`VVVe will take possession 15C Oct] 37% mm E} T-:I . '4'[I')on t; forget the R. C. Pic-nic next \Ve(lnos - ' Thorae who want good bargains,` either for ` gmcenies or provisions, :should.get'them at Huntm-`s Canton '1!` Store. _ - _ `HE UONFESSIONV OF AN IN- VAL[D,~PUm.(snmu AS A WARNING and for the benet of _`!ou:m Max um orusns who suffer from NERVOUS DEi3lLI'[`Y', LOSS OF` MAN- HOOD, ev.c., supplying tha means 0! self-cure. Written by one who cared himself after under- going considerable quackery, and sent free of chdrge, . QnW.~,vnz'~z Am invited to address (nrepaying charge, . Sulfezers are iavilodxo (prapaying postage) the author, . ' NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, 25 3m, 3:. Anus; Bout de 1 me. 4` WAS Imn SEVERAI.-YEARS SUFFER- , `INC from Cough, Expectorati an and Ni-' ht Sweats, attondecl with extreme nervnus am: physical prostration. My body was grcuy amnoiamd, and the general impressiunwas that I had not long to live. [began taking Du WHEEL}.iF. S C'J,`.IPOUND ELIXIP. 0!?` PROS-. l i{A i'E1$ ARI) SANS.-|.`Y.v'1 , and improvement took place irnm5rli:2.?.oly' I gaiud in weight and strength My Cough and my `Night Swens d's-xppoared, and I n_m now in the enjoyment of exmllent health. Many of my mend: to whom I have 1-zommended the Elixir have ex- perienced equally rcrnsirkabl results. W. W, F.yumm.\ . As a Family Medicine, it is well and favour- ably known, relieving thousaqda from pain in `.1 ! X` -' ' 8.316, Baclczxnd Hoiad,CozI.gh`s, Cnhl.-z, Sore 1:'z'roal, S`prui-'z:=, Bram.-, Cramps in the'Slomac!1, CIIG1efG.; WOI'bll$, Dyncntex, Bowel Com-' plumts, Bums, Scalds,Fr9s Rites, 5-c. Tm: U.`._2{ADXA2.?AU Dem-novm has now been before the public for a length o.'_time, and wherever used is sveii. like-J,ueverfaili:1g in 3` aiznqlr.-`.m1::=.x1ce to give pan--ssancm relief when jinfolv usual. ind we l:a='e_n-aver nuown :1 single case of glissznizgfzsction, vflmra the directions t-we been properly followell, but on the con- tuuy all are dehglztod with its operations, and sneak in the highest terms of its vlrtucs and - rnuginl c'_Fects - W ccinnlc from exam -xencr: in the matter. hzwt -LLILJ Jt`.l .. --._. _, - - I ` . U . . 1 . Has ,commcucml oper:\t.1ons. Lncms Seth ` ]_"Iu'l1'til1g4] n the thoughtful and pro- ,f6un(], with solemn In,-avyu` face, and . cys cast on the gt-ou`u'd, A gl nbt appear as wasnot unexpected. ~,Sou'1e xvitnesrses wqre. examined, on oath, by Whom wh_at ` 1333 already` t1*aus1>in'ergz,'r10t _ added to, 'except.in some instan . ,\s`l1icln were in _. fm',o1' 0f't.hc GOV(`l'lllnI`]1t..> Vfc have not > Space to pa1'ticul:11-i'.e this Week, but aux`?! _,_u_- 1- __; ..,......m,.!; n"h;-int! .-`H10 f0 f_(;_'..: mngxcm cuecns - - V We speak from experience matter. hzwt ug tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those wlm are antferinx; from any of the complaints for which i:`.`.~1 recommended, may depend upon it being a. Sn".rareip;u Remedy. ` Tim a.atnni: efticacv oflheCnn9;dinn Pain at being rmverexgu uemeuy. T119 astonishing efticacy of the Canadian Dean-uyor in curing the diseases. for which it is recommended, anciita wonderful effects in sub- dumg the _ tormrous pains of libeumatism, and in relieving Nervnus Afections, entitle it to` high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are domingiu from bicviicin-3 Deniers, in all pane V of the country, for further supphoe, and each teztifvina as lathe universal satisfaction it a ' 6 . . g1v_eo. ' . _ V ` - The Canadian Peta Desi:-over never faiia to wee. g The Canadian Destroyer to give immedis{*.e're1ief. All Medicine Deniers kaeip i*.A,: Phy`siv:io.ua order and use it; and no f-.:m}1y_v_7iiX be 'wiho\'1`. it after tryug it. Pi-in;-. null? '1`mm:`v-ve Gents new home. 1'-.:miL_7,V_?m De wmwu: H. nner xryzlg u. Price. only Twsnty-ve par 301:1 xu Barrie by Jnhu Woods, J. `P. Kidd, Watson 51 Go. and `.Vc.-115` Brus., Bradford, by J. . Deacon, -Cn:i-gba1zat, Grcv-cu Bzobhcx-re, and by all Medicine Dealers. saw {ma smssv .5433 um? PEi<.I9010AL% PILLS. `cm: or an muse pumnu anuuungcrouzs unacasee howiiich xhotamule czmslituiiun is subject`. It `modui-ulcu nllcxcesr, and ra:n-wasallubsuuctious rind a speedy cure mm! bcmelicd on. ' T0 IIARRIED LADIES Eli IlI$l\L`JlJ Lltllljlhii . lit iapeculiarlysuiled. It will, in ms}-.or_l lune hung. on Lhumumhly priod with regularity. Tlgme P.-ilaahoulzl.-wtbe1m1usnf;2//`e1r:aZa:rIur- 111-9 I.}:.a F]-I137` AKIREE IWIJNTHS nl 27/L678 ;" s'H8.`i/iC`lll(J .`.f.0l' 081357671 (`:2//C7115-`6JIX`llT' _uig the FII{.S'1` THREE MONTHS 0/ i. Prnmzcncy. (1.: Mail are sure tobrin: an 1'41 :- guzg me :-.(u..) 1' 1nn.L-an HIUJV 111:3 I2] `. Prngrzcnpy, they are tobring an 1'41 :- ::;:r.-'.r'zga,b7:4 at any other L_`mc they are safe. I i.. vll uthm ca.-195 ofNervousam! Sninnl Affm-.- I '._ ZT`.r`. lg'B, . 7(l (!l (`WEST lf-(7 F. -iy lj. L1 all other cm-ms ofNm-vousaml Spinal Alrea- i.)r.s.' 'Painsin1he Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slmht L:xem'on,Pal itatioxrot the Hem-1,Hyslerles 1-..xd \Vl1iles,:hese ills will effect a cure when an otnenneanslnwe failed ; and although a powerful n-:nedy,do {mt contain Iron, 4:alome|,antimony , or a_1yv.l:ing hurtful :_u th: comslitutx-an . ' ' Full (lirentiolzp in 1lw. pamphlet around .ea<-h pnoknge. which should be carefully preserved-. . JOBJKOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. nnnxlnllnr and lwnlvn nn4La.}\nH nnnl: In. anon` Vaspausu bu lull. I.~L\,\uu;..-. .. , , condent mxt-\-.'e<:k ofvbeing ~.-.'nle g?.`.~-. 1`31l"c1'1-Va. repovrt. of the" proceedings as will `show to any one but your otut-andout VvG1'it,_t1mt the Urove.`mn(mt are- more shmed agninxsttlmn siuninv. ' :2: ;u(} V A L1 JUD`AVlU-35 Uh"! IuI\r.,0vuA'4 rxsur:tu'.;`L`u|. Otzedollur and lwclve.and~a~haU coma for pay" ngz,-en'cl-,`-sed to Northrop dz Lyman, Newcastle- ` Om.,zeneml agents for the Dumiu1ou,\-ml mam-._ a home, containing over 50 pxll-, by `return mail. Soldin Barrimbv John Woods: A. V- `Pnhm-r 87. [`-.xi.-'3 iuvaimzblexnezlicine is unfailing in Ihc. .~.m.- u! nlflhcue painful. and dungprdus dnalreses 2.` mhinh xhnfanmle x-r.ns1i:mi.m IS xuxbis-:~I: ll mule, contammg DU pm-, by mail. Sokfin Bar:-*ie,by Woods; A. V. Palmer 6; ('29. Watson 65 o.:WeHs` B:'os.', J Deacomand T. W. Gcorgen, 2- u_t'o_rd; Gwen Ga: Bren, Graig-_ burst. and all zuechcrns dc.r.}en.' 6-to \M ED ICAL _E_C;LECTR1CITY 1! LANADIAN PA1N DEs'm0YEf{. Again vinta Barr1e,5ni fad} be consuhed 2.1. the |QUEEys HGTELI ` MEDICAL micrnlclnn '3; 'bR0;ES86R. hr -- GALVAHISE, . -. All Chronic Diaautes having resisled the usual medical treatment, treated and cn_ri:d ;I sralysis, Chores, Deafness, Nsuralgin, Sci8_t?:a.Rheumu- mm, and Serous Effusions, ~Dyuw;>-;si.~., Ocu- |tipation,.Flngulency, lricture of tin`-`Urethra, Spermatorhcm [sminal W eakneas],'H__7drocaIc, `Emenorhaas, Liver Complaints, a_l_l_ Con- qnmption in its en;-V1-y sgages, 89., kc. 36 During a recent tour througha part of - thisRidiug. we found Lhut; men's xnim`:_s' Iwem p1'0t.Ly nnu.-11 occupied with p..v`xi1ic.s3 9 and thoqucstion of who wn.~;'tl1e com- ing inu_n was pretty freely cm1va.esed_ Three of the I-o P.n't;y were Iniuncal _: amongst those` we met three to onefwere in favb'1' of l\Ir. D Alton Md- Ca.rth_v. ' ' I ' V -, `AL. 1\.r%...+1.u u nnn-' IEMPOMBM. The subscriber having purchased the entire liatate of~W. R. Grab -In, begs to intimate that gho, gtock. which in In a sud well assorted, togathcmmh slugs awe of Boots And Shoes. grill be $910, auhe loiut cash price. ' All'n l'ln`nn . inafata i.n`m mid nntntn mu Qn wm no soul as me mum. can pnce. AH persona . .n-Je`6ted tolhe said estate, or to Iuhlcriber by now? of hand or book acooum an rqueated~-to ,cn_l1'and settle the same, otherwise an Lwhole _mnzt,' be put in train to: cquection `thou: {uzjthor gotioe. ' V MNQREW GRAHAM. am to THE 15th_I 1\T_S'PANT. New '7\hD_tti25tl112nt. pcciul Names. E. L_S; MEEKING, Toronio, [late zffinndon, Englsnrh] .110 woulclif there were unanixnity int . ~ _t1;e' Party. dence, and czumot te1l'W1`:_ he will ucept the noxninntionjof the oxggsntiop next we-.:.~k or not. VVo should sti)o Cpnve_-Vntion ; but we apprehend he \`vill . he no i11s-:tmn1nt iu_ the splitting up of L, 1...-.:.m,.,. nl` nnnui:Inrn.1(: DR. VV6(TI)WAR]), m-_-..;- "n , `_ -4- xwuv cure mm! acmemau on. LIARRIED LA!)-IE8 ..I`.....I...-..:a...l In ml :.. n-.L GREAT dnmama sun or rguunor, MAYFAIR, Box 163, Brooklyn, N.Y. Daily, from tho`. AT .n=.m " AHB HaVing vv . maI;'xm.\, V Agent, G. T R. ea p isi-I ` twill of the i:0:1Vt`:1iluil or tlie'inL-Iests of pue 1':1rLy. _ I His private business is of considerable L eonsequcnce to him, mul keeps his liands . -pretty full ; lint if he umlei-tool: tllO_t1tSl( loll the rep1'e.=;e_nt:\tion of In. constituency of the iniportzmce of South Simcoe, there is no donlnt he would throw into his. . public duties the smile energy mid aliility _ as, .it_must be ack_no\vlcdgml, is evidenced `in xcawi-ying on of all: large law practice. done; by the rm hero. , If Mr. MeCzu-thy conssonts to take the ' olizlthere is no cloubt in the world as to ~illS ailcccsss against any Grit that may turn up. Th-3 only thing to be zippro- bended is too ninny ;\s;pii':\.i1t+i, and :1 "split of the party. \Ve \V:H'Il our friends in the South Riding to lmw:u'e of divi- b sions. It will be the policy of our mm. ' mies to introduce the-thin mid of the ' ~ wedge, mid the only ch:1nce of their pro- _(3ll\.l11g Sontl1'Siincov.\. will he by a, division , in the cmnp. Let us rLg.1i11 em-neatly rge that CvI`C(!l{ _1uicy not 1;-met-at C`rreek_ in nu snicixlul -.onl.e.~a`.- in Saul-h Sinicoo. A '`We are 1:i~ctI'_y well :issi1i*u(l that Mr. 1\.'Io(_?_i:'tl_!y will not run c9nnlo1' to tho Sotitli Siiiicne. \`.7e are ul.~*.o_:1s we said before, cert-.iin tlmt in. I electing hinix ;_ South Sfnirroe will l1'.l.\ C one of the most 1 able men in the House ofoAsse1nhly in '_ iO1`1taVrio, and one who will keenly look Xi _ after her interests. ' ~ un.a.. `N V \ \x N _R:E leased'the premises now occu OPPOSITE THE RAIL] ober next. We shall dispose of` V _ prices to save removal. ._- NOTICE is hereby given that thn Council. Of , V the ccrporation of the township of Tiny, in the county olsimcoc.-,.wi1l, if no opposition be offered-thereto, at its fu`-at regular -meuting, to M holdan after the publication of this notice in tour consecutive numbers of the Nonrnxn: Anuxo: newspaper, pubiiabed weekly in the town of Barrie, in snid'count_v. rs: inaerti in in the issue of September 4th. A. D. 1373, proceed to pass a by-law to establish __u line of mad, as surveyed by Peter Burnett, Esq , P. L. S., and disacribad by him as foilowa :-- ` nmmvncina at 3 nnint on the Southerniimil BOA D NQTICE 5-3; | duscribad by him follows Oommvncing at again: on of allowance for road between thirtcenlh and fourteenth conceuxona of Tiny, and distau. easterly from \he, monuments batwcqu lots number: eleven and twelve, fourteen chains and twenty-lhredlinka; thence South twenty- Llzree degrees and ten minutes. East fteen clmins and sixty-seven links; thence South fty-eight degreea,Enst !,hir'.y'chn.ins and thirty- '.'e.linlm toxhc Northcru limit of a mad known us the Vent Road T\.;cI~rihn Hun in Inn nnnlrn AF rrmri width the Vent Road ~ . Described line to be centre of road. width 09' rbad one chain, bearings mngneti-2. `A plan Of the above described mad can be seen BVWC ofrice of the _unduI'3igm.-d. v mnm.ms1nN. - I.`- . _`T`AVYoursbsi_n c_ox.-el'y,.4 7. . _ J _ Jonx 'A._MAC:!!3,0`l'A.l)'. _. Tops; replies in the as'fo11<'>'.ws':-'- _. Tiny. ` M1gu'st I511: 773.. \Wi?i7 % 13mssL-3/iAKxN{+z wmmaasis ggm gnu sew. ....... .._.f..-v -__-_f;--- --r-- "',"x ""`~"' "', '-z-' _1 Lately from E-ng`2'.1d, reqpeotfixlly informs the public of Barrie and vicini-`.y `1131 she: has open- ed out a._`/ ' _____________.-- _._ _....--.u-puwnn |MlJLINERY~@ESS-MAI({N8 E L in 3 %7ii[ 1'? E_ at "`-"-"VF"-.'_-"-" -"'-'_`~ vi 2 doors Wezt of the Wcflihgton Hazel, am! w 111 V rma.-anmn` fn'nml'u. [Yin nmat 'fP..1l1i0!`.abI6 2 doors weal. oi the Wcilmglon tlnlel, am: W guarantee" to'mcke tine most fashionable 'EEEj"i.._a2`+$%,,.-* Of any hiausadn trjwn, and as cheap as the c?2c:.-.pes_L Si-g. R-.niel1 had an ext:-u- aive experience in Edglaxid is prepared to fulfil all orders c-u:rus:-:d;ZI.o be:-,`prompt1y, s'._v1isL-iy, and cheaply. j I ' Ledia. and gentlemen: can be supplied at this ' ostubiialxmgut with very good ' . -__........-_. us A --1-. nu. .._._..-..-.. _. )&}1y0l1 can Uitnxny nu-v -v --.-... .....V ._ ` tins for Montreal west 1%(~ll`]'i&.`s it-, ill consider that ' he ha _a' c`mTiu-s to ` , rly .-.mt_in the Senate. `} his is the object- of his -am`nition.T I don ?-V . A` iii; we should take a.ny_ steps alm ~' i_ up the appointmcutiuxtil W9 `~.;.r~:T ` - ~ga1;(1idatre ready, and all c9xn_ps;L-itors _A the eld. There will bejome g ` t.y'in getting" A. A. Stevenson to it I suppose it pan be'dqne.. you,` seefto Ciis at onc. ` If omit te is ready_ then, we must take "my stops to procure Young's . ton, which I am pmcey. am-e he" - d .il>l when .-he_.nd',3 `that, if dq so we will [appoint anothgr; OU llrluu. IUK uunu, es. un xuw uguuc. ` Front am-e9.,4Barzie, belw'ee:x E.& Rorke s and ?u`.1an's 52.01-e49. . - V ' E z-60.. 3, "I31. ' V : I ~ 3;: 11;, __,_._....--._. ._... __ _ __ A At heap Rates. T Ladies waitedfnpoxr at their residence. 1 , S -.-U1 kixfda of PATTERHS conatnntly ou hand for salt: at I low gure. U1`-`-3551953 63l69lJ E 615$? W 2 u-;._; ..r..,-mo Y2...-.1- l..u...:...... 1'.` to E7 Dn..V...J,. In the 1`-i a.tter of BI l3i379Vh?93?.;5}? fI$%P?,E?@3E3 I H. IQIE H 71 TTU I 1 after which dividends wit] be paid. . - ~ v W, '1` MA AVDIVIDEND 'sm:m" hrs bacn pxepmed, c-pen~zo ot-jection until the; 3&8. Ell LI @I`lR:$$R!Q3.3 Hi` ASS`[{t18.`. Dated. at Toronto, \h':s 23rd day of Augzzat A'D'. 1373. : - - ` 3?-*1` .`_Spn.u of well matched Dappla Grays; heavy built, suitable for farming or lumbering. :1 I Inn A nunvru 7a.rt~n_V. , . We are not in Mr. .1VI3_32J.1`thy s con- - - . I ' J: I -. Ln uv" IJUUIIII-U0 lIIl"II Iilhlu l l'|I ' from :54 to $3 per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood; it is a rare chance for those ou1._of employmon: or having leisure time; girls aqdhoys frequently Jo _v.s well as men. Pu.H.icu- lars frea. Address ` v -r .-nr.~... u lw%i R on John st..Baok of the ~`o:i:~,dn 3.-. U \J-LAQV ...,.-.......;w;.~.\J .L H3s,conat::nuy un_ hand hundreds of cords of the vhcut Hardwood that can Lmprocured in the counzryin fag: fco} iengtha, which he is pro- pared to delxver 1:: a.ny pnr_t nftowu at $3 50 pet cord. Orders left at me p1sco,or at the Anvmcx Oico v; I be filled wi'k;in an hour. -.r'aI.. .. llliI%?$A"Pii%%%!i&lS| - .- ---v nu vv '1`-two:-uwv---'- Cannot do better than pay our Establishment - a visit.` We also keep on hand _ . _ ----t----' ' _.---?_.- :- NSOLVE-NVT AC1 OF 1869 A2-1D Ammdmcms 'r1amru:T_o. V msiwmiss aam} swag: CHOICE TOBAOOOS & CIGARS ' WELLS BRO.,_ A ; *l`Hl~JRSDAY. SEP 4. 1_s7_ .. _..___..___ lD\?TEfSf'fII@:7 'EER'F1I`i7i`r3%'Y,l _.. ___--v, Opposite Barrio <`5\-:1, - - Dunlop 9!. A Barzie. N. 3.. Physicians Prescription: carefully compounded. _ * - 3. --13:-. .---. Myfson Jame: Macks; has left his parental ` abode,.and homing under age, I hereby caution any person orpexsons aguisut giving him aty- thing on-my gccou m. as I will not hold myself ruponsibie for any of his transactions from this dnyfonwud. V: ~, . A - - VILLIAIC, AQKAY. A` 0uomo:,o',An;nIu_1_th. 1572; - V 33-4 `sit V`: ,,,- _`,' " .| _`__ ' vHAIR.30lL,' &c., &.c., And syerythiug that is to be fomd in B Pa1n.1:s.V bus, .v-us-1' Ar-nv-n-or 4: am tnrvaunnti \T0TICE! 'ORSES! -JoHNjs1-1lxNAc ._-.._n.. .. L.....,x |......:.._;_ _.- ' b-a3:at3?.s'1XfvA:LL- PAY 1 on Q.) ..m.. .3..- .m-. .. -.n.........I - L-.T:_.. _._.... -~........_._ . ._ THE `ROYAL COMMISSION . .5 A v H EiIIi13:c73mm3`1r I g _j "3}E,m1_. THOSE W'II.b WANT PURE. ~ I-I41 . .4... .-. ._ 202 Washington 91., `THE sz1A.-3141:; 8'ro?,g "$4. :a. `mans:-, an AND '73. 'LA'i`IlAM 8.: 1 The following letter appeared `in th Montreal Herald of tho 4&1: :--` L _.-=" OTTAWA, Supt. 131-, 1873. fore, we take 1111' steivs about J n . , _ * ; ,, _ (ljygungs nppoumnent-, to see about: no Selection of our c:u".Lhd:xto for Monti`e:1l \vt3s`t.,;,`l?`a'ox11 all I cam le-m-n \ ViIlicm1 ) alikcly ,object, but if he is t1xe.bes-t mgujyoxt can easily hint to him t-11:11 ; if ` u'_ns west. `|.(":t)l'iCFs '11 cons_ider he hai "clauim .; m..+ :n Hm Q:-'~.nh`r.o.- This is the II\h' T`~F.A11 Por1e:,- -I `want yofei; xiian would he. the best. T He will- We wil1'givs.~ man and wnman X. THOMPSON; I"r.-n-\L|\:n (`.1 L1 00 paid. W. '1`. msozf, A`~.~ `OR! :If:ia';'~in, ' Rn!-V` 'l'UU.V1l'DU; Township Clerk. ' 3&4: am, an , Insoliveu 2; ' - vvv, , bston, Mr 93. UK ! In. 3&4: _ mm-s FOR 1-an um,- V8.1;-tic. U91: 36 lg,`-W I |Pm1msEs. pied bY WAY STATION, ilour present Stock at very low MEMW & $8.; wmcoxs, HUGHES, tm:mx.as, nvrmmnna L QT1.`l'| l1'l"r(v The subacribar hnvintl PTh_8:d the ontlro stock in-trade of Mr Wm. Whnecreud. in [Ile- pared to make on the shortest none: and mm reasonable terms as goo_d and as cheap Doubh, - or Smgie _..._- LLLQ-4` VILLAINY so_MEVvHERE. - uuub... \wAG"GoNs: I.\ n r_\ rm L`) m /.\r:.r.\ Fafllf. r:.rzr;~r,- T11: vac: vv As can be made in ' A. 1 Mr. A. Urckeg having boughg ou\my inn-mg in we above busxuess, 1 hanrlily recommend` him to my patrons, and mm that. they will give W [,im_1_h.,_|ibera1 patronage Vn)3 ./).\I|"'l ufcn me - A ' ~ w. `.v1u'r:~:m:2:.wf ,_._:,. 1 .'.l.. It: `'19. an I lmgaawg mg sLmus on cumns, .n mm ha this or an? other ouna -.B:.rx-'16`, Jvily _l6. '73. __.___ .._...__.__..._.._ gnu BAT`i"ALION., ~smcm=. FUELS?- de) ERS. H=.5r.dfQuarters Bur-Xe, Nth Au(z., 1573- _ nzomgzumn onmms. . 1 No. 1.-The Regimen; will agqmgl In B`-"" ON MONDAY, THE 1511! C ? fapl-y "_'j"" means; the Annual Dxill; every Omcer nu. ma on the tolls must attend. . v. r) _,rN... tuna (\nnvOnv- ('.m-nnnnlcs s-M} SOUT11 SIMCOE. ` 4 X.) 2;-~The Head Quarter Companies 5-! ' Band Vvaill pnyado at the Drill Shed. at 8 n. 33- abd march to the Ba xri-= Driving Park: W59931 has been kindly granted for the camp ground. ALEX. MCKENVJK, [Lani .(`.nl . 31-tr} The subscriber chnllengeu the county off 900 to manufacture Pumps to compete V those made by him, they me _ __.. ---nun Uxaa\'A'iL"{"% _\\ 1-;LL$.L . `UIIULID, uuuumu, umuu.1.I CUTTERS & SLEIGHS. a--uxv.-an; nu ~vv-_--v_ .-- At a dept of I07 feet, which can b- pr:-3:-~ ap;1ica.1icn to Mr. Walwan. 6.\.h 9011- * V" Thase improved pumps are vxvwsn A1177 n :1!` I`! l1`II'I,` A D AX!!! CB1 ! U`. Vucutlvcn u'..u Easily We kezi by a =3hi'~.:5 c . .. ,3... no In 9`.-mo cu-H:-h man hp nru-J . 1 H350 Ilupruvuu yumya an. REMARKABVLE cum P ! 2 WARRANTEFEOR 1 YEAR. v , . _` . i ' "31- 3.5.1;I .o1=1'. , . _` or 133 Cisterna of all size; built on the laIoet`1l.1'.~! and at rotsonablo mtca. Orders promptly attended to. G. R. u. Lb` IJLAJ-4. . ...~, Hayeld etreel, opposite Sewn-y`: new Fou:.dry building. Barrie. 12....-:. Ln. 1;: 1913. . 9l_v ` Luna`.--A-xv--no--.._. _ -rr ` And win metylongerlthrxu any other pumpbti UIIUUIH Barri , July 16.1873. TILHS GRE5`i .E.L$I__A:II_R.EF.T' 0 lVKfi"W?Ei? WES. J. EDWARDS asox, Bouksellcrs, (tr... . ` Barrie. LF\'llEl.3_'.STf1;i*333:PAT?iEN3 . of shop day. All kindap! sc110_0L B00 :9, A 1Iv17 IVIIIITAQ .3 I H I I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT Voliosxr man mmwm n_1:15o1'. K .1 DUNLOI? snusnw mama} Also the choices: LITERATURE -: AL- .1-.. A II I.:u:ln.o! s'mNE' AN 0 am sis i37I`VI&?"' Consisting of very oholce and superb KILIUI U1 ILUJU C` III; LL15" To suit any kind of Room, 650 n 0' `he mayo, onus-unann hfh %$_...1.'. Afi 557? E um n:'rAIL AT And can b-.`el1`cctiv:-iy and n... u -I -n f LLVULJ .AJv V- FANQ Y_ 090125, Ilil IIII3III- 0! the Town, is to be seen at -I"I `I"l\.l\ I . PROPRIE1`()R, 1:15;: Also the choices: . \.'I\UI'LIL\y " ' Comer amok East, 15arrie_ CI: wv I IIIIIV n any oumy CROKER, . .".nHnr an-An!` Rust ll.....:_' '8 will AND &c., &o., to. Fi; my nu-vv -I-an n 1| AT -T " BOOK s_To12E. THE ueu m. G. 'r5['LI.I\ A.\', 7.. v`-.., %{c[._a[._PEr%KiNLs `I Lieut.-Col _ ` Com. 35!}: I`m._` `Montreal .W2'tn:s:, in giving curmncy to tho re'porc that Sir John A. `bad commit- ted suicide ; vitie also the foui attack upon the Premier, permitted here byfthe I chief of the Joint Stock Concern.) v , ,1: L- ;.._..'l.ln -in (`WM , W "V I`: .\ `we-. .;: K 3; \ V - pruvru . - x. m'V.eapra. 29 Iy ' cum: U1 uuu duluu uuumn um-w---, -- 7 % Sir A John A. should be terribly `ig;-.V` earnest now, and prosecute either_forge!`B;f_ for robbers of the" public mail. `3*UnVlea8e_he ` I pushes the matter to the bitter end, We !shall heuceforward have no respect for ; nun. I I *. The Hon. Messrs. Dot-ion and Holmn, and John Young, have been summoned before the Police Court, to give eyidence * as to tho felonious stealing of the alleged T letter from the post ooice; .Penqy, \Vilson, [and -S1;ewart,_ the prop'g'i_.. o eborzs of the Herald have also been, sum - moned, and the appearancs are that ; they have got themselves [into a mess. M n'1L._ m.......... M...-I .1, m..1m T-TnH~nn bus] navy "vv -:uuu.~v-. .... -_--_ The Toronto Mail asks Blake,--IviV<;Iton W S: 00., how `they like their company; "and thinks the man who stole, forged, or broke the seal of the letter `mid to be ad by the Premier to Mr. Pope `will, ere long, be a dangerous 1'ival.of 1\Ic?\fu]1l_?1l'al1Ll McKenzie. , > 2 (f-?RcIx1e::21.;taV1:.thcW next; Wetl nesday in aid of the R. C; Churclx. C T u E recen t .i: l.`L`C!:llu.x:aaI.u; Ux uuu \aIuvu lowing,--and as that post office robbery is stxll somewhat wrapped in" mystery, we give it in full z-`` A remarkable in- cident in connection with the line rob- bery of - registe1"ed ` letters from the post oice happened oxi Monda.y_ evening. Some children were out playing in the woods, about two miles west oftlze Lunatic Asylum. "The precise localltj is in _tllC 311' of Su1mysidc, a. short distance,` tom the portion of 1;oa..l.s\t. the jii} ' " co (}1`ea.t4VVe5tei-ii with. the Lake 7"-7ro"\l,7 ' n as tllo M _ Dug way. `v-Tlneuc. _ Ijametl _ Lovell, rst fox1"_ some svlll they .cm'1'ied bafck with them to the; L v.,...m nr 2: Mr T)nfTv_ who. on looking Lovell, l1x'stVIo11n,q_ws0me mu-as nu-gt _ cm'1'ied `them th ` house of :1. Mr. _Dufl'y, who, on looking at the pnpe1`s,-szL\v at once that they were likely to be of interest in some q11n:'te.rs:. He took t-l1e children beck ; with him __to the bush, and :1. moment s sea1'ch (lisco'vered, at the root of a tl`(30, lightly covered with leaves, a bundle -'-ont.a,h'1ing allpthe letters stolen from the post otlico about six weeks ago. All the covers, envelopes, with the letters and drafts and cheques were lying there, but no money. "Of course the discovery gives 3. new hofle that the 1-obbers may, L.. ......... nxnnnn lm Hui: firnn` fmmd (mt. the new clue to_fo1l-gw. glVCS 3. l18\V HUFU hllnb but! Luupcxn nu-4; , by some means, be this time` found out, and the Inspeclior is again at work Mth `.`- 'Remember and_ attend the Roman Catholic TPic-ni_c in M.'1`._ Ardagh s Grove next Wednesday. nu , r-I...'.4J.`.... TI1...I,..n!nJ A`. #11:: wad`: llL`Ala VV culxcakluj. The Canadian Illustrated of this week has :1. continuation of Ye Ballad of little J olm A, which is rich. It can be had at Edwards . ` --n . II'\ I ,,__L uuu tn; 4; u u. an c There will be u. C`/o1.ut.y Tenlple meet- day; the 18th inst. _ VVe intended to give, in this issue,.a notes of our recent tour tlnrougll the ivnships of Tecumseth and Essa, but are reluctantly compelled to defer such notice till next week. " M. In` 1-__...... l\: ing, T. U. G. T., in the Lone Stu1" . Hall, Ban-rio, at 2 o'clock, p.m., on Thurs- _ llUU.Ut: vul. .uUAu vv yum. B10 Snow 03- ERU'IT.--To lovers of Fruit, (and who are not we would merely intimate that the largest stock of Fruit. in town is to be fomid at the Mesws. Ednuwson & Son?s. 1! `I ,,_!lI .,....LL-- BIC`-3.31:3. Lauluuvv-avu saw us... .... . Tm: H1mvEs'1*.-'1_`his week will pretty well nish ha.r-vest operations in these parts; and from `all we 'ca.n learn, the yield will be far above `the average ; a.i1d it is_scc1u`ed in capital order. A 1:-',_,__._,, `r n n 7!` (1.4 LU .I.D.DU\.|Il\:V-A ALA vnultnvyun v. u. OPEN _MEETlN0 I, O. G. T. -On 'l`ueslu.y evening next, there .will be an open ulecting of the Lone Stan"- Lodge, in their Hall, above the Bank of Com- nun-ce, when there will be a sale of goods 3- _ -. ..`......`I.l ml #1". Info Ruwnaui when there will be sale 01 goods remaining unsold at the lute Bu.7.aar. Other interesting features will form part of the programme. A good time is anti. cipated. - " " 1'; I __-..,..... -....... ..'L..n and nonnln`lv}n.m \.3IlPLIr|l\a\.|o It lmppens very often, and people` hiwe felt the inconvenience of it,tl1:1b wood tira- oxpectcdly.runsout,m1(l no onehaslmown where to l)(> suppli3(1} Mr. Jno Slmn ncy ms opened a. wood yard, where he \ ' glmve on hand lmndreds of cordsqf t, best descxiptions. Orders. left here 0 t his 4placc," will be attended toii1- stnntly. Sec anl`.-"t. I ' x. 7` ' - l\_ '\f___.'L.-.-LL... nu:unuJ . yvvv ...\. . -. BA'I`1`ALION DmLt..-..0u Monday gtfne 3fit.h inst, the 35tv1{ SimcVoo-l?'o1'0sto-rs. will ._1n(-,0-L fur their :u1riua1 drillin U18 Jhiving Pztrl: grounds. As the _t1x`ops_ will be co:un1:mded by C01. I\.IcKeuzie,- xwc doubt not. they will be t}x1'ogl;ly dri11cd,ns hhemm-e few, if :Lny,01Hce1`s 1r-.. `nr..:......'.. nmminc. |m++nv nncfc-J drilled, as them are few, 12 any,-omce1's in Her M:1jesty'..~. service better posted than the Col..of the 35th.` `CLEARING SALE.-1VIr. Andrew Gm- hum having purchascd_t}'1c stock in traclo of Mr. XV. R. Gruhanx, offers for aa;1e_,"at low rafes, at the Emporium, the lztfgo zmd well asmox-ted stock` of T Dry Goods -`iuulo -Boots and shoes. Mr. Gmhan1 also agxounces that those indebted to the. ~ firm must settle up at once. Those whom this noticemay concern had Lbet- ` ter attend to it. See adv t. Loox '1'O YOUR. XVA1umonE.-1$irs_ Row;-11 not only nds time to attend to Millinrry and Dressmaking, but actually buys all the second-hand clothes she (_;;1n' got, and will sell them at a`l0w rsite, This i n. rare chance fofthe .elit_e of our to_x'm,v of both sexes, to follow" the:ex- ` ample of the byte Empress of: the Freizh, and ret a wardrobe with %he neifist 9 9- .1 -,~,_.,,. I... 1.1.. ....1-n idnkhnn ux} Ann ; . i`.SHlOI1S,' Dy um mu-.7 UL vtvvuvu yuan nah .~t quite comma zlfaut. . - ` 1 ` "MARSH LecmnEs.- -A course of lec- ' tures under the name Marine Lectures, 1 is to be given in this "town, at an early ` date, under the auspices of the Preshy- : terian Church. The`1.ecture, it is hoped will be attractive anti popular, ".[`he.p,im is not solely money, but also, and very` ` much indeed, the creating or fostering of healthy `literary taste among the `people, _ It is hoped,_ therefore, that all will-pa`t- ronize these - lectures. The admission will be reasonebfe. _ Full nqtice giye_n.~in' "ducfaillm ' [and ran; u, \v;u'u;'unu wluu uuu uuvvlcnu ;::_shions,` by the s:11e'of ciothos that are 4 r-1I;f) mmm; '-nl f'n.1lt_ - P651` Owner: REBBEBY.--In a tissue of the Globe we nd the fol-A ,,_L'L...... You cm`-r Sunvr: A .S'co'rcmuix.-- ` Johnson wnsne time vghemently expo.-V tiating on the all but universal barman- neas of Scotland, when it was remarked j by some 0119, that in Scotland no one;_was ever known to shave to death.` That` may be," the moralih but; that is'not40.W/ing tube fertility of e_1;g__g.,g,. 01' 3' owummnu .. _ :.unu qgu, sv,nu.u wan nu`. MnNab inc wt; ma. when .._;ynu'-._aae 11' to. ."l'-Ike .1` , ifihii lllli HID` VILU BUQIU, VU 3,5 11 wk of. Dry`. `and 010918.. then` bo ipeassnr,9dv;orw .`3"j.3l1it.;aft'er` i.6GAL ITEMS.` 5u`_()uu_, _ VVAl.I|Ul_l,-l3 5 *=:`: ms'nrax~+x::::zvr;:;*ite11:a;5`;*?(c;sa-3 as 3 % has brought lIome,\\'rith him"f1'om; * 1 god, such a large stock of goods, -that his_' present p1'e1n`isus will` not contai them`, so he has leased the store now occu- .Pi.d-by `M,-. 1;.'S,VM<?`8king. opxwsite the ~ Railway Station,. andwill take possess. sion on_ the first of October nxt.- It is `also announced that, to gave cdst` of i`e-` moval; goods will be sold, for the`, next few weeks, at u'n`.1ezi1td of low prices at Cheapside. l '7' , 7L_L -1.1 IR... __j`~._"K`0l, umsa, azogu.--nu, ..... , ... .- .._. of Smt.`.0('o". . iagtuunries constantly on hand . I0; any Bock, Magszina, &.:., solicit- %7`?4l` i;_ Lricultnral. Sn-.'ontic, and Practical _ njugnd; any of which we are prepared _e have a " Westcrmann" Upright Piano on _ bitiony which for convenience, q-unity of nnagnd nish, celnuol he excelhd at the price . _ ggd examine. .a.Wo"ute agents for the ` ` D4-cker Instrument, j`i9hf_isvo1lk':own to ntand among the un- .'oJ36Ir1In`rl ; ' -" v_v-r__`-. TALKliNG TO ii Kma.-i-That old Eng- Iish Tory and `patriot, Dr. Samuel John-V son, after his conversation with the. ` king, onspenking `about it said, The g1'eat.mlvamtaga in talking with 21 king was, that one date not get angry." Now V we are `acquainted with a King with whom it" is a pleasure to converse, es- , peciully on business. This King keeps , the West End Tea Store,` the place many ies and comforts of life, as they say. that this store cannot be beaten either for l quality or cheapness. V -- - v- m,__-_ an A regularly visit and purchase the necessar- `1""T"J ' ; WH.'u"s, To Hximnn Tm:51?-An A Irishman on being asked if it was got something very wonderful to see the` seething, waters leaping in madfoam d9\vn' the imvniane cascades of Niagara,- Iooked, up and then looked down, when, scuitching his head, ho blurted out with, And w1mt s to l1iude1f`thciii'from fail- ing '2 This was a poser; and it is equally puzzling to know'what s it.o.p1'e- vent those who buy their Groceries and [Provisions of Mr. C. A. Perkins from getting good bargains ; why; they can't helpit. What he sells is so good. and cheap. - V 7-o`_,,_< in-___`_' 'n'r1..... .IV~nL;;\-cw .,...,..,.. _ Fool) ~ F0'."l H{ MINii.--W11en doctors . differ who sh'aif`-`prescribe for the patient "3 ~ We incline to the opinion that, now-a.~ days, but few die without the aid of.z\ doctor. '= 2 Have wo_1'e there less ' - flfllit-, there would mt`. of this age is '_ body, which i - `:.hi'0ugh :1 Owanlock, Bank of :1 large _ Fruit, visit `authorized to receive subscriptions at this -oice, which will be duly accredited. to ' llourislng institution. _ We will have ready in a day or two . the South Simcoe Agricultural prize list. It cambe had at this oice, at the`book stores in Barrie, and of the Secretary, and at most of the stores in_.C.ookstown Thornton, Alliston, Rosemout, Bond Head, Allnndale, and other places in the South Riding. -The premiums V offered A by the Society amount to meurly two thousand dollars, and we expect competi- tion will be -pretty lively. ~ We are ' those wishing to become membexs of this 1\IED1AL _EL_ECTRICITY.---D1`. `Wood- ward, Toronto,` (l_:1te _of Lo11dbx1; Eng- land,) Mcdiqalr`-Electrician and Prdfoasor 4- of Galvanism, Ega-in visits;BziY'1'i may be consulted at tlxe.Queen a Hotel daily, from the 8th to the 15th instant. All chronic diseases having 1_-asistedxe` .,,.-:|:-A1 ..,....+..mno-, +.rnn+.r-\.(} zniil All chrome ruseuses uavmg gumawu Ixuo usual 1neLdi'_ca1 treatment-, treated and cured -- Pumlysis, C1101-ea, Deafness, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, .-and Serbus 'E'usions, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Flatulency, Stricture of the Ure thm, SpQrum!91'ho3a', Hydl-oc9.`e, A_mcno~ 1-been, Liver Jomplainla, nn Con- sumption in its early `stages,`&c., 19.39. '- `Ix, ,_. H fin..- mn. .......,---_ , _ __ THE DEVIL IS Di:Ao.-- l`wo_ coi1- . ceited fops, meeting 9. colored preacher, * accosted him thus :--H_awe you heard . the news 2" i The reply was f` No. ` VVl1y, said one of them, The Devil is dead! The dnrkey minister l00l{0ll sadly at tho `scoifers, mid. gravely re-` torted, Alas ! poo1'-fM,l1erl(`Lss children, and what will become of you ? '-_-They wilted about as quickly. as do monopoly and high prices at phe bore sight of the Mmnmotli House of_ the 1\1zu'rin Bros, - as the Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Regidy made Clothirig, Groceries, I rovisions,~ _ etc., etc., sold by this firm are good in _ quality, and romamkzmbly cheap in" price. ` ` 2 PARADISE `No PLACE FOR FooLs.-- It is 1-e1n.tcdt1':abo11c on x time two Mahomniedzuis, on shuiing off this mor~ tal coilurriving at [Hie gates `of the better land, knockedifor admission. An ungei opened the gates, and enquired of the first who preselitegl himself, Aro,you mm-r'1ed l Yea, - was the reply. \Va1k in, said the angel. V The second ihen approached, and", oxi {L Sinliitlf question being.put.,-miswered f`iY(.:s, t`vice.A The angel `to his surprise, hoxvever, denied him admission, saying; Pamclise is no plzmce for Fools. ~ But Powell's & Co s. is just the place to gel; th best of Grocer- 1 ica}, Pvovisions zmd Liquors, at lo\v mtes. ` Go give them 3. call. ` 4 THE 1A1\u{'b'IAN I ILLUSTRATED i 1IE\vs,\__ ` : We have had frequent occasions of ( `calling attention to, as the best of any 1 L attempt yet made in Canada. to produce 1 an Illustrated Weekly. The process by j whiqh it is produced does not seem to be . yet thoroughly develqpsxl in th8,_I111.l5l3l`3-' 1 tion Department, but its Literary section ; camiot .be_ exnellgd by any paper ` l in Cana. About the r Illustrations w_e nd, on imagine we see an undevelop- L. ptocess. ,ASor_iV1e weekewe find these }' sharply and,.bautifq_A_y brought out, at. ._ __other times there is a blzig `and indie: 7 tiuctness. A The last w_eek s is Beautifully" :, egectited, end is `on 9.-very, superior clas ' fopaper. The tint ofa series of g etch. 31138 `lifter-B91`?-y. 91.` -`L R9m_si*93_$ pro- ' 3 xni-`ebf to eom;e_ Q "The`fG0vfnd;Ggngg1l.-gs}: I1a1it`a x,fT._'1`h-s 11 `cable. FM. .9 ?".1-.1ar`t's; Cetit. ;'1'h6 ; You. gay ,5; T `I 3 Hum oneauycq; 1='3,:*|_!_.!.1`!'.!"* . no-4-C '+--- ---. . ~"_ y%._iter:z~mt,> gzaticta. _ __ -.._._._._...n.uuv.a-...\-~;-..\v ..tiHf.izh`1'>1e, nfn{1,:on`:iy` ` VVIC2_c's' ` Fmihxi (}L-_xn`~.:;' _. _:__L_ . vmm -,7_,,,,m 1873,` has some useful nmtta 7 Kx .bt)1ie"1rs` .L5lIl\l|Ib .v_u-........, .1..--- .-,, ` I` _ ` ` `I I cost sixty-seven guineas! You`1l';:ome wont you and.}:e11..1ne what,.y.9;LL think of :3 iuh ' T '.f oflcheap t;lo`thT11g youVk_no13v." ,,,-_.. :.. H. n ._:'. '_ I --Qh, rleur no! I"m:.no 3115' 8." ` presentv z1fein`2ply" fea;-fu;LA UL vuuuy vugu.....b J\I\I ...,- .. . The xtr&vag:f.uces ho?` women in the xl """" -'.u"7l "" "' "l'"J *7 Another piece Of ~witticih1 in We ' Canadvian Illuzzrated, xvhigh, 7 though really patented',jve~1nust quote the.i}1`St part of as it gives such a capital resume o-~,, ,, EL -.,'__ -1.` 1.1.- n:`I!lI",;I\I\ thnf. 11510 UL I-I3 LU ELVUD Du.vu_u. V\.r,rn`-.u-c- -v~~- ' I so fan` as it gdes of the `si:q:3t_i<')nt1m`t_. < rather than not do so we woxtldpay the Uanadiah Illustrated a royalty for the use of it. It is entitled Ya Ballad -6f` Lyttel John A." (Gentlemn, the prof: prietors, what are your terms fogythe ` xvnolo?) The query columns in libberm-y . matter; the chess 'cohm1n, and the column` devoted to music ztnd the. drama. tire of rst-class order. Can be had at Edwards & Son, Barrie; I The Canadian Monthly.--The Agust number of this well conducted zmd'able review lizzs been on our_ tub?e for some 1 guy..." ........ .,.___ ,_, time, and should hrwc `been noticed. : `earlier, The opening article wi1I be road I with much: pleasure by old residents of Oanztdg, _it being areview of Dr. Scul- din`g's_book, Toronto of Old, by Prof. ' Wilson ; Umline, a tmnslation from the Fronch of M. A.'Theurict, is concluded, Papal Cqnclwves and peremonzes alzsemed /1! pk nlpntmn of a Pom. 13 an article no , vgugv Write:- . I as follbws :- - _ 1 V---} seferringtn the letter publish- , Herald this morning, purport.- ve een written by .Sir"John A. d. '51 to me. I , lettt evjer I11 turuviug imtnediately from the poli: tical arcxm to the Turf, we hope. we slmll not be bl1ougl1t to s`now_ u2\\ :mt of respect ` for the luttet`. The mecping of the Bali`- rie Association xvns a. vigorous e'o1'-b to - lxetttmlize in Cu11n(_a, racing after the Englislnyfashimx. The Axnex-icans, f:uu'1- _liM' with the driving seat, and Ixnfunxilizu` with the saddle, have l1:u'11csse1< F- clipsc`t0 a buggy and tried to xuukehim put _forth his utmost speed in u-__pa.ce in which'his ubmosl; speed cannot be put * forth; with a Yzmlgee or} two xvheelg `perched at his-t:1il to hold. him down to th-.1t uncomfortable feat. The Barrie Asnociation pxopose tlmt in Canada, as in England, ,Eclipse"l `I-llmll have lxig 11 They also aim at propagatingla. national taste for Qhe sport. In this,'a.S- .tlxey lmow, they will` not have an undil Aviclecl p!Fu1ic_upix1_ioi1 on tlxeh` side. V In itself, a`l1orsc race` is bpen to no cfb_}e_c- vision which would not equally apply to 21. _V fool: race, 21 boat race, or :1` match of any kind. It is'in the uccomlpnniamcgnts that the dafnge:-1_i`es. ' ' ',There can be no doubt that in Eng- b land betting on horse 1'2!.CeS has beconle -.1 moral and social scourge second only ,to diink. $011` the -.1pp1'o-.1911 of z_\`grc:1t race A the.country is turned into` a gambling table at which t;h5usan;ls, who might otherwise be respeclzabl and pr'os'perous, lose their gzgrlgings and contract lmbits which are wo1rse"t}_:9.n any loss. A That knowledge of T horses, or any crsmpensats ing quality, is engemleired by betting, w0u1d`beb-.1.bsurd to-mainbz1in,'fd1' mult-i- V tuds` bet in every .ta.vo1-n under the ' guidance of the charlatans, i_vhose'p1`e- T dictios ll gvery newspaper. Wifthotlt ~ ever" haying seen algiqivs race or lii1ow- . iing ahorse'g hock'`_0m his_}pa.starn. It is_ needlcyssjo sj.y.of _wha.s tmgedies horse. e racingfha-_S `bjen the `som-oe"of~1_ateAyears ; in tlie liighetirvmnks; how the ,i: we1'1',ng ' fogti_11jgs,:9fh0b1' hqq` have been laid 7_ lAov'r",Va11diAtheir-proud outqheoq trailed ` _ in ltlie dustV'by.'.tha,.failing. speed _of-" some favqnrite horse. Failure in 9. horse's f speed .iia,`.however, a ooxnpatat.i ize1y~n6bIe ; _ zsoume 0.the:_prey9.ln_ce`4.off `blm: ere)"; amongst ->t.he;hig`ber V Y 0:1 rac_i-,is lm can.~?1>e- dder~ prbaf: thin ~ 19- 1'0rd-D"e;!i agovq an, ucw Ks S6n, 1-2, .u,v. -av"- liwetionjiif dud `on, s.a_v1ing. ou_rl u:unu- 377 irlaworizwinserg or `keeping if.:vith.ms. as he . seys, rfliaqgt the cold, blank winterfa; lib`: `.--`- Thelee 'f6i?.;t1iin981i'9ys in-.th.'e gardex;-ithat b.et.ken up___hq`1foreifmf8_t,Q "T and piit'i_nto,pots {int will well a'l1;g` ` , -wintex'f:tindcO8t nothing. The Dicentm,` . `or Heartf will ower-eely-in the hoftse, and the foliageris always clean, - ` Vl1eeri'ul-ja.nd_ pretty. The Madezrq, Vina. 5 and are both desirable for in-door b Tenweek Stocks, .DianthuS, ' I2efmii,- the Coboeh scandena, and aogood -man'v_Abtl1er things can be selected from the gagglen i1_1_tlze autumn. Af.'terpot- ting, lieep the plants moist and cool, and '. in the shade" for a few (lays, until they `get ozv-er the removal. Select plants tmzt Y are not overgrowu`--in fact thoqe that are not matured. Then :~,mu(=P`..'~.;. '1. he a.dtled`to the winter stock by o:;= x... ' mg a few papers of Mignonette seed, or ll` any other of the simple jsmall annuals, like Agemtuln, &c. This, with a. few `ordinary house plants, will nmkea fair V. winter's show, especially if enlivened by t a dozen or so of Hyaciuths, and a few 16 pots ; of Polynnthus Narcissus, all of 1c which will cost very little, and help Ed much to nmko in. sunny home. There are some stupid m`eu~wl1o begrudge their 1 wives and children 9.1 dollar or two for tllia delightful work. We `would like to . banish such men to some barren island )`f. where they would have a. perpetual win- ter, relieved by no ower, or leaf, or bird,or wife, or child, uutil"thoy were = Vvillihg to do works meet for repentance." ' "34 V9135 good, Mr. Vick, so` forms you go ; H? l but let us suggest to you that there are, M lso, same` stupid" women who would iutller prefer to carry the ' glories of at millinery shop through the Btrc-,ct.~x than cultivate a taste for the beautiful in their r ~ T . . l homes and mnongst their children. | _. tlq of`tlieglox_:fef suxifmer;ll4I1;V ick gays _: he ` ny roll ad 1 :1 .~u., , . L _V r_ ` `.2. -"W fa` 1_x`i_aitl:;=`1'. _.11~jtl:e<'3_l1l1l'11` Oi; Wednesclrxy afternoon :1. min nam- ed H: Panel {frag accidentzlyv shot while part._ridge-hunting `uyizmother man named Pleated. The contents of the gun lodged between the hip and the knee, and being psc:'xt;te_1'ed,,n1ay cause trouble. D1`. Crook-` ..1.....1. :. ..+ms.A..nnp` and extracted 1 sc:1t;te_red,, may nroumc. ur. uu.-um . bslmnk was in attendance; and extracted I a. good many of the shots. It is our intention occasionally to de- vote a. column or two . to sensonable hints of a pmctic_-u1 natu1je, in luatters connect-d with the successful cultivation of all protable and beautiful things; .....I am Han and um have secured the and to this end we htwe secure. services of .a successful professional man, who will edit the a.,r;ricultuml and horti- cultural department of this paper after ' this .week s issue. He` pi `oi all pro11t:1u1e gnu uonuuuui m...5.,, oses directing his attention to those subjects which" iure likely to prove of the most interest to our rezulers, embracing everytliing connected with the fruit;-the ower, and the `T vegetable productions of Cnmula generally," `but more especially. to the _ p1'od1ic;ions of `our own county of Sim- coe. His desire is to afford such prac- ,tic`al?inor:n9;tion to amateurs, in whafr ever sphere, as a. few simple and concise suggestions can convey, at the same time not omitting the scientic treatment for. `Va may also add that we have the `promise of the hssistuiico of 2). gentleman .wc-lll' versed in the current literature of the day, to give from time to time im- _ partial notices of wh:\'t. tm11spi1'es ; in the literary '-world, as opportunity -, may afford. _r of such subjects i18.tll0:0CCaS;.0X1m8y call. - __. A CllIAN\i1.\'G` '1`U>:x~:.--A small cotompo- `nu-}, of smnller_n1cm_ory, says in refer- OIXC-`s to the lite abtolnptecl 1'eorgzmiza.tion ` of the Fenian con3pi1'ators, that it olm;-4 failed, not b$:c_-ause there was any clmuge in the policy of the infm`uousl1o1`do, but `obcause 2oa_ `have a guarantee `:71. aka Treaty of W'a.shingI,an. which makes it incumhent on our Americzm neighbors to prevent any more, tlescmzts like those . gs lmv_e.s11'erenl fljomlbefore. The cap- tain has surely deserte ship; and V left it to the control of his third lieuten- zmti, msuch an u.b2xog:\bia311 of . all previ- ous statements with nsgzuyd to the \V'ash- ington Trentvy would not luwo taken l I x i pln_.ceI If we _could credit the puwiotls ; , asse1'tions of our n.st\1t4=, cot-empomry, we 1 should say the Wi1sl1i11;,rton Tx-0:19} we.-2 l ` hhe'n1ost 1111miLiga.tex_l gaife, Hf 1': l in the WQrlxl._ _ NOW vie ililil it V. : venizive z1gn.i.91:;7tl1e mid of the-1n` .:nn:)u.-; . -horde of Fczclxus who pi`z_1CtiO on our ;_ 1_ f1'o1'1tie.:'. We think all true men qnul 3 ubrd tohide their time, and Will, in the | _ end, find a pmclical nppliczution of tho ' ,words of the nncieutmxexny of V law and order`;'--`` I. took thoo, to curse minoA_ene- mics, and behold thou hast blessed. them a.lt.oget_her. f - V ' ' I ` " `Iuncu Is w oii't1lled." B:$mAxuar.--EPi=a s COCOA.--GRATlPUL un CO!-{'a 01'l`Il~:G--" By a thorough knowledge of_ the natural laws which govern the operutionsvo! digestion and nutritin, and by n. care.fnl_app1i-_* nation of the fine pteperties of wallealectad cqcoa, Mr. Eppa has providad -our breakfnat tables With. 9. delicmaiy s=.vouree1.bever_age, which may save us many heavy doctors bills." ..-C'iml .'\`,vrm'n=_ Qrxzelie. Made aimnlv xrith WHICH THEY Save Us I119-By U637] \X0`JUi'8 [H1135 --Jmi sewzce Gazette. Made amply wnn Boiling Water or Hk. Esch'packt is labelled -- JAIES Ex )3 as 0o.,*HomtnopMhic Chemists London`-. ` :~ * llxununnmnntu nu {`.r\rInA _. WA fD; nu uouuonv-. , Maxuncruns 09 Goco.s.--"We will now give an account of the process adbpted by Ieiessra Jnimes Eppa *4. Co.,'mc.r.ufa.cturers of dinetil araiegas, at their works in the Eastern lload. Lomic-n. \ .--C`1ssclt's Hoiwehqtd Guide. 34- - (DIED. V SOULES ~-At Big Bay Paint, lnnisl, on Mon- day the let inst, Sarah, wife of .Mr. David . Scales, nged '10 ;,{a.\ 5. _ The deceased had resided.` in the vallage upwards of 31 years, and was much respected. The funeral, which 100': place on Wednesday, was largely attended. - COOPER.--At Andgs, on the 27th nlt}, aged 13 months 23 days, Archibald, infant son of Mr. Alex. Cooper, llerchanl pf that, place. BLAIN.-At Barrie, on the lat. inst., aged 77: years 8 months. Robert Blain, wnq a reaident` ofthia plans for lhls'2l, years s.:_3t.; Deceased Awasn native ofngland, and only anlviving son of the late Mr; Josrph Blain, Onion Rogg, parish of Orton, Toronto and Gnrllale, Eng. papers will please copy. V " _ '. `.5 ` V 43$ `-3 `-3 . < EXJE-LSIOR -ECLEUTRIC OIL! u 13 we un1var2a'a"L' EINDJUINXG EVER MADE. One dose cures common Bonn TBEOAT One bottlqhns cured Bnomuama. Fifty cents worth has gm-ed an 014: Snzvnxua Oqnen. It positively Oures Cugannn, An-mm, and nonp, Fifty centa v.'ortb_ `min cured Gnzcx xx ran Bncx, nnd the aame qns.n:ityI.A_x Bmxof eightyeaz-a standing. 1:1 cures Sv n:x.z.nn hjxcx,` Tnuons. RBI_i,UlA'1`1-` ,Nnu1m.axA, .Oonu-action or the Mcaonnagsnar Jpum, Sm.-m. D m'xon_I.`n:s, and Pu: oroknusa in any part, no matter where 'itniay ha,'uorifrom1whdt cdnu it may arise, it alwv a does. you add. Twenty-ve cents worJt.1`hna- cured ad cum of Gnome and moon: Dtnxx-nut. One tea-spoonful cures Done in 15 tnlniztna. It will cure any can "of, ` 11311.-l..l `but it 19] Possible tenure. Si: or eight ap Ynghtiona is wam;|nted_to.cnxe~ my cure, of _ xoonu-no Nmanaor Inx.um>"Bnn`u1-.` ; Fog; ' Bnviilsitf ivpiie ?*F4." 'b9[!%<?'i.I ` ii -o:-- ' `worm 2"en':r=.mes its Weight in aza:_ _.--- 1 Pam-cann'ot_s1ny when 11 la pied. .- It is .1116 CHEAPEST MEDICINE EVER MADE. One dbsa cnrpn nrimmrm Qnnu 'Pum.... FARM AND GARDEN. EOLETRICITY x [1`H16`1EAs'. mrcrnb` nnrx;-nm-rn A kgfurigetu hhance-;|