Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 May 1872, p. 3

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mm 11111133 snnnsz} VA.t $1.50 per Thousand, 1)}_lOTOGRAPHIC GAL LERY.` V HUMME VAN` DEI.\TSTEEN Of every description, and 9.11 si. I ` houxfa of the day '. IPHOTOGB./`P. H31 They also keep in connaction wi = a large stock or , WEE W139! Til: ------- __-._' Framed or ithoub IF:-a_.:.nea. A FINE" STOCK om FRAMES." PIGTURES'FRAMED> TO ORDER. BUMME '&_V-AH swan. .44 a:;=A1bums, Album Pictilres, LOOKETSI, CHROMOS, LI THOGRAPHS, lMaundrel1 s;| Orillia. Jan. 21, 18:12. nnnum, x mu vuanzer. Sold by all druggists at $1. lpmztfpoamj @011. PAIN'r1Nes,gEI ._ __:AL....a 'll..._..-_ MAUNDRELL S. 01;rw`;:3.79f-T70;ni-N 3 .P..VWHEELER S .-:--n The Pfoprielor begs to Icquaint the .tr`ave11in public g_eVnex- aUy, than 11g has bought out` Mr, . Needham, and mi; now preps;gd.to'a'upp1y [horses gut} -_vehicles ssroheap as cunibe bddigliewhere :` gnxeygixeu L iaan, ~_qn T_ 606.; ' 1101.-8,`-`I371 ` :7. .u- - ~na1.:rs1:eepageaaq1:earii:e.;ro;:;;;;,,;.a mas; ,Iv.**:!!i-2M.:=.=nsisi!-; `beg, 21945! 4*~W0.0D'` :2... . __ 40 Pxmml Cl -IEAAP GROCERY, I Pork, 3 4:-\'2v"'"I:I~vEruzA s'1iAn1.EI Dzmloyi Street, Barrie; At M7AUNDRELL S, No. 1 Market Stall, Bmiegj I f12c per 1b.,- kfcl &c- ORIA-LLIA.. at 10c per 1b., Bought before the rise and imported dh ect from g Europe. Those are the Cheapest Cottons in `this part. of Canada. -' ' AT 1'1` i. see, taken at all :7 '. ' with the gallery r|' 1 1-11. ' 4-tf Bariie, April 4, 1872- WHE `GREAT EASTERN STORE,` we are enabled toreduoe prices further. We will guarantee that no one can selljthe same quality of Goods cheaper such as TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS & GENERAL GROOERIES ; also Wines and all imported Liquors. Oauadian Whiskoys of -the best descrip? tion always on hand at prices as loxv as small lots can be laid dewn. i`.nF.!9AZ ??,H9USE ? Opposzte the Northern _Rdz'(way Statin, Dunlap _ Street, Barrie. we care not for. competition, all we require is a. trial given t'o oh: Goods. '_l,`he conomj Wm "profit by calling on us. Our motto is quick sales and light prots. E. `B. =c1aomP*mm a cm, {e31L.?iE${R !%k1I)tPiIMlI'%13Y swag` 0'3-FARMERS PRODUCE ZAKEN IN EXOHANGEFOR GO0DS..:I: A larghstock of Potatoes fof seed will arrive in a day or two.` A heavy stock of some Prime Mess Pork jus: to hand. lINsPEcTI0N INVITED.` Wlzolesale and Retail ~ Grocers, Wine and LA full toned GRAND PIANO; ;7_`octaves, for sal for cash or easy terms on credit. Apply at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie. nun otxum A nunmu, I:1Al:i.1`U`JB Gr 1)UU- H ble seated Buggy, all in good order. Terms Cash or easyterms. on credit. Apply at the Queen`: Hotel, Barrie. V 13-tf .----~--v ------- ~- ' " 7 7 BARRIE, on the 3rd or June ahd will remain I {amt dam. The public are respectfully informed that the Proprietors of the above mill: have recently added new maehinery to that; need last year, and are now,.prepared to execute any order in their line of business which may be required Highest price in casino: trade for wool. TIT D an Annnmm I. nn WQW EQMPLETE 3] AAluvuI 3...... ... 110-130 V: u-nu. nu. vvuvn. W. S. SHAPOOTT 6: GO. Innisl, 24th May, 1871. M 21-_' 92.2: Galden Beaver L: u | -1 V ---- Being part of Huyter a Farm in Innisl, County of Simcoe. and among the best wheat grdwinglunds in Canada. About Sixty` acres cleared and fenced. A good Dwelling House, with Hard and Soft. Water. Outbuildings com. modious and nearly new; Two` producyc Orchaijds and garden beautifully situated on the south share of Lake Simone.` A Annhv lrn-'r.1nMnrnn:r.nni in J.` v . . All parties indebted to the lath rm .5; powenl 8 Thompson _are. be h i must be paid .to th;u{d':a'::ig:?,.1`h`;`t.`:':c:*"`1) they willhe placed in a. Solicitor : handho: collection. -. ' (Rh1nAJ\ Barrie, March 20; 1872. SPRIN GROCERIES, . DRY GOODS, T BOOTS & snows, `PROVISIONS, 4- CROCKERY, T&'c`., &c., &.c. . `ANTED, A BOY BETWEEN 16 sud 18 year: of 53910 lean the (Iranians Rnnhunnu and talus ..L___- -3 _ L-__, nLVJ.:au, a nu; DBJ. VVl1.l`4lV stud of up to Grocery business and take charge of 3 horse,` 1 1. , jaw. y 1 us. momrson, _ Owen `Street, out this bice. Ilnnlm A-I..zI Iu.'1nl1n . -- -- v "Inn | Banjle, A13:-1'1 #51372, )IANO FOR SALE. Wvithin the limits: of the Town-ofBnrrie, thiriy velcrea of Land; being _6mpoued at Park Lots Nos. 7 and 8, Boat]: side otsmlo` Street. ,Lota`Nos, 5 and 5, South side ofijzior Street; - - -Lot No . 6. North |id6'o'f`0'idr1nntnn em-..e Fo`n ;sA.I.EW. .Lota Nos. 5 and South side of Napier Street. Lot No. 6, N01'1lide 0f_00dl_'ill ton trogt. Lot No; '3, North side of Napier t_:e' I. ~ '1`he`.Ibove_`LoVa,_am wall fence} sad in I good "og_gl?ivqtion. .. ` ` - pg: 'l.`[!_I} gnu warms DI payment, -991 `to . V % 31012 SALE A: HORSE, HARNESS & Dou- hle mated Rnamr all in ann nu-than 'l`m-ma -1:I.1EE;1;`IL T4 WOOLLENW MILLS, TWO MILES FROM BARBIE.` - Tenders wi'l also be recelved at the same line Ind place, for 250 tons of Railroad Spikes, according to sample t) be seen at the` above Ollicoa. Tenders to state price per ton of 2 240 lbs., delivered at the Grand Trunk Railway Sta- t on at Riverdu Loup,Ain equal quantities, in the months of July. Auguatand September next. g. WALSH, ] ` D. . CH NDL ' . . C_ J}? BRYGES'ER f C onnnzsszoners, A. W. mcLEA:<, T Ixr'I:ncox.oxm. Runwn Couuxssxoxnas >OFl'lCIy V Ottawa_,V3rd Mny, 1872. '19-4in. E BOUUI gltlf-VIIB U1 MIKE D|lI:UUGo` A 1 Wetter ost- ai to pp, y ' P -v3x1.x'.1m \~--nun,` POWELL 3 THOMPSON. mud Bums, March 1221:, 1372. ; 13- IOTIGE TbO DEB.T_ORS. 7:. Adams of LAND FOR: SALE. -2.1 Corner of Dunlogj and Market Streets, Barrie, Liverpool and, Gaderich Salt $1.25 per barrel. IN EVERY DEPARTMENYI` `lIl\II7`l1' or THE BEST. QUALITY ALWAYS on HAND. Sign of th ` Golden Beaver. SHEETIN GS\ - am, no ' SILLIAM HOLT, . . Barrie, Ont. . 12. Spzht Jllerclcants. HIGKEY :B:Ros., ,3 Welare now prepared to offer to the farming cdm1.nu- nity and to the trade, inducamexs that |have not been given heretofore by tiny one in our line of business, being now importing the principle part of our stock such at ' ; '- THAS, WINES AMI BIIANIIIES, AT THE `iilii In the matter 0 r- JOHN PALMER an Jnsolvent. mr. aoaepn tcogera has been instructed by William Boya,vEsq., the Assignee in this mat.- . tor, to oifer for sale by I\'l-v-u--- -~-* |P_uBLIo AIWION` at his Auction Room`, on the Market Square, 1 in the Town ofBarrie, County of Oimcoe, on IIorrock s Long Cloth Satmday, the Fifteenth day of June, A.D., 1872, _L Ill -1 ,_, _.-- at 12 o _cIock noon, the Real Est: chine:-y of we Insolvent, being Lots 51 and 52, East of Mary 81 unit! chine:-y` `or'In?ioi?EnE,"S$i'"I::m;`$:edm3? Street, in the said 'I`O'VV'J.\T` OF BARBIE, on which are erected a two story frame Dwell- ing House 24 feet by 30 feet, with kitchen at- tached 18 feet by 24 fen ; I Frame Stable 12 feet by 14 feet; a Brick Engine House; and a Door and Sash Factory and Plaining Mill {:0 feet by 40 feet, two stories high, containing `a 12 horse-power Engine and Boiler; a large Plainerq a Tonanting Machine; a Moulding - Machine ; e Slat and Blind Machine ; a Hot- ticing Machine; 9. Shaping Machine; 2 Circular Saws, &c.,all new and in good working order. To a. person with a canital the shown otram n Dawn, ac.,_au new and in good working capital above o'ers a rare chance to acquire a large and protable bnaineau. , ~ The property willobe sold subject. to two mortgagee for $1500.00 and sloonm .-an-...._ I _"I`-1'nizus-H.1r cash, and the balahce m one yea; on good security with interest at 8 peg cent. . 2 . JOSEPH ROGERS, _ - _ - .~ Juctioneer. I Burris, April 6, 1872: ` 15-91n UIIIIIICII. ` will , be mortgages tinlv. ` Ij: Notice is hereby given, that application will be made at the next session of the Parliament of Onnods fox-`an Act to allow the Northern Railway Company of_ Condo to consolidate the present Lem; from the Toronto, Slmcoe ,& Muskoka `Junction Railway `Company, and the North GroyRai1wny Company, unto one Laue from the ISM Oompa.nio|,,um`l ted nndor tho corporate name of the; N rn Extension _`Ral!w'oy|`0o_mpany. _ =. 1' A `-a_,J_.oin.._ Mr.. 17:11:.` WHOLESALE & RETAIL MERCHANTS. [NSOLVENT OF 1869. NHNIIIJEBRIBZ, wmnz,1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER far the County ofsimcoe. Graighurst, May 1st, 1871. , _l3- .___._....:_.___..-...._____.._..._ .__..?..__. PAt!.t;._r%[% mt-owl EXPEDITIOUSLY AND PROPERLYA SE- cru-ad in Onnadn, the United States and En- _.mpQ." Patent guaranteed orno ohaigog Send !brrrint9 :! instructions. . goncy in oporqtion ` :HFN.BY QRl.S'1'r. 1 ; 0`!!'`t9"!`'*'` *: -~ i Mechanical En'5ineer:,f_u`. 8}! ~.Joaeph Rogers has been instrincted by ism Boya,vEsq., Assisznee in this man- joT1cE. n, Estate and Ma- IISOIVGIXL beina nnmnnaa at` u wlu gumecr. to two ~ gud $1000.00 respec- 45-13! !oi JUST RECEIVED-$0 An entiiely new and complete stock of DRUGS, - `_ / 0G"ALPAOAS FIILL RANGE. HIHE OBILLIA nnua sTom:.| ESTA BLI s H E D 1862. room, Dy leuer non-pa1u,to Ammo Uuuunun, maq-, I Ooulson P.O., or to J amen Quinn, Esq., Orillia; or on the premises. 7 U Medonte, Feb. 21st, 1872. 6-in-lno W'lnolesa & Retail ` STEPHANOTIS, JOGKELOLUB, YANK-LANG, ' `WILD ROSE, ` TOILET sons, |PE%BE_UM_ESa1 0} all Kinds, and the rarest HANDKEROHIEF PERFUMESQ L 7 A splendid Farm for sale, or to lease for a term of 5 or 10 years, the ng composed of the West of Lot No. 3, in the 8th 0011., Town- ship of Medonte ; an ex:e1lent wheat-growing farm, 97 acres of which are cleared and under good cultivation, and 11 acres under fall wheat. There are good frame 1,-:1 liiiugs and a. house con- taining eight rooms. ~ an lot is situated about 11-miles from theour hing village of Orillia; with grist mill, saw mi 19, store and post-oice adjoining the farm. l='or porticulars. apply if bv letter noat-naid. to JAMES COULSON. Esa-. Mjolnlng me mrm. 1- or porucmars. Bpply u by letter post-paid, COULSON, Esq-, Cnnlson P.().. or to James Ouinn. Esa.. 0|-illia: be fortne wuoxe Instance. . Specications and forms of Tender can be ob- tained at the Ofce of the_.Cbief Engineer at Omwn, `and at the Oices of the Engineers at Rimonski, Dalhouise, Newcistle and An.- hem. Clnlarl hanrlnrq mnrlrn l'nndm-u_ -nrl n_ BOOKS, STATIONERY &FANCYG_0ODS `0:'}"Xmas Presents - New Year's Gifts, l IPUREOLD;WINES&L1QUORS] Wax-ranted tobe benecial in all cues. Call at the G. G. G. oice in the New Brick Block, oven-Mr. Wm. Hunter : Grocery Store, where one thousand certicuol could be shown , prov- ing their eicacy. Snmtprilla. in large bottles, $1.00. Pills, 25. Bold inuall the Slates. Barrie, April 17, 1872 ` 0:;-15 YEAR OLD PORT A WINE FOR CHRISTMAS. Alllour stock ixi this line is warranted Itrictiy Pure and of our own importation. or _sAB$_APBILLA] .Fr pingirying the Blood, cleansing md giving {Igor M the whole Human System, nothing ` can approach _ olc-:+%ABsa| hem. . Sealed tenders marked I`enders, and ad- dressed to the Commissioners, will be received at their Office in Ottawa, up to 12 o'clock noon, on IUESDAY,the 11th of JUNE, 1.872. IIUILI Durna. ' '- TAIsoALot No. 25, ~on'2n-y Street, Fax-tie. o_0n- tnining on'e fth of an acrwwiqh Three Budd- inga renting at $7.50 per month . -. . Eor further particulars apply, (preqniijtl), to W. -R. Robinson, Barrie P.O., or to the Prop:-ie!_ tor, at his renidence, Lot 6, lat 0on., Oro. Bun-ie. March 27, 1872. . 13-303 l ICK S F FLORAL GUIDE FOR , 1872. The First Edition of Two HUNDRID Tnousmn copies just published. it is elegantly printed on ne tinted paper`, in Two Oonons, and illus- trated with over Three Hundred Engrnvings of Flowers a.ud.Vegetdbles, and `-To be sold. :6;-"6n[E, or'oh em of pay- ment, that Valniable Farnfcompoeed of Lot No. 6, in 200 sure: more . ox-less, 90 acres of yhigh are `cleai-ed, well fenced, and in A good 8l8.Il::'0fcll]liV8li,0l`.. The balance of the_Lot. is we` . timbered with good. Beech and Maple The soil is a. rich clay loam, and there is on the "lot 3 good Orchard. `:1 Log House, 3. Frame Barn 88 >1 30 andHay Barn 24R2'I, with A plent.i.'..1 supply of water. It aces the I_ epetengnZ-ha;- ': Road with two other leading fonds" _:rpund it, distant three miles from Barrie. ` 7 -~ Ala.-. 'l ..-.9 V. 0:: ....'u_.... c.._--4 u..._x.. ...... The most ;1eauti;u1 an; instructive CATEZILJJGE AND FLORAL GUIDE in "tho world-120 ngnmci n:I=n(! {Stu-Anal-I hvnnnn `Ar Man an` Inrn ANU IVUUISAIJ UUIUII HI ID WOIIQ--1ZU pnged, giving torough directions for the culture of Flowers and Vegetables, ornamenting grounds, making wslks, to. A "A n1..:.cm.a -u-nu.-.5 6... .4... .....o.m...... Lao sxuuuua, Ila:-ulna vv-nuns, unv- A Christmas present for my customers, but forwarded to any who apply by mai}, for TEN Ours, only one-,qua1-terthe cost. A .13---. * `I A `MUG 1'Y!`l7 iF; nM Fdnzsimg. "5.f_' ,3. ~'l`he largest and best assorted stock in this - Province. llIAlll'%lIPl'l'lill, BIIILIIBM GEORGEEIQZFS-"CEO. EXT- .1;-_'h3l'idOI,lBOt II: ` 171?Is1cuh,sun_eEoN its _AOCOUCHEUil. 1% f . . FOR SALE OR TO LEASE. '{rwo coI.'onE1') rLur:s. UNDERTAKER; :_REAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. CORNER oF.oWEN a; mcpouup STREETS`, aumm. MEDICINES, . AGHEMICAL& PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, FF! FANCY soars, wall xv...` -- Address, |l`DWARD. BYRNE `I1'l"l`1n'e well kloivh House_ for Chep Glda 1! ,n.;:_J.~s. cnooxgsrgmx, A_1\1':D 1?'ILLS,M OF -ALL DESCRIPTIONS. o'rELs` SUPPLIED WITH Of all kinds suitable for At leaahan Toronto_Prices. BUY some or THAT NAIL AND an an `G7, I 80-: H. B. SLAVEN, Itnarnnnl `be forthe whole distance. The Commissioners appoimed for the con. atruction of the Iutzrcoloninl Railway, hereby give Public Notice that theyare prepared to r(. coin" tenders for Track-|a.y 1g and Bnllastirg, on about 631 miles of the Line, from `'.m Po:t `, Road. neo.r.Trios-Piatoles, to the Eighty-:'x and ; 3 half mile Post at the Metis River-Tenders to ; Qmninntinwg and form: of Tendnr mm 1..-51.. J AALVII CLOTH, BRUSHES, ` OOMBS, Qci; &c.M WJIEEES VIOK, ,Roc lmter, N. Y `I1 12-. 14' Njin. | 16-`ly w III! 5v: 1 11-tin A GREAT RUN ON Watches, Glecks, Wedding Rings & Fancy Jewelry Ladies , Companions, Boquet Holders, T Work Boxes, Oval Crtiet Stands, 1- nuAuv.~ uuavu A` CE9&`|aL'la 38311) 1% Ei|C`C5`3 'SI`@@$@'LInV`1o '3 THE CALIFORNIA 4s'mRE\ _ H Ghristii{'.`~1fAi:`esents! Ever offered in` Barrie at a verv low anr-Q. -- :__- -..` ..:-. Ad 2. sefvicable lot of T0368 and ail Fresh Goods too numerous [to . lwmmmgg a9,wy::sW9 s;w@& J. W. HASTINGS. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. 3:? CHILDR EJVS CARRI.xl GES.` We can v`x."stro}3'g1 recommend LAZA- RUS & MORRIS A .. celebrated perfected Spectacles and Eye `M *5-- . . ., . Glasses; we have the sole agency for the - w . u"' sale, and have plea- sure in testifying to their great superiority. The improvement they effect on the sight is extraordinary, and must challenge the admiration of all who use them. L. .S. 8; C_. L. SANDERS, Agent, Barrie. THE A CENTRE STORE.. [EMOvAL: \@_-,@?.e@W}3N: E$WW3WEN'i par uuyu. Bsrrie, May 1st, 1872. M11: %F3A3E R 53 [HOTEL Barrie, July mh, 1371. ;Cl0ths , Ready - Madc Clothing , and } Gent1emen s Furnishing. Goods. |Non1unu anucenv wmnouss, IWHOLESALE & RETAIL. ; Salmon Trout Wh?ite Fish $3 per rl. Ycimouth Bloters. ;,3' 1.50 per box. 03'A.11 Vvork. Vvarranted.-at 837- DR. R()SE 4"1 rh`!1 %3r5 ;%`11.%8?9?d; W015 Street. nan-i. M R. H.` BENNETT .. s. & C. If. SANDERS, Where he will ke`epfo_n hand as usual, a complete assortment of TOYS, ELECTRO-PLATED WARE AND `vrfg AN157 1?c_>4mTo4 omens AT REDUCED 3AI1i`.; '_ 2., .. L` --' , . .._. In consequene; of the late Fire SOME OF THE IOIANDSOMEST To his new buding, next door to in" very low gure. `_____ an 1 On an . DI Druuxuu umvn. my ............`,. ` By order of the Board of Prdviaionhl Directdra. Dated this 8th day of May,'_l8'(2. - _ 19-3. rnxnwsn HAS REMOVED ms .Sz'gnvof the Watch and S ectacles. b _ Opposite the ilway Station. KND A LARGE SUPPLY OF _OF Ci1BCsit".W Toast Racks, Pickle Forks, Butter Knives. Spoons, 'lI`......L I-.._l- - En mums Ana noon. ` T. \ , j tice is hereby given that a Genereleet. ingmof the Shareholders of the Parry `Sound Lamb Gomplny will be. held on Tuesday, the Twenty-rst day of May, Instant. at the hour of Tweive o'clock, noon, at the emcee of the Com- any in McCarthy's Block. on the South Side of Buulop Street, in the Town of._Bu'rrie, fer the Election of Directors, of.theOo1In5'hy, and for. the transaction of such other bustnese as may be brought before the meeting. n_ -_.I.... `Him Rom-H nfprrivhinnni nfrnnlnea ' ~ mention. . Out: for -Cattlewrhich is ;_be_ nes: Lin- seed crushed and deprived of some of_ its 01!, is now acknowledged to beononof the slmplent, ..u...m.c.` md monsatisfaotory of known foods camp fool) F61: c1m;u`.n`n Toit agknowleageu to oeouu-or me a;mp;u;,_. choapolt, and man-ntisfaotory of known for caulo,horoes,v pigs 0: fowls. It is easily nud And may be procured) in large or small uunities, and at v_ery low ratoa of Palmer & o., Drnggists, Bame and Angus. . ,,, ._.______ ...___ ._.-.., ' . [NTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. fb'6E oF 1u'E7r'1}GT New bleached Annd unbleached A SELECTED STOCK or BOND THEA1). Or1111a. BLACK AND COLOR ED. Pnomsan TAKEATIN Excnmm. NEW STYLES IN NEW STYLES IN SPLENDID VALUE. Imomvma DAILY , AND LIQUORS. viil-be 5; the A Mu;cAHv<%&;%9:l y . ` [THOUSAND `J UST Rncmvlanjg MULCAHY & 09., 1 Barrie, March 20` 1872. umu ueeu wan tor segvice. ' He intends to keep _up his formerlcredit fox easy shaving, clean towels. artistic bair-dress- ing, `scientic thampaoing, and tasteful hair` dying to suit all compexious. He will make his mzors sharp and keen, And show folks how to keep neat and clean; Come o.:e,'-come all, . V ' Come greamnnd small, , He will be able to attend to you all. ubnmnuann nrrnvvn Tom Pz'])1')z"n s T Vedcling, queen a motel, near which. it is expected, "the "nrrie Station of the Hsimilton ,und North Weatexn Railway will be located, and in antici- pfxtion ofn large trade he has providgd himself with room for 9. dozen chairs so that no gentle- man need wait for set-vice. He impndu in [man In M. n ...... __J!- r _ T , uu-nuts. N. B.-Mr. Robinson has other Village Lots and Farm property for sale. . . Ran-in nu. Vick Ic:'1n - I,|u\II E.OO\ll"|. WUIVIKJ Has removed to Bovs Buildings, opposite the Queen s Hotel, which. it is nrrie Hsimiltnn um! Mum. EDWARDS ! Gin:c s Baby, $3.000 0003;002:0030.::,.0:;::a: ated in the Village `of Orillia Driving House, Store House, Woodahed, Hard and Soft Water and every 0. `wenience, with Five Acres of Land. am: c" :3-Apply WE BR1LLIANTS!| |o-3- GANADIANT ALMANAc's| i TheV Sunday School 0rga7z . 1.0::-Dims fag 1371 at Half 1r-.m...,:o" A 1onoN'r0. For sale in Barrie by John Woods, and Wmon&Co., ` - Germah Conquest of England, pacxnge. - - Examine the brand and do not 1': put of!` with inferior paints. The mm` is always cunn- xs'r. _ . ' Sold by any respectable dealers in Painls throughout Ontario, and to dealers only by w.r.r;rn1~ I. (V- V -s aicnuialr No. 1." 4 No 2, and" No 3," `of this braiad, are unsurpassed for body and bx-illiancy bf `sisde- Packages cont:-in full nett weighty The pl hlic are warned thntc rtain other brands no 1}" I 9 short in every mailed 25 pound package. -~ ` Exnminn H`mIr\r-un nn An pm; I. ....a ..m 7 O 0 EN Tfs .` \J ` \Jl`|.\J\J |'WH'iTEm'.;'KD3v` yum 4 uuuu ynvylil by HM Ill Barrie, Dec. 7th, 1870'. NEW GREY GOTTONSI I v, .n- V 9| ioniiay. May 2011:, 1372, at one o'clock, PLM.` , D. c. LAMONT. 18-3in ' ' ' Tou:nsJn'p Cleric I have jut ptirclxziscd 5. job lot of TOWN [TOV\(NS|-'IlP O'F_ MULMUR ---.-- PROFESSOR cumo 9 remmmri fn Rana n..:I.1:....... ......--_ `HE HOG my AND HAMILTON . RAILWAY. N ` ` H ` . The first sitting of tho 0o1}}t ol7Reviaion of this (Township will be held anthe Clan CampleZl, V Gan2a.rzg`amnzon, 1872. SPRING. 1872.] W Ar 5 CENTS EACH. The Jslwml NeighZ2our.s, No 1 Gaaan[3 [Which I ofer at Calvinism by Frauds, A urge stgglg _9'fA U ; V . SAMUEL S._ `ROBINSON, Solicitor & Conveyancer, . 0-iln. T/ze am; .Pm znh` D . C R E W , mp V.4NC.E 0_FFI(`E_. ..-.u. Iv Juu nu. "PRO FESSOR CUNIO. _ ' 1` [ARE NOW C_)i?ENING NEW S'fYI.ES' IN. AB1rrie, Aug. 2, 1870. . V u u n vu: nun VJ ELLIOT & Co , I Tonoxro. _;1, n MILK PANS,~CREAM CROOKS, lvrjvrwsrc nnooxgs, :BU'r~.fp1: ~R0wLs;l faoadshaved Shingles PERKINS & .BRC.). -` (J}Jompound_ Elixir of Pho sphates ' and Calisaya. There is.no diseased condition of the body in `which Dr. WheeIer s Compound Eliixir ofPhos-' phates and Calisayn, may not be used with positivebenet. Being a Chemical Food -and .\'ntritive Tonic, it acts physiologicsily in the same manner as our diet. Itlperfects Digestion, Assimilation, and the formation -of healthy blood. _It sustains the vital force by supplying the waste constantly going `on. of nerve and muscle, ssthe resultof mental and p hyslcial ex- ertion, enabling "mind and body no undergo gr:-at labor without fatigue Its aeti on inbui1d- jug up constitutions broken down vs rith Wast- ing Chronic Diseases, by fast livin .g,' and bad habits is truly extra.ox-.dinary,.its effect being. immediate in energizing all the or guns of the body. Phosphates being absolutely essential to sell formation and the growth of. tissues, must for all time be Nature, great restorative and vitalizer. - Q.-dd my all rmmists at El. A ll-lv man AT n csnrsrzn L3,] JOSEF cRAIGr;PfRsT, H

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