Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Feb 1872, p. 3

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an Iv VAAVJ .-.guAs\- vnvva v. --_...u. va-4 Now next ensuing, to le a statement 0. his claimiu my oilice situate on Dunlop Strect_.- iu the Town of Barrie, in said Count.y.ofSimcoe, and to serve a. copy on the said Fanny -Jane Clzapma.u,or on Messrs; Ardugl), Ardugh (Hid Stratliy, of the said Town ofliarrie. mud in dc - fault every such claim will be buried and ill(` title of the said Fa`nny June Chapman become absolute and indefetsiblc at Law and in Equity subjectonlyto the reservations mcutinned ill the 17th Section of lhcsnid Act, and to the iucumbrances above set forth. _ Dated this Thirteentl: day of February, 1872. .(Signed)_ . J. R. CU'l"l`ER, , ` ~ Muster at Bm'l`i0, R'::I`v::uc. 'AnnAn n Ahnnnvv a- ornnvrnv 1 VVIHIEXD IUDIXIPSUD ()1 H18 SLUU 7 1111151. UI Duly` ner, Hotel_Keeper, her uextfriend, for a. certi- cate of'Title-to the nhove mentiom.-vi property, under l`heAct for Quieting Titles to lie:-13' Eatate in Upper_Cana.d;1, and hath produced evidence whereby she apoonrs to be the owner thereof, in ice, subject :--'1st. To an Agreement an the Sale ofali timber on said iaziti made be- tween the said Charles Jnmcs Chapman and Marshaii N. Stephens. 2nd. A Mortgage `dat- ed, 28th day of April, 1871,` made toiann `Lor- ing. 3rd.. A Mortgage dated 4th day of Janu- ary, 1872, made to William-.'1`hcmpsou (by him assigned to Thomas Cundie). ,-}th. A Leate made to Jeremiah B. Westrrveit nud_Jo.hn L-`s- lie. 5th. Policy No. 2666, in Outuirio Mutual Fire Insurance Co y., all of which are more fully set out in" the affidavit of the said Pcti tionsr in support of her Petition herein Wherefore any other person having or preteni- ing to have any title to or interest in the said land or any parrthereof, is required on or" be- fore the lTwenty~Third day of March, Nnw nnvf anI:n5nrr in mp. 91 szmlr-n-rant n. hi: Notice is berebyvgiven that Fanny Jane` Chapman of the Village of Stayncr, in tho Counfy of Sim .-oe, wife of Charles Jmnrs - Chnpmanyof the Same place, Carpenter, hath made application to the Court ofvchancerv, by William Thompson of the said Village of Stay- nm-. Hmel Kepnpr, her next, friend. far :1 nerli. 1 ' '-** . A In the matter of the East. half.` and the North West Quartn of Lot Num- ' ber Tweizty-Nz'7ze, in the F273! Con-. cesswn of the Taionshzp of T ossorontw in the County qf Szmcoe. ' U833 II! `D! 1872. WM. BOYS, Snlinitnr `fa ! aeplemner, 1'31", are 011 01` DQIOYR UXE FIFTEENT 1; DAY OF MARCH, A.D./1872. . to send, by post, prepaid, to William Boys of the Town of Barrie, in the_ said County of `Simone, the Solicitor of the executor of the deceased, -t_heir Christian and Sir-names, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a. statement. of their accounts, ani the -nature of the securities` (if any) held by them; or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded"'om 'tl.e benet of the said order. Every credit r hoiding any security is to -produce the same b fcre me at my cham- bers on Dunlop Street, a the Town of Bax-lie aforesaid, on the twenty-sccondday of March, A.D., 1872, at Twelve o'clock, noon, being the g time appointed for adjudication on the claims. ` Dated thin thi*t.r-rst. dnv of Jnnuarv. A.D..- 5171 the matter of 1.. 92 state of .Rz'chard Barry /, late 6 ` the T ownship of Suvzmklale, in 2` ie County of Sim-. oae, Yeoman, deceased. A Pursuant to an order of the Court of Chan- cery made in this matter the, creditorswqf Richard 39 21-3 , late oftbe township or Sunni- dale, in \ -ze County of Sirucoe, yeomnn, . deceased, n ho died in or about the month of September, `870, on or before the FlT<"l`I`.l'`.N'H. DAV mq` MARCH. A.D.1872. pa GHANGERY. ume appomteu xoruaguuncnuon on me cumns. Dated this thirty-rst day of January, A.D.,- 872. . - V ueucnu l:l'UVl.l!l_UllB 01 um mun. qunuqhbnu slowest. prum. ' . ` ` ` T Id! of Families will nd _ divan- tn ail-dtthi (Ina! -Wanbm lnrl. UJXUIX, Al\U;lU1l a} D111 Solicitors fur Petitioner` :1`HMANCERY iv61'1E 9r'o CnE D.I.- J 4 TORS. ' _ . N M - DU 1 c,`_ a. Sohcitor `for Executor. Frdmd or without Frames . r-oL'R'm DAY` 03!` MARCH ,t..4..m...-.6 I Net dobr West of the Fire 7 ORILLIA. In 6I:('.- -I-0-cry. in llll manna- ) .1. n. uuxuun, Master at Barrie, ' HM STORE; J. R. Cori ER, ntnr Mnnlnr n! R: UU 1 I 13413, _ Master at Barrie 5-"(in nu, _1lefcfee. 734 in; |r'on SALE on EA-SONABLE TERMS] WCSL DBII 110! IV, III lI|__IIU U011-, 100 acrel. . ' ` ` ` ' . South half not 6, In 13th Gon`.,Weat Gwlllhlr 2-hnn_1oo mm. 7 South hu!fLot_35, in 4th co:i.,NomwuagA- 100 acres. ` 6. V Eaten. gn- DUULU uuu 1.lUl4_0U All `Sill \lUlla LVUU|vD'I5Cl53U3 100 acres. _ , ' N. E. part Lot 15, in 10th Oon., Nottayvaaaga -2-53ac1-ea. North mar Lot 17; in the 18th 0on., "riny`- 100 acres. ' must uuu nun Ln, Lu gut Vuuq npnu UlllI""' 100 acres. ` V ` I Lot 12, in 3rd 0on., North OrilIin.-200 aofes. West half Lot 16, in 13:1: Oon.,?Modonte-100 8.0283. ` . It can nun. Anew .v, nu avian av... ...g.,..,,."`._" acres . - VWesthn1fLot 1a, in the 4:1: cox_:., neaom...-. 100 acres. _ L Lot 11, [in 8th Com, Vesprn-200 acres. _ T West , half -Lot .10, in th9_2_nd 0011.`, " 100 ' DUHLH uuu Huh 0, Ill 10! US: I `bu -100 noreu. `Aid o`tg11, in and Oon.,,f .nf Ynrk.-'l 80 tun-on . S-IMCOE LANDS. LVUILLI Llllll .|.lU|n II In |L|U LOILI UUIL, 1lIIy-' 100 acres.- W est half Lot 26, in 2nd Gon.,'l.`iny-.-100-notes Ea.st0ha1fLot 12,` in In Odn., North Orilllu- 10 acres. ` ' _ V LHUMAD HULMUWAX. 553, Oxford Strict, (late 244 Strand) London, W.C.l September 1; 18_71. '38-26in: flhla -AND UAN'.'.`M.lNT. ' V I would ask, as a. great tnvour, that should it come to the lmowledge of any person that spurious medicines are being made or.,eold in my name, he be pleased to send me allthe par-` `ticulars he can collect respecting the same, that is to say. the name and address of the vendor who is selling the spurious medicines, and like- wise the name and address of the House in the United States, or elsewhere, which may have `supplied them, so as to enable me, for the pro- tectiou of the public, to institute proceedings against such evil-doers, and I engage to remu- ncrate-very handsomely any person who may give me such informetiontthe informant/5 name never being divulged." _ _ Rlmnlril nnv nernn have rnnunn in lmlimm n...o never OI-Mug uivuigeu.` I Should uny person have reason to believethnt he has been deceived by buying spurious imita- tions of ' these Medicines, he will do` well to send me. in- a letter to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six cents in post- age); one of the books of instructions which are nixed to the same. I promise to" examine it and send a. reply, stating whether the Medis cines are genuine or not, so that if spurious lit! may apply to the person from whom he page chased them to have his money returned. Chemists and Dmmzistn who dnnirn fn nmnan cuaseu luem Lu uuve` nu money returned. Chemists and Drnggists who desire to obtain the; Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale prices in` -quantities of not less `than 20 worlh-viz., 85. 6d., 22s.,and 343,; `pepdozen boxes of Pills or pots ot",Ointme`nt, nett, without discount, for which remittance mnstbe sent in advance. . Y I-noun flan I-an:-nun On I.- lly UUCU UlSUK'yUUL|5. ' _` Imcsteurncstly entrcat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased, in the "public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purchasing worthless imitations of `the genuine Hom;owAY s Finns man Om"rmmT. ' Y mnnhl nah an n. np.-mo man... 41...: ..L_._1_1 2} UUll11l'b' LILIU cents. ' _ Nu representative of mine will ever travel through any part of the British Provinces, or the United States` either to sell, or to take. orders for my Pills and Ointment, and as I have red- son to believe that attempts will very probably be made to deceive the public in this way `by persons calling upon medicine vendors. falsely .re_present1ng that they are acting for me, and with my knowledge and consent; I deem it ad- visable to put lhepublic on their_ guard against any such deceptions. ' lmn:t.t=nrnoatlv' entrant. 5: than mt... ........ xueunsuuup uu wuxcu Is UIIEFZIVEH IDO words. I-IoLLow.u"a PILLS AND 0m'rram*, and that the uddrnss on the label is 5.33, Oxxronn Srrucsr, Lormou, where only they are manufactured, and in no other part of the world. The retail prices are on the labels in British currency, and not in dollars and cents. ` 17.. .........-......u;.o:.... -0 ...:_- _:n -__., ;,,_;. I beg moat respectfully toacquaint the public of the British North American Provinces that in may 1871, I caused the -business at E0. Maiden Lane, New York, for the -sale of HoLLown s P1LLs Arm 0lN'I`MEN'IT. which were up to that t me prepared by William Brown, now deceased," to he closed. I regret to say that I have rea- son to know that the mamagemeut of the late _ business had for some years, and in many ways, been most corrupt, and it may be that the_Pills/ and Ointment were not prepared with that care I have: always desired; . ' 'l`hn=o who do not wish in has Anmtuna I... 1 H379` H|WNy3 ueslreu. Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines, whichvare now like- ly to emintzte from the States or elsewhere, but to possess themselves of the genuine HOLLO- wm"s P1LLs AND UIl1TP&ENT,tIii_in'llfitctlll'ed by me in London, England, will do well to see that each -120: and box bears the British Govern- ment stump on which is engraved the words. Hnn.m.v.v .: Puma Ann Own-unum. and st... TO THE PUBLIC` OF THE BRITISH PRO- V1NGEaS OF NORTH AMERICA. uuu may uu uuuu wuu L'UIln(18I_lCe m an 03588. `As this is entirely distinct and different !x(`)n'1' every other preparation of Hypbphosphites, be carctul to ask for FnLLows SYRUP,` and take no other. gaps 12'zAroTHETcA1u1:s. D.-:m Q1 an . 0;. 4:... any .-_n. 44~ . ;i:1 it gives relief v.(Lere every other remedy fails. For Nervous Debility it stands` unrivalled and may be used with condence in all As this is entirelv distinnt nn dzmm-one I..`...:.' , % - - "1 %W!%*B=`wAr,.Ar,. `9? imuzu wuu uxygcu... - ItAisV:\d;\ptcd for _ALL cases of Weakness and Emnciution, whether arising from a. sedentary "life, a tropical climate, from fever, or debiiity from any cause, and is eicacious in Pamorumv ` C0k.`sU,\!1`I`!0N, many conrmed cases having br.-cu cured and all b0nelte'_', -whereiits use has been continued oveia fortnight. - In Bronchitis it is a. am-ci`:-._ nn in Aafhmo uccu umnmuru uvql` B. IUl'L'1lgnl2. specic, and in Asthma it gives" relief w_Lere F01-Nervous Debiiitv stands` nnrivallpd ouuy. . . I Rousing tize Siuggish Heart and Liven strengthening the action of the Stomach and Bowels, and enabling the Lu 2 b 1 1| ' . fiatcd with Oxygen... ` ngs 0. e u- y In it in .-\dnntmi Fm` Am. nncna nf TV..n1....... .....: IJJELUKU, `Lil-U LZJC ~;Y1ll3C1U3. Du'Qng[n]ug uerves, it causes the rapid distribution , of . Vimiizcd Blood in` the Muscular Organs of"th Body. , Rnnaintr Hm Qlnn-nriain Dan; .....I ~r:_,., 15 Iuueeu at noon to we World. Maderu Chemistry has venti1atedthe-ques- ticn and discovercd the ingredients constituting the brain, muscles nud.nerves,' and finds that by introducing these ingredignts in proper propor-V Lions-thebrnin and nervous system are strength- ened. ' 1 - mm. 41...... :. ....L...-._.:_n_ u L . GHCU. _ This, then, is,subsls.ntially the basis on which Fmmows Ilworuosvnxrzs is built, its direct action is upon the Blood, the Brain and Nervous System, and the Muscles. Strengthiug the uerves. it causes" rzmid distrihminn nf inn not u, in am: \ of York-180 urea. Ai\nI911|~ As all life-endowed bodies. whether they b: Beasts, Birds, Reptiles,` Insects or even Zoo- phites, and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom urcgovervml by vitalforcc, which `binds all the s{\r'mgs of existence, and as nothing can save them from destruction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living body is indeed at boon to the world. Mnftxzrxl (varnish-u has uus..&21..A.._1 AL- ,.,,7 IJZEQTRJCIAN GALVANIST, , MULCASTER s'1*., BARBIE, . NEXT THE R. PRESBYTERY. PLAT.INT-(-3-- DONE. mm or grnusrime s. K . ------ A BLACK MARE with one white hind leg, and 2: BROWN FILLET COLT, rising three years old, with white strip, white star on fore- head, and white hind foot. Both strayed on V the first of December, 1871, into Lot '14, 9th con; cession, Essa. The owner on proviug_of pro-` party and defraying the necessary oharges, may ' receive the same. ` ROBERT MGMASTER, ` ` 6-3 in. ' ~ Thornton; n1s.xVtu_un1_B`I.', V , ' Ottawa, Canada. Mechanical Engineer, Solicitor of Patents and vDr.`u;l'.tsman. ' - ' +|Al'I`1lll'.l'lUUEhI AND k'1tU! lSH.h! EE- .l.1 cured in Canada, the United States and Eu- rope. - Patent guaranteed or nochax-ge'. ` Send for printed instruction. Agency in operation ten years. . . - ' - . HENRYGRIST, Ottawa. Cniuldn. u... ` I-nnn . vT'f 'a'Ip'6m- e o. Innial. _24th May, 1871. T 21- 4 EXPEDITIOUSLY AND PROPERLY SE- ` cnrp in annrln Hun Unho Roan mm! 13..., fgmznrs or mvznmu The public are respectfully informed that the Proprietors of the above mills have recently `added new machinery to that used laet yetr, nndare ncw;prepared to execute 'siny order in their line of business which may he requiredI_ Highest price in cash or trade for ivool. 117 G en: A.f)lVlil!1!l| g. nn Bn1jric,'IJan. 3,_1S72. ' `I4! KJLVJIIKJ `l.l\J '7 JV, EU LIJIIIILU, Q0 .1 POULTEREB. ' ' L ., -` ' A ; if was to inform the public` engine hu'fik5`i Stall No. 4, in the Market House, Barrio. where he will carry on the Above bnlinen. an-io. December 1121:, 1887', . I0 II III ' man A um - (Int |THoM s L0V7l::,_BUTCHER,V`& T POULTERER. . - " v "L l_7AUT10N!![ (`1AU.TION!!!f L-\ELLovvs COMPOUND.` NNVISFIL WOOLLEN. MILLS, TWO. MILES FROM BARBIE. LExAiIDER LAWE,` Il'K`f _lU KI Appljto` ;.2 :4 a_ and. ULLLAIUQLULVJHUI Price, $1.50; SL1 for $7.50; JAMES I. FELLOWS, Chemist, St`. John, N. B." I. III IIUVIIUCUA I have the honor toTb`e, With great respect," THOMAS HOLT. u great respec , JTHOMAS Ho}.L0WAY. I/nln 9,14 mmmh [I in I ha .-om Cake Baskets; Card B.qkets.[ Cruet Stands, Piokl Stands,` ButVt'er Coolers,Kniv_'as,LForks IJHIIUI \JVUlUlU,l-LIlI'?U, . Spoons, &c'. . x If you are troubled ` mgke your eyqs,n_ohg'a them aqide` " as `you' subqtinit those bean: ~. r A rt A n na n_ '1t1\`1`-u 5`. V _ V _ ` _ uuu In ,0, UIHI them aside as `you " 5 Mwoulcin poiuon, and substitute those beam, _ - . 7 V V . , _.-tifn1' spectacle: of LAZARUS 8; MORBISP. You will be surprised andadlighted at thejimpgove,- `mom , and x'ea`oue-y9ur;sight frozp the certain dreadful; geacta of /wearing com- mT03!%=P939'8".;`.:5#`a-Se &iC-=1-gSANPn.I. 4;.| s'ent.`Biri!<:. a a line offbuaiiiss pram tly `,tti&il < No? .. r roan` thing in our `xinie 91 ovl_1 yoga. T Gent s Sis;`Jwe1ry,] nnncmrmrnn wm,_ WATCH MAKns, lmnsmlrlcnmwnwn` watches 2; aJ1Il_ JEa:jrJ1y`2 `e1IlIl IE?m1;]1y*Sl5Z JEm..no]1yg gg ' 7});;n'nl1I] I`I`IBl(:I'Il! nnrn`-unmu. I..- - rrim: II |eHms'mAs PRESENTS, ac., AND VEXAMINE OUR GOODS- .~#NTiN Jani. 21, 1871.. CROCKERY 8:. GLASSWARE,` Ever 10'erc(l to `the public at _ the Prices. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS! |M@@3@R3;@REWE$9 mvasaemsgl cg-A. QALL SoI;ICIT_ED--cu % 1.13. CROMPTON, a co., Sign of the Golden Beaver. ` Imronncns. Opposzte the Northern Railway _Statz'an, Dunlap Street, `Barrie. Banie, Feb. 14, 1872._ ' 4:5-ly NEW BRICK BLOCK, DUNLOP ST.,q Ladies" Suits, Jewelery; M c0.0NKEY S BLOC K, IN 0'1`: Q13. :"0 T [C E! menu: lot. It Pious ':;`...3 . % [mm mam svsmm emu. All Goods marked at the lowest gure from which there can be no deviation. ` We don t want to give one mane bargain and cheat another, but will sell T to a. child the same as the closest buyer. We are in a position to get our Goods :1 little better than most houses, as our connec- tion with Houses in Great Britain and the-best` Cana- dian Markets, enables us to sell at prices which can be equalled by few. WM. 11 UN T1+.j1z,L BEAUTIFUL '_8ELEC TION S [HUNDRED REMNANTS! The BEAVER}iaving enjoyed che -largest, and most successful seasons trade he W61` had, andehavjng just taken stock and taken in the situation, is about to ' I celebrate h1s success wi_lh a ' ' _ ____r.__..___......_..__...., __ _ Galdeh Bewverv .' Gold` and Silver, u . ndor; union . In their ixcw Frot and after this date our business Will conducted on the Has removed to new and more comodious premises in his -With the largest apd most no-arefully selcted stock of CALL AND SEEfor Yo URSEL ms BEAvEnz: Of the balance gt his stock, together with several AT MERELY NOMINAL PRICES. \l All who-i1_;tend.mking purchasesfor GREAT cmmeae SALE OUR Goons)" ::l"APPYL NEW mm 2|: ,]MERRY 7XMAs|" 3. L. SANDERS, To oI;e'and`ill. - ' THE `AT THE New Brick Block, Dulop S:tr_e;t,-1'3arrie. A 51- 1 Jur- - IRA` cnmn T $1035, _'-I_ 'I'5I--I_ 'I \.-._1_,, !Violin: strings; Conceyinayg '`.|utes,v Sleight, `Toy Car- nmma. Am [V1017-I1\LT%5' I 1|ms=ToYSl K2 doors eat 12/` the Old Stand VAn_d pp .e`m.ilogsq vinrietiof ,Wonderfl`iuyontion in Kalil v'. n: ` -lEWEI.LERS,T &c., and commodions stor with .',ao:go1e_uui: and linn` sung". ..-s P7_'_0 prict0r, |%_=r-`r 0 IGA BS`-9*] A1l_our Itock in line in wmanted Itricily Pure and of_ our ownlimportstion. l_01'J"Ima; Presents `y New Yefs Gifts,| 0:7-:15 % YEAR OLD PORT WINE A poi: canzsmm. I Of. all Kinds, and the rarest PURE um W1NES&LlDUDRS| An entirely new and complete stock of DRUGS, ' Todm, STEPHANOTIS, - . JOOKEY ems, YANK-LANG, WILD ROSE,` 'ron.m sons," lu:'?JUST_RECElVED-$0! PERFUME S, In: on|LLIA nnun s1'onE.l TES'I'AIA3LI_S HE D 1862. Old Brass, Copper and Rugs taken injexchange Barrie, 1869. ` V 19-l'y. %|@TVE@ zml ---:o:-- ll kinds "of repairing done and all work warranted swmc_g_gcnms.' VVholesale & Retail. lot;-TINWARE, cwd Q1L, &c.,.:;o ' Just reeived to hand 4 larg nssortmet of Cook, Parlor and Box ' Of various designs sud patterns, which he will sell as cheap as any other house in town. in.` lw ".."`. ...%* *.-_ WT l IHARDWAREl ]GUNSMlTH, &c.,[ He also keeps on hand, and manufactures COFFINS of ellkinde, and furnishes all the paraphernalia necessary for Funerals. including an excellent Hearse, which can be had on very moderate terms. ` _ 21-. `The largest and beat suogted stock in this . V Province. ` u:s-oN _ REAsbNABLE Eiiizms. . Inoons, 'ASHmAND BLINns,[ Raspctfully announces to the pnblic rthat in in at all times prepared to take contracts for bnilding, and that he can furnish 3UC`KS,STA fIONERY &`FANCYG_0ODS I Builder andllndertaker, Ogmize the Cdzm IIou.;e, Barrie, ALEXANDER `GRAHAM, The Proprietor begs to acquaint the travelling public generally, that he has bought out Mr. T. Needham, and is not prepared to anpply horses and vehicles as cheap as can be had elsewl-ere Commercial travellers liberally dealt with. conveyances to Orlllia and Penetanguisheno. Barrie, Nov. 8, 1811; A (My '_Q2posite-the io /'dToranta. T WII.LIAM smmznr Proprietor. I INEW LIVERY sTABL1;s;. 3.. I all! lmnnl 4` '_l'1au ULIMDLVQLULVJLU nereqy 110- tify all parties indebted to him by note or book nccount,1.Ixa:unh-as the same is paid placed hi chm-t.` fa; collection. onarbeforo the n-pt of March. they will be H. BENNETT, Barrie, Fob.'lt, 1872. A4 Tailors} Olothier. THE UNDERSIGNED hereby no- ` parties indebted him'lny `H35 in addition to his stock of general ;ARRiE STEAM GUN AND. TIN MANUFACTORY, A HAIR: MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, . PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, FANCY SOAPS, ` norms supmnp wn-n`_ less than lfogouto P:-ling. .7. :E%tJ':L.L_A.N,_ .And all kiqds pf Ammunition. 0! all kinds suitable fog OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. BUY_ soul: or THAT At very short notice, and -\--- . .-.4`:-. -.---. __.-.._. NAIL AND ALSO AGENT FOR." HANDKEROHIEF PERFUMES. Kept also on hang. -_-:n: AND DEALER IN pom, .lQI. ions. I.` `.1 ... sLA`vEN. f . 4 CLOTH BRUSHLES, comss, &c.', ac. . --..`... `...._..."---,--- ----~-v-- ~v~--- ._,. .' ` ~ I - [I Ae.ll`Gc'>$iis}'c~iioap: bansa I am able and drmined to d)flt'r.. ` Small ' '--U9`: /-.. p}'6'tQ ind quick Iqt_nrns is motto. ,.._.~_i_r(._ -`;_.v _~- , __._- . l<>L<>T'H D SHOES: *_`-,\WAY`~? -.'_- `.-'.- -an - : ~.. m@ ELEIQEQT HOUSE, TEA {hat canxiof. be Beain Otillia, or any other lace. Another lot of that` ..nnvoted,1oyv priced (700) Tea, just to and. Try it. `_\_I-` __~ "g-in .4nf-n'i nu . ugn A null` sun :54... ma? wS` am %&am1:wm;&a a ROCKING HORSES, DRUMS,` DOLLS, WRITING DESKS,. I`TE-5KLE'I`S, BOATS, GWIZDRENS CHINA SETS, MECANIC AL TOYS, GOII .4 all 4-lg` Alsd a large assortment of Pidtlure, and Pictures, Oval Frames, ?lain and Curv. v ed Rustic Frames, Picture Cords, Tassels, Mans, Nails, 55, ` I-.a.dies A Companions, Boquet Holders, . Work Boxes, Oval Cruet Stands, . nnwa .- vnuu 4 U35./\"ext to the Wc.llingt0n Hotel, Barrie.` ~ -- v---v- j:-v var` lVr\I` And a.servi_cable Iot_of TOYS and all Fresh Goods too numerous to A GREAT RUN ON Watchs, Clocks, Wedding Rings & gancy Jewelry .` ..__.....__..;__._.___.,.,, , _.__ --....u+z-u\.1 1.1.4 ,_ Ghristmas L1 ;esents! Ever offered in Barrie at `a. verv Inw( Han... J. W. HASTINES. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. NEW RAISINS, BRAZIL NUTS. Wines, Liquors,` &c., 1 ,J ,, 7.. .-..-...- I--ryv To consist of Qrockory, Vases, Tumblers. &c.. max 'l`e1'ms'Casb. Goods on ` 1711111? 1\ . `I'f\'I'`'vr\ A-v---- - ----<-- [THE GENTPEE sTORI1. ....... Ilvsu w uuuuu u.|u scucuu puuuc um: ne will 581103 FOR c3NE MONTH AT COST! ' My stock of -Drv Goods. Boots and Shnnn n-not-..... nmn nma nm 17 \ A SALE BY 531.10 AUCTION AT ms srorm ON Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evening at half} 3T0 Crockery. Vases. Tumblers. &c.. mnnv mu.-u.. ...:.-L.- .-_ m, . . ,___- _.'vvu.vv-v vv IIIIIIJIII IIVJIJO Begs 9 in_l'orm the public that the Old Crow is the only Whiskey made that is entirely free from Pusxl 011, consequently very desirable for"!-`amily use. particularly at this session of the year. I ' A TRIAL SOLIGITED. auug ucuu qpunnwu acne Agent for the Uelebraud OIJ C'r;w dml Bourbon Whiskies! CHEAP `FOR CASH; - GROCERIES, the best in the Cow: TH 0 M A s 51:` F A '1` T uullll y`. or 837- RESH Gaons Aw 000 NEWS FOR CHRISTMAS. 'u. n.e'ra.1s Fur: \. uuuulltl u __ _.-._. -vuljiilll l`1l TU ' My -Dry Goods. Boots and Shops, Crockery, (FOR CASH ONLY.) -. .-r. ._ -... .___..___.__.j___ He also `begs to inform the general public that he will sell OR l\LllI-5 nn4\gn:.. ....___ . s_. K?I:'N dz VII! ' III ____.._.-.---- .;_. ._` Having been nppoinied Scle Agent for t Celebrated. D1 ----_ - , ,,_- -..-..v ..~..n-- vu vn-vv uuuu ll]: any. 5, CUI{B.AN 1.`.S, PEEL, ALMON DS, UTS. A, FILBERTS, . CAN` FRUITS, CORN, ace. ,`of the Best Brands, as good and chap as any other more in Town, and perhaps a little cheaper. 43 an 4.1, - SOME OF THE HANDSOMEST _ _ __ LA, I \I. 11: 1|. a. ` low` iJric`syand selling" fiit, ` Always aziving fdr (V A. - 1 at` very low; gure. _____ - I n- `L -In I lruuw ID!` ramlly part: Sign of the Watch and S ectacles. ` ' Opposite the ilwny Station .___o___. Cofus kept on hand and made to order. ;Also an excellent Hearse which can be 5' had .on reasonable terms. THE `T Isl! _ HI iJ'olm Coulter %w@R_w:nm@ Q v D " , m_-my Articles suitable for Christmas view during the day. ; 'I)1'.V1-.~1- - " ` u v\.|J nun uylrlu Baskets. Toast Racks, Pickle Forks, |Butter Knives. Spoons! % T7`-no}. !'1..nA.. A- -- - OONSITING or.- BUREAUS, TABLES, some, LOUNGES, COTTS, CRADLES, BEDSTAEADS, MATTRESSES, SPRING MATRESSES, LOUNGING CHAIRS, aw. Manufacturer and Dealer in 1f_. sg Mor1rA3'i*1',} D.1SII.6d..-$0 lf-past Six` mention; Presents 5| cLl)TllIG!4 `township of Tay. ..n~ Public Notice is hereby given, that the Muni- cipal Council ofthe Township of Tay, in the County of Sinicoe, at its rst regular meeting to be holden after the Publication of, this notice in four consecutive numbers of the Northern dvarica newspaper, published in the Town or Barrie in .the County ofSin1coe, commencing on the 8th day of February, 1872, will take into` consideration the propriety of passing By-Laws for establishing the following lines of Roads or Public Highways crossing Lots No. 11, 12, 13 and 14, in the 4th, 5th,6th and 7th Concessions, in the Township of`Tay, more particularly de- scribed as follows, v_iz :--"Commencing at a point on the allowance for road between Lots No. 10 - and 11, in the 4th Con., distant. Easterly 32 chains 75 links, from the Eastern limit "of the allowance for Road between the 3rd and 4th Concessions ; thence North 0 30 , la` 18 chains, 64 links; thence N2330 , W 15 chains 4'1 links; thence N 29, E30 chains 82 links; thence N 2925 , E 6 chains 24 links; thence N 19 , E _13,chains'45 links ; thence N 35 30`, E 14 chains`-->16 links; `thence N 43 E 17 chains 40 links; thence N 3725 , E 24 chains 52 links ; thence N 3340 , E 13 chains 66 links ; thence N 50_`15 ,E,9 chain 05 links; thence N 88, 5_ chains 31 links; thence S ' '19 30', E 5 chains 50 links; thence N 8540`, E 3 chain: 7 links; thenceS8830 , E 14, ehains 31 links; thence N 7530 , E 10 chains 301-nks;_thsnce N 54 30 , E 7 chains 28 links; thence N 27 05', E 53 chains 57 links ; thence N 62 55 . W_3 chains 59 links, to a street on Keane 5 Fowlie s Saw Mill property, suid road to be 66 feet wide, d.C!`lb8d line_ being centre of said road. Alana Hm: nf rnad nn T.nh-:10 IQ and `IA :. noun!) .9: SPLIT L ABR.AD.0R msnnmcs, '0 `You. a On sun rose. _ Alena line of road on Lots 12, 13 and 14, in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Concessions, com- mencing at the monument on the Eestern Limit of 103d between the 2rd and 4th ~Gon cessions, between Lots Nos. 12 and 13 ,- thence Easterly following the line between Lots :2 end 13 to the line between the 4th and 5th Concessions ,- uthence N 59 30" E 15 chains 76 links ,- thence - oz nid told. N 35 30', 1'4 chains 46 links; thence N 43 , E l7cha.ins 40 links; thence N 3725 , E 24 chain 62 links; thence N 33 40 , E 13 chains 66 links; thence N 50 15', E 9 chains 05 links; thence N 88, E 6 chains 31 links; thence S '19 30 . E 6 chains 50 links ; thence N 85 46 , E 3 ehsins 0'! links; thence S 8830 , E 14 chains 31 links ; thence N."l530 , E 10 chain. 30 links; thence N 64 30 , E 7 chains 28 links; thence N 2'1 05 . E 53 chains 57 links; thence N 62 55 , W chains 50 links. to thestreet on Keene & Fowltes Sew Mill properly, said yoga to be 86_feet_wide,jdesei-ibed line being centre ID on DI_Iees_ rand. Alan a line . nonninorlcs, III l'0II- Also nline of road crossing Lots 13 and 14, on the `ma Con. of the_ said Township of Toy, desuibed II follows, v1z:-Gomlnenc'ng at" a point in the centre of allowance of road between the 6111 and 7th Concessions, I chain more or ku lute:-ly from thomonuzlent on Lots 12 and 13; thence N 12 30 ; 2 chains 98 links; thence N 29 , E 3 china 55' links; thence N l03 .W 3 chain: 95 llnkr theggo N 80, w 10 chninlulinkl; thence $1.11 195', W 4 claim 14 links; thence N 38 . W 9 chain: 86 1l`{"|atotho ma loading to the Saw um of nuns t E 1i; id .4 ae:ibea1m3.1.. g".;`1'.`, .',f.,'L'_'. cm? r'-' '3:-d"e - , L Illllofthanhrwn .I....:L.}I 12- . -- ....:...1- LAKE SUPERIOR I`ROU'I`, JUST TO 11A.7v'1) BARGAINS 2| SPRING STOCK, run TWIJ mm mm This in a splendid opfuortunity for obtaining urnal no-In; WuwWma.@s1 _ pun of the ob ' by Pam Bnrmig1er_g?:s:iB;dbgIn :.:!`:;:4li)e ucnnou nne Doing the egg... > ~ =~. men of 1110 0l Ol`k 01.150 Towgghipgf T5,, olnnhcn `nnnn LOWEST FIGURES. sum` BAIJEAINS. CALIFORNIA STORE] The Creditors of the nbove named Insolvent are horebfpotied to meet at my oice, Court Street, Tomato, on"l`uo|day, the Fifth day of March, 1_8'l?,".It.11.30-nan. for tr: e' public exe- mntion of the Inlolvenl, and for ordering the nilr; of the estate general! .` J _HN KERR, Oicinl Aenionae. Toronto,13th F__eb \872.__ INsuLvE1_1"Ac1`_ or 1069. 1 the mm}; of ELLEN:HU1'VT,'an1nso]uent. DRESS GOODS, wmcmzs, & OTHER In order to make room for our immense wrlilll pp: or much u told when Why- nuuxo m;wnn_1N A: SAW mm. u Filer, or wogi run {Hill by the Thon- und- Be8!_.refe:_eneop. Adldressv atatigpu-ti- cnlu-I, "" ~ SAWYER. 7-4;!) I) "V'._: '- _ - '- Luann 0:41 7. I 7-4in p THE BALANCE or 01:12 STOCK or ;nAnn cI.Amm: sA|. THE mom) HOUSE min or1111a. AT cosw PRICE, MuLcAHv & co. SALMON, A"_r THE "W -- v-_-up IVWIJ-IIIP V)! II . _ ORA KB R085, , ` qyuhip Q1955; Ln-u an nun: Toynnhlp 01;:-k .. A _ , MACKERAL, u;-1.1 xuuuc, V Oicial Asaignee . 'I~2in Awznm Angus, 0L,. I" k - . 'r1`Jy.f.l S. & C. having taken Lacey s old stand; two doors Enst of the Market Square, beg to inform the nnblic that they intend carrying on business as above, and trust by their great experience and the attention given to all orders, to merit a share of pub1ic_support. Hm-an Rhnninu and inhhirra rinnn rm Hm um. SNIPS OI pumlc uppori. ` Horse Shoeing and jpbbingdone on the pre-` mieea. lm an aka nah!-any _`I .ann n nl nhan Own Inxeea. A Observe the address.--Lacy s old stand, two doors Eaat of the Market Square, Barrie. A Barrie, Feb. 1st. 1871. - ' ( 5~Iy Marion - an ml TIJE GREAT WESTERN , %t:11ocEnY Tap Pnovlslow Jos. MAYOR. rnognxnron. ueluq OX EIIIIIIIQI Wlll llll ID ID I u`oto_dul-at-thi` Great -Wemm J-x.a.La:aw'r2..L .< '11 FINE` STOCK OF FRAMES. ;.Pic'fUR1;s FRAMED TO oanmi. IIUMME & VAN DEN S'l`EEN Oril1ia.,Jan.21,_ 1872. 4-tf WAGGON, `CARRIAGE AND] Groc.eries,.Wmel, Liqndr, Fldr, Bran; Oaie, and General~Proviions`6f the butqggntyjkgnd ` it than Inna! Ihinuf ` `~. : 2 ISEVIGIIY & COTE, [mm a3mE':a31 They also keep in connection `with the .g9.1lery ` `a large stock of . {3E%=Albums, Album PieLures,_ LOCKETS, CHR0l\1US,TLITHOGRAPHS`, I - Iwu-I. PH0ToGRAP11ic_ GALLERY5 HUMME & VAN DEN STEEN Of every descriotion, nd all Sizes, taken at all hours of the day: > [PHOTOGRAPHS] In the matter of the Easterly` Quarter of Lot Nu1n`oe1 Twenty-Six in the `Fourth .Concessio_n of the Township of Essa, in" the County of Simeoe- . ` Notice is hereby given that William Mc .\Iu:- ter of the Township of Essa, in the County of Simcoe Yeoman, hath made ap licution to the Court o,f Chancery for 9. (lerbicrzue of Title to the above mentioned property under" the Act for Qu`xeting Titles to Regl 'E_svtn.te in U_p}.er Canada. and bath produced evxdcnce whereby he appears to be the absolute owner lhereof ir fee. Wherefore any other person lmving, or pretendinrz to have any title to or interest in me aaid xand, pr_ anypart thereof, is required on or before the ` w .\ . -o` INTI IVAYYFVIV FUL/1\Lll ljtil V" ""` ' Now next ensuing to file a. `statement of his claim in my oice situate on Dunlop 5i'l 9t, 111 the Town of Barrie, in said County of Sm1':'0`3; and to serve a copy on the said William Mt-. Master, or on Messrs. -Ardagh Ardagh & Strathy, of the said Town of Barrie, his Solicitors, and in default every such claim will be barred am the title of the said William Mchlaster .heco.ne absolute and indefeasiblo at Law and in Equity, subject to the reservations mentioned in the 17th Section of the said Act. . T Dated this 27th day of January, 1872. T (Signed) J. R. COTTER, Master at Barrie. 1 In cunucli VARDAGII, ARDAGII S: STRATIIY, `.qnHr-Hnra fur T'nthinr`nr" I @OlLA`PA|NT|NGS,,Eu ! SLEIGH MA KERS; COLLIER STREEZZ 3412315. 2 D! n Ilm

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