Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Feb 1874, p. 1

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ems hi 47-11 Exeellenl; accomodatien for Summer Visitors, 'l`ourista, and the Travelling Public. Boats, Fishing Tsckle, and Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. T113 Be : is well suppli- ed with Foreign _ and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Good Stabling nud _ attentive Ostlers. N.h.-Sp1endid Speckled Trout streams in the vicinity. , . 45-ly-w opposite the `Advance ofce, Fin-tie. ' This commodious establishment hasjust been `opened, and` having been bui!' especially for the purpose of e. rst~clnss hotel, is lined` up as such, and will compare favourably with any house 01 the kind North of Toronto. Commer- clal travellers, private families on casual visit; and the public generally will find that the pro4 prietor knows how to provide for their especial requirements; The beat of stablirig attached, attended to by obliglng and experienced hos .- lers. Stages leave this house daily on the ar- rival otlhe up trains. .82: well supplied -with the best ofliquors and cigars. . 33- _ The proprietor of the Dominion Hotel has re- cently, owing .to its great Increase in business, been compelled to add double accommodation to his old house, and has had the establishment re fitted and re-furnished, and with `ample stables, beds, and sample rooms, he thinks he will be able to receive all of his old friends, who have so liberally `supported him in the past. Room for one, room for all. Best wines and liquors, best table, best accommodation, of any countryvplace in the Dominion.-W. 0. Hand requests the public to bear in mind that he is at the present time the only Licensed Auctioneer in these parts, and in that department of his business he is prepared to ive his best atten- tion to the interests of set! era, and in all cases to give fair play to buyers. I3'Sales of stock of all kinds promptlysttended to, and prompt settlement always assured. A 42-ly The boat Billiard Parlor North of Toronto. The table is aupplird with everything in sraaon. Pure Wines and Liquors. Gopd Stumbling; Barrie, Dec. l81.h,l8'12 ._..._. 106]. The Fashionhas been_ tted up in I manner strictly in keeping with its name, and will com- pare favourably with any saloon North of, or in the Ci? of Toronto. Steaks, Chops, Fowl, Soup,` ea, Coee, ac . served on short notice. The Bar and the Lords: are well stocked with 0|... Ina-0 Oh: nun!-EA}, nnnnlinn. . ' 0l-In TUB BIT IIHI H10 HENIBK BIB WU the best. the market supplies. The Tahle and Bar well supplied. aoq seas First-elm Stgbling and Attentlvo Haulers. ` ' ' - ' ' LAR. I 'l`he`Simooo,'nndor its new management, has undergone considerable improvement, and now presents to the travelling community a house nnexcelled for oommodiousneasand com- tort The Ber is supplied with the choicest brands of Liquors and Cigars. and in theeherge of an adept componnder of drinks._ Good Stsbllng and Sheds. _ . ' 4`0-ly dfxnxsox HOUSE, ?iARR_IE.- _ JOSHUA cunxsox, Proprietor. :._..._. Corner of Mulclastef and D-mlop Streets, ad opposite the Panic. This cnmrhmiinm: nnvnhalnnnno [mo {ago 1...-.. ARRIE HOTEL, mama, COUNTY V on B smcon. - NR3. E. MARKS, proprietrest. JOHN oWAT1`,`$npe_rEtendont.o This hotel, long and fnvonnbly known to the trnvelling community, is now conducted by the proprietreu, ond*is under the'Inporinten- deuce otur. John-)lcWnt.t_. _ . . '. Nam-Iv thh-Iv nddltinnnl hut-an-m hum Inglis ([9036 OK Ml`. JOIIII pc WI. Nu:-Iv thirty adclitjonal bedrooms have lately been added tolho 8:1-tic Hotel; nllwhicb being bullt of brick, and well warmed, will he found as oqmfombleand oomnodioun u up hp found ln any harm north of.1 pmnt.o. ` EI'Onnunnrninl lav-n-Alla:-a mi Rn!` guru; an-` Superior accommodation. and every a.tten- - tron paid to the requirements of travellers, Roomsfor Commercial Travellers. Terms moderate. , ` 42-ly Ill any noun noun or 'rnronLo. -' ` ` llV'0ommo1-oial travellers will find ample - dommodatlnn for showing samples. ~ V - B:r:le..15th (lot, 1868. = . L ~ 18-_ _ . , . Tym xgxoaman noun, doogsrowx. :93! um :**- 1-"=l."V*9.*-.I:< IV\ff'i'7S H poncffI?1N.s v SALOON, (fe Bail s.) Dpnlop Sn, opposite McCarthy & Mcu-thy a Law Oice. Barrie, H. HUNT, PBOPRI ETOB. Bar well stocked with the best of Liquor: and Cigars. Oysters always on hand during the aeason,Stewod, Fried or Raw; Sardines, Lob- ' aters, to. Hot Soups always on hand. '`ww4ylVVII v moacggia . aug'o_ ifE rfnily f4-`om the .`E33 to Gn;1_fox-d,` Ami daily {tow Bompont and 1, IMO}! Iii but . j ' ` 3-I} Wines, L` mm, ind _.0igu-3 ofthe` hen `Wm I|!PI3lI.-|"_h0.b&-- A: g_o6d`t|l_.~lo";ls alwa kept, . Excellent |ooammogti._'n for TVDYP .1`!-s .An..- I.!!||_!J'0., 3.00.!-lot. ` " 0 me: mod: to. 81530 twice dgily from tho. ` ` Gm ford; and hit: {mm Rnnmnt ....a 03 : 3 ...., .uI.cu vnwolll aeaucuon. - Security. Prompt. payment, and libekality in adjustment of its losses are the prominent fonturn of this wealthy comnany. Fire and Policies issued with Van: hm-n'I iuuurn ox unis wealthy Life Policies issued with very liberal conditions. ` HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH ` - . MuNuinAL. G. F. (2. SMITH, Obie! Alrant rm nnminzn. cxceou Forty Millions of Dollars. ' j ' Claims by Chicago Fire, estimated st nearly $8,000,000, are being liquidated as fast as adj sated without deduction. _ _ . Security. Prnmnv nap-......o ......a I2I......_I.L_ -_ V THOS. SUMMERSETT, Proprietor. 113; W`ELL_ING'I`ON uo_'1~`EL. THE LIVERPOOL LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Available Assets, 997,000,000- Lossoa paid in course of Thirty-ve yearn, exceed Forty Millions ' aims bv Chinnan Fin. -z.o:...-L..A An. ..---I- DUNC`AN -M. CHURCH, PROPRIETOR. 1-4. -1` 11.-.--.) D...l.......l 11.....- D..- l'_L. uouaenom Furniture, Goods,`Wres,&c. Ali; for the collection of Rents, Notes and Accounts, Cash advances made on goods lef~. for Sale. _ Hale Room. corner of Collier and M...-he 51.. gg U881] adv: Boon, Barrio . JUSEPH ROGERS, ' ` - [lute Clerk in Oounfy Registry Olce] Conveyancezx Commissioner in Queen's Bane,- Anctioneer, ppraiser and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses. Lands, Farm Stock, Household Furniture, Gooda,`Wares, to. Also collection um"... mm... A A -----~- J uac; nuutw - mar ooivsus-LE, Conn1y_0f-Simcoea Omce opposite the Market, Barrie. * HE nfsalou RESTAURAN'i`,In tho em} Blocx, Dunlap Street, Bum, Ont. I .- . W. C. HAND, Proprietor and Auctioneer HE HOTEL, ALLANDALE. ' (Oroxou s old amid ) am suwon aousn, next door West of ate ` 0l d Bank of Toronto Building, Dunlap street Barrio ` _._._._.._.__..___j__-_.. Jos.1:oun as Anvnnrusianlnmrs ..........,._..M J9-d\r\a\w-vx. -.~vvvvv\vy-~v_ .4. __ >)6$1"1N1oN HOTEL, ALLISTON. TERMS ..j._.__j..._._. [ DLAND HOTEL, (Late Royal.) corner `of Front and Goldwater streets, Urill_ia.,0nt. _____.__.______..__'_.____:__.____...__..._. [LLISTON gown. ` E. CONWAY, >-I. - - _Propri'tor. lvnvlabcuv -.u- \4AAvoI\1Aa.' a Avvl. LIL:-ll-\Jl Late of Harwood Rmhaqd Houu, Rue Lulu. M.` SHANAOY, . - OS`. ROGERS, CHIEF onus e lowen '- not Icon, 343 per eut. tor" dvance. " United,` jijotels ant: alauusf WALTER P1-oprieto'r. ILBEGELOW, Superintendant. Vol. X u. pmuu, , 0hlelAgent. for Dominion ' . JOb`E. H ROGERS, A cont. Rm-via. s: $1 pr year in advance; uvuumu unue on goons let-. tor aisle. 1:, corner of Collier and Market 81.9,. V- Proprietor. - Ie,_a:r: Fed upol as at b nu nuumna, Agent, Barrie. I Wllll 21-ly Ii- 48-!) The sublcriber is ptfepareu to xeoute all or- dersi: hinting, Decorating and Paper Hing mg, l . Painting` of nliriaaarintinnadona with uni. VLIULVIIIIJ I.J\.I V` IN Butcher and Poulterer, BEGS toinform` the public thathe has taken Stall No. 4, in the Market House, Barrie. where he will carry on the above business. `atria. December 11th. 1867 - . 50 ~ -._.__. JV. J . l` having bought out the 'Stctck amlv Good-will of 1. Va Williams, is_ puepared to sup- ply the public with Beer, Beet", Pork, and Potash Barrels,Kegs`, Churns,Waeb Tubs, Barrel Churn-3, and the Celebrated C lincler Churn ; aleo.Cisterna of allsiues, and all oil: in 3 Cooper : Line at Business. ' from the first d iriea in the Provjnce, which for - qunhty cannot be beaten. -.-j- 5 uu av` wy um: use an nun $3 5 Consisting of Teas, Sugnn, `Coffees, To. baccoa, &e., Pidiles, Canned Sa'mon,Lobstera Sardines and fruit. 0: every description. ' N_`R.-..A ohoice lot of cakes sand hiunnn. aarumes auu [run ul every ueucrlpuon. N.`B.--A oboioe lot of cakes and biscuits, manufactured of the best. materials, always on hand, with 3 choice selection of Italian goods from the beat packets of Europe . ' - R. Irma J.-A --`--f-=--S1` AILLII. 11_.1I1\v1 DD '7 EJI\vl;' is now prepared lo Manutacture all articles in his line, ofnhe besl description, and at cheap rates. Ran-in. nan. 3|-pl, 15187. ` GEORGE 2mv_i_ir_qN,on1LLIA.' Gl- Painting of alldescriptionadone with neat. noes sud dispatch and a._t. ressnuable rntep, All work wan-anbed to giva, aqtisfcction. IIUIIIIAEA ax-nu! . oamm V . - GEOYGE N EWTON; Pain tar ' Dscm-Mm-. cum mu um, 12-n ' nun, | IIIU ucun ucllil Ipl Barrie, Dec. 3rd, 1867. or anslles, ancl an won: In Uooper blue 0! ` -Collier - .- - - - - - Street, NEARLY opposrrn THE MARKET, ' ` BARBIE. ; 19-ly.r 41:95: as uuu 9-vvn vs cg: znqacaamtnuzm 8 (`n.~...:a6i-an A6` mnnn Hun--. n..u.-4-- ` IAUBUIB IHUU, m . . Calponler, Builder, &c. Begs to Announce to the public that he use . cpmpleted his` A R11 14`. A `M .. D n W 1:` `D sun mlqulueiy Io! Inc Inanuxnclure or DOORS. SASHB8, BLINDS. |lOULDING,&o hand i_:: prepared to supply those articles at`t.he . lowest price. m nunm nn nlmnlr nnannmmm-v PLAINING or`E [E:`{iBmson1rw10N. | |O\Il.In\.lJ.l.|.l I~JJ.1_.VV1..l.V\1 Dressed , and 'l`ongu'ed and Grooved Lumber, every description, always on hand, and do to order. - - Barrie, Jply. _v ' 4'1- e. : ddxeaau ed!cln| V HAIR DRESSING.- SHAVING and SHAMPQOING Q A 1'.~r\`r\1\`r ` Dbuuvu, uunw. ., - Buora Ground and_8et,'Kn,iva,1ciuor| and All small cutlery trgnnd_and Ihurpened. ' -. 5. per day. Agents 1 All ` ' ' than of `wotkung people, `or e that next,` yohngor old. make more money at vvmt With` us in gmetr 9 Iolnomonls,-or nu Illa tinenhnn :1 any thing em.` fray. ~'l`1NsONI"a. DEPOSITORY OF THE EARRIE BRANCH BIBLE soclm, nnltltnn nvl~n'|-an-m \I9& V &II VI bt V Carriage Trimming gm! -Upholstery bnsinou is carried on in his prmisga oppoiite the Rail- -nv Sonh'nn_ Barrie` ll can-zen on In my premu: wag Station. Barrie V . Ar:- ie,.Sept. 12, 1872. ' thing slab. ramounm: ~* _9"`` -.=-!- , an c.n.,n.av o .I.aLI. L&V;Il \l>.LIol1J..LV.Q I1, Painting ofall kinds exceuted in a workman- like manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. ' ` 41-ly 1 "" 1" ""`. 'El__;EOTR1(/`IAN __G'.dLVA1Y18'[, ' .4-llUL('A8'l'lIR., '1`., 313.313. KW ' `c:'rnzaAarrsr-T . :*:I:." A '1`: : 1.~1..c;i-' e"`;'.`-" V 7 } or M; Maundrell. Barrie. ll-26in-I @ ----1 W. J. ARMSTRONG. PAINTER AN-,D GRAINE R, Painlinn oral] Irinth nit-mnml ha I: .......l........, parea m_ au.V_n w t'4l4l45_, IALV A 5, cr do 4550.1- VATING, either by the ob or day, on the shortest notice ,and most reasuna Ie terms. 'Apg`l\ to "R. (`.11 nnwn-1*` -an XHULILUIIDUI nnu In IDISUI DU- cured in Canada, the United States and Eu- rope. Patent guaranteed or no charge. Sand for ~minlod instructions. Agency in `operation ten Venn. HENRY GRIST, Ullawa Canada. nan n 1 uma 1', ; Ouawa Canada. Mechanical Engineer. Sohoilior of Pnduu and Draughlsman. . ` iv-1.5.1-'l'.l.).>J.Vl.\. l.1Ul.'l.`411.- -- 1. Charles Olarkson; (late of ,the"l`urf Club House) bags to. intimate to thepublic that he has opened out a at-class Hotel on the pre- mises lately occupied as the Bank of `Toronto The bat is tted up in first class style, and Liquors and Cigars at` the choicest brands-can al aye be had. The Stabling is good and ` ample. V The best ofaccomodation is oered to travellers and boarders; as` the rooms are `large , and airy, and` the best of board is to he had. An attentive outlet always in attendance. ' * CHARLES OLARKSO N, :7 1y Proprietor. --u-4. Good and Comnmdious Stabling. 826- F "Wolf Wines and Liquors in the l !V-HE BA. N_ K "H`o' "Ti 1..-- ; nhnrlnn ln-lrannv 11-4- -4.` n...'m.._: n|..|_ u nnu.-- rue suoacrloer nega I0 Inrorm the A public ol Barrie and vicinity that he is pre- pared l0_ SINK WELLS, TANKS, do EXCA- VATING. either bv the iob nr dav. on the Ahnrnmn "The subscriber has received a apleniid lot of (1 L1 '15` I: D 1.1 ' vroronm HOTEL, MARKET sauna, _ mmum. . . - uay to am: rroln uumord, and:da.1y_ from house to Rosemont and .illistbn:_o.ud b ack.q ale!` i Wood: 11:! her: WELLINGroN`oTEL, co0R17)wn. 0. ARMSTRONG, ,- - -- - - Proprietor. * , . --,-- . g The best brands of Winch Liquors, Cigan, -and the etceteras of 3 rit-class but always on ; hand. The table is unequalled in it_s.furnisb- ` legs. "The commercial rocms `are better than t any North 09 Toronto. The atabling accom-. modation cannot be excelled. Stage twice 9. day to and from Guilford, and ~d_a. ly, from the house to Ronamont and Allinlhn and hunt, VNGLISH BUN HOUSE. AND CHEESE J DEPOT. --- " {sfusropamn HARRISON. I ` DEPOSITORY ADDID D!) A xrnn `nrnt u `gooxsrown PAINT SHOP. U1. JHJIULWSL V71! J`; L} and Msqhinery for the manufacture of` nnpn nuuznsa `nnmnn unnnnnm 32n2`rt:I uzinwz (iburhz `1'ULVERWEl,L S rx/~z~ /\/xv-\/\r PATENTS OF INVEN'lION {TXPEDITIOUSLY AND PR PERLY SE- 1 nnn-pd u'n nnnnn 0.. Hymn ! Run... ...a 15.. VHOMAS LOWE, I MINTING Anp nEco`RA.:1~iE kBSidea'd ( Mum. QEORGE BALL,` I` r k,7I;F3xANDE_ :1;'/iI`aV4\WE,` CARD.-Tbesub-zcxjiber begs to inform the nublic Barrie vicinitv that he in mm- OPNPIOIGG hi! S.'l'.`EAM.P0TWER. sc'noL7L ASA_.WI N G , mad . and 'l`amm ed and rnaved Lnm JOHN H. Joxs-.}7noPR1nTon. CULVERWELUS .-- m_:.....:..... ....a ~lT..Im1.o..- lm JUSTICE IS THE GREAT, BUT IIVH Ell LII-ILILIIC ' SALOON, Rh-not hnnnutn the Alo a. ne stock of `inn-ix:--sq-nu-a-s _----- V... ggu DUNLOP snianw. AND COUNTY or s1MC0E GENERA1, ADVERTISER W-`J . TAYLTJR, Proprietor. ARBTI; TIGHT wonx coupmnaem. EMR. HENEYSEWERY, annmninrn all cuuinl... :. |.:- ' `I'll : AHKIU l"(lUN- I pay, AGRICUL- TURAL IMPLEMENT AND STOVE wonxs. nv Fun I` ` Painter _ `HE RARRIE FOUN- HRV Ar3l2Inn'r._ nu, , vu un: auul [CHI m . Ap5_|\ ` _'R.. CU BERT, _ 40-iy = oumn _: "Rj KING, J'- I"'1-U, Dscorntor. 21-lyA Hi. 42 ly 3'! llll aumuna` Of the latest and best styles and of the most ap- proved construction, Oolller Street, East, sec- ond door from the Market, Barrie. As the ad- vertiserslere thoroughly and practically con- versant with their business ' in all its details, employe none but the most skilful workmen, and nee only the best materiel, they can guarantee ellwork turned out at th sir eate.l_1`ish- ment to giveperfect satisfaction to the purchas- er. Farmers and others look to your interests, and give use call, we promise to givezyou bet. ter value for your money than" you can get at any other Omrleze Factory in Barrie. cram. amllna r. H . anmummmun :_ -1 mac. umumau nun allita brnnoheg attended to. - Barrie, June 18, 1878. The subscriber hsving purchased the entire stock in trade of Mr. Wm. Whitebread. is pre- pored to make on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms as good and as cheap Double or Single _ ; '- A Wl _ I nsnntsnnn IIUAIIHN Orillia, Jan. 21. 1872. xvmoms, BUGGIE-S, mlznlmxs, | ., -...u..- vu.:.uJ,I. 110 `Of every description, and all sizes, taken at all home ofthe day. They also keep in connection with the gallery a large stock of Albums. Album Pictures, Lockets, Chromoa, Lithographs, Pod n-'3-OTT. DA`l`l\Tm11crrs .4. WAGGONB, `A. J. . 111-0 `C . The undersigned begs to inform all parties who may need such work, `but he has always on hand a lafge supply of 'nT~A-nrnr.1n" nn 'n - niiv - V3TEE.__&!_!_F'";! -v-_-------I4 Ill-l\J\.I`1\.l)5 Which he will sell at t.l1e_ lowest rates for Cash Wu. G. MACEY, Bayeld SL, Barrie, . 1 Ne_ar the Foundry July 31,1873. , _ 13-ly _____.___,____._.__.______________. ---- 0!l:0I'l,"DIlI'fn season, In all me ` Various Slvlnn ~ . " vyiiurlg uurulz season, In all the A Various, styles. . Dunlap "st; opposite New Brick Bloolg.-Barrie ` ' , `I uursvv, . GENUINE" _ V No. 1, No 2, and No 3,zof this brand, - are unsurpassed for body and hrilliancy of shade. Packages contain full net: weight. The public are` warned'th_at certain oxher brands are 1 {lbs short in every so-called 25 pound package. - , ' E!nminA't]'mhrnn(1 on` an inn I... ....o ..p .l.0IONTO Fxrvsnle in Barrie by John Woods, J. P. Kidd. _W:.taon 6' Go . and Wt1l a Bron. Arms, Tozgggs swans. pacxage. '_ Examinathe brand an! do not be put of 131'. ` Sold by any respectable dealers` in Paints throughout Ontano, and to dealer; on! by` ' AELLIOI` 4!: 0, 'I`nlmz-m. wil_: inferior psints,.` The nsr is always clan - \ 'b:31.I_J\J\J.LV, This in pre~emin ntly a shaving age- . ifthis I8 do..'bte- try to trade horses and see ifyou wont get shaved to ynur head ! content. But at Prof I\Ioore s,atra_nge K to say. the wav not to get shaved is to may him a visit and get a clean shave. and thus gel the worth of your mane) - Rementbcr the place. Second F'oor, centre New Buick Block, Dunlap Street, Barrie. Barrie, Ontario, Thiirsday, Fbruify 19, E74. `n-Imus & VAN DEN STEEN, V ORILLIA. D0 and 8! NO. `J 518. All purchases delivered in any part of the town free of charge. Gash paid for Game. ;. nmanAx._ . ' J. nmaluu. Ban-_ie, Nov. 13, 1812, 40-ly at very moderate pricei. - Corned Be-41, Sausages and Laid, togolher with a variety ofotber useful commodities, can nlvinyl be had at No. 2 Stall. A nnrnknana Ax Inrnu-`AI in Ann: _..- -4` .1... a.._.. Inurlnwl DHUIIIILRD, J5 RUTCHERS and GEN- ERA"L PURVEYORS; Market Stall No.2,Bmr;`e. . - - tly on hand a good suppIv_of `Fresh Meat, Fowl, Game. &c'.. of as choice quality as the .narkels'n'ord, and offer the same at moderate prices. Be-41. Sausam.-s and L-id. mnuhap um. PLA'sfh"3:_ti`"`f5`:'i'i>3iRIs 1 \.uuUuL . as; nrvehaf Prd (la. lldisu 175 n I\- an Hy 'o':ia?a}'6L.':?.Ee"ir7a'3:":'3r'i} ' ::;:?:? '5 '" U'All0. GENERAL B AOKUMITHING_in dlits brnnnhas auandnd tn. ---ca.--VIA:-I VII ' UV I LINES. Li can` be made in_thia or any other county ' A. OBOKER, . Oollior moot Hut, Ban-i. Burio, July 16. '38. _ A 39-11 Stages ninnink biw`e_ii`B::ie and Ponony Euiahene, will leqve`B:Ar:iLe Dally It 11:45`a.n,1. 7 _.:uem;;.-mu n 39;:-ic ._: g`*-<'r\oloc1F,'i>.:n, ' WEA Yuoa-In 9 r.u;Aenn_n.- - lIlr'IIiI ll` IVI\l\-IITE Has now `on hand an extensive and genuine: stock of Sin le and Double Harness (0u.r:ige and Team), nglish and Cominon Riding Sad- dles, Double and Sin le Brllea, Collars, Bc., which he can ofer -in very reasonable prices`. Also in stock. some of the best English and other Riding and Diivlng Whips, Bits, Linea, Brushes Guny and _e`&Ebs_ Cards, Qc., who found in this mnrke ' - ' 1 Any article in the trade manufactured, mu , nished to order on short. notice, and warunted 1 to give satisfaction. . r Rannirn 1In"nn1-I i\nnO`n --..-..o-A nu gne 3ax.I5IacnOn., I3 Bepairs well and neatly `executed. Barrie, April 8, 1870.. A ' V '. uocxets, Vunromoa, Lithographs, P uj-OIL PAINTING, 1:-..........: -. ._:.L-,,- - u uuuu cv nu um LIL-p1'UV6tl KEIBD` SVTOVEPI PE BLOCKS! 7l.:..[. 1... ....:II ....n -1 )HoTodRA:HIc GALLEAY. EQADDLERY AND HARNESS `U Es1'Asz,1sHu1m'r, V WHITE `LVEHRDS, GENUINE `$017 Fmzg 1 mm I` E-V1G.:N'Y a corn, Mnnnln ohu-nu: A6` .___-...__-...._..._--_.---_.--_..---- NLGU's c.._GRAHAM, . K ..-....- _. uuutlx nun: 1111111112030 `' R 11 L) 3AY:L=*IE:L:D STREET, A few doors North of the Wellington Hotel. *0 BUILDERS! graal AND , PNNETANGUI- . ; SHEER. LINE 0? A` (1 1:`.1~a mu: 31003-01? FRAMES 1 currms X & sunans. ' SIMPLE PRIECIPLE, mi) THE WHOLE sncm-:'r or stidcnss IN ALL GOVERNMENT. PHor6?RArHs ..... .:....-..:.. .-_ . u xx 1.52;: J11-LIIDI, And also of his In-proved Patent Fl-\`TT;`I)YD`l`.` 1"\l'I\r`IvP 110 "C!!- m 'M::\R TllI-.-.l\4-l'C)C3RE, HOW `(In Hand an A'lnnn3vn ant` nhn ms, ZCARRIAVGES, T Buaaucs, _ -- snmons on.-ct-rrrnns, in: main {n 61.2. ... ....'_...u.-_ _-.._-_ __._. ..'atA.\l.lL`\.T Framed 01 without Frames Pictures Fmmed to 04119:. V HUMME 8: VAN DEN STEEN`. fan. 21.1979. - ` -" PR(,)F. D. E. A. _MOOBE S Illll lllllnnnuun nun A uuuuuu u- ITAH: nhassmu AND smwmc SALOON, "co_Nj'no7rIoKEnY i " No. 1 GROUND IV! 6 UUTI Manufacturers of n A 12 m A ma : WATER LIME, -_ _( 1.2-1 - will XVI @3535? m`.-.. ((2 puns m .uuma.cxu1-era or UARRIA G33, BUGGIIS, - WAGGONB, . - AND SLEIGHS |.-.'.o ..o..v.... .._.: -r.|__ .._-_. - [NGHAM BROTHERS, BUTCHERS nnrl GEN. 5 UV , 3 Tonouro. } 41-1-rm u-gun I 4tf Inns: n ull, LalJ U; ' On motion of Mr. Hammell, second- ed by Mr. Hend.-Ordere_d, that the several documents now before the Couneilvbe (eferred to their respective Cdmmittees. ' - D______` .11-_ 1 I n. at (V- -- --~ ----~ ---- --' -,-Vrwm On motion of MI . MoGur, seconded by Mr. Dunn,--01deted, that the Com- mittee on Roads and Bridge: be in- struoted to take into consideration the advisability of granting the sum of four hun,d`r'ed dolla`.rsVfor the purpose of creating a bridge over the branch of -the Nottawnsagn River, on the town- line between Essa and. Toesoronliu, opposite" lot one "of the -township of Ess'a,on the condition: that each of . the` townships mentioned, raise an eqnnl amount. `V - ' ' )\:_`.`._ -.'n! '_, I hi '-uu`- o - - Ivuv ui-JUJVUB uuuug L510 PIUBULIII UU-LUUO On motion of Mr. Stevenson,second- ed by Mr- McDermid.-Ordered, that the Council do now adj'oum until 7 o .:lock this evening. nvmvmc SESSION. The Councnl me; pursuantto ad- joumment.: Thu `liar:-`ha ninaanlnp` 6|..- {.\II.....:...;.. The Warden presented the following documents, which were read, viz _:- Aecounte--'-Mesara. Hunter, Rose & 00.; Enterprzse oice; Joseph` H. Rogers; Ezpasz'tm- oice; andbqmmunications from Richard Corbetnud Elihu Stew- art, P.L S. ` ' l'\.. -...-.o:.... -1` |l..'1'1,__... AI ' 1 vvIuIuuIvcu:`o Report `No. 1.9! Standing Commxt-V tea, on Finance and Assessment, pm- _sented and read; f\.. .._-A:_.; -1 ll -r ..I V I - -zv_u vuu Illll-I tuuu. On _motion of Mt. Lxizlle, scondd by Mr. Carrulhers.--Ordered, that the Report now jgad be `adopted. nh -nnI:-n 1;` IR- 7|K-t`L..-, _A-.-- V ` Asnv uuuu On motion of Mr. Little, sec-sndel by Mr. Freser,---Ordered, that a Special Committee be appointed, consisting of nine members, to take into considera- tion the question that has been raised, and steps already taken regarding the dismemberment of this County; that the following gentlemen shall comprise such Committee: -- Messrs. McDer. mot,_Fre.ser, Hand, Hogg; Stevenson, Cerruthers, Small, Jenkins, and A the mover, with instructions to report on the subject during the present session. On mrltiltn hf NI! Qfnunnann annnnr`_ -1... Inunnviannii On moliou of. Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Darby,--Ordered, _ that the Warden do appoint a Committee of, vo for the utposa of drafting a. me- morial to {go Govqrnmout in Council asking 9. sni9'io`nt sunL,of moneyto a tamovotho d'o6ln_~ia boloiy Jack ; 39, `ion the , Nottuwo gg `J`B,_iyet_.. { The Wardin J!.t{\.1.'nod,.'f..ilI',5,.` (01lowin3,'39'I,I51e- ` men A *0 09l!1? I5,9_D3,1'.Q!T,Coimuitte5`:+- M097! ; F59 5 ?'.DnIT5!.` .. .$'tevonson,t FM -!9d.;99ot t s` t VVIIIIHIDIUCDI ' _ On motion of Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Patton.-Ordered, that "the Committee on Roads andTBridges be instructed to report to this Council the advisabiljty of granting the sum of ve hundred dollars towards the erect- ing of a bridge over the_ Nottawasaga River, on the.'town1ine between. the townships of`Flos and Vespra, on con- dition that these townshitparraise the like sum. ,`_ ___V`_-V 7,3. 7-... . u 1 `Finappe Qomlittee be idstgucged to ol`M|":A -Hogg , sgcoudad by Mr. Stevenson--;{Jzderod, lhapthe mire i:ito_1qopside|jat19n _l;h .' p;tqg:i`eiy7 gfiA!9h1ii18'3,Y:IeiVZ .155;Jrt. `Y"IWT toiixotejri .b`;e!111 ; 5* and?" 3;; W`u;ag_nof:_,L ,1-5 LOIGUIIG nu I-HU uuujuy U110`. - On motion of Mr. Carruthers, second- ed by Mr. Pat!on.-Ordered, that the several documents now before the Council be referred to their respective Committees. I\,_ _,_ _n! , 0 nn an ... ,7-.. u. can`? E`|au|:;|4_`I`!`$j ` ' 6;? ;iVi;;:tigig;V9{ Mi;.._.z; `njoonaaa by gain-;, "f :"Ihd comm V503`-3tIf:;iaj.1`(:JouIr'tyM at the A Feb. 3rd, 1874." Counctl met pursuant to adjourn- ent. . ' The Warden presented the following documents which were read, viz:- Petition of Thou. Buchanan, by Mr. Wilson; Thos. Featherstone and others, by Mr. Jackson; Contingent Expenses of the Board of Examiners; Commum cation of Mr. Leighton ; Mr. Lawrence, County Clerk of Elgin; . Accounts, McCarthy 6: McCarthy, Law Costs`; Ed wards &: Laird; Inspector of Schools,- South Simcie; Reports 1 and 2 of County Surveyor; Report of the Com- missioners on the ,Waters of Lake Couchiching and Simone, and Report of the County Surveyor on the Insane Persons in the County Gao`. On mntiam nf |\`I'r nnrrrrthnrn nnnnn.-I unucnuulcuw. On motion of Mr.`R'egan*, seconded by Mr. McDermid--0rdered, that the Council do now adjourn mitil nine o cIock tomorrow morning. Tuna 'AvI~I'tIIuu V(7...A;... IU ] . ['a9,V1z_..-S . uauo aurulu uuuuul. year. On motion of Mr.VHogg, aacondod. by Mr. Carruthars--0rdered, that `the C erk ba.1ns ructe_d to write to the pro- per authorities for? a copy of the pro- posed School Bill and Assessment Lav Amendmeus; ti- _.-.__._ ,n Ill - tzuu uu_u mu. On mption of Mr. Hegg,soeon'ie3 by Mr. Carruthers-Ordered, that Messrs. Henry Creswicke and David Morrow be appointed Auditors to auditthe Ac-. counts of General Sessions of the Peace for the current year. ,The.origit_1al motion-was theh puvt and carried. T n._ ......:-._ _r 1u|_ cw`, o` E- 5 uuiyn, Luusau, {V alaulf, uuu um IIIUVUT. V Mov'ed in amendment by Mr, Little, seconded by Mr. Fraaer,-That the Committee for equalizing the Assess- ment Rolls be composed of nine mem- bers, and that the question of deter- mining who shall eomprize the same be laid over for further consideration. --Lost. u : `oved by Mr. Morrow, ueoondeii by Mr. Phelps,--That the following gen- tlemen be a :C`ommitteee to equalize the Assessment Rolls of the County . for the cptrent year, yV_j z:-(Messrs. Steele, Hoff, McDer1O3Canuther, I Small Innlwnn T.annnv lna-Ln. Linn ! uzcolu, uvgg, nuzuuruxurvr uu nuluers, Small, Jackson, Lennox, Clnke; Hahd, Phelps, Regan, Wilson, and the mover.` N/lntinrl {n an-nnnnuant I-nu NI: T.Ihl.. `COUNCIL HALL, Baanm, A. , . ' ` Feb. 2nd, 1874.. T On motionof Mr. Hunter, seconded. by Mr. Fishe`r,ordered-That the sev- and documents now before the Counci- be referred "to their respecuve Commit] tees. T ` -- i ,,5l1_,'Ir II I-- HGEIENTY 0UNc1L`1>~izocEEbT - _INGa - nu luw luUl lllllg. Tnos. 'A'l`KlNS, Warden. DINGE U9 EUDII \JU|l-Illllll-CU. . _ On Motion of Mr. Hogg,seo'onded by Mr. Canuthere.--Ordered, that the Council do now adjourn untzl * seven o'clock this evening. EVENING JESSION. The Warden presented the following documents, which were read, viz:- Telegum from Mr. Cumbexland; account of Edwaids 4} Son ; and Report `of County Clerk on the. ise'ue.of Li:' `[\___A,.e nun - I u uuluun, pa Inc On motion of Mr. Trueman, seconded by Mr. Fisher,--Otdered, that the Standing Committee on Rqads and Bndges be requested to take into coa- siderution the pgopriety of grantmg a sum of money--suy $50- -to erect a bridge over a branch of the Nottawa- saga Rwer betwee'_n the townships of Innial and West Gwillimbury, on condition that the Muuicipahty of In nisl gives a similar sum to accomplish such object. - nn mntinn A` M. l".......oL-...- -- - wuuu UUJCUII On motin of Mr. Carruthera, to J oonded by Mr. Hogg.--0t-dared, that the Warden do name a Special Com- mittee of ve to consider the com; munioatton of T. D. McConkey, Esq.; and the petition of F. C. Cnpreol, Esq , on the subject of the Georgian Bay Canal. ML; 1iv__,I-_ _'_ '1 .. .$ v-uufo . , $ The_ Warden nu rr_1ed Messrs. Canu_th- ers. Bu'd,Clarke, Fxshar and MoG'u'tr, to be such Com mittea. I'\._ MI...:_.. .2 an, pr WWW: . , Oa_.motion of Mr. Lenno:(r,seconde.d } by Mr. Dnn`n,-Ordared, that the several documents now beforg the `Council be xoforrod to their respective pmmilteeu. -',__-___L _;g, mun.- .v\_nuuuI suulu ` ' ' Report of Special Co'mmi_uo_ qn ob: ` .edaadLrde situations in T_ the ylomwaqaga Rivet, 7 witltacg` fgpqnyiaj memorial prugnt ? 1. `On m0_tionVofeMr.Stovenson,eeoond- ` -'.d by Mt. Phelps,-Ordered`, that the A llpport. now and be adopted, . vrf *nnninI !l\MIB:QQ All ` nu ua auuu. uuuruuuea. . . On motion of Mr. Hogg, seconded by Mr. LitOle,--Ordered, that the Warden be requested to invite F. W. Cumber- land, Esq., Managing Director of the Northern Railway, to address this Council on the subject of the County ` Stock, -on Trursdiy evening next, at 8 o'clock, p. m. On mntinn at M. 'n............. ----...:-A : :1!` v-;;o;i-;lm*-rJ`r"I'1";z"|itIeo .93 S090!!! Bl_'idgp|Ilallted and tend.`, '.>' I `IE I no-in QQQAIIJQA. `alt modicllti .... -~.r I nmvmu snflugu IIIIBIIIOCI Illa l'Elll., I `Maxed. by r.'I-Iogg. uconded_by *lr,,Rogun.ej-`-Drdetad that Report now ,n:ad,boa"aqpcea,: : ~ 2 ' .x..-'~ "_..v9.u: .._-awr._- _ _g-, ,, 1'... ;- r` 1' `up "<"Q`n`111'b3li_on"'ii amendment` by Mr. _Coulqon,sgeonded.by Mr. 'l`rinblo,- ' '.40:diirod;:thatv1he report `now read he ,n'oImdoptqd,'h'nt -boa refonoi? but to j th eomnmbaj-mgn-wnddmtion. .; ,.n.'*....;;.`M'..,.. 1 -4.-..un'.....|...-..nr-..___s. ' ` y`. of M_r.[lA[u1"1ter, seconded by Mr. Ganey,--Ordered, that the By-Law now read `a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and szgned" andseuled bylhe Warden. n mnnn at M. 'F.:....I..I.. ..__-_.:-J u.uu-uuuucu U Inc vvuruen. On motion of Mr. Trimble, seconded by Mr. Coulaon; _- Ordered, that a Special Committee of ve be named by the Warden to take into consider).- tion the purport of the petitions from the inhabitants of Sorth 0rillia,' and report the same to` this Council during the present session. This Wnrllnh manual l\.I___.._ ""--3 H` ` unv ynuauub oDlUll. V The Warden named Messrs.Trimb,le, Lennox, Ooulson, Morrow and]Wi|sou to be such Committee. nu .....o.'.....- -1` mt.. n---, - - - -luv, \__IIlllll-QUU Iv! lu'IA1UllllIlUl'I|_-IOII. 3 . .~R9:poz&_:No.- liot Astandmgveomnit-` tge on Punting ptanented gust mad. Om . noI...l_...l -. uusp. On motion of Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Hand,-Ordered, that the By- Law now read a second time be read a third time. - ' ` (I... .......`_.. ,1 Mi '1: uuuv Luau u lllul. l1llH`.'o ' On motion of Mr. Small, seconded by Mr. Fisher,--Ordered, that the [Re- port now read be adopted,and that the By-Law now tend 9. first time be read a second time; By-Law read a second ` limo. ' n.. ._.-.:'... at It I`- ..uuv-pun U: 1.1. Lxnug. On motion of Mr. Stoddarnseoondedtv by Mr. Fisher,--Ordered, that the several documents now before the Council be referredto their respective Committees. ` Report No. 1 cf Standing Cnmmittee h on Education wxth accompanying By- Law, `presented and read, and By- Law read a first time. (\n ......o.'... -1 Mr, 1-. The Warden .presonted- the follow- ing documents, which wexe read, viz; ; Petitxon of Wm. Olmbne and othem, by Mr. Trimble; Hemy Letman and 4 others, by. Mr. Trimble ,; Patrick Sberi- I dun and others, by Mr.."I`rimble ; Com- j munication of Mr. .McConkey, enolos- 1 ing petition of F. C. Capreol, Esq.; 1 Account of N. King. - t ,' ()n mntinn nf I`/I : ,Q0n.1.l;...c ..---.-JA-1 wt :1 yflvdlh xI'\nuI'1 --i"eb. 4:12, 1374. The Council met according to ad-V journment. ` TL. 157...}... _..__-..L,,I .1 I -- uuu uuuuux lU Uu uuuu uommluee. On motion of Mr. Stevenson, second- ed by Mr. Trimb!e,--Ordered, that the Council do now adjourn until ten o cloak tomorrow morning. On motion of Mr. Stevenson, second- ed by Mr. Bird,-0rdered, that a Com- mittee of ve be named by the Ward- en to take in consideration: the com- munication of Richard Corbett, and report to this Council at the present session. "The Warden named Messrs. Stevenson`, Ham me}, Patton, Stoddart, and Connor to be such Committee. nn m.-..'.-... -5 M. Q'.........-.._ -----: e vu my name uunng me present gesgion. Moved by Mr. McDermott, second- ed by Mr. Connor,-Ordered, that the County Surveyor be instructed to go out.at his earliest convenience and ascertain that pomon cf the boundary line between the townships of Tecum- Beth and Adjala, opposxte lots 25, 26, 4 27, and 28 of the said township of 1 Adjala, and_:_nark, the place with posts ; or monuments as he may think t.- Lost. M 1 :1: A. -vuureutvll uauuuuu I(_l noun W08!- ern Railway, be a Committee to take into consideration those nancial ar rangements in which they are directly, _- concerned, whereby the Treasurer can meet ' their respective engagements without detriment to the County ; an that the Committee confer with the Treasurer on the subject, and report on` the same during the present session. I Moved be Mr. Malian-nnn .-.....: I ( 30 van ; alumna` pm-uuwu Ill` (U80. ' 30 gu'otiogj9t` Mn Sutherland, u- . -by Mr. Carruthcrs,--'Ordered, that _aU uvulu uunng ms Lertl 0! 011166. On motion of Mr. Little, seconded the members from those municipalities` who are directly interested in the con. ; tomplated Hamilton and North West?` Qfll Rnihunu ha :3 (Va-n.-.he.... In A-|-A Hamillpn and North Westurniailwai. Board during his tru of office. nh fnnlinn Al` |\.'! -' Thu. -----1-1 8. _Whole No. 1122. Rule 4-3 be suspended for that ~ Clerk be ......5.; uvux ma uouawaaaga River on the Townline between Essa and Teournaeth, provided the said munici- palities grant a`aimilar au'm,_and that [ purpose,` AOn motion ot Mr. Littl_e,naoonded by Mr. Hogg,--.Ordered, that the instructed to communicate with the Secretary of the Attorney- ; Qeneral a department, Toronto,requeat- * ing information as to the time when the amount apportioned to this county from the Munici zal Loan Fund, will beavailable for iatribntion amongst our local municipalities. On motion nfM- 12..--.. ----- ~ vul IUUII xuuuwipallttel. ' On motion of Mr. Regamaeeonded by Mr. Sutherle.nd,--Ordered, that the Committee on Ruedsind Bridges do take into consideration the advisability of granting the sum of 84-00 to assist f in repairing thut portiqn of the Bridge ` Rood, in the tewnahi p of South Orillisi, 3 which was waahed qwgy by the water of Lakes Oonehiehing and Simeoe laat seeeon, on condition that the corpora rations of Orillia village and township grant a like sIm._ g1\_I_oI-u Lbllflllup W tend, On motion 0! Mr." Cameron, uoonded . hy"Mr.'M,oDonnid,+Ordotod, that the , Reportpf J. C; Morgan; .,` Inepao- . ftorof School: for the `North iding, be` rofo_rtoc[:to {ho Oommttoo on Educa- ; moi ` V ' . A On motion of Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr, Fitzgerald,-Ordered, that the Committee on Road: and Bridge: the imtructed to consider the propriety 01 ' recommending: grant_of050Q towards the erection of a bridge across the River Wye, at or near 6 e Old Fort, provided the township` of l`ny:n'ppro. pretee 1 Into cum, endure: Rule gab. uuepended for thet purpose. e . ~ zv_:n me*` ' _ The[Warden. preeentodnho Report of , the ,r`[n.Ig_ector. of; School: for the North `E16, ? ...wh.i9,Ig-wh- road. ' ct ~:t)n[nonn'nI'-II`: ------- --I~"` ` I T lgiport _No. 2 of Standing Comamoo - op u9mov,"prdIontod and ma. ,, __...... ....y-` on. uu uuguuuuvo. On motion 03 Mr. Stevenson, sec- onded hy Mr. Phelps,--0rdered, that the account of D. Crew be referred to the Printing Committee, and that rule of order No. 43 be suspended lor that purpose. - _ On motion of Mr. Lennox, seconded by Mr. F1sher,--.Qrd.ered, that the Committee on Roads and Bridges do take into eonsideration the advisability of grantidg $300 to assist in building a bridge over the Nottawesaga River Townlina hamm... V~-- -..r T dart-l 8. _ VI IIUU:`I Nays --Messrs. Bird, Camoron, Car- ruthers, Dunn, Fisher, Gallaughor, Hunter, Ihmnnell, Hand, Hogg, Johnf ston, Litt1'i,_LeIxnox, McDermid, Mc- Dermott,McAllister, Morrow and Stod- :- la: -1.! G0 On 9. point of order being raxsed as to whether l'u:a previous question was `proper to be man when there were amendments to `be main motion, the Warden wled in. 'he airmativo. On mntinn M M. ,Qo-..-..--.- V musar, LA-uzgeraw, Ganey, Jackson, Lean: !0!aLahis.aonniere, Lohus, McGirr, Phelps, Regan, Steak, Stevenson; Sutherland, Trueman, Tnmble and Wilsou--22. ` `KY--- 1:, -- - -- vv unvn wan uuruuu. V Yeas.--Messrs." Bird, Burgess. Con- ` nor, Clarke, Coulson, Darby, Elder, ' g, Fraser, Fitzgerald, Gaffney, Jackson, Leadley, Labissonniere, Lof- tus, Morrow, McGirr, Phelps, Regan, Steele, Stevenson, Sutherland, True- F man, Trimhle and Wilson-25. Navs.-Messrs. Cameron, Carruth- ers, Dunn, Fisher, Gallaugher, Hunter, Hammell, Hand, Hogg, Johnston, Lit- tle, Lennox, McDermid, McDerrnott, 3. McAllister, and Stoddart-1Q. V The original motion was then put and carried. Yeas.--Messrs. Burgess, Connor, Clarke, Coulson, Darby, Elder, Ewing, Fraser, Fitzgerald, Gaffney, Learilev.Lahisnnnniam I.n`IuL M..r!:.... vlul aw IMUVCU I-IIU Previous The Warden then put the motion, that the main question be now put, which was oamed n vans ll/I ____ __ 1\- u - y uluwl IIIIUII. . On motion in amendment to the ~ amendment, by Mr. Little, seconded - by Mr. Carrutherse-Ordered, that the - Report of the Standing Committee on * Roads and Bridges now read he not adopted, but that the Committee be I instructed to bring in a general mea- sure reporting what they intend to give the Roads and Bridges throughout the County, and to what extent our nances can bear, and what system to be pursued. ` At this stage of the proceedings Mr. Clarke moved the previous question. Warden than nut :1... nnnH-- usuu UU uuupteu. On motiqn m amendment by Mr. Stoddart, seconded by Mr. Hogz,-- V Ozdered, that the Report now read be not adopted, but that it be referred back to the Committee to: further con- slderetion. On mot?on of Mr. Clarke, seconded by Mr. Phelps;-That the Report now read be adapted. nn rnnnn n-. ..........I.._-.,: I -- I vuuo On motion of Mr. Morrow, seconded by Mr. 'I'rimble,-'I'hat the Report now read be adopted. Rennrl: Nn 9 at 91.- u.....,1.--,_ r-M, u_vW Iuuu no uuopled. , Report No. 2 of the Standing Com- mmee on Fmanee and Assessment, presented and read. n -n..o:.... -1 an -p.._. - til UBO ll lull Ina X680. On motion of Mr. Little, seconded by Mr. Fro.ser,--Ordered. that the Report now read he adopted. te Febn I87~o The Counci met pursuant to ad ` jourmnent. ` V. - The Warden presented the foowing i documents, which were read, viz:-- Report! 0! Cfv Qllrflnunr A Unwin- uuuuuluuls, wmcn read, viz:-- Repous County Sunkoyor, catering several Caunly Accounta, and fnve'nt- orv of County Property in Gaol and Court House, and account of D. Crow. On motion nnu. u......... --_-.__._ . . M BEE. tor" " ...... 01-? uqpuu now read be adopted.- On motion OIVMI. Stevenson, so condod by Mr. Carruthers,--Ordered, ' that the Council do now adjourn unul ten o o'l,ook to-monow morning. .-an-n ,___j... .._....... conded iahy Mr. McAT-ii;;;er,--Or;lied,. that tn; Report now read he adopted Of Mr. Slevnnnnn on And 8900 if not paid in advance. I1 I10 uuupte 0 of Srandmg Commit- md -Bxirlges, presented .-....... -.--u uv Iuuvu---lJu . Previous to the above vote lnin; taken four numbers rote andiikdd that the mama to lie on the table in ac- cordance with rule 45, but wag ruled out of order by the Warden. nu _Jus'r Warren 1'0 lfznow.-On the evening train ft-om Albdny, recently, was a. women boon for Weeteld, who pexsieted in rque ting the nible conductor to inform her when Chester was reached. _E_very`time when the eondaetor passed through the car, he Wll greeted with, -Please tell `me when we get to Chester." Ceugteoue nan though he wae,even hie .pe,tie_nee V was quite exhausted, and he jyolitely ' gnintliu lilo!) iequeetedt the unfortunate to" le` to --__r-as-w Us A ` 1', Guaey, Huntenogg, Hand, Jae kaon, Johnston, Lendley, Litlle,L3 Bisionniera, Lonuox, Loftun, McDermid, McAllister, Morrow, Mc- Girr, Phelps, Patton, Regen, Ran- dolph`, Steele, Stevenson and Trinble. ...30. ! N:A'Y5.--MCSUII. Burgess, Connm`, Elder, Ewing. Fitzgerdd, Hammel; MoDarmott. Sutherland. Sloddut, Trueman and WIIlson.--12. DDQlI:A\ni-- -- AL - --.--.5 vv vuu GIIICIIUUUO The motion as amended) Commit tee of the VVhola was then put and adopted. v-.- -- -- - un_ unu uuunurn IXBIIWBY The Council went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Steele in the Chair. ' ._,VvVV....-_.vV.\/ - nsgo LESSONS."-mop. '. *M`_ _L. C.;LfSSE. Pmnist and ' 'O1='gI'h iat,` begs tointimua lhlt he. 1,," ``fparMe.(!vIQ, in inurncllona at uuu uuuu xviuu. On motion of Mr. Phelps, seconded by Mr. Stoddurt.-Orderd, that the Council do now go into Committee of the Whole for the purpose of consider- ing the propriety of adopting the mo- uon of the Realm ..tnnn;............: ...... I-15 -no Vuvllllty `OI Raopung H10 _0f Reeve of Uollingwood con- """8 `he stock held by this County in_ the Northern Railway. The Council mam} .`..4.-. r0..m...:u-.. Uommiuee of the Whole rose and reported the motion of the Reeve of Collingwoud amended. 'FL.. .....A=- ` " ' u-nu uuuuuut. 10! N18 88316 PUIPOIG. V Moved by Mr. Hogg, seconded by Mr. Hand, That the Finance Commit- tee be instructed to confer with the Corporation of the City of Toronto, the Northern Railway Company, or any other person or persons as may be deemed necessary, as to the best mode of dealing with the stock held by this county in the Northern Railway Company. Said Company to have full. PJWPT to close such agreements as may be madein a way most advan- . tageotts to the county; and under no circumstances to relinquish the right of this county to a Director at the Railway Board ; the Committee to re- port the result of their adjournment at the June S$ion. On mntinn M M. `DL..i..- -----J-J `cu. um, LUIQ. On motion of Mr. Coulson, seconded by Hi`. SutherIand.--Ordered, that the Committee on Roads and Bridges be instructed to take into consideration the propriety of granting the sum of $200 for -the purpose of erecting a. bridge across the North River on the Goldwater road, near the Town-lme between the townships of Medente add North Orillia, on the out half at lot 3, concession 14 of Madame, provided the township of Medcnte do grant the like amount for the bv Mr. I-Inna .p.......1-.3 1... vuuaulu Moved by Mr. Hogg. aecondod by Mr.Slodinrt, Thafthe Council do now adjonrn.-Lost. On motion of Mr. Fisher, seconded by Mr. McDermott--Otdemd, that the Council do now adjourn until 10 o'clock to-marrow morning.-Carried. run \/ULIUUI In Mr. Cumberland came within the `Council Chamber and delivered a. very eloquent and insructivo speech taint- .ive to the Northem Railway of -. nuounau o--R1. _ Nue..-...Vleure. Bird, Burgess, Con- nor, Clarke. Carruthera, Darby, Elder, Ewing, Fraser, Ga'ney.Hunter, Ham- mell, Hand, Hogg, Jackson. Johnston.` Leadley, La Bieormiere, Loftus, Mc- Dermid, Mcmlieter, Morrow, Moirr, Phelps. , Regan, Randolph, Small, Steele. Stevenson-, Trimble and Wil- '80n.-32. On motion" of Mr. Hogg,'seconded by `Mr. Carruthers,-Ordered, that F. W. Cumberland, Esq., M. P. P.. Managing Director of the Northern Railway be now requested to address the Council. `II- (1---ul ' ` nu tuu uuuwny llolu--L103`. Yus. - Messrs. Ooulson, Dunn, Fisher. Fitzgerald, Gallangher, Mo~ Dormott, Su!hexlnnd,[Stoddan and Trueman.--9. M.-- In -~ - - uuu lull! n Moved by Mr. Stoddnrt. saoondod by Mr. Coulson, that the Warden do name a Committee ofdve to wait upon the Attorney-General with I View to urge the repeal of the grouping clause: in the Railway Act.--Lost. v.-i..i_u---.- n...-.n (E V JLLER 1: THOMSON, Oivil Engineers, 3' P:ovinciaI Land Surveyors, A:'.zl1icta,&c. L in--New Brick Block, Store, Dnnlop Street, B -trio. > ' , L1 .w.uo: G.;vu.:.su, A. Gmnonn Taouson, C.E.. P.L.vS. C.E..P.L.S. unu olululllllu On motion of Mr. Gnlluttgher, .soc- onded by Mr. Stoddart, - Ordered, that the Standing Commnttee on Roads and Bridges be instructed to take mto consideration the propriety ol granting the sum of $200 to ail and assist in vbuiidingn bridge over Pine River, on the county line of Grey and Simone. oppositg lo: 1:! of the township 0! Mul-4 mur, provided that the townships of -Mulmur and 'Me|ancthongrnntuim- iiur sum. `._>_,_. I 1- - um suvuumu uclwoen mo township: of Ora` and Medonte, provnded that each of thehforesaid Townships given like amount. V_. ____ as up .. .. On motion` of Mr Couhon, seconded by Mr 'l`rimble,---Ordetod, that the Committoa on Road: and Bridges take into conaxdergtion the propriety of granting 0100 for the purpose of build- ing 9. Bridge across the North River, on the Townlino between the townships Oro and Madonna. nrnvnh-A 0...: IV IIIUII-"-3 Nnrs-.Me;t an. Cameron, Cartuthers, Hunter, Hnnd, Hog! MoDermid, Mo- Allister.- [\_ __7,g__.,phn an \ - - rvan uvw IUII-I DU IUD ICU. Yns--Meme. 3&3: Butgeee, Con- ner, Clarke, Oonlson, Dunn, Duby, Elder, Ewing, Fisher, Fraser. Fitzger- ald, Gaffney, Galleugher, Henmel, Jackson, Johnston, Lendley, La Bison- niere, Loue, l9leDermott, Morrow, Mo.}irr, Phelps, Patton, Regen, Ren- dqlph, . Small, Steele, Stevenson, Sutherland. Truemen, Trimble Ind Wileon.-34. \1...._ II In - v IIIIH ltlllo On motion or Mr. Littlonoooldod by M;-. Wilson,-.-Ordered, tho: the Report now rend be adopted. Report No. 2 of Standing Committee on Road: and Budget pruontod und. road. On diction of Mr. Cluko, uoopded by Ml . Regan,--_Ordorod, that Chg Ro- port now mad he 3:331:06. n YT `IA DJ-max `D y un motion of `Mr. Bmo'll,`oo'oonilod` ` by Mr. Fiahor,--Ordorod, that tho Ro- . port now read by sdoptod. . Benon No. `I M mnmn..- n-.. , FUJI uuw (BIG D_O adopted`. - Report No. 1 of Standing Com. [mittee on County Property, presented and mid. ' I I f`_ ___,3_, .1 in nu,- ,' ..__ .-g-\n\-no Gantinued in our. next. `&"\ J. L. Gr MOOARTHX has removed his 1. `riee to his new residence on the West side of John Street, immediately opposite .\1r. Geo. B.2.'s planing and sash factory. Dr. 15100., has ; ucancy font student. . 44~7l -------~::.-an-Z motion of Mr. Small, '. Finhnr _l'\ul-.-.I .L_. rland.--Ordered, an 'of nmnnn IL- -..... -1 -Feb. em, 1874. r!....v... , ' ryj u. u'.o..a.a" ml oh. I: _ ary ulnar purppae I _ I _you_ do the reduced terms of the_ CANADA FL.:..mmsT Buxnoma AND Sums Soourrv, w.`!1`rh has made more loans to Farmers during` `lb `as: \7 years than any _other, afford greater f`.I'l':.C.`B and advantages than those of any or.` r.: Company in the Dominion. '1 I`H1GREa'I* vmm: nun Inn nnnn unn-N. . nun vu ISVPAL, which ,2 ey say -1 be! ta 7 faced el- ' Inn in ' V. .. vvu-puAAJ lu ULIV L/ununuvuu 1 rsumanyr vmcs. mun non noon uonrumzs. Fur further information apply to J. H}'<`.RRR.T(. I` NIARVTWNT, WELLS,-Graduate 'l`oron'to Un`versit;. Member College Physicians and Surgeons, U~1!.-01Hce-Over Wells Bros Drug Store, onposite Ba.rr_ie Hotel, Hotel, Dunlap street. 38` _ ~. \\\\ Vs xxsss.-\~.\'~\s~s\~\\\\.\\'\\r\-\\. \. s\\.'\\ 13.5 HAMILTON & McCONKE`Y,-Resi- . . c-.nce--Collier street, Barrie, Ont. Air: ruuuxrnx. ` -r n.u nnmrn-v. t - Buonxvnu, cu nuuun van 1151', `. . (successor to J. 0. Moausland), Will bein Oollingwood on the lat and 2nd; Orlllla mm, mm and 18th. Hilladale 26111, and S1avnet,onihe last. day of each month. All oth.=r days he can be found in his_ oice, .on Comer Street, opposite the Post Ufco, Barrie. Saecial attention given to filling east!) with gold. Sets of beautiful Teeth `at $16. A good cp_oning4 for a student. ' U I ! _ Y -:ll 1...!) .11 .....A2 _ - _ . - _ _ _ -21.`- .D..... I01 I SUlG8DI- ` NJ! -I will hold all parties res onaiblo `for: the amount of money paid t'o J 0. oonuslnnd` fur work, he being bound by an obligation'fdr`a I 1.-go amount of money, not !o"do'any work in H nth Simcoe, sin, or Innial for the next vo yeou . Extra c agu mao_ie'/r pro ecaionafpiaits. 5 3; ~ 0 . BOSANKO. `(NXHA PE &1ANEN'[` BUILDING ANT) 1 SAVINGSVSOOIETY. ` h!L.) Onwl -MASONIC HALL, TORONTO. XIAPITAL. 1 500 000. 10 Farmexs an - `andownars! D. You Want to Barrow Money '10 L.:y more kind for yourself or for you; sons? To bu!ld,a house or barn? To fence,- clear, 'nMot'irain, or otherwise improve your land? 'i w pay otfa Mortgage or other debts? Or for My other purpose? I arm (in tho rmim-ad Oar-ma at Hm (`sultan -I` I I -~ V-~/x,-xx '\z\(`./`gr\/\/\/'\r/~ \ x. Y .,-\ \I`__V' } ARIES EDWA RDS, (Lute Deputy Regxstrar) N . Conve_yaner.&c., agentforv the RaynlVIn~ 31. nnee Compa.ny,_ax:d the Accident Insurance l7<:n2p1n_Y. -@tca--Pant Ofce building, `at-rie ALAXANDER MORROW, agnt~f;r uh} Pl'0Villcid`155\la8DC3 L3`onpany,`!he Queen I-'12 on1Li1'e, the Phoenix, the Isolated. and `;l Lmcashire Insurance Companies.-- Ofce .4: v Brick Black. over Rgws:nn n Rim-o ass `lb )NEY TO LFEED on approved freal.old so-- writy, 9nd at niodorate In`.er'est.--Ap- 1-X_y".o ARDAGH 8 `STRATHY, Solicitors, Bunnie. . ' ' 1-8 puuwwu uy-no nu |llUHECll0r- Ulc and gave: one door last of _I`anher s Hots`, 3|-rig. . ' ` ~ ~ < 45-I] I T 6'.-5%`I1I9%i fe 4 - " g ` `I.'ESSO_NS.'-PROF; _ _ ; `__..'|..,.. `and - 'Qg"qnIs=t_,`heg,I to_i:1.t.hnI_Iva,V-119% . ' . ivainI.tr3I!Ln9:L.t L3` ". . - H bnMt',V h_iIggn:|:ggi-, yxy ._u Bu rue. - .-\'/\r'\/~/\/\I\/f\. /\ ~./`x/`/`-`~.`\/\/\ \/\/\.f\a I`! (`KEY TO LEND.-Apply to JAMES ED- . . WARDS, Royal Inim-once Oice; Barrie. CU NT & LOUNT, Barristers, Attorneys at-. J. law, Solicntors ju Chancery, &c.--Olce- -mlop Street, Barrie. Successors to the late 15 -32 Boulton Lount, Boys,& Stewnrt. _ W L-can-. , G. `W. Loam`. -, :...___....._._._'_.___.. - ,".. S ROBINSON, Orillia Solicitor in Chan- ! .' nary, Attorney-at Law,`Oonveya.ncer, Oom- r...=s'1-.ner In B.R., &:c. Hair and` Dcviaee Claims pr;se:uted,Agent for Canada Landed Credit Uuno'a.ny for loaningl money on Real Estate. C`f"l"lCI'.'~ Next Frank Kean`: Ston. ` 848 _. . __..~._. .._........... _ ~~ \_[| ' ----n For pa:-if ing the Bloodfleanslng sud giving Vigor to 1 e who!e`Huma.n System, nothing can approach ` GEORGEN S'.C0_ EXT. OF` 3nt3r'o'3' 3331 gt; .`I&;n"i`'1'e"nc_:s'.'tu7o` 33}u"'vr'e'a'E of the: trio lloundty Qolllarttiot, Barrio. o, lioyqnpbo; 10$, ml. 45-g:_ us hem e vrordagf .ondon. f AV nnanrll I-|.I.A_ IN 0 PILLS. vs.-ranted to be benecial in all cases. Call at the G. G. G. oice in McConkey a New Bpziding over the Bank of Commerce where one thousand certicates could be nhovyn, pr6v- ing theirhicncy. ` ` Snrglprilli. in large bottles, 31.00. Piili, 25.` ill all thn nrlln lm-an approach S'.C0. EXT. OF ,ARSAPARl.|.l.A AND "PILLS. rented bengcigl iualyl gt r.. at .1 :- unrgpprxxlu in large 1 Sold all the Drug Stores, Barrie, April 17, 1872. ' . ' ...___._.._._.____..__* tdrneys, Solicitot-a,in_ Ohanoery. Notaries .b`.Io, Oonveysnoara, Barrie, Oo Simcoe, Ont. w._ 3, moms, 1!. n. a'mArny _> %_ viunun s am.A'I.'1x. Harristertnnd At- r WUMAS T. A BOYS, Buristor, Auomey, Solicitor in Chsucery, Commissioner kc. --' -thee over Harrison: store, South side Duolop Sta: 1,Ba.r io. _ ' 1190 {I uuwum W. uM.;b,A'l'TOBNEY-AT-LAW J. Solicitor.-iu,- Ohaucery,` ,Oonveyaucer, N.tAry Pubc, lac. - ` 0"` :e--Owen Street, Barrie, Ont. 1; _ V , , _____._._.___. IHGAR B. SANDERS, Attorney vat-law. Soli- `1 citol in Chancery, Oonveyancer. Commis- 31 -nor in (LR, &c., `Stayner, O0. Simcoe; 900 TZTTl "J , ......-...... vvv I IHOMAS T. A BOYS, Buristor, olicitor Chancery, Commissioner to. nu usrux C Isuxa, LHAHTE MOCARTHY M & |loCa.rthy,] Barristers and Attornoys, Snlicitors-in Chuncqry, Notaries Public and Uonveyaneers. _ Dunlap street, Barrie. 1 D .'u.1'ou M00431-ax, Q.C. Wu. Born, L.L.8. . . -_ ania, Jam! 1862. . \ III II?` East-bl;-g s allure`: u Iuuusulre 1Il8Ul'ELlC8 uompa,mes.-- umce Brick Block, over Ra.wson a Store 955 J. : ` F ` 4 . pu lished Week1y,in the` Town of Barrie, en.-ry `Tnnssnsr morning`, containing the ' arreet news of--the,-day, and all mnttats Dennining to the airalrsofthe Qmznty. Price $1 in advance :.r.$2.00 ifnotpaid at "the ine of subscription, ' A arsansmo.-Six lines or `under, firs ti nsertion 59o;eec3. subsequent one line. Overslx ines, 8 ,'.er,line,rat insertion; each sub- aeqnentone 2: Professional or Business Gsrds $4 perycnr $3 forsix months, if n itmore than ten lines. Special contrscts sen be made by"Je_ year, or per s ofn rear. Ordetz to Ciscontinue A ertise-_ in its tobe rnadeinwriting. _ V y ` '` tper discontinued until Van arresragel re paid, except st the option of the publish- or. ` _ itlll, Booxanmxo and Ronnie done _on the premises. The facilities oi`-the Estahljh. meat on inorenomplete than any one: North of Toronto, huving been carefully Itted out in every particular. ` - Uawnnsnieetions should `be addressed to the . Publisher, post-paid. - ` _ ' n. DEW - - ]-{W \ANCIS W. LALLY,A'I"I`ORNEY-AT-LA S0licit0l'- * in .- Ohancerv.` Cnnvnvnnnmv 'T:1EA'r MEDICAL DISCOVERY.` J _. NDAGH 3 Sl`RA'l"iY. Barristertand tornevs. Solicitors in Ohm-mm-u u,,.....:... a: Jr ,Povi:{ciA1 Land Surveyur, Val` er, &c., B -rrie. __`_;(f;:._:......__...._._._..___ ____... .-_. _._ mehiral irofcssion. , %!n5uruuccT Notices; I xxvsam AA/\ 00 ABTHY & BOYS 1' ATE M |loCsrthy.1 Barrfsitee:-a" and AC:3.?:.E.Y Of to E 5:25 Ewe with H lhpnud mu ru-uuNu.-Apply JAMES R..O()'l"l`ER, Oonnty_ Crown Attorney, Barrister. 'c-, Barrie. 41 [HE 17oR1`H_ER:-. Apvmcs ?5l1"D 1_mr 5 Qlatb. gvxuusu, A. 0.141., P.L.~S. ` Ecgal Quartz; r\/\/\/\/\r\/\/x/\_z\r\;-`A - %0SANKO, SURG EON `DENTIST, (successor In J. G. Mnmulanrh. .1. ur.m5Mc'r MADUN, Secretary 5; Treasurer, Toronto, ' A. MORROW. . . ' ' BAILg,VETERlN`ARY`SUR. , _ Innnnannr On TI 11 Luuu apply to J. HERBERT BIASCN, Crclaru & Trcmmrer, T.)rm uury q xruuxurer, lJ7'01ll0, MORROW, - _.dm;raiser. 4:: Barrie mu-u., van. 1'. c.x commY, V u.n.. n.n.c.s. my 1 aoxaon, C.E. PL newnfl. usunlvo J. n. In 1'1 W Pnnnunln. 16-`ly w nuns, 2-66 Czmv 20;`: pxodIe- ding El '1 poeion.-; Canada, bo`esnle ` 5 `*-an-,

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