Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 Sep 1872, p. 4

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- oven st-zen rm. b`CROLI-:_S-A WING, A. ER I. =. _ P ' KI.fV|S &jBR0. Dunlap Street,` _Bar;"z'e BA. BRIE. T GLASS AND Aswomc. A! very chart `notice, anu T)1'.!Anr\\2.-u-.--. ........ I New clam` T'Vest 0/`the}Fz're Hall, Bar? ie. `Z :'i? AT THE ` STORE, ' sazmqn `Trout 4- Wmzg Fish $:; pea. brl. % % T Ya 2'm'outh. Blazers` 5`o_x'. MJ, Proprietor, V. Barrie Oooperage. Ina MARKET, BARRIE, 98.3-l y 15 'lpecn1iqa;ity*of the swing v`vVn:t7I'1Wl:1ig` c'o_;:_: ` at P*"P em-(9 uke; ~ ! !#!4:!h9 1-?` 24-tf h At midnightof the" same day. the sky oblindjiig-_orr hbr`bf7 h1IG":,1$htning; -.;=0ne' = 'iihiiii1i iifv`u:l ym .m::.'g>..-came ,. According to the Boston papers, that city was visited on the 16th inet., with one of the moat terric thunder storms that it iipossible .to conceive of. ' It seemed an if heaven and earth were.in a perfect bla_ze, and both bursting asunder. The Unitarian Church was struck by the electric uid, shattering the spire, and setting re `to the building, The re, however, was put out : before the edice was consumed. So powerful was the electric uid that -the telegraph instru- ment were rne_lted,:an:1 1; person sitting near one of these was rendered qutte in: sensible.-V The storm commenced at 6:80 in the mowing, and abated at 8 o'clock, was again . darkenedpthe jmin.hega}_I- to fall `in `sheen. endtjhe whole rmament nu.-'-1icAu =with:=_'thd=nudden~i~and `almost IIIIIIUIIIE uuauvlr VI Hill I ullllllag . lpecnliaritylof storm was the long Ihanniinn hfliln hnilni "_ "Pnnn;p1n u Sousa-mus Nsw Fan BAgm.-John' Oogher Would announce to the pnbliothatv he has opened a new store on Dunlap Street, next door to Fraser : Exchange, Where he has on hand a large assortment of Pictures, Picture Fmmos,'.Pictnre (lords and Nails. Fanc Goods and Children's Toys. Frames mud: to order. Agent for the Gardner/Buying V Mgchines, ~Oon10il ofrst clasaqnality, by the barrl. at Palmer & Qo.,Dmggista, Barrie and Angus. M_1I_.L IiURNIs'1nNGs. Pnmowu Fwin Lamps with one, two, three, four orvo branches. Sold` by '1`. E. Ramon, Brick Block, 3919 agent 10: Barrie. ' * IN {HIS auu 1'Hl_l'Q at RAWSON S. I-Inir Brubbes; Toot!) Brushes, Nail Bruhes, Combs, &c , at WOOD -S, opposite McCarthy & McCarthy's new Law Office. E IJIU Il'UUUU\.lUn'-" - . 0" " he pilot then asked for volunteers "5 to build a raft; the chief mate . (who was the captain's son), myself, and the boat- swain, and a seamen named John Roach, volunteered for `this work. _ Within two hours we had the raft ready. for launch- ing to windward, when a heavy sea took it from 011' the `broken bulwarks, oated it over` the side, and at the same time breaking the captain's leg in two places," washing the second oicer over- board, and fatally, crushing the boat- swain s mate. i After the raft was launch- ed we , lowered the captain tenderly and secured him ;_ but as he said he fcltthat. he had not more than an hour or so to live, he requested to be placed again on board, as he wished to go down with the ship? The chief oicer (his son), the boatswain, and some others of the crew, also remained on board. The sea at this time was fast rushing into the ship s i batches, and she was almost down to the water s edrre; The pilot ordered all the` men who desired, to get on the, raft,when' thirteen of the crew did so.` The raft was then stern of the ship',held by a rope. ` I jumped off the stern and made for the raft, the pilot followed me,and he wasthe -lastmangto leave the ship/l'he pilot ordered the hawser to be cut, and within an hour afterwards we saw the vessel heelovcr and go down. We driftedall that day and night, heavy seas breaking over us. We were all up, to our chins in water as, having so many men upon it, the raft floated low. , All this night Pilot Elson, being a very powerful swimmer, swam round the raft in order to see to the lash- ings, which required constant attention. At two in the morning, a. Greek, Peter Lecoli, was washed off the raft by a heavy breaker; the pilot immediately made for him and brought him back; one or two more men, similarly washed oil`, were also saved by Pilot Elson. The pilot then suggested that we should, remove the three booms, which in part held our raft from the top, and of those booms make a smaller raft to relieve men on the large one. The men were all suffering from the salt water, the raft being so deep in the water. ` The ilot, myself, and a mans named John But er, and another London seaman Snot known),who rhipped in_ Cal- cntta,too< the small raft,and after getting , on to her, we lost sight of the large raft. I forgot to mention that whilst on the large raft a native boy, servant of . the pi- lot, was completely helpless,but was care- fully looked after by his master,who kept him near him, tended him like a child, and gave him our last supply of drinka- ble water. The smaller raft on which we were was made of the three booms afore- said, and was in the form of a triangle. During the night I fetched-in every piece of wood that oated past us, to improve the buoyancy -of our raft. Towards the morning of the 2nd, when the sun began to increase in power, the two men seated - at one corner of the triangle, became dc- lirious and allowed ' the lashings to go ` adrift, Later on, the three spars of the raft got separated, and in swimming about in a heavy surf to get these togeth- er again, I and the pilot became very much exhausted, ` At about four o clock a heavy sea washed oil one of "the deliri- - ous men, and within an hour after the other man shared the same fate. I then _ observed to Pilot Elson that we were the only two men -left, and must try and ght it out, when he replied, `Oh, Fraser, I can t hold "out any longer. Ireplied, `Pilot, you rnustn t give up that way. I will see to the lashings,you remain quiet. -- I further said, `If you think you cannot hold on, I can lash you on. He then made some exclamation about his poor wife, and said, `I will hold on. I then turned totmake fast the lashings, when a heavy sea broke upon us and` knocked him ofl`.v I made for. him in suflicient` - time to lay hold of him by the hair ofhie head, but my hand slipped from the raft. I found it impossible to hold him, and , was forced to let him go, as I had great difficulty in regaining the rnft~ I then got he raft a littlestogcther, and lashed myself to it. I scarcely knew at the time what I was about, being so exhaust- ed, and felt that I was about to share the fate of my companions. I cannot say how long I remained on the raft after thie,for I became senseless. But I. event- ._ ually (next morning) foundsmyself high ,. and dry -on the beach. the part of it near- tlae Balasore road, and about sixteen miles` from Contai. I managed to walk on to a small house on the beach about two miles distant, where I learned that of the eleven men on the big raft, eight had ` come ashore; and three had been washed V, Opp . . Z n .1 1 .- a 11-4` Some of the leading fu-nus of` (`mlcut-ta have started a subscription for thcnvidow and children of Elson, the pilot, whose heroism and self-sacrice in perilous cir- cunistancos are beyond praise. "ran nnAw?ENS IN A FLAME. Nails and Hardware of all kinds, very zhenp .t RAWSON'S. ' ` IIIV Ulllli IHIU l|I`.UUU 1' TIUTIU U], India, as having been narrated . a sea- men named Aaron Fraser, one o the sur- vivors of the ship Rotlzesay, which was abandoned by her crew on the 30th June, ! three `days after casting 03? -the tug-boat 1; from Calcutta. At 12 o clook on the i 29th the pilot exgressed an opinion that they were overta on by the cyclone, and asnext day the vessel was found to be in a critical condition, the crew were lashed to the masts for safety. ' Fraser's narra- tive proceeds :- ALL, ,I,I! I llI(UI IIIIUUB ILIU IHIUIUI Uljue `Q3 nu anything more touching been told than I the simple tale published invthe Friend of I India. In hnvina Imam nm-mtml by n can. (mm '0 LomT2'z;yaph, say. -5)] CROCKERY 5: GLASSWARE, _ Ever ofcrccl to the. public at the Prices. OBSERVE THE_ADDRESS! 'Ra(1y among ih stories of_4|:e can has nvnn mnnn tnnn`\nn `uuan On`.-I than . Aniuvr on A1RAF?'1'. As you man to Well your wife or sweetheart Qothe best Bevin Machine intbo World, buy It G. L BK`_A1 TI `S. New Bok Block Barrio. =7.n-rmtem "roe "' `T 1' in mm coll e:.!%VPo6i i`.I!gIl.'ul%!::d'u1:ur: -nah Oh; nnlgh-.0411 11....-- nag)... p -_ - i How THANKFUL we euovnn nn.--Almos an aorders of the human body are distinct. ly to be traced to impure blood. The puri- cation otthal uid ia the 5"! hiep towards health. Thelntliau Medicine widely known althe Great Shoshoneee Remedy and Pills commend thetzteetves to the attention of all qulferats. hloeerions consequences can result from their use. No mistake can be made In their administration. In Scrotnta, Bronchitis. Indigestion; Conrmed Dyqpepnia, Liver and Lung Complaints. Rheornntiarn &o., &c., the most benecial heols have been and always `must be obtained from the wholesome power gxqed by . thirlndian Medicine over the system. Persona whose lives have been re- atdr'ed'Io ease strength and perfect, health . by the teat Shoshoneeee Remedy and ` Pills ahergruittess trials `of the whole Pharmaco- poioof phyoiohatteot thiefaot. - 26 I am Wood : nea'g1 niu for the. cheapest 1 end tun Goal on in Bntsle. --..;---.._..___,__ Bonn ag.e1_1t{ox-_B_anjie for Dahfo1ath's Pottolnm' Fluid sud-Burnetvmv '1`. I?.Rawaou ,Briok Block- inienti Ox-yafala yield I beautiful cheap and nun color. Sold in packets by Palmer 8 90.. mum. Barrie nnd.An:n-._ _ " : prrnmn Ill want _9t`_o good tending lamp | [d otWo,od I llp'u!Halland' pro- ` oohbrmd R`IdIt`laapp. IIUIIO loved by W. C. LittIe..set`:ondcd` by W. Hunter: ' That the Counci1 do now adjourn, `to Tuesdiay, the rst_.day of October, 1872, then to meet at Adam Myer a Tavern, Village of Vioturin,.at`the hour of _II o'clock u.m.--.Cum'ed. Dnmu DA..- I.-_;._! :,, In 1 - Ivluu .u.uuLUI S ' "That the Clerk be instructed to issue notices posted in at least six conspicu- ous places in this township, informing the rateopayers that the Council will, at its next sitting, appoint some fit and proper person to ofciato as Collector for the current year,` and that tenders will be received from parties desirous of lling said oi-ac, stating the amount they are willing to receive, (and the sea curitiea they are able to furm'sh.-0ar- tied. - Il-.__II,_-V1I nu ~r-._- . - - . run-, unuunuuuig xu bull UUHBIS 38111051113, Petitions from several parties pray- ing {or alterations in certain School Sections have! been laid before them, . batxhey re<:oxnmr_and"t!iat the same be attended to at some future meeting, when all parties interested can appear, and be heard in the matter aecting their particular sections. H/Ynsrnrl Eu `X7 F` Thu - --_-, I I t ulv IVIHIVVIHES Luoyulb 3"" v That from representations made agai to your Council on behalf of cer tain indrgents in the. Municipality, they recommend that the sum of thir- teen dollars, ifteen cents be appropri- V iated for the relief of Adam Johnston ; Ten Dollars for `Wm. Mnr'lin,and six dollars fifty cents towards aiding Isn- `bella Fraser in procuring sundry neces- sitles. nu . ; n . -- OI nun. The aocount of Robert Hempenstall, Constable, for serving summonses on parties-who refused or failed to perform their Statue Labour, and who. have left the county, they also advise to be. paid, amounting to ten dollars tenfoents, Afifinnn fl-nrn unwound .....A.'_. __.,H Perirrorvs, &.c., Pansnnrnn. Isabella Fraser, an indigent person, Ieabela Frazer, an indigent-person, for relief; by,W. Hunter; Adam Johnson, an indigent poison for relief, by Thou. -R. Ferguson; Henry Marlin, an indi- gent person for relief, by Francis Bar- olay. Richard Adams, and others, for an alteration in Sohool, See. No. 6, by Hugh Truman; lobert Hempenetnll, Constable, [for services performed by Hugh Truonmn ;- Circular from W. J. Palmer, Principal of Oratorio Institu- tion for the Deaf and1Durnb at Belle- ville, by W. C. Little. The several documents were referred to their respectiveommittees. The Committee, through their ohair- V "man, Wm. C. Little, Esq., presented the following Report :- That from rnnrnnnnnnn..- ._.-J- .I-ucu put uL_:un:U 366310118- Moved by W. c. Lm1e,soonded by Wm. Hunter : '-"I"L_n .l__ mu, I 1 4 Thomas R. Ferguson, Reeve, Wm C. Little, W. I-Iuntar, Deputy Reeves, Trueman and Frapcis Barclay, Coun- cilmen. I 'l'!__.__,-A- 9 " `NINTIIV MEETING OF THE IN- HNISFIL MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. - rr'o'u l<`t.bs::` i ' .odedb_E"`.";sh:`.f Vl1il'tho : iinneecsm ire`8<:l>!ixumntl " `y rrerberating ft with theterrie reportiof; t1i6th,n_nder.- ,j some: of thein*shor`t and quick, like the. ,. crock` of s rie, others deep and of long ` , '7 oonti.1_;na|!ce,lihe`the:distIsn% roar of srtille- I. ,, 5 ry. ', `Those ~whe-were: compelled to re-_ ,g ; msinwtpon the streetswere almost struck" 9' tdumb with the nearapprosch of the elec-"- ltrieuid-and` the terrifying detonations which followed. For nearly an hour the storm raged, the elements combining to make one ot'. the most grand and appall- ing scenes ever witnessed in the city. The air_ `was completely full of electricity, and the fluid passed along the wires over the houses, driving the night opera- tors away from their `instruments, and compelling all to seek cover. The scene down the harbor was sublime; the sud- denptiashes of lightning caused the ship-' ping for hniustant to stand in bold relief, when, as it appeared, a cloud of inky blackness instantaneously covered the scene. `The waters were lashed into fury, and the hoarse cries of the sailors as they- moved about on the alert to avoid the threatened disasters, only heightened the etfect. Many of the citizens who had re- tired for the night were com elled to rise for. fear that the uid woud ignitethe buildings, if the descending bolts should atrikckthem. In the suburban towns the stornfsoems to have been as furious as in the city. fFrom South Boston, Chelsea, Cambridge, Nnlden,_and other places re- ports`ot7 its terrible nature have been re- ceived. Considerable damagc was done . to property, but as yet no deaths from the . storm have been reported. In Maiden a bolt struck and tore up a rail on the `track of the Boston and Maine Railway. In Chelsea the Chelsea House and Mr. Eato_n s house on Vale street were struck and .badly-lanmged. A young lady by the name of t\_lc.ars was walking on Wash- ington avenue in company ` with some friends, when she was struck senseless. A bolt burst directly over Winnismct street, and a number of persons who were in the_ street at the time were prostratod. It i was some time before seine of them rccov- i ered. In Newton the carpenter shop oi ' Stephen llolmcs was struck and con- sumed. The house of Mr. Henry Poole , at Newton was also struck. Mr, Poole , and his mother were pmstrated, and the latter remained sonar.-lcs for over an hour. In Sharon the lightning was incesant and very "sharp. One` bolt struck Messrs, Lathrop dz C0 s.' trowel works about one mile from the town. It P-'l-`!S(ttl in at a window striking a wrench which was in a man s hand at-the time, and throwing it across the room. it then knockeil astool from under another man,throwing him to the floor, and throw one young girl down and blinded another so she could no_t see - for an hour or more. The belt passed J through another window, nut doors into. ' a pile of steel, and was traced nally to the stream which runs near the works," and carries the machinery. v uuzun u-Iu.-.Uu mu. Bum. Ross, Townskitp Gler/c." NEWBRICK BLOCK DUNLOP ST. PRESENT: Sontmla Nlw Fon BAnnm.--John Odulter Would pnnounoo to the public that he has opened: new store on Dnnlopstreot, next door to Prater : Exchange, Where he has on hondalar .IaIorunent-- of Piotum,Pictnxe lxsmeg, P stun Oorda and Nails. Fancy and Ail:;l:1;n t"'ll;:yn`.}"F`;nme`m`nde :~ to r. n or . not 1: ng . ._....vuu_u . uyu: vuu uvg vnylvuu. Ll ll MINI by '1`. E. Ramon, Brick Block, sole agent for ' ` Iffllvtythin In the Dtng Has she: ind ood at Wood : rug Store, 0 pantie Mo nth] |lc03\rthy a New Brick bun inp, ` could embalm her memory CllCf .p(':i`.' I . plary wife. Imsmass Aicn Dun Co:.xnx:u~:n.--A disconsoluto editor thus bemonns his Iii}- nrted spouse:--Thus my wife died. lilo more those loving hands pull oll' my boots and part my back hairzis only a true wife cnn; Nor will over those willing feet replenish the coal-hod or water-p.".il. irionore will she arise amid the teu1pest nous storms of winter, and hie herself away to build the fire witlimit. (li9ti1l'l_:-~ ing the sluinhers of the man who rloteil on her so mtlesslv. Her momr>r_\' is Gil!` luilmed in my heart of hearts. I wmitoel to embnlm her body, but I found that l procured of Eli Muglget, 1*. iieiglzl:oi'ot` mine, a very pretty grave-stone. His `wife was consumptive, and he kept it on hand several years, in aiiticipatioxi of her tleath. But she rallied last spring, and his hopes`wcre blasted. lNever shnlll ` forget. the poor man s grief when I asked him to part with it. `Take it, Skinner, and may you never know what it is to have your soul racked with disappoint- merit as mine has been ! and he burst , into a ood` of tears. I-Iis spirit was, in- deed, utterly broken. I had the follow- ing-cpistlo engraved on her tombstone: `To the memory of Tahitbn,wife of Moses Skinner, Eaq., gentlemanly editor of the " 'I`rombon'e.. Terms, 33 a year, invariably in advance. A kind mother, and exem- Oliie over ()oleman a gro- -cery up two flights` of stairs. V" ' , _ -'... CK h_|"(_h . W- iniss thee,Amother,Uwe shall miss thee. Job printing solicited. Thus did my'lac.0rate spirit cry outpin ago'ny,'oven as. Rachel weeping for her ohildren. But one rayrof light penetrated - my. soul. The undertaker took his pay - in printing, and the sexton owed men little account I should not have got any ` other way. Why should we pine at the mysterious ways of Providence and vicin- ity.i~ Not a conunrh-um.")-San Fran- cisco pv al. ` ` ` I 1 I 1 _1 I 1 1 J l ab`Pi{:%VI:(c)lRE:'1-dwan of all k1nds,ve'ry chop Thousands of lives have beunzszicriccd by the use of coal oil. Use the Pelrolnm Fluid which is perfectly safe. Solo agent in Barrie T. E, Rmvson, Brick'Block. `_ IUUBPDHIO IIIU uwuyvy gun. Daylight dawned and the `storm abated. Ten horses had been killed by lightning, {our drivers were injured `seriously and one killed. Wrth the ac- sistance of the farmers `in the vicinity the menngerie pooplc soon put matters in n presentable shape, including. even the surviving Apostles, eight in num- ber. For Lamps `and `Limp Ohimrnefa go to WO_OD'S Drug Store, opposite .`.IcCm".`:;y 3: Mg. Ca}~tby a_new Law Oico. ` V ' vvnu suo UUIGI lull] U1 LHU uuruvun, _ This was doubtless averted only by the appearance of the from of Col: Forepuugh, who had been following the train`, and had come up as rapidly as possible on realizing the danger of the situation." He ordered the horses to be detached from the animal cages, and the waggons coralled. The lion cageiwaa righted and `a detail sent to xecnptuxe the escaped gun. Unvlinhl rlnnrnml nml ob... '.~o.`...... ;]'.\TE".?V Bnxcza BLOCK; ID 011181`. mum. uu Auuu uuu VVUUUM The situation of the. caravan at this juncture was very critical. as may be readily imagined. There was the pitch black darkness of the night contending . with the lurid glare of the lightning. There was the almost constant mm of the tlmnder. The roar of enraged tigers, the neigh oftrightened `horses, the wail of a hundred animals, some to be feared and others to be pitied--all were con- centrated. Trees fell around. Horses dashed hither and thither, crashing the vane whiohthey draw, and scattering their contents. - One of the drivers, who stilt remained faithful . and cour- ageous, was lrilled in his seat by. a shock of lightning. No wonder that men : hearts quailed, and that among the less hold of them :1 panic and stam- pede set in, which promised to end with the total ruin of the caravan. This cc-was I`l\IIk'lARn ........4__I , I I. Vpmomn Fnvm will no; explode. 1: hold I! 1` TE Rnunnrr T!-hulp n'lu|`r ...t.. ...__A 1.- IHIBU IIUIIDI The museum wnggon, contnining_the "Lord s Supper, was struck by light- ning, and four of thetwelve Apostles laid low. And yet the worst had not come. The awful fury of the storm and the tczrmr of the scene demomlized about twenty- drivers, who hml been hired a few days previous, and in n most-commllv man- ner they deserted their horses um1"t]e:.l to the woods. One of these cages left. driver- leee contained a gnu, or horned horse, a most vicious nnxl untmnnblo brute, and the horses, plunging from one side of the road to the other, overturned the cage, causing the top to break open. Instantly the brute leaped into the lrozvl, nml, over- turning a cage lled with monkeys, darted off into the woods. IHL- _!.__,.!, o .1 V - uuv AI\'n\._1 zuyuunny uvu union. 2 The animuls, thoroughly t'rigi1tcner.l, mingled their yells aml. roars with the deafening thunder, and bounded from side to aiderofi their narrow cages with tremendous force. This caused many of the liomes to follow the o.imn2`pl3 of those beforc the chz1r iot., and us no t':1rtlu1r.pro- gross (*oul.l he umdv, the _\vholo train` soon became." inextricably con 'u.~sed. To rnulie corit'1:nio1i worse cont'ouu the driver of the lion cage was ll;n1`l6'.l from his seat bythe falling of his wheel horses, and over went the cage containing four large lions. 'l`l-n unu..,.{..... .........._.. --.,L.-`.-A~-- wnav avvllo `AV L IUCIUKULIII Iullll C` Dlllllll .735` I e, itencountered one of the most ter- rlgc storms of thunder, lightning and rain, ever experienced in this part of the country. It was about two o clock on Monday morning when the storm broke upon the caravan. V There were 175 dens or cages of wild beasts or birds, a museum equipage, baggage waggons,e&c., drawn by. 500 horses, and following the charriot. This, in turn, was preceded by a dozen camels and- the elephant Romeofl r. As the storm increased in fury, the charriot. horses became unmanageable, and started off at a fearful speed. The camels, unable to stand, crouched down by the roadside, trembling with fear, and the elephant lay down in the middle of the road, and stubbornly refused to rise, completely pre- venting the further progress of -the long train of cages, which were scattered along the road for nearly two miles. 'l`h'n animals: fl.nrnu.l.l.v o'..:..L.-....) A r. For.epaugh s establishment, con- siating ofamenagerie. museum, and cir-E cue, exhibited at DeWitt, Iowa, on Sa_t.ur- ` day. August 17, and at midnight started for Davenport, where it was to exhibit on the 19th. At Pleasant Hill, a small vil- lnan it dnnnnnhmmi A... Is: LL- .......+ 9..., :i&. 'f.7.Gti{iNING AMONG (run LIONS`. Adam Forepaugh is a famous showman but he has never o`ered_to l.he public to thrilling and extraordinary an exhibition. as that which "might have been at a point near Pleasant Hill, about seven ' miles from Davenport, on Monday morn- ing bcfore daylight. The scene was that of a menagerie atl_acked- by athunder- Istorm of unusual` ferocity, `in the dead of V . nigtht, .. ..... . l Bmrurmnn. J_- O. Oniistsxsnsxs, Esq. This lslto certify '.'.`."..n-.bout three years ago I bocamo nlistcd with Bionchitin which lasted about oightocn months. Iwrlso nlictocl for the want of breath that it wna very dillicult for me to speak and in the night time frequently throwing the clothes o` and raising in tho bed to keep from strangling. Itried three of the most eminent -physicians in the County of Northumborlund for about a year without receiving any benet. In factl continued getting worse all the time. At lest I wssptlvised to. try the Great Shosho- neeskemsdy. I bought a bottle of it, end when it was about nished I began to feel as little better. I continued to use it nntill had token lhre 503118 When. to my satisfaction, I found that I was as well as everl had be _ e ; :9 to to my illness, And have been so ever ginfze, V M - V -JOHN sl'r_vt.~n ' cam-on $1-cam not nelp her. As Mast roort, I purohaaeiln; bottle of the Great Shoehoneee Remedy. At the ex Iration of two days, her symptoms were decidey better. She continued to improve so rapidly thst hi the time she had taken e bot Ole I110 was ob e lit up. -By the contin once of the remedy ehe.wa.e pesfctly restored to health.- __ You phyjpublish the facts for the benet no we remedy ahe.wa.a pqgfdctly restored to health. You Imtfjpnblish for the benet. 01 than aim my minced. '1'. 0. BBC WK. I A V jpigopa ymhodm minor; > g.,' _- _, ........-, -.... nun: new 29 eve: sxnce. -JOHN SILVER. Swogn befoxe me _It Smitheld, this 6th day unsung.- wonnnnmn. arm: of LUNG memes. Bnooxmn, April Mb, 1870. J. '0. Cnumnunt, Esq.--Sm,-'l`his in to certify that my wife was very low with lung dis- eale. The Doctor had given her up. He said her lungs were tube:-o1ed,-and medicine could not helpher. As a last `I purchased a bottle the Gran! mm.r..\..... n-__-;_ -- I uurp`UBr._ \V1xo1.z:s.u.1a AGENTS.-N Newcastle; Lyman Bros. ~ liqt. & 00., Toronto. uo:ucs,mc rxuuu-buolr, or Lhe'AImana circulars: from my. respectable Drug-.113: Domuuun--In'r:.g . ` V -- . ~---~- - -4 w Auui-._2u directions for using the (hoax Sr :55 Pil_ls, _nnd cumuimng '1'es!im(~M__,_.g,3 u._-rug- canon 01 Cmeshcan be ubuxincd by wearing the '1`ro4:ucs,'t!xc uud-book, the Almanac and circulars fnmn nav rn.-r....-1..L1. n...,, . . 1 .=.=.1, wuu mu ouasaalanxedy ug'qI.'.o 'I`tx:s 1\-Icnliclncis pleasant and safe to lake, and _ig|wnrranicd, and may pmilively be relied` upon to make a pmtnz-.n.c:1! (run: 0! ail ;5::.ua.uus ot the 'I'hroM:'L'Jl!S8 Liver, KI!no:;f::', l):;,'v.}Ji\'d Organs, azc. &c.,nswo! as Scrolulm ho vsnaus Skin, Dgseasca, Hmuors,21nd an diseases arising from Im urily ofthe Blood, oxccpzisngthe Third Smgc of mnsumplion. I-`ur'.her"nfo:rmJ'_ .<>.=.|, with full usm-I SL3- ;`.'n'Ju:3's'.=r3 `la: Pills. and cunluimnr l'....'... -3.- -. A - nun uv.':*|xu:H.u umnIn:r- mo nmllcr what men! may be, or how long .-5mr.J.:1g. 11 W11} spot and nzuc-Dish _v( u by the _m ml ma which you are restored to perfect, ealth ` 7,302. ` rr<[_,_"nl_I- - ...:,,........, .. n.cuu;ma, zmme utW\`/high we will mcnhon, su:-ix zzsthe xxx-zzcas of Wild .Cbc_rr Burk; Podugxvilum, I`:1rn`pur,Qxx.xsuu,Smnriweeh, Dandoiion, H use;-'axnus, Com:uv:m`t Extrnc-1 of. I Col0('y.'_1Ih, Jalap , aucotrine . Al-Jen, Capsicunx, .r(:. zc) whit-lrentcr mm the corxlpuailion ol the combined mcdiv.-mu, are such and so 'uarm.)niuus!y clam-iecl and c in m made the um: suaruhin.'z curative. m rim .n.m..-.. ......-.I --J vnuucluuxx uuu uullglullllilcd; 141:! H n searching? m_ the xuown wn; 391 hgglp mi (1:-tAun Um syoiem in 1: Va: `and desirable mnnnur. .. ( V I yuan! -3.-.n I\n .. No w .li`!I|I\IL-a Du 2210;; Sz7'ct. Q11 "14 X 1 vegczamc . Int-.nI.'nn , 5 That the Gns.'r_Sxmsu:m1::s Kmxlmr 4m> Pau.a onho Emznens Indnin Mu~.5;`:-iue-Man, Doctor L3VViSJOp!IUH, ofxhe (v':o:;t '1:-{be ofshouhonees, British Cn;iun.L-ia,x's workin 111:} `most nl;arvcIuus ml axzozri-.shm Cure: the or n ever :-ard or. `11V'o:\'cr in tho n;m.xIs ufC.x.:!1-!:an Medical Hietury has such auuccsu >.sI:::z-Jul mu 1u_'.wductio.1 of F111;. medicine hcretoium. ` mu V; SIMPLY I3:`.":_ Vnarmhln :.. .. I PROCLAIM THE GLAD TIDINGS. -dnznn boxes otl il|s or pdls o mum to new me money returned. V Chemists and Druggists who dasire to obtain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest whzilesnlopriccsin qtInn!:'tt'e,-A of not hens than 20 worth--viz.. 83.. 6:1,, '25., and 343., pet I Ointment, ncll. without hscount. for which remittance must be aunt in advance. llunm .1... l.`..-..- - I never being cuvmgeu. A Should any person have reason to bu-iieve that be has been deceived by buying spurious imita- tions of these Medicines, he will do well to send me, in a letter to the address on. !oot (which be can do at n cost ofaix cents in post- age), one of the books of instructions which are niiixed to the name. I promise to examine it and send 8 reply, aiming whether the Medi- cines nro onuine or not, so if spurious be may nppiy tot e person from whomhe purchased them to have his Chemists Drliizezintn whn .1 ....',. .,\ ..1....;.. '1`HOMAs'H<)I.LOWAY. 633, Oxford Slrcrzt, (Zara 2-14 Strum!) Lomlon W. C . Scplcmbcr 1, .1871. 10-2Gins, rum: AND ULNI`.V1x.`l1f. ' I would _ask, as a great favour,` that should it come to the knowledge of any person that epnrlons medicines are being made or sold in mynumn, ho `so pleased to send me all the par- ticulnre he can collect. reapectlng the Anna, that is to any, the name and address of the vemlov who isvaelllng tbs spurious medicines. and like- wxse the nmno-and address of thollouao in the United 8t:\tea,or elsewhere, which may have supplied them, so as to mmhie mu, for the pro- tection ofthe public, to institute proceedings ngninet euoh evil-doors, and I engage to remu- nemto very handsomely nag parson who may a ivo me such inzormatlon X int'ormnnl. s name 8 . never being divulged. Should anv nemnn luum rnnnnn M k..I3.\-n. n.-. uu DUUU KAUUUIIIIUHU. fmoat earnestly cntrcat all those who may read :hls.ndvertisemont that they be pleased, in the public interest, to communicate the purport of the name to tber friends that they may not bi: defrauded of their money by urchaslng worthless imitations of the genuine oLLow/nr s Puma Axo Oxxrxxxmi. ' Y uvnsd nab nan .......-a A`.__.. M - I ' ` .9 7'13./1 2;: F11 T1JV'G'S', 5-c_, UOIIIIYB unu 091113- No roprenontativo of mine will ever tmvol througlinny art of um British Provinces, or the United zntcs olther to sell, or to take orders for my Pills and Uintmenl, und as l have reason to believe that attempts will very pro- -bnlily be; made to deceive .th=.~ public in this way by persons calling upon medicine vendors, false- ly ropreaentln that they are acting for me, and with my know edge and consent, 1 deem it and- visablo to put the public on thelrgunr-1 against nnfv such dccoptionn. ' moat. nnrnenrlv nno.-mac .31 um... curl`:-. ........ 1 Have mwaya uesxreu. ' ' _ Those who do not wish to be deceived by `buying spurious medicines which are now like- ly to minute from the Stains or elsewhere, but -to possess themaelvesof the genuine HOLLO- WAY ! Pius Arm Onrrxmu-,-Manufactured by me iu London, England, will do well to see that each pot and box bears the British Gnvcrnmezt stamp on which is engraved the words iloLr.o- vu~z s Pmns no Om1'uINr, and that the. ad- dress on the label is 533, Ox!-om: Smear`, Lox- norr, where only they are manufactured, and. in no other part of the world.- The retail prices are on - the labels in British currency, and not irr dollars and cents. ` In rnn.-nnnne.-n:.... ..n __:,, , -1- - I I beg moat reepostfully to acquaint the public of the British North American Provinces that in May. 1871. I caused the buiancas at 60, Maiden Lane, New York, fer the aisle of FIoLr.owAr`e Put. up Om-muxr, which were up to that time prepared by William Brown, now deceased, to be closed. I regret to any that I ,have rea- son to know that the management of the late business had for some years, and in many ways, been moetcorrupt, end it may be that the Pills and "Ointment were not prepared with that care I have always desired. Thane whn an nnt mm. 4.. 1... .1.,...:.-...I 5.`. { gnufnou 2 2% Au11on I H] 0 THE PUBLIC OF THE BRXTISH PRO- " VINCES OF NORTH AIKERIOA. U T .._..r. . - _A.'l`ubl_u Boiler, iftoen horns power,_ nearly now, can be seen nt_Simpaon's Brewery, Battle. n.s.I am. u an , an L` . , T All putlee indebted to the late Inn 0! Powell 8 Thompson are hereby notied that the use must be paid tothe undersi nod at once, or. the will bejlplnoed in e So altar : hands for ool action. mu Wm 09 ,1, ; oo action. 1 `(URE OF BRONOHITIS.` I _ . v. Iouaquou. ` (Slsnedr POWELL 8 THOMPSON. Dated Barrie, March 12th, 1872. 11 .l\vlJL7 Ila |u\JLLl.Ir.\\J . """""" ""' I. ' " Spectacles and Eye " Gfasses; we havelh: solo agency for the - sale, and have plea) sure in testifying tothoir great superiority. The improvement they effect in the sight is extraordinary, and must challenge the admiration of aH.who see them. L. S. at C. L. SANDERS, Agent, Barrie. . %sucAn mm suom IIAMS man man; nun, v-u -iv vuu `rob; om.ns7;." ~`I'rnm BOILER FOR SALE. I'0`l`IOB T0 DBBTk)BS. new. I have the honour to b.:, with area! respect, THOMA.`>` H()LLOWA . l Strcrzt. (lam 24.1 Rlrun-IX Y .w :1 1 I ' _ `es the V;1l_unb_'e a--.:i'. cdicms, zrome 131` Vwl: as the .n......-.. no` V` `*5. .w21 _r: 4:. D -`I... ; muxmoitxra.-1:3 U-.-rli- `ok, spuclublc Drmzum n. ma -Northror; & Lyma, rs. & Go, I oroAnto,- El- . 39,71-73 -..-.4: An All mime lne zuown wn._'!d, and can- rm very sutiafactury > your an`!- eInr.d.:1g.11 wlllndlho 2he_ raitl` mgmuer m aertect ehllh nml r..n zld EU UZ`1l'Hl.)lU L133) 53.! J\ V`n wn.-M nn M-n- 0%,! C `c uuuve mouxcm-u wt` wkir.-h 1 nf vma ("Inn-rn Rive modicum) 'IHr.h um um: miller and full mu and m the Infant mnunt. If 1': var; :inIfl: and win prowl" W rmvlh. lb (rut aspirin?) and MW at a air Drcuiugoocr H(l uotfrunt Po-011 vugevrwad `` at W : "k-um.-`macaw. nmnnuuntu In-1..-u`llv.s.n....n.n.. w:...a...|.n New axle. Important change- L REAL 2113 33810338 AID Dllsllll, Oamhlnod in one Damn. Mas. s. A. ALLEN ?! I.-`CC _'DC`U-III'--IV I-` Av.-n1CW\7U L7. L23 `$41551.-J HAIR Rnsronmi Will Restore Gray llalr Io liq N mural Life, Color and Beautlvx It is 9. most do! mu Hal: mung. . `twill nmmnfn nv-nu-{Ant avnufh n nu 3 mos; om num nan unsung. .. Itwill tomato um-inn: growth. . FALLIN HAIR lsjmmedlatoly chccketlg) II_. I A nuounu-a -up-Annunnnavrua -..II$ . n `- r g I p5;`:3a.'}.r": }F9z.o"2..a fr :;arr-'- r'!ad`l 1.1:` " and truth ; .'5'....m: 3'3. zZZC$':'""..;.'31n.r.r,%uaa-wt -vvp not OGIUM Uilulig uU"'uD-H9`. .: ;`x"m9*..``.`: ;a8 .'1-*oa"3o u`l\%'i .`..:'.*` W:w@m1@s,%$@w@&av mggxgq --..~ ......n,uu w uuu yvur Nana mrlnhun Kc":-1' V-cut. Aor taking two times wos 9l|.XlIl0d 1.: sleep. n. boun for which I was chunktul. Arc-' Ilh1g one bomo the `bleeding wu cum}, nnplllw mkht sweats gem-'c . I confmunod mmzo .-ix!~-mm. and now n_ll turns 0 aickne.-s, disease ml nhmm-..-3 Oulllptlon dint! -onrotl. feel my lnhilh gyrecovcrpd. J6 A ! EI~:1.A.\'U. ~13 -This gvuuomnn was Inll own to bznfli corgundex-. the trmunont of been physichsn In nnquy-ho rcooivedno bobs am any usodwnv B. ' h ' ` " '"""" .2.a".":.; 2.,.:..:;;,:..'%`a.s'.:."`"*".`.n:*.tz. .:m*.;1': uuoxmn. no. uoxrr um . ~ Oa:unomSdAnovu'os-Onunva . ' ll.NU.l.l A.Ia DHPUI. `n.- 439, 9!`. PAUL STREET, MON'1`REAL' ,'"E toldb!Drnn-Intamul-umml Rmniu-an vrVII\Jr`Il f$lllI-L_'f'\" Wmnzn Sn-non. Ontario. C.um.dn WM, Dr-Rnown This is: ` cx-uf tht1:McIh'N" a - :-- o .. I .~ r u- with biecdi at tin lu n niugt 4:1-I was hxducod 0 use your an: rlmnn REru-:- ' 1.: was !li[|l_{ Llecdim `nu nurml. am] 1):! hlkdatn will (D0150. I7 AILDIDIOIFI` uv.--.-. wan vvnnu-an WOUS NWT, V4'P.'}6?.3 ` M. Ilurnnt. one of tho wcnlzbiesf, (`L-~;.-_.n,5 `,3 Vgth, l .ive-r`. mvncr 1- '_ nearly hnlfth town, h;_...} -4 n num- ber at Paper .V Iils. liotolr .tc., odd mo of his kn!- {CJXC (If YOU! lXI{).("f`. . gun` 35941 )r:|'!. W811 cm-r.~r;~L! with 0110190131) UCAB. covaziru bu mnrv |;::-Ily-.`:o:1:I.trunk,ohugt,, legs. and all aw Inn: '0 5Ci 0"`-`CV31 mat. and he was the rmu` rt :-~:uu M-J dx===::ao'.l ohm! I over eaw. t my rcq-.v(-' `:3 -'19 pu'.unle:-no tro1:tu:cnt of !Id\\'4\y99 :4.ur.;:g-:-` _ :i!7_a,l\ Iicnnlv-.-nt. Heady Hrllcl .-mi 1'1"!`- One mvmth since, on returning: to ('m`-:1):-. E rt fl}! father, who (hon told me thnthi: sun ma. L-ozzul--Ir`-7 cured. I know of nanny who bnvn bu-.'x czxro!` of Fever Sores Eruption of the Skin. Buils. [H0015 0!" and. sure he and in fact armada ems. "I'hr:\<-ucal Oonlnmptlong N!gls Owen: yfggglxng; _q-q~:_rg 3339 Lunatic cured with one -...`..... c. wnm Ion. N! be lwanuy B!eu!1xn:- n-om u'3 1'.....g., ougud bottle 0 V RADWAYG SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT WIDDBR Shrnvnn n..A..a.. n.-.. 1.. m- .. . . \.......;mu,v vuuuu nun. uovo 3.; .1 xnnnu-AR hm! prcvlxvna-ly symzo`. huL`dwL4 of .1.,:1,..~a, duuum.-L S.-.-lxnue yum-a, am! curod at wcozccoi laps than raw 0: ma. . . om: sonm so`-.33." n- ` CBOFULA CU'RED.at Wells Mm, ', em6t9. M. Durant. Anus AI 0!... ......nn:.-- 4- A u|uim) d0o(0l in Mont puns o.'C:um.Jss. Last. Fall ho mm 0!. Ratio; cs)-4:1 Barman; llllnn tea with Ilmlwa;-93 Pl la and Itoaul used on! chrco botth.-vq of the Sara :1 vent. um two or three bolas of R v used. as n lutinu. 11 wash ohm: Rem! Sur-.':p:u1ilh.u1 lloooircnt, hlulc which cI.um.E\:dy (`mod hivn. Hero }rrcV1vx'I:'lY do! 5 cost us _ u(nxur.\l\l'(':nl 'R'l'llV"OI`. Mom:-:~4'\L G Denuult. ofst. Inmthee. County of De:uLhu'- ml.-1. Canada ldust. had for nine yc.1rs T\VU Lklixl 1'."LCEll.`.". om: on his thigh, the other on M. aide, .L`uat-rxrsaistcdnll kind.-4 uf mo<('!')o nu`. ma akmu um most cck-bnuod doogoxs In Blontrt-rd and : Eh : Lani-all hn :-..m....-_.... A -L W /ll. I1 UN '1 E` R ,... ..., `nuunug uuturi In U10 uuuu Iii ;u~.u-nu-morum 5 Mom. Non yes, Bu-as nu-u/3 `IX.-wlnwgcs gun: the Esra nnnl lio- wuzux (hum! of BLDI Dizveutcng ruptiun l`n\:r l3:vu':J, Sushi Ilvrulg llllr worn Sal Kiln.-\.|:n, l'3r}*n|uclna, Arno, lurk pang \'u ux-um In Ch: Flesh Tmnonv, Cancer: u tho Vvnmh, and un \roo;u-nlnpr nnnl pnlnml Dis- t!'uu'g-_a1 Nlght Plwcnla. Loan of Bper and M! \s'.s.-an-2; at the I.-lfo E :-Inc.-(pic, are `V min :32-' l.-HRIIV8 range of the Ban-onpzu-llllnn Eh-.;r.h'<-:11, and n lbw dnyl use will prove to any _~<-.1 5:54) 2;: L; M for either of tlu-ac turml. m~..mvc;u, run: tow days nn`5.-4-.1 ncnfz It 0:` l8ca:`.~:; 19.5 puX:::\ power to cm: than _ n- 4-: `um zvnuomnn mil known MY! eonynder u-eotmontot vhwichwl ."W-ho [mm any vwd'"" 3_n&I| _he eomxnonood ulna mar 8xusalvM 93 ` ,`_nuil`y uompdnlnl 0-at mm; more Orrrwme Si: L 9. the am-od (`Mar .`L en-cm-y, (X11 and can aoo um: may are accuwudaved at the bones, an-tilrrgea, arjotna, arm coma awamm_ an ac-mraltzrno. - ` 1, wnrtizin. Connmspan. 5 II uncnrd :-.11 Immy .neotedV-netenl In uxnrs mrnq v.:'.amlc`:1c_xr D Ukcxa In the tn-out. Mouth, _Tu|nou-1, odes In the '|n-nala and uhu--nu-morum Non yen, sun- 1HM`iLu1'cl (can. In... I.`......_ ....u -L- Uncm--.'. and n -__-.-.n. -..-...- cu ---navy-on-Va w-v...--._`, rm. 6. A. unmxta IYDOBALBAHUII. man lafaon hr 15: Hair: 4-bur and l`rMI!afI o `ta-cut: ll vonvertahuo blood, and an ape adieu [V31] (1.: pure with mrmd and Huang 5` mi i'.'.-.':y(l by r!r . L, pure aw! strong Mood. R 'lwm!ca4av*1:'on tame}: the amapcu-um: Euoival has cm the subztrmccs mica: Into the uam'a\ its prc'.+.1 of tltyoeon tnto (Sigma and (,?4,b.'. (rd? I: m made blood, Lu well as lhon0ur u\h.` nu.-0 when cum-I In the ctrculrman, ll eztwvnlnnf ow.-ryatom o vrrua-ovn0a'bloo.l, andrcndza (n1.'(Q/ ail dcposdta moeam. L-thclhe-r meal by my ac.-Ntmqfamneqmcu` &ra!aon,arvnaauluoaa\0 } !!c`4'v.:t`a]1, gramme zgtfynatq Om-oun nu m~ur.rv u-nu u:1-pr nuseuor ku V c'.'zm~`:r, (v.:rt1'(rr{;:-.1, or and rc-rnzptmn mm] btst ones (1! /M rv-pvnt rm ma blond and tha- l .'w~(r1~lI.~g!:r)Ilt urfth rcpalra, wt`! to 6 mn tr.`/I; n.-4:. mnxtihu-rzlatu to rxolva .':r.'n-11: {ho rirxrtl and dnzxnnpmtng HICHPP ply} (1.1 picrrc with svrmd smidunjh i -'v;"I_u (l_II_I/V r!r. L, ]IlI7}, A f7`0Vm blood Da.`I7|( 9 moi-a Huh, n'mn - lnggyamtdaambf mmummunggd ta, ma (1 qf Tuberadom aha clam,-nta qr dcaawpacaivn and null be dtrntntmod In Lungs, Kidney; an other Oman; and cook qflhaaa will th0!i'pnqn'rcv!I.st(?tcnl)V'ct(arIa. atead Ritz-. the Pam-ncallo Jim and fhdz abs-7-rbal In the chtutatton, (hm norm: dmw,-Icd /01' eqndswnnvn the . pngv-r Umaticme iaauu tumnau an ac ,vI~1z.'rrp,(I)cvn'c'ctlh-.70 . until: 3-!!! mo argvm ar newctlna a (n `; pmpn' fvuwlrvma, health can newrbe pt n` nqmvrrag Mmzaruqx, nadvnyh mu Inn Rcmhent xecurva (Mn Mlponail mod has hrrrnr my cztvwd to an mm remnant mm vlizvv as lI1vor1'.Pur(Iy;cr~s. No mvzrlvr haw d.-vp. rated or M! M Q c'u.'n~1r ma-t7!r1{~.:v aim: or at dha rarl r'm-v-upm1;2 'm::/ box! mine of man... % Toys, ELECTRO-PLATED WARE AND V'(t:? %C`I1II.DRE.7\! S 1ARRIG'E.S'.. uxuxt-XII" ru;`2.`u unuuxn the sA'i=.sAPAa:LLmN nnsonvzmx :-;-ca: 5.34 now exist ha :1} ' ' " s:=?~*.:::mni5;m* 2?, ' L! I mm tom Ina-xtoptad and aoeroma E" ' -epu-L-tin `O16! d ' In #133 -1.39 of tho arnnparun no v n_v.~;,~o.-}npofn: 9' for no nna::"Lm Ml.-M mx-_s tmvy be! 4m..-x 11.5 mtbuouxo 1 . . ':;;,~1:.'&1:s%:?Lz`I*:";,9.'x:. %.*u:a . .-..m .,;v..-;..;_=.:, xm.'.*:'``......'5..,": [ :1 to rnnmv mg `:3. `1vm'.rzuNx: '6 other 1 .41 I-0I`L>I`.1` dye u-Joan ac b1VL$l'.l'U.Vli nndotha '1 ~U]:*I`.l 39,035; of x mroa-lauug n regarutfoa prouapa 0-..- .. ,.,.. .....'J u. .. pa `Recent Clues round h E! Chqmna. ' C>nuww-:31`:-ave! er. Mc.mtx.~4\L Dehuult. oft. Tinmthnn n......... .1 n-.. t`- ` . ' K H`lICl6|v . '"'*- A cxtcnn tintol the gnyauc it runolvcl Tuzunlv, odct, ' It mums the chin dies: and buutM1:k , fxlsraia ifs-.ve.-r Sure! and U! ' u cuxw: Gun :1, 13:24, :.no'.gtrlctm1>, :: aux-.'.<'4 Gm wniur czcu nndpu. It c:uc.u !5lE`l".l\1LI!`.':`3 xxa.(|h-c.Xh {wt ul wlm. .r.:.~m or zuaeuuo, Q11: you 1 L '.'`u:\ m-.': 11442131 iron`; A250-Ir or cx!InI-Ilia]. .4.-luuxgool Z'.l`e-o%onu( M I. T)`. nIl...,.,Au, . -.. F145 [1 sup v. .'.'.u: IT b'l'Ul A. 0153- N lm-nomnm Iyngloi. We*can very strongly HITQ Ry MOI? RIPJ `.1! u Ivru rut III-5-UPI!` I`. 5 than Mood him up "'30:;-1'.-.1 wusun `. W .v.rz.sum-zsmxmsa QUA!.1'x'u mm Raul anal body. :4 1 m.-mu um war at `snail Ii` :`.:zl`!)u ALL wtiuxmmx 9'30. lm4)at1zm$ClmuhPnnlpk: I SARSAPAWLLIAN REsoLvm~i `.`7:..=*'I.*.I2 :f:.`!'.`2.!.>`2.*`.:!3s!-.- anu.nirnIul.|.uu1 [u-,3 gr;/9/tr W-`outlaw aver radaveyq.,,L"l" n M. / meacmo nu ' In In C'J3l7, ?.5( tC% gut. /J1 up, .?;a Mn dmnrz. Ry. vtmrwa. mad .....'!-u Lqn 1ma:<. r/ be mtudwilh tho mm. t , K V_v__,,,,..uy UV `"3 ` w 13"` mdanl: u?:a lm % (an 1.1:c: .. rgrbe mtverto/33 mlft . ,, ML. . away our WM (:13 mm M mm ..':.'.'.::s-..... 3, tzfwmder awnanba In aw-nab` :M-curn.L. bora'n9DOf .RadInw'c1h!vdqQu 1&,`(l1aU (ho wmfwmwwmwhm" "' - !xzra1sgoofE.rRad|ny0.n,,,""*'.g' agar-(ally , (A DC I! Damn I (All nu-n-A. ..__ VVUULIH VIJI, EIIUIIBIJ RUS & MORRIS __ ,1 1:`... I Thu fa not 0 man. woman 0! -.J~:oA6b_'.'v.|i:vz>._~gc, thoh um-toms ` .-178.`; ram-um nouI feh.'mnL ncun-.'. Yo-mu.-uI--G1cet, Gravel, Blnctnrn. and all Cn_:nplalu!J of th- Urhuu-y Or-` uuna. Bkuklw limnoya, Tonxb, Dmpcy. Di;ul:<\eu, ant` `an xvlw tun lm-nt vs-1 ni(\;L:'c:I' by Hlopgxuqa ux` \`Vnter or Pain- ml Dimchnrgc-3, an quickly to loved and cixltzuily u-um.-d u: tough the 3 A 73` A TV A -11'! 4? rm -up Human "---- .'.v'z.5o4u-.uAlu1!G QUAl.l'l'llh.' ' dies the ayotuu with ode:-Io m ln,r,I]nvp1-rut!` . cH.A'I rm ' man or and Rain and :.:::: ;:u.::`ia*<"in: I ,0 by wotxht h 5 `i-`(E -I-.7.1ua"*x1H:;u`Iia`=isX':';';```;....` QUALITI `_ nuylvifca ayptglu ado:-In an n_.,; .......av 51: ...-v -\.-vuuuuv-Ill ul .1 I9 (`/7066 27/co a'ec.' Eeaftb, L`b4'.rfs l>a__uoIoIneu.Io:nannaMnp...... u-nu:-:5 uh: rvgurmnru prauu(l.ADWAY l &:rea__m:ra'Zla'an eaoirenq ii`: ' , ._ bookbn roazoud Io E~dLt..\I'(r:np(xH%!! mo , &B'9.'. n(:`.~.a4uowo1unl that-rig .x:.u-sa~..:oaouI;vbotehe UN K N ' ozfxasm my wnqead, nloomac-1. nod uulw "Zx"9nntLt1An nssonvm, wk; lP'_031,_`l{g?';? Gwnmam n... @@MM.E`1FE 8310633] -.'. Vo-mn.-u|--G1cet, Grnvd, Bu1cturn._ I ni:!__Cq_:p]i:a}_|1u Urhuuy Or- am. we no um r:'.'.>!:uu am] 1 rcqm-~( vr:9_ t.-outment ':l.'u'~4::3-1'-' "Hm. Imn-ram ME. to rtv thl `OII thlhil Bun Pu: ' r-or-n,I.'lr'.3V > _ "Gnu -HAIR In 5 certain indication .0! decay at the mots. BEAUFIFUL HAIR. Nature's Crown. L You_Must Cultivate it guunn limo] Itoauly` I` z~1ara.w-MI M H. BENNI*}TT :1 Kadwn; Rem! ' p Ihlillll [In no i.: diluted 1 8.; i of duflnr po mm: on h`. side, who akiru. . ar.d~-u'u.: : umrmneel the no u uaolrcut, 1; ;-1:-4| Iiouulr Ila-H.-L 'lh\ SCAD. 4" Vemt. H1`. Inna . own. :4 l|.'1'mT- uM hs .a::o1!3 wnev Mai?-rv o `urn! lwny a .'u4:: gu:- ' Iimlhul an! IHHA. nlrcuh ui-h'| ' ltru-L 'M0 f'i'AH:|n Hnlulp` 32"! PUB?` and : Hrrf am! | Vii]: \":s'0'l , 6 man tun um H-.-u|- ` 3"! Mlle. um! HI-Hr! um! an fries. Q`, V Where he will keep on hand as usual, a somplete assortnllent of .@:`::25?mB%%`3$ Es%F@&5EN?l Lam and Picket Tye. Tr .ALso_;oN HAND A LARGE smepLY'on` GentJ1emen s Furnishing Goods. Has removed tqnew and more comodiousjwromiaes in his At 3'. HENDERsoN S. 5. F F coLL|NGxypqwp;_ .Wilh the Idrgeat and most oatcfully selected stock on Ready . iml Clothing, `and In consequence of, the late Fire `Barrie, Jnly`17th, 1871. HAS, REMOVED ms ` To his'_.building, in the THE -New Brick Bloax, Du;11op Street: Barrie; _ 51-35; OF:-. W19 ? :1` ma tcoommnd LAZA-` Icelobrated perfected have th, rnunrnnnf {luau nirnnl mamas EBGBERYJVABEHDUSE Proprietor, 1VVX`| ' .Hw'm Street. 8.; 3 O. hsvlng taken Lacey : old udnd, two door: But ofthe uke: Squnn beg to inform the nblic that they intond carrying on business u V0, and. trust_Lhy their great -axperioneo and the nuention gmu 0111 ordu-n,'to me:-It, a slum of nbIlo_ Import. . L . ljoru _ j ga_nl;.Jo_bb!ng done on the pro- .. obg`uidthonl4luu."-AI.uoy's_old ,`"'[i'.`si"&"""`%;.z:.""'% "`& kw: |1:A M; s T s 1: YL5E.| `GEORQE BALL,` ARPENTER,B1TILI) ER, sw. `THOMPSON 34 LYNVN Pnowoanmpnmasr Dun!-op St.,T 1 z_oo doors Aqf the Bank of Toronto, ,Barn'c, Om. Ana` o0LoUm:i$, If required, in 011- or` ' Indian Ink.` . Auu uuuuuuuu, II requlr Indian Ink.` Barn-ie, July 12th, 1871. ' lsavunnsv &~90'ra,% WHO]%;ESALE & RETML.1 IWAGGON, cunt-Aoia: Arm] ` ` ` crr1:I1'nu'ItA.'|rI:-nu |ca;ama BU-W333,` Steam. 11`-*'ovverL PLANING or E%vzmnmscn1PT10x ,| Diesaed, and Tongued and Grooved Lumber` a every description, always" on hand, and made to order. ' ` - .. . ._-.... - I JOS. MAYon:RornIEron.| nooas, szuanxss, 1zLnms,moUL`Dma,a'c j nd isv propafetl Co supply these atticlasnnt the V - lowest price.- ----jg-- Grocerigs, Wms, Liquors, Flour, Bran, Oats, and _Genom1 Provisions of the bes,t_qnu.1ity, and at the lowest priccn. I Heath nf Fnmilipa will f-`mil M in o'l1._.- ml... m. we IOWDSI pnccu, . Heads of Families will nd it to Vthuir advan- tage to deal at the Great Western Storm, nmie, Jun. 319:, 1372. 5. TIIIE GR EATWESTERN V GBOUEBY & P0VlSl0N II j? & $5` Y-1QCJCL\lX K `SI-EIGH MAKERS oozzum __T.REE_T,j.BARRIE. [PRESERVEJARSI I PRFiSE_I%VETJA,I%S. ux omumu mm uUUl5Lul UAIUHAGE and TEAM HARNESS of the best quality and W01}:- nmnahip. Alnon largo assortment of the best rnporlod ENGLISH SADDLES, ENGLISH GUT and DUNE WHIPS,-wzxrmnted, also in .Htoc':: largo supply of TRUNKS VALXSE-S, &c.,n.tn1odomto prices. All work warranted and perfect satisfzotiou guaranteed. ' The Old Stand. Bnvald Stu-mu nnnnuhn .1... auu pcnucx. 5uu:.nouon guaranteed. vs, a Q ....n .-._- ...-V... cu vauvpv Barrie, July, 1857. .-, , ,_.__._.--...... .-..-an-uni Has` nb`N on hand a large and W011 assorted etook of SINGLE and DOUBLE CARRIAGE IIARN ESS of the bent nnnh'hv and mm L _s,A%nn%Aua_m\jn_ llAIh\_ E$_S mm, as-0` N _1{AbXi3;.E TERMS; Waxxayalrg-_::s_ ___. ..._.... .79 He also keeps on `hand, and manufactures OOFFINS of nllkinda, and furnishes all the paraphernalia neoessnryrfor Funerals, Including an excellent Hearse, which canba had on very moderate terms. 21- BI] EKCC I Hill I [1901 __ ----7..-4 vnu nu DOORS" Elsa AND n:"I.aI9mns, Lg R. VV*\RN.ER,} V BARRIE, ms to. announce tothoplibli-: thathe has completed his p ` . ' All kindfol Pictures made dtdor in Che` Btnildg;-gnd Udert_ak_er, flumnnia- 41- fin-A4 : `Rospoctfully announces tothe public that he in at all times prepared to take contracts for building, and that he can furnish _ `Duncan--- --..__ -;~ mm @@@gg| Clollgs, orrosjm THE ` n uuu n- wort. and army: keep: on hand 3 atoorot Beer, Whiskey, Pork and PoIuh_Bu- rela, Box, Pump out! the Williams Bhrrel Ohurns kept on hand, Boner Dishes, Butter- I-Jbl, Forlmu, Wuhtubo."Plokle_tnbo Obceoo` Hoops, You and Water Omens of oll sine and kinds, and Large Water Barrels on hand. nnd all klnda of Ooopor`a work in general made on the shortest notion. The William ; lioxrel hurn is the best of the age, should be tried by all Bfmer Makers. White Oak, and Whl_l.e Ah, in Stoves or Bolts, bought. All orders promptly filled on the shortest notice. Address AISAAOVE WILLIAMJ, Barrie nnnamm. _.. .. . _ u a.uu.|.aun.w lnnufacturea and mku to 3 rder nu kinda of Oooru work, and always keep: land non of Beer. Whiskey. Pork and Pain}: :2... I ALEXANDER GRAHAM, nun-5 v- A vsuuuag Barrie, Juno 12th, 1872. EIOTOGRAPHY. and hiachirxry for the manufacture of CHEAP` GROCERY- Barrie, July 10, A1372`. ___ -_ - .. ...-u. 1:: av; vwlsvl ivoppositethe Court Hausa, Barrie, aosmu nunnsn nsrnm: ax mums.

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