3l\ . --w---- j: ---__..j The only one that" ever left Arabia. ~'TOILIs;.T' sous, .`-JIWUIIL \J\ll`\ll Equestrian Arena. cu..- _3 _Asmc _`ELEPH`A4NTS| isipzmaa FASHIONS. !sTRAw AND TUSGAN HATS] NEWEST FASHIONS! 1 mzsnzsm El./EMF % F FACTORY, QWEN s'::'_, BARBIE. Earrie, May 15, 1872. . ` No. ONE - A Rare andInterestin_g Museum! ' No. TWO A Full and. Complete M_cnage.rie! u u_ No.4 Tl-IREE V A.G-igatic Caravan`! No.'FOUR. - A Circus of-Star Artists! q . Added to thes separate and Distinct Spc;:ia1tiCs- may be named '1)HQTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. g11UMM1: %& VAN DEN STEEN EBLEANED, um AND CURLEIJ. Of every all sizes, taken at all - - 11omjs_o! the day. ---.:-- |PHOTOGRAPVHS| The}; also keep,in connetion with the gallery` a" large stock of b g:;=A1bums, mum `Pictures, nnocxmrs, cmeomos, LITHOGRAPHS, A FINE sTo0K 0F VFRAMES. PICTURES 1*1{ZxT13 T0 oimnn. . 'nmuma.& van maI:a_ sxnnn; Oril1ia.,Jan.21, 1872. ` V _ 4-tf - `JOSEPH swfvj / . CZRA-LIG-IEiTIIRST, GROCERIES, . DRY GOODS, r V g >B()O',I`S &jSIIOE_.S,. ; PROVISIONS, ~ 2 %cRocK1;n)r;%. 1 " " -'3i._ ,. @011. :PAlNTlNGS,.@ The great inducement for 'ft1m11l_8B to visit these shows consists m the facts that the utmost attention is paid to ladies and c11ildren, thntan air of refinement is given to the Exhibition by the presence-of the Clergy, Scholars, Scientist: Jud Nutti:alista,and; also, that though` there are 'Four`distinct Exhibitions. under Four Ltirge Tents, IPR9nUE%'MKI?_U%%x0ANeE. `masRIEbiAvooKsnRi*ir .'th..L6oun.cy-I srsnncoei. I ~ - -.,,;; ` .=s.:=g,i,;nsz,-;jt`.;II-r:i!~i;:_16.*a, :shm4a,w*.v:=m::~3@ Framed or withqut Frames. -----b ~ -AL'rEnE15-'ro THE HLHADIES ORILLIA. GENERAL DEAR!!! I'll AT THE ,. 4 , "'*'=r'_"" ~`_~ - )'gT`4JaF`.*' . t-...-. ;. Agra-: `_ 1--; '_`T~zG '."4. ~i9n.i:ib3\=..I-3:54`; , AST ' _ . V` K V e V: , u \ V ~ ` ' g \ . ` 1 `N v L . I -puxchused at the outlay. l'BRIL`LIANTl`S!j NEW GREY {OOTTONS :1 0:9.-FA izMERst 17301) z:1a1:A 7 AKEN IN` EXCHANGE FOR GO0DS.=r Wlwss A large tock of Potatoesifor seed will arrive inn day or t wo. A heavy stock` of some Prime Me:-is Pork just loihaud; lmm um 8333!} i4@p1m::e;s, Bought. before the rise and ihmpbtted din ect from Europe. '1`hose'a`te the Cheapest Cottons in this part. of Canada. lI10rj'ocIc s Long Cloth`! \ w ire enabled to reduce pricesffurther. We will guarantee that no one can sell the same quality -'._ ' . . , ,. -- mu an cmn na"mnnAni~una o. nrnrnm AT nnnnwmwu . -an ONE TIOKE? O ADMISSION, We care not for competili an, all we-require` is :1 trial given to ohr Goods. The economist. will prot by calling on us. Our mom) is quicksalca and light prots. ` 1872. si1>;1ii1872.g A :'D`4n~lt7.1 -. and Ilafket St'et$_ ' ;.=WI0Isalc:_anl ` Retail 'Gz'0ccr, I-F F i'2"a?fL2: ; _ % % . I 'Sp}irit`J7l1ercants. T A` IMULCAHY & co.,| ISHEETINGSI lwnw nnucnn1nz,wum,| 0G'=ALPA.0AS s=uI.i. nAn(:.j !3"1`he \V6ll\known House for Cheap Goods CALIEoR1fiA STORE 5 MULGAHY &_Go.l ` PRESERVE JARS. W (I IBIIIIIIH IIIIHAIIIIBUI any diorama-gaunt Iqn -_4-your -v --vupuauuw V . _ ..- _ . _.` OGCUPYING F-OUR 'i"i'\?nvn5:_1\Ts:E= 2 THE GRANDEST AND .COSTLIE'ST. COMBINATION--OF EXHIBITIONSEVER PRESENTEDTO THE PUBLIC. ""---~--'-' .-:7:::r-_:::-.-;--.-;-.1; ;: -- :-----j---- m NOW OPENING `NEW. STYLES IN [PRESERVE JARS` IE IIW Uuuuuzu nu uzuuuu in-m.u,.-u...n.... .. .. ~ ... b...........-- ...... - V..- - of Goiodschenpor such as TEAS, SUGA TOBACCOS & GENERAL GRDOERIES ; `also ' Wines and all impdqtad Liquors. Canadian Wlxiskeys of the best descrip- tion always on hand at prices as low as small lots on be laid down. A C_ A_j PER1{11:~z,_s & BRO,` W.AHiT;'.:i;E.E7DSLI ~ - w -'-Eaumnnv No. -1,! " No 2, and " No 3, of his brand, are unmpumed-for body and b`:-illinncy or ahnde-. _. Paqksgon cont:-in full 'ne_tt weight; The pt. hlic Irowvamadlhat e -thin other brands in 1;./I short in` every` ,-A-`nllefzl 25, potigd. PIBk_\$'n ~.'V ,nnmina`:mebu`na and d-Qrnnr ham-..` `an - ".'u'Ki"ho -zhebraind and dzrnot be pi Mwith igx}-50: piimn. The star is-"dlwsyu cant -- I85 ~ .~ ` ~ . :' Sold by hay '1-especuble de 1 1 `P ' Ontatio, and to deal`ereImonf.y I nr.1'.rnm:n.n.. rro: 35161;. B;n:ie by John Wos, Palmer` 0410, Wguonl _,Q6-$136. 1 : O . Street, Barrie. CI-IEAP GROCERY- _.__._...-...__j---`-: __ ______?_ ..- ----------_--~..------ ?i`l"nAmiIABElIPEn Bx rxrr~9r~s1"r13w71'm:I'r:'.. 1'T1=2T -'I']=a_`:I'4i"I'i 2 N F nnilwnnnz F ~:-uaan1"ni`~%;z;i.&::&?; New blexiched and unbleaclied ' 1~;sEr.Eomn srocx on `BLACK AND COLORED. or1111a. Liverpooi andi Gsderic/z Salt $1.25 `per bamfel. ._No 1 GROUND RECEIVING DAILY SPLENDID VALUE. NEW STYLES IAN NEW STYLES IN -every c `nvonience,'wilh Five Acres [01 $3 wrnnmmcaasn A BRICK o_ COTTAGE moat beautifully situ- Itgdin the Village of 0 Ilia Driving House, 8"" H011, Woodahed Hard and Soft Water nd. A GLASS A-ND STONE. VAND LIQUORS.. yr wing -THE rvu uvnnuu VIII II, _nn.Lro'r.wo.. ` `Ila...- HIOKEY J S-M4 We si'e_now prepared _to o'e $6 the firming commu- 'nity :_1nd to ih trade; Mlucxixents t}.mt'[hiwe'n6t been given heretofore bj any one in our line of business, being new importing t.be_Iprincip1c part of our stbck Esucb on V 5 ms, was aw %aaamnms, {mg & mm I L ys-1 a rel 9 Barrio, Juiy 10, l8"l2. LARD M II GENTSPER LB, IJR. W R NEE: SADDLE AND HARNESS amum`,| Good Shaved Shingles` ` " '-_ " 7 `I Has now on hand 9. lnrgerrnd well assorted `stock of SINGLE and DOUBLE CARRIAGE and TEAM HARNESS (at the best quality and work? `manship. Alsoalnrge assortment of the best imported ENGLISH SADDLES,' ENGLISH GUT and BONE WHIPS, warranted, also in stock alarge supply of TRUNKS VALISES, &c.,at modemtcprices. All work warranted and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. , V 'l`lm Old Stand. Rnvald Sh-mat, nnmmh. .1... Illu PCHCUV4 EILEISIGICIIOD guaranlecu. The Old Stand, Bayeld Street, opposit the `Bank of Toronto. V , `WHOLESALE & `RETAIL MEROHAN_TS. At $1.50 per Thousand, LTHOUSANDJ MAUNDRELUS. . . Ira. U.` ward, nanny rempvea IIIIO H16` lE10!IIni_ Blikonse, the 1119. {edence h9mIox,~Esq;, bu yuoanpieavfot Byoxdem ` J; -_ nan... yu Avnvuvvl 39.:-rie,_ June 12th, 1872,` .lrs. 0.__Ward, hgitn `removed _illf.0 n`` g1d]IItIt_Br akjoigeggho 19. :-oildenoe of` Inf`. mi. hm vnnhucii (oi? Brllll`.'1 _'.' Park, at 10c per 1b., `AT '7_ QENTS. I have just purchased a.job 1ot.of )_I1jvA'1?L' - izbgnnxna. At MAUNDRELL S, 12s per 1b.; No. 1 Market Stall, Barrio, I ~ 1 Ulllo V ' NA-B.--Mr. Robinson bu othi Village Lou Ind Fmn property Ior sale.` T A RAnIa,n.n an.` mum BARBIE,` Which` I offer at AT . r}g_1Ic1:'._w_o1~'1'1c1_.r 24-tf Ia W m Txwm M immmsg {TREE & IND.;iPEN1)ENT J. W. HASTINGS. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. '1>I1: CENTRE swank). A GREAT RUN om . Watches, Clocks, weqagpg Ripg & Fancy Jewelry fadios Companions, Boquet Holders, Work Boxes, Oval Cruotz Stands, .A:.-.a`:.e Anna :52 ':;:n@:r3. ircaztcu-2mLsa'~v-mas.` STOVES TINWARE HARDWARE; M./Mam ./ax1zw%m@ E Ia 3 R E m M9 Q I And a servi`cab1el6tAof TOSES and an Ffash Goods too nu1ne1:ous to mention` . ' I_ lamss, mums mm Mm VSPADAES Ai) SHOVELS, FORKS AND 110133 Dunlap Street, Barfie, oposite the Northern Railway Station ,3 Barrie, July 23rd, 1872. V _ rs= oPPosI1'E w. EDMANSON eusows CONFEC-i ____`TIONERY ESTABLISHMENT. It chanced that the Beaver last night fell to musing `, Thereason, no doubt, he d the news been perusing, Containing the speeches, both Reform and Tory- Of Candidates `running for office and glory. ' . Whilst o er their professions he was ruminating, , He thought, to win power, what pains each was takinw ;. How each-would conduct hirnself, 'ere the election, D Weigh every act with all due circumspection ; .How he d simper and smile to evergelector, . Say to Thomas, "` good (lay, sn" -to Dick, how ~ Of friend Harry he'd ask how the fmrzily do ? Asif of their interests he was the protector: are you ? In like manner to all, with soap and soft solder, He d by some means contrive their l`ra.n'chise to order. `When the contest is. o er, then the tables are turned- Mr.Brown s dubbed plain Jack`-the old style has `returned; ' It don t matter :1 g whether you re iG'rit or you re Tory; a `When the seat IS secured, t,1s a different story. But to cease nroralrzing, and come down to facts, ' The man best fit for office is known by his acts; If` he works on t/ac sggztarc~-is ox" axe-grinding free--- Let him be put 1n, ol whate er party he be. This Prorty lies on _ma snore or we wear- ginn Bay, in: com osed of Lots 114 and 115 in the TOWNSHI OF TAY, containing 200 Acres. It is sitmned witnln 1} miles from Peneumgnlalxene, 1 mile from Midland City, and 1 mile from Mandy : Bay. There is n rneclns landing for veuals K\- the bench. g go: putfonhn apply 30-, . .` _- * jJAHE8 ROBINS, " - ~' _ Midland City`. . g 735 1 ` I .` - 39' :--_ Barrie, April 19:11, .1871. -f.93":.*5*- W. . The BEAVER, himself, at this juncture steps in, (Not that he legislative honors would win) ; Already it name he has won o er the land, For fairness in dealing, he s taken his stand. _ No" dodging or swinrlling, Jew trading or tricks; -His motto--- One Price---arid to it he sticks. But to nish his rhymc`,without more ado, J usti give him a call, and thetruth you will know. BY THE tI".A.11 Work VVarranted.= --T Pr ' y lies on 3120 shore of the Geor- gina Bay, co used u :. n.. 'FnWNHl OF TAY. contuininz 837. FALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE . Wlthinytba limit: of the Town of ,Bah-ie, thiriy gm scion of Land. being composed of Park Lots ` '0l. '1 3nd 8, South aide'7ofSlee1o Street. r 1 {non Nos. 5 and 6, South side of Napier Street No. 6-, No:-.h side 1)! Ocdiin tan traet.`,. 3 oi .1,`-`::r::."s, North side oflfair mu. 3 Lou uni wll fenced sud fni E. B.CROMPTON & Co., Christmas Presents E At RAWSON S New Brick Store very cheap for CASH only. SOME OF THE IIANDSOMEST Ever offered in Barrie at a very low gure. OF ALL KINDS. TO TI-IZE2 Sign of the Watch and S Jectacles. . M Opposite the ailway Station." Cake Baskets. Toast Racks, Pickle Forks,` Butter Knives. Spoons, |ucusn nous:-:. ICHEESEI CHEESE! CHEESE THE BEAVER,` BEAVER." B: K.ING.Ja __j.__._.__.__-.__.._...._ __ THE iIA`aGE;srg~ sE g` lJ'App1y ms ..... Snrl prupurly l0|' um Barrie. Doc. mg 1810, A MAG1iI'IcEN_T STREET PAGEAHT r1r'\*n 1*!` " sauunrls. nonmson, Soliciifor & Connqaicreh --v---:w - 1 -u -1:---1-1-u--w Manufactures and makes to order all kinds of C00 rs work, and always keeps on hand s time of Beer, Whiskey, Pork and Potash Bur- rcls, Box; Pump ma the Williams Barrel Churus kept. on hand, Butter Dishes, Butter- Ubs, Ferkina Washtubs, Pickletubs, Cheese Hoops, Vats and Water Gisterns of all sizes and kinds, and Large Water Barrels on hand. -end all kinds of Cooper's work in general, made on the shortest notice. . The V)/i1liam'6 Balrel burn is the bestot" the age, should be tried by all Butter Makers. White Oak, and White Ash, in Slaves or Bolts, bought. All 0l'dLX'i promptly filled on the shortest notice. Address ISAAC VE WILLIABIJ, Proprietor, - Barrie Cooperage. u..__:_ [AA `A Q.-um no I.lJi1..l.1`41.\..lL\U' \u._1x1L|.L\I.Lm, Luuuzu splendent in decoration, drawn by of one half do?lar, suffices to admxr its posssssor 14. -nvnnvmuvmli ' ` MARKET, BARRJE, lb uuu uu.u:.|, aux EVERYTHING; T V T "'4` VWVV 3' *Q-F" "' V V~'- ' T} V Among the numerous Rare Specialities poi I oculiar to this consolidation are a Gigantic and Ponderous . F 33/.E`l'.'.l'SE'U`l3f.. M 32 W1? f~ TH0US;1ivi`xT~E-?S(;1(`iV(i`U:RI0SI'IIES. BARBIE | WILLIAM sA"ITi':ER Prprietor. The Proprietor begs to acquaint the travelling public generally, that he has bought out Mr. T. Necdlmm, and is now yrepzired to supply horses and vehicles as cheap as can be had'elsewI'ere Commercial travellers liberallydealt with. `lnnvevrznr-en tn (lrillin Ami Pnnntmihniahnnn Uoluxuernmax l.[`1lVellBI':! unerauyuezut >WlI.ll. Oonveyanr-e:\ to Orillia. and Penetanguishene. `Barr_ie, Nov. 8, 1871 - . '45-Jty 4 GA-ZETTEER AND GENERAL DIRECTORY I A brief Historical Acconnrof the Early Settlement and1 rosperous Growth ot:t'1w County. . . V ' An A1nhnhnnn'|T~.Ial-. nf Hm pna:Ann5a nr? ......1. uonnty. - Au A1phub_eticn1VList of the Residents 0 each Township, With _1.he Concession and Lot oflheir, `respective Residences. A General Business Dirmtnrv nf'l`nu-nu xrn, .. "respective x\u:s|uenceH. | A General Business Directory of Towns, Vil- - lages, and Post Office Localities, &c. ' A Churches, Schools and other Educd.tionn1.In_- stitutions,Litern.r_y Associationsnkc. " ' Munnm_ Ornnrrm Tmnnnrnnna and not... stltullons, ullernry nss0c1:n.1ons. ac. Masonic, Orange, Temperance and other Soieties and Associations, information of which can be obtained. ` Agricultural Satistics. ' Banks and Bankers, Insurance Companies, and Building Societies. . . Newspapers, Names of Publishers, and days of issue. V ' Railways and Stage Routes: Courts of Law, and the various Times and Places of Holding; J ud gas, Clerks, and other ollicers and Courts. ' l`!nnnlv_ 'I`nwn'nI1in- "Fawn and Villnnn nuns`- COUNTY or jS1MAC-OE. omcers nun Uourls. County, Townhhip, Town and Village Conn- cils. , A `l .3ul>. nf u: .'I'I1~::-an nf` thn Donna 3343-C VE. WILLIAMS. I8. cl A List of the Justices of the Peaoe. A A Table of Distances and other 7 varied and useful information. V , J-`II-An a `hard: nf snornl. infnv-mnnn it up?!` ` useml IIIIOIIIIIHIOD. I3"'As a book of General-information, it wil? ' be both instructive and interestin -to all I . ea. _'l`o the rgercbnnt and professional mtfnltsss s_Dx1eg:tory, It must_[rove of lincalculable Se,-. vxce, and can be mixed upon -the canvass gm] v(`3:;_l$P':;';~`tit ;1I*)*;3gi};1l;a1<:<-e>`x_1 with the greatzsy , . ..--.o.u-canon n . -..- Full Page with Directory.. . Half do _ dd. .. Fourth do` do .; D.-hmnf RnnIr___._L _ _ _ _ _ __ Fonnn uo_ uu PriceotBook.....L..... `In 11 923.; an ---.- , . Being part of Kayla- a Farm in Innis],_ Ooxintyof Simcoaunnd amongthe best when! growing lands jnrcanuda. Aboursixty acres cleared and fenced. -A good Dwelling House Wllh'Hll'd-l!!d'80ft Water, Outbuildings corn- modions and nem-bf new. ' Two productive` Orchard! and `garden ;ponut_1fu1ly ' ` it-umad "ion the girth ghogrofbnke Sitizqoty; 7. '* *`~ .' ' 1'7 ` '.I1>0lAfr'-III.` i SECOND EDITION. [EW LIVERY STABLES. Opposite the_ Bank of Tm'onto. nan... -QUI2 j no-o ' wiil be found to contain OPPOS1 TE THE IN COURSE or PUBLICATION: 7; ACRES or LAND ma sAvL'E. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. ADVEI-ITISING BATES. THE oaicouooocu . - - o - a n can va vv ' W. H. IRWIN, _ . . . _ Publishgr and (,'cfmpiler| "$10 00 -n A ru t ; the undoubted. Leviathan of Holy Wxit,o1 whom it is wri.tt,e_n : His scales iare his pride, shut up togelherjas with 0. close seal. He esteemeth iron as straw and` brass-as_rotteu wood. ` This xs the only full-grown monster of its kind ever imported into the United Stotes. 1-Iis welgth is over Eight Thousand Pounds, or {our (ons,`r:quirmg a Team of Eight Immense Horses to draw the 4 * enor_r'n`oas`aE1 which connes him. V F ?lA Two-HQMPED WH|_T..E CAMEH u-------- V ITHOUI` Phosphorus no thought, say the `sermons, and they might add, no action, since Phosphorous and its `compounds are lrrmvu to he the motive power of the` nerves and . muscular system. They constitute more than `halt the material of the human body, being . found in every tissue, and their p'esence is ab- 1 solutaly essential to nutrition, -as they promote the conversion of sibumen in the food into , brine, which is the vitalizing agent of pure, _ healthy blood. They are now coming into universal use in Europe and America in the treatment of Scrofulous, Consumptive and Vene- tal diseases. which are caused by impoverished 0! Poisoned blood; and in diseases of women sutfering from irregularities, obstructions and _sxhausting discharges, in pale, puny children,_ and that condition of nervous and physical prostratien resultiugfrom bad habits. excessive use of uimulgnts, and tobacco, and all that. train of evils known as a fast life. The great realiabllity and promptoess in its efl`ects'_in _im Inediateiy andpermanently restoring the devi- tallzad constitution has mode Du. WHEELEWS COMPOUND ELIXIR OF PIIOSPEIATES AND QALISAYA a great favourite with the Physi- cians and public. Sold at $1.00. ' I1-ly. T ;r3'esm'.-,'s'u'.{ 'g.E.{sEau1,7EI,S ':;1; ` " . 'lccLion of Lions, Leopards, 'I`igors,H'yenas,- _ ` -Elana, Ibex, Horned Horse, 850., Sam 3 - ___ " ~ ` N The Wild Beasts will be perfornfed in (hair Den by PROF, GEQRGE CQNCLJN, the perfection of the `Ca nan! vinn A rpnn , I ii'"3l?*.Ii>GRAlli)vi-I3E(C'ESSIONA". ' |WiIl take place at 10 o clock, A.M., consisting of the GOLDEN CHARIOT glCP..E-A l`l0N,containing Pwt. \Valker*s. famous Band; 40 Cages of Animals r._,L1nd Museum Curiosities, Elephants, Camels, Horses and Ponies, all in glittering _} A o.m1y,.m grand Parade, drawn by 14-0 Dapplo Grey Hoiscs. 3; `Doors open at.] and 7 o clock.' Admission, '50 cents tovall four shows; ichildren half fake; A i I,`E1n7 iN7 fEiEN0%o?ETE*?6S 2 `ESTABLISHED 1832. 0: ?_JUST.R.EC3.E_lVED-$01 DRUGS, i room, vm1esa1e% Qetaal. S'l`EPIIANO'l`IS,' _ - JOC-KTv}Y_wGLUB, T j YANK-LANG, -` WILD nosn, ' A Chemical Fogd & Nutritive T9E: % { Of nil Kinds, and the rarest A or all kinds editable for 7 0:`.T`Xnu1s Presents 4- New Year s 1 _ T _ PUREULD }NM1rgEs&L10UoRs4i T T BUY SOME 0F'THAT_ . - 0:`7'15 YEAR. ,0LD' PORT WINE V ' ' FOR CHRISTMAS! ,_ | Allour stock in. this ne is warranted atrictjyl ` ` - Pure and of but bwn importation. _ I pm u;ms.Lm mm $70951 The largest and heat assorted stock in thi ' ` Province. - ' ' 7 An entirely new and cbmlete stock of 3ocks,'S19ATIoNm;Y &FATNv HA In, `II Oll bewildering magnicent and `unusual extent, including GOPGEO,US "S d `I b [bl VANS" contaimnrv a Unique Collection ol (\3vlli.[xi1Cl3lEA.Ts, "C_llI:l1]'l 1l`a}r?:1I{l,i`IG`CHAPIO'1`S, rdienz with `Gold and re- ;-nlnndnnt in Am-nmtinn- drawn bv MEDICINI=`. S,? CIIEM,IGALS,' A _PERFU.\IERY, m. 9 HAIR 011.3, _ `FANCY sons, . OF ALL DESCRlI TIUS; . bris stfppntmof wmz + 4:`;15eag;,:_ya n`rerguiagvaga;5 *3 "NAIL AND IHANDKERGHIEF PERFUMES. _uL0'r11 Iznusxms, ; conuss, &c., my Lynn` T_3r9ntU_I{ric .} i 140 Daple . i Mnkinga KALEIDOSCOPIC. CORTEGE, resplencicnt in gildings, rnirrors, paintings, carvings and glittering sheen, gorgeous with banners and Herhldcd by music. Without a parallel in all the world. V V A l E E g I