Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jul 1872, p. 3

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In the Jklatter of partiof the Easterly half of lot number one, in the seventh concessicm of the Townshi qfMono, in the L County of ghmcoe, formerly .:\ occupied by Francis Mc- LQ: Laughlin, and now in the oc- eupatwn of the Reverend Peter Lmdsay. ` NOTICE it horeby` given, that Barth Mc- Laughlin, of the TOWDlhip?:0f Thornh, in the County of Ontario, Ipinstar, has made an app|i- ution to the Court of Chancery for a certicste oflitlolotho above mentioned property under v" The Act for Quloting Title: to Real Estate in `UB1!!! CIuid.n." and hen nrndnnad evidence South half Lot 35, in '49.): 0911., Notfawuags-- 100 acres. . quuuu uuu uuuau, Hi. `uU9l1.,.lV0ll8WlllIgl-- 100 acres. N. E. part Lot15,Vin_ Xoth Con.,-Nottawaaaga -53 acres. ' ` North half Lot 17,- in the 1881: (Jon., Tiny-4* 100 acres. 5 ` ' ' uuuu uuu um. 1.1,` Lu me win |_JOn., Txny-4* acres, _ West half Lot 26, In 2nd Gon.,'l`iny-100 acres East ha1fLot 12, in.1'at,Oon., North Orillinn 100 acres. .-I'/ ' nmat unu uuu xa, All-1/3},/\lUD., no|'[n_ urn... 100 acres. ' Lot,12, in 3rd 0011., North 0:-illin-200 acres. West half Lot 16, in 13th Com, Modonte-100 acres. ' . IV cu uuu um. 10, Au mu -nu; uun., meuonx,a-y 100 acres. V Lot 11, in 8th 0011., Vespra-200 acres. ` West .half Lot 10, in the 2nd 0o_n.,`Innig1... 100 acres. ' - . ~ Thqbestqunlity of Lime on be had at the Court House, Barrie, of . . .. " ` 4 JOHN BEARDBLEY. ` - Order: ieft with Mrs. Beu_daley.u,t the out House will receive prompt amntlon. A - 3 ~ g .- ;;' - _r.=`.-25'.1|,I,1.-5 .1 -1---'-' To be sold for Cash, or on easy terms of pay- ment, that Valuable Farm composed of Lot No. 6, in let Con. of Oro, containing 200 acres more or less, 90 acres of which are cleared, well fenced, and in 9. good state ofcnltivation. . The balance of the Lot is well timbered with good Beech and Maple. The soil is a rich clay loam, and there is on the lot a good Orchard, as Log House, 3 Frame Born 88 x 30 and Hay Barn 249427, with 9. plentiful euppl of water. It aces the Penetnnguishene Ron with two other leading roads around it, distant three miles from Barrie. ' r IUKH l'UI1.llUg lib $1.50 per Inn`n. For further pnrticulars apply,` (pie-paid), in W. R. Robinson, Barrie P.0`., or to the Proprie- tor, at his residence, Lot 6, lat. Con., 0:0. pan-r-in Mnrnh 9'1 1R7`) . In -,4 ..., ... ..... n\u_-I-vIAvv' ---n 1.3m:-ie, March 27, 1872.` [Fun SALE on nnmnts TERMS} a1zzvrLzm`E1\'._- viva: ...... ...... .v, .. .....5 uuu-, .u|vuvI.uv--LUU BONE. Web: ha1fLot 18, in the 4:1; 0on., Medonta-V 100 acres. u'uu1 nurrw. _ A199 Lot No. 25, on Mary Street,Ban:ie. con- taining one fth of an acre, with Thre Bdild- ings renting at $7.50 per month. F013 further nnrnlilnrn nnnlv ` (mFn.m.:4I\ X- SIMCOE LANDS.. Compound _ ' ~ . an mnvn. . or. Phbsphatm I VUHIPUMIIU 1211311 A %a ca1iaya,. ~ % Then.-e is no dVigaa`_u;1:coqg1iuoiiVor.:h inv which Dr. Whoelgrfs Oompoxitrd Elixir bf? 03? phatea and Oaliaaya. mayfnot be naed imhl positive benet. Bo'in'.a' Ohunidal {Food "mi` .Ni:u-itive Tonic, it us: physiologi A ;t'hg; same manner as our diet:-. . =It]ne:fqqIa of Assimilation, And, .3119 Efomnon I Hlinnloikii Inn H. nnntnfnnth `litn"l"fn'H'2'n ' ha".`Ih ,.- . .! ;l 2 .. Asaumlauon. Inn, we _1qx;zn`|up_n_9; `mp" blood. It Iulhinnhe vltni force by` supplying the wash: constantly siing on, 9! ilefvrnnid ` pmsglp,` gs .the_ 1-pen]: 9 mental 'and.p1."g,i._1,,. / ertion eusb1I!1.'l|I1lId_` vnd'bo(1y (o_`~undrgo ` great ialior without` htngnel --Itllclionln build-' mg `up oonstitgona broken down _with M;-,t-b mg chronic D:m\gu,~J1y. fw-~" `~53 H b`h".'g. _`_..l, _ ' `H .4: ng in ` ._____ _. u-1y U{IlfI0I`&h|It ,4i3I ;_q9'ecQ_ 86163 . immodiatvin enorgliin II}! '.3hwl'8lnI'0f the Mdy.` puospum:-.u '.,`e=-l `to sell fonhntlong sndmth. -.- lofll: I mmrorm um hoNn=sr.s.urss!.s9-torttsve-. . lFARM FOR SALE. ` EH13` I0!` Illi H and vita1iur.; -. Enid hr .1. A J...l. ~ `- For sale. Lot No. 4, on the West side of Bay- eld Street, in the Town of Barrie, on which is- erscteda good family residence, containing eight bed-rooms, parlor, dining-room and kit- chen,.with good stone cellars. `The house is coucrete,aud, well nished throughout, and` situated on` rising ground, in a beautiful situa- tion. The Lot is partly surrounded -by a. stone well. Good well and outbuildings on the premises. I3"Possession given at once. _ For particulars as to price, #0., apply to A IITTIYYA --. -u.av.:4 Sum, Juno s, 1372: Barrie, May 28, `I872. _ apply to V V MESSRS. STEWART & LALLY. Barrie, 28 Feb, 1872 9-tf (`Within the 1mm of the Town of Barrie. thirty- ve ncres of Land-, being compoled of Park Lots Nos."1 and 8, South aidevof Steele Street. , Lota`Nos. 5 and 6, South side of Napier Street. Lot No. 6, North side of Oodrin Ion treet.| Lot N o. 3, North side of_ Napier tree t.` The above Lots arewell fenced and in a good state ct cultivation. There, is I large Frame Barn on the premises. For [rice and terms of payment, annlv to V ' -3 02-: ' V Being part of `fHayter s Farm in Innisl, A Oonnty of Simooo. and among the beat wheat growing lands in Canada. About Sixty acres cleared and fenced. A good Dwelling House, with Hard and Soft Water. Outbuildings com- modious and nearly new.r Two productive Orchards and garden beautifully situated on the south shore of Lake Simooo. Annie hv Inna: nnnQ_nn:t` on Apply w ', . { T WM. B. OANAVAN, ` . Toronto, .`l'oz-onto. Oct. 26, .1888 883-if Barrie, Ma.rcb',20, 1872. IF 3 SALE. r ~ gunuu. I N. B.-Mr. Robinson ha; other Village Lots and Farm property for sale. nnrrh: hm. W01. IOWA 923: WILL PURCHASE A BRICK COTTAGE moat beautifully situ- `med in the Village of Orillia Driving House, Store House, Woodshed, End and Soft Water and evgry civwenienoo, with Five Acres of mud. ~ - ' COUNTY SIMCOE. anu evgry c In` Land. -as-Apply tots ualfof Lo: 17 in the 13:!) Can. of One. The above is an. excellent farm with about 40 acres cleerod, wellwateted. There are no buildings` on the lot. '; it is Iittiated about 1% miles from Ilawlmone, the place will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to - AHDAGJI ADDAIIIJ I. umnnmnri 23-cf` TREE One hundredtcru of..land being the West Half of Lot 17 in ' farm with abnm _ohip,of}ledoate; an excellent wheat-gtb in ' _ . v 77"., A splendid.Fam idriale. `or to "lease" fei term of; or 10 yem-e,vbe_ing .00|'_l o_e`d otjpg Wen i .oif_I4ot,No. 3, in the 8th on... To, 11-. farm`, 97 a; :es'o( which ate'cleared `end tinder a good Cultivation, aurl~1o se teannder'fell wheat. ' Theie me good fralne huildingaand A house con- taining eight rooms. The "lot is-`situated about It mile: from the ourishing village of Urillio; with grist mill, sew mills, gtbre and post-ofee adjoining the farm. For p`oniculaie..epply if - by letter pout-paid, to JAMES COULSON. Esq, Coulscn P.0.- or so Jnman onim. Ia... n.:n:- . oy tenet pout-paid, J ARIES COULSONI i3sq., Coulsqn P.0., ozf 50 James Quinn, Esq, Orillid; or on the premises. ` _ Mednnte.`1l'ph -nu `H170 . - 4- 2- ---A v )B.wHnELR3 S ue uuucu suure OK mule BIIIJOOQ. A 1 b letter oat-paid to pp '7' y P wn.t'.uM CHEMICAL F061) 8: NUTRI. TKVH TONIC. 1`: Gang Poruunrn or Dn. Wam.:n a Otmomm Inn: on Plosnrru um Ou.run 50 owing to in porhol reliability in building up ulnitntlonl run down with disease of the Blmnuh. Lint Ind Kidneys whichnriae from Dllvopulsor Fooblo DIguilon,,nud result in mi plood and backing down of the gears!- 1 It eguotully reilevu pain or 5 sense All Illinois in tho Stomach after eating, Heart-. Mn, Flntolonu. Constipation from toxpid . Bilimfndnhu, Irritation 9: .91.. :1"; I lack Au--- " ' ` .. '-;"" . e':3.?':".3.;':;::'::';":;E'.*?,"*` 329!" `".i*.h I [1ARM'FOR SALE. FQR SALE A HORSEHABNESS 5' DOU- P ,b!e.t_eated Buggy, all ingood _ordgr.' -`krill! me}: An .-....... _____ `F93 :sALE_A HORSE; HARNESS & ? Buggy, in (005 M401`-` ' Cub ox-_e_a3y te;n1a .op,,c::ediI,. Appli .l_t .1596 Queen's Hotel, BAte.' " M ` ' '13-tf * - nu-I L'uAIu puvyvuy Au: Int Barrie. Dee. `uh. 1870. 3-5 :'.::'m: rt: 3, m :.-;n 3333? F001) ` .755-31.35-4.*.:,11n' . dhinhulnut hm: .`..; um .2 1).`; A can :a;a %ei:155 ?x::a,,;a. male for` cash on-as terms on credia at the Q"an"a Hotea Bi:-rie. 7 ` A- on we pgemxses. Medonte, Feb. 2lst,' 1872. I-'oUsE AND LOT FOR SALE. port `S_.f1_LE_ o_R_ .130 :LEAs;:;' :--n--r Pl'H." 15V 591' Apply to [mans or LAND. FOR SALE. -.-.v ---nun nypt; IV I . ARDAGH,ARDAGH 4' STRATHY, { ` ' . V iiarristers, Barrie. SAMUEL s. Rdainson, Q : Solicitor & Convqtxar, ii um: 01 pa apply SRS. RTEV l'P|l.IU, I0 WILLIAM HOLT, Barrie; On . LEONARD LEIGH. '1 -rr-J W A. CUNIO, Barrie, Ont. 22-2mo. 4, , ja 'ocIaye_a, for '.r=dite` M911. 1 A: SIENIDALE CORNERS oh`-Fri l;'V::<:'tla_ve,i,' fd ) edit. Ann): s ' 113-3111 6 in-lno IBRELIANTS 21 iNEW A GREY COTTONSI |4onp1zms,| lrnxuws Buht before the rise and imported :17! ectLfron'1 ' Europe. "Those amtbe-Ghaapeat,Cothons in ' this part. of Canada. 'r'4-\ , ` :.. . , . 1 I5-we i`va`11:i: a'6wa i_839ds V .__ - - ..--..._ ..-V van 4. ll day TTev;.Ti}`gT:he 12m of July, at 'sevanbo ovlook. ' . ' [ MMIDHURST on Saturday evening . the 13th July, at seven_ o clock, at the Town Hall. _ ' ISHEETING sl .II{orr0clk) sA,Ll4Qng ;`CflotIo_` wens I I~I"L'll0 W511-K30WII'*l10I IVY qnenp H0905 | ' " ' .;r " 1._ m:':.:. EL; (_ _r..H r,:,` .-.11.... : No -nIFR?::A;;~s9R .0 gm : .;ajz:;z1:;a:; - ._;`,';ro 3- 53 ,.`.'_;, st: 1 1; hlh;!`lIu I410 p ' ..Jn .-. AA mus -Iuuoaunounng gs; loin Uninn Sohool see: c } IFANEYIIIIESSEHIHISII MULCAHY & oo.,| 0:?-FARMERS PRO'DgUOE MKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GooDs..;;: 1872. S1>RINGf`%i872. 1 A Large stobk of Potatoes for seed will arriv in a day or two. A hezivy stock 1 of some _Prime `Mess Pork just `to hand. - o-Iv EMF 4 ........ :3; we rod deposit in the irritability and restlessness followed by. Oil pronntion nnd gene:-sl debility which , Vltlhly invite from the one common cause-. V mam" I. It dc` u's vT1'htn-c~l:"-7'su? l `3'` "1 GARNET CBILLIES A"NDVIs".ARLY GODERIOH Poprroms AT $1. oo PER BAG or 90 lbs. We care not for competitim, all we requixfe is a trial given to_ our Goods.` The econmipt. will prot by calling on us. ` Ourmottois quick `sales and light. prots. 1@&ma mm 'WIWi1W we ar.a'o.I1p1lileti.`o reduce priced fiurthm-."We ivill guasantce that no one cdn selljfhe same quality _v ofGooda henpor such as mus, s`0_GARs, TVOBACCOSII GENERAL GROCERIES; also (run; ,, ,_g _n s_____;_.: 1 2 .... ._.. n.......'l:..... IITI-dnlynueu AK H. 1.-.; A........:.. ,ARE NOW OPENING NEW STYLES IN n.hn nnn`un!n.1nr Union Bnlmnl inn! lrnya. V Y B `THE GR!-Z AT EAsTERrf1$ToRE,} J~ Itse %Shis,6%%.1 &White%`Pants}% Barrje,Jun'26,18_72. . '. . ` :: . ' 26:2in. Will address the Electors at - 1! CRAIGHURST 'on Saturday even; ing, the 6th July, at six" o cl'ook. T A: NEW LOWELL on Tuesday even- ing the 9th July, at seven o'clock. V M CREEMOREA on Wednesday even- ing the 10th July, at seven o oIock. it SINGHAMPTON on Thursday a.-......... oh- 111]. nt T..l.. _; .__, Corner of Dunlap. qhd ijldrket Stfeet, `Barrie, I ' ' Wicgwsaze and Rtail Grocers; ; mm and ' ' V {Sp-ir_'itV Jerclgahtsi , Nw bleached and Hhbleached A SELECTEvD.;.S41`OCKiOF I ',sL1K;'41iD.di)i,d;i*g}o. _ or1111:a. nu yuv-fun an-vn -Iv ca---1, -uu -g---"------- -~ - - ~~~--~--- v~-~~ v------. Wihea and all imported Liquors. Oanhdin Whiskeya of the best. descrip- % A tion always on hand at prices as low as small lots can be laid down. .%nmYIW run-i*%* % MR. Mccnnrnvisw Meetings. - Luv AD! 10!` uoieung `x-men to Kent Estate In `Upper Cnnn'd.n," And he: produced evidence wimby she nppoarl to be the owner thereof, in `foefroe from All incnmbrances, whereforeany, 0}!!! person having, or pretending to have, any title to or interest in the acid land or any part `three , in nqniredon, or before, Monday, the twenty-sixth day of August, now next ensuing, to tile A statement of his claim veried by ' af- invit at my Chambers, in Osgode Hell, in the Oity of 'l"oronto,-nnd to serve a. copy On Home. Morphy. Murphy at Winchester, of the Oity o! To'onto, Solicitors for the said Sarah MoLnu hlin. and, in default, every such Claim willbe nrred,nnd the title of the said &reh ,MoLnnghlin become absolute and inde- fensible at Law, and in equity, subject only to `Ibo reservations mentioned in the 17th Section oflhe said Act, and therein numbered one. two, three and four. -Drum! oI.:.. 0-1.1. _v-_ -1 v,____ {mm SPQENDID VALUE; `Liverpool and G';dric/2 Salt $1.25 per 'barrel.. NEW STYLES` IN. maw srynns IN - -C-l i Ti I ' ii C. '2' CU I for BBiuE ',Ai*;`stIi9i3NP!NG*cbliwg on THE BEST QUALITYTALWAYS ON HAND. Poi-1-A.-ro%1s: SI, HIOKEY BROS, urruvnr man? 3, -nnrnnc ..-....-...-. Hay 1'[{a1tK!ULilE IHOULD B3'._-- Almost all disorders ofths human bodynre distinct. Jy to be traoed toimpnre blood. The -pun. cation oi that oid is the first step towards ..uh. The Indian Medicine widely known utho Great Shoshonees Remedy and `Pills commend themselves to the attention of all ' niorers. No serious consequences can result ifrm their use. No mistake can be made in ash administration. In Scrotnta, Bronchitis. `jadigestion. Conrmed DyIP8P5i&.'LiVer and Long Complaints. Rheumatism &o., &o., the nut benecial s-acts have been and always gut be obtained from the wholesome power ; exerted by this Indian Medicine ovct the system. Persons whose lives have been re- stored to ease strength and perfect helth; by Ibo Great Sboshonee-e Remedy and Pills ton fmitless trials of the whole Pharmsco- yam ofpbysio, attest this fact. V 25.`; We are now prepared to otfer to 'the fuming 'commu- nity and to the trade, indncemgnts tlint |h ave' not been 1 given hetetbfore by any. one in our line of business, beinginow importing the principle pact of our ntock -inch as . V was, w1w3sa1mm:un1a:,, '-'.Aa".o3a47o'%`'2x1`v3:: -3 !w-~`rv-:;- ,.~.-c.' <-,9rr1_~1u-$1 ..t7."w. .` ` RIYATE 1$6A`R1'>'1_1iG." T " ti. G.jfWard-,' retnuveii ingql the I `!s, idht;Biilr.Bousoi, thmlua 1-eaidjenw o'!`A._ `g`homa>;,`i1q.v,=hgd vngnlcjcu for_-Boarder} .23- |LABD AT; 1: cents PER LB. I .x ~...-9., 9-.4! ' |Matmdrell s.J Ismzaxm mm mm 21 mroe and tour. -Dated_ this 27th day ofJu:3,I Good `S haved` shingles} immzmmyl At $61.50, per Thousand, e` =32saii 01?: at! ,-;_g_,'_p,: 4 L 1555?! ()2; (LII MAUNDRELL S. . ' V -7' * -, WHOLESALE. & RETAXL MERCHANTS. Pork, at 100 per Ibl, `AT V AtM_Aui`4 D.R,EL1L's, 12c per lb,` , not ha II II 1 oomu go; no more." "Ru3,,,.12oblz a9on, of Nundn, N. Y., writes; u out um}! bottle _ `M we voioo whore the person had not his thou n whisper in Fxvl AY_nn.s." Rev; rlnllory. ofWyoming,_N.Y., writes: _ Your jguamo On. cured me of Bronchitis In Om: 1.1 Dealers all over _Il1_e country say".- I We have never sold 0 medicine that has given ".3 mmplele satisfaction an this. ' ' iii: composed of S1! or ran B351` 011.: -ran ggknowu. in as good to take as for external ., and labeiioved to be imrnessnrnbly superior .,1h1.-ggevor made. Will save you much ddng and many dollars of expense. In sold on or more dealers in every place where circulars ere found. Price, 25 cents. Why bu mo-da `P - "},. b g. N. moms Pnsm-3, 1\'.Y., Lad i\0BTH om LY_l(AN, I:nwcAs'rLn, 0us., 3.1. gnu for the Dominion. - mm.-Ecleclric--Selected Ind Eleotrized. Sold in Barrie by John Woods. A. V. Palmer ` 09., Wntson & 00., . and Wells Bros., )4-guard, J. Deacon jg, and by n11MedicinaDenlere.v j"__.." of your Eonnomuc 01!. re Crnlghnx-at, Green Broth~ . T 1"T AT F :`W|.VIImI-9-Av: uuvxwns ofsimgoea ;A::::.3 r, -.- :1 1.` Omghnntg Mp! SS; 1811. IJ0SE1 }1_.VYAN GROCERIES}-_ _ 1)RYGo(ms,. xx - aw :wB0.0.~.'1-`S -& .SH.0..ES.. ~.=. =PROVl'SIO`NS/. L `*1 ; - ' 7` gonocxmnvr, 9-... 9-- :0..- ". I"II\llfIJ)ll_Il !l!lIlllI I'"- III"-all UH A : '*` _ % `dcmih -iiriaiej CM}! L ' ,`3'\;'-7= v '- ..-:1. . -- _ ` ofsimdoo. _, [ [ (T T .--T ~~ -------"J avaning the 11th of July, at seven ofolock. T [ago IGAR Sal HUMME & VAN (DEN STEEN - ORILLIA. ` A Of eve`:-y descrintion, and all sizes, {alien Hi all * = _ hours of theday. ' They also keep in coqnectio with the gallery ' V _ a large stock of . '- 0::-15 YEAR OLD 170121? WINE ` FOR CHRISTMASJ` Al1_our stock in this `line is warranted strictly Pure and of our own importation. Q1 FINE A sroox or` FRAMES. PICTURES miiywo ORDER. - . nvmmv 65 VA! may swans. Orillia, Jan.21, 1372. _ '_' 4-if IPHOTOGRAPHSI 716 a {QR 0G=Albums, Illbuni Pyictures, LOUKETS, CHBOMOS, LITHOGRAPHS, V '0i'xXmac'Pre.sevnts New Year's Gifts, PUREULD WINES& Llouoasl Of all Kinds, and the rest STEPHANOTIS, T JOCKEY_'_CLUB, ' YANK-LANG, WILD, ROSE, TOILET sons, [PE RFUMESM %@on_ PAIN`r'INGs,m ............1 .. ...:h.....4 n-....._.... n:'rJUST-RECEIVED-;:0 room, Mn.` Mc.CARTHY Q DRUGS, hm: ORILLIA um svoas. :_.:_:..,,, ,_. ESTABLIS HED 1862. !W'I.o1esa1ea{`RetaiI.% M9$#asA:29ui;smzs:s-S? :rIu'J{,$ :1-.z.u-p I Iu>nnL-fl." I E-' Eta-eusea was mass. 3 V R.AKIN`G, JR; C 515 SE 1` CH E E8 E! [cLEAmzn,- oven mu cuaLEn.] Bamie, `May 15, 1372. I The largest and best assorted stock in this Province. Gov SA V2 THE QUEEN. urvh Inna 05`. `I70: 00 1 EM F;xs*ms1r] gO0KS,STTIONERY &'FANCYG_00DS I )H0'1A`0GRATP'HICT GALLERY, smAw;.:%%AN n%TUsct;n`*H - `~`r--~--~ . svnu~c%[`.%} minis? T4: 1:1. A`:`l`T `AIC.a".`Q =. 3) I __:> vFAIC'TORY, % ? ' Ls"_..'i'_,` .:'B`AR1+.IB-." An eniirly new and complete stock of CBAIQE-Ii URST, H AIR, M '_ 1 el 11! tppucwoua cure mu uuu cur ax. 3` 0 `Emma or human Buns-r. Ong omn cured Lun Bnox of night years vand- bmk "1eIPl|nk; of Brookold, Tings Coun;.y,_ ;" 3,1 , "1 went mm; mimror .3 bottle d';w. o1|,wh1ch oored a Woxpanrun Gun: 0` , 0 on Lung. by 31; applications." nolho ho bu had Au-ran for years. says.- .. I W. 11.1! on 50 cent bottle loft, and _ $100 If I could go; no more." a sh it `"1 noobuhyayo, Nundg, writea; Infan- Muoxcrmzs, ` ' CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, _ I HAIR 011.3, NI FANCY sows, HOTELS SUPPLIED WITH At lessthan Toronto;P;-icves. Framed ox-H whout Frmes. or all kinds nitabl for op ALL Annscnxpminvs. BUY `sow: OF THAT - CHEESE N AIL AND no pun in ognn. Fill coma wunn nus cureu an on Smmma comm. One 11' two npttm; " _ mu ofPu.Ia and Klaus! Tnonamgs, go_e|;hupp1lc|t'ons care AM can an Ex. ...m-up Nrrvus _Ixm.nxr_> _lnnsr. _0n. HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMPLF. - `n.*1-taV'zL1E1`r:"ro.A'1='a1_'=." Ennn '1 H. B. SLAVEN, 1 anvnnnnu AT THE \lJv\J\Jl.n&-'JII`L '9 gu u CLOTH BRUSHES, COMES, &c.'. &c.' -A`7'l`'1:'II'7ie:," t my when it isms . `_ In; the P rngtioioine ever made. One done (3630! WP 30 T1moA'i`- One home has cured in ta worth has cured `a (z.n(::znu_ One )1` two nnttl: ' - Jtejeree 0] gnu. IIORPHY, MORPHY"& WINCHESTER, . , Claimant : Salicilors, 374'" Toronto. :m;;:m 1 `swig! gganoy I. , lllq on e `Eng 15 ex , {W Eug - j..Ihdm- .f. 3*" I" ` VV.o.an,nv1Ir inc '1 :4 ans 3; rgoaggsg Spectacles ;and a1 ....9"% :..1`:!..3:a.`. A `.5. l@mPmEVsr mm ogapgva-yr jug 'ry;r.:: V S as MORE. S"_A ._ j ~- `gr 1; GI{_E`_AT':RUlf ON ' Wathes, Clocks, Wedqjpg Rings & Fancy Jewelry . .3 gii` a. nu 1111 1.1 LJOUAVLILD ' - Clifiimas Presents I ._~ Rvenobred in Barrie at a very low gure. Ladies Companions; Boquet Holders, , Work Boxes, Gval Gruet Stands, ur-|.\u;~ UHCKCII H ,,- . -..` ...,... 1 And a seryicable kit of TOYS and all Fresh Goods too numerous to ' Vt ,_ , 4,4,2` IIVI I` Dunlap Street, Barrie; opposite the Northern Railway Station. [ ` J. W.*`A`T:%: `VVATCIAQKER AND JEWELLER. The 2 THE CENTRE smmn. Mm CZ\hm;rtise11ten1t5, STYLISH MILLINERY, c11La:AAP[:DRY GOODS, NOBBY CLO l`HlNG, A`BTI'\ `--1:--r`.q. . _-_ ` - `4 r > . Comes in FIRSTBESTIR the General race for PubI_ic patronage, and whilst he does not pretend to a fzolotum on `Marge Racing matters, he think: ha does know _a thmg or two about hngimg chgap and stylish ` ` '.:P" mm... in rm.q7'nn.o'rn. ml. r:....,.nx .--- 1.... n ... !UNAN1Mot3'v:aRD1or % `CoMPE'T:E:NT AJVUDGES Our DRESS MAKING Hepartxent is in full blast, mind for quality and style . T - ofwprk turned our, stands unrivalled. ' ` ova STOCK IS FULiyY' COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. = n'A.11 Vvorls. 'VVa.rra.:nted.:1: "83 1- - DRY G0.. . .. s,& 0. L. SANDERS; {[G=Cut this Advertisement out for furt/zelr reference. :',jvf[[-~.Li'*<.\;~.~i-; ,7 =T`::ff"rw *~"*'-'.'~N* TO s, ELEC'1*IO-PLATED WARE AND T 1: ~....;.. :-.... E. B. GROMPTdN~`& Co. G 0LI2E./V REA VER. "'$f=3h?n`;Z,i..?.: ' M ! i,1.- `*1? uuu 1 rllbr, XIlVJ'Il) ELEGANT` MANTLVES. Asom; OF _THE IIANDSOMEST Bvehotfered Sign of the Watch and S ectacles. ' .A ` Opposite the ailway Station, )I2:s. (mug IS THAT ,THE V. OF ca1"1i sit".mm 5 ` Toast Racks, Pickle Forks, Butter Knives. Spoons, T4`-n.~`|.. I``...J-- 1-- $liL;E*&ia.m@@2w, very gure. .' A Y;-csihind LAZ celebrated potfqqt . Glussonwohandtl `Q-3.s W9 P! IMPORTERS; 03;". A JAMES COLLINS. 27-3t-p. mention. _v 5 pl: a `mi mm, mm. T. W. TAYLOR, Referee of Tiea. I\T(`.FH1`.'l`RP 26-lit! one-quarter of an acre, more or less. Parcel Number I has erected on it 1} workshop of the Insolvent and several houses, and 13 situate in an excellent purl town. The property is now under Mortgage wi'l however be discharged before com of purchase. " Terms and all other particulars rnade at time of sale." nuv . ____ L .uAw.'uvu NU. Z. Lot Number-nine on the East aid Street. in the said Town of Barrie, P8KCe1NUmbf I hk urnnln An TO THE INDEPENDENT L. 13;./TARNER, ' BARBIE, "-7 \lHl gs. =;u., `SADDLE AND IlAllNESSrM-AKER, Has now on ban a In:-,7 now On hand !.'1;',Ien.nd well assorted stock of SINGLE and DOUBLE CARRIAGE and TEAM HARNESS of the be _ _ st qumity and work- mB.D3hlp. Alsoa large assortment. of .the best imported ENGLISH SADDLES, ENGLISH GU'I`and BONE WHIPS, warranted. also in stock alarge supply of TRUNKS VALISES, &c., at moderate prices. All work warranted nnd perfect satisfaction guaranteed; . The O1d'Stand.*Bnveld Rm... ...._..-:.- -...uuu uulull - _-_. , _-u-r-, `VIE. at twelve o'clock, noon, that psrt of the Real Estate of the said Insolvent hereinafter men- tioned, that is `to say :--_ , PARCEL No. 1. Lot Number twenty-one. onfthe West side .)fOwen Street, Edward s Block, (being a, re. survey and subdivision of H. H. Gowsn s Block) in the said '1"0':n of Barrie, containing twenty-` one perches, more or less. Also Lot Number three and the East part of Lot Number four, on North side of Worsely Street, in said Edward s Block, which said East pet-tot` said Lot four is hntted and bounded as follows :-Commencing et the South-East angle of said Lot Number four, then Westerly along the Southern limits of said Lot, twelve feet more or less, to within thirty-eight feet of the South-West angle of said Lot Number four, then northerly on a line par- allel with the Westernlimit of said Lot.four, . one hundred and fty-eight feet, more or less, to a. lane, then Easterly. along the Southern limit of said lune, twelve feet more or less, to the North-East snszle of said Lot four, then Southerly 8101-g the Eastern limit of said Lot four, to the place of beginning. said last men- tioned ps.rce's-containing together twenty-four perches, more or loss. ` D A 'n:1nr `U mu penccv. sausmcuou guaranteed v1;___-- 1-. - V -...._, .. vunuavvu, V Tuesday, th T t, . T` 1 orJu1y`3 X733 , I%`:1~."` day :19 Onvdlna n'nlnnl. -....._ ;:mxes9ta80%0%$l .--_.-1v I hereby give notide. that in cmpliance vx ith a. resolution of the CrPdit,ox's of the above nam- -ed Insolvent and under the orderof the Judge made thereon, I have instructed` ll UB%o[{r.:!Aq_::_"-@.iIvJG_Tl0N' THOUSAND.| --_--..-_. Your vote and lntoreafare respectfully re- Iblhd in favor of W. 0. LITTLE, a candidate I the House of Oommonl. at Ottawa, [who 30' Ipposln to the people for Re-election." non sA'vE OUR QUEEN AND CANADA Innlll, Jun: 26th, 1872. . 28-if PRESERVEJARSI IPRESERVE LES. /.__-_ .- nu-:7, _Tonom-o. 'For sale in Barrie by John Woods,Palmer ` & Wade, Watson & Co., and We1l s Bros. June 19,1872. 34.. .._-_ ---q I} W -` GENUINE No. 1, No 2," and No 3, `of this brand , are unsmpnseed forbody and b'rillia'ncy of shade. Packages conu-in full nett weight. The pl Mic are warned tbate -min other brands are 1; I .shon.in every ., called 25 pound 1 package. Examine the brand and dn_not be'_pnt off 1 Sold by any` respecmble`dea1ers in Painte 1 throughout Ontario, and to dealers only by ' m.r.mm 1. n- nu... -. - uovu nu Barrie! June 12tb._l8'I2. _ , . . . . . ..`.-a.nuuuu- (0 Cl ' Wwill send back numbers of Pn`rn'xns'Mus1- A on Mo:-rum-January. tofJune--for $1.50, or `the ve last numbers for 31. Address, 1 Y DD-lvmn-w - -- - . . . u n us/UlII.l _._`av*&&\JL at his Auction Roorhs, in the 'I`O'VV'.N' OP BARBIE, in the County of Simcoe, on ` Darling Waltz . . . . . . . gun: ule, unmng, Vere we part. Song . and Chorus. Onfy for Thee. Song`orDnat...-Drealer . ..Ha`.rmis}oun. Sunrisqscbottische ......... . .SIedle. Singer : Joy} Four Honda. . ..Pasher. Dance of the Haymakers. . Ca.pri_oo. ......_.....Stewart.- `J -n--_.. Aiiparties are cautioned against negotiating either of two note: of hand made by the under- -Ilgncd in hvor of Jonalimn Prebbie for the sum 01925 nob. bearing date 30th June, 18 70 and pnrblo respectively on the 15% day of January 8 3 e 1 and 1874, as be 1135 not received value for ` um . ' ..u.... on cents tor tba July Number ofP.I-run . ' Mcsxcu. Monrumr, containing the following Music, or we will mail the seven piequ in;Iue7; /arm, on receipt of'$3 30. " ` ' ` ' ` Ahove and Below. Song and Ohoru 9---nuns-goons.-.o..no.-uJuh` Ifyou weiel, would you ? Ballsd.'._..A `3ofcu.` Motberlesdsnd Fatharless. Song and .Chorus-................'1`ucker. 30814. `Kiss me, Darling, we Ohoma......,.....Stevqart. 30 on. 9113 3on2'orDuat..-_-nr...v-. on --- [,b}xr171?'b TXE1761?1z?ts'sf 1.-7o QENT$ Ina Send 30'cents for tba J t_:pn_I llnein An --- --"` } have just pux-Vchased ti job 710? ,3: '3 Mi: ".f6"s'icf1">?'u()GE1zs on nu`... 4-..- --I- A. PE4RK1NS.& .Bao., ELEC TORS rhamaaer LWVILLIAM H. THOMAS, an Insalvent. : Dzuziop Street, Barrie. _ ,.._..._.___ .._.._;_.. ' No 1 GR UND` g - csuullitag , PETERS, 599 Broadway, Nw York. -`%@_ GLASS AND STONE. -;. V V . . u u an PARCEL No. 2. - -.--.--n QUVV to offer for sale by Dan -A 0 to, June 29th, 1372. AT` THE .-, .-vau vn mas. xasgreoled ittbe late zolvent small 3 pan of the [N. A. PERKINS, ' ./fssignee. 25-4in. side of John E` Bm-rip n)mp..:..:.... ` { I a July of Pnzns ' nnninimr the fnnm.:....! . . . . ulvll uni) U] ELLIOT & co, nus: awe, of John containing 2 91' which completion ....u- at, opposiie the pa cHAi*ii?f known 24-tf - Cl!- 35 GL9. 30 35 cm 35 ca; 30 cu. `Q: 40. Being the East half of Lot No; 23, in the 10th Oon., of the Township of Or J, on the Ridge Road, and about 1; miles from Hnwklzono Sta.- tion, there is about 85 acres cleared, a good-log House, orchard, and freme Stable; timber. on the ground for a. Burn 35 5` 60. The place in in a good state of cultivation, the purchaser can have the crops at a. fair valuation and phases- to sion given immediately. Apply on the premises noun. -Mull uvt AV, xu uuv auu Uu_n., jnnmng-_-- 100 South half Lot_6, in 13th 0011., West Gvfillim. but-y-100 acren. d 0 . And Lot 11 in 2:: on. Geo: on t of York--1 80 acres. giul n y Lnnlv tn I10 | 24-4t-1-p IUM L||f_I_E_!I |_|uu:| OF THE south 1.=ud1ng b or THE

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