v. . *8 _ otbe: brand: . culled .25 'p'oundA 'z?Zia.~n Jams Stir- ` 7 , /. .... ...'. T - uu.~.-u:un.uJ and Y0 2.!`-` nvt of ' the Nari!-exn anztda, `and for other ;x\:u:uu. Proprietor. . in 2- Hagar, cm A ulna.) IJ(Ll rr, I/zs'cZg that by \'irtI1;c Afssi ~nm~ nf -lhn .51-1y . '.\`i1l be 1:{7.'r ALL KINDS OF X-MAS PRESENTS Come Early and Sec tor Yourselves. OBSERVE THEADDRESS, - - E.S.`MEEKilNG, nDDhQr'nw man 1: A .r m . u ..... . ...-___ Q msnnv x-MA: Aaiii The Stock cnnslsts of READY-MADE CLOTHING, SHOES. \VlNl:}S,vsP[lVll'l`S, TOBACCOS and SEGAR9. Imule Goods are all of the newest Styles ana.Quallu great reduction In prices, every tlunz will be sold for C our TEAS at 35, 45. 55, and 65 cents are. well worn being imported direct. V ` [ SE of . Lu`; for the fifth year the.-e:1fte1', `2l6 of 2!. cent in the dollar; for the rsi.gth your tlncrezxezf, '21O of at cent in tho dollar ,"' for the seventh year there- nllcx-, -204 of it cent in the dollar; for the eighth your there ftcr, ?197 of 2! cent in the dollar; foll the ninth year thereafter, `I90 of $ cent in `the dollar ; for the tenth ycmthercafter, "'18-L of a cent in the (lolhr; for the eleveuth y(-ar thereafter, ~17 ? of `a. ` cent in the dollar: for the twelfth year thcmaftcr, -170 of 3; cont :_n the dol- lar; `for the thirteenth ymirrtlxereafter, -163 of a. centin the" 3} r;.for the .: fourteenth y`ea':*thr:1'te1`,l'l57 of a - amt in the dollar ; for the iieonth year ` ~_tl1erg1 ae!', -150 of -h cent in the '_dol- '_ Ha`; di` theesixteeutlx year lthereufter,` 514% qf~a. cent inthe do.lar,'ffor the c gxanbeentln _- year thercnfm',"_13_7 of 9." I `the dollar; for tie eighteenth c "eat, ' ` ser. -131 of "fore the blue` _ V ' ,_,ce T .5 .'l,lf2|4-. of a cent ti}? 3, tWODtiBtlI' vmuv u . LADIES GREBE sE'r4s I C BARBIE,` 1-1i_h January, 1573. FOR 11 eg to call special attention to my stockof R CL()'l`HlNG, .wl1ich (anticipating the rise 1 ' Goods) I ordered in the Spring of_1872, . Prices, and now o'er at reduce 7' SELLING OFF! .ELLIN(`:v0FF! SELLING OFF! SELL-ING OFF - 30 DAYS UNDER COST PRICES DURING STOCKVTAKING; ALL GOODS. MARKED INPLAIN FIGURES. mnuzs run sns .... ...\, mun Jun uuure.'uIL'|', `Zak :1 cent in the dollar : for thc_ fourth thcrcuftur, '2`23 of imcent in the `law; fth tI1c;'e:1f'ter,` fur :-si.Lh ycair tlncreaezf, 4 in Um dnnmr`-5 `rnv Hun mm-m.4l. ........ LL A CHANGE op BUSINESS; R. Meeking. - ' MANAGER. SPECIAL LIANESH IN _-_ -.... uyuus un _1.0l 2, in. ad atreduced prices, for Cash "SANTA CLATUS _-.. ; mu. mr mu purpose 01 forming a fund for 1llt3'l>.'lyl`lICl1t of the said Debon- tm-es :mcl the inu-re.t, at 'tl.c rute nfoxe- .snid_, to In-come duo tl1C1`('Un, an equal Special ram. of '24,`) of :1-cent in the dollar in the first ymr:1fto1`tl1ijaBy--I.a\v tnkcs effect; fur the. second year fluore- after, '2-'57 of a cent in'tl1o dollar; fnrtlm` am: your tl1cre:v.fIer, '230 of cent fourth year it cent (101- rl:n~- n flln 4H'H. mm... 4l.-....,_1'LA., .01!` - v|.vv;L=- SI-LVEIRVIEWELERY ` READY-MADE C A T H 0 L 10` f}|n.I-:01: ;n `.`T1.'.\I'l..., Below First Cost. Below n nur VIISII. worllly of notice, . 3'. That the said Debclmturos shall bvur ixmrn-st at and after zlxei rnto of six per re-nt. per mnunn fro1nVtl1e_d:1t0 there- of, whivh 5llN`)`(`St shall In- lI}'L1])1l`v4`nnt]1( `1'st..l:uy ufAp1-il, in me]: year, except tlu-, lust, 1_:1y1Iu.`11b`uf' said interest, whi'ch tslmll he lmyulrlc on the same lay on _which t,h- p1:incip:\l'is_1nude p:1_v:1Mc. ( "I"! A 1` Al ' ` _ .......-z ; -_Au 51 se in Woollen 72, at Old 3: BOOTS and 5. Then Rana..- Ivy .l)lll"l'S `and 5. The Ready- Ilol. From um 33: mo II)- the I IGIBB. Welt half Lot 1 in the 4th Com, Medonte.. 100 acres. 1 , Lot 11, in 8th 0011.," Vupra-200 acres. West half Lot 10, in the 2nd 0on., Innig]_. 100 acres. 2 songh half Lot 6, in 13u:}co:i., Wm Gwillim. bury--'l00 acres. ' ."\`. .`t+l.~1i,aai<". .a'5.f " ``-`"-'1 Afn in ` ....... uuu uul. ;o, m mm Uon., Modontg._1oo ....u, uu: muu ueuentures shun be . `m.-Isle pay.-xhle' in manner following, tlmt ` is to say :-One-tyventieth ofsaid Deben- tures in ranch and en.-r_v your for twenty _vu.-m.-, from th- day lxeminafter mention- tul for this li_\'-Lmv to take c'oct. 'IhL lirst of said,v])(:};o11t111'es to be `Inade pay- able in 'one yuan` from said date, and the .ree1ni\imIm~ in each S11CCC(.'(]ill.{ year there-_ ilflvl` for mid goriod, at the Oie hf the iunk, or .-\goncyot'tl1_e Bank of'Toront.o, in (In; tuwn 0f'B:u'1-io, zulkl shall have ut- tzlchcd to them Coupons, for the payment A of inpcn-est. . an mm um. 13, In In U0n., Ndrth Orill{|;'- 100 801305. Lot 12, in 3rd Con., North 0rillf:-200 acres. West half Lot 16, in 1311: 0am, Madonn-100 -JG-rent . i _ , {. South',ha1fLot35, in Mb 0011., 100 acres. ovum mm 140! 35, in uh 0on.,h N. E. put Lot 15, in loth Con., -53 acres. ' uuLI.u uuu uni 11, In the 18111 100 acres. West h:1fLot 26, in 2nd Oon.,T East hnlfhot 12, in Is: (}'on., J Acres. -,, SIVMCOE LANDS. ran sm oNnTsnuAaus TERMS u. a. pan um 10,111 10:11 Con., Nottuwasag: North half Lot .17, in the ism 0011., Tiny- rI'1-_;I,,un-1 . ._ - V - - Thomas Stone, having removed from Apto, has decided on disposing of his property in that village, which consists of the Apto House, a two storey frame hotel, doing, a good business; and having necessary stables, sheds, and other .out- buildings, arst-class well of water, and a large cistern. A large Frame Store, and dwelling attached, near the hotel ; and a Dwelling House 'l8x24 in -the same. village- The village is . eleven miles from Barrie. ,'l`he whole ot' the above buildings are on an acre of ground in the most central part of the village. The premises- , are all rented, and will be sold subject to ex- isting leases ; but purchasers desirous of gaining immediate possession can make satisfactory ar- ' rangements. T`l`|"I 7" V [mm 3. (mums, A . - . " 1" n Tforonjn. Oct. 26, .1868 \ A ~ _ ; AV A L` Townslzzp` of F103, `Thomas 1 on disgosingc o:ll.-.. ...I..--1. --__ V VALUXBLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ` I N A P T O ," [ I Townslzzb of F103. ffnmm. .<~.~..--- BE IT 'I`HI'IREFORE_ ENACTED by tiw Municipal Council of the Town- ship ot'Innis1iI : _ _ - 1. Timtv it shall he lzuvful for the .Rm\'C oftlxo mid Townshi 1, und he is 1l1`,'l'L`i_))' l`c11l1il'n'.`t1't0 issue Debcntilri to tho extent. of Twenty Thousand Dollars, in .-;ums'of' not less. than $100.00 en'ch, which D:-bentures `shalll.-be sealed with - tlw Seal of Um said Municipal Council, and be signed by the said .lloove_',_a11d V cnuILt<`~1'sigIwtl by the '1-reasure1'. uoncasaion, Township of 01-0, 150 aclresl. ' The farm is situate within two miles 01 Village of Edgar, in whicn place is a first-. Grist and Saw -mill. The lot has ebou Acres Cleared. Part. is well timbered Hardwood, and other part with Pine. Ii`.-am. n.....n:..... n-.--- v_. ...u.; cuuul. 1 iswwell with Frame Dwelling House and small Orchard on premises. A TITLE INDISPUTADLE n Fnr I'm-Hun n...-;:....1_..- 4 : - - 48 -:.-_-_- Fox-_Sale, that Valuable Farm comprising the last Halt of Lot No. (3, in tho 5th Concelsion, Township of Oro, and North West quarter of Lot No. 6, in the 6111 Concession, Township acres. farm in nimnm mm..:.. a-. ---' - - 100 acres; and the East Half .Within tlirliniits of the Town of Barrie, thirty ve acres `otlmnd, >being_compo,aed otPark Lots Nos. '1 and 8,'-Lsguth" side of Steele Street. Lot. No. 3, North side of'Nx_1pierStre v. The above Lots am we]! fgnced and in 3 good state of cultivation. _ There is A large Frame Barn on the premises. - For price and terms of payment, . app y to MESSRS. STEWART & LALLY. Barrie, 2891i Feb , 1872 . 9-if .._-------------------------------._- ?VALUA1sLI: FARM FOR TQWNSHIP,0F OR0. L. -_-.-. For sale any Eight H. P. E; good condition with smok drivirg a phnet. Also a PI; `machine to plane 24 inches. 51-4t B} hid . _.____-_ Good Draught, 5 and 8 year old, Road or Farm, .._ Mia. C. Ward, In pleasant Brick House, Thomaoa, Esq., has rm -... ..\ .....u - nun _\c:u, JUI U1 :1 (`(31113 In L-hc1l(>]l;u': for the viglltoc-nih y0:\i', `131 of :1 c-vnt in .tIzc' V|14)uu1'; for the nine- teenth ya-:n*, '12! uf acont in than dollar,` for the twt-nticth your, -117 of at "cent in the _dullzu'. 4`.-7-tf J. Enwnnnsa sums] Barrie. Nov. 20th ETVER BROUGHT TO` BVARRlEi7 CHEAPEST ST 0 c K or Ira-.-Lav I01 Apply to A >{1>AN 011` >H_0RSEs '11*c3i LS}{i.'1: f PRIMITIVE METHODIST ________.________..... CONGRAEGATIONALU \\/\ nu. Jun, LU!) UL ilL't'1lI, ll]. INC (lUlli\l'_; fur the fourtuentlz year, '15? -of .1 we-xlt in the dollar; for tlxe.lifteentl) yc-:1:-, 150 of u cent. in the dollar; for the sixtu,-11tl1 _v';n`, `I44 of :1 cent` in the dollar; for tl1t"s0\'r:11tP('11LlA)'e211', `I37 of :1 cent in BAPTIST PSALMIST, WESL_EY S HYMNS. Io 'P{s'A L'i5. 0$'THE LARGEST AND T'ITLE' INDISPUT.-VU;I`,l`f. I2I__,, HYMN BOOKS. HYMNV Books, mnjsntz. ..;-__ having Arcmbved rick House. the late n-am... Yard, rcmbvcd into the k late residence of A. 1., vacancies for Boarders. 23 . inf; delxl uf the said Municip:\lit_v: "Jill "of 41 cent. in tlnr,-lnllm', i11:1(l(li? "fur the lift}: year tln`1'(~:tl'ti`1', -210 ` `V031 tlu-`1'n:1i'tcv, ".710 01" 1`. rent in the 41.1 11 vv-1 l.L'lI,|J`JlI|D L_m.-re us no exist- ANI) \Vl{lCl{l'JAFJ.`f<-2, _]m_ving the ',q;\i._l Dnlwnturm as tlxcy rcs1u_:ct.ivoly ma- t.urv,Iuc:\s_l1c1`r:iI1:1ft(r1' nl(.'l'Ill0l1(`.(l, and the int:-ro.st,:1s l1(-rvinaft-1- mentioned, it will rq-quire an nrmunl spocial rate of tiun to all other rutesr be levied in the rsc _\'~(:ar ;\l'L`r this ll_v-L:\'w tukvs ell?-ctr ; fur the .~.-r:c-mnl_\'vn1' tlu'-l'e.1t tm', -2537 QC :1. cent in ll{'>tlull:ll _ fur tlw If/llll'(ll yo.1'z' t/lH ,l`(f.'1l'tL`l`, `Q30 _uf_ `u cont in the L10ll2ll`_; for the fg_1n'Ll1 yL-in` tlu`:rc- _:llVl,+`l', . _`23 Hf :1 cant" in t'lm'(l s ml _ :1 cent in tlu.` loll:1_r ; for tlm sixtln dollar; l`lIl'XrlM: .s:\'-ntla _\'(`rli', `04 of 1 lccut in tlu,` (lnllur; l'or t7lnc-. ciglutln yi-at," '11}? of :1 cent. in tllC(lUll1`; l':'1'tlIo liintlz ycm'."1$)0 of .1 c<-1_1t in, the fur the tenth year, '184- of .-.1 (1-.11L in the dollar; l'urtll'_c' clcvcmph 'r2:u', '1T7of :1 f cent in the lollar; for t1c'cwelf'_tl:_ year, 5 '17!) ohm cent in the tlnllar `;v fo1"tl1ctl11'r- S. ft-I-111}: year, `I63 of n cent in the ` E `{`...- H... (`......4..,...u. .1.-.w ,n, ht H. Engine anifliofler in with Smoke pipe, suitable tor Planing and Matching Applvy BARRIE Fobxnnv. v_TH '1.72.` SNELLI.` D- . AT :.,Ti'ny--100 ncrea 1., Orillir - l`C BOOKS 1., Nottnwnuga-- ymue 1! IIFSI.-C1355 about 70 well timhnma ...:n. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rutenblc property of the said Mu- _ uicipality, irrespective of any future in7 crease of the same, and also irrespective of any income to` be derived fmm the U`,n1p01'.I`y investment of the fund here- j i:mi't.c1-1ne11tiu1:e,I or any part thereof, according tu t,ho_ Inst x`evis'e(l Assesszuexxt Roll of the said M1111icimlity,' -b_-ing for _ the year 13.72, was $900,018.00 : AND WIIEREAS 1;}1e1~ in exist : ind Jr-Lt ..l' Hnn u.n'.l '\f....!..2..Al.'L._ 1., Nottnwasago I MICKEY BROS. - _....-..v. fq of the 2 13 first-class has sahnno n SALE. . capital ft) 1:? .l..\J LKJ H `I- USEIEIEAND ORNAMENTAL, bought at the J j V . `ourselves. CHINA AND GLASSWARE, OONCER' WORK BOXES, - WRITII v ALBUMS, ` ' , I GLAS ('3[.{1;*AD nun n.-.......--.- ----~ _..___.j.;.__. no:.an>Ais ` of $2,020.00 the fourth year, the sum of ' u nulwlla . -- AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township of vlnnisl is desirous of aiding the said Hamilton and .eNorth-Westexn Rayilwayhy a grant of a, bonus to the extent of twenty thousand dollars, and of issuing Dehentures_ for 1 thnt purpose :- ` . AND VVHEREAS it will require the sum of $2,200.00 to be raised the first yearufter th s By-Law takes ebot ; the. . sium of $2,140.00 the second year, the 7 sum of $2,080.00 the third year, the sum 81,960.00 the fth year, the sum of , 31,900.00 the `sixth year, the sum of J 81.84000 the seventh year, the sum`of' ' $1,780.00 the eigth year, the sum of 31.72000 the ninth year, the sum of $1,660.00 the tenth year, the sum of $1,600.00 the eleventh year, the sum of $1,540.00 the twelfthyear, the sum of $1,480.00 the thirteenth` year, the sum of $1,020.00 the fourteenth year, the sum of $1,300.00 the fteenth year, the sum of $1,300.00 the sixteenthyenr, the sumfor $1,340.00 the seventeenth year,the sum or 'ni 31,180.00 the eigliteeuth _venr,the sum of of . $1,]-'.%0.0Uthe" ninetmanth year,the sum of be _ for thepayrncnt of the said Debentures $1,000.00 thetweutieth year, to he ra.is- ' ed in each of the said years respectively nmi the interest thereon, as thereinafter znuntioxicd :- ' A Brick Block, opposite W. BARRIE,?December 4, 1-872. . C U TL ER Y L./7./PIP `S, A J\.'iiLS'. ILA SN, I ` 7 . Paints, Oils, Buck and (`toss-Cut, Saws. . MY-.\lO']"1`O rs: Small P2Jqfits and Qauk:/.' Iictmws. TI` `-- * ** '2` CRYSTA L PA L/X05 W0|N1eI's will New-g;;. .---.-.-.. \\"Hl'(`LI to Y.`T.I'T1vr-u-.-.. CHRISTMAS BQEXES Z 5 E. B. CROMPTON & Co BARGA ]_Ns;'2:`HuLwA1 s. Dunlp Streef, Barrie, December 18, 1872. } `FOR SALE BY Make _ , I That for the lmrpose of forming 1 tlu:1>:u'I1|e11t the Rill ])n1unn Barrie, December 20th, 1872. WSATHE3 PR@TE6TDRS WHICH Is vEP.1 Don t Forget the GOLDEN Goods at the Lowest Price tis sore, And where in order to provide Fm NEW YEA [vs `DAY and CHRIS The Choices: Present. will appear. 'l`hi s'festive Season of the year. V -v---.:'. ' _ _ L ".2 .1-_; , `-.-`7 .7 Byfm` more papulaw---mm/4 7).wrc. l`l1zm3 any other Dry Unotls Store Established in the '.l.`own lveliyre, The great Emporium libr Style, A To see his Goods tls well worth w FIVI ' Doors and VVindows air H ` . 7.. t:1xisMun'icipaii_3? B} A n __ _' N L. - A ed for tghizt purpose, one" by tl;e_=_sguirl3 ? , - _ -7 A Hamilton and .Noi~th-Testern Railvay` } l ' 71,0 AID '1'_u_E HAIIII/l0N"AND' N 0R'l'H- Company, and one `by tho_ Lieuf_e_nant "`:z:s:.'::' RAILWAY Cplgmxv B! A A-_(}o6emo1." OfPthc.dZEdrovlince oft"lO:1ffa`3o, v T93 DONATION or A BONUS m_ onncx . row a ways `In `1 we 'N'1`_l(I_l 3x1'B,N'r_or $20,000, ANIIFOR Council of tl1is`n1Iiniclpulity s l,mlln1-efuse - TEE IBSUE OF DSBENTUREB Tnnlm-`or neglect, -for the spwceof four weeks FOR. -sunncr To. csnmm wanna, lafternot-iceiin writing to them, of the nxswnxcnons AND coxnnxoxs :- appointment of at 'l`rustee by the said J---_-- ' Railwaily Company; than the said Com _ WHEREAS by nAct0ft]13 Legig- panyg all bent liberty to name. such lam,-e of the province Of omm-1., Mu- AT:-ust'ee ; and prm-idcd always, furtlxez-, niipnlities are authorized to }w;}'s By-(1l3 "1 the, ` `'_` {`t 0f the `1."t.]': "5i`_ L.w3 for granting bonuses to" Aranways, natxon, or malnllty, or refusal to act, of and for {swing ])e1,e;mm_=3 payable at - any Trustegtlnat the Council, or the said such time or times as the Municipality C'0_mP811) (`f the Said _T.i`llstf.` \\'zU-5 y A may think meet for raising money `to nolnted by the Councxl, or by the stud uxget, such bonuges_ :- - _ Railway COTDDRIIV}. W110 nainullu 0.. A \v--\ ...____,/ K (IV Jul) . V V _ -V R). . YEA[{ S `DAY CHRlS']`M Presents :' festive AS tide, 9,; - Y`? ` Frian. >(`j,`,"=is_t1i 7 (,`V}`e(`I`1>m1'; -ep up his old rr % ING an Imm STOCK of` n1/\ Trra RIFIED IF YOU GO ARE OFFERING} SPECIAL _._....-..u.~.n. That the said Deb(:ntu1'esV s11:\ll be ,,,.\g..},],-' in m....m.. 41.11. .v..:, ` when you _ SELLS AT_ THE 01)pr)sz'fc {/16 R. ;vo;th Mlilv. `buy your Ed'm:m~:on s Conf.-ctionery. _..-.4.I I Best ASH SEE mm` CHEAP EEEAVEII .. .-. \Jl \/ \J.I./In, Houses and selected by_ QM PORTERS. R. S/(I/1'0/7. sure, 3 Cease E BEAVER mi ' - . N 51:34? 08 ` T. T mm F03 RAILWAY Cour-AN! . Tn ` . F 'rm:1m- I FOR: `HIYRJIIVIV n-In nunnu..- ____., fabova` 31`Iy J : \, 00:1. an v.0 a oozi o,tli_e_1'3ani'e:g;a3__r_. 18 3 Take noice th t; the aboveis a true copy of a pxpposeg By-Law, which will be taken into cons lerationby the Coun- cilof this Mnnicipdty after one month from the rs! publi tion thereof` in the Northern _Adva.fzce w.~'4p'aper, published in the Town 6 Barr , the date of which "1`_8,` !Ib1i (la y of in the C r ma tltz Han a I Inn: tI1_ same I r_ tine to ryllle U11 (.5hi~ f.(_Ct_ xvii in I\, 3d, be or. 6'!` -` ,,,, .. ulruu uua _ 1)_)"14l\V [\S follows :-~hamely, at the places herein- after Ineujoned, and also rcfcrijcd to in the notic nppcndetl to this By-Law, being the ilnccs at which the election of mcmbe1`s'f council aije -held, on the twenty -foiltli day of Ismuary next, ( 1 8 7'3) ' at the hot of nine o'clock in the fore- noon lll1(ll1(ll)1g at five o clocl<. in the r afternoon the same day, and that the following c1-sons shall _ be _1'0tln'11ing oiccrs to ke the votes at such places. Placeso oting.-At' Sloan s \Vo1-k Shop, in th Village of Cl1u1_'cliill,James Mather-s urning ,0icer; A`t Dod- son sA \Vo , l0p,_ in the Village of Vic- toria, Cl. -Ics Chantler Rctu1'ningOl- cer. At 1x1li11 Ollice, in the Village Oflicer. A the Tcmpenuice Hall, in the Villugtof 'Tll0l'llt-01), J ames Sci-oggie Returning .')icer. At I Iin(lle's School` "House, iliilchool Section N o.2,- llfattthew Cooper Rctimiiig Ollicei of Allaindn Cl1m'1es_Palling Returning" T Andv 5 1 votes of shall ho_h] :--l1: Inenjo ll: members f twenty-f0` t the ho am] a\ffe1'11oo11 : I b`.--_T1it this 1-_3yA~Law sh-all fake effect and cometnto operation on the 'l`I1i1fty- first day { December, 1873. ' . . My u n 1uu.L'nA3, II; is um ni- tc11ti0ibf'thc's:1id Coinpnny to submit to otlzr Municipalitie:~', oi"portions of Mllllicmlities, in the Uo1111_ty of Simeon, other y-Lniw or ]3_\'-L:1\\'s, for grants in aid (" said Puiilxvuy, mid it hn. bben agreed 9', and bet-ween, the said Com- pm1y_:u`l the Council of this i\Iunici- pality, mt unless aid oi-bonuses to the amountgxt least, of $30ll,OO(J shall be legally gamed to the said Rzzilwuy Coni- pzmy l.>._x_tlie said Municipalities, or 1)0l'~ tions- I Municipalities within' said, Countyof Simcoe, prim` to _ the first (In; of July, which will be` in the yen1.187-1, that then this By-'Lnw- may be lpcalcd, and that the said Do- .bentm-'e.~issuell tl1m'e1xmle1'slmll be can- , ce'll0(l.v Bezit tlm1`efo1'e enactetl that this [')'_v-:l}:1\,v.i `pnssml, subject to and upon the said bnditions. . nu-. ,. . F1U`IIL\;;--AIi(i in the event of tho S. lit1 D(`1)C`]]tlll`(`S not being 11<-g. wtiiai(~:I,- in ]')1i`S1lIl('(! of the lust snl-sm-tions of this Law, or if negotiated in terms tlu-ref, of the proceeds or` any 1>:11't .0f s11cl1}'o;eecds`not becoming 1n_\':1hfn 10 the S111 Cou11>:1i 1__y, that the said .D(-h0n- tu1'cs',io1' theA1n`oCcels_tl1e1'cof; as the cuse my ho, ho delivered oven-01' p:1id,ns the czip muy be, to the Lfomicil of this -Townsin ' H nun an-,,u_uu on ,s:n1u' pm-tion of said 0 Hqd, and that the sand L'ompgm_v lmvo are ed good am"! suicicnt and suit:1b]r~ . stnagnl buil1lingsv,u-\ 1n1.sse11gz;1-s mu] f1"eiQ1t,'on the line` of. the sairi I`u1i]\vm', - zit L-1`? I'olIo\\'ing1:]u('os : Tlmt is` to s;:1_\Q~ at, 0 * mm" the sz1itlYil1u;_,r0 of (7ouk.-:iu\\`n I *0 L` `North of. the Fift,ce11th-(_`o;1(:cs- si0x1l}ine in the '!`)\\`1x.-lxipvof J'<-,cnm-_ sctlz.;i:1n(l. 110 tin} 1'I;',.~jt.i2t'_tIrc1`IIc\'Lu1Lh Co11c}s_sion`_Liue in .thc_ Township of Essa :1 second at or 11e:x'tl;:-\7iIIngc': of Z Th0_1';ton,:;nl not f'u1-11101" at the most t~h:11i;hrce f'ou17Uns 01' :1 mile dinnt from L110"-'0wI1 Line on or :uI_j:_1ccnt to the Side iiuu between Igotsj J."i1't(_-011 and Six- teCn,in the 'I`o\v1is'l:ip 017 Esm; and :1 thi1'dv:`\t the inxtex-.-`K.-C-l'in11 of the Side Li11c>'ot;wo(,-n Lots l'wr~nt_v and 'l`\vo11tyi one, 11 the said Tm\'11:~`hi ) of _,C.~'s;1, the proccxls of the residue 01 snip Debon- tures. done within theme hei'eiu liefoi-e;limi't~ i 1' ed, to convert one-halfof the said I)e1mi1- tures for the purpose hereinafter declared into money. the next succeeding sub- L-il, to convert the` Fii ebentures for the purp oclarcd. into money. '` .FOUR'I'1ILY.---T0 deposit! from time to jmc t]1c:amo1111t1'ealizc from 'che.saLe d` such Debentures in some one 01': inore. oitlxe.Ch:u'tem2 Banks having an oice id the City of H iilton, in the name of t H:1n1ilt_<)n and oi-tlx-West Railway, Inxlisfil '.I`1'11stAcco11i1ts, and topnyy same out to the said '(. oznp:my from lvilno, on the certificate `of (fhiuf Engineer of the said Ruil waif 1n.'u1nc-1"iblloxving,that is to .s':u_\.: On its being certied that the said lo;1iouof said pyopouual road, lying. ho- t.\\'c11 the said village of Cook:-stown and L110};-aid Town of B;.u'1'ic,i:s gl':\(i('d .thc l)l`()k'(:(1:4 of 01w-half of szull Dc-hi-n- turis ; and. on its being t (`l'iiii(`(i that the rai'r- ai'c,h_:i on mil portion Had. nmi ii\:1f.H1n um'.l "l\\\|l\/\C\>- 1 section mention- 1ue' `of the said oses hereinafter V A, FmsTI.Y.--To hold the same `until thr- said Railway Comp_an_y have graded that ' part of`s:_nid Railw:1y- which is to run ' through the Townshipof Essa, from, at. or near the village of Cookstown, by, ol- 6,_ `The said Debentures shall be handed over to, and be received by the said Trustees (within seven raonths aften- the time appointed for this Dy-Law to take e'ect., and shall be held by the said Trustees _ in, and. upon trusts, that is to say : I` ~ , the tblloxvjxig uuuueu Dy me Council, by` said Company), who originally ap- pointed such Trustee so dying, resigning, act, may appoint a successor, and in the event of the said Council 'failing,' for two weeks after notice _in writing, to malce snch appointment the said Company 1na_v appoint such Trustee, but in the event of the Trustee lm'vingleen appointed" by the Lieutenant-Governor, he shall in such (me appoint a successor, and. so on from time to time, whenever the appoint- ment of a new '1`1'ustee nniy be _ 1- enle1-ed necessary. p nu - - -- or becoming incapable, or unwilling to` - J--w -vvu. S1sco.VDLY.-()n Ann un'#I.. .. A` '.- AED WHEREAS, it is am in- irnrflun-cn:.1 {`n........... A~ - ` " wuu upmuuull U11 U10 '.l.'ll1l`tvy- Ly it furher enacted _that "the to Electors of this Municipality" `ilken upon this -Luw ~han1ely,at places |1'I\I\n1] nu.` ..L..-. ....-(`M such ' grading ].gi1,.,` . . . ._ O ne hm-mu 1m`...... 1: ,_.J...,\...u l.\J IIIU 1't(:v11 ' l) i Said Debou-_ --,.., V..\/In, d-D`. rkstown, or ` m, to the Town une is V graded ' which will be ans.-ne, .. tiackagea _p|, bgig. are wgggg _ ` _are gns1gipasseAd:for-hoii`iviiId bx-iinu -. . 1. ,._"I ."GENUlNn .'i'___. _ . ` I o- 1.? No 2. ma e-. N03, .s:;.:;s.% W. L` \(I -7 Hu_ '4," an --_ no `3'n ohl b` h `ic iglsuwassed for-boqypd bx-mi. 3 a. -. _ ackagea qnnt:-in. 1? 1;; The Dl blm us Enrnn - nlhao lu- IWH ' TE 08! At wi7n}37 Barrie, Dec. 1'7iB, I8 72. 1 and Flavoungs of`al1 kinda for Christmas and New Year. . _ Also on bandit very Large and Choice Selec- - ' Vtion of RAISINS % and CURRANTS, CANDIEDPEELS. ' EXTRACTS [3, A. [mm xx 3au`s*f! , _ ......_;._ 7 ' 77*` V $- The undersigned wishes to inform the public that he is now in the Dairy Business, and hopes by strict attention to the same torgain their > patronage. , Orders nmy be left at ;\Ir._Hunt s Tea Store, or at Bail s Dairy, Milload. - Tlvmnmnvnv n A It Bar rie, Nov 20, 1872. 1 II ---....-u Take notice that on Monday, the Twerxticlh day of J:1u uur_v, A. D., 1873, tyne `undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a dischm-ge under the said act.` Toronto, December 18th,/1872. WIL'LIAM JAMEVS SARGANT, Per BIGELOW 5: HAGLE, his Au......,.... _:-1-.. - L ___.....- Cnnndn, ' In I/IE. Counly Cc `Province-ot'Unm_1'io, I/zc Courzly qf Sim County of Simcoe, ' In the 9nr.z,tte7' o_/"'H 2.7Z2"a.*n gcmt and Willmm O. Gamer, J vents - . . A \llJ.,\/.L`J'_ A" Is hreby given that application made at the next. s_ession of 1he'Domini. lismcnt for an Act to crnxsolidnte an` "range .the <;npitn1- account Na R.1i1_way Compnxxy o1"Cr[n:'.da, fo purposes. . Toronto, Dug. 19. 1872 -...... ,-...- _ - - W 1`/`11L1<'TT.1_1TL`1 {_! 1` MILK. :1! ! '. Ba11 sl_;_[Dairy"_. ve1'u1.IH nnus 1n me township of Snnnidkle, in the Counlyol Siu.-coe, (lying and being I ctvyven [315 sevcmecn uud twenty-tlzree ipclusiv_e, in-the -second, third `and fourth concessions of smd iownship), thvir tiile inI.rcst, or right of pre- sesainn in me Imds, his, or portions oflots_ occupied or improved by.tl;exn, under an erro-A "nevus or'snpposcdm~roneous sm-vey,and accord- `ing to the bouudnrjcs by which said occuprmts or owner.-xhuve m'.hL`l'l() hcl:'i`pos'ses?iou oftho Si1I1J(`,Ol` nppmxinmtiirxg thereto, and to secure }o_sr\igl occupmzts 01 owuexjs their said improve- mgnts. - 52 6in .__._________ A u u1uL`1.nU v_v on uAuL.r.', - his Attorneys uI'Iil`vui' V Barrie, Decembgr lstb; 1872. 51 id. OYSTERS SERVED AT THE T -\ ooosmm SALO0N,"AT- - Am. Hnms, COLD, .5 \ smwsn, AND mung. 1* L1 \J11\JL'4- Ia hereby given that at me next scgsiou of the Logisla-m`rc of Untatin,npplicn'Lion will be nmda for uh Act to conrm to \he occupqnts of certain Inn}: in we townahipbf Snnnidule, (13 ing twenty-tlzree inclnqim :..,.n... {Ils _..... -- -V {NsoLVE`1\'i'F7 ,______ _.-..- ..uv_nu uu uuy OI cane. W.T.M.ASON, . - . - , ssignec. Toron December 28th,, A. 1872; - 1 min . % Lot. is a nzewlj erected two stor Frame Store and Dwc,l1ing,.and is well situated for business purposes Terms mudo khnwn nn .1... l\a~" Ll1ol..l._ULl, LO` 0; solvcnt,'and of myselfns A:-signee in this matter in and to all and singular `that certain parcel - oflxnd, situate inzhe village cl Bell Ewart, lonnty of S meoe, containing Five tl ousand two lsundred and eighty square `fret more or less, composed ofn. part of Lots numbers` 546 menciug at the South West angle ol'Lot 547 of: 1 road allowance and Isabella street, thence ' uleng Isubella street forty feet, thence across Lots;547 and 546 in u narallel line with Ewart street to the line running between Lots 5-16 and l 545, thence on the line between 555 and 5-26 l forty feet to road allowance, thence along road ` aywance to Isabella street to the place of` be- ginning. A ` ,_On the newly two stars` Pr-nmn Qonm. ......: n_.I~s ullthe right. title. `and interest ofthev said In- vtnd 54.7, bulted and bounded as follows :--Com-' I (')"?e2?su?) Cheap Gnfocel \T `OT weanesdaz, t11;L1 817s~>5.h`w day 3.l'_C , , all the n':zht.iix1e.'nnd intprnnt nr H... ....:_a !of _ ,{C-.-..z\I,LV kn my o{11ce'No. 2-}, Toronto sircet of_ Toxfonlo, at the. hour of 01` , in {he CH5 twelve `o clock,. noon, ur uusmess purposes Terms mudc known on day ofSaIe. ` ` I, '1` \! - ......., uuuut: .5 mcreuy gxven, that viruic ofthe power vested in me as A'Ssi:nec of we estate 01 the above named Iuaplvcxni, 1 shah ` offer; for safe by V lxrrrw r' * "u - "" `A0141 :1; Yo 1. ... 3. A.VPERfK1I"NS & BRO. H..- run`; ...-.. run: ofzhe; nz~6n1.. . _4... In_ the matter of Gemg-1 solvent . the P1300 t0`gd for Chqice I"1Vr1--p-._- No 1;G"nouN ; `Pubiic notice is herebfgiver), ufxhe vested mo. :1: A :v~t%i:`f.a.i';`s,:x,\.,\\.m,i . as usual. . `V ` `oodbine Saloon. "*v-----._______ u I unuuun I_l1E DE RICK: BA IL. Drnn--:nOn A372 ` = .1 _,,..___...-....... _ -. - ACT O1" 1869. um. uppucnuon 'u\lll 00 n 1he'Dominion Par- anJ ro ar-` mm! M` H... xv-..-1 .7 I