)oa1mi0N.tiu'rEL,ALL1sr0N.; L71! mm ROYAL HOTEL, ALLANDALE. ` l ' . `(Croxoxs old alandf - IDLAND HOTEL, .(Lte' Royal.) corner of Front and Calm-.va.te1' streets, Ox:i_llia,0nt. Hm Excamqn HOTEL," oooxsrowz? b JOHN GREGG, _'- -V - Prq`prietor.M . .-_- woumcaoxn.` HOTEL, DUNLOI` 833221- ) `EAST. RAFIRIE. . M. SHANAOY, -' - -..-..._ 7WALTE_:J. `TAYLOR! Piloprietox. U- D.L1'1'I'1 Chief Ag. nfor Dcsmmaztr JOSE 31-! `R0! LL! i`1U11`JlJ, llUuA1VUi (Croxoxs old stand.) V ul ucuuuuuu. _ > mp: payment, and liberality in ' its` l033tia.Iire the mrominant ._r-Ls_\'Iu_enr., mm uneranty In lo3s`us.~a`re the prominent Lltbv :~.ommmv.. _ man Inc`; Liquor! W1.` . tblivii Lfor DominiOn'.""" '- `V JOSEBH ROGERS, Ncent. Rarv-in - Prop;-ietbr. 4 in. nuunna, ggent; Ba.x_'r.ie . . `xv Au 1: .'- LG`.jcD1'f Club I119 that he pin the pn- vd Torqnfo. nbuln nu-ul. ungum , Pfoprietor. ` UDLU lJX`JDDU'iZ`. -- KKUF. L. CAISSE; Pmniat mm is prepared to give ihstruclionsb at. the residencevofpupilsmnd also at his own resi- ance. Pianos, Organs, and_,Mc1odeons"Tuued. `mi Repairecii For terms and fun-'\be_r parti- Qvtlarsspply at his Residence, two ddors west of the Barrie Foundry, Oo_11ier Slrsdt, Barrie. ".a.r1 i_e; November 7th. 1872. _ -if ' (irgquist,beg3Lo,i'1tiu:a.ta that be. -uulgunu uu vv Ly, _ , ._ _ ~ IBuic,hor and Poultrer, BEGS toinformathe public tlmthe has` taken Stail No. 4, iu the Market House, Bar_rie., where he will cm -ry onthe nbve buaiueia. srx-ie.December 11th. .186 ! _ . ~ 50 (ijfha ALEXA NDER7i3.i7vE,_ . ` ELE0Tza101;uv '44 GAZVANIST,` Harrisozfs Brick Block. Dnn.l.-In Rhone ' OAT Mr Maundgjell . Barrie.- DIIPOSITURY OF THE |1`{A,RRIE BRANCH `BIBLE SOCfETY,j DUHLOP BTREET. . .-,-- ;__, ._ '~ uuv. ..u.uuuu DEJVYIHIVI; is now prepared to Manutaelure all articles in his |ine,of1he best description, and at cheap rates. .BaI"rie; Dec} 3rd, 1867. ' IOQEAN HOTE-L._ n. B1NGzufM, - 'I rc _ . u auu.--- me suoscnoer begs to mrorm the I" `public o1Burrie and viciuity_lhat he is pre- eared In SINK VVELLS, TANKS, or do EXCA- ATING. either by the 'ob or day, `on the shortest notice anghnost rcasuna lelerms. R (1`.`fB:'!t!g r:~D'r~ [C I . well; 1 P.L.A`T t.1\T-E-3-7 ID ON: Barrie. Jan. '3. I979,` `W . J. '1` having `bought out the Stock and Good-will of I.Ve Williams, is prepared to sup- ply the public with Beer, Beef; Pork, m_1d'Polnsh Bnrrels,Kegs, Cl1urns,Wash Tubs, Barrel Ch urns , and the Celebrated Cylinder Churn-; also, Cisterns of allsizs, and all Wonk in 21 Cooper : Line ol Business. ' - ' Collier `- - - - street,- .T--`NEARLY, o1>1'=o1'r1 T115 MARKET, BARRIE. .- ` 19-l Yfl` The Mention` House is 3` thre_st~ ry brick. -building. It affords spaciousness, convenience. andjcomfort. 'i`he.pro[.r-ietor is well known as" Ta hotel keeper to nearly 82} in this county, and. his Vefxperience -will be '9. guarantee aayto `.be' merits of The Mansion undt-r hia- zupe.'imcnd- ance ' * 2 -' ` v _ Sample , Rooms for Commercial . * ' 'l`rave.lcrs. . ' _ GOOD STABLING ND SEEDS. D._ FA.RAG}IER, 9'.y - , ` ,v......-;.o,.. > ,, \J Ls. uaa .na 8) J4 `- from therat dairies'in_the'Provmce, which for - ` quality oa.nnotb_e'bel.ten. ._._--_ 5:30 5. DD`! BIOCK OT @5.:r.~acn>@aauaa:;sa`s nunnintinn n'.'T`Anc .qIInnv-n l'Vnl!`...\.. if I-D~l Qua Var Ian; I-Bi-1-`A (if E 5 Oonaisting of~Toas, Sugara, 0o`ees, To- bsccos, &c., Pickles, Cnnnzd Sa'm0;1,Lobate:a .Sa1-di'nes and (mi: 0: every" descriplibu. _ N.R....A ohoice Int of cakes and h:a..nn. .3I'l1IU83 uuu xruu U] UVEI`y UC3C1'lpU0ua N.B.--A oboicq lot of cakes and bisclxit-3, manufactured of `the beg: _nmt.oria1s, always on hand, with b. cholce selection of Italian goods from the beat packets of Europe R. mm: 11'.- | GEORGE NEWB'i`_0_N, ORILLIA. 'L`h`e subhcxiber` is prepareu to _ execute all or- Jdgrs in "ainting,.Decontiug_snd Paper Hang`- Ing, &( . ' ` - ' ` Pnintimr of alldnnnrintinhndnna with nan}- 1&1? ng Gt V _ . ` ' `I-"aiuting of alldeacriptions done. with neat. ness and dispatch and` at reasonable rates. > - All work warranted to givt; :satiaAfaction. KIBBIEEAGA BTBZET OBXLLIA. l1l7`.('|`K'l'1l.`_"MI4`1'Uml'\xl . . ' V R Ollid mu Mnv. 1971 - ABARRIE, T `_ __.___...... Tm: MANVSIOVN! HOUSE, -` I " JJARKET sqvmm, A _ - . - . - o1~mmo:._] 5 per day. Agents wanted! All clause: of` yvqrkmg pcnple, of either sex, ynung or old. make more money at work Wlth us in their spare moments. or all tho time, than at any thing else. .Pu.rlicnlar'b free`. Address G. SfI`lNSON fa. C0.. Ponlnnd. Mgmo. , _ 19.3-ly `DZ FARAGHER, `P'zprietox'. Of the latest and besttstyles and of the most ap- proved construction, Collier Street, East, sec- ond doorfrom. the Market, Barrie. As the ad- vertisers are thoroughlyand practically con.- l'LA_1 U Uulxnuuu veraant with their-business `in all its details," gmploye none but the most, skilful workmen, `sad nseonly the best material they can "guarantee all work turned out at th git` estab`ish- merit togive perfect satisfaction to the purchase er. ,.Farmers and others look to your interests, and give usaeall, we promise to give-you bet- ter value for your money than you can get at any other Carriage Factory in Barrie. V ` (IPA-lso. GENERAL BLAOKSMITHING in :. MR. HENRY SEWERY. show nmmn-ed In Mannfm.-mm all n.-.i..I... :.\ ;u\u o1u,vn wunxxa`. _ other Umrlasze nacwry ll] Darne. l3'A1ao, GENERAL" BLACKSMITHING all if: branches attendedto. ' _ .Barx-ie,JI'me 18, l873_. -. 6-ly V wAssoNs,% 4BUGGlES, caannms; nwmmubc 9. u'rtI1'(:1-um - ` The suhsciiber having purchased the entire atok in trade of Mr. Wm`. Whitebrend. is pre- pared to make on the ahorteapnntice and most Waugh]? gegmapa good and as cheap Do_ub1'e , Single ' CARMAGES N , . f -' .; WAQGO s'g ; B.uqGms..' " sLmaHs.`o1z, cwrnns, . 1f.` nan Inn mgdin this or anv other can 31') OIDEI` PUTPOSBT _ - : hyou do the reduced terms of the. CANADA Pa.'.uAm:zn' BUILDING .1261 ) Sums Szacxun, wbrh has made more loans to Farmers during Q1; `aat. 17-years than any other,'a&`ord greater -In--litius arid advantagos than those of any otl e : Company in the Dominion, . 11'] U(lC1l`I`F DIHIYSE vnn Wll RG01 ! RIOTITNAGEH. r ..LJ .1 ; `.1. 1...L\I Ba.trie,_Jn.n.'3. I872. ..._._ 'hni1uno, Un uu l.1l!l,\D, ` A` can be made in this or any other copni}; - A.1.0RoKER, % `-V ` " ` -Collier strget Enst, Bitria, Bit_ri9. J1y`16-_ 73j _` , V. `:;; 29,-1:` {K we" batanjlyvon hgixd `ti gpod fslupplv of ' -(o.n`6eu.g'r ancdere. P\`ie'~ INGHAM BROTHERS, BUTCHER and GEN-, ERAL PURVEY R3.'.Markel rSmllNo.`2, Ban-ie; , . " ,t::-. " M 1 Fa'wl""GaIue &c.."fo'l"n, choice ` 7uy .571. hllike 1l a`o_rjd,`z'an'd-o'er the nine 1 ..s...e.s;sea::mumcea-andkhrktlietivcixh; if {tap} :-made_rate pricea. ' ` Cmgned Beet, Sausages and Lard, together with, %!.::*:`:.`s1`;a.::.t.9' W"'i wax: .. ::vb.rsdii..n Sh`!-Apirtof-tzgibivn `ILVXIQIDH DUI` DUUDJNV AND Unjl LA DEPOT. --' . 'The`subacriber has received A splendid lot or ` . "F! H FIR R 12! ` wamsrorhnn HARRISON. '1 ' ..;...A..._,...._ ,A , 1N`GL_xsH`1zUN HOUSE AND CHEESE A DEPOT. uuu 1.11 .Lmuu.-V 9' (1111. 'V_1il\/1:! Brick Block, Dunhp Street. :__._. .-3 ARD.---The subscriber begs to inform the `public olurrie vicinitv that he in runs. 'EV1}'?GNY & coma, Mannfactm-am of p'AI_N'r-ING 4ND DEdoRA1':}T; ._ .. ~, / 1:. ` _ " `_|;-. v. . I ; JUSTICE IS THE GREAT, BUT SIMPLE PRINCIPLE;,LL_j_l_5 {WHOLE s1cma:fr or succts) I-ZN ALI; G9`v EI1.%IENT#. KLIUVLIU I().luu-A-nu, cu1'1`ERs & sLE"I' AND A CGUNTY (SF A`VA2p,VE1%,T1SE1{ Also I ne stock of a can an no It ran u nu U 11 J) 1 D STREET. -u1aUU'1'l1.',, Manufacturers of ` 0ARRIAGEI~},- . ` BU_'GGIES,~ _- J ,WAGGONS,'.` L ` .- '_ AND SLEIGHS : L_..L -A...1-_ -_.1 -o;L_ _-__. -_ \V.J. TAHYL-6R`,'Pr'op1-ietor.` ` Anmia 'r1am*` W33} COUPERAGEL. &i AoA P1-..\1ANEN`1` BUILDING AND SAVINGSSHOIEFY. ` bu.) 0n1u:--EIASONYC HALL, TORONh`Q.' (3API I`AL, "`1 500,000. To Farmers an i.-andownsrsi 1}. You Want to .Bor?'9w Money `I-1}..:v mnre.Inh.'. for vnnrnnlf nr ."m- vn;-.i sons; 7 L l!T'dl"E' OBLLLIA - GEOVGE'NEWTON, : Painter Dtmnraf . . `HE BARBIE FOUN- DRY, AGRICUL- TURAL "IMPLEMEN-'1` AND srovm womcs. Ell \l1DI J.` Pointer `I '.Y 9 VII Ipu: nuul wax ms. A I. to `R- C. HBERT, 40-Iy ' Prdprieto M1 . _ \J|.1LA.',1A\;, ~PIOpriet0Yf. vv1'uu, Decorator. ~' '1] Jv Ll. Ll/W '_U llllll l/U .`4'U ,'ZJOU 11.!/IlDy . To L.:y more.1nku1 for yourself or for you`: sons? To build 9. house or barn? Tu fence, _cIear, umiordrain, or otherwise improv your land? '1 0 pay off a.`Mortgn.ge or other debts? 01' {O my other purpose -? Lyon Vanni mus gel the. worth ofyour muney. ifthia. xs Lloabte. tfy to trade horsasiin ` -see ifyou wont get shaved to yo_ur'hear1}n - s.-omeul. But 11!. Prof. Moore s, strange ' \ yo suv. the wav not to gel shaved is.lb ; pay him a visit and-get a clean shave, \ This islpre-e}ninn'l'|y'a iniving ugh?-' Remember the place. Sccpnd F'oor. centre Ne; Buck Biuuk, Dunlap Street,` Barrie. ` ' ' 12&L'~1`JUl'|'1UllD.l4!. Anu rn:..rxunu.x on- cqred in Canada, the United Suites and Eu~ rope. Paielxt gimrautei-dor-no charge. Sand for prnned iuauucons. Agency in operaan-tgn years. HENRY GRIST,` (hlnwn, Canada. unuuo 11]. V1'.llV1lI_1i:_`. Goods consigned to his care wm -bo;dispoae`d of to the'b=st possible advantage. " Inursr w Mnnnnw T L Hrmn! u1u:513 ' _" .0ua.wa. Canada, -Mcr~h:inicaI Engineer',`So1xcigic_x uf_Pale'nts and Dmughtsman. ' ' " ' ' _? au_'r-L I U V.IL_.I.l. QILVLA V II 9 ,,. Announce5'the opening of We abzfve [establish- m->ut!v and pblicits the pub! `patroq'pgo' ` Goods. Furu1t.ure_ and Wnvres ofjany. kind tqcpived agd; ` advanced np_nn,__v I _ . , K4 Commmons Pnnuxsrs Lox 1~`m:Sron uto or Godnav SALES` AT ALL 'r.xM E-S; flm-an .m.....:........: 4.. 1.2.. __.- ...:n 1.- .11.}--.-.1 '7 H` vu.-nu...- N9, i, No 2,? and Nn'.'~)," E!` *.E:in:b1-anti, `are unsurpassed for body .-r;11:illian':y of; shade. Packages ceniain tun .uect;.wejght.~ The public are warned that c_ex_-tai_n other brands; are 1 ilbs short in every so-ca1l.ud 2.'> ~pqund~ package._ _ 4 ' ` .v ` : ' Examine the-bra.nd anti-do .n-:>t.'be `put 0!!` 'package._ Examine `put wfi-L_h mferior pains,.' The-new is always gang-V E81,`. _ . _ _. _ Sold by any rcspactnb1e"de's.Ier's`in Paints throughout Ontario, and to dealer; on}; by` ~ ' ELLIOI` & C0.=~ . I `V -t`) `i'`I'}?_i)E9s,_ : VIII 1 . UUI-HIIILIAJ ALI tut: IJUIAJIUXKIUI `I 1'! HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR G,'.)0D MORTGAGES: Fa; further information apply to .r, nmnnmvr M AS031. A vnvn nun Fur, aa1e;n 15;:-rie by John Woods, J. P. Ifidd. Watsnn & Co {and W911 ! B;-o_s. The undersigned begs tojnformall parties who may need such work, `that he has always on hand a. large supply of ' `HT 5 Qmmn nm 1) A DIG I 17.) Eu-. . `-Ll.`-`~Z:`.'!".I".*' 1` " iMmmnw's AUETIGN ;MAnT ANb % EGMMISSINA nut1MS;r: 1 NEXT mom: mm mm M mt.-'1:-xi x`x n'ni:m` vwuvnuvuvwluili IIUIQIIIV I . n ' -V , >- 'NEx'r|1>o0n TO THE MARKET_HOU`S_E`, COLLIER Smimfr, BA_3 n 11:. _ ` -...:-.. They also keep in bonnection itb t1gc..ga1`1ery a large stock ,of Albums. Album I .ictux-es," ' Lockets, Chroinon, Lithographs} 9nd" n4.nT'I ..'DATNI`1N|'l`1 bl -~'.l7U-V .lb.l'.l "13 -D11UUI\Dl Which he will sell at.the~ 161963} rath for Cash. Wu. G. MAPRY, , I 17 ll 1 -U 0 IL 11 I J} D , ` Of every description, gnd a1l__sizes, taken at all . .hou_.1I of the day. ' ' - v YICIIITCE I"1'3lLlEu I0 0706! . - Human &=V'/AN DEN smm;-. 0ri11ia,Jan.21.1872.4 A 44: I L-I U KL` \J. QJIR L-1&3 7.73 it UUILIJII 7 s A L 0 o N` , . Dunlap Street, -opposzte the Railroad Statzon, Barns. Razors Ground and Set , Knives, Gpisaoti _Ind` :21] small cutlery groundpnd sharpened. ' ' 9 `HAIR DRESSING} ` H AVING. and HA??? Lv3'0ING '3 `A l'.l'\!'5`I\'?` _._.-_ CU-NT & LOUNT, B'arri.stex-3', Attor `eya at-` 1, 1aw',So1ic1t0_r_a in Chancery, &c.-O1ce- Dnalop Street, Barrie. Successors to the late -m ) Boulton Lount, Boys,& Stewant. W. Loan. - A `G, W. pouxwr. .ondon7 2 , London .v_v|- v I-It.vv, |-|-I- 5) Carriage Trimming and Upholstery btiainua is carried on in hisApremiaeioppoeite-the=Rai1- `wgy Station, Barrie. .` ~ . , 'RM-I-1'9 Sent. l2_1R7Q_ ` I Q ! ant} nmcnxnery rot-the manufacture of - DOORS. SASHE8, BLINDS, MOULDING, kc and is propsl'_oy:l to supply ._those articles at the lowest pricl ' , m numun mm lmmlll nnnnnlnmlnv I 1 nuxxuu unuu, V . .7 - _; U - - Carpenter, Bnildar, Begs to announce ..to' the public thn henna . . completed hi: .Q"|"r'l-'4`.`All DnTl7'IP`D mmmeo1r``ii@fijnsonlr11oN.| O`U n.`u1.a1; EA wLJV.'Hi, Dressed, and`Tonguod and Grooved -Lumber, every dosoriptinn, always on, hand,-and` s,de' to order. - D.....:.. Tn).-. x " -- 3,118 [:0 0_l'(1l.'u Barrie. July, . . UUN1"L'iU'1'lUNlH.Xl " ~ LTEAS, T0 3Ac.cos & creams.` EYSTE niiin Flr z OONFEOTIONERY1 -A .u. [0yst;5rs, Dun-ln'g' Soaon, In 5; `we _ Vnrlnni Irv Ian --.-.-; .I. , IIUMME .& VAN DEN STEEN, . ORILLIA. _ ` Q1. 8 ROBINSON, Orillia. Solicitor in Chn- vl.) (ery, Attoru.ey-avLaw,,Oouveya.ncer, Com-', n.mi-Iner in B.R., &c. Heir and Dovisee Claims proaetuted, Agent for Canada Landed `Credit. Company for loaning money o_n- R931 Estate. 0!"I4`lC`l_'.'-.`Ver! l*.`runk; J(aan`.`S_t_ne. . 848 *~T1`_ Oystors, During season, In ali _tlIe , ._fVa1flpu styles. " 3 ` ....."..a.b_` . . V -C. `: Dunlap. St, opposite New Brick Blook. Barrie 7 Ontario. 7- A FINE smcfdb` mums; PLAs'i`fv;`_1i"6_i_`_`:`:'i"3RIs 1% BARBIEE AND ' PI:NETANGUI'- - SHENE-LINE:0E . 0- ? S- N"`-""' V ...` 5.`'" V /13}: an IIA Fm?!` nnn`ADI! nAnnnl4 `- 1M:L1:nnv,Awf_nnts. 8:.:;MAtL I ff s!iLfii'L;19; L _g?_mingu. P'A'I`EI 'I'S- OF INVEN .l I;0N" WXPEDITIOUSLY `AND PR1. PERL? SE- `: -.......u :.. r-.......x.. uh`- 'lTnn.-nl Ho-nu. and `En. Ju1y..1, 1373. Alb`-S EDWARDS,.(Lue Deputy Regxstrar) o .Oonveyancer,&c., agontfor the Rays! In- rrance Cjompany, and the Accident Insurance U Jmpany. --0&lca-Poat Oicbe building, iarrie W*HT|TE LE;-2 _ , pGENUINE"~- D[Bl.lUll. mu'ue- w ..Bnrrie, Sept. lg, 1872. Ana 9.180 01 ms unproven rsueuv - - vS'I".0TVEPI P12; _-1_3LOQ`KS!_{ vhinh he will sell at.the match Cash l'VIl&&IIF-l` I , _UIIwU~ w .`I'I['I-II I `t Mrss MQIr";:dN U1II;01??*?8wTlI}E1 ;`%B&iiRIE* ne"xmi~ mrau-na.'n`s.~. Ihoaltorg )HoTQGRAEHIQ GALLMY. _.-.1 1 Lockets, Unroxnus, nnuograpus, Pnu - . ujPOIL- PAINTING, - Fmmed or without Fmnieh` -' - Stiges running hetweeg .Bnrrjp_s.nd Panama- zujshene, will leave Ban;ie_.l)_,g_ily 93.3 11:45 mm. turning, arrive at 8&1-ri'e`at 2` o dl'ock, p . `In. , l*- I . V wmmotmi r Faaegam ~' ' V Pmnriatnm. Ba.r1'ie, Otaizig` .LA251Lu. LUVVJELL and Machinery for-the manufacture of nnm: RAQFIIIQ Rl .nn'm. unntnnrn avian -`nu `V; IIGIJ-`BEE ..oAIm1AGE,.e _ .` . HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAHENFLL j\ 1 jjtjjj.-ngn - rvzoausw- A. nors 1;`. - V ` ' ( Solicitor in Chane:- ry, Ergggfaaggngia . X _ -I -(lice over Hsrriaons store, South side'Duu1op 81%:-:c1.I_3ar.ie. -' _ _ _ H90 TEx7ETs?z.}7 T:`<)1EE7s'XT1T,_ I" r NHGU-S o.;G.RA HA;n;, 1 K ..-....- -.. Mr. Jol1?1Mbrroi. % mun:-a:u'>m nnrna n'n.*. akm aaouknak. comploteu ml STEAM POWER `ma Ifnnkinn--. ``.\u 51... -.n.u_..l.-4....- -1 1?Ho7'.oa7RA1>Hs% _.__. J..,.-_1_.A2.... _....I ..II -.3..-- A-1...... s:cRoL1T's7Lw'1Nd, led. and3Ton'anad and rnnvn -I.m`n'lu Ema LIME. " H _ And also of his Improved Patent nnxrwnr D13`. .RI.nn`I(: CULVERVWELUS ...- 'l1-:......!..... .....1 `IT-.I...1..L-_.. L- puma. an; WEEKS. 1 .1 ...nA7R.RYAl1Ii` I . KUAUH as o1_n..-xx :11 , narrxstera and At-' torneys, Solicitors in Chancery. Notaries Public, Conveyancars, Barrm, Co Sxmcoe, Ont. V. 1;. AIlDAOE,' _ ' u. H. STIIATEY. -I-.1 uununpt I,8'H-".":g 6 HARKEWSQUARE. 34.3311!`-.-.." 3-! Aucvioneer, Appxaiser, &c. PROF. D. E; A. MO0`I{E S' mun nmsssmc Aim.siiiivmc SALOON, 2. .:~ L}.l.lJ' L.`1l.L`.I..l..L\J',* . Framed or Emnes` -v Pictures Framed to oider. `IJTTUME L-VAN DWI N5. _1 GROUN5 I-H8 D75` P0531016 Iuyalllila. JOHN `V. MOREBUW. A nnnnnlnn A hnrn:EAl` EH 0- llII'IJ I" 0ONFEOTi0NEB.Yl mnnirnnna g. n- 1183.100 IOWEBL TRIBE WE. C. MACEY. ~ - Paual 9}, Ha DIALIR IN 4.1 vv . u.|.\/LIa_.IuLI I! g ,V . ac. 1 |_1u;o V1. unuu.[,l11 1UlVLYn !-}\'1'-e1jAW . Solicitor - in - Chancery, Oonveyaucer, N.tary Public, sac. . _ A - vO!`1':e--Owen Street, Barne, Ont. . 4771, I. u . MALI xx 1 . . Hayeld Sm, Barrie,` ` Near the Foundry. ' - 13-'ly $0 GBBIEH Obi)` Dy co, "l`m1nvr June4. 1874. ```7.- W 1;` _Prop{ietprn. F uu,: . Toaonfro. , .1 r n WUIU U11 Ulll VVG, `VJ IIIIC IIJWIIIUEI IIUIIUSGO '_ =We-were soon node: -way, with our stateroonfssecnred, our baggagev dis- posed of, and nothing X) do.but walk the upper deck, ~enjoying , our cigars and the moonlight. Y`-`Han rlnnrluvin Inna a nu un-nun. In the name of all that : musical, `wha_t'.ever.1nduced any man to invent suehban unearthly drscord as '_that call} rope ". said my friend Goodwin, as we boarded a ne steamer lying at the` wharf at ,on o_ur way to New Orleans. lWew ere Just let loose from the connement of a preparatory school and our pocketsill of money, and our ' heads full or newly-acquired freedom, were on orirway '0 the medical college. ' `Va I-Hana nnnn urerlnr luau nyi-L run- L110 KIVKFVI-lll6Il`. _ .,. Julian.Goodwin was a. ne young fellow-Just tu;net1_ twenty with datk eyes, and hair, `hat D6V6I' would stgy straight, is beautifully chielld nose and chin, black moustache and heard, ands. clear healthy tint_ in his cheeks; in short just the fitting` type _to lllhe ` day-dreams 01 half thevyoung girgls in the country.` ` ` 10 :u an? :30 an nnnncnui-11 Qknf T`n`\;\n"p` EH5 UUULl,. It is not atall necessary that Iehould givetmyteaders a photograph of my: self, as; laying niocfesty aside, my pat-tl in this little drama in real life is only aseeoudry one. We continued our journey without interruption:-until we reached the Crescent City, audjthen proceeded to take the steps usual with medical students, or those desiring to become such. We had letters of intro- duction to Dr. Marsden, president of the -- college, from Jttle s father, himselt a noted M. D; So after a- `hearty lunch at a restanrantjof oys- ters `in the shell, we proceeded to deliver those, letters. nm n- M.._...1..... -4.-- ..L._- ....:.. `mom 2.. smnmns, .m`cn.5_y.a:.'1m,so1;. citor in Cbrxucery, Couve_vauce:'. Co nmis- -------------~._____ . gj-[nor in C.P-., &c., Stayner, .00. Sigzzcoe. 990 UUIIIOI _I:|av-IV, Iustqlnl. . Old Dr. Marsden, aiterp some unin- tentional delay, received us kindly, and inquired cordially and even aec-' ` tionately after his old friend and col- lege chum, Dr. Godwinf Of course this made us feel at home with him at once, and all through the term he seemed to take a most fatherly inter- est in us both. He advised us to apply for board at No. -, Tehopitonlas street, at the house ot a. Mrs. Lester, an ad-_ mirable lady, he saida noble southern `woman, who had lost her only son at `Manassas. She had been imprisoned and deprived ofmost of her/property duringthe war. The old family home- stead had been spared them, that was all. Ishe and her daughter bad man- aged tosupport themselves,heretofore, by the sale of their valuables, but this could not last always, and being an old friend of the family, shehad applied to him to assist her in procuring board- ers. Knowing of our intended arrival he had relied upon our friendly defer- ence to his wiehes in. this matter, and told Mrs. Lester she might expect us that day. We willingly ac luiescerl in the_arrangemen_t, and the interview . closed, v ' ' Listen, mother. `Wanted at'No. --,".Iehopit'oulas street, a governess to take charge of three little children, from nine o clock' am.` to four pirn. Must `understand teaching English,. Frenoh 'and' music. Salaryliberal. Nowhere is an opportunity I have been looking for a long time. Let me apply,'that s 9. darling! and do what I can to assist in our support. I know you have broken the last $10 bill the jeweler gave you for our diamonds, for 1 peeped into your portemonme this morning,-and I really think ita most providsntial `interposition, that I `should . meet th1s.;adv'erIisernent Just, atthis tune. ~I:`T- 13-2....-_.___ 4| `I `I I , la ,, .._ _..- IIILIU "No, Fair;k.my child, don't urga.m8- ,When.l was thrown into -prison and learned while locked up, away from you`, of my s_on's bloody `death at Man- `assa,s,I`7gav`e up papers, titles and everythmg, so that I` might come back _ to ye.u,vat_xd I vowed th_en_ never to lie sepaiated from you again, `even -for a ida`y,. if I could prevent it-` by any means. `The men `of giving` you up every day, and spendilfg` week after week and month after month alone -in thiumousolis intolerable to me. n'n.-'. _....|.-- _.:.._ :. :- -._ .|_:_ .._.... |`U-IlU_|IIBU;lD LIIEVIDIDUIU IU lllUc -Bu't, mother -mine, it is on this vary .st.r ant, and I`oould spend gyary night ll|`d'I P3-l'l,:0f every day with you. 1 wish your would 4 __cons6nt.. : mu . n..:.. 1 1.....- .. :...u.... ..{..... -1 ' ready matured for oursnpport. Iheve applied to Dr. Marsden to:-assist mo in procuring some students as boarders with me. 1 have engaged Je, our qld .dinir_1g-r__o,on,i servant to come _ back ii: 113. S_d"_wi`1'.ypn to_ essist me and `preside afiefot, mid lj ` the` ,t,abl'r;f;`I,;`-Lsgxis Tsati , >ri_I1n`e3b...`pieiee; the -yd . * ixnopw #4:; 09.-n.f.'f.` r Tsi.`d=.12=;,`:d*ih*f*3l*i `Hen: " ' H 'N,.,ai . Vh `better plen 9.1- l "1, 2 > :. q_!,`n_;1:``rii1Itvii'r6es~ `ilt`11r`_g__ n``i``5r`v'a'i} home icaleff .119. arid: yen; -xiej'r""i"i_:v_li:ii_d, .-V,i?i'~`!!r-9?h!9*10d. gt ` 1fL1N1>`cHANo E`-0B. _NQ1` 1 -13? s. 3. 1;. ~;;;::;.:zs'rgs:a~=~4'w:-v*?**!!*!4i LAXANDER MORROW, agent for the Provincial luauxanca Joupany, the Queen Fin and Life, the Pboanix, the Isolated, and !k IL|nc9ahire Insuiance Companies.-Ofce Na`: Rrnk Rlm-Jr mmr R.nwtmn n Sinrn Q. -)5. now run. run: urge u 1 cannon-gnuuaen net. 4 eyes with right royal boquets, uuehu , she has not seen in many I day. And 1 with her shears, she hogan her work. `,`First; the inevitable hrb*o'r-u'tx'e,". acid I she, as a background ; next this gigenr ; `tic `spray of crimson oleander, next . someof these splendid white cape jss- . semin`es, below; yellow dalliu with . pink carnetions, end, as a border to the ` whole, these sprays of heliotrope and 1 geranium and orange. Now, mother, ~ are not these t for a prince 1 . _ , Thong aha nlnnn in H-in nhlv nnHnI\n_ pun uul. Iuuacl uh II)! I IHIIIUU I These she placed in the old potiolin.-_ mania vases,which adorned thamantl. Then taking a violet mind from the centre-table, shot stepped lightly out again to the violet bed and lledit `with odorous wealth, adding here and mignonette, wax-plant and tubexom. By Jupiter 1 said Goldwiu, as we ` were walking, down `the street in _- search of our boarding house, look at 3 that little fairy, just my ideal, petite, , graceful, brown curls, and I'll lay` a wager, heavenly blue eyes! Yes, see, she looks up! It is as I told you ! It _' might be about here, ' that we ugopld 5 find our home, and if it should" inhappen ' t.o:be the home of this fairy what could ; we desire-more I lI`T_.__'I._,I__- _A-,, S, 1,. AI, , -_, , I ,,A 1 dwere. ahrubhery 1 Fair obeyed, and soon the room re- eounded with the melody dfthe sweet old air, her mother - end her brother : favorite.` Then she arose and threw a ' scarlet shawl around her `ehouiden, and stepped out into the ower garden; which beautxed the ground on either sidevof the fruit of their dwelling`. Mv beautiful flown:-n 1'. lhn mid; ui V I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 nnuu un um III)!!! (II yuan uwelungo 3 My beautiful owers !" she sa`id;.!`l am glad I am not to ram you,-ovon for 9. day." Mother in right after all! Now let mange if I cannot glndden her. . EVER Tllilh Igllhf rnun] "Irvin-In anal` -- W9 UU3llU ll-IUIU 3 _ ` , Your lucky star is in the ascendunt, for once, said I. "If I mistake not, this Is the very house. At any rate `we will go in and in'quire.?" `-WA rlul an, ant} fnnnrl no mg hnnnrl WU vvau 6!) III llllnl III III? `Wedulso, and found, is we hoped, 3 that it was the home of Mrs. Lerner, and told her our errand. The hand- some old lady received no graoioilaly and to1d.u's dinner wouldbe ready for us at four o'clock. that day, and that afterwards, her hours would be arrang- ed to suit those of the college . She then stepped to the door and called: `V U'F'.\r nnrnn hark: and In} ma Inhvn, tuvu HI-GIIPUUV UU |-IIU UUUI uuu Uuuuu g Fair, come here and let me intro- duce you to our new guests. ` T 7 Tnlo Invrnllnnnr` nlfn manna Iii IIUIJW JV |U UUI UUVV 5lIUUl5u . Jule exclaimed, sotto-voce; tdgme, Dan t youTbee_u* Tom, `Fair by name, and {airy by nature. `- ' ' ' N10 Aannhfnr Iron. 1!: (1.-..1...:.. LVII s L5 lluvltllle '1ne introduction 'wus;'of course, duly recognised, and laid the foundation for ` an acquaintance which proved pleasant, I in the extreme, to two, at least, afthose ` `present, Fair laid her oral burden i in its frame, on the table, and gave us her modest attention "during the re- meinder of the visit, We soon arose ` to leave, after arranging to board with l Mrs. Lester during the term. It is not . my intention to relate how the time f passed at our house. It was the same` 4 old story, but always new to the parties interested. Jule became more and ` more enamored of our beautiful Fair; while it was evident to me,` that she returned the feeling, in just .. that degree, that` was consistent with true 3 maidenly reserve and ooyness. Soft eve: looked love to eyes which spake age 1: . And all went merry as a marriage bell. But hush! Hark! A deep sound strikes like A rlsinsr knelll , LIE lI}lU lllyv U LIu|UIUo ' My daughter Fair, Mr. Godwin, Mr. Randolph. ' T` Th:-TnfrnAIInf:nn `turn:--nf n-an Anln but nllllll -nllll A (map Iouna nnnl un ` A rising knell! `Did ye notvhenr it `I `No, 'tw'u but the iviisd~,, M "I f,new`querters. A Towards the latter part of February, ` several cases of cholera occurrod in ! dierent parts of the city, but it was C not violent at rst. During the first 3 week, Jule Goodwin was called hoine 1 to the bed-side of his dying mother; a f call to which. of course, he could not C turn a deafear. I continued at our I boarding-house, in the daily hope that E the disease would abate; but I was f doomed to disappointment. It`increas- ed in violence until most of the city ` became infected,snd it was declared epidemic. In suchacase almost every c class of persons are excused for leaving. 1 their posts, except physicians. If a i physician, or a man who intends- be- 1 coming one, values his reputation, or 1 after success, he must stand his ground I and take his chances,_and I.determined 1 to do so.i That part of the`, city. in t which! had boarded all winter now I became so. much more unhealthy than 1 other "parts, that I wasinduced to 1 change my quarters for others near-bi! the college. I therefore, bade adieu to` I my hind hostess and her daughter, bht l with reluctance; promising to call oiteh, '1 `andhegging them to, send for me iih.` . ecase I should be of any ~l . y-.`:-' ., , ser`v -ey promised to dose, and 4 I can `to see them `..n.... m.` `I .3 1. Ian. Igrugy uqvv qulnuni. _ _ J I oeninded'to see them often, until I one `day, .when I found Mrs. Letter 1 with symptoms of the epidemic, `and, 4 on returning toemy lodgings, I way A attacked with an nnmiatnkeble one of 1 it. My uiokness, of course, (mt a stop I to any visiting, on my. part, ,thongh I fo'rt:inately it proved-..!o_ be` a . light Q tnn _ - < ~ `* - ' . IUI suuuiwl ll VIVVUI-| IV DU 5 llsul IIP tnck. M I wasjnst convalescent, and begin- mng to teke'a`n interest in what was passing around me , when one of the etudenw told me that Jule Goodwin bed returned; Ilyas not long before he came to my room, but, so changed! The "death or his `mother hnd saddened I him greatly, and to add to his diet'reae,- il he tell! in'e, that on ghirnrrivelein the I pity, he had gone to our old Bonding `inc, and loud thit Mrs,...Les_ted hut 4' ;j ,1 end fair had ;diappea.red, and gun I tell him. anything nbout er; ; ' `, trweee.et*n|1;eaI._iefne`tony/j.e Ari yrvant .wu.laft.i.n. charge of the PIE V 9 -nch t.h!|s.0e,diel99%- .1r`c;junl__ adagreely`-.undqnhud;be:. .~ ~r . '. |>.I|.i&V'I' 500 ._ 3;. .--noun!!! 'JIllU, '_lI'EIlIlUI|ll_Ils II III": uuw . "!lnriniierablo`Luhqerinility* V 19.25%!*:!;!saih??Afb,W-7 IUIIII. runluvuio . an .-.I7;h|ll~loooAmv1'tAoKo&` M, ~.=.a. -,J>t`,;..-'!_f.=I0ll'O|IIi_Ilg it u doiaoto 3 I C`: 1 '3ili nn'~in"fnai&InIi1rhn`irfnilv~.'= J `$- J33]? IIIUHIIIKI I, IIUM" ~'1'oi:,-' id '9MLnno_lo `Ind aunt mated by J e, Md nd lnoghithtully, sud may in a Q. ggieyal_.9vo:gnp.nntnnl to i _ _l1ognVld:.-hint. nlnou_.us.~'_n1l : um. M1137. U Provincial Land Surveyors, Arohifs, &cL BARRIE and 'ALLITGN. hus1cn.GAvn.mm, Cnmronn Taonaon, - 0.8. , P.L.S. . C.E.,P.L.S. __.._._. . 7_A,.._Vf.__ -_,_:___ of t,pie__1_1-endflil din _ o. It was to pre- vbnz the po`uibility.:;t'his that I return: eglflo soon; that I might induce her and * -l1pr'm'othor9 to leave this infected at- moaphen, for spleen of safety; for my `own `home, if. none other oered. And `om,'I would not have been denied, v for"I`know~eho was not indifferent to me. =1--would have punnaded her to M n`1uxy,m9, end then I would have had the rigkt _to dgreot her movements. Bu : now,"v`hh`t`shall Ida`! This-sus- ponds` `in killing me! ' H` I` nrnnnnd -n-nn..II I... I..;.. ....|..- .- lqvucu Au nuung I116! U I7IrouIedr.n1ysol!{or his sake, to {renter exertions than I had thought pounblg to one in my state. , Come,_ said I, pulling on my coat, `"U"B E0 [0 the nnnnan and can TI. --uome," sand I, pulling `fIet s go to the College and see Dr. = Hareden. -'You know he was 9. friend M of theimend perhaps he can tell us eomethjag of her whereabouts. I'WBht. and fnvhunhaln 6`......l' L- PVBHIUIUO In the `meantime, young gentle- man, said ~he,` I. would `advise you_ both to resume your studies, your at- gendunce at the lecture-room, and even i the dieeeoling-room; as nothing will more `severely indueeyour contracting .`the epidemic, than to spend your time -inidietraoting thoughts, and fruitless `wanderings ghrough the city. I have .{no douhf am; we shall soon find out ` `thnt Fn`rr is`i"n' a= pla`ee'of safety. We took hi.-anus... ...A I -n---1---' vu nu null iii J. llfllly TCEIIUCU my Tat_ro_z;g!_1_1,._a;;d that my'ftiend,Vif not ac- ;timlly `cheered, was_n,1uch lass gloomy, fahd "mofe hdpful of the future. Poor follow , my little know what 9. shok was .u'n .'(I'A `nu L3.-u c'u. LL-` {.-A.-___ wmqrngag or net whereabouts. -.' AI -went, and fortunaitely found"the Dr.',ob\1t he knew nothing. He prom- isedgto make every effort to find out rut had become of Fair, however; _nd-let_us know the result as soon as possible. L` Tn "O`In `Qua--L:_`- --4-A-- ~ Insult Jillllfl 11.1 a` ylll UK BEIGIY.-. We took his-advice. and I wnupleai ed to find [that I rapidly regained my `hltfnlllh. and that mu-frinn if nnl nn. ,nvIIvw, no unuc IIIXUW Wlllll 8. 3 -invdlote forhim in that future. The students of --0ollogea:ead- vised not to fail in attendance at the dissecting-room this_ev_ening, March 5, as the faculty in charge have made very eort to procure healthy and per- fect subjects for anatomical investiga- tion." - ' "'Sc`> \:;a.'et.t|ed,and we went. I shall never forget the appearance of the room is we entered it that even- ing. The bright jets of gas, pendant from the ceiling of the room, above the V longZ!in_e of tables; the stibned forms f lardupon them, covered, but not con- : cealed; by` the drapery thrown over them . 'nd'I'I'___-`T 1, _I I In In u .. - . _..~ --v. v\v\.\\ \AJ~/~.a\.;/\~\.\\\.~\rv\\~.'\-\.'\\`\r\.s - RS HAMILTON & McCONKEY,~--ReIi- . Cence-Gollier street, Bh.rrie,_0nt.' V-.. Ann nnm.1~ox,' 1'. a.x oozu:n, X. DJ cunoxzn. M.D..,u.R.0.S- nn"}`.1 L .1 nd. "Sim: was the notice which caught gny ,ey_e` gs we left the lecture-room, on the tnbraing of that day. When even- iug came , I said: llfnln Ina -A 0.. L- J1--_-A9_ - - [I16 uuunu, L uruu; Jule, let : go to the dissecting-room to-mght, in obedience to that card. I feel strong enough for lhe first time since mi`-illness, andl believe it would do you good. `Ivan: 'u.fn" ,3 ..a..I L- .11-: SA 1 no you good." Very well," said he, -`let it be as you say, for _I feel badly enough, Heaven knows, to need something to engxoss my thoughts. If I only thought by going I could find anything about my darling, I would go, 0 so gladly, though I went to certain death myself. I am in earnest. /-5- :. ._.__..o,: u . - unv llll, xepu uauuu I ,` Thus. talking, we approached the table near the centre of the room, con- taining the smallest of the subjects. I `turned up the cover from the feet, and each of us took a knite, intending to urommenee theanatomy of the foot. Jule beihg"in' "the proper position made the first incision along the muscles of , the ankle, when--oh horror of borrows! r our snbjeottrembled, the head slowly r arose, the hands throw back the drap- ery, and we gazed stupied upon the r face of--`-Fair Lester. UHUHIO "Tom; I feel dreadfully, said J ule, and wialftho task wa.s'over. I don t believe I 1933 even intended for a phy- pldian, and mini I _shall throw up my nommiuion. u A ..J __l_'_A ;_',nn .| *l\ "And what ivill the Dr., votre pare, think, who is so anxious for you to sue- ceed him in`h'is practise, and keep up the family `reputation? ` 'l`lnm tnnmm `m. ............I...A -1.... When I recovered from the first effect of theihock, I found Jule prone en the oor, apparently lifeless, and Fair bend- iug overhim, chang his hands and face; her white shroud sweeping the oor`, stjainefd` in places with blood from the out upon herinnkle; her long hair oatingihek from her pale face, to whIlh,t,he'- hue of life was slowly re- turning. Isprang to the wash-stand , ahd*retnrn'sd with water, which 1 used l ple`nt:ifnlly- -upon my friend. Then -tliflng ot the stand of medicines, I- i seized a bottle of ammonia, and lifting I hirnlin my arms, Icarrred him into the , cpenTair, Fair silently following. _ -(`I-'nnnrI III. -lnmnnin frnnlv nnrl nnnn VPQII` Ell KEII UIIUIIIIJ IIIIIVVVII-I`O fused the ammonia freely, and soon - had the gratication of eeeing him par- =riaily- revive. Then leaving him a few moments, I called a carriage. I threw my cloak around Fair; lilted my friend in, and assisting her, gave the `driver hie` direetione, and we were driven rapidly to our lodgings. Jule Fvedoa recovered oonoionsuese, and Fair add Inureed him until he wee restored ` - . ' 1 ' . L'I`..-:.J.- n.:.. e."..._ *I'.1-:.. --l..e...l e- ..- IV Iluulun, A I Dating thimtime Fair related to us -whntvhed heppened to her, after I left ~ her mother's home. Her mother died : theethixd day efter, and she was so fran- . tiovrith grief for her loss, as not to be able te tekoeny step: whatever, in the I _zqne'geInent.of then efnits. Je their E fexthfuheuent, had tent to the coun- yitox theutnnole and mm, who came - to themty, attended to tnefuuerel er- ; nengenenle, end not being willing to ; fnnyloniger, expoeed to the den- gum! zthe; epidemic, returned home, Fair with them . ..~.I`nnnn] .-Aiinhn In Jn {n n iuqung Jul. Jvnu Ivuuun ~L;!`I aaanod,",nidIho, to move in a `drum. old though? nomotimea I must :bq;nlreIdy..deo.d, until several days ..|l'y,u.whon.lr wu taken wish violent .II,;!}Ii0h.\|l|llll ptooodoa nu nttnok D`.3`hC:mIl3`th lnuorad intensely WELLS, Graduate Toronto U.n ve1-sity. Member Collage Physicians and Surgeons, Uut.-'0mee-Over Wells Bros . Drug Store,: _ N-posite Barrie Hotel, Hotel. Dunlop street. 38 7 and 32 do` if not aid ` " in advance. Y; `"1 recovered this "again during an dnve to the city which Iollowid, caused. I suppose, by being jolted out the rough roads; and found, to my relief, that I was still alive and than ground. - % 'I`I\n inn:-nnu mac 1: `Ann an` t.4I`:-..- gevuuug ' _ V The journey was a lorjg and tedioue one, and alter night-fall the petty stopped to change horeee and get eup- per, leavigg faithful Jel in oherge of the team. While thue alone, the poor fellow became overpowered by hie long and frequent vigile, and fell aeleep on the` roadside. I could hear him snore distinctly. While Inettere were in this condition,.I became aware of the iaotthat my eofn was beie quietly lifted out of the vehicle an carried of. I lost recollection of every- thing again, and only recovered eon- soiousness in the manner already known to 'you. I alt-rmnrn lalrnna (Fl'\lH I-8`. IIIUWII IU UHI I afterwards learned from Je e testimony that the funeral party had no suspicion of their charge heving been tampered with, and eetuelly buried what they supposed VII the ooin containing the body of their young mistress, by the side of her mother- ` n_s__ 1,.____2.._j A- -115 .|.., ,, '.- Being determined to sit! the mutter to the bottom, I had the coln exhum- ed, and It was found to contuimold pieces of iron and brick carefully wnpt in cloths, and weighing about as much` as a humen body, the work of the body snatohexs. I turn, with pleasure, from these sickening details, to the happiness of my iriend and his lady love, at their reunion. Of course this joy wan dampened by the and experience through which they had both recently passed, the bereavement which both had suffered. But they were young and hopeful, and were spared to each other. It seemed more natural that death should come to the old than the young ; and in the light of each other : love, they were learning consolation for their losses. 1\,. 'll'-.._J_._ A_,,,- I -I1 - . .- when-ea ac " ` ed pt their 1330. ?.w;tY:|d try um u. tact their attention, nude clan that effort fo do no, but in vnin." M Lib. A..- :...a .. u--.:-.. _:_I_4, L - Uuvu w ullllig "III III VIII." _ '_ . -Like one in` y. leeden nilunue, I eolild only lie quieeeem, whi e there- puutione were being mede for my own interment. I remembot beinflnaed in the oon, my eiekeniug dr lee: I nhnnhi I`-IQ Q`:IIQ pm -..--A-` lA-~A ;.;.;.:.a i=.'."z:.'.'.:;a :;:.:.:.'::.:`;:'.. a itab|e;1 andthen I lost oonloiouuioi I whi o. ' ' 1:1 -..---_--.I Ali- `- *, L, L, `o Dr. Mereden carried Fair to his home, and treated her as his own daughter. The epidemic subsided, end before I left for the summer vacation, I had the pleasure of assisting at the marriage of the pair in Christ Church. My companion on that important occa- sion, was the only daughter of Dr. Marsden, and there are those who think she may become in time Mre. Tom Randolph. Thu nit` Hanan nn 'I"..L--:0....l-.. -1---` I. UIII LUIIIIUUIPUI The old house on Tehopitoulu street still continues to be the home of Fair and Jule. The latter having fore- sworn his idea of abandoning his pro- fession, is rapidly rising into populetity; e aided and-abetted by the devoted friend. of his loving wife, Dr. Manden. NA!!! On Inn Lint` -nnI.n- 3- ---- AN INFERNAI. MACHINE IN TU RKEY. An extraordinary event has just cg- curred in Constantinople. Dimitri Anstarohi Bey, formerly Secreruy of Embassev, was staying on a visit at the house of his relative, Savet Pache, Minister of Public Instruction, when one day while the former was out pay- ing some visits, v stranger, dressed in European costume, drove up in aeab and left for him a box and two letters. one of which contained the key, and aunounced_;that what he had brought owns a present from the Metropolitan ofAdrianople. Aristarchi on his re- turn home opened the` envelopes, I paper in one of_them stating that the box contained some ne tobacco. But: scarcely had he begun to turn the key when a tremendous explosion took place. He was knocked down in 3 tenihle state, the windows were bl wn out, the ceiling shattered, and the or- niture set on re. In tact, the whole house was shaken to its foundations. The ames were at once extinguished and Aristarohi conveyed to his own house, where he lies in a very precari one state. Even should his life be ....._I :_ _I! __..-L_.L:l:A_- L- _._2lI L- .._., VA use nvvnus wuc, ulo Luuuuuu. Now tell me, kind reader, do you con zider all this the work of DH...) f1I.._._-_ _.. ..-AI 7! uuu `nuvn nu uua HID WUII Ill Blind Chnnce-or not 'l-From the Fireside Friend. IUVVIUI uuluuuu No trace has, as yet, been obtained of the perpetrator of this atrocious deed. He is supposed to have been disguised, as the servants who saw him state that his hair was in long rmglets, he hed I thick, white beard, and that he wore blue spectacles. _ uua BLBIO. LJVUII BLIUIIIII IIID IIIU K saved, in all probability he will be per. feotly blind_, as his face is nothing more than one large wound, and his hand: and many parts of his body are most severely burned. Nn iron`: `man an unf Hana nhlninn A telegraph from Detroit says, that two robbers broke into the American Express Co's car attached to the Mich- igan Central Railroad train which lelt Chicago at five o clock on Friday night. They are supposed to have got on the train at Michigan City. Whllt` Spen- cer J. Heath, the express messenger, who had looked himself inside the car, was arranging his money, the robbers broke in the door and owing to the noise made by the train tha y were not the messenger. One of the robbers struck Heath on the side of the head with iron knuckles and knocked him of! the chair. Both robbers then grab- bed for the money and got possession of several packages. Heath retained consciousness enough to drew his re- volver and strike one of the robbers on the head. He was then attacked by both sooundrels and a desperate strug- gle ensued. He shot one of his assail- ants dead in the car, and the other Jumped us the car while it was run- ning at full s ed, taking;about $2,700 in cash with int and dropping $1,200 on the oor. This daring robbery took place between New Bu'alo;and Niles. '_I`he messenger, after the escape of the surviving robber, fainted from exhaus- tion, and when `the train got` to Niles sand owns `.v|,..d.f :1,-e..,.-ma robber. who fell a victim fophis revolver, lay rigid in death at `the other. `The dead man was left at Niles and: Heath was brought to vDO(r0i`,"Il'_tlVll[ there on Saturday morning. He` is'not"serl.- t_o_be abontpagevin; ,.The__ in robber ijenot known.V;_As`.je - L .ig ll .` l'5lP!'ll1;VLh5..;d -..btitr_i.`m ; .t.'" discovered till they were standing over , hewas found lying insensible in one ` onsly injured; and will soon. beadble to ; '9 liquor-1;, gmtomr. King : _ the ` nn - '4 ' 3 L :'33"7e`}xT;:Sii3E:?1arZ}i of ` .. limb D1-\ 1g`lgI`l}-,t`q., -B_m-ie. Order; pr . Imnaod l6'.~` ~"J ' V ' V '7 *9. .. V H - L 2-. m... - . V . H.`-Bl-,'oi`'ro0x~` . I ' \ .3. ! I` `I . I 1:01` the best and` _--__. -_ 1:._._-_.. __--j DARING ROBBERY. [ _'.l`oa . commv & BOYS, [r;A?rr"MocAi1`brzY3 I -'42 2dgCa.rthy,] B5(ristera_a_nd. Attorneys, :5)licit0r5-In-Chancery, NOHLHQS Public and `l`unv'6yl1Cel'3. Dmop streettnrrie; 1." ygnrox MCCARTHY, Q.C.. Wu. _P.os, L.L.B. n. u. n xsursamsu; &ut,tA'1'UA'` V .U_ Pbiiadelpbis beam Gouege). 1?! ' found in his otce every day. Extrt} b.&1'85 nude for professional visita.'. C_o1Ixe';"al,l`"_: Barrie. . ~ ' ` ` ,u.'nns. _.u. zx_nn'mu, Au'umu1'.x.AT.; -`V L W,So|1c1tor-xn-Chancery, aud,,(}qn. yevancer. Oices?--Uver Post Office, Owe-\ _s.eet, Barrie. Money to Lead 13.) , ,__..-- . nn---. -- ....... __ _.., MowE?'1*o LEND on approvea7eLo1d se-I ourity, and at moderate In'.erest.-Ap- If .0 AEDAGH & STRATHY, Solicitors, arzia. ' ' ' 2-G6 published Weekly, In the Town 0-,. Bhrrie. .,,,._.,-y THURSDAY mot-mug, coughfnihfg, -mg _ .,,,vyent news of the _day, and.a_u_,n.u'e1`,l . pertaining tutlxe affalreofthe Oounfhprice, 61 in advance or $2.00 if nolpaid at `the. subscription. tine of _ _ ,_ 7 _ a-Sxxlmesor under,:gu.nmon : mmsm Mo ; each subsequent one 12 1 c . 0 ve; nix incl 8 perline',ret ineertion- ea 1, Iequent one 24:. Professional '( Jr"E;:ualt:1::; Cards $4 P61` Yar_ $3 for sixmorithg .,; re than ten hues. Special cantrnc: an be mndeby `.122 year, 01 parts at`: veer. _ _ m -.115 to be madern wmtingv. - Apef (8 pa1d,except at the option of the nubmh , er. . - . v , _ Purmp Booxnnrimu} and R`u';,g,`;'(;,1 K : _glrernu es. The facilities of the '(;!set.o`i)t:} }],e ment are Vmore complete than 3n...c'g T Nortnof :I`oronto,l1avin'g--been cr'ef"1er~ tted out 1n eylery particular, _. FIN Uurumunicationes onld be `mad `~ ' Publisher, post-paid. maaefi `? :1 '-- 1 loco D ...... __ Order; to r'isc6ntinne Advertise ` discontinued until all at-,eu'm,g...B > Gnonanws ' ` NEURALGIA ,8: RHEUMATI8 Nevnr . ...' .....:.... \7I2!?! A`| .f11 A ` `(IIIIIIBAEIIJIJ S t` 1 .l: _L.l4.l..J Nener known to fail `in curing NE6RALGIA:p nanuunxsm, NERVOUS HEADACHE: and all kindred a'eclion's.--~Sent to any addtes 011 receipt of One] Dollar. `Address: B9! 133} Blrrie. nvrfe, .YA.u.1 1863. { n. a o. u1tuUn5nANn, uuuumsn. 65`? U Oce_-1n Brick Block. Duplop Skeet- tizst at, opposite Watson & 00., _Drugg15tS. 80- Residence," rat house East of Reziltri Olce; I23'Oce hours-from 10 till 12, Fore-' noon, sun from 1 till 3, Afternoon 11-19!!! P BAILEY,VE'1`ERINARY8UR . GEON, successor to D. Q. suthe:-land,and Graduate of On-- tario _ Veterinary College.` - The suqscrlber horebynformggbe public` V . pthnt he will carry on the_,buainess of Vetennary Surgeon in the place of D.. G. Sutherlnnd, (ho is leaving these `parts: and hope: by prompt attention and skillful `treat; meat :9 secure tlierpatronage so 'liber'all'yv be-. slowed upon his nredeceeson, p Oiot` jpnf Stebleufone door Inst of FerAgh6r"a`Hn'te`, Barrie. . .> . ~` 45i.1`.,_ The mbscribor bogs to_inform the inhabits}; . "* ot_ 'j`hornton and vicxnityythnt his oice ii` Tpton P, O._,8onth Simcoe`, and the. he ._ ` " DY0Pi'd *0 Prompt ! 8-!..tnI1 to`I.Il 2 1 "2; _. I ILolDC`l3D1l'(`- ll'I8ll1'EElC8 l.0u1panles.-Uu1ue_ Maw Brick Block, over Ruwson a Store 355 Tyqrnxoq xf. u. ,uonm mmcue, and thaw he if j_ Apropu-ed promptly n.t,I_:epd`to a_11: _ nrsu,8I_s_1 or HOR's1cs_ [Anni 0'A'l"1`I:l!*' A _.I"L". L'.'Lnft`...- -..n .:..:...-.'. 17..lZ.:-"... L. ur.:`1 n ' rn- umu_u:n_-u__ un nunona any uA'n'uu" A d l;i4,l5ih tequii-ing Yq;3r'n'a" SE11. Hf o3aa1ugn Pgiders, Healing 'on', u..` m~.1s`~ found ye; belx_a"nc1ons;"and a`re.sol 13113-11 ` 3aI'n~`h'-._ `Rut:-Kn. -' 'ivrlnrn~c`u- L RDAGH & S[`_R.A.1`f1Y,Barrister and It-' mrnavn. Solicitnra in nhnhr-nrv Nnouz... ~ .-~.-. - - wx. _~./\.,~,/x.-xxx/-./\/\/-,r _/\/-_/xx BREY TO LxNp.,-apply to JAMES ED- WARDS, Royal Inaqrouce 0((c_e, Barrie. ----~--~ 1 LXNOIS W. LALLY,ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Solicitor Ohancarv. nnvnunm... Ill!`- aaoniel arvelcu an ill (I HVILLER 2 momsou, Civil Engineers, T Arohicts, &c. RA Illlll`. and `A l.I.'I"I`(Y\T- J. - ~./\ ,-.,- - \4\/ \r v ~J'\/s. \/ ~- vV\_.V.V\,v_ 1. ER J. KEATING, ATTo'11NEy.,yF.: T. W.So|1citor-in-Cha.ucex-v. and mm- . 4/ .\..~.-.-.\.-.~~.,\x~-.\-.- n-.~ ~*-~ i'NR' _C.RV1\VICKE, Jr , Proyincial Laud Surveyor, Va1:.er, &c.;,B}n'ie. R. 0. H BOSANKO; AT'tmTn:" OF Pbiindelnhin D.ant.nI (`.nH.-sm=.\, nuiv ha jaT7`.cRo0KsHANK, CORONER. &q Ofce--In `Rrir-Ir. Rlank, nnnlnn Street. . R.` currrm, Colunty cES{7{E&2.?.Te`,.,. Barrister. &c , Barrie. - v 41 .,.--- --------~-------_+__,_.__ Ehlltltulltt Naticcrf. mchiml, imfc. siou; .--..~ vvv~.~~zs~s.~ \\.~\~v\\ A -.'\\`v-Ls Or to ta-- . HE No31`uE_m~.- AADVA_N {E rcunm I y piu ggiim. Tiurnm_)or 5 Ear/D. ?iT7,33 333137 ~._/\.-\,-v./-;,-_. cgal .mrbs;` .1. nmstsnas. r n1.-x.:w.7<, Sccrctary 3 Treasurer, Toronto, A`. MDTEROW. ,vE'mmNARY 7 I _ 'SURGE01`{,'] ..,._:rHonN'roN. 1 -1-... H100 appxy LU . J. HERBERT MASON, -.-.4...-..` L 7`q 7'3-n-A '-'IU`y Q .lTZ(l.S'u7L'T A} MDRROW, /7r.nrrn'onr' iuumtu w , . ziznraiser; at Barrie EIMYV Pusnxaarn. 1NstmAN0E'00m>ANY~.a:. 3 :T}3i5:`7 Ln'?7`r%Txii*oo1, LBNDON AND G 031: ` Available Assam, s27.ooo,oooL Losses paid ;in course of Thirty-ve yours," exceed Forty Millions of Dollm-3.. _ Claimg bv,C|1:nInn`iv-n nuo:n...4-...1 -1. '..-__1- nwu I4, nut I'll: ?f;ot c15%%auh? 5&1 bus. " Kmsamsnf A ,E. CONWAY, ~ - - Proprietor; Superior accommodation, (and every atten- tion paid to the requiremfents `bf-travellers; Rooms for Oommrcial Tzdvellera. Terms moderate. . - ' ' 42-ly , IV! A Dtrunxv I 14\n':m .. . nu.-n . Cox-ner of;Mn1ca$tver and Bvxnlop Streets a n.d Oppite the `Ad'- ance ofce, Pgpe, ` 7 A` This nnmmndi vm mnnhlanlamgmo L..m~'...ue 1...... uppumu: we 'zs.u\ since omce, Farne. This comxnodi. us eatablishment hasjust been Opened. mid having been built especially for the purpose of a rsn-class hotel, ii tted up as such, and will cr-mpare fn'vdurnbiy_ with any bouse"o'i the kind North of Toronto. Commer- cial travellers, private families on c'd.eua1- visit; and the public generally will nithat the pro- prietor knows how '10 provide for thi't_-,especin1- requiremants. The best of stabling attached, nttanicri to by obliging and exp-rienced hoe!- lers. b`tsigea-. leave thia,-house `daily on the .a:'- rival ol the up trains. Bar well supplied? with the best of liquors and cigars. 33- Tho `proprietor of the Dominion Hotel has re- cently, owing to its giant increase in_bnsiness. been compelled to add double acomrnodation to his old house, and has had the estn.b1i_'sh_ment retted and -re-furnished, and with ample -sts.bles, beds, and,sa,mp1e rooms, he thinks he - will be able to receive all of his old friends, who have so liberally supported him in the past. Ronni for one, room for all. Best wines and liquors, beat table, beat accmnmodntion,'of any country place in the Dnminion.-W. 0. Hand requests the public to bear in mind that he is at the present time .the'or:1y'Lic'ensed Auctioneer. in these pnrfs,and in that department of his business he is prepared to give his best 'a,tten'-: tion to the interests of settlers, and in all, cases to -give fair play to buyers. G'Sales of stock of allkinds promptly attended to, and prompt settlement always assured. . 42-ly excaea rorty Millions Dollm-s._' - Claims by.Cb:ob.go`F`ire, estimstgd at'nFaarl.y'= _$8,000,(_)00,..=.re being liquidatedvas fnatas `adjusted without deduction. ` Scnrilv,Prm-anr n..........4 ....`.: 1:1. ..__1:._' 2- nuyasleu vmnout deduction . Security. Pmznpt Iii adjustment- of ffenturec of this wealthy company.-< ' - Fire and Life':`o1iciea isi'l.1Bd`wit.h 1 .u:uuruI 0! nuts wealthy , . , _and Life':`o1icies isauedwith vetyhbaral -conditions. ' - V _iHEAD`OFFIQf-., i:A:~iAr>A BRANCH nIoN1`~,l!'% AAI4. G. `F. G. SLEITH; _ ` i " _ .v l ` A7'_uL for Dnm?\F\n :"' --.: Excellent accomodnzion for Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the Travelling Public; Boats, Fishing Tackle, and Vehicles of all kinds tor the convenience of Guests.` '-The Bar is well suppli- ed with Foreigri and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Goodtabling and attentive Ostlers. N.H.--Splendid. Speckled Troutitreama in the vicinity. 48-Iy-wi _._'--_ .-..___---...-...u r1r\rII'r-AV -Tnrims : Josnpa R"cTG ic"""` " "" = ua-.zcuuIszxz~, . . ' . ; ` J CHIEFACoNS1.`ABI_E, Oouny of Spmcoe, Ofce opposite the Market, Barrie. ' [Pate Get "in OounfjRgistfy 91136?) Oonvevancor, nmzn: ....... .- u [me _L'ierk in oouutyjm-gxstry omc] Oonvgyancer, Commissioner `in Queen : Bench, Auctioneer,Apprsiaerland Commission` Agent fur the sale of Houses. Lands, Fai-m- Szock, Househo!c_1_Fux_'rjtnre. Goods, Wa.res.&c. Also nu` ma sale of Housga. Sfck, Household Furniture. Goods, Wo.res,&c. Also for tha callectkn offtouts; Ndtea `and Accounts, $Onsh advawccs madoon-goods lafi. for Sale. Sale Room, corner ofcollier and Market 8tp.. Barrie, - -. . ` - ' "1`he'beat`Bi1licrd Patio: North of Toronto. The table ia_ supplied with everything in senson. Pum Wines and Liquors. Good Stnbling. .:Barrie, Dec. 1'th,V1872 * 1061 The Tahle and Bar well supplied. G00 (1 Beds First-class Stab} ng and Attentive Hoatlers. - " ` 48-Ix The ` Simcoe, under its new tmanagement, has undergone considerable improvement, and now presents to she.t.mvelling.community a. house unexcelled forcominodionsneas and com-` fort - The But i:- supplied with` the choicest brands of Liqno; 3 and Cigars, and in the charge of an adept. oonzpounder of drinks. *Gocd Stabling and Sh`-:'is. ' 40-ly F___._.:_n -Wines, Liquc.'5,' and Cigars, of the best qL_mlity,anppliel at the bar. Agpqd table is always kept. Excellent acconnmodationfor Travellers. An attentive Homer. Ohargea moderate. Stage twice daily from the V house to Guilford,land dgilyfrohx Rosemprit arid Al-` listen and bi:.ok_ ___-__.._..\.- .-..\ ..42f1-V " The host-brands of Wines. Liquors, Cigars, and the etceterau of 9. first-class bar always on hand, The table is unequalled in its furnish- ings. The commercial roams are better` than any North of. Toronto. The stabling accom- modation cannot be excelled. Stage twice a day to and from Gnilford, and daily from the house to Roaemont anda.-Llliaton and back'., ` _I:'_; - I . 42-.19 n-u-V... ...._.. _..-_ ELLINGTOR1ioTi:LTd6oiiSF wN.: ' c. ARMSTRONG, `-' - - .. Iiaipmtor. I `. Good`l3loar&;3oo<.i'bnbdnfibn L len,~ good L ' 'WinUBr~Liqnorl; -and `Qigagu. An: 519"`??? 9`.'!9.`v .3 "E;.*.,5399- .' " _ 9-Y. , UMMIJKULAJ4 nu um, uuxvuqr pgaun; EAST, BAR-RIE . ----- 5 , _ _ JAMES HAXDEN, . 4. g -. .PnQPg1pfon. _ . .. .. .--=-`. `(Bi Trsv`cl- . H E` VBMA 3`K T ohanes`o.1'.a:'s6 0.]-n-1.) o**i:`TaT."" DUNC AN" - CHURCH, PROPRI`E"I'~0`R-. Late of Hammad Radroad `fiouse, Iu'.Lalu., . ' `ample. fTh9` - and a'iry;ea'Iid.f1':1azH V V V V A31 qtttentive mtluglgdysgig atgnd_a'n_ce.`= . L'('ly ! . `L L` J; _n_ 1,` ;,`-V.',. ;a. I3 14.: 1;. Charles GlagkgglgyjI5t;gf.l1-.{1`0l`f House) bogs t.i'nti!n`ie "vth1q'jn,1i. U19-3 119 has opened out a. int-Mus Ha "sit miaeslntely of.cI1`pieda s11xe`; `_ The bar is tfd? `up in ritvcligtyie, and Liqunrsiapd Okay; .)fjtlia-Iioic.b 5 always? be htda ,; Bjlblfgbgil-:`;g _ _ _ n def *9 t"V .933 `.5 W 91, 7`, T139. " `a5-on r fI'.to*l?9ishn1_`,` "1 ?=."I` j fff *5` ;cH'gizr.nsQI_oA . _` , 41. -ma -w_I3LL1N_G'roN HOTEL. THOS. SLMMERSETT, Proprietol`. `ILARKSON 11-auss, aunts.- I . V T 1 JOSHUA CLARKSON, Propritor. um slmcomlzousa, next door West of th.e . Old Bank .)f Tox-ont.o_ Building, Dunlap street Barrie ' ` ' ` |'os;VzoGiis,' {`.NH7`G| (TIA: , . . W. 0. HAND, Proprietor and Auctioner sum. % .?*`a_.|g __" -.._.'.,.. - . V` ..