. W nuk. ntrnou 4 a buua ~ lowpjggn: nnhin, . Dunlap sa.,j7!wo doors East of"ths_Bo.nIc ' T of Toronto, .Bar 1"ie, '0nt. And oonouma.-b,` it required, in, on` or . - ` Indianlnk. ' ` ` - WT I `A IROYALINSURANCECDMPANYI |LA?_$??sTYM&l ADO. UULAUUIEDIU, II requlr Indidn Ink. I Ban-e, my 12th, 1s71._ i G11n1srb\;):R ;Iyg3{Bsisb;:, % nivnurlinuv .01`: I ` ITHE BILMMELHBJ NEW: _ANp i I}0ii5r1iy'E1j\ must] T116 1 Wines, The-%Accident -Insurance Company, IN THE POST OFFICE BUILDINGJSARRIE? us up -A.... .n . AGENT FOR , CANADA FARMERS INSURANCE COMYANY QUEEN S FIREAND LIFE! ' GOMMERCIALUNION INSURANCE COM PANY, FIRE AND LIFE, , This Hotel has been enrly 1-Puovnbted and re- furui_shed. The Bar isynow stocked withthe _-.._. Z______.. . _-6.. --A-on-um Auotulauuun Lll\.4 nun Au Mu` uvvx/sou EST WINES Aixm Liidiis. . JUEJJLS /IT JILL HOURS. an m, , A. BAR'f3:IE.' - ' ' -----:o:* RVELIANICE. LrFE; .l'ouud in any house north of Toronto. [)Cl'lI1UJl|UCUCC OI Alf. JUHLI RIC Nearly thirty additional bedro been added to the UAIHHR. IIOTEL, which be iugbuilt. ot'.Bx-ick, and well wurme will be found as comfortabie and commodious a can be &Ll:.- ' s lxavelately 5T3 (`.nv'nmm-nin.ltr:1vp1Inra will nd am 9 ac- AIA.L.4uJ uu . I A ..4.u;4 4; \.I \/ \\I.2 . The llouse is furnished with all vtlie Toronto daily papers. Travellers to and from Orillia and Penetauguiahene will nd the` best of ac- commodation. ` V - HENRY CLEMENTS, 'K- V V1-Ann-intnr | nmK_\\7.'s@i1'(i'fPaoP1:1'aTo::.] Eabitan lie, thal ma 9... L4 nu` ls1.\1CoE. FRASER begs leave once more to:re- . mind his friends and the tmvnlling com- munity tlm.tl1cis.slill in the land of thevilving, and not behind his competitors in the way of ' improvenxents. He is sLill to be found opposite the Barrie Railway `Station, where all that is nccessm-y to conctituto 1). plain Canadian Inn are to be lound, private and public. Conveyances to nll,parLsbNonl1 of Barrie. 1- V > H. FRASER_, Proprietor. V A \ Whzte s C'ar_ncrs, I enetangm'shcneRoad. } _ V 1 G001) &. COM -M01310 Us STABLING nnr: JOHN H. Jozms, IUUUU 11] till)` UUUSU U()1'L|l U1 .lUl'UHlU. H13 Commercial travellers will nd am e ac- commodation for showing samples. u....._:_ 1-.1. n'_; Ienn . 10' This commodious o'stnhlishmenl. hasjusl been opened, and having beenrbuilt especially for the` purposesvof 9. lirsbclass hotel, is lined up as such, and will compare favorably with any house of the kind north of Toronto. Commer- cial travellers, private furnilies on casual visit; and the public gener.-.lly, will udlhat the pro- prietor knows how to provide for their especial requirements. The best of smbling attached, attended to by obliging and experioivced host- lers. A Stages-leave this house daily on the` ar- rival of the up trains. Bar well` supplied with the best of liquors and cigars. n..._.:.. A..- imi. inn ` 2-'4- Luc uucn. un Inliuvng any. -4 D Bar1ie,Aug.'1Gt11, 1871. V_1c'r311IA 11o'r_EL, M-1I?1r'F"'I`.Q(37"7.4I2FY' M via:1iL 6th (in) Joshua C1arks3;,_T-F Proprietcnl |%?:5:@i%EJ Corner of .`-Iulcaster` dud Dunlop `Streets. and oppositathe Advance Oice, Barrie. ` -TILLIAM TPATIEIINS, JUNIOI3 HOTEL, CUCKS'I`0WN, LIcENsEn_ A{1_uq:1'Io NEER -/2 Good SuppZ_1j of Horse lifedicing always on hand Cookstown, Oct. 42 ~_...;.__.___..._\__,\ A, _ Barrie, May 6th, 1868. TERMS: $1 per year `in advance; [AMES EDWARDS, f ' V ` ` ' " ' ` " ' T """"f"D Barrie, 15th Oct., 1868. VTHE BEST OF WINES AND LIQUORS IN TH-E BAR. [aoblnol F Bllndl. E X 0 11 A N G ,f. DUNLU1 STREET`, BARBIE. 'Ju_ne, 1868. All kinds of Pictures mad to 'o_rdefbin the _ VALUATOR, VETERIN_/lR'Y SURGEON, `cjlc. INsh1:A'NCEf"N0T1j3f` )HOTOGRAPHY._ 7:4; NIEN'rS? "1-1c3iiL,` I Q1193 '1`EvI RAPiN HOTEL` LEX. `MORROW, CONVE YANCER, Ei'0;, 1 ucerunll Wm i b11d:m' 4 L A R G E M EN '1` 01? THE `BF HIE HOTEL, `B.-\RRIE, `COUNTY `. I . . HOTEL A;Ni!5~:~ALi)`{NS. ,./V , vvvv-- ,,.,\/vv\,\,.,..,....A,.......~.. - .. . , bar is fux'11isbed \:vi;`.1 the nes brands 61 r, Liquors'm`.d Cigars 8- : Second to none in the Pr\in'ce. un- . M.RKE T SQUARE," BARBIE. Latg e .Ba_ I'7';' Iidtel. Vol. (Late Deputy Reg1s (rar)_ > Street, Foot of Market Street, Aqkrogfrogy ed DllUIlU' `ad When .. `Hul- Proprietor. nu mu 1 D, Proprietor. 5385-lyr Builders, Cabinet akepsg and Upholsterorl Hardwar. * T ' - Addis Improved Oar . Stubs Celebrated Files Carpenters? and Joiners ols. Shoe Tools of all kinds. Shoe and Machine Thread; Cutlery qf a1.1ki1a_ds... ._ . . H6uSe"Furis_liing' Hatd\7ire.. Shooting"a.nd' Fishing Ta'uk1e., Sporting Am'xnnui'.ion:.? . - .. Garden, Draining, and EFa1'lning To .Gotdage,',G1I_38,: Putl.y,,.&n_..~. : ,.; 1 g . mm SALE.` .47` 1'.nI/Vfv2R l'7'.UO1-'1. nu`: um.-.-..., .,.. . -u.--. 5- (annulus: `u; Cordage;-_'GIa:Ia:Iutty, &c...L . `FOR SALE .41 LOWESTT`,`;ggE1;.Ht_13.1Aif1._..` V` ' ' 1 T6rqnto.Jnnu'y, 1888; ' - ii Psnns 1 Ion. Monmmr fo1Janunry`comes to us in a new; ~ teas. It is printed on thicker paper, and. is,l:_,n ver-y.;`r`:apect superioxgfo its many redgcqsgggq. A '1`h(:_a_sgel_e_ti9ns are evident- ly`ma_ 6 wnrzrelt `, "tnditis rea.l1y-won`dr- ful ho`iv`fe1vpool;';Ql: 'p'ear-among`~tl1chnu- _ dredsatholt .nr9~.z!ren.;.., . .wit!:"th_e`Jg}una;:y _ _ 4: $3 per;-y.=:~.. - ;;5T1?5e"`-99.131531?" 4.1 ' ' ;,niuaber a'!ot'*$1;*-n.nd..!Fap:?fs~ roif MR1 fswercto` 1: ,;-iv-!.taeam.g. % ' Vuv am uuu D1./1LV_U JVISJIIILY (}l ,l"( , ' l'HE BANK OF TORONTO, `DUNLOP' STREET, -' - -' BA ._-...-.-uu -vuwr-qrliuba" AS now on hand an extensive. and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Car- riage-and Team), English and Common Riding Saddles, Double and Single Bridles, Collars; &c., which he can offer -at, very-reasonable prices. Also in stock, some, of the beat English and other Riding, and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes, Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, &c., to be found'in this market. Anv nrtioln in 1'1: h-aria vnannantn-np`I 4'..- I10 VII!!! 0. little d akin I found n-hm: ` " S ADDLERY ANDHARNESS ES- TA BLISHMENT, V r, IN HIS OLD STAND NEARLY OPPOSITE i OF TnR'nN I'n ($50., to In: muuu In uus marxet. ' Any article in the trade manufactured, fur- A nished to order on short notice, and warranted _to give satisfaction. 2[ 9'Rpnnir: wnI]Vnn imnv hvmmoml umu uynes. A large and vatfied stock_ot Berlin an_d other Wools, Fancy Goods, &c., at moderate prices; Mac-liineewiug and Pinkiug done on the __shortest. notice. Orders respectfully solicited. . Agent for the Howe Sewing Maching. Q. Barrie, December 19th, 1871. 51-3mo-p amass: sum HQEBSE. R. KIN G, JR_. Drawings & Desgcriptiozis for Patents `of In- ventions cnrefully pmp{n'ed. Valuations made and Survgying of every description ex- .ect_1ted.with acctimcy and despatch. n_.l.4 12.. 4|, -nnpn-n .-yr". -- .- _ , ?s?Lie?v:aae;n;_sTaa;.l u of very description. or wlnh she is hrepared to make \0 order in the latest and" most fashxon. able styles. * A Inrnn nn um`-ip Mn:-Ir nf D...'I:.. .._..n .4: , `CHEESE: CHEESE! CHEESE L0 glVC S8l.lBIH:UU0l1o !3'Repa.irs wellimd neatly `executed. 3a.rrie.`April 8,-1870: - Respectfully informs the Lndics' of Barrie and neighborhood, that she has opened a store fon- the supply ofthe above goods on Collier Street, opposite the English Church, where she will _keep constantly onAhund'a complete assortment of hand; I dy. Al HARbWaRE & %'ro`jc3Lvs,, 11; vrwn qmnunm rin-nnmnn' ' ._,. _-.`...-..... ./Ieizlfor the ./ETA ./9 _LIFE, _HarIford, Com; Aug. .24, 1869. _ - _ 83 4-1) : p `PROVINCIAL LAND sfm VE YOR DR4 U (:11 TSM./IN. .4 PPR;/"HER, CON- - VE Ya; N GER. INS UR./INCE LAND ./IND GENER.4L ./IGEN T ' A HJIVITIJ A--- Ladies U7zdrdothing amZ.C7a ' Clothing :1 ;'Zd7en s Deapatches by mail, telegram, or otherwise, promptly attended td. (?nnca,-Co1lier Street; adjoining '1he Fire " Hall, over is Store, Barrie, Onf. A- A- ....l `I-nf mgzn mm Y; su am-zonl ., U H UDAL` AU, DU H-U DUI.` .U1`4l\ l'.'.D 1 ,_ _ . . .B(successor to J. C. McC'n.ualnnd), WilI be in Collingwood on {he Isl; .__N and 2nd, New Lowell on the ll"...... 89.1: ' Angus 9th ;`-Orilllin 16th, ` 17th 'and 18th.` Hil1sda.lo25th, and Stayner, on the last day of each month. All other days he can be found in his oic, on Collier Street, opposite the Post Ufne, Barrie. Special attention given tollinz teeth with gold. Sets of beautiful Teeth at $16. ' A good opening for a student. N. 8 --I will hold all parties responsible for the amount of money paid to 3. C. McCanslnni for work, he being! bound by an obiigation for 9. large amountof money, not to do any work in North Simcoe, Essa,` or Innisl for the next ve ' years. 5-l`y ' _ . C.H_.BOSANKO. has 1-emow'ed his o1ce'-to his `new rsidence 611 the West side of John Street, immediately op- po=ite Mr._ Ge'orge`[Ba1l _s p1aining`and`5a5h factory. Dr, M4-H . Inn 1: wnmuum '4'.-3. . nonannc c.If1?:g zzpwry. , V I Dr. McO., has a vacancy for a. student. Barrie, Oct. 30,1871. V nu..- .ANGUa- 1-1) . `JADIES AND ACHILDvREN S fosF.PH DOUPE, I Graduate of Ontano Veterinary C_:1lego. ----- ii; Yon<\,z?EnT; ajoico;rB.' LPR0VINCI.~\L_ LAND, (SURVEYOR, VALUER, '&c., % -1y ._ . BARRIE. JUSTICE IS.THE GRE_;AT,`BUT SI1\t'[PLET15'RIN.GIPL`VE`,.. ./s -s~.~.x-xx-x.-vvx~x~s;vv~~-suvsv-vw-.m~~.-vvv rmmovap J - DB. J..L. G. -McCARTAHY. `MARTIN MObRE,.` . now nn lnnn an avc......:...- _...: ..-` pwnlllol. E` Bilndl, L W? Hun > | ENRY CRESWICKE, .T.vN., Disputed Linvs Vaccuratcly adjtggfed. b13i:'i) iC;1.'I:' i'ii7)ia'Ess1o1. x~.~.x-xxx.-vv\~\.`,.A.~s-g.;u.\.-.4`.-._~;..._ ._ - ._...;. .n_ __.___-_. _ r+ A SUl}VEYOR." CARDS. QJs1cA;'.V'1fRE :A_1j._ -1 .=_ MRS. WILSON cxvxr. I?JN;GINEE_R, osmxo, SURG`EON .DEN I`-IST, (nnnoeuanr tn J, C, Mnhnnlnnl AND AT THE .:.:...... BOBBY III mponuns or` ;UTHERLANDf ,L1vEB *:(}EN5ERAI, ADVERTISER. V1A1>.1_u'n:. _ 4? .%1;5 0 - QNT . 44-tr` , B`;`-._m. a'.;s;..;';;; . "and/l3'a.:m`pr'_oporty !oxf 5; ~ `ht:-fa`, A'hh_.`_'1`8"` m_ " | Se qoiki (an. of years, the "South Con. ot_Iunisl,c.- - .60 nnhcleamg->`: Jrne u never. ing` P` " 116, mu Ems tog '_ ToW'Ns'H1I5 OFT TINY. West `part of West` half Lot N2); 19; . Con.19,_10ar.}_r1cs. . - ` ._ _ East. part of South, half Lot N9)" 10, Con. 13 60 acres. . ` East part of-South haIf Lett;_'I`2. ,' Con. 20, 15 pors. I. 3 . _ Wesf part of Lot Latte; E, C px;;x.Aj16','28 . Vncres. M ' A ToWNs'HIP NORT 0Ri,.Z,:.L1A. West hank `Lt No. ]8j i`n: -'~;he 12m Cnncasninh. 100 nnrnu ~ H can uuu .J4U|. ISO. 16`. Coucessxon, 100 acres. F9: part1cuIdi"_ppy tb . .45. . ..JOHN.ROSS ~3}'6-,H!15a .W0dhed, .3; .ll'd.B!ld Soft-Watt! -` utxpzuym r > U-UUV UU'l."1'}\Ul`J`ln0." "1 b`'\1'f ' 1] sim- ;}t:ed'in the Vills;ge`.ot"0rillia` "D1;7ing!`L gouge, - Enddeyegy A`:',"|VQl1i8n09,,T}; [u1;_.'iye Ag res of. ' wllllll. ."h'LI\u1.'nouw\1\ua < L ~,'lLotNo. 11 ,iu':1ie 12:1; Lot No. 6,Vin the 13:11. Vc ECYGS. acres. Cbncesu` . __`-w-_-.~ pnces _ l;s:;?99.<;;% nut; 11.]. `Jul UULIUUSSIOD, 1V0: (5, Lots 6, '7, 8, ]-4 acre each. Parcels 1n 5I_h Concession, 1, 4, '7. V ` Lots, Sunnidale Station, No. 14, 1:3, '_ 33, 24:, 35, 36, 37_,'1-4: acreleach. rn.-`:1-vgvp-.vv ..- .._ .______ ' .% Lot.Acre E: S: u a IO 0 A 0 2 1; ' I. " OIIIIIOI 1 Rose Stre. St, S. S.-. . . . . . . . ... 63,64 1-2 ` oonnnco a,;oI ` V uooononooa-'5-673681`? Tho;-npggn LSL, `V. S. an . . . 57,58 I-2 `C I` . : ooiaonuo `C If . -canons: 1'2 ' (C. `(A IIIqI0lCIOc30,31`1j,i` Ellen street E .1 1., Block wiph Timber ` facin Bay` ~\11'3\I) ` E. So 0 a o 0.: .3 Lot` 17," East ofRoad, 6th C109 cleared. Good farming -an and Barn thereon; , `Lasts in 5th Concession, No. 6 11, 27, 30, 52, Village Lots, _ . each. . _ ' V A ` Lots in 5th Concession, No. 8 , TAOLQ 6. R 1.11. nova non}! 1370}. C't1jar1e$' Street, N. S. . -Tm mini -s Tvvrvrace, S. S: - M H (E am Gvow an Street," .l( H ` Bmn Bald; Essa-`E load, W`. . . . Cum banana Street, N. . xi ` Bradford Road, S: W. .Triangul9r piece. Cumberland Street W. S. . .; 6 1-5* uuouounoo U . (`nu I Q I I`. U`. I.` l' "I ' on-oooorylo I C` I` ` (K ' u u ` u ' 11 Bradford St.,W s..IC:L`I:II'.C 23 UVUICUIIU. .- ;" lOCl;UOIIO N t '1' __ mgr. 2 i Bradford st.-, sf 5` K` C C may NFL.` 3 'Ba1:frie,% J_ 0_ntario,.-1fhursday;'a,rch% 7,, 1872. I ` --`noun; \JiA\l\rl 1.`: IJI {TOWNSHIP OF sx "M-`DALE' All'-_..- o`b s Terrace,N. S. . M - N If . TOWNSHIP .OF v,_1;_si=_I':' . el. Street, l.l I` v_in Street, `: it it iIl Street,` 5` ` ` K1`-`V 80 res, OK Wu: ' `it I"r`lch= `A ' ' mthrongh the.` {I gbpug Seven . `HM .,--- snai- ' 556 pl 1 EA [E5 : *AIQL_AN.DA'LEV. T .,joiii~i 1'ioss, A i.;;mL;:.% WILL `1>(IRc;1.; 4 - COT'I`AGE=ino.-"1 illuun` `AP ' n..:n:.. AuuIJA_ " STAY. "NE-R` mUnI. ;`S_R0'B}IzNSON,:" [, (, .soI;`pg:'m'pra: 1(l9nv9`%';u"'a ,`_ W ` ' 11:! `Ch I":.-I `#9603 .:huot_1za::Vx.8$ 11,: man. I T Lrf @`!QZLE;'*" -5. .,.'y, ` WW5: 0!. ;ren3ed'for.a term 9: L._ot.2'2 .311 ms `1 uh i 3190" c'i'e'`, `of V1: is}: is : `-r`lnh>'bldv.i` =A gmiig: , S--aonorou SCDOIICUICUIIG 0.30:6 uooolooooc-1.6 `V18-CII;OlIl5 H F ioonaonnvx. IIIIICOIS 'Bet.......... 2 IncquoIcol3 "g.:-_,hD)Ii,. ..A _. Du .v_ag.\ - ll b`e`sm`tifux. y :D!'}ving'~ House, -. :.ndnud Soft\Wat,er . rink -.N'3vn In FAQ (`If he an he could xlmv I ` `: lly '.X... . Hnnaa Cor_;., 464acres land. House 6,7, 9, io, 1-4- acre Lbt. 'A_cre 0 , /1" `,0: ,;`5f` / ` '_`: V-I 45`~P :" Lt.Acre . 11 3-8 .13 ion V,:.2oo QES1 ` 32, II\ of Wa_les:111d. 1111 front ceptio n he:-e_g at tthl|31'3.} people s `mm sonal "and ` ` .` ' The ueen=`W= to te'uQra. ~ -T-he home the _X the day We.- I cession` resux. -r1--n........:..-.....I 6 cnmy The appeziraiice of the interior of the Catliedral urns greatly changed by the .te`mpo;'ary arrangements for the occasion. A thousand wcrkrnen had been employed for weeks past in erect-* ing seats and galleries, and today their labours enabled 14,000 persons to be seated within the body ofthe church. Hardly less labour will be required to restore the Cathedral to its usual order, so extensive and durable have been , the preparations for to-day, 'ySul2- scriptions have alporidy been taken for arestorsiti0ii fund, the`Qucen lead- ing the list with 1,000 and the Prince of Wales" giving 500, Tl1e_Queeii and royal iamily occupied El. raised state pew at the centreyof the mouth of the nave, having the peers and the peeresses on the right hand and the members of the House of (toinrnoris with their wives on the left, the Lord ~Chanr'ellor and the Speaker of the House occupying gilt arm chairs in ` front ol their respective bodies. In the rst tier of the soutzli gallery were V seated representatives from India and , thecolones. In front of them were _ the learned bodies, and secular, non- , conformist divinesand the legal frater- nity. Distinguishedv forci'gne.rs`:occu- pied the grand oor of the octagoe galleries, with the Queen s household muliove. . The first tier of, the north gallery was assigned to the corporation of London, the smaller galleries ank- ing it to the Lords-Lieutenants and sheriffs, and diplomatic corps and the Metropolitan Board of .Works, and the tiers overhead to. the -School Board. The remainder of the space was thrown open to the general public. Fifty- seats in the Cathedral were set apart for worlringmen free of expense at the special l'eq_l1eSi.(:f the Queen. The choir was composed of picked singers from the _various royal chapels. RETURN TO THE PALACE. - At the conclusion of the religious services the procession` formed again and moved westward through New- gate by the Old Bailey to and across the Holbsrn Viaduct, near the western end of which (at the Ihoundry of the "` City,) the Lord Mayor s party bade adieu to the royal household and re- turned to the_Gnildhall. On Snow Hill a pliitform was erected which accotriodatecl over ifegthoiisand people. In front ofthe platform vias ii choir-of 250 children, who sang- the natioiial anthem-as the royal family a preached. But their singing wasidrowngd by the ')lItbust ofcheeringns the royal coach, `m ow containingrtlie Queen, the Prince of lWn_les tllld-LhB`PHl1GO,8S Alerrandra, or the stand The re- C-amt` nhere cviven them was as eci- cepm rtli isbtic the 1 It fpth any `'e`mll:]s\ ti) i~ta(l<);a oil is ere -2:311 Quid. l-eiveng,~ruel3)lionate oharadleri The `.Qe'e"n"; Eva; observed bs moved .tO ,8-um IE. 'e't,rincet8.ppe.r? to have borne . <:-"_3`_,;`nTh.""k Fllguei l wml. .d ,6.` . an sgivitagH13_rol;V reS__l!t-ll? 1 8 Lway P '3 Holbomr.-and g,_`rough Oxforderoad to "J'-- " `able West. End ' the 1'-`nioi-e_ ;a.shian.4 ` f. The ' whole route 5 flan th'".1d` gha- -cmtei was we m - %%u:sl mo: procession waspseveufpour ..,'. hlace. the A-gilgn. [h`Vhe,lea_st pestmiat_es_,. _ d _ _ iniiniber oif`sp'ectators_ who -witnesjaj oat; tastes?it499* l`,'`g 'P3- r ludpsp -liesides_- p the-~_ on pin to itie rm, eng} m Reamer. 6 we 8 1;,a,., th t tlere might ,_-be-no inter- vi-lgr `commamieq b;"th9 Earl 0!" L.u*-w. "or the First` 1:iie.~'G:ua:3- ;- MaJ"Cj*-?'!- .' '1`.hIrta`s=W MacMa.hr:~:MaJ'- ' Gentfther Prin_`ce1_Edw'ard f_ 553? ' Witnar, -`and: Major`-Gen. Pri i?.`l 3.s ; `of theonsehold Brigades," Along, `C310 E ; entire '-,'ron;te' strong ,fences*' of _tii1iber . -' were.hrecteaftid`-`lihd `:the9.;` were '.i*l5l`i`l`e3?f: ,ifsi1ti%d' Poriwo F ,l?. 9Pfll";8,?.:9rb?~!ffi6ifi` btrrhww ` ' ,in`iest` tirriers-" nii`. c ` .1`-' ' 1` {air issrggraessiaueiasis-`anthers; 1 1' I ` .57`: . _ _-.AI1H.i. Tending moihing `papevza of Nev Yofk on'the_ `28'th"i_nst. contaiined Ilong accounts? of t ha'n ksgivi_ngceren'1o"n-. igslin Lozido n"'ijorV thi4ireatd:rb.tion to l1ti.lt-h ofthe Prince of-'Wi3losN The ` N. Y. Tinzqs lrnisheg. 4th_6_folIo\7ing `intbfesfing gccounl. ofthe; proceadings already uut_ici.pated by telegraph : ' 6 . SERVICE AT. THE A7HEDRAL. The S(`.tV1'Ce :1.t'Sf. Paul : consisted of the singing, by 9. grand chorus, of :1 Te 1 Denm, written for the OCCHSIOD. from Psalm cxv. Not unto us-O Lord, ` not unto u: but unto Thy Name give ` 'gIo'ry,'fqr Thy meicy and Thy truth s V 1 ?S ak`c. Wherefore should tha heathen M gay where is now their God. But our ` Vim! Sc. Cu Hm l...........,. '(T. L._.1. .2...-- 1 u w :.|GA_c 15 u.UW U181! uuu.. .DLH._ Ollf I, _od isgm the heavens. He hath done .fwhs_m'3oever he pleascth- The dead praise not the Lord,` ncith`er [any that ' the Lord from this time forth "and -for-A I I 4 :go down iutoailence, but we will bless % 1 evermore. Praise ye the Lord. VAfler,_,which the reading of .praya_ra, ` and u semion by the ,Ar chbiahqp of: `Canterbury. `He referred-lo the um'- versal prayer in Dbcember for do1ivor- 3 ance, from a great calamity, and to the -` universal tone of thanksgiving" for the. recovery of the royal su"e,rerV. `BIz1if" Tnaxksixf -,.ING.`-,; .% , i` F " $jgh,tgqer TinI'1u`t1ae`rs.:Bl'e_haize.bocka A :-eti':znt9'al.i cw !.Al1;th .c_i.tya.ao,d gab ` of:to.wnr`&iraa1wa;7-Trsmayzrrmihi to nmomnsdhtd-.tki,imidx. m'o"mr. the M ` .._'_._._ i::7 m=.c_s'i112: i72xiv.frlcu;..ms,. ;I00Q,000; =`There.rerel`P1.l;9_00 . LOYALTY ARVERYWHEIK-I.'Jcv I ~"' ~ `~ 0108 . V :3-lgdein :`;PiI;.?]_t%: streets ` Allftraic was susgpded throughout .t kere mighrfim no inm,_ London and Westm:nsLer,. vehicles. w ` .z- dentm. The oops wet? ordered o~t,he route 9f the `pro. ` `' 3 ,,theEar1ofLuca-n cessnon af.te_r 6 oclock Ahns `urornmg, 222%? Major-Gen. .a.i1_d aw % `Vi, I`*-M {hon M8]-or `teries of art1lle_ry thundered salutes, ,7 3;__- - _ E: d 3! San; {r(on)aevera.l. pQ1n,tsalo'ng._;the4_1ine`as 3'33 . 3"" P Nose thq rocesslou m9ved`,AandVt uh I 3191" den` Aim" ,1); all At e.qhu_rcheI1n th_a Metrogolig gda; " :3 gm) "gang's ofngmget ed than peak to the Jql `din. b Roi; .; fed ind lgiehind these were dees favonmand pma.u"f the mem` ' st}; :iiifantr"y""dnd Pdce 16 W8 95` Fhegalf`Tyd:f"m]d 3 - a5fr`OI0wi`1`fr0kr1 overthr'ow- thgusaqds ' .,ave?-(Aim; :tl;l`v` she-9:9 2 tr1ers"nnd `constructing me `"`k m h-`"i. W3" d -.-..9}:dt' :h`Pr0cesi6n.`"At numerous 1hvP99ts!`.91'f'9:b3n~'Pm9 '=A?ltL ` the . me [-9. even` .f_'r and %-my P*F`!* -13 - > - - 1 'ahks`g1v1ng'hymna"`d&ei publighedqn; 4 ` -the jomna1s`.nm:tpeziodigalmthronghout If .thet.)iglax1a: ; !.fJl;&dta:.lr\i;`d89! `tl;g;:r'?:=,e.;x;....` h9!.`9cu...m1:..j - 9 so near out-. mus p9o.r.o,l_:` xi_ig_1nH_'r11fc:6d`inkIth`o ~ ` _o'xu1-pu;is1is`th"e ` f`ix'f|"ntf`y.i I , . eoei'V'a`d?-*fo53T ' 8'ia`l"6ng'1 -lII'it*iol 1O,` ' ' .;ihdi2idunhi.eap4ag fo1:t.h%;'4$het-AIr_ ins. , _ v_., .---:.:---v The puhaoriber is prepared to execute nil Off- . `Ewes. Doeontinz and Piper 3!` T5_.ggZis' of slllilcriptiona done with |. _A `; up ggd A llpotch Ind qt reasonable ratel.> , _ - . pl wor.i_wer;an,tad,tq ;v_e_e9ti_a,f'e.et1 on..' . i` a_ 1: v T_HE AUDIENCE. -- -.--- .....-.._...._.__ .,.._.___,-......,./,.... strangers wholre here: might be -seen officials f'rom_all:`quar.ters of the,-l;ing_- dom--the Lord Mayor of:, Dublin, the Provoetof Edinburgh, and many others _ more or less distinguiehed._ ` Visitors trom the neighbouring States of Eu- rope are hardly less numerous,- ,and_._. ` for nearly a` week past the streets along proper officials had inspected every ~ required to be strengthened. Every buildings were let for 100 for the day. l ex-Elhperor Napoleon and party had ~ formation. Its dingy old houses had ` siglitly-space or angle was to-day oc- ` cupiedby scarlet seats,canopied with ` canvasvroong. On the hill a balloon ` and to it is suspended an illuminated ' car. Eveywhere, club houses, rail- ; viuystations and allpublic buildings Lforthe time become grand stands, I decorated. Many private boxes hung _ with damask and lace, were erected M ticularly in St. Paul s Churchyard. the route of the proo`ession--`-Ba_ll Mall, I Trafalgar Square, .Dun_eannon Street, the Strand,Fl-act Street, Ludgate Hill, 1` St. Paul's Churchya`rd, lh_eOld`Bailey, | Holborn, Oxford Road and Hyde Park wereyrendered almost impassable by x_ the crowds which thronged -toy view the preparations for the grand ..thar_i,ks- giving. ` On_ Sunday last-, particularly from daylight until dark, there was a. steady stream of_ sight-seer: passing along - those thoroughfares, _ al- though `tbe day was attended with heavy showers. Every `precaution was taken fortlie safety and comfort cfindividuals aswell as for the'suc- ceas ofthe pagant. .All" windows or` other places where accidents were possible, had been boarded _up. The balcony, awning and platform, and t those which they found unsafe they shop and house along the route brought a fabulous rental; Ordinary fourstory One vacant space broughf400. The a house in Oxford Road, though they had been invited-to share the facilties ofthe Avmy and Navy Club, of which the ex-Emperor is a member. It is re- ported,-too, that `Napoleon declined an invitation from the Queen to be pres- ent at Buckingham Palace and wit- ness the departure of the _ royal con- course, He was._accon:panied by his son. The Empress was unable` to be present. Several persons oered their shops to theinmates of charitable in- stitntions, such as the Foundling Hos- pital ; others surrendered theirs to, the families of their customers, still others to their employee. Among the latter was Miss Burxlett Contts. Ludgate` Hill presented the appearance of hav- ing undergone some womlerful trans- been washed and furbi..hed up--many of them repainted--and every un- is anchored. _It is crowned with an enormous Prince of Walea"feather, thronged with people and profusely on the sidewalks, along the route par- The decorations are said to have surpassed anything ever known. Miles of the distance were given out on con- tract to be ornamented at the expense of the metropolis. Much also was done _ by subscriptions and by private enter- prise. gThe lamp-posts were painted blue and gold. Venetian? masts were planted at intervals of fty feet, and ; Joined by wireswhereon ags were hung dnringuthe day and coloured lan- ternsin the evening. The blackened time-worn stone: of. Temple Bar were completely hidden from view with ags and gilded ornaments. At the , crossing of Farringdon street was a . splendod triumphal arch, erected at an . expense of 4,000. Another hardly 'less splendid, spanned Oxford-road. Flags, festoons,` tapestry, wreaths of _ every conceivable character, were dis- played from housetops and windows, and across streets. A perfect wilder- ness of scarlet, gold and blue cloth, gold fringe, and other gorgeous decora- tion waved from thejbalconies and _ porticos, wher-ed gaily-dressed men, , women and children pressed to view the procession andA,9lapped`tl16iha,nd_S, , and cheered and swung` thei`r,1handker_-`_ chiefs, and scarves and hats in the air` _ as the royal carriages mov'ed'past them. . The Americans in the city were active in contributing to the success of the _ day. ..Next to the British, the Ameri-, . can ags were most:`,numerous.[, Both were often ontertvvined with imottos} tlement ofthe`AlabarIa Question, kc. _ The oicesofithe London Representa- . tives ot. the American, newspapers and the West End office of the A Associated ` alarms on the 3a ppo`in't'me`nt"etoi`es' divorc- ` gilded and burnlshed.anevv';"a'nd tnanyg `` _ of them'wereset off witlv loyal mottos: .vl --... . _ _. _._.._..___.._ such as Friendly Unioni the best set-- Press were nely.dec_orat._ed.\'_ _"Ih(e my-' ` 5 God blessthe Erinca of. Wales, 1` God: savejthe .Queen,"` 'I`._han_l_r,s tgpqqd, TRANSIFORMING" Tm: CITY. Rojas wh:o1m. 19, Q ; its I,-rem >lLI.)J`1\!l\I*I1:t."`t`1:V(J.IXW_. __ E The; westernfrout and__ the__ entire t dfotrle of"_St.` Paul s."were Villumir'ia ted' ' .to-night witni ehiprzlanterhs ar'r_d"*liine lights. The Bank of England, the cglub-houe,e_s,,a1l_ ,the public buildings : -e,`nd the appoiritm_ent stores were` elso illirmineted, toge.ther. `with thousands of private dwellings .nd'stores, andthe sitreets through which the procession lqinesed. were, brilliant with coloured llhpterns. the illurnipation of to-night will be repeated to-morrow night. no Drsohorm NOR A`CC'lDENTs, ` `It was remarkable that in spite of the great excitement "which existed among theenormous masses V of spec- tetors, there was little or no disorder. The police at times found themselves powerless to resist the tremendous pressure of the_crowd,,aud were oblig- ed to cell on the soldiers forassistanoe. The streets` in the neighbonrhood of the line of march were iernpeseablefor A whole bjocks but the greater part of the citywae esertod, and large` dis- triets remote from the scene `were si- lent as the tomb. ~ IAMISCREANTFIRESATHER. |Happny Without Effect] 7ttc1nptedWzZ;assina- tion of the Queen. -LONDON , Feb. 29, evening.-A mis- creant this afternoon fired. a pistol at Queen Victoria while driving on Con- stitution Hill, but happily without eifect. ~ `The would-be assassinwus pzornptly arrested . T.niunnI& wok, 90 1-nininkf _'T\n ;5BE0nGnANnvg_g_oN, onII;I.'1A. __1 .4 RJLUILIRFIIVJ KLIIUOICUIO Lounorv, Feb. 29, midnight.-The excitement to-night over the report of thexttempt of the life of the Queen is intense; Extras ot. the evening pa-pars appeared in rapid succession as _the conrmatory details "became known. Crowds are still collected in the streets discussing the "news and awaiting fur- ther particulars. A atnfarnnnf nflhn (`info tuna nvru-Inn}- T/ze-O/femzwr Pm'm;x/y A m%szm, | IIIUI rim: I-Auutulua A statement of the facts was prompt- Iy made in Parliament this evening, which,when it became known outside greatly relieved public anxiety. \v`\1n ORA nnnon AF T.nrAa Inna {n TUUIJ KUIIUVUU PUUUU uluuttty. ' '\Vl1ile the House of Lords was in committee disc_ussing_the ecclesiastical bill, Earl Granville entered and said he hoped their lordship: would excuse the sudden ' interruption of the pro- ceedings,` but he had an announcement to make, which it was desirable, should L}. "....nJ.-. -.6L..u.b .l..l.-.u L]... AL .._. `me Quje'en'1,'VkVxibk'c`cI: the; `man down.` O Con 1ior tvn'seizEki'azrr1` convgved to calm. 2 When Oluotmoiwgs qugstxqg: _ ed.,l;_e,sqid his de_pign_ Min: to_ mgmon` = .ID aign:thxqa tomng=;hnn aautlfu zoa_|z_;e : ;t;i'$?.;.`.'..`%?;1!:I!il!`_<:il-j-NH! mu .inatarit- ly aenzud y atten ants agqprevehid_ ' from doing further harm . " ` ' M : re vus therwfouud that"'the piagql, Musnnlmdcdnu it wgo of such -vpti i'-' ..t.i...V oonrtnusztip , Au`5f-.'_a-u5u;v_l .,U!_U,iP .: ,.llll_JUU 4)_I'lHUl', j , Ayvbo was seatpd )n the cpqnage Jwith prison'.`*=7'I h`eV` Queen` was" ~p'erfoct_ly; r the Queen into doing juItjce,tp[Irq}anftl`.` "The f_ llow_in"6n h:pd_. E'6VI`cl paprh ~ "'gr-gntiilg d`reY!use fo"t}1_t=5 `Fnia,_u` pm. EN onus; which 115- shouted lone Queen math!` ifubld ;. beat I H on did. it nrnhnlilu-nnnlrl nut l.-_- `I..;.'.'.". - nu IUIBV3 vvuuau It Wu) uuuunulug nuuunu be "made without delay`. .He then proceeded 510 state that, at half-past ve this evening the Queen. returning from a drive, had reached Btickingham palace. As her carriage stopped at a gate a young man ran to the side and presented a. pretol within a foot of the Queen s head. The Queer} bent her head dowri to avoid the shot, but the pistol did not explode. Earl Granville said he would riot dwell on the details nor po1nt'to the contrast between the dastardly got and Tuesday's extraordi- nary expression of the na.tiou s loyaltv. Thd nlrkn nf"'urir-lnnnl-m'nn Iudgu ,-.-.' v\("!*|ts*P*.'P"::~!!I.5 llsu. been 1o3e_d, it` pgogblgzv cop_l_q nyg hug been `dzidhhrgedi ' er .lVfgi`i1s'y' `v'rV_n"s yoiy `oalrh , anmhawdd ,'_l`1tir`e`\5vhich ahehuI=on bfora exhibiledh She_ . .~hau.dim;ed that mjamqmonr ot the 5 ,.cir<.=3am !R9';.:P9 r:iI.n.n9dia.t.-1! ilnhd in both` outs: of PqIliament,`in ordr T.nIl|)\M', Mnnnk 1 man)` An 6|... #9 P,9Y3n.s1ss9!&19.;!9I9s'w`=-3 ; ' uay KLIJIIIIE OIIU `IIUIJUEOIUIIO Nnw Yonx, F-ab 29.--ThO` 1)"'0}ld _s A Londpn specia.l_to-night gives the fol- lowingyejsion of the a2isa.t_1lt_ won`. ghe Queen_:-A:i "the_ Queen' wn`s"f_e-entering the Court yard at -Bt1ckigh`1x*;P co after-"a. drive throlbghhe Park to-' :13, V 'AlXx-ed O'Connor, :1 Fenian; 18. yearg old, sprang over the wall,` rushed; unto ' the carriage and struck the Quen, on thehreast with an unloaded, pistol, at the same time npresentingh petition xofamneatyefor the Fmans, exclaim- 31187-`f;Si8n9|' -.die, 11 . Prin_ce Arthur, ivho wnsseated in 11149 nnrrinan nan. Kill`: UJFIUUDIUIJ UL IIIU IIEIIUH D l\']lIIIoy. Thd Duke of"Buckmghu'm briey expressed the thankfulness of the House at the escapeof'Her Majesty from danger. A `Mp (.`.lm-1unnnw..-.,1.. ol..--o..4-........a :.. IIUIIJ l-IIIIISVI I Mr, Gladstone `made the statement in the4HoAuae of'_C,ommons similar to that of Earl Granville. The would-be aa- sassin was taken to the nearest police [station .' 1'1 3 , _ .__, I ', ,,,,_ rxcna 0 .LV.l. V On approved freehold security, and at mode- nee Interest. ' . Lnnlu tn Dluvlvu I A Hagives his name as O Connor and is about 19_ or 20. yearaoi age.~,- His be- haviguy in the sgationiwas wild and his Iangutge incoffrnt. He boasted _th|t *he' tried to reac-Lh~ the Queen on_ Tues- day during the procession; _ Nair vnnlr walk `)0 TL; tXr....7..77- 939's:se=s,-:ss9ws9_x9r999r=-~ ~ V ...={!9?I9.-mu Mwh 1. emn.-.-.Afltha ~ 11 r I'th"B 't 't'ftt' . a $38"%ytf&`i rf:1'1:agsg9'Q!:o:pl:;; mg-pop}a;-imozsavg-'gathauamg she. , ; #1::-;h:(;vht3hlIgtag!}imp`:?A`fbfL _ Q A_.nnnn51dnLnf,I}nn. _ Inna :- 999` .A jXW)\.`}lV",HU,QIIIB|l|:Ul `UUXIKA ` The father of the giggyggg is 16 ` . Iriphman,L_whil`e t Q 01 or portion of 1h8fubni fI` ur`e"EIY Ifh;'a3 belong to wlaaaa m dfcilh ~.K|3I-AH` -V` " rv;\nnnr n! ` uvlaulvtx uusutu-gnu -5-unuyllv ` U}-' I-J} l;mnthe.aa;suJnt :0! mp Qtleouin; `The uthnr of the nrinmrmr -u UIIU IGIL-Ill EIU nu I151] HUI UUIUU IU X I tlie` `~Protstan`* ChIirolf;"'0 Cbnnor s. ' L us`o-`has boon thdioug hly`aec'tohed by ` ;_d,o.seo;i~as,- but.noghi.ns whutowenwlu : `Ioun_d,to ezimingta auy_ ,_h_i_ ' i,nglus.d'aatord_1yuotc. - ~ * - , . 'I.Lii1 iITF`0o if at T` v -- `in advance. vav u1,IuU Lvuvw I-VICPIIIIIIU `I ww `staeft at oonh of- _ in en `lion . 3TWO pra1uon9'.I'P$3II$ I.3 Ivfgxgyiah arid trotttnpleasing appoarunod; and to- dty 'wae-quiet an uneuunrufin man- ner. He made no attempt at bravado and listened quijly .59 thb teqtimony without seek":_ng to interrupt or oontra~ die the witnoaten ,- V . e- . : in being interrogated by0h`dMngiI- trate he stated-that his-full -neme- wee Ar_thur`O 0o};1I;0r, thli hp wen ibrn in Edgleqd, but that big {Ether wee a nu- tiv`or of:Irelnn(l.7-,`)t subsequently eliitedthut ltisiigwedfether wet the well-known Fergus O'Connor, one of thegleaden of the Chartint movement. John_B_orown, Her Mnjeety I. groom... us uunuunu UL IIID vlluluii lllvlllullls ohn Brown, groan... 0.11. Hidiug, 'eqms'ny- to we Queen, aqd_ Prince Leopold toatiod to the on- cumstanods of tin assault of which -th"ey wage eye-witnalhea. Their lute- bnhniu Rn uh? AXE. rnnOAvnH- (noun OI... uzpy we_1:c_: eye-Wunolloa. Incl! lute- lnpnts do not dlfer materially from the _gocounu nlreuly telegrsphed. to the Ahsociated Pxesa. A V gOue of the policemen into whoae oustody O Conuor was delivered, swore tllat theprisoner said the reason he !_h-rd not a loaded pistol was became it 1 nh'Uu-nlvnn "III,-`ill! vnnnnfnlw gvnlniu-n_ TEE Canada Permrnent Building and aving Society, of `Toronio, is now the Cheapest and best Loaning Institation in the Dominion and 18 prepared to advance inoney on improved Farm. Interest from 7 to 8 per cent, Princi- pal en .22 pnidin one sum at the end of tbs term. A trie cver ten per cent; per annnm pnylo both-Principal and Interest in 20yeare. , WM. SANDERS, Appraim for .,.P.B` S. Society. Rnoh. n. on 1 mm ' 1 J.-. o.s'brokon,th_at-"he re atediy oxolaim-. `$1 llvu II Avuuuu. ruin-IL VVIII UUDGIIIO lb 6 -"` I wish to God had succeeded ;" *1 at he avowed ho had- gntqnded to __ _..-..L - __A.'4:.~._"_.. aI._ lillllo MU IVUVVULI Illllf IIIIULIUUU IU present a petitjqn-for the Fenian am- nesty to me Q`u'een-in, St. Paul : Cathe- dral 9:: Tuesday, when she was aur- zfaunded by her` Ministers ;that he then had non and ink readv for her to aizm I IIIJIICNI U IIWI` lVJlllIUI "INCH IIC MIOIK had pen and ink ready for sign the document with; that he would havoLmn`de_ thmattompt, but the crowd was sugreat he could not get near her Majesty`? ' ` ` ' 'I`n1n n-nnv-',~'I'nninpL An 6).. -u.:..u...... "'r1"C33 ._,,g_:.; `found-,on the prisoner when he wssieized ivere`pi'oduced in court and -road. One, pardoning all. the Fenian convicts, is `in substance as follows :--" I, Victoria,-' Queen, by `grace of `God make the following de- plarntion} wherens,i_the_re is now con- ned in various prisons throughout the kingdom a number of Irishman known `as'eelebrat'ed`Fenians; whereas, they were imprisoned with my sanction, having rebelled and conspired against the Crown, and to weaken and destroy my power ; whereas sympnthizers with these men -have petitioned for their `pardon, and notwithstanding they are `still unliberated, now, 1 Victoria, Queen &c., do grant full pardon to each and every Fenian prisoner, unconditionally; and notwithstanding this` my agree- ment is made under `fear of my life, I will not depart therefrb`m. Dated, February 22, 1872. ' '1"!-m nel-am. A.......~......a z . . --.._.....AA IJUUIHEIJ iii! 10'`: The other dccument i ! a commuta- tion in advance of the punishment of the prixoner for his present act, from hanging to shooting, and 18 dated Feb. 28. M .1 ll 9|-IUIIE CHUUIUO It is evident that the papers found on the prisoner are his own work, and the impression ofall who heard them read is that they are the_ product of a. deranged mind. Th- (\u..-.. I- T)....L.'.....I...... .__I--- ~uu At the conclusion of the examination the pxisoner was committed for trial at the assizes and taken back to Jail under a. strong escoxt. If {I nub]-ant that Hun o-..--..... (......J uvnauauu uuuuo The Queen left Buckingham palace `to-day for Windsor castle. On her ar- rival'at Wmdsor she was met by al- `most the entire population oftho place in than Inn-mnnt r1nI11nnnhvnHnnu nf L131: 01? CONSTABLES. The Io!-lowing are appointed con- serutors of the Peaca, for the County ofsimcoe, fo; the year of grace 1872 :- -uuqu. suu vuuuu lluyunaluuu U1 um [NICO in the warmest demonstrations of loyalty and aection. T b APPLY TO JAS; EDWARDS, Royal Insur Inca Olce, Barrie. . * MToNEY_To LEND. RA -L ' 'nULis'IUn. `-Thos; Bradley `Alex. Clemehgog ,3, muxogu. .` A .P6e13h;Nala'on` ~ `W2. uonnwona ' Robert~Ennis "I`homnsN1xon - Robert Matohotr Wm:'G1"an't ' , ` The egrebutive cdudil 6f the Nation- ` `a! Bogxjd of '1 ru_de has been in session ; "'50 W150? dlII`_I.ng thuput week, 'and ' hasunder oongnderation various quea- } giogs upon_ wh1chtheBoard noted at its , a,uHtun_;nalAmooting in St. Louis, in De- ; ogtqper last.` Thg Council has} memo- ", rxa_hzed0ongreasm_fa1_rour of {be ap- .\ pogntmaurof Commuuonera,to_ ap- ;pg1_ng_3d ttinnlphiiofylho Dtimmgonf of F ? `- .9, -49.55?` 3'9" ; 9!! 0 F0- : ~..b.F:_V,n; Qlnnda . ;and tho ,'U,mod 8*-F993 -; `Abigale: and U . V0 bli` thi that ADJALA. MONO. Michael Ceeserly Wm. Irwin Thomas Cushon John Ferguson Hugh Duggan Wm. Irwin Thos. McAne|ly George Island Thomas Lowe NOTTAWABAGA. John Moore 3 John H. Slocomben John Mooney Peter McArthur Patrick Nolan Levi Brillinger J amos Morrison -Tlrumas Haws muuux. John Ough Joseph Rogers Henry McCutcheon_ High- ConstablePeter Dallas Francis Rogers John Livingston Alex. Morrow James Gardner Charles Henry Johh Redford Solomon Sewrey George Perry Joseph Leslie James Wood Alfred Butt ' John McLeod Thomas Cross ono. Charles King Samuel Cotton James Mick ' Alex. MoDnee Wm. Baskerville Edward Drury, Jr James Breend Eppeth -Che pell James Stevens Wm. Hubbepq .`INlSPltu_ .Tosso1 Robaqippinstal Axthur I AAudre_vq_B -anks, Wm. B: Wm. I-I_nd,eTs'on[ ncu Lawrerfce Johnson Jan. `A. 4 I~Iannjng:Warmoa Jan. . 1 5.! Jmznowrn. - Wm. B. George Bgrr,Jr Hugh D: .` ,Ruyuon Jan. Flo `urn unn l ...._L :- munronn. Samuel Drifil ( Edward Binghum. . Wm Campbell 1 Gibson Cook ' COLL! KGWOOD. Wm. Swain, Wm. Watts Adam Dudgeon Alex. Clark John McFadzen c ESSA. ' Henry Cobb A I John Livingston . '. J ohn__Bush `W. cwlnnuunumri I S. W. Washburn . John Bolton ' . fJas. MoLoHand Thoma; Dqdd _ Alvey Town: ` r';.o."f " 4 VJ'obn-'Th'6m1ou -1 -Joseph Swan .; . . :1 '_MIIFI`I`. Igluum '0 P5. i'i1io ..-l gash Us Kfn'l|'!\AIx9AnAn. pa--v Au uuuuu .- Apvly to . ` . ARDAGE, ARDAGH .9; STRATHY, Solicitors, Barrie; ` Barrie Jan. 5th, 1tA3A66. 2-t: -Chappell Hubbng oaruu. 7 George T.ght . Thou. McLaughlin Ohnstoph er Moore Robert Dunn Thomas Wamica Alex. Young Francis Gardner Jeremiah Murphy Duncan McKinley John McKinley Wm. Jackson Robert Tmdal Timothy Connor unulvn-u . . .- TINY `AND MY. Wm. Tav Charles Quigley - PeIer`Kiltaino ;Daniel MoGrogor Tlnlnnmun I vane 15 UIUIPDCII Kidd Hunt Dowling ' Fletgiing Voneph Hollingchod Hugh Dowlmg Alex. Stephens Vlnann A _. vEZ.'" Richaxd Palmer John Partridge _ John Emmi ` .:,T.I...-.|n-n-~ " ""3. . SUNNIDALE. 3 Nicholas Currie J oh I) - Crawford Jas. Henderson Abel Jgnnings TINV Avon uni [ x?Js63%Io`." Murphey Wm . Baxter TICUMSITH. .1.. In n---l-" _.auuu nrnml John" ' McGowan -- '!":I".` no `u unto` ' It _ Bow -en-.-$.l:_._ 'Ull I'll. . Campbell Kidd U~I'LU8ll (IGWUICCS "Id!!! Oil b'00ll.\' I0]! J01` A5016. Sale Room, corner of Collier m'd Market Sts., Barrie. - . #3 Highest REFERENCES given. 9. I `\ "1 All descriptions oqanl romptly lled for serving ankiug nnd Promislory and. ` A nude 6;. 'Burib,May 12, mo`. m-ucn, Aueuoueer, Appraxser. anu uommnss1on_ Agent for the sale of HOUSES, LANDS, FARM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, amulu Warn: 2... AI... 4'." ex... ....n.\,.o:.,.. ..r ,l'Al|:I1 muun, uuummunu l"Ul(NH'U1ih', Gouda Wares, &c. Also for the collection of R N , NOTES AND ACCOUNT. Cash advcmces made Goods left for Sale. Sale Room. nnrner nf(`.nHinr `rfd Murkal St: VIP!" IILIW Bonk, Oct. 20, mo. I `U 0 .11 (!y'dI'h8.\V, DOHCHOI m Uilitll-_ A . Oonveyuncer, &c. - rrxcx-On Peter Street, next door tr` the Post Oice. V Oriliia, lune, 1868. ` 23- [h'1;5;:g; ' ' \IlJ1A`k}\JA`, LILI-I IILIIII, D. - Do So1iciz-:.- in Chancery, Attorneys-at-Law, Couveyauces, .Commissinuer in B.R., &c. Heir-and Dcvisee Claims prosc- onted. Agent for the Canada Landed Credit Company for loaning money on Real Estate. OFFICE--Nexl Frank Kemfs Store. ' ` ll 12 J. I . ll I.` J. 13 J. FOUNDRY, AGRI- CULTURAL 1 M P L E- V , MENT AND STOVE wonxs. . HR. HENRY SEWREY, is xiow px-spared to munufsture 9.11 articles `in his line, of. the best Mlcriptiog, nnd at cheap ruel. Bnn-ie, ec., 3rd 1867. - _ '49-Ly" `-1 0moe-Cburc1n Street, next door to the old _ Courl_}10uso, Toronto. I. c. cmsnox. D. MMICHAEL. 0. M Mxcmu:L. .l.lIo .1. o .1) tmmm, w11.1.. A1`- tend at his Oice, at Barrie, every SATUR- DAY, from 11 n.m., till 3 p.m.,t1ccc:ding to order of Council and every other day. 111. ms (Jice at Cookutowu. ' n__,x_ n L III (Late (larkon County Rcgzstry Oice Oonveyanoer, Commissioner in Queen"s Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Commission Allan for ma sale of HHUSER. LANDS. .51 A'L'|UKVl'iI-A'l'-IJAW, b`Uh1Ull'U1lN Chancery, Conveyancer, Commissioner in C. I . &o., &c., Sfnxmz, Co. Sumo:-.. 90041y .1. 1`lLl|)lVs"CAl'.Al-lJl'l, OU1JllJLlUK.l;V Chancery, Cor-cynncer, Commissioner in B.R., Ln .DRH.L'lA F.|.'\H`.(H<`. (`.n., (Lw 1.u' unaucery, uorwynncer, uommgsmon to.,ORlVI.L'IA SJ MCOE Co., GaW. "DGAR 13?. SANDEFS, J ATTORNEY-A'I`-LAW, SOLICITOR IN nhnnnnrv nnnnnvannnr {`.nrnrn:ac;nnnv-:n(` I ) J ; R. C` RARINRTFEI? In 1 I\J .I L 1'4 LL, \J\./lJ1`I..l J . ii. - CROWN ATTORNEY, BARRISTER, &c., BARRIE. 41._ ...----- ---~j.- All ..I.J ` Barristers; Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors in ncery, c., to. ' On-103- u-nlop Street, Barrie. W. Louzn. ' , G. W. LoL'x'x`., s & Stewart. V Bat-vie, May 18th, 1371. 97.5.1, guano:-a to time late rm of Boulton, Lount, . J.blJl`l\Ill, n.|.L1JnU l.1. (Y; Lndi 1 n_ 1 _.;._Be1'ristera and Attorneys, Solicitors in _ , Notaries Public, Conveyancers, BA Rm Co. Simcoe, Ont. _ n...nn - - ------ u nuuvu uvuuuux. u .-uxruu IIIUUAHTHY, J1`. Qfrlcl.-In their New Brick Building oppo- te_C. H. Ross Stot-c._ . r-._ ,p v A. ....._ ` L - - 1. 1'1-`A1113. Sept`. 12th, 1871. VKlI.$l.IlL BVLVIUWIILLLLII , I)[1L|:' . risbets, Anorneys-at-Law, Solicitors in Qhancory, Barne, Ont. ` - D'Au'oN Mcmrmz. D`ALroN MCCARTHY, Jr. I"-`...._ 1_.|,- 1v win an`. ., V, --,.v-.-,.....-.u 3 : v uL\vu ` *-:< :25 . `V . ` ` ll mb%e&k1y, in-the Town of Barrie, every.Tm?n`si3`n morning, containing the current news of- the day, and all matters rtglning to the affairs ofthe County. Price 1 iii.ndvance.6r $2.00 if not paid at. the time o! `subscrf lion. , * Anndnsnui -Six lines or under, first insertion Mo; each subsequent one 12c. Oversix Hues, "8 perliue,rst insertion; each sub- sequent one 2c. Professional or Business Card! per year $3 for six months, if not more than ten lines. Special contracts can be made by the year, or parts ofa vet-r.` Order! to discontinue Advertise- Ill .13 to be madein writing. V -Paper discontinued until `all arrearages nreipiid, except st the option of the publish- er. - ' . PI.lrnm,BoonnIo1xb and Ruhmo done on the premises, The facilities of the Estnbi sh- ment are more complete than any char North` of Toronto, having been carefully H tted out in`e'very particular. uommupmutona snoum Pqbshor, post-paid. _Bude,Ja&: 1 "1302. - I 3,1: II 11.51. to unuul, 11. .l.L)Ll- . , neya-a L-law, Solicitors-in-Chgncery, Con- veynnceu, &c`. . ' A Oguol-Owen Street, Barrie,_ Ont. H. D. 8'1`twAn-r,L.L.`B." Fnaucxs W. LALLY. N`B.-`-Money to Lend. I. Bnrnan. 24, 1872. ' k nan; ., ,.,vv_,_,,_,\,V\,_,,` TEWART &: LALLY, ATTUR-i neys-at-1Aaw, Solicitors-in-Chgncery, C nnnnnn -- norm or Toronto, having been carefully tpd ou_t in`c'very particular. Uornmuuicuibiia should be addressed to the Pnhllihu-_ nnnhnairl /Iuv\. us vvvnuuuvv uo Buy:-ie, Feb. 17, 18152. vnnavaa Bee. 1, 1868. - v...-....... .. _ February, 1862. [oszsm noqms, 3`%8Ro nu. v- us AI/Va: I)LUlUu Bairie, June 25, 1871." VAMERUN, MCMICIIVAEL &TMc- ,- MICHAEL, BARRISTERS. ,- rn,.__-Lc.,.__ L .1--- ,RILLI`ANPE'1`TY SESSLONS. eminent haw-lhnll Ill .'Apply to )A_I'_ru'1NG AND DECORATING IO_UNT & LOUNT, [`RANK EVANS. 1ARRrs'r'ER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICZTOR IN` nncerv. C0r:'(>`v.'1nner. Cnmmiiszinner h R R. ONEY TO LOAN cHEA$ER| .` THAN EVER. .IiDAGH, ARDAGH & STRATHY K .Rnt'ri,IIh-arm and Aha:-nnwa ` QnI:nhn..a :.. 'ONEY To LEND. llfillo ARDA G! A'cAR'1`11Y3c MCCARTHY, BITE riiltnrm At!.nrnnvu-n f.T.uu1 Qnlinhnra r ./\.x_/~\_, - _ ,- EIIIHICII berlud benet. b0, MOI Shelb- -. A J-Lu: "L E(5';AL cAR1).'s`.M LU 1. . J. COLGLOUGH M5BRI_LLEN, Clerk in Pnttv `nninnn ` ANDY, mnnlsrmn, A l`TOR-% J ncy-u.t-Lawisolicitorin Chan-_ uncnr. kn. -' E. H. ET-R1THYn i0B1Nso?,6R1'I.LIA, In QnHt\i?.'- - n nhannnrv 10 T '1` E R, COUNTY /' (`.RDWN A'Y"[`()R. \H~`.V ANTING, COUNTY CLERK, WILL AT- nt Rn!-rip. nvm-v S/\'l`UR- '. H E B A R R I E l`.'lTl_'I`nDAI' Ill-`DI U uuu un mcnrw. Clerk to Petty`! 1. ' j.._. gznk forms fof this Court 7 . Legal Forms and 7] 393 constantly on LEHND. inronn, An-ant BEA W s ,PU3;.1snnn. L` Unu, Agent. ' l9tf. ' 843- nuvulupy 1-Iy 847. `THOMPSON & LYNN. PHOTOGRAPHERS! prove-Io. ne hot an '0! netf cl