------- ----, -------- - ----- V _ - _ Oicea-Church Street, next door to the old Court House`, Toronto. ' - _ I. c. cnxlnon. D. u'nucuAsI.. 0A. u?uxcn.u::. -I - .... . Dr. I8 Will Billy on `N10 gbovej Hy - an-19, December .11th.3186 l.' L ` 5 - June, 1868. NEW LAND-"|WlV|PR_UVEl1" mu-:sz': n the 1` rovince. . Barrie, 15111 L" , .. ----:0:---- A The bar is furnished with the fmest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars V 8- . The Accident Ihsurance VCompa:;.y,V3 .13 THE POST OFFICE BUvILD1NG,'B;\'1Z`.hi:-3, Bum-ie,l1ay 6th, 1868. '18- ' . , .______ _ , ERUYALINSURAANCEUUMPi\NY1 cnum FARMERS INSURANCE cosunm ..-nu.-gun -u.-. n 1_H'E.'r1:P;RA`1>1N11o'r1;L V Qqglgp Strel, Foot of J'y1:i'/1'-:5 Sl2c_%' IIDCOF , U0l"Iy{|DCBl', UOKDIIJISSXOII U tc.,0R LLIA smcom co.,`c.w. `.LEME5rsr 1m-%;., 1 _ 7;{:ia3i~.1~i{s mm` ;uo"mm?:, T` OOMMEKOIAL UNION INSURANCE COM" PANY, FIRE AND Ig_I'FE,.`_ I ' 1z E L IA N 0 .4L'I.F.E:i'_\ IX C H A? 141?; E 11.0 '5 I A . DAUIILOP S'1`I`.E 73, 11.33: `v HDMAS `LoW1~:,V-j3"Uv1foH1?.a`,`-'.c` POULTERER. - 'B:l(l3.toi1i.t'6rnxihe ublic thathe linsftaken Sul1:'N'b. 4, iulhe Srkt_ 1-`muse, .Barri; whom he will carry the above business. - '..-.1. n.......I.....~ 1n|._-,u`m-.41 1 Au. flamxas EDWARDS, - (Late vepnty Reglsmr) I 4\,\ `l\TfTE`TJ `T7777. .HoTELS AND sALsn~:s. vV,.,v\-_ ._,`n,,r,./V- .. 4 -.. . Z lNSUii;1iIEi3 NOTICES; . Ix/\ . xpgasls->\\\\\\\-.\'y- _Vol. xx. `l.Irl'lL`\JLk7 '7 I LQALIJIJL II I. I. JLU` _NEY-AT-LAW, S licitor in-Chancery, Oonvoynnoerlliotnry Pu lic. Mimev to land on (nod Farm szemn-itv. :L EX . M50 Bi; 0`}.V_,T Second.to none in `. " -n9. \uau.v.. ..n.`..._-, _ coNVEYANoE' '01` SI", ._ : I`. gvwmg : ..vct., 185:7.` IS UPl`LED WI X'. Aourr `Aron Tau AGES? F0_R "UF..\`R`[ .'v aT'I`ic .z;'0z'el. II I 4I.IJO \./ uaarsmn, am., 1 `D,,`,v.I_cp St:-:(-ts. aud- 12..-.4.-Tu 1 the `I rovince.` - ' V 1"};-:.I>1 .2`.a'73::. wt! csnbelaed =1` 1:18 am 1`-ruvc-` d ` ' He Ilxnu.-ic Quv - ci:;': Hoic-15 imhe .nd S`!._0(:`|~;`d \vi`.b' and cig:xi":of the ntiv.-e ostlefs. :`.:`.o and vc-hi::';,r;:, xme:-. ':zn'est:; mu} :1 on the n'\.`-n.';:in ulta.-.; walk of :he 5 87.3- _ I 3d;L'. .011 zrmi 3,-'\l1e1`~4' H 0'1` 1; L, - - A I ~ a;1 e.:32r:,c~,2 '} - T. .;o1'>ri_>i2=.\r, 1 rny cu 1_.;;1-- zu- gupplied wnh '2 RRIE. 1`rp`pricior.. I.) HU\ . under 1 v ?j:___,.___..._ S. S. R Annrnevn-ab Law. 0 iafjozi fABL1-2:3 9 .iIN1C`hN 51:: 53103. 1 ".l'.."[ .1` _.-......:_u -1.; .-.-...-....-_...I.._.-.,.., Reslczxca Mr`. Cl1'zu_'1ssA Mcae-`s,Thurnl:o'u. T`.:ornLon,, September, 1809.` V 89,0-V-`Jlyl x nu-J Iv \ .1. on `p'o:ito_ Mr. . tcvtory`. -. Dr. McC., M ,;~.r :1.` BOSANKO`, L.D.S., .PRA.C- ,L`?,.:,4._ TIC.-XL D.E.\"1`IST, _ A _ V 1':.~.i2bc'r 0/ i. ze- Royal College of Denim.- I - ' S.'utgc01;s of Ontario. Rccms on Dunlap Street, in Boy's Block op-,:o~.itc the Queen's `Hotel, Barrie, which will {be open every day, except. from the 16111; to lib , , ~ . e 24th of `each month. Vulneery qc. ac. ` Omen-1-Dmilop Street, Barrie. W. Loan. "G. W. ` Bnooouors to the late firm of Boulton, Boy: 3 stawart. 7 hme, May 18th, 107K. 13-mzv CRESWICKE, JU1\'., "2hI\1".'v.'vV`.' (Y I '1 \7n onnwhxr; -an I. 3*; 21. A RTI-EUR 7 ARDAGH, J4, ' T ' 5l_l1BE1`:_ 1Z01 I>._L COLLEGE OF, SURGEONS, I I l'l`\'.l min at .:Cl'h`d `\ ,--..~.vxxn AT r:n'nr1`r:Drr.*q I g u 1` my guy -rgv nun: 1.7 --- - 12 ` ( E I BA L GROCERIES, G1assW:u'e,.- &c '\`.u. .-r~nr\1\f An hanr 1111211 en fin _u_/ , , ' , . ' j`2_u'/;.?[`)']_i/ Drs. Sc/.~o, r.n :I 5- IVa_lsan Bpndlzead, ..-'-.r ...~ -.._.....'o-on----u-In:-u M3; rcmzovd his ofcb to his new residence on 1 thsa` \`Vis.t sido of John Street, immediately op- 3m.,;.. *.;- l'.'nnrn-n n...-nva vdninina and sash \}\\ bbik K; Q R ' ' KIJVIJLVLJ \J\JlJL`l-J. I Ii. I , _, m1K.,- wrr.r.- e, at grrie, every SATUR- DAY, fromll a.tn., till 3 p.m., according to order of Council and every other day at` his, Office at Oookatown. 7 I ` D..__:- '-I. II! 14-nun :;_.-.`z for we .75 '11 U1 LIFE; Hartford Conn Aug. '24, 1809. ' 83 4-Vlyrp ` ! ..-__V--,, - n'c:'.v on h.>.nd.aKn .ex_fensive and genuine m sun.-k of Single and Double Harness ( {ar- ! 2 -.~..ud '1`-mm), il;-agiish dud Common CB; [ -re, Dmlble and `Single Bridles 0 Ira. \ \Tl`.ich he can of}cr at very 1-'eaaona ble 3 pri-23. Also in stock, some of the beat Englgish %' and other Riiug and Driving ` Whips, Bus, Lines, Hruhesaurrly and Mane .Combs,Car( Is, &:c. to be gunuin his market. . z j . A nv`HrI`.10 in the trade manufactured. fur- _ ` . DUI'LOP-'STREET, BARRIE. (7c;rn,=:c~r for {he (7ozmt_2/ -of Simcoe. October `.2nd, 1800. " V_ , 1 I &:c., be tgunu m was market. Any article in the trade 1na.nufacturod,`fln`-. nished to order on shott:not1ce,jan1 Wafrantd 10 give satisfaction. ` 1 5 Renairs well and naatlv axe cutnd. 'i);5;_-131.1 A-not-D13, give sar.1_sIa.cuon. !C5 Repaxrs well and noatly exe cutad. _ 31m-ie. April 8. 1870: . "SAMUEL ROBINSON, m-A u CT I ON Eye Pg-ca} ` inn mrrrs v nunuu, nnunun ozc L1u11 111 . Bixftlsu-rm uni Attorneys, Solicitors in Ohm Notaried Public, Conveyancers, BARR `Simeon, Ont. _ I` H '_ `-r -."`7 ,_ i Counties of Sz'mc`oe=" (Jardwell. [ Aponssmaosigoxr P.("I. -15. '31:<)*.'i:w 1..\_L LAND sunvnimn, VALUER, &c., 4y ' 3 . V Brmam. ,"L _ . __, If you are in want of good cheap V JUSTICE IS Txm GREAT, 3 may` AND HARNESS ES: %L1SH;\IENT, ' ' 1:050 rv. 5 r..-zn smzvn NEARLY oppomm ."IiE'BAZ\ K OF TORONTO `- A`D DY \mnueAanAucm;; snctga ` .' ' nuunrpn-Ila?-__`-..' , J. \,J-.IA u_v.- ,, V-_--wv- .- --_ _ `Sou :mmo_t do better than go to _ ..____.__--u-;. an jg : `YOUNG MAN . Ann.e:.m....,1:-: 1;. -- . _ ,- _ ) in active and in ;e:l:i`:gent $3: ' _td act as light box` 3e1y. For j to this omcgqgg. V ** * `- 4 ; _: ` w. 9. V nt;A< ._ju `First-class` 1<`louriix_1wa','s onhnnd. Ii~lLOP STREE'l`, :JLZZ 'G'a0.ds~'clcZz'1;e7ed mthoujt deZa,y. I~T;~L `~--.~,\.-`\_ xx s M O V A mzmcan; pniininasxon. \,\ . .. . - \ \- \\\.s~~.\\\\\l5\.'\&l~t\" vc(>2Tz;12. IRAISINS, CIIRBANTS,- E;-1z1Is"1'o1.z`1,F.11 HA;3.g,nO;,3 `. J :_ I. as: 1: m`ni-- U ' wv 1-its .5`? re!., Ncxrl 10 the Bank -uf Commerce.- ;1i1:V'i:i:iins` cums. _r=`:_A`.@.T.!Nrv1O 0RE,A. _._J ..n `J .IJ v Burlsters, Attorneys-.11-Law, Solicitors in Obnneery, &c., &c. _ . On-mn.--Dnnlon Street. Barrio. ` `DP... J. L. G. -McCAR"l.'.`H--Y` ,, '\/ovva-.n\(-:7 . ; ..71>P"..Inn, co; - A-),';y1sy~Y'`V" ' V1.1-'v Inn .- :".1') 'G A";VLY1"4`R-/1L ./IGENT V & I`:esc;"ap'.ions+~for "Patents ofI-u- ~.ar'c. :zHy prr-.'pared. '. vVn1ua';ions ..:-voying of every descriptio1L'ex- uccwacy and de3p9.tch. ' 53 31,1, p.Nr3zr:E3n,_. ~:r1z: Z. -_.4 ND 5,511; ...._.....- afml Linss accufatdy czdjusted. , has a vacancy for a. studxntl 30,1871. ' _11_.WV* .*i}}.` ~:~:E`: C-HAE_Esi_E.! :3:-I33:53s:,E%, % do 0! John Street, Immemuely op- Georgc .Ba.'1|_ s_ piaining and sash Loans udvancect."`Z&?_ _'f> 111199, P03 mproved Firm pr Town properly,"c.J`ar. .the action of Buildmgs. - mu rm-n-.m- narticulnrs annlv to ' ' \.lLl.IA.\k)\/A`, \JL\yLI.JlJl.[1 bg Do 1 Solicitor in Chancery, Attorneys-_at-Law, Oonveyances, Commissioner in B.R.,8c. Hair and Duviaee Claims prose- onted. Agent for the Canada. Landed Crefdt Company for loaning money on Real Esta e_ OFFICE-Next Franlc Kcans store. , Dec. 1, 1868.. - _ 3434 } ..u vu.u.uAAuA , EXIGLAND . .;yr 111/IE {7A"1`so`rJ..V 3+ KING-%&:s0N. rsiJ1:vEY0R ['1 I JTPD f`!')?\.'_ .. 0oUNTY% SIMCOEA GENERA1;V `ADVERTISER. om` EAR RIE. 44-if \Jl'lI.Ivl.lLL |lalVJ\\Il1lLlL I , lJ1l,|.' L fishers, At`.orneys-av.-Law, Solicitors in Chancery,-Bame, Ont. , D`Au'ol `MCCARTHY. D A`x.'ro2q Mccurrav, Jr. n__.__ I .| - `V n - u 1-. -. -. ,13iJ'_1' SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, AND" THE WHOLE SECRET or svccnss I N,ALL GOVERNMENT. a- SARDAINZELOBSTERS, 4-c.| ---:- Photographer, late of the London Stereoscoptc ' and Photographic Company, a EJEGS to inform the inhabitants of Orillin I ) and the surrounding _country,_that he had =_m'mmenced business in Orillia, and is pre- Npared, to take Photographs of every descrip- '=uion. Cortes de Visite, Imperial or Cabinet Ozrtes, Stereoscopic Famiiy Groups, and larger Pictures at moderate prices. - -o....;:....1..- qttnntinn mid to coloring and re- OYSTER SAL00?a'.| GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, BISCUITS, VCIGARS, TOBACCO, mpjss, S'1`1CKS;&o. -_-:- ' _I\mt'0`p ST:-eegt, `1`3s;rrie". DOLIINIONPHOTOGR.APH GALLERY, ', FRONT` STREET, ORXLLIA, Nearly rrziposize the Johnson Hou,se. _ lkrriei, Ontario, Thursqay+ Dcein bre- 1871.} I FARMINr(vM IMPLEMENTS, | . `*--AND-- ,___...._-.-a-A. --nnuv General` Insurance Agesgts. A. FERGUSON," A _J.W. FERGUSON Q Innn An On1c`n;-In their New B1ick>Bui1dlng oppo- lllo C. H. Ross Store. A ' ' L I`- ...... -.- Takes plqasure tn announcing` to their cznsto-' more and public generally, that they have now on hand 3 complete assortment of 'l\I1 If r1r\4`\`I'\Q DRY GOODS; - 1-I1\I\l\f DELFV AND GLASSWABE; Bottled and Barrelled .Z'/iquafs l7L...'.uu-I 13-am}-In HE undersigned thanks the-public for their] past. favors, and uflsla they willhot forge; 5 him, now be is in his nctoro, cpposiis Mc- ` Cgnnhy 6: McCarthy's law 0i\`ic6,- Dunlap Szreex. l Barrie, wnich he has tted up in the most com- 1 foftable style", and hopes by keeping 063 ; articles, and gingstrictattention to _r\iu the : - ; patronage. Still keeps on the Stall in` 1321` Mai-kat. , ' ,_`_ puruung U Market. I cnvznauacmuiacuaisxvr-auuatmo , ,, ..___-.._-- 5.. o`L-:.. n1nCA_' rnrucumr aousuupu yum Iv vu.......,_., ...._ .- ` touching Pictures. Frames, Lockets and Cases, in Gilt, Rose- wood, and Hard Rubber. 7 Albums and Porfoliod kept constantly on ' hand and for sale at low rates. JULIUS HUMME. Qrillin, Doc., -1868. - [860- GE 01{GE B A L L , ; _ t CARPENTER`, BUILDER, &c. h Povver` ._ LI... --n.nn(`nnhn-A nf |tuc.~---- - -. -- and Mgchineri for the manufacture of DOORS, SASHES, BLI13DS;H0ULDING.&c ml is prepared to supply these .`"-i1 5` the _ lowest price. ' ` Danie, Ida: 1,1862. j I `Rags to ; PLANING on Evnnv nnsommoxlj Dressed, and Tongued and Grooved Lumber, 3 every description, always on hand, and made to order. n , 7,4; "(pun 4q_ P1{0`i7.}-[.I`NS. FRU1Ti REES! F RUIT TREES ' The subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants of the County of Simcoe, that he has on hand a choice assortment of V ` Apple Trees. Pears` and Plums,` _-_ -1` 11--.... `r:nA 1-by 0 DELE WJRE, CONCORD, CLINTON JND HARTFORD, Pfolic 3 to 4:y`-an old, well Estublished strong plants sure to give satisfaction; n...:..... ..:n 1... ......:..-a -nn] um 1st of Oc- plants nuns LU gnu Blululuuuvuo Oljders will he received until the 15?. of tober. for any quantity or quality for tall 1 v . _ - P M J. LESLIE. Rn!-rim - I. u ua.vuv~:v.-c Fergusonvale Dec; 6, 1.869. Banie,lIsy 12, 1870. . -`rctures moderate prices. Particular attention paid coloring Av\nHn Di:-hn-an, Barrie, August 30th, 1871. NEW 13901` AND SI-AIOE STORE. :--:::1 -AIPIII , L-\ _ R<)aEP.'r~KEu.`L,- 3001`. my [SHOE MAKER, R. N.--'. Infnns the public that he has come menced but `mean in the above line; andfrom biz many years experienconl foreman in the estah. lishmentof Andrew Graham, Esq , he is ena- dent he cc: V1 execute ollprdern inn-uazed to him in a. first cl: 3: atyle. ` . He has on head 3 large stock of Mona Reedy made soon I Shoes. Undies & Ohildrene weer, Slippers, to -, &.o. . _ > : ulluw uv vs uvn - Barrie, July, 1857. ENGLISH! ENGLISH! ENGLISI-HI J . . TEA AND COFFEE R00.Vl.`5. 31,. .,,.;,..i 7 --work a [it is gmiranteed i_ A ozgbestofmatel .. also the besi varieties of Grape Vines, viz: Pn.u-1le,'B9exnunm:. and Round done on the premises. The ' facilitie: of the Esteli sh- ment are more complete than any c her V .North of Toronto, having been carefully ned outin every particular. Oommnnicetiona should be addressed `to the Publisher, "post-paid. D. CREW ;VE1'EIl||; Anv sunc Eon ` G!..,_1~g"at Ontnno Vehrixvm-y Oallege. " 1 I g,,1,gvby ~.m|iL _ _telog'|-nun or othuvho. `mp . mm` `P?! ':!."1"`. -' ` ` * *_ ' ` .; ..., \...m'u -.n.a.:_'.. an. u-:..a CHOP,- STEAK, SAUSAGE A AND DUMOP :5-Street, Barrie, two doors czutsof u; V. Queen s Ham; %_.__.__.,._..- . __._.___ __.__-_.._; .._. ._.___....A .. [ ES,SRS.* A, .91. W.FEBGU_SON 11- Print `- Inch gm tomii_t the %JuLIus IT?iuMME,- SCROLI-:_S-A WING, ( }`i{()w(:`ERI}3:S, -rr A1\`n la Durlubcw .uu1;u Choicest Brands, BABBIE.. announce to the pubiic tht he has -completed his Tn TH E Canada. Perms nent. gi1,tey;taL'fIn'i 1s,nov?v the knapest . ' ' ' he Dominion and u prepated to "" "1 ` . . Fnrml. Interest `9d'?1o`:n:gg:`n:m,`:_ P nv"e Ham: 2:: sum 3!; the end of tbs `cm A tn - fer tn per_ our t..pe'r annnm rincipal and Interest. In 20 yosre. WM. SANDERS, ' ' , - ..P.B s.s '1. m..n-. .:'1:::':*" f`5 " 23; ALL xmng or ;UTaERLANpJ . I.__._ ., " - F. BAIL24 Main: 1119 Fin `Bin! -00% ..' " . . m of the 35-1!. UL]l)') U5 `VII-IJHUUIILBO The two passed each other on the road in opposite directions. After :1 certain lapse of time-eslimalod as being half an hcur--the farm bailiff` had oc- casion to pass back along the same 1 ll. On reaching the stile, he heard an alarm raised, and entered the eld to see what was the matter. He futiuz . several persons running from the filil-I er side ofP4rd0n s Piece towards a `boy who was standing at the back of the cattle shed,-in a remote part of the en- closnre, screnming with terror. At the boy's feet lay, face` dowmvards, the] dead body ofa man, with his head her-i ribly beaten in. His 'wn'.ch was under hirn,'hanging out of his pocket by the chain. It had stopped--e\`ident!y in consequence of the concussion of its: = uwnefs fall on it- -at lialimast eight.` 5 The bzzdy was still warm. All the ntl1crvalnal.`aes, like the wa'lch, were , Zett on it. The fttmi bailiff" instantly {recognized the man as the carpenter +miw 1o\'o. At the nreliminarv inaxi`l"rtl.\Lhi9:.Sl0P- V mr winxm coums IN_ c.uam.L s *` MAGA- . zuuvn" son oc'ronan. " IIIIUUU 5 H1606." The man was a small carpenter and builder in the town. who bore an indif- ferent character. On the etycilning in ueslion a distant relative 0 is, em- gloyed as z_1 farm baili by a`gentlemzm_ in the neighbourhood happened to be passing a stile which led from the field into the road, and saw _a gentlemer. leaving the eld by way of his dstille, rather in a hurry. He recognize t e gentleman (whom he knew by sight only) as Mr.Dubonrg. 'T`|-an lcun nnaacr` north r.u=Ir nn tho XITIO. J3" Highest REFERENCES given. :_ -THE7I5E*t{JfJIiSz or '1-eiil: CLOCK`. ..On a summer evening, some years ago, aman was iouud murdered in :5. "eld near a certain town in the West of England. The name of the eld was "` Pardon a Piece. nu__ ..__.. __._._ - ...__u _-.._...-..... ....r,l At the preliminary i11q\17"r51,.!.h.. r31IwAw '"" page ofthe watch at half" past eig .1 was taken as offering good circums1un- , txai evidence that the blow which had _kiH-ed-the man had been slmck at that_ time-{ v ' rt..- ...\..O nun.-Hnn urns- 3` nnu nnr: ' 1.11116 9 The roxt question wns~ if any one had been sren near the body at half-' _I1asteig'ht'! ".`hc farm bailitf dctclarcd` that he had met Mr. Dubozrrg hastily Ieavingthc eld by the stile at that very time. Asked ifhehad looked at his watch, and owned that he bud not done so. Cerfaitl previous circum- stances which he mentioned as having xmpr_c-:rsed themsofves to. his memory,i `en:xh'led him to feel sure of the truth of his assertion, without having consulted his watch. He was pressed on this important point, but he held to his declaration. AL haif past eight the watch of the murdered man hadstopped. ` r1__I _.-.. ..ol..... v\nv:-rnrl- Lnnn nlxuarunri \VlCD 01 L113 [HlllUU_lCu usuu lluuctvllruu. Had any otl1er_pcrson been observed in or near the eld at that time '1 -M- ._.:......... ......1.l Ir... rliannuau-ml ulhn m near [H8 HUIU u.\. Luau Hun: x No witness could he discovered who had seen anybody else near the pluce. Had the weapon turned up wrth which the blowhad been struck ,7 It had not been found-. Was any one.knoWn- robbery having plainly npt been the motive of Ihe crime--to have entertain- ed a` grudge against rlhe murdered man? It wasnu secret that he associat- ed wrlh doubtful characters. male and female; but susprcion failed to -point to any one of them 111 particlrlizr. 1.. [hie gum. nf rhinos there was no -1ovgrve some uuuuuus. w uuuocu. He immediately admitted that he : had passed through the eld. ` But, in cojxtradictioar to the farms baliff, he de- clmeh` that he had looked at his watch at `he m `meat, before he. crossed the Stile, and 1 `t the time by it was ex- actly 9. quarter Pat , `gm' F? vminnles later---thu`." `s `,Say 19" minutes before the- m1.'.d" ad been comrnitledf on the cviu`." f `hf dead man s Watcli-he had pa'.1 3 V's to a lady living near Pardcn's L."- 5.e,i and had remained with her until n"3 watcl1,consulted once more on leaving the lady's house, informed him that it was equarter to nine. Here was the defence called an yalIbi.' It entirely satised Mr. `Dabonrg s friends. To satisfy! justice also, it was necessary to call the lady er purely formal question was put to Mr. Dubourgi. .Did he-know anything of the" murdered man 1 ` :. 11r:.I. .........-. n-nvinnronn -`, nf nnnminn, has a witness. In the meantime anoth- ` < [.0 any one 9.1: umnu m pa-um-.u. . In this state of things there was alternative but to request Mr. Dubourg -wel1 kncwn in and out of the town as a young gentlemenof independent fortune, bearing an excellent character -`-10 give some account of himself. ' IL. :mmnrlin1nlv mlmled that he OI U18 murutuuu luau. -2 -- Wilh some appearance of confusion, Mr. Dubourg admitted} that he had been induced (by a..friend) to employ the man on some work. Further in- terrogation extracted fzom him the` followingvstatement of facts ; 'l"I.a.o Ihn uym-Ir hm-I I1nn|1,l\n(u (Inna Iouowlug A That the work had been badly done that an exorbitant price had been charged for it; that thernan on being remonstrated `with had behaved in a glossy impertinent manner ; that an altercation had taken place between them ; that Mr. ._Dubourg had Seized `him by the coll_ar of the ooanand had turned him out ofthe house ,- that he hadcalled the man an infernal sooundrel (being inn pas_sion at the. time) andhad threatened to thrash him within an inch of his life (or wordsrto that . effect) if he ever presumed to come a near his hotise again. ; that he had sin- A cerely regretted his own. yiolence the ,7 momenthe recovered his `salt posses- eion ; and lastly, that, 'onhis oath.(_the altercation having oecured six months 1 ago,) he had netver spoken to the man, . orvset eyes` orpthe men, since. _ A. om. mum : tI'r'|=.r`r stand: these afr- HLHLUILIUIIII UL {GUI-D , u v: v---.-V." February, 1862: or set eyes on me man, smcu. > . As the matter then stood-, these oir- I cumstances were considered asbemg ` unfortunate `circumstances for Mr. I _Dubourg,--nothing more. He had his 4 alibi to appeal to and his character \ 40 appeal to; and nobody doubted, the 1 result.*_ _. ; " - The lady appeared as Witness. 1 Confronted withNMr. Dubourg an the question. of time, and forced}. to answer, 1 she": absolutely .contradie_ted him` on the tietxmonyvof the clock 5 on heilowti I.l13!'2:iit1o,pi_ ee;1 flu substance `_h'e_ ` id n`ce`was*simir_ly th1e,jah e had . If h_ efr_o!ohk_ wli__iI_'Mr.`Dubourg 'le_nt'e_ _-roolir;-`.tl`ri_n_kiiIg`it father ej!n'..tje ` t~* ,'3:i!9tvl:-gn:lf!ze9g'h9t. `- " * ""0 .1` -_.:.'. 'alihi, hya false stamrrie-nt. of'the' - r question ottitne. 1`hcre was no ulter native but to [commit him to take his trirrlat the assizen, clmrgml with the murderof the huildervin Pardtm s Piece. The trial occupied two de y.s. ' No new {acts of importance were dis-. tusuy, U1 lluvlug `d.l|C|ulH:`u -.u av. uy uu ."4|'."v.`i'_3!`t`.`d:it.| the imervahp '['H`e.e'-'idct1ca foilowe-.i the course which ii. had taken this d-erenca only, that it was . more care-futiy sittr-ad; Mr. Fmhotirp; had thec}uubiu'a.i\ atitnge of securing the services of the lending barristers in the circuit, atzd -of moving lho irrepressible vpositionhnd anger for-pr ui his in- tro-seiice. By the f.`Y1giL\fih`l3 first day, the evidelitce had mid against him with <.ttrc'.i.irresiislah1e force th-.`1A_t his own cuuns.-7.} despaired of-the result. VVhen ` an the second day, there was but. one cnv.?cti'on in the minds of the people in cpurt--everybody :aid,_ the clock V,-`til liang him. . To `- ..,`....in IIl'1\ In Jlrn nftnrnnnn I U atthe preliminarviexurnitmtions--with` t I sympathies of thej'nry,shuckcz1 at his ' L lhe prisoner took his piace inthe duck` JUSK HVB HllXlUlC3o - Here, then, was tht statement of the farm baili'(h1mselfa respectable wit- ness) corroborated by another Witness of excellent` position and character. The clock on being examined next, was found to be right. The evidence of the chckmuker proved that he kept the key and there had been no necessity to set the c!ock and wind it up again since he had performed both these acts on the day preceding Mr. Duhourg s visit. The accuracy of the clock thus vouch- ed for, the conclusion on the evidence was irrosis'able..Mr Duhourg stood con- victed ofhaving been in the eld at , the time when thedmurdcr was com- mitted ; of having hy his own admis- sion, hnd n quarrel with the murdered. [man not iongohefore, terntznuting in an assault and a threat on hm side, and lastly, of having attempted to set up an rt`.-.Hl.: it my .3 lulu: etutnrrmni nf ' the (fegulatcd bv the ma.uke"f>| on1ya'day_befure) pointed to twenty- ve minutes` to nine. Practical ex- periment show 'that the time required to-walk the distance, at 9. rapid pace, from the elile=to the lady s house, was Just ve minutes. Horn tl~nn urns 1k: qlmemnnt of the v,.-I!luu:1;:" mm. , It was mam-ly two inlhe afternoon, ' pm! the proceedings were on the point Luflicingr, adjourned for half an hour, wlxexx the alurucy for the prisoner was seen to hand a paper to the counsel for T1.`\e,de'e:ncc. T b Thzecu-l1l1$aI1'0se, showing signs 0! ! a,g't;I.ion which roused the curiosity of :_tl`5e audience; He demalldc-d the im ' rcdiate hmring of a new witness, A l x;-{hose evidchva in ihe pr1sm1er s favor '11:! dccizltc-:1 to be too" important to be . (1.5-5yd{orVa'si2xgIe moment. After n short Ac(wI`1Jq-._u_l3tv.'e<,-11 the jwlge and the lmrkisfers 0:1 '*_,&s_i51_z~'.lIe court decided to continue the sitting. V rm... ...::..,\.... .-..\.m....:n... .'.. Hm haw.` (1ti(3lLi(2u LU L'U|lll'.IllU Inc alumna. '-T The wilnes_s appearing in the box, proved to be a young womm in deli-` cute heal'h. Onvthe evening-when the prisoner had paid his visit to the lady, she was in that lady s service as house- ( muicl.- The day after she had been i 1 l perrniL_ted (by previous arrangement with her mistress), to _t:),ke `a week s A- lmlidny and go on a visit to her parents in the west ol'Coruwall.,' While there, , she had fallen ill, and has`. V not been ` slr mg enough since to return to her em- . ployment. Having given, this prelimi nary account of herself, the housemaid then stated the following extraordinary` particulars in relation to her iniL s clock. ' " r\.. .1... .~.,~.....C.-.'.-u ./J` Hun rlnrr u.-lmnn On the morning of the day` when Mr. Dulmurg had called at the house, sheh:1d been cleaning the mantlepiece. She had 'ul)bed.the part of it which "was under the clock with her duster, and accidenlly struck the pendulem, ` and had stopped it. Having once be- : fore done lhi s,she had been severely , M reproved. L Fearing that a l'cpell='l0ll of I the oence the day after the clocklhad , been regulated by` the maker, might ` load perhaps to the withdrawal of her M leave ofahsence, she had determined" to put matters right again, rt possible. by herself. ' After nnlcinir mnlmr the clock in the [ Dy nersau. After poking under the clock in the dar:.',- 3`1d_f.1m" 70 set the pendulum `going a~7`.`1m properly in that way, she next attempted to lift. the pluck and give it a shake, It was set in -a mur- ble case, with a. bronze gure on the .-- .....a ;+ nmqcn henvv that" she was ble w1tn uro.:.w Ilgluu uu .... top, and it was so heavy that" she `nbligedto humfor something which she could use as a. ' lever. The thing proved to be not easy to nd on the spur of the moment. Having at ' least laid her hand on what she wanted, she contrived so th lift _t_he cl!ck a few mches and dropit again on the mantle- `piece as to set-it gqing once more. ` The next necessity was, of course, to iece to SEE-It. gulug um.-a u.v.u. U The next necessity t ` move the hands on. Allere egnin sho \- was met by an obstacle. There _was ,. adiiculty in opening the glass" case ,1 which protectedthe dial. After use- \ lessfyisearcriing forsome inatxument to _ help her, she got from the fuotman ( (without telling him what she wanted 1 it for) aemall chisel. With this she \ opened the _case-_--at'tert accidentally V scratching the brass frame ot it-and , set the hands otthe clock I-y guess. She was urried at the. time, - fearing . that her mistress'wo\1|d >dlSc'Uv6l` her. . Later tn the day she found that she had . ov0r--e_stimeted the interval of time that , had passed while shewes trying to put 1 the clock right." She had,'iu fact, set ' it exactly a1 quarter `at an hour too fast. xv. .. r. n.~.mm'.nin: nf izenretlv nut- . un yeln. EENRY GRIS1`, Ottawa, Canada. . ieehsniegl Engineer, Solicitor of Patent: and xnngtumsn. ll exucuy H. qllurtul ux nu uulu tvv Luau- No safe opportunity of secretly put- M ting the clockright again had occur- red, until the last. thing at night. She had then moved the .hauds~back to the righttime. At the heur of the evening when Mr, Dnhourg had called on her mistress, she "positively swore that the clock vifasa quarter of an`hour' too fast. It had pointed, as hx.l' mistress had de- clared, totwenty-ve minutes to nine --the right` time then toiug, as Mr. past eight." .. . Onmtmnad as in wlrrv. ihe re? -Drnbourgrvhaeaseerted, twenty minutes un u:*-uuu luau . A still more important Stilldmfll the report to whicli this miningengin r t:ti\'e< rcratcnuig Luv urns: umuu set of the She the that mistress would day that ovor- estimated she was right; She quarter 01 sionera as to the -leptli below the` sT.r`: .-we greatly augmented cost. Sxrlipociiig tli-`~ temperature of the eartli to rise one le- gree for every sixty feet in llttpfl-.'_. ul- though at the R058bl`ltlgC Colliery av Wigan the llicreme _is actually one degree until lnstthing for every fty-ve fe.-t. he shows that at moved rhaudshack a depth of two Vthouszmd nine hunrlreil i M b9"? tl19Y3nlllg and thirty feet the temperature would be D;ub ourg had ninety-eight degrees, or blood` heat, and mistress; she "positively swore it is generally agreed by medical authori- n`h0|1l" f00_fR8l- ties that man cannot safely, work for any asher had length of time in a lii gl.e'r tempreature. minutes The'.c.ommissl0ners_ say they have no right"tim`o' ilhell Icing. k .68 ML donbtesome mechanical appliances will be minutes introduced to klecreaae the temperature, o-past ,; kh , _ .A; . H s ; ;urnlzthereforeginclude more tlurn :1 thou- } _. Queationed as t_o_w_h'y s'_ho had re- gandfeet gbelpw the point at"%'l;,icl_1_. an ` friinaiifrom givingithis"extraordinary ul artiflllinl evidnce*at`the enquiry fliefdie the ma-, melnus o:'ci.nliI3g_the air. The rinining` _n- gitzat's, sh'e'deBlaredr.1hat ' in--. zlhd`-3-re, ginaeir rufurrefl tn.r:omplnins'tl1at this is to mot'_;Cornish7.'Villa'ge to, wbighye; had ;`_'reckon.chi ckeus la-fore tbeyare hatched, fgojne the next d_ay,-and -in ..wh,iqh, he? n,_o_ther words, he reasons that suohsme. i-illnedsuhatldetaiued her from/tl_gat,`t`me,,chaui_ca1applizIIi:c;htp\ie not yet bnsuc~ mohddyzhad hrd;otIh.iI9qai9y ipha .9spf9lly,irt ed 090: ans! tllwf . - .; . , ~ . L1 ; 1`) -' < ' ` L` " - ~ .:-.11: rrn: 1 . _ ll 5 exception is the estimate of the _comin'.s- i . . . I I ntwlnchcoal may be obtiunc-:1 Will]-`!l7 1, 5erer No. 49. Whole No- -1004. IIIIII 1|) IIIU IFUIIIU llC.\|- 3|I"X [III-'80 This evidence virtually decided the ; trial 1 There was a great burst of relief in the crowded assembly when tie wo- me.u s statement had come to an end. She was closely cross exznnim-d, as tl matter of course. ller character was inquirediinto; corrubamtive cvitlence ` relating, to the chiselund the scratches on the frame--was sought for, and was ubiained. The end ofit was. that, at a late hourvon the second evenin,rz, the Jury ucquifted the prisoner \vitl1nut , leaving their libx. It was nut. tr-0 . much to any that his lllC had been _saved by his brother. UH lrothcr alone` had persisted from first to List in Obstinately disbelieving the clcek-lor no better reason than that the Cluck :15- ; serted the prisoncr s guilt! Ut'5'lla'.i worried everybody withlinuoccnt in- , qniries ; he hail tlxsenvercd the absnnrrra , of the housemaul after the trial had be- gun ; and had siarted o'to iiitcrrogaw the girl, knowing nothing, and suspect- ing nothing, and simply determined to persist in the one everlaeting question ` The clock is going to hang my bro- thc clock 1" ` ' I1 .1 u . .1 . 1 with which he persncttted everybody :` ther; can you tell me anything hhout ` trial. ' She would not have been then` present to state the vitally important circumstances to which she had just sworn, if the pn'soner s twin brother` had not found her out on the previous ` day- had not questioned her if sLe9 knew anything about the c|uc1:--m2d had not (hearing what she had to tun) insisted on `her "taking the J0un.e,' wzxh him to the court next snnrning. ` Thlc nlririnhnn uirln-`HI: r`uni:l..J ."\:. `ed man curlfossed on `his loath bed IIIL UIUUH 7) Four m0n!'hs later, Hm -mys:-`cry of the crirnu was cleared up. (me oi the disreputable companions of the murder- that he had done the ' deed. Tlamn. ; was uullling iuter<=s`ing or nsnmrknble '1 inthe circunxstances. Chance, \l"(gir`h had put inrlor:-once iu pcn|,'had nffnrvrl impunity to guiit. 4 Au infcxznom -wo_man-a jealous qnarrel--and an nb- ; sence at the moment` of uitnesses on 1 the spot--ih'ese were really the cum- monplace marennl which had comp0s- 1 pused the tragedy nfPrmlon s Picce. THE COAL SL7I l I.Y"(T F _EN::- - -LASD. ; .l"t6x1ithe 1>1.z1a.1g-1,.1.a;. 1'.-(:.[.A.-=. A5 cotton \\'.1.=,.on.~;- k':nr_;-in Hui g5Lz\tes,;'cn:d -is 1111-1n3~jli0I2:\`.vl_\' _1 Incrviul "-C in `I'll!-_*,I;\nd. .Inu.< _ of In:nnI_t'.-icturies in l t_ro11nL`r'_i~' lurgw-l_\' due to its ' eHs.- 1"ur1x-.u:~.lrr.-zls of yu:ur.~ p.-I a-n_jv)_\':2I :1 vimml -rmrnop-\l_v of I} \-nhl-Jnln I'll.-I "-1! He,` JHVII n`. II`..|`I?n I u.u.-.uu-nnuu 1,. m_jm':2I vahmlnle fn.-I. Bu: t.`;.,- mm] is In.-in:; cdinsunle-1 at so --uum I :1 rate, zuul thu ]u?._n4<-ip`:.l um 17t':|uu1.JLL`icg]`s0 l':n 1u;I< =\v the s _ the nation lm.4. mi l.u-4_{11_g| {- tlne lay when its ~-ml !n3xw.~` .-4} I1:u\.+`tc-d may not |.- 1'11` ~'1i'.~t:u:<` 0nul1u111xel:ml twv-nl_\ 1 of coal wcrcytzxlu-.n 0:17. I.-:~ t }'v:`n ing the o.\`h:u1sLim v-!':x ~~;-:.x:.-x -; over an uru:\_0f"t\\'c-.nt_\"tin-new .iSll1:ll)ifL`Stl1I:lt`:l1..U|iS rate < any mul be-ls not 1~x':'u-tic.1ll_v (-xlcnt mu~t lw c.-xh:m.~'1cl M . of yevu'9- uni litlicu to L'u:l`.p\ ' A c($nnnissi.n of scimtiu :\pl)'1!it;-Cl to mu-:1snro. the \':u i _ l)0:HS()fl1lc King-lulu gm-I ' umln-Ir nz 1m~'H.1u-_ :|l'l(~l' fnki .uuvx; as vvunnuvlvu. Barrie, Feb. 17, 1862. U `(Late Uer7c in County Reqzslry Oizn Oonveycncer, Commissioner in Queen's Bench, Actioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent for the anle of HOUSES, LANDS,- FARH STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Goods, Wares, &c. Also for the collection of CRENTS, NOTES AND ACCOUNT. D'Caslt advances made on Goods left for Sale. 89.10 Boom, corner` of Collier and Idarket..Sts;, Barrio. ' ' lll3I|~'| `II LIIU LIIUENVIIII Imm-1_\` as p)~'siL1:-, :\l'U.- L-m1n:.:ll`lhe ?:uw.lilinl<. ply will last, c;nI:l!atc:l ml months :1;__:u. The r ~ was very I'cas'~'uI'iI:::. 'n. .~ m1'...mt.. nnrn. ;|l|`| illI`V\` lUx `| |"|- .|.`k' \'I txII' ' u t,9!|.~' (":\'_C`I _V }'e:xr, fur :1 lwrm-l of two III-Ll nml so\'::111_\`-six _\'c:1|'.<.*:11n['\` the m:1x`.mmn of m11<\1:np`?.nn' I-v boc- n,rcua-h--I, mu! :1 1]iIllilli.~'!,.iIl1 M the future, tlu-<.1m.!i\' \_\ uuH hat 'luun .`_1n:I_ six?) `H-:aI'.u, This c.~lixn.-stv inn-lul-_-3 nnly within a tlvlrlh of Four _tlmu<:u: fu xylni-:11 L-plh the _~omn1issi.nn_-r.~ .~._;l(5 tlmL1ni`nin-,5 operzuimms could I: c without iujur_\{ !.u_th<.- cn`.|i<-r~. 1311} in a recent m1vr.b*1; _gf1_l_x_.- A ' Times tlmro. .'l])|n.`:ll`S :1 :n1mn_"ni from a 1n`nin{_r eugim-er, in \\'l1i~..-11 i` taken with the report ol'tl1- cmmn ers. He rsg di.~'}>ut- 9 Hm :1--i-nu`: their julgn1cnt in inchuhng all [`{Dt.Y`1 * one foot in tlxickvxess, He` uwr` p 'z1cH<::dly Ixlqst Tscoms under hm ' thickness. are not ,wm-kalnlc-. He `om also that Hue cmnanissiimcfs In: taken into .'u:c<`unL the qualities \ ......I.u.n nnula Ian` ah ha n\'nrnec{a :1 umcu HIUJ i|I:\:HuIu. u:':_ Ill:-Iu|..U-1 various coals, but, as he oxpres.-us i apparently xnensured ovcryt.hiu_1 and slightly annl:1~_4ou-a to_ coal, w very many of the scams in :lilfurr'*.n _oftl1e con! districts are of so info quality as to be xirluully uR(:less for . amu- facturing purposes, or ifgvcr used or the want of a better, a much greater .1 x;.n1=,u- would be required to effect any \ gjxvr,-in result. * ' A ..:II __-..A :.........L....A .c..l,......- ... `L- And $2 00 if not paid] in advance. ` ;"IIIII)_ . ll` 1|` issu g cmnmissi | UH in: nuts I mg.` I (ho; lam-V1` thl '38 he HI! (`II It}! for 1!"- at! are JC- `.10 C!- ;(HI .1,..\... ,, um... V nu own an vvuu H A r;_v'nl:x1' Scot-:1: mist, 1 <'.cv1:u th-'4 \':nIxngur: Yes, dear, (and \1zk`)`) ,wm._-lml_v Inc-Sl1 L like S v>l--l1n1:nn{Iv--(_l`I|ni|_)j g__;'ocs In ml h-.-r Eu-ml, :u1-l1:Ia_\'.~4 Tull furi->:1~l_'.".n Hlv }Ii1lll.`|.):l)7lI!` The Cin--Elnm (r'u.:'j//I, has Min-* in 1\"<`I'lvW'l`;['Hl`I'S,`:llId ."` .-` ii\II`ing,r(}tc_\'<-:11` ]:M the in]: that ~-i!\' h:n'c <`.\.iv<'ll";I"l uvur. il11i|v.l;'..ill't{ lnuxr,--r 1hirl_\"-su ' t nun. \\--mun ulnl }u\\'n. 'i`.ln"(1':I;IIlr' :|'r}' :m`:1v with the In.-\`,-r:;;(-, U1c.':|n:_u1;1 ml-asIIIlt'-l for! mu `.11;-':~,'}I"\);l~, }~<-'1':-I-3 1'-m:`, I-:\rtn:L-x1'z. Iosmr ROGERS, { M sdvary couaid ...u nu vv Ill Anna] 08 "of. utting dutt 1 . {o:_L_l_:frQfnrc l|l'fI(`. h:1vn1_ .'1`new_gom{ni il)sl.rll`('liu.'l< to "U - more cl-`>so:|_V mu! -nrc I _ ' report which shall be approx: A and not one tending to lull the indu of tho; vountry `into a fake securily. ' (,`r()|1Si(1(3IiIlQ' I39 ilhnnrfsant nnman :n/rebit will likely be M -l`.o`vaw mn.:.1 : mu uu_:.'ruuu|.|y _llllU it Ilrle cllnly, ' in .Consi(le|'lug.thi9 important question i the light of this mining engineer : sugges- tions, it may well be doubted if England.` ' will be able to obtain fuel as cheaply as- ,at present for more than one hundred. Eyenrn, and the prolm1>ili'v is that by the ` `end of lift)` years l|()l.l| le] and labor will ' be qnifa as -:lmu- t=liere as in the United. Slates, ' 1-. 1.1.1: ,- The ! Yrnvful i L}I(l\.VZV, I 3 It is nndt-'rst0m_l thatnluring the Sta 1<.>f the Grand Duke Ah.-xis at Ridoau H I In rnveptinn will be held by Lady Hagar.` No im'nrnmtion has yet been `received by Lord I,i=qu1-as to the lengrth of time the Gram} Dnlm xvi?! remain Jiere. It is not. known yet how many persuns will com- pose his mite. It L1 nn.l. n-.;l..n.l Hun! `Ln nnnnvnnh (10--' IIU-`M5 H13 FIIILU. I-t i~z nn.|\ r.~aLv)0<] um the Governor-Gen-' _emI hue 1.0441 infurmccl that. the Gfand. !)uke,:\l:.-xis will_.'---\'o lim gentlemen in. his suite`, nix-I ve 9crv?h'- in coming to ()tt:1\Vn. :3 ii u.\`]:e'tuol AL 3`TO'l11 ai ham :1 (."1l|{I`i0 of v1:x_\`, ~x before __{nin_r_`5 As ho wit} : rrive on the 13th December,` 5 MI \\ 3! hr .1. Vt.-l_`: rv.-uch 'l'>ront.o by Satur-A 1-Yzn Ufth. ' " ......... . \\`iHi.: m \v$uIt1 slmn1in_x_r in su .-\r._-hip, nhn. q.n.-'u`l-1, \\`:|\'t3 (In 1| ? ll I\.l the nmuu `.111.-. I p:nrtIneI1:_. 11' HI to larin mtiun:: mil!-41 i in tin: , nunu nTI,..1.;.m 'l.\....__1 I--w vu An. uuvua punts &.n'ie,`June 25, 1871, A '.\'r:cRx-. xlui `NH ll -1V0 - ".Ua:lc_y s Com Jleave Remedy - ]improved in over lI !hd|}' sell for [Io {than may would a nu! morn Khan $1, -sect-l w--nh kxzo whn own lOl'=nn' uh n is nnq xe.~nonn.bl over >r1'.|', Rexnemb Hunt 'hc Iigxznture of I package. Noxlhrop I Om . pnprielor-x lor (, medicine dealers. ` A great many` poop`! hue, " How do you has so nfeck and gland] Y ` ` easiest lhma in the war Cavalry Condition times a week. IE7: -\n::-_- In ruull IIUIIHI-VVO| hin, who is L-.\`ilt-ntly sxnifteu in this rlvr, \\`:n\'<.-s an SHHPII with his bonnet . gnl;xr <. .c'l:u`e!--l\'Inrin. (mud mischim,-- _\-) L missing -2: In-hnum 3 I~-(l'I|nil_y_ with 31053 1-,-r -!i-ml, :u11 1n]n_\'.~4 `-'I'uIlo<-lngormn" .-.1~l_`,~}.n pi:u1:n)-I 1m`/a, I:-e Cincixnxnzxti (r'rI;'jUc has been -club- g l;x__;-r In-.-r [i4_-_'nr-.< , and nds that; ixngllleyx-:11`, inlmbitaM .'n.. I. ... .., . I I . , I:4Il >- ~:mt mu 1 . 1 .Ir~.gg're_,>':atc value of churches des- _ I in Clnizlguw is =i68,0()u,000_ - Hun-h Mtlcnxonts in Sumatra and .~(;u,im-:1 (`oust h:L\'o been sold `to z':t .~'n Hr\w:rnInonl. - l | \ r>1~.},-,--t .r'l~urnI1f_{ Chic 1; it to xv]-.~n!cm-e:u1-I :5 mo H1 fHall)t"I~I 7: `H41, ;L st:(`UlS ill "H.1_'li!II' ',i. ()`v_it1`I, 1.0!`, .l~IIr::/I that city, ` lnI':|_v<;x. ,_r, \\'Mch nclion ox Bunmngs. For further particulars agply . M. SA \' H3: Elder: I cannot think why i mmtg- 1?) take An-hie out rabbit : such lnorril.weaLh.-r, (Cousin ha .is L-.\ ilt-nt.l\' snnifton 3.. n.:.. u 51} ll -xgxu "\V'l1er:- AH: x I .u nu Ill :9 falco- xzw yr qrurv u not. pluu lug HIE rip_lion. _ . G -Six lines or nnder,rst insertion each subsequent one lzic. Ovcrsix I, 8 perline,rst insertion; each sub- nent one 2c. Professional or Business `Cards 34 per year $3 for six months, if "not more than ten lines. `Special contracts can be mic by the year, or parts of a. war. Order; to discontinue Advertise-' In its tobe mndoin writing. - P nper discontinued until rill rresrngos Are p1id,oxcopt at the option of t epnb1iah- or. T :mIII``CII` BI-on-`up! Ian, 1 Burris. De: ummauu, MCMICIIAEL ar'116; ,' MICHAEL, BARRISTERS. ' 3-- nL__-l.: A . _ _ A _ _ _A J--- L- 4.1.- -1.) XPEDITIOUSLY AND Pnopnmiv sE- rope. Psunt guaranteed or no charge- Send ' cured in Canada, the United States and Eu- ' for prinud luau-uctionly Agency in operation. {an nu-I. 7 '7 T `OUNT8cLOUN , PATENTS or INVENTION Q-uvnnrumvnu-vattr A n nu-.nn-.-_1up an `RANCIS W. ALLY ATTJR- ' I l knit? Am I A111 |&I:-:A-_ :._ r1L...._..__ , one 1 PAINTING AND DEO0RATt1\{E ' anonanj m:w_'r_gN, on1m,fA.{ - V'l!ln cublcbor isptepared to exbante ll or- doll in_ Palnng, Doeonting and Paper Hung- -` ll be. . A `_ -_ all ducriptiona done wiIh|uea}aA ' pstch ind It reasonnble rates. Alliotk Inmntod no mo aatiafacziong WI CT QIMIIVOA. ? ' H 7 FIE BABRIE '1 1 FOUNDRY, AGRI- CULTURAL, I M P L E- MENT `A DVD STOVE ' IR. HENRY snwkny; 15 nfgw" p;gp.,.a .., !`|_'-r! t\\_.Ir_1Ic_1' In hxs pue, of the best RDAGH, ARDAGH 85 STRATHY 5 Rirrlnn-rmnna AMA!-nnva nli:-hnru in |DG.AR B. . SANDME1-` s; I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, _S0_LICI'l`OR IN nan:-u nhnunwnnnnr {'1 nnnnnnnnnn .. inf` I) `L INGANDIQAN ` ` ASSOUIAT TOR ICN 011' 'ONEY TO LENVDQ "ONEY T0 I..E`N'D. __z " LEGAf_( :;.Ti'Ds.W l CAR'l'llY 5: MCOA RTH Y, BAR- rinlnri. Atfnr-npv:-nl.T.nw" Rnlinhnra .3-EPLY 1'0 JA,s. E})\vARp5 anco Oice, Barrie. , nnnnnn so .__.____..n_ MONEY T0 LEND `r./\x\/\/V -7-g. . V-~/-..~ .'x v ' Jlfllu uwu ' ct. 20, mo. ._ *5 E:?6:1'<;i:"n?w~rorz. T .-Punk: and 1 lth lay. llo, ` jg:___ _ ' ANDY, BARRISTER, AT 1`0R~ J ney-at-L21w,S9liciv.orin Chun- nncar. An-.. DOBINSON, oRILLi},, ll Snliniznr in` (`.hnnr-nrv 101` '1' E R, COUNTY I mmwn A mmnnwmv I", YIJDHC. n good Farm security. .-._J. Locke : atom, Dunlop ANTING, COUNTY l".l'.'R'.Dl? ' \UIl'.L `.73- L11 17111 L\, \.J\JlJ1V_l.l CROWN ATTORNEY, , smnxrc. T 41. A_l'l.Ul\lVlI-AVI-LAW, DUIJIUI [UK IN Chancery, Conveyancer, Commissioner in C. P. &c., &c., Snvnn, Co. Smcon. 900-ly Town 91' Battle, wsontniuing the and all matters he Oqqnty. Price not paid at. the DS, Royal Insur }DvA1~ic'E SDI W Punmsmm. ";'8-Iy . Loam`. Lount, 343. RANK EVANS, BARRISTER & AT'I`()RNEY-A'l`-LAW,SOLICITOR IN hnnmrv, (`.nr-nmm-er. Cnmmiaainner in BAR... 975-] y 847. ulluuag 1-ly Jon H. Johns, NLAR GE?.1ET`I"` )5? 4 .4 BARR113 {yr-`1.r,r)'.-\ z:m 3. K. SI.\ICOE.~__ , _ _ ' ,'l`HE BEST OF WINESIND LXQUVOEKS 1 GOOD & COM MODJQUS II-: is still tub-V1 1 FR.~\.SF.`z1 begs laya orxcr.` . mind 1213-fxionzlsnud the n-** mnnity that he is slil1intl:c`l:\n_1: and not bolzindlfs coxnpetiu-1`a i the Barrie lhiiwxy SI.:nt1un,".'.'i;rv. ................. On nnvv:`,,`.\ ,. ._ ,. C(_1QS.`9s'Ty LU UULJL , E \' are to be lound, 1,--`iv;-3: Convqyances to.z..`. 5;: 1 n - A-1'-7 Wu` 1: now no "1.`1'`3?WIJ!1`ns Am) i NIL"/urn In /111 I.` .. ` HE Subscriber hafving S'.1C("3"C..'J7 "r. bin in ~Iiio' above very L-'m_ ._.. . . . commodions Hotel`; begs to (1S3'(lc ~ the ll`uii\~:l`Ul|-S . customers of this favorite and stand, that he has made consi.l_i il.l:`-lu`v`(`- . ments in the internal accmnmod. . /(,"ill(`.1- 4 _wise renovated it so as ,to rend-.,r 'I*ia 1I'uu::L- of the best Family. or Coiixzncrciazi in`: of place. The bar will he -fouud ;`L0(:l1`Ii Foreign and Domestic liqiiox-sand cigar`: of t choicest brands. ' . V ' - K - _Excelleut stabling and attentive osilers. Pleasure boats; Fishing taclzlo \`ol1i::.7 :. for the convenience of sxiniixxe:-.':rue:t:i tdurists. The Hotel is situated n . oflhe Lake and Within 5. miuutsxz I steamboat whui've_s. _ _ 873- U. u. .u ney-an-1.nw,b'onc:torin Unan- oery. Oouvoyancer, &x_:. - ` On1cI-0n_ Peter Street, uextjdoor tr` the Post Ulce. - , ' Orilliu, Iune, 1868. ' ` 23- __`_ ,___._._;. ...__.`.-....___.. .. - This Hotel has bee n mm;-1_yr.-=1` vs. furmshed. The Br_, 15 nmv e=aoc';.n-1 wa Tiiflnnvu vvv-u-._._. _ .._... v-.-rm `-"` " " .I.-aid LALIAI 4 MIL;9Ls ./I 1".7I.L Th9 B01133 is furuiahrd ` with ax` daily PP9'1's. 'l'x'2`.vuHL`x'.% `.0 11!! and PD'etu.nguisbeue \\ 111 nd ` (`m|1l".daLiou. I 'WVVRV1 This cbmmodimls ostz1bli~;1::x::x:: I opened, and having been lmi1l'r)., =. purposes of 11 x-st-class hate], ' - such, and will comp-u.re hwcx house Of the kind north of Tm`-.n '1 cial travellers, px'iv;`.1.e_fnn1i1ics on < and the public gem-r.~.]1y, vshl 5'21: 3.1 prietor knows` how to pxomir: !' reqairemonta. The beat` ox` s`. attended to by c`.-}lg'in,:nud c>.1 Iers. 'Smgc3 luv}: `..'ni3'11oi1s~3 (`x: i`._\ rival of the up'1min. Bar we}! 51: Abe best of liquors and cigars. Ban ie, A ug. l6t11,1871}\ ifi7f61{1_f1o'r1%;L, `V M.RKIT sqvmzzz, 11.4 ____-_. pcr1nu:nucucu,U1_ Alf. JOHN .\A L H Near]-y thirty .\`]x1iLinI1:1l hu-h-m been added to the Bmuu:-2 iiowx-:5, iug built of Brick-. and W011 \'.'::x found as comfortabk-. and Cul11'.n.) found in any house nnrth of ' ifs`- C'nmn1erninln':n o ` r IOUUU lll ED) 1101150 Il`)l`ll.` KG Cbn1merciu1,tmvo commodation for 5}-', , ' _ .`./WI1} | ~ I -In. Jomvson, Sum. I ..x4.-...-- -..v.---..-, , 1IIlShote1,so long and l t the tra\'cl1ing c'o`.m ducted by the px'0p:i'c-\1`c.~> pcrintendenco,0f_ Mr. John I Nmxrl-v thirrv mhlinnnl hu Joshua Clarkson, - Cox-ne_r of Mu1r:aslcinnd {Mr _. opposite the Adv.mcr: (_``.` \I0IIVU,IIlUCl'1LVUlIl', Money to land on 1 0n1c:'-Above Mr. 8t:eoL',Barri, Ont. ' R OYAL HOTEL, <>m7; .___._. n I... Tnnunnxv Conn ._ - _._ -...~.,.,_.... Ms; E. MA 12.133, .1 JOHN Mc1V/,1 '1'2",T EARRIE. \/ . White's Corners, P027 exam; LIICENSEDQ_{iU.C'ifE0E'EEI%._ mm w. sTxii * \ Law __ '-~ VALUA-TOR, _ . VETERINARY S_Ul?.GEO.N, (j-*5. 5 Good Supply of Horse JIml;'ci.Lm1'Izmy.s on 55.:/4 Cooknowhr, Oct. 1867 ` _ 42 -,. -rmms: .531 per year T In advance; T ` .ILLIA 1\1' PAl_\l,(i'.\{7`~.`,- ` HOTEL, CUC'.KSTO\`."` . L A1"1'l)lsLVIL!-Al -havvrauuluuuls. Ln Ohncer Gorwynncer, Commissioner in B;R., kn-.__OR LLIA EIMCOE Cm. C.\V. . 1-tf