KING AMADEUS FOBMALLY . ABDICATES. * ~Nai1s}md Hardv}'or `an main, vrfcixenp It mwsows. - - - U I `W! WEN 1 V` or: Saturdiiy, the Fifteenth day of march, 1873, -4. In .J..I....lp ......u. 1...]! Q |r--I-2__. -1. VALUABLEPARM m. was 1-owitsmr or 9 030, IN ran oommr or smcon. V In uIe 0oun_tv of Bruce, .1? TUESDAY, was my my op-EBB, N331 . I- .A -l o'clock nqgin,` ,5: 313;. ,,a nqgg. V s . ~.L. 1-'q3*t{qu;8 O1? -'T"j.A!IGg1jE A ._ IMPORTANTTO EVERYBQM ` Pursuant to a Decree made in 5 certain cause of O'BRIEN vs. CAMERON, there will be Iold in one parcel, with the approbation of J. R. Cotter, Esquin, Master at Barrie, by j---1`-- ---;j_-- ' . IN THE iown or BARBIE, I That Valuable Farm Property known as the North East quarter of Lot number Eighteen, in the Sixth Concession of the Township 01 Oro, in the County of Simcoe, _Fifty Acres. About twenty acres are cleared and under cultivation. The remainder is covered mostly_ with Hard- wood. Abeentifnl creek runs from corner to corner of the property. This Farm is distant from-Ra.rrie.ehout ten miles, and has s.Post Office and s. General Store within a mile of it. The country around is well settled. the land is excellent, and there are good roads going in all directions to and from it. On it are a. good Ivivogirlonse; Log Burn and Stable, and a good 0 . ?PUBiLi%VimbTI0N| [N0- 1 ful "Ulla One tenth of the Purchase Money is to be paid down to the ._Vendor or her Solicitors on the day of sale. and-the balance thereof within one month .therea{ter without interest. The Plainti` shall have me liberty of bidding once at the sale. The ether conditions are the stand- ing oondi'ions of sale of the Court of Chancery, Fur Tn:-than nnrnulnuu nnnln 0.. !J.....!IA,... n ..v..... nvu-I `ll gun. on uuc uuuu un uquu\:c|)_ ...,_ For further particulars apply to Hamilton D. Stewart, Esquire, Barrie, to the Auctioneer, or to A-RDAGH & STRATHY, Vendor : Snh'm'tors_ |Y.,.A;!%Nff!.|A!.%_L|,iA. FARM ---2--n:Zf III-I-I. _ and pitemjaes, shunts on Lot 33, 2 Concession Vespm, within 7 miles ' of. Barrie, containing 100 acres. mole oi-lass, 50 acres of which are cienred .and well fenced, the remaining part is well timbered with hardwood but contain- ing also a quantity of cedar. Iehe soil is in a good atom of cultivation. The premises in- cluda a smgli dwelling house and A good bnrn. 'here is a good suppiy of spring W819`: thereon; I-or teyms, etc, apply to - I'\ 1.113! 7 vv 4-14in -Come` Em-ly a11dSec io'r'Your.~3eIves.` OBS1_3RV_E TI-IEADDRESS, T ' ` ---v -.- -- _-- .-, IN sun connry, . ON FRIDAY, THE 2m my 01-` FEBRUARY I 2:n;':rc::';&::.." "k M M Mb 17:? 9 . an 5.. --_-__ nlllcl nut: in .I;v|clu VILLAGE op cmpmwn. ' Lot No. 2, south side of Welland 5"-,_.e,_ `*":?...`3;?:e;.7 '2 '"" `W 22 and 2s, nous nos. 6, 6, IU, 12, 14,16, 18,20, We]- land street- Lols No. 13, I4; [mortgage interest 17, I9, 23, 25, 27 and 29, nozth si e of\\'elIar'1 street. Lots Nos. 16, 17, 18,30 and 200, south side ofMnin street. ` - All that part case, not-1;; sgde :5; Ma i . in street, not conveyed by mnmmgs to Boasu. Lots Nos. 56, 153, 155 .159, I69, 175, 177, 179 and 191, north side of Main street.` . 7 Lots `Nos. 45, 47, 49, 58, 60, 62 and 78, south side of Water street. Grist Mill Lot [in rear of Bonn`: Lm] nnnh gidc of Water street. ` bots N 05- 35,139, 41, 45, 47'nnd 49, north `side of aler all-pal GrislMil|Lq1[ViVn rear Lm] side of Nos- 35, 39, 45, 47 and 49, A -wmn's"'" m a I` '1 M nlrregu ar PICCC o an ymg- et, ea nin sir.-gt gngl Wile; nu,-eet,and Bglleez Hap- b:im s_ and Lyonfs I_._ou and the Creek. Fogyr Ldla, Lying between Water greet and Chip- Dawi River,` to the no}-sh-east of Kilpalnck s !'..!: {-. rululrl J DUHCI Dated, loih February A.I_)., 1873. J. R. -COTTER, Master at Barrie. Public noce is hereby given, that by virtue of the power vested in me as Aesipnee of the estate of the above named Insolvent, I shall oer for sale by `I'\I'Y`I`il` `I11 : 'I--rr\.r-u-.--- Thomas Stone, aving removed from Apto, has decided on disposing oi his property in that village, which consists of the Apto House, a two storey frame hotel, doing a. good business; and having necessary stebles, sheds, and other out- . buildings, arst.-class well or water, and 3 large cistern. A large Frame Store, and dwelling attached, near the hotel ; and s.`Dwelling House 18324 in the same village. The village is eleven miles from Barrie. The whole of the above buildings are on an acre of ground in the most central part of the village. The premises are all rented, and will be sold subjectto ex- isting leases ; but purchasers desirous of gaining immediate possession can make satisfactory ar- rangements. ` - mmvr 1;! run.-cu-.~'.-1... . ..- .. TERMS-One-fth, cash ; reaidxie equal annual instalments at 7 percent. secured by mortgage on tbq property. AT m1 vim? on GHIPPMVA, I N R A In rvnrrnv-nu I beg to call special attention to my stock of READY-MADE CLO'I`HlN(},o which (anticipating. the rise in Woollen - Goods) I ordered in the Spring of 1872; at Old ` ` Prices, and now offer at reduced ` prices, for Cash . In ihemazzer. of George Hagar, an In- solvent. _j____v --`4\J.-..-\';.v at my office No. 26, Toronto street, io the City of Toronto, at the hour of twelve o clock, noon, v of. ~ Wednesdx, thu; 19th `day of arch, 13:3, allthe riht.til1e. and iutexszornm nnirl 1..- Llcllibiil-I, Au. 9, ` all the right, title. interest of the said In- solvent, and ofjnyselfas Assignee in this matter in and to all and singular that certain parcel of land, situate in the village of Bell Ewart, `County of Slmcoe, containing Five thousand two hundred and eighty square feet more or less; composed of a part of Lots numbers 546 and 547, butted and bounded as follows :--Com- mencingat the South West angle of Lot 547 on road allowance and Isabella street,` thence. along Isabella street forty feet, thence across Lots 547 and 546 in a narullel line with Ewart street to theline running between Lots 546 and 545, thence on the] line between 545 and 546 forty feet to road allowance, thence along road allowance to Isabella street to the place of be-. ginning. a On lhn T.nt. in n nnmlu nu-...A...l 4;.- _Aa,,, gluulng. On the Lot is a. newly erected two story Frame Store and Dwelling, and is well situated for business purposes. _ Terms made knnwn nn Row M` 51.1- ..-.n ma unuuw nuuVvu._U|l U15] UK DKIE. , war. msoiv, ./fssignee. Toronto, December 28th., A.D._, 1872: `1-10in .}c.-.-...___ an-uavnnavllil 'l`I"l`LE INDISPUTARLE. Terms liberal, and will be made known lzn ap- ication to me owner. THOMAS STONE, - Elmvcn D n [SALE er LANDS` PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE um um umm CANADA. ----.--.. ' ' HE FOLLOWING LANDS WILL BE son) by Public `Auction at tho places and on the days hex-einaher named. . ` R E A D TH S? E! nnnnnnnnnnnn u_y memnrs aim, `IN THE! I N APT 0, . . Townshzp of Flas, County Szmcae. jj-- lo. ;:I!."ast Church st?-9!, full[1o_(ssl3ow1;qq' e registered plan of Chip- ggwaz east gide 0 Church street, without num- . `rs ` - V L .9: N 5, _6, ,7, 8 gm! 9, wstiide of A Church St. 40 Nos, 2, 4,6, 8, IO, 12, 14, 16, IR` 20, 22,2; and 95. north side'of.Mechnnin an-ant v----, _v- - at 12 o clo-t::_, noon, by E. S, Hacking, st Apto, Nov. '14, 1 I2. or uusmess purposes . Terms made known_on' day of Sale. 7. '1', M [NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. n.-uszs-vs'n.-\.\.-vso-.~~xs\~\-L-v\ss\-.o\I~\o\ , wnmcany SALE OF REAL Es.l I TATE. A4 ` l ,. ;1I.I: a, -s, u, u, 1U, 12, 14, 11 36 side'oMechanic I ll N0l- 27. 29. 31 and 33. nm-ll `FOR 30 DAYS UNDER COST PRIACEIS DURING STOCK TAKING. ` ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLTAINFIGURES. 10 BE supp ON EASY TERMS, - That - ` ' T ` FALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ` Th? I I in noun sane onuechnnic street. M27` $3 gm) 33` nbrlh 'sid_'_.o( Mechlnic al_ " ` ' ' 4 L `SALE. 4'; THE UH G BIKAIDX, Vendor : Solicitors. P7 RIELLY, Lot 8, 3 4301*. vi-nrn READY-MADE. GLOTHNG. % mo alunn, ` Elmvale, P. 0 ; 47-61110. in foul-I . interest, I U01`. Vespra. 28, Wel-v '1-4in. ` ,._o ..._....u......_. ___......_.. [TOWN l0T_S_ &C A 3 2 T iijt - 1 FOR SALE, { THE Bnbuogiber offers for sale the following property on any terms of payment. Nine Building lots opponite the Queen's Hotel. Wntor Lot 19, East of Blngbam Bro a. Dwel- ling` Home. I x Lot: on Owen St., North of John Part- ` r1de |. T Also I number of other Town Lots suitnble for building sites. I ['l Pair of Black Carriage Horses. H. R. A. BOYS. Barrie,-Feb y. 3, 1873. - 6`5in FIE. G I UIVIIKKJH f\|\lIJ ITS DBRANGEMET8 are the common cause of `most of the Chronic Wasting Diseases for which invalida are constant- . ly seeking specics. When the food is imper- fectly digested and assimilated the blood be- comes impoverished, and all the organs and tis- snes oi the body debilitated by want at nourish- ment. This general depravity of the system manifests itself in some coustittions by disease of the Lungs, Heart, Liver or Kidneys, and in others by scrofulons enlargement of the glands, eruptions of the skin, ulcers of bone and esh, spinal weakness, irregularities, exhausting` dis- charges nervous prostrntion, mental `anxiety, nenralgic and rheumatic pains, all of which arise from depraved nutrition. To invigorate the Stomach and perfect digestion, and the for- mation of healthy Blood Dr. Wheeler's Oom- ponnd Elixir of Phosphates Galisaye. is of great eilicacy and reliability, being harmless toini'an- or adult, and prompt and permanent in its ef- fects. Sold by all_Druggists. ,, 7,-v- _: c--y ---- JIIIIJIIIU-IO For Beurtti/yfug Um .ompIc.1':'on tml for re moving Tan, Sunburn, I"n',r'/;. c-.-, I`[;up:c<. Sf! alsofor Chupym. Hazu1w,- C}u"IbIm'm~, I ro ].'i!.~= and Sore Lips. p_;,,_ g (VA- ____ n-nu_ (-1 I1 u .. .5 1.. s. 8: c.:.. sanders TOILET SOAP H Cl<}I.I'<`.lln rrlzn um ._. mu... ..' u \/l.I-l- I. \.J\Jl"\l"\D. "CElEBItATED Pots 'mu~:z:: UNIFORM PUnI'n' A ~ - CELl,I11\I`!I'-1 III o`lll'A` )':\,\' -.."3`~ __, .--. J "yum: .l.Ivn. Price 25 Cts. pep Bdx. Sold by all Druggists. GLY0.3_3f'?`i`A1*17.1ELLY. wuss-.45.` u. -'IIu u. us,--I .l- rice 25 Cts. per Bottle. Sold by 9,1! Dmggisfs. AUIULIIU, unvn '59 Au I-4- To thy Victoria Chemical Co. 5 Gentlemen.-`I have examined the ar- ticles employed in the Victoria Chemical Works in the preparation of the Victorir). Syrup of Hy- pophosphites. The several llypophoaplnizes uied are c/rcmically pure, and the Syrup is also quitefree from any -impurity. Your Syrup of Hypophosphites will undoubtedly proveavery valuable Medicine. rwnnv tr nnntvn ./2 Specific Remedy for all _')iseacm' of 1/1 Bladder and Kitlmysz Dropaicul Swelliugs; l.'om- plaints incidental to Females; and all Diseases of the Urinary Orgrns 1:: either Scr. TTV it 01108 '0!` nnv nf In nhnvo T\::ru-Rn-2 l5m%_f!'.ifA,LYE-I ,__ _-_..:- -u--Iii Wortll its WcI:.'ht In Gold.- J Spcct:/ijof Culs, 'Wuum1.-. Bruisrs, Bu7'n, Scalds, Boilcs, Piles, Pinlplcs, Sun. and C/u'onz'c Diseases of 1/1: Skin of every Description. Durban 0: (`Mn on... 13.... f`I-` `V "` uanruluu l'l.:ll'l`l AND lax- CELLENCE 01-` (um LITII {'_IcTOR1.d C-r?. ?B }LIC so.,rP. VIOTORM SULPHUR SOJP. VICTORIA GLYCERINE, HU.\'E1", ROSE _ ./IND WINDSOR. Sold by allauggish. I TADIES run SETS} All persons lmvlngleisute, 3 and wishing to IDCMISO their income, please send address pro- paid to undersigned. Occupatiqn easy and honorable, suited to all, and especially TU LADIES. $210 $10 per day without risk or expense. 0. L. BOSSE, _ 2-tf ' Montreal. The only Syrlup repired from Dr. Cbnrch- I hiH s Formula, `an certied to be Chemically pure. For the prevention and cure of l um urmury urgrns euncr out. Try it. once {or any of the above Disorders, and you will be fully convinced otits pre-em`: nent virtues. ' V`! A- v\ ... -. " he King of ail L!_n:mc.nts Fur Flteumarism, Gout, _7\ mrv1I;.r.r'a, Lumhum. Sciatica, Wbixrlcring Pains, S!g'[fncss in Mr Limb` or Jomls, Spruins, Bruises. Nu7nbno.~s, S.u.':z .'{u5s, Headache, Eu-ac/19, Toothuciw, c5-::- V n|u\n -- n -_-- ._ . - __ ..., .4. ....,. |IiuVI1z In? `frwdva IT! 2: Price 50 cats: nnr Rnrn Qnm 1.. n1` n .... ,.:-.- IIU I Price 50 . Also for he cure of Dyspepsia B:anchilis ./Isllgma Llss nfgr/:`!zte General Debi1ily, eke. cnwrmcmn A! TO PCIUTY um IFFXCACY. Lnboraturj, University College. Toronto, Dec. 4. 1872. l`.\ 41.- Tr:..n...:. l..n.:....l F- uunu I. Lu U Ll N I M EMA-;r. IlVI`I... III...._ _1- _ .1 - - `PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, muuuuxz mculpmu. HENRY H`. CROFT, . Professor o1Chemistry.I*.O. Price 5 par Bottle. Sold by all Dxuggista. cmnn unnsnsmnrs aaannnwens. -:._.. V-7- --V-----I-n-cl \l.1JJJ.l.J.I.: Enunentlxj the Ladies I-`uvorilc. TL. n. ,. uuuu vgn. Luna! Price $1 per Bot_tIe. So_1d by n1l'D:uggists. : ::-::-II- --V" which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as has been -proved by the hunclreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl-. edged by many prominent physicians -to he the most_ reliable preparation" ever in- troducetl -for the relief and c11re of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years, When resorted to in season it sel- dom fails to e`ect a-speedy `cure in_ the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, A Group, '\Vl1.0opi_ng Cough, Inuenza,` Asthma, Colds,- 'I`h1_'oat,,_Pains or Sore- ness iii the Chest and Side, Liver -Complaint, Bleeding at the Igungs, &c.7 Wistar s Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause- :_b'e_hi1'1d is the `Case with '1}91%t,iQl.1,;s"b11t it cliriii rilh ...`l-:..L .._-- 1. 7i"7`:r?iToRIA f`. A Punt.` rrxrn V LJ- \l.l.I/LII. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF GREAT REMEDY FOR -A-)LZQ::::-_- V u u nu: [Iii IIIUII-II 3; '5 cu. per Bottle. Sold by a1lDruggista. ACH AND TS am the nnmmnn ';*T`s'%m?J.`{' VICTORIA COMPOUND swap or` owns srmmr, BARBIE. VICTORIA. ELECTRIC VICTORIA \/.:..\J.L|J CARBOLATED l'I'l\'I'\-I--Ii - VICTORI run ur rvrn nv-nn SIICTORIA `W WEE! were - lunercleu, am) meuxcma cuum not help her. As lll resort, 1 purcbned a bottle of the Great Shonhonces Remedy. A9 `the expitstionof two ap, her symptoms won! `dwidolyh better; She continued to impxove no #01313`! .that by the time she had taken one bos- 9 lh0'I,hI-I ship lit up; By the Sontinoonu oi `the remedy the nu` perfectly restored to health. l:;;-.::.:~._*:r.r::*:.-.*:h:2:M.-1 M *'=~~~~;`` .-- nu--nu; i You may byI'i'sul 2 1 those stung: amfoted J - - - - -on...-o vu vvnv-u ux uvuu JID-IAll"" Bnooxmzu, April 5112, 1870. J . 0; Cmmunum. EIQ.-S'1n,-Thia -is _t certify tbatmy wife was very low witlrluugdnr 9190.. The Doctor had given her up. He said MI` Innis iieteutuboi-cled, and medicina could nbthol 12' .LA :1 t. r urobiued a bottle 11:! f:n`3n:o .:hkfue:gn':en Ramp 'edv.' v V T Srnrnmm. `-7- 0. CrmtnInr.A1u', Esq. This isjto uri~.'- thntabout lhree_ years ngo I became all-irved Vwtth Bronchitis which lasted about oiglre r. months. Iwr so aficletl for the Want of breath that it won very diicult for me to open?-` "ndill the night time frequently throwing 131' clothes: on` and raising in the; bed to keep {mu Mrngling. I tried three oi the most eminrni Pllysicinits in the County of Northuml-ctlm-d for about a your without receiving any bcnt'ill- In fact. I continued getting worse all the tim:-. At Int! was advised to try the Great` Sh(s':.a- vnees Remedy. I bought a bottle orit, and wLt3 it was about n'ish6d'- I began to feel 5 little better. I continuodtto use it until] bad tal/ma three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, 1 founcl that [was as well 1: ever] had been pmviou! to my illness, and have been so ever since. i T [JOHN su.vr.rz. 1:7 Sworn before me st Smithold, this 6th tin] of April, A.D., 1870. - '- - A J. l.WllLLING'l`0N,J.P. --.---- WQNDERFUL ,gvRnWor LUNG DISEASE. `: -.L `nun _(}ROCE%RY ' lIYI LwH'i"'rE LE'A'Ds; - annulus I 1.! uVu- I : jpuu I, i A "GENUINE" ' N_o- 1._ "No 2, And " No 3," -of thin brand, are nnsurpaued for body Ind brilliancy of shade. yackages contain full net: weighg, The pl hlxc are warned that c -rtaln other brind; I are 11 1 short. in every walled 25 pound package . 1 `Examine the bmnd and do not has nm A '.l'0O1l`f0.` For male in Barrie by John Woods, Pnlme; & Wade. Watson & Uo'.. and Well : Bros. `Examine tbeibnnd and do not be put off with inferior plinll. '1' he nu` in Alvin caup. uh-. Dom ny any r-gpocuute (tellers In mu", throughout Ontario, and to dealer: on] by ELLIOT 3 `o., Tonnw G\AiTITu\`\\\ l `Liwnoum TO THE PUBLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO. VINOES UF NORTH AMERICA. I beg moat respestfully to acquaint the public ofthe British North American Provinces that in May. 1871, I caused the huianeas at 80, Maiden Lane, New York, for the sale of IIo1.Low.u's Pm. no Omruanr, which were up to that time prepared by William Brown, now deceased, to he closed. I regret to say that. I have rea- son to know that themanagemen: oi the late , business had for some years, and in many ways, been most corrupt. and it may be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with that care I have always desired. Than:-. whn (In run! with in kn Hnmaium-I L... 1 H575 UIWHIB UU5ll'eU- Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines, which are ntw lilie- ly to eminate trorn the States or elsewhere, but to pesseutheixiselves of the genuine lim.:,. .wnr | Pn.Ls nan Omnrnsr, Manufactured l}_\ mo in London, England, will do well to see liml. each pot and box bears the British Govornnzezt Itamp on which is engraved the words HnL1.o wn a PILLS A:sn'Onimr::rr'. and that the mi. dress on the label is 533. Oxronn Srversr, Lox- oox, where only they are manufactured, and an no other part of the world. The retail pricr-1 are on the labels in British current-_y, and not in dollars-and cents. Mn nun-aannlntir-A AF min; mill 4...... r___.| 0; p0n5lI.!2pUOD'. r-nrrwr ..uozm.:;':3n, wnh 1 directions for using 1het"in:21: SI;cS':cn'.:L'5 Rel.-. M Pilla, and containing 'l`c{au'nucmai8 ard Cert cute; or L`urea.cau be obtained by seeming I 'Trealies,1hc Hand-bcoL', or the Almanac a circulars from any ;l'0lpG.'CKB7LleDr\]gg1al in 1 Dominion--trae. ' d\ - ~.<-n - n - _ REMEMBER THE PLACE, SIGN OF THE- in large Pint Bolt/`es 31- Pzllsper Box 25 as. - I3 Fo'.' Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine Aonma rm: l5uuux.-Johu \\<`od5; _A. V. Palmer & Co.,Wa1spn & Co , Walls In. ORILLIA ~J. W.`blaven. `CoLL1.\`nwoon.--.\l:. Carp ulc-r. ` \l.'u;-u.~,.n.. A .... .. \V..._4L_,__ L - UOHBl'B'BlJu cents. No representative of. mine will ever travr-! through any part of the British Provinces, .1- the United States . either to sell, or m um, ordetjs fur my Pills and Uintment, and as l have reason to believe that attempts will vcrv pm. bably be made to deceive the public in this vxuy l_)y.persv.>us calling upon Inelhcinc vg_-nL'm-3' {n1,,._ ly representing th_a.t they are actinglur me, an .1 with my knowledge and consent, 1 deem it a-.'- visable to put the [ubl.c on their guard aguimr any such doceptions. lmnnt nnrnlllv ant:-out all olma. mt. ._-.. I That thc_(}aEA`1` Snosuoxxss Rnmluv AND Pu oflhc Emzncm Indam Medicine-Man, Um" Lcwisln-ephus,of1he Grim! Tribe ol'Shu:lu:m'n Brizish ('-iunxbia, is wwlvzinz the most .mnn`e~Ia and nszm: shingurs the Work] ever hmml Nvwcr 1:: he nnnn!s ofCnnmJLan Medi-al UN. in ` su:-in .sm`.-cs`-V attended the nnxr''u.. M .. T1(.xl'- - _ '1`hisM_edic-ine is pleasant and safa to take, an is VVar!`31\.1-1; and may positively he rained upo- ! to make a_per.mt_menl cure of all diseases or M. Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kndueyx, Digestive Urgd :- Szc. &.c.,as we ! as Scrutula, the '- flfiulI.! r`.-.. D;-acasuz, .U_umrs,nnd all discpses t:2:.i:i;: hu. lmpurilj.` at the Blood, e.\'c'epl'ix:gtbu '.il;1:i.'d Slum of(Jonsu.z:p\ion'. F-nrt`u`r .aubczI.c'.1`I3n, 1;` directions the Urea: R131` (\n `Pilln. am! (:.m!nininr ']`unn'.nnn~.-`lo or.` r- ,UllK')J UH.`1'- _ ' ~ .\VHOLI~t.viALE Aam'rs-1.--Nor11rop & Lymarr, Newcastle; Lyman Bros. 8: Uo,Tox-onto; E - lie! 8; C0,, To :-onto. 39,71-L; any 5|-ICIJ UUUUplIUUH- [most earnestly entrant all those who mat` read this advertisement that they be pleased, ii: the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to ther friends that they mu n.,: be defrauded of their money by purchasing worthless imitations of the genuine lloLLow/n a PILLS AND Omruzxr. `I unuahl 11:`! an: ........o I . . . . ._ .L_. 1 . . _le(-tion of the public, to institute proceed FILL! AND UlNllEN'l'. I would ask, as a. great favour, that shonll`. it come to the knowledge of any person ttut spurious medicines are being made or sold. in an name,-lie be pleased to send me all the pur- tiulars he can collect respecting the same, His! is to say. the name and address of the venrh: who is selling the spurious medicines, and lii.r'- wxse the name and address 01 the House in ti a United State3,or elsewhere, which may have- supplied them, so as to enable me, for the pr` . HI '3 against such evil-doors, and l engage to (0111:- uerate very handsomely any person who may `give me such in.orn1ation, the informants name ncvcr bllizipdivulged. Qhnnld )ll\\' nt-runn hovn rnnnlnn In l..l.'...- -L , . IICVUK U"li1K-UlVL|3gCU. Should any person have reason to believe tha: be has been deceived by bu ,-ingspurious imam. tions of these Medicines, he will do well to send mp.-in a letter to the address at foo: (which he can do :11 :1 cost ofsix` cents in [man :1ge),~ Mr 01 the hnnlfs _of iuaunclium 315;` , are n`i.v.~ :1 lo the saw-:-. I prmni.<.g 10 (.x,.,,_,,,, it and send a reply, stilling whether 1!`: mai- 'ciucs an gr-uuiue.or nvl, so it spurious he um] "them to have his money returned appiytu the person: from whom he purchased ,Chcmo'.~!s and Drugzgists who a gi.-4_- in .,y,; . "4 A xheMedn'1nes can be uynnliml 11! H... u. ' u})ROCLAIM THE GLAD TIDINGS. UIUUS Lill ;l'IJUIUU' apply` to para * I.` {he Mcdimnes cu wlyulesnin priccsi 20 wurIlL-\'iz., dozen boxes 01 P.` without (lu,<(-cum, AA!!!`-ill"J'l7'Ifl1al|r LBIG GOLD WATQI-I,=%- I 533. 01- Lam-" in. > Sold by any rvspocuble dealers in int: P hmmzhom. Ontario. mud to danlnu nnlv lm. `. ms 111111315 01 unnnumn Medical H:-t<':c5'~ attended the mlfoduclion ol ` u_ hcrzlozore. 1uu.\1Ab uULLUW.- rrl Slrcci, (late 2-1-1 Slrumi) H . C. b'epl'emb:r 1, 1871. 19-: ilnl L`. I hav lglgcopul I \ -" `~""... ," urugzglsls wno l'C8I|'C nhm .5 an be supplied at the luwc~x in quan'i'i1-3 of no! law .:...A\ vi-.1! hc: h'c \Uu|u nun! Wu Y? as. MEEKING, t'\`nl`.1 \C`Tfh13 rnrr3r.1 -n 1 -r I1? . up nun .. xn '_-`mnl rvspz-I-I. '1`no.\ms HULLOW.-` I/nlr -2.4.1 .wm...`n ` on [101 _I('. "33., and 3~1u,_ nl l`|...n... I U 0 I , Tonoxno.` " I A 613"I'5 1" SE -[..7LlNG' OFF! `-=SELLING omi %| A CHANGE OF BUSINESS. YAND, 0I17OSITE.THE RAILVVAY STATION, BARBIE ` T 11.. nEee1:.i:n.g. ` - MANAGER. cHomE%nvno cEmEs SPECIAL LINES _IN_ ..._A'1`----J mavws GOLD wArcSHEs; % ~wAaE, SANTA CLAUS.- HEAD Tovs FOR,THEMl.LLlOl\I' SILVER JEWEL E}.-v_.' I-'o-.n`--a-..g .-. _.__ PA RLOR CROQUETV --. b _OLDTCH,A|NS. 'fEc?'fET>'*'fxrr_'E;5 BOHE.M`lAN' wAiy;:, ,coNcEP.'rINAA'I' ' .HAEs; 'Vl'OL|NS. u FANCY CLOCKS, V A`! D . GOLDJEWELEI-RY, 1--In lr-n nnn-- - KINDS OF X-MASPRESENTS _ TABLES. ..........-v-q--n.-c.-3. "rap mu wof CHEATS THEAPMNTERT On_e_*of . the- severest Municipal eon-. testsrthat-h`:is_been -witn'e-sse for 9. -xiu_m- ber of years, has lately taken place in the Township of .'ESsa'..for. the election of ; Reeve, to ll the vacmcy -caused by the death of the latte Geo. Davis. _ It was` pa'rticula1*Iy exciting, in consequence of rumors and bm1tr1_1t-hs, which were set aoat for elec_tione'ering bz1its toCthe_many who WE31`(3'>IlO`i}{tC(l\1_l._l]]l.C(1 with ' the true facts ;. and not a. few were caught and . Acotnmitted long hefore Ihe noniiiiation, The o`ensi.v`e, and what 'WXS' called high- handed proceedings, by -those who were , only too (l(`.S11`O1lS_ of disturbing the gen- erally good feeling which hail h`4ithc1to existed, consisted of st meeting held at Ivy, by the friends of tlielzite Reeve. It was genemllyiconcecnled, by` those who were 1-ezxs_on:1ble, tlmt V the `North was entitled to the 1'cp1'esent:;1t.ioi1._ 'J,`hi.s',of course, otfemlccl tlie-`(l'igi iity o_f numy who Cworc desirous of h1'caki11g up the votein the North, asserting that V ` hcul ruled the otlicr `end of the To'\vnship, and was now ;ul'opti'ng steps; which were do-4 signedto perpctuaite, the hitherto exist- ing state of H':.iirs. v'Ihis was most un- l'C':lSOI11.l)'le, sincethc Inetingditl not as- sume si1c_li'l_ihei't`i'es. At` the '1)`0gll'l!1ll)`g< of the meeting Dr. Mgidill 1;-iidiits 01`.-` ject hcfore them, Clem-ly stating, the :11- v'is.1hility of lI_10de1':'lte' and. h:u~1no11iou.=." ~.icliu11. Several` nmne.<:. were proposed, among .whi.-h were those of Ivlr. Juines Lonnox mid M1'.- '1`. Parke:---thc two nion vho afte1-w:1rd3- tool: the `eld in opposition to each other. `~ Mr. Lennox carried the almost unmiiuious voice of the meeting, some two 01` three only not `tzlkillg the side`. `of the house foi'him, when the Show of lnmkls was called. 1. ,1 iL_,.'_ ,_,_,,'I :1 I .1 -largest possible exywassion on the selec- warinly, the facts whieh he stated were `who were only , l;ul{_ewarz_n suppor- rlid notseek 1.))` word 01'-`tlCe(l'..i3Q prevent -artif1ces thy wliicli they" ll.ttl11pte(l to U .u\;u VJIU nuuuv -an ucuuan Ivua \.LWAU-Ll- It wasnot tl1e11`7pV1'es11nie.l that the ac- tion of,'l\Ir. Da\'i_::; friends was designed to ignore or o\'errul`e the South. f Clihe nmeting was n1e.re1'y a cancas to se- lect, fl-onrvaniong tlieniselvusj one whom: the people could support, and to get` the tion; this proceeding was adopted, most usual and proper way under the` ei1'ei1i11Stai1ces. iStVrange to say, not\vitli_- standing their better sense, a great many then nnicle inapm-atory appeals-- to the peo- ple about the c0n1p21ct0ftlie_N0rl,h,and its being timeto hrenk it up, and all that style of l:1nguuge.`- . Not only that, but what is very much to be deprecated, -the introduction of (_leno1nin"utions, politics, scxeieties, mid. a great many other lmntlles, . `by which Mr", Pan-ker s friend.-s sought to u_1`ouse_ all the hostile. and hit- ter `feeling that could be -engendered. .Mr. Scytlms, for the WJ.1'l`(_1 and consist- ent course he adopted, was attempted to he censured. This ,01'i_gi11ute1l merely in his expressing himself to Mr. Pu-rker in uumezxsured terms! `about that gentle- mun s unstable, a"-"ml inconsistent policy, which 1 has cliarm.-tei'ized' most of his pro_cee(lings. -If, however, he spoke telling and undeniable, 4 and caused ver 7 ter `of his,,to feel it their duty tapro- tect him for the manly and struiglitfor-' waujtl cou1'se he pursued, This, meeting seemed to be the head and front of ofF(;11ce to t.hose'ge1itlon1en. . They made violent and unalled for allusions 130 it on the'da_y of nominiition, inaking it 91?.- pear tl1 1`_tt Mr. Purker'wi1s a 1na-1'ty1', {incl deserved. their sympathy and support... This ' niiglit be very" lwmisewortliy on. -their part ;' but in their ze?:1--they he- came very uncheritziljlo in impnting to others actions and intentions that never crossed their minds." _ Suppose t__h=1t Lennox was this nieetingz i1oxi1ix1ee,'-xms this objectionable? _ These very people other sections of the 'l`ownship from 7.ringing_out "a en.mlid:\.te, and'yetf'o1' this siiriple right`, that.was clearly theirsz, theyuare assztiled wlth all `sorts of fabri- cations and inten'tions,- `\V,hy was this done? for `the very eivident and mu known purpose of - incitingrthe Solltll against the North.__ To cover the real. merits of their position, they ' laid hold of this- innoeent meet-ingi, and using that with kill Coloring for their `pin-pose, no or; courtesy was permitted._ A regular series of gro1`md- -less. rumo1's were .u`0at -to accomplish their end" ; -n.nd- success o'.ttende'clT their e`o1'ts',witli i;OQ,1nI11ylWl.lO xrerel easily l -l 11110 the ,mi.s_repi*csentations. -It was brought tovliglitithzit Mr.~_D1fury, of Ivy, an extreme Slip})01_'tei' of__ Mr. I a_rke'1 s, with a lieroism worthy`. of a better cause, wrote to his brother "in \Vest Essa, tell- ingihim that the`Or:mgemen' iverc bring; ing out Mr. _Lennox. Of course,` on that :1ccom_1t, every appli-._1V,nce, to be used to further Mr. Parker's interest. This, in:i_tself'-, _\\;asas ungenerouse as -it was untrue, and like" all the other _1nea.n gain capital, fell e - " 4 sedly 'sho1't of the desir- 1)..- 15...-.. 'n-...- -..- with shovel arid ,tongs-and fender, too, ' grand thing in a home._ Those black.-, - mischief to the rfa"m\il`_ po,wars, oatter- "house; on}! furuisbinggnotf ono`atti'ac;_ ` tivo I spotfinr wh.i_e.l1?qthe` -Ai'nma't_eAsf will. `gather; aslby _inIu'_nut'>_tiIa'y `do; to "arij_o'y . the oboe The ,$`c5e;-zce of Health remarks that ll] every home there Shollld be at least T oueopen grate, or some other arrange: ment for burning wood or soft orhard coal. A re which can be seen as well as felt-a cheerful, bright, blazing fire, it you please-.--w_hi _w'ill attract_the family by its_social Inuences, is a grim tartarean uues, lled with tho" odors of cellar and hot.-air chamber and seething waterIta nk,_gmd emitting clouds of pulverized ashes to cover your furniture and sti_;e your 1ungs,are among thergreatest banes. of family T comfort and enjoyment. Itris 1We]f_' = enough to have[one adwellingwapmed, from top to bottom, and vtoThuve no coals to carry beyomi the furnace, but this heating 'system~has ..-done immense` _ing.'tho4rnetnbers Of" ,i'_-`Ru over `the_ ry V;`-comfort; o. 7th`a_ ` eqide, There no6;r'*.side`iV_`ufI,IV1ot;(V>_ Tin ` ma}: w) cheats the` printer `_ _ Out of a..sin`g'1e cent, will never tench the heaven}; land Where old Elijah went, He will not gain admission there, By devils hs Xl beriven, And made to loaf his time away 1 Ontnidc the walls ofeaven. Withut n manzto grat him, Without a pleasant grin ., -A The hapineai thathe will reap I Will be almighty` thin.` _ `The Stock conlsists of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BIBOTSA and 5110135. \VlNEs,T. TOB11(:C0s and SEGAR;, The Ready-A made Goods are all of the newest styles and Qunlluev. From me great reduction In prune-I, every Ilun: will be sold for_CA!i. _ _ ' W our TEAS m. 3:. :25. 55. and 65 cents are. well \v0rIln' or nmmm. 'He l1 have to eartbe, thistle . Of sorrow and regret; H011 have to buck around right smart ' With cuasednesa, you b=:t`. - THE 0oNti:EsT IN ESSA. OPEHNL FIRES. P130 Boxo P,UBLICO.- . which` that bright I blaze `supplement! W and atonezg for than yvith thelow down grate whxch makeg the family circle it real thing. ' Try"it, "ye who cen,.'and. seetifxhe m.oial,wsthetic, and domestic?` "power of this style of home comfort is overestimated . Things hadpassed in" this wise dur- ! ing tjthe "76 hours spent by that I `sad company in the little church at I Vaux. Among them, was a certain Eugene Petit,`a man of segacity, and, ' as the event proved, well acquainted with the dark side of the human heart. While the others were moaning and wringing their hands, and devising impossiblemeans of"o_rn their prison, Petit, thinking, it the wiser course to nd an `outlet, not from his place.ofc_lurnnce, but from the alterna- tive, as. far as concerned liimself,oi choosing betweenlite and death, set apart from the rest in a corner, and cudgelled `that subtle. brain ofhis to nd 9. means -of attaining his object. At last an internal thought ashed through his mind. Heat once acted upon it, and. drawing one_ of theiparty aside, stealthily poured his suggestion into his f:iend s ear, and madehim his :tc`:,-omyplice then and there. - What he ::u=.d in that secret whisper was this: `` Why not g; between ourselves upon ` A, B, and C, (uamirzg three of the company), and give them up to the Prussians as soon as the door opens? In this simple way we shall eicapeall danger ourselves." His neighbor was fully equal to the situation, nd worthy, of the. condenceplaced in him, for he entered into the. plan at once, aud the two then went in quest of a third ac- complies; the three -soon found a fourth, and ,in a short time the cabal i was formed. Then was raised the cry`:---`` am: 0372:, a_uz~ g'o2'.'I: (to the vote), just as they do at Versailles. It I would take too long torecount all the details of the afl7.1ir. In the first count were comprised twowounderl Mobiles, who.tverc staying`.e_viliago', when the inmates were seized and shut u in the church. ` But the Germans reg fused to take these men, .because they werevsoldiers, and` this refusal probably saved `them, rather than their own claims to -.exemption_ on, the ground that they` were strangers _to the place. "So a, fresh choice had to "it? Slade: and at Peti1 s instigation aga`ii1.?gthey- xed upon, John Baptist Deprenve, `Louis Georges, broth shepherds and married lmen (the second the husband at the plaintiff in the present suit), and Charles George, a` young unrngrried man ; two of them accomplices perhaps in the -first unsuccesful election. -When the I rus'siaus returned for the second. time; and asked if `every thing was settled, Petitstepped forward and said, Ye's,"mon',0ommmzdant, it's all right ; we have decided by amajorityl And than, without losing time, he turned to the three victims, and, pointing to the` doer,'cried"` Sartez 1" 1 There was no, `help for it, for Sortez was the order of theday on every_ side, and the three poor wretches were taken out and shot, after having confessed and received ab~. solution frornthe vicar`, who, when he heard the terrible report of the mus- kets,1fell ,faintmg,`ia the arrnsof a Prue. sian ot_i_icer'.v The -`victims were.huried ' pin the graveyard hard by, and itmay` - be safely presumed` that after this ter-A riblefvitarniug, no more Prussiaus were kjil-led. , by juneuthorizepd .combatants. `In process of time", howe\{er..a feeling` ' bi remorse fonnd:ite~,way _to the-breasts _of some of_t_be'_3,7,men who had pur- A ' chased thei um b'y{_th_e'_deliberate sacrice Lo h_r_oe of,_',th.`eir neighbors, ndg-h'urn ,. tute tiEEi=:_Rll f.t|lt_PGd. roundupoa Petit, who.}w'as_hat_ed. and shnnyned. `Whenever. he wentrabread, ; the women. heaped` curses non this " 1ie;a,_,jandPetit:-;;-gwent togla ` 1 women - f'l`-here was not-hi ' _ iCivil:`A'_1`_`ribiiinal: or Roeroyis about _..--._, -any _av,yu v vuuoso to: pass judgment in a_curieus..cause, "the particulars of which oerj a vivid-!: picture not onlyiot th`eihoi-ro_rs e of -`war l in pgen'erel,_'-_but else of` the" inherent bru_t'alit_y of liui'nan- nature. when`o,nce__,. theinstinct of sell`-prose :-vation_ comes 1 "into play. A brief account` "of ,the'f affair has T already appeared in your 3 columns. I. recommend the storytof the attention or aiiyiiovelist in search '2 of the 'mater.ial fora eensa'tional`ch_ap- ` iter; there is a situation in ititerrible and dramatic enough in all conscience. -Inthe rnoNnth_uf October, 1870, a'Prusd sian soldier was killed by some free- -shooters in the iieigliborhood of Van):- (Ardenne,s). ` On the following (luv the village was occupied by 9. body of Prussian lrindwelir, and all the male inliabitants-still to be found on the spot (about 40 in number)twere shut up to- gether in tlie-parish cliurcli, witli the ` intimation `that three oftheni were too be shotby way of reprisals for tliehdeath ofthe Priissiaii, the victims tube chosen by themselves, either by drawing lots, or in any other way they might think . proper. Imagine the` mortal angnisli ofthose 40 men`; when they heard the key`-oturn upon them ,inlhei cliurchpdoor, gind during-the 76 hours that passed before it `was turned again, and the i i'i:ssian officer in command made his appearance! In thelexpectation of a lgllg captivitylliey had _curriedpro- visions with them. When the Prussian ctlicer returned to the church he was a number of voting papers care- fully tolded, one for each captive`, and three of theme-"marked with a fatal sign. A company of German soldiers, drawnup with grounded arms along the wall of the old' village graveyard, stood grimly waiting for orders. The Officer, sick at heart, as he himselt coiilfessecl, and loathing his cruel duty, offered the helmet, withthe dread secret that lay within it, to some of the leading men amongethe prisoners; but they refused it, for their choice was 1 brouglit with him a helmet, in which | I already made; nu__-__ __V_ L ` . . . .. . . . `A uonnvxnur xnclninr or ems WAR, great reuucuon Ill Ilrlcc-I, uvury nun; wuI no soul 10:` 1;/xaai. 7 ` -' * " -" -' \ I a 3 v ' y '1 < b iflgitth 5., and 60A Lent; are, n cl`! worth) of no_alce, V [Paris"Corre:paudont to 1bg`LonJon Standard.) FRANCEV Pkms, Jan. 16,vE\'rening. .n..- '. . - -. - _ 'Er.izcj`I_o1v or me New Goysasrunm. _ 'Fgaeras President qfthe Council-t-_-His A Inaugural Specs}:-.-07der .-prevails`: -"throughout the Country/-4 Grand- ` Illumination` go take place I '_.LoanoN, F7eh':l1.-Despatches froin I l 'Madrid say the"eituation,tl1ere is more '_ `night. No disturbence of any kind is o ' reported, and there seems to be a dis- iilfavourable thadwee hoped here} last '1; position on all hands to maintain order _ lend support the measures `of the Pro- _;vis1onal authorities The Cortes yes- . iterday was the central point of interest, .;and bulletins of its proceedings were i fanxiously awaited by crowds of per- ; sons in all the public places of the city. The two Houses assembled at 91% , late hour in the (lay. The formal ' message of the abdication of King , Amadeus was read in each Chamber ;' separately. It opens with "the state- ment that lhe King has naturally con- , sidered the question of what course he ouqht to pursue with reference to the Spanish` Throne, and has rmly re- solved upon that 'c'oursc. VVhen he ;accepted the Crown he did so under the beliefthat the loyalty of the people who . had called him would coin- pensate for. the inexperience `which he brought to his task. He had found that herein he was deceived. If the enemies who had beset .his path had been foreigners he would not upon-, but they are Spaniards. _ By them Spain had been kept. in perpetual (lisqniet. All his efforts to quiet her or` l0 Hut mrend in "In lnfrlnnnn uyhinln have taken the course now determined. `of 7011!." yearly {or the benet ~of'the` plaintif during the rest of hot lile;;` condemning them, moreover, topay .f the costs of the suit`. - - i |EARPBNT1!3.=.nBlIIlRll ......1.,.w.. uu ula usiui its LU qulut. Ht`! 0] to but aiijenvd to the intrigues which were the source of her agitation,-phad proved unavailing. It was not enough that he had a partizan support. He had no wish to remain on the throne as King of a party. He, therefore, unnounced his abdication on behalf of himselfund `his heirs. . Upon the com- pletioti ofthe reading the Senate and [Congress met together in the Chamber of the latter and constituted` them- selves the Sovereign Cortesof Spain. Senor Rivero, President of the Con- gress, was called to the chair, and in a brief speech declared himself ready to answerfor the preservation of order and the execution of the decrees of the sovereign` power.- A vote was then taken on the question of accepting, {Without discussion, the abdication of `Amadeus, and it was accepted unani- mously. ,A commission from the `members of the Senate and Congress- was then appointed to draft a reply to the message, and another Commission to accompany the King to the frontier Senor P10 their proposed 0, resolution establisliinga Republic, and vesting in the Assembly the supreme ' power. The resolution was adopted by a vote of 256 yeas against 38 nays. The A3- sembly was still in session when the foregoing was telegraphed from Madrid. _ . EDW A_1 ~ D . B_Y nun --_ '.__. `_._. ..,_l ` d B1:nAxms1*.-Ers-s s CocoA.-GniA'rnwL AND C0Ml!0IlT1NG.4-`v` By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by 9. careful appli-- cation of the ne pzoperties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has, provided our breakfaai iablenwith a delicately avoured beverage `which may save us many heavy doctors bills. . `-Givzl Service Gazette. - hfndn aimnlv with L!.u}Ur.xcr,nxE or CocoAf- We will _now` give an account of the prqcess adopted by Messrs Jnmes Epps 0. Co.,mauufacturers of dietetic articles, at their works in .the Enston _Roa'd, Lonc_1on."-Cassell`s Houshald Guide. 43 A SELLING OFF! SELLING ow: SELI rs.-----2---_-/-u 1-\-cu'-1 `Pun? Excx-:'x..- [Meter Jcsphnsishoahonees ~ Vegelable P1113 new super- .iovly sug'ar-cnoaled cannot be `excelled as a Family Medicine for general purposes`. The P111 nnntainn the :Il\Il|.'A m-nnnrnine of Iloness S.avr:n.--'I`he lives bl thousands of hon`.-es have been saved during the past year, and the credit is due to Dayle)": Condilion Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy. This preparalion is being exlensively `used, and exacts from all lheliighesl praisga. Nothing of the kind has ever before been half as suc- cessful or given such universal satislaction ; it-_cannvat be equalled. We can condently repolnmendilmd would 6d_?l$_9 gll vyljo own horses to keep a supply of it on h8VIll'~.- may be lhe means of saving your horses life. Be: memtii IKE: narii,3.d 599 mm "W 5'3.``` lure ofurd &CO is on each packag. Nor- throp Sr. Lymnn,>Newcas1le, (lnlario, `pro- prietors fol` Canada. Sold by all Medicine dealers. i 7 7 _ _ . Thousands of lives have been sacriced by the use of coal oil. Use the.Peu'olnm Fluid which mperfectly safe. `Sole agent in Barrie T. E. Rnwson. Brick Block. . . V ' - Pmnonun Fx.Urn_Y5urned he a.-h gas-gAlvest1~~. most. brilliant light ever discovered.` Sold by ('1'. E. Rawaog, Brick Block, `sole agent. for Barrie. If you want a Fainily Tailoring, or Le `the: Sewing Machine, go to the new Sewing Melamine shop, G. J. _BE;A'l`TlE, New Brick Block Karrie. P: Larrie. v._o me 088! bewxngvmnanlue m we worm, nuy at G. J . BEATTIE S, New Brick Block Barrie` Asecnu T0 om: READEKS.- If you want to keep yourself warm thia"_win'te.` buy a_ Slow at Raw.-sonss Cheap Gash Store, whose stoves are alwizys up to time. ' ` It is sckowledged thgt Cnm;?ock a Patent Flue Radigtqr is inqilely superigr to the cop- mon drum, angifar 'hegp`e:-,`.:an Ba got at ' `xgawsoms, wmcn Gazelle. `Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is labelled -4` James E123 `& Co., Homoeopathic Chemists London. ' M use `mmws N I.-umu_)' mvutclue I01` general purposes. The P111 contains the active properties of Mandrake and Dandelion, as well Is com- pound Extract of_.Colocynth and Extract of H;. oscyamus.- Tesfthem for your own "satia- f~.1ction._ One box contains about 28 Ptlla, and and eachtPn1l is n suicientdose for an adult `in ordinntyfcases. `Try them. ` 1 If ........_.-......- > `lifails au at RAWSOEFS. ware "of `all kin_:la,{ verycheap Nails anti Hardware of 111 kindsefy cheap ` at RA\_VSON S. ` 1V }I.l|S HBLI nu!" at RAWSONS. Yurnonvx Fwm will `not explode. It- is sold by '1`. E. Rawaozi, Brick Block. sole agent for Barrie. A ~ 7 . Sewing Mao,hincs.--Be sure you make a Christmas present to your wife ofa. Howc" or `_`Lockman, yourcnn get at G. J. BEAT'1`IE_'S :3vpCl' 8319. `B03 Rnwson, Brick Block. - If you wish to t`1':a`t` yqqr wifg or sweeiheart` to the best Sewingvhlaahfn In the World, buy at G. J BEATTIWS. New Brick Block Bah-in The cheapest place to buy Dry-Good is. at the Allandalz store. , _ 1 ( Sons agent for Barrie fur Danvfortlfs Petrolum Fuid_and Burners. T. E.Ra_wson,Brick Block. Provision St 0 re,