`IUVVUIII: . -yw-.- -. / ' .I'{`g~1inoi has 13, titgtiz Premier, feolinj '_>-%_sTo:i.x1"e_{xx_r_:l1;z_MtT dJxsh_eqftened,` threntoned to v oft: .u}i;the? spongepqrhon down camp A be T Pnoroonn Nnw Camu-!.-Applicalian has been made for the erection of a -new county for>mixn_icipa1 purposes. Taking from scum Simcoe lnevTownships of Adjala, Mulmur and Mono, Melanclhbn froni South Grey, `and Amaranth, Luther and East Garafraxa, fro5n'Wellington--'I`he Village of. Orange- ville to be the County Town.! ` _Youiza AND Hunt Ponx.-Thg Mesm. Martin Broa., of lhll lawn, `recently killed a bag which wan only 8 months` old`; but it weiged ovet 400 lbs. I! was. a.` Berkshire- Sufolk breed. We question if this in not the largest y_ouug_ pork ever raised in Ontario, beat it who can. President Thiera has resigned,` Marshal Mo. Mahon, Napoleon : pet, is President ad interim . Great exciiement. [Proposition for a military trinmvlrate composed of L'Admiranlt,O hangar- mier and McMahon. Alas poor France! The teachings _ott_he Voltaire school added to the velnptiousneas of her cc bu:-ts have laid the country in ruins. ~ ' `BAnnu: lvlncaamcs INs1'n'orz.-We have already Spoken in terms of commendation of ma progress-ol thia Institution. . Last Monday * evening s meeting was_well attended, to listen to Ilia debate` "Has her Union with England been injurious lo Ireland, which was sharply comesled--lhe affirmative gain- _ ing the decision. The Music class pracliccd the following evening. Next Monday evan- ing will lie 9. general meeting, and a good . turnout is urgently re_q'1eated. Tov D_AN:I:1. ,BoUnm:.'EsQ., \ Chiefvlingineervdf the . . ' Barrie Fire Brigade. Sxa.-Allqw me through you to tender to the Fire Btigadeuf Bu-`tie tha enclosed cheque for $20, 1.9 a. slight xqcognition of ihsir uryioea on .the,ocei`.sion bf th'e'lat_o fire at my'pr'emiu_a,_- our the 1lh- inst. The Muingqnd Guardzan published in New Westminsterfrltish Columbia, is regularly re- . ceiyed`by_us.-' h_ig;L;eekly, undone of the best aiq st.u1_1_chst'jS.person the H_ain Land. `[13 subscripytvion price is $7. 50 1; your or` 12; cts per copy. This British EIvDo1-ado ought to be ' n; {at plaice for: newspaper men. Here We charge 8 dollaxf for twicethe amount 01 `news and one half of, our subscnbars cheat us out of that petty sum . . . - - Causn 1'0 THE! BA'n,-Wa are pleased to notice that Mr...7.V Robert Slravhy has` been called to the Bar . having passed a most creditable examination before tlioaulhoritiea ofthe Law Society. Mr. `Slrathy was born in Barrie and is theyounger brother of our tos- rected townsman, Mr. J..Stralhy, Accountant of the Bank of Toronto here, and of Mr. H.H. Strathy,'ofthe Iaw firm of Ardogh 8; Strathy. We wish V the newly admitted Barrinter a prosperous career. . Booxs.--Messrs. E-lwards &iSon are fully prepared tovmeettho demand for gift books and Christmas and New_Yeer a presents. '_ Fhey will offer achoicer selection of elegant T giftvboolrs for the season `-now approaching than they haveheretofore had on beutl, The stock consists of_ an almost unlirniterl variety of books, grave and gay, in binding rich or plain--the choicest standards of English Lrteratnre,and all the new books of note; They have in Hytnn- Books, Prayer Books and books used in public worship by all the denQtninations,a large stock and great. variety, as we'1| asm rznlimited supply of Text B.r5_)_1gs us:-d inthe High and`Comm'on Schools. '_In addition to books Messrs. Edwards 5 San have secured the erzencies for the sale of the A 1 Pianos, Melodeons, and Cabinet Organs. The Mason Hamlin, for Organs they `pro- V nottnce the best make. Williams, in Mel `- deons they recommend_ to their customers, and for a cheap, e!egnr.t,.sweet toned piano they recommend the Germen Upright es the one most likely to give the greatest satisfac- tion to Iltosejrho can notrfford to go into a live or sixhundred dollar instrument, As s `piece of furniture this instrumentyis superb, and for tonemlthough not of the greatest power it is xceeding'l_v' sweet. i `PERSONAL---O11!` esteemed friend, Athe popuiar and very etcicnt Reeve cf Monck, A. B , Brown- ing, Esq , passcd_thraugh Barrie on Wednesday Inst, on a trip accross the Atlantic, he intends returning shortIy,and.we trust` his friends in Monck {van think although absent not for- gotten, and electliim as their Reeve next I1.nu9.ry,ns his absence from the0our~_ty C .nncil ' would be lamented by all, and be a. serious loss. to the municipality he has soifarthfully served. We wish Mr. Brgwning a. pleasant trip and . speedy return . . _ . _ Third` l '1-`ux fancy goods and toilet articles brought out from E-1gland>forMr. Woods are, for the most part, lying in thirty fathom: of water at the conuence of the St. Lawrence and St. Charles, near Quebec ; but as they are en. cased in tin isrs expected they will not be injured. The Messrs. Allen, of the Allan Steamship line, have written that they will be soon shed up and forwarded, and possibly Mr. Woods may have them intime lor Christmas and New Years._ In these cases he has some rare English goods, suitable fut` presents, L ' .. Vicx`s Feonu. Gums.--_Iu the whole of the United States, as fsr aslwc have seen, hes not been.publi_shed for years past a. more elegant or more useful hand book for the garden than. Vick : Annual Guide.` Mr. Vick has now de`-' termined on publishing it quarterly instead of yearly, for the nominal sum of twenty-ve cents, and any one ordering seeds to the amount of a dollar receives the four issues_.free of cost. As to seeds, for several years past Mr. Vick has sent us A complinyentm-y package, into which a good many of our friends hare been glad_to dip v 'heir ngers, and these seeds have been invari- found true, Mr. Vick is an enthusiast in his proFession-is besides a member of the craft-- conversent with the art conservative of all arts -7-:-.nd in his first issue for tlnyear, lE73-5ome- what a "head of time,- -hassurpessedrall his former guides in beauty of typography and il- ustraiious. ' - em1;g.3:::.;;;c: ' ..;r3i:*rifdi~: "sAI1I?.7si ` Yours, &e., ' Yn = J3EPH Anpmarmg, >~ ppwuus uguguuu.-,--yu `gun, J`... ......... .. Ohuialmas resent to your wnfe of a. Howe or ;a`;1.,okLman, you qua get ig at G. J. 88 A_'.lI'IE'1 n v` . - ` ' = , ._~ spying MahlneI.-Be sure you make` a _Ohrialma`Q Howe" or zunockman, 6.}. A_'1"I'I_E". ` from A TO ms`1.oni>smp Jusncn wiusorv. , The Grand Jury of the County. of" Simcoe, beg to present, that under the explicit instructions of your Lordship and the assistance and wanted civility. - of the oicers of the Court, tbeirdutie's !have not been irksome. . ' rm...` n-.s...| :..... `:...l Ihnf elm fur ` ' Miller : vrepmd Glnezlnt fr `chapped cda `Drug Store. opposite llcifthfl inn Law 01390. invlthoult qxoeptidn the bet in any; Drug more. 0 _,l_1_I Law 01319:? -mu, Uuglll LU DU `IUD UUWIIO In 8CL0l'd&U68 with the'usu'al.cus,-. tom,the Grand Jury have visited the jail, and found it in, a very cleannnd orderly condition. William SuttlebY$ committed on the 14th of'May, 1872, as being insane, in their opinion ought to be discharged, as he appears to be in his proper mind at present. Tho Grand luru nlszn nd fnllr nris- -. `Nails ad-H_stdy*\re of all kindsqry cheap qt RAWSONB. - _ `Biwlbg Macbluelof allkind, thd beat h J horse machine: made; at G. J. BEA.T'I`IE S,Naw `Brick Block, Ba`n-13, . V . 4 ` _ ` nave not uuau lnsauxgw. The Grand jury nd that the two shooting cases which have come before ' them have arisen from a very bad-cus-` 96m;which prevails no this country, of playing tricks and making merry on. Hallow een,night, which in their opiu- Aron, ought to beput down. T Tn nmnrnnnn with H'|A.nl`l-RI BUS-. . Ill um IJIUPUI uullu ul yloauuu _ The Grand Jury also nd four pris- oners in the jail committed from the town of Barrie, Lfur vagrancy, and as they belong to Barrie, it is the opinion of the "Grand Jurors they ought to be supported by that Municipality, and not be chargeable to the County. All which is respectfully submitted. Slll ill L-AU IU .I. On), illlll HIUISS III 0' JV; Cord Vl`0od has not yet commenced lo come in to any extent. We unadqa cbnxracl Io- day {on dry at, 8,3_(10,---four feel wood, to be deliyered 1:! once`; ' xsnuor Ham 1 10 [4 ceulu. In our Barrie market reports we are largely indebted In Mr, Milne, the Market C:erk,for information as lo current prices. 1:. Flmmn rnnnrlilhiu weak that nnmn L-n lnlolmuuuu 33 IU UU_I|'UIl| yucca. Mr. Brown reporunhis week that some um .|honaaudV bushels of when and live or ii: lmndrcdbuehals of Onls have changed hands vv..-..- ---. O__- - To Mr. Crooks, an appeal to his con- stituents would have been -most disas- ` nous, for it is an absolute certainty that _ he will never again be returned as member for West Toronto. Difier- ences which in 1871 existed in the Conservative party in the Ward of St. John, and which were the means of .t~:ecuring Mr. Crooks ' election, have long since been amicably adjusted; and . those who then,feeli1g somewhat ag- grieved, imagined the state of aarrs would be improved by` supporting Mr_. Crooks, have'long`since deeply regret- ted that they should have so acted. Such an event as ea Grit candidate ob- mining a ma3ority in the Noble Word, is not likely .to be again repeated. Let us look at the contest of "a few Vznimtlis ago between Messrs. Shanly and \Vilkes`, candidates for the repre- sentation ofthe Centre Division {or the House of Commons,-and see what was the result on that occasion. No allow- ance can be made from the fact of there being a different Grit candidate before the `electors on that oceasian; for certainly Mr._Wilkes is as popular ha candidate as Mr.`Crooks ;` bu t, alas !_ what had now become of the Grit ma- ` jority ? Instead ofa repetition of the}do- irigsof 1871, we nd that the Clear Grit candidate for this Ward, was left in a minority of over one hundred. So far ':rs Mr. Scott is concernedjre remains in power merely as long, and not one mo- ment longer, than his} Conservative Supporters choose to permit him. . I -' AI , ,f,._- ____,_ _,_ GEORGE DAVIS, azmrman Campbell vs. Hi-H---Ejeetment`. Me Carthy for Plaintiff, Lount for Defen- dant. This case has excited a good deal of attention. . The action arose out of alleged lunacy of the mortgagor of a certain property in Oro, when mortgage was executed. by him in favor of the Barrie Building Society. At the sale `of the property under a power contained in the mortgage; Mr. (Wm. Hickling was the purchaser. The mortgagor in the meantime hav- ing died, his heir, on attaining his ma jority, brought the action of ejectment on the above plea . Verdict was given for Plaintiff. The case has since been brought up in the Common -`Pleas, where a rule mm` was granted. Tlrrnhnnnn me 'i\ITnHnn _"l`|-nunoau LA'r:s1' roaosro 'u.mxa1's--wI:s;x1ir nnvmw Show 3 decl1ne}of nraonpie of cam: in Wham, cther grain a shade lowex. Store packed Bauer from 7 lo 12 cents. `an All! Haydn" -nan-Ira! rannrln I-an urn Iannaln Mlglllil [II IUU WI-I UUI-IU UI |U uuy `V II! Q10: -Pork is coming in pvrelly freely, but the figures are low, some ne family pork being sold still as low as 84.50 Some prime hogs in msdium weights were bought by My, wine, which . ranged from 85 00 lo I $3.50. ` ' an`. n,1_....:-..n'.........- ...-..... r.....I '.a..:-.. ' lI.lI|\U 5"`UUUn IU l.UU: Eggs'-scarce at 201:. Bauer--Goocl tub 1%., medium 159.; to}! 20 lo 250 ' - V `E ` " Lard-1010 1256. - Potatoes-4010 45c. ' Mr. Graham, oi the Banie Tannery quotas skins at 1.25 to l 35`, and hides `at 6750. ' (`.nnImn..d luau nnl vol nhmmnnnnnl In hnmh "'i3"ZhT;Z}. 2?." "'19`1'lx:*'i2{;".`..-impass. McCarthy for Plaintl, Barker for De- fendant. Vetdict for Pl::intiff$50. `D - n m n . m M;":ann D...y'n:...... IN . IUIAV-Illllll V UIUIUN SUI L IQIIIIILI QIIUO 7 Brown vs. Milligan.--Promises. Mr. Scanlon fox Pluinti`, J . H. Wilson for Defence.` Verdict for Plaintiff $24-0. Qrnhl-n nu! no-In-n` n`;at|Cov\nu\` IJUIUUOFO V UIUIU? IUL LTCII-lIll_l ,@-'J`1`Uu Smith vs. L\rIc.LandersM.-Ejeotment.-. Verdict for Plaintiff. ' ' , 1\-._,.__L ,, `1f__L -rv ,. ' .' Maunulrell [quotes meats, fowl, "dairy. produce, &o , I31 tlxaiolloxving gures: _ ' '4 Beef-$4 00 to $4 50, accardixig to quality. Pork-$4 50 to $5 00 and $5 60. 7 Muuon--by the carcass 6.00 lo 7.00 Geese-- 40 to 60c. _ ._ Turkeys--60c.lo' 1.50. _ `Coat . cam-run nl Qn- V CIUIUB [UK L Illllllll-II I Danaugh vs. West.-Ejectme'nt. McCarthy for Plaintiff, Barker for the Defence; Verdict for Defezxdant by _co nsan t. 1o,1-_jL-... -n, as 47.` DU DUI! I- Needham '53. Rogers.--Trover.A Strathy for Plaintiff, McCarthy for De- le].'dant. Ve1'dict,for Defandaiit: . ` _ Covey -v2. Willson.-Ptomisaw-- Lount for Plaiuti, McCarthy for De- fendant. This case was referred to ar- bitration, John [Anderson Ardagh. tEsq,., being appointed the arbitrator. Armqlrnnn mo Qrill ___I4`;|n9nQnn 17` Q VUIUIIUB UL Q-'u"UJ Queen vs. Jno. ` McGuiness.--Rape. The prisoner was found guxltv, and sentenced to be hung on th'e 8th day 1 of January next. . \ f\uann mo h...-.:.. n`nmnut "l"l..:... `Jail! DUIU ueuly ill `ZLIU `L05- ' Prices in Turunm on "L uesday on the street were $1.22 to SI.% for fall; $1.20 Io $1.23 for Treadwell; and $1.17 to $1.18 for spring. 02115 sold M4210 433 _; and-barley at an average of 65;. Navigmidq is qow for all large commercial tr:msacuons_ prziclically closed. and the ubct Is full on they mnrkels. n.. n... n'I.-1:10 ......I...n .....:.. akin. I'l`h...-.'l....\ 'UIUlUll. II`-III IIIU UIIUU\ IS IUII UH IHV Illnl KVIDVA On our street market grain thn (Thutszlay) morning is a few cents lower than on Tues day. Mr. Nelson repoi-ts grain as follows: Spring Wheat-$1.l0 to $l.l'2. Fall Wl1eal-$1 1'2 to $1.17. 'l`readwe|l`--$110 to $1.12. . Qats--V45_ to 4_'lc. ' * ~- ` Barley--50 to 510. v _ Hay sold as hlgh as $19 on _Saturday. The highest price we heard of to day was $18. -Purl: in nnminrrin nrnllv frnnlv. Inn tho uulus ulyknanuvuu I-IIU DKIUIU-llLhUln Armstrong vs. Stil1.-Ejctment. F. Osler for Plaintiff, M. McCarthy fur Defence. Verdict for Plaintiff. ` `lT-I_._.. -._ A._.___n,__, lJVLUllUUo V UIUJUB LUT 1.'lLuul.lll`. Kelsey -vs. Armstrong -Assu,mpsit. M. Scanlon for Plaintiff J. Stephenson for Defence. ~ Defendant consented _to a verdict. of $240. *nI!nnn /nu T... ~'l\II..!"`..2......... 1)-..- Ul IIISIILIEIIJ IIU-`I11. [Queen :3. Dennis Delaney.-This was the shooting case brought from Pu~ netanguishenegand, reported in. our last, Prisoner was found guilty of unlawful_ shooting, and sentenced to six months imprisonment in the common gaol. QIIFAH In: WWI Tnhnuhnn :_T.nvnnnn JUPP-..`.IcDONALD.-At Barrie, on the 20th inst, by the Rev. M. Frasaer. Gaorge'Spen- cet Jupp,1 Miss Eiigabeth McDonald, both ofsunnidale. ' - . On Salux-day_and Tuesday wheat was firm here at $1.12 to $1714 for spring; `Sonics 1.17 to $1.20; Treudwell $1.14 to $1.17, Oals sold freely at 4710 48,2. Dnun En 'l`.u-nnln nn "1 IIl1 l!lI1 nn lhn nlrun! uupu-auzuuuul. HI LIIU uuxumuu g1Ulu Queen '05. Win. Johnston.---Larceny. `A True Bill was found by the Grand Jury. _Prisoner pleaded not guilty.-- This case was traversed to the General Sessions. In default of `burl prisoner was ordered back-* tr: jail; Our readers are doubtless awarewthat the reconstruction-of the Ontario Cabi- net did not render it necessary that an the members of the new` Ministry should again seek election at the hands e of their constituents. Three of the colleagues of Mr. Mowat having held v positions in the previous Government, they were allowed to take` charge of departments in ,-the new ' Administra- tion without, being put to the inconve- znience of a nevy election_. Mr. McKellar and Mr. Scott remain in charge ot the same departments as for- ,rnerly, and Mr. Crooks merely made an exchange from-the position of At- torney-deneral to that of Provincial `Secretary. That such an arrange- ment has been eeeted is certainly most gratifying to the trio, for had `they been obliged to seek re-election, the probability is that more than one would have gone overboard. "` `IF l"| In In An.,._I A-I__ _ --._ ROWAT`.-AL Duluth, Minn., on Nov. 1011: ` iust., John E. Rowat, only son of.Jobn Rowan, ' 'Esq., of Barrie. aged 25 years. Beloved by all who knew him. < , ` BLAKEIQY.--In this tow'n, the 15th in'sl`.'snt, Ggcdwiu, igfant son of Mr. Samuel Blakely, aged tlxres mouths. S'[`ROHN.-0n Sunday the 17th instant, at the residence of her son-in-law, vJas.. H. Durham, Esq., Barrie, Harriet A. Strohn, xelict. ofthe ' late J. W; Strolm, of Trentd.n,,0nt., in the 67th year of her ag . ' - FMZL ASSIZES. THE MARKETS`. MARRIED`. DEED. THOMAS EGLECTRIC OIL ! % :Warth Time: it; Weight 21: Gold. . Do yaw kmrw anything I qf it? If npdigiszime unu d . - Terms iibei-alfiad will be made knwn on gap- .ll,cI.tion totbeowner; . ' .. " .- t'l`H0)iA`$ STONE. Elmvale, P. 0_ _ ` I;i1`|'\TnuL !'.'I0 V an 12...- no There are but few preparation: of medicine which have withstood the impartial judgment of the people for any grentlength of time One of these is Tnoma 'Ec:.rc'rn1o 011.. purely :1 pre- paration ofsix of some of thabeit Oils that are ; known. catch one possessing virtues of its own. ` _Scientiiic-phyeicia.ne know that medicines may ' be formed of several ingredients In certain xed i - proportions of greater power, and producing effects which could never result from the use of any one of them, or in diifercnt combinations. Thus in the preparation of lhia Oil a chemical change rakes plnce, forming a compound which could not by any possibility be male from any other combination or proportions of the same ingredients, or any other ingredients, and en- tirely ditfercnt from anything ever before made, nno which nrodncs the most astonishing re- Thomas Stone, having removed from Apto, has decided on dispqsingsof his property in thst. `village, whfch consists of the Apto House, a two storey frsme hotel, doing _n good business; and having necessary stables, sheds, and other out. buildings, 9. first-close well of water. and is large cistern. A large Fume Store, and dwelling attached, near the hotel ; and s. Dwelling House 18:24 in the same vjllsgo`. The village is `eleven miles from Battle. The whole of the A shove buildings are on an acre of ground in the tnostcentnl ps.rt'of the vtllege; The premises are sllrentod. and will he sold subject to ex- isting lenses; but nrchesers des'xoI_1_e ofvgaining-. lnunedlste possess on eon page .sst,Is,feotoi-y ar- f.".`.$5.`lIl3:' - t " i -no-u -"a1._.~___ . __ _ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1372 tirely dilrerent from anything ever Uuluru umuc, one which produces astonishing sults, and having a wider range of application than any medicine ever before discovered. It contains no alcohol or other volatile liquids, consequentiy "loses nothing by evaporation. Wherever applied you get the benet of every drop ; whereaswith other preparations nearly all the nioohol is lostin that way, and you get only the small quantity of 0i':i which they may contain. , on \v mnrnrta DL..I.... `KTV qiuumlu. . B. N THOMAS, Phalps, N.Y. And NORTHROP 83 LY HAN Newcaatlq, On tario, Sole Agents for tha Dominion. No'rn.-Electric--Ssle'cted and Electrized. 4m Sold in Barrie by John Woods. A. V. Palmer Sc 00.. Watson 5: Co., and Wells B1-os., Bradford, J. Dcncon Omizlmrat, Green Broth- ers, and by all Medicine Daalesa. V I`.ni.a invaluable-medicine `is? unfailing in the - cm: 01 all those painful anddangerous Ins.-as:-s to which the le1_n;Ile constitution is subject. ll moderrztcs all excess and removes all obstructions and a spe cdv cure mav betrelied on. -T0 HARRIEI) LADIES THE` am: E_:g_LIsH REMEDY! J03 ms Pmuonlm PILLS. "VALUABLE PROPERTY Fo _ SALE .` ` - and sptcttv mav uetrenou on. _ it is peculiarlysuiled. It will, in` a short time brtng on themunthly period with regularity.` Th 23 Pills should not be taenly female: :1 ur- ing the FIRST THREE AIONTHS 41/. Pregnancy, a: they are sure to bring an Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe. 1.: all other ctt.~1esufNe'rvous and Spinal All'en:- `ms. l ainsin.the Back und'[.imhs, Fatigue an Slifhl exeron, Palpitation oi the Hearl,Hyslcries F..l-1 Whites, these`PiIls will effect :1 cure when at: otnenuenns have failed ; and although a powerful rvrnetly, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or uwthing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around em-h package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRYETOR. Onn ilnllnr nml lwnlm-, nnzi-n.hnl! manic fm- nnet This is give notice that the ;2enJ.1man who horrowe nether gentleman's _Sm}' Box, to tak a pinch_ on or about 1 6th day of November instant, in _ batten-`rel ru the same; as his name is known, `B V: is of no value to hi . dates pi-oducc it in pubf b:)t boxwill be recognzy/t (\DDYIL`ll\nTI Thmoment he the holder and 116 ` Silver Snulf-' NU. IVIUDDB, .l`D\V IUISD, GUI-all rl\Ul'KXEilUv 0'20 dollar and twelve, nnzl-a-hall come for post B.g:,cncl'saed lo Northrop 65 Lyr_nun, Ne`.vcu3ll'- Ont, szcnernl agents for the Domxmon, will insure 9. bottle, containing over 50 pull, by return mail. Snld in Barriegbv John \Vnnds: A- V. Pnlmer Ax home, conmuung over cu pm, by return man. Sold in Barrie,`by John Woods; A. V. Palmer do 00. Watson 6; Co. VVeUs Bx-09., J Deacon, and '1`. W. Georg;-n, Bxa Green. S; vB:o._. Craig- hursl. and all medicine dealem. . 4.1.. ---. .1 A RED STEER. one year old risilg two. came into the premises of Mr. George McLean, Lot 33, 1st Con, of 0:0, sometime in August last. The owner-can have him. by proving property and paying expenses, or otherwise he will be sold. . '\V,,, .. .`..n... ::f{5IfVAI,sIE;}I_`(.3Otf1`!`rS; dowry smlcon. . , I 191233 . W. ueorgen, D8.`.XIOI(l; Ul'dll- hural, and all medicine dealem. As In Family Medicin, it is well nd_favoux'- ably" known, relieving thousands from [min in 9,5 ' ' tn 2.: 8.-7c, Buck arul Head , Coughs", Colds, Sore 7/zroat, .Sp zxis, Eruzsex, Cramps -in the Stomach, ' Cholera Morbus, Dyscntcry, Bowel Com- plaints. Burns, Scalzls, Frost Bites, c. Tm: CANADIAN PAIN Dnsmoysa has now been before the public for a length of time, and wherever used is well liked, never failing ir. :1 single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of diaaatisfaction, where the directions l:" ve teen properly followed, but on the'_ con- t. My all are delighted with its operations, and speak in_ the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects. - ' WA qnrml: from nrnnv-innnn in ll\n.rnnt`hu- lxnut Ba-rfo, Nov. 2n, 137-3. I . mngzuczu enacts. . _ .We speak from oxperienceiu the-matter. hnvt 11;; tested it thoroughly ; mm] therefore those who are suffering from any qf tba complaints for which it is reco_mm,(-nded, ma" depend upon it being a. S'>ve:eign P.-rntedy. V The aildniqlxina pm:-an-v nf'`.ua nnniun `Pain The undersigqed wishes to inform the public that In is now in the Dairy Business, and hopes bTt"ict attention to the seams to gain their .p'9.tx-ouage. Ofdr mnv ht` `Aft nf \h~. TI|Inh'.n~ a Tan QfArn .ps.u-ouage. Orders muv be left at `Mr. IIunter s Tea Stdre, or at Ba.il 5 Dairy, Mill Road. nnnnmbvnv n A If u uelng II. D')V8Z`22gD it-:'n`.O;1_Y. V. The astonishing e`1cucy,of'the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for which it is rec ozxxzneuded, and its wonderful effc-_cts in sub- duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in eeiieviasz Nervous Affebtions. entitle it to high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers, in all pans of the country, f0r_fm-ther S\1| )[)ilP!, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it `gives. - The Canadian pain nxauir-nrnr nnvar fuiial In -'25. The Canadian Pain DeS!il`0)'`.I'j)9VE1' fans! to giveimmadinle relief. All"M'e6ici:ie Deaiem keep" it,` Physicians order -and `use it; and 113 family wiil be without it utter tryng it. ` Price,-only",1`wenty-ve Cgzgts per boLtIe. Sold in Barrie by John Woods A. V. Palmer `:9: C0,, and Watson & 09.; We1ls`Bros., Ima- ford, J. Dascon. Craigburst, Green Brothers and by` all Mediuinebenlara. The Examination of Candidates for certicates as Public S-.;h_oo1YTcachera for the County of, Simrm will be ha1d_(D. V.) in the Court Bonse, Barrie, commeuciug,_f'or Second and Third Class Certicates, on M nday, Deccmbar 16th, at 2 o_ c1oc&:, p m_ {and for First Class C2rti_cah.-9 on 'I`h ursd;xy,VDccember 260.1, M. 9 o clock, a m. (`..1I1:`li.'int-`L: m-9 rrn-rmi tn nnzifn Hm `gfgiartlgern bhance. Barrie, Nov. 20, 1872. Iuursuuy, USUISIHUUF LOU}, {IL 35 0'Cl0C.{, B H]. Camlidates are required to noiitiv the. Secretary of the Board before the end of Novem- ber of their intention to present thomselvcs for ex3miunliou,'at the same time forwarding the usual testimonials -as -to. temperate habits and moral character. , ` II. \T D.'\ \'U KJ 1 . Good Draught, 5 and 8 years old, capital fo Road or Fgrnl. 1 vrlivwrw-u _-\.-K... !A`p:,' Nov. 4, i_a':_2._ ,'I.N' APTO, T Tqwnshzp of _F]os, County Szmcoe. .... Irv uvlul `Nov. 19, 1872. ` M ILK! MILK! 2 MILK`! 1`: Ba.11 s Ipa1ry.: Barrie. R07. 23th 13 7).. f4TRAYE]).. Chxistmnsis -pprc:'achix;g, give uh ucall. T {PAN OF HORSES FOR SALE. 1ANADIAN' PA_1N DES'I`l1OY_}3R; prinm V T '::66L ?1`EAdi1i2i{s Ex_AMINATxo.\i.` - New 2\Dncrtisc11tci1i5. THAT M SNUEF-.Bb0X." ounujan ..--`-.-7-v EQLMNamm%jJUSTRECEIVED. ov. 18, l8'2 : ?r`h*L1__a' lND1SPU..TABL_B .' ?)`PR1ETOR,\ of Silver 9 u I guuuug _ FREDERICK BAIL . . Psoprietor. 1-) AH THE PURCHASE EFFECTED._' Fourth}: '1\.lI`4 1 UK: ' of Silver'Sn'.n}E HICKEY srzos. _` WM. BOYS, ` c tnrnlnl 47-3in-1-hp. VI-Iv, a o v .4'_(-(imol Duxo, Sccfclary. 47-3in 1}.-.r 1.1; Envms & sows . A_1_m1s_` Ina Hardware of all kinds, =n!g4ws9H's. . V uurs-xue price paid `or the Guide. The January, Numb~.r is bcaufal, giving [thus for making Rural Homes,-_Deaigna fur Dining "Table Decorations, Window Gardens, kc, and containing a mass, of information in- valuable to` the iover of 3we:a.--One Hundred _q.nd_Fift1 pages, an ne tinted paper, some Five -i]qu_d_re Bogravings and 3 superb -Colored IA -late nu` Chroma Uover.-'IL`i_:ei-st I'} J'5t0n of '_1'.wo. nu re;1 l`honund just prjnle-1 in English ;nnd._ jgngp , n\'a{1j{ ready t_of sans! ou_t. af . JAIHF.-R vrmr nun---~- v '- Barrio {HY'MNs ANCIENT AND CO_MMON VPR.A": E-R, The Gum: is now published QUARTETJ.\ , 25 cents pays for thdyoar, fon.- uumaers, which is not half the cost. Those who nfterwm-d_q send money to the amount of One Dollar` or more for may also order Twenty-live Cents worth ext:-s-the price paid - or the ' . The? Number is bcAul.`i`al<, -giving for `Homes, ; Designs I_)ining ;.'l'sb:a `Decorations. Window r.....a.... CHURCH `SERVICES, PRESBYTERIAN VWE_SLEY S HYMNS. __. * . \. _ ICK S FLORAL . . V 1873. ' GUHJE FOR CONGREGATIONAL BAPTITSTPSALMIST, _.....v -.v. I 5 Robert ucoonchy, ' Bradford PD. 1 J.nwms & sag-5, V V;iluab1o,Fax'1;1-i-:1-the Township of Nottaws;sa.ga,' County of V ' Slmcoe. PRIMITIVE METHODIST ';: Crezlzlors qf ALEXANDER GIL- CHR iS. ', (t::ce.2.s.r:l. 'Purs'unutio'np Order cf tin C-211. ! of Chen- cery, .mur.ie in the matter of tho (-state of Alex- ander Gilchrist. and in a cuso of ltolm .".2`..lI:3l Fyie. The creditors of Alexander (.1i'<-mist. V lute oftlre Township o. iSuunidale, in the County of Simcoe, Yamnup, who died in or about the mouthof October, 1871, are _on or bofo.e the 28th day of Decembay lF`:72,~o send bj post. pro-paid, to John Pi!`--"SOD. E quire, Ontario '. Hull, T, routo. Solicitor for tliehxacutors of the deceased, their Christian and SIITKXBIDGJ. ad- dresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, (1 statement of their accounts, and the unture of the securities (if any)`, held by them , or in default thereof they will be per- cmptorily excluded from the benefit of the`:-aid order. Every o-'editc`r hol-ting any sccurity is to predixc the same bjtfore me, the undersigned, Master in Ordinary of the sai at my -chan;be:5`in O,=gCod6 Hall, in the City of To. route, on the tenth day of Jmuary, 1873 at 11 __o clcek, in the forcuocn. being the time appoint- .cd for. adjudication on the claims. - Dated tha 16th day-ot NLVt l11b!', 'l8i2. 4 ' - ' ' \Sigued_) "T A I-nu-n 47-Gin ....-- 0 `behalf of tho Fire `Brigade of here` tender their thanks to Jes`ep'u Esq.. or the cbaque of Twenty $hem.- A T ` V rrie 1 ndermn, ouars sent 4.749 , ,,______.:-. . CHEAPEST STOCK or AT .9, mm 3: ?!S. |HAf:acEsav ..3A!.E. % `J. I`-1.-COTTER, l! . ...-.. THOl_..__!C BOOKS __---..-. Ev E P. BR 0 u EQNT TO - Pumuant to a Decrce made in a. certain '(`v:1use .of Rug-are v.` Smith and ct!1e2'3..thcre will he sold .iu one parcel, `with the a1=;!r(vh1li0n of` J.,R. CO'[`1`ER, Esjquim, Euiaater, gt iJ:u`rie,.by ntvnrnn .y-......._.__'_ _.J [mite ;g_Umm2L} %'rm%..5?:%-:a :3? 52.. 32135,] That VI.'.). .1:l;*T`rnnrIrh7 1:r;r.u'n an I. . ; - T 5 That val-a:.1;le Property known as the West ha1f'ofLot .\'umbor Seven, in the` Tenth Con- cessxon,`of the TownshipofNct:awa2:xga,'in thc. County of Simcce, cputaining one. hundred Acres, be the same mare or if-`s. About 50 acres of tbn farm are cl:-: rud,'o.:1d under cultiva- ti-:u. ` ~ , - ' vi11ngeofDunc-div,` readily :. cessible Ih:-rc\_1o by goodmoads. and the `said village conynins 9. Grist. -I:1i1i`ar-.d Pubiic Schcol. There is n The Lot is situ:r`.e,s.`cout tlmje mes from the ' valuable crack on the prmiscs together with an Orchard. ` .l'\n.~. 6;-....Al.,-r .1_. _:_, ,V ' ' A - SATURDAY, the FOURTEENTII ` DAY qf DECEMBER, 1872, 7 - _ w ulv\Jl~L |l.'_ig Y k'li.'~JU'.`:5 AI:.'~V'H.}'|lUTB, and W xlliam Boys, 13. 1.,,G11:1r]i2`~.u,I(1Illelll for the Infant Defcudent_ and So1i:.'i?0r for tbeadult De.".e1i<]_ants.r - fhomas Dallas.- 7 n.-man Ul'UHL\v'.'U- -Que tenthqf tbs V i pfud dawn to fheV(`I!d()r or big Scjici We '33) of sale, and the balance thereof wilhi pixrcims` mon`-3' 9 to be I 01` O one mouth'tl1e:'r.n:er, \':inh.:uL iui: rest. The Phinti I`-x'.11\n.n. Ilvn H'xv..~ .~.` l..`l,1:..... uuu menu: lIIe:'t`.:!i9I`, \':il11.'.uL int` The Pls.inti';=l1:x':1 have the libs: once at the said sale.- The cihzr conditions are 10 b1` condizxons of sale of'Ll1c_c':urt oi` (: Further h~ irH:-n?n:-:- an-1 or-v--7 cuuumons Oi sale oIt.he`c':urt che:.nccry. Furtlzervv particulars and . conditions of sale `can b3 obtained it the Law omccs of Messn. FvIc()anhy it ;'\1cCr.rth_v, Vendors .Sq3i,CWJT5, Willhln .,,Gu:m1i2`-.u,u1 Iilem Defendant !`.-'){1 RM? nr f'n-.- rhn mlnh Moosaw. PSALMS, . HYMN BOOKS. HYMN BOOKS. 05 THE LARGEST AND .Dated 20th November, A: D., 1812. ' ' ;`A-\;G.`.RTI1Y 8:-?.!`cCA':`. I`HY, vn.i.'.r: `:l\':n:Ino< ; 7 ' Evgrett P.O. ` `A RD. OF 1[-IANKS. :49, Nov. 19, 1872. 1!IANCEL{{{ 1`I`C):I`1`! ZE Js:~;is;; , nf M7: Quin T.`.......... .. 4L- A Full Supply of _. 2!.` tweive o`cXcc'::4, n_3nn,1;y \r_~1-:r1-1-\1`-1- sxzxr.-ua- ._._.._- -... -w\J \Jua_a4 at his Saie Rocnxs, in tho nu, , ' Masrnn AT BARR}!-I \. swan by Ulll Ollie , VICE, Roqhegter, Y. w Yours, &:c., .m; ' ;;g_ T " " . Mono Mills P.O._ AT r.sQ., ' Ne. Risk Insurance C'o;, If` I I1 !!! O'o.n..I.- AL , - DANIEL URNE, . ief E:zgir;cer, S72. - .-. oac.. 0351-3?? DERTON. '3". W53 Insurance Cm, my thanks Ihrozijzh you _ rgmce Cnmpnny for the ' im. O1'ilYinln H27 01... Barrie. 3 lo_bn the standig e` 0'.` art (:1:-:.:)ccr;.'.. comhtious .a I am .t`.".....a A5` Mn.---. A 1 617". -lV(."L/.\!l'H 1', Vendors Solicitors. vv \Jul.u',HUl_Y 10!` me n, origiraled by the] J. A. `BOYD. .'Adnm Dudgeon. 1 Oollingwood P.o., v_L.. n,.y '1 V0`?! cheap 1'.` lCdL< >21 ty of bidding 4'. -Ml 47~1r. -I-|.'_ `l\J_I-I (III I l3l_ll8L'J`l` Ill` IL` I V for. fears with icmopb:oni'c Would mg. 021! of the Lungs, Hurt, Live: or Kl non {you n-ezl not atter yourself that melrlna i. going to cute you immediately. Rt.-pm go on slowly, aud.t'u_no is necessary to band up ; l.-token down conatltulion Do not take era, nostrnu: you read about, not follow the advice of every friend who has n. Ipecilio to offer you_ Procurc n rcmcdv scientically pre and, that is tho zesult of experience, that I A large amount of evidem c of sensible peop`e in favor of its reliability,` and persevere in its use until the whole system undergoes a radical lm move. ment and health is restored. Dr. WERE .ER's COMM UND ELIXIR OF PHOSPUATER A.\In uunn unu m.uAu\ U! rnuarun USE! AND CAL1S.~\YA'. aUhemica1 Food and Nutritive tonic, will meetyour most. agngnine expecla- tions. as it combines everything necessary to perfect digestion, Nuuiti m, and the formation of Healthy Blood, and to vitulize all the organ: and tissues of the body. Sold at $100 per bottle. _--.._. choppevs chi: find employment durint ..the.w'in'.ar'n: highest market prices. by nPP Ji"` to W. ficlxriibrr, Lefroy, or F. Columbus. Nff` mill 05 choppers, at heading home. Blcfbte V gwitch_ tpngfmnniuouth qf`Ox-illh. ~ wanna nannt mm! 5 same, inn Nay`, 1872, menu nrnu ncuu Is reaxorru. 111'. h n1l!l.lSR, s COMPK PHOSPUATKB AND (`.AL`l9_~\YA. nUhr-mica] Fnn s.n.l Nnepmu Ext; allent Dr.g'1"1-t Horse ' . riiah` SE7 DOUBLE Hi izNEs.v, ..QOfu5vVOOD_CHOPPERS lLIG'.i'1` BOB SLEIGH, SECOND HAND. ...- Barrie, Yov. 19,1872. 111.1. \'V .lon'J.r..u, (late of Lafro_)',) has removed to the redenco "W91! 0-Jcupied by James Sloau, Esq , Church` 1"": Where he may be found If. an hours. Novcnzlicr; 12, I372. 46 law. __.....-A _ _ 4_?._---4 . A u.uil\-~Jl'.U mcunng, 2-year; old, coma "H9 H- + rvxceea of.\fr.- mm M. Smi1b,LuI 15 3 Von. In ' `El, on the 1st of October The 0WD_0'r c_ ave her by-proving properly Ind P3) _ljdg expenses, or otherwise she will be sold. AK -2:. Ysterduy with Authors RV \/ ..-.-_-. The Law mu-tnership heretofore existing un- der the nnmo and stylo ut Ardagh, Ardagb, (I: S`-1'-W`-'-`. i'3 this day dissohed, by the rctiremens f -*3 J~.A- Allall. Tho rm will for the future ':`-acomposod oflhe nndeisigned, under" ns nu-.113 or "' an-dngh & S.mth_v. luv I-\ nnnnnn Character Pnetanguialfene P.O. I *_=_`* F Barrie, Nov. 1111:, _l8_72. Ph_v- icnl Forces Elements ofTl10hgl1t /urmtr cutxrge or us.~'c.r3uun! u-Imlsou-tr: nvr slim ! they ht /u.'.'d to be members of the. sm-I ./_7w.-:`i:tirr: in any rcsperl ` . ' l t-rsnns iasming in the Company on thcI re- minm note System me {me from any lien nf xno:!_ zgc on their real estate, inr-smuch as no such `.3:-:2 (xi-its `under te Slal'.?Ii(`,. except where the Policy cnn`.ni1s :1 condition to that effect: which co_:. the Policies issued by thin (`u f_.71}:f`.u)' do not contain. Neither do they contniii any two thirds clnuseon contents" of buiitiizzga, tizu whole loss on contents being paid up to the sum in3ured.. , ' You me quite safe in insuring with the "Beav- er Muuzal` Ccmpna, , which paid over Sixty l`ltot:.=.;vxd Dollars of losses b7" lhe Ultnwn Fun while -fozrna of Proprietary Companies _broko down in consequence of the Chicago res. " V. '1` ntrnrn I v 1 [F 'Ybti'ilf.Xr1%:BEEN AK7M1"17?X1]B for 1523:; with unmn Chrnnh-, W-nun"- n:. Reulmzm 47. ' App'|ic.1tinnS will be rcbivad fog ilnsnrciaca against death from any cause, of ' -py- vsav .- Leltlc-rs from High ~Latitu'des j _ BY EARL DUFYEI`.I.\'. I Forms of Water `Name of Clark` New elections, therefore, [were ne- cessary only in the case of two mem- bers of the new Administration ; that is, Mr, Pardee, the newly appointed 1 tovincialS3cretury,who had to seek re-electtonhand` the Premier, who was obliged to find a Seat. The writ for a new election in the Caunty of Lamb- ton, was issued almost immediately, gand it being one of the most,extreme Grit counties in the Province, the re- sult was that Mr. Pardee `was re-olecb ed'by acclimation. . I T . A ' Much diiculty, howevezywavs dxpe aienced in the case of the new Premi- `fer',.who, _{ora considerable time` was "-unable to patsuadec. solitary" Grit [C-I gfgsghtdtiye to makc _way for . hint. :_Evidently all wercof the o`pinion',.tha.t- "a;.te_7`e;'a/rnount of loose changci. iluiviitok, it had all been squats}; dj_;ing`?th'e- election! :Whio_h_ liavq 3 ' ';j,.i!1ld'v`lDalil' Pro`vino_b; E` M - .,.` .. `A 3; EI i%i.RS 8: $0M, I1,;`.<:s, Bulls, Oven, Steers; Cows, `An! 'I'."nrongh`brd Stock generally. 7 .1. I`.-.\ll aiximtiis must. be sound and in mm at the date of Insurance. I For on: or note years, to persons who are not desix '2; of becoming mcmboza. of the Com- pnny. V _ , . Owen Sound. ,qW',_`fIJNTER. SQ-9 Agent to: Barrie and . ml: bxxncce, Allandnle P. U. -tin-p rg. Nn1=.n'alist s `Voyage Round the VVorld. The Cornany {as also u'u1horiIy'by smtute to issue ' ` SI 7 '_~' _ somid, and suitable for farm purposes, or ns :1 roadster. Man, a a-.-urn -rs/\---an-.w---q cu ._____ 1 GOOD SAISDLE, nnnr-Iv nnm - [Jigh urug, . Oighurst Pb.` _ 1-\_u,._ x/ ` _.__.... __,, I A n.\-In-`.0 ngmmz; '2 -yam old, come no |h=. zucn?!:.m nnn-_. .mm M, smam Lm. BEAVER & ToR6`iQf6' FOB. SALE-CHEAP. Lf3A10\'AL.` DR. W1sMER, 3 Lafrnv \ Inn: I-nrnnvnul in who I .}_:` B. Y D.- -if use .2! null 256 V ICED lici.-3 of Insurance on wlxicfa can be 1293;! as aingfe. Also, ght Science fo1'Lc*isure Hnnrs PROUx'(v!:. J. EDWARDS & SON. . ~.---nu-I\I~a|uv vn nu) \ - `iv. 1'. f"REILI.Y,7 J U.HANCOCK, 5 n:r-at-J, Sept. 26th, 15.73. mm r.-`Hulda .~|o...A.. _.-_ ~~, ----1-.. _..... A .-... ' Two rcliixble sgcady men wanted ns Agents A.-..l.. A- n v nun. n nucmrs have been made to mislead the vs r;fl)ntz5.rio in respe_ct lo the powers 3: 3 of.thi9 Company, the attention of in- ?s rcqu'nste(l to tho `ollowmg ejrnct from `.x`.u1us of Camda, 27-28 Vic!., Cap. 59 ` - :1 Act to nraut certain nnwt-rn m l'a i.)IGE.0F FIRM. :31, mm; srssnmxcn comm. and 28 Victoria, cap', 89, to i_a,.v_e nsuumce --?` T/rt: w/[If ./&':=oc.-`alien .rwy mu! un.~l.co.'Lrct I`remiu:m-Alllereon in Car}: hr '5 for (urns of (IQ? or more 'y`ur.v, um! 2 ;z::3,{n_g- in cash shall no! be liable to any c.`i1rg.~ or usscxsmml u-luxfsou-tr: :y Ia membels-oflhc. .-m:l. it) : any rcsnerl Ap;.ly' at the DAD!) VE STO OK. .'a"g`j$\1n,.*. cksou, Clarksville . For sa!e-cbeap, an . . . - v . -- ~`--4--1.1 Auk!-I WIJ|CU Ill 1' Army to _R. J. DOYLE. nnnnvn] I- ..... unu-.iun an-so vxc|.,1.ap. `.1! ct grant certain powers to Fe nu` : ' - ' FIRE POLICIES, -..- nag-.. nearly new ; n. no... .. "rzzzxs PAINT snop SHIN Nllll OI UT!!!)I- ruos. rmmxro. Secy. N. 3- U! A`.- Joint. Secrvelarie.-, W. H . '1') ARDAGH. H s'm.mn'. a. mu Ln. General Jizmf, nu! an D4...-3.. gnu`: mums, Orillia P.O. BY FARRADY, BAam. | BY TAYLOR, BY S.\11L!.S. -EY FIELDS, BY Hmjps. 'rYNbA1.g:. DARWIX. 45-3in. ~ :1 ;-xf D, Jxlno 1: gllan. 4, - 10 tun." _ Dec. 22 11 pan- ; Dec.`3l; '_- Jan 3:. "2335: `: Dec. 30, `;-Ian. 18, 10 mn_` 12) p.m ` 11 min. ; ll un. , not to the detriment of -that body, but lor7'rusn'i7ho previonslycould nbt"th`rnk` ' of throwing upl_their constituencies; ' were now freely offering their resigna.-V, tions, and according to the statem of the Globe, some halt dozen _o_onstit-- nencies were at ones placed at Mr, T Mowat s disposal. North Oxford was ' I the constituency selected bv the Pre- nmier in which he should try his for- tune, and George Perry bids adieu to the Legislature of Ontario, certainly most assuredly with much pecuniary advantage to himself. J 'Ii6'n${ Ardagb, came "i a boy into this county, when his father, ' the late Rev. S. B. Ardugh, was ap- pointed rst Rectorof Barrie. He re- ceived his primary education at the Barrie Grammar Sohool, taught by Mr. Gore, was subsequently _at the school kept by the Rev. Mr. Hill, at West Gwillimbnry, obtaining .a scholarship, and afterwards; degree at therUmver-_ sity of Trinity College in Toronto. He studied law fotthe most part in the` i omoe of Messrs; Pot.ton.&-Bernard; in this tower. After, his oall_.to-_th.e_Bar,` ' `he; pr'aotioed_ in-sithe.oout1ty,.'Vof;,Duqdgs; in partnersln p with` Vnnk_onglin'et.- _ Several years ago h_0`mb,?_ed_Id Barrie, havingvvbeen taken into partnership` by -, practiced here ever since. At` the time As will be seen `by our Town Coun- cil report, the Shandf Mason Engi ne; has been a accepted by e . majority, `we may say,ot 8 to '1. The two naysin the` report may be set down as one against the engine, one against the wording of the report of the Fire Com- mittee; and, as the Committee state in their report, the engine appears to give general satisfaction. One of those who voted nay as to the Iadoption of the report, approves of the engine, and states that for one man speaking againstit, there are twenty in favor of it, so that our. worthy `Reeve stands alone in this matter. Much has been said about the Mer- ryweather engine, its cheapness, xts _power, 850. Now we take the tnalat "Whitby, as the facts were stated in the Globe recently._ T From that report we find thuutthat engme throw one inch and a sigteehth ich jet, through fty `feet of hose, 127 feet-ithat it took 13; minutes to get up 100 lbs of steam-that through 800 feet of hose, and a three-quarter inch jet, it carried 126 feet. , ` ' ' It rs satisfactory to nd that the Government has at length given His Honor J udget Gowun the assistance to which he has so long been entitled, considering that the best p_art of his life has been spent in the arduous dis- charge of his ofoialuties, to the /in-T jury ofhis health. 113. 11---- `l'._.l__ . 1 u Sixth ` A TROUBLESOME QUESTION SE'I'1`LED. We will see how that compares with the Shand Mason engine in Bar- rie. In the first place, we. give the | time taken to get up steam on Tuesday I (and. from some cause or` other. we never saw herwork ' to greater disad- vantage); in five minutes there was 20lbs. oi steam, in 6 minutes 30lbs, in 65 -1-0lbs.. 7 muiutes 60tbs., '75 minutes 80lbs., 74 rnuiutes 100 lbs., in 8 min- tues 120 lbs.,and in 8; minutes 14.-Oibs of steam was raised, and this on a bit~ I terI'y cold day, and in an exposed situ- i ation. The distance thrown through 1,400 feet of hose, was snicient to cover the Brick Block, and through the length of 1,650 feet, the engine threw a stream three times as heavy as great a distance as the boasted Mer- ryweather did at Whitby, through 800` feet of hose. A ' There can be no doubt the Council have acted to the best of their judg- ment in the matter-no doubt, either, tlnt they will be supported by nine tenths of the ratepayers. They have on hand a machine that will last them, with ordinary care, far all time, almost; whereas by agreeing to -the purchase of a light, cheap article, the money, in all probability, would have been sunk in the course of a year or two. i ' This would unquestionably have beenithe case had the first re enginesent here, been accepted by the Council. "IL- _._.__I.___. .1 AL. . _ _ . _ ___L I1-.- -- ---- _-v-- -1 v--w ---v---v--~ The members of T the present Conn-V oil, wetakeit,are men of judgment` and ability, and unless they saw pretty clearly that they were doing the best thing they could for the town, would` never have sanctioned the outlay of so large a sum as is involved _in the pur-' chase of this engine. T '1'}... l`..H.....!..._ 1.. OLA ..-..-..A l`..-... AL- y The Merryweether steam fire-engine arrived here to-day, and was tested this `afternoon, the streets being crowded throughout the trial Getting up 100 pounds of steam in 13; minutes, it threw a solid stream :hrough`fi. ty feet of hose with 1 1-16inch nozzle, adietance of 126 feet ; and with 800 feetof hose 0. stream 138 ieet, with Q inch nozzle. A stream was put over the English Ohu-ch spire which is I25 feet high, amidst the cheers of the people assembled.` Two branches were then put on. and the streams thrown with gratifying results; ' The trial gave great satisfaction to the majority of those who witnessed ii,-=- `lobe Telegram. Last Mondey,at the opening of "thee adjourned sittings of the Barrie Divis- ion Court, the Commission from the Governor General appointing J. A . Ardagh, Esq., junior Judge of this oountywas formally tend. ' ' TIT- _._- ._-.__L _.I--__.l - I,_, ,4, .1 ; v--uuv urn -uu: annulus`! The following is `the ram}! from the operations at Whitby, `above referred 10:- --_--~l .--.v -v--.--. --..-. We are much pleased to know _that this appointment Is now certain, and we are sure that we only speak the tiioughtspof the people of our] county generally. when we say that the selec- tion of the Governor General will give satisfaction . DIVISION COURT. [Anya numerous 10:9. nd Brigade`. were mud] in seven.miAnntAe;.%jIr!_t"..: ahty poxinda `vam- _ `A - hAalf a;Texle`nAsion of ' h *9*3i'ri1r!iI3hs_, . , .4 Fit ment, Hamel -,,S':els. _ *The'CouAncil moron Monday nighf;-': Mayor Simpson in the-oair. . Presoilt, f the Rocha and Daputy Reeve, and Councillors Anderton,-'B2.ll, Bird, -'Dy- Suridry acvcouhta we}e.ai$o put in, amongst which was one from Buchan- an 8: Co., Tfor`ste.ax'n fire engine, due. I l'|.. '.....l._.. -1 IE- `D.'...I _---..J-.`l I... Our. new Hiatox-ies'ot` the Bible are coming ' just at the right time. During these long winter` . evening in shall hav lime to enjoy good read- lug. Mr. King will brih them next wag. ` 5 5" "5k`l51a6o Bnntfnrd, ontho Zoih. (Tho, Wgiemul vorh. B1'iVgu ]g'_ "'u-g~ .3, in Vinvon minnihfd ?n l6|'.i ....'....I'.:"_`.a-. A` ommunicaiioni wasv rehd from Mai. Holt, asking the use of a vacant plot of land for Mrs. 0 Connor: from G Bigolow, asking for a Saloon license. --0-lvl `t_nc;{1on of M7, -Bird, seconded by Mr. Auderton, the documentswere re- ferred td Committees." ' Mr. Sewrey moved, aeconed by Mr. Seals, that the Council adjourn for 15 minutes` to give the Committeesmi op-. portunity to report. The Council an- coxdingly adjourned for that epace. On resuming, Mr. Hunier brought in Report of Committee on Fire and Police, ' Tn: Pnnnm.V-Hg. George Perry has resign- ed his seatin North Oxfqrd to make room for Qhs Hon. Oiiver klowalt. ' Municiphl lectors, bewax! ddn't let your assessment rolls be packed this year by Grit asseusors as they have been done for the [sat . "ve years. _Dit_ine vfejl gtiguiigd. _ ' _ Tnwansauvma Dur,-Thnrsday lnsi_was generally oboelfved in 1hiin`.Iown_Aas X1 day of_ Thanksgiving. Bnsiagui wan-mos! pnded, gm} tho nriI5nI,churohes` wpro openedfor .'\ Ninth The Report recommended the pur- ehase of the steam re `engine now in use, as the Committee believed the `machine gave general satisfaction", and tliat she will do all she has been guar- anteed to do by" Messrs.Buchane.n'& Co `The Committee further recornmend- ed that Messrs. Buchanan be paid the A ret'ins!a'lment of the pumhase money, avndthe balance as soon as "funds -can be realized fromotho sale of the Deben tures, or at the expiration) ofa year. WA lmotnoh was r;1ade by Mr.-HungeAr_;_. seconded by Mr. Sewrey, that the Re- port be adopted, which was lost`:- -` _" - ' n_ ___-..-.. -1 Mr- n:.._I ~-..-.....l...':I 11;. V'l`ho'mpson is xjeportti to have 3 majority 6! 68 over Dr King in Welland. T-hon-pson shit]:- od Ihe_ "non-candence questibn. ' ' ' Ausv Pool: Dxcz!-A `subscribe :-Tst"Oril1iu In-ins us thusly ;--I hareby enclose 25 upb- acription for qua;-ter your duo,`p1ea:e discon- -tinne. Reason ': Too` many;Loca;'s. W_all,,1ull, it in hard to please ve 1-ybody. ' . - vv `av...-u.----. urn ..-.. . ..-.-- The Council went into Committeeof the whole", Mr. End in the chair, nd reported the Report wxthout amend- ment. .. ` :3: pa 1 113,,` um saw .u u ulnvv-.- On motion of Mr. Bi'rd,'seconded by Mr. Hunter, it was ordered thzit the sidewalk `opposite Mr. Martin Moore s new Tbnildmgs be completed, and. that ,the plank furnished by Mr; Shanacybe put down at the Simooa_ House. fI'_________ 1n.L l'l'|L_ I'1_.___3I ..._A r`"' ""' "'"l"'_3 " """ " "' -""' 1- I > . On motion of Mr, Bird, `seconded _by Mr. Anderton, the Report was referrd to Committee of the whpte. A Q tuwuvu On rric-vtion of Mr. Seelus, seconded by Mr. Spencer, it was resolved that the `Report be no_t then adopted, but that ;the Mayor ba requested meal! a special meeting to con_sid:r the same. 1:-, ,.__,4_n, ,, .__.__-_I5 u.- 1_n-.--:....- `"113;w'Jr1I{'E;'n{'sf The mowing day at 12 o clock. A T rm. ..__..__, _1- mr_ ns'._1 '___.....I...J 1.. . 'ZEighth Communication from Mn; Buchanan" was received and read,` and cqmn"mni- "cation Item" Mr. Creswioke, V giving grade of Mulcnster street to Market house. Mr. Creswicke putting the ele- vatien of the ag sta'.above the level of the lake at 1-12 feet. The base `of the Market housebeiug 56 feet above the water level, and the height of the building to the top of the ag-pole 86 feet. T >"I`he Council again went into Com; mines of the whole on the Fire Com; pany s Report, which was again report~ ed without. amendment, and after dis- cussion, was},o'n motloxi of Mr. Hunter, seconded by Mr. Andoi-ton, adopted. Yeas-Me =srs. Sewrey, Hunter, Mann- drell, Bird, Seis, Johnson, Andellon. Nays--T>./letssrs. Ball and Spencer. f\.. ...-n2_.- -( IIl`._ l1 .._.L,._ -__ , I I , The Lumbermn of Barrie intend giving a complimcnthry suppext to .W. D. Ardagh, M.P.P. on hisretum G:-om Europe. r... _.v.. .- ..- V v vuv-5-Iwvw -_-.._-. I 'l'UEsD_Av,-19;h-The. C.ounci1 met to-day. Present--The Mayor`, Reeve, Deputy Reve, and Councillors Mann- drell, Hunter, Bird,` Ball,-.Anderton, Seels, Johnson. - - ` II ' 1| I Y! 1 _`..J.. ..----..v. --.. ....-. ~vrv..-_. - On motion of Mr. Hunter, seconded by Mr. Bird, the Council adjourned for the purpose of devising ways and - means for-the purchase of the engine. After being again `called to order, Mr. Bird moved, seconded by Mr. Hunter, That the Treasurer make arrangements with either the Bank of Toronto or Bank of Commerce, to raise the sum of two thousand ve tsundred dollars by depositinglsuch collateral security as may be in the possession of this cor- poration, or, by such other means as may be expedient, said two thousand ve hundred dollars to be obtained at _a rate not to exceed 7 per cent, and to pay over same to Buchrnau 85 Co., as" part payment ofthe Steam Fu'eEngine. ' (FL- -'_--...'-a. -l`I1.__I_,,, ,, $ rs nuuluul usu nun uAu_ncu Uulv nu DUULUII. xumu & Avery : printing establishment has _been destroyed. ' ' ._:.Z__._..__.__.__ luau - lra wuvuv Vt uuv ~.muaIu J.` llU\.l.'lUElll\fo The.a ccount ofBuchannn 3c Co., was referred to committee bf the whole, but no qgxoymu was V obtained, and the Council adjourned. . ' T Tee Ohicora went asbqre. She mted __o` lsalelyv. Mansnrd rbofs 1::-e comlemuwd by architms from, expenence in the Bostqnnnd Chicago x-Aes. ` ' ` V Hickey Brothers have a. capitn.lS[ an (if Horses for 33'e. ' Gaamm Ut>n1Gm's'! ! German ` Up. rights, withoutt he slightest dc ubt are the chespest piano-forte ever brought bsfote the citizens of Barrie and sur- rounding country. ' These instru- ments have been 'pronounced by the most competent judges in town, alnd musical men from Tomnto, Q be the finest instxumenis for the money, they ever saw or handled. Cash price, "$250-_secure one n.tonce. Cabinet Orgaus and Melodeons of the best numnufacture-we can sup- . ply these from $45 up to"$6oo. Simpson s Brewery in Newnmrkt deatioyed by re; A Czalpn is cleaiingoul. its 1360!: and Shoes. Bafgaifzs are Kobe had there. Another 1.}.-e has broken` out in Boston. Rand I; A.......!.. -..:..A:.... __._LI2_L____A L_- 1 ' Town co.UNc`i1,', -rgvixlI`oh_q V8`w1ng-?p!nci:uea,.St'ry Cut-. "3 v.*.Ist 0m1.'="*<~=9=s{sw;J-~`WM -? yness. Eu opecu to hue tin.-niy iiil ; same: in 5 few days, when ha iill he 'nbla"to" . supply ail demands. I`: fact he is determined tdsupply all "the milk wanted by Barrio, if it takes fty coin to do go. ` ` `g T ` .L'-Mi-`. an his uinmeaithn ngiry biir By Mr. Johnson, onlhe 22111! Noimber, Stock, Implements and Hay, the pmperly of Mr. Tho. Rosa, Lol 25, lh Con, Ora. By `Er. Masking, on the 26:11 No`vembr', Snack _ xandlxnplementa, the propx-ty`,` of J. Dodson, Es-q.T, Lot 14, nth Com.` innisl _ By Mr. Johnsoiz. on `the 25th _Novem1:er,.8tock and A _mp}enanta,.the`prQ rt go! In Joseph .. ;f;13#f`Bt:-15;`,Yth~Con-.=`3:9a 4. _ - - AI._r.mnu.: Paoaamma.`--lVIr. T._ H.}Por.- V his but lnlolj opened out in ms plocdand in driving a good trade. We undersIanc|__ he has the largest stock over laid _dov_vh there. In Dry Goods he has a very iasleful ue!eo- tion. and in Groceries he sells at low gures -_.-Wa wish hum success. 13: I $ev tb I