W. B. MEVIT-Y," Clerk of` 1 mu V I I-1 , Clerk of the Peace, 7') V3-4iu .' The Stock consaszs of READY-MADE CLOTIIING, B901-s . suons. wmns, smnrrs, 'l`0BAC(;0 and sauna, Tm R0,, made Goods are all or the newest slyies and Qualities. F-om great reduction In prices every Ilnnt: will I) I l f ` _ our 'l`EA.at 35. 45. 553 and 65 cen:s`are.3..`. .`. I. . .`.'. .'.- _-...-:`? vl'IJlII. rcuucuull 1:: [H1009 every Imm: will be sol}! for CASH: ' 55: cents are.` well worthy ! I being Imported direct. V` ' .5 `Come Earlyand` See for Ydunsglves. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS, ' T E. s. Mssxggge, nbnrxarmn rm-?rn -n A .v- asu-.....-___ .. ALL KINDS 013 X-MAS PRESENTS MERRY x-Mama SELLING} <)7'I`T IMPORTANT T0 Ewivaonv ~ % M sELjLiNG om?! II`I n-u---- r\u-c---- I. .1DWAY_S r.?.sUL'A'rI'. PILLS. LADIES GREBJ BAI.1R[E,A1_;1~1l1-January, 1873. , Ibeg .to call special attention to my stock-of READY-MADE F A T CLOTHING, which (anticipating the rise in Wonllcn-g ' ._ Goods) I ordered in the Spring of187`2, at Old - E Prices, and now offer at reduced 3 ' . `prices, for Cash ' `J. .1 u-uy yin`! W6-I IUK u,uisu uru ram. 1 got l Iorumu pus: zpaz, auu no better, if so good! T ' . 3 _i ` A. That s cheap; I was Just goingto send an order downto the City, but if . I can be tted like that in B&.l'|`l8, I will try Nelson. _ H. I am sure you will bersurted, as Nelson s Cutter can t be beat, and he -` - says he is bouhd to give satisfaction. He also deals in general Dry ' Goods,`-Hats, Caps, Boots 65 Shoes end Groceues, and buys Grain. His motto is Cash, Small Prots, and Fair Dealing. -1 think a man . like him should be encouraged. Don t you ? That : so. I ll go and leave an order at ' ` uV'[CCgx'tl1y s Bricvk Block. run-\`.\n Q4-......A. 'I).....'..:.. VFOAR _30 DAYS UNDER COST PRICES DURING STOCK TAKING. ' ' ALL_GTOOD$ MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. I ` 1 Pasusing alodg the Stit. somvoxien overheard theifiohowingj conversation :' ' * 4' ' HEN RY--Why, at Nelsoifs. A. Where is that 1 ` ' ` .;B.` The New Storein McCarlhy s Brick Bloch. .ALFRED--Where did you geti that Splendid 8u_it?_ . i ' I f I A. I did `not think a Sun like that could Le made in Basrie. ' . _ H. Nor I either, but a friend of mine induced me to give him an order, and I nm wan nlnngnrl Inifh than-n, L. L. Sanders . - .S'c=zl' lu {ham frcc ofPo.;tug;, (I? .g A ram-'E:.*T xwolfc) _ The pm-c of the Chroma 3in die stores is Thi'ee- )u!:;u-.. And my snbscrubur in a club, ur tingle ubu-.-ib_:r, whr may wish to have-. Our Dar- ng xnmmlc.-I (11 stall` Bxistol bu;nd,an<"l rcadv H tnmling. can have ll so preparejl and ..-en! by :=.uu:ing uvcuty-ve cenls cxira, at thclimcg Q! (`I H711. V READY-MABE @L@T%vN%G. cannon usamsaaars a amvaas. Ems we saws Luv} 1. VI-|IllU,l', uuc It Inuuu U1 xuluu xuuuccu [I18 LUV give mu: an UXQBI, unu I am well pleased with them. So" you might, I cannot bevbeaten for styles-what did you pay for it 2 I I only paid $25 {oi it,ar.d the last I got in Toronto cost $352, and no better. Wan rmn I . ....J .. ...--.--- I51`1nlnp Street, Barrie. A CHANGE OF BUSINESS. (""7 OPPOSITE THE RAILWAY STATION, BARBIE JFF! % ` si1.LsNG-0r*F! SELLING ow" gsfozszmaa LQCKE. ; in re;-giiyf. of u1'i'uuport:\11t'.olnl document" sigut-11-Ivy thr: 1 x`0l'essnrs of: Medical College Qf'l51'cs1m1, 1`russiu,1bodying 1120* rcsnlt of an mm]; of SPECIAL LINES IN .--AT-- :E SETS waxy Cost. I1. ' Jxaielictg. ' MANAGER. : v_v?!lVV" jg-xjjj 'PAR'LOR CROQUET T - I'.\&nn:-*__. a copy one year - 0 copies. one year ree_ <':npxc.-:_. one venr ur copies, one year c ronivs. one vet"-I. an ll \IF'l-h nu. van. IIEVVELEHY. ELECTRO PLATED --1-1- NE+]LN .I GOLD JEWELERY, _ Below First ` Cost. II:':_ \.\I'nL -V_- um: sun . -- - - - l( e_ ropivs, V8!`-I, and an cxjra copy to he person getlmg up _lhc club, making ix copies` -. - - v- .- A 14. `gm cor)":-.I. one v:-nr, and an ex; copy 33mo % 0.11. Eamon, Klee, wmamwza py.__s{ I 3 . n\ l 48 store where Medicines arekept, or sand to Barrie for them. will procure two boxes of the Pills and three of the powders} mg. -'C'):.EJ'R. DA.1a.LI:NG,'. _ always restoring the healthjftlnctionsl Those who have once used them, will not consent to have any [other kind.. '_ nj V | should he taken with the Powders; full In doses of (me or two, they are altera- [In obstipaie cases 9! Dyspepsia the Pills Have given entire sahsfaction where Prepared and for Sale Wholesale, by. Gathartigz and Anti-Bilious `Prepared and for sale Whdleule by git,1f not procumble there send for [ooim iifrIt-s"g Enquxre {of them at the" nearest drug- PRICE-25 CENTS PER BOX. hnve been raceivd from F. Kenn, Ex- the Newmznket Era, and inany others . I PRICE CTS. and general dilsordersv oi the Stomach and` Bowcls-persons who had been 'Edq'uire.'for them at the nearest have been.unparal1eled izi the cure of l Reeve of Qrillia, also from the editor of` vowuvuv nlavoaunu-n-v --an .:-..-_-v-w navzibered by any magaiine. either in country or in Europe. Since we are forced this business, we are determined to make it can lcr others to follow us. Lcl us see who I came up to this :- . CHRO'i\`lO-`7OUR _DARLINGA ~'-V-v I KERMOTT S EDYSFEPSIA POWDERS? hficted for years anditxied th various Remedies `and Physicians`: that came \ within their teach, without receiving directions accompanying each box. Been. Entirely Cured NO T 1ym\rERAL `APOI.SOI.\ -S they have been used, they possess For Testimonials, see pamphlets. E/was .E5?0K:l st \VI!l Plfocurc 6 Packages. corroborating the above statements. by inking one box of the Powders. I 1` `kind are entirely` vegetable. 1337815 epsia A etmo1t`5 cllolumu. them by post to Barrie. C. H. KERMOTT, tive in larger doses. TES'I`IMONIALS v-_..-.,....v _-_- _, ,, I every Subst-riber, -wheth'er_ Single or "in av -. Club! . V `m: U 1 FY] KERMOT 'r sT any benet, have of the body. ozsmsr, I` = giariie, om.- Ba_rrie, Ontario. One_ Ddliar C[iEMlS T, VUIOUI VC5o CHINA AND GLASSWARE, ` CONCERT] wonx BOXES, wmwm: ALBUMS, I GLASS CHEAP AND HANDSOME .1 EWELERY, PLAIN AND FANCY BASKETS, BRUSHES, MIRRORS, &c.,_&:c., Sac. 7I'\L `BERLIN AND FANCY WOOLS, o'rToMA.~:. .... ._....5-an auu ucsl DH BRAIDS,TRIM'V1INGS. I~`I_LLos'1.;] CROCHET NEEDLES, NETTIN FLOWER LEAVES, a;c.,_;gzc,, 5,_, Making a"8`h_T ""3 L9-'{',`Lsf, Chespest and Be ` ' "95 "rth of Toronto. Call an ..LK4 USEFFL AS137 ORNAATEKI PAL, 1'Ici;.|!nl CHRi.S'1`BE;f'1iH(bF1`E [W NEAR "THE szibi 55155.32? T rigiggoeggbr -"`..:. ` * IA 1. : . _..1 .12, .L Z`.-`K-I 7 M; >' .:4i%m3z,.-.`..;?.~`. :., EBAVRRIAE, December 4, .-._---4: !S 00ves, xxrare 1 'CHHEi'i*`%EAS rmpxms 2 1 E. B,-C% OMPTON&Co., mmmgaaaw WW .E=2.&`&&a., C (U71. 1912; 31: Am: P ;-tX.::?;' (:1,/1 g.--`..oa-4-.p_ Woeaders v* _i`,E_Never Eease Z WITPI.I IQ L Y.`D\`r\I nu BARGAp{s::: E<;hIJJ?); &YS. . " .'..-_ -1 2" .' . .., `. `K-N A LE; 2li'u .11" - -ii. 1,VE;AR -THE_S2EA11JGRISTMI A ` DR. PHIL. '1`.HEO BALli3'RNER, Direclpr of th`;P Epic `Bureau. Dunlap Stwez`, Oj;pn.s'I,'{e`l,'z/; Brrie, December 18, 187; CRYSTAL J ES. BEAVER Don t Forget the WHICH is VERIFIED IE you :6 FOR SALE BY Make Doors and VViml0w`s Barrie, Decmber 20th, 1971!. Fe" L(-1-1:195:13 '1!'I`f;gaT1zin-o:in'A I! nnvxi-'nIlnn>d lm nun m.Iuna1'?nt-.. ilhar in _ _._.-..... L- )aintS, (N18, Buck and (.'I'0ss-Ct: T MY .\m1"1`or.< ` Snmll I 1'Q[i.s am! (Quit:/.t iu c V -.;, v -. '~" Byfar mzare popula'r--mm/1 cnzore Than: any other 'Dry h'00(ls Store `Established in the Town l,e.l`<.V;re, The great Emporilun fur Style, To see his _Goods_" ti.< well1wortl1 while. There all Cash Buyers can procure Goods zit the Lowest Price tis sure, And where in. order to provide For NEW YEA!{ S DAY and CHRISTM` The Choicest Presents will appear 'I_'l1isT festive Season of the year. Brick Block, Ezgggamgs, -WE ARE OFFERING .`:3I E"{.;'I.-H.. "I`he' /\./I` \) y TOYS ANn%11`;x.Nc'1 Ggops AMENTAL, bought at the Best Ha... 38: f`l If\"I"T` ru tion, is NOW OPENI VV. H.` I-"reen1a.n.. ing determined to keep up his NG an STUCK of `Chroma .0IiR nARLING," 5 to. every Subscriber ' . FOR. 1873-. _ 53:9?-DEY when you buy _voi1=:_ 77" """) VVVI (LU. ' Largest and `Best Stock-Qf T)l'.Q (\'n"lVI'\ lIl A 11 . .,. nuns, CDO-, ' > gist, Best Assort:31gpg,Ai:';! 1 and `Buy yotgrg .= up an ta -- - - "` r, as :`;NDE*E3SON s;E:z:.i_..e.-#5 0pp()s`(C W. FMnnn. s (70 1872. ' E:Aw suN5, _A_ .LJ'..I..` [;,'bought the Best pursclves. _ AT TH E TEIE ma. RAW Yv "1`T0MA7 . and SLIPPER PATTERNS I"1LLos1:LLs, SILKS, NETTING PINS, km CONCERTJNAS, WRITING m:s1 GLASS SHADES, EYVR-r"an\, gs II'1I I1Ir\ Y CHRIS l`MA`S um rill I A :0 A-.\I D SEE now CHEAP '- \\ 78 Q ? sh` SHADES, Y, SATCHELS, COMES, Z c., &c. EE`u'`:s.'7IE-`IE1 \A \J \J.Ll LI Houses and selected by 1k. in: the 5'."/r/If/r AIIIm'i:'m7n connection JV-III/'I`."}.` _.lr./L':I1Icc lhe rawill U8 for the crs $1} .';'.) :1 year. Any ox who wishes 1C':;xws' can leave address this nmce. 27, 1872. - 43-3in, S, (I LASS is-Cut. Saws. air tight} iu ctm'us. }MPORTERS. '1 / on fectionery, the hbovo` \-\- \`- I` .. mm S`..\'h-ilnl ILLY 1:L LUsTr{ATED. . - 14 yu-nr`, copy Igcllmg up the club, making - - ` - - - 21 '_E`I-3Z SU1EN* r11+`{U AMERICAN :7-*:;$7=%a$?3. T -In remitting by Mail, I l lula`.dL-lphin , or a .I)ra['l on Ym!.,v paynlwie to the order u-,1"-{ralwlv to bunk notes lfa ` Order" (umnol be_-procured, r .\':xlinnul Hank notes. ,. I .1nu.i.-n!inu_ nu Inn nvnnnl .1.xuuu;u unuh uuI.g:s. y upplirnxiuu, as we expect Irvmtlllz wc oer, wxll I-`each TERMS. xbuliun. - L I-.1H:ubsCripli0u nf$:? 00 The Ot-r,? f-The Ac'_ linnr. - - 1. A.UUULY, a_r.nd Chestnut Streets, club of 12 copies". we will oxnue--'l`hn: O .:r" and g wuh Our I);n'h'ng. dr (1 Our Darling. club (J94 co Les, we'will -5"." `-The lIe.r.= The Fv...*;..o .-1 - < - _'mu."r1m mun. <.>`.:' 1'.`SS" 1, how in its 23111 yea)`, _uu 01 any auulsgqus. L A.GODEY. d Chcalnnl SI:-on .., "um: AMERICAN, '7 American )n`.'.. `I: rn pr`. us 2100 n: z 27 oo E 14 00 Bo sure to` acquit berfors purchasing, IN THE 0GTHE.`EA8lE8TTT0M%ANAGE. -`.H(:~.vI 1::~:Donsm.:I-'.."r ` mt. ()0LL_ii(}E or-` _: ._ `~ Tm: par PRACTICAL %GARDNERr% ii: %8IIlPI.Es'l'," _1;ili! s,(olun1tt.: IjRRET. _ W EWEINE i1161ieNbing' alf the time, `yr. '& F.1`__IELD, Ins\i_tutcH`or .Cne,salisfaction ch Prussian Government, and people. . It :1) s that the great poIgn1n,1`it_`,' of H18 D1113 722 E`/..1Y _G4.\- znnpy, :-.3 an n.pcri0nt, un~tibilio1Iz{l altemtive medicine, had provoked thexlxce of the .npotl1cc:u-ius, \\-'l1u mmsed-n repu be circular `ed that the ingrcdlcuts were po'xons.' TI1olfc- rnm .. .,,-;.a..min immisition uthelr nature TEE Agehts for Barrie. Wednesci yfhw 19th d - f| - %\Ie trch?-1873,- ay All Hun`:-iahf Hn, and nQn1-mat nfnlm ....:,l 1'- QIQUIQ Una, av I El, all the`:-ight, title. and interc-etoflhe said In- `solvent, and of myselfas Assignee in this matter in and to all and singular that certain parcel of land. situate inthe village of Bell Ewart, County 'of Simcoe, containing Five t"ousand twohundred and eighty square fret more or less, composed ofa par! of Lots-_ numbers 546 and 547, buttcd and bounded as follows :-Com- xnencingat the South West angle of Lot 547 on road` allowance and Isabella street,` thence along Isabella street forty feet, thence across Lots 547 and 546 in a nnrallel line with Ewart street totheline running between Lots 5464and 545, thence on the. line between 515 and 546 forty feet to road allowance, thence along road V allowance to Isabella street to the place of be- ginning. _ . * On the Lot is n nnwlv ornnlml ham clruuo ginning. On the Lot is a. newly erected two story Frame Store and Dwelling, and is well situated for business purposes. Tm-ma made lmnwn nn rlnv nraln Lvsula umur: nuuwu ULI uuy U1 mue. I w.'r. MASON, A . - ~ ' ssignee. '1`oron`to, December 28th., A.D., 1872; _'1 loin I N OTICE Is hereby gi aka Y.n3:u:ty`nlIII-1:; `.1 L l\/IJ - 1` given that at ihe next session of the Legislamre of Ontario, application will be made form: Act to conrmto the occupants of certain lands in the township of Snnnidale, in the County 0: Simcoe, (lying and being tetween lots, seventeen and twenty-three inclusive, in the rst,Iecond, third and fo nrth concessions of said township), their title_ interest, or right of pes- session in the` lands , `lots, or portions oflots, occupied or improved by them, under an erro- -neous or supposed erroneous survey,end accord- ing to the boundaries by which said occupants" or owners hove hitherto held possession of the some or approximating thereto, and. to secure to said occupants or owners their said improve- ments. _ . 52 sin A --- Thezundrsigned beg to inform'the`public that they have this day entered into partner-V ship as Booksellers, Stationers and" dealers in Room Paper-s,`Mnsic and Musical Instruments, and solicits continuance of the very liberal` patronage heretofore" granted to J. Edwards. to -.:II L- '.I...... ..:.... V4- 1...... -I......;. .._ 1.--: --nv-u v uvlvvvavnv non-mu vv vr unuvvnuuan I R 5 5 It will be their aim `to have always on hand ufnlllupply of first clqsa goods in tteirline. | . J. EDWARDS_& SON. `(ed that the ingrculcms were puxuus. 1uun:- fore, u. scientic inquisitjun ig their nature and p1'oprticS'Wa3 ordered, tbcuea of which was 9. most trinmplmnt vvindica, of tlie sani- lury value of the Pills. ; . 'l`|~.n I'4`nrv,nH\r nf' th CO11eLte In their Public notice is hereby given, thzit by vhtue ofthe power "vested in me as Assimea of the estate of the above named Insolvent, I shall- .oer for sale by - ' . r.'~v--1- an .. . .__ 1),, at my office No. :26, Toronto stret, in the City of Toronto, at the hour of twelve dclock, noori, ' - . ' of PAR'r`NEn'sHII. Tho nnn}-ninna `ham ln nl>`nnn\ . J. Enwan. T E. H. Enmmns. Ba tie, J me 240:, 1872. |PU:BI:.1_:(3A%I%J%?c'1`I<>1w Ul Bg.'V-zie , January-15'_tb,` F873. In `the matter of George Ilcigei, an In- ~ V solvent. A lunmwrnn, nuunnml L` Is hereby given` that a Sittings of the General Sessions of _thePa:~.ce. for this `County, will be held at the Court House, Barrie, on Wednesday 29th .)anunry,_instant,in reference to the"s.ltrAtion and reconstruction ofthe-Division Court Divisions-pursu:mt to notice in that be- half, by the Senior Judge,_of which all qualied Magistrates are hereby notied. ' `HY T3 gA17'm"- J1ISUAUD.0l D1`l(A`l`uI, . ` ' < Vendnr s Solicitors. J. R. COTTER, Master at Barrie. . ~ I'\-A_.A Inn, 7 A of the mus. ; ' Tlae Faculty of the Co1legLnte_1n report that after a careful andzutc examina- tion, they have `the honour tote that the- pills are not._ only free fromtry substahce injurious to lzealtln, but ar cased wholly of . jsubstanccs and clments promo of digestion. and certain at the same time ;ct favourably" llp0I l.11}C ucr_vous system, V. `They state, further, that the inju1:_1'l1m011I'B set aoat by the Prussian aputliies originated ` in 3' mean spirit of tradej B)','e!c'lted by . the -grenfcclcbx-ity attained 9 Pill! within 2 very brief periof1. ~ ' a Signed in b'eha.1_f of the C_ 1' __ -- -__-_ __`__'.__ . - . I|\9f.II'| g TOTIC-E` L Is"1cz`ercy_ l3n-....... i not nmner pnrncums apply to Messrs. LOUNT & LOUNI`-, WILLIAMBOYS, Esquire, 4 Barrie, or to` . ` J - -.. vu; gnu, A'AuI)lr$I um uutlsl ll-)ated,.13th Jn.uua.ry.A.D.. 1873. wen. `rue cleareapartia fenced. _ . . One-tenth of the purchase money is to be paid [down to the Vendor or_his Sol'citors on thedey of snle,an'd the balance thereof within One Month thereafter, `without interest. The Plaintiff ehalhhave the liberty of hiddingonce at the sale. The other Conditions -are the Standing Conditions of Sela of the Court of ' Obencery. ' ` r For further particulars "apply to Messrs. LOUNT& Lnnm! wn.r.uM RDVQ 1.-.,...:.. uuun 1 at DUI 0;-`to in the Town of Barrie, that valuable Farm Pro- perty known as Lot number Twenty, in the Third Concession, and Broken Lots numbers] Twenty and .Twenty-one, in the Second Con-1 `oeseion of the Township of Vespru, in the County of Simcoe, containing Two Hundred and Fatty Acres, more or lees. About Forty: or Fifty Acres are cleared and under cultivation. { About Twelve or Fifteen Acres of Hardwood, l on the remainder are untouched. This Farm is distant but two miles from Barrie, to which there are good roads ; on it arse Frame Dwell- ing House, Barn and Stable, Out-house, and it Well. Thecleeredpart ia` fenced. One-tenth of the nurnhmm mnmn: t. In I... or uusmeus purposes. Terms made known on day of Sale. W. '1'. MA ' . ' ` I at 1! (Mock, noon, by S.-Meeking, at the l;%EJLEL I9IEL! 1:"?! Clllly ll) UH.` PITLVUII 5V-3|l'H3 up {He CIUU nmkiug (v."cn1"-l}>I:r copies r . - _` 55 00 Let it be lIlldL'l`al0U(l that every subscriber, and c gutter up of-u club, will have the beautiful hrumo if ' %N`?F'3TAKER- Pursuant to a Decree made in IL certain cause of Oreswicke -vs. Thompsou,!!_xer6 willbe gold in one parcel, with the approbation of J. R. Ootter, Esquire, Master at Barrie, by V On Saturday, th a 8th day of Feb- . - , -ruary, 1873 I [NSOLVENT A01` OF 1809. mznw AuomN,j TALUABLE FARM IN THE 'I`OWNS{IIP or vssmm, IN THE'COUN'l`Y_0F swoon. |`D_WAB,D.'lYRNE 1HANci}:RYT SALE or REAL ES /_ TATE. * _ ` ARDAGH.& STRATHY, Vendm- s Solicitors (_'(1;)'l'-'7 ()l' yl'ilI', IJIIII (III VCKKIIKVCUPJ to the p(r.~m1g::lIing vim: copier; -A even cnp:c.~, one year, and an extra copy to [he person gcuing up the :31 lb making twelve `copies -' ' _' . - '- 2'? .-my-llzrce copier, one year, and an ex- cup) to the pmrion getting up the q|u'b .n:r-onics ~ 55