Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Apr 1874, p. 2

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uubuuuvj vs vuv rauluo nu IUHUW5 1% 1. This By-law shall bmno into .41., upon and from and after the tint d; July, in `the yam` of our Lord 1874. ") That Hi aha ha fkn .I..c.. H -!.u -ausnlsl, cu; |:{lC IUIIUW L113 l|l1 |r|.'L'U. LU wu- At t neoSchool House in School SW5 No. 5. Tiny, for the first E}octond1 = ision. At the Town Ham, (Tiny), P` . tn.ngnishem~., for the sec"-oml Division, and at the School House.` fontuine, for the third Electoml I isiml. ' ` duly, Lu_Luo Juan us want uulu 1951 2. That it shall be the duty om. Reeve of this municipality, and he: hereby authorized and required to 15 Debentures of this municipality (9,, amount, not exceeding in the whole-15 sum of fty thousand dollars, in gum not less than one hundred dollars 9 bearing interest at the rate of six I, cent. per annum, and made pay.1,1 the first day of July, which will M the year of our Lord 1894. !'I"L- __2.l T\_L-_A._, _ LILIIJ lI||ll.l`ll\l l|lDUII(|Ih'U\Io AN D WHEREAS, it is n(`C'.=i tlnat. the foregoing By-law should rem the assent of the electors of this mu . ' pality before the nal passing there-fa that this Council should In this By-`u ` tix _t'.1m day and time, and {mice or pl: for taking the" votes of the said eleu-2: _,,x , ,_, n,`,,,,:_.. .,L-;.1`l -1 . _, nu ~c.|uu5 ulc \UlOh U1 uu: muu nu und should also name a Returning tic:-r or Oflicers, to take `the votes of ` said electors at every such place: 136 t11erofo`r(- enacted and -on-ml.-nincl that`! said vote slml1_ be taken on Wedntsei the tlnirteentln day of May. now new suing, at/the following places. to wit. A I r"t\n'Qnlunn` I4 .-....m Cu Q.-slnnnl l_uu. vs LIlIn III. IV` April `uh 1874. j lint: v\:nL vs uu} uvnu Avvtu 3. The said Debentures s}..n ,. spec-tively be sealed with the seal of :1, corporation, and signed by the Rm and countcljsigned by the Treasumk the municipality, and shall heal-(1,, respectively. on the day on whichv, By-law shall take eiect, and slmlll, made payable to the bearer thereof ;. spectively. - A Thnrn .1...n I... ..n..,.1..,,a ...~ ' 'L nu v lillibllll -llla Ivunvnnns Iuwnvtvo 7. Tlmt for the purpose of for-min: Sinking Fund, for the pnyrne.-nv. ofi said "Debentures, by this .\lunicipal.'*. and the interest becoming due them at the: rate aforesaid, a special rate nineteen mills, and two-tenths of an on the dollaij shall in addition to all 0:5 rates be mised, levied, and C0llC'Ct`\l ` each year, on all the ratcahle property the said municipality during-tlie con: uancv, or (-m~1'em;y of the said Dela turcs, or any of them. 8. `The said Sinking Fund and spa ix-ate, md the proceeds tlierocf, shall appliml solely to the payment of suchl bentxtres, and the interest thereon, r3 such Debentures and interest shall fully pniclmid discharged. A \'n xtvuwnmne :+ L. ..Mm Dtlvhun run V n 4. There shall be attached to `Q. said Debentures -coupons for the P: ment of the interest half yearly, dung the currency of. the said Debenxuz-3 which coupons shall be made payable. the oice of the Bank of Montrea1,u_ Torontn, on the first day of July and; xfst day of Janum-_v, in each year. 7: Yl ulunll kn Olun :lnwv .-.4` Olu. D..A uni) us UK usuLuu:.y, nun \.u\.u Juan. 5. _ `IJt shall be the duty of the Ru- for the time being by the onler, and vr; the sanction of this Council, expng by resohxtion to that eect, to adm- and transfer tlxelsuitl Debentures byn of Bonus to the said North Silncoe R1 [way Colnpuny, at such times, and ; such sums or amounts as maybe deem most conducive to the object in view; he by the said C-ompa_n_v pledged, by; thecato,-I, sold, or converteil into men: to he used and expended by the II.` Railway Cumpanye in cJnstructingL' said Railway through the township ` Tiny to Penetauguiaheuc Buy. (1 n ..:...n ..n.,. 1... n... .1"... ..c.. uuuuuvs an u: lu:uv_t3uu Injury U0 p,0l`SOI1F: passing, and shall have tubes to oiling cups suiciently long that the person oiling the machinery will be inno danger` from the belts, and shall also provide such a platform for the horsepower as will cover the entire mnchinery, so tbxit the driver will be in no danger. . . - The 1-emaindnr nf +1.. A'..+.- :. ..a..*...1.. LIIIJ vv LUllUL(Ill6\|ln)hIblAU uuv (3. It shall also be the duty of: Reeve, with the sanction of this COUEL e.\:p1t'(:.~Ls'c(l as aforesaid, for and on beh of this Municipality, to take from 1: said Railway Company, such security; may he agreed upon, for carrying oum ngrcmnent, as to Stations, locatiozugu for the due application of the said I` laciitiu-es, and the proceeds thereof, zuul about the construction of the: Railwa.\' aforesaid, according to them: of any agreements relating thereto. '7' "l'l...L 61. {Jun isvurnnnn no" 4`...-mlw AND WHEREAS an-I - `L- ...:__.I __._.,__II._ I NO:l_'|CE. ` 59 lil- EU. 15' -E. B. Ci 3 Our goods :1 bottom pr . the but posui H \, URI-ll` UBO IIII1_JllU Lilli. , Wliat with a Minister o{j`.I 4:110 - 2 is ready -to condone with" a-`na'tion s unr- l derer, a Minister of ' T who . itramplos on the _industriousis.nd`toiling of our electoral body, by unjdmy [imposing an arbitrary tax upon the necessaries of life,.e ;Prime Minister, pandering to the worst and vilost paqsions of an illegal brotherhood. and a batch of ministers who orethe colleagues of those worthies, ooxnposod.of- annexationists, and disloyal men of every stripe, he Dominion of Canada is infa fair wa lose prestige honour, credit and clm.ra.cer,- traits `of national im- portance so splendidly brought` out, in the face of the whole world by such great statesmen as the Right Honorable Sir John A. Muodonald, the Honorable - C. Tupper, C.B., the law Sir George E. (`*m~H...- nut] nflhnvn (ulna v-o:uAA'(`.'I'IAl'l. 7 Our Nuw ` hind, Ind wi which due 1: Ihawiug NEW (70 N EW P `New `v...- WIRSI Whilst than her friend Iuux';: M1 ` 4 new cs 950 L, n%1z1:`:'s':s ' or nu: Luo uu\ 6:` W111 08 111 no danger. The remainder of the Act [is merely for the A purpose of enforcing this law, and provides that any person running a machine not so protected, may be brought before 9.VJustice of the Peace in a sum- mary way, and ned,` half of which will an tn the infnrmms am! t...u' A- n , B MAm STEAM: Applies. mule. Jlvnya - mu -In sh iiulbn I I NM 5 V18 | Mr: THWB ioAnt ; -`.`j`. move McKe_llar, the blunderer, to in- other depnrtinent. 7We -have `no doubt he will be as much a blunderer as Com- missioner of Agriculture, Secretary and Registrar, us, in the post he so latly vu.cated. The fact in, McKellar is an old political Itagex. and has taken a. part in so many grit tricks, that he does not know the meaning of th words political honesty; and therefore cannot practice `it. 'Tho following is. the reconstructedi Cabinet :-- Oppo 3 Fnom S "glov- I28, 1 'I9na| Inf vii i_.'... \ ISIIII VAL the 5.11:: Uuuu The Ha . lhird CL A ....- Uvluu h'H1t '7`. RP~1\:1~| Ulillf The We Conceaoi Iainiug o Th: fa Illllug U The f on the p well cul i 3 For some years past the shocking` ac~ cident-s c;u1sed by some unfortunate vic- timbeing caught in machinery of di'_er- ent kinds have become so painfully `nu-' merous that a paper can, ;_4_caroIy- be glanced at without the eye being greeted with the horrid details of some shocking ncciclent, generally c9.l'(f`-3:d by tl_1e_o.lmost2 criminal negligence of ine._ma_n`u_fa.cture1- in not providing protection against `the dangerbf falling into, or being drawn into the mzwhinery. - . Tim` n+.+mn+.:m. ms` 44... n......:; -r __.:,,1.' Ludo The Ha fourth Nleduu! Vlu`n'dre'd 'lL_n \'v1i un uurcu The I on the p yell fun gm! 1;." Concea limmg Th. 0 . gun I on the nndfon etc. F.'a;{.I Ion.-. Th- 105.`. The on the mu-.d _ Stable. 'l`[.`D `mo-n-e-i` - For b 5: Ibo I 'IAu.l ma. nu , auu uucu, nun 01 wmcn will go to the informer, and half to the School Section for School purposes. The ` act -further provides thatj the owner of the maohinegcannot recover for any work done by him; if his Jagechinery ishot pre- mud` as_ required by $25! F3. and them act islimitodtotakee'ectuponorafter_ the first * 0` nte?i- 5 is a. pretty govexp lg.w,and1ril1 paneful dtt6ntig1_I9:f . _' Alytr` ` ` " LULJIVJ \J\4llUl. (IA- Hon. Mr. ' Crooks, Troasurer, with supervision over the inspection of public asvlums ; hospitals, common gaols and res foxfmutories, the emigration department` and the `inspection of registry oices, and of the division court oices not situated in `county towns. - T_]"__ l`._ 'I;rv_T7_II_,', f'I-. .__.__-__,-,,. ,,, r-' The Ministry are not ready, and so the time of the House has been frittered away, as at present they have brought promises, only. Two measures:-th6 Ballot and the Budget. Of the Election Law we have already expressed our opinion, which, on the whole, is favorable to the measure; and we doubt not before it is nally passed, its objectionable clauses will be expunged lhrough the sifting it will get from Si? John and his followers. A The Budget scheme of Mr.` Cartwright, is be- ing attacked on all sides, and by all par-' ties, and we hope will be withdrawn, or much modied. Its main feature is that it imposes increased duties to the tune of over $3,000,000; this being the first in- Ht-alment of good economical government. We will, however, have more to say on- that subject in another issue. The Riel . liiculty.has been the -main point of dis- cussion for the past week, and disclosed the fact that the Ministrywere divided on the subject of Riel s expulsion. _'.I`l1eir action in this matter is one of the most disgraceful in Canadian politics. Wheni in opposition they vilied the Government for not arresting Riel, and new they let him come to Ottawa and take the oath, and thou depart in peace, without inek-` ing the rst.e'ort .to secure him ; and wh.':n the question of expulsion` came up, they made it an open question, some of the Ministry voting yea, and some may. The vote stood (or expulsion, 124; nag/s, 68,- only 2 Ontario members had the ef- f`:-oxitery to vote nay, John _0'Donogl1ue,. member for East Toronto, and Coon Cameron, he. that beat the Hon. Mr. Gibbs in South Ontario, both G'r2t_.s of the first water. VVe hope the loyal el- ectors of these constituencies, will not forget the disgraceful `conduct of their liberal representatives. T " $_PEIMEN~ G6vERNMENT.` - oixr Legislafnrs in P8.l`liBr" qlsembled can breathe more freely the` notorious Riel has been expel- _he Housa f Commons of Ca- nidfhanka My-. Bowell, the member `fbr No:-ti : Hasti/7;1gs, we suppose Mr: V V Mwkenzie. will -`hush forward the work _of. the session is-it 11 less embarrasment Au... ._n___ 2* - -- -- - ACCI'DENTS BY TIIRESHINGA AND OTHER MACHINES.` [ fylgtpd remains yes to V 1;;::l`i, m-nt _'..*_L2!-;_-; , Hon. Mr. Mowat, _P;f;eg1ier and At- torney General. . 1-Inn MI` nnnn`;a rpnnnanv-Ava tn: I4. U. Luppmr, \J.IJ., Ill! 13% CIT 331]`? la. Cartier and others, who raiscdansda; (mm a Provincial state to `a condition `of boundleaa Empire, scarcely equalled on the face of the earth. -We have con- dence in the future of Canada, and can- not believe that the stanch and sturdy yeomen who have contributed to her gmaitness, will ever prove recreant to their duty when they discover that they have been deceived and imposed upon by men who are little else than sliwes bound down to the earth with the forged rings and chains of a political despotism, worse than that which cul- minated in the` overthrowdof the Na.- poleonic dynasty of France. ' Ll \3ULlll|.'.Y UUWLIDI Hon. Mr. M cKellat-, Commissioner of I Agriculture, Secretary and Registrar. Fran Nrr pa win. nnlnnnnnnun n{' lI.`lL\a|LLl4lll.U, Uvulcuulj uuu. J.\U5LDUl.`ul'. Hon. Mr. Pardeo, Commissioner of Crown Lands. 71 II` In A ` - 0 n \JL U W 1.1 JJlIll\Ao Hon. Mr. Fraser, _ Commissioner of Public WAorks.A ' MINISTERIAL (SHANGES M So Mr. Mownt has been obliged to ye- , `Il','l'7-l),__ LL- 'LI..___I-_.--_ L- __ ~~-v` v-vv-- qvsvu A960 Ullluullanunouv `ifhni when vllo-Xannouncoil his policy` at .._l5l),5_:1.l?)lll9hceriient_of the session. Thu ? 1th"_119W inistry 'ha.ve_ given the- veryfsmall "evidence of their `t- "yneslp manage the ull'a.irs ofthe Domin- v`i_on"of Uaniida; ' Starting with apolicy ,i_n.`most part_ctit and dried for them -by . .Gllo'~Government of Sir John A. Mac- d9D3ld.' they have not d_ispla.yed much rskilliin its management. Mr. Cartwright in scaliagwangements has not- only tal:en.the o_ou_ntry by surprise; but he has alienated a. large portion of thzit con` _ denoe which so many of the supporter ' 'ol'Mr. Mackenzie thought him worthy V of when he, a fossil Tory, accepted . oioo at the bends of his life long politi- cal opponent. -From Halifax to New `Kesininster on the Pacic slope, there is not a man conversant with the budget speech of/that would be linanciei-, who . does not openly `express, his convictions that Mr.'Cartwright is a. grand failure. ,It was said by the political friends of the ~ Government, give Mr. Mackenzie and colleagues a trial, and then it will be seen what they can do. It was said by the supporters of the `Government that Sir Jol1_n_A. Macdonald was too harsh ` in his treatment of Mr. Cartxvright, that - V in fact 110, human, like other men, as he was, was just`a.ai'likely to err in his es- timation of Mr. Ca.rt\vright`s financial . abilities as any other man, lsut now the people have discovered to their cost that ` truly, that gentlemen is as little tted for the important position he til is in M r. Macl,{enzie's Ministry as he is fitted for the position of the Premier of England; 4 But why do \\f e rnd fault with Mr. ' Cartwright ! is not every Minister from the Premier down just as unworthy of the responsible positions they occupy, just as Ilhttetl to be statesmen as he is? Sofar as it is possible to judge them from the records furnished -by their poli- tical lives every one i_sl.u.1'rod with the some brush. ' 11r_- -......,J-_. 1.....- `L- A-_..._.':.__. -...i 1. PARLIAM ENTARY. V o.a.%%%o title` County of Simon), before His Hono .Tn`n;| A Awliuvl-o '.Tn'nn~`p-' Indira, A%.d.,*mn"a::a;4:.;" `"**'t 1 ` A -Apz-il1 6_th, 1871;, REGINA ml Tuosus Bucx.-Prison8.l' was arraigned rind pleaded guilty `*0 3 (`Amman Anaoulf. nn Robert SiIIID50nn I_ Ua1Lxst1'Ic.--V-A ght batwen iwo youths took place the other day, and the magistrates had to settle the diiculty. If these encbuutrs are not of rarer oocur-L renoe we will publish the names of the p`enders. - ` ' ` _____ _--D_._ .. --u any out uwv nuuwu. Srnma.--Are our town father: at- tending to the sanitary condition of this town? What are the Board of Health about? We know of several nuisanses that exist, much to the detriment of the town's health; or, at least, of those resid- ing in it. . ` j . Bxvlu. ROAD8.-It seems is to` be a_ lively. .competiti9z`icfqr the` .. trade `of ` the locality ; tanguishene, ag ' ' ' Ito gem. -tho`:fi9*1i10!i5i_id tmthwhmexmhsm ~ ~ Tii Lx:$ `=.iI5n. the` ddi.i5#1`tax'. .;1q0r9:':-Th1 W `V A } ,4; ii _ WIS an'u1gn Common Assault on Robe on Sunday ..u.....x..a ea anu luuou 3 V the 712th inst. _ 1'11 nvhnuiatinn ht `'18 W53 In` -_v.v W -. . ft (Simpson: - Prisoner OII. UB8 1 Lbill Lllllvu b I-vv-Z"-_ pleaded, in`exbenuo.tion,_ tht he W3-'13` tpxicated at the time,nnd therefor? 110.3 responsible. Sentenced" 3 weeksrcmn` mon Gaol. _ _ - ` April 17th. V . Rnexnm.V-GEonaI`Rowu:r.-Prin- V or was arraigned` and pleaded 8`l`Y V" to a `charge of stealing one bundle of hey, the property of John` Iuni. n of the Township of Mwcau1oY.in 59 SI _`__A. (1.. LL- Sn-Ll-. nf th Idmtrict of Muskoka, ,on the 11th. F|RE -Ear_Iv `on Fridgy moining, the 17th inst.,a re broke out in a cottage, in the northern part of our town,'occu- pied by Mr. Wm. Smith. The premises and `contents were partly eonsumed._ The origin oftho fire is not known; G... u. A __ , the property at. John Luupn, ` of Township Macaulay, in the district of the`.1lth_ A1m'1.inst- On the night of the 11th, two sons of the prosecutor were. on their way home, and oncoming near `the barn they heard a. rustling `of `the hay, and coming close found the` prisoner outside the barn with a bundle of hay which he was then in the act of taking with a rope. On being asked what he was doing there, _ he said that John Inms, the fatherof. the boys, had told him to get the hay ;- but as this waaimputable the boys told him to put it back, which he did, and a day no an n-nu Jnhn Tnnin Inped an informa. JUI VIIUILI Agl l.'uU1l. Uvvu \AJLu. What do these ilxcoznpetonts care , about" the Farmer or ahr,n1t- Canada? b .'What do they care about Itefou-tn oi` econ~ omy? \Vlm.t do they care about prom- ` ises. or conssistency? Not-hing! Self. ' `Solf is, and always has been, the object _ and aim` of` all the-ir political h:u'nn_m1es, and violent assaults ";Lgz;'u1sL the chm`:1c- tor and honesty of `Sir John A. Macdon- . :.\f1d, and through him the `great eXP;:to1'a} - `body of the Dominion of Can-.1da._ W'hi1h need we ask of any further proof than is :=t-:ppl_ied by the conduct of Mr. Macken- .- 1'11 1-nrnvvnnnn irn {Kn `Qalnj uH'..:sJ \XT'|..... _ back, which he did, and a. tiny or so after John Innis lodged tion before M9. Lount, the Stipendiary I ~Mngistrate, on which prisoner was ex- amined and committed to gsol for l:ria1.~ On being asked by His Honor what he had to say why sentence should not be passed oxrhim, the prisoner stated that he trusted His Honor would deal leni- ently with him, as his fsmily were de-` pendant on him, and that since his ar- rest, his little "boy had died, and that he had not even the consolation of seeing him, as he was under arrest at the time. I u:.. tr...m..' ;.. .....:na annfnnca regrett- ST. A.N'nm:w s Socua'rv.--We learn that it is the intention of our town St. Andrew's Society to`ceIeb1-ate the Queen's Birthday _in - grand style this year, on the Driving Park Associhtion s groutids. 'I'\__, Mgnpnns:-We. like to :.s_eo 'l.a.c_1s enjoy .t_hem8eli'es by {Slaying Vmaibles, but "we [do not think it right to do so on Sunday. `We saw some lads doing it on our streets` last Sabbath Aaftemoon. ' ` CRzCi --A nmeting to re_urgrmiz_ev the old-Barrie Ma1)le'I.e.1f Cricket Club, is a-ri_r_1o1_mced to take place on Friday evening, next, at eight o'clock, slxarp, -in _ Mr; Jos. Rogers oice. no 11-v Iu`- . . - mm, 8.8 118 was Ilnuer uxnzau nvy cue ......... His Honor in passing sentence regrett- ! ed the iinfortunate position he had placed himself in, by which he had been deem-l ad from seeing his dying child, and trusted it would be a lesson which he ` would never forget, and" that all had been brought upon him by appropriating what was not his own, but -that under the circumstances, he would only sent- ence him to one months Common Gaol, but that otherwise, his sentence would have beena severe one, as this class of cases have been dealt with severely when brought before the Courts, = Smuxa ' AsVs1zss.--The Sp:-ing. Aszsizes 1 will commence `in Barrie on '1`ucsdny` next, the 28th inst; T ` 4 SELLING AFTER `uoUIz's.---One of our merchants was fined last Sa.L1u'du. y for selling liquors after hpur_s`on the Sut1_n'- day previous. A r: The VVheeler and \Vilson Sewing Ma chine still more `than holds its own . against: all 1'iva'.. `Agents for this sec- ` tion of the country, Messrs; Van Tassel. and Morgan. ` .__ l'...`___.`I T7,` 1] L1` 51', I-I ,-I` `I `l\` ;I:VH;3Vr-\c1ersVo11Tt1xe xxviclelf and fa- vorably known I'I:1l`t1W!'(*`. `Merchant of A this town, has on hand a la._rge stock of Le:Lth_e}' and Btxbbcr Be1ting,. Pnckilmg`, Steam Fitt1ings,.;Pipos, &c.--See Adv t. ____,, ,. Our friend Kidd, cf the Medical Dis- pensary, Dunlop street, is again to the fore, and announces having the largest, cheapest and best stock of goods in his line, in town. 1|: 'r1'1' 1 ' 7.1 01! in ouauv In usnu. We" wonder. how the farming and la- bo\1ringe_ola.sses of our community, who were so eager to shout at Sir John A. Maodonald during the recent elections, away with him, away with him, will `like to submit to the increased tax im- ' posed upon tea, coffee, sugar, iron and eeverali` other things by this so-called liberal Government, whose leaders promised so ippantly so` many things in the Way of Reform and economy. _Wil1 the hard worked, toiling farmer quietlyeubmit to a tax of six cents per lb. on this -`tea, three or four cents on every pound of sugar, four to six cents . on every pound of coli ee? Will he be willing to pay 50cts to $1 extra on eve_ry_ ' hundred of iron, and from one to 'l1i'oc cents a. yard upon every yard of cotton gaurchasedr from the store-lzeeper to clothe his family? VVe.czu1clirll_v'>ulmit that there are not a few good loyal Gritsv who will submit to this iniquitous impost -without a. `murmur, for doubtless the name class of persons would mortgage- their farms rather than aclznowleclge that such a. good honest, pious cliristian as Mr. Mackenzie, would he the means of wringing the last cent out of them, in order to maintain his position. But every farmer is not at Grit, and before another election comes oil` we question much if there will beefound one Grit for every ten professing` that political loo-' trine at the late contest. 'l`r`nl_v the d--l pays his followers with their own coin. ' What between greed of ollice incompet-~ army in office and ignorance of the gener- al ahire of this great Dominion, Mr. Alexande1' Mackenzie and cnl1eugues~sz'e managing to pay the electors who Voted -for them in their own coin. . 'I`ITI,_L J, iL-..,, :_ _ Sm,-A-i-VVe are hall a. good deal exercised over this `$50,000 bonus, which we are askedito vote tothe North Simeoe.Rail- . way next month. It is currently re- ported in this neighbourhood-that the North Simcoe Company do not intend niaking any survey of their line before the By-law is voted upon in Tiny, and that all the satisfaction as to the route- we areto get before voting our money, is the asurance that the [me an be lo- ' cated as cmtrdlly as the cngmeenng diiculties will allows The by-law says theyline is to be run from Barrie, or some point near Barne, to Penetangui- shone or some paint an the, Penetanguz'- them Bay. .1 think-the charter says ' from Barrie or some other point on the Northern Rail_way.-" Will we have any certainty] of `ever getting to Barrie by i the North.Simcoe Road, if the bonus is voted. _ I have seen 3. map [with Mr. Cu1nEezla.nd s name to it, showing 9. line from Angus to Penetanguishene across Vespra, Flos, and Tiny. Now Mr. Editor, we are not" much experienced in V Railway matters out here, but perhaps you could tell us whether there is any- thing to prevent this Company taking their line to Angus or some other place on the`No1thern Railway; I am well aware that the people of Toronto are down on the Hamilton Road, and as they will have control undoubtedly of the North Simeon Road, they would, I think, be very likely to avoid. 3; connection with the Hamilton Road, and run_every- thing over the Northern to'.AI`oronto. 'I"L.~nnr nylmt Halal-. vnn nnn inn this 0111113 UVVCI um .L\UL'uu!:1u |rU>.`LULUllUV. Throw what light you can Ion this subject, a_nd'o1_;lige yours truly, _ 7 ` ANOTHER RATEPAYER. Wyebridge, 22nd April, 1874. ' ~ To the Editor of the Northern Advance. %@orrcsnouueute. ._-,.._,.;-. com; LOCAL ITEMS. Emm `Ii. "n36u.- Ward. h9..n9ton91!.s.}mrc1:tr II! deeded 7 iu7+ei_:o`tingf bibs;-3e_scap6 . 7{t01!1' ~__1 dnrnitce "vile `by. scaling the Thin in his second es`oa.po`fro'm ourjgaol. This timg; we fear, he has: succeeded L A in making good his escape from bond- ;_ agq. ` V an elf, ,_.-_I_j A, _.'.l _ >v.-H -_`-_ , ` Griaxurtc -A--WZeara<'glad to and. am the. young men of our towniintend ' to do, something `in the athletic` line. this sdmmor. A f.s.me'building .to r V that purpose, being in course of ares-"_ tion. at the` water s- edge, nearly op- . posite the ' Queen s." Go on and pros-, :_ per. A V ~_ ~ , ,, II If _ ,-__ _......., wsvuv, .u l.'J.6a ` Fmsr Iuponruxoxs.--Mr. = Macnab, of the Gents;Furnis_hmg Emporium; has already imported a large and fa.3_hio1;abLe stock; of Spring and Summer goods,` eon-. siating of Brdadolochs, Tweedn, 850.; &c. ; llojv, is the time, and Ma.cx_m.b s{ "is. the l; a`vo"yourvmea8u'r_es.1_5aken;' No-` Twh,A~4 in "town Iiotrf ` , 3 V p .u suvu u uuu LaU||\.l|l\rU UL MIL. .n|u.L;nUll' iii refe1.`yence to the Riel uhi VVho' , has not heard the mbid dc-nunciations uurlexl from every platform in Ontario, against the murderer of ihe M:u-,t_yi- Scott '1" \Vho has-not heard these hypo- crites denouncing Sir Jolm A. Mnc1rm- aid as 9. traitor to Canada, umi u. pm-:.uer -of those who sympatl1i.~:.ed with Ric-.1? A few years ago Ontario rang with the cries of such men as Blake. Mackenzie, Me- Keller and `others, but now that they have the fox hounded to the death by zthe aqthorities of Manitoba, these same men refuse to raise their voice in con- demnation of the murderer, They zifford him shelterin the Parliament Buildings at the Capital, and when decent men re- fuse to recognise him as 9. 'member "of Parliament, they cowardly shrink from giving utterance to a. word that might [around the tender seusibilites of the murderer, or Of his aidors and ebettors , in that crime. ` It is true Messrs. Mac- .}:_enzi_e and Blake voted for Mr; Bowe1l s' 1 resolution to expel Riel from the House of Commons of Canada, but tliey did so without making any noise or tlimltlt; they.did_ so because` they coulci not help ~"themselves.' And yet these are the men {who Ontario in 1871, with the ` ' of the f`Blood Murderer`Rie] "u. `A - fnriinnuvi ;nI ' V .n.uvI= uxuliuu pros. are m hill blast, `and have done a good winter's business} ; but, in_opder , xps.-he roan; for the` stock _-wh,re_'W_iih itoklo -5.} heasgy ._8p4ri7aga;_x` . mmar thex~'~sr>i 7 39.` LI Acxxow_t.enonu1m'r.-The. Managers of The Memorial Home) , acknowledge with sincere thanks, a donation of ten dollars, kindly contributed by Lone Star 'Temp1e, No. 41, of the tI.0.G.T.,through t Mr. Sheri` Smith, being the proceeds of 2.111 open meeting lately held by the Tom- I) 8. k ` ' ' gunu. ,u. u_eIn_B, nraxqs, tells, tucks, cords, quilts, binds and gathers without bast- ing. It ru_;1s light, easy, and noiseless Its motions arc :s`.1.l.p'osi_t.ivo, and, its sim- plicity enables the most inexperienced to operate it with the ease of an expert.-. Field-Bros.,V agents, Bitrifio 13.....- 7 .-.-~ " ' `For cheep and good Groceries anti Provisions buy of Mr. C. A. Perkins, New Brick Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. - The Web8i5P Sewing Machine will. do every kigd of w_or_k_ 1-ve_qi,xited in the house hold. ` It heme, braids, fella, tucks,'cords', quilts, and gathers x'm'+.lm..`+. 1..-; . ' V 3 To-day fl. trc-at has been given to several of our townspeople, in witness-V ing the weighing. on our 1nu1'l scales, of :1 herd of prime fut cattle, mimhering some twenty head. Abngit a fourth part of the entire stock now held mid fed by This in :1 hmnch of industry longnegloc_t- ed mid the want sorely felt by the inhn.bit- amt-svof this town, inasmuch asiti.<:well_m imeml,-ereil tlmtevory spring,say fron uihout this time of the year until the middle of J uly, liousckeepers have `beeircompelled V topassulie time Without that class or good beef which they ought to li":u'e, es- pecially considering the high price that has been charged for that ,commod_ity in past yeais. _ .Last year was a slight _ex-' ception to the old rule, as we remember_ that the enter rising, butchers, Messrs. Lowe guicl __retl:, purchased some ne cattle, (from the samestable) just at M the time that the; market was most meanly supplied fl`0n1' the {country i`eed- ers. "We hope that there will be nolack of enterprise, on the; part of our town butchers, en this occasion, as. it is _-well` knowtihat a suicient number of good Qfat cetegis withii,1`thdir'1-each ata sonableprioe. ,VVefk'nowi osome out- `8fide bub'che'rs trying to n_1enopolize' the I . R. Simpson, Esq.,_Bi'mvm', of` this c - entirie =.t<.><=i1'r_J ' P1mso1'\'1lL.--U11r1r1end., Mr. Rawson, is back from Manitoba, but not to stay. as he takes back with him his Wife and family. Mr Raws~)n's accounts of Mimi: t9ba s capabilities are very satisfactory to intending immigrants thither; $93 from whatwo hear, there will be qulte an exodus thither from this section of- country. = RE'MOVAL.--Our fxziend Shaw is {re- moving to the pienxisms lately known as the Woodbine Sp.loon,_ Dunlap Street, where he will centinue to` sell the best of ' Teas, Groceries, Fruits, "Canned Fruits, ; a.nd_everything else in his line, at re- : markably cheap rates. He acts honestly and sells cheap, and `therefore must com- mand success`. 5 Fox E(jRO_VPE.---:`Ve' un}le;`stand`"that pean tour, for the benet of her health, and that the Dr himself intends `spend- ing two ortghree months in `Ireland dur- ing. this 'aulnu1pr. VVe sincerely hope `Mrs. Ardagh may nd the [health she is about to seek, and that she `will return home thozjoughly `convalescent. 7? an u... . Mrs. Dr. Ardngh has started for 9. Euro! V HOTEL3. -- Mr. Bingham`, of the Ocean has renovated his hotal and placed 3n the "bar some of the hand- somest pictures we have seen {or many a day. Mr. Amall, of'the " Bmrie, has put his place in rip-top order, and last, but by no means least, Mr.Hayden, of the Commercial, has tted up his hotel in good style.` Well dons for the `hotel keeperswb say. -vi; ._.. `_.. . _-u VA uuo _ uuuuul su Lu`ucL`t:r .[\/161, upon irrgir Ii} . Alas forolnumm nature! Was ever hypocrisy so thoroughly ax- Was ever political charlaltans .and dishonest tricksters mo . omughly Jponvicbed of deceit and`kna ' ess,thm Wliave been thes'e professed_p1u'istS3 - ` -. Tl-_ Ina A-unr I-man an uulm A-mn.u.a........'a Sunnnu ;Ds:nu --We regret to learn that Mr. Terrance Needham, 01 Flos, died suddenly in St. Callierines, on I`uesda.y- last. The deceased {eff Barrie" the day previous, apparently in his usual -healI.h, and therefore the news of his sudden demise rook his relatives and friends by surprise. It is believed his death was caused byvdisease of the `heart, to which 5 he was subject. Ruunors however, are rife that {rare has been foul play in the-.mnt;ter, for when hejleft he had quite a sum 0! ` moneywith him, and _there was none on his person when found dead. Doubt- less eager enquiries will be set on foot to-unravel the mystery. '\VeV under-' sfand that "the parties have been arrested rm nnsmininn nnz] Ln; .... ....-......-._._._-., - -.-.., ...... Ia|\4 l,vu~Ll1\`a uu.vI_: Utftju ?.ll'.l't93lt,`u bn suspicion, and Jhat ;_m invemigation into the came of driavln is n0_w `going on. 711 1 - - - " -L'AUI l(;RE (The ibfornizg Light) 9-- -This is the name of n.Frencl1 I z'otesta.nt weekly newspapel` founded in 1866, smd `published in l\Iontxea.l, C:mudn., at "$1.50 (Uxxitedstates, $2) per annum. It oon `V tains articles on the important questions of the day; a. special correspondence from France on'Em'opean `palitical and religi- ous matters, as well gs geneml- family reading and news, etc., etc. "SUNDAY R1lc1NG.--It 'is debateable with xnanyjvhether horse racing is right under any circumstances ; but we opine all are agreed that our public streets are not theplaces, nor Sabbath the day on wlgiclx to try the" speed of horse-esh. Webelieve there are laws forbidding it, if so we would like to see them enforced ; as the racing "on Duxilop street as far as Judge Gowa.n's, last Sunday afternoon, by some o'f out town bloods, was disgrace- ful in the extreme. Where were our town Inspeetors and Cblxstablesl Home RULE.-The Mail, Globe, and our town Ezammer`; all stated that Mr. Wm. Johnson, M.P.,_ from Belfast, Ire- land, had come out in favor of ' f` Home Rule. `W'e are glad to learn that our _ confrereg wer in error, as the very re- vexsesis the fact. \V did not thin],-: it could be true at the time we saw the re- port; as that gentleman when visiting _this cduntry as an Orange representa.tive _fr0m.Irel.and, spoke stwongly .in` favor of British connection, for Ireland as well as for Canada.` - V ` .ar`in .`ftiuib1as`, WintaI"R hI1nnaga' . E*il'b!fis'i;'? .;\?otfit'f s.,.m.e' ` V W 1fc3.`nwT-v : .9 A The (o110Vfing'n_reoount was MM. Apmjch, to'the Londdn journal: on he arrival of the steamer Egypt at. Queenstowu: . l`.nnt.- Gronnn nf .thn ntemmnhm ,, __.-- --v-Bu, VIII, All!!! In Mnrysville, 09.1., the otharddy, n .Nawfoupdland dog walked into 5 mar- kegdroppeda ten-cent piace out of Ins; mouth, and walked_ .03 with 4a_ salmon. .-._ IIbe l`:ut,cher.sgysjsom_e folks . }i do Intolgigntg but . he V ' Ls; z~ . , A..." . of ti 1 piirtsi_.ihut_ attire`; lt"=itl'If,". st. -51 --:if!| 7 ll :47 37.f N-`. .10!!!-.'3-'W'-E a . aveeselhin distrens,.and`elewed ,, up ils and made towards her.) She A ,pr9V6d toebcthe French steamer. Eu- 1` tops; with 6 salvage crew on board.-. A boat went alongside` the Egypt; with Mr.`Buck, chief oicer of thevsteamehipv Greece, in charge. ` He stated that on the 2nd of April, at l`o'clock p.m., they sighted a steaer to the south- ward, lilrewisebound for New York. - Odapproaehing near, `her, they saw , shehad a" signal yitig,"`_ Wanting im- mediate assistance. This having been replied to, she againsignaled, . I am ~ sinking." On getting close enough to ` 9905. She Wished the Egypt to lower ' the boats to save the passengers and 1 crew; she also cleared away. her own ' boats, there being a very heavy north- west sea running at the time. They succeeded in transferring to the Greece the entire number of passengers and crew, amounting to about 400 souls, . without a single loss of life or any_ac- cidenr, the people leaving the ship gust as they stood, and` Capt. Lemaire be`- ing the last man to leave the ship. At 7.30 p.in., Capt. Thomas, with the oicers and engineers of the steamship Greece, held a consultation, and deter- mined to board the Europe and make a survey of her. They found the res stillalight, the steam run down, and A about siit_feet of water in the engine- room andqthe stoke-hold, it being a little water over the plates of the fire-room. They sounded the other hold and found one foot of water in the after compartment and about the same in the forward com,- partment. They returned to the Greens and reported the state ofthe M Europe to Capt. Thomas, who then de- l cided to stay by the Europe all night. On April 3, at 4 a. m., they again boarded the abandoned vessel, and found that thewater had increased in the engine-room and stokehold. They reported again to Capt. Thomas, who decided to proceed on his voyage, hav- ing now on board thesteamship Greece . upward of~-~.1,000 souls. Mr. Buck, chief officer; Mr. Webber, fourth of- ficer of the Greece; Dr. Maguire, and 20 men, including the carpenter and ' boatswain, volunteered to board the Europe and endeavor to keep the water out and get her to some port. On the 4-th of April, at 2 o'clock p. m., they sighted the screw steamer Egypt, signaling to be taken in tow. ` l hey put out boats and passed to large haw- sers on board the Europe successfully, and when they had well made first they went ahead quite slowly. After towing a little while and getting the weight of the ship, the hawsers parted, the wind and sea at the time increas- ing. .The barometer was falling, and there being every indication of bad weather it was decided to take the people of} and abandon the ship, which was done successfully. When the ship `was left there (was about _18 feet of water in the engine room. At 7 p or. they proceeded on their course to Queenstown. I -u- ' i so ith `doag ogues 1.. and political cheats, and so it willbe un- .;til the end of time. No [wonder the Qlochora ofthe Dominionof Canada should bgok amagoment at the boldness, ihtrecklosnness. and chicanery of such ' L _ A.Alo`xan 1er Mackenzig and. E, nd ni.1r'a9d'in, , --V_ _.-_..-.,....... A colored Mississippi legislator late- ly proposed a bill to `make each mom - ber- of the legislature, present and future, 9. bone de attorney and enun- sellor at law. His reasoning was direct: ` J` Forsaid be, "it we know enough to make do le,we,w_hy don : we pree- itiqe n_in 1' Sure enough, why not? `Tn M`itvui`Ig l"-I 4|. _' -I 'l`l1e days`a.re beginning perceptibly to lengthe_n,- and, the glaclaome season ig fasliappi-caching, when an "nature puts on its gay attire. Friend Nelson, of the Nelson House, is preparing for. this joy- _ous time, and is ` selling of!` hisiw-inter stockat very low prices, to, make room- :f9r Spring impprtatiggs. .__--:..____._.___._____._'.__. A German writing home from Philrp delphia concluded his letter thus: If I lifs till I ding, (4311 my friends at home that 1 shall _vi_sit ugein Igterlancl pefore I leavea,Pbxla`delphia. ` ' ' . A .....I....'.-..1`nn:-_-_-, , The Sunday Times, a paper 1: tely started in Toronto,and which has taken up the Temperance Question as one of its features, has a long editoria.l'justify ing the use of native wines,and taking to task a city contemporary for its con- demnation of their use. WE: are not acquainted with the editor of the Sun- day Times, but-we cannot helptlnrking thutphe has lived in :1 Rip Van Winkle sleeptor the past forty years and hasjust been awakened, oi he would not have, given utterance to such errant non- sense as he has done in his issue of the 21st inst. _Such`articles will do more damage to the 'I`emperance.cause than i a volume he might write in its favor. ltseems to us that there is a nigger in the fence somewhere. ~ Perhaps self-interest has prompted the article in question. We believetthat the native wine devil has done. more harm and will yet do more_ harm than even the whiskey trade itself. Where do the young in the families of professing Christians rst learn to" tipple, and even parents themselves, but in "their own homes with. the use of. this domestic wine. It won t hurt you, in the least. I ca_n assure you; there is no liq.uor.ir. it at all; I made it myself. Such is the argumentnsed again and again to in- duce many an one to violate their pledge,tmd also how many have not been able to withstand the temptation thus presented `and have fallen, and now either ll untimely; graves or are a nuisance to society and a disgrace to their friends." We may be called {ana- tical in holding such. views, but,- see , what we. have*seen,:and hear the heart-rending regrets we have heard, and then say whether `war to` the knife is fanaticism in eueha cause. We-say` again, that this insiduous native wine question is one of the creates: enemies there as toeontend against in `this gene era! war. Christians, remember what St. Paul said` "'71! wine make my brotherto ofend I will drink no ,more while the world stand New D0mI'm'a_n., A e. ---Ha_mi1tqn ` The inventiveness of the preaenfruge is truly something wonderful, for nearly cverynmn we meet is an inventor, or `about to be; but, head and shoulders above -all `others. `stands the name of Elias Howe," the inventor of the cele- bmted Howe Sewing Machine, whiclr invariably takes First Prize wherever shown. George J. Beattie, agent, Barrie, ' 4 NATIVE` WINE_S. ,+_T_ _,_,,_ 0 ,.... ! ` ". T .::,"*.,..,.+..,[:;'.*..:::.;;..':;*..:%2~ N93 : 011 Dunlap Strut, Barrio. Apr`! " - T. W. GEORGE! Exohngo 0300, our Bank 00:11!-2, I , . 3 |. . '3 ,r us`; , Ag . Iv .1 " -----I ynnucu, In nanny; v- wr um PATENT nnsmcmno.-* R w. GEORGEN's ' g _ nxomyog 0911.0!` ._..`{ ~ `Vv ILA` Luu-A pun V ALVA V- , "030. who understands cookin- I quire otuu. E. W. WBIFFEN, Bell aw-If A--II nu. um. .. n I. _;,%.?;p WHEREAS the total to raised annually by upecig] ; paying the said debt and inma..mm; on as hereinafter provided, is {W :4 thousand `three hundred and sin 2 dollars ($4,365.00): " AND WHEREAS the amou atom` mm.:_- '. whole mteable property of this -_ Dated at th. 8th ` . TWns1` - - " . . day ot April 1874.111 0: Txnjhlg V --~.-.-..r- _.....-q av vuv Luwuanulr U1 Jun}! April, 1874. 15` 2 -::- ANTED---A SERVANT G11` -02: undemandn ' nnl-n AI ll..- . 11-v ---u.-._.... -. an n_.oL .- n.;1u vv LLJJLUJHSIIJ IILIU BLIIOIII property nnnhr nnnnl-("nu On {Jun Inna ._ palitv, according to the last mium .x aesmnent roll being fortheyear ofour L; `a (1873) one thousand eight hundred . 3 seventy-three, was two hundred `M twenty-six thousand three hundred "and f fty-eight dollars, (226,358.00); "` AND WHEREAS an annual _ . 5,; ?"` NU I IUB. The above is a true copy of :1 By-3 A to be taken into considemtion by -` Council. of this Municipality, aft/3! ` month from the first publication W` in the NORTHERN Am`/l.vc:, News[|l' published in the Town of Bm'ri ~F' date Of which first publication Thursday the 16th day of April 1874, and the votes of the electors 0 ` said municipality, will be taken them` at the School House, in School 39* -No. 5. Tiny, for the first Electoral ision; at- the Town Hall, (Tiny). P tangnishene, for the second Elem` Division; and the School House, M6 taine for the third Electoral Divisi Wednesday the thirteenth, (13tlI)`l Of May, next, at 9 o'clock, .lll-9 9 close at 5 p.ni., on the same day. ;XAVIER THOMPSON, 1 Township C162" ~ ll! Jim) WHEREAS an annual - rate of nineteen mills and two-umlgri a ymill . on the dollar upon the `M rateableproporty of this munici - will be necessary and required fo, ;-.:,, ing' the interest and forming anew? yearly sinking fund, suicient for pay- off the principal of the said debt .,- "5 the period of twenty years, hemimae limited in that behalf, according to" at provisions of the Act passed by gawk n6uu uvuuna, \UBU UUOUU : ` of the Parliament of Ontario, held in thirty-sixth year of `Her Majesty ; M intitnlerl An Act respecting irunidld. Institutions in the Province of Onuw It in lmmlnr ordained nml m.....c...n . gted at Council Hull-,V Townsh1'I_,' Tiny, this'3th day of April, A-D-1 1 nnuu I. . Commencing nt tl1elmx'n'ol` 0 sun.-i` closihg at 5 p.m., of the said day?" that Mr. Thos. McGrntlx be the New ingO1}ico1-for the first Eleotnml Di\'iir_ 1\IL'.I\[. L. McGmth be Returning`- ficer forthe second Electoral Divisiongt` that Mr. Thomas Marohildou be Rem invg Ofcor for the third Electoral P xslon. - 1|1D1|||VI\III Ll-I IIQIU L l\l'Ill\\1' [I] `mam! It is hereby ordained and enacted h authority of the same as follows ;- 1 'I`h:n nv-`nur aha" `nan... 2.5. an IIYIN 'lInI--an-1 -.---.-..--v-|- A .-I -\.J.l.' .{%-I.@ a T "At half retail price], I quantity of G34` ,. V ' than the throne _ A` , _.xeh;w ...s.u..sh ~ V gt-this ms .n"who wields onlyAth_o'poW- ' or that should romain in the possession (of the responsible Minishrs . of the `Crown, hit is, through his organ the 3 Globe, a. power behind the throne greater 1ITL`_L __!LI, _ -f`T,._LS-.` .._LA ;mhey.:ueindeed but "A

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