Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Nov 1871, p. 4

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"gluon uuuuw uunuu Us In I told him what was the matter with me, how that lhad been up all night `ivitlra four etorey pain; how . my wxle .:'r ` been thtown out 01 bed by the vio- _ ' M ' y enlfering; how-.- ed me if I wo_uldn t .eitjt_u:" on what weeonce a ho .-v-, _-.- -i -- --cw-u CIIIIVII III III`? -I' Conghe and oolde,` when left to themselves ;frequant|y hring on yulmonety oollplainte, which led to thet dietreeeing end fetal dieeeee ?con_euu}niea; but it ettendedgto in time, "Bryehe Pnlmonio -Wefen? ereaeeenein ed`.- -The .lop` he 'nlt'et' fee" ls ?~t!l'rt'-05%|---nd.{r::-.nshf~`n.sI-`sieves:-'l li;n,u: ~l _ mg-`i ellixtimlegp-eud;lnQen'pe1lee; ` u...` -- -` Rgertieillerly 3 .. x 1 >27.` y T _` _` .4s;:.`a; 4'. I ,` . - ~ . ' ` Innun AND nook sTon.| Just received a'1arge consignment ol the most fragrant. and exqniegte W'holesale & Retail. Including I.ubin`s, V'.Rimimel s,' Evas and Me rcer s, and: Atkinson's Ylank T and White Rose Perfumes. ' This new Toilet Discovery removes instantly every o`ensive`odour from ` the breath, and cleanses the teeth {from all impunties, and makes The breath as sweet as ornrxge groves, And tram-am`: as the rose: lPERFU MES, fAn euntinely new and elegant assort- ment of ' cbmpzising all the latest designs of Are now showing the cdntenls of . `[af;4T T115 TEA POT. m =s.:d:a;:r; ;;;,p:,:;:' cez;;.z ' giv- ing me a parting kick that fairly made me howl.` `I 4L...'._L6 Ta"... -2.] ACILA O..-IL..-L_ Alhzms, Porlmonaies, La dies {and dentlenaenb Satchels, &c`. E55 `P9533531 IKE UICIIIU II 3-`UVCCD B8 UIIIIISB KFUVUH, , And fragrant`: as the rose; The gums assume a lovely tin}, And freshness mo, disclose. 'vB(fh health and. beauty it improves- 7 A633 greatly to the mien, . Wlnlsl nlladmiit the virtue of 'I u 1......-no N I'I'_t1I)`l| .I'\YIl' 77 AND CLOTHS. or was onoronsr BRANDS: VVIHIBK -"ll aulnm me Vlfllle OI '1 no Ingram. F_LORJLINE. Of my House injh irade. NORTHERN ADVANCE,BARRIE. Pure Au.nd unajulonted Artimmense Stock of th IU uuu .|lU \'v|lI1UlII._uu, Il.'l'(lI\7l.lL vnuoc. It was an` awful pain. __]t shot. round like a dog that had been "cruelly cam- phened. lt bored like lightning through i the basement of my jaw, darted across the roof of my mouth, and then ran lengthwise to my teeth. . If every pang -lied beena drunken plowman chased by a demon across a. stump lot, I think the observer would understand my con- dition. I could no more get. hold of `the fearful agony` that was cavorting ground in me, than 1 could pick .up a piece ofwet soap whenm a hurry; ` Rnddnnlv it etnnned. Tt want, oiv- incindmbe: the Sign o_: use T Or1111a.. AND wmslcms; 1871. ' FANCY DRESS GOODS or THE OANADIANHTWEEDS, At the `wnsnn,mmsum& l.'o., mass 1||EP_I|IT.'.4E..".T\ "UIJUUB UHF, I. Dlnlllv I did. I wentvright awey to the deh- tist who has pulled the teeth of out [family and knewL our peculiarities. Theta wi1s_an uneasy smell about his -432. TO urn: unru annnhaun nl Will be found complete with _all ml latest Novelties. ` We buy nothing but - the latest styles. IMlLLlNREY% DEPARTMENT 1| This department under the manage- ment of Miss Corrigan, one of the most fashionable Milliners in Canada, is not equalled north of Toronto. All the ladies who formerly went to the city to purchase their Millinery are A now eup- plied fmm our establishment. A choice selection now on hand. Bey stvidlyfor cash, not even taking 30 days as is usual among each buyers. We get a large discount a buy with gun}: one that we can u _ sell any Qtlgoy atdbljahment ig \ ` e. . V - '_...'*` All the latest Novelties now in stock. No other establishment in Orillia has ever been able totcompete with us in his department. `See those beautiful Satin Stripes, the latest styles, and only place in the Village where they can be purchased. ' In this department will be found a very large stock of China, Stone and Com- monwug, Glasswgue of all desonplion. Print ` lhpartmcnt .' White Goods in all tlze different makes. White Slieetings, Plain and Twilled. White Pillow Casings. Every descrip- tion of Muslims. Irish Linens. Linen and Cotton Diapers. Table Linens. Table Napkins. Robe Dresses. Infants Waisls. Iusertion_s,&c'. mum GOODS DEPABME-M21 This department will always be found replete with pure fresh groceries. Teas for 45, 50, 60, 70, '15 and 80 cents. Our Dollar Tea excels any tea in thetvillage. A trial will convince all that our teas are not equalled by any other establishment. We have also an extra ne Black Tea onhand, Sugars of all kinds in stock. Pure Co`e_es,*Rai- sins, Currants, Pickles, Spices, and everything usually kept in a grocery department will be found at our store at extraordinary low prices. CIIIIIIUUS Wllll lllb` unw- M 1 found myselfaitting straight up in bed wilh une hand spas_modicnlly_grasp- ing my jaw, and the coner swinging " to and fro wilhont_any apparent cause. TD nuns nu .....l`..1 nnin If oknf rnnn IGREYSHEETING Kid Gloves, a splendid `assortment; Ludies , Misses and Children s Gloves, in all the different. makes and styles. Ladies , Misses and Children s Hosiery. Ladies Corsets in great variety. Knit- ting and Mending Cottons, all numbers. Laces and Trimmings very choice A `choice selection `of Valenciennes Laces just received direct from.England.` 33 and 36 inch Lyhster Cottons. ` A very heavy 12 inch sheeting, imported by ourselves. VVe don t think there is anything to equal it in this place. `W. T._&. CO SV mnwnm IIEPAIITIIIIINT 2 mm :m1.@,mmn:rm1m= 2; In this department will be found the largest, choicest and best selected stock of cloths in Orilliu. There is not a store in Orillia that can show the stock we do. We have now In stock over 75` pieces of cloth, comprising all thevery latest novelties, and which we offer at 20 per cent. below the usual prices. s it you want Cloth for either Coat, Vest or Pants, don t purchase before seeing our rich stock ol goods. w. T; &. co's_ Crockery Glassware w. T. &. co's Grocery Department! Ow. 1'. & co*s . BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT OurVsAtcc.k is the largsf, chapest and best stock in the` place, comprising Bans, Cull, Pebble, Goat, ivealskin, and Prunella. ;Men s heavy Boots, Kipp Boots, Calf Boots. `Men s Kidd and Prunella Gaiters. Boy s wear in great variety. V 16,` .187 1, `w. `T. a co-s 2i32E1P.A.2R'.C`2bEN"I'_ w.%1'. a CO_ S w. T. a Tco's %w. 1'. .9. cos w. 1'; .9. CO S OR1LI__.IA. ISBN 1 `JUST RE CEIVED ,.;{KlNS HAS THE TOOTIIACHE. ;EDVVAR])S `Tom Pippin ; Wedding, G'in:c s Baby, Alan IIUUUI-rulvuuu v- IvI- I I-I- urn nuns VIII 5 l`QlllI!Iy lled for urvl;-. `Legal Form: and :3 `and rmniuory Nou cpnuntly on ipplrto ` . Q ` J. OOLCLOUGH xouummc; . ~ Bdnh',VJune29th.'18"l1. N.B;H proauit Itnnd in in the premise: nut the _ in Hull, lately occupied by Mr. Walter Pun. V ' 2'!- uzir CANADIAN 1 0. Allputies indebted to the undersigned b BOOK AOOOUNT, NOTE OR OTHERWIS , will _p'leue_celi in st once and settle the same or acid Aeconnu. tc.. _will be placed in Court for collection. ' The ion arising by the lute re mnkinn tho nhove nrocaedinn neoasnnrv. J 0j'Diar2'es for 1871 at Half. Pn'ce..;n [of connection. IIIO mu Iniulg lay me ll making the above proceeding neoosury. jnns OF N W SETTLERS Y1? ; - CANADA. The Sum/ay School Organ. lSLIGHTLY DAMAGEDI BOOKS] I3-. For Sale by all Druggisu and Dealer: in "Medium. Aamuaron. Bnmux,-Messrs. A. V. Palmer 6: Coo. and `I . IV. Geor en. Orillin--Mr J. W. Sleven. Collmgwo`od- r. Carpenter.- Wkolualc Anna.--Messre. Lvman. Elliott & .I. W. maven. Uomngwoou-mr. unrpenlen Ainu:,--Messra. Lvman, & 00., Dunnpaug 6: Wntson,,To:onlo. 837-ly German Conquest of England, vigor. . This Medicineia pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted,and may positively be relied upon to makea permanenteure ol all diseases at the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive Organs, am. &c., as well as Scroiula, the various skin Diseuea,H nors,and all diseases arising from lm urity oft Blood, excepting the Third Stage of onsum lion. Further information, with full d.rectiuns or using the Great Shoshoneea Remedy Gz Pills, and containing Testimonials and Certi- cates of Cures, can be obtained by 'securing the Treaties, the Hand-boo|K_,'or the Almanac and irculars from any respectable Druggtst in the Dominion-lree. Prz'cedfRemed in large Pint Bottles 01 D; In mm Run 056 pic, vvuluu; or. T his Barrie`, July 12th,. 1871. \/ - SKITHIIELD . J. C. CKVMBERLAIN, Esq. This is to certify tlmtabout. three years ago I became nillicted with Bronchitis which lasted about eighteen months. I_wra so aiicted for the want of b teeth that it was very diicult for me to speak mud in the night time frequently throwing the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberlnnd for about a year without receiving any benet. In fact. I continued getting worse all the time. At last I was advised to try the Great Shosho-` noes Remedy. I bought a bottle of it, and when it was about nished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it untill had taken three bottles, when. to my satisfaction, I found that I was as well as eve:-I had been previous to my illnear, and have beenso ever since. = ' V JOHN SILVER. Sworn before me at Smitheld, this 6th day of April, A.D., 1870. _ - J. l. WELLINGTON, J.P. L: WONDERFUL CIIRE OF LUNG DISEASE. rod w-it-'emi:iv ..es ward, l_ J - large P` ...ereby dis: -.ended _roas1.~ on ...O 7\Tar..- '1/1~n7q.11_ W111"! SIMPLY Because the Valuable active medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such asthe Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Podophvllum. Junipcr,Quassia,Smartwecd, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extinct of Colocynth. Jalap, socotrine Aloes, Capsicum, 4-c. &c) which enter into the composition of the combined medicine, are such and so harmoniously classied and compounded, that it is made the most seat-chin curative in the -known world, and cab- not help utaot on the `system in a ver satisfactory and desirable manner. No matter w tat vour ail- ment may be, or how long standing, it will nd the spot and antonjsh yt u by the ra id manner in which you are restored to perfect ealth and` full viral. ' `CIJRE OF BRONCHITIS. gill`! _ Bnooxnrx, April 5th, 1870. J. C. CHAIBERLAIN, F.sq.-Sm,-'l`his is to certify that my `wife was very low with lung dis- ease; The Doctor had given her up. He said her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not help her. Asalast resort, I purchased a bottle of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expiration of two days,` her symptoms were decidely better. She continued to improve an rapidly that by the time she had taken one hot tle she was nble sit. up. By the continuance ol _the remedy she was perfectly restored to health Vnn nmv nnhlisah the facts for the benet oi That the GREAT Snosnoxm-.s REMEDY up Pu.r.s oflhe Etnznent lnrlain Medicine-Mall, Doctor LewisJoaephus, ofthe Great Tribe ofslwsbonees, British (}o|umbia,is working the moat mnrvelnus and astonishing Cures the World ever heard or. Never in the annals ofCanadinn Medical History has such success attended the introduction of any medicine heretotoro. WHY? .Q[lIDT.V R1-4-uric`: lhn Vnluunkln anti"- mulininnl _tl)e remeuy sue was perlcctly resuuuc-u nu ueauu You may publish the facts for the benet ol those similarly iaficled. , T. C. BR( WN. Episcopnljiethodist Minister. `Ki! dewlptiou of blunt form: for Chi: Court prom tlyllod service. Legal Forms kn up and Pmmlnon Non: nounntlv nn IOTIOE. puLLn_x APETTY SESSIONS. Clan Campbell, Gamas./igammon, It is gratifying to know that there is at _least one which has stood the test and prov- ed itself worthy the condence repoaed in it; we know ofuo other article which has prov~ ed so generally euccessful, or given such universal satisfaction ; we are condent therr` is more of it used V than all others com , and that it will ultimately supemea, -"!`,"i there can be no doubt. ` 1! lab ` auomaw` dition Powders and Arabian " ' Dwley`-C",; we advise all who rev-* ' `!Qe Rgmgdy ind to iveila "' . Ealisedg ,:.- __..al--iiie k_n:_>_w they gull e name ,-. .11. the. result. Remem er I e (`- ..nd see that the si2nawI_ f Hurd 3* .,o. is on each packiige. _North.up & Lyman , Newcastle, .0ni._,__ proprietors for Canada. 301*}: by all medicine dealers. l _1..m9 an_y_thing of; the ` At gieatly fedllccd prices. dfliemed Pint . $1. 1 lsper Box 25 as. AT 5 CENTS EACH". The Island Neighbours, "J. doLcnoU.G8 1 QQLQL v , gumnmguun Calvvinism by Frande,' A , large tcdk of T/ze Silent Partner, wn, nun-n'_.3R, Barrie, Aug. 2, 1870. Osnton '1` Store. ALMANA9-3`nooRs, EASE AND BLINDS,` At very short notice, and IIIU IJlUU["uUn" _ 0! course I didn l khow what 3 Mens- pid was, but I thought it wouldn't look well in the head of the family being stuck with so short a word as that; so I` asked, with some vngor: Which one! , The tumorons, said be. I m glad it ain t any worse,", I re- plied, lhrowmg asigh of relief. 6` 'l`hA rrnninl Lana In inn! .....:......l.. -1` ~V>1_`:etA.her irial elaimingv notice is that wild beasts. Bears have carried o ' -- `en, indulged in`- fresh :13, and "h bccutrences are rare, and gene-( Jilly Bruin prefers running to ghting. 1-In~I\rnfAr vntrnlnbla diet '0 Bllill. 11 A Bitch and '1`: pup we , pndcr `v'n1I.ob?sga 0:0 9: " [11. 4:4 .~ 29. V ` Builder and Undertaker,` I`: ____.. . CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker. `HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,` Spring Mattresses, Family Sewing Machines, -Coin Trimmings, Room Paper, Window Blinds, Framed Pictures, Schoal Books, Concertina: and llelodepns, Ladies` Work Boxe,Wriling Desks, Toys and Fnncy.A:ticles, Children's Carriages. - Qmlhnn, Dunn: and Rlimia Iran} nn hnn nd Uarrllges. Sashes, Doors and Blinds, kept on hand Ind made to order. i ' Petor Street`, Orillia, C.W. 46- `A"1;*ExANDER VCR}\_-}.iX1V I: Burk. Anguu 3011:, 1871. For 8310, 3 pair of Steer: four yen}! old net! Spring, would make good workingc 1011. A APP`! wl M. OUYNLA N, yuuu, uuuvylug ll Ulg UK l'llBI. ' The frontal bone Is not seriously af- fected. The submaxillary gland is somewhat enlarged; but it does not nec- cessarily follow that parotitis will en- sue." A / 111-... __,,,,I. a .. ... .- _ Raspectfully announces to the public that he is at all times prepared to Lake contracts for bnilding,and that he can furnish nu.-\.\., uuu 33-0N .I?;i~;I'LwC)d1*uIv1%l.`BLE TERMS. .51) TL. clan I: nnnn nn Ins-HI "nun! .........(`....o......- y-1*-*- " --*-- , 7 . _ --_V"'-yv He also keeps on hand, `and manufactures COFFINS of all kinds, and furnishes all the paraphernalia necessary for Funerals, including an excellent Hearse, which can be had on very moderate terms. V V 21- {6 THE/?ERiEf .l\-L...---'I 'lI'TI..'.L_ '5atmea1,White&Yel1ow CORN MEAL, POT HARLEY, | SPLIT PEAS, RYE FLOUR,` ITHOUSANDI IN`LOTS To _Lr1?I" I W[I7I%CI-IASE2R.S. ALSO MANUFACTURER OF Br.d.ford's Self-Raising Flour. R. BRADFORD; Flour and Commission Merchant ` 75 Yonge Street, Toronto, 0m., Lib=.-ral Advances on Consignmeuts._,g;1 The undersigned are prepnreud to receive of- ers from parties willing to contract for Ciwppmg and Clcrzmzg, Fem.-mg, Supplymg Q) T zes, Lvmzbm` ` and Timber. Also forjgmding-ofsectious of One r Five Miles. ' - ABET I7 1.. _n.uu wuuu at uugwu ll! 0UllVBllBQo Said he`: . `- You have caught a tumble hard cold. _- '- I have; I t poems the trouble is with one of the biouspids. -nl nnnu-an T ol{A..h 1.4.--. ...1....o .. L:....- Barrie. Dec. l7t. 1870. STEEBS FOR sf. HARDWARE & TOOLS, Builders, Cabinet Makers, and Upholsterers` Hardware. ' ' Addis' Improved Carvers Tools. Stubs Celebrated Files and Tools. Carpenters and Joiners Tools. `Shoe Tools of'all kinds. - Shoe and Machine Thread,Siik, kc. Cutlery of all kinds. House Furnishing Hardware. - `Shooting and Fishing Tackle. Sporting Ammunition. [ Garden, Draining, and Farming Tools. Cordage, Glass, Putty; kc. ; FOR s_:r.I...,n7' I.nn/I-`.\"I'('4s-n pnn~rr.e \ uoruage, UIHSS, FUUT. NC. FOR S.dLI'.../21' LOW1:`S1'C'JSH PRICES. 71",-.-mu. Yamm... 10:29 I `THOMPSON & LYNN 1 HOT OGR,A.1 1IERS ll TENDERS WAN'l`ED..v ' IIE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabitants oI'Bs.n'ie, and the 'l`rz'xvellin;z Public, than `be has on hand IIURSICS mid BUGUIES fox HIRE, at Inodergte charges. Convoyances toriliiu and Pent-tnnguislieue. 1:7 1-: nn nu niv Dimlop SL, '1 '11-?) (lam-s E.1s'l -`lh=` Bun/.` of Tmonlo, Bu'r2'e', Ont. L AT E S T S T Y L E, GNU: I I am proud to hear that, said I, which I certainly was, although if the the parotitis had ensued it is not likely that I should have minded it much,nn- less it was something that would spill, and I was dressed up. Hekept on talking and angling. The esophagus isn't louse," he next remarked. Ah, said I, winking at him. . - Oh, no,` the ligaments are quite rm.. I might say- A nu` it. hurt unn I I... ....l....l .. ---.| And c 01.oumm, if rrqnired,-in Uil Indian Ink. n......:.. `I ..l.. 1r`nI.'I.:'7I nat llllllllu Barrie, July 12th, 1571. IIk`.wT IJVERYI 1`,-\BLES, L FORONTO, SIMCOE Sc .\II'SKOK.-\- JI'.\'C- ' T10) RAIIJW.-\Y. - glpposite thve Court Iltmse, Bcmie, o s'r.` I 70 CENTS. `U11 D./IL4l'4'. 1.l. LUIYJLD Toronto, Jauuaxy, 1868. Bdrrie. August, 1866. I have just purchased a job lot of Nlnformation reached the Willenhall . Police Station on Saturday evening, to the effect that a man had been murder- ed at Cresent. -Police Constables Bromley and Cooper were immediately sent to theeplace, and in the house of ` William Johnson, beer-house keeper, found a man named Thomas Simmons. thirtyasix yearsot" age, s striker, lying dead on the oor in the kitchen. _ It appears that the deceased went to the house on Saturday evening, and sat down in the front kitch'en,Vin company with James Gutteridge andafour other men. Shortly afterwards a quarrel arose between the deceased and Gat- teridge, in which the former struck the latter three blows. Gutteridge there- upon arose from his seat, and `drew from his pocket a large knife, and thrust it into -Simmon s groin. De- ceased cried out that he was stabbed, and fell on `the -oor, and expired in ` ve minutes. The prisoner -theriv made for the door down a passage, but was .; stopped by the landlord and.anot`z,;er; man. Mr..VVilliam Harthill, sr_~.r n, ' and his assistant,` Mr.(3t:_:;_ni:ig am, were immediately sent 10', but'on their arrival pronc;med' lite extinct. The deceased v,1_as'a.married man, and resided at Biich Hall, Walsall{ The prisoner is a striker, who resided at Darlaston. '7() CENTS All kinds of.I`ictures m:_u}e to order in the Aca- APPLY to )HOTOGRAPHY. 114 YL">I\'GE STREET, TORUNTQ. I9,` Bopt. 28,1871. \ YTAN I` `HI 00!} . -.... `r 34.; an I wgnluam. can: or non. notice, 1'31".` I CIINKT A 131' 7'.` ITVTVIW , ,,- , _, " *` __........_.._......A... ,- _______,g,, 00TH`, EVIL ELOT FOB.S:I:E~.: I ll..---..I_..__L 1-____ :0 The Manitoba correspondent of the Mottreal Witness says the French half-breads are bringing salt to Fort Garry, manufactured by themselves. at Lake Manitoba, where there are Very Erotable business, as the spring are elieved to he unusually strong, and the price is very high--twelve shillings sterling per bushel. |'l`helbrirne is ob- tamed on the surface of, the ground, or `merely by digging do ' a very" few feet, and it is then boil in lsrgeket-, tles.r ' .- ` v ' ALSO, DEALER IN Which I ofer at I Tin mall to h lloblin 9v?nor..In. i..3.' JOHN GINTY & 00., CONTRACTORS, 1 Barrie Hotel. .1370. 51'-u. D. CREW, ' AD V./INCE OFFICE. ll. QUINLAN. an.` LIVER, W. H. ERUSBY; ' 09 An. 35- If uuu-. I uugul. any-" Did it hurt Von? he asked, as cool and calm 93 the lid`o{ an ice cream freezer. ' - ` __` V . .. -.. ' ' h t It. `Gfaven un-nsmskzmvni P o Being composed ofLot8 West Munkoh ro d. Those lots are 1 um each, and no huutl! y situnted on a gentle incline to Iunkoh Luke and immediately adjoining the Itcunhout lend- Iug. Purcbuere will ndrluporidr fnollitlu for building. There is n in-go alum new-mill on the property, uevernl stores and bottle, It- ofiice, blacksmith nud shoemaker! shop. bore me also two places of worship, n _|cbool bouu, shingle and pinning mill within I few minutes walk ofit. The village of Grnvenhurot in im- proving very rnpidly being situated at the foot ofunvigntion, and only 28 miles iron: Orillln and the lntend_cd terminus for years to come of the Tomato Simcoe & Muskokn Junction Reil- way. It therefore prelents doeirnble induce- ments to parties wanting lots at I reuonnbh rate in a. ourishing. Every encourn ment will be afforded to those wishing to hui d and otherwise improve their property. Also lots 8 and 16 East Mnskoka. Rand. Lot 16, Con. 16, and Lot No.` 9, Con. 8, blulkokn. There an houses and Improvement: on all these lots. For further information npplrv to J. C. McMULi.R. T On account of the 1:` Nina: to infonn than in . nnndnnl \_1 N: _. . Notice is hereby given thu_t Mr. L. 8. Student has th-a day admitted Mr. O. L. Sandor: ll partner in his business :5 Wntcbmnhr and Jeweller, and tlmt`Ibe'bnIino:n will frog. Ihla dny bo.ca'rt-{ed on under the nlno And style of L. S. as 0. L. Sanders L. 8. SANDERS. -' 0. L. SANDERS. =Banic,"Nov. I, 1811. T 45-tg Orillln. Or to Muars. G. 0. Austin or Dougnl Brown, Gravonhursl, P.O. Iuukoh Dumas. Gravenhurnt. June 27th. 1971. 04,:---A I Gravenhurst, June 27th, 1871. g 1 M can "1; A33 Es`. ` ionsA&enoru!@r1AsLs%rsnMs . vu -.u-- vnu nu-r|vvIIl'IU|.h I LIIIIIU South bnlfLot 35, in 4th Co`h.,NottuningI - ' 100 acres. " Hurt me! good` heavens, did yiou expect to split me open with a watch spring, and not have it huh me? What IS the matter-did you slip?" Uerlninlv nnf, lm mm HT .....-. ` The public are respectfully informed that the Proprietors of the above mills have reuntly added new machinery to that used lut your, and are new prepared to execute any order In their line of business which may be required! Highest price in cash or trade for wool. `I? Q an ADITFIKI I. IV!) naI.uvUI rllvv an vnuu vn nuns IIII Ivvvlo w. 8. SHAPOOTT too. tnniam, 24th May, um. ' 21- Old Braas,|Coppor and Rugs taken infuchange. Ban-in. 1809. 19-11. ouuuu uuu uutao, In Mu U0! Nottlllllgi - 100 N . E. part Lot 15, in 1011: Con., Notlnwnugn --53 acres. North hnlf Lot 17, in the 1811: Con., 'l`iu_r-- 100 at-ran. A .41! kinds o/`repairing done. and all work Ioarranlnl s?EwINc'_r_I_K%(5'Ii'Iu:s. nuuu unu nut ll, Ill HID 1513 UOIL, 'I'l!)_V 100 acres. West halfLot 26, `in 2nd Con.,Tiny-100 acres East ha1fLot 12, in la: Con., North Orill'u-- 100 acres. , jguujn 0:7-TJNWARE, COAL OIL, &c., mun uuu uun. 14, Au nu uon., noun urulu-- l00 acres. Lot 12, in 3rd Con., North 0rilli|-200 acres. West hn1fLot 16, in 1311: Con., lodonteoluo acres. :__.._. .--..-.v..-.v v v ..L.J.Il_L; Just received to hand I lar e aaortmont of _ Cook,Pe.tlor and x 1.) run: Iuul-LUI--ulu yUll Slip! ' , Certainly not, he said, I was` simply gettmg hold of the tooth. Just hold your head back an Instant, and I will have it out at once.". - . u T .......... `I .-.._..9. ._-_ -. - u -0 v j -_ T - jag; -I CC-17 Of various designs and patterns, which be will sellas chenps any other house in town. . ,u----'O'----up ucreu. West hn1_fLot 18, in the 4th Con., Madame- 100 acres. < - u can l.IU.l_| uut 10,11: we `nu UOIL, unwante- Lot 11, in 8th Con., Vespra-20O acres. West` half Lot 10, in the 2nd Con., Inuialw 100 acres. `3?$TVE we IH.::sI. uuu um Lu, nu um znu uon., 1nmanI-~ 100 South half Lot 6, in 13th Con.,West Gv`villim- bury-100 acres. And Lot 11, in 2nd Con., Gorgim, County of York-180 acres. `Apply to ` WM. RA nA\uv.n: HARD Jmu rnnpivml tn 'hnm-I n Imam. n.'..\.o........ .. 3 WILL PURCHASE A BR CK . CUTTAGR most beautifully allu- ated in the Village of Orillia Driving House, Store Hou|e, .Woodshed. Hard and Soft Water and every convenience, with Five Acres of Llda ` as-A Iito pp yi snmm. 9. nnnwsnn !-@`PowDEa, SHOT, an onmunu D. I_\Upl.'VDU1V, , Solicitor 6 Conveyam-er, Urillin. N. B.-.\Ir. Robinson has other Villago Lou and Farm property ior ule. ` A Ban-ie, Dec. 7th. 1870. L . The subscriber offers for an}: lots four and I`-we North Eugenia St., near the Methodist. Burying Ground, Barrie; The Iota contain nenrly three- fouuhs of an acre, and have a street :1. eithvr end; they could be conveniently Iub-dividul into four nice building 1019. A l to ` pp y M. OUINLAN. An attempt has been made to assas- sinate the Chief Justice of India. Two stabs wereinicted upon him - with 9. dagger. The Chief Justice was seri- ously wounded, and "lies at his resi- dence in a very precarious state. _`_ . __._. .To be acid on easy terms, or rented for 5 term at` _ven_rs, the S half of Lot 22, in tho. nu. Con. ot lunisl, containing 100 mores, of which 60 are cleared. The soil is I I`i('b clay. A never failing Spring Creek passes through Hm 1.0:. The distance from Barrie is About Seven Miles, and from Brumly Station about Two ' Miles and a half. L`m- runlmp ......s:....l.... ......I.. 4- 1.. u.....t. GUNSMlTH, &c., }TO\\ N LOTS FOR SALE. TL... ...L.....:L..... ..m.-.. t..- ..-I- I--_ A`---- Barrie, Aug.`14th, 1371. AHUV3 uuu_ ll HIN- For further particulars apply to Jan. Boom Barrie, [ifby letter prepaid,] to Bnrria P.O. Barrie, March _l5t.b, 1871. upun. Any orders left with Mr. Thomas Cmtfazt, j.-.. 1Inid.~`ouRny Company s agent at Orilliu, ww! rem-ive immediate attention. Oriliia, June 28th, 1871. `)8 2y 1.111;` \/0 LuvLuuLJA.A14L1, AVUICI I NU` Q, - lic, Accountant, Conveynucer, Broker, Vuluutor, Land Insurance and General Agent, 0xillia,_0nt. .. Otlile, on Coldwuter Street l;t'f'i door to Dr. Rantsay. Wild and improvtd Lands in tie surrounding countries, also mun- l)L'l` of Leatttifttlly situated village lots nnd houses, in Oriiliit, for sale. Special attention paid to the collection of Promissory Notes, Ac counts and Roma and prompts remittances nude: llttstness agencies in the principal cities in Eng- lnnd, Ireland, Scotland and Germany. tn - rvnces,-lion. D. L. McPherson; Hon. Julia Simpson, President ofttntnrio Bank, llowmnu ville, llon. Frank Smith, Senators. Tho iluzz. .\l. C. (lameron, Prov. Secretary. , J. 1). Edgar. Esq., Barrister : Angus Morrison, 51. P., Town- to; T. I). .\lcConkoy, M. P. W., D. Artist in, .\l. l . I . Barrie` Wm. Fitzimmons, M.P.P. rock- tiille-:Jno. .\lorrison,"7.\l.P. Woodville;\A. l`? Cnckbnrn, Esq.. Wm; Realty, Esq., i &It_v' .\`0und: J. H. Perry, Rsq., Whitby; Dre. Uortn;-tr, Elliott and Ramsay, and the editors of Hm \\'l1itb_v Chronicle," -Barrie Examiner," and Brat-abridge Northern Advocate," and ,\. U11- ver, .\l.P.I . lngersoll. ' N. R.-l)iviainn (`nun-I Fmuinn:-a.?n "IA l`nnn, VC|', .ll.f o 1' |HCI'EUl|. ' N. B.-1)ivision Court business-in the Coun- lies of Simcoe, Ontario. and the District of Mu`- kokn attended to. Lands valued and reported upon. Anv nrui:-rt: loft with Ur Thnmnn (`..6I`..n 3.- 1011): c. M.-MULLEN, Notary Pub- rlic, Con7vf~y n.mcer,_ !i_roke:, ......._ I__) I. _.._,_A, 7 NNISFIL WOOLLEN MILLS, TWO MILES FROM BARBIE. Eight men met with a horrible death by being buried alive in a sewer they were excavating in Indianapolis, yes- terday. The earth caved in on them, and smothered or crushed _ them. to death. ` ` T ` -destructive custcmers. .Many a flock- ofsheep has been thinned, and some- . in the hurry; were left behind-these,` " the'bark 01 the tree"and scratching the - snow at a furious rate. The unfortu- . -some two hours by the most unmusical . ears. Each hour seemed a day, and,as ` other game and he escaped, and yet gratefully acknowledges the good band 5. ofthe Almighty in sparing his life. ` - ter by the horrid stench by which you yuucun. U1 Illa LllI3|_y`D|uUUIo Wolves are more dangerous and more times all destroyed by their incursions. Sometimes they will attack a man. An instance within theywriteir s know- ledge occurred several years ago. One cold winter night as the schoolmaster nf a back settlement was passing through a strip of woods between tw) clearings, a numerous pack of these re.- venous animals fell on his track, and set up a most unearthly howl that well nigh frightened the poor pedagogue out at his wits. He concluded ILWES all up with him as they came bounding to- wards him. Fortunately he was young and nimble, and having no desire to be made a supper of by such fellows, he managed to climb a tree justin time to save his skin. His cap and mittens, the disappointed scamps tore to shreds, and evinced their rage by gnawing the "mate schoolirnaster was serenaded for sounds that ever saluted the human he shivered aloft,`he began to think seriously of the likelihood of freezing todeath or falling down to be eaten after all. However, longer days were in store for him. The pack lelt for lives a useful member of society. More than thirty years have passed over the head of our friend since he was `treed . .by wolves, an his hairs are whitening by the frt st of age; but he retains a vivid remembrance of the event, and Other animals are troublesome and thievish, particularly in invading the hen-roost. The porcupine and skunk are occasionally unpleasant neighbors-the former by lodging his ' quills in your dog s body, and the lat- Iecognize its presence. Both these, however,_act on the principle ofletting alone if left alone; but .Master Fox, whose morality is much more lax, is` a thiefof the first water. Many tirw does he disgust the good wife b v drafts on her poultry yard,`tl- _ appointing her of an in` choice {owls for r: 707% 4l[073t]I.Z7I Jul-ket . Neg?` 1')0V_2;;_/'1'. , or Nr/vember. PW` r - Toronto. Oct. 26, 1868` `10-PA RTNERSHIP. `WARM FOR SALE{OR. TO LEASE. Y.9" 5! H11 in addition to his stock 6! general -1- A -&-vs-cc-t A 1_.j )ARRIE STEAM GUN AND '1`1.\' ) .\l.v\.\'UFAG-TORY, ~ g, _.4 J`. PULLAN, And all kinds of Ammunition. Bl` .iK;f:('.)Vl':I;l-l-'l`;;l (4 MGMULLEPI, Nolan Public. [.1 ALsoTcTr rot: vvul unvw n U,uI. us UIIUB. '. " I guess I won t try itagaiu, said I with a shiver. The toothache 18 bad enough, but it is heaven alongside of that watch spring. You may come up sometime when I ain t at home and pull it. I think I could endure the ope- ration if I was off about eight `blocks. Come up when you c'an.--Cyrus D. Per/ems. Kept. 130 on hand. . u. numuhhli, Notary Public, Lnnd And Gent-ulA out And Broker, an Vnluuor, J SAMUEL S. ROBINSON, Snlirilnr `H Fran nomnuur WM. B. CANAVAN, Turn!) M. QUINLAN. `IL-1! V AH, Toronto. 883-1.! l.. ....-q vuv vvuvsuvl Ull IHIVU lly. ' A bad thing fox 9 small business man to be out of-'1`emper.V -` ' 71---, A eye. Wi{ho_ut a friend, the world is a. \r,7j1. demess; _ T A handy" mne--For-tqnne. } It is not a common metre. ' A woman s highest Word for com- mendation is `nice- _ T V A A prickly Pail`-A Isorclipine and a hedge-hog. ` . ` Ifyou break your arm don t use a gin-sIing. Extravagant--Hiring a cab` to look for an omnibus. . uh .-- - --- ..-. unuunuun_).~ When you want friens is the time to` find out whether you have any. ` A bad thinly {rug :3 emu]! l~uu.:.. A..- ---- Ber lls many a bottle, and the bottle many a bier. The worst seat which a man can sit on is self conceit. Many planrr youhgrladies live to `be pretty old ones. ` `0u'e who has no billsio to the highest order of no_- ray belongs bll-icy. . SHOCKING MURIDER A'l` WIL- [ LENHALL. A ,-_.r-.-V How to overcome youf scmows-- Strike sue of your signs. ` -53, an * Qjnd while he angled he ooiivorded. hid hi 2 Dflllll PICIEIU Illuulug Iu u5uuu5a '1-Ierprefers vegetable diet animal, And loves such dainties as nuts and bar- `ias. Green corn and green oats are especial favorites, and the back settler ftion of much 01 his crops. by bands of `these marauders. . The racoon, too, is _.._ an eicient hand in this kind of work, being at once with the bear in _the opinion that green corn is good eating. These o lreeboot`rs occasionally .pay dear for their good cheer, and in turn supply the owner of the crops with ex- cellent meals `from their esh, while their skins can be sold, or manufactured into sleigh robes. i 'Tn annals-inn cnnh mamlrv. fh (land. xitaaeofttimes had to mourn the _destruc- V The fate of owers-To be blpwed. A pretty hood-Childhood. `A A reoted sorrow-The toothache. A cut and dried afI'air-Jerked bee. .Visionary fruit--The apple of the up. `Iv- ;1ssed tda third reading`;--Love_ let- av HORSE MEDICINES; |READER 2} I beg n_1ost respectfully t_o acqualnt the public { _of the Brxtnsh Iworth Amencan Provinces mag xn May .1871, I caused the busxness ato,` Maiden ' %:*L!:f;;I:;:)V ggfa I01` thhe_ gale ot Honuowagr- a . Kl?fjl`._W to were up to t at :)!Ii): xgepaed by W nllxam Brown, now deceased, _ ose . Iregretto say that.I have rea- ` gtargitlcgnlosvg tthat the managemnt of the late . O ' been most corrdpizigtgvgaylgex?h3,a?1few}25?$ . d 0i`""`.`?` "e'r`e-r:ot. prepared with that came ' I have_me.lV;v=r_.-`:3 aesimdy ' b '_r.h`. who do not wish to be deceived by "__,mg 3p_uriot`1_s medllciges, which are now hke- U: to emipate romt e tatea or elsewhere but ho. possess themselves of the genuine H(;LLO- 'w,n=}s.Pn.Ls AND Oxnruaxw, manufactured by me ~ in London, England, wilh do well to see that each pot and box bears the Brithh Govern- ment stamp on which is enzraved the W0l d! _, HoLLowu s Pu.'x.s AND 0m'ru|s'r, and 11"`; the address on the label. is 533, Oxronn S`l'P`_n-;~, Lounox, where only they are manufactnxrej and in no other part of the yorld. The ret,-1p,;ce, are; on the labels in Bntxsh currency, and not in y dollars and cents. '\To. nnnrnanni-nI:nA nf lI\:l'\A uni" . . c. n. rnnxmz H1m.,| ()u.~'m Street. Next `to the Bank of Commerce. of;-First-class Flou'r always on. hand`. WRUNESR mm Ammsgl (ERNIE A . IIROHIERIF`. GENERAI: ocnnuzs, Crockery, Glassware, &c Vnus nnnnnf Jn' Imnlh-.':r than an In uuu ly DU BUM >VVllU.CUll"!-IUDC3 '11- all T593. - As this in entirely distinct and dileru from every other preparation of I4]-ypophospmes be qaeful to ask for Fxnnows Sunk, and tgke no at or. ` I`!-`E P44 13in i dale Road, lying or being within the limits of `all concernedin the prcuiiacsarc hereby rcguir`-. r 1 \.lLl\JlJl `AK? 1lI'JI.\rI.'JIJ.I. \1.lVl.'lL`, That application has been made by Llew- ellign Oliver, to the Municipal Council of the CA rporation of the Town of Barrie, for the pas- sage of aBy-Law authorizing the closing up,- eale, and conveyance to him, of that portion of the street or highway, known as the Old sunni- aaid Municipality, extending from the Western boundary line of said Municipality, or Sixth Concession of Vespra, .to the New Scnnidaie Road, through or over that part or portion of the West half of Lot Number 22, in the 5th Concession of Vespra (within the limits of said Town) lying to the West of said New Sunnidale Road, in lieu o_t`a certain other, road, street. or highway, laid out. by said Llewallign, Oliver through and over said par-Hot from the sixth concession of Veapra, aforaaid, at or near the point of intersection therewith of said old Sani- dale Road to the. new Sunnidale Road, and. fol- lowing a course at right angles with `said sixth . concession or western boundary line of said" municipality. Also, that said by-law will be taken into consideration and palcd by `said Oouneil after the expiration of four weeks from the first publication cf_ notice in the Non- thern Jdcaace newape".per,nnlsc_a. good. and an!- cientcauae ia shown to the contrary, of which I: due u-j-All Goods _d'ezz'ond mm`; delay. Asell life-endowed bodies. whether they be Beasts, Birds, Reptiles, Insects or even Zoo- phitee, and subjects of the Vegetebleliingdun are governtd by vilalforce, which binds oil the springs of existence. and as nothing can sava them from destruction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living body is.indeed a boon to the world. ' Ilnrlnnn l`.hnI-niniv-I1 Inna innfnfn Ilsa nnnn_ I5 . IDUEELI I UUUII I0 llf VVUl'|o Modern Chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingreiiienttotonstituting the brain, muscles and nerves, and nds that by introducing these ingredients in prnper pmpor- tions the brain and nervous system are strength- ened. ' _ 'FL:_s than in nnknlnnnlln ILA kg-in nu. uulunl. UUCII CUIILIIIUCU UVCI` I lUl"L2Jlgll|n In Bronchitis it is 3 specific, ant} in Alllgl __it gives relief where every other remedy lails ` For Nervous Debility it. stands unrivaged, and may be used swithcondence in.a.I~l _:a'5e3_ entirelv distinct and diBero" .o cm... [T0 THEPUBLIC OF TH? BRI'I3I_SH`PRO- VINCES OF NORTH AMERICA. eueu. ' This, then, is substantially the basis on which Fr-:L1.ows' HYPOPHOSPIIITES is built, ilsdirect .ac_tion is upon the Blood," the Brain and Nervous `System, and the Muscles. Strengthing the nerves, it causes the rapid distribution of`- Vitialized Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Be 3'. - ` Rnmumr the Slucmish, Heart and llivm-., ; 'J.`nte wn , ee. . . Jain ble," m _.._._l _ -. -eted with Oxygen. uoay. ' - `- I Rousing the Sluggish,Heart and Liver, `; strengthening the action of the Stomach and! Bowels, and enabling the Lungs to be fully in- TI is: minnmd for ALL mine: of Wpalrnonn rim! -nateu wuu uxygen. It is adapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emaciation, whether arising from n sedentary life, a tropical climate, `from fever; or debility from any" cause, and is eicaciousin Puueoxnnv Cousum--non, many conrmed` cases having been cured and aH.benette", where its use has been continued oven fortnight. In Rmnchitin it in A nmanin smdu in Ann..- QOIIITS auu CGIIIS. No representative of mine will . thraugh apy pen of the British RNJVi United States either to sell, o'_ `,5 1 for my Pills and Ointment, rad as 1 son to believe that attemwm win I. be made to deceive the pjlblic in u p"3 m3 P'.i medicine vend~ P 5-""3 my. theyiare acting ft ".m lmy k_'.vledge and consent, I 1 `"'b 8 . put the public on their gu IV _3'.n deceptione. tfELii)wS' COMPOUND svnur or THYPUPHUSPVHITES. 'l.'UMA l1Uhl.JU W A I . 553, Oxford Street, (Iate- 244 Strand). London, W. C., September 1,1871. 3'8-26ins CIJIIBEU lllllll ll) IHSVE [III lllUllVy l'illl'llElh Chemists and Drnggists who desire to obtain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale prices in quantities of not less than 20 w'orlh-viz., 89. 6d., 22:.-,and 34:. pe; dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, nelt, without "discount, for which remittance must. be sentin advance. . T 1.... Mn. Iuuuu. 5.. L. NOTICE /IS HEREBY GIVEN, _ fljhjat been Owen Street, Next `to the Bank of Commerce. (L... FILL! AND UlN'l`IIN l`. I would ask, as e greet favour, that should it come to the knowledge of any person that spurious medicines are being medeor sold in my name, he be pleased tosend me all the per- ticulers he can collect respecting the same, that is to say. the name and address of the vendor who is selling the spurious medicines, and like- wise the name and address of the House in the United States, or `elsewhere, which may heve supplied them, so as to enable` me, for the pro- tectionof the public. to institute proceedings e_;einst_ such evil-doers, and Iengsge to remu- nerate very handsomely any person who may give mersuch information ,the iui`ormant s name never being divulged. Should anv nersnn have reeenn to believe" that DIVE!" Ulllg -UIVHIEEU. . - _ Should any person have reason to believe that he has been deceived by buying spnrions imita- tions of these Medicines, he will do well to send me. in a letter to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six cents in post- age), one of the. books of instructions which are aixed to the same. I promise `to examine it and send a reply, stating whether the Medi- cines are genuine or not, so that if spurious he may apply to the person from whom ~ he pur- chasedthem to have his money returned} Chemist: and Drnmvietn who denim tn nhtnin JIIUIU w.ua>a.u uuvuo, BIIIUII IIUULIE Ill! apce. It was very suggestive of %:diible,and as I snuffed it in I experi- enced a sinking feeling in the pit ofmy stomach.` Ilooked at him and [sickly smiled. He was never, even on a holi- dgyutheehandsomest of men, but now at appearance was very, very depress- 8-` He'ldoked like a corpse with. a lighted candle inside of it. - ' nnm him whnt wn {ha mnltar with '*i~`rE":Z;?r'ezI:'.iiiye ' . 1 Par er ""8 . . A . ' the sell. ,Jvm ces'r . . k d iiillls and) 9' ad no Imhfvzrrgg ieve t at attemw - "3 wry womb! rsona caliiu u 0' P.-mic um way by gpresemng gm ? .1 vendors. falsely . _ . they are for me, and my k, aledge deem it ad- `"'bl guard against Y 3'.n ,1 Ziosgteerneetly entreat all those who may l " .-adthls adiertlsgiment that they be pleased, in the public interes , to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money- by purchasing worthless imitations of the genuine HOLl.0WAY'8 PILLS AND Omruewr. 1 -nnnl an`: an an annual Guanine Olen! a'el\ee`I` Io %'sT6Ln BY: Aliwrnncumrns. 1 EA . 0.. r__ -.. .._ If you are_ in wan_t:-I good`cheap - vw--vo J ..- -.-v, You cannot do'bettr than go to LAUT`1E>N!: (1 AU mom 1: :- corms. RAISINS, cimmnws, _ __ __._-v- _ vrggnbulhh Brice. $L.50; Sn for $7.50: .1-maxs 1..FI:1-.Lo ws, cuemm, St. John, N. 3. I I In 3075008 I have the honor to lie, With an-at rpgnnnt. no me 1101101` to De, ,With great respect, ` THOMAS HOLLOWAY. vnnl I]nIn.')AA Cl:-nnJ\ ;MULCAHY & ;co.\ mm stelgu ruuua. 'In securing such gentry, the `dead- fall, the trap and set-gun, are common means employed. On one occasion thewriter had thegood luck l.0'klll two bears at one shot with a set-gun- the accommodating animals pulling thetrigger themselves; thus commit- ting suicide. Another method ot deal- ing with these robbers, is, erecting ntages in the invaded elds, axd shoot- ing them therefrom. without the inter- " vention oljudgv or jury. An old vete. Ian settler, who had fought under Sir John Moore, and in nearly every battle of the Peninsular War, tried the stage plan to compass the enemy; but always did so with xed bayonet, in case, as he observed, of coming to `close "quar- ters. One night as he stood sentry,. a formidable fellow in dark dress entered an appearance, and began, as usual, to feast on our hero's com. .A well aim- ed shot stretchedbzuin on the ground; but to make all sure, the gallant war- rior charged,and gavethe foe the full benet of l1is trusty:steel. Wnlunn urn mnrn rlnnnnvnnn ant` rnnrn '[CALIFoRNIA s'_roRE\ |EW'W-~FWE| Casaswof new 1 FALL AND wmm nouns. SHAWLS, WINCEY S FLAANNELS, |'"" FLF"F"i 13- m?r s_ CELEBBA-'1'.ED ooc0A.l no-romccol AND crqnns :.Oxi'llin, Aug, 1st, 1871. I ` , ISLAVENS `III: IIUVVII I thought Iwns rid of the toothache, c but a grumbling set in next morning. -It was just like the feeling of the night before; and a still voie said to me. Look out, Perkins. ' 1 Ah` 1 units! rnnlnf nuns`! Qn 11:4; 11.; ORILLIA L 1 , lRlIE%%N BIIIIK STIHIE. ran ~`B1)CK _& HTATIONERY DEPARTMENT D II` replete with all the latest editions of Foreign and Home Literature. , The -recent productions of the moat e.r.inent authors and novelists` T - ' Ezxgliah.-and American Me- - gnzinee. Illustrated Pa- ; pare of all kinds. ' The Largest Stock. '1 he most beauti- ful Auptxmeut, and by far the vmnnmn 00BN\\ ALL mmmsl 1130 not fail to give us ti call. Plain I" = figures and one price }a4@wa:s*$ n%m1@@;| [OLD (PRIoEs.| |rLo1=L1Lmr:J |To1LETAR'r1cLEs.| Dr. Slaven begs to n,n`nounce ;the airi- val of a choice assortment of all the requisites` of a first class When I went tobed last night, I ap- prehended trouhle. `Along the jaw, the lett one, occasionally capered , a 9. grumbling sensation. It kept me awake an hour or so trying to deter- mine whether that was all there was of it, or whether there was something to come after, that would need my Wakeful presence to contend against. Cl;-`hus pondering I fell asleep, and forgot all about the trouble. I don t know how long I slept, but 1 telgto dreaming I had made a match for $50 a side, to ght a cross-cut saw in a steam mill, and was well tn work on the job, when the saw got my head between its teeth. 1 thought this was my favorite time to wake up, and I did so. It immediate- ly transpired that I might better have stayed where I was, and taken my chances with the saw. 1 r,,.___ .1 __.___,rr_:.-.:..... ..o....:...I.1 .... :..

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