This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure oi all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the lemale constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removesgllobetructions and a speedv cure mav be relied on`. T0 IIIARRIED I'.AI')`ll:`.l min on tnemonlmy period with regularit . ne _Pt'Ila should not be mean I 1`? u dur- ing the FIRST THREE ONTHS 0/ Preg , as they are sure to bring an Mit- carrza 9 at at any a`thor time they ar_o 34/9. in a other cases of Nervous and Spinal Athe- `Jns. Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palleitntion of the Heart, Hysterien a..ri Whites, these ill: will effect a cugqwhen uh atnermeanu have fail_ed ; and althoufh a puwenul re-:nedy,'do not OOIIIBIII tron, calome , antimony, ot 1.: thing hurtful to the constitution. iI" directions in Ilia ndrnnl-ulna --n......l ..--I. Bunion; ureen medicine-8 um and speeav be relied HARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time b h hl 'od `lb l ' "3%e ` }=3532L..Zz` .f$ . 2Y.2...'?S.:...."Zl ., 4.... THE `GREAT EELEISH REMEDY! JOB `MOSES PEJIDIGAL PILLS. _ PATERSON-Mc0ARTHY.- At the Episcopal Church, Barrie, on Thursd: y, the 7th_inst., by the Rev. C. W. Paterson, assisted by the .Rev. Mr. Morgan and the Rev. Thos. Pater- son, the former and the latter. brothers of the bridegroom, Frederick James Paterson,Esq-, to Isabella Florence, youngest daughter of K D Alton.McGarthy, Esq.. of Barrie. _ V .s.uu Auuu run. uuuuuucu IUI ,I.`Cl'1u'} mery at the Medical Hall, Barrie. ` ` ` J. WOODS. an.--nu A u; I HARPER.--At Shanty Bay, Ora, on Saturday the 18t.hult., the wife of Marmaduke Harper, Esq-, of a son. ARDAGH -At. Barrie, on Fridhy the 8th inst , the wife of J. A. Ardagh, Egq , ofa son. Mannrrcnn. CRONKHITE-MARKS.-At Tollendal, by Rev. D. Wright, on the 28th ult., Jordan Cronkhite, to Martha Marks, all of Tollendal. HILLMAN-REID.-At Barrie, on the 5th inst-, by the Rev. M. Fraser, Mr. William Hillman, of Barrie, (lane of England) to. Mrs. Esther Reid, of Inniel. WlLLEY-DURHAM.--A Barrie, on the 6th inst.,'at the residence 0 the bride : father, Mr. John Dnrhani, bv the Rev. Mango Fraser, Mr. Alphas Willey, to Miss Alice Durham, both of this town. ' - aver one:-ea to use IJDIIO-l_l. never mils when ne uudand {nit ally apphed " T mr.nuDna.n' -na'c M . nntfthroughgut the minion. P9I?i:e"y2Bc.en:=:. Pioprietoil. r;8old inv-BC '|'a b), :T5hn Woods, A. V. Pal- I nar.&`Co;-'1`. .Gomnu aud-Wnnn & 0...; _.-._...._, nvvvv V- Wbeat-'-1_15 to $1 20. Oa.ta-t7c. Bar1ey.-58c. , Paaa.-80to 82c-. Potatoes.-75c. ., Early Rose.-l 50. per bushel. Beef-5 50 to 8 50.` , Mutton.--60. to 7. Llb-.-80. [0 `O. V - Eggs.--18c oute ids and 20c Inside- But.ter.-l7 to 18c. ~ Lard-10 to 12c. ' Hides.-7 50 at Graham : Skins.--$1.25 '1`,-lrkey s-50c to _, 75c. Chz_ckens-25c per pair. Ducks-35c per pair. Hay.-$17 per ton. Wood-$3.50. [ , b `vd. The rush still. continues for ,Perfu- I -.....u .0 cl... l\Il ...l:_..I 'L'I..n n___:_ 7 *?`!'?'~, FOR Honsns 8: _ CATTLE. `Spatial Noties; BAR1z11}`. MARKET. :`.%.:'a.-.:.'..:a;.:`. ";=.::;"gs':f : Nonrlop dc Lnun, 5 M. /llnwunu. (hr. B.u_mm, Nov. 30, 1871. II DA v nnma,,..`.;z_.w.. . . "Gowau`....l2.l2... ; -Hawkston ,1`."00p.m ; `0rillia.*.'..'. 1.3.0Arr . dale.(d'x`.)'1vl.-35... 1 Ede [Dep,]11.45... ! Palg Bron c: ain'nm': in Au 4-ly ma Family Medicine, it is well nut! vonr- , nblv known, relieving thousand: f pain` V ' - , I: 7 c 8`dc, BacIc and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, | _8p1-aim, Drums. Cramps in the Stomach. .v ' uuueru murmu, uyteruery, uowet vom- x pla;'au.BI.trn:, 8caldI,I'l'ost B1'!u,'c. Tn: Ungnmt Pm; Dnrnonn hupnow been before use public for-n length of time, and wherever need is well liked, never failing in n eingle instance to give permnnent. telief when jimely need, and we hnve never known a single use of dleentiefnction, where the directions have been properly followed, but on the con- trnry all are delighted with its operntions, and speak in `the highest terms of its virtues and mngricnl elfects. e speak fronfexperience in the 1-.. e..-e...I :n n_-__,, GIl_ enacts. matter, hut ing tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are entfering from any of the complaint: for which itie recommended, may depend upon it beidg 1 Sovereign Remedy. ' The astonishing eimmv of thacanndian Pain In using I Dove:-elgn teemeay. astonishing eicscy of thecenedien Pain Destroyer in curing the disease: for which it is recommended, and its wonderful effects in sub- dning the torturous peins of Rheumatism, end in relieving Nervous Atfections, entitle itto high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers; in all parts of the country, for further supplies, and each testifying u to the -universal satisfaction it civel. given. ~'l`ha I -Thy Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give zprmedinte relief. All Medicine Dealers keeg It, Physicians order and use it; and no (amply will bowithont it after trying it. Price. onlv Twantnva Cent: ner bottle. |%\f _:'1fH_E '11i_'vv'4xiI1 'rm: 'pn`o1u'rs. ' A 1* h,_a.d intended,before a petition was led fgejpst my return, to visit most parts of tbagiding during the present yinter, e.n'd Thope still to do so in ful- lment of thin 2 '1] is in view of the jippreaohing` Which will pro- beblytIk/ eferetbe close afthis lv.`Ba.1'1'ie,`De1;."*-`.JVtV, lg _ IAcannot too strongly impress upon all who demo to see this result the ne- "'*'7i0*1!',Q!y_oting themselves but of inducin_g.those' wh _eeem willing to jport me to .do.likew`:'ue. ' in . e . .cup GENTLE MEN. |ELE0T0nm |NoRTHMcoE.| l A new Election for the House of Assembly will be ordered as soon as the Local Legislature meets on the '_7th of this month.; and as the infraction of the new law which caused the election of A March last to be declared void, was of a kindso free .rom the taint of any improper motive or corrupt intent that no moral stain can possibly attack to me in connection with the act, even had I been aware of its commission, 1 have no hesitation in again seeking the honorable and responsible position of a representative of this Riding. I have such con denee in the love of fair dealing and fair play which is the beast of North Simcoe, as'~to feel as- sured that not only those who already sogenerously accorded me their sup- port, _but every liberal minded elector in the Riding, will show how there` ughly they condemn the disreputable means by which they have been for a time left without at representative, by conrming their former choice with a largely increased ' majority. nu, agar man man, wugu, cows. were `unroaz Sprout, I Cramps Stomach, - Cholera Morbui, Dysenlery, Bowel Corn- V nlaialt. Benn. Smldn. Iv}-oat Kiln. &r. Globe 53F 51931 exercised V hm,-_,fL. ,0! the exposure made alegfak of the tuctis of the akefieption, and the manner 'ey_4j::ade on the religious fe"3_l>ixV_jg>of the people they QQQCQI. ' ipaxtjes ._were employed in mo to_-promote V Mr. Crooks vye-.dis`tribi_.ipg hand- ` ,e electors,` and~&s~('v' ad .,of both protestai I need not lengthen this address by I recapitulating at }ength the-views and , [opinions expressed in a former one, his well as at the various public meet- I lings which 1 held throughout the Bid- ing last winter, but will content my- self with stating that I have found no _ good reasons since then to chenge__1hose opinions which you endorsed at the L '93, 5`; thatAI_am. still free to advocate them wRhont"Tes2r ".UT"I&v"or ".~31) Government or party, and shall coho ' tinue to dose under a renewal of the 7 condence you were kind enough to ' repose in me nine months ago, when} was elected by a majority of over 300 votes. I have lived in this Riding too long and know its people `too well to have any fear as to the result of another con- test for a position which I h8V: once fairly and honorably won, and which has bee_a,tenporarily wrested fromome i by" the most disreputable and dishon- orable means. _ _ , A _A l 1 reiterate what I have said on a for- mer occasion, that I occupy a pexfecuy independent position. V That I ant` neither the nominee ofa few extremf politicians, calling themselves by ce honored party name, nor the pr egg of a government; that I have no personal interest to serve except such as equally effect the whole Riding ; that {I ave no local feeling strong enough to int _r- fere with rights and wishes of the peo- -ple ole any one Section as against another ; that I am identied more or less with the material advancement of every locality, and that] am what the great majority of the electors are in" favor of, a Resident Candidate; It is due to every elector in the Rid- ing, as well as to myself, to give every such allegation a positive denial, and to say to all, as I lately said to my for- mer supporters, that I look upon this independence not only as the crowning virtue of an` honestspolitician, but as a valuable power in advocating the just claims of a consti'.uency,- and that so soon as a member allows himsell to bound by` the fetters of any party, so asto lose, as it were, his own in- dividual identity in a strife; the ob- ject of which is generally to secure -` or retain oice, so soon does he cease ' to be the people s representative." e 1ANADIA1~i'P;i1N_DEsTno Em} I - , \ . - . My opponents having found that an independent advocate of the true in- terests of the constituency in opposition to a rabid partizan,' met with your approval, have changed their mode of attack 'and[endeavoured by the reiterati- on nt a deliberate falsehood to destroy your condence in my integrity and honestyof purpose`, and make it appear that I had cast away independence as soon as I had secured my election. A =.~:_:m Qwnertisemmtzs. u, mu no wunous In anwr trying 1:. rice, only Twenty-ve Cents per bottle. "OF-. "i':`oyta sown I ownwa_rds. ` Read Upwards. .Au -`nu A nu Call AEaIrIl;r8 @a1l1I1IEa&Ir11723, .ahJlIl IE?mnI1yElM gcaarswrggggngsnmrs, ac, TC` IN f`t'\l'\Y\Q `K7 .a.tc11es ! 4 McCONKEY S BLOCK, --`-j---:- 4 F11 {ST-OLJSS FLOUR JIL W YS on HJND l mcmmzjm Tani STAND:-Great East ` %f&Oomer of Dunlap and Market. Sn-95$`: Or ush, Paid for` Es, Butter and PotM.oe};I wnrcnmmans, ELEGTRO-PLATED \\*.um, f1;Tf.T. CTICS; V G ,5 I Liver poo l .; Gaderich Salt azwagmimd Baskets, Card Baskets,`i|l`.3PY !Violin strings, Concertmas, Cruet Stands, Pickle Stands, . s _ Butt er Coolers,1{nives, Forks`, To one and ML ' Flutes, Sleighs, Toy Car- Spoons, &c. _.--_- --- ~---~ ridges, kc. If you are troubled ` With spectacles that make your eyes ache _ s , and pain you, cast them aside as You ` H '5' n " 'ld Pi3o `Hid substitute those beau- - ". W111 Jpeclacles of LAZARUS & MORRIS .- You will be surprised and delighted st the improve- ment, and rescue your sight from the certain dreadful eects of wearing corn- vmon. spectacles. L. S. Sc C. S. Szmmms, Agent, Barrie. ~21.` u r ,: L........_.. _...........o|.. 9.. K1. r.,".AIl Ggudn dalivored in the; 17 fl > f h'i and on short notice. 0 n :3. 0 ' -------j---_... ` White Fish in 3:15 and Half Brls, Salmon Trout. In Brits and Half B1-In, Salt Water Salmon, Mackerel, Yarmonth Bloters, - Finnnn Buddies. And No. 1 Labndo/r Earrings in Bria Q HalfBrls GOAL 0 I L',[ 200 Packages of Fish JUST RECEIVED. nuvn. vllvvbuvlvuw .-. -.- -V V. .. -........._..., ,__,_ I ;@"0rders for anything in our line of business promptly attended to. Not responsible lor work lelt. over 1 year. Ladias Suits, Jewelery, HHIRRAH FOR CHRISTMAS. In udditibn to 1 he lav-geistock usually kept on .hand, 100 Hart all: more have been received be- fore tbe Idle ad Vance. which ,they are going to - sell at old prices. ' Fine Old Rye, Old Mal:,_ Dinnnnml Lvery Monday for Min`ca"k ntermedia.te rning for P...u: Sound ottawa, Duutr_ooKSing- 1, Fleaherton, Pris. 11119, umd_Walke'rton,` thence to cardiac.` ' - 9 Thoggbngy and Glarksburg. kmmnsnmnnws. ~, 1- BEAU fIFUL SELECTIONS sure to tickle the imagination of Colle drink- ers. I :e certain to`nak for Fresh Ground Java Ground. fresh every morrring, An article that`! | 1 Coffee. 7 V 1 , ! Qlflte New an;i Fresh, and at ail prices from 40 } cents up. Those in favour of a delicious cup should not fail to give those Teas a trial, 200 Boxes of those beziliful Valencia Raisinl, 1 100 Boxes Sultan Raisins, 100 Boxes Malnge Ra.i3`us, 100 Boxes of Layer Railing, In B `x65 and Half Boxes. 50 Rarrels of Currauta, I`-H pew Fruit of the latst Irnportations, All of whlch thy are bound to sell before the In of ' January, 1872.- -._._..jj-_.._.__._ lccirrnfss : [I50 HALF ciuasrs IN ALL`. !ti`7fiMiixi Justthes kind to make the.peop1e laugh arid ` grow fut. ._.vK_.j" TiEJ\'1; %1m`1il@P_E1\lTURE` a:mm1ocaliv, \\ 1.\[`.; W. for instance con- -'_"`3Bllars towards 76!)` fund, fifty of j`,Tiimend`ed by um to b expended In __ ' ice. _ b ` _s argument W435 of fig given legal 1 -T91, hm client, buft~h_ `*3 tzdyetbd .-wInji`3is-.E ` uagqr .m=.vINnsw ' I Carefully selected and sent forward especislly for the Great Eaaleln Store. This Store ig noted for selling Cheap Teas. _vI{H .1 SK I E73` xi . Is just injeceipt of a. bran new stock of .. s. & C. L. SAND`; AGent s Suits, Jewelery! n-WHOLESALE & 1m'rArL..I Gold and Silver, Old Port and Sherry, really splendid, In their new oiugseynd B mim'm;s_ fo.. IT-`IICKEY aao_s. un...1...l. and mail Me: Wholesale and Retiil Merchants. nc._ 7th, 1871. 1u.u,_ Diamond A n EMPORIUM oat No . 1 Whige, Illll And Morton Proof Whiskey .L-_.:-- All who intend making purchases for ANDEXAMINE OUR GOODS. Of various _Grndos and at all prices, I Light and Dr_y,and almpdrled direct, & ` warranted of the very best quality. Hotel Kavm; will please make u of thil. ~.n.ul.nua'1o. . .1. . .j1 1_. 20. . . 0! Bu'rle-'.....1...*11.25... 3.\ A nnthn `II AKIIQI-I JMERRY XMAS` AND - In. B. A. ALLEN! ZYLOBALIAIUI . Inll? ' frzgcatb-1 /.7 nu Ilafr; char and M, - tsaditund. If ' llfla llll uvnrul nulls. I:;r'zl;1qkrlor1`li9l,luuInr an`!/mu! udinu-nu. It 2': wry tltufla utubu [rodhat under audit. 1:: I and 5 ...,;.'3=:,',,...,.,...,`.*.':',.".. .'.";:.*=';...p..... - :5.":+ .;':."s`.. ?...m` `1.7 ,u.z.,.......' ""' .2 Nlllrloucwillltlllr. BOLDIYALI-DIUOOCE .- no u 's.1Lv niuac..whoh-debug _' ? '":o`'-"vol-;us7,.u4co ertx_'ivq,lgv>! ;_,_; - ', G - -n _ LY.-IONIC xii `gt 53.34.-3.13;` V. HAIR REST BER ,' Will Restore Gray Hall` to Its`. Natural Life, Color and Beauty! [Ma 3 mostiieli mu Hair In-mg; -. ` It will romoto uxurinnt glvythi - : FALLINA HAIR in immedistoly nhoqhotp , u-.. n A ATJJBYIII IVI_fI`BA1_IAIl'I'l'Il ...`.a1._ V New Icylo. I-pox-an change. A nu. nun nsronnn um nnaune,` Oounblud in one lottb. 3 A I " '-' '?S7n Ulllj Ill VII D955-[CI 9 MRS. s. A._ALLEN S [TOWN o_mmE. As Municipal mltters are now on the txpis, I beg leave to inform my friends and suppunera of my intention to again seek ihelr Iutfrages fnr l'8`_8l:Cli0 to the oice of `Mayor for this town. ' ' IG!........I\ O"' . u-k wn rcmedydoes not dry u A C h, [T-,;`;`:o't;4-. carigco lmhlnd, us is the mum wit ow l moat Iuons; but it loosuns gm! cleamwu the lungs, am an Irritation, inns remorm the came of t _ . he compln! ..g..W' 2 '**2.'*;.1m~.v_- s " 939-Wing" A ei in which o"-;::`b, Inuenced 1.-rd.-:.`v " mouth -piec`e ELEGTQRS '1;Th8 ' Liaf 91' B V1c1_n1ty. ' O 6*-rig IQ-A~-. ' and Barrie. Dec.'7ib, 1971. ISPECIAL 1~i0T1(5"1i. 1 LJDIES, You no requested to utlendal Messrs. iED.\1_Al\',SUN & son, Dunlop S(.,'on ' :(1:'?'Saturday next, the 9th_1_I7zstant,.n And fw following weeks, and thgn and there ; 'see and examine the largest and best assort-`I ' - meat of .-_-___... -.----- - ------v-~-v~, -----_._' 3. A. Auaam IYLOBALIAIUI; aiuhr lrtlara-I /0! Hdr: tmtnral. Eancy Cakes, Scotch Short Bread, nd Fancy Sugar Toys, &c., for Bird .s- Ca/ces, Xmas Cakes, 1 XMAS (y N1::W Y-E'A`RT PRESENTS 11..-- ..l........ In Dar-:n an!` than H vnn urn Ann- `L-In ' 11310.. u 10.55.. u DKII --_-----~ .1 -~- ~- -_._V--, - ._._ ,_ _, _ _ Efer shown in Baftie, and then if you are con- vinced please leave us -your order and they sballbe promptiy attended too and delivetoi to any part of the town. NR__A1l orders for Bread. Biscuits. Tea to part. or we IOWD. N.B..-A1I orders Bread, Tea Parties, &c., promptly attenuied to. 49-*2in p ` U Came into the premises of vtha subscriber, Elmvale; Lo: No 2,in the 9th Com, F103, 3 one. year old heifer v . V Thu owner can have the Mme by nrovinz olu ueuer The owner can by proving property and paying expenses. Ifnot clnimod within one month, will b: sold to pay expensos. JOHN J. RITCHIE. 131---}- n-.. ml. I0'I| 40-11,. Elmvale, Dec. 7th, 1871. I _....__:________ white under. If. not claimed within one month date it will be so\d,to ' (Signed) r.-`om this pay expenses. 'WILLXA.\I ADDISON, Lo: 1l,3rd Con.. Oro. 49-3iu p . :__1L. : - l .l_I. , V Found a. Yearling Heifer, all Red with nliulo white under. . 15' ...-u nlnima I-n:lL:n nnn rnnnlh t'.~n'm {hid -T APPLIC.-\'l`lOI\' will be made to the Legis- lative Assembly 0 the Province cl Ontario, at its next Session, for an Act to incoxporate the Barrie Water Walks Company, with power to conduct all necessary works for supplying water and lay down pipes in the Town 01 Mile, in the County of Simcoe. and f "I"n|-nnin NOV. 9111. pun the Uounty 01 Dluwuxa. In Toronto, Nov. 9111,, 1871. -nvunsuu nu aI$IE- `Axon: at Banin` A. v. .._._._---. -i-_.___j, _ , {TRAYED. THE ;onc"n: EIFER S'[`RAYj .DW.W K2 doors east qf the Old Stan} 'lIlll|lPI.ll'l`l! STIIIIK Emu qunnfsiisg JEWEI Iucmuns nuu cleanses the lungs, and Klf. IS remorin the complain WLE a: 5 S. I` new . Boa! . sol md deslen in Ixfggiclnunnncnm. m R....:.' A it 'n-'--- k "4 _aOG=TOYS .s:_r: [8, 119. m. vIoL1'1\i s. SANTA CLAULS `Flutes, - (Sac. withspectacles would n aliahinr` :9 (Ha rnru-nun- Wonderful inventions in And an endless var` and col cT;:*u~:E S' d), < > GRAY H13. -- In certain indication. of deny ut the root.` _O am. '10 am. 10 a..m. , 10 am: - ..- -- nnnnlrg _;I:turo's Grown. `You list ouuumt gneuy, ROBERT SIMPSON, .MtIlll murmn. uni, Nature`: Grown. .._... --u--5;. . Palmer & Co. IV: 49-3in i 48-Gt by that ` " ,.Eco1voMY wrrn A VnNGaANcr..-We mdcd ' understand that Mr. Geo. Whitebread l fty in was lately called upon to put 1n 2 `square be issued of glass in the gaoll;.to,.do which he would perhaps have had to remove a ladder over a stone wall to approach theuwrndow. He would then have to p `t in his account about 30 cents, in ever the wisdom of am. n..a....'.._- gt :tn'pI:'cat'e,-to be adjudicated upon when-` ` 11 a.E Ilnvn me 1yep_.Ju. L9. . ', na.....,.12.02.. ;..Angus.~. . . . . .12. 17. . _ 5 _o_vzLowelh...`12.a5;. tayner...;....12.56..1 Batteaux. ..'...~. 1.10. . nllinawnn. . . 1.200.]! and wh'il`qtv(h`3 mds of peop still somewhat 'ecit a[ V-oi'er_ the ,n_-' team. am : of BIa s_..;a; Co. saw 2: prospect of a good htirveet rm th Apolietioelly and -peeuniarjly, to ; I-sap which they had `onlyjo sow the seed. 1'! in`. .g _______ N . thing/that looked ' .. _-v- v_-, ..-._. v?u,_.>..u_ guw I-nu uncu- It is `a.7 mn moron_a `and a hungry crowd thatoomp9aay"t1us mi, and its members qoon"aprad themselvos over the copptituences scouting out every- corruption, a. task for which they inengly quali- ed by `porno erience of the flavour I of every kind of political im- purity.` ` Can`. '.-_......A..._ -I--i5-,. .-J--,,- Some `seventeen election petitions `was the resultlof this unselsh deviis tion to party interests," and to the great cause of elggtoral purity. Some of these petitions were,eno doubt, led against opposition candidates, `but this only brought more grist to the mill of Blake &, Co., who, generally contr ived- to get 9. nger into every pie either on one side or the other. 1-v. u ...v V. -...v vuuuvni We have no doubt that the sum total in the matter of costs will . make 9, re`- spectable gure, altho the pomical gains may be nit, but there are many people simple" minded enough to think and many that the ;occupatic_m of 9. scavanger is fafmore creditable than that of a pettifOgger'although 1!; may not be so protable. - ` If you want Chris-Qnu Presents and New Year s -~ Gifts go to Edward's, who hasjust bpened out - ue largest and best stock of Bank: aver , _- _. -..........m.....- --o Thetseveral items of supply have been adopted in committee of the Local . Parliament of this Province for the cur- rent scal year, theitotal -sum amount- $1,699,481, part ;of which was appropriated as follows :;_--Education, $304,410; Literary and` Scientic. in- stitutions, $3,800; Board of Arts and Manufactures,` $3,000; Agriculture, $56,400; Immigration,_$20,000; Public Works and Buildings, $178,000; and Charitable purposes, $191,210. In the inajority of cases the various items were concurred in with little or no dis- cussion, though occasionally the oppo- sition by way of breaking the monotony would demand further explanation. On the appropriation of $20,000 for Im- migration M. Bachand thought the re- sult ofthe preceeding year did not warrant the devoting of sucha sum for that purpose, and considered that. the further intention of- _the~G6vern- meat should be lmown `before the amount was voted. To which the `Premier, Hon. M . Chauveau, replied l.y stating that the calculation was not 1 based upon what had been done in that way during the previous year, although ~ ` ever: that was not to be `despised, but 1 that the intention of.the Government 1 was to devote themselves more ener- getically to this all important matter. 1 The attracting ofan enormous immigra- tion to the Province was not to be im- mediately expected, though by making the necessary exertions he felt certain such would ultimately be the case. Already the ' Government, by agents, . had been workingand spreading in` formation concerning" the Progincejn * England, Ireland, _F,l B.llca-n.w%i Belgium, which_wou.k!-`not fail to produce bene- , Gic1.l"l'6sull8. During this year four thousand immigrants had been- settled by the immigration agent at Montreal either in that locality or in the Eastern` Townships, and a much larger addition to the population mightpcertainly be expected next season by immigrants from Alsace and Lorraine. On the whole he was quite satised that for the Province the appropriation would prove a most protable investment- We certainly think that the funds, of the Province could notibe expended more judiciously, and such-exertion and expenditure must certainly be n.ade if thedesire is that the Province of Que- bec shall increase proportionately with ' the other Provinces. , _ Opposition to such a scheme which 0 ld receive the cordial support of ' concerned inxthe future wel- _ nd prosperity of `the Province, ` without regard to party, merely serves to show how detrimentalito the in- terest of the Province it would he were \ future destiny conded to the hands a ranges, _' A option was also taken by the of)- to appropriating $114,000 for -- iateuance of V the Beauport v syluiii, the sum being a trie larger ' `an for the, previous year, but as the .` A r. Robertson explained a num- __ unatics who formerly had been n the common gaols `had recently. A emoved to the Asylum; com- : having been brought before the 3 e to the request, consequently as were more lunatics in the Asylum ovide for. the expense would like `W5 he increased. It-is gratifying to_ "P3 " ive th notwithstanding the ` man obstacles thrown in its way by ' th position the present Government ' 7' ` `bled to show a fair ` surplus, 1 n, of` course, considerably -less ,.' ihnt nf` this Dm..;'....'.. .: r\._._.,s, ...`,...,.....r., w m: nuJuull.7l.l.E(l upon when-` ever" wisdom of the Coontywas `ready to do so. Mr. Whitebread was, I of course, anxious that somebody else : ` gahonl/(gs: the job, was he had a bill of .0_'oonta some time ago against the: `onrt_`of heasions which was not worth` a ggoatrouhle of collecting, for ion the rst ` f `_6_thefac'oount's have to he made ou.t o n:p_lioate ,jo_ndor"sd `by . Mr. Cres- ks.:c.. "8`` 8.. Vemuncertaih V jo*Bop_t3 .0f "A`t,Idgt,',_'a"i1".`.or'(!e'|-i `. 9:611 " ' YIHE QUEB EC PARLIAMENT. EH8 ` broul all and se the large Vstock of plain and fancy Inkatauds just opened out at Edwm'd s. Many I them snitqple for holiday presents. 48-sin . . . - - . -av vvuululllly -I8 ';`1-{at of the Proviiqce of Ontario.` . . . ,,NoarH*srMneem` ; graphic item in the" i1..`.._ MP1. 15,`: of g.41_ortheimoeg1wuj d. gugo-,1, 5. [flit their Riding, so univuully 5', I 5; w_ eepted that. Mr. Ardagh isde faaa the `P'58DtBtiV9. Wanting only the for-' malfecognition againeof the -popular ` `` `_ Place. him where,in i an . unusu- -"Y excited conte st,,he stood hundreds ahadA0,f his opponents. _The sensible politicians of all-clases in the Riding looked upon the protest with something `km ` disgust, emanating, as it did,- from the party who inaugurated the act that. voided the election, and which all solemnly agreed in no case i to take advantage of. No sooner had the election terminated in the return of Mr. Ardagh by an immense major- i`Y~then willing tools were found to - lend themselves to a protest on the most frivolous grounds,and which would un- doubtedly have failed, but for the one l point, involving no violation of princi- . _ple, which `was agreed upon should not I be taken advantage of by the parties ` r protesting. The hiring of cars on , r nomination day was not bribery, be- ; cause all three candidates were equally _ 1 `concerned in having their distant '-` , friends present,_ in order to give them anopportunity of seeing and judging for themselves. .However, the result e is known to every elector throughout ` the County-pretty free opinion has ' been expressedin regard to the want of honor and meanness involved in the act; and to-day Mr. Ardagh stands 7 higher in the good opinion of the peo- ple of the County, both of friendly and opposite politics, than he did when suc- cessful at'i'he polls last March. -It is gratifying to hear men of standing, whoboslore opposed Mr. Ardagh, repro- beting the act that deprived him of his seat, and throwing thecountryminto the turnmil and expense of another election_ fI'VI_ ,.I_, 4, nl 1: ,',,J,t`,A!._._LI_ A-...I-.. _ _... ---r- I W'lhanlrs to the indefatigable tendon-. " cies._ of a few adventerous spirits, to whom political broil is a matter of daily ,crumbs,a gathering of such held in this to,wn,_under the guise of a re- spectable and honored name, assumed to dictate to this Riding a choice 01 candidates for the Local and Confeder- ate Parliaments; and which is as much a burlesque upon the Reform party of this. Riding as is. Riel s loyalty to . the British Government `for Mayor Simpson's love "for Rotary Engine. `the 1 What antecedents ; thelspurious outgrowths of a 'Conven- j tron, born of the cholics and agonies mostly of roadside Doctors, may have : to back their claims to even the promi- ence or politicalmention, is a marvel to the veterans who have fought the poli- tical battles of this Riding. They puz-. zlevsadly over `the names of the twin Doctors, and wonder in vain as to what outside school nursed these rare gems of - political perlection. Unless we ace cept the theory of Topsy we" are puz- zled to make out a political pedigree for either of those distinguished practi- tioners in the high art of purging. If 7 celebrity is to be measured out to ,D!.'. ' Ramsay as Editor of an .0-:`.'.`iia" paper, thenit.mns!.P-.:i.hrs`ion to have it awarded him. In Jhethree years of its existence it has turned as many r gsummersaults on loc1l and political l questions as to leave the matter con~ l stantly open` to dispute on what side i 1 A the Light belongs. If the intellectual throes of the Editor have thus been , .fortuitous,'what must he the political ; status which makes him for the mo- , ment the gureof straw setup to be ' annihilated by the rst breath that ruf- l es his meaningless candidature. The - Globe has `had a few items reading T" somewhat as follows z-_ I I u - -- ._. . Lost, .3. Red had, Grey Scarf withvtey Fringe. The nder willvbe retarded for bring - ing the same to the "Adnilce " bice, -bht hsd better not be seen with it hftertthis notioq-` Bosh! No wonder the Globe is the worstdeceived newspaper in the Do- minion. Dr. Ramsay, in ve minutes, can discharge all thepolitical know- ledge he is possessed of. His ordinary time is three minutes; and `if an elec- tor was to propcund some _question of political fact in the meantime he would collapse as utterly as a pricked bag-pipe. His mennderings through the Riding has attracted no attention in the rural parts ;_and even in Oro, with such an, `attraction as Mr. McKenzie, for whom we have a profound respect as a well-educated "politician, only about fourteen had curiosity enough to put in an ~ appearance. The people of this Riding, whether Retormers or" Oonserr vatives, are equal to the emergency which has arisen, and`, in short order will give a quietus to the braceof polr- ' ticalpretenders who have managed to. get themselves cheaply advertised. In the present case Mr. Ardagh is under :_political-o_r_othe__r reasons. V the necessity of undergoing the farce of a contest which every man of sense condemns as neither called for fro -L. Spcda1,T?legra:;6 thvNorlhe1n.ddoan_t` ` _ _ iL.0NDON,>ENG-, Dec'8.-We hnv`e_ xe-. V;_o!ivd- a special telegram from London undex: theyabovq date which `con-ecu -1).` -11 .,L: n`'-_ ..-'.-.-a .-. . I _igpon whiolrhas ben can -ent that: Lnrssr j_i;:Laim . um rum or wgrgjasg __ ...-...1.u..1,u I _ V ord....g,.,._1o.35..`, 4 . _ ` W0 I'qIl'c:0_h_|1o_`-45:}: ` gglrdme ..... .`11'02._..` -.A.lll.:\da1e......11.20... :"l!..n-I. .` ;' in` on` `is not ~the_o9se. "ljle isvatill alive lgnt -II.."'::.~'IE-t-;1-Ta `i5f;n2"e3r'v7'3s wpq deada. Such, we aref happy`-to qIuj'fe_, `very -1ow`;2;;,,.; . ' ; M ..v._- n ...-- an avuvuw 0 'Noa'rH SIMCOE -.ELEC'I`ION.-- The `f Reform Candidate held a splendid meeting in Vespra last night. and was greeted with immense enthusiasm. Dr. .Ramsay exposed in withering language the short-comings of the _ Patent Combination, and after holding " forth for an hour in eloquent strains, V`.`4-was followed by several of his local supporters. - " ' 1 `Y - ,. .... '- ' TCupent_ora.; . \iv|" iid M u%_n_i` _ ., ,19o;9t%,l_?91Iw sm~16:hW1!?s: % /T 1- :1: An a.iiug;{;i .,.g:%...{ 3.1;? 70rillia"18at4-Monday-"-the the l` chair"--with a view of fqrmiijri new County for representative It .3 w is proposed to take a slice fromgsimcoe, Ontarioand Victoria, or to be "more. 1 spcio, I portion of Oro and Medonte, the two .0rillias,_ with Matohedash, Mara and Rama, Morrison and Moe- koka,andia couple of townships from North Victoria. There are a few seats to be givento Ontario next year, and our friends to the North-East of us have set about this early to make good their claims. A s a compliment` to the p _Governor-General it is proposed to call the new County Lisgar. In the race for possession of the good things we _ cannot but wish our friends. merited success . We may give full proceed- ` ings next week. 1n`iil%;nsn( of allkindn, vary ch up MUNICIPAL. _ Thieia beginning to be .a. `stir in viewofthe coming Municipal elec- tions. . , ___.!._- |lUl I3e [When Mr. Simoeon was Aoanwnreseing for the Mayorellty last year he gave some? perti_es,-~ to` -understand that he would be `contented `to fill the position for esingle term, buthe they have changed his mind since then. Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Wm. Boys have, however, each been spoken of lately as his probable successor in oiee; f- -ra. -:_ I_._...... :1...` III . A...-I...-In `icing: U-5 NIB llAVIla.,u_ID Duvvvouvn nu vannvnvu It `is_ `known , that Ml . Ardagh _ `ideas not intend to ask for re-election as Reeve, and Mr, `Spencer will probably have no d-iieulty in securing that posi- tion in the Council. - 4 ..a . n .n 1-` There candidate for the Deputy Reeveship as yetspoken of in opposi- tion to the `present incumbent,and only one new candidate-for the body of the Iounoil although there will no doubt -be a` goodly europ of aspirants `before nomination day. ' ' -1` "5 M4- __._._.` `180!!! .....> . o`-U4 e'.Lngus.'.... ....12.17... 3.17 , _o_wLowelh..~`l2.35;.. 8.35 taynex-....'....l2.56..m 8.55 Battea\ux...'...~. ;.1o... 9.10 Oollinzwood. . . M1.2op.m 9.20 T Bud onoug11 to'look.and foal, your:-elf"; but no exonuelor hum; your` horujook am! feel badly. when for _numnHautn you can buy `Sheridan's Oavalfy 0otIdI'l._ Powd'era wheel; given.1in_.grain;}wo ' ~ [iota wqfok`, "III/Al" _`k,C"_l|illI.l ` V-yell. Patterson : :11 Wilson's `Fanning Milli for Idle by G. J. BEATTIE, Barrie. ..*;2*as'::m%:~-~ -11 wv mt '0a1iiid'hu`tho In-go stock of plnin Ind fnncy Iuhuudu just openqd out It Edward's. Many ,9! phemmuigable for holiday nruenu. 4a.3in If yon viint Ohriltmu P1-ubenu and NowYear u Gifts goto Edws_td'a, who has Just opemd _ omae lwgqtndbut noel: of pooh mr bronght into Barrie. _ nv _ /J.-3iI| N \ N \ \ `\ .\\ .\\ \\ Q \` \\\ ix \ g `\ `r \ \ K `t \ ; %\ :\ W.` \ \. \\ \\ THE SPEAKERSHIP. - There appears to have been much _udo about nothing, as we learn that Mr. Scott, of Ottawa, the nominee of the Government for the Speakership was elected without opposition ' an n_,4. 3,, --I_.___I-J_-J z_"L- _L...-| i For Patent Medicitiei of ail kinds go up WOOD S Drug Store, op its ' Mo- _Cq,rthy 85 McCarthy's new w Oice, B8 nnnn hut nnnninn nDf;n`g- -..- ._I-1 "selection could evidently not have - . V V - v - - . . - . . . -- -rr_-_.--__- Mr. Scott is acknwledged to" be about , the most t man in the house for the 1 position. t- HgB.g. '?. 58 Gillan). experience, is well up in th rules ofithe House, possesses a good ddress and is persona1lv_ popular with the members on both sides. A better l*en madet T A #_ ____u ._..'.i --._ .. -.. vwunnn-Vin rnvsuvvavu oj ONTARIO BANK.-We learn that Mr. H; G. McVity, who has been accountant for several years in the Toronto Branch of the Ontario Bank, has been appointed to the management of the Port Hope branch. We can- gratulate Mr. McVity on his promotion, and ` have no doubt he will make as favourabiean impression on the cus- tomers' of the'Bank there as`. he has done in Toronto, by his courteous man- ner and faithful attention to the work `of the office. '_ ` . -CONNEGTIYO` ` ` ' I Grgiixd Trunk Railway. ith Great Western Railway uspension Bridge and the 9 A `_ . yal Mail Line of Steamers efor:K aton, Montreal and Quebec; with nd L-ewiston. . _ roan-..-Stage for Bondhead twice daily. uroan-Stage for Gookstoivn twice daily. . `ge daily for Oloverhill, Nicolston, Alllston, Sisvm`ille,eArlington. and Rosemont. Steamer City of Toronto," for Niagara ; Lu-nor--$tag\e daily for Ghurchili and" Cherry Cieek. . _ - BILL EwAar-W1th Steamer Emily May, leaving.Be1l,E_w, pvery morning on arrival of Maill_,`Train" in Toronto, for Beavertan, Orillia, and? termediate ports on Lake Simcoe, connebling with Steamer and Stages for the Musk l_:a.`District. - BAIuun--Stag aily for Penetanguiahere. With Sieambr Ida Burton, leaving Barrie at 5:30,` A.M. daily for Orillia and Washago connecting with Stage for Gravenhm-st," and Steamer Wenonah for `Bracebridge and ports on Lake Muakoka, and Steamer Waba- , mik for ports on Lake Rossean. - SnYNaa-Stage daily for Creemore, Banda an A venimr. . - C1rnis'mAs.OuEsn.-We would wish to call the attention of our readers to. the advertisement of Messrs. Hickey Bros.,'who have just received a very large stock of fruits and groceries in general for the Christmas and New Year's-festivities. From the large and increasing business this rm has been doing during thepast, and from the `fact that they are bnying'd1reot from foreign markets we are sure they are able to sell goods ata cheap rate. ' hand 9.} Palmer 4!; Co s, -"The Wheelef & Wilaon sud Lockmnn Sewing Machines for sale by J. BEA l`TIE,Bu1-lo. I\/IacThine`0ils "in Barrie, ate how on ' Watt s Barrie Hotel. ONTARIO BANx.,-`-It will be gratify- ing to the numerous friends and _well- wishers of our townsmen, George H. G. M cVity, to see by. the following ex- tract that from the daily Globe of the 30th Novemher, that his long and faith- ful services heve been duly appreciated, and he has`our best wishes that he may long enjoy his well earned promotion :-i un.........,. D...'.. :17. u__,,,, -I - In other columns will be found Mr. Ardagh s address. It isa straightforward and manly document, free from sub- serviency, and embodies such a plat- form as a Local representative ought to occupy. It will be noticed to embrace substantially the same views as made Mr. Ardagh the successful man at the last election-in itsessential features eschewing faction, whether pertaining to Macdonald or Blake. We hope every well~wisher of the Riding will give Mr. _Arggh s address .a "careful. perusal. .3. All kind `Sawing Machines fdr sale by G; J..BEA'l`.`,v `A , Barrie. mqunuu Jllll openqa out Edward's. Han} 4* of ;hen_raui;sble holiday prcsenu, 48-sin _ PROPOSED -NEW couriififi Clear-, bright, odorless Goal Oil at the old ice for a few days only, at Palmer & Co s., ppoaito McWntt's Hotel.` The best and chehg quay on Lucuannys new Law Office, |_V11o11,_eT.but genuine articles are sold lard-` ` MR. ARDAGH S ADDRESS. 32291 nssortmeht 6! I onmgita Butane-r Contmr-nu Oan.uA.-;_-Ate. meeting of the Ban not Committee held in the QllQ0n 3 otol last. Saint: Vnu Aswan:-an, Mn- 13..-..- `l'.. l'\..:.... ` kindness in. granting the use of the ` those gentlemen. R Ladies; Mr. Frank`Keau for selecting ' Bingharn, The Committee adjourned P I , arranged. 3!! ?nins+-'1F:;t6Y. -Tu.-2 Quinn. , Esqz, in the chair -after examining the .t .gret was expreitsed for those Illll Ill luv I` gum In` nus _ unts a slight deciency was found w ieh wassoon arranged. Much re- gentlemen who lost caps and coats, but unit were fully aware that two reliable persons werein `chare of the`coat and hat room to see to the security and safe de- livery of such articles as were placed : in their pos ession, and all were aware I of this. The committee considered ; that no blame could, under any circum- ` stances,be attached to them. Votes l of thanks were unanimously passed to 3 A. P. Dodge, Esq., for his handsome donation to the Banquet'1FInd, and also to F. Uumberland, Esq., for his station for the Banquet, and that the resolutions to be presented in writing to Votes of thanks were also seed to Mr. J. Quinn, Chairman ; r. J. C. McMullen,'Se_c- retary; D. L. Sanson, Treasurer; the the music, &c., the cateerer Mr. A. R. until next Sarurday evening, at 8 p.m., at the Queen's; when all detailswill be OBITUARY.-We regret to record the death of John Gribbin, Esq., oi Dromore, Co. Down, lreland,. who departed this life after a long and tedious illness ex- tending over10 years,` during which time he was chiey conned to his bed. He bore his cross patiently, and meekly resigned himself to the ' will of his divine master. The deceased was over 92 years of age, and was quite a young man during the battle of 98, and ieinembered distinctly the battle of J Ballinahinch, which was fought within 9 miles of his residence. The above gentleman was father of the Rev. J. J. Gribbin, Parish Priest of the Gore of Toronto, and also of Mr. F. J. Gribbin, merchant of Orillia; , vr - . \.' \\-.x~.\-..~~\~\. S!-;,.:.,..r-._ ._\.,.` ~-ZDECEMBER 7, 1871; In no. . .. Iul celebrated Linixnent `has been need [or many yeemtnd its curative properties thoroughly teeted,o.nditineoneeded lo he the cheapest and meet reliable remedy for all external complaint; ever ofered to the hlic-x_t never fails when time eqdend lei: nil! ~~ To hdof nllbrexrin Ind Oountn. n....;.- ~ '10 ll Ollllllfl Inna throughout the i bolt]: . Ring Bone. Spavin, CaIloun_ Fistnln, Bweehby. THIS l ble |"~'I\cp medicinnlv:iI-`me: olptal:g:e uticlos pcrienee has proved to the most 33 e gcient Iopertiu {on e cure of Flesh Wound -`, sprains, raises. Gulls at all kinds,Graokod Kaela, mbsm all the 98 External Poison, Scratches o _.GI'eaI, Strainp. Lameneu,'Mnn Whitlovn, ol'no.`SInd Crack Fonnderod Feet, orn'DisletnpeI'. Swellingn. I mzoyc other diuua which hates tnd cattle are tto. ` V . . -iaom III In mo:-6: Co;'l`. JLDea:on.Brn Cnmronnm S'roms.---New goods con- | stantly arriving per T. S. & M. J. Rail- wav. Dry goods, boots and shoes, 1 glassware , groceries and liquors fcr the million. just. received for Christmas cheer. That celebrated Tea which cheers but not inebuutes for sale at the usual price, $1 per pound. Call and examine Mulcahy &' Co s-. large and well selected stock. Nothing to eclipse it for quality, quantity or cheapness north of Toronto. > T ng nur:_xu1 :o_ me consmuuon. d h direcnpns an ll|&ebcp::lr|;l`l_llltyIl;`?e|1s:rV:da`c P`ckage'z:'mx:::v:onx sou: rizopawnon. jo M03 9 ~`::1:.:..:':1e::::g'z2'r:;!..'::%i?3 enc - ' ll ' sure 33:, general gggnla for I 68 I)c::nIl:1Iorl;g::` ":2". -~.s;!: :l::?n b:zv9rva7:onc$..``-W3G5g'8"' Sc 1 ' ' dj hn Woods; acon. .P.|mer.& 10.81] 0 _ d U gaxtord; Gm" 5` 3`? ""?? an 4-`fv medicil1'8d" , DARLEY S .A.ra.b*1a.:n C11 A NEVER Ffinv REMEDY. AUCTION S_ALn.-Messrs. Green Bros. announce another of their annual sales at Craighurst, on the 18th, 19th, 20th, JLa.nd 22nd December. Mr. J. t A JOhll80l'l , au':'tT&`l.:"'- ~--o-- 'l`AYN1u--Dung: uuny nu vu-cumuv, uuuun, nun Avening. . . C01!-INGy00D-Wifh Steamer Francis mith,". for Megfdrd, Cape Rich, and Owen onnd, 113 with Stage to Snugeen; esuperior Royal Mail Line for au1_ $19. Marie, Fort Wil inm -ting with the Lake Superior road and Northern Pacic Fort Garry and Red