- Barrig,` Jan. 3,1872. | ,_`AI.JTI(')N'.'!T '(1AUT10Ngg! 1 T : nzunczsrmn S'1`., 31.3313, `NEXT THE 12. `Iv - A D nwvn n Yrrnn {J RAYED. :iE'I.. I.0v`.-`VS {TOMPOUND 'LExA}:DE R_ :1 :5; .2. SAL VLJLJIUDIVLIIDQ ' I-`rz'c:7, $1.50; SL1 for $7.50; r .3`A;\IES I. FELLOWS, Chemist, I A . St. John, N. B. L In u|,I-vuL-|V'- _ _* - ~ I have the honor to be, . With great respect, I THOMAS HOLT. nu] great respect, _ , THOMAS HOLLOWAY}- (lnlke 244 .Qlv`Ii'nI'\S` ' ' g! m uuulli smoky; uxenc`e N 1105 , W 4' - hdnl ltllliks; t|wn_ce.N 38, W 9 chain: 86 lldklnnlho rand leading go the 8:17 Min of. V &ml::wHe, and road on; chin` 1_'_vide, d9- bl 9tCt'Bnrnatt_ `P. PM 33!*;b:l;':#;nt;c.;i ., uu.-'nv_u, uamda. V at, So1icitorAot'P;Atents and NM` ""`T` caps Bagims,` cgza; 13ukes. l1ia-200 acres. Crag: Stands, Pickle Slandg, 1-: 310d|*'~'='1,%9 Butt_q; Cooler-o ,Kn ive,_u,~ Fotkg ` nhnn Inn` - - WE. JmmmmcnnTnnn` wmn MA,KEI.Isl% @313 lmnnmmngmn Wm ;)Qu_.|_- \JUUlUlB,llIlIVVl, nvunn Dd any LHIIIUU, L?\lGlgI')B, troy. Car- >_ - sp_ou.,&g: L__;rE9.3_T"_3_#--,--1 ryages, v - ` If you are tt9!1bled_. :7 . .' , _wi:th_sp.ecta.cles that` mukaT_ygpr`"ey`p.aohe _ - I .. 1 and` pan you, cast tha`nI`:uid`o?'u jou _ ~- ' ` ` `_ _ quld" poison, and gcanrswmas 1>nsnmTs,,&c., ' - AND'EXAMINE~0UR GOODS- I ' L . `or >7 |vva1:c1;ge,.!. Jan. 21, 187i. % :4`1`T"`HE ` `C-ROCKERY & GLASSWARE; Ever q'eicci to ` tlie public at t/i. 'P r'ics. OBSERVE THE-ADDRESS! ' ~ A ' [magma anacwesg mwsaaaw McCONKEY S BLOCK, Ladies Suits, Jewgxeiy. Gent`: suits, Jewelxy, New BRICK QLOCK, DUNLOP~STy,1 '""TIQE o E` I 0 E! BEAUTIFUL smnnonotts JUST TO IIAJVD Sign of the Go1dehBem?e}. L` Inrfoarnlgs. Oppozte the Northern Railway Station, `Dunlap Street, Barrie. Barrie, Feb..14., 1872. ' 4-5-ly` i` Wm H UN TER, ms pm: SYSTEEM am. 3 All Goods marked at the lowest gure from which there can be no deviation. We don t Want to give one man a bargain nndlchleat e.n_other_, but will sell to a child the same as the `closest buyer.` Weare-in"I1 position to ' get our Goods a `little better `than most houses, as our `connec-A A , tion with Houses in Great Britain and thelbest Cana- . ' dian Marlre'ts,.enables*hs to sell at prices which can be equalled by few. " HUNDRED R`EMNANTs 2! ever had , nd having just taken stock and taken in t - celebxate 11!! success with u njdyod the largest and mot suqceslul soaso ns trade He _he stttutiou, is about to W1 Early 9.: Emily H @9131 Ean11y29 C. " V I whd`nnfenH mn>}r3hn nun-nhnum: In. Gold and Silvoz, LAKE SUPERIOR TROUT, - In their new V From `and `after-this date our businss {VII}. t'3(5n(lcte.clA on` the" C.A.J:..'I..'S1<)I...IOI'I'ZE.}I).-i % E. B. [CR_`OMPTON, &.' co.,T Has remdvedto new and more comodious premises in his Vith_the largest and fnost c/arefully selc-._teVd Stok of` CALL "AND SEEfor Y0 URSEL`VEs ` Of the-balance 0! his stock, toglhgi with sevra! u -v-_-. Xll v1~1<>AV':iA:.x~t.'anIV triaking purchase}: for [AT MERELY NOMINAL PRICES. BARGAINS 2| AND` EXAMINEV OUR Gobbiv i _j_---._..- sum cLiIm.fa "`sm ::|WPYE M ,YEM MER.RY% XMAS` >- L SANBERS, To one and all .- THE SPRING STOCK.i New Brick ]/3l:)ck,D1Amlop Street; Barrie. % ` 51-` AT THE Aomnon T .%s'ron_, vu'nl- 'Dln-L '|"\.-..!_.. H itlslnn auxin:/iEi 2}} 'lo;s=ToYSl `comm s'rnI:K K2 dam eqst zftlze 02 Smmz r i'p`l..inVntrings, Conceitinaa, \E;lute;s,' Slcigha, Toy. Cvlanf-Ii L` . '.i93" ... -v.V\`~_wix%l:` . .'Jp_.ec.t_o1es_ that SANTA CLAU_S run TWII wms um] Luann ehdxesngriecy of ;Wonde__rful iuyntionp JEWELl.\ER:S,% &c., and _commodioua store P'()prict0r,` G` A R ST `5`[ - ' 4: ms tpun--'roron;o Pggceq. Of alllliilindna, auci Que rngeht ` HANDKEROHIEFPERFUMES. 2wmr@a%a@@L9)s: Allpur s.t'.o.ok in this line is-waxrantevci midtjy . ` Pure and of our ovgn imnggtggiog, ` smnpamohs, 4 `V JOCKEY CLUB, YANK-LANQ,' ' >w,1Ln~RoSE, , V` 1 .TOILET SOAPS,_ BUY son 01:4 'rm'1- . 0:5-15.1r'E.4R'6L5 `bir WINE > rokoamsrmas. _. iPUR.E0Lv WIN.E$&.L10U0;B3l room, PERFUME S, Wolesale & R eta;il.' 0:-J us 1' R E C :1 v.E-p4:;o{ ` entirq1y new and :com)_:1'*. a DRUGS,_ - ITHE 0RlLLlA,DREm srq2:l This is 3 splendid opportunity for bbtnining > `Barrie, 1869. Old IE;-sires, :Copp.u':and-Rags taken injexbnng . v r ' . ' 194 : . _ ' ..~ .1 .. &---...&_-&-- All kirzds ofrejlirivsg. dong and 1212 wdrk `egarr'ankd SWING;.~;e_H"~F`$i! ,%STVES,974`5:?, Of vnriouaidoheignis :lnd.pu.tterns, w 'cl1`be will sell as cheap t\s'ay other hquseln lown. --_- n '.j. .j__U_r.j. OIZFTJNVVARE, COAL OIL, sw., The largest` Bind b`es't suabo'rtc-`d atgck in ati ' ' ` 'Ptovinp'o. ` Justrece'iv`edT to hand a large asor`tment' of Cook, Pgrlo; and Box. - `. , `um po%wi5':=.u=.,: SHOT`, IEIABDLWAWI cI.uTHma:l iocxs; STATIONERY &"F|A_ANCYG_V()A0D.S I IGUNsM: fE:Z72ca;; . _ - -----~_~- -90 He alga keeps o'n.l1a_nd. andqnanufncturel C0FFI2VS'of all kinds, paraphernalia neessary for Funerals, including `a.n_excel1ent Hem-'se,'wIxicb can be had` on very odarate tezms.- . V. 21- and fumisbes. all the ' J uuvlu HVLIUU, uuu gr;-ON R}:AsbNA13LE":rERzv1s. : Builder. a;na."Unaert;1:-e-, Omaosite the Court _House, 342752, 4 Raszpectfully announces go 3.11.94 public =tl1at boil {Lt all tixges prepard to takq contracts. for builqxng, and _tha.t he cap furnish ' 11.111-\9-an In . ...__ . -r-~-- '7` `J!;'t.'1er'as` tpnnffqmpp P.ri.0_I_. ucmmercxal travellers liberally dealt with. , - ; ` Qonveyaprs to Orillia. and`Pe'nota_nguishcne. Barrie, Nov; 8, 1871' ~"- ' 45Jy' , 4, V. . I 7 - . L . i V I WIELIAE SALTER P'roptigtor.: mu.` 'n,, ` I. w vuu All] HASH :-ooRs;'T.TTKxs"'AND BLINDS, --..- I; i15z- $j}.K3LEs;: amen annulus. Has adtiitiod tg his gick of general { HAIR, MEDICINES, _CHbEMIGALS, ' ` - PE RFUM Ef{Y,- V . HA`IR 0I_L,S, Ht? FANCY sous, :placed in` `court fa`; cullblion. 'II`HE*:"1?Nb33R7:f?iii3i,7+`e6"` 3.3%: ' tify all paiifeazindi-Bfd '4,o1him- Iy nopa or book account, lhatunless.thb same- is pnzd on or bel'o_x_`e the rm` of March. .ha_g,_ .w_l[l `I30 I n _DD\Y\YD'Ff ' Bms, ire; =T1:;`V:,_-V`;`:=72.~`_3 .:j-- ;Am5.IE *s'111'3A'1'vj: atisauln -TIN MANU,FAUTQB.Y, i"..:;; V , ~ 1 ' u I. _! V I` 41`m`rELs_sUp2Lmo yi[;'rgf_' 1. LLEXANDEEGRAHAM or a11`_kjna'q spitnblq ro_.; OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. _LoWEs'_1` FIG URES; J'_. _. z$UL-LAN- And all mugs of Ammuumgn. NAIL AND ALSO `;viG:`Pj21`*i`bIz' At very short notice, and , -, . ,,. I\~ . .-....-.. , _-A- Kepf also qq ha_nd._ ....__,-n-.._ ARI? Dunn m QL,OTH' isgiusnas, - A ` COMBS, #0., 8c. _ l V .........._. 3 stock of - ..-'.'A '.;'`l. _.,.e ;.a.1i;c3.a..;q`1ra;j5'hemm.`I m`,ab1e amt dotern:inod.to do so. smu ?;3:uietidsgaon;atutns...ia4emsrm9%t9n -` ` ` .".`.z!}2`1z;:" ("A-_`f"`-"-----,--.-'YJ ""~"If' ""7" '-' "" V ' ""'J -H Iv-~< :..- 7 , - ETEA 111;: idammt Qtiilimlnr nhypther place. . Anotlprlotolat -2 .7! m;eA,g_h-:3;1\91`a3w1.ppi:_9d_(70o) TA6`8.,J'l8C._10 hand. TryA1t. 7 7 _ V a. .;.b`1"-.=a9!'s~!3 -`-u,'.~' :.' -..-- _ _.': __.__.- - _ --__ -- -'- .__.- . ____ _-_"1 _.;."-L1.. .....L';l4o-.._..:..-.1 4- J- ..- n.._-n ELEBHANT HOUSE, %<>m=-=-LIA SHOES? Also 9. [iuge assdrtmeht of Pictpre, gnd Pictures, Oval Frames, Pia . I .' Ve-d Bqstic Frames, Pxcture Oqrds, Tassels, Mutts, Nails, . `ROCKING HORSES, ` T T DRUMS, DOLLS, WRITING DESKS`,: I~TI';'6KLE'rs,`vBoA'I:s, _ C-HTLDREN S CHINA SETS, MEoAN_IcAL TOYS, iWf@&a>;s+z1n$& Emmwim 2 6 `to tI e'eA W'clli1zglo1c_I10tel, Brrie. DRESS GOODS, wmomzs, f4FuHNnTvuiR-: gs: Ladies Coznpanionsi` V ` V` . % 'B0iii1`E",H01(IrS. 1 Ovfa-1 pn`1 e`t%stands,%% n rivrs Yn- H 7 _,_ , ._ -'--_.---v, , Int!-AIIUIIL `ll-I-`V63. .AnJ,4g'(exyic1ible 1ot_of '1'QYS`;nnd,a1l Fresh Goods too numerous to - ;. . > AGREA';'RUNON ` Watches. Clocks, `Wedding Rings ; .,' H I, 13 4; I a;.GR -' CHEAP: FOR CASH. in` the County 1:- % V~IAsrI'INGs. WATCHMAKER ANDJEWELLER. ,.?.. :L_& - `::.d...zz" " fT':m 5ST0RE- In order to make room for our immense ~ ..u f`*`v.`V'z`."5'I`1 -,Wipes, Liquors, &c., of t "maw "mxsn .'T.DA'V7'l'I" _..-.....` u 1. Ivlvw ( V vvv't.L/`I, -., '-- _ _ 1`o.'consist oi (hooker ., Vases, ` I, _ , _ _ Y. . , . l`m-mu ~ _ "'A`xi{fETi3_iz`i5bsi;kc"i4%j< ;.2.7m773d,a"J2 .F5`z('?a_2/" 'atmj _ U z ._. 'l`nnnna:ao at n....,.v....... 1+:;-_~ m` M. :11; man u_ga w mrormVlne general public that he will sell 011' FloRloNEl,MQN%rH AT COST 2 My stbck of bgy G9o_gla,' l3opts.`nnd Shoes. Crockerv. (FOR ruszn nwrv \ A Sf f,S_~-_:1\I F F A T T uavmg neon or pain Old H C'r0,w;. mid --an haw R'A.TSINS.: %,%[" " 1 Fines. Liau`ors_ an-.._ nf` H14: .11.. n,.....a.. ____ ,. .837- THIVBALANCK or ova 573;; 5; y use, particular} 4 A.-'l}RIA`L SQLIUITED. ._...__;.... _._..___';;, BESHaD9 1;`,-y;ups at mile cheaper. L God! save the stock bry Gg9_ia,_.' Boptsfnnd Shoes, "15`h : He 5.136 igegs to "3 Jun`.-_' - ------v,.-..- a-.4 _n..n- .3. L.` `Having been pdinud Sle: Agent` for the Celebrated _A_ .. .... -'~-` --~- s.`.-': 1-." '=-'-.'* *",'1;tl?,1?,Vp`i-$669; gum sellmg me. or :7; u;_'_ - ' - A.- _ A.-u-u. _.4--u-q...-.- ,soi{1,E OF THE ran No'rn'n HOUSE FOR um L-.;.-:7 ' 11777333: V I vqn L`; I `he 3 Bfgia ueqitand cheap as any - `I?,3_-`|&PBy_f. hula cheaper. I _... _. 1.`. ;At. r:'3z;'g'BLk "kbcrxon AT ms sworn: ON V Saturday _Evnz'7_zg at_ ka. \V e_s',_T{:ni_BIrs; bi, many a`.rLic1csVsuita.bIe for Oh: Terjus C;mh:G o_o'ds op View during the day._ cunamrm nvm Always V arriving - for ru 13 4` .- Everotferedlin Barrie at is u_ -51 . - `L. _ Em =Y.@>'.'.a:::2@::m:.:nv:m@. Sign Of tke Wath and Sectacles. ' Opposite the guailway Station I inVfoArm_lhe 'g'-gzleral sell of A;/'\`1' -1:-u .- - -- - K THE 1 mvs,runm1un,&c., .. ..mn.- cxscuj Iur Luv UUIBUTBWQ _'I3 'o2"fbo1z' W/aisle ies! IE HANDSOMEST . OONSITING OF: BUREA_US, TABLES, ` sous, LOUNGES, COTTS,`CRADLES,,. BEDSTAEADS, MAT .I-`R ESSE`8 ,. SPRING MATRESSES, yL0_UNGING CHAIRS, ago. -_.- cur 3.165 . ngurc. Cake Baskets. j Toast Racks, 1 . % Pickle Forks, Butter Knives." Spoons, 13.--. r~--.1- - 'u.r n.1s:b.ed.. ,5: A1'L;.; ; 3. _M_QFl- ATT.~. Manufacturer and Denier in or1111a.. eonly Whiskey madollmt is entirely, free from ' particularly at this season of the year. L-IOITED. - - - I I 3%? , Crockery, (FOR CASH ONLY.) ~-- "-5 van us]. PEEL . ALMONDS _.0A.N FRUITS, CORN, 65,0. rhnnn an n... _u___ _ , 1_9.v:v gurcg II _` , I A .Q11e-evn 3 rames, Plain and Curv-. :s, Jco. ...\.~ - v----, yvvu Lolher store in Town, and a/zj 'iz'alf-palst In inn l`_|u-h.A__-- T` .v r77, ml 4 ' "' Christmas Presents mention. AT COST PRICE, .. 7VlIhinof1' . MULGAHYT & Go. 91 Tim SALMON, p MACKERAL, ~Mnp._ .__. bJLuUK s, & ormm lent, V . .!F.,..k S. 8; 0. having taken Lacey s old stand, two doors East of the Market Square, beg to inform the nnblic that they intend carrying on business an above, eod..tmst._ by their great experience and the ettenyxon gnven to all orders, to merit a Ihare of pub]1_c support. _v -_ . How shoeing 89 J`?bwg @999 9:1 the` pre- mises. _ ', 4- ' _ V Qheezve the ad,d_rese.--I.aeo_y s olgi" _s}a1_:d, two dooi-3 East of the Ma1;'ketE`quare, Barrie." , . Ben-lo, Feb. 1.et_.- 1871. ~ 5'1_{ A FINE `szroozi VOF FRAME-S. .-._.-. PAIC1`URES FRAMED To ORDER. ' _1_n_mum3 .3; VAN D1313 stuns. Ori1Iis.,Jau.2l~, 1s:-.g - . 4-tr- 92:2: as 1- ofvnes naw_ um property, said road to :..o wuje. dencnbvd ln.|e_ being mm `of DBOUn.-- ... I ' A said-road. Alan: line nf rnui nn-T.Mn 10 In 5...! 1.1 :. I |sv|cnv & Qif, WW5 Bwami WAGGON,` CARRIAGE AND `in. -I-cu-nu-Iv up n Q91-Ilnupu J08. uAYoi3T11>:w;fi:;i?Q3* ` \Grace1-Io`: Wxnl, Livuox-`s,4FI6u_r,'13ran,_0tr, T b ind abngra 1?;-o*_~:'_in'.ionzf"yo_f Vthe lien quality, and . A Of every descriotion, hndhll sizes,'taken nt 211; hours of the day. They also keep in connection with the gallery 5; large stock of V 5 {]t=Albu:1is; Album Pictures, LOCKETS, cxmomos, LITHOGRAPHS, _ [PHOTOGRAPHSI IQHOTOGRAVPI-1 I.C_ GALLERY. ' I HUMME & VAETJEN STEEN ORILLIA. . VPubllc Notice is hereby given, that the Muni- cipalconncilofthe Township of Tiiy, in the County of Sinicoe, at its first regular meeting . to be holden after the Publication of this notice in four consecutive numbers of the Northern dvaricc newspaper, published in the Town cf Barrie in the County ofSirncoe, commencing on the 8th day of February, 1872, will take into consideration the propriety of passing By-Laws for establishing the following lines of Roads or Public Highways crossing` Lots No. 11, 12, 13 and 14,- in the ftth, 5th,6th and 7th Concessions, in the Township of Tay, more particularly de. scribed as follows, viz :-Commencing at 9. point on the allowance for road between Lots No. 10 and 11, in the 4th Con.. distant Easterly 3'2 chains '15 links, from the Eastern limit of the allowance for Road between the 3rd and 4th Concessions; thence North 0 30 , E 18 chains, 64 links; thence N 2330 , W 15 chains 47 links; 1116006 N 29 , E 30 chains 82 links; thence N 29 25 ,_E 6 chains 24 links; thence N 19 , E _13.cbsins 45 links ; thence N 2530`, E 14 cliains 46_ links; thence N 43~ E 1'-` cm??? `*0 links: tnencs N 37 25 . E 24 ctiajrns sznnks; ihence,N .'>_`340 ,__}_7;'-13 chains 6'ili_nks ' thence N 60 if 15 , E 9_chain 05 links; thence .339 E 0bIl_DBx31 links; thence S :19 9 30 , E 5 chains 50 links ; thence N 86 40 , E 3 chains 7 links; thence 8 8830 , E14. (:hllnI'31 links; thenooN 7630 , E10 chains 30 puke; thence N 5430 ,_E 7 chains 28_links; thence N 27 05 , E` 53 chains 57 links ; thence 1q.62 55`. W_3 chains 5_0 links, to 9. am et, on Keane & Fowlie s Saw Mill property, said - -u- wide. line. helm: centm .. LVJULIILAA ya; vac MLALLUULA .Now nextvensuing to file a statement Qt his claim in my otlice situate on Dunlop Street," in the Town of Barrie, in said County of Simaoe, and to serve a copy bn the said William Me Master, or on Messrs. Afdngh Ardngh & Strathy, of the said Townof Barrie, his Solicitors, and in default every such claim will be barred gun the title of the Enid William ,McMaster become absolute and indefensible at Law and in Equity, subject to the reservations mentioned in the 17th Section of the said-Act. ' _ Dated this 27th day of January, 1872. . -(Signed) J. R. COTTER, ' Master at Rania @'0|L- < PA|NT'INGS,-- Notice is hereby given out wiimm Mcl`.Ias- tor of the Township of Essa, in the County of Simcoe, Yeoman, hath mnde,app1i cation.to the Court of Chancery for a. Certicate of Title to - the above mentioned property under the Act for Quieting Titles to Real Estate in Upper Csimda, and bath produced evidence whereby he appears to be the absolute owner .thereof in fee. Wherefore any other person having, or pretending to have any title to `or interest in the said land, or auyepnrt thereof, `is required on or before the. ` ' nnvvnnuuu on . to -f\II It I Uxruv-o '"'iZi:iei:"nEKi:T:iz, COLLIER STREET, BARRIE. In the matter of the Easterly Quarter of Lot -Number T Twenty-Six in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Essa, in the County. of ' Simme- ARDAGH, ARDAGH .;- STRATHY, T Solicitors for I elitimu2r_ ADUAUII, 1\I\Ud\)l1 67 Dlli. Solicitors for Pclz'tz'om:r. Barrie, Jan. 17; 1872. Z f [N GHANGERY. now ne,ft ensuing to le a. statement of hls claim in my otbe situate on Dunlopestreet, in the Town of Barrie, in said County of Simeon, and to serve a copy on the said Thomas Clark Street, or on Messrs. Ardagh, Ardagh &, Stratby, of the said Town of Barrie, his Solicitors, and in default every such claim will be hatred, and the title of the said Thomas Clark Street he- come absolute and indcfeusibleat Law, and in Equity, subject only to the reservations men- tioned in the 17th Section of the said Act, and to the rights of the said Edward llicks under the above mentioned agreement. ' Dated this Seventeenth day pf January; 1872. J. R. COFFEE, ' II: J...` .. I D......!,. I ' - ` hiotice is -hereby given that Tliomns Clnrl: `Street, of the Township of Stamford, in the County of Welland, Esquire, hath made x'.ppli-- cation to the Court of Chancery for at certicate of Title to the above mentioned property under the Act for Quietiug Titles to Real Estate in Ontario, and _ hath produced evidence whereby` he appeexe to be the owner thereof, in fee,sub_1ect to the rights of one Edwnrd_ Hicks, under an agreement made between the `said Petitioner, and the said Edward Hic_k_s, and dates} the Tenth day of April, I866, which is more fully set forth in the aflldnvit of the said Peti- tioner, made in support of his petition, wh:-re- ' fore any other perzou -having, or pretending to have, any title -to, or interestin, the said lands or any put thereof is required an or before the sem-roan. Also 1 line of road on-Lots 12, 13 end 14, in the 411:, 6th, 6th and 7th Concessions, com- mencing at the monument on the Eestern Limit wr .-sad between the 21d endv-1th Concessions, Eetwen Lotelios. 12 and 13; thence Easterly, following the line between L.ots 12 and 13 to the line between the 4th and 5th Concessions ,- thence N 59 30 E 15 chains 76 links ,- thence N 35 30 ,_l4 chains 46 links ,-thence N 43 *3, E l7cheins 40 links; thence N 3725 , E 24 chains 62 links; thence N33 ?40 , E 13 chsins 66 links; thence N 50 15 , E 9 chains 06links' thence N 88 , E 6 chains 31, links ;, thence 'l9 9 30 . E 5 chains 50 links ; thence N 85 `MG , E 3 cheins_0 l links; thence 8 8830 , E 14 v chains 31 links ,- thence lT'l530', E 10 chains 30 links; thence N 64 30 , E 7 chains 28-links; thence`N 21 05 , E_ 53 chains 57 links ,- thence N 62 55 , W chains 50 links, to the street on Keene t Fowhe s Sew Mill property, id yoga to he 66 feet swidsdescribed line hninn ........ -In the'ma1fter' Tot the East Half ` of Lot Number Twenty-two, in the First Concession West of Hurontario Street. in the Township of Mulmur. in the County of Simcoe. [TN CHANCERY, I V . .1-t....H Huey-and.` H197 be by or III \lUlhu|- .....q..' _ pemnptoxily excluded from ti.e'boif'fit` `of the ' > mid order.` Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same bofoi-e'me at my chum- bers on Duulop Street, at the Town of Btu-e aforesaid, on the twenty-second day ox'March, A.D., 1872, at Twelve o clock, noon, being the time appointed for adjudication on vthe claims. 1' ?2ated this thirty-first day of January, A.D., 8 . . V T Wu. BOYS, J. R. COT ! ER. Solicitor ft : Executor. liusver at Barrie 5-'Iin "T'*'-'-r----- `HE. GB Ear WEsTIs_rm . r Nineteenth `day of February" Framed 0; withdut Frames. "FBEIRTH DAY OF MARCH I Nm_m `Wsc a/zziezm` Halls Banze-s i: ~ L ,unocm &` PR(WlSION ) 0- ll. UULLJJIS, Master at Barrie, ' `Raf ISIIIII I ROW!!!) 3 DIW Mill pro I , 'd 68_foet_wido,'_described 1;'z, .i..'; .,::,a:, | o. uid road. ' -` ll-nrn nn 1:` -Ant` n-A-ml-.. Y -._ nu. q _ . I STORE. n. uu.'.1 Lun, Master-at Barrie, Rafa/`cc. nn A ninv ,3-in , South 1m 1gLoz:_z5,Vix'; 4:1: C/on., iY;:ttiV3$k- . 100,acz-es; ' 7 lfllnhs AND lJl.'\'lV'{KENTc ` ' I would ask, us it great tavour, that should it ' come to the knowledge of any person that spurious medicines are being made or sold in .my name, he be pleased to sendtme all the par- ticulars he can collect respecting the same, that ' is to say. the no.nie'o.iid address of the vendor who is selling the spurious medicines, and like". wise the iianie and address of the -House in the United States, or 6lS6V_jVh9l'-8, _wl_ilch- may hug supplied tlzoin, go as to enable me, fgmhe` pm, tectionof the pnblic`,'to'ii1`atitute proceedings n_;nin_st such evil-doers, and Iengage to. rem. nemte veryha.ndsome.ly.m,y peraon whomay give ina_eu,:h iiirormatioimhe iiafonnans name never being divulged. . , Shnnld miv nPr:nn'hnuA v-manila L- L_u___, .. I % SIMCOE _LAN4DS. rug sA_L an 3'AaNAaLerEnMs DuuI.u> uuu. uuugo, In -nu uon.,uqKumasnga- 100__acx-es} N. E. pax:t_ Lot 15, in .1021: -Con., Nottawasuga , -53 acres. ` ' _ North half LQ,t;1_ I, in the 18th 0o_n., Tiny-r; .109.toz-ea. Iw . ` -L .~'.. IICLVCI Ulllg UlVU|geu. Should any person have reasen to believethat he'hs.s been deceived by buiingspurious imit.a.- ' e tions of tliese Medicines, will do "wan to send me. ill a. letter to the address at foot -(which he can do at a cost of six cents in pogg. ago), one of the books of instructions which are affixed to the same. I promise to emmim. i` G "Dd .f.:", `.".1f.Zg wnether the Medi= cines are genuine ornot, so that if spurious he may. apply to the person from whoxn..he par chased themto have his money returned. f`.hnmi:tu and nrnowriafn-who dnaird in nhhaln un_L:sI. uun um. 1.4, In LIE UOIL, noun Uriuuo. 100 acres. ` Lo}. 12,. in 3rd Con., North 0riI1la-200 ucrea. West ba1f`Lot 16, in lath 0021., _][gdgngg._,_.1grg. Maren: ROAD Hones. W est. gun .uu_I.` _1,v, In ms nu U0l1_.,.ll|ll"lII1l-s- _100acr`a|_.._ __-L -' South hqlfylgot G, In 13th 0on.,Weqt_Gwimm-` but ' 100.a.`cre:., "3, , ` ""2 " A. 1 - xer: cuaseu Iuem to uuve ma ulolwy resurneq. Chemist:-1 and Druggists `whp desire to obtain the Medicines -can by supplied kl: ,th_o' lqweat who1es_nle ' prices 1:: qnantitiesg` of not less than 20 wo;-th--viz-, 85. _6d., 22a..and 34:. per dozen boxes of Pills on pots of Ointment; nstt, without discount, for which remimnct mnstbc sent in advance. . . .- T hum: Hm Imam. 4'. I... I 'L'rlUM. 15 11Un1ahUW_A_Y.' 53- 0~ vi Sir-`cl (Ian 24:; Sgra )& 4 _ 5jL1,,,(z{?' W.c.q.$ep;gmber 1, 1371, sq-a_deus uunu uuu ugh l_.'I, In Ina um: UOIL, Tiny-W` 109.ucrea.~ ` v . ,: 7}` West halfliot 26, in 2nd Oon_.,'l`iny-l00 acre: East half Lot 12, in In 0011., North 0ri1lin-- `mo acres. ' ` Lot 11-,. in ens "(Jon . . ..100`a'crea..f.. uvuv. ulhang adv! Av no nun: \JVIIv, 80165. > V Wgat hgIfLot 18, in the .4th 0911., Medonto- ..`cr6`.. 1,` `Y ` _:~. f ` I 3, Veapz;n-a0O a'res .~j ~' gin 311 21111 0o9.;,.Innxil~ : .- )_, West half Lot`,- .`-' '3) BUUH UCU\7FlIUUn I mcatcarricstly entrcat all fthose 1vbo`ma readmis lrlvextisement tint they be pleased .in the public interest, to communicate the purp ort, of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money. by purchasing worthless imitations of the genuine HOLLOWA:s PILLS AND ()1xramM.~ ' ` 1' mnnlrl nub n`.-s .. ........1. A__.-._.. 1 uatvc 2i.lVY:ly.-l ueSll`E(1.V . Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines, which are now like- ly to eminate from the Sta.teI'"or elsewhere, but to possess themselves of the genuine Hormo- w.u"s l xLLs AND Oxnrnmxr, manufactured by me in London, England, will do well to see thatench pot and box bears the British Govern- ment stamp on. which is engraved the words ` HoLLowm"s PILLS AND Om'rmmr`, and .that. the address on the label is 533, Oxvonn Srnnnr, Lennon, where only they are mqnufgqznred, and V in no other part of the vvorld. . The retgilpr-ices tire on the labels in British currency, and not in dollars and cents. V ` No representative of mine will ever travel through any part of the British Provinces, or the United States either to sell, or to-take orders for my Pills and Ointment, and as I have 1-ea- son to believe that attempts will` very probably be made to deceive the public in this way In persons calling upon medicine vendors. `falsely representing that they are acting for me, and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it ad- visable to put thepublic on their guard against any such decepitions. T ninatmrrimztlv onh-obi ..n `-41...... ._I.- `_,, .- I beg most respectfully to acquaint the publie. of the British North American Provinces that in May 1871, I caused the business at 80,`Ma.iden Lane, New York, for the sale of HoLmwA1 s PILLS Ayn Ormxvzxr. which were up to that t"me prepared by Wiiliam Brown, now deceased, to be closed., I regret to say that I have reag- son to knew t.ha`.t the management of the line ' business lied for some years,- andin _ many ways, been mostcorruptmnd it may be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with that cm I have always desired, 4 'l`ha.~*.e whn n nm mick 4.. L... .l-..-2_-_1 . j__ TO THE PUBILIC OF THE BRITISH PARO- '. V1NCES_ OF NORTH AMERIQA . uccu cuuuuucu over IL Iorlinght. , V In lironchitis it is 9. specic, and in Asthma 1t gnves re1nefwh'er`e every other remedy fails. For Nervous Debilityvit stands unrivalled, `and may be used with confidence in all cases. AS this` is entirelv distinct and am`..-....+' :,..... sun row. ` ' ' Lisp`: ling at road crossing Lots-13 Ind 14, pn jl_hQ- 3t-hioon. of dxoliaid '- l'0 wp.ihi1vof Tgy, disdkjbed as folldwsfvlg`:-=3-Uommdncangi at a 'p'o\ng '13 the cent;-e'of,nll9vynu:e pf roddbetwgen 1);` :1: mg! 7_tg`Cncesgiona, 1` phaiii mo :-_o` or ku E.-mrlrfrog this monument on 4013 12 and 13- tlrnoe l330 ; 2 chain; 9 `links; qua 3B,E _ chaial .55 linkQ;_ thence "N 1030 {W3 0 n In : 5 'llhkr. thnuco. NT 30,- 1o chLinI34lii:k|; thencb k.11o5', '4 .*.*.._v*=-~:a_.:;-aw as . w. mu as anu may no new wun condence in ' this" entirely distinct and diiferent fxom .8VL`l`j` othnr preparation of Hypophos-pbites, be \.a:a:fuI to ask for Fmmows Sunny, and take no OUR-I`: ' n.__.._. _.._ ...__,, uu._Lcu wuu uxygen. - .=. ' ' IL is adapted for Am. cases of Weakness and Emaciation, whether arising from a sedentary` life, a tropical climate, ffnm fever,_ or_ debility_,' `from any cause, and 1s L-mcacious in PULMONARY COHSUM"1'1ON, many conrmed cases having been cured and all benettczf, where its use has been continued over as fojrtuight. 9. enenin nn :.-. A.n...... vn.uuzt:u muuu m we muscular Organs of the` B0dy- . 2 . ` . - I Rousing: the Sluggiah Heart and Liver,` strengthening the action of the Stomach and Boweis, and enabling` the Lungs to be fully in- uted wIxh`Ox_7gen. : Enmcintiou. nrisimr fmm n =m1...n....,; 13 iriueeu 2: |)0Ul.l_I.O me warm. ' I~Joder_n Chemistry has ventilatedithe ques- tion and discovered the ingredie'nts'cons-tifuting the brain, muscles and nerves, and nds that by introducing these ingredients in prnper propor- Lions the brain and nervous system are strength- ened. - . '_ ' ` This, then, is substantially` the bnsison which Fsnnovrs HYPOPHOSPHITES is built, .its direct notion is upon the Blood, the Brain and Nervous _S_vs1em, and the Muscles. Strengthing the. nerves, it causes the -rapid distribution of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organs the` Body. ` ' i As all life-endowed bodies, whether they bs Bensts, Birds, Reptiles, Insects or eveu'Zoo- phites, and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are g()1'er1lti by vitalforce, which binds-all the apiings of existence, and as nothing can save them from destruction when this prinple leaves them, the discovery of means whereby` `~vita`.ity may be sustained in the living body is indeed ;:,boou_to the world. Mnrifll nhnnmiairv I-mu v-nn6:l..4n.!?aL_ ,...,. EZEOTRJCIAN 4- GALV.42\_r1sr,' ""s?5LD BY APOTHECARIES. , 7 -"1'a'r.-L gil an - Rn Inn -57 :n. "1 i3LACK MARE with one white hind ig; and 1: BROWN FILLET COLT, rising three years old, with white strip; white star on fore-' bead, and white hind Foot. Bath strayed `on the first of December, 1871, into Lot 14, 9!}: con- cession, Bass. The owner on-proving of pro- perty and defraying the necessary charges, my receive the same. A - ROBERT MCMASTER, V6-3-in. _ Thornton. . "YR!}P or HYPUPWHIJSPHITES; 4u4.'4;4 `AAJJ J|- ' 4 b -.PREsBY1'1znY. [PLATING DONE. ROUND & _SPLi'l` LABRADOR HERRINGS: