lei - ` at the Iowan-nus: _tor _puh.. quantity Oh---lloll l|.yliah . . H3UsE CLEANING. A: the bus sensor: 2': at hind, do lull Io fl nudc1..nix:e the [re Al the ndvertieerie practically conversant with his business in all its detnile, employs the molt skillful workmen, and uses `none but the belt material, he can warrnntall work made in his eitnblilhment to give thorough satisfaction: to-the ,rehnser. Single and double Ulrnest-I ofnll lnda, Snddlee, Uollere,` Trunku, Vnlises, end everything connected with the business constantly on bond at the lowest prices Part- icular Attention given to Light Single and Double Carriage Harness. S015 mnr~ut`a.cturer in Barrie of the Excelsior Buck and Hip Strape," to which the attention of the public in Ipecially directed . ` Bnrrie,Jnne 18, '73. Holy __v \.J4,_..yi,wva~` T--u lvizi ruxrmnn Bidzibbn "all phrtis on. giving Gaoda or Mums fan my account with- out my written order. . J. B. JOEINSON. I`) of To 1flE QIRMIIQG OOMMUNITX , Mom?! sun ISMONBY nnmzn. The Inbleriber whilst thankful fortho liberal patronage given in the put, respectfully solicit: n contlnnnoqof the lune, and bogs to state that his g\_s_,_ Ltgnochmns, AND P.BOVlSl0.Z.S s7inin"AN'Ii amass mm, Corner of Bayeld 6` Dunlap Streeta, BJRRIL` _--.: ----- --- -.-_. _..__, .___, , `I . . '.Onnnot be beaten either for quality or price. Be deal! in` the but mu-k'eu,and cannot be nndbrsold by any house in town. He alto `keep: on had the but of 1---nuns: A COO` CCIICVAQIE Chmo-1::-;, Sunni. nuu vwarranleu to give ntilfnction Riding and . Driving Whips. '. Curry Combs, Brushes, &c., togezh plete outtting: for entire horses; ho oex-sent very moderate pricel. Barrie, July 16. 1873. _______.___________________ n-I.IvVI'\ltIJ QEIVII'\\J=, Having taken the premxsea lntely occupied by H1"-.-Wm. Root, nearly opposite the Barrie Hotel, begs touform the farming com- munity and the public generally, that he`: has now on hand and _ nnnufacun-es to order SADDLES, TEAM A: nAnnrAr112 AAHJLVILD. - &c., to: An nsso'rtmen.t ofwell made Collars in stock and warranted to give ntilfaction. Ridin a.nd.Dx-ivimr Whinn 12:0; I1--1- VILAIJJU 450": aaaiyvv-cw, Allo ALE AND-PORTER, bottled or on draught. I'u`nI-Innrl P:-ndnce. as much at he can draught. Farmers Produce, lay his hand: on,bonght,nnd the highest market price paid. Gina call one and you wil be sure to come spin. TEOS. LENNOX, A {ewdoo2IMNorth of the `Wellington Hotel, 42-ly .. " . Bltjo IIIITIDIII` lVI\/\-7IlI- HIS now on hand an extensive and genuine stock of Single and Dunhla Harness (Clrriage and Team), English and C-vnmon Riding Sad- dles, Double and Sin is Bii-`lies, Collars, &c., which he can o`er- at very ieuonable prices. Also in stock, some of the hrs! English and other Riding and Driving Whips. Bits, Lines, Brushes Curry and Kane Combs, Cards, &c., tobe found in this msrket. . Ann .-Hg}- 3.. 01... A..-A- _.__..r_ _._.,,, 1 n Ill lll llfhh . Any article in the trade manufactured, fut nished to order on short notice, a1.d warranted to give satisfaction. . ("Ranairn wall and ngnlis .2-mmo.A ANY] HA D\T`I4`D DTE RY7 E 113711 A nr IK\vI\IVV\vnu I [Lute l)Vu:1on..stroet ,'] begs io inform his in- quiring friends, his customers. nnd the public generally, that he in well, and driving business in his new premium. DDDIXQYVUE III)` T\Y7DTI I Il`D Q I 117 `[1 ? Y l~.I'.lS6pBll'8 wen am Barrie, April 8, 1870. _j.. |ANTON '1' As'ror=.E. LIf1%qETg& 0_]_{S I`ER HOIJSE | THEIR UOOBI W!!!` 01' Till WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. 5:: Oysters Stewo`'l,V Fried and Raw; Luncheons, Hot and Cold, prepnred on short notice. A Gobd Placq tq_ get a Cup of TEA. CONFECTIONEBY, CAKES, 8c., 80. Don't forget to call in. - . "F. BAIL. U03" YUTKCI I0 CBII ID. `F. BAIL. 7 ' Agent. PAINTINTG.P&INTING. --u_._ __ .- 1s__..._...._...l Home; Sign and Carriage, Plain and Orna- V mcntal Shop on Jdhn street, near Bull : Planing Factory, Barrie, Ont. Ordnrn left at E. G1-Aver : Hardware Store. um ..u. u r. ......--u:, OPPOSITE;-R`. DURHAM'S SAW MILL, * ALLANDALE ROAD. `Hy --..-. uu I. uu UUIUUUIL . AND UNDERTAKER, ' 103,`. &c., to. count: or owzzv .9 mcnozum STREETS. BJRRIE. lPAI1r__-1:-:E:::=u| .I.Ul..l1 UU LU H) CCHIS P61 10. LIBERAL TERMS ALLOWED TO _THE' TRADE. `. ` < Dunlopsrteet, Barn'e.. rncsory, unme, um. Ordors leftat E. G1'lVOl"l Hardware Store, Dnnlop street, will be promptly attended to. Februnry and, 1873, (My L--- '*"""`;"'*`. "' "11.. |AnNngs% &'T'n'uI\1K AT\ L{F.aeTum, I vs -nugu 'EEi"R S 2] ADDLERY AND HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, BAYFIELD STREET, V A few doors North of the Wellingmn Hotel. `1A U!l`JON_'l () Mzacnnms AND .2 "0`P}IERS. ` ' - _ U glVU IILISIBCUOIL I:1'Repairs well and neatly eiecutod. in-ria. Avril 8. 1870. EDWARD BEMROSE, Iaving rvremxsea lntelv occnnind r ' AD- HA-RNESS ESTA BLISHM ENT. wxz-w'i'I4_1r'i>'}}iitibns, Ann unnmnn L-ul.ul nu {pnt19mo;1s Fufnishing Goods, Hats, Cams. &c. -._: Just receive!) a consignment of fveoh .-u-9-vrwrri-1-.1'1\rN ..... ...uu..mne me lremendoun vFURNTURE OI Illa Invent -nl-. .- .-_,.~.n/.,..,..-.,-.,..~-V-.~..~.. 4v-. `...,., ( 4 . - ~. .7\Zsl VOBERT MCHENRY, J . SADDLE, nuvnniu n J-nrvnvur an. l\IIlII nrnrvn MARTIN MOORE, now on hand an axmnnivn and nan uuma, TEAM st CARRIAGE HARNESS. R'RInl .I`Q ALFRE13 GRAVER, .-. Plain and Ornamentvzral. \JlILVl]_U 9! ncwen styles, 1 1` `IT I\ *1.` Tau: Doom War or `ran NIITDN HOT?! TIITNII nunu a Ulllupwlc uuc: _m In mo Imncbu of *, iv" .TJnoo'rs an SHOES_ or EVERY" DESCRI um ` lug.sl_;;;ek o_f Ctqqkgry which we will mail .11 . min gt hand, parties wank! l..J:ine tremendous stock . C! - . . i_A1L's L` DOD. BRIDLESQ 'l`RITI IJFAD, TRUNKS uulyuu Dlll, UEl'C3,' :., together with com- hnrnom -11 at ..L:..|. :5, at 1:\ '1- amendom numb uucr wun com- s; all of which `LI: Bin, Cards, Khr with llnh-\_ MAi)IMb'rH HOUSE, "13-tr 29-1) `J. 0, 0 Bun-um.m 3-h_ltabontE::r?em.`,n" R39. This i|[t'o cert - - , `.' `E0 I became ntict utran lin . . Phyaigisnga inI1::dc`-hree ofthe most amine: for about: ,9 Vthonnty of Nor-thumberlan In fsctl continued` _ rouiving any `benet. Atluzl was Idvi '"Iz worse an tin ximo noes Remedy 1 [:6 u "7450 Great sboebv it was about bni h ugh`: bottle ofit, and when bI'- I cumin: :16 I be`\' 30 feel unu- lhroe bottle! whee ` Io njuntill had ul that I was .3 weX]n.'.t:":y1%;faion, Hou- om ill " I een mien :1 mm, and have been loever sing`. IJOHN smnn. V ' Swot be! . otAp.n':_,_3_:1'g;o_ Slmthold, um cm 6-: 3- K. WELLINGTON, J.P. w --- . Nm"'UI-.0331: or LUNG nrsxm. J` .0. on loonn, April 5th, 1810. `g . V - 193.3!-MI. Enq._sm,.-..-my it I0 :'u".R9` '3! Wife wn very low with lwgdir 5 km _o Doctor hld given her up. he n ' :'.;,.1 "e':' `illmoled, and nodicine coll` ~* "4 `iilldlt nnort, I pxmhutl 0 - Glut Shonhonoen Remedy. M - A ~"5"d3Jl.,het symptoms was . .. Eh oontinnod tolrnpronll. ` , , Iliolindtakon on W ~ _e9nthInt ` : . can-nls YbiF"' '"5bYi'iE `{2}: time Iinlgsr y aioted unrpenler. Wnouuu Aenn-s.--Nortlnrop & L_nnn! Toronto; Lymanros. & Co, Toronto; 3`- iot 8 00., Toronto. . 3S.'i~.71, V1: :5 ul-5 perr DUZ LU Cllo GTO!` Sale by all Di-nggiats and Deaien fl ` Medicine. Asmara ran Bnuux.-John oodl, ` Watson &:Co.,Wella Bros . Tolen as M<-Lean. 03`u.uA.-J. W.Slavon. Cou.mawoon.-Hr- Cu-penler. ' Wnnt-uAvn Abnvnn, \!..-.L_-_ I. V-.. - A 1-.nI 01H M11188, Luver, Kidneys, Digestive Ursa zp. &c.,as well as ,Scr0lula, the various H1 Diseases, Human, and all diseases arisiulitn` Itrllgllflly ofxhe Blood, excepting the Third 5'! ' o onsumptloh. Furlherintcnnutlon, will Hi directinns ton-using the Gram SLO-l-h0l`.e81{vmu3~ ~ '6; Pills, and containing Teuimon.x:!s and Cu r cues of Curea.cnn be obtained by securing In 'I'roaties,the Hand-book, or xhe Almanac in circular: fromany respectable Drugglll innit Dominion--troc. 15- av` . . . _. _ nav-uuuvu--uvI1. Price of Remed in large Pin! Bottle: i 31- P lsper B02 25 cts. FOP `b7 III I)-I-noahva and Tina-Jan in Q `lo hi:'Mediclneia plehaant and safe lo lake, lid in warra_nled,nnd may ponitivelv be rehed up" to make a permanent cure of all diseases 0! hi Throat, Lungs, Liver. Kidneys, Digesuve Urn Qzc. _ScrbIu|a. the various jjtvi -- `-1` . I nowon hand a chance stock ofsoasonablg Goods, WHY? SlMl LY BICAUQE the Valuable active mail: it vegetable ingredients, some at "Which we V` mention, ouch nstbe _xtracts of Wlld CW BllfhPodqphvllum,Juniper,Qunasta,Smanw 3 Dnndelion, Hyoacylmus, Con pound Extmct J3 Colocynth , Jalap; nocotrinc Alcc-9, Capsttum. 4-c. kc.) Whichcnterinto the composition o! I combined medicine, are such nnd so harnlnmot st clustod and compounded_.that it is made the wt sonrchin curativeinthe Known world, atHJ(P3` not help utncton the system in u very satillaci-.11 and desirable manner. No matter what Hut I1` men! may bo,or how long standing. 11 wt}; . tndtb' spotand utonish ycn by the ra id manner. I . which you an: restored to perfect ealth nnu 'IL V119`-I. V...._.._. *--u -1- - ' . .,.,For nluhst Brick Store and Dwell` I k ~ - ' . Into ?.::;.;.f{:*.:';:.';:""':;:.';'::' we ---3.`; i - wu. am, II.-.8. n... gnu. Inlln RIM. H Barrie, Oct. aocb, 1872. 1 ............ nun:-av uuuull mum. I '1-`rado Mark--"Blood an The GREAT BLOODPURIFIER 5: a;`s%";' Forclennsingnndvcleaning the Mood `lro I in 'unlies,cnnnm be too highly m-mm,,,dm _ or Scrolula, Sc-urvy.Skin Du M` ..r .n s:...a. .. :- - ......__ :__-.fe"" , "5 Son- In IIYIIIOI, CRUHOI D0100 high Scro1ula,Scurvy.Skin I Ofjll kinds 1! is n never-fa nnrd, uewnuoaephus, ofthe Great Tribe ot Shusbunc. Briu'shColumbi,is workimnhe most mam-.. and aatonxobxngtluresthe World on-r brnrd : Never in the anus]; on Canadian Medxcn Hun has such success attended the lnucducucn oi II medicine heretotorc. 1171: um xcznnxns` }wonm mm mm mum, _'_r"_a_`!_, _R`,9"kf"B"0d Nllxn..- .. 'PROCLAIM THE4GL.k D TID1.\`(.s '1").-. .L, IV .. ._ L. That the! Gun Snosuoxru KSXIDY AB 2 F `. Omit! htmnent lnduun Memcincohdan, Du. 148__'i5Joaephus, o1Shos'm.nm BHUSII cOllll]1bi.iS Wnrkinv thn nun! rnnrv-.. . nl ` 4` marism, Gaul, 2\'eurnlgia,, Sjcialica Wlinderizzg Pains, Sttfncss in lb or Jon 5, Spruins, Bruises, Nurnhneu, .\u-1 Hea cite, Earaclzg, Toothache, tic- p.-.-, _ wr. - -. - _ . . In}va,") .1`:-be {I BELTINGI BELTINGII uro. ~ ' """"" It Curesold Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Nck_ C urea Ulcr rated Sore Legs, `c3:::;Lt.,`:';=-s*';;;:t on nu ma. CurdCancer0us Ulcers. . Cures Blood and Skin Dilottses. Cure: Grandular Swelhnvvo. Clears the Blood tram al '.'npmMIu' . . From whatever cause arising, AI this mixture is pleasing to the t..._.M warranted freq from anvthtng lhjurious to the mo delicate conntttutionpfetthcr lax, the Propygw, solicits auerors to give 2'! a trial to test it: value Thousands ofTestuno5iI!u from all pgm, ' Sold In bottles 25 3d each, and in Cnaegqm, mining six times the quutity, 1t|ach-..,g_ cient to effect 5 pelrmangnt cure in the 3,, mgjuvity of long-standing cum, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE YEN. DOES throughout the wnrld. Uunp lurouguuul. we wnna. Sole proprietur. F. J, CLARK. chem," APOTHEOARIES HALL, LINCOLN, 3,13 EXPORT&AGENT8. Bnrnovzie. Burbldzes U0. (mxm... .-... --vn, UKIDXIIIELD B110 YAVIHIVT I DORS throughout Rnln nrnnrintm-_ F` J (31.5 D rgujue, nurumgcs G IUO. Uolemgu nu London. _ ` Newbery & Sons, 37 Ncwvgnte meet, London Barclay 3 Sons, 95 Fan-ingdon street, Low Sanger & Soul. Oxford street, London. H And all the London Wholesale House;_ Ann -u-r In Anna... . UIIII III URNHUA. Mon!reaI- vans, Mercer 5 Co.-, Wbolenfy Druggiau. Lymana, Glare & Co. I'oron!o-ElliotI & Co , Wholesale Druggim, " Sbapter 8 Owen. Hqmillon-Winner & Co. F_lal:fu;t-Avery,Brown Q Co. ` 42.}, g lI\l'Ulll nliI:llIb'. Burgoyne, Burbldges&1Uo. Uoleman London. I -------f--------------k_ .4 Spcic Remllly for ail Uiseavzs of (`,4 Bladder and Ki:/mytz, Drnpsizul Su-ellinga: (un- paints incidental to 1"nnales,- and all Dmuu. ., the Urinaiy Orgrns an either Sex. nvm... ....1.... -1 u.:.. n-.::-:_, 1 , . .-.- .. ..r... , V. 3. u. u. -..--or L'`&: The value of this Medicine has been pm in numberless instances now on xecord." Pgieo $1 pep Bottle. Sold by all Drugvgi ` - .-_ :}`URE OF BRONCHITIS. PULMonXeY coss /1191103, ;USINESS STAND FOR SALE. .-.-..-. doupouxb mum xaxnucr-4 "'.'l`lne'Kllng of all Linlmenlx ... .un uuuuu no nu.` LIFE` Douteronomya chap. xii ,vem 2:, My 25 cents. Sold by all Drug-1 :...:' "n1 fgnc wx. -nu. I4uu\J'lM IV uulrilc ` am In cAuAn_A. 1.0;, - _ vlcrdiii % mo WH Y1 AT JOIHNL LE-E's. ammab- L2- 2-].-. -.-l nuull. : n _pr'onl _--..-- I.L.-\J .n..\.J4 \I\lL.. AND . GENERAL Gnocnnuzs, Wmms AND LIQUORS. Fruits, WINES-.-- Ju'es Marmalade, Champagnes, GIN.- Pickles, ' Sandemsn, Bunk} Sauces, Oid Port, Booth` Currie Powder, Alacam Port, DeKlu Mustard, ` . Farragonn Port, RUI[.-V Potted Meats, Sherry Meiser, . Jim! Lobeters, in Lina, Diamond Sher-ry, Denna Snlmon, Pale " IVHISKIE Oysters, Brown . . Old B Cheese, Ginger Wino. M318, 7 Baocn BRANDlES.-- Scotcl Floux-,&c`, Martaella. Irish)` - Wnnnnannvln I-3 THE `f S.IA%MESE TWINS? LLVANWRSSEL & MORGAN AGENTS FOR THE an. nl n.t American Oak Tanhed Leather Blliug, Canadian Oak Tanned Leather Bellini, Iowitx n Mill Files. - - ' VJGIIIILIIIIII KJIIB IKIIIUCU IJUHKIIU Iowitx a Mill Files, Steam Fittings and Pipes, Lubricating 011, &c., &o , 8cc., _uu 1:119 uuuumn wA'1'UHlS ' GOLD AN `CLOCKS mwmmcmr, mndelflrepaired audDw.S:I:.' RTRN (T WATHH Ann con-nnunr no __,. ;, T IIIIHUI IUIII. ' Bemg nw dead, the grated living wonder in the ?V..__ ..-...--_ `J _-.. V -a- ..n 1.5.0, IMPORTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN 71'` I111 ! A :`4'1r"rt\ 1'/s-I-1 r\ar\ HUNTER, IMPORTER. \Vl-10l'.`R..QA!.R Ann nu.--tun nuviu-an n - -- .. ....- .... .. ........n 1,u.uIuc, xuyaurcu unu WIYTIIIIOII. 8161` OF WATCH AND SPEOTAOLES, next door to Mr. - _...__._."*"""'*` -(t: rG|VE HIM A CALL..n "4 I. V vulmlull Junaxnuu JVADIV` rom '60Vto 75 cents per lb. XRMQ Al I (\1UI?T\ 'I`(\ '1 E--AT... sEw}I\ggM .1ggA_g_I_jg1NEs, Acme wcromousrl IS TO msum 1).. um, um, IIEAIIY-MADE cLoiuc; an.-.,% hyhioh he oqavpolition. ofahn nu L... .....a:. The Wheel_er & Wilson J. IIEJVDERSONS iusr WHAT WE HAVE ALWAYS sun. L. s. & c. L. sz com wncmzs, cow CHAINS, - srnvmz WATCHES, FANCY CLOCKS, com) JEWELERY, SILVER JEWELERY, ELECTRO-I` LATEDWARE .3` 1 v 1'4` 0 LA vs 415/.oQvAur1;Rs TOYS FOR THE MILLION PARLOR CROQUET -'l'ABLE8,- BOHEMIAN wuss, T CUNCERTINAS, VIOLINS. A . THE BEST IN THE WORLD; IAN U1 DD. Marbe1l a, Hennesaey'l Sayem A .....1:..L. D1- ua_u 5 Q-Ig.'JU!.Jl\vl.l".I1[: 1`, , which wepwill til at ITUUW `!` >vAG;i}'I'l`S FOR THE 00. SIICCIB. _ I . - - d d fty uses of Spring Good: among which um. "7' :1?ef1t`i:a[s"a`::`tin<|"oe'o`r :euui:a 515.. Goad: of every variety. AholIlp lnrgut ' Selected stock of rim: to be had in Onlnrio. 74 V _ kt d flit kofelllhegoodl aired` mu `M ?:z.:h'iad8ne::n`,h:m.::; ?o"h :reuou:::1menne Stock of Grey and WhiIe'Col- ` ' ' recommended by the Intrnstlonnl I RUE. Jlmaicn, Demnrnrn. WHISKIES.-- ' nu Du- [1, no 1 Aha IHQ `nun:-I L` o -' B|rn'nrd'a . Boottrl, Deliiugho FM . - lDLlUo'- Old Rye, . Scotch, Iriah Old 61-ow, Ale And Pn` Eire: Robin's, :ANDERS. Vlonnp, Dtod . (5rompton a. ! VII, IIIEU COCK 0| UTUCIUF} n,f~_up_;o,p`e` undeuuld. 42-Iv 3_r;xw.uzn,. [sTOVEsTg 01-den prongptlynun ad 0. ` . n- n. 1- vrucrl ynulgyuy Iusu all In A. G. 8- SULLIVAN, ` Bsyold street, oppoai Remy : new" Foundry building, barrio. . Barrio, July 16 1813. . A { 29-ly Olstunl of all meal am the Inuit plant, - `saunas VI vsanvu. II lllllllll At 1 dept of 107 feet, which can be proved on Applicntion to Mr Walwan, 6th 0011. 9Vespra. Thesa improved pumps are nun: A nrr 1 or -r.\ nun . n . wAnnmu:_1_1 FOR iman, Easi1"i1I'r'6i22i'i3v'{}chi1a dent feet. nroved an onlcu uuynvvvu yuulyn t!) REMARKABLE . CHEAP ! Ann! -3" Ian} Inna`: lvluun nu... n4L--._..-,, '- The subscriber challengcu (ho co"'1ty of Sim- we to manufacture Pump: to` :;mpoto_ with those mndwby him. they are . nmnlnn I I nn nnn nu.-nn Inn: 2 .. . "N`Wl?.'f1 f3VEtLS =l l.UIHOV&5L'&&4LL'LJl1 ~ \.lll.]_'1[l|_ And will last longer than any other pump'bI;il r .-___;._?- .>.. lIlililIII_l.l._m}l? l"lIn1l`! I In the shove village. Famine: regularly supplied with the best of Bread.end full weight; ulna, Cnkes _and Confectionery of all kinds, in any quantity, of rat-glass quality, and at low prices. ~ :l. I0-NICO, Socials, Sol:-ecu, &c.,'&c., ;h`oL Subscriber: beg to inform .the public of Allnndnlo and vieinity,that_they have opened om u; uvu Inuvi vn vuasn IV ICU n SATISFACTION GIJARATEED,- A- AL-_ L--- 1.-.! 1...... uI__._..__. __ -1. .1- As th-ey h-nve hngi (I.Tax-ge'liiVxperienco in all de- partment: of the business. J.'G. HILBORN & BRO. Abll;ndlo, Oct. .29, 1873. 44.1, . ._-_-_. .._..._..__T..._..._._..... _ __ V BUY-'_-Y. (UR- READY - MADES, Luv`-\ n-um -nun! B'u-tie, Oct. 20, 1873. $318.- `IlI.-L n.oq;""sZa'?'"_' In mum may 1! Confectionery Store! @UTM+WRK 2| Remember: there Is no Cheaper Jlouse In Town than,'_ A |@@1M%$%3@ | muzsn MEAT, -. FAMILY FLOUR, . mzovzszozvs, WHVES, ~ LIQUORS, _ BOTTLED ALE, - ANDIORTER, In In tho __1...._.egg..-..-. .r.;I \II I Lino done-with neutron and dinpstch. Ro- member the place, :1;-noun`--uuux -\- ~--u-\-_-_ Opponito the Bimcoe Hotel, und Adoon N ortb of the Wellington, Barrie. GEORGE C. BUCK, Proprietor. Bu-rio. Nov. 6th, "I3. 45-]; ucuucaovy I U1 UI'Wg Sugdrl, ' . . ` Sa5:er s M9 and Porter. Teas from 30 cents upwards. Englxsh Black Teasin Caddles`, V . - 1-nm H01-n '75 nnnfu nor IR M

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