Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Apr 1874, p. 1

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'r: I. Lonii .11-u-t,-]_;& `oi .m:dnn rhs, Hcndnohvev, : intpp ugh. WCWl'lro - G. W. fJ()VUN'l`.` cu : K4\A`llLl5. ard-greater I - Qfhny D In!) TV ' . Pusmmm. The proprietor of the Dominion Hotel-has re?- centiy, owing to its gieat increase in business, `\ been compelled to add double accommodation to his old house, and has had the estsblisliment re tted ~ and re-furnished, and with ample stables, beds, and sample rooms, `he thinks `he, -will be able to receive all of his old friends, who hzrxe so liberally supported him in the past. Room fondue, room for all. Best wines and . liquors, host table, best nccommodndn, of any` country place in the D'ominion_.-W. 0. Hand requests the public to bear in mind that he isn`. V the present time` the only Licensed Auctioneer -in these'pB.rts,a.1_1d in that depsftment oflzis business he isprepnred to give his best atten- Lion tolhe interests of settlers, and-in all csses to give fair play to buymjs. {I3"Sa.1es of "stock of all kinds promptly attended to,.and prompt settlementvalweys assured. .42-1_y. Excellent accomodationlor Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the Travelling. Public. Boats. Fishing l`a.ol:le,_.and Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. ' The Bar 13 well suppli- ed with Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Good Stabliug and attentive Ostlers. N.B..-'-Splendid Spqckled Trout streams" in` the vicinity. _' , _V .- 48-ly-W lixrg . ~-- 3 ' ` . The best Billiard Parlor E-Yorth of Toronto. The mb1e`ia_sn%pli.:d wiib everything in selon. Pure Wines an Liquors. Good Siabling. ` . 'Rarrie. Den. 18th. 1872 " . ~ 1061 V opposite the-`Advance office, Fixrrie. lets. Stages leave this house daily on~'Ilxo ar- ~ This commodjoua establishment hasjustbeen opened, and having been bull` _especia1ly,fo: the purpose of: rat-class hotel; is tted `up: as=_ such,-and will compare favourably with any house of the kind'}.'or1,h of Toronto. Oomtnen clanravellers, private families on casual visit; and the public generally will nd that the. pro- prietor knows how to provide for their especial , requirements. The beat. of stabling attached, attended to by obliging End` exp~*rienced~ hosl- - rlV{.i1 of the up trains. Bar woll supplied with the best ofliquors and cigars. _ ;33- . The '1`a.hl and Ba:Tv:1lsupp1ied. ,G9od Beds First-class Stabling and Attentivve Hustlers. f ' . A ` ` 19. x The`Simooe, uuder its new management, has undergone couaidemble improvement, and new presents to the travelling cammunit a.- houae unexcellcd for commodiousnessisnd fort The Bar is suppliedjvith the ch brands of Liquors and Cigars, and in the of an adept compounder ,of drinks. _ Stabling and Sheds. Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, of the qua.!ity, supplied atjthe bar. A good tab always kept. Excellent accammodatio Travellers. An attentive Hotler. Ch rnoderatg. Stage twice daily from the to Gnilfotd, and daily from Rosemont and listen and back - WELLINGTON HOTEL, COOKSTOWH C,AR?u1S'1`P.0NG, -- ; - - Pi`-oprietqrg vmr AhT7G:\-\v nnn ... .. ....... E o:cE:a$ ma?m`1f ALEXANDER \\ \,r\/~/\/\,~.,\/x ` ' . . .1 _ A. ELECTRICIAN. ALLISTOS HO`m.';__'_ _ . Hurrison a Bri<;k'BI -19. CW ` , - - C 4. WAY, Ifropnetor >. PvL'-A T I 1\_r_ ` Superior accommoaon. and every at.ten- 3*-l`1'19-J5B~3aI87_3-` non paid to the requirements- of travellers. , `, Rooms for Oommewinl Txaveileta. .Terma . `BATEN15 OF moderate. ' 42-1y XPEDITIOUSLY A Jlr-nu-pr` in l".n'nn,ln I. Carney off Mulaeter and Dvn;-lop ~, Streets," a_ux'd opposite the-`Advance Pnrrie. -' ` Thin nnmmninv-a nniohliakmonf 3-mu hm} lvmnn The best brands of Wines. Liquors, Cigars; and the etceterasaf a. rs:-class bax -,alwa_vs on hand. `the table is unequalled in -i'ts_fur.uieh- inga. The cemmercial-rooms are better :than' tiny North of Toronto. The stebling accom- modation canno}; be excelled. Stage twice a"- dny to and from Guilford, and da".ly_-from --the houseto Rosemont and Alliaton and b_a.ck.2v I v Good Bo'a1-d, good accommdntioh for Ttivl? lera, good Wines, `Liquors, gand .Oigars. An attentive Hostl_er always in_ gtteqdanceg _ -. 9-y ao,VV|!,'UUU, are being liqu adjusted without deduction. Secnritv prnvnnf nan...-.0 uuJuane.u vmnout deduction. ' . ` Security, Pm:nptpa_vment, and libcrality in adjustment of its- losses are the. promineht features of this wealthy company. A ' 2 . ` Fire and Life-Policies iasmd with vm-xv Hhaml minutes 01 mm wealthy Life-Policies issued with very liberal conditions.` _ I . - . `- HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH, . _ . _ V IVIONTRJZZLL. - G.F.C.SBzIITH, ` ` ' _ `Chief Acrant fm-' Dnmi.-nn . THE LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND KILOBET INSURANCE COMPKNY. . Availaplq Assets; $27,000,000. Losses pend _1n_ course of 'l.`hi`i'ty,-ve , ydars, 9X098d Forty Mlxons ofDo11a.rs. - = . . Claims bv (`.him..m w:.;.. ,;.,.:....a...a .. _-__~..__ ucpeu tony Millions of Dollars. Claims by Chicago Fire, atimgted at -nea.rl`y 83,000,000, are being liquidated as fast as" adjusted dedixntinn. v ' ' "[`HE- BANK HOTE'L.-_- Ji. Charles Olarksbn, (late of the Turf Ovlubi House) begs to" intlmsteto the publia -that he has opened outa. first-.class. Hotel on the pre mises lately occupied as the Bankf`of._Toronto. The bar is tted up in first olhss style,"I.nd_ . Liquors and Cigars of;tha choicest brands `dug : always be had. -T`, The Stibling is goodiaud nmlple, Thehest of aocomodation i_l_ oifersid to; travellers autl.bogt!e`1-g,;aa'tJhe rpAom,p.x ~q tgrg` 4 and airy, ax`:t1'.1ho best of baara~;la5qbp.hud; in attentivopitler always in agttoudg - - -' (I1 vuvuvcj uupc;-, _UO!n1IXl8Ei0!1el' in Queen a B:ncV,'. Auctioneer, Appraiser anii Commission Agent` for the sale` of Houses, Lands, Farm S:oc!r,_- Household Furniture, Goods, Wuree,&_c., Aleo'_ for the collection of Rama, Notes and Accounts, @1535}: advances mndeon goods lot ; for Sale. SaIe.I .oo:n, corner omanier and Man-Ira} 9.. uf yuan nuva S`a1e._F.oom, 1 Barrie, 03; ROGERS, ' ' ' CHIEEOO; 'srAnLic, comy "or Simcoe, 0509 PD951te the Market, Barrie. . V C - , mT~** -V~- ~.... musnus, unuu- ' ` osnpa 1:oGERs,`- V [la_te;>O1erkix,1' Co_11nfy3Re_gi`s.tr'y:0'l!ice']T Covnveyancr, Commissioner in Queen Co S818` Hf nnltunu I n-uh: `I?---- C`---" mmission . _...._._._..__-.._.___.._ . _. _,-.__,..__:_-- _...._._. ._..._..._ lJOS.lii)Gl iiS ADVEu'l`ISEMEN l`S I ..~.....-.\.v~.-.- 1 .: .._ ~vv~vsg.v - ---.__.. DUNCEAIN ML CIIURGH,P.ROP RIET01-1`. Tn! nf Hnrhnnnd Rinlmnd Hnaixn, Rllll 711111, 17 '11 A mum-s: $1` _T per year in advance; ' neul _ the `*1- "[\11E"wELL1NGTox~.* tioTEg. 'UL'B VV lllth uuu .UlqUUl'I3o 'Ba,rrie, Dec, .1_8!.h, 1872 . [um R0uYA HOTEL, ALLANDALE. 1 ` (Croxon a old at_and;) ' 1- = V. _ `_ A _ y W. 0." HAND, Proprimor and Auctionee; V1 Umnlnuuxnu uu Lnu, L J EAST, BARRIE_.' --p__. JAMES HAYDEN, . ._ `1LARKSU'I\' HOUSE, "-AR_R'IE' _' J . . . ,---- . V JOSHUA CLARKSON, Prqprietor. HE sxmctm HOUSE", next. door wsc of me` ' Old Bunk of Toronto Building, Dnn1cp atraet Barrio V V ' ' . ISLAND (:)71`EL, (Lite Royal.) corner t` _ F_'r.ont. and Ggldwater atreets,0ri11ia,0n_t. nun: EXCHANGEIID'{`EL;.UOOKSfI`0 ' JOHN GREGG,` - - -' Prqprjetoy .._-.- }u;\11:?xoN HOTEL, ALLIS run. Juno an m_. uuuxwuu, rnvvrnxnxul Late of Harwqod Rmlroad Howe, Rue Lake. 1 OMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNLOP $:mEm1- 1 `EAST. RARRIF}. . . . fos; nomzasi ` nurww nnli m.nIn*`% % 1012031;-~Bo'rw.L,` _u .m1;n'r '1sqqfn'J b1 M. SHANAOY`, - '_ . 'THOS.. _sUm1mRszm',5Pmprie :o:. .----...- .WALTER 'Propi_iet6r. Vol. xfxm. _u- om.1`1'l:1, _ Chief Agent for Dominion. - Jnma 2:: pm s in name rausib umueun goons 101530? dale. , ofollier and Marketsta.` "baX{{;.'1 6iE(ii:?s6i:.., 7: '9 -* - zPmp:ieI9:s.-~ SH)! U01] JO-SE. - ' Proprietor. uuuuxuu . . L H ROGERS, A mxnt. Rn Erin L1 nuumna, Azent, Barrie I ._ =Z`. PROPBI_l'l'(`JB.` IS. > '48-f_\ V1061 AILu...Lu:lJ.I1b.l DEIVYLIIII; "is now prepared to Manulac-lure nil articles in his line, ofihe bst description, and at cheap rules. Barrie,` Dec, rd,_VlS6>7. ~ - - ruwuunnu . .u r A.- TH oms tjowxz, % % T - Bulcher and Poulterer, BEGS foinform the public thsthe has taken -Stall No; 4, in the Market House, Barrie. `where he will carry on thasbove business. .arrie.Dacamber_11th'. .1867 . . 50 DKPOSITORY OF ,THE ll`:/A"RRAIE BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY, DUHLOP STREET. . JV. J. ['- havi g bought out the Stok .and Good-will of I.Ve Williams, is prepared lo`sup- ly the public with Beer, Beef, Pork, and Polash Barrels, Kegs, Churns,Wash Tubs,'B:u-rel Chums, `and the Celebrated Cylinder Churn-3 alao,Cisterns o1`nl_l`sizes, and all Work in a Cpdper_ a`Lir.e or Business. - z comer - - - - - - v- Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET, A . ` BARRIE. `I9-ly-r -Iwnnruuu unrxr t`] I`\I"l'Dm Al.r\ n .... mu` area to mrux wabnus, '1'A1`mS, or-do EXCA- ?lATING, eitheg, by the `ob _or day, on the shortst notice and moslreaaona la terms. Aggy lo . ` R C .Hm:*_n'r ' , or Mr M aundreIl.b Barrie. . . u LL 1.`. 1.`: 0 III from the rst'da_iries in the Provmce,_which for ' v quality cannot be beaen. _..____. EATENTS OF. ;'INVEN"rI0.N _E2:PEDmoUsLY Am) PRSPERLY se- / curc_d in Canada, the U_mled States and Eu- rope. Psguant gua_ro.n_Ieed.or n_o qhargez Send for printed instructions. vA_g9n`cy-_1n operation ten Vearlu , ' , HENRY GRIST, . Ottawa. Cantu-I-, Consisting of Teas, Sugars, Ootfees, To. baccoa, &c., Pidcles, 0nnn:d Sa1mo.1,Lobg:erg Snrdiizes and fruit. otpvery Ccscriplion. N.B.---A oboiae lot'of cakes and .h;..'...m'. L16 Dtugs]: DRYUIDGB 8110 [$12.13 OI UVEI) LCHCHPUOD. N.B.--A oboice lofof cakes and bisbuifs, I manufactured of the best materials, always on hand, with a. choice selection of Italian goods from the beat packers of Europe ' ' ' R. KIN G,Jr. ..... A1-x'~rn-I111-re A 11r\ rxnhunn . _ v-_-._ nnnnx g:xub"1', _ . Ottawa. Canada. ' ,Mechuu1'c`al-Engineer. Sol1oitior`ufPnt'enta and Draughtsman. ` ' , ` - ' `.j"j-_` Anna u_ une swcx or Q tsancmceamzsaumsaa 8 ri..m.:a+:.....',.r .m...a nu... .. n..a-___ The subscriber is prepared to execut all `or- dera in Vninting, Decorating and Paper Hung- mg, in . Pniutinrr nf .`1r`nr;`v'-infinnntinna win. -....4_ GEORGE NEVf_i9N. on1I .1}IA. . I Painting of alldoscriptionidone with neat- noaa and dispatch and at;-casonable rates. ;A11Vwork warranted to givx satisfaction. ` Im:am5.AeA anus! ORILLIA- ` GEOYGE NEWTON, 7 4 Painter Dmnmtnr. _ wor men, and use only A V guarantee all work turned out at th air ostab'isb- ment to give perfect satisfaction to the purchas- r. Farmers and others look to your interests, and give us a call, we promiseto givo'y_ou bet. ter value for your money than you can getat any other Carriage Factory in Barrie. l: 9"Alm. GENERAL 8LAGKt4MI'l'HING' in the best mazeriql, they can x/\.r\4-\.'/~`/xxx/x/vx/\,r\/\.'~.zs.~ --\,\ _A_L_EXANDER` LAvVjE:` ELECTRICIAN [ 4} GAL VANIS T, `Hs.rriaon Brick Blank. Dnnlrm..Qmno V USIC `LESSONS.--PRHQF. 1/ L`. OAISSE.;P1aniet and ' 1. - is prepared to give instructions at the; residence of pupils, and also at his_own resi- dences Pianoa,'Orgnns, and Melodeons Tuned In ! Repaired. For terms and further parti- ("1la1`3apply at his Residence, two doorewest of the Bs.rrie F'oundry, Collier Street, Barrie. Barrie, November `Rh, i872. - . -tf Organist, begs to intimaje that he LYAISO, umnmnau out allits branches atbended to. Dan-I-ha Inna `IQ `R73. tn)? 0` ~Man, e c-fShoshol_|_I u. nu`. I-unto"-. ,ThasuBscribsr having purchased L this entire stock in `trad of Mr. Wm. Whitebreid. is` pyg- pared to make on tbe.shor,test nntic nhd most resaomible terms as good and as cheap_Doub1o ' 01:3, msiwe ` dmnnens we ' `W = v . nvaexms, _ , - , snmqns on _c1m'nns,- ;, A`. ninth. made in `f.liin'or.anv nthn mnnti wmows, BUGGIES, cAnnIAans,| - ' ' f`!1T l"l`1'`.'l-`IS Rn T.'l7'.'I'l1`lI R,. 1,1, public ot U1U`l`l8 and vicinity that he in pre- gared SINK WELLS, TANKS, or-do EXCA. ATING. eithe: bv iob or dav. on [he nhnmgnu I m11i.g 95th mw. 1:71 .Ll1!I1|slD 1);; UU'K'.l'li, A V b e `n Tt a`or.an othgr count` V "y .` ma 0ROKER.y~.. T ' , The Mansion.` House is a7 dines" xi; ry [An-Vick / building. It nffards spacfousnesa, convenience and comfort; The ptopietor is well known as 8 hotel keeper to rosrly all in this county, and his experience will be a guarantee an to the merits of The Mana':on under his supo.-inte'nd- ance. ' . . . 2 . - . Sample Rooms for Commercial . 'l`rave.':lcrs.- - - - GOOD STABLING ND SHEDS. . A D. FARA GHER, 9-V Drnnu`-intnr Huve= rconatantiy` n Aha;adA a good ' I f . Fresh Meat, Fowl,,JGA-a`me, 5:43.. of. :.ph,;e quality as the mu-ket: rabrd,` gqd offer the same ':m..ve_ry moderazq prfcqs.` `. . Corned Beet. Sanshzeb gnd;I;ard.togai_her viizh it. very moderate prices. , ' Corned Be`-1, Sam-`a ea au_d,Lard,toge1her with THE MANSION HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, T ' T. summ, . . - - -' '-. ONTARIO. `uV\xumu Dun n\._IUani`ANU Ulhi DEPOT. . -- . _ The subscriber has" received a splendid lot of - A n n T1"'1i`_ g 1a . WHRISTOPHER. HARRISON. 1 --------- -~ ~ (1i3arh25% nu .,~- `WNGLISH BUN iaotism-Ann ommsl ` . T)<`.T 'l`. D; FAEAGHER, Pgoprietgr. mus nrancnes auwnueu Batrie,_June,18, 1873.. Dy OBDGI` UIITIQKE DECLOY ll] DETFIE. .7 G"AlB0, GENERAL BLACKSMITHINGV in II it: hrinnhpa amended to. ' . v .... -..........__.-.._... ARf).-Tbe st'1bsc`1-iber begs to inform th _ public of Barrie and vicinity that` he `ed_ WELLS, TANKS. EXCA- ____. _,.,_ . )AINT1NG `AND DECORA-.:N nu UEII John _:. 'u.Lx_A.-_ I ~-nn'-in gxat/y.L1.I1V/JJILV 9' 711.14 VA~1V1}I Hs.rriaon Brick Block, Dbunlop Street. -__.-.. JUSTICE IS THE GREAT, BUT "SIMPLE p1zINcI1$LI, AND THE WHOLE SEGRIQTJF` SUCCESS I N. AI-L'GOVERNMEN"I`." AND COUNTY OF s1MCbE (}%ENERAI.; ADVERTISER. Also`: n {neck of n can 53; run: 51- run ,_.__ ___.--_--~v.. . 01?}:-x Q1) AMDII `DVD? 1.! v,zvqJ.1 Uu D10] STREET. w. J_. i'rA1.7)E;'Propn'exor. hll,Ah I'U`I\,V 11: ll. Sxallg N o. 2, Bar rle. VUHIDL IIKUVL BIB! Dffln 16; 73. > V 29-1y - '-I17IT:'t.i_H4M;f-Ii2_oT1IER.s3, IBUTCHERS and GEN :r:mu.- PU-RVEYORS, Mam; St'nllrNo".2.Binx-fa. ' , pme In Law orany nnilinr Quinn` ARRIEI TIGHT WORK _ GOUPERAGE.` . v `vlla n.-mums; l"UU',N- DRY, *AGRlCUL- TURAL IMPLEMENT - AND-S.T.0VE \VORKS.- .. UISUABLV, ' -. Oollier meet East, Barrie. :3. 29.1 v 7?; I>`o'1.\TE 1-4!` DIU urn J.` Painter I ']\.11 5- DRY. A(`:Rl(`.ITr._ . HENRY SEWERY, alnra nil nninl... ;n 5.:.. nu, , un nu: uuUI lCSl. `: }* r?xi$ mvr,' 40-ly j W `gum , D xcorator. 4} 1 Jr Proprietor. ` UULI` !tails, I ' HIPD . W- ERIE. . > :.unun'1`u. Fm` sale in Barrie -b `John Woods`,-J. P. `Kidd. Watson $00., an Well : Bros. The undersigned begs to inform all parties who may naed such work, that `he has always on hand 11. large supply of . DI A.Qrl1mD Anm n A Inc: I kleman , . . k).l.\.l_V.I.`J.l.l.`.I.'J uuUU1\D: Which he_ will `stall at the, lowest -ratan for Cash H . ' WK. 0. MAOEY;_ _ .. - - Baveld Sh. Run-in, J. .l.l.I.l_.l LIITJLJIVIIID Of every description,` and all sizes, takenTa.t all . ~ V _ `home Qtthe day. _ They also keep in connection witn the gallery _ a large. stock of Albums, Album Pictures, _ Lockets Chromoa,Lithograp1:s, Pnd Marni.` .1: A T1\T'rI-`1\Ir; H o. 1, No 2, and No 3', of this brand, N are unsurpassed for body and hrilliancy of shade: `Packages, centain full net: weight. The public are warned than certain other brands are 1 ilba _ehor:. in every so-called 25 pound package. . V _ . . - ` Examine the brand an`! an nnt ha mu ma` pucxage. Examine the brand snI.do not be put off with inferior paints, The 11351` is always casu- nsr. = V 51`. A V Soldby any respectable dealers in Paints throughout Ontario, and. to dealers only by - ELLIOT & GO , 'I`onmwn_ _l`1ULVl'VIBi Orillia, J.;,.. 21. 1372., \'$ |6fYsTEn"smKJn FRUIT! . OONFEOTIONERYI U l_ U I hnu nllll I'llUII_5 . OONFEOTIONERYI TEAS, fro BACCOS &cIGARs. oyhters, Du:-Inns: season, in an me A Various Sn-Ian- uyucrp, uurnu: season, In all {no Various Styles. _ [ ` Dunlap" St, opposite Navy Brick Bloo,k,Bm-rie _ .. Ontario. ' , 7- x V ' .._.__.. ' K This, is pre-amine nt!y-a shaving agav- iflhia 1s doqbtez try to trade horses and seeifyou vvont-get shnvud to your bea.rt I cmtem. But at Prof. Moor_c s,'slmnge ' xosav. the wav norm gel shaved is to pay him a visilpnd gel 0. clean shave, and Um: gel the worth ofyour_mnnu_v. ~ ' ~ Remember the place, Second Floor, centre New` Brick Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. ` _ . - , - _\ Stages runnihg between Barrie and Peuetan-1 guishene, will leave Barrie Daily at 11:45 a.m. ~ Returning,-arrive at Barrie at 2 o'clock, p. m. 7 _ WEAYMOUIH 5- FARAGHER, Prrinriatnrs: {In.E.MEA.N_Q El in-VII jIIlII`f Tfxrow youf Whiskey out. Song and Chorus _ . . . . . . . . . ..T.niuhf.nn ,: .l.Ll!'0VV your wmaxey out. b'oug and Chorus................Leigbton5 -APnpa,Sta.y`Ho1__x'z'e. Song and Chorus. . . . . .;W.S.Ha.ys.4 Will he Come Home To-night? Song and Chorus...............Dnnks.2 `Poor Little Tim. .Song & 0110. Abbey. 5 DOr71"t Sell my 'Fath6r Rum. `Ballad. '....-.'.........;........Ilressler,E `Maml f\ /\ n n A I` -..... l3{$;h,b' U NiL:'. Sgay Home with me to-night`. :(`.hm-115.. . . . . . ... . . . . . .. VU3lv'P|1|,_ T I ` \] ' OI] wxth Song & ,:Ghorus.. . . . . .... 1`ukex;..'- Drinking Gin. Song 8: Chorus. Heath 3 We wonYt leave the Farm. * Song and Chums. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'PM-nlnv we Wonjn u:u._vu hue rurm. song and Chorus. ... .. .... .. ...... .Pe1-sley, We` cannot A give thee up. Song and `Chorus _..-...` . . . . . . . . . ..(`.lm-1: 1 Ltfgfw I4; we_ uaunuulgxvu sue! Up. DDIIE 3110 `Chorus ........Clark. 30 cta: The Liviug Wutors. 'S';x'1g and Chorus. -.....,.'..;..,....,_.........0la.rk. 35 cts. If you've 3- F'at.her s love. Song `and Cborus....... . . . . . .......Mnrtin. 30 ctg. Addresi,.J._L PETERS, _ ' 599 Brond_way,_`N.` O. Box 5429, IN ' We shall i_se'ue I. new ` . book entitled Temper- ance Echoeg apout the-first of April, complied especially to suit the `warns of Temperance Societies. It will contain a. lhrge number of A `ITTHTIT (`I T TNT.` "lTl\{\`lT unuuu a 1. n_.uu 1 xxuno. ~ `Goods consigned to bis- care will be dispbsed of to the best possible advantage. JOHN UV, Mn}? RDVJ 1..|. .u.u u uu.u.u .lJUU.L1. well-known 1'emperance, Songs, together with a choice collection of new,Melodiea written. especially `for this work by Hays," Dunks, 'I'Hf\1"D Stewart. Drag:-Jlar. and other well- Alan; I vv.u..I.; LILIJLJ-_,\I W 9 . V Announces. the opening of the above establish- ment, and solicits the public patmnage Goods. Furniture and Wares ofauy klnii received, and ~ ' advanced upon. . L Ooumnxous Pmmsss ron 1`H3S'rom_NG or Goon QATUQ Am ATT rnrnnrne JLIIUMMI: oz _vA'1_5EN STEEN, ' [ -V - ORILLIA._ T . DOC16'oIo ll: Wul UOBIIHII 8 large 110111091` 01 A NEW GLEE BOOK w.n.1mnwn '.`nmnm-gm-A Emma Innnfhur with especxauy .101` U118 WOIK Dy hays, yanks, 0 Stewart, Dreasler, and other well- known Authors. Price, 75'cents each. Sent per express for $7.50 per dozen. Send your orders, early, as we_eha.ll ll them in the order received. Sent, post-paid,on receipt !111.1I..l .'l'I1'.1h A 1\Tl`ITI1TT(`1`m nf 75 we urucr rucelveu. Dent, post-Dam,0n rec TE %vIPERANCE USE. E lA.i-..- I I -ndvmtxna-yuan -_3__ , 1 Jnimen 1A` -FINE vsmofor `FRAMES .I Monnow7s".*It}c'fu'iu5MA"n1s AND EBMMISSIDN moms, l NIEYG` mnnn 'l'n. mum M Anwnm nnnnw -rvuuuuunvvuwqu NUUIIIV imxr wool: 10- THE MARKET HOUSE, _ Comma S_rima'r, Banana. _ \. ...,....-_, -._...-, rang va.-un.muuALu 15=.AJ:.N'-J:-E1=:.s: HARRIET Rnnnma `njnnrm o .. 12LAsi"i`a1`i.`g6B_`;`i`:` ms 1 nrgmnn - uI|I-ugIIy-lI I , IIIII-UV T IIITIII I LL MAKING. . ,;J,$M1_sLs 1T4-o'R"ro1'2_a, , " rS1'REET,B-ARRIE, __ M` B9433 I V Maiif gLINEni ei ls/[A `K1'1\'rr:|. , July 31, 1373. --..-A.... ..._ . --.- -`vvavv--V -. II_bilJ-lJ&"",| . _: . CARRIAGE, _ ._=.HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL j 4 llulrj-j:--.._. Ann also or me unproven Patent STOVEPIPE BLOCKS!" m.:..1. ';.."..:n :..m M n.- 2-..--. __.-_ .__ n,_ .JUlI"DXOU3 rmunsss ton Tnszrronma 12:00:: SALES AT ALL TIMES. '1:-.nRa nn-...:.-...;.I an Inn ....... ...:n L- .::- )H0'1_`(_) GRAPHIC GALLERY. Ltickets Chromos, Liihogrgaphs, V $'OI "PA.INTI'NG,..$ Framed or without Frame: `W V"-'_ IIIIIIII In snub, push-|_m1u,uu rccmpr. TE 2&7.` Adflress, J. L.` ?ETERS,'599 Broadway, N Y. - L . B.` 0. B9; 5429. W H'f r %"C%`E`X D s ,% - '.".`.G.mE _ _ ... po\v (luv --.. .- N'GUs 0. GRAH_AM,`. K .....-.._ - Barrie; Ontario; Thursday, April 1374, {A1131}; ANb_._`m:NETANGU1. SHENE LINE OF ' Mr. V J 011-1`;-*1!Icri'ow.T |onnne.=1.the nnpninw nf than nhmn: aumhl PHo,:ro`'5-'R APHS` IF17 aunt-inoinn and -1! ..:...... a...I.....- ,. - WATER LIME. ` ' Andalao of his Improved Patent FOVRPTPII 12r.n'nrrn BUBR & wms, (`!ARJ2TAr'1t.` V ---n-at--at -In ._'-JlJl.I- MARKET SQUARE, `BARRIE- --`sun...--a.'a.......p LIBSEIEIKJ :i d,S O Lorxalfl. lame with me tomiahr: Sonar .1: u1.:.a J.u1l_J.-V.I..l.LVL1 Fntned without Frames . Picture! Fr;t_-c-1 to order. . ` ' HUMME & VAN DEN STEEN. Inn. 21.1879. ' A-M rfiuza R ESS!NG* AND. simvma ~ .SALOON, , _ ,_ , I)ROF._.D, A. IVIQORIETS Ilnfn nnrgnnnun. lnin nannfnun `[cu: of . No, "1 GL1.'ouND* u-nun I--' u pv- me 088! [P0531018 E-GVEIBESQG. JOHN w. MORROW, .A nminnanr A nnrn {mn- La.` vv . l.I.|\JLNl.\v\l V_V ,` 1 Auctioneer. A ppmiser, &c. in v\ on . _ ____._` I. U. mAunx,_ Bayeld St., Barrie, , Near the Foundry. * . 1.3-ly n.ovr-.,.- nnunnn, Prdptietors F UU Tonox-ro. .A_ 7 n LI ter: 30 cti. on receipt of mice- r Jr I. $0 cts. . 30 ct_.__. 40 cts. 1111131` 1 4-tf . 30 cta. l.ll_ll uuscu ulsulllub VUIUU 0 . Well, Miss`S.1rah, myfrieuds have advised me` `to get *m3rrie d, recom- mended you and a number of other youngladiea to me as suitable persons`, and I have called to see if youfare will_- ing to marry me. . ' T1911` nn nnrwnnnlrn f?;n]Dl1"1I chnhpn IILIU UUIIUSU Ill LXKIUAUUIU LUUII. _ , Professor Foster wasdedtrcated in the seiences'usue.l_ly taught in college, but his ignorance of the common affairs of life rendered him a remarkable man. .fux-niehing a rare subject for the study of human nature in one of its multi- form phases. Being advised by some of his friends to get married, h8, Wl'i.il child-like simplicity accepted `their a.dvice,e.nd promised to do so. -if he could nd 9. young lady willing to have him. They refer-red him to 8. number of the best young ladies in the -city, any of whom, they had no doubt, ` would be willing to accept his hand and make `him happy. He was oneyof the most kind hearted of memes void of guile, as offence, and an entire stranger to the forms and ceremonies of modern courtship. He couldn't see the necessity of_ consuming a year or two popping the question-+`Sally, will `you have me 2? . So he went that very day to the residence of the nearest young lady who had been recommend~ ed, end being welcomed and seated in -the family circle, as he always was A wherever known, he at.once made `known -the object of his visit by saying ina clear dietinct voice : 4-zI"l'T-1l 1|_'.._.G......L ......'...'-..J... Ln..- lug lU lalhy ILJUO Had an earthquake violently shaken the premises, the household could not have been more astonished. Like a frightened doe, Sarah started to run, when her mother caught her and said`: L- IvI`lYI,__ ,_L!I I J, ..-9;. 1.- 1'. _'__LL_..-j . 41.- A corresgiondent of the Indianapolis Hrald, tells the -following anecdote of Professor Foster, who lled, with much ability, one of the chairs of the Faculty of the college in Knoxboro Tenn. DIl\`0BDi'\!` n`1\:~fnv 1171):! VnI`ifnn hurl 1.1:-I LL,` Shut the door softly, mot.her e asleep. Her fever is broken, her slumber is deep; Look in her pale face, and see there no pain- Darling, be thankful, we've mother again. Shut tlrevdoor softly,` and come to her side} What should `we do if our mother had died ? She who has loved us our weary lives through,-' Shut the door softly. and do as'.I do. _ Shut the door softly, and kneel with me here, . To Him who has spared us our own mother dear Who has given her back to our arms 0120!! again, Borne her through danger, and softened her pain Shut the door softly, aud look in her face, And see how it gathers in health and in grsc, Is she notbandsome. this mother of our s Wnking to life like the budding of owers; Let us lose all in this fast ying` life-- 7 Sisterhnd brother, and husband and wife ; Mother- s love only, 5111 times has deed ;` Shut tho door softly, and come-to her side. Bnckfrom theshores of the fathomlss -lake; Weary with travel, but laden with charms,` Longing to clasp us within her food arms. Mother, dear mother, we loved you before, Now we shall love you a thousand times more, Welcome, dost heart, {fem the shadowy "land, -"Shut the dour softly, and kiss hr dear hand. PLUIUHGUI VVEYIJ 1- nun: U_|lu_ - . V Be.ing-again seated, a blush succeed- ed thespaleness which had been caused by the s!artIing tmnouncemont, and she rallied enough to be able to answer the professor that as his proposition was so entirely unexpected she must have `some time -to considerthe matter. This` he granted,`-butsaid: ' - . A. `(An I nivn 'n'n1r;n'I-In :n an-nn A` `nun: 3C1 0 Why,`chi1d dun"t bevfrightened ; the professor 'won t hurt yo_u. _ ' nu;hn,nn&\in nnnfml n hhmh nllnnna- II`? EIKIJDUUI, llll DGIKI 0* .`-`A81 am Va_nxio us, in case iof you} refusa_l, to see the ot,hor young ladies to-day, Ican wait only one hour for your answer : T(hnrn;|-In fhn Ivrnsnl-nI'r|non n:nnnv;C'Iv JUN! CLIIUVVWI 0 . Knowing the worthiness, sincerify and simplicity of the professor, the _metron tools her blushing daughter up the stairs for consultation," while the father was left to entertain his pro- posed son`-in-law as best he could under .the novel circumstances. `Of course, the discussion of thesndden proposition ' between Sarah and her _ mother was private`, and cannot be given in full. The most essential points 01 it, how- `ever, `were told afterward`. It was readily admitted that-he was entirely worthy of Sarah s hand and heart. I` Rn? I-nurnrnn " nan` Sal-ah Hnvnr ' j VVVI lull U1 KIQIKLIL D llullfl ll IIUHLBV But, mamma, said Sarah, how ` would it look to other people for me to have to give an answer m one short ' hour--only sixty minutes-jump at a. hasty ohance-and think how my young friends would jeer and laugh at ' me. A Wouldn't they tease me to dath? Oh, mamma, 1 can never face that music. ' - ' (But stop, my child, and liaton to me.-`-There 18 not 0; young lady in o the city that would not Jump at the offer made; you. Let them laugh. ' Guls must have something to laugh at, but it wont hurt you. Tell him` yes, emphatically.I_ If he" were a-stranger, whosev anteoedents were unknown , to us, however p;opossing_ in person and _ manners, or profuse in his pnjofessions` .4of"i9V2`IW9uld wighhofi my consent. { j1_3_nt wfa,;.haye ;.long':; known - himt`; :-~his `oralloliomoter is wgthom raprouoh, he b1e;1.kindeheartd:.nd anbrr I .dischQlla}`5- than ho dnblo pqsrtgqn. . `AA nEMAEAEfJ If uuvlnuvxvlu uu `uu wcuu I I. . .A.`..I3ut z_n_a.m_ma, I don_ t know. that he lbv n;;..b,e-:husn t even said so.- - . `nx'!A;ILiA:;1nI|bao, brin: l\:I!l 1R1? Ohygeilgdaughter, nave: mind din`... a xUID.|5__nuu, Inf nu.-iu L uvuu azuu av. ` . `Q . L _;-;A thbsg .:vyo; gxfd ;_.-logdp ucrufi 0}` trialling: ' I all Duet?` THE HAMILTON ea NORTH- WESTERN RAILWAY. % Ina` wuu wnnqu bU_lVU uy ult`_luHUlVUH. Finally the happy couple_ went to ' houyse-keeping, and` never were man and wife more heartily congratulated or more highly esteemed than they were; They were the favorites in the city.` ,Never was a wife more lovely cr a` husband more kind or devoted, but he didn t know anything nbout providing for the larder only has she taught" hirn. Oneelittle "incident may sufce to`illus!ra.te. She told him one V day to get some rice; How, much," t `inquiredethe clerk. -`O, not much, : said the professor; I think three or tour ; -bushels W111 do 10: th3 present. The l clerk was very sorry to say they had not so much/on hand, but` they would soon have more. The clerk persuaded him to try and make-out for two or three days 'wi_lh.s_ome fteen or twenty ` pL =m:d;. -Sarah and the clerk were not the only ones that laughed over the, incident, He never ealled` for three or four bushels alterward. ' To the Rate'payers of N078/L Simcoe : - In March 1872,_the Hamilton and `North Western Railwav Company. ob- tamed their_ Charter," by which they were empowered to construct 3 Railway from the City of Hamilton through the Counties 01 Wenlworth, Haiton, Peel and Simone, to 9. point on one of the Bays _bordering on tho Township of Tay,`-and.to'extend_the same towards Lake Nipissmg, so as to form ajunction with the Canada`Centra1 and Canada Pacic Railways. Tn ILA nvn:-nnnhnn `iv? Hvn nu-\h:vnr;cn I-usenuu all-J Alvu noon At the appointed time the weddin came off in the best style of the city, and the company enjoyed the occasion with the greatest zest. The hours ew` like humming birds. struck twelve the professor picked up his hat and started to his boarding- houee. eHisAprincipal attendant, sur- missing his intention, `followed to the front door, and inlormed,him that matrimonial etiquette required him to stay and board and lodge at the house ofhis father-in law until he and his wife wished tolive by themselves. winalixv Han I-nannu Ilnllnnia mun-.0 in As the clock i Luunuv Ltullvvc-5,): - In me` prosecutmn `of this enterprise ' the promotqrs have had to encounter the most strenuous opposition from the A Northern Railway Company and the M City 01 Toronto, who were desirous of pexfpetuatmg an enriching monopoly of the trade of the Northern country. 1.. nu; I`... At` old- ..........:o.'..--. 01...` LHU uuuc U! Luv .L\uIIu\.a|u uuunu y. . In the face of this opposition, th Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company have steadily progressed with their undertaking, and the recent Gov- ernment grant 0! $3,500 per mile for 130 miles, and $500 extra per mils on 44-`miles-of nf except_iona_lly di-foulp road,` has completed the basis for the construction ofthe main line as far as Barrie, and the branch line to Co1ling- wood . fl"L_` ._-..-.'..I ....(..:o.'.-w. 3.. A90! nn lnl Stock aubscjbed. Stock pledged. . . . uuv rum. Luruusu or Inn Hull! -',', At the expirationof the fifty-ninth [minute they returnedjto the " professor and `papa, Sarah still blushing, but more calm than before. Then with o. rmness that astonished herself, as well as her `perepts, she extended. her . hand.to the professor, and `said: Yes S11`, iflpapu consents." A He gave his consent without hesi- tancy, and It was readily agreed by all that the wedding should take place a week from that t1me- Then Professor Foster, with his usual ca1muess,'con~ scrous of having done his duty, with- drew, to report progress to his friends. Win in Aria tirnn Chg nrnannnn `IIl\Ir\. uruw, I-U Lupus progress to (us menus. '` Well, in due time the professor went - to the clerk for his license. `The clerk informed him that the lawrrequired a bond, and security in the sum of $1,250, to lo void on condixion that there` was no legal objection to the proposed union 1 of the two persons named. The pro~ I fessor promptly, replied, O, never mind the bond, Mr. Clerk ; I will pay $1,100 down, _e.ud will hand you the , balance in a day or two. After fur- 1 ther explallaxions by the clerk, the pro- fessor complied with the law and ob- tained hls license. T . I.- 1 l l ......,.._ Jarptn w n K` Luv nnuuuvu-u rv lows : Bonuses--InnIs|il. . . . . l `.nIHnnn1n'n(1 Government grant at $2-, ' 500 1 per mile for 129 71 miles... .. $324,250 `Extra Government grant of $500 per mile for 441niles.`.,. .-.. 22,000 T A $1,150,753 [The balance necessary for the. con- utruotion and equipment is to be pro- ud; d for by the bonds of the company, ta; task whxch, seeing the splendid pros- ; pects of the line, will be entry of ac- co'mp1ishment.'_ ` ` . That lhh nnmnanvv hang then mount of the pufeTar1icle.[ You can teach I hitnby example to love you. It is far : better than precept. ` ' Lnnwna hnr hand llhnn I-nap m.-.n.....v.. Dulupuautuclul. . 2 N ll] 5 .That the Company have the means Ratepayers 0 or M00 m mvorl _ , f h ' ' t th 0 .- necessary to complete their line to Bar- :;e`:dBl`:,;:s};ns`l}:1eg eftenog-gganlxixotghprf tie and Collingwood, the most sat1sfac- Bmrim ' tory-evidence that can be produced is 1 ' contained in the ldllowing letters from The Ham ton and Norm Western the published oorreepondeneevwith the governmentin connection with tle 'lnpny' pP`u-'.` f'~id {mm ` 9 oountrylyingbetween Hamilton, Barrie ;R`-l" ,`V-F`ld,-V ` ~ . ` and Co1iingwood._ Setting from the Hum-M &ANm8-Wlsrlsn Rm-. * trael; of the Hamilton and Lake Erie W :3.3`h_M1'h: 13_73- Railway, in the City of Hamilton, and ~ _ my" _ lnntuoa- there-by connecting with,th,e Buffalo . `.y.o'u1- into Lake Huron Railway, the Canada `_r|e th` "B851,Way,the Greet-.Western .1 -ndnthol cu-9a:,.Wem%rn Loop ` ` d zrovetj, Bnzlington - th "To railway now in operation, or in course Railway will intersect all the lines of 7 of consttuotion through the section of l UUEIDI LIIISII PIUUUIJI. Leaning her head upon her mother's bosom, Sarah said in a. submisswe tone: T ' ` ' `*WelI, mtimina, jtist as you say-I'll `tell him yes; but, although the hour isn t_ half out, we_'ll not go down until the last minute of the houn ? A! H". .......'...o:.... -1` 4.. 1-,-.-,. .- Ul-In The nanoilal position is now as fol- -\c1a' a -1nnlsIu.. . vzu,uuu Uolliugwdod . 29,000 _Simcoe_. . . . ._. 300,000 Pee1........ 30,000 George town. . 10,000 Hnlton . . . . . . 66,000 Hamilton. . . . 100,000 . $20,000 00 nnn rgru, Lam . Em in the - nine: .\`.... 1 25,500 225,000 343,250 554,600 25o,ooo No. 17. Whole No. 1131. .DEA_R Sn1,.--In compliance witl: A your request, Itbeg to to saythat I an ptgpaied to enter into a binding con-' tract with your Company for the 001;- structio`n'ofthe ```Hamilton and North 'Westra Railway, -ivrom Hamilton ta Barrie and Collingwood, for an amoun; Within the estimated cost by your En gineer, and to take in Apayrncnt for 1}`)! same, the pioceeds ofthet municipal bonuses granted to the Company, the- Government aid applied for,'viz., `nor less than $2,500 per mile with an ad- ditional giant of $500 per mile, on 4`! miles of excgaplionally costly `road, to gather with the mortgage bom1s`ofnthc- -Company for $14,500 pier mile, and the- stock subscribed, and agreed` to be sub`. scri_bed,all in acco_rdan_ce. with thc nancial scheme submitted by your Company. to the Government. * Yours_trul_v, t (Signed) WM. HI-INVDXUE, A . Contractor. Jnhn Stuart, Esqg i . Pres. H. & N. W. Railway, Hamilton. Th_e Govemment' "having been thus: satisfied as to the nancial paoition of the Company,` the order in Council 7 grautingxhe aid as stated in Mr. Hen- dri_s 8 letter, was. passed on the 19th March. ` ` E- , .'.' . 4 .1 I'- I 'Uvnl\uIunnL \{u1t'u ID: . Bemg [assured of Government ai;i' for such cxtnsmn the Company have decided to apply at once to the North em Townships for and. and if the neeez; sary bonuses are granted, 'r1-HEY w'1LL nan-:c1" THEIR ARRANGEMENTS you no CEEDING wrm ms CONSTRUCTION or THE EXTENSION SIMULTANEOUSLY wrm .732 MAIN -LINE. AND COLLINGWOOD Blanca, MAKING PENETANGUISNENL ONE or THEIR TERMINAL Pomrs. A L__..__ -1 -.-..___.'-.._ LA- -- __,_, , _ 1 ULVD VI lfllllli LERLUILVIIIJ J. U11` `H. A barty of surveyors has commenced a survey from Barrie, nothwarrds, and as soon as the survey is suf:xen:l.y'ud- vanced to enable the Company to do so, THE Boon; WILL as DEFINED, ANU my 1-`om-'rH1: R.n'sp.xn:asTwxu. nn CALLED upon To VOTE upon ANY BY-LAW GRANT- `DIG A" BoNUs- TO THIS Comnmr, THEY WILL BE. roux mromsuzo AS TO THE ROU'l'E,`AND AGREEMENTS WILL no au- 'r1_z1u:n mro A8 T ) was LOCATION or STATIONS. 1I-_ l`|_..-.__.--. _....--| 1... AL. I.-- gv.I.uI Ull O In their petition to the Lieutenant Gmrernorin Council for aid from the Railway Fund, the Company expressed their intention-to_ proceed at once wxth the construction of their line to Barrie and Collingwool, AND TO o or: WITH THE EXTENSION BEYOND BAnr.m`As; RAP `IDLY AS-THE MEANS COULD BE OBTAINED Wifm THE gssxmncs or l.VIUNlClPAL AND ufovsmuumr GRANTS. ` . ` - 'n,_`., _, , , 1 ,__-._. , ,1 r1,__, ,,',. . up 0 T ' ` 01301.1 The Company expect by the loca- tion oftheiriine to provide Railway facilitiesmost directly to the Town- ships of Vespra, Oro, Flop, Medonte, .Tay and Tiny, and from these Town- ships they would look for assistance. `III-'Il.nut curh neacln/nap Hm Tlnnri/Irm - and `North Western Railway . of Tay aulpa nun] vvuluu IUUII IUI ucnnatauuc. Without such asszstance, the Hamilton cannot be extended beyond Barrie, and in view 0! this 1t would be well fax the ratepayers A and Tiny to consider well be- 'fore voting (as they are asked to_ do) honusee to other . Railways, which would so burden them as to render it impossible for them to extend .the ne- oasserv aid to thee Hamiltbn nud North Western Railway. '|"l.... 6`..IInn1-an nvn nnnu: 11` ml. 1 vvugwlu Luxuwuy. _ _'l`h-e following are some of the grounds upon which the Company base ) their application to the Govern- ment foraid from the -Railway Fund, and `every argument advanced appeals with equal, if not greater force, to the Ratepayers of North Simcoe in favor of theirasaisting the Company .to pro-- `ceccl with the extension North of Barrie, - ' . . mp- t:I'......u..... .._.l 'I'\`I .._L|_ 117 .... ,A \-.-nsuzuyl .-unu unvunn * T ' Pres. H. N. W. The Hon. Adam Crooks, ` V _ Provincial Treasurer, 'I`or`on_?.o. _I.uo,_ . -I have statd to you` verbnliy, thaf` ' for rnanyreasons, this Company is ex- ceradingly desiroura of proceeding with the construction of both the rnuiu 11:4 and the brahch to Collmgwood, 9.: thy same timegnnd I trust, that the ex planation I have o'ored,_ rnr reference--V to the borrdeddobf, together wifh thr underfakiug of the coxltrocfor referred to, will obviate whatever diiquhy you may have felt, as to recornmendmg th-. Government to grant the` subsidy or. both lines. ' _ ` ` j A I havethe honor to be, Sir,` " 1 V V Your obedient. servant,` ' . (srgned) JOHN Srurnr, ' ' - 13...... U 1. N 11/ 1: ._"You, however, stated, that if wf were prepared to furnish evidence 0`- ourvability to nd a responsible con tractor, who would enter into n coutrac' to construct the road outhe basis Wk: had..submitted,4 the objection would te removed. ~ 'I"L.,.. 4"- winch: had hexetofore Alvzesn cdnsidered `as .9. reasonable` debt with which n zjgxilwixy might be burdened exclusive of `equipment,nI failed to inform you that we contemplated an issue of bonds, bearing. six per cent. int'erest,;whilc the usual mlefof interest was smren peir oent., and that therefore_the isau. wenproposeculthough nominally $2, 000 or_82,500 in excess,,was in ream} no more than about the equiva.lent.ou the limit bf $12,000 of seven per cent bonds. 0 - .| LUIIJVVUUI I.`beg `now to say that this Company is able to comply with the wishes of the Government, in this respect, and t(. furnish evidence A whxch I have no doulLt will be deemed entirely satisfac-V ftol-y._ " `I 1...... .u..o...1 o- ...... -.....L..I-.. LL-` "And i $2 00 if not paid `in advance. HAMgLTbN,j 19th -Match, 18.`.-`4. -uduction 3 #3 `v' er >llUI-I` icdical H nu unvunnnn w._R; gull? uunlululy Lu um uuurlng mllll On. the Grand lirver at Fergus, Elora, Salem, Guelph, Gall`, Ayr, Brantford, &c., giving them, as well as these on the 1{iver'(Jredit,'the moat drrcot coll- neclion, not only" with the important wheat markets of these Northern Colu- ties, but with the greater markets of the West and North West-Chieqgo, Milwaukee and Duluth. Lumbereret writ manufacture and export largely, dressed Zmirzbcr_, :1 branch of trade they have hitherto been deterred from` en- ,agitrg_itn; owing to the great destruc- Lion caused by the necessary tra'nsbrp- meat on existing lines. A It will facrlitate transportatron of `limtber from the Pine Districts of the North, to those sections of the Province which are already stripped qf pine lumber. ,_ H , , . .. ___- n.. . -..- 0. .. -vvv-u A VVAxRAxTY.- It is usual, and often necessary,-in the purchase of cor- jaioigns Prescriptions, are pure. . ' min articles to get a warranty,` but in dealing:-'wi_thj Mr. Awataon, of " the Barrie Geri` ` Drug Store, nothing of the "{`V_1o9sIary, ashe is very careful * in A V _nding Phy- `and his dz-ugs,&c., O ..... u.- -1-. yank) ,l\uuV'Iu_Y; manlJI9.0- v?az-.=*s tn the` River Credit_may have` thr avivantnge of a connection with both_ Railways. By means ofthe'juuc`- Lion with -`.he,Credit Valley ind Grand Trunk Railways-it will prove a vnluo able nuxilliary to the flouting mills Gmml Hivar at r.`...m.. 'm..... 1 ulu hr}: a ll will also (as required by charter) furnish famlmes for free, and unrest- l'iCl. .`(l traffic in cox-dwood, which will be a boon alike to the settler on the bush farm , to whom the article is now of merely nominal value; and to me amzan in the. my, whercv it is not pr.murz:b!e,`under eight to nine dollars per curd. {)n he l.w.m:n.. .. .....-.:.... ---:-I, -I ti on its forming ti. Junction with the Canada Pacic Rnilwiry, it will estab- lish the most direct connection between the railway system of the~Eastern S[tt'iCS,`C(|tlVE:l`glDg at Suspension Bribge and Buffalo, and the Canada Pacic Ru-lwuy being built South of. Luke Nipssiirg, a junction might also be etis.-cted, via Sunlt St. Mane, with the Northern Pacic Railway; there- by lurgefy increasing the importance of the Hamilton and North-Western Railway, as the shortest connecting linirbetween the Eastern and North- Western States.` It wonldthue lead to the more rapid settlement of that portion of the Province `of Ontario,_ lying Z\'orth of the Georgian.Bey; None ofthe othernilways now`ap- plying to these Northern Townships for aid, can oilersuch advantages as those; und the Directors condently believe that these advantages will so commend tliernselves to the judgment of the rzitcpayers of North Simooe, that the;-'-i--following the good example of their neighbors in the Southern Township's--mill unmistakably show their preference when voting day comes, for the great through Road that is to give them northward, a connection with the Canada Pact"/lc Railway; and Southward,jwt'zh all the great Railway thoroughfares of the Provence, and of the Umted States.` `Offices, Hamilton, April 17, H. St N. W.'R. R. Campy : ` 1374. i \ V Fresh meat and salt:-ri1eat,`i'n any quantity, `can be had- Cheap, -at D. King's, West End '1`. Store. .,- _ .-....-...- ._ ---.. ...,,.. While facilitating intercornm.nnioa- tron` `within the Province, it will largely increase the facilities for comn_1unica-- tion between the .interior and that United States, rind the Sea-board. At present, the country lying North of the Grand Trunk Railway, and East ofthe Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway, has no direct access" to the United. States and the Seaboard. By its con- inec'ion with the Grand Trunk Rail- way at Georgetown, and with tho Bunlo and Lake Huron Railway, Canada. Southern Railway, and Great VVestern Railway at Hamilton, the Hamilton and North Western Railway- avill-oien up a variety of-all-rail route! to the markets of the United State: and the Si.-aboard, that cannot but prove of great value to the country. It will,at the same time, be a valuable addition `u the uireacly existing part rail and pant water routes," the comparative distances by the proposed railway am! by those already in operation, or in course of construction, being such as to admit of successful competition for carriage to the waters of Lake Ontario, while water freighter to all points from the res};'cii\'e Parts to which the com- peting lines leanl are practically the 558310. xv : u . . . V C r" Nu uulway, which has yet raceivtad aid tromizhe Railway Fund, has pro- .vide_tl-n choicu of markets such-as the pmpused milway-will do. The Well- ingion, Grey and Bryce Railway has done il._to a Hmiled extent-llmtted in qonsquence nf its being upenitei as a feerler to 'one trunk line, whereas this will be (L feeder to all the trunk lmes. Itwill develop-manufacturing mduae tries-on the various streams along this r0ute,'_(3specit_ll!y the branches of the ANot.taV'.'u:~Iu_rija. River, in tho Countylof Slmcoe, and the River Credit, in `tha- (7l;u`mira3 of Peel and Hutton, many valuable -Walter powers on which have never yg,-t` l)e:l utilized. By means_of' th"..jln1cl.ions at Milton and Sligo, with ` the Crdit Valley Railvxay. manufao-_ -?.`.r=:`u nn flu. Rh.-nr nrnA:l ....._.- L- A Wzcousm dairymen asks for info!- matlin about the cremation" business. ieuna journal recently contained an ildverliscment oering the services of Anna Agrikoi, assick nune, aha -welchesdeedbodieege airutrewcheiu, applies leech'es,` on make: pantry, desserts and delicacies. _ - `! ;U5ll|UIl ` bnrm made .. 1' n urn. I x _ I 755. 11': q ' M`./LITLAND YOUNG, ' U . Sec: qtary. .|_oba a mug. _ .hcrml9nln':l my. -yman : in,y_w!b1 y._.ur. - uvv-av. -tun .-..u nu.-vv-wavi- BRYAN 5 VVAFIRP, (The groal public Io- medy,) have now been in nuo_;.,ovot lwonty years, hence it cannol be That lhoy are on trial. They have been ftharooghl Iliad, andprononnoed (on the i 1-Ao men whose lives u_.d.he|lIh rim . V and) I. an lion, gnd,?`i _ V hml , 3 1 .. ,, ` 'B_.ail_'way', at Calailp .; em Railway. Willfoxtensloa to .Aiher- ~ lay, at Barrie`; fthe'.?Nort_hem )I`I_ilQay} .with extenaioui` to-hiealord, at Coiling- wood. Being of the name as all , 'iheconrieotinglines,exoeptt e olorrto, Grey and Bruce Bailway,r-nob a con- nection of the various line: of Railway v must greatly facilitate freight and passenger traio between places that. have hitherto been practically excluded from intertrading. The advaiitagu, therefore, to be derived from the ow- atruotion of the proposed railway will not bomonopolized at the Terminal _Stations, not limited to the counties that have contributed towards it, but will be Provincial in their scope. \X1l..:l.. J.-...:l:o..e:..... :..L....-........_.._:-- IIIUE Ell J`oHN :'rUAR'I', r793. Ho 4` N.W.R. YOUNG. (Smxan) Jnnn xv: -u -1:10.. urn! IWUUIY 3 tbM lhoy you `thoroughly ughqity of .hay..h;I_V 3rpsoned\ id may mean]: `I . onemii L nnal blood hf mmmenj` yes, and 1, and penni :a,:>maug ad .Exug -r: Curd ZNADA 4 PE.uA`N Em BUILDINGT `AND; . j _bf.-KVTINGS S4)G{E'i`_Y'. V = V V um: 0rL'1vz--I:1ASO.`{!7,HAIjL, T~ORO.\'TO; K` A Yjrfr!-A r 0.101` xr\r\.r\':\r\ _'E-Q Farmers an 1151-) L,'n=1uz--.:1LiDU.`:i=i.uAl;L:.'1UIiUP1'1'U; 1:?-AP`I I."A.L, 3 1 5001000. ' .an.:io wners! J`! (7.... Tl/.....4 4'- 1)-.._.-_._' 1h'.'___ .. 1 v:.=`JN K` 22 LUUN1`, smismr, Attofney3-at- . law,'So1icx!ora in Obancefy, &:c.-Oice- Y"`v;:1I0p Street, Barrie. Successors to-theiate ~-.~. ) Bnnlton Lount, Boy's,& Stewart; g . V f_Q{jN'p_` , , .(1, W f:r;num ` Dr .r._1., G. mice to his new residence-on't!'!'e. West side (":1 John S._trcet, immedi'ate1y.oppbsito Mr. Geo.` _ B:.`. s planing and sashvfaotory. Dr. 18100., has i \ :'._ca.ncy for 9. student, `` -44-71 \\'EhLS, Graduate 'l`oi"onto Uulveisity. . Mexnber College Physicians and Surgeons, Unt.--,Ullice_,-0ver Wells Bros ..Drug Stbre, onposlta rlaryie Hbte_l,'H6peI,_Dt1ulop atregt. 38 `s on thij ~~.x> \-.- .'=>` 1{A M . x-.m-n--(Tn. -. -.-r\.-\s\-w'\V\\'\\~.\\\.~\.-\`\.\.\\ \-..s' ' II/TON ' &~ .McCONK'EY,~--I- ._oai- Hir nireni. m"|-in`. -Oi-11.. *7 _\A rzoxs W. LALLY,AT'1`0RNEY-AT-LAW 'i= Solicitor . in . Ghannm~v_ n.......,.mm '2 y L1:xJ1ll1_lU;.V cg` ..uCUU).VI\m.l.,*-L-3._UuI' .U~ n-uce--Collier street, Barrie`, -om. A` - x m.x:x.'ru:z. _ - 1'. o.x cox-ax_n, M. o.'co:r.<>2mn. _' - -;;.n.*,_M.n.c.s. Du. J"S;'c:~R00x c % Ofce-ln Prick Blqck, Dunlap Street; ' ts? at, opposite Waivsm & 00., Druggiats; 3'.-._ 1l_esi first house Ea_9t,0'f~Rogistry C-.13ce.- `;fa"L)icc hours --lfrom"l0 til1119, F03}-t ' man. and from 1_ti113, Afternoon 11-12111 1). Pbi1:m`e'.phia"Dentn1 College), may 59 hrund in his oice, every day. Extra, chug `Am. 0,11 nosmvxo, (GRATUATE OF" made for professional v`iai:s. _ Collier Vstrget, X`-.1.ri`r3. "VA-U-L-;,u. u. nnnunu, ,A1'1'U.KNEY-AT-2 `Y LAW, Solxcitoy-in-Chancery, ahd Obn- ~.:-mncer. O(_ces---Uver Post Oice, Owen 5:21-:,3:.rrie."MoneytoLgnd.` - . '13-y `TsC.;SRTH`Y _& 3025, [L AT1i'-$12563 iiiriy A; .`aIcCarthy,] Barristers and Attorneys, E;.iioitors-in Chancery, Notaries `Public rm ;:,L; `AL .uxuurtuy,_| qarrlswra and Attorneys E:..oxtors-m Chance: , 'Public and lonveyuncers. Dun`iop_8'treet, Barrie. ` 1 '\'.I!'!V \ \a'nr1Au'nuvA(\ ('1 mm. 9..-... v .- .. i'.`iL)G AR B; SANDERS, Attomey- s.t-law, Soli-. -_ 3 citor in Chancery, Couzeyancer, C_o`::mis- 32...-er i-L1`C.P.,'&c., Stayner, 00., Simeon. 900 I Pr>m`inr`.i-1ILt1nd Su1rvr=vrir}1. A-.1113:-.`t.~:, Ru-. 1 V aLC1)m< Tuon:sQN,*` oavii Isugan-e e':s,VI .. t.v-nI \!|F A, l7.-D.-kGH"5s STRATHY, Barristers -and -At- ./.3: torneys, Solicitors in. Chancery. Notaries i'..-`pile, Uoaveyancers, Barrio, O0 Sfmcoe, Out. 9`, `J. AIIDAGH, A, . ` >5. B. STRATBY. _ `___. _,- .ubzia:m`a n.'eek1y,intue .1`-ow ' every Tannsnn morning, conxtln`i`z1;izB:::!1?" urrent newsVof' the day, and a1l IIi1a.tf% ' Pertaining to the aifeireofthe County pg: 51 in advance or. $2.00 if notpaid Q` we -ime of snbecqripltion. ` - 5 ' V _ vnnrlsma-. ix iuesorunder r ' ` -- 50c ; each subsequent one 1,2}:f`S`rear:ia`;n inea, 8 perline,rat insertion; each sub`-` nequent one ac. Professional or. Busing Cards 84 per-year `$3 -fm-31, momhr .! nnmore than ten lines. Specie! cont:-n .c;s can be made by be year, or partner, vent. Order; to Biacontinue Advertise. mrms I: _be madcin writing. ape: xslcontinued until an 3 re paid,excepf at the obtion of thisrrlrailiigfnf er- ' . -` P'Ru'l1'mG,BOOKBlX')I`~'u and Rumxedon ' greznieea. The facilities of the 'E3t:1:.gI: menr are more complete than any a in North '01 T01-onto,'bavin`g been cnvrefnllr tted out in every particulax`. ` - -y Uommunicatioua should be add ' ` Publisher, post-pa.id. ed-*t `he T). GRTEW I`/uuvu l.l|l\JCLu uuuxvp.l1!7UB,DBI'I'lB- 1)-;u_1~g;7 .Vio02m'mY, Q.C. Wu. Boys, L.L.B. ` ` . ;zz _~:GE1\* !a" 7 I. ` V E-EEUMLMA 3: RHEEEMSATIS 13 I L L S`, " ' If_:yug_kuown to fail in curino `.\'F:UR}\I[nIAj J. J. JLJ Never known 1lI1iiUEuiATIS.\{, NERVC ,e\1 kindmi a`ec.tions._-V-, u-.ceipv. of One] Dolls}. Barrie. . _..________. prepared toin-ompt DISEASES OE` Hr-Rsas AND GAT"1`VI. -EV Iv And anything rquiring Vvterinary Skill. Bi.` . Uonditi n P d.0rs H fonnil-" cB.?2`-icghifiaud a.1"e=sold by J B _, .. B8 . ._ . 9": .911, :,-c., wmno` A "1?-` "_'?3r9 _nrcmp3Iy;` `V ' . thaj hewill (<;1;'.i-'3;.r;.'1-Tt;e-T-b'nls'i-.n~a;; - of Vetennary S ufgeon in the? place of D. G. s"h`1da who is_1eaving these parts; and hopes by Pmmpt 9.tteution,aud skillful treat- ment to secure the . patronage so liberally he- 5`9Wd Upon his -predecessor. Office. and 1 Statues-one door ' Bur. `East \ of Faraghefi . How,- . V 45-ly r :-..1.\ L10 vv. unuu I,A.l'1'U1U.V1!iX-A1`-LAW if ' Chancery, Oonveyancer, {';;1ry.?ublic,&c. - ' - V _ 4 _ ('`i(:--OWCD Street, Barx'ie,'Ont. 47-1y" >\J -T. KIA ALI-OLD .E;lIrlJ.~lU VV .'.:LUL E `Dg. Yaw Want to Borrow Money" 3 buy more land for`yu11r3elf or for _;o'.:;_V3o'n: ~. `m 31:! 0 hnnan Am '.-..a.-.. 9- t`.. r....,... ,4... :3 ma NoR1`uEm.;"ApvjA"nj.`g I U-4'_Y IIIUKB HUN) lO[") ()llI'3_ClI 0'.` 1'0!` j'0lZL__3Dn5l 1 mild a__ houa_e_/pr barn? ' Tu, fence", clcn_r,_ mcrjyraiugoc-o1Z ir;ise .impr yum` jand? ~ pay ,o'_ it vMortgr.gc'o1_- other (Ie1.~Li?.' Up for uy qtner purporiul? ' ' V ' }.V_y0`u do-the Ire.*1{rc>-rd term'a'of`the' CANXDA3. surazmxr I'tJxr.u`n:G -_.~.:".sV_ -.`>`,_xv1rm 'Socm'n', 1:--hi has xzmde more lzizms to F:*.rmer_s dqriing; onaI`l"c' uI...~.r-. of n . ,-.-. l\`I\t`x7 .x- i`.u,! /vvq-\nCnvI 1.;-xaxvnnzz MORROW, 'agex1t 1`{1r.' tbo_ h V-Prnv`nci.;.I'lm~.uJinan .nnn'smv_ 1h.x'|1nn 3. RORINSON,_Qri11ia Solicltor in-C1mu-' :`f.er;,v_, Attorney-at-Law, Cvouviayaucer; (Jom-- zm-.ncr in 8.11., &'.c. Heir nnd,DL-viaee-Claims. '-;s::u'.ed,Ar;t_:nt. frr` Canada Landed Credit w,-m_mx1y for loaning moa'eyAob Real Estate .- :I(, I17`-..\'c.rtA_F7'anIc Ker'1vn's Store. _ 848 -~\ -~ .r~..~ /-4,; ,--,,, .a,-\/_>_;-gm /Q ";._r".`V.x*`v:{"'E ('> L !-IND. --Apply to JAMES` ED... W.-1RDS_, -Royal Inaurouce Oiqe,` Barrie." -I-v.END~on n.pprov_9d fre~.~`}.cu1d`~sel L uuriiy, and at4mo'de:at..Ii1terest.-Ap- r :0 li`RDAGHV"& -S 1`RATi*IY, Solicitors. ['1 ;e. " 2-118` me, Jan; 1 1852.` uVn'.`L'::nvx/'J.'4l\ Au\Jl_\v_U-\)v`V, ugui luif I510; -Prov.`nciu.I'Luau.-uuca- `louphny, theuegan _anK Life, the Phuenix-,' the -Isolated, and Ltvncmhirre Inaupance Gr.-mpsnaes.--Qfce `xv Brick U!ock, -:\_'.'er Raw`son a Store 3355 %T _Ea i1tm_j'ujr"s, tEurtxi._ _ A-_. -`._. -- ~.._._,_._: ::.\'nY C}:i;s\K`i`(r{13:, Jr ;F:o(.~iucic.; . Q."-.m`.~....- "\'..1.-;. 11.`. n.....;.. - xvguuxuxx 1- Luuzuox.-mg u_1vu nuglneets, Pr0vinci:1lL'1nd Surveyors, A:'chic`ts, &c. ' 1'.ru.~ 1} ; vvr y no (`.1 vwhunnn .'|`-tnuunu . H If }0;, ___.._..._.-.----.-.__.L_{. R. GUT1`E`E-IT,` Odxinsj. Crown Attorny, Efnrriav.-r. (3-c , Barrie. - ,_ `- 41 mcbital":i}3tu.fcs5im:;j " -- .4. 44.4 _l.J KJ 3 , : svur Known curing NEURALGIA; Hi:_UE.iATIS.\{, NERVOUS HE-A13AvCHE. and lkmdnd affentinnu __Qnnl> 5.. '..... ..-.:,a..;..... .. ' 3().`.1AS '1`. A BOYS, B.m-iater, Attorney, `iovlicitor in Cbancry, Commissioner, in. 3!) :e' over Han-igons store, So_uth.side'Duolo'p e t,Biu' ie. - ' l1,:0v %-. Z<:=,::tra:%iTci Nssticcs, - . -,.`\z: LTER J. KEATING, ATTORNEY-AT-V. A W. Solxcitor-in-Chan:-.m-u mm 054.. _;UlJ}||!L|J;(' iIl.\_|l- J1_\'UlLI ' ll: llll '. ~t'1'fic9-P(5g'%5C'f"1icc lmildwing, uAI.LD.Vl, mgm/UUS HEADAVCHE, and 1nd a'ec,tions._--Sent to any address on Dollar . Address: Box 132,- ;iFA%1i1L=to Wig .-wxmmm, 0.12: ., P.L.S. [:3 -rxnlxi ilcgal QL'athi.J J"BA1Lm',vETERxNARY SUR- _ . GEON, successor to D. G.` zkuthex-1and,and Graduate of On- tario .Vez-erinary Go`I-ege. -: The- sn-.1sm-iber herebynforms the public tbs.) he will carry on the business `9-TY Surzeon in thanlgm nf' n ":1, '5 H4L3- - Warrnnted ,Q.1.,!i.?'a 995,355: Hpndtohe, nrs. Oomnlninu. . :39 nu: _.`li|4IJl3 .i_\.V;V. (inmironn, THOMSON,- `r1 '5` D T, ` .~ rat) ne`i)=2pnty P.2gx.'x't am far the"-Rr.y1il In-__ .-'\'('cidqIxt;1;x3urance n:.;, x...:1;!:-... .....4.-..-4 _ ,,_. \._. ._. -_>\-\/\.`. Laud- Y1 nu-in H aLAcxsj1')oK;;

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